bandmateobsessed · 5 years
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actex · 6 years
Yoonmin Oneshot I
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Yoongi pressed his lips harshly against Jimin’s soft ones, weaving his fingers through Jimin’s soft black locks. Jimin grasped in a seemingly desperate manner at the back of Yoongi’s shirt as he straddled the older boy’s lap, grinding his hips down slightly, a quiet whimper escaping at the feeling of the friction. Yoongi trailed kisses down the younger’s jawline and began sucking on the base of his neck making Jimin tilt his head to the side to give Yoongi more access. Yoongi’s hand trailed down Jimin’s waist and down to his ass as he continued to hungrily kiss his neck.
Unfortunately, the two were interrupted by a knock on the door, causing them to spring apart immediately. Hoseok peered around the door at the two who were now a good distance apart as not to arouse suspicion.
“Just so you know, we ordered pizza. Come get some when you want,” Hoseok informed the couple, before turning around and returning to the kitchen, leaving the door open. Yoongi turned to the younger boy before lightly pecking him on the lips.
“Let’s go get something to eat,” he smirked at him, slapping Jimin’s butt as he followed him out of the room.
Jimin and Yoongi were sitting on the couch together, only a few inches apart, but still not physically touching. They were simply having a casual conversation until Hoseok interrupted them.
“Alright, you two. Stop flirting and move over so I can sit,” Hoseok laughed.
Jimin glared at him after he moved over. Hoseok’s face dropped as he swallowed harshly in reaction to Jimin’s sharp glare.
“I-I was only kidding.”
It was nearly three a.m. Jimin was on Yoongi’s bed sitting next to him on top of the comforter, his hand in Yoongi’s larger one.
“I just wish we didn’t have to sneak around,” Jimin whispered as not to wake up a sleeping Jin.
“Me too, baby, me too.”
Yoongi pulled Jimin into an embrace, kissing the top of his head and resting his cheek against it, pulling the boy closer. That’s when he felt dampness on his shoulder.
All seven of the boys had likely had a little too much to drink and were at least slightly tipsy. However, Hoseok, being the lightweight that he is, was excessively drunk in comparison to the rest of the members.
“Truth or dare!” Hoseok shouted unnecessarily, as everyone was in the same room.
“What are we, thirteen?” Yoongi questioned, getting a bad feeling about the whole thing.
“Come on, hyung, it will be fun!” Taehyung whined cutely.
“Ugh, fine,” Yoongi gave in, rolling his eyes.
After lots of round of doing stupid shit and answering questions that definitely invaded one’s right to privacy, it was Yoongi’s turn.
“Truth or dare, hyung?” Jungkook giggled.
“Truth, I guess.” “Do you have feelings for anyone?” Yoongi fidgeted slightly out of nervousness before answering.
“Oooooooooh,” Hoseok drunkenly slurred. “I bet it’s Jimin, since you’re always flirting and all.” Jimin’s head snapped up at this.
“N-no, it’s not J-Jimin,” Yoongi assured, unable to make eye contact with anyone. Luckily, Hoseok was too drunk to press further.
After most of the members had fallen asleep, Jimin stormed out and went to his empty room, leaving Yoongi alone with Jungkook and Taehyung. Jungkook and Taehyung were too busy messing around with each other to notice Yoongi get up and follow Jimin. When he arrived at Jimin’s bedroom door, he softly knocked, which was followed by a broken ‘come in’. When he opened the door, he was greeted with Jimin on his stomach on his bed, his face buried in his arms. He also noticed that the boy was shaking. He was crying. And sobbing at that.
“Jimin,” Yoongi breathed, rushing over to comfort his boyfriend. Jimin rolled over and sat up quickly, practically throwing himself at Yoongi as he sobbed on his shoulder.
“Baby, what’s wrong?”
“I ju-just,” he began, despite uncontrollably crying. “I just wish I could openly love you.”
“I know, but you know that’s not possible, not now at least.” Jimin pulled away from Yoongi.
“When then, hyung? When?”
Truthfully Yoongi did not know.
“Hyung, we can’t hide forever, sooner or later, we’re going to be found out, so why prolong the inevitable?”
“I don’t know.”
“Are you ashamed of being with me? Do you not want people to know?” Jimin asked, desperate for insight into Yoongi’s inner feelings.
“No, you know that’s not it. It’s not that I don’t want people to know, I do, it’s just that they can’t. We wouldn’t exactly be losing something small, Jimin, we’d be losing our careers.”
“But if we keep having to hide, we could lose each other! Doesn’t that mean something to you?!” By this point, Jimin was practically shouting. Well, whisper-shouting, because he didn’t want to wake the others up.
“Of course it does, Jimin, damn it, but you have to lis-”
“No, you have to listen! I’m not going to keep doing this. I’m not going to keep sneaking around like I’m some dirty secret! I love you, Min Yoongi, but I’m not so sure you love me. So if you wouldn’t mind, I’d appreciate it if you left me alone.”
“Goodbye, Min Yoongi.” He said it with such finality that it broke Yoongi’s heart. Not only to know that Jimin didn’t believe he loved him, but that he had mostly caused the boy the pain. And with that, Yoongi turned around, and walked out the door.
Jimin had been avoiding Yoongi at all costs. He just couldn’t face him. It’s not that he didn’t want to talk to him. He did, he truly did. But he felt that he couldn’t. However, tonight there was a company party that most of the staff would be attending and Jimin could not get out of it. When he arrived, he did his best to stay on the dance floor as he knew that Min Yoongi would never hang around there. Unfortunately, Yoongi was looking for him and would stop at nothing to talk to him, even if it meant going on the dance floor. Jimin tried to turn around and walk away as he saw Yoongi approach, but was stopped when Yoongi grabbed his hand and spun him around.
“Park Jimin let me talk to you!” “Why?”
“So I can make things right! I’ve been trying to for the past week, but you keep running away any time you see me.”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I didn’t want to go public, and I know it’s no excuse, but I’m really just worried about how people will react to me being gay. When I was in high school, I literally did not have any friends because all anyone did was call me names just because I like guys, and I really don’t want to relive that.”
“I understand, and I’m sorry for pushing you to go public, but it hurts. It hurts having to hide, it hurts not being able to touch you or kiss you whenever I want to.” Jimin took a step closer, not only to move away from the surrounding crowd of staff members and their invited guests, but also to feel a little closer to Yoongi.
“I just don’t want to hide my true self anymore.” “What do you mean?” Yoongi questioned nervously.
“Oh, you idiot,” Jimin said.
And then he kissed him.
On the lips.
In front of everyone.
Yoongi was shocked, but gave in, because in that moment, he couldn’t care less what anyone thought about them. All he cared about was that Jimin’s soft lips were finally on his again. And he loved every second of it.
Really bad Yoonmin oneshot I wrote a little while ago. This is also on my Wattpad and my AO3.
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/claceaf
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/taetaelien
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julianspancakes · 7 years
Kitty Fic Recommendations ➸ 2
The fics listed below can be old or fairly new, so this has no timeline. Neither an order of preference.
Part 1    Part 3
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Protection by olivemartini 
Summary :  He could have probably picked a lot of good times to announce that his father was going to let him get ripped apart by a giant praying mantis. This was not one of those times, but Kit did it anyways.
Ready to be a Shadowhunter by ShadowHunterOfArtemis 
Summary :  Ty spends two weeks waiting for Kit to open his door. What happens when he finally does?
Tears by Kitty_C02 
Summary :  Kit wakes from a nightmare and heads to the roof, only to find someone already there. (WARNING : This takes place after the ending of LoS, MAJOR spoilers if you haven’t read it yet.)
|| Kit Herondale + Ty Blackthorn ||  by claceaf 
Summary :  Kit has been at the L.A. Institute for a week and as times in the Shadow World grow darker, he must learn to be a Shadowhunter.
atlas by liviablackthorn
Summary : "the blue green below is a masterpiece, but you are beautiful like i’ve never seen.“
in which kit would hold the entirety of the sky on his shoulders if it meant ty was okay.(WARNING : This takes place after LoS ends, contains major spoilers!)
(barely) coping by imposterhuman 
Summary :  How Ty is coping with Livvy’s death and how Kit is doing his best to help. (WARNING :  Set post LoS, so MAJOR SPOILERS!)
Every Time I See You, I Fall In Love All Over Again by StarGirl06 
Summary : Kit and Ty had an instant attraction to each other the first time they saw each other, that much is undeniable. But can they find a way to channel that attraction without hurting each other?
““You really think that?” He asked, voice faint. Kit slowly reached out with a hand, placing it gently on Ty’s skinny arm. Ty flinched, but didn’t move his arm, just stared down incredulously.
“Don’t be silly,” Kit grinned, biting the inside of his lip.”  (WARNING : Smut!)
Kit and Ty fluff, a bit of angst..and also an attempt at a seance by Rebel_Kings 
Summary :  He gently pulled away from Ty, walking backwards to allow him some room. But Ty made no movement, his wet hair dripping down his face. Kit pulled on Ty’s fingers, his head tilting upwards to meet Kit’s gaze. Kit led Ty from the bathroom and into the bedroom, sitting him at the edge of the bed while he hunted for some dry clothes. (WARNING : LoS spoilers!)
Comfort by livin_in_my_head_2 
Summary :  Ty has a breakdown and Kit is there to comfort him.
snow-kissed by imposterhuman 
Summary : kit and ty have some fun in the snow aka shameless fluff because these two deserve to be happy.
Eyes There To Remind You by jesse_malec 
Summary :  Set before the tragic episode in the end of LOS. Kit has been asked to accompany Alec to see his magically ill boyfriend, Magnus, in the Inquisitor’s chambers where Kieran was awaiting his testimony. Kit Rook has Tiberius Blackthorn as friend, but could there be more to it?
The Beggining after the End by Zoereadsbooks 
Summary :  Basically what happens after the battle in Alicante from Kit’s point of view. Ty has locked himself in his room in the London Institute and Kit sleeps outside his door every night for a month. (WARNING : LoS spoilers.)
Sparks by panickingatthetwentyonekilljoys 
Summary :  A bunch of Kitty’s kisses, almost kisses, and bonding moments.
Side by Side by Teukiewookie 
Summary :  779 Tumblr Writing Prompts. -“Sorry I thought I was alone.” -“Did I just say that out loud?” -“I didn’t realize I needed your permission.” -“I may be an idiot but I’m your idiot.” -“Why are you baking muffins at three in the morning?” -“It wasn’t supposed to happen like that.”
kyknophobia by miyxki 
Summary :  Kit and Ty take a walk at the park.
You’ve Always Hated Love by writeyourheart 
Summary : “ You never understood love; the name for when your heart swelled, or when you felt happy or light headed. Love made you feel vulnerable, like a child, and somehow the thought of that made it so unappealing to you.
And now, you hated love even more than you ever had.
Not because you couldn’t understand it, or not because you hated the child-like exposure of it. You hated it for what it had done to you. You hated life for giving you something you had never proved worthy of deserving, something you had never asked for, and taking it away from you nonetheless. ”
Following Livvy’s death, the Blackthorns are left with wounded hearts and open wounds. ( WARNING : LoS spoilers.)
Kitty Fluff by SleepyAlecLightwood 
Summary :  ‘C'mere you can sit in my lap till I’m done working’ Maybe a couple Kitty kisses. Ty and Kit.
Eyes are the Window to the Soul by StarGirl06 
Summary : In this alternate universe, Shadowhunters do not exist, but soulmates do.
“You know what else is beautiful?” Kit stepped forward, and Ty sucked in a breath. He had always had issues with people getting too close to him, but he was finding that it was easier with Kit. “Your face,”
They Were Both Cursed Anyway by AprilLudgateForQueen 
Summary :  The aftermath of Livvy’s death has left everyone in the LA institute broken. Kit helps Ty deal with his pain.
I like you… a lot by Elowenmae 
Summary :  Kit shares something that Ty deserves to know.
Sick Nights by writeyourheart 
Summary : "Ty was different because of how he made Kit feel. The unknown, identifiability of it all was so luring, so addicting, and somewhat chaotic and scary. But there was no other feeling like it. No other person brought that feeling to Kit. And Kit didn’t want anybody else to, for he wanted part of him to belong to Ty, and to Ty only.“
Ty gets the flu, Kit takes care of him.
Kitty’s First Time by jesse_malec   
Summary :  It’s movie night at the Institute, Kit and Ty find a way to escape the rest of the family and get to know each other. This is the first good story to start with a glass of milk. There will be few chapters until their actual first time. 
The Problem With Now by Khi0n3 
Summary :  Recently orphaned Kit Herondale finds himself on the front steps of Idris Academy when no one else will take him. The last thing he expects to find in this dreary place is a home, but when Tiberius Blackthorn walks into his life ends up being his roommate Kit finds himself letting down his guard for the first time ever.
Kit’s Lists by orphan_account 
Summary :  Kit’s dad taught him to make lists, so after Livvy dies, that’s what he does. Makes lists about how everyone is reacting.
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bandmateobsessed · 5 years
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We deserved that cave scene and I’m still upset that we didn’t get it. Also, idk who edited this but if you know let me know and I’ll give all the credit to them for sure!!
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bandmateobsessed · 5 years
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also idk whose edit this is. If it’s yours let me know and I’ll make sure to give you credit! 💕
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