#class b: has a student named kosei
class-1b-bull · 2 months
Cute/interesting things from the bnha ulra analysis book
Monoma feels so competitive with class A that he sometimes walkes into their dorm, unloads a nasty speech on them, and goes home... thats not normal (Monomas page)
Monoma to bakugou: "your personality has changed." Bakugou to Monoma: "has not you piece of shit." (Monomas page)
Book also calls him a weirdo (Monomas page)
Drawing all those hair vines is a pain so whenever she jumps into action the author really needs to hype himself up (Shiozakis page)
Her first attempt at a hero name was much mush muse but that was hard to say so she started over (komoris page)
Is always up on the latest fad and wants to be an idol hero (komoris page)
After the match, komori showed a softer side to tokoyami, whos lungs had been attacked by her split gill mushroom spores (Komoris page)
Shiozaki and komori are put as cultivation comrades (komoris page)
He can hold a pleasant conversation with anyone, but when Monoma grumbles about class A, honenuki merely says "why not just say it to their face?" (Honenuki page)
She loves anime, and after reiko yanagi started holding horror movie parties, she decided to do anime parties of her own. Thats why class B knows so much about anime (ponys page)
Kodai to setsuna: "that sword fight... cool." (Setsuna page)
He looks up to hound dog and tries to use his animal instincts the way his favorite teacher does (Shishida page)
Shishida and Yaoyorozu had wealthy upbringings (Shishida page)
All 3 of Kuroiros noteable quotes hes talking about/ to tokoyami (Kuroiro page)
The author thought his name two-hit-impact was brilliant but the editor scoffed when they heard it (shoda page)
Kosei tsuburaba dosent have a hero name and is just marked as '???' (Kosei page)
She cant stand Monoma (kodai page)
Notable quotes 'Mm.' 'Hm?' 'Yeah.' (Kodai page)
Tsubaraba and sen are considered buddies on the same wavelength (sen page)
Hes head over heels for kenranzaki - an older student (manga page)
Awases family owns a small town factory and he does his best to help in the sidelines (awase page)
Kendo and awase are labeled as Monomas handlers (awase page)
Reiko and mineta are considered hunter and prey (reiko page)
Reiko and kendo are close friends (reiko page)
The others like to hear him cry 'aiyah!' So he humors them (rin page)
"Quit thinking about carving your classmates!" -setsuna (Kamakiri page)
Him and awase have talked about making a giant model together but they havent found the time to make it happen yet (bondos page)
Kosei, rin, awase and sen are called the 4 common sense lords (multiple pages)
Best jeanist is judging the students hero costumes in 4 different categories!
Function - setsuna got 3rd
Design - Komori got 3rd and rin got 2nd
Ingenuity - Monoma got 2nd and Shiozaki got 1st
Equipment - shoda got 3rd and awase got 1st
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chococustard · 6 years
I’m so so so so SOOOOOO HAPPY that you ship erasermic! Out of curiosity, do you have any HCs about erasermic in your Lovechild AU?
they marry fight me
double dates with midnight and miruko
adopted like 10 cats
mic fears fucking up with aizawa after one time when he wasn’t paying attention and almost slammed on of the cats on the window aizawa made him eat a grasshopper
mic: hey this whats in these chips they’re pretty crunchy aizawa: fried grasshopper mic: SCREAMS
they work together often with the parents//SHOT
shinsou became an underground hero like his dad//shot
they know tsumugi and mamoru and kazuya (shinsou’s kids) as their grandparents basically//SHOT
and also itsuki, mic was the one who taught him sign
and tenma just cause uraraka takes him along when she comes over as a special lecturer
tenma: i love put your hands up can i get your signature i wanna show it off at show and tell! mic: YOU’RE LIKE 5 BUT ANYTHING FOR A LOYAL LISTENER!!!
itsuki isn’t too into the show cause it’s way way too loud rip
itsuki and mic likes to play together
tenma bother aizawa a lot//shot 
may mic still be able do his radio in his 40s may his throat lives
mic is deaf cause of his quirk messing up his ears, his headphones can amplify sound waves but also dampen loud noises to not destroy his ears any further
so during yu’s entrance exam she sneak in water into the robots then broke a bunch of them at once from the inside by piercing them with ice lIKE NO MERCY and aizawa just, “what the fuck do you 2 teach your kids???”
sees the name “BAKUGOU kyousei” on the list of new students and had flashbacks
aizawa isn’t a homeroom teacher anymore, but shinsou is, and whenever he complains about his class aizawa laughs “now you know my pain lol”
if say nedzu dies or retires i can also kinda see aizawa taking over as principal, or at least vice principal
mic’s a beta, aizaway’s an omega, he hid this to people in general, the one who knew are m and midnight (omega) and also nedzu but they don’t know that
he was however sterile and can’t have his own kids, and ended up as a teacher. he’s known as heartless but it’s really cause he’s worried for them so they don’t end up let down or worse, dead (THANKS ANON)
they adopted eri yay happy end
they give people the stare™ whenever she brings a potential partner home//shot
do the teachers live at the dorms too? what happens to their house then? idk but basically the class babysits eri (whenever they want to have personal nights//shot)
 basically this fic this fic is fucking important thank you @howardlinkedin
mic often sings to eri to help her sleep, one time aizawa tried to as well and mIC HAS IT ALL ON TAPE SO GOOD SO PURE
i’ll add more as time goes on i guess feel free to suggest stuff owo/
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Class 1-B Headcanons
All the Class 1-B kids are on first name terms due to the majority of them being very close friends with each other... all while most of the Class 1-A kids are still on last name terms.
Hiryu is one of the smartest kids in the class - if not, the smartest - and he has the best grades, a lot of the students actually come to him for help on their homeworks and study notes.
Pony actually writes a shit-ton of fanfiction. She even began writing some about her own classmates without their knowledge.
Ibara is a genuinely nice girl but there are times when Yosetsu absolutely can not stand her. She always tells him to stop swearing for no other reason other than "it is sinful" and Yosetsu will just snap at her, saying "shut your bitch ass up. I'm not listening to some self righteous twat who queefs out bullshit after bullshit from that crusty snatch, you salted slug!"
Itsuka had to ban a few people from the kitchen who are completely irresponsible. Togaru because he tried using his blades to cut up food, only to cut through the counter; Tetsutetsu because nobody could forget what he said after Class B planned and cancelled a barbecue; Sen because he has no idea what to do when he's on his own and usually sets things on fire, and lastly Setsuna because she pranks people by letting her arm fall off when using a knife.
Sen is a rich kid and he usually asked his maid to make him food but now that he's in the dorms, he needs a lot of help with cooking and Hiryu is always willing to come and help him.
Tetsutetsu and Yosetsu usually play fighting games like Mortal Kombat and such in the living room and their own rooms. But once in Yosetsu's dorm, Yosetsu kicked Tetsutetsu's ass so badly that Tetsutetsu punched a hole in the floor and all Yosetsu could do was cover it with a carpet while waiting for someone to come fix it... but Yosetsu actually forgot about it to due to getting used to avoiding it until Momo came over one day and her foot went straight through the floor and broke her ankle. Yosetsu ended up fixing it himself and he took care of Momo as an apology.
Hiryu is one of the most wholesome people in Class B and he's very understanding to others. He offers tea to his classmates when they come to him for advice but he struggles with keeping secrets and he sucks at lying. He especially hates it when people lie to him.
Jurota has multiple dog like traits and he always fetches after balls and sticks people throw for him for fun. It's one of his favourite things to do with Setsuna and Kosei.
Speaking of Jurota having dog like traits, Hiryu has multiple cat like traits. He will drop everything when someone uses a laser point and will senselessly chase the red dot he sees. He'll sometimes even sit on the counter or the table for no reason.
Togaru might be angry 24/7 but the one person that nobody wants to get angry is Hiryu. Hiryu is absolutely terrifying when he's angry and the class saw this first hand when Neito accidentally broke a family vase in Hiryu's home. The class made a rule to never make Hiryu mad.
Kosei is the best cook if anyone wants a full meal or even just a snack, he will stop whatever he's doing and get started on making a plate for any of his friends.
Setsuna and Tetsutetsu grew up in Saitama prefecture together and they were practically like siblings. People have actually asked if they were dating and the duo's response to that was throwing up.
Everyone is 100% down to defending Nirengeki when someone judges him for his weight. They understand that its because of his thyroid problems but they have to keep Reiko from using her quirk to throw a piano at judgemental people. They can't help it, especially when Nirengeki can easily deck those assholes himself.
Shihai enjoys pranking his classmates for no reason and he always gives Yosetsu jumpscares, which results in the headband boi punching him in the face. This has resulted in Shihai and Yosetsu hating each other with a passion.
Juzo actually has a crush on Sen but he knows that he doesn't have a chance considering how committed Sen is to Hiryu. Juzo just pines from afar and suffers in heartache.
Manga and Kojiro usually accompany each other when they leave the dorms. Manga always goes to buy toys and drawing supplies that he then gives to children in orphanages. After the children saw Kojiro for the first time, they thought he was a living statue from a playground and they asked to play with him.
Reiko and Hiryu are pretty chill friends and they enjoy the spooky things, especially since both have based their hero costumes around an urban monster. Sometimes they watch horror movies together and read through creepypastas while Nirengeki and Sen try not to freak out when they see jumpscares in the movies.
Yui has a lot of plants in her rooms because they don't force her out of her comfort zone compared to whenever she gets into social situations.
Since Kinoko is a fan of idols, everybody pitched in to buy her a karaoke machine for her birthday. She cried so many tears of joy and hugged all of her classmates.
Nirengeki usually has to make sure Reiko goes to sleep because she normally does late night readings of creepypastas with a cup of coffee. He has slept over in her room to make sure that she isn't doing that every night.
Neito is flamboyant and he's always in denial that he cares for his classmates. He doesn't know that all of them know that he really does because Shihai snuck into his dorm and showed his diary to the class.
@anxiouslyangsty13, @king-switch and @booberry-shodeiko
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quirkwizard · 2 years
Which teacher would you put up against which pair for the practical portion of Class 1-B's Final Exam? The one before the Summer Camp. Following the logic of the manga, which was to pair students up against specific teachers to make them overcome their weaknesses and/or difficulties. What would the lineup be? How would it turn out?
I assume you mean how they would win? Because we know how it turned out. Everyone but Monoma won. For that, I will be trying to match them up in a way that fits that.
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Kojiro and Rin vs Ectoplasm: Normally, these two are good at denying enemy movement. But with Ectoplasm, anything they destroy or capture can just be brought right back, made worse by how well he can overwhelm the two. What they would need to do is move as much as possible, stopping clones where they can and not letting Ectoplasm get too close as they get to the exit.
Jurota and Shoda vs Present Mic: Given Mic's impressive range and power, it's going to be hard for Shoda and Jurota to close the gap. Jurtoa would especially suffer with his advanced senses and unfocused mind. They instead need to rely on their own range, throwing or launching items in order to take out Present Mic from afar in order to stall, distract, or even incapacitate him.
Kodai and Reiko vs Thirteen: While these two have impressive Quirks, anything they move or change will be instantly destroyed. And considering how Uraraka and Aoyama ended up, their hands may be preoccupied with holding on for dear life. The answer would be to try to play off Thirteen's limited scope, sneaking a smaller item past her for it to grow and incapacitate her.
Manga and Kosei vs Midnight: This one is more for their Quirks than their characters. As their Quirks are both based around breathing, Midnight's gas greatly cripples their abilities. The answer would be to limit their breath, namely by Kosei making air bubbles around their heads to prevent the gas from getting in, Manga blowing the gas away with an air effect, or a combination of both.
Juzo and Kuroiro vs Hound: These two are intelligent, sneaky fighters. That doesn't mean anything to Hound, who can aggressively hunt them down with his amazing sense, giving them little time to move or plan. They instead need to be more combat focused, using their mobility to better attack and aggravate Hound into a position where they can take him down or leave him trapped in order for them to escape out of the door.
Kendo and Tetsutetsu vs Cementoss: This is pretty much the same as when Kirishima and Sato fought him. These are two close range fighters with a lot of power going up against someone with an impenetrable defense. Because Kendo has a working head on her shoulders, she could devise a plan to beat Cementoss. There could be several ways to do it, but my favorite idea is for her to throw Tetsutetsu at Cementoss like a javelin to put the cuffs on him.
Sen and Kamakiri vs Powerloader: These two are close-ranged fighters who lack major mobility options and would struggle against someone like Powerloader. But unlike Cementoss, their biggest issue would be their patience, with both of them being highly aggressive, something that wouldn't go against Powerloader, who is much calmer and has total control of the situation. The answer would be to fight more tactically, waiting for Power Loader to reveal himself and working together to destroy his suit.
Pony and Setsuna vs Snipe: As two long-range, more support-focused characters, it's going to be hard to fight the combat focused Snipe. Snipe can also heavily counter and punish attempts to sneak past him, instantly shooting down any part or horn he comes across. This is especially bad given that the two's Quirks are reliant on limited resources. Ironically, the answer would be to go all out in a full assault. Both as a distraction and to get him to waste his shots, making a window to put the cuffs on him.
Ibara and Komori vs Aizawa: These two are long-range fighters that can blanket an area by relying on their Quirks. Aizawa can get around all of that with his Quirk, amazing mobility, and extensive experience in close-range fighting. The only effective way to beat him is to take advantage of his intense focus. While he can stop Ibara's hair, as it is one of those specific Mutant Quirks, he may not be able to stop a removed vine that she can control. So having one covered in dangerous mushrooms could be enough to beat Aizawa.
Awase and Monoma vs Vlad King: While there could be personality issues at play with these two, I’m focusing more on their abilities. It’s going to be hard for Awase to get close, but the real problem comes with Monoma. Not only because Vlad King needs specific equipment, but his Quirk requires a lot more training and careful consideration to use it properly, which Monoma wouldn’t have. The way to beat him would be for Awase to seal off Vlad King’s wounds, with Monoma potentially making a sacrifice play to get Awase the win via escape.
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floof-ghostie · 4 years
On a similar note from my post comparing class 1-A and B's girls, I'm also cackling at how deep the male cast of 1-B is.
Top of the list is Monoma, the most dramatic person in the world. By all accounts, he should be an ass, yet he isn't. One of the smartest characters on the show, always analysing. Supports anyone that isn't in the rival class. His hero costume is basically "Phantom of the Opera" meets "Pocket watch collector". It's great. He's also a huge fan of french comics, or "bandes dessinées". Iconic as hell.
Kuroiro is the embodiment of darkness and schemes, constantly talks in a melodramatic fashion, and basically started a rivalry to "Out-Goth" Tokoyami. The guy literally thinks he came from the void, he's that goth. Yet he goes soft and shy for one person (Komori). Literally my favourite trope in the entire world.
Kamakiri is brash, violent, and won't hesitate to cut a b*tch. His favourite hobby is collecting bugs. One of the most hardened, most violent characters on the show, and his side hustle is collecting bugs. One of the calmest hobbies that requires a cool head to handle the critters. Beautiful.
We got Shishida, who's quirk is called "beast". Pretty self explanatory; he can go feral at any given time. But when he's out of beast mode? Most respectful, and eloquent person we've ever seen. Most put together person. Probably does his taxes for fun. Refers to the girls in his life as "Lady (insert name here)".
Shoda is class vice rep, respectfully holds the brain cell of the class and respectfully gives it to Kendo when she needs it, and on his downtime is into wrestling. Also hella smart, probably analyses a lot of fights, so he can better use his quirk. Held no ill will towards the people who best him in a fight.
Honenuki has a skeletal appearance and is a recommendation student. Very versatile quirk, flexible way of thinking, gives his classmates massages if they're cool with it. All around good guy. His hero name you ask? Mudman.
Awase? Chile, anybody who follows me knows how much I love him, but we're gonna keep this short. Cusses on the regular, and is so good with his quirk that he managed to detain the most volatile and dangerous student in his grade without getting hurt. Cool headband, cynical, will outright refuse to be used as a welding tool. All these traits cannot disguise the fact that he's an absolute dork, referred to Kendo's dress as, and I quote "Kinda sexy". Was 100% ready to lay down his life to save a girl that he barely knew, and caught feelings for her as a result.
Kosei Tsuburaba, the ride-or-die man of class 1-B. Honestly, he might be almost as detailed as Monoma. Loves special effects in superhero movies, enjoys ball games, and is a hopeless romantic. I'm not kidding, he's constantly bending two of his classmates' ears with talk about romance. Dirty minded, but still extremely respectful.
Show me a side character who represents the duality of man more then Sen Kaibara. I'll wait. Has rbf 24/7, and is chill until it's time to fight. Then he's all smiles and excitement. My man is completely chill and generally doesn't give a damn unless it's time to fight. Phenomenal. If he was in the spotlight more, he'd be too op, and Hori knows that. Loves cameras and photography, probably takes candid shots of his friends.
Hiryu Rin, one of the only two canon foreign transfer students at U.A. Comes from China, his costume is modelled after a kind of Chinese zombie. Is that one friend who's always cold. Minds his business all the time.
The gentlest giant in the entire show is Kojiro Bondo. The guy makes model figures in his spare time, and is the sweetest soul. No further explanation.
Manga Fukidashi. Where do I even start with this dude. My guy has a whole speech bubble for a head, and that isn't even part of his quirk. This dude is always joking around, and basically wants to scream Onomatopoeias for a living as a hero. Loves kids, is probably going to be a hella popular hero, just you wait. He'll be one of the big three, mark my words.
And finally, the man, the myth, the metal: Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu. Got shot several times during the attack on the camp, and still kept fighting. Got set on fire, and still didn't relent. You'd think a guy like him would be mean and brash, but no. This dude legit gets sparkly eyes whenever he sees Kendo use the brain cell of the class. Supportive as hell, will always cheer you up.
So yeah. A nuanced class of good boys. And do you know what's even better?
They all chug that Respect Women Juice with every meal.
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 3 years
Quirky Quirktastrophic Queroics
Quirky Quirktastrophic Queroics by DaisyYang
This work was inspired by MHA: Quirk Shuffle written by JimothyTimothy.
So it's the same story: 41 students strive to become heroes, and it starts from their first year. However, the story will be starting from the sports festival, and some of the arcs will be changed.
The quirks changed, too.
I mean, it half changed, to be exact.
The quirks' names are the same, but some of them: the way to use it and the effects of them will be completely different. So how will the students survive in UA to become real pro heroes? Will they be able to finally defeat the villains and save the day?
Words: 4094, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Characters: Class 1-A(My Hero Academia), Class 1-B(My Hero Academia), Aoyama Yuga, Ashido Mina, Asui Tsuyu, Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochako, Ojiro Mashirao, Kaminari Denki, kirishima eijiro, Koda Koji, Sato Rikkido, Shoji Mezo, jiro kyoka, Sero Hanta, Tokoyami Fumikage, Todoroki Shoto, Hagakure Toru, Bakugo Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Mineta Minoru, Yaoyorozu Momo, Awase Yosetsu, Kaibara Sen, Kamakiri Togaru, Kuroiro Shihai, Kendo Itsuka, Kodai Yui, Komori Kinoko, Shiozaki Ibara, Shishida Jurota, Shoda Nirengeki, Tsunotori Pony, Tsuburaba Kosei, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Tokage Setsuna, Fukidashi Manga, Honenuki Jūzō, Bondo Kojiro, Monoma Neito, Yanagi Reiko, Rin Hiryu
Additional Tags: Class 1-A as Family, class 1-B as Family, Class A and B as family, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Midoriya Izuku HAS One For All, Yeah that One For All but not that One For All
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34924105
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meliaaizawa · 3 years
A little snippet at class A’s final sports fest at U.A.
Word count: idk, my phone doesn’t tell me
*Hizashi’s POV*
Our third and final sports festival… Our last chance before graduation to stand out and make ourselves known to the world. Thanks to my keen intellect, dashing looks, and overall vivacious attitude, I have managed to stand out and catch the eye of some of the pros… even despite losing in the very first round this year. The first challenge was a timed scavenger hunt. There were tokens hidden all throughout a large cityscape, and it was a race to see who could find the most in the time limit. I’m certainly not the fastest person out there, but with using my quirk, I managed to immobilize many of my opponents and gather some tokens… sooo how did I manage to lose, you may ask? Well, I was feeling pretty confident about halfway into it, so I got careless and tripped… and dropped ALL my tokens, which the nearby scavengers snatched up within seconds… Anyways, I’m not too bummed about losing at the sports fest this year, since I already have a job lined up after graduation.
My bud Shota managed to lose the first round too… I’m convinced he lost on purpose though, because he doesn’t like the limelight… I also could’ve sworn that I saw him drop some of his tokens in places where our buddy Mei would’ve picked them up. Though she doesn’t like the limelight either, Mei has always been all-in when it came to the sports fest. She is competitive and enjoys learning about our other schoolmates outside of our class A. Because of her determination (and I guess MAYBE because of Shota’s help), she made it to the next round. Round two was a group battle. The top 40 students would form their own teams of 5 and go head-to-head in a bracket style competition. The top 2 teams would then participate in the 1 vs. 1 battles. As the participating students began going around and choosing their teams, the rest of us found places to sit in the student’s section of the arena. I looked around in each individual section until I found Shota. He was sitting there by himself reading a book.
“SHOTA!!! Hey, nice try out there, brotha, but it looks like neither of us had the speed, skill, or stamina to conquer that event, huh?!” I asked in my normal animated way as he looked at me. “If you’re planning on sitting here, you better be quiet,” he said gruffly before looking down at his book again. I shrugged and sat down a seat away from him and drew my attention to the field before us. I kept myself entertained by watching all the students that were talking to each other and coming up in my head the commentary of what they were saying to each other. I didn’t even notice a couple of guys from class B come into our booth and sit a row behind us, until they started discussing the teams that were forming on the field.
“Do my eyes deceive me? It looks like our Kaori is talking to that girl from class A! What’s her name again?” one of them asked. “Oh, you mean the copy girl?? Amiyagi? Yeah, it looks like Kosei is talking to her as well,” the other replied. “Yeah, that’s a mistake! If our fellow classmates are wanting to stand out, they shouldn’t be pairing up with her. She just uses the same old worn-out tricks that other people have already used with their quirks. It’s not like she has her own quirk or skills that she can use to make a name for herself and become famous… and that’s everything when it comes to being a hero! She’d make an alright sidekick, though... maybe she should reconsider her career path,” he said. I could feel my blood boiling at this guy talking dirty about my friend like that. I was about to turn around and punch him in the face, when I surprisingly heard the voice of Shota speak up.
“Maybe you should reconsider your career path,” he said, simply, not looking up from his book. “Wh-what did you say to me?” the guy said in response. “Tch, if you think that popularity is everything when it comes to being a hero, then I’m afraid you’re mistaken,” Shota began, then looking out to where Mei was standing. “Though she doesn’t have her own quirk, the way she uses her copied quirks is often more inventive than how the original users use them. If you haven’t been able to notice even that, then maybe you should focus during the last few months of school. Maybe you could actually learn something,” he added, looking back down at his book. I watched the reaction of the class B guy the whole time, he looked like a mix of stunned, annoyed, and thoughtful. He got up and stormed out, and his buddy followed him, much to my contentment.
“Woah, dude, I’m impressed!!! I was gonna defend Mei, but you beat me to the punch!” I said to him after the class B losers were gone. “I wasn’t defending her. He has no business being a hero if all he wants is fame. Irrationality and ignorance won’t get him anywhere in the real world,” he said, coldly. Though he gave no indication that he was actually defending Mei, I could tell it was his very Shota-way of doing so. “Well if you weren’t defending her, then maybe I’ll give her a play-by-play of your whole conversation then!!” I joked. He looked at me with his piercing red eyes and said, “I told you to shut up if you’re sitting here.” I smiled widely at him and made a motion across my lips as if I were zipping them shut. I couldn’t help but smile at myself. I could tell that Shota cared for Mei... even if he himself didn’t realize it yet.
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randomguywithwords · 4 years
A Magic Trick (Neito X Itsuka Short Story)
The U.A Reunion Party was in full swing. Present Mic was manning the DJ booth, accompanied by Kyoka Jiro, who had dragged her boyfriend Denki Kaminari. Even after 10 years, Hizashi Yamada still maintained his enthusiasm and youthfulness, screaming into his loudspeakers and blasting music through the school hall, which was filled with alumni. 
Itsuka Kendo couldn’t help but crack a smile at her ex-English teacher as she looked at him doing a rock-sign gesture with both his hands. The smile continued to be etched on her face as she saw her many classmates, some whom she had lost contact with for a while, others that she remained good friends to this day. 
“Kendo!” The mouth of Setsuna Tokage greeted her. She scanned for the rest of the girl’s body, before a hand pulled her to her right, where her friends were. Yui Kodai, Reiko Tanagi, Kinoko Komori…She was surprised that she remembered her classmates’ names. 
They all waved and exchanged pleasantries, until Sen Kaibara noticed. 
“Wait, where’s Neito?” 
Setsuna smirked and nudged Itsuka with her detached elbow. The lizard girl seemed to be taking advantage of the liberties of quirk usage in the school compound too much. “Where’s your boyfriend, Itsuka?”
Many of her classmates’ eyes widened at Kendo’s flushed face. “Really? You two hooked up?” Yosetsu Awase grinned. “Nice.” 
“When did this occur?” Shihai Kuroiro inquired, and the rest nodded their heads in agreement, pressuring her. 
“After we graduated…” Kendo was saying when she was interrupted by Kosei Tsuburaba’s triumphant whoop. 
“Pay up, bitch!” He laughed at Hiryu Rin, who groaned and slapped 2 bucks in Kosei’s gesturing palm, muttering something about, “Can’t believe you remembered.”
“We made a bet that Monoma would ask you out after our 3rd year,” He explained, then quailed under the girls’ death glares. “Uh I mean, congrats Kendo. Real happy for you.” 
“Might wanna give that back, Tsuburaba,” Kendo replied with a smirk. “I asked him out.” 
“Woah, woah, hold up.” Reiko made a time-out gesture, speaking over Kosei’s groan as he returned the money to its rightful owner. “You asked him? We all thought the opposite.” 
“Nope. He was way too scared, so I stepped up. Does it really matter?” Kendo said.
One second passed in collective silence. Then the whole crowd started passing cash around with defeated sighs and fist pumps. 
“You all made bets? Wait, even you, Shiozaki? Were we that much of a ship?” Kendo asked incredulously seeing the supposedly religious girl keep a couple of coins in her wallet. She returned a sheepish smile. “You two looked like a cute couple.”
“Well duh, you guys spent so much time together training. I had to buy Tetsutetsu an ice cream because I said you guys would be dating by the 2nd year,” Juzo Honenuki grumbled.
“No, that was me and Bondo,” Kaibara pointed out. Bondo gave a rumble of agreement. “We enjoyed it very much, thanks.” 
Everyone chuckled at Honenuki’s misfortune, then Pony interjected, “You still haven’t answered us, Kendo. Where is he?”
Itsuka shrugged. “He had something to do, so he told me to go ahead first.” 
Yui sucked in a breath as she looked behind her. “Um, Itsuka…” 
Turning around, Kendo’s face flared up at the sight of her boyfriend. 
“You have got to be kidding me,” She said. He was wearing a two-piece suit similar to his hero costume, but replacing his light blue tie with a velvet one. His hair was neatly combed – Itsuka could not remember any time he had done that, even when they went out on dates, and he was looking right at her and the class with a smirk. Suddenly he looked just like the Phantom Thief she fell and stayed in love with a decade ago.
Someone pushed her. Probably Setsuna, and Kendo stalked over towards him. His arm was outstretched in a gallant display. “M’lady?” 
“I am wearing a denim jacket and a blouse, and you show up in this.” She gestured at his attire, and then at the few eyes watching them, including a smiling Yaoyorozu Momo. “You’re just begging to be slapped, aren’t you?” 
“Wouldn’t be the first time.” He winked infuriatingly, and her face flushed red. “Come on, let’s go see our friends.” 
Holding hands, they went back to the table of Class 1-B students, with the wolf whistles of Awase and Kaibara heralding their arrival. People laughed and talked. The class caught up, and Itsuka nearly forgot about Monoma’s extravagant, unnecessary fashion sense until Juzo asked the question.
“So, Neito, what’s with the get-up?” 
“Oh, I was planning to do some magic tricks,” Monoma said, to some oohs and aahs around. 
Itsuka giggled. “You mean the card tricks that failed that time?” 
“No, and we will not speak of that ever again.” The reply earned a light chuckle from everyone. 
“Come on, Monoma, show us!” Kinoko egged him on with excitement. 
“Alright.” Neito reached into his suit pocket and pulled out a marble and placed it on his left hand. Then he rolled up his sleeves, and with both his palms open, he said, “So, this first trick is pretty simple. I’m making this marble disappear.”
With a flourish, he tossed the marble in the air and caught it in his right fist. Flipping it front and back, he opened it and his left palm to reveal nothing in both.
A resounding “Oooh.” spread around the crowd. 
“Alright, whose quirk did he take? Yui, was it you?” Setsuna pointed at the girl with an accusatory finger, but received a shake of her head. Monoma raised a finger silently, all mysterious-like – What else, it was Monoma, Itsuka thought with a chuckle as she watched him. Then he jerked his right fist into the air and upon miming catching a marble, he opened his left palm. Lo and behold, the marble was there.
That got some more cheers and applause, and it was beginning to attract a crowd. Some Class 1-A students approached them and were engaging the 1-B students in small conversation or watching Neito’s show. Yaoyorozu had walked up to Itsuka to rub her head endearingly as they watched Monoma. 
“Alright, I’ll do it one more time, watch closely.” Monoma smirked. But one trick later, no one could figure it out, and the hushed whispers had shifted to hypothesising whose quirk Monoma had used. 
Monoma calmed the crowd down with a smile befitting an actual magician, and he definitely had the showmanship to boot. “Alright, last trick. And if I could enlist the help of my lovely girlfriend Itsuka…” 
Itsuka grumbled under her breath as a blush spread across her face. She walked up while everyone sent more cheers and wolf whistles her way. 
“So this last trick is pretty simple. She just has to choose which hand the marble is in. Watch closely, Ms. Kendo...” With that, he flourished his hands once more, tossing the marble from one hand to the other. Then with his closed fists, he offered them up. 
“Which one?” Neito asked, a smile on his face. 
The crowd and Kendo both saw it in his right fist, and many of them shouted out the answer, while others just shouted the left hand because it was a magic trick. And Kendo figured it would be neither because it was a magic trick.
Shrugging, she tapped his left hand. “Alright, Neito, show us how you did it.”
Looking at him, she noted that despite the smile on his face, he looked nervous. It was similar to his expression at their second-year sports festival when he was up against Bakugou. A nervous smile. She liked to tease him about it. 
Then the palm opened, and her heart skipped a beat. 
Silence befell the crowd, until Setsuna screamed, “HOLY SHIT MONOMA YOU FUCKING MADLAD!”
It was a ring. Glimmering silver and gold. It was beautiful.
It took Kendo a split second to realise what was going on. Then her ears burned, and her blush deepened. Her legs suddenly felt like she had practiced karate kicks for an entire day non-stop. “Oh my god.” 
Monoma knelt down as the crowd cheered even louder than before. His smile was even wider now, but he was, like her, nearing a nervous breakdown too. But he held out strong. 
“Itsuka Kendo,” He said, his voice trembling, “I have no idea how to do this properly…” That got some people laughing. “But I know it’s really just asking one question, so...will you marry me?” 
The answer was already on her lips as he started speaking. She realised she was crying and laughing as she said, “Yes.” 
The school hall exploded into deafening cheers  as Monoma inserted the ring on her ring finger, and the two hugged and kissed. Itsuka laughed into his shoulders as the tears stained his suit. She could feel him shaking against her; he was probably more nerve-wracked than she was.
“Thank you,” She whispered, soft enough for only him to hear.
Later, she would find out that Yaoyorozu had helped Monoma by lending him her quirk to practice creating the ring, but only after he promised her that he bought the ring, both as a reference and to ensure he wasn’t, as Yaoyorozu called it, “plunging the economy into another recession.”. Todoroki had ruffled her hair affectionately as she said it in an indignant tone. Kendo laughed and embraced her friend in gratitude, while Neito expressed his thanks for helping him pull this off. 
Class 1-B celebrated with drinks afterwards, and Vlad King had congratulated them with a gruff but approving tone, though Kendo knew her ex-form teacher was brimming with joy under the surface. 
She was too, but was perhaps too exhilarated to take it all in. Her mind kept trying to grasp the same thought throughout the party.
She was engaged. Engaged to Neito Monoma, her high-school boyfriend. That was something. It was one hell of a magic trick.
YAYYY I finally finished it after being confident enough in dialogue. And yes this was the story idea I had referenced in my earlier post. I just needed to write another shipfic to upload to my compilation on AO3. Link for the interested, but it’s basically just the masterlist on my blog, reuploaded on AO3. 
And, yeah I’m only 18, this is just fantasy. And god knows I’ll never do something like this. Personally I feel young adults will talk just like teenagers if you give them the room to, especially when they’re old classmates. 
I hoped you enjoyed, and if you have any feedback on how to write proposals, I’ll gladly take it. Or just any feedback in general. Thank you. I’m gonna go sleep now. 
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arkus-rhapsode · 6 years
That caramel ask was really neat and now I’m wondering what 1-B’s would be like. Feel free to take your time with this one until the next round in the manga starts and we see the remaining student’s personalities more thoroughly.
Okay so sorry I haven’t gotten to this one yet, but after the recent chapter I think I can manage to but this together. For those coming in blind, this is a follow up to my previous caramel ask with Class 1-A. This ask is based on the Kids Next Door episode CARAMEL, where a ritual is used to remove a person’s most treasured quality and turned it into caramel. However with that quality removed, the person it was removed has a radical shift in personality, who change to fit their now lost quality. So for example in the show, numbuh 2, who was once smart is made dumb and neanderthal like, and their caramel was noted as tasting sharp and complex.
Anyway here’s that for class 1-b~
Monoma: Quality removed is his egocentrism. This results in Monoma becoming a much more saintly generous person, very mindful of the feelings of all those around him. He wants to make sure everyone is doing their best and actually gets along surprisingly well with class 1-A. If he does have any problems with them, he’ll write a factual document citing umbridges he has, but suggestions on how to improve constructively. His caramel taste very overpowering. Bold and filling.
Tetsutetsu: Unlike Kirishima, his quality removed is his vigor. Without it, Tetsutetsu is much more less inclined to rise to a challenge. He’ll only fight those he know he can win, and if they turn out to be too powerful for him, he’ll pull a Joseph Joestar and run away. His caramel is smooth, but oddly tender. You really get a workout eat it.
Kendou: Quality removed is her thoughtfulness. Gone is Kendou, the big sister of class 1-b, now all she is now is apathetic and unresponsive. She doesn’t care what’s going on with others, she just lets stupid people act however they want or let others fail because they weren’t good enough, it’s not her problem. She’s the type of person who’d throw peanuts at zoo animals, just cause she can. Her caramel is warm and tastes very made from scratch, as if it was made just for you in mind.
Shiozaki: Her quality removed is her faith. Without it, Shiozaki is now an atheist, however without her faith placed in the divine she has no more of her grace or vindictiveness. Instead she now spends the days indulging in all things wrong to pass the time, happily enjoying gluttony, wrath, greed, envy, lust, pride and sloth, seeing nothing wrong with it. Basically she is so hedonistic, she could pass as Nero Claudius. Her caramel taste like communion wafers.
Honenuki: His quality removed is his flexibility, now he’s incredibly stiff. He always seems uneasy around others, or anxious in new situations. He still wants to have friends and care about them, but he’s now so socially stiff and awkward it never works. He’s still smart, but everytime he gets a test in his hands he almost is crumbling even though he knows everything. His caramel is chewy and stretchy like gum.
Awase: Quality removed is his handiness. Like Satou, he’s a total butterfingers. When he gets something in his hand, he’s so nervous and shaky it falls out of his hands. His caramel is rough and hard like the calluses of a welders hands.
Kaibara: He has lost the quality of focus. Kaibara would be usually focused on a single thing and keep it between him and who he’s with, but now he’s all about butting into other people’s business. When people are discussing something, Kaibara will immediately interject himself into the conversation with his opinions. He can never keep to himself. His caramel is hard, almost like you have to put in in your mouth and focus on sucking it till it melted to get any flavor.
Kamakiri: The quality removed from him is his aggression. Kamakiri is now very calm, reserved, and humble. He chooses to never resolve issues with violence. He thinks all conflict can be solved with diplomacy and consideration for others. His caramel tastes strong at first, but the more bites you take, the less flavor you find it has.
Kuroiro: He has lost his edginess just like Tokoyami, however, instead of becoming a hippie, he’s now incredibly paranoid and appalled by the dark. He is very much like Ichabod Crane, seeing everything dark in relation to the devil or witchcraft. His caramel taste like dark chocolate.
Komori: Her quality lost is her cuteness, Without, Komori is more of a slob, she does keep up with personal hygiene, and all in all, very unappealing. But frankly she doesn’t care what people think of her. Many describe her as a total, dirty gremlin. She’ll do name puns, but now more cause she likes to bother people with them instead of trying to seem cute. Her caramel tastes light and fluffy.
Shishida: The quality removed from him is his intellect. This results in him being a witless dullard similar to Rhino from Spider-man. And that’s just in human form, in beast form, he’s almost completely unintelligible, aside from the shrieks of rage. His caramel is rich, but filling.
Manga: His quality removed is his expressionism. Manga struggles now to even convey himself, constantly stuttering and finding it hard to speak. His caramel is tangy with a lot of pop to it.
Pony: Her quality removed is her innocence. This results in her becoming much more prejudiced and cold hearted. She also will act a bit more like a stereotypical disrespectful American, and will often ask people to speak in English to make it easier on her. Her caramel is sweet, but almost feels like it’s lacking something from it.
Kosei: His quality removed is his simple enthusiasm. He is now more judgmental and cynical, it’s not as if he is without feeling like the now apathetic Kendou, more he still preserves his openness and ability to project, but most the time that projection is negative and judgemental. Basically if you went to an action movie, he’d start nitpicking the plot rather than just shutting up and having fun. He criticizes everything people do, whether it’s those on his team or on his opposing team. His caramel taste very nostalgic taste to that childhood, cavity creating food.
Tokage: Her quality removed is cooperativeness. This makes Tokage a lot more… Shindou-ish. She puts on almost the same face as if nothing changed, but in reality, she’s much more devious and mean-spirited, doing everything for her own sake. She tends to manipulate others into doing her dirty work or sacrifices them for her own self interest. Her chattiness is now more about what lies and doubts she can sow in to benefit her, if people get hurt physically or emotionally, well better them than her. She also doesn’t make plans, she just says what priority is and that people will need to protect her. Her caramel is savory and smooth.
Yui: Her quality removed is her reserved attitude. With that gone, Yui is almost always angry, screaming, and shouting. Unlike Bakugou, Yui’s outburst are tied down to any little thing that has ever annoyed her that she is screaming about. Talking with her is like a minefield because she’d just let loose on all her problems with you or her situation. Her caramel is like a stale marshmallow, It has flavor, but it’s chewy and hard.
Shoda: His quality lost is his humbleness. Without it, he’s all about how awesome he is. Wearing gaudy clothing that has his name bedazzled on it just to show how he wants people to know who he is. If he’s on a team, he will constantly mention how he’s the one carrying it. His caramel tastes like any ordinary caramel, nothing too special.
Yanagi: Her quality lost is her emotionlessness, Yanagi is all about expression now. She’ll encourage all her class to go out and have fun, trading in her internet surfing for some real surfing. People think she’s basically sparkling, with smile that could light up a town. But if she gets down, she’ll take it to extremes, bawling like a child. Her caramel is sour.
Bondo: His quality lost is his fragility. Now Bondo’s glass heart had been traded in for an iron heart. He still doesn’t talk much, but mainly because he views it as weakness. He refuses to be scene as weak, he even stabbed his hand with a needle and didn’t even flinch. His caramel is crunchy, yet surprisingly warm.
Hiryu: He loses the quality of his ethnicity. He no longer cares that he is foreigner, he now views Japan as his only home in the world, somewhat of a reserve of Pony who became more xenophobic, Hiryu became xenocentric. Unfortunately his way of embracing it is rather extreme. He’s never not seen wearing a kimono, he fans out over shires and acts like it’s the first time he’s ever seen one, and he will get into arguments with native Japanese that they don’t understand their own history. His caramel tastes like Lo Mai Chi or Noumici.
I did have fun doing these, and this being my second one, I think I dived a bit deeper into them than I had when I first did this for 1-a.
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junionigiri · 6 years
BNHA Rarepair Month - Day 16 - Love
for @bnha-rarepair-month​
Summary: Tsuburaba Kosei thinks that Asui Tsuyu is his 100% Perfect Girl, but doesn't have the courage to talk to her. Luckily (???) Tokage Setsuna is willing to help him out.
Relationship(s): Asui Tsuyu/Tsuburaba Kosei (Tsutsu...? TsuyuRaba?); background Tokage Setsuna/Kaibara Sen (SetsuSen???) if u squint
Rating: T
Warnings/Notes: How did this end up 4k words; enjoy this 1-B mess I guess! I got the '100% Perfect Girl' term from one of my favourite short stories ever: On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning by Haruki Murakami; but of course the stories are nothing alike
Links: AO3 | FFNet
Life as an aspiring hero isn’t the simplest thing. Even though he’s fortunate enough to be in the relatively stable 1-B (and not 1-A, to which lady luck keeps a steady storm of shit flowing into their collective fortunes), he’s had his own share of sticky situations.
However, for the first time ever, Tsuburaba Kosei, 16 years old, finds himself facing a conundrum so puzzling that he needs to look up the word ‘conundrum’ to describe it. And that thing which he faces is…
He covers his mouth shut just thinking about the word. He has to, ‘cause otherwise he’d blow a neat little air prison around him with just enough room for him to rock back and forth and to hit his head against the wall as much as he needs to, until he calms down. Given that he’s contemplating all this in the 1-B classroom with all his other classmates milling about him, it’d definitely cause a commotion and would likely send him to an unwarranted trip to Recovery Girl’s office. Or the loony bin, if her humble little clinic is unequipped to treat vexing emotional problems like his. Which it likely is.
“You’re thinking about that 1-A girl again, man?” Kaibara Sen asks, as he leans against the desk next to him. His usual judgy stare is extra judgy as he watches Tsuburaba struggle against the turmoil of his emotions.
“You don’t get it man,” he says with a sigh. As he opens his mouth, a puff of solid air the size of a dinner plate forms in front of his face and crashes to the ground like, well, a dinner plate. The sound resonates throughout the classroom. This only earns him a pointed glare from half of his classmates. It’s a little embarrassing that the class is now used to the noisy sound of his sighing fits that none of them even flinches.
“Hey, you’re talking about Tsuyu-chan, aren’t you?” It’s Tokage Setsuna who suddenly chimes in, turning her seat around and fixing her reptilian eyes to him. “Well I understand you perfectly, Tsuburaba-kun. She’s awfully cute.”
Ah, yes. Small and pretty and strong and smart and awfully cute. With her huge round eyes and forest-green hair with that complex hair bow thing that makes her look elegant and down-to-earth at the same time. With that cute little slip of her tongue always peeking from her mouth. He can go on and on about Tsuyu-chan--oh, Asui-san--can’t pretend to be too close now, since they unfortunately don’t really know each other then, never really had a proper interaction before apart from that one time she said caught you!In that cute little croak of hers, but--
“Hey, wait a minute--‘Tsuyu-chan’? Since when did you have the right to call her t-t-Tsuyu-chan?!”
The green-haired girl snorts at the way he hesitates over his green-haired goddess’ first name. When he presses her further about how she earned the right to call Asui-san that, she merely shrugs, wide eyes mildly amused. “She told me to call her that. We’re practically close friends now.”
“What? Since when?!”
“Since I made friends with her. Duh. I figured us cold-blooded heroines should stick together.” She sticks out her forked tongue at him, looking absolutely mischievous. “It’s super easy, dude. Just go next door and talk to her. She’s really friendly.”
“Easy for you to say,” Tsuburaba groans in exasperation. Another transparent plate of air forms in front of him, which he catches with one hand and places on his desk before it breaks. “You guys don’t understand. The moment she captured me, I was so sure that she’s my--”
“100% perfect girl. Yeah. We know,” Kaibara says boredly, already spinning one of his fingers to amuse himself. “You’ve only told us that everyday since the Joint Training Exercise, man.”
He’s miffed that Kaibara would say it so flatly, like it isn’t a miracle to know in the deepest part of your heart that the girl who has wrapped your entire body with her tongue and subsequently threw you in a cage during a really violent all-out battle royale is your 100% perfect girl. Damn, just thinking of the way his heart throbbed, how right everything felt when he was enveloped in the warmth, when parts of her tongue covered his m-m-mouth--
“You’ve got that awful perverted look in your eyes again, Tsuburaba-kun. They’re looking extra googly today,” points out Tokage in amusement. “You better not let her see you like this.”
He isn’t being perverted, he’s merely remembering their first tender moment together. Although, granted, one day when he’s giving their two future children his well-rehearsed How I Met Your Mother spiel, he’s gonna have a hard time making the tongue incident sound romantic and magical…
“He’s thinking about the tongue thing again,” Kaibara tells her bluntly, stone-cold as ever. “Definitely perverted.”
“Yeah. That’s disgusting, Tsuburaba-kun,” cackles the lizard-girl with a teasing grin. “Forget about my advice to go up and talk to her. I have to protect Tsuyu-chan from you at all costs.”
Such friends. He’s about to retort harshly and defend the purity of his love for her when Kaibara shoves him with a sharp elbow to the shoulder. “Shut it. Monoma’s back and extra manic today.”
True enough, the guffaw of their fearless, shameless blonde leader reverberates throughout the classroom. “Victory upon our shores again, you deplorable Class 1-A! Aren’t you supposed to be smarter than us? When your class grade average is 0.75 points less than ours?!”
There’s a collective sigh of exasperation and gloom inside the 1-B classroom. Tsuburaba feels lucky that Monoma doesn’t know about his raging crush on someone from ‘deplorable 1-A’. But it’s true that ages ago, he’d rather have nothing to do with any of the competition, especially not the class that keeps upstaging them. Now his distaste for 1-A’s lessened, and limited only to the other 19 students in that class.
Isn’t it funny, how love changes a man for good?
Someone argues incomprehensibly against him--from the sound of the voice, it’s probably Red Tetsutetsu who’s talking back to Monoma--before the blonde’s undeterred cackle resonates around the room once more. “Who cares if it’s just in English? I didn’t read the entire list! Aren’t you supposed to beat us in all the subj--”
The loud smacking sound that everyone’s accustomed to comes next, and they instantly knew that Kendo-san has taken care of it. Soon, the very capable redhead apologizes profusely to the other students in the hallway. “Sorry ‘bout that, friends. He’s just a liiiittle jealous that Shinsou-kun transferred to your class, and not ours.”
A muffled croak comes out through the door, and that beautiful sound is enough to snap the wide-eyed boy out of his disinterest. “It’s okay, Kendo-chan. I don’t think Monoma-chan’s any different from his usual self, ribbit. You’re doing a good job of keeping him under control.”
His heart actually stops<. There’s an entire second where his heart forgets what to do. He isn’t being dramatic when he makes an ugly, embarrassing sound and clutches his chest comically.
“Aw, I’m so glad my efforts are appreciated~ Tsuyu-chan, you are such a bright spot in a thankless day!”
“Ribbit. I do what I can. Keep working hard, Kendo-chan.”
He catches a peek of her long, green hair flowing behind her as she walks away with the redhead from 1-A. Not like he’s spying or stalking or anything, but what’s red Tetsutetsu doing, just walking together during lunchtime, just the two of them?! Never mind that they look terrible together--they look like an incomplete set of traffic lights, they look like bad Christmas decorations, they’d have horrible looking children together, not like the potentially cute round-eyed wonderkids he already fathered in his head--
“Chill, Tsubu,” Tokage breaks through his off-the-rails mental rant with a shit-eating grin and a cackle. “Is my poor boy jelly of Kirishima-kun? Now that’s just priceless.”
“Who’s jealous? Not me. Maybe you’re jealous.” he mutters, as he crashes forehead-first into his desk. Over and over. Who’d be jealous of that hardening rip-off who deems himself worthy of having lunch with his 100% perfect girl, just the two of them? Not him, definitely. And there’s definitely no need to remember Red Tetsutetsu’s name and to put him in a kill list. No need at all.
He practically hears Kaibara roll his eyes at him. Might be spinning them like a drill, with how bored he is of this discussion already. “Dude, seriously, just man up and talk to her. If she’s really your 100% perfect girl -- whatever the hell you mean by that -- you probably owe it to yourself to at least have a real interaction with her.”
A real interaction with her does sound nice. They can go to a nice cafe and have a nice conversation. He’d listen to her talk about swimming and rainy days and other things she might like. He’d talk to her about classes and heroism and the things he likes. Maybe invite her to watch the next Giants game with him, if she’s up to it. And then they’d have so much fun, she’d ribbit in that cute way of hers and ask him if they can do this again, and--
“Interactions in your head don’t count,” Kaibara interrupts rudely, cutting in through the very vivid pleasant images he’s formed in his head.
Tsuburaba scowls at his friends. “I know that,” he grumbles. “I just--you know, I have to be ready, I can’t just walk up to her and talk to her--”
“That’s what I did. Literally,” Tokage supplies flatly, to which he makes an exasperated sound. “Look, it’s not hard, okay? She’s cool, she can talk to literally anyone, even a disaster like you.” She makes a face of enlightenment in the next second, and puts a fist in her palm. “Hey, I think I have an idea how we can help you out, Tsuburaba-kun--”
“I’m not helping,” Kaibara cuts in, which Setsuna ignores blatantly.
“--all you have to do is come with me and Kaibara-kun later, after class. I’ll take care of the rest.” There’s no malice at all in the excited, almost manic grin that she flashes the hapless brown-haired boy. Still, he can tell that it reeks of trouble, and he makes his disdain plain on his face.
“Or… you could spend the rest of the school year pining over her and whiling away in obscurity. Your choice.”
Well… even though obscurity’s a safe place to be, he’s sure that if he pines over her, it won’t be just for the rest of the school year. Such are the cruel throes of love.
The first bell rings, cutting their discussion short. Present Mic-sensei’s shrill voice resonates inside the classroom, forcing most thoughts about his green-haired goddess to the back of his mind, in favor of conjugations.
 Later, Tsuburaba finds himself staring at the back of Tokage’s green head as the girl marches her way quite cheerfully towards the 1-A classrooms. He’s trailing behind her with his hands in his pockets, cool as a stone-cold cucumber that’s progressively shriveling over a piping hot BBQ grill.
“Keep cool, Tsuburaba-kun,” the lizard-girl whispers conspiratorially at him as she stops by the back door. “Just follow my lead. I’ll take care of ya.”
“This is dumb,” he hears Kaibara mumble behind him. For all his complaints though, he still followed the two of them all the way there, under the pretense of making sure neither of them do anything to embarrass 1-B in front of 1-A anymore than Monoma has.
Well, he can say anything he wants, Tsuburaba’s pretty sure that the guy’s out there just to watch over Tokage. At the moment though, said lizard-girl is now peeping through the doors and catches someone’s eye. “Hi, Tsuyu-chan!”
“Kero? It’s Setsuna-chan! What brings you here, kero?”
The two green-haired girls hug each other as if they’re old friends. Tsuburaba tries to convince himself that maybe it’s all a green-haired-solidarity kind of arrangement and that it’s stupid to be jealous that Tokage’s somehow on a first name basis with Asui, but he feels himself turn green all the same.
“Listen, Tsuyu-chan, I was hoping to ask you for a favor,” she says, gesturing to the two boys ever so casually. “Me and these guys are having trouble in Heroics history… I know you guys are like a couple of lessons ahead of us, so I was hoping we could study with you? We’re really desperate.”
Asui glances briefly at them. When her dark, round eyes fall over his, Tsuburaba feels the moment stretched out in slow motion. Flowers blooming in the background, twinkling lights, all that shoujo mangashebang.
“... sure, I don’t mind, ribbit. I was planning to go to the library myself to study.”
He struggles to keep his cool, even though again, there’s another couple seconds where his heart seems to forget what the fuck it’s supposed to do. Tokage’s response barely registers with him. “Cool! But the library’s so boring. Lucky for us, Tsuburaba-kun’s feeling generous today and was planning to treat us all to coffee at StrumBucks--”
Wait, what? Tsuburaba feels his eyes going wider than ever possible as he glares at the undeterred Tokage and her runaway mouth.
“--so it’ll be a fair trade. Your notes for coffee. Tsuburaba-kun, you don’t mind buying Tsuyu-chan coffee too, right?”
Of course he doesn’t mind buying her coffee. Heck, he’d buy her all the coffees she wants. Cakes. Parfaits. A three course dinner. A house and lot. What he minds very much though that Tokage’s just teasing him so freely in front of his hopeless crush, and somehow swindling him out of his allowance at the same time.
“I think that sounds fair. I want a grande vanilla cold brew, Tsuburaba,” adds Kaibara dully. He also minds very much that he’s also suddenly obliged to treat these two jerks to expensive coffee. True friends, indeed.
For all his rage though, all Tsuburaba can do is gape at them like a fool. And Asui’s looking at him with an unreadable expression on her face.
“Okay. I’ll go with you guys. But it’s also okay if Tsuburaba-chan doesn’t treat me to coffee, ribbit,” she answers coolly.
Tsuburaba-chan. Oh, the sheer rush of emotions that run through his chest hearing his own name from her mouth. It gives him enough strength to somehow say, “No, it’s cool, Asui. You get coffee too. No big deal.”
“Look at you, Mister Moneybags,” he hears Tokage mumble behind him. Wow. He sounded cool just then, didn’t he? He probably did, judging by the little smile on the lizard girl’s face. (He’s pointedly trying not to look at Kaibara’s face, though).
“Well, okay. But I’m okay either way. Promise.” Her big round eyes crease ever so slightly as she looks up at him. “By the way, call me Tsuyu-chan, ribbit.”
He’s done it. He’s on Tsuyu-chan terms with Tsuyu-chan. If he has any less self-control, he would have already jumped for joy and clicked his heels in mid-air and made a giant invisible sky scraper out of all the breath inside his happy little lungs.
“Same goes for you, Kaibara-chan,” she says, turning to the darker-haired boy next to him. Tsuburaba instantly feels the skyscraper shatter into tiny little bits, as if he just let OG Tetsutetsu and beast mode Shishida-kun and a pack of rabid dogs loose inside it.
Tokage looks like she’s about to burst out laughing when she glances once more at the crestfallen Tsuburaba, but she’s able to keep it together as she suggests the four of them start walking to the cafe.
Conversation flows naturally between the two green-haired girls, while the complete opposite happens with the two brown-haired boys. He can only hope that the silence makes the two of them look like the cool, brooding types of guys that girls seem to like (i.e. Todoroki Shouto, whose allure has also somehow infected the girls of 1-B and the rest of the school. That half-head really has everything dammit).  
When they make it to the cafe, Tokage drags Kaibara with her to secure seats, or so she says. “I’m having what Fidget-Spinner-Boy’s having. Tsuyu-chan, order anything you want,” she says rapidly, not giving any of the three any chance to protest.
And so Tsuburaba Kosei finds himself standing next to his 100% perfect crush, in a line to buy her coffee, so they can spend time together in a coffee shop. There are couples in front of them and behind them and he can’t help but think that they now look very much like a couple on an actual honest-to-goodness date.
“Ribbit. Setsuna-chan’s really hyper, isn’t she.” She croaks humorously. The top of her head only reaches his shoulder. Ahh so cute…!!!
“... yeah.” He hopes that steam doesn’t blow out of his nose--he doesn’t want someone nearby to get aircuts.
“It must be interesting in your class, Tsuburaba-chan.”
“... yeah, it gets wild sometimes. But I’m sure it’s not as wild as your class, though.”
Tsuyu-chan stares up at him blankly. Shit, did he say something offensive? “N-not that I mean you guys are a pack of wild animals--I mean, have you seen my classmates? Compared to you guys, we’re practically a zoo--”
A pleasant sound emerges from her mouth and into Tsuburaba’s ears. Hearing it makes him forget about the very concept of anxiety. “You were right the first time, Tsuburaba-chan. Our class is pretty wild too. That’s why I think we should work together more, ribbit. The Joint Training Exercises were fun.”
Hngh, thinks Tsuburaba, as he thinks about her tongue around his body again. Now is not the time to think of that totally-not-perverse memory! He turns his face away from her in a stupid effort to keep his stupid face in-line.
“Oh--Tsuburaba-chan must be remembering our fight too, ribbit.”
Oh shit, she noticed?! Whatever happiness he might have felt knowing that she, at some level, thought about him too, shatters as she keeps those discerning eyes on him. Shit, did she see him with that unmistakable lecherous glint in his eyes?! Is this it, is it over? Is she going to run out the door screaming, crying, swearing on the graves of her ancestors to never have anything to with him ever again?! “W-well, about th-that--”
“It’s as I thought, ribbit.” She sighs, suddenly despondent. “I thought it’s weird that Setsuna-chan left us alone, even though we’re not friends. She must be trying to patch things up between us, isn’t she, ribbit?”
Eh? Come again?
Tsuyu-chan tilts her cute little face at him with a look of concern on her usually unreadable face. “I’m right, aren’t I? I noticed that you were awfully quiet in the cage after I captured you, ribbit… ever since then, I was worried that Tsuburaba-chan definitely hated me--”
Hated… hated Tsuyu-chan?! That’s not the case at all!
“--but I wasn’t able to talk to you guys after the exercises, so I wasn’t able to apologize to you properly, ribbit.” Her eyes are downcast as she says this. She twiddles two large, webbed fingers together cutely. “So… I’m glad I have a proper chance to say sorry to you now…”
No, that’s wrong, Tsuburaba would never hate on Tsuyu-chan. Never, you hear?! Tsuyu-chan’s too cute, too wonderful, too perfect to be hated. Besides, I mean, who would hate on their 100% perfect--
“... ribbit…?”
“Um,” the cashier tells him awkwardly, as his mouth is frozen open with the impassioned words dying within. “S-sorry, you’re having 100% what, sir?”
Tsuburaba turns to the cashier slowly, googly-eyes twitching, neck cracking with each gear-like shift of his suddenly stiffened body. “U… uhh… 100%, perfect… roasted… coffee beans… in milk…?”
The poor cashier, who looks like she isn’t paid enough for this shit, is staring at his madman’s antics in confusion. “So… a latte?”
Tsuyu is staring up at him with eyes as wide as vinyl discs, stunned beyond belief. Like someone just told her that the sky isn’t blue, that global warming isn’t real. Or that she’s some 1-B weirdo’s 100% perfect… perfect something that he isn’t able to properly finish, she might as well think that she’s his 100% perfect cause of death, for all he’s good for. Shit, why the heck is he like this?! How much did he say out loud?
“R… ribbit,” she croaks after what seems like an eternity of just staring at him. Trying hard not to be too mortified, she turns to the cashier, face suddenly red and voice suddenly timid, “We also want two grande vanilla cold brews and a soy latte…”
“Okay…” He doesn’t even hear how much the total is. Instead, he shoves a 5000 yen bill into the cashier’s hands, looks down on the floor, and rushes to the other side of the counter, not daring to look at the face of the girl who just heard the worst confession ever on the face of this planet.
As he makes his way to sulk over the counter, he sees Kaibara and Tokage staring at him, and he isn’t sure if they’re sympathizing with him or trying their hardest not to burst out laughing right in their seats. He has half a mind to put ten tablespoons of cinnamon in their drinks for leaving him unsupervised, when he sees a small, green form in the other side of his peripheral vision.
“Ribbit,” Tsuyu-chan says, shyly holding out an array of bills and coins in her large hands, “You forgot your change…”
“Thank you,” he says quietly. He feels the tips of her fingers on his palm as she carefully places the money within--he momentarily forgets his shame as he feels their point of contact, only to have it come back full-force when he is forced to see the way she couldn’t look him in the eye.
“Asui-san… I’m really sorry for, you know… making things awkward for you,” he tells her in the most honest, heartfelt way he can. “Yeah… I’m being really honest, but… I d-don’t mind if you change your mind about studying with us. No need to pay me back for the coffee--”
Again, he feels his breath just die in his stupid throat when he notices her tugging on his sleeve. He feels his already-wide eyes widen even further, like they’re going to come out of their sockets.
Before he can figure out what’s going on and maybe pick up after his eyeballs that have surely popped out of their sockets by now, Tsuyu-chan looks up at him with an odd look in her eyes. ”Um… Tsuburaba-chan… I don’t really understand what’s going on…”
Of course she doesn’t. Tsuburaba himself doesn’t understand what’s going on. He’d pay another 5000 yen if someone gives him a good explanation as to why the hell he is like this. Bonus tips if the guy gives him a good and thorough beating and whisks his fried-egg eyes for him.
“... and I really don’t know anything about you, so…”
He shuts his eyes, tries not to look too much like the insides of his chest is being thrown into a blender. Hopefully, with the way he’s struggling with his stupid face, Tsuyu-chan just thinks that he’s had an acute case of constipation.
“… so I can’t give you a proper reply yet, ribbit. But… but I don’t mind if we try to be friends first, ribbit.”
Friends. The term echoes in his head, like the sound of the microwave dinging in a cold and hungry night. He snaps his head up to face her, and he’s treated to the sight of her shyly trying to meet his eyes for just a second.
“Yeah… okay.” The weight disappears from his shoulders, and for the first time he’s able to look at her calmly. “I’d like that.”
To everyone’s pleasant surprise, the two of them are able to walk peacefully to the table, where a giddy Tokage and a suspiciously-relieved Kaibara are waiting for them. They’re able to study their coursework, as promised, and Tsuburaba is proud to say that even though he spent 100% of the time fawning over his 100% perfect girl, the girl spent about 40% of her time interacting with him. Plus, he’s able to answer at least 50% of the coursework this time!
Now, when’s the next Giants game…?
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Villain! Deku au; chapter nineteen: A Glimpse
If being paired together wasn’t bad enough for Bakugou and Todoroki, the smog that polluted the air diminished their visibility and made it hard to breathe. The heterochromatic boy had picked up one of the Class B students, Kosei Tsuburaba, who had collapsed mid-scare. Bakugou cursed as he could have sworn that he saw that tree before, or was he just losing a his mind from this thick fog? “Do you think the villains did this, too?” they both had seen the smoke rising from the tops of the trees. ‘No, this was a quirk that their allies had released to hinder their battle capabilities! How could he overlook the quirk that clearly no one on their side had!’ the blonde bit back the retort, not wanting to waste what little air he did have. “I hope the others are doing okay, but there isn’t much we could to do help them…” the gas made his thoughts swirl, so he was talking to try and keep his sanity. Bakugo hated it; it reminded him too much of Midoriya’s mumbling. He could still recall that unreadable expression on his face as he jumped. The exhausted boy standing in the subway. What had happened? What did it all mean? “We should get back to the facility, since this test of courage isn’t important anymore,” saying the smallest things, “Ragdoll was at the midway point, so she should have this area covered.” It pissed Bakugou off. How dare this bastard remind him of a memory he worked so hard to repress. Hadn’t Midoriya died? Was he just some sick joke haunting Katsuki at the most random times. “Don’t give me orders,” he snapped, trying not to think about the weak smile of the useless hero-wannabe. A person? “We were one of the first ones out-” if not the first, so there shouldn’t be anyone in the path, right? That apparently wasn’t true, looking at the creep in front of them. Todoroki was uneasy; there was just something about this guy that he didn’t like. That something happened to be everything, but his aura, his stature, hell, the very idea of him just seemed to send a shiver down his spine. “Pretty, pretty,” he loomed over something that the boys couldn’t see from their positions. “I gotta work, work, work, but I don’t wanna leave it,” he was clearly in a dilemma over this object that he found. “Tokoyami and Shouji!” Todoroki just barely recalled the pair leaving before them. Neither of the two had paid much attention to the groups, so it was no wonder that it took them so long to figure out. “Alluring flesh, blind me no longer. I need to get to work,” Moonfish hadn’t heard the boys behind him, being so wrapped up in his obsession, until they spoke loudly and clearly. “With this psycho on the loose? There’s no way I’m not engaging,” Bakugou hissed. A chance to protect his classmates and get his mind off of his childhood friend that’s existence was clouded in mystery? Hell yeah!
Regret was almost instant. His weird teeth quirk had both range and strength. Bakugou couldn’t get close enough to land a blow, narrowly dodging the blades. He continued to charge forward, looking for any opening. Todoroki, however, was getting quite annoyed with his partner, having to always throw up a guard when dodging was completely out of the question. Maladay’s voice called out: “The students are the targets! Fight back if you must, but don’t engage otherwise!” Moonfish didn’t really want to be here. He quite disliked fighting and was quite attached to chaining up corpses from his kills, but fighting? There were just too many ways to mess up the pretty flesh that he loved looking at. “We are the targets, don’t you get it?” the gas was way to flammable for Bakugou to have any input in this fight, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to carry Tsuburaba’s unconscious body. “Fight back, don’t fight back- make up your damn minds!” he charged forward, “Fuck it! Fighting is our only option!” Bakugou rushed forward, a spark ready in his hands. Moonfish had heard his obvious battle cry, sending a tooth his way. The blonde barely dodged it, watching a wall of ice emerge from the ground. Moonfish had heard that, too, the cackling that the ice made before it shot up. He hated the split haired boy’s quirk. Ice was cold. It didn’t feel good. He hated it. He wanted meat. Meat was warm. Flesh was pretty. He wanted meat now. The two hero trainees were arguing about Moonfish’s credibility. He had been on death row and back again; two lousy kids didn’t matter. They weren’t kids, per say, more like bags of meat with pretty, perfect flesh keeping that meat together. “An explosion would start a massive fire, you know that, right? It could kill all of us,” Todoroki knew that Bakugou wasn’t stupid, but he was doubting his knowledge, seeing how revved up for a fight the blonde was. His stance was open and his fists raised, legs bent as if he was about to lunge. “I’m not a dumbass!” his partner doubted that. Moonfish didn’t care, digging his teeth into the ground, trying to find that warm blood he craved.
Deku had no regrets leaving Kota where he was as the villain trudged through the thick underbrush. He searched the forest for a target, not wanting his only action to be defeating Muscular and saving a kid that wasn’t even from his team. He stepped through the forest, his eyes catching a dust of frost that most likely belonged to that Todoroki kid. It would be best not to engage with someone like that just yet; he wanted to save the strong ones for when he put on a show. He felt a wave of pure negativity wash over him. Good, it was someone easy to manipulate. The screams got louder and louder until they were ringing in his ears. There were two distinct screams; that of the boy and that of the beast. Deku debated how to get the beast’s attention, feeling sorry for the boy caught inside the black abyss. Just as the shadowy head was about to jerk his way, Deku felt himself being pulled down. Shoji tried to calm his breath, just barely catching the kid before Tokoyami noticed. Not recognizing the silhouette, the boy thought it was a Class 1-B kid, but, looking closer, he realized that assumption was wrong; he just saved a villain. Deku felt all of the fear that the six armed boy- Shoji- had been feeling. He felt the regret and sorrow. “Your friend has lost control, huh? Since his quirk resembles a shadow, I’d say his weakness is light, right?” a moral dilemma fell upon Shoji’s shoulders. Surely he couldn’t just tell this person- a villain- his friend’s weakness! However, he might need to if either of them wanted to get out alive. “I think I know where we can find some light,” Deku spoke absentmindedly. He was almost certain that the frost belonged to the half-fire, half-ice boy, so if he could just get the guy to use his quirk and calm the morphed shadow- Tokoyami, if he recalled the hero beside him’s memories. “What do you mean?” just how much did this villain boy know? Shoji immediately cursed himself for being too loud, attracting Dark Shadow’s attention. Deku pushed the hero student over to avoid being hit with a devastating blow. “We need to hurry! Now! Are you going to follow me or let yourself get killed?” heroes and villains were titles that didn’t matter at the moment; the only titles that had significance in that moment were dead or alive. Not-Tokoyami was already preparing his next shot. Shoji had no choice but to believe the boy, even if he was a villain. “Do you want your friend here to be a murderer?” Deku hissed, manipulating the hero student so easily. Shoji couldn’t let Tokoyami deal with the pain of having a dead on his shoulders. There might not actually be any light up ahead, but it beat staying where they were.
Moonfish didn’t look the brightest knife in the crayon box, but the creep could fight. He used his unusual quirk to fuel his desire for flesh. It was just their luck that the classroom pretty boys were up against a powerful pervert. Both being much too socially awkward to talk to other people, it was no wonder that they couldn’t talk to each other. They were running out of time and ideas fast. Both boys were dazed as an unexpected saviour showed up. Dark Shadow was violent and wild, attacking haphazardly and just angry at the world. “He’s out of control. I’ll light a fire-” Todoroki began, but Bakugou cut him off. “Don’t, not yet,” this was the best thing that could have happened to them. Deku and Shoji ran, catching the attention of Moonfish as well. “Meat! Mineeee! No, no no!” the creep was clearly disgruntled; he hated kill stealers, like the ominous shadow before him. His dagger teeth shot forward, “I will slice up their bodies! Me! Only me!” he yelled. However, that didn’t work for Dark Shadow, with Tokoyami’s fighting desire to not hurt his friends, along with Dark Shadow’s defiance, “Don’t order me around, weakling!” Dark Shadow screeched, tossing Moonfish around as it crushed him in a shadowy grip. “See that?” Bakugou pointed out; it was a good thing and cool as hell, but even he was terrified at the moment. The boys who were once so still jumped forward; Todoroki igniting his hand and Bakugou sparking his palms. Tokoyami fell to the ground in an instant as Dark Shadow recoiled from the light. “Oi!” Bakugou yelled before Tokoyami had a chance to spew nonsense about how sorry he was or how much stronger he needed to be. Bakugou had eyes on the one trying to get away. Shoji would admit that he was about to let the villain go; he couldn’t find himself viewing the green haired boy, whose name he didn’t know, as a villain after everything he did. Todoroki sent a wave of ice towards the figure running away. Deku dodged easily, jumping into the light where the hero students could see him, “Good evening,” he smirked. None of them could move. Tokoyami was trying to keep his emotions in check. Shoji was shocked that the male could make a face like that, despite the fire in his eyes when he was convincing Shoji; “Do you want your friend to be a murderer?” it still stuck in his mind. Todoroki immediately noticed the face of the boy who barged into his waiting room, who reassured him that his fire was his own. Bakugou looked at a face he hadn’t seen in what felt like forever.
Asui and Uraraka were just up the path from where the boys were, facing quite the enemy. Toga bubbled, seeing two cute girls within her grasp. She managed to sneak up on the cute brunette girl, cutting her arm. Asui took stance to protect her friend, “Are you alright, Ochako?” she wanted to make sure. Toga had such terrible luck with finding people to drain, but her luck had changed! She found two cute girls. Examining her knife, however, soured her mood slightly, “It’s so shallow, not good, not good,” she whined. “Who just runs at someone with a knife? What’s wrong with you”” that was a stupid question on the girl’s part, obviously they were in a fight with a villain, and there were many things wrong with the blonde in front of them. Toga, however, wasn’t listening, “I’m Toga! You two are adorable!” she beamed, not quite understanding the true concept of an enemy. “Urakawa and Asui!” surely if she demonstrated that she knew their names, the girls would be less alert, though Toga had a bit of a lisp when speaking. “To think I used to have to make a biiig wound and slurp you up!” she was never taught how to filter her words, when to say things, when not to say things, so she kept talking, “But down I just need a kiss and it sucks it up for me!” Her costume was such an upgrade compared to what she originally had to go through. The girls yelled as Toga charged at them once more. Asui wrapped her tongue around her friend and threw Uraraka far enough to get a bit of leverage. “Get to safety! Just because we can fight doesn’t mean Aizawa wants us to!” she yelled- her mistake. Toga saw the opening as broad as day, throwing a knife dead at the girl’s extended tongue. Uraraka’s “Stay safe, Tsuyu,” was pretty useless, seeing as her friend got hurt the moment she said it. What it did do, however, was bring joy to Toga’s face. Tsuyu! That sounded so cute she just couldn’t help repeat it, “Tsutsu! Tsutsu! That’s s cute! I wanna call you Tsutsu, too!” she beamed. “Only my friends can call me that!” Asui’s meaning and Toga’s interpretations were two entirely different things. “So we’re friends, now? Great!” for obvious reasons, Toga didn’t have any friends. She was far too much of a sociopath to understand true “love.” However, the blonde wasn’t dumb to battle strategies. She saw Asui leaping forward and threw her vial like a dart, catching the cute loops in the green haired girl’s style. “Tsuyu!” Uraraka saw her friend being pinned to a tree as she was trying to run away. Of course, she immediately turned around. “You’re bleeding, Tsutsu! How cute! You really are adorable!” Toga had no indication of boundaries, and Asui was getting pretty tired of it. The scene felt off as Asui looked into Toga’s gleaming, terrifying eyes. Her face was only getting closer and closer, and twelve feet away was too close her Asui’s tastes. “Get away from her!” Uraraka yelled, charging towards Toga. The blonde didn’t worry too much about technique, throwing her knife forward, knowing that the chances of the brunette dodging that were slim. However, Uraraka had no intention of dodging that. ‘Grab their wrist and the back of their neck, while pivoting to a blind spot. Push down as hard as you can, and then pull their arm up their back:’ it was what she learned at her internship with Gunhead. “Can you tie her up with your tongue, Tsuyu? Assuming it doesn’t hurt to badly” Uraraka knew that the chances of her holding this were slim. Asui was in awe of her friend, despite looking like the human adaptation of a puppy, she could turn almost terrifying in an instant. “You’re amazing!” she had to gush before helping the girl out, “Just give me a minute.”
Toga said the first thing that came to mind, “Spectacular is a girl in love~” she cooed, recalling something she had heard back on the streets, “You’re in love aren’t you?” Toga loved distracting her opponents and having conversations with cute girls, so this was a win-win! “I get it, I get it, I’m a girl too~ You’re probably thinking about them right now!” even if she wasn’t, she was now. Though Uraraka couldn’t think of anyone like that, surely the blonde didn’t mean her friends. “You think about them, act like them! Don’t you just wanna be like them? Do what they do; live how they live! Thirst is unquenchable! Until, before your eyes, you take over that person; you are them!” people typically can’t handle the things that go on in Toga’s mind- it was why she liked Deku so much. The blonde knew that her words creeped people out, so, if she kept talking, their guard would go down. “Do you have a type? I do! I like people who smell like bloodshed and look like a fight! I just can’t help it when I look at their mangled bodies as I chop them up! They’re so fun, hey, Ochako?” The brunette was to disturbed to notice the small shifts as the blonde talked. Her needle found its way to Uraraka’s thigh, “Gulp, gulp,” she cooed. “Ochako!” Asui’s tongue rushed to her friend’s side when she saw the the stab wound, since she was still stuck to the tree.
Shoji, Todoroki, Tokoyami, and the unconscious Tsuburaba broke through the tree line. “Everyone!” Asui called out. Toga pushed the brunette off and started for the woods. “I don’t feel like dying tonight, so I’ll say bye bye!” she bounded off to find weaker prey. “Are you two okay?” Shoji stepped forward. Asui helped Uraraka up, “Yeah, we’re find, but what about you guys?” the brunette spoke up. “We were chasing a villain- well, Bakugou was,” Tokoyami spoke up, the only one who could truly view the green haired male as a villain. “Then where are they?” Asui spoke up, not seeing Bakugou or this supposed villain. “They weren’t that far ahead of us…” Todoroki swore he had just seen the violent blonde locks two seconds before they broke the tree line.
((Once again I apologize. I might not be able to link the following chapters))
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negaifreak · 6 years
My Hero Academia: Karaoke Night
The end of the first year was fast approaching. And with days to spare before the U.A. students of the hero course would be allowed to go back home, both classes decided they'd spend an evening together in the Heights Alliance common room for a fun little party. Of course, most of the forty-eight students were regretting the activity they were engaging in.
"AASAGFSFDASGSAFFSFDFSSFA!!!!!!" Minoru Mineta screamed into a microphone. Mina Ashido, Toru Hagakure, and some of the girls from Class 1-B decided that a karaoke night would be the best way to bring everyone together. They just wished the first person to volunteer wasn't the resident class pervert.
"Anyone else have that ringing feeling in their ears?!" Miles Morales asked as he covered his ears from the blast of sound.
"WHAT?!" Izuku Midoriya questioned back loudly, unable to hear from his classmate's screaming. Being the first to volunteer, it was clear that he wanted to impress the nineteen girls of the hero course. But pretty much all of them had their ears shut. After what felt like an eternity of hellish yelling, he finally stopped with a satisfied grin.
"All right, so which girl wants to sing their praises first?" he inquired to the girls.
"...It would've been mush better if you didn't sing," Kinoko Komori remarked bluntly, receiving a plethora of nods in agreement from all the girls there.
"Aw, come on!" the Pop Off Quirk user complained.
"Are you sure the Rider doesn't want you to roast his ass?" Kyoka Jiro asked in a whisper to her boyfriend, Robbie Reyes.
"He ain't sayin' a word, so no..." he responded quietly.
"Maybe this whole karaoke night was a bad idea..." Itsuka Kendo admitted with a disappointed look on her face, "I mean... not all of us wanna be here..." she added, glancing over to see many of the others either on their phones or talking to each other.
"We can't just quit now though!" Setsuna Tokage argued, "I say we try another song with a new pair!" she suggested.
"Ooh, a duet this time?!" Mina guessed as she excitedly clapped her hands together, "Perfect!" she exclaimed in agreement.
"Why don't we do one with an A and a B student?" Toru implored, "That way, we can all interact better together!" she mentioned excitedly with an invisible grin.
"Oh please..." Neito Monoma muttered from afar, catching their attentions as they saw him brush his hair back with his right hand, "Those Class A idiots won't even make a good duet between themselves..." he noted, smiling ominously towards the rival class members, "while we of Class B will-!"
"Zip it," Riri Williams interrupted as she smacked him upside the head with her right hand.
"OW!" he yelped in agony, grabbing at it.
"Thanks for that, Riri," the Class B representative said in gratitude, "So how are we gonna choose who goes and who doesn't?" she asked curiously.
"By this!" Mina declared, pulling out two separate spinner wheels; one with the names of members of her class, while the other had those of the opposite, "I had Momo make these just in case everyone got cold feet..." she noted, causing those who weren't paying attention to perk up in surprise, "Whoever's name comes up on the wheel has to sing!" she stated to the group, "You can do a duet or a solo, but once your name comes up, you've gotta get up here and let us hear your voice!" she told them excitedly.
"This just became maddening..." Fumikage Tokoyami noted, sounding rather frightened by the prospect of having to forcefully sing.
"Yeah..." Shihai Kuroiro agreed, sweating madly.
"By the way, the song's your choice!" Toru pointed out, jumping over to the wheels and resting an invisible hand on each one.
"Oh boy..." Ochaco Uraraka gulped as she saw her ready herself.
"Here we go..." Kosei Tsuburaba grumbled as the wheels began to spin upon her movement. Everyone was watching. Who would be selected first?
So who should go first? Leave any suggestions!
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sparda3g · 6 years
My Hero Academia Chapter 195 Review
It’s time for another training session in the academy. This time, it really is Class A versus B. However, it will have a special guest, Shinso, added into the mix. It’s been a while since we last saw him, but now he is sporting a new mask equipment and a scarf, but the former is the real interest. What can it possibly do? This chapter displayed more emphasis on Shinso over others as it is clearly done to show his new capabilities.
I’m not going to lie, I thought he was part of Class B to begin with, but not long after his reappearance, I reminded myself that he’s not. It’s no wonder he’s seen as a big deal to both classes, especially with his new equipment. Deku did get lucky the last time. I wonder if the timing is too coincidence since he recently met One for All users and here is Shinso making his return; unless that is the point.
I do recall seeing Shinso in License Exam Arc, looking like he overworked, which probably explains his statement about being left behind. I suppose Shinso didn’t have a complete development from the sports festival when people cheered for him, since he’s acting a bit edge lord here. It’s almost like this is the first time we are introduced to him. Now, it can be considered a stepping stone towards his development, and that’s fine. It does feel like a reset button was pressed, but I can deal with this.
Shinso basically attends this training to improve himself and overcome the students. He desires to be a great hero and make good use of his quirk. The stare on Deku clearly means he seeks a rematch and basically symbolized Deku as the main obstacle. Defeat him and he can be considered as a great hero. Shinso has no desire to make friends with anyone, which screams, “Well, boy. It’s time to teach you a lesson.” You can see where this heading. Maybe that’s why fangirls like him; edgy and cool-looking, especially that mask. It does help, you know.
The chapter goes into a long explanation of the training process. It is based on team battle. Class A will go against B and each side will split up into groups of four. As for Shinso, he’s going to be in two battles; one on each side. When that happens, it becomes 5 versus 4. I feel like I heard this type of gameplay before, but maybe I’m thinking incorrectly. Anyway, the goal is to capture their “villains” and imprison them to the cell. I admit, that cell design is silly yet funny. Even though one team will have 5 members, only 4 counts.
5 members is more of a handicap than 4 because of more chance to lose. All you need to do is capture 4 of any 5 members. It’s like a shooter game where sometimes, less is good to rank up the kill score to win. The explanation gets drawn out due to the reactions of characters, which is why it spanned up to 3 pages. It’s not bad but the only part that made me laughed is the last part about one member could be dead weight to the team and Shinso is like, “Yeah, that sounds right.” He’s not really wrong though.
The double page spread shows off the team members in each group and side. The fifth one is so Shounen law by saving the protagonist for last, let alone squaring off against Class B “leader” Momosa. It can’t get more obvious than that. Actually, it can. Shinso draws the numbers to see which team and battle he will be on. It turns out he draws Battle 1 Class A and Battle 5 Class B. In other words, Battle 1 will be his time to show off his new power and Battle 5 will be the last, where he will have a rematch against Deku. There goes guessing on when the rematch.
Not going to lie, I laughed at the double page that clearly listed the names of the first team for Class B. Like I said before, I don’t remember any of them aside from three, so I laughed because I honestly believe Kohei thought we need a bit of assistance. Why else they’re the only ones named while others aren’t, let alone first team for Class A. That’s funny. Before the training begins, Midnight and All Might are discussing on who will win. He pretty much hype up Class B for they are no slackers. They are underused, so we need that confidence boost.
So the training begins and Class A Team 1 has a plan meeting. Basically, they discussed on who they should capture first, which Shinso suggest the most troublesome quirk user, and how can they gain the upmost advantage. Shiozaki was spotted by birds, thanks to Kouda, and she’s all alone posing with vines. Before they get to gang up on her, out of nowhere, Shishida barges in with roaring rage. Well, that certainly escalated quickly.
Tsuyu is knocked away because female fighting lol (don’t look at me) and Kirishima because well he is rock solid. Well, I didn’t have hope for other characters to shine, so whatever. Anyway, Shishida and his team activated their trap card because they knew well of Class A Team’s capabilities, including Kouda’s searching ability. It pays off being off-screen for so long.
I guess this is the first time with Shishida because we now learn about his quirk, Beast, which allows him to transform into, what else, a beast. When transformed, his senses and strength are increased drastically; he also gets hyped up, so more power to him. Also, Kouda gets air prisoned. This spells game over for Class A.
The timing couldn’t be any perfect for Shinso to be utterly useful in this scenario. Not to mention, to show off his new power. He activates his mask and begins talking with that guy’s voice. Ah, it was Kosei. I had to go back to the double page. Anyway, Shinso basically brainwashed Shishida with a new ability called Persona Chords. That mask seriously looks cool. What does this mean? It looks like the table will be turned in the next chapter. Thank God he drew Battle 1 Class A.
Overall, it was a decent chapter. The art is solid and is good to be back with normal page count. It was going to start slow, so that was expected. Shinso is clearly the main focus of this training arc, and it begins with him showing off his new skill with a new mask. This sets up for him to be a threat against Deku when the last battle comes. Timing. Other than that, the training could be fun and hopefully other battles will exploit the potential joy. Shinso may steal this one, but others are up for grabs. We’ll see once the brainwashing ends.
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Oh Right, You Guys Are Here Too: The Unsung Heroes of Class 1-B
I have to imagine Class 1-B is getting sick of it, even outside of their resident “sick of it” representative Neito. They’ve worked just as hard as Class 1-A, they’ve overcome all the same scholastic obstacles, and yet it’s always 1-A on the news, 1-A in the papers, 1-A surviving yet another dramatic and utterly glamorous supervillain encounter. Sure, Deku’s bones might not make it to retirement, but did anyone even ask 1-B if they’d like to trade their bones for fame? See, 1-A gets all the luck.
In light of this vast unfairness, I’m very happy to see this summer training arc has finally given some of 1-B’s heroes a moment in the spotlight. And today on Why It Works, I’d like to further celebrate 1-B’s stars, and run down what we know so far about their heroic accomplishments. 1-A might have pulled off the flashy stuff like “survive multiple league attacks” and “defeat Stain single-handedly,” but surely 1-B must have plenty of triumphs to their names, as well. Let’s start with their very loudest member and ring these names to the heavens!
First off, we’ve got the incorrigible Neito Monoma, Class 1-B’s self-chosen representative. Bursting onto the scene at the start of the cavalry battle, Neito quickly distinguished himself by mocking class 1-A and cackling about how smart he is. Having successfully instilled a deep fear (or something) in his opponents, Neito then debuted his quirk, the ever-handy ability to take other people’s quirks. Neito has spent most of his screentime being self-absorbed and a little stupid, but he’s got a great quirk, and I bet there’s a great hero in there somewhere!
  Okay, that was kind of a bust. Let’s move on to two heroes we actually know are pretty heroic: Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu and Kendo Itsuka! Tetsutetsu has made both his strength and heroic determination clear, first through fighting hard against an evenly matched opponent in the sports festival, and then through repeatedly taking shots for Kendo’s sake during their fight with an actual villain. And for her part, Kendo has easily demonstrated she’s the most clear-headed and mature member of her class, consistently cleaning up Neito’s messes and drawing great tactical mileage out of an incredibly specific quirk. With Kendo as the brains and Tetsutetsu as the brawn, these two make for a heroic team that’s already prepped for prime time.
Next up, we’ve got the powerful Ibara Shirazaki, who already clearly demonstrated her strength during the sports festival. Handily defeating Denki Kaminari and demonstrating a spirit of humility all the while, Ibara seems equipped with both the talent and the temperament to be a great hero. Her vines seem like a power as flexible and powerful as something like Todoroki’s ice/fire or Tokoyami’s Dark Shadow - not just a unique weapon, but a true extension of her body. Like many of her classmates, at this point it seems like Ibara is just waiting for the right time to shine.
  Coming up next, we’ve got… wait, those are all the 1-B students the story has highlighted? Alright, the pickings might get a little slimmer from here out. First out, let’s have a round of applause for Juzo Honeneki and Kojiro Bondo, who each got to do exactly one thing during the sports festival arc. Juzo has some kind of quicksand power, and it looks like Kojiro… shoots glue out of his face-holes? That’s pretty weird, but I guess it could be used heroically. Maybe if like, the villains had broken a very valuable action figure, and we needed glue to… look, I’m not the hero here, Kojiro can figure this out.
Oh hey, there’s also Kosei Tsuburaba! He also got to show off his stuff during the sports festival, making great use of his solid air quirk to… consistently get dunked on by Bakugo. Maybe he learns from the first failure, and then… nope, nope, it just happens again. So I guess he’s got a defensive quirk that just plain can’t stand up to offensive quirks. Maybe he does better in the training camp arc? Surely if he used that solid air more strategically, as opposed to just as a direct shield, he could… wait, that’s him there, he’s being carried by Todoroki, he’s asleep.
  C’mon Class 1-B, you’ve gotta give me something to work with here. Coming up next, we’ve got… Pony Tsunutori, who looks like an actual pony, and Manga Fukishadi, whose head is a manga bubble. Those aren’t powers! Your names are just also things which you are! That doesn’t count!
  Alright, I may have to get back to you all on the heroic exploits of Class 1-B. They’ll get there, don’t worry, they just need a little more patience from all of us. Remember that time Kendo and Tetsutetsu beat a villain? Just keep thinking about that, and maybe think a little less about the pony whose name is Pony. Class 1-B, you are a serious work in progress, but I love you all the same.
Nick Creamer has been writing about cartoons for too many years now, and is always ready to cry about Madoka. You can find more of his work at his blog Wrong Every Time, or follow him on Twitter.
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 3 years
Our Biggest Secret
Our biggest secret by DaisyYang
This is an alternate universe where only a minority of people have 'superpowers'(instead of quirks), and the ones who have 'superpowers', aka 'Heroes' who protect the world and ordinary people from villains, hide the fact from others, being careful not to reveal their identity.
They each have hero costumes, superpowers, and code names, which are called 'Hero names'.
The 42 students go to a normal school, separated into two classes. Only they themselves and their parents know who they really are. Not even their homeroom teachers. Their friends in other classes don't know that they are the heroes who they admire.
The adventure comedy of the 'Heroes' are starting right now!
Words: 106, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Characters: Class 1-A(My Hero Academia), Class 1-B(My Hero Academia), Aoyama Yuga, Ashido Mina, Asui Tsuyu, Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochako, Ojiro Mashirao, Kaminari Denki, kirishima eijiro, Koda Koji, Sato Rikkido, Shoji Mezo, jiro kyoka, Sero Hanta, Tokoyami Fumikage, Todoroki Shoto, Hagakure Toru, Bakugo Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Mineta Minoru, Yaoyorozu Momo, Shinso Hitoshi, Awase Yosetsu, Kaibara Sen, Kamakiri Togaru, Kuroiro Shihai, Kendo Itsuka, Kodai Yui, Komori Kinoko, Shiozaki Ibara, Shishida Jurota, Shoda Nirengeki, Tsunotori Pony, Tsuburaba Kosei, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Tokage Setsuna, Fukidashi Manga, Honenuki Juuzou, Bondo Kojiro, Monoma Neito, Yanagi Reiko, Rin Hiryu, Matsumoto Himeno, Hatsume Mei
Additional Tags: My OC is in class 1-B, Shinso is in Class 1-A, Midoriya Izuku HAS One For All, Matsumoto Himeno has a dark past, All quirks will be changed to superpowers, Supernatural powers are not quirks in this universe, It's just superpower, Heroes, OC Villains, Hatsume will come out later in the story
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32853190
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junionigiri · 6 years
BNHA Rarepair Month - Day 25 - Secrets
for @bnha-rarepair-month​
Summary: Prelude to 'Fears' -- Bakugou seeks out Kaibara and challenges him to a fight.
Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki / Kaibara Sen (BakuSen)
Rating: M, again just to be safe
Warnings/Notes: A couple of Tumblr anons wanted to read more of these two so I wrote this. I hope you guys see this somehow~ This fic has mentions of blood and gore. (Sen’s quirk is pretty gory after all)
“Oi. The fuck you staring at?”
So it begins, but Kaibara Sen doesn’t know it yet. He stops mid-stride and reluctantly shifts his attention to the infamous explosive blonde, who is already blocking his way.
“Yeah you. I’m fucking talking to you, pretty boy. Glaring at me like you want to kill me. You wanna go, fucker?”
Who says he’s been staring, anyway? It’s another boring-ass Tuesday in UA, and he’s walking the halls next to Kosei, minding his own business when he hears this pretty blonde loudmouth rave about his new attacks to the only guy who’d listen to him, which is the Tetsutetsu rip-off next door. Sen merely gave him the judgmental side-eye he deserves, nothing more, nothing less.
Looks like the fucker wants something more, though. He’s hunkering around like a thug, stepping where he should be stepping, leering so close to his face with that jaw jutting out that he’s able to smell the sickening sweet stench of nitroglycerin emanating from within his uniform.
Sen doesn’t move. Doesn’t even retract his so-called killer glare. He feels like he’s staring down a wild animal when he keeps his dark eyes trained on those blood-red ones and smirks. “You’d like that, dynamite-face? All you gotta do is ask a little nicer, you know.”
A small, irrational, possibly evil voice in his head tells him to go ahead and take the blonde out. Drag him out into the field and beat the living shit out of that smug, explosive head of his, drill holes in his eyes and bones for everyone else to see. It’s a sickening and gruesome vision, even if it’s just playing in a little screen he pushes to the back of his head, yet he doesn’t stop it, even as he sees Bakugou Katsuki grit his teeth.
“Guys, come on.” The Tetsutetsu rip-off--what’s his name again, Kirishima?--gets in between them and puts his arm out in front of the blonde, as if to protect Sen from an impending explosion. It’s a little insulting, but the ease with which Kirishima does it, he supposes it’s merely muscle memory at this point. “Sorry ‘bout this, guys. Bakugou’s just a little fired up from combat training earlier--”
“Shut the fuck-up, shitty hair, who fucking asked you--”
“It’s cool, man, we get it,” Kosei chimes in from the side, as he suddenly places his foot in front of Sen. He wonders why for one short moment, and he realizes belatedly that he’s already stepping forward with his fists clenched and his jaw tensed. “Sorry ‘bout Sen too. He just, you know… looks like that… all the time. Doesn’t mean anything by it, promise.”
Sen knows he only means well, but this time he directs his scowl to Kosei. Because in this particular point in time, his so-called bitch face had a meaning and purpose. He doesn’t voice it out, though.
“You sure about that, Googly-eyes? Seems like he’s asking for a fist to his face.”
“Right, Sen? Come on, man.” Kosei trains his round eyes at him, with a dude, do you really want to fucking mess with Bakugou Fucking Katsuki look in them. He keeps that foot in front of his, as if he’s the wild animal that needs to be restrained from this side.
Still, Sen forces himself to understand Kosei’s gaze, which is getting more anxious by the second. He relents and steps back quietly, not bothering to hide any reluctance. He feels his face relax back into its usual permanent scowl and raises his eyebrows quietly at Kirishima, who exhales quietly.
Throughout this exchange, he observes with mild interest how Bakugou’s eyes never leave his. It isn’t the challenging glare he’s given him moments before, no. It’s quiet, and alert, and cautious, and observant. Like a thug in a street fight, arms up and in full defense, watching his enemy’s hand and waiting to see where the knife will strike next.
When Sen reverts into his usual glare, the interest is gone in a flash. He makes a small annoyed sound with his tongue and turns away. “Fucking googly-eyes and bitch-face. Don’t get in our way again.”
He stomps his way away from them, not even bothering to wait for Kirishima, who stammers another apology to the two of them before rushing after the wild animal. Kosei releases a quiet breath and stares at Sen warily.
He seems to hesitate a little before he takes on a weird, careful tone. “Dude… you good? You looked like you were really gonna deck him back there.”
He wonders how close he actually was. His fists were clenched, he was this close to lifting it, he was preparing all his muscles to gyrate his limb into a drill. Bakugou was less than a foot away. If the other guy hit first, he’d have a clean shot at that infuriating, self-assured mug of his. Must feel absolutely dreadful to mess that pretty face up--
He doesn’t want Kosei to worry though, so he answers with the deadest voice he can muster. “Did it?” is all he says, before making his way inside the classroom.
“Yeah, it did.” Strangely persistent, his friend chases after his suddenly too-quick stride and continues pressing him. “I dunno man, not to be a pain or anything, but you kinda seem really, really testy these days. Sometimes I just, y’know, wanna make sure that you don’t actually, um…”
Kosei trails off when Sen looks up at him with what assumes is his usual look of disinterest. Maybe it’s loaded with something else, judging by the way the other boy stops in his tracks and flinches.
“That I don’t what?”
“Um.” He sees him make a subtle attempt at swallowing nervously, before he continues, “That you don’t kill anyone…?” Sen steps towards him, and he backs off in what seems like an effort at self-preservation. “Don’t get me wrong, man, it ain’t just me. You just have that vibe about you, nowadays…”
Kosei is the first person to tell him this observation to his face, but Sen has heard his classmates mumble about this in the locker rooms too, when they think he isn’t listening. Seems like his frustration built up in the Joint Training Exercise had no way of getting out of his system. Fuck, that fight really was frustrating, every time he thinks of it he grits his teeth. He was so fucking close to absolutely destroying Ojiro, and he wouldn’t have regretted anything if he did. If fucking Iida minded his own fight and didn’t get in the fucking way---
He feels the rage sometimes, and sometimes it’s so strong that he feels concerned. He knows that for this to go away, all he needs is another chance, another one-on-one with an enemy who will give him a good fight.. An enemy who isn’t fucking scared of him, who can fuck him up and vice versa. After the adrenaline rush of those first few moments fighting without limits, there’s nothing inside him but endless frustration and an empty void.
He’s aware enough to know that there’s no-one in class who can fill in that void. Not even Kamakiri or Tokage, as insane as they put themselves out to be, can probably withstand the massive, consuming rage he’s built up for the past month. And everyone seems to be aware of it too, since everyone seems to be nervous fighting against him in mock battles and combat training. In his opinion though, he’s done a good job of keeping himself in control. He hasn’t done damage that Recovery Girl couldn’t fix so far, at least.
In response to his initial unresponsiveness, Kosei gives him a deer-in-the-headlight glance with those comical globes he calls eyeballs. Surrounding him, he notices that the rest of 1-B who is watching their conversation are waiting for his next move with bated breath.
So instead of blurting out his honest feelings that hell yeah he’d wreck Bakugou-fucking-Katsuki anytime, anywhere, if anyone just gave him a free pass to do so, he shuts his mouth and exhales quietly. He raises his hand, and even though Kosei flinches initially, the other boy relaxes when all he does is pat him on the shoulder.
“I’m good, man. As if I’d let that asshole goad me in a fight,” he tells him coolly. He gives him a confident smirk that instantly sets the other boy at ease.
“Okay… that’s good man. Just don’t scare me like that again.” Kosei gives him a grin, and looks happy as hell that they can finally talk about something else. He starts talking non-stop about how Samurai Blue won against the Germans, and Sen allows himself to slip back into the comfort of the routine.
The rage continues to flow.
 Maybe he isn’t able to keep all that rage out of plain sight after all, because Bakugou Katsuki somehow finds him again.
They’re alone this time, in what might as well be a dump within the sprawling UA campus. The area is an open space where the outgoing third years used to practice before they installed the new gyms. There are old punching bags and slabs of wood and concrete and old tires littered everywhere. No-one thinks to use this space anymore, and the robots who regularly do rounds to snitch on students don’t go there because it’s essentially abandoned.
It’s Sen’s secret, one that he hasn’t shared to anyone, not even his close friends in 1-B. Because it’s all his, all the things here are his to destroy, and nothing and no-one can stop him. So isn’t it funny that Bakugou Katsuki and his pretty round face is suddenly smack in the middle of the mess, as if begging to be destroyed too?
Sen doesn’t immediately acknowledge his existence. Instead, he allows those blood-red eyes watch him as he drills a slab of concrete into oblivion with his bare hands. When he finally turns to him, he sees that the guy has his hands in his pockets, with his face bearing the slightest interest as if he’s watching the sports festival on TV.
“The fuck are you doing here?” he grits out, just as the block of cement falls to pieces under his bare, gyrating hand. It doesn’t come with the sense of satisfaction that it usually has now that his secret place is compromised.
Unapologetic, Bakugou saunters his way to him, gaze unrelenting. “What, I ain’t allowed here in this fucking dump of yours, pretty boy? Isn’t your property. I can go here anytime the fuck I want.”
That infuriating self-satisfied smirk is on that stupid pretty mouth of his. All Sen wants to do is knock out all the teeth inside it, but he tightens his fists at his sides instead.
“Looks like you’re regularly making a fucking mess of things here. You got crazy anger issues or something, perma-bitch-face?”
A bitter laugh escapes from Sen. “What the hell, who the fuck are you to tell me that shit?! Bakugou fucking Katsuki, of all people, telling me that I got anger issues. You don’t even fucking know who I am--”
The gall of this shitlord. The fucking irony of it. Sen surmises that he can spend a very long time laughing at the ridiculousness of this shit show, but he doesn’t have the time. Because as it happens very suddenly, Bakugou’s in his space, fist grasping at his collar and strangling him, all of his sweet-smelling scent invading his nostrils, warm breath flooding his face as the blonde glowers at him up close.
“You’re fucked in the head too, Kaibara. I can tell,” he growls, ignoring how Sen automatically grips his strong, explosive fist in both of his hands in retaliation. “That look in your eyes tells me just as much.”
Sen doesn’t give himself time to think of what the fuck Bakugou means by that, or how the hell he knows his name, or why he’s talking about his eyes with such a weird, reverent tone all of a sudden. Instead, he activates his quirk, making the fingers clutching Bakugou’s fist and wrist revolve all the way down to hell.
He isn’t wearing his drill-tips, so he doesn’t draw blood immediately. But he does, of course he does because drawing blood is what he’s good at, and he smirks at the first red droplets seep underneath his fingernails and fly between them. Bakugou hisses in pain long after the blood starts to spurt out of his wrist. He pulls his hand back, and along the way gives Sen a faceful of explosives. The force singes his hair, almost busts both of his eardrums, and sends his head whipping backwards.
The darker-haired boy barely manages to keep standing. The skin on his face stings from the explosion, and he hopes that the worst he gets out of it is a second-degree burn. But he keeps his stance wide and strong, because the other guy with the bleeding fist is amazingly unfazed at his blood loss and looks like he isn’t done yet.
He doesn’t know what he’s expecting, but he definitely doesn’t expect what Bakugou says next. “I’m right, aren’t I, drill-fucker?” His laugh is abrasive, like sandpaper against sandpaper. His red eyes flash with mockery. “You’re a bloodthirsty fucker. You’re rarin’ to kill me.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He sees droplets of sweat spark from the surface of his skin and into the air around his fists. Sen raises his hands and makes them revolve, ready to defend himself again.
“You know what I mean, pretty boy. You’re just like me.” Bakugou is starting to step forward, cautiously. His eyes never leave Sen’s.
“Don’t drag me down your level, you batshit fucker.” When he readies his entire body, though, Sen knows that he won’t get out of here by just parrying his blows. He held Bakugou’s hand and felt all the frenetic energy begging to be released within, even after the blood spray--
“My level?” Bakugou sneers at him and whips one hand, sending explosions down on the tortured grass. “Then explain to me why your face looks like that… Kaibara Sen.”
Sen… has no clear, rational explanation for that. Still, he knows that the frenzied glint in his eyes remains there, and he can’t stop how his mouth is impulsively baring his teeth in an absolutely manic grin. When he laughs, it comes out as a howl that pierces through the ringing in his ears.
So he doesn’t bother explaining, and instead steps one foot forward, ready to lunge. “ You are fucking dead… Bakugou Katsuki.”
Like a blast from a shotgun, they’re suddenly simultaneously leaping off the ground and meeting each other mid-air. Sen narrowly avoids a right hook and feels the sting of heat against his side burns. He aims his right hand, revolving at 300 RPM, right at his opponent’s chest.
Bakugou’s reflexes are insane, though, and he doesn’t even manage to snag the sorry mess of a necktie around the other boy’s neck. He twists his body at an unnatural angle, increases the revolution by 200, and kicks his right leg down.
He hits Bakugou at the hip. The cry of pain that comes out is almost as satisfying as the point of contact. He feels the grin on his face grow wider, as he turns his head to survey the damage…
But instead, he’s treated to another blast from both hands. He doesn’t hear the expletive that comes out of his mouth when he feels the explosive force hit the side of his chest. Half of his grey workout shirt is bombed to smithereens, and he’s worried that some of his ribs might be, too.
“Eyes on me, fucker. We’re just getting started!”
Bakugou doesn’t stop moving--one fist after another comes flying out, targeting his head, his chest, his neck. Sen dodges all of them, granted not as smoothly as he’d like because of how his brain’s jarred to jello from all the blasts, but fuck him if he’d let this guy get another clean hit on him.
Up it to 700, he thinks to himself, catching one of Bakugou’s forearms with both hands, not letting go even when Bakugou swears and the skin underneath starts to break. He gets a kick to his chest for all his efforts, something a little weaker than before that makes him smirk.
The blonde steps back with a growl and shakes his newly torn uniform sleeves and injured arm. Sen gives himself a split second to see the new, dripping rosettes of open flesh there, before they’re launching towards each other again like missiles.
1000, he thinks to himself as he lets his hands whirr like the blades of a blender. The speed of the revolutions make his own bones ache and suffocates all his nerves and makes his limbs harder to control, but he doesn’t give a fuck. He’s never broken through this threshold before, and he’s surprised at just how thrilling it is that the person who sees it doesn’t run away.
In fact, the excitement in the blonde fucker’s eyes just grows and grows. “That’s it, you drill bastard. Give me all you’ve got!"
So he does.
At the back of his head, he knows this is wrong. What the hell is he going to do if he accidentally lops of an ear, or slices through the other guy’s neck by accident? Never mind that, what the hell is Bakugou going to do if he accidentally blasts through his liver--which he’s dangerously close to doing right now, by the way--and neither of them recovers from this?
But those thoughts aren’t intrusive enough. They don’t overthrow the flood of adrenaline through his bloodstream, or the rush of his pulse through his ears. They don’t stop him from smiling through this.
In the end, though, Bakugou proves himself again as one of the top students in their batch. A kick at the back of his knees sends him crashing to the ground. It’s a pretty bad fall, one that momentarily blackens his vision and stills his revolving arms into a jarring halt. He doesn’t have a chance to get up or even roll over on his back before he feels Bakugou’s weight on him and feels a piping hot hand push the back of his scalp down.
There’s a moment where they don’t exchange anything else but rapid, ragged breaths. Sen feels the adrenaline die down, making all his frayed nerves aware of all the new burns and bruises riddled all over his body. His arms feel numb from pushing the limits of his quirk. He couldn’t help the grunt of pain that escapes from his dry throat when Bakugou pulls his head up briefly by the roots of his hair and pushes it back down again.
“I win, drill-fucker.” The hiss tickles his ear and sends an odd, not-unpleasant sensation down his spine. Sweat from Bakugou’s face drips down and falls in his open mouth, filling it with a sweet burning taste. “You can tell me that you’re my little bitch now, if you want. Now’s a good time as any.”
“As if,” growls Sen. With the last dregs of energy he doesn’t know he has left, he wrestles his head out of Bakugou’s grip, flips himself underneath him, and clasps his inert hand against his neck. He doesn’t stop Bakugou’s huge, sweet-smelling, sweat-and-blood-drenched hand from covering his face.
They stare each other down, hearts beating erratically, breaths not slowing down. Sen feels his gaze darken. Bakugou bends down, leaning his face so close to his that their noses almost touch, and he doesn’t stop him.
“Fuck you, pretty boy.” The growl reaches his ear almost affectionately. Tension of a questionable nature winds around them, like thin metal wires cutting through bone. He feels the blonde’s heartrate go up, sees his pupils dilate within an extremely thinning ring of red. Fucker might as well be in-love with him. Sen couldn’t stop the aberrant chuckle that escapes from his mouth.
“You wish, sweet-cheeks.”
Annoyance flashes through his ruby red eyes briefly, and for a short moment he wonders if this is the moment his head is blown to oblivion. But Bakugou merely slaps him lightly on the cheek and stands up.
Sen is a little stunned as he watches the blonde stretch his tensed muscles this way and that, as if he’s merely cooling down from a particularly heavy workout at the gym. When he’s done, he shoves his bloodied arms in his pockets and stares him down.
“If you snitch on me, I’ll kill you,” he tells him gruffly. He’s got that yankee stance on him again, and it’s so ridiculous Sen laughs at him at his face.
“Nothing happened,” he tells him, as he stands up from the burnt and pulverized soil, “and, not if I kill you first, you dickhead.”
It’s our little secret. We should do this again. Don’t let anybody else fucking kill you or else I’ll kill you twice over.
Bakugou seems to get it, if the exposed teeth on one upturned side of his mouth is any indication. With the slightest twitch of a bruised shoulder, the explosive blonde walks away and disappears with the sunset.
When Sen comes back to the 1-B dorm, with singed hair and torn clothes and cheeks red, Kosei and Itsuka almost piss their pants demanding what the fuck happened. “I fell. That’s all,” is what he tells them, before further ignoring their pleas to get himself to Recovery Girl before he drops dead.
They don’t get it--he hasn’t felt this alive, not in a long time. He even sees it when he looks at his eyes in the mirror and suddenly understands why the fuck Bakugou Katsuki, of all people, was waxing poetic over them. It’s a good thing then that this definitely won’t be the last time he’ll rave over them, isn’t it?
Body heavy, but chest inexplicably light, Sen passes out with the intoxicating taste of nitroglycerin in his mouth.  
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