#clans on the fjord
star-lit-mist · 20 days
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Once again, another base but I’m loving it so much
Characters are my oc Tarak (Right) and a Friends oc Nerium Oleander (left)
Nerium Oleander belongs to @weirdisme
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Here’s the base I used for this one, I’m unoriginal with clothing
And as I said before, this was also done on my phone- ;-;
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nightly-ruse · 2 years
Welp might as well try and post what I got- so here Fjord Wavefang or Fjordstar
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She is of the Breakwater Collective and is a pretty complex cat. I mean from being born during the cursed days where many were lost and more were beaten down she learned that survival was most important. Her fight or flight instincts are very good and she’s able to close off all her emotions in time of need. But this also makes her pretty distant form everyone- and when Pearl, the last overseer, died in a accident near the sea cliffs many were fearful of her rising to the rank of overseer. Luckily for her the cursed days ended just a bit after she took over and she spent long to try and fix what was broken. And with Sundew by her side the collective is mostly back to its former glory. Yet curses seem to of latched onto her even after their time passed.
(ID- Fjord is looking to the left with a sharp muzzle and fur that curls like waves. She has bright lime eyes, cinnamon tabby fur, and a tail like waves curling over themselves. Her ears prick up with a deep green center and her tail curls over her body to the left, the tip white. Various stripes go across her body and many curl up like waves. White is on her belly, chest, tail tip, and back of her leg. The darkest stripes are down her back, over her shoulder, tail, cheeks, hair tufts, and a stripe away from her eye. Dark cinnamon goes down her back and shoulders, tail, face, and muzzle. She has a green nose and a fierce expression. End ID)
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Adventure: The Siege of Frostmanse
A hero takes up arms against a powerful frost giant mage, threatening to destabilize the realm and forcing the party, their allies, and the powers that be to start choosing sides.
For generations Ylnriig the Argent has provided council and arcane insight to kings, jarls, and champions alike, seeking to maintain some measure of calm across the rugged land and icy seas that neighbour her home. Songs are sung about the great wonders she has performed, but also the great prices she has exacted in the name of keeping the peace: Plagues halted by burying villages in ice, destined dooms averted by the noble sacrifice of innocents.
Songs are also sung about Rothger Redsail, and his Redsail raiders. Brave beyond recounting, this living legend and his viking crew are said to have toppled foreign thrones, drunk mead with stormgods, and even sailed over the edge of the world. Now Rothger is back in his homeland and he has no qualms about what his next voyage is to be: He aims to sail against the giant and topple Ylnriig's head from her shoulders, so that the people might never pay her terrible price ever again.
Setup: This scenario works best if the party has a good impression of both Ylnriig and Rothger early on. Trophies from the Redsail's travels hanging in the tavern, local monuments to where Ylnriig averted some disaster through magical might or cleverness. Have the markets flooded with wonders offloaded from Rothger's latest viking expedition, while the town fountain runs with healing waters after being blessed by the giant's own hand. Neither side of this conflict is strictly in the wrong, and both give much to the world simply by their existence.
Everything changes when Rothger sails back into harbour and starts laying the groundwork for his attack on Ylnriig's home, securing supplies and new recruits for the Redsail Raiders, hobnobbing with the local power players to ensure they support his actions. Initially he'll keep the goal of his next expedition secret, boasting to the masses only that his next mission will deliver them into a time of prosperity and opportunity that neither they or their direct forebears could imagine.
Adventure Hooks
Facing some great challenge, the party might be sent to petition Ylnriig for aid, being forced to make the trip to Frostmanse, her isolated sanctum nestled among the far fjords. The ice giant may seem to give them the cold shoulder, sending them off on some wizardly errand as payment for her involvement, but after some time enjoying her hospitality the party may come to know Ylnriig as the deeply caring scholar that hides beneath her shrewd and utilitarian exterior.
Early on, the party might be tempted to join the Redsail Raiders. Doing so would greatly boost their credibility, and give them backing and direction that they'd normally miss out on as independent sellswords. Doing so will likely require that they prove themselves to the hardened sailors of Rothger's warband , but that's what apprentice level adventurers do isn't it?
Eventually a secret long buried will come to light: More than a score of years ago Rothger and Ylnriig used to be lovers, their relationship as passionate and tempestuous as where volcanic flow meets glacial ice. Rothger was off on one of his grand adventures when plague broke out in his home village, a plague that could only be staunched through drastic magical intervention. Ylnriig ran the numbers, and make an awful but nessisary choice that saved tens of thousands while dooming Rothger's family and clan to a cold and awful death.
Though Rothger's animosity towards Ylnriig is genuine, his actions are being backed by a coalition of powerplayers throughout the region who consider the Wizard's continued meddling an impediment to their ambitions. If he succeeds, they'll be able to enact schemes and settle scores that've stayed idle for generations. If he fails, they'll have a martyr to rally support around, as they make a second attempt to oust the giant.
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octy-in-boots · 11 months
If the Mighty Nein were in Hyrule...
Caduceus would be a Zonai.
Fjord would be a Zora.
Beau and Caleb would be Hylians from Kakariko and Hateno, respectively.
Yasha would absolutely be a Gerudo.
Nott would be a bokoblin, Veth a short Hylian from Lurelin.
Jester and Molly/Kingsley would be Rito.
Bonus: I think Essek would be a Hylian from a society that lived in the Depths? Oh no. I just realized: that's the Yiga clan!
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archersxartxblog · 8 months
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Prompt, seven: technically it was Victorian clothing, but I wanted to do Fjord and his dad in the Pearl clan Tunic. Ingo enjoys sharing stories of the Pearl clan with his kids, and teaching them about the culture he had been adopted into thanks to their kindness.
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bagelvangr · 1 year
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Randivor AU where Eivor never leaves Heillboer after the attack and Styrbjorn never gained the influence that he did.
Bear with me, this one needs quite a bit of exposition, I think!
(omfg 6k words, I am SO sorry, I am putting it under a cut. I'M SORRY I posted this at 4:30am and I was definitely already more than half-asleep!!)
After the attack, Gunnar speaks up for the clan and is extremely disappointed at how little Styrbjorn’s forces were able to help in a small, nighttime raid. Sure, it was a surprise and they were in the middle of a feast; but it seemed like something a jarl of Styrbjorn’s supposed caliber could have easily fought back against. They are thankful for the help and remain allies, but the trust and the allegiance had been forever fractured.
Gunnar takes guardianship of Eivor and rallied what remained of the bear clan to rebuild their homes.
They gladly do so; healing together as a community. Bound together in helping the remaining heir of their jarl recover from her vicious wounds; swearing to become stronger and self-reliant and never being taken by surprise ever again.
Eivor grows up learning the harsh truth of the world around her; the realities that faced their clan and the turmoil that grew all around Norway. She never bid for the jarl’s seat, she never had ambition to play as a leader in a seat.
Unspoken, everyone in Heillboer had no doubt that the seat was all Eivor’s. They don’t contest her claim at any point, nor do they force her to be the central ruler. Neither Gunnar nor Svala or anyone else that survived that night ever tried to place that burden upon the Wolf-Kissed. They were far too busy taking care of each other and building up what was lost.
When she was old enough to understand all that a longhouse and a jarl and the lineage of her birth implied; Eivor made the final decision to keep Heillboer to be defined as the clan. The bears at the north of Rygjafylke; rebuilt and strengthened by the trials put upon them in a treacherous world.
The scar of the wolves remain, but the call of the Allfather never truly awakens within her. The need for vengeance ran deep, and in her darkest moments, she faltered and thought of how to grant justice for all the wrongs done at the hands of others. She often found solace at the peak of Fannaraki Summit, a place she visited often to look upon their small settlement and to the seas just beyond their docks. She loved to climb and meditate for hours. To look all around and see the craggy fjords and how the snow remained undisturbed inland.
She knew that just eastward were where wolves had started to settle. She knew that Kjotve had built up a fortress right where their lands and Egdafylke bordered. She knew that the wolves were weakening with each season and harsh winter that went by, and if she so wished; she could end the lineage of an entire clan with a single night of battle by herself.
Eivor knew all of this and thought of it often when she sat at the top of the world. But with plenty of sighs and hours of stacking cairns in the memory of her parents – with the patience of her mother and the strength of her father; she always found herself climbing down and making her way back to Heillboer more resolute to never shed blood when there was home to go back to.
Patience and strength were what her parents imparted upon her.
Gunnar raised her to be dutiful, loyal, to build her own merit in the world. Svala had raised her to be tactful, wise, and kind.
A selfish need for vengeance endangered all of the core values that she built for herself and would have brought nothing but misery to the clan she sought to protect, and one that cared for and cultivated her unique strengths in return.
She had given up the longhouse for the whole of the clan, having settled in a small dwelling for herself close to the cave where she used to explore and play with her father and train with her mother.
Her efforts were focused on securing the safety of her people as Rygjafylke and Hordafylke grew more and more unstable; avoiding conflict in an increasingly bloodthirsty world and keeping a low profile as to not draw the attention of those seeking glory in or out of Norway. Their position at the border meant that she was able to intercept trade routes and secure exotic goods in trade for their artisan wares and rare cures, courtesy of Gunnar’s forge and the unmatched, sagacious knowledge of their young seer; inherited from the all-knowing Svala.
Slowly, more and more settlements and travelers learned of Heillboer. More and more sought a formal alliance with the clan of bears; once unable to do so for the lack of offering to secure such an alliance, many started to realize that there was no such fealty or lavish offering needed in return.
The bears had found wealth in forging their bonds amongst their clan and power in truly sharing what gave them strength: a community at the heart of Norway, driven by impressive frith and unburdened with ambition.
Eivor was their center, their beacon, their strength; but she was not the sole pillar they relied on. She strengthened them in every way, and they strengthened her in a way not easily emulated by others in a fundamentally different mindset.
Randvi had never really liked politics either.
Being the daughter of a jarl, however, it was something she could not easily avoid. Her father would plead with her and make her sit and study the long sessions he held with his advisors in the war room of their grand longhouse.
The reindeers were not a clan that could boast strength; but cunning and strategy led them to accumulate riches that afforded them more stability and power that a small clan could dream of.
Randvi, at any point in these political discussions would have gladly rather been practicing with her bow, fishing, hunting, sparring with her sister, her brother, the many vikingr training and preparing for their expeditions.
They enjoyed their fairly quiet life at Tromøya, taking advantage of their position between the Danes and Geats to diversify their economy despite their small seat in the larger picture of Egdafylke.
At one point; Randvi’s father had been more concerned about seeking alliances. In the great era of Ragnar’s travels, it became apparent that the divide in Norway meant that there were two paths to the survival of a clan: Those who wielded brute strength and sought glory turned vikingr to follow in Ragnar’s path; seeking other lands across the sea to settle as their own. Those that remained saw the opportunity in a fractured Norway, taking up the void in power to absorb clans and lands into their own. To survive was to find and secure strong alliances.
When Randvi was just about to be of age to be involved in these talks was when she started rebelling against her father’s wishes. She was the youngest and the most cherished out of her siblings, and her father had a particular weakness to her wishes. Whenever she happened to have been requested to accompany her father in so-called innocent travels to meet other jarls, Randvi would conveniently end up in a multi-day hunt or a week-long fishing trip on her boat. Her siblings would join and her mother encouraged her – though she did it to escape having to sit through politics and hearing men who barely cared to understand her or her family barter her future and potential away, she always came back with plenty of spoils. Whether it was hunted game, an abundance of fish, securing new trade routes or finding new cultures to send over to their island, Randvi still made sure her actions benefitted her family and her clan.
It was a habit that persisted into her adulthood. The conflicts in Rygjafylke had calmed and the vikingr came about less often, but her father still kept on meeting with those in the seats around them to better their relations. It shouldn’t have surprised her to hear that in one of these travels, her father had actually come quite close to securing an alliance with a jarl in Rygjafylke; the ravens of Fornburg were quite receptive to her father’s proposals. In particular, the jarl’s son had shown a hefty interest in the diversity of the travelers her father had told them frequented their harbours. The ravens did not have as much strength as they did before; the turmoil of the previous years getting to them too; in particular, they had trouble with the wolves and lost the alliance of most of the northern part of their border. But they were still a potential ally that held strong ties to the seat in Stavanger.
Randvi disappeared for almost two moons after learning the news.
She had taken to travel inland, seeking isolation from the circumstances of her birth, seeking connection with others in the smaller settlements leading up to the mountains. At one point, she saw a grand peak and took it upon herself to climb up there; not really caring for the harshness of the winter causing the snow to pile up and ignoring the constant burning in her limbs as she made her way up the steep, jagged rocks.
At the peak, she found serenity and silence. An impressive array of cairns were balanced right at the perfect flat surface; facing a small village at the end of the endless valley below.
She was not the only one to find this place and take a refreshing breath away from the turmoil of everything else.
It was almost nighttime when she decided to finally descend. The sky had been lit by a fantastic river of greens and blues, specked by the occasional purples and reds. The gods would light her way down.
She had told no one but Kiarr where she was going; which meant that if anyone else knew of her whereabouts, it would be Thora, who would encourage her to find her own way instead of be bound to the wills of their father.
So when Randvi returned to Tromøya, it was with great surprise she could not suppress when she heard that Thora had agreed to an alliance that her father had secured.
And not to the ravens, but to the wolves close to the region she had just spent her time sulking away at the prospect of being tied to a man – to politics, to strategize, advise, to build and protect and not be thanked.
Thora only smiled at her and reassured her that it was completely her choice; that she had wanted to bring stability and power to their seat too, and that perhaps this was what would stabilize and give respect to the reindeer once and for all.
So in the following years when Kiarr had ended up leaving Tromøya; when Thora had suddenly reappeared in their longhouse again; when their father spent nights apologizing to his children and their mother giving comfort and promising them they would never need to fulfill any duties to their clan ever again; Randvi steeled herself and swore that she would not play the game of politics.
The fragile jarls of Norway could have their power grabs and petty wars; the reindeers and her family would find stability in ventures not involving strife and blood.
She doubled her efforts in listening more to what happened around the harbour; to the tales being regaled in the taverns, to the fleeting conversations of key movements of armies and traders all around the Nordic world.
Thankfully, it seemed that their only threat would be if the Danes decided to launch an attack onto them; but it seemed as if they were more preoccupied with exploring new lands beyond the seas to think of invading and attacking their neighbours.
Slowly, they grew more stable, but she was also aware of the growing influence of Harald in the north and how he was making his intent to rule all of Norway by allying or absorbing each clan he came across.
The reindeer found themselves in a strange position of safety; her father being a cousin of Harald’s own father, thereby related to a degree. There was a small sense of comfort that the Yngling’s first target would not necessarily be the reindeers.
They weren’t fools though, and Randvi had grown to be quite the tactician with all of the information she was able to gather. Her rebellious streak and desire to partake in activities that other nobles cared little for made her popular with the other clan members and she carried an easy, charismatic relationship with almost all of the merchants that frequented their island with trade.
She knew that even if they didn’t seek any official alliances and even if they were willing to let Harald take official rule of their land; they had no guarantees under the new rule and far too much ambiguity about resolving disputes between clans to not at least attempt to bolster their connections with the borders they held.
To the east was already Harald’s territory, and to the west was Rygjafylke; so to the west it was.
The wolves were no longer an option, having quite a history with her siblings. There were the ravens which never officially denied or absolved the possibility of an alliance; but from what she heard, Fornburg had less influence over their region now, especially with the son of the jarl perpetually away in other lands. It was more likely that the ravens would be enthusiastically absorbed into Harald’s plan than be interested in allying with another smaller clan in a unified Norway.
That left really one clan within their borders, and it was definitely one that intrigued her.
Just beyond the summit she remembered so clearly in her mind was the settlement of the bear clan.
Randvi had heard frequent tales of the bears and of Heillboer. They came off more as fantastical sagas; myths that could not possibly be. The bear clan held stability and influence and were able to fend off attempts of absorption by far more powerful clans without a jarl to lead them through it all.
But Randvi knew. She listened. She observed and made the connections. She knew of the Wolf-kissed. She knew about the tragedy that befell and nearly wiped the small settlement. She knew that although the bears claimed no jarl, that they would follow the Wolf-kissed to the ends of the earth, but that they would never be asked to carry such a burden.
The Wolf-kissed held a soft power that was far more impressive than any amount of bannermen could ever rally.
It was an unbreakable claim of frith; a community that truly held each other together.
If there was to be stability within the reindeers in the change to come in Norway, they had to approach it with as little visibility and as much subtlety as possible. They didn’t need a show of strength or to hold a large region. No, they needed alliance and true connections with a clan that understood and fundamentally operated in much the same as their own.
Randvi would approach her father and suggest they seek an alliance, much to the jarl’s (and the rest of her family’s) surprise. They were all left stunned when she further explained that she sought to approach the bear clan without a show of force.
The jarl would consider Randvi's suggestion. He was skeptical of the benefits and the truth of the myths. Surely a clan so well known as being without a leader would have been overtaken by another and forcibly absorbed into their own. He would be careful.
Four fine warriors and two of their most knowledgeable ledgers would make journey into the mountainous path. They would bring rare metals found in the exotic trades made between Rus and the Celts. They would bring fine herbs and crops only found in climates far warmer than their own. Surely the winters had been harsh on them as well.
He expected them to come back with new information, but he was not prepared for them to return in jovial spirits, regaling the longhouse with tales of a lone warrior that hunted and fended for their clan. The same warrior was mentioned again and again as the ones to assess the new party and introduce them to the variety of trade that existed there.
The same warrior that caught the favour of Ran and Njord, the abundance of fish they caught despite the frigid waters almost mythical in the way they told it.
It was not said explicitly, but the jarl already knew that this warrior was the one who took the seat of leader with the bears. Why they never took the title of jarl was a mystery he wanted to find out.
Randvi, ever the observant one, caught and analyzed every word. She was pleased to have her suspicions confirmed.
The crew that were sent to Heillboer were a fine bunch, but she had also heard of small raids and attacks in the villages in-between; the wolves in turmoil with their own and with others that passed through. Many were desperate and a decorated yet minimal crew from a clan known for their rich trade should not have passed so effortlessly.... would not have passed so effortlessly. She had heard of a lone warrior patrolling the mountains and the borders, allowing for the safe passage of those on the trade routes without their knowledge.
Putting it together, she concluded that it must be the same person. The one that refused the official title of jarl ensured the prolonged safety of their people, and assured the safe passage of the members of her clan.
For the next stage of her plan, she surprised her father yet again by offering to go by herself.
She did not surprise Thora or her mother when they learned that she had not even waited for the permission of the jarl; having immediately set out the night before with the help of someone that looked suspiciously like Kiarr.
It started off slow.
Randvi allowed herself to be selfish in her lone trek. The weather had been fair, and while there had been storms in the moons before, the sun was more forgiving on her way to Heillboer.
She had indulged herself and made her way up beyond a lake and onto the same peak she had been at years before. She knew that the trek down into the settlement in the distance would not take her more than half a day, but she felt strangely empty handed as she finally saw the longhouse in her line of sight.
When she made her way down from the summit, she prepared her bow as she approached the tree line, keeping an eye on any game that might be small enough for her to carry alone and present as a gift. Actual reindeer had been abundant in the area, grazing on the new green exposed by a small patch of sunlight melting the snow away.
She gauged that the settlement had to be fairly close; she was nearly level with the sea where she was at. Feeling like she had quite a bit of energy still, she set her ambition a little higher and tracked a juvenile reindeer – one that she would likely have a little trouble carrying by herself, but not so much that it would encumber her and prevent her from presenting the kill as a gift as she arrived into the town.
Carefully moving through the rocks and avoiding making too much noise in the crunching snow, Randvi took aim and shot an arrow straight into the neck of her prey. Unfortunate timing meant that the animal had turned its head slightly before the arrow pierced, so it was not a clean kill. Randvi would quickly fire off another arrow, but as good of a shot as she was, she couldn’t predict the movements of a thrashing, panicked animal.
The second arrow dug itself into the back of the reindeer and it ran off into the crag away from her view.
Having scared off all the others, Randvi knew she had to track it and at the very least not prolong its suffering. It seemed to have gone uphill, but at least it went in the general direction of Heillboer instead of away. Perhaps she had a chance still of arriving with a gift.
Eivor had found it all quite amusing. She had been sat at the hill close to Valka's when she noticed someone she had never seen before passing through the eastern crag. They had their bow held the ready, eyes scanning the grazing herds. She assumed she was looking for a target that would be easy to carry. She didn't see a horse or any companions with the woman.
When she had crouched low by the rocks, Eivor was skeptical that her shot would land. The reindeer she had set her eyes on were quite far and slightly uphill from where this hunter was.
It surprised her that when she fired an arrow, it not only connected solidly into the animal's neck, but the hunter was also able to quickly adjust her aim when the reindeer started to move.
Even though it was not a swift one shot kill, she would have expected any other hunter to have completely miss when the reindeer started to move.
She kept watching, the skill displayed fully catching her attention. She witnessed a second shot swiftly sent off as the reindeer rounded the rocks; and though she expected yet another miss here, she raised an impressed eyebrow when the second arrow pierced the back of the prey.
The animal had escaped the hunter's line of sight, but she had shown great skill already. Whoever this was had years of experience with a bow and was not someone to be underestimated.
From her vantage, she tracked the staggering animal as it made its way around the rough hills, all the while tracking and observing the hunter getting closer and closer to Heillboer.
It was hard to fully assess her from the distance, but Eivor could note fine, thick furs, an embroidered caplet and a subdued but tastefully decorated overtunic that did not bother to hide status to those who knew.
The spark of fire in her hair made it easy for Eivor to spot her in the backdrop of the white snow and black rocks; and as she made her way to the injured animal, she made a mental note to get to know the hunter a bit more if their paths crossed.
If they were half a good of a tracker as they were an archer, then Eivor was convinced they'd cross paths.
And so they did.
When Eivor first turned around, she had been in the middle of digging out the arrowhead in the reindeer's spine.
She expected to have to explain herself and say that she had no intent on stealing the hunter's kill, but she was surprised to observe that the hunter had no malice or wariness in their voice or demeanour.
The hunter stood relaxed, watching Eivor as she spoke. The hunter's clothes definitely did tell her that this was someone born into wealth, not necessarily someone she'd expect to have such prowess with a bow.
Curious of all, the way she spoke almost made it seem like she had planned for Eivor to have seen her to begin with.
Of course, to Randvi, that would have been the ideal situation. She made no attempts at concealing herself on her path to Heillboer. She made no attempts at hiding her status or her skills. She had expected to arrive into the settlement without any fanfare, but her ideal situation was actually close to unfolding right in front of her.
Randvi wanted Eivor to see her. She wanted Eivor be able to have enough time to be aware of her and gauge her skills as she hunted. She wanted to make the Wolf-kissed curious about her, and if she was being honest, there was a part of her that wishes she had found herself in danger with either bandits or with predators in the area just so she could see how the Wolf-kissed would react. Would she be left to her own devices? Would she be assessed in her ability to fend off danger? Would the Wolf-kissed jump in and help her without context on who she was? She knew she would be safe, but she wanted to experience the tales of the Wolf-kissed first hand.
How much would Eivor actually be able to tell about her just from these observations alone?
Eivor, to her credit, was able to tell quite a bit. She confirmed the details she noticed from afar.
Thick, clean furs. A fine capelet and finer embroidery on her over tunic. A small hatchet on her side, holstered in artisan leatherwork. The hunter's hands were exposed to the air, a handful of cloudberries in her palm. Braided red hair framed her face; the warm sun and the glow of the mostly undisturbed snow around them giving Eivor a brilliant chance to get captured in blue-green eyes that showed confidence and relaxed amusement. This woman was not threatened by their interaction, but clearly did not underestimate Eivor's capabilities.The hand that remained at her side playing at another holstered weapon Eivor had not yet had a chance to identify.
When their gaze met, Eivor found an equally analytic warrior looking straight at her with no attempt to hide what she had been doing.
There was a sense of knowing and familiarity there.
To both of them, they didn't feel like strangers meeting for the first time. It didn't feel like they needed to guard or hide themselves to each other or feel like they had to leverage status or make small talk about politics a d trade.
Eivor launched immediately into asking why Randvi had been travelling alone when their clan's party had just departed the settlement not a fortnight past. Randvi asked how Eivor knew she was in the same clan as them and Eivor could only respond with a genuine smile and the reply of, "They spoke rather highly of you".
Randvi smiled at that and replied right back, "I'm sure it's nothing compared to what I hear of you".
Randvi's expedition was well received in Heillboer. She would find all of her doubts about the myth surrounding the settlement and the bear clan to be cleared away. They thrived without a show of force because they made no claims to what was not theirs and because they relied on each other in times of hardship.
Eivor had ended up carrying the reindeer back into the settlement upon her own insistence and the clan members at the longhouse happily received it.
Randvi noted the lack of throne and grand chambers and let herself truly understand the implication of a self-ruling community.
She would spend the rest of winter in Heillboer, at first happily staying in the longhouse to observe all of the comings and goings of the clan and how they resolved their issues amongst their peers.
She would go on hunts and fishing trips with Eivor, who frequently invited her along for any and all activity.
It should have alarmed her how easily she felt she slotted into their community and into the companionship of Eivor, but she realized that this was exactly how a clan without a jarl would be able to survive so long.
The genuine connection had multiplied into magnitudes she did not even realize until she found herself hiking with Eivor one day to Fannaraki Summit.
She had learned that Eivor, much like herself, found no value in ambitious glory and making alliances with clans that would be as eager to drive a blade into your gut as they are to forge so-called bonds in a single night.
Randvi had understood all of a sudden as she sat next to Eivor carefully stacking stones and talking about what she remembered of her mother that she truly had no need to propose an alliance to Eivor or the bear clan. She realized that Eivor and the rest of Heillboer had been measuring her merit as a person from the moment they met her.
As she handed a rock over to Eivor to slowly and carefully balance on the stack, Randvi truly understood that she had been accepted before she even knew many in the clan. She knew that Eivor had assessed her from a distance and decided to befriend her before taking her to the rest of the bears. Randvi realized that perhaps she wanted to come alone because she wanted to know how she would be perceived if she presented herself as genuinely as possible instead of someone that had something beneficial to obviously offer the clan.
She knew that Eivor had accepted her. Knew that if they ran into trouble, she would protect her. Knew that she met everyone that she did because Eivor's company calmed any anxiety around a stranger walking in their community. She knew that they would all treat her with the same respect they did now no matter if Eivor was around or not, but it certainly was in her favour that Eivor took a liking to her so early. Randvi knew that an alliance would not need to be made official here.
Still, as Randvi listened to Eivor's retelling of her memories, of her parents, of a Heillboer from before, the more Randvi wanted to hear even more of the Wolf-kissed's history. At some point in her stay, she became less concerned about joining their clans together and what that could imply and found herself wanting to hear Eivor talk about anything and everything.
Randvi wanted to share herself too; to let Eivor know of her past and her family and her way of viewing the world around them. She hoped Eivor mirrored her want to know of each other and craved to listen as she did; even to spend time quietly alone together as she did.
Later on, when Randvi asks if she could stay anywhere else in Heillboer that wasn't the longhouse, Eivor would not hesitate to invite her to her home and Randvi was eager to accept.
When Thora arrived at the dock a moon later, she felt no surprise to see Randvi and Eivor approach together.
What did surprise her and what she pressed her sister on was the fact that they came out of Eivor's single room dwelling together. That they retired for the day at the same time as each other and went back at the same dwelling. That when one or the other went out to sail or fish or even go for a small walk, it was nearly always with each other.
It seems that relations between their clans had successfully been secured and her baby sister was enjoying the time in freedom of doing what she wanted with the security of not having to sneak around or feel as is she was being improper or endangering her family and the clan.
Thora was perceptive in her own right and while she was relieved she didn't have to protect her baby sister; she saw clear as day how subtly protective Eivor was of Randvi. She did feel slightly neglected when it was clear that Randvi preferred to spend her time with Eivor instead of her. She understood, of course, and the implications filled her heart with warmth and joy, she couldn't help but call out and tease Randvi about her new found passion.
To both of the reindeer women's surprise, Eivor did not shy away or get flustered by the topic; confirming without a doubt how she felt and what she wished for their clans and for her own personal relationship with a certain hunter that caught her attention so many months before.
Though she had yet to meet the rest of their clan and they had yet to come up with a plan on how to take on the dangers that faced them in the future of their country and beyond, Eivor made it very clear that her intent was for both of their clans to be intertwined and prosper, grow and expand together in more ways than one and on levels from personal to the dreaded political.
They would face the hardships of relentless winter storms, of social turmoil with their neighbours, with attempted raids on their lands keeping their physical prowess sharp and ready. They would face decisions they couldn't been to anticipate at where they stood then, but it was very clear.
The reindeer of Tromøya had found unity, solidarity, and an unbelievable match in values with the bears of Heillboer.
The future of Norway remained uncertain, but their two clans would find stability, peace, and safety in the years to come.
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o-craven-canto · 5 months
Words borrowed from other languages in English
Very incomplete list, based mostly on The Languages of the World (3rd ed.), Kenneth Katzner, 2002 + a heavy use of Wiktionary. some notes:
Many of these words have passed through multiple languages on their way to English (e.g. Persian -> Arabic -> Spanish -> French -> English); in that case I usually list them under the first language that used them in the same acception as English.
I generally don't include words whose ancestors already existed in Middle English, unless their origin was exotic enough to be interesting.
The vast majority of borrowings are terms very specific to their culture of origin; I generally only include those that are either very well known amng English-speakers, or of general use outside that culture.
INDO-EUROPEAN FAMILY (West and South Eurasia)
Hellenic Greek: angel, chronometer, democracy, encyclopedia, geography, graphic, hieroglyphic, homogeneous, hydraulic, meter, microscope, monarchy, philosophy, phobia, photography, telephone, and way too many other scientific or technical terms to count
Germanic Afrikaans: aardvark, apartheid, fynbos, rooibos, springbok, trek, veld, wildebeest Danish: Lego, simper Dutch: brandy, bumpkin, coleslaw, cookie, deck, dock, dollar, freight, furlough, hodgepodge, landscape, maelstrom, noodle, Santa Claus, waffle, walrus, yacht German: aurochs, bildungsroman, blitzkrieg, cobalt, dachsund, eigenvector, ersatz, gestalt, glockenspiel, hamburger, hinterland, kindergarten, kohlrabi, lager, poodle, quark, sauerkraut, wanderlust, yodel, zeitgeist Icelandic: eider, geyser Norwegian: auk, fjord, krill, lemming, narwhal, slalom, troll Swedish: lek, mink, ombudsman, rutabaga, smorgasbord, tungsten Yiddish: bupkis, chutzpah, kvetch, putz, schlemiel, schmaltz, schmooze, schtick, spiel, tchotchke
Slavic Czech: robot Russian: fedora, glasnost, intelligentsia, kefir, mammoth, pogrom, samizdat, steppe, sputnik, troika, tsar, vodka Serbo-Croat: cravat, paprika
Celtic [many of these words are shared between the two languages] Irish: bog, galore, gaol, geas, glen, orrery, shamrock, slob, whiskey Scottish Gaelic: bard, bunny, cairn, clan, loch, ptarmigan, ?scone, slogan
Italic-Romance †Latin: [way too many] French: [way too many] Italian: allegro, aria, balcony, bandit, bravo, calamari, casino, cello, chiaroscuro, crescendo, contraband, contrapposto, fresco, gazette, ghetto, gusto, inferno, lagoon, lava, mafia, malaria, pants, quarantine, tempo, umbrella, vendetta, volcano Portuguese: baroque, brocade, cachalot, cobra, creole, flamingo, petunia, pimento, zebra Spanish: abalone, armadillo, bolas, bonanza, canyon, cargo, chupacabra, cigar, cilantro, embargo, gaucho, guerrilla, junta, manta, mesa, mosquito, mustang, patio, pueblo, rodeo, siesta, tornado, vanilla
Iranian Persian: bazaar, caravan, checkmate, chess, crimson, dervish, divan, jackal, jasmine, khaki, kiosk, lemon, lilac, musk, orange, pajama, paradise, satrap, shawl, taffeta
Indo-Aryan †Sanskrit: brahmin, Buddha, chakra, guru, karma, mantra, opal, swastika, yoga Bengali: dinghy, jute, nabob Hindi: bandana, bungalow, cheetah, chintz, chutney, coolie, cot, dungaree, juggernaut, lacquer, loot, rajah, pundit, shampoo, tom-tom, thug, veranda Marathi: mongoose Romani: hanky-panky, pal, shiv Sinhalese: anaconda, beriberi, serendipity, tourmaline
Kannada: bamboo Malayalam: atoll, calico, copra, jackfruit, mahogany, mango, pagoda, teak Tamil: curry, mulligatawny, pariah Telugu: bandicoot
URALIC FAMILY (Northern Eurasia)
Finnic Finnish: sauna Saami: tundra
Samoyedic Nenets: parka
Ugric Hungarian: biro, coach, goulash, hussar, puszta, tokay
VASCONIC FAMILY (Northern Pirenees)
Basque: chaparral, chimichurri, silhouette
TURKIC FAMILY (Central Eurasia)
†Old Turkic: cossack, yurt Tatar: ?stramonium Turkish: baklava, balaclava, bergamot, caftan, caviar, harem, janissary, kebab, kismet, minaret, pastrami, sherbet, tulip, yoghurt Yakut: taiga
MONGOLIC FAMILY (Mongolia and surrounding areas)
Mongol: horde, khan, ?valerian
SINO-TIBETAN FAMILY (China and Southeast Asia)
Tibeto-Burman Burmese: ?marzipan Tibetan: lama, panda, tulpa, yak, yeti
Sinitic [Chinese languages closely related, not always clear from which a borrowing comes] Hokkien: ?ketchup, sampan, tea Mandarin: chi, dao, dazibao, gung-ho, kaolin, oolong, shaolin, shanghai, yin-yang Min Nan: nunchaku Yue (Cantonese): chop suey, dim sum, kowtow, kumquat, lychee, shar-pei, ?typhoon, wok
TUNGUSIC FAMILY (Eastern Siberia)
Evenki: pika, shaman
Korean: bulgogi, chaebol, hantavirus, kimchi, mukbang, taekwondo
Japanese: banzai, bonsai, dojo, emoji, geisha, ginkgo, hikikomori, honcho, ikebana, kamikaze, karaoke, koi, kudzu, manga, origami, pachinko, rickshaw, sake, samurai, sensei, soy, sushi, tofu, tsunami, tycoon, zen
AUSTRONESIAN FAMILY (maritime Southeast Asia and Oceania)
Western Malayan Javanese: ?junk [ship] Malay: amok, cockatoo, compound [building], cootie, durian, kapok, orangutan, paddy, pangolin, rattan, sarong
Barito Malagasy: raffia
Phlippinic Cebuano: dugong Ilocano: yo-yo Tagalog: boondocks
Oceanic Hawai'ian: aloha, hula, luau, poi, wiki Maori: kauri, kiwi, mana, weta Marshallese: bikini Tahitian: pareo, tattoo Tongan: taboo
Fore: kuru
Dharug: boomerang, corroboree, dingo, koala, wallaby, wobbegong, wombat, woomera Guugu Yimithirr: kangaroo, quoll Nyungar: dunnart, gidgee, quokka Pitjantjatjara: Uluru Wathaurong: bunyip Wiradjuri: kookaburra Yagara: dilly bag
AFRO-ASIATIC FAMILY (North Africa and Near East)
Coptic: adobe
Berber Tachelhit: argan
Semitic †Punic: Africa Arabic: albatross, alchemy, alcohol, alcove, alfalfa, algebra, alkali, amber, arsenal, artichoke, assassin, candy, coffee, cotton, elixir, gazebo, gazelle, ghoul, giraffe, hashish, harem, magazine, mattress, monsoon, sofa, sugar, sultan, syrup, tabby, tariff, zenith, zero Hebrew: amen, behemoth, cabal, cherub, hallelujah, kibbutz, kosher, manna, myrrh, rabbi, sabbath, Satan, seraph, shibboleth
NIGER-CONGO FAMILY (Subsaharan Africa)
unknown: cola, gorilla, tango
Senegambian Wolof: banana, fonio, ?hip, ?jigger [parasite], karite, ?jive, yam
Gur-Adamawa Ngbandi: Ebola
Kwa Ewe: voodoo
Volta-Niger Igbo: okra Yoruba: gelee [headgear], mambo, oba, orisha
Cross River Ibibio: calypso
Bantu Lingala: basenji Kikongo: ?chimpanzee, ?macaque, ?zombie Kimbundu: ?banjo, Candomblé, gumbo, macumba, tanga Swahili: askari, Jenga, kwanzaa, safari Xhosa: Ubuntu Zulu: impala, mamba, vuvuzela
KHOE-KWADI FAMILY (Southwest Africa)
Khoekhoe (Hottentot): gnu, kudu, quagga
Greenlandic Inuit: igloo, kayak Inuktikut: nunatak
ALGIC FAMILY (Eastern Canada and northeast USA)
†Proto-Algonquin: moccasin, opossum, skunk Cree: muskeg, pemmican Mikmaq: caribou, toboggan Montagnais: husky Narragansett: ?powwow, sachem Ojibwe: chipmunk, totem, wendigo, woodchuck Powhatan: persimmon, raccoon
SALISHAN FAMILY (Pacific coast at the USA-Canada border)
Chehalis: chinook Halkomelem: sasquatch Lushootseed: geoduck
IROQUOIAN FAMILY (Eastern North America)
Cherokee: sequoia
Lakota: teepee
Choctaw: bayou
UTO-AZTECAN FAMILY (Southwest USA and north Mexico)
Nahuatl: atlatl, avocado, chili, cocoa, coyote, chocolate, guacamole, hoazin, mesquite, ocelot, quetzal, tamale, tegu, tomato O'odham (Pima): jojoba Shoshone: chuckwalla Yaqui: ?saguaro
MAYAN FAMILY (Southern Mexico and Guatemala)
Yucatec Maya: cenote, Chicxulub
ARAWAKAN FAMILY (Caribbeans and South America)
†Taino: barbecue, cannibal, canoe, cassava, cay, guava, hammock, hurricane, iguana, maize, manatee, mangrove, maroon, potato, savanna, tobacco Arawak: papaya
CARIBAN FAMILY (Caribbean coast of South America)
unknown: curare Galibi Carib: caiman, chigger, pawpaw, peccary, yucca
Quechua: ?Andes, caoutchouc, coca, condor, guano, jerky, llama, mate, poncho, puma, quinine, vicuna
Aymara: alpaca, chinchilla
[borrowings are often shared between these two languages] †Old Tupi: ananas, arowana, Cayenne [pepper], jaguar, manioc, piranha, tapioca Guarani: cougar, maracuja, Paraguay, petunia, toucan
CREOLE LANGUAGES (worldwide, mixed origin)
English-derived Chinese Pidgin English: chopstick, long time no see, pidgin, taipan Jamaican Creole: dreadlocks, reggae
Chinook-derived Chinook Jargon: potlatch
EDIT 08-01-24: added lots more examples, especially African, Asian, and North American languages. Still not done. EDIT 17-01-24: finished adding examples, more or less. EDIT: 18-02-24: apparently not (cheetah). EDIT: 20-05-24: nope (mosquito); 30-06-24: jerky, mukbang, cello, glockenspiel, hodgepodge; 06-06-25: marzipan, lagoon, contraband, artichoke
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encyclopediacr · 1 year
As we come to the end of March, Women's History Month, we're taking the chance to feature some women in Exandria! We're highlighting today some female characters who are not as often in the spotlight, and we present the following list of female non-player characters and guest player characters:
Lillith Daturai, illusionist wizard and cousin of Zahra Hydris. She also aided Vox Machina against the Briarwoods in Emon.
Calianna Mordsson, draconic sorcerer and escapee from the Cult of the Caustic Heart. She is also a friend of the Mighty Nein, with whom she traveled through the Labenda Swamp.
Nila, druid of the Guiatao Clan. She aided the Mighty Nein against the Iron Shepherds to free their captives, including her son and partner and Fjord, Jester, and Yasha.
Kotho, famed bounty hunter in the Menagerie Coast.
Doolan Tyversky, Archmage of Dysology of the Cerberus Assembly.
Olesya Lapidus, Marquis of Port Damali.
Lorkathar, firetamer of the Fire Ashari. She works to heal the Scar of the Cinder King and watch over the Flamereach Grove at the east outskirts of Emon.
Esmer Balenta, explosives maker and merchant in Bassuras.
Justi Pross, member of All-Minds-Burn in Bassuras and a friend of Ashton.
Dweomer, Aeormaton sorcerer working as an assistant to Laerryn in Avalir.
Honor Kinnabari, spellwright of the League of Miracles.
Most of all, we encourage you to support organizations working toward women's rights and the improvement of women's lives in the United States, such as the National Women's Law Center, National Black Women's Justice Institute, Center for Reproductive Rights, National Center for Lesbian Rights, National Indigenous Women's Resource Center, or another organization of your preference local to your area or in your country.
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from-hisui-to-unova · 3 months
Holy Arceus, Warden Ingo has kids?
Hi! Does Ingo remember me?
Tumblr media
Caleb: only people from Hisui call dad that...wait...are you Akari? Dad talks about you all the time. he use to tell us stories about you and the clans stopping the red sky.
So, I'd say he probably remembers you.
it is Akari, right?
Sorry, guess we should introduce ourselves, huh,
I'm Caleb. and behind me is my twin brother Fjord.
Fjord: hey.
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author-morgan · 2 years
Title: Persuasion Pairing: m!Eivor x fem!Reader x Alexios Rating: M Summary: It takes both Eivor and Alexios to convince you to join them on their summer raid to England. Blame @mrsragnarlodbrok for this filth. ❤️
THE WATER IS warm and relaxing after a long day’s hunt, but the reprieve is interrupted by a messenger from the south named Ragn. He brings word from Eivor Wolfsmal —a summons to meet and discuss plans for the summer raiding season. The arrival of the raids means good plunder for those who partake, but for your people, it means the time to start planting rocky fields and making stores for the next winter is nigh approaching too.
There is a reason your people have not gone a viking in so long —the winters are growing longer and colder, and you cannot risk losing the menfolk, else everyone starve. But Ragn tells you Eivor has set his sights to the west, to the foretold riches of East Anglia and beyond. You thank him for the message and sink further into the cooling water before calling for one of the members of your vanguard, asking her to call upon your bannermen to prepare for departure. At dawn, you will travel south and meet Eivor of the Raven Clan’s call —for old time’s sake, if nothing else.
It is not an overly long journey south, nor is it a short one traveling across rocky crags and rushing streams. It takes nigh two moons before you can see the walls of Eivor’s settlement rising on the horizon —guarding the dark and frigid waters of the fjord beyond. Horns sound to announce the arrival, and Eivor rides out to meet you and your traveling party. People have trickled in for the last fortnight, and you are among the last to arrive —the one he’s wanted to see the most.
He dismounts his white mare as you slide from the back of your mount too and approaches you with welcome arms and warmth in his smile. The years have not changed him. He is still handsome and kindly as ever. He embraces you, a quick greeting between old friends. “Welcome,” Eivor says, then he spares a moment to look you over from head to toe. He feels as though time has not been as gentle to him as it has to you. “You look well,” he remarks.
You reach out, resting a hand on his scarred cheek, and smile up at him. “As do you.” Eivor covers your hand with his own, fingers curling around yours. He pulls your hand from his cheek and places a quick kiss on your knuckle. You ride at Eivor’s side, your traveling party trailing along, single file with the wagons at the head through the streets, stopping at the heart of the settlement before the great hall. Dismounting, you look around at the wood and stone buildings, noting how much the once small harbor has grown in recent years.
“Come with me,” Eivor says, motioning for you to follow him through the muddy streets to the harbor. You wave to your bannermen, and they disperse among the barracks and market —offloading crates and barrels of goods from wagons and carts for trade. Horns sound again, marking the arrival of three longships bearing white sails with a dark eagle clutching a serpent in its talons. The last of those who Eivor summoned for the meeting.
A man wearing pale brown leathers, a mantle of grey fur, and blue wool disembarks from the arriving longship, drawing back his hood. Most of the gathered Jarls you are familiar with, but this is a new and strange face. One who does not belong so far north. His dark hair is matted into locks shorn at his shoulders and adorned with golden beads —his skin is sun-kissed, and his eyes dark. Eivor approaches the man on the wharf, and they both size each other up in a moment of tense silence. The façade quickly breaks with Eivor’s laugh. “Alexios!” He greets.
Alexios clasps Eivor on the shoulder, smiling. “It has been too long, my friend,” he remarks —dark gaze straying to where you wait beneath an arch of wood and stone. But curiosities can be slaked later; for now, it is time to prepare for the feast.
NINE OF THE eleven Jarls who have answered the call retire for the evening. Their absence leaves you sitting between Eivor and Alexios at the table strewn with overturned cups and empty plates —still unconvinced it’s in your people’s best interests to join the summer raids of an all but unknown land. Too much is at stake for you to carelessly venture west.
“You’ve yet to persuade me, Wolf-kissed,” you note, setting aside your cup. The promise of riches alone is not enough to send men to an early grave. “I have my people I must care for and women and children who will lose their husbands and fathers.” Where others could make do with the absence of menfolk during the warm months, your clan could not —only a handful of men joined the raids each year. Every person contributed to the survival of the whole so far north. “Our winters are longer than yours here in the south,” you remind him.
Alexios regards you carefully, a smile tugging at his lips. He’s not said much this evening, but his dark eyes have been busy —watching. He sees a strong will, a sharp wit, and a gentle heart. The makings of a leader loved by the masses. That’s without considering the respect you commanded from the others who have seen more summers than you. He has to admire that after encountering so many weak-willed leaders in his years.
“Perhaps another drink will help ease your worries,” Eivor says, pouring a fresh cup of mead and sliding it across the table for you to take. Even drunk, you do not think you’d willingly throw away so many lives for the spoils of the summer raids. He’s adamant, though. “I know there are riches and fertile land to the west,” Eivor tells you. “You need not endure the harsh winters if your people can call Anglia home.”
“It’s true,” Alexios supplements, “I’ve been there before.” He has wandered around the world for centuries and knows Eivor and others speak the truth about the land once named Britannia. “Thick forests and rolling green hills as far as the eye can see.” It sounds too good to be true —like a dream. “You see,” Alexios continues, “the true riches lie not in gold or silver, but the fertile earth. There’s more than enough land for your people to make a new home,” he tells you.
“Still,” you say, looking between the two men flanking your sides, “I shall have to think on it.” It is no small thing to ask that you uproot your people on a whim for an uncertain future in a strange land, but perhaps you could join them to see this land and its riches for yourself. Though, it is still something that must be considered without the strong mead fogging your senses.
Alexios leans forward, crossing his arms on the table. He looks past you to Eivor —who seems to be in the same mindset as him. He’s certainly not immune to the charms of a woman such as you, and neither is Eivor, considering the looks he’s shared with you over the course of the evening. “Perhaps we can convince you to join us,” he says, voice gruffer than just moments before.
Eyes flitting between both men, you catch onto the game they’re playing. You’re not one to shy away from such games, and it’s an easy choice to decide to play along with whatever they might be scheming. “And how will you do that?” You challenge, lifting a brow.
“Do you know how to wield a spear?” Alexios asks —you catch the double meaning of his question easily enough. Had any other Jarl asked such a thing, you’d have emptied your cup over their head, but there’s a certain allure and charm to Alexios with his sharp features and tawny-gold eyes.
“I do,” you answer, letting another sip of mead wash away what little inhibitions are left for the evening. “I can skewer a boar and bring a man to his knees,” you note. Eivor knows you can do both with ease —he’s seen you hunt before, knows what it’s like to have you writhing as he fucks you.
“How about you, Alexios? Can you wield a spear?” You query, lifting your cup to hide a bold and enticing smile. He moves as soon as you set your cup on the table, drawing you into his lap, hands instantly finding the ties of your soft gambeson and the pale tunic below —as though he’s been waiting for this moment since first setting eyes on you hours prior. The gambeson slips to the floor, and you rid yourself of the thin tunic without care. His lips are warm and soft against yours when he kisses you, palms pressing flat against your breasts.
He leans down, mouth latching onto your neck with a gentle bite that makes you gasp. Alexios moves down your chest until his lips wrap around one taut nipple, his tongue swirling around the bud and drawing a moan from your traitorous lips. You feel him smile against you —the press of his teeth against your chest in a broad grin. You catch Eivor’s gaze, and the color on his cheeks as your hands trail down Alexios’s chest —you can feel the firm muscles in his abdomen beneath your hands and his half-hard cock pressing into your thigh. He offers no resistance when you start unlacing the ties of his pants.
His cock is thick, heavy, and hot in your hand as you wrap your fingers around him —feeling each rigid vein. You can’t help but imagine the feel of them dragging along your walls as he fucks you. Your cunt tightens at the thought —a shiver crawls down your spine, and warmth pools in your belly. What you’d give to mount him like a stallion —you can already feel the aching burn of him stretching you open. But for now, you’ll settle for this. Alexios’s head tips back. The muscles in his neck tense. You lean into him, lips dragging along his jawline, and when he groans, it reverberates through you both. His breath stutters as you start slow. A teasing, languid pace —letting your entire hand explore him.
Eivor shifts in his chair —you can feel the heat of his stare without sparing him a glance. “You’re awfully quiet, Eivor,” you muse, still peppering kisses along Alexios’s neck and letting his calloused hands explore what skin they can. “Still not over that night?” You tease, breath catching when Alexios nips at your collarbone —the scruff of his beard leaving a burning trail that his tongue soothes. “Must’ve been, what? Four years ago, now?” Eivor does not answer. He won’t give you the satisfaction of knowing how many times the thought of you has kept him warm at night.
Your gaze drops to Alexios’s cock as you give him another long stroke from base to tip. Flushed, thick, and throbbing against your skin. You stop holding back —hand moving faster and wrist twisting on each upstroke— and Alexios cannot restrain himself any longer. He feels a fool for coming undone so quickly, but there’s magic in your touch, especially after a long voyage at sea.
“Is this any way to treat your host?” Eivor japes, and you can hear the bitter jealously in his voice as he watches. “Casting him aside to watch?”
“Come now, Eivor,” you chide. “You’ll have your fun later.” The way you say it, taunting and teasing with your hand wrapped around another man’s cock makes this all seem like a competition. If it is, at least it is a game where you will all be victorious. 
“Is this not part of the sacred guest-rights?” Alexios asks, his voice half-strangled from how your hand works his cock but amused too. His body arches into you, pulling you against him, and his lips part as he moans unabashedly. It isn’t loud, but it is guttural and desperate, and it makes your core ache with want. Your hand doesn’t stop working him even as he spills himself over your fingers, drawing out his orgasm for as long as you can until you slow to a stop, and he begins to relax —catching his breath.
But he’s quick to begin taking what he wants. Alexios kisses your neck, moving down your body —the rough pads of fingers trailing along your sides, but it’s not enough. He needs more, wants more, and it’s impulse and desire when he sweeps his arms out, knocking the plates and cups in front of him to the floor. Alexios lifts you from his lap onto the edge of the table —hurriedly pulling at the ties of your britches as you toe off your boots. 
Eivor inhales sharply, seeing you bare and splayed out on the table. His tongue darts out to dampen his lips. Memory reminds him of how sweet you tasted and how prettily you’d moaned for him, and he can barely stand the thought of not being the one between your thighs.
Alexios slinks down to look upon his second meal —eager to devour. You feel the stubble of his jaw tickle the crest of one hip and then the other before feeling his breath against your aching center. He kisses the inside of each thigh, then suckles and bites a mark in the same place on each side, laving over the little marks with his tongue. Alexios does not know what will come of this night, though he will leave a lasting impression on you to remember him by for the coming days —and maybe have you coming back to warm his bed on these cold northern nights.
He nuzzles his face against your cunt, inhaling the heady scent —drunk off the smell— and Alexios wrenches an incredulous noise from your throat when his tongue darts out, licking a flat stripe over you, stopping to circle your clit. He repeats the action thrice over, each time adding more pressure —devouring your cunt with attention like a man supping on his last meal, and he will be sure to have his fill. Reaching down, you twine your hands into his dark hair, and he peers up, dark eyes almost black with desire but still shining gold in the firelight. It’s easy to forget you and Alexios are not alone.
His tongue and mouth are insistent but soft, warm, and wet —a practiced lover— and he groans in delight against you when he feels your hips rise from the table and start to roll against his tongue. Alexios thinks himself a simple devotee worshipping at the altar of a goddess.
Every time you make a new noise, it just makes him more voracious —makes his cock stir again, but right now is about you and he’s determined not to stop until you’re shaking. He loops his arms under your thighs and moves his fingers to spread you open farther —letting his thumbs rub up and down your folds, gathering the slick. Then he eases one finger into your cunt, curling, and stroking, then adds a second. It’s devastating —the gentle pressure with each flick of his tongue on your clit— your breath comes in short gasps, chest heaving until it all erupts in slow sparks and smoldering flames.
It's the plummet of a longship’s prowl after cresting a wave when gravity takes its full force. The slow build of heat low in your belly takes to flames fanned by bellows. Alexios curls his fingers just right and feels your body tighten and seize. Your back arches off the tabletop and your ragged cry of ecstasy fill the room as you quiver.
Alexios raises his head, lips and chin glistening in the low light of the empty mead hall. He eases you down, hands stroking the insides of your thighs, and his lips find the skin below your navel before he draws you off the table and back into his lap. You tremble still when he drags the scruff of his jaw over your breasts and clavicles —promptly burying his face into your neck and listening as your heartbeat slows.
Fingers threading into Alexios’s matted locks, you glance at Eivor —his eyes are dark and filled with lust. His breathing is quicker and more labored than it had been during the feast too. Eivor splays his legs open, and you can see the outline of his hard cock through the wool of his britches. You smile for him —knowing it drives him to insanity and jealousy to see you like this because of another man. Alexios’s rough hands slide over your sides and around to your backside, pulling you down and forward against him —so you can feel his cock twitch back to life. A promise the night is not over yet.
But Eivor’s patience has run dry, and he will resign to being a bystander no longer. Rising from his seat, Eivor steps to you and Alexios, tugging your hair and forcing you to look up at him. He cranes down close to your ear and smirks. “My turn,” he rasps, pulling you off Alexios’s lap before scooping you up and over his shoulder and parading through the Great Hall toward his chambers. “Come, my friend,” Eivor calls back to Alexios, “guest-rights would have you take her cunt first.”
Anticipation burns low in your belly as Eivor pushes open the door to his room. Alexios trails a few steps behind —cock half-hanging out of the untied laces of his britches— his hands already fumbling with the ties of his tunic. Then Eivor lets you down from his shoulder and seizes your face in his hands, lips finding yours with burning lust and consuming passion.
You break away, breathless, and start to slide your hands beneath the hem of his tunic, pushing up the coarse crimson wool until he finally rids himself of it. Then your lips trail effortlessly along his heated flesh as you kiss your way from his scarred neck down his chest, then to his stomach, ghosting over the familiar blue-black ink of the runic tattoos accenting his middle. They’re a shade or two lighter than when you last saw him like this.
“Didn’t I tell you you’d have your fun later?” You muse, stopping just below his navel where a trail of hair a shade darker than that on his head begins. His response is a breathy groan as you continue down the path you’d started, falling to your knees in front of him, alas. His hands tangle in your hair as he moans quietly for you, feeling the blood rush as your breath trails dangerously close to the swell of his still-clothed cock.
His jaw clenches in frustration when you slow down, working the ties of his britches. You push the soft leather down his thighs, letting his cock fall free —hard, heavy, and weeping with want. Eivor steps out of his britches, and you press a to kiss his inner thigh, feeling the muscle twitch in anticipation. You kiss his inner thigh and feel the muscle twitch in anticipation. His fingers brush over your jaw, and your lips part to run your tongue across the length of his cock.
You look up at him before circling the head of his cock with your tongue, and he growls, running a hand through your hair affectionately. Your thighs squeeze together, knowing how much he wants your attention makes you feel flushed and warm in the best way. You give him a small smile before you open wider to take the head between your lips and are rewarded with his pleased sigh.
He hisses as he watches his cock disappear into your mouth —can feel the wet of your tongue lapping at him when you hollow your cheeks in. Your eyes are fixed on him, firing with lust as you watch him slowly fall into a haze. His brows furrow, his eyes slip shut, and his mouth parts from the sudden peak of pleasure. He doesn’t expect you to stop so suddenly, though. The aching emptiness between your thighs is enough to drive you mad. You look back at Alexios —he’s bare as you are now, his clothes tossed in a heap at the door, and he’s stroking his cock as he watches.
Rising from your knees, you press your hand to the center of Eivor’s chest, pushing him back toward the bed. He goes without complaint, falling backward into the furs, and you join him, perching on hands and knees —placing a long lick up the underside of his cock before a small sucking kiss on the head and presenting yourself to Alexios for the taking.
Alexios steps up behind you, his hands running over your hips and backside. His fingers dip into your soaked cunt before curling around his cock, stroking himself before pressing into you —slowly, so you can feel each ridge and vein dragging along your walls, filling you. It draws a low moan from you as he bottoms out, then starts thrusting shallowly as you lick a stripe up Eivor’s cock again. You give no warning as you open wide, mouth closing around the head of his cock and slipping halfway down his length. His fingers instinctively yank at your hair, moan cracking in his throat like he’s choking on the sound.
From behind, relentlessly to his snapping hips, Alexios fucks into you. Hard, rigid, merciless through a string of guttural groans and stumbling profanities spoken in a tongue you do not understand. Needy and pitifully pathetic, your aching cunt burns with each thrust, rough pads of his callous fingers digging into the skin of your bare hips. You lay there for him, hands twisted into the fur pelts next to Eivor’s thighs, body jolting and humming with pleasure. You can’t see him, yet you know how he must be —satisfied— and how he must look —chest flushed as incoherent grunts of pleasure bolt his lips.
His thickness splits you inch by inch while he slams in relentlessly, ceaselessly, persistently. Each vein, each ridge, each curve of his cock skidding along the walls of your cunt, driving your body further into oblivion. Alexios’s teeth scrape over your shoulder when he lowers his mouth to your back. One of his hands stays on your waist, anchoring you against him, the other palms your breast, fingers tweaking one nipple then the other. You’re vaguely aware that Alexios and Eivor are saying something to each other, but you’re too distracted by your work to pay attention. You shiver a bit when you feel warm hands come down to grope your breasts, and you let your throat squeeze around him, mind shrouded in a fog of sex.
Alexios looks down at the display of his cock moving in and out of your wet cunt. It’d be a shame not to enjoy what you’re offering in the moment. He leans over you, chest pressed against your back, and kisses your neck —the feel of his hot lips sends a shiver down your spine and makes you clench around his cock. “Fuck,” he hisses, grabbing a handful of your ass to spur you along. You feel the familiar tension blooming in your stomach as he thrusts inside you again and again. The needy little sounds you’re making for him are muffled around Eivor’s cock. Alexios’s bottoming out with every rock of his hips against yours, and this won’t last much longer for either of you —his cock is already throbbing with the prospect of release.
Eivor’s fingers thread into your hair, keeping you against his groin and looking at you like you’re some kind of benevolent goddess. It only makes that heat inside you flare up more. This all feels so good, but you can only offer muffled whines as both of them enjoy your body. You whimper, and the low reverberation and hum of your mouth around his cock is enough to finish Eivor —and you swallow the bitter salt of his seed.
Rough fingertips find your clit, rubbing and stroking until your cunt clamps down tight around his cock, and you lose all sense of focus as the wave of pleasure washes over you —breath reduced to tiny gasps and your thighs shaking. You slump forward, head pillowed on Eivor’s stomach, content to let Alexios work himself to his own finish with your body, and it doesn’t take much time. He comes inside you after a few more sloppy thrusts, cock spasming deep in your cunt, pressed so close against your back you can feel his heart beating fast behind you. The two of you stay together for a minute to get your bearings before he pulls out and steps away.
Eivor’s waited long enough to have your cunt, and he’ll not give you long to recover from how Alexios fucked you. He crawls between your thighs. His eyes hold a certain darkness you’ve never seen before —rooted in jealousy— and his mouth is slightly a gape with his chest rising and falling in heavy heaves. He takes hold of his cock, stroking himself as his spare hand plants to your hip, spreading your legs open wide for his taking. Eivor’s lips quirk into a faint smirk as he guides his cock into you as if to say you’re mine now. 
Low and throaty, he hisses to the sensation, eyes momentarily clenching shut to the feel of you as he sinks to the hilt. His thrusts start slow but quicken —he’s thought about having you like this again on many a cold night— cock throbbing and twitching inside you, slipping from your cunt messily each time before plummeting back in. He grunts and curses above you as you plead with sobs of frustration and nigh overstimulation. You’ve never been so well-fucked before.
Your nails dig into his biceps, each thrust presses your breasts tighter to his chest. Eivor dips his head down, teeth scraping over your neck —just above a thrumming pulse. Your body involuntarily reacts, arching into him, legs wrapping around his waist, pulling him closer every time he rolls his hips into yours. His fingertips press hard into your thighs, holding you tight against him, and your back arches with jolting shocks. Eivor’s eyes blacken when his eyes glaze over your body —wanton and bare, completely exposed for him, with your breasts bouncing as he rams in, cock burying deep, deep inside you with each thrust.
He grunts, jaw tightened, his pace never faltering. Your cunt pulses and throbs —Alexios’s seed leaking onto the furs below. Eivor breathes your name, face lowering to yours —mead-tinged breath hot against your lips as he quietly growls, teeth barely grazing your jaw. Persistently, he nips at the soft skin of your neck, leaving marks to match those left by Alexios, as if marking his claim too. “Fuck,” he grits, his eyes frenzied and primal, wild as he asserts his dominance —taking what should have been his all along. It’s the way his throbbing cock works your cunt, the way he perfectly fucks you into pure and utter bliss.
Throaty and gruff, he lets out rough moans, breathy and raggedy, and hot as he shudders, sending shivers of wanting down your spine when you know he’s close. Your head tilts back, and you can see Alexios reclined behind you —watching contentedly. With a few particularly harsh thrusts, you yelp in pleasure, ascending another peak, searing your nerves as he continues to fuck into you, chasing his own end. Eivor’s cock hits your end with a halt, a satisfied grumble of his chest rumbling against your breasts as he finds release, filling you with tingling warmth. Then his head falls forward, forehead pillowed on your breasts, and he lets out a breathy exhale, chest hot and puffing from the exertion. Drawing in a long sigh, Eivor slides his cock from you, rolling off to the side.
Shifting, you rest your head on Alexios’s stomach and drape your legs across Eivor’s. He smooths his hand over your calf and turns his head, watching the seed drip from your ruined cunt. Sleep weighs heavily on your chest after the length of days of travel, and now this. It calls sweetly. “Have we persuaded you to go to England with us?” Alexios asks, half-laughing as he runs his fingertips over your stomach and stops to fondle one of your breasts.
“Will the two of you be having me like this every day if I do?” You ask in turn, voice airy —dreamy— eyes slipping shut. Both men exchange a look, and neither will object to such a proposition. You can feel the low rumble of laughter in Alexios and Eivor’s chests. You certainly wouldn’t object to the proposal. Eivor kisses the bend of your knee, and Alexios takes your hand, lips pressing to the center of your palm —each kiss like a promise of what’s to come.
[taglist: @alessyaraven @alexandra-alle @ananriel @callmemythicalminx @certifiedlittleshit @chaotic-spooky @darkravenqueen98 @edelaen @elluvians @erzsebetrosztoczy @finick94 @hc-geralt-23 @idkjj04 @itseivwhore @kitkitvm @ksziggy @letsloveimagines @maximalblaze @missmannequin @mrsragnarlodbrok @novastale @overratedsun @qhbr2013 @queenyalo @rhienn-lavellan-rutherford @thedragonqueenfan @theelvenvalkyrie @thepreciouspurrsian @vanillabeanlattes @wallsarecrumbling @withered-poppies @xxdearlybeloved ] if your name is italicized, tumblr would not let me tag you. if you’d like to be added to my Eivor, Alexios, or any other taglist, just let me know with this Google Form!
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sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
So I've been having thots about viking!Draken (it's the braid for me) and I feel like he'd be one of the most skilled warriors in the clan and he's head over heels in stupid stupid love with one of his jarl's household servants, much to the annoyance/amusement of said jarl.
how dare you hold me hostage with my own favorite tropes and time period, anon. HOW DARE YOU!
The Jarl would be amused - being with bondswomen during that time wouldn't be unheard of, but Draken obviously wants to take it to the next level. And So. Do. I.
Distractions (Part 1) : Ken Ryuguji x Fem!Reader
wc: 1.2k
tw: fluff, angst
👁 masterlist 👁 next part
"A little higher, Draken."
Shame colors Draken's cheeks are you walk by, drawing his eyes away from practice. The man across from him chuckles, holding his gaze steady while Draken fights his urge to look away.
"You need to focus," the gruff man calls out, louder than Draken would have thought proper. "That girl will do nothing but distract you."
"Not a chance," Draken replies, parrying with his opponent and fighting for the upper hand. "I'm plenty focused." The men exchange blows, and the sound of clashing metal rings in the fjord while grunts and growls accentuate the fake fight.
"Yield," Draken commands the man, who lands square on his ass, sword cast aside.
"I yield," the man immediately breathes. "You win." Draken re-sheaths his sword and walks off, pushing stray hairs away from his face with a shaking hand. His eyes scan his surroundings, hoping to land on a vision of you in all of your glory, but he barely misses you ducking into the great hall.
Draken feels the urge to follow you but quickly suppresses it. There would be no real reason for him to track you down other than toss ill-intended remarks your way, like the other men. He has no need for that. No, you're a delicate flower blowing in the wind, each gust making your spotless petals shiver. He wouldn't add his own intentions to that. One wrong gust could send your petals scattering... And what a shame that would be.
"You look thirsty," he hears, making him look up from his shoes in surprise. You stand before him, your eyes shining as you hold a skein of water out to him. "Would you like a drink?"
"Please," he breathes, holding his hands out. The exchange is menial, but when Draken's fingers connect with yours, he feels a small jolt of lightning pass through them. Like touching snow on a mountain. And your hands are so soft. He almost says so, too, but chooses to trip his head back, drinking the cold water greedily while you watch and wait.
A small stream trickles down his chin, and he curses himself for his lack of manners in front of you. But you smile at him, hold your hands out for the skein, and take it gratefully.
"Thank you," Draken exhales, throat fully quenched. "I did not realize how thirsty I was until you offered me a drink."
"Not a problem," you reply sweetly, taking the jug and beginning your walk once more. Draken watches as you walk away, hips swaying slightly under your dress. Beautiful hips, he thinks before he can stop himself. Once you've disappeared into the distance, Draken goes on about his day, fleeting thoughts of you popping into his mind the entire time.
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"Skål!" Toasts are made all at once, and fingers dig into morsels on silver plates. Stolen silver plates. Draken finds his appetite lacking but picks up a piece of meat anyways. Before his fingers can deposit it into his mouth, he sees you walk through the crowd of men, holding a jug of mead in your hands.
Always serving, he thinks to himself, watching your hands guide the pitcher toward a cup. Each movement is so fluid - so graceful - that if he were to estimate the number of times you've let a drop of mead go to waste... it would be pointless.
He supposes his staring caught the attention of the jarl at the head of the table. So, when his name rings out in the hall from the smug-looking man at the front of the room, he also surmises that the jarl knows his little secret.
"Come here, Draken!" Ken rises from his seat and plods toward the jarl with a shyness that isn't feigned. To be caught staring at the jarl's property in an ill-befitting way could incur a punishment. "Ken," the jarl begins, swallowing a swig of mead. "Come down here." Draken lowers himself at the waist to hear the words whispered behind a palm. "For as long as I've known you, you haven't been one to fixate on things."
"I was wrong to do so," Ken admits sheepishly, feeling the heat rise in his cheeks.
"I didn't say whether you were wrong or right," the jarl chuckles. "I have never known you to be a man who wanted much."
"And I do not covet your property, my lord."
"Covet?" The jarl roars with laughter, holding his stomach. "Coveting is not the same as looking, young man!" No one seems to acknowledge the conversation between the two of them. Draken doesn't reply. "Listen, if you want her, I'll give her to you. All you have to do is ask."
Draken raises his brows. "Give her to me?"
"You wish to bed her, do you not?" He flinches, recoiling in shock.
"That is not my intention, my lord, I--"
"Then what? Have her as your own slave?"
Slave. Draken steps back, bowing his head. "I am sorry, my lord. I will leave her be."
"Don't shy away, Ken," the jarl admonishes him. "What is your desire? I will give you anything you ask for. You know you're like one of my own."
Draken feels his wish settle into the depth of his chest and weigh heavily on his heart. "I wish to have her as a wife..." he whispers. "My lord."
The jarl's face darkens. "I see." Draken presses his lips together. "She would need to be freed in order to marry you."
"Yes," Draken affirms.
"And you... want her to be free?"
"I will think on this; she has not earned her freedom."
"She was not born free," Draken replies quickly, coming to your defense in your absence. "What is there to earn, my lord? Should we be free to marry, she will have her freedom instantly."
"Y/n!" Draken straightens up, his face dropping into nothingness as you approach with a small smile.
"My lord?"
"Why are you enslaved?" Your face drops a fraction, and you carefully look between the two men.
"I... was born to a bondswoman."
"And you are only half of what we are."
"My mother never married into your people, no." The jarl waves his hand at you, shaking his head.
"How would you propose gaining her hand, then, Draken?" You stiffen, gripping the handle of the pitcher tighter. Draken falters, his mind going blank at the sight of you frightened. "Well?"
"I... I would ask her, my lord."
"Ask her what?"
"How I could win her hand, my lord."
"And how could he win your hand, my pet?" Draken bristles at the nickname, watching you shift on your feet with shame. How could he have placed you in this position? How dare he?
"I could not say," you croak. "That is not my place."
"That's right." Draken feels tears pricking at his eyes. "It is my place to say how he could win your hand. It seems he's forgotten this." Draken steps back again, feeling bile rise in his throat when your face pales.
"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry," he rushes out, backing away from the great hall and into the night.
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amazingmsme · 1 year
As You Were Saying?
AN: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! I think this is the most fun I’ve had with a Squealing Santa fic! @wordstrings this one’s for you! Fjord & Jester are a kilLER tag team (see what I did there?) A huge thanks to @hypahticklish for hosting this year! I hope you all enjoy Kingsley getting wrecked, I know I do.  @squealing-santa
Fjord would never say it out loud, but Kingsley was getting on his last damn nerve. Ever since setting out to sea, their new friend formerly known as Mollymauk was practically glued to his side any given minute of the day. At first Fjord welcomed the company, was even flattered by it. But it seemed every time he tried to have an important conversation with someone other than the purple tiefling, he would interrupt or insert himself into the discussion. Fjord knew he was just trying to be helpful, but he needed to realize not every problem concerned him.
He had been discussing the trajectory of their current course with Orly when Kingsley walked up, absorbing every word exchanged. Fjord was already self conscious about his knowledge on the open seas, so he really didn't need an extra pair of ears listening to his stutter through and second guess himself. It eventually got so distracting, Fjord interrupted himself in the middle of a sentence.
"I'm sorry, but is there anything in particular you need?" he asked, cocking his head. He made sure to keep his tone light so Kingsley wouldn't think he was upset with him.
He hummed as he thought to himself for a moment, shaking his head. "No, but you looked like you could use the company," he quipped. Fjord had to chuckle at that, shaking his head out of fond annoyance.
"I appreciate the concern, but Orly and I can handle this." When Kingsley still lingered, Fjord took it as a sign that he needed a more direct hint. "Why don't you help Marius clan the canons? I'm sure he'd appreciate the company," he offered.
Kingsley let out an annoyed sigh and turned to leave. "Sure thing captain."
Fjord took a deep breath, rubbing at his temple. Orly watched the tiefling walk down the stair before looking back at Fjord.
"Don't worry Cap'n. Once he settles in he won't be this clingy," he spoke in his gruff, slow manner of speech that Fjord was accustomed to. His gaze was locked on Kingsley as he slipped through the door that lead below deck.
"I hope so."
Either Orly had been wrong, or Kingsley still wasn't fully settled. The thought upset Fjord; he tried to do everything he could to make him feel accepted and comfortable on the ship. He knew the other man appreciated his efforts, but he could tell something was missing. He couldn't imagine how he must feel, so he extended as much of his patience as possible.
Kingsley must have caught on, because he'd been testing said patience at any given opportunity. He especially loved interrupting any intimate moment between Fjord and Jester. Ever time, it seems, that the two of them were able to whisk themselves away, Kingsley would find them minutes later and wedge himself into the conversation. Jester was more than welcoming, but Fjord just wanted some alone time with his girlfriend.
They were in his quarters, laying on his bed facing each other. Even though they were alone, they spoke in hushed voices, all whispers and giggles like lovesick teens. They were huddled close to one another, Fjord's arm draped over her shoulder as she rested her head on his expansive chest.
She was in the middle of recounting her trip to shore, describing the mural she saw in vivid detail. "Oh, you should have seen it Fjord! Someone painted the cover of Tusk Love on the back of the book store, and it was stunning! Guinevere's dress was all ripped and flowing in the wind, and Oskar's muscles were huge! The attention to detail was, like, super good, I could literally see the sweat on his chest and everything," she gushed, appreciating both the artistry and her beloved characters.
Fjord smiled at her endearing enthusiasm, rubbing a hand up and down her arm comfortingly. "In that case I'm glad I stayed on the ship. But I'm glad you got to see it," he said softly. She grinned up at him, snuggling closer.
"Who know who Oskar really looks like?" she asked in a teasy voice. Fjord hummed in thought, scratching the stubble on his chin.
"I'm not really sure. Is it Veth?" he asked in mock ignorance. She giggled and shook her head.
"What? No!"
"Hm. Caleb then?"
She tossed her head back with a laugh, smacking his shoulder playfully. "Nooo, guess for real!"
"I'm just joking, I know it's me," he relented, pulling her close and burying his face in the crook of her neck. She squealed and laughed as he growled and planted sloppy kisses, slowly working his way up to her lips.
Neither of them really heard the quick knock on the door before it creaked open.
"Hey Captain, you care if I- oh. Am I interrupting something?" Kingsley asked from the doorway, a sly smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. Fjord was about to say that yes he was interrupting something very important, but Jester beat him to the punch.
"No not at all! Come in," she invited, waving him over. Fjord managed to contain his annoyed groan as Kingsley waltzed in like he owned the joint. He hopped up on the bed, wedging himself right between the two of them.
"Sooo what're we talking about?" he drawled, fangs peaking out from behind his grin.
"I thought you came in here to ask me something," Fjord interjected. Kingsley waved his hand in dismissal.
"Forgot what I was gonna say. Honestly, I just want the company."
"Aw Kingsley, that's so sweet of you!" Jester cooed, scooting over to make room for him on the bed. Kingsley wedged himself between the two of them, wiggling around until he was comfortable.
"I know, I'm just the sweetest," he agreed with a smirk. "So, how was town?" he asked, resting his hands behind his head to cushion his neck.
"It was so much fun, you really need to come with me next time!"
"Oh yeah? Tell me about it," he said and Jester launched into her rambling from the top. Fjord had heard this already, so he focused more on Jester's excitement and wild gestures rather than what she was actually saying. As endearing as the sight was, Fjord really had been looking forward to some alone time with Jester, and their friend needed to learn a thing or two about boundaries.
Fjord remembered what he used to do when Molly wouldn't stop pestering him when they had to room together, and he had a hunch the same method of punishment would work now.
His hand inched closer and closer until he reached the soft curve of Kingsley's waist, scratching blunt nails against the fabric of his shirt. He jerked under the touch and sucked in a breath through clenched teeth. He cast a nervous look at Fjord, and the sly smirk on his face proved his eminent doom.
"Are you okay?" Jester asked, brows furrowed in concern.
"He's fine, just getting comfortable. Go on," Fjord answered on Kingsley's behalf. Jester eyed them both skeptically before continuing. Fjord applied more pressure, wiggling his fingers just under his ribcage. Kingsley snorted and twisted away from his hand with a stifled laugh.
"Jester's trying to tell you about her day and you're not even listening," he teased, pinching up and down his ribcage. "Pretty rude, don't you think?" he asked in a teasing tone.
"Ihi'm listening," Kingsley insisted, scooting closer to Jester in an attempt to get away. She seemed to catch on to what was happening, her mischievous grin only growing.
"Okay good, 'cause I'll quiz you afterwards," she said, poking his stomach before jumping back into her story.
"So like I was saying, there was this really rude lady at the market who was chewing out this little kid for stepping on her skirt-"
As she was busy talking, Fjord resumed his slow torture. He slipped his hand beneath Kingsley's shirt to get at bare skin and he immediately burst into giggles. Fjord gave a mock gasp at the outburst.
"Kingsley, I can't believe you! You think yelling at poor innocent children is funny?" he asked, pinching up and down his ribs. The tiefling curled in on himself, hiding his face in Jester's pillow as he shook his head. She couldn't help but chuckle at the sight and play along.
"That's not very nice you know," she teased, leaning down to speak directly in his ear.
"And here I thought he was good with kids," Fjord said, his hand climbing higher and higher until he reached his armpit. Kingsley let out a giggly yelp and clamped his arms against his sides.
"I know, right? He's so good with Luke, but maybe it's all an act," she taunted, slipping a hand underneath his arm and copying Fjord.
"Nohoho it's nohot!" Kingsley managed to insist through his laughter. His tail wagged about as he thrashed on the bed, trapped between the devious couple.
"Anyway, I followed her around the market until she went inside of this shady store. She like, looked around to make sure no one was watching but she didn't see me, don't worry," she waved a hand flippantly, ignoring his growing hysterics. "But you guys aren't going to be-lieve what kind of store it was."
"What kind?" Fjord asked as he traced circles on the delicate skin.
"I want Kingsley to guess," she chirped, raking her manicured nails all the way down his ribs. His entire body spasmed from the conflicting touches and his laughter rose in pitch.
Jester's tongue peaked out from behind her teeth as she grinned, shaking her head. "Nu uh, I want a real guess," she said, using her tail to swipe along the soles of his feet.
"Ohoho fuck mehehe," he whined, though he didn't sound too upset about his predicament. "Ihihi dohohon't knohohow!"
"It was a sex shop you guys! I was so shocked, I couldn't stop laughing! But I grabbed this huge wooden dick and slipped it into her pocket to make it look like she was trying to steal it. He caught her with it and she was so embarrassed!"
Fjord used the comedic moment in her story as en excuse to double his efforts, drilling his thumbs in the divots of his hips. Kingsley bucked like a bull, cackling loud and free.
"Kingsley would you mind keeping it down? I'm trying to listen," Fjord said, as if he wasn't the very cause of his hysterics. He folded in on himself, latching onto his wrists, but not bothering to push them away.
"Nohoho you aharen't! You're tohohorturing mehe!" he cried.
"Me? Torturing you? Pft, as if," Fjord teased, forming a claw with his hand and hovering it above his stomach. Kingsley yelped and sucked in his stomach, nervous giggles bubbling up his throat.
"He would never do such a thing," Jester insisted, scribbling her fingers against his neck. He squealed in surprise, scrunching his neck for protection. "I think you're just trying to get out of listening to my story," she fake pouted.
"Then act like it," she teased, grabbing his tail and scratching just under the spaded tip. Kingsley was sent into a new wave of hysteria, writhing on the bed as bright laughter flowed freely from his mouth. Fjord decided that would be the perfect time to launch his own attack, vibrating his hand into the soft muscle of his belly.
Jester carried on the conversation as if it were entirely normal to tear him apart by the seams. And there was something about it that seemed so normal, so natural for the three of them. Kingsley liked to think it was a part of Molly shining through.
"After that I stopped by to see Mama, and Nugget is huge now! He's literally half my size! He comes up to my waist, right here," she demonstrated by squeezing Kingsley's sides. He threw his head back as his laughter rang throughout the small cabin.
"Wow, he's already that tall? I remember when I could hold him in one arm. Not that he'd stay there for very long," Fjord said casually, reaching down to squeeze his knee. He jerked his leg away, kicking in a futile attempt at warding his friends off.
The fact that they were shredding the last pieces of his sanity so casually drove him insane. How could they be tickling him half to death and ignoring him at the same time? It made his nerves short circuit even more than they already were.
"Plehehease!" he pleaded, gripping Fjord's shirt tightly. He smirked and patted the back of his hand.
"Please continue? I agree, do go on Jester," he said, a smug smirk plastered on his face.
"Nohoho!" Kingsley whined through an endless stream of giggles. "Hahave mehehercy!"
"Oh but this is what you wanted though, isn't it? Both of our undivided attention, including you in our conversations, is it more than you bargained for?" he asked in a taunting voice.
"Yehehes, Ihihi'm sohohorry!"
"Oh Kingsley, there's no need to apologize. We're actually having a lot of fun right now, aren't we Fjord?"
"I for one at having a blast! Aren't you?" he asked, tweaking his hips.
"Ohohokahahay I get ihihit!" he cried out, and they finally took pity on him. He laid there, chest heaving as he regained his breath. "You guys are fuckin' ruthless." They answered in unison.
"And don't you forget it."
Kingsley chuckled, rubbing a hand over his blushing face. "Guess I have been kinda clingy these past few days..."
Fjord made a strangled squeaking noise, shifting his hand back and forth in an "eh" sort of motion. "Just a little. We really do enjoy your company, but we also enjoy our privacy."
"And the rest of the crew is really nice, even if they aren't as fun and cool as us," Jester added.
"I know, but I guess I just have my favorites. But I think it's safe to say I learned my lesson," Kingsley said, nodding slightly. Fjord snorted.
"I bet that in 2 weeks you'll need a refresher course," he teased, shooting him a wink. Despite his growing blush, he was quick to shoot back with a smart retort.
"I won't be such an easy catch next time."
"Ah, so there will be a next time."
Kingsley opened his mouth to argue, but promptly shut his mouth upon seeing the matching set of evil grins.
"Shut up," he snapped, shoving Fjord away from him playfully. He crawled off the bed, walking to the door. He turned to them with a bow, "Your privacy," he announced before slipping out of the room. Fjord and Jester stared at each other before a fit of giggles overtook them.
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canaidliafail · 1 year
her praying lips
Valka x f!reader 🌿
CW: This is a difficult and self indulgent piece. I have been going through a messy breakup and an awful change of events and had the need to vent in this form. Theres non descriptive mentions of unwilling prostitution & thoughts of suicide. has a positive turn of events
3.4k words
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Have you ever gone out to swim at 3:00 am in October when the water is cold ? When you dive, it engulfs you and you feel it prickle your bones. Sometimes, if you stay a minute longer you may feel needles in your heart, then your lungs get sucked in within themselves and then panic, terror and peace will hit you all at once. You will be met with two choices. One that is out of instinct , to pull yourself up to the surface and taste the sweet oxygen . The other is the one that brought you beneath the water in the first place. The path to peace, eternity and release.
You fiddled with the lines of death and life waiting for an answer to come to you. You dove in the lake and languidly swam, ignoring the pressure on your temples from the discomfort of the cold. you opened your eyes and stared into the eternal abyss that was the deep water where the fjord met its end and abruptly connected with the vast ocean. A shade of yellow and amber split the peace of the cool hues and urged you into the surface in alarm.
a raid
you turned to look behind you where your flat, small boat was hovering above the water in tranquility and decided to swim back as fast as you could to avoid the upcoming conflict. it was close. You could hear the roars and ashes danced with the snow in the air. Your hands touched wood, moist and sturdy, and hauled yourself up where you rushed to throw your furs over your shoulders. You reached land and ran to your hut to find in horror that it was your settlement that the raven clan had decided to ambush in search of your vile King, Kjotve
Your outpost was further away from the main colony of Kjotves clan which meant the raven clan intended to threaten and send a message.
You walked, half naked, wet and cold and looked at your village disheartened, taking soft breaths with clouds forming in the air every time you did. You stared at the burning small, ugly and wrecked hut as it crumbled upon itself and forgot to care about the angry warrior's voice behind you. That was until an arm abruptly turned you around and upon instinct with one hand you grabbed their wrist and with the other went to cover yourself with the thin fur coat
a blonde woman with a gnarly scar and a growl in her voice spoke
“What are you doing at a soldiers outpost?!”
she asked bewildered and your eyes moved from her face to the flames behind her.
“One of us is sent each week to keep the soldiers entertained. This week it was my turn”
And in that burning hut were your savings to hopefully start anew somewhere further away. Years worth of work and ache between your legs burned to a crisp.
The woman seemed genuinely empathetic and softened her grip on your arm
“Come to our settlement. This warning went to Kjotve not to the innocents”
you shook your head “I'm not homeless”
“And is your home somewhere you wish to go back to?”
you tightened your jaw and would have wept if it wasn't for the simple fact that you had forgotten how
Unbeknownst to you, that was your first night of freedom
“Eivor! You are back” said a ginger woman, tall and clothed in colored fabrics and stones. from the longship,You watched her converse with the blonde warrior called Eivor in silence. You did nothing to move. You weren’t sad to see your village burn. You hated that place. But you were unsure of what good you could be to a morally upright settlement. You never felt like you were smart and your body was frail and thin and would not be able neither to forge an axe nor wield it. There was no use for you other than that, which you were brought here out of pity and that made something twist in your stomach so violently that you were ready to hurl had you not learned how to keep yourself composed and maintain a pretty facade of calmness
Eivor eventually motioned you over and you stepped out of the ship ignoring the burly mans help and walked over to the two women, feeling safer in their presence
“Eivor told me a bit about your situation. I suggest we take you to our seer for her to see you don’t have any injuries. the rest will come later” she said and you frowned
“I'm fine. No need to waste time with that. As long as I get a few hours of sleep I could start working tomorrow in…well, I could learn to cook I guess” You tried realizing you had never done even that before. Polished and smooth skin was rare and came with a cost unfortunately.
Randvi pulled you aside from Eivor and wrapped an arm around your shoulders to take you on a short walk, stopping in front of the stables
“I understand you are scared, but we are not them. You will be staying at Valkas hut for the first few days either way, so no harm in checking for injuries in the meantime” her voice was persuasive and you recognised the jarlskona in her. You admired her a moment longer before looking in front of you at the horses. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear affectionate
“I don’t mean to pry and I say this out of care. If you want to speak, Valka is a wonderful seer and I can grow to be a friend. "You nod politely not because you felt thankful but because it was the right thing to do.
Only one unaffected by life's cruelty could still be a believer or even worse, a seer and making a friend out of a woman who slept in fox furs and wore jewels sounded pretentious
Eivor sat on the saddle and pulled you up silently.
“Its a long walk so its better we go this way. She is at the top of the hill” you secured your arms around her waist latching onto the leather belts hoops.
“So she enjoys silence ? it Wouldn't be kind of me to disrupt her peace then, no?”
“Valka lives with her sick mother and is too selfless to take offense in providing shelter to someone in need.She lives at the top because she likes it most for her meditations and ugh…Other things I guess”
your interest perked up at her dismissive tone
“My my, an agnostic norse ? What a sight”
you heard a soft chuckle and the horse rounded a wooden hut decorated with bones, wood and ribbons.
“I do have faith. But sometimes it does seem weak when I have to talk with Valka” you smiled and cocked a brow at her as she offered a hand to lower your from her horse
“How peculiar”
her cheeks tinted pink and you might have melted at the sight had your attention not been snapped away to the wooden door opening and the seer stepping out. At the soft crunching of the snow you looked at her standing at the top of her stairs in front of her hut. She had a gentle smile when she greeted eivor and that did not falter when she looked at you. She was a stunning woman, serene looking with eyes like the waters of the fjords that you learned to love and swim in every morning. Blue paint decorated her body like river streams and a black veil covered her head.
“Valka this is” Eivor started but you took a step forward and decided to introduce yourself on your own. She welcomed you in and Eivor greeted Valkas mother and decided to take a seat next to her letting the two of you talk in a more private area. You were startled and equally entranced with the fluidity that she lead the conversation and you found yourself speaking easier than you initially assumed you would
“I was sold to Kjotve. He often trades women for his sexual endeavors and so that he can pay less silver to his soldiers. Which is why I was at the outpost”
she had an empathetic look on her face as she studied your body for injuries finding only one that needed a bit of tending to.
“The Gods protected you then. Had you not gone for a swim you would have burned along with everything else”
you smiled “The gods did not help me. I went to swim in hopes to drown myself. Yet I didn't drown, I didn't burn and I dont have my silver to go anywhere anymore”
Valka was silent and she did not take offense to your adamant rejection of her faith, or if she did, she didn’t show it.
she bandaged a burn mark on your ankle and found a new set of robes to help you in. Her own perhaps as it seemed you two had the same build
“You don’t have to accept the Gods help” she paused
“but will you accept mine?” something in you shifted as you felt her soft fingers brush over your skin while she dressed you and cared for you. While she braided your hair and gave you tea to drink
You had so badly wanted to feel angry. To throw a childish tantrum and break everything in her sacred spacious hut. To dig a sword in those wooden statues and rip those altair fabrics and make them asswipes. In horror you found the fabrics with the runes to your liking, the burning sage eased your headache and the tea was so sweet and warm.
That night, You were visited by Freyja in your sleep
The first few days Valka didn’t ask for anything. She would check on you and change your bandages if needed and she would bring you soup to eat and later tea to drink. She would openly meditate in front of her altair and praise the Gods and then she would take care of her mother who already seemed too far gone. You were bothered by this act of altruism and one evening when she was poking the woods at the fireplace you approached her and she moved over to give you space to sit
“am I supposed to just stand here ?”
“I don't mind your company. Is mine to your disliking?” she questioned and you shook your head
“That’s not what I'm saying, I…Give me some work. Randvi and Eivor haven’t come up here to give me any so maybe you can ? I want to make myself useful” she turned her attention away from the burning coals and gave you a smile
“Very well” she said and you looked around the place in awkward silence. She did not enlighten you any further on how she planned on making use of you but she did offer you tea once again, that you once again accepted and you both sat before the place listening to the cracking wood, to the sounds of nature at night with the occasional, soft addition of Valkas humming.
The next morning, Valka walked into your room and woke you up. She waited for you to come to your senses and while getting dressed she sat on your bed and watched while listing a few tasks. It started with you helping her cook or prepare the ingredients for her mixtures.After some time, she allowed you to collect the plants with her and sometimes you would aks their purpose which she gladly enlightened you on. You watched every ritual and grew fond of the times that she would perform due to her taking more time in her appearance. She didn’t mind your wandering eyes and if your mind didn’t fool you, you could say that she liked the reaction she evoked out of you.
one day she stood before you with a thin veil tied near her hips and her long blue robe open and naked without bones and talismans to hold it together. she passed you a bowl with blue paint and asked for you to do her paint in front of her altair.
you started with her hands, and moved to her shoulders carefully and with a slow pace trying your best to mimic how steady her work was that it almost mimicked a tattoo
Her energy vibrated off of her and imprinted on you, her breath fanned across your face and brushed your lashes. You decided to return to the front later and fell down to start on her legs which were ridiculously well shaped.
“Don’t worry about precision. Its the intention that matters”
“Can someone like me learn to have proper intentions?”
she reached a hand and cupped your cheek.you looked up at her from your knees and pulled the brush away from her knees. With the wooden statues and candles behind her you almost felt like this was your time to start praying to Freyja for a sight like this could have only been her doing.
“My child, you already have them” she said with the warmth of a wolf protecting its cub. You lingered there and she pulled away with a final stroke of her thumb on your cheek. You resumed your paintwork and she muttered praises to freyja “I…The first night I came here. I saw her in my dream” you confessed and Valkas attention was on you. Her smile was bright and there was a glint in her eyes you couldn’t decipher . You painted the final stroke on her thigh and got up to work on her torso
“You were visited by the great one, Should you ever wish to work with her she will guide you to the path of spirituality”
You liked painting om Valkas body, you liked her skin and how there were goosebumps left on your path. You could feel every exhale and the thrumming of her heartbeat lulled you to another world
“I'd like to, if you could teach me”
“Let's enjoy Samhain and we will start tomorrow. Now come, I'll give you my robes and we will go down to the village”
That night, despite this being the darkest holiday of the wheel of the year, you felt more alive than ever. You chanted with Valka and you sang together and then you danced with her in the distance amongst the other drunk drengrs, and you could feel the energy course through you along with the mead and the burning herbs in the air. In her eyes, you saw freedom and in freedom you found your faith
on the third month you were conflicted. You saw Valka and you respected her, but practicing with her grew difficult. Every touch made your skin burn and every look made your head spin. You saw her in her robes and you saw her with less of them during private offerings and in all the admiration there was the numbingly loud sexual desire burn within you. Something you thought died years ago buried in shame and pain. She asked you to court her to her baths at the lakes and prepare the oils for the cleansing rituals.Everytime she asked that you join her and everytime you found a poor excuse of
-I don’t feel the deities yet- even though you did.
She was patient with you and she settled for making the prayer before her bath with you. She approached and your eyes widened as you saw her turn to you with spread arms and hold your face in her cold palms, her forehead pressed against yours. You prayed with her and felt your mind wander astray as you admired her chest, her narrow hips and her long legs. You closed your eyes shut and prayed a little louder in Freyjas honor hoping that this was a gift and not a challenge
Your life once again would be turned upside down when Sigurd and Eivor decided to take off to Mercia. you stood behind Valka as she talked with her about her visions and warned her of their meaning with your occasional insight involved. Eivor knelt to pick up a box with your things and Valka turned to you
“In Mercia they will need a seer until I'm able to come” she said and your heart sank. She didn’t tell you of this and the hurt showed in your face
“I will come eventually but now I have to stay back and take care of my mother”
“Then I will stay with you” you said.Valka seemed puzzled , then a smile graced her lips
“Eivor give us a few minutes” and Eivor left the hut. Valka held your hand and pulled you to her chambers to make sure she was alone. she did not pull away and let her thumb stroke her hand
“You are ready enough to take care of them until Im there. Is that something scary to you?” You looked at your joined hands and took a step forward towards her
“Its not. But I want you next to me” your eyes met and you took another step closer to her. There was an undeniable attraction towards her. Then again the high priestess of the settlement had eyes follow her more often than not. She kissed your forehead and her hands traveled from yours towards your shoulders and then rested around your neck. She toyed with the bone necklaces the you wore
“Speak to me”
“I care for you Valka as more than just an apprentice. I want to be more than just a student to you” her lips connected with yours and you were too stunned to immediately return the kiss which ended all too soon
“I know. I could tell” You were confused and were unsure if you could be happy
“The night before your arrival Freyja visited me. She spoke to me in riddles, and then you landed on my doorstep beautiful and lost” she praised and your cheeks heated up. Her fingers fell to your waist and circled it beneath the loose blue robe pulling you closer to her exposed front, you chest meeting hers with the other hand still holding the back of your head
“Freyja united us. However I saw the storm in your mind and your clouded vision so I gave you time”
you could leap in happiness finding the innocence spark up within you of a first love
“Were you not going to say anything ?” You asked and she left another kiss near your lips “I was once I joined you in Mercia. I felt that perhaps in the time of you being away from me you could figure out what you wanted for yourself without your eyes wandering to my assets” you burned in shame. So she had noticed
“No need to guilt yourself over it. I have done so as well, and most of my rituals don't require me to be nude either way” she soothed and now your heart, which was already soft had melted to a puddle in the reciprocation of your feelings
You took initiative in kissing her and wrapped your arms around her neck the way you always dreamed of doing so. Youd have hoped to seal your bond beneath Freyjas statue but Eivor, stupid and impatient, interrupted you two.
she was caught off guard when she saw the proximity of the two of you and with a face red as a burning amber she closed the door behind her and yelled
“We have to leave soon!”
you looked back at the seer, your love, your fated soulmate and she looked at you in return
This was the beginning of something new, something prosperous.
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archersxartxblog · 6 months
Home for the Holidays part 2
Part One Part three
okay here's part two for you.
Fjord and Caleb get to see their mother again...this time in the flesh
Zisu smiled as she felt the wind on her face as she stood at the front of the ferry. It had been so long since she felt the wind against her skin, glass just wasn't the same.
But what she was really excited for was just on the horizon.
A school on the ocean. Who would have ever thought such a thing? 
It was crazy. Really. 
Fjord liked to call the place Rapture whenever he brought it up in conversation, because most of the school was underwater.
And all of it just off the coast of Castelia City. 
Still too far for her liking, but closer than some of the other regions her boys travelled too.
The sound of footsteps approaching caught her attention, and she glanced over to see Ingo joining her at the bow. “We should be making port within the hour.” he called, his voice easily able to cut through the wind, a hand on his hat to keep the wind from taking it.
“Good!” She smiled, reaching out and taking his hand, pulling him close. “I don't think I could wait any longer than that.”
Technically, the plan had been to wait at the port for the boys to come across on the ferry. but Zisu just couldn't wait and managed to convince Ingo to let them cross over on the ferry so they spend more time with them.
“you didn't message them to tell them we're coming, did you?” She asked, hugging him tight. 
“No” Ingo shook his head, leaning against her. “I was not sure how to explain the current situation to them. So as far as they know, we are waiting for them back at Castelia City port.”
“Good, I want to surprise them.” Zisu hummed, resting her chin on top of his hat, watching as the Blueberry Academy slowly got closer and closer.
“I am sure they will be quite surprised, as was I this morning. And let us not forget you nearly gave poor Emmet a heart attack.”
“And he was fine in the end. He can be a bit overly dramatic.” Zisu tried not to laugh as he remembered her encounter with the young twin that morning. Poor Emmet, he had honestly thought that someone had broken into their house while he was in the bathroom, and it had taken both herself and Ingo to calm him down and keep him from sending Eelektross at her… like that Eel could do much to her, she knew all his dirty little secrets after all. “But let's just hope they’re not that surprised.”
As the ferry docked at the school, the couple were quick to make their way to the Blueberry academy’s courtyard, where the walls were higher and there was more protection from the wind blowing off the cold ocean.
Whoever thought a school in the Ocean off the coast of Unova was a great idea, obviously didn’t take winter in consideration. Even the EX-Pearl Clan Warden seemed to be bothered by the bitter wind coming off the ocean. 
But once they entered the courtyard things became much more bearable with the wind no longer threatening to knock them off the pier thanks to the high walls surrounding it.
Wind aside, the school was in fact very nice, its focus on battles clear by the arena in the center surrounded by bleachers. This court had clearly been used frequently, as she could see deep marks in the ground that could have only been left by a Pokemon battle. 
As Ingo walked over to the desk in front of the school to ask about their kids, Zisu found herself standing in the center of the arena, her heart pounding in her chest. Memories of her past life as head of the Dojo back at Jubilife village, back when it had just been starting out, started to flutter to life. 
The battles between herself and Akari, and the battles that she and Ingo had shared. 
She had stood on a court just like this, as both a trainer and a pokemon. Pokemon battles had become her life and afterlife. If not for them she would have never met Ingo and her life would have been oh so dull.
She almost wished she had her old team with her now, so she could challenge Ingo to one more battle just for old times sake, but alas it was best not to push her luck. She had gotten her wish to be human once more and that would do.
“The Boys should be up any second.” Ingo’s voice broke through her thoughts as he walked back over to her, taking her hand in his. “They are just meeting with a few friends and they will be right. We can’t go inside but we are welcome to wait out here for them.”
“At least we’re out of the wind.” Zisu sighed, looking up at the clear sky, and for a moment a nervous thought started to creep into her mind. “Ingo…”
“Do you think… they’ll even know who I am?” it was something that had crossed her mind before, the thought of her boys not being able to recognize her. It had happened before, but that was before they had known she was Chandelure. 
They had been so young when they had been taken from her, she honestly wondered if they even remembered what she looked like. She had been with them longer as Chandelure than she had as Zisu. she wasn’t sure she would be able to blame them if all they saw was a stranger. Heck, even she barely recognized the face in the mirror this morning.
“I do not think you have anything to worry about when it comes to Caleb” Ingo gave a slight chuckle “He has been able to pick you out of old photographs from history textbooks since he was very small.”
She smiled a bit at that, yes, she recalled how excited he would get every time he spotted an old history text from Hisui, and how sad he was when he started to realize the time gap between them. He’d started to get a bit better when he learned that she was Chandelure. 
Yes she was sure her oldest would recognize her right away.
“As for Fjord…” Ingo hummed, closing his eyes in thought.
Truth be told, Fjord was the one she was really worried about. He had barely been a year old before he was whisked away to the future. There was very little chance of him remembering her face. He only really knew her as Chandelure.
And yet Ingo gave her hand a gentle squeeze, bringing her attention back to him as he gave her a soft smile.
“While Fjord may give pause, I am sure he will recognize you in his own way.” he smiled. “Sometimes the heart remembers more than the mind…speaking from experience.”
Zisu felt her eyes start to water at his words, the tears burning her frostbitten skin so she was quick to wipe them away. “Damn it Ingo, don’t go making me cry like this. It’s colder than a Froslass’s kiss out here.” she laughed, as she wiped her face with her sleeve, before looking up back over at him and smiling. “But thank you.” 
And without warning she leaned down and gave him a small kiss on the nose, laughing to herself as his face turned bright red.
Even after all these years, he was still so easy to flusher.
Before another word could be spoken, the doors to the school opened up and a group of students came out, all them pulling along bags and suitcases, ready to head to the mainland and chatting about their Holiday plans.
Zisu felt her heart flutter as she spotted her boys at the head of the pack. Fjord sat in his wheelchair as he pushed himself along by handlebars on the wheels. And his Brother Caleb just behind him pulling their suitcases along as he chatted with Lacey and Drayton.
Well, time to make themselves known.
“Hey Boys!” Zisu called out, taking a few steps forward and trying to sound as casual as possible. The last thing she wanted to do was embarrass the two in front of their friends. “Hope you don’t mind, but your Dad and I came to pick you two up.” She didn’t want the two other students asking her boys any awkward questions. 
She was just a mom, out with her husband, picking up her kids from school.
Caleb looked right at her, whatever he was about to say to Lacey died as his mouth fell open and his expression went blank. The suitcases hit the ground hard as he lost his grip on them, continuing to stare.
“Mom?” Caleb had never been as loud as Ingo, and yet even as he whispered the word, Zisu could have sworn she could hear him loud and clear.
She let go of Ingo’s hands, and opened her arms wide, and Caleb wasted no time charging towards her. Tackling her like a Tauros and hugging her as tightly as a Bewear. An embrace she gladly returned as she nearly lifted the 14 year old off his feet.”Caleb, my little snuggle bug. I’ve missed you so much.” she muttered into his hair as she spun him around. Only setting him down when she started to feel his tears sweep into her shirt. “Shush, it’s okay.” he tried to soothe, wiping away the tears so they would not freeze to his face.
“But Mom, How? Why?” the oldest stuttered, clearly trying to understand everything he was seeing. But now was not the time for that.
“It’s okay, we can talk about it when we get home.” she smiled, kissing his forehead and motioning for him to go join his father, as her gaze turned to her youngest.
Poor Fjord had been sat there dumb founded he looked from Zisu to his brother, looking like he he wasn’t sure as to what to do. 
But when their eyes met, he seemed to come to a decision.
If Caleb had come at her like a Tauros, then Fjord had come at her like a Dreepy shot from a Dragapult’s horn, his wheelchair allowing him to gain more momentum before he flung himself out of the seat towards her and into Zisu’s waiting arms.
His chair clattered to the ground, as Zisu held him tightly to her chest, pressing a kiss to his cheek and pushing back his hair so that she could see both his eyes. “Fjord! How’s my tough little Litwick? I missed you so much that I don’t even want to put you down!” she spun around with the boy in her arms, the whole time enjoying the sound of his laughter. 
“Mom, did you get a new haircut while we were gone!” Fjord joked, looking up at her with a silly grin on his face as he kept his arms wrapped around her neck. 
“Oh so glad you noticed.” Zisu couldn’t help but add to it, “ but enough about that, You two need to tell me all about your trip to Hoenn. I wanna see those badges.”
“I’ve got our badge cases in our bags, I can show you guys once we’re on the ferry.” Caleb chipped in, having finally calmed down enough to go retrieve their suitcases. “But we managed to beat the elite four.”
“Bravo! That is not an easy feat. we should stop off at Castelia City for some cones to celebrate.” Ingo added as he righted Fjord’s wheelchair and helped Caleb with their begs as they headed back towards the Ferry.
The whole time Zisu smiled, still carrying Fjord in her arms.
It was still hard to believe but this was real…and she had worried for nothing.
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goremet-chef · 8 months
also excuse me i wanna talk about my little mirror family so bad its not even funny. im like. because of my own inhibitions concerning family, i rarely ever plan out and embrace my characters families but these fucking guys.....
okay so as i said, we have fjord as well as kestrel 👇
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the both of them were left alone for quite some time like it was JUST the two of them which is unusual since mirrors prefer to be in large packs but the clans they were born in didnt have any other mirrors. they met eachother out scavenging and it was like LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT okay like im so cheesy cuz they are cheesy in a brutal mirror way LOL so they decide to run away together after visiting a few times cuz they naturally are just drawn to other mirrors.
kestrel was unsatisfied with the glimmery landscape of the starfall isles and honestly she is just. shes a girlboss never forget that she loves to hunt loves to run, loves the thrill of surviving and making a place for herself in the environment but arcane flight is full of little fuckin NERDS so she proposed the idea to go back to where they belong. and fjord obviously loved the idea if you couldnt tell. he wasnt bored but he would follow her literally anywhere 💀
they founded their own clan there and it was quite lonely for a while. until they found tarren
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despite how he may look, tarren is upbeat and jolly, and he believes that you shouldnt just survive and come out on top, you should thrive. you should be happy. fjord and kestrel honestly found him a bit annoying at first since he was so uncharacteristically chatty for a mirror, but eventually they let him stay since he knows the land better than them and is genuinely helpful
so time jump their clan is definitely not thriving but they are still alive and thats what matters. things start looking up once the other carrions come together to lead the scavengers, their clan is nursed to health and is actually functional. YIPPIE!!
except i have 2 other mirrors!!!!!!
throughout their history kestrel and fjord have tried to expand their clan and start a family but it never worked unfortunately. both were too emaciated and not adjusted to the sickly landscape they now called home. they had always been really sad about it but fjord was out scavenging one day and he was looting through some corpses to take whatever they had that they clearly didnt need anymore and he found a plague egg. clear as day, alone in the cold clutch of what he assumed to be its parent. the sight was gut-wrenching to him, and considering how badly he and kestrel had wanted children, his decision was made quickly: he would take the egg and pray that whatever was inside of it had survived whatever killed its parents.
surprise! it absolutely was and they got this girl :]
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crypt!!! their adopted daughter WAHHHH !!!!
and then it gets better, they actually managed to have an egg a few years after crypt hatched
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THEY they are such a tight knit family like they were INCREDIBLY protective over both adder and crypt while they were younger, to the point where theyd bare their teeth at their own clanmates if they got too close LOL
it paid off tho cuz they both survived and have grown up and theyre. THEM AND THEIR LITTE KILL SQUAD theyre great hunters naturally as mirrors but MAN they are a force to be reckoned with. a lot of mirror packs split randomly and merge whenever so im assuming MOST those mirrors dont actually know each other. hunting with yr little family tho? they look out for each other and keep each other safe which makes them more efficient
crypt is pretty quiet and more observant which she probably gets from tarren (who both her and adder consider to be their uncle). she mixes well with the other scavengers and is agreeable, if not a little odd. she usually spends time with adder, and is the levelheaded one in their duo.
adder on the other hand is just like her mother, aggressive and snappy. she'd get into more trouble if she didnt have her family looking out for her.
fjord and kestrel quickly embraced the plague flight once they abandoned the starfall isle, especially since their breed originated from underneath the wing of the plaguebringer, so it just felt natural to them. fjord found a way to apply his magic abilities, adapting them to take after the plague element. its good contrast when kestrel is a very physical fighter, they compliment each other well.
okay thats all i feel like talking about for now but i just needed to get it out cuz i love them im having a lot of fun planning this shit out
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widogastc · 2 years
ok i'm not really sure how to word this properly but i feel like essek would sometimes come off as uninterested sometimes because the nein would bring up a piece of trivia about themselves, i.e: fjord grew up a sailor, yasha's from the dolorav clan, cad really loves cooking, etc etc, and would like, not straight up ignore it but wouldn't fully engage in conversation about it. but then a month would pass and he himself would bring up the topic unprompted bc he went and read every book he could get his hands on until he could fully follow the other as they spoke & even bring some insight to it.
and i think this would come from him being a prodigy who never really asked for help because it was not expected of him and the fact, at least in my head, that not knowing and not figuring out shit by yourself would be frowned upon on den thelyss, specially by the umavi herself. something about the vulnerability and therefore weakness that comes from ignorance or wtv. and then, learning about the shared love experience of getting to see the world through the eyes of others, unchaged and not your own. empathy and found family and whatnot... does this even make any sense? <- incomprehensible
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