#ck review
lysteriaposts · 2 years
COBRA KAI S5 REVIEW (unhinged vers.)
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I actually wrote a list of my thoughts post episode 8, and oh it was not positive. Luckily enough a few of the things I was annoyed about were addressed the last two episodes where a lot happened. I've now slept on it and am ready to give a less rantsy review lol.... if you like to hype everything CK and only wanna hear positive things then I suggest you don't read further.
+ indicates positives (duh) and - negatives.
Let's rip the band aid off first.
- Mike Barnes being a wasted character and only there to subvert expectations (SAD!!!) - As a consequence, too many new characters brought in making the plot messier, crowded, contrived - Chozen being forced to like the girl he almost killed bc everyone needs to have a significant other / love interest of the opposite sex on this show - Kreese prison break is the dumbest shit I've ever seen - Kreese dying tragically in prison as he's trying to better himself would've been such a good writing choice, but they wanted to subvert that too - Kreese's plan he had with Tory never being explained - Johnny/Carmen baby drama making me want to barf all over my computer - Carmen being a baby carrier instead of an actual person - New gen kids serving no purpose in the overall story (except Kenny a little) - Rehashed plot of Sam/Miguel breakup taking up too much screentime and serving no purpose for the characters - Cheesy octopus < 🙄 - Half assed attempt at giving Sam introspection which gets dropped an episode after it was introduced - Sam being self absorbed (what's new) and deflecting blame - Demetri & Hawk could've been absent and there would not be any difference - Forced attempts at giving Hawk any relevance - Hawk being hypocritical and full of himself - Miguel's Mexico journey not changing anything for the character or his relationship with Johnny (or anyone for that matter) - Too little focus on Robby/Tory as a unit and their conflict - Too little focus on Robby/Kenny as a unit and their conflict - Robby redeeming and propping Johnny is not the same as developing and repairing their relationship, writers - Johnny kidnapping Robby to Mexico for absolutely no reason when he was gone tops 2 days - Carmen kind of forcing (and wanting!?!?) Johnny to have a baby with her - Johnny using new baby as an excuse for Miguel/Robby to have to get along - Robby breaking up with Tory after one disagreement - Robby going to see them at the Cobra Kai dojo way too late - Tory not confiding in Robby at all - Robby's character suffering from having to unnecessarily bond with every other character except the ones he truly cared about - Robby being forcefully sidelined in the story because he has to be attached at the hip with his new "family" - Tory ending up the show's punching bag, blamed and excluded for the 50th time - Devon Lee being... there, kind of annoying and one dimensional - Too much Kreese with no pay off - Too many flashbacks - No explanation to why Sam/Robby are cordial (I shouldn't be surprised they didn't explain Sam/Hawk either) - Stingray crying crocodile tears... actually just Stingray. - Sam being the one to wave her finger at Stingray wanting to keep his benefits (couldn't ANYONE ELSE have said that) - Silver not being the mastermind everybody expected him to be and mainly waving around his money - Amanda siding with Silver over her husband... dumb but ok - Jessica Andrews, just way too convenient - Kyler still being "one of the best" in Cobra Kai is laughable - Them trying to kill off Chozen, the only POC sensei - Them not having any balls to kill off any characters, but like to dangle it in front of us - Practically no Mike Barnes/Silver interactions
+ Very good fighting choreography + Cool shots and scenes i.e. Sam's dream, Miguel/Robby balcony fight 2.0 + Miguel/Robby relationship + Robby/Tory relationship (what we got) + Robby/Kenny relationship (what we got) + Kreese's therapy sessions (before it got subverted) + Miguel's scenes with his real dad + Johnny Lawrence comedy + Chozen... just, Chozen... seriously he might've carried the whole season for me + Chozen/Daniel relationship + Chozen/Johnny comparing notes lol + Daniel's arc and seeing him at his lowest + Anthony/Sam sibling bond + Little we got of Anthony/Chozen + Inverting Daniel and Johnny's "roles" + Daniel/Silver fights + Tory working as "undercover" instead of continuing to be "brainwashed" + Sam helping Tory although them coming together felt rushed + "I broke up with him for the dojo, you BITCH!" + Peyton List's acting + The new gen kids' acting + The Quicksilver method ! + Kenny/Silver scenes + Tory/Kreese scenes + More about Silver's background and ambitions + I don't blame Amanda for being done with Daniel's skeletons in his closet even though I called her dumb + Miguel speaking Spanish hehe + Chozen infiltrating CK was cool but should've been a full season thing- + Mike Barnes being the only og character not holding onto an old karate tournament, lol
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savethegrishaverse · 6 months
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Just a reminder our fandom is large and trending on Tumblr- we aren't invisible! And no matter what happens, we aren't going anywhere!
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retrokid616 · 3 months
MY thoughts on RT
so normally by now i should be prepping my pregame for this week's cr but i'm gonna keep this short because i said more yesterday as this happened on my youtube channel and other platforms so to sum it up...
1. I love and respect RT since RVB
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2. holly shit i have nothing but respect for every RWBY fan right now more than ever
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finally 3. this sucks i've seen this company change so much after 21 years the good and the bad but i've always thought they make it in the end but i guess not so to all rt content and staff i don't have time to express how hartboken i am with you i wish you luck where ever y'all go in the future
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yes i am that much of a old nerd to quote back to the future 3 but it may be cringe to some but it's the most honest i feel for y'all right now anyway good luck to you all.
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The subtle art of not giving a f*ck 😇📖
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rightshewrites · 4 months
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Book Review: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson
"The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson is a thought-provoking and candid self-help guide that challenges conventional wisdom about happiness and success. With its raw, honest, and often humorous approach, the book offers a refreshing perspective on personal growth and well-being.
Manson's central premise is the idea that we need to be more selective about what we care about or, in his words, what we choose to give a "f*ck" about. He argues that the key to a fulfilled life is not about chasing endless positivity, but rather about learning to be comfortable with the inevitable hardships and struggles that life presents.
The book is divided into several sections, each exploring different aspects of this philosophy. Manson presents his ideas with a blend of personal anecdotes, psychological research, and philosophical reflections. His writing style is engaging and direct, making complex concepts easily accessible.
One of the standout qualities of "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" is Manson's ability to challenge societal norms and expectations. He pushes readers to question their values, confront their fears, and embrace their flaws. He encourages us to find meaning and purpose in our struggles, rather than avoiding or denying them.
Throughout the book, Manson emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and self-awareness. He encourages readers to take ownership of their actions and their responses to life's challenges. This focus on personal agency and resilience is a refreshing departure from the often sugar-coated advice found in many self-help books.
Despite its provocative title, "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" is not about indifference or apathy. Instead, it's about choosing what matters most to us, letting go of things that don't serve us, and embracing the inevitable challenges of life with courage and authenticity.
In conclusion, "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson is a powerful and insightful book that challenges readers to rethink their approach to happiness and success. Its candid and straightforward approach, combined with its thought-provoking insights, make it a valuable read for anyone seeking to lead a more fulfilled and authentic life.
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battyaboutbooksreviews · 11 months
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🦇 Good Fortune Book Review 🦇
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
❝ But meeting him now felt like meeting him for the first time, glimpsing a new side of the person she want once imagined she knew. It unsettled her, how little she could trust that her impression of him would stay true to the versions she met later. ❞
❓ QOTD What's your favorite Austen adaptation?
🦇 Elizabeth "LB" Chen's mother is all too excited when she sells the neighborhood's beloved yet derelict community center to two Chinese men from Hong Kong, but LB isn't convinced these investors have the community's best interests at heart. With stubborn albeit good intentions, she fights for the community, too often butting heads with uptight, arrogant Darcy Wong in the process. The two are forced to spend time together, each venturing into the other's world longer than they're comfortable with. Can they see from one another's perspective, or will pride and prejudice get in the way?
💜 It's a truth universally acknowledged that many book lovers adore a good retelling—emphasis on "good." There are many that fail to hit the mark, neglecting the qualities that led readers to fall in love with the original story in the first place.
🧧Good Fortune hits every mark...and then some.
💜 The first 25 pages feature language so unique and enthralling that, for a moment, you'll forget this was a retelling in the first place. The writing is full of sass and quick wit without compromising the charm or formality of Austen's original works. Modernized, the language is moving, thought-provoking, and refreshing. Once it ensnares you, you'll find the sun has long set—or perhaps, just beginning to rise—as the story makes you forget all sense of time. Despite the familiar characters and plot, Chau does stunning work of making the story her own. The smallest of details—like LB's photography, the issue of gentrification, and Darcy's community outreach—to foundational changes—like setting the story in New York's Chinatown and making the sisters children of Chinese immigrants—all play a part in the story's progression. Chau never abandons the themes that make Pride and Prejudice such a monumental story, instead using them to bring attention to the same problems that still exist today: cultural identity, class divides, the burdens and responsibilities of family. Culture is infused in every page, granting this story a unique authenticity that other retellings lack. Infusing this story with the Chinese-American children-of-immigrants perspective only makes the classical class divide AND family values all the more poignant.
🦇 I think most readers will feel conflicted about the minor adjustments made to some of the supporting characters (namely, Jade and Lydia, who are a little more frustrating than usual). However, the frustrations both cause give LB the push she needs to adjust her perspective. Lydia's scandal and brattish behavior made me set my Kindle aside more than once, but I've never been a fan of Lydia Bennet.
🦇 Though I don't think the book needs to be longer, I do wish we got a little more of LB and Darcy together at the end. However, the original Pride and Prejudice story, along with most retellings, stop at the point they're together, so I understand it. The playful, rather than abrasive version of their banter is so entertaining that it only left me starved for more.
🦇 Recommended for fans of the original Pride and Prejudice, readers eager for diverse stories, and lovers of Sonali Dev's The Rajes series (another great retelling you NEED to read if you haven't already). Book bats, you've gotta grab this one!
✨ The Vibes ✨ ㊗️ Debut Novel 🎩 Contemporary Pride and Prejudice 🏮 Enemies to Lovers 🥠 Class Consciousness 🥟 Family is Everything 👠 Stubborn Integrity
🦇 Major thanks to the author and publisher for providing an ARC of this book via Netgalley. 🥰 This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.
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spokelseskladden · 2 years
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#cobra kai - 121 posts
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Longest Tag: 136 characters
#my closet looks like this! xxl hoodie‚ xxl t-shirt‚ xxl sweater‚ camouflage pattern‚ plaid shirt plaid shirt plaid shirt plaid shirt‚ -
My Top Posts in 2022:
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been awhile since I’ve drawn samtory and that’s a shame lol
298 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
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They would get married just to get a divorce and that's why i love them
412 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
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Took 5 seasons but now they're finally besties, I'm obsessed :')
504 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
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mdtb crack part 2 electric boogaloo
514 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I refuse to believe for a second that my boy Miguel Diaz didn’t try to comfort his best friend at all so I’m fixing it
1,025 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
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dokyeomini · 1 year
no one asked but this is my fragrance collection (the only actual bottle i have bought and repurchased is black musk everything else is minis (ck ones) or a sample (flora)
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thatbookishbtch · 1 year
Mindf*ck Series by S.T. Abby
The Risk: 2/24/2023-2/25/2023
Sidetracked: 2/25/2023-2/27/2023
Scarlet Angel: 2/27/2023-2/28/2023
All the Lies: 3/1/2023-3/3/2023
Paint It All Red: 3/3/2023-3/6/2023
3/5 stars for all 5 books.
A young girl and her brother are tortured for a crime their father didn't commit. Everyone thought they were dead. The sister made it out alive and spends her life training and preparing for revenge on the small town that turned its back on her. Then she falls in love with the FBI agent investigating her. What's a serial killer to do?
There definitely didn't need to be 5 books. A couple of these could have been combined instead of ending at weird times. I did enjoy the story though. Another "good for her" story. Lana was dramatic in her revenge, which I could appreciate. This woman dedicated her life to taking down the people that destroyed her and her family, and I respect her for it. I was expecting this to largely be a spicy murder mystery type deal, and it ended up having a lot more graphic violence than spice. I'm not mad about it. I can't help but relate to a girl that feels broken inside and still finds love. The writing was flawed, but the story was good enough to make up for it and keep me coming back.
Favorite quotes:
"Because Lana Meyers has been in my head since the day I met her, and it'd be nice if someone noticed I was missing." -The Risk
"There's a certain high you get from fooling the world into thinking you're the lamb instead of the rabid wolf." -Sidetracked
"I want to plead with some powers above to take away the pain that drives me... To let karma step in and handle the rest. But I'm the only reckoning there will ever be." -Sidetracked
"When he's around, I don't feel like I have to be so invincible. When he's with me, I feel like I can just be cared for without being weak. Like it's okay to be vulnerable, because he'd never use it against me." -Scarlet Angel
"And when I'm with you, I smile like I never have before. It's a sense of equality, a partnership even. It's rare to find someone who matches you step for step, and you do. I love you." -Scarlet Angel
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pxregoth · 2 years
I might make a video about this cause I feel like I won't be able to fully get my point across in a text post.
Anyway, overall season 5 was really good and probably my favorite season in terms of storylines/character arcs. My top 5 characters this season is Daniel, Miguel, Sam, Tory, and Chozen.
I absolutely love how much they delved into trauma this season. It's honestly what I've been wanting from this show for so long. And I know every season has some form of exploration of trauma but this season really put it up to 100%. I seriously want to make a post or a video delving into the traumas of all these amazing characters and the psychological scars that these traumas left them. I think it would be really interesting for me to really dig deep into that.
My favorite story arc is between Miguel's and Daniel's. It broke my heart to see Miguel sorta idolize his bio dad only to have it be crushed with reality. It hurt to see how much he wanted his bio dad to want him. But what really brought me to tears was seeing his relief when he saw Johnny. I think he realized at that moment just how important Johnny is to him and how he doesn't need his bio dad because Johnny is there for him. Daniel's story arc also broke me because I genuinely felt his fear. I could see it in his face that he felt like that vulnerable teenage boy again whenever Silver was around. I hated seeing him so distressed but it honestly goes to show just how badly Silver traumatized him (and continues to traumatize him). I absolutely love the realization Amanda had about Daniel saying that he never really got over his past traumas. It goes to show just how much Daniel pushed his traumas away instead of properly dealing with them.
I also loved the Daniel, Johnny, and Chozen trio. The chemistry between them was unreal. I love how feral Chozen and Johnny are in regards to Daniel. Like they really went from teenagers hating on this bambi looking motherfucker to fawning over him in their 50's lol. I loved seeing them protect Daniel from Mike Barnes in the season finale. Seriously, I never thought I would hear Johnny telling someone to get their hands off of Daniel. I love how both Daniel and Johnny have protected each other from other people. Really goes to show how much their relationship has grown.
Carmen's friendship with Amanda is my favorite thing ever and I wish they had more scenes together. I seriously hate that they made Carmen get pregnant like are we being for real right now? Like yeah she's still young enough to have kids but Johnny is in like his mid-50's why are we giving him a new-born child??? :| Like maybe let's give Carmen an actual good story line for once. It would've been so interesting to see her reunite with Miguel's biological father and I would've done anything to see her protect Miguel from him. As well as Rosa, I bet she would've demolished him in like a minute. But yeah, I swear Carmen only seems like a real person when she's with Amanda. When she's with Johnny, she just seems like a two-dimensional love interest. I think the show would've really benefited from having her and Johnny be friends. Like the type of friends that feel like siblings. In that way, Johnny can still be protective over her and realize that he doesn't have to sleep with/be in a relationship with every woman he comes in contact with. And Carmen can have someone else's support. (It would've also been interesting to see her trust/relationship with men change as she got close with Johnny). But no, a boring ass relationship it is, I guess.
Terry was an amazing villain as always. There were so many times where I wanted to jump into the screen and stab him and other times where I couldn't help but applaud how intelligent he is. However, he truly underestimates people. It is so interesting to see how different he and Kreese really are cause Kreese seems to see value in everyone. Kreese seems to have a pattern of finding the most vulnerable/weak person in the room and making them into something. Whereas Silver seems to just throw money around and hope for the best. Other than maybe Kenny, Silver often times wants people to be his idea of perfect from the very beginning instead of building the weakest person up. Or at least, show the capability of being "perfect." It really shows how your upbringing shapes you. I really love how the finale switched their places with Kreese being out of prison and Silver having been arrested. I highly doubt this will be the end of Silver, since he and Kreese have yet to reunite. I am literally dying to see their reunion.
Sam and Tory helping each other out in the end makes me so happy. I was seriously hoping they would hash things out this season and they did. I really do hope it stays that way. I can see them forming a hesitant friendship in season 6 where they talk about Miguel and Robby and possibly their home life. I don't think they'll end up best friends but I can definitely see them being each other's key to healing their traumas.
Overall, I loved this season and I can't wait to see what happens next. If I were to give it a rating, it would be a 8 out of 10. Two points deducted because of that annoying ass pregnancy story line.
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The MindF*ck Series 🙌✨
Lana ♥ Logan.
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mudstoneabyss · 1 year
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worst pictures in existence but they were so lesbian married btw. gay as hell to keep a photo of yourself with a woman and her son on your desk
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Spicy book review. Possible spoilers ahead. Mature 18+ rating! This is, I believe a Dark Romance, it can be read as a series or if you buy the Paperback it's one long book.
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I love the premise of this book and the idea but I'm not gonna lie, the writing has been really difficult for me to get into. The novels or individual books in this book make it easier to get through with the milestones and I really like the characters so far, but that doesn't fix the writing. For now I'm giving it a 8/10. The end of this first one did get me so I'm excited to continue the story!
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I'm still having moments where I have to push through because I'm just not a fan of the writing at all but eventually the book did pick up again and I finished the second one today I'll give this one an 8.5/10. My vision of Logan keeps on changing but right now I'm seeing the guy from Suits.
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Okay it's definitely getting way more intense with the plot there are still a lot of writing things that I have to overlook in order to enjoy the book but I really like the premise and the building tension and am looking forward to what is to come.
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I feel like the writing has gotten a little bit better and the story just keeps developing more and more and I am really happy with how it's going except for that last little chapter has really gotten my brain in a funk. I also feel like this series would be an AMAZING TV show.
These can currently be read on Kindle Unlimited!
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mellaithwen · 2 years
Postgrad supervisor: Hi Amy, I hope you are good. Would Wednesday of next week be a good time to discuss progress and way forward on the dissertation? Best wishes.
Me: Sure that would be great!
Also me: fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckkk fuck fuckfuckxmekcjckdjxkxkxxjjkrkdlsilwssksjskja
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iwonderifthatisart · 2 years
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#die haben genug probleme da müssen die passagiere nicht auch noch bescheuert sein und zu verspätungen beitragen!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Top Posts in 2022:
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cobra kai + text post meme [17/?]
150 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
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cobra kai + text post meme [15/?]
304 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
so you know how Daniel LaRusso is like. a recognizable figure in the ck universe? both because of karate and the dealership stuff
and you know how these hockey guys called johnny daniel’s boyfriend and also his loverboy and how neither of them denied it?
i really want a fic that’s written out of the perspective of the people around them who see this and come to the conclusion that, clearly, there’s something going on between them, i mean, they would’ve denied it, right? barbara, honey, you wont believe what i just heard at the hockey game today!
and then it slowly reaches everyone around them (think: the kids, amanda, even the evil karate husbands) and it would turn into this insane rumor, because wow turns out the blond guy LaRusso was with is the same one he was fighting in that all valley karate tournament in ‘84???
the gossip would be INSANE and they’d be so clueless
367 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
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See the full post
427 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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an overview of the ck fanfiction landscape AKA my appreciation for this fandom
(insp) (original)
1,127 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
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