#classic case of leaving the guy who cheated on you for the girl he cheated with tbh
buckboi · 29 days
One day when i have time to deal with inevitable backlash I will write a post about how actually Taylor Kelly is one of the most compelling minor characters on 911 with a heartbreaking backstory that fully explains (but doesn’t excuse) why she does the things she does and ALSO that i think she & Lucy Donato should be in lesbians together
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muwapsturniolo · 4 months
✯Malevolent PT.1✯
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Summary: Turns out I'm living in a horror film Where I'm both the killer and the final girl. So who, who are you?
In the small town of Somerville Massachusetts, a bloodbath is brewing, and Y/N Lyoncourt is in the middle of it.
games played with cell phones, gruesome murders, and scary movies
how will she survive?
Warning: alchol, swearing, stalking, gore, stabbing, knives, mentions of blood as well as organs. cheating, death, killing. read at your own risk.
It was a crisp fall night in the town of Somerville Massachusettes. Branches on the trees remain naked as their leaves wisp across the ground due to the cold wind. Street lamps casting a warm glow down the vacant streets.
A particular street was dimly lit, the only source of light being the moon. Right under the moonlight sits a house with only one member inside.
Kehlani Summers.
The head cheerleader of Somerville High, the popular girl, the bitch that most people couldn’t stand.
Her parents were gone, leaving her to her own devices. She chose to invite her boyfriend, Dylan Holmes, over and watch scary movies before they got in the real “action”.
He was the captain of the hockey team and the most popular boy in school. girls foamed at the mouth for him, even some teachers.
They were a classic match made in heaven.
The perfect high school couple.
A typical cliche.
The perfect victims
Kehlani had just put popcorn on the stove when her phone rang. With her AirPods in, she answers the call without thinking of checking the caller ID.
Kehlani frowns in confusion hearing the deep raspy voice, but carries on with her task of pouring a shot of her mother's alcohol. “Hello? Who's calling?” She says. “Oh sorry, I must have the wrong number! My apologies.”
Kehlani rolls her eyes in annoyance, "Clearly. Bye"
She double-taps the small bud attached to her ear and takes her shot. As soon as she slams the shot glass down, her phone rings again. Thinking it's her boyfriend, she answers it.
"Hello? Dylan?"
"No, it's me again."
Her face scrunches up, "You clearly have the wrong number, so why the hell did you call back?" Her voice clearly holds vexation.
"I wanted to apologize." She huffs and walks around her kitchen, ditching the shot glass and just carrying the bottle. "Well, apology accepted. Now stop calling" She goes to hang up once again, but is stopped by the voice begging her to wait.
"Hold on! Don't hang up!" She peeks outside into the dark abyss before walking towards the stove. "Why shouldn't I? You're being annoying."
The voice chuckles, "I want to talk to you."
"Why so you can jerk off to my voice like a perv? Go get your fap material somewhere else bozo." She hangs up and snatches her AirPods out her ear, putting them back in the case.
She feels her body slowly start to get warm from the Titos, her movements beginning to slow. Just as she checks the popcorn, her phone rings again. She looks at the caller ID and sees it says unknown.
"This guy is annoying as shit," she grumbles before picking it up once again.
Maybe she should talk to him until Dylan gets here? She is bored and Dylan is late.
"Hello?" She speaks into the phone, jumping on the kitchen island.
"Why don't you want to talk to me?" The man asks. His voice is laced with faux confusion. "Because you're being weird. Now who is this?" she says as she watches the popcorn. "Tell me your name and I'll tell you mine." She scoffs and hops off the island, standing by the stove.
"Don't think so buddy"
"What's that noise?"
she takes another swig of Titos before answering. "Popcorn"
"I love popcorn. It's best at the movies. Why are you making popcorn?" Kehlani finds herself smiling softly at the question. Maybe it's because she's intoxicated, or because the stranger on the phone seemed genuinely curious about her night. "I'm watching a movie."
"Movie? I love movies. Do you like scary movies?"
Kehlani nods only to remember the stranger can't see her. "uh-huh"
''what's your favorite?"
The girl ponders for a moment. She honestly wasn't big on scary movies, she only dabbled. "Probably Pearl."
The stranger scoffs, "Pearl? that's not even scary and it was boring!" The girl shrugs. "Well you asked my favorite and I told you...what's yours."
"House of A Thousand Corpses."
She frowns at the name, "Never heard and it sounds gory"
"Oh, it is. Lots of blood and violence." His voice almost sounds distant, like he was fantasizing about the movie. A small shiver runs up her body.
"So, you got a boyfriend?"
Kehlani smirks at the question "Why you wanna ask me out?"
It's no secret that the teenage girl wasn't loyal to her boyfriend. hell, he wasn't loyal to her either. They both found fun in cheating on each other and making the other mad.
"Maybe. Do you have one?''
"No." She lies through her teeth.
The voice chuckles, "You know, you never told me your name."
"Why do you want to know my name so bad?'' She takes another swig of the vodka.
"Because I want to know who I'm looking at"
She chokes on the burning liquor, spitting it out over the counter. She coughs for a few seconds before speaking back into the phone, her voice scratchy. "W-what did you say?"
"I said I want to know who I'm talking to." She stands in the middle of the kitchen confused.
Was it the alcohol making her hear things? Was she truly correct in what she heard?
"T-that's not what you said..." She catches what she thinks is movement in her backyard. She clicks on the light only to see nothing. She flips off the light and locks the patio door.
"What do you think I said?'' his voice begins to make her uneasy, his tone almost predatory. "I-I have to go now!" she exclaims as she becomes apprehensive about this whole thing.
"I thought we were going to go out?"
"Tough shit"
"Don't hang up on me!"
"Fuck off!"
"Don-click" She throws her phone down on the counter and chugs a bottle of water in an attempt to sober up. Her phone rings once again and she debates on answering it.
The constant ringing annoys her and she snatches the phone up,
"I told you not to hang up on me."
"And I told you to fuck off!" She hangs up once again, only for the stranger to immediately call back. A noise of frustration leaves her throat as she answers.
Her blood runs cold at the lurid words. Her whole body is tense as the hairs on her arms stand up. "I-is this some kind of joke?" She whimpers.
"More like a game."
She swears she heard the front door jingle, so she rushes towards it and locks it. She maneuvers through the whole house, locking every entrance door including the windows.
"I'm two seconds away from calling the police!" She threatens. The voice laughs, "Do it, they won't make it in time. After all, your parents moved you to a house that's about 3 miles from the nearest neighbors and about 10 from town."
Tears form in her eyes when she realizes they do in fact know where she lives. "W-what do you want? Money? I'll give you money!"
"I don't want money."
"Then what do you want?"
"To see what your insides look like."
She quickly hangs up the phone and throws it across the room, trepidation flowing through her system. The doorbell ringing pulls a scream from her throat. She rushes towards the door but stops in her tracks.
Swinging open the door could be a bad idea.
"Dylan is that you?"
"Fuck this! I'm calling the cops!" She rushes towards her phone that's on the floor. As she picks it up, it begins to vibrate in her hand.
unknown caller
Her hand trembles as she raises it to her ear. She says nothing, waiting for the stranger to speak. All she hears is loud and ragged breathing.
"Don't you know you should never say who's there? It's a death wish." The voice states. She clutches the wall and slides down as she begins to cry. "Leave me alone or- Or what?" The stranger taunts.
"M-my boyfriend will be here any minute! He will beat your ass when he finds out!" Usually threatening other people with her boyfriend works,
But not this time.
"I thought you didn't have a boyfriend."
"I-I do! He's big, and strong, and plays hockey! And he will beat your ass when he finds out who the hell you are!"
"Ohhh I'm so scared!" The stranger coos.
"Hey Kehlani, I have a question for you." She clenches her eyes shut hearing the stranger state her name. "Your boyfriend's name wouldn't happen to be Dylan, would it?''
"How do you know our names?!"
The stranger doesn't answer her question, simply telling her to look at her back patio.
Terrified of what she would find, but still intoxicated enough to listen, She hesitantly makes her way to her kitchen to look at the patio.
"I-I don't see- Turn on the light and stop acting like a dumb bitch!" She flinches and turns on the light.
The sight she's met with is frightening.
Her hockey player boyfriend is bound to a chair with rope, his mouth gagged and taped shut.
His face is bloody, but he's alive.
She lets out a loud sob at the sight and tries to run out to help him, but stops when the voice stranger speaks to her.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He clicks his tongue three times and the girl can only imagine him shaking his head.
"Who are you?!" she screams in frustration.
"let's play a game."
"Then your boyfriend dies!" She quickly pleads for the stranger to leave him alone.
"Then play the game or he dies." She quickly agrees.
"Turn off the light and go into the living room." She looks at Dylan as he pleads for her to save him. She turns off the light and makes her way to the living room.
"Here's the game, I'm going to test your knowledge on scary movies. if you answer correctly, Dylan lives. If you answer wrong... well I suggest you start writing your will."
She clenches her eyes at the thought of her death.
She tries to think of a way around this. She sees a lamp in the corner and quickly yanks it out of the socket. They can't kill her if they can't see...Right?
"Let's start.... name the killer in Halloween."
She rakes her brain trying to find the answer but she's drawing a blank. There's too much going on for her to think clearly.
The stranger knows that.
"Oh come on! it's easy! I'll even give you a hint! He had a white mask and stalked babysitters!"
"I-I can't think!" she's panicking.
"Yes you can! Use that pretty little head of yours!"
Finally...a godsent
"M-Michael Myers!"
"Yes! See? You should do fine! Dylan should live. now, name the killer from Friday The 13th!" She shakes her head, she's only on the second question and is tired of this game.
"P-please stop.." She begs.
"Answer the question"
"Jason?... it's Jason!" She remembers the movie because Dylan made her watch it.
The stranger imitates a buzzing noise, "Wrong! It wasn't Jason." She frowns in confusion. "Y-yes it was! I remember!' she urges.
"I saw the movie like twenty times! It's Jason!"
"If you say the movie like twenty damn times you would know that Ms. Vorhees, Jason's mother, was the goddamn killer! Jason didn't show up until the sequel."
She stands in the living room, stupified. Maybe she should have paid attention to the movie instead of trying to fuck her boyfriend.
"Y-you tricked me... You cheated!" she yells in anger. The stranger laughs. "Oh like you? You remember all the times you cheated on your boyfriend?" she freezes at his words.
"That doesn't matter anymore, he's out of this round and the rest to come. Lucky for you, there's a bonus round."
She's in hysterics at this point, her whole body shaking and her vision blurry.
She rushes to the kitchen and flips on the patio light.
A gut-wrenching scream leaves her mouth when she sees her boyfriend.
Blood is pouring out of his throat, coating his whole body. The mouth gag he has on is also coated, a clear indication that he is choking on his own blood.
And the most gory part,
His stomach was sliced open, his organs lay in a heaping pile on the ground, steam rising from them as if they were being cooked.
She covers her mouth and quickly rushes towards the trashcan, throwing up the alcohol in her stomach. She collapses to the ground. sobbing in fright. The image of her lover engraved in her mind.
"I have one more question for you princess."
"N-no! Leave me alone!" She pleads helplessly. She's tired of this whole night. What was supposed to be a chill evening, turned into her being hunted like prey.
She sits on the floor, knees to her chest as she rocks back and forth like a child.
"Come on pretty girl, answer the question, and i'll let you live."
She doesn't say anything.
"What door am I at?"
She sobs even harder.
"Come on. There's two main doors to your home. The front and the side door. pick "
"I- can't!" The voice sighs out in what seems like boredom. "You will. now answer."
Kehlnai shakily stands up and grabs a sharp knife from her mother's chopping block. She holds it close as she stands in the kitchen.
"The side door?" She questions softly.
The man laughs making her freeze.
"Wrong! I'm not there but he is!"
She screams as the glass behind her shatters, a lawn chair landing close to her. She takes off running from the kitchen as a shadowy figure creeps through the broken glass, the knife in her hand long forgotten. She rushes through the foyer, fleeing to the side door in an attempt to escape the big home.
She creeps around the house, trying to see where the killer is, and get away from him to safety. She comes up on the side of the house where three curtainless windows sit. She crouches down and begins to crawl along the concrete, her knees burning at the rough pavement. She peeks her head through the first window and sees the killer walking into the foyer.
She ducks back down before getting to the second window. This time, the killer is looking in the foyer closet searching for the girl.
She gets to the third window, hoping he's nowhere to be found.
Unfortunately, when she peeks into the window, she comes face to face with her reflection and a white mask.
A blood-curdling scream is pulled from her throat as a hand shoots through the glass and wraps around her neck, attempting to yank her inside through the window.
She fights, swinging her arms and pushing them away, her bare feet stepping into the glass. she manages to break free and takes off towards the front of the house, tripping over her own feet as she maneuvers through the wet grass.
In the distance, she sees a set of headlights turning up her driveway.
Her parents!
She begins screaming, waving her arms vigorously in an attempt to flag them down, hoping they can save her from the masked killer.
Unfortunately, they can't.
She's tackled to the ground, her phone flying out of her hand and landing a few feet away from her. Her body is violently flipped over, her back being pushed into the mud as the killer straddles her. She attempts to fight back, not giving up just yet.
The masked killer gets irritated with her fighting and raises their arm, the blade of the knife glimmering in the moonlight.
it happens so fast, the killer's arm swinging down expeditiously, the blade plunging deep into the girl's chest.
Her jaw drops open in pain, nothing but a croak leaving her throat.
He removes the knife, both of them looking towards the crimson color blossoming through the threads of her sweater.
She spots a rock by her legs and takes her chance.
Just as the killer raises his blade once again, she snatches the rock and slams it against his head. He falls off of her, grabbing the side of his head in pain. The girl manages to rise to her feet, snatching her phone from the ground, and staggering toward her parent who are now exiting the parked Cadillac.
She opens her mouth to call for help, but it seems as if her own vocal cords fail her, no sound coming from her mouth.
Her parents remain oblivious to their bloody daughter. Even though she is only 10 feet away from them, they fail to see her reaching out, longing for them to save her.
A sharp pain emerges in her shoulder blade, sending her to the ground. She begins to heave in pain, her whole body aching from all the fighting she has been doing. She's turned back over, her ankles being grabbed as she dragged through the yard.
Her once-cream sweater was now covered in blood and mud.
Her hearing is going in and out, a loud ringing in her left ear while her right ear is filled with the pounding of her heart. The cellular device still in her grip begins to vibrate.
Oddly enough, there isn't any more fright in her body.
She knows this is the end for her.
She's come to terms that she will die tonight.
She declines the call, welcoming death with open arms.
The masked figure drops her legs, making her look up at him.
It feels as if her eyes are playing tricks on her as two killers stand in her field of vision. They look at each other, nodding, before dropping to their knees and proceeding to stab the girl repeatedly.
She begins to choke and sputter on her own blood, her body lurching at each mutilation being made to her body. Her blood coats the masks, splotches of blood dripping down onto their already bloody gowns.
They each land one final blow into her chest before they watch the light leave her eyes.
The two killers move silently and quickly, one wrapping rope around her neck as the other throws the end around a tree branch. the one killer stands up and helps yank the rope over the branch.
The dead girl's body begins to drag through the grass, eventually lifting into the air, swinging back and forth.
They work fast in securing the rope around the tree, before admiring their work.
"something's missing."
He moves forward with his knife raised.
He plunges it deep into her abdomen, dragging the knife across her torso. Her blood splashes into the dirt, creating a mud-like consistency. He reaches his gloved hand into the wound, pulling out her intestines, and scattering them beneath her.
He steps back toward his accomplice.
"It's perfect."
@bernardsgf @bernardsleftbootycheek @blahbel668 @mattfrfr @gdsvhtwa @sturniolo-aali @lily-loves-struniolos @kynda-avery @causeidontlikeagoldrush
@st7rnioioss @carolinalikesthings @mattslolita @suyqa @xxloveralways14 @pepsiimaxx @judespoision
@ivonchetooo1239 @imaslut4kehlani @that-general-simp @m4stermindd @itzdarling @gigisworldsstuff @adoreindie @braindead4l @pettydollie @chrissgirlsstuff @alexis007 @ratatioulle @yamamasjumpercables @luv4kozume @sturnioloslurps @kqyslyho3
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sunsetkerr · 2 months
dont wanna be depressing, but how do you deal with parenting your dad?
- 💛 (anon who parents both parents)
hi my love, welcome 💛
I’m more than happy to dive into this, but it's gonna be longggg so I will put this under the cut so I don’t get too sad on main lol, but- quick tw beforehand: heavy drug addiction, anxiety disorder, smoking, drinking, infidelity, parenting your parents, absent father and mentions of suicidal thoughts.
quick backstory! my parents were very on and off throughout my entire childhood. my dad cheated on my mum a total of 13 times, what a guy! my mum? literally the most girl boss, resilient woman I have ever met. worked 3 jobs whilst she was pregnant because my dad was on meth and ice at the time.
so my parents finally broke up for the last time when I was eight.
I saw my dad once a week, until he blew up on me for wanting to call my mum to say goodnight, on the night of my 10th birthday. he went ballistic at me and after that, I didn't leave the house apart from school for a year because I would have panic attacks every time I went somewhere.
my dad is very embarrassing. he's not just emotionally abusive to me, but to his mum, sister and my cousins (without realising the extent of his actions). he is very 'poor me, I'm the vicitm' which is something I have noticed recently.
I really am the only person that my dad has. he now realises that because I'm an adult now, he cannot treat me like a little kid, because I will leave. I dont tolerate that behaviour, I am not as forgiving as my mother.
last year, my dad blew up on my grandad who is 81 and has dementia. my grandma and him haven't spoken since. a few nights ago, my dad rang me around 8pm, and I instantly thought 'what does he want now?'. because he only calls me when needs/wants something.
my dad is on the phone drunk and ends up getting onto the topic of my grandma not speaking to him. he's crying on the phone to me, tells me how he was going to k*ll himself when I was a kid, but that I was the only thing keeping him alive. very fucked, a lot to put on your 20 year old daughter.
he says that he needs my help to repair his relationship with my grandma, and everyone else. that he knows he can always count on me.
it's a sad thing to have to parent your 51 year old father, and have those big hurtful conversations about what he's done wrong and trying to keep him in check. but it's the reality for lots of us! know that you're completely not alone in this. I am really lucky that I have the best mum in the world, she is my best friend and I would definitely be a different person if I didn't have her to rely on.
so to hear that you have to parent both of your parents is really upsetting and im so sorry. im sorry you've had to grow up so quickly, because that is mostly the case in these scenarios. my biggest tip would be to look after you. it's okay to break down, I did the other night for the first time in a while.
its really hard to talk to people about it, because lots of people dont get it. my boyfriend grew up with a classic white-picket fence family and has no idea how to handle the things that I say to him about my dad, but he's trying.
as long as you are getting some kind of support, you will be okay. and if you're not, make time to support yourself. remember, you are the only person that you have forever. you start your life with your parents, but your life doesn't end with them- your life ends with you, so take care of you.
im really sorry that this is reality for you. im sending you so much love, and if you ever need someone to vent to about parenting your parents (or anything else) I'm here <3 thank you for feeling comfortable enough to reach out to me.
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nightmare-dreamt · 1 year
Popstar! Todoroki Shoto x reader
Warnings: Angst
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From the start, everything was great, everything was perfect and sweet.
It felt like one of those classic love stories that people would see on tv.
Now, it felt like one of those bitter sweet stories that made people want to cry.
At the end, everything was terrible, everything was falling apart, and it was nothing near sweet.
You remember the moment your eyes laid on him, something sparked inside of you when seeing his two colored hair and star strucking face. You knew from the time your guys eyes met each others he was yours and after some time, he thought it too. It was a dream come true, but dreams weren't always meant to come true.
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"What is this!" You screamed, showing the picture that was spreading all over the internet. A photo lied on the screen of your phone with the man you called your lover, holding hands with another girl. Todoroki widened his eyes, "I don't know, it's probably photoshoped."
"Really? Photoshoped, that's going to be your exscues?" You growled. Todoroki signed, rubbing his eyes, "I'm tired, can we talk about this another time?"
"You're kidding right?" You exclaimed with a brokon look. Todoroki placed his hands on your shoulders, "I don't know who that girl is, I've never seen her in my life. You know how my fans can be, someone just posted that photo to get into your head and it worked."
Looking at the photo, your eyes landed on the girl with short brown hair and big brown eyes as a smile lined her face. Your heart broke seeing the look on both of their faces, it was one the two of you used to share before all of this began to happen. Todoroki grabbed your face, holding it in your hands, "You need to get off of the internet more. Come on, how about we go watch a movie together?"
"Ok," You nodded, meeting his eyes that seemed distant.
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Sitting in your room, bitter warm tears streamed down your face when another picture of your lover and a girl went viral. This girl had long green hair and a cute demanor, one that made your heart swell. A gentle hand was placed on your shoulder with them giving a tight squeeze. You looked up meeting the gaze of a green haired boy who had a look of worry.
"You can't keep doing this to yourself Y/n. You need to leave him," Deku mumbled. You shook your head, "I can't Izuku, I don't want to do that to them. You know how hurt they'll be if we were to leave. I don't want them to lose their father."
"They'll understand, for once in your life Y/n, think of yourself," Deku whispered. You swallowed a lump in your throat, "What would I even do? I don't have a job, we would be on the streets."
"You can live with me, there's plenty of room and it wouldn't be the first time the kids stayed the night," Deku exclaimed. You glanced at the picture on your bed side table that held a photo of your wedding day, one of the most happiest days of your life. You wished it could be like it was back then. You turned, "I want to give him one more chance."
"Y/n," Deku started, watching the broken look on your face. He signed, "Fine, but one more chance. After that, he's done and you're living with me."
"Deal," You murmured.
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The heavy rain poured outside hitting your face hard as your feet hit the ground at a face pace, running through the streets of your home. You hoped that he could change, become the man he used to be, but the picture of him with the black haired girl stopped all hope. You tumed, staring at a familar house that held great memory in your mind.
"Izuku," You cried, falling into his arms. Deku widen his eyes when catching your fallen form, "Y/n? What happen, why are you soaken wet?"
He did it again, I thought he changed," You sobbed. Deku gulped, placing a band on the back of your head, "It's going to be alright, come inside, let's get you all warmed up."
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'Pop star Shoto is caught kissing model Momo Yaoyoruzo. How does his spouse feel about this?'
'Pop star Shoto being divorced after all of his cheating scandals'
'Y/n L/n wins court case after fighting for the rights of their children'
'The fall of pop start Shoto Todoroki'
'A year later, Y/n caught having lunch with pop star Deku. Is there something going on there?'
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"Please Y/n, don't go." Todoroki pleaded with tears in his eyes. You remained silent, holding the last bag of your belongings, giving him a look he's never seen before. Todoroki got onto his knees, grabbing your hand, "I'll change, I swear!"
"Don't take another step in my direction," You growled, "I can't be trusted around you."
"Please don't leave, I can't let you or the kids go. You're a part of my life, I'll be broken without you," He cried, shaking his head. You ripped your hands out of your hands, "You should have relaized that earlier. You caused all of this, you're the reason we're leaving."
"Please can't we just talk this out, I can't move on without the three of you in my life," Todoroki whispered. You scoffed, "You should have realized that before sitting back and watching our life burn." "What about my life, my career, my family, our hopes and dreams. You're throwing that all in the trash?" Todoroki asked. You snapped, "You already did that! You slept with all of those girls! You lied to my face and so many others! You broke our family! You ruined your career!"
"Please stop all of this, I don't want the kids to hear," Todoroki begged, standing up. You screamed, "Let them hear! Then, they'll know the pain and embarresment you've gave to this family!"
"Enough, what was I supposed to do? I didn't want to be kept here my whole life, I wanted to live!" He shouted. You stepped back, "And you couldn't do that with them? With me? What Todoroki, were we holding you back?"
"Yes!" He yelled. You chuckled, shoving him, "When will you learn that they are your legacy! They looked up to you! They loved you! If only they could see the real you, the one that hide behind for all of these years! You're just like your father!"
A deep silence filled the dangerous air of your old home as the two haired man stared at your anger filled face. You took multiple breathes, feeling a weight be lifted off of your back when everything was spoken, and now it was time to leave. You grabbed your last bag and turned, whispering one thing, "Fairwell, Shoto."
A/n - Thanks for over 30 followers, sorry for not updating much, I've been busy as of recently. Hope you guys enjoyed this angst oneshot, request are open for those who would like me to wrote for a specific character.
Guess the song I listened to when writing this and I'll give a shout out! :) I put a lyric from the song somewhere in the work.
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elrw24 · 3 years
When I first laid eyes on you...Part 1.
Summary: Your friend/neighbor invites you to a party where he invited Scott Evans and Scott brings Chris Evans along. Chris sees you singing karaoke and feels like there was an instant connection between you two.
Chris Evans x Reader
Fluff, implied smut
*Side Note: this my first post ever, sorry if it’s so long. I’ve just been playing with this idea. Let me know if you guys like where this is going and I’d love to write more :)
It was a bright Wednesday morning and you were walking your French Bulldog, Blue and you could see your friend/neighbor, Mark walking his Frenchie too. He waves at you from afar and you meet him halfway to have your Frenchies play while you two catch up. “Y/N!! Good morning pretty girl!” Mark says. “Morning Mark, I haven’t seen you in a couple of days, how have you been?”. “I’ve been good, I just got back from LA a couple of days ago, that’s why I haven’t been around. Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask you...I’m having a get together on Friday night, I have a couple of friends coming in from LA and some friends from my old hometown in Massachusetts. I wanted to see if you wanted to come over!” Mark asks. “I don’t know Mark, I’ve been feeling bummed since I called off the engagement...” Mark cuts you off and says, “Exactly why you need a night out Y/N. It’s been 6 months....that’s half a year, I think you deserve a night out to let loose and finally leave that bullshit behind. He’s a piece of shit who cheated on you and doesn’t realize what he’s missing out on. So, I’m begging you...please come on Friday! We’re going to have drinks, dinner, some card games, and karaoke. Plus, you never know maaaaaybe you’ll meet someone that night!”. “Yeah...I’m not holding my breath on meeting someone...but I guess you’re right. I deserve this. Just let me know what time you want me over and what you want me to bring.” “You’re a doll, Y/N! Can’t wait to see you on Friday!” Mark says. You guys continue to chat and let the Frenchies play before heading off to your house to go get ready for work.
The week flies by and Thursday night, Mark texts you “Hey doll, just wanna remind you, party starts at 8pm. Don’t worry about bringing food, just bring yourself and your alcohol of choice! And don’t forget...there’s gonna be tons of good looking guys at this party, so get your flirting game back up lol!” You laid in bed and groaned...you loved your friend Mark for wanting to see you happy again and getting you back in the dating field, but you were so nervous to get your heartbroken again. After all, you did spend 10 years of your life with a guy who you thought you were going to marry and grow old with and he turned around and cheated on you. You decided to reply to Mark, “Oh great...I think my flirting game is outta shape Mark...thank goodness for tequila cause that’s what’s going to get me through your party! Can’t wait to hang out though and meet your friends!” You there and decided you weren’t going to think too much about it and just go with the flow.
Your day at work on Friday goes by quickly and before you know it you’re at home by 4pm and with time to spare to get ready for the party. You get home and go about your normal routine of feeding Blue and taking him for his evening walks. You shower and you’re in your room wrapped in your fluffy pink towel, curly hair dripping wet and staring into your closet. What the hell do I want to wear to this party? It’s casual...but you still want to make sure you look good... you pulled a few outfits from your closet and and tried a few on, Blue laid on your bed watching you try on your outfits. You decided on some skinny jeans cuffed at your ankles, a black v-neck shirt and your go-to white low top converses. You decided on your favorite ankle bracelet, you always found it sexy to see a cute bracelet hanging off your ankle. You fix your hair, leaving your curls loose and decided on some light makeup. Your beautiful almond shape eyes stood out with the brown and gold eyeshadow that you had on, light blush and your glossy lips. You spritz on your “Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue” on turn to face your dog, Blue. How do I look bubba? Momma is nervous to meet some new people...tell me I’m gonna be fine. And as if Blue understood you and on cue he barked and licked your nose. You grabbed your jean jacket, just in case it was cold walking back home at night, grabbed your purse, keys, phone and how to forget your favorite tequila.
You walk across the street to Mark’s house, you see a couple of cars in his driveway and parked in front of his house and before walking in you take a deep breath...you’ll be fine...time to let loose. You open the door to Mark’s house and shout his name, you’re instantly greeted by his Frenchie, Lola. Mark comes up, clearly already tipsy, gives you a big bear hug, “Y/N! You look good girlllll, welcome to the party!!!! Come on, let’s go into the kitchen to put your stuff down and let me introduce you to my childhood friend, Scott. He’s making some mixed drinks and let me tell you...they’re the fucking best!!” You laugh and just slap his arm, “Alright, mister party host let’s get that drink.” You walk into the kitchen and see this tall guy mixing drinks and looking so adorable, gives you the biggest smile, “You must be Y/N! Mark couldn’t stop raving about his friend who was about to come over and I’ve heard that you have an amazing voice for when it comes to karaoke. We’re gonna have to do a duet! What’s your poison? What kind of drink do you want?” He asks. “And you must be Scott. Nice to meet you, I’m not a picky drinker, how about some tequila with pineapple juice? But before we start anything...we need to welcome my presence with....TEQUILA SHOTS!!!!” You laugh as you grab your bottle of tequila and pour 3 shots for you guys, you chop up some limes and grab the salt. “Alright boys, here’s to a very fun and much needed night!” You say and you all lift your shot glasses up, lick the salt off your hands, take your shot and then suck your limes. You all shiver and laugh as the shot starts to make your insides feel warm. You start to think, hey this isn’t going to be so bad. This is gonna be a fun night. You see tons of friends in the yard, some in the basement, so many games going on. You stay close to Mark and Scott for the night, you decided to go into the kitchen and make some more drinks for you guys and when you turned your back to make them you hear Mark shout, “AYYYYY! Cap you made it!!”, Scott jumps in, “Bro, I thought you got lost!”. You hear the deep voice say, “Hey man! Thanks for having me, and yeah bro almost got lost...had to swing by and pick up some beer. Hope you all like Heineken!”. Scott says, “Since you made it bro, you gotta have a welcome tequila shot, as my new friend Y/N, likes to call them!” You come back into the dining room with your drinks and stop to look at the tall man standing with Mark and Scott. He was tall, had dark hair slicked back, a perfectly trimmed beard, the most beautiful blue eyes you’ve ever seen. He wore jeans, a blue t-shirt that fit perfectly around his strong arms, classic converses and stood there with his hands in his pocket. When he looked up at you with those deep ocean blue eyes and beautiful smile, you felt like the world was moving in slow motion. It wasn’t until Mark said, “Y/N...this is Scott’s brother, Chris. They’re my good friends I grew up with in Massachusetts. Chris, this is my amazing friend, Y/N.” As you put the drinks down, Chris extended his hand out to you, “Nice to meet you, Y/N.” He gave you the biggest smile, so genuine and sweet. You reached your hand out to his and shook hands, and you immediately felt an instant spark and connection in your handshake, and as if he felt the same thing you looked up and his deep ocean blue eyes looked up and yours and he stared at you. “Nice to meet you too, Chris.” You shyly said back.
Chris POV:
Shit...I’m running late, I still gotta run to grab some beer for the party. Our old friend, Mark is having a party and mentioned that he’s going to have some card games and karaoke, not that I plan on singing karaoke...that’ll be more of Scott’s thing tonight. Maybe if I have enough drinks and the right song is playing, I’ll be bold enough to sing. I pull up to Mark’s house and walk in and immediately hear his voice “AYYYY! Cap you made it!!” and then Scott voice “Bro! I thought you got lost!”. I laugh when I see how they’ve clearly been drinking for a while now and are both tipsy, looks like I’ll have to catch up...I chuckle to myself. “Hey man! Thanks for having me, and yeah bro almost got lost...had to swing by and pick up some beer. Hope you all like Heineken!”. Scott says, “Since you made it bro, you gotta have a welcome tequila shot, as my new friend Y/N, likes to call them!”. As he says this, you see this beautiful Latina woman come out of the kitchen with 3 drinks in hand. She had the most beautiful olive complexion that almost glowed, beautiful dark curly hair, almond eyes, plump glossy pink lips. She had on a black v-neck shirt that showed a bit of cleavage, but in a tasteful way, her skinny jeans and white chucks. She had a little sway to her walk, showing her voluptuous hips that he almost wanted to grab on sight and pull her to him. When she walked up, she made eye contact with me...her eyes were dark brown, almost black, but her eyes had a sparkle to them and they were mysterious, they looked shy but sassy at the same time. She smiled and when she did I swore my heart ached in a way it hasn’t in a very long time... It wasn’t until Mark said, “Y/N...this is Scott’s brother, Chris. They’re my good friends I grew up with in Massachusetts. Chris, this is my amazing friend, Y/N.” As she put the drinks down, I extended my hand out to her, “Nice to meet you, Y/N.”, she took my hand, I could feel how small and soft her hand was in mine, I felt a spark that I can’t explain, it was almost scary how I felt when we shook hands. It was as if I’ve known her all my life or in a different lifetime...Oh my God..what am I talking about? I’ve just met this girl. This can’t anything..Until she finally spoke... “Nice to meet you too, Chris” her voice was so soft, yet strong. She gave me a smile again, that made my heart once again ache. It was a smile that I never want to go away and see everyday. I’ll make it my mission to see that smile for the rest of the night...
You instantly snap out of your shyness, by telling yourself...tequila shots...this will make this go better.. “Ah...Chris since you’re just coming in to the party it seems that you’ve earned yourself my famous tequila welcome shot!” You laugh as you grab a tequila bottle, 4 shot glasses, limes and salt. You pour out the shots, pass out the limes and pour salt on everyone’s hands, “Here’s to the rest of the night and new friends!” Scott says as you all lift your shot glasses up to clink. You all take your shots and shiver again. You all begin chatting away, mixing a couple of more drinks, played a couple of card drinking games. It wasn’t until you hear Scott say “Well, Well, Y/N! It’s time...” you laugh, “Time for what, Scott?” “You owe me a karaoke song or a few! Let’s go to the basement guys!!” Chris looks over at you, “You sing karaoke, Y/N? This is gonna be great” as he chuckles. “Well...Mark seems to think I have this great karaoke voice and decided to tell everyone that I was going to sing tonight...I’m starting to think he just thinks I sound good because we’re always drinking when I end up singing karaoke...warning you now Evans...this is probably gonna be the worst singing you’ve ever heard!” You laugh as you grab your drink and follow the guys to the basement for karaoke. He laughs, and you think Oh my God..his laugh is amazing, it’s so contagious “I don’t know, Y/N...you’re gonna be singing with Scott...he can sing amazing when he’s sober, but drunk Scott is hilarious and his singing is more like shouting so you can’t be that bad”...he grabs his drink and follows behind you. You all make your way into the basement along with a couple of other friends and set up the big screen for karaoke. Mark looks at you and says “You’re too humble, Y/N, you have a great voice...and we’ll all be here to witness it”, you look at your friend and give him a sarcastic smile and shoot him your middle finger “Yeah thanks, Mark...you’re just about to set me up for embarrassment!” Chris and Mark start laughing at your comment and sit back ready to watch you guys sing. Scott is searching for a song on karaoke and stumbles across “Kiss” by Prince and says “Yup! This is it...you ready Y/N?” I groan at the song choice, knowing how much you’re about to get into this song... “100% Scott let’s do this!” And you chug down the rest of your beer. The song comes on and you both immediately get into the song, singing at each other and at the rest of your friends. You look over and caught a glimpse of Chris, he was sitting back with his legs spread open, beer in hand, smiling and laughing as both of you were singing and being very animated with the lyrics. You turn to him at one point during the song and sang the lyrics, “...you don’t have to cool to rule my world, ain’t no particular sign I’m more compatible with, I just want your extra time and your kiss!” And as you say the last part you blew a kiss towards Chris and Mark. You see them both laugh, Chris blushes and smiles before they both start singing the rest of the song with you and Scott. You laugh as you see all of them getting into the song.
I followed Y/N down to the basement to meet the rest of them for karaoke. She grabbed a beer, tequila bottle and her pineapple juice as she made her way out of the kitchen. She seemed humble and shy about doing karaoke, but since she promised Scott a duet she intended on keeping that promise. I joked around with her about how Scott’s singing wasn’t the best when he was drunk and encouraged her that her singing couldn’t be that bad. She gave me a breathtaking smile and laughed at my comment. She threw her head back as she laughed and all I could see was her beautiful neck that I wanted to sprinkle kisses on and down to her chest. Her laugh was like music to my ears, it was something that I wanted to hear over and over again. I imagined how the other sound I wanted to hear come out of those glossy plump lips would be her moaning my name...but I shook my head and tried to reel myself back because all I could feel was my pants tightening. I followed her into the basement, watching her beautiful ass as she walked away, she was curvy in the most perfect way, her ass almost begging to be palmed and squeezed. Again, I had to shake my head and stop my thoughts. I sat back on the couch with Mark and a couple of other friends as she and Scott set up their song. Scott went with “Kiss” by Prince. Of course he would pick such a flirty song...it’s like he knew what he was doing, knowing that Y/N would probably sound amazing singing this...Mark looked over at Y/N and shouted at her “You’re too humble, Y/N, you have a great voice...and we’ll all be here to witness it”, she looks over at her friend and gives him a sarcastic smile and shot him her middle finger “Yeah thanks, Mark...you’re just about to set me up for embarrassment!” Her sarcastic comment made me laugh, she seemed so funny, sweet and sassy all at the same time. She definitely had that little Latina spice that I liked...she seemed to keep all of us on our toes. Scott and Y/N began singing to each other, they were so animated as they were singing. Scott definitely shouting at the top of his lungs, Y/N on the other hand, had a beautiful voice. She was actually singing compared to Scott. At one point she turned over to face us, but making eye contact with me... “...you don’t have to cool to rule my world, ain’t no particular sign I’m more compatible with, I just want your extra time and your kiss!” and as she said this, she blew a kiss our way, but it felt like it was meant for me as she stared into my eyes. Her lips looked so kissable and plump and all I could think was how I wanted to pull her on my lap and grab her face and kiss those lips...Mark and I laughed and joined them in finishing the song.
Scott and I end up singing a few more songs, from oldies to recent music, upbeat music to some sad/romantic songs. Mark and Scott and a few others all made their way into the yard to play some corn hole and beer pong, leaving you and Chris behind chatting for a few before making your way to play beer pong with the others. Chris looked over at you with those blue eyes, at the moment you don’t know if it’s all the alcohol you’ve had or not but you felt like those eyes were going to turn you into a damn puddle. He was still sitting with his legs open on the couch. I couldn’t help but think about how I wanted to straddle those legs and kiss his lips and feel his hardness under you. He sat there with his beer still in hand and looks over at you and says “Y/N, Mark was not kidding, you have an amazing voice...”. You smile and take a sip of your beer, “Eh, thanks Evans...Maybe you’ve just reached the same amount of drunkness that Mark is at when he tells me that” you laugh. Chris smiles and says “Nope, I’m not drunk yet...but that was the best performance and I must say, your little kiss throwing for Prince’s song was great..”. You feel yourself blush and say “Thank you, I like to keep you all on your toes with my performance” Chris stands up and walks up to you and offers you his hand to help you up from the couch, his hand feels so strong and big in yours and all you keep staring at are his arms, his eyes and those pink lips. His lips looked so soft and so inviting but no way, he’s thinking the same thing. As I stand up all I can smell is his cologne, it smells so fresh and clean, it was almost intoxicating. You looked up to the man who was at least 6 inches taller than you, and looked into his eyes, he was staring at your eyes and back down at your lips, almost waiting for your signal for him to kiss you. It’s been months since you’ve kissed someone else, well, years since you’ve kissed someone else’s lips than your ex-fiancé. You don’t know if it’s the alcohol or this energy you were feeling between the two of you, but in that moment you did something you never would have done before. You leaned up to this man’s lips and pressed your lips lightly on his, to test the waters and see if it was okay to kiss. His lips were as soft as you imagined and you pulled back and looked at him and he smiled, “I’ve wanted to see how your lips felt since I saw you come out of the kitchen, Y/N.” He leaned in and kissed you again, this time he placed his hands on your hips and pulled you closer as he kissed you longer, this kiss felt intense and passionate. You wrapped your arms around his neck and put your fingers at the nape of his neck playing with his hair. You felt his tongue at your lips, wanting to taste more of you. You open your mouth inviting him in. His mouth tasted like mint and beer, in the best way. He lowly groaned into your mouth as he pulled away. He looked at you and said, “I can stay like this all night, kissing your lips, but if I don’t stop myself now I know Scott will probably burst in here looking for us to play beer pong with him.” You laugh and said, “You’re right...the night is still young, Evans..” as you leaned up and pecked his lips, grabbed your beer and walked away.
Scott and Y/N finished up their karaoke and Mark looked over at me and whispered, “We’re gonna go upstairs to the yard and play beer pong, we’ll leave you two alone for a few. Don’t think we haven’t felt how thick the air has been around you two. Talk to her a little, I’ve known her forever and I know her so well, I’m glad she opened up as much as she did. She must really feel comfortable around you, Bro.” My stomach tightened up, was it that obvious that we were into each other? Not that I wanted to hide it, she was beautiful and all I wanted to do was kiss her and get to know her more. Scott, Mark and the others all left little by little to the yard leaving me and Y/N on the couch together, I looked over at her and she had her legs crossed, as she was shaking her foot up and down I couldn’t help but stare at her ankle bracelet and how I wanted to grab her legs and sprinkle kisses from her feet to her ankles, calves, thighs and into her center. I kept thinking how I wanted to see her ankle bracelet on my shoulder while I held her legs up over my shoulders while I pressed my tongue into her center...once again I had to stop my thoughts before I went over to her and pulled her on my lap. She looked over at me with that sweet sweet smile of hers and I had to compliment her singing, it was absolutely beautiful. She blushed, something I engraved into my memory...I told her that I loved her performance for “Kiss” by Prince and that I loved her little kiss at the end. She blushed and told me she liked to keep us on our toes. I decided if we stayed down there any longer it would end up with me pulling her in for a kiss, so I stood up and walked over to her and extended my hand to help her off the couch. She took my hand and we were standing dangerously close to each other. I could smell her fresh, yet floral perfume and I took a deep breath wanting to remember that smell. She looked up at me with those beautiful chocolate colored almond eyes, her lips looking delicious and plump. She looked into my eyes and looked down at my lips as I did the same, she licked her lips and I couldn’t help at how kissable they looked at that moment. I refuse to cross a line and I didn’t want to kiss her without her permission, as I was going to ask her if I could kiss her she gently placed her lips on mine and gave me the most gentle and innocent kiss ever. She pulled away and looked me in the eye, almost to see if it was okay to keep going. I put my hands on those voluptuous hips and pulled her close to me, she wrapped her arms around my neck and put her fingers in my hair...I reached down and kissed her again, this time with more passion, wanting her to know how much I wanted this all night. Her lips felt amazing, soft and everything I imagined them to be. She tasted like mint and beer, so delicious. I touched my tongue to her lips and she invited me in, it was passionate, intense and I wanted to keep going...I lowly groaned into her lips because I knew that I had to break the kiss off before Scott or Mark came bursting in ruining our moment....I pulled away slowly and sadly, looked into her eyes hoping that I didn’t disappoint her and said, “I can stay like this all night, kissing your lips, but if I don’t stop myself now I know Scott will probably burst in here looking for us to play beer pong with him.” She laugh that sweet laugh I liked and said, “You’re right...the night is still young, Evans..” as she leaned up and pecked my lips one more time, she grabbed her beer, smiled at me over her shoulder and she walked away. She swayed those hips that I was just holding and I couldn’t help but stare at her ass and I had to palm my boner down in my pants...I followed her up and out into the yard to meet the guys for beer pong. We all played for a while until I saw Y/N getting herself ready to leave. I didn’t want her to leave without getting her number, kissing her one more time and at least walking her to her house...
We all played beer pong for a while, drank a little more. Mark still had good music playing and Chris and I paired up to play, we beat Mark and Scott many times. We definitely made a good team, Chris and I kept up the flirting up throughout the game. Mark looked at me at one point and raised his eyebrow at me, I just laughed and shrugged my shoulders, “Hey, this is what you wanted!” I said, Mark just laughed and said, “Damn right!”. After what seemed like hours I checked the time and noticed it was 3am and that it was time for me to home. I started to help Mark clean up and pack up, there were people passed out on the couch and people who had left hours ago, but I wanted to help as much as I could before I left. After all, I live right across the street. Chris and Scott also helped clean up, they look over cleaning the yard, while Mark and I cleaned the kitchen. He looked up at me and smiled, I said “WHAT?!” Mark said, “I see you and Chris got along really well...” I smiled and said, “He’s sweet, is it weird to say I feel like I’ve known him forever? Oh and he’s verrrrrryyyy good looking....why didn’t you tell me he was that good looking?!” Mark laughed and said, “Oh, he’s an awesome guy, genuinely a good guy. That’s probably the vibe you’re getting from him. He seemed smitten by you, you know? You should see where it goes..” I looked up into the yard and see them cleaning up. You all finish up cleaning and you walk over to them to say bye, Scott leans in to hug you, “It was great meeting you, hope to hang with you again soon! Let’s trade numbers!” You smile and trade numbers, you walk over and say bye to Mark, hug him and thank him for a good night, and tell him to stop by for lunch tomorrow. Lastly, you walk over to Chris, “It was nice meeting you, Chris”, he smiles at you and leans in to hug you. He felt huge in your arms, he smelled amazing. You felt the spark again... “It was nice meeting you too. Can I walk you to your door?” You smile and say, “Sure!” You silently walk together to your door, it was a comfortable silence. “Well, this is me...”, you say. He looks down at you and smiles before leaning in to kiss you again, he grabbed your face gently and gave you a passionate kiss that left you both breathless. He smiles on your lips, “I want to do this again, Y/N. Can we see each other again, soon?” You kiss him one more time before giving him your number, and he waits for you to open your door and walk in safely. You close the door behind you and smile to yourself... Shit!! This guy is amazing...
To be continued...
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Jaune’s Father: “If nothing else, be kind. Kindness costs you nothing, sport”
Weiss: *From underneath many blankets, peeking from behind a comforter* I’m truly sorry, Arc. I had meant to assist you in your dust theory paper, but I’m not feeling terribly well.
Jaune: *Scratches head* Hey, no worries Sn- Weiss. Do you need anything? A hot compress?
Weiss: *Is glad she has a comforter for a shield as she blushes in embarrassment* How! *Coughs, in a normal tone of voice* Excuse me. How did you...
Jaune: I have seven sisters, Weiss.
Weiss: *Nods meekly, still embarrassed* A hot compress would be lovely. I feel awful.
Yang: *Blinks* Is that vomit boy?
Blake: *Reading* You could try calling him by his name.
Yang: You could try acknowledging his existence. *Blake glares, feeling a little guilty*
Cardin: *Walking by* He needed a warm compress.
Yang: What for?
Cardin: *Feeling kinda humbled, a bit envious* Nothin’ serious.
Jaune: *Taking box* Thanks Coco, you’re a lot less scary than Poppy said you were.
Coco: *Lowers her shades* Oh, did snookums slander my good name?
Jaune: *Feels his neck get hot* U-uh, no! Just that you were kinda protective of, um, *lifts box, almost drops it and gives Coco a heart attack* this. Sorry. But really, thanks, it’s really nice of you.
Coco: *Clutching her heart, waves him off* Just tell that leggy blonde she owes me some serious cuddling.
Professor Peach: It’s not often I get students actually interested in my hobby.
Jaune: Well, we are all teenagers.
Professor Peach: *Laughs* True enough. Hmm. *Side eyes Jaune* Well, the same can’t be said for you, young man. *Sees Jaune about to protest* I think what you meant to say is you’re all aspiring Huntsmen and Huntresses. Sometimes the future is so bright and shiny to your classmates that they forgot the everyday. It’s quite nice to see that isn’t the case with each of you.
Jaune: *Opens and closes his mouth, shuffles awkwardly*
Professor Peach: *Smiles softly* You have nothing to be embarrassed of, Jaune Arc. Here *carefully hands his request over* exactly as you requested. Have a wonderful day, child.
Jaune: *Nods quickly and walks off*
Professor Peach: And days like today, Rosalie, are why you do this job. *Happily hums as she gets back to work*
Jaune: Okay, look, I’m just asking which--
Beryl: *Sighs dramatically* And I’m telling you, kitten *Ignores Jaune’s protests* that they’re all mondo good.
Julie: Like, Bea-Bea’s right. That one *pointing with a fuchsia nail* is just the sweetest thing in the world, will just have you feeling warm and happy inside after.
Cissy: Plus it has just...mmm. Ouch! *Is swatted by Beryl, playfully* You bitch. Anyways, that one right there is just cute and total *squeals* overload. Can’t go wrong with it, it’s a classic.
Beryl: Then that one is probably the safest bet, because who doesn’t love a puppy?
Jaune: A puppy? *Beryl nods* Well, uh, thanks. And I promise I’ll get them back to you by tomorrow. I’ll also see if Ren’s interested, but, uh, maybe keep your semblances ready?
Cissy: *Raises hand* Uh, I haven’t activated mine yet. I’ve just got Nemesis.
Beryl: *Slings arm around Cissy’s shoulders* Don’t worry, kitten, between My House and Julie’s Spit-Spot, plus our weapons we can handle Valkyrie if she gets in a mood.
Jaune: *Deadpan* She was benchpressing one of the academy’s washing machines the other day. No aura.
Julie: We’re good at running away.
Beryl: *Scandalized* Julie!
Julie: Cute boy or not, no way am I getting my face rocked by that monster.
Jaune: *Shrugs, collecting stuff to leave* Um, I don’t know if it’ll work but maybe fill your bags with syrup. Might work as a distraction if Mt. Nora erupts.
Beryl: *Flatly* Really?
Cissy: *Flips platinum blonde hair* I saw her drinking it right out of the bottle once before Lie stopped her.
Beryl: *Sees Jaune’s gone, giggles* Somehow I think kitten got the better end of the deal. *Speculative* Shame he’s super taken.
Julie: Uh, what? Isn’t-
Beryl: Oh you sweet summer child, never change *Ruffles Julie’s hair*
Julie: Ack! Stop!
Jaune: Thanks headmaster! This is all really great!
Ozpin: *Working at desk* No need to thank me, mister Arc.
Jaune: Uh, yeah I do. You didn’t have to allow me to do this, but you did and it’s really neat of you.
Ozpin: *Smiles* Well then, you’re welcome. Enjoy.
Ruby: You definitely came to the right girl!
Jaune: *Looking at his haul* I’ll say. You’re sure you’re okay with helping? I kinda saw the looks you were giving Crescent Rose back at the forge. *Teasingly* You sure you don’t want some alone time with your baby?
Ruby: *Blushes the color of her cloak* S-shut up! She’ll be fine without me, I was just thinking of trying out some custom dust ammo is all! *Very seriously* I don’t have a problem! You have a problem!
Jaune: Riii-iiight. *Ruby puffs cheeks out, teasingly* Like you don’t have a cookie problem?
Ruby: *Points dramatically, very loud* THAT... *Slumps and sighs* please don’t tell Yang I have a nightly plate of chocolate chip.
Jaune: *Laughs* No problem, Ruby. You know me. How can I turn my back on the girl who actually talked her team into not killing me when I told them I cheated my way into Beacon?
Ruby: Yeah, yeah. So get those babies ready, vomit boy and watch Ruby - I am totally a pro at this and all things wonderful - Rose do her magic!
Jaune: Will do, crater face!
Jaune: *Grins* Thanks Cardin. You know, when you’re not being all racist and pushing people around you’re actually a really nice guy.
Sky: Ooooh. What a compliment. The kindness just gently caresses your face like a butterfly’s wings, huh Cardin?
Cardin: *Scowling* Shut it, Sky. I’m still trying so that’s totally fair.
Jaune: I, uh, didn’t mean it--
Cardin: *Rubbing neck* I know dude, no worries. Got a date with my girl coming up and it’s our anniversary, so it’s just a little extra. And don’t worry about paying me back, this is like the very least I can do for you after everything. *Jaune’s about to protest* Nope. I know we’re cool, but I was a huge douchebag. I mean it.
Jaune: Well thanks. It means a lot. *Leaves*
Russel: *Reading motorcycle magazine* You don’t have a girl, bro.
Cardin: *Frowns* I know.
Dove: You know you don’t have to help him out like that. You’re only hurting yourself.
Cardin: *Wipes face with hands, flops on his bed and stares at the ceiling* Yeah, well, too bad for Cardin fucking Winchester. If Jaune’s happy, I’m happy. I wasn’t joking when I said he deserves better than me. *Rolls on side to stare at wall.*
RDL: *All staring at their leader, all of them sad*
Jaune: *Cheerfully* I’m back!
Weiss: *Very grumpily glaring at Jaune from beneath her covers, only her eyes visible, her voice is acidic* It’s quite fine, Arc. It’s only been two and a half hours. I know you have better things to do, so don’t bother acting like you were looking forward to coming back to deal with me.
Jaune: *Winces* Yeah, sorry. I was getting the hot towel when I kinda realized that you’ve probably been dealing with this all by yourself. *Weiss growls* It’s just, I remembered how you said you and your Dad don’t really talk and your little brother’s a, a snot, I think you called him? *Weiss feels embarrassed, but says nothing while staring at Jaune* Just hold on.
*Weiss does but when he comes back in the room her eyes go wide in shock*
Jaune: I-I just have a lot of sisters. Four older, three younger and they all have different things they like when they’re on their period. Saphron’s just happy if I’ll bring her things and Coral just wants me to leave her alone. Peri always wants cuddles and movies and *blushes as he realizes how much he’s talking* I just thought instead of whatever you usually do, you might want something more? Just to try something new?
Weiss: *Stares at several hot compresses, an expensive looking box of chocolates, a small boquet of blue Glory of the Snow’s, a stack of films, several unhealthy but delicious looking snacks and a stuffed polar bear with a top hat*
Weiss: *Wide eyed, completely taken aback* W-what?
Jaune: I-I-I don’t mean to assume anything, but I’m guessing you didn’t really have anyone who tried to make your period any better?
Weiss: I have a butler, Klein, who would always check in on me but never, well I never thought to ask for more. *Very softly as she stares at the rolling entourage of goodies* It never occurred.
Jaune: Okay, well, um, how about I bring this in?
*Jaune does, Weiss watching as he sets the flowers near her bed with wide eyes and gratefully accepting the compress, bringing it under her comforter and sighing in relief*
Jaune: We’ll have to set it up on your scroll, but I did bring movies to just so you have something fun to do today. There’s a family film with an apparently super cute actor, another that’s a cute animated movie that’s a staple of everybody’s childhood except mine apparently, *Weiss snorts, watching the covers* and one about a puppy finding his way home--
Weiss: *Eyes glued to the case, speaks immediately* That one.
Jaune: You sure, I checked the fam--
Weiss: *Eyes not leaving the box* I’m certain. *Flushes* Please?
Jaune: Sure. Just let me set this up.
*Jaune also hands over the chocolates, which Weiss stares at curiously and much to her delight, brings over the bags of snacks and she clutches the bag of cheesy poofs to her, very much wanting to try them for the first time*
Jaune: Okay, that should do it. So you’ve got your Cheez-E-Poofs, I grabbed a few sodas, juices that I thought you might like *quickly* but I also got water! Um, here. *Hands Weiss the stuffed animal, which she stares at and brings close to her face, loving how cute it is and how soft it is* Oh, Ruby helped me dip some strawberry’s in chocolate if you wanna try them later. There’s normal ones too.
Weiss: *Touched and doesn’t know what to say* I-it’s all so...umm, thank you. You really didn’t have to.
Jaune: *Scratches the back of his head, looks away* No problem, Weiss. I’m used to stuff like this, so...I’ll go. *Looking very embarassed* You’ve probably had enough of me talking you to death, so I’m just gonna go across the hall--
Weiss: *From behind her bear* Stay. *Jaune stares at her, blinking in surprise* You were going to offer, but you...back home the most I ever got were the occasional visits from Klein. But having someone to be there sounds very nice and I’d like if you would. Very much. I certainly won’t eat all of this anyways, so...please?
Jaune: *Nodding rapidly* Sure. Right. Yeah, I just didn’t wanna assume or impose or *watches Weiss’ eyes light up at the cheesy snack she just tried* I’ll sit.
*Jaune sits next to Weiss’ bed and they watch the film, eat snacks and after the movie, Weiss tries the strawberries as the second film starts. When she wakes up after falling asleep, she discovers the mess she’d made of the comforter is cleaned, Jaune had gathered up her snacks and placed them in a box. Her flowers now have a vase and the bear she had placed on his shoulder is on her pillow*
Weiss: *Smiles and hugs bear tightly*
~~A week later~~
Weiss: *Exasperated* Where is he?
Yang: *Balancing a pencil on her nose on her bed, ignoring her homework* Who?
Weiss: *Notices Berry B. Cold on Yang’s stomach and shoots forward like a bullet, snatching him and hugging him to her abdomen* You know who you bum, Jaune!
Yang: *Grinning like the cat who ate the canary* Oh-ho, finally acknowledging him by his first name after all this time, Weiss Cream?
Weiss: *Blushing* Quiet you.
Ruby: Leave her alone, Yang. But, uh, I don’t really know where he is.
Weiss: Nonsense. I may have missed the chance to help him with his paper but at the very least I can at least explain some of the theory to him, give him better than what Beacon’s textbooks offer.
Yang: Oh yeah, sure, sounds fun.
Weiss: *Bristling* E-even if it’s a boring subject, it is useful. *Hugs bear tighter* And he needs all the help he can get and--
Blake: *Walking in* If you’re talking about Jaune, he’s way too busy Weiss.
Weiss: I beg your pardon?
Yang: Yeah, you didn’t know?
Weiss: *Irritated* No Yang, it’s why I asked you in the first place.
Yang: *Flatly* Oh. I thought you were joking. No, I mean it, don’t look at me like that! Seriously, vomit boy’s been busy the last couple days.
Weiss: *Confused* But why?
Yang: *Staring* Seriously? I mean, he got that whole thing together for you.
Weiss: M-me!? Is that...but he said he was used to it! I-I knew he was talking about his sisters, but he said Ruby helped! H-he...
Ruby: Yup, I did, but I didn’t know Jaune was making them so you could have a nice, comfy that-time-of-the-month. I thought he just wanted a strawberry snack! That he’d finally been enlightened. *Sighs*
Yang: And that whole spread wasn’t just free, he went around and traded a lot of favors to get it together.
Weiss: *Gaping* H-he...what? He traded favors, just... *Uncertain, squeezing her bear while looking distressed* You didn’t know? He hasn’t done that with any of you?
Ruby: Nope!
Blake: Gods no.
Yang: Dad’s sweet like that for me when it’s bad-bad, but if Jaune offered I’d definitely turn him down. *Gives Weiss a look*
Ruby: Yeah, and all I need is my Non-Descript Winter Holiday lights and my guns ‘n ammo mags plus my scroll and I’m happy. *Shrugs* I get really crabby so I prefer being alone.
RWY: *Staring at Blake*
Blake: My ex did it for me once. Never again.
Weiss: S-so he did all that, just for me? Because I was miserable?
Yang: *Sighs, flops back on her bed* I don’t know why you’re so surprised. Ask his team. Jaune’s actually a pretty nice guy. He aimed Neptune in your direction back at the dance even though anybody with eyes knew he was kinda bummed the whole night. After you started talking with him after and started sharing, I think he just wanted you to have, y’know, some normal stuff that we all enjoy because our Dad’s aren’t asshats.
Ruby: Yang!
Blake: *Sees Weiss looking at her, looking upset* He’s been Coco’s personal shopper for the last week, he’s been dodging Nora since Ren agreed to a date with each of those girls from Team SNLT because she is pissed, he’s been doing odd jobs for Ozpin all week, he’s been doing a lot of work outside for Peach and I think he’s also been in the laundry rooms a lot. That stuff wasn’t just free. Plus he’s had to do all his usual leader stuff and his homework.
Weiss: *Gapes, hugs her bear and her eyes drift to her box of treats and she purses her lips* B-but...that’s so much, just so I...
Yang: Um, he likes you Weiss. Even if he stepped aside for Neptune, he’s not gonna just poof whatever he feels for you away just because he doesn’t have a chance. Then he sees you feeling like shit, knows just how bad it is because of all his sisters and gets it in his head that you deserve the princess treatment. *Stretches* He offered for Pyrrha once but she just went really red, yelled ‘NO!’ and apparently pushed him through a wall.
Weiss: *Sits on bed with her knees pulled up, hugging her bear while hiding a wobbling lip as she realizes and RBY just sighs*
~~Four days later~~
Yang: *Grins* Called it.
Blake: Yes, because it was such a mystery that this was gonna happen after Weiss had it spelled out for her that Jaune still has it bad for her even if he was trying to get over her. I’ll admit I still don’t understand the way Weiss thinks or why Jaune would put himself through all of that just because Weiss was having a bad period when it was clear at the time she wasn’t even thinking of him that way, but c’mon Yang.
Yang: *Hand out*
Blake: *Rolls her eyes, puts Lien in her hand* Child.
*Meanwhile Weiss stands on her tiptoes, arms around Jaune’s neck and enjoys kissing her boyfriend*
Two things: One, I headcanon Cardin as gay and occasionally having a thing for Jaune if it isn’t entirely obvious. Two, I don’t want my Tumblr to be nothing but crack/lewd. I’d also like some occasional romance/wholesome content. This isn’t the best, but hopefully it’s not quite as bad as I think it is towards the end.
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spike-and-faye · 3 years
Hello, I require your infinite wisdom please!! :O So I just finished cowboy bebop and I am so confused like who the fuck was Julia. WHAT was Faye's past. I literally never process tv shows and the bebop was not immune to my stupidity LMAO like... I guess the ending just really confused me, from what I gathered Spike and Vicious were friends? But then they weren't? And Julia dated Vicious but also Spike? And he? Went after Vicious even after Julia had died? I am Confusion. Please help. Thank u...
Oh BABEY I am so glad you asked! :) Be prepared for a long answer and I apologize in advance for how incoherent it will probably be.
ALSO Please note: this show is fucking complicated. I have watched it all the way through several times a year, every single year, for over a decade now, and I am *STILL* finding new shit every time I watch it. It's packed with symbols, motifs, allusions and underlying themes that are just so rich. It is so extraordinarily well-written that it could give a lot of classic literature a run for its money. I'm literally working on an in depth literary/film analysis my husband lovingly calls my Manifesto on the series right now. SO PLEASE don't beat yourself up about not catching everything on the first go round.
HEY BTW for anyone who hasn't finished the show, please know there will be MANY spoilers ahead!
Anyways ~
1.     Spike / Julia / Vicious:
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The information we get on Spike's past, including Vicious and Julia, is pretty limited considering how big of an impact they have on the story. We get our first glimpse in Session 1: Asteroid Blues, then again in Session 5: Ballad of Fallen Angels, Sessions 12 + 13: Jupiter Jazz, and Sessions 25 + 26: Real Folk Blues. I recommend reviewing these episodes for you Julia and Vicious fix.
What we know:
Spike and Vicious were both members of an organized crime syndicate called the Red Dragons, which is roughly analogous to the Yakuza or the Mafia. Their positions in the organization are not clear, but there are some images alluding to them being hitmen, and they likely rose up in the ranks as they were close acquaintances of Mao Yenrai, a Capo of the Red Dragon.
Spike and Vicious were close comrades. Spike taught Vicious everything he knew about fighting, and the two had a deep trust in each other. Which Spike fucked up ….
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^^Vicious looks hot asf here
Julia was Vicious' lover/girlfriend. One night in 2068 (three years prior to the time we watch in the Bebop) Spike is injured, presumably from a syndicate-related fight and he passes out in front of her door. She takes him in and nurses him back to health and he SIMPS HARD for her. We’re all but told he's in LOVE love with her. They start an affair, and Spike tells her he's ready to abandon the whole life - the syndicate, Vicious, Mao, all of it - and they could run away together.
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WELL Vicious finds out about this whole affair, and is DOUBLY betrayed because his literal best friend and girlfriend have been having an affair, and tbh I think he was just as jealous of Spike's attentions as he was of Julia's. (Whether or not it’s a sexual thing for Spike … well … I have my own headcanons about that). SO when he finds out they're going to run away together, he gives Julia an ultimatum: you can either kill him, or I'll just kill you both. Spike had written her a letter about meeting him in the graveyard to start their new life together, which she tears up to hide his location from Vicious. (This is the falling ripped up pieces of paper we see in Spike's flash back in Session 5).
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^^ r/gifsyoucanhear
**NOTE: There are those who disagree with this view, (looking at you Cowboy Bebop wiki) instead suggesting Vicious and Spike were buds in the past, but then hated each other once they were both considered as potential successors to Mao. That's why Vicious wanted him dead, and he was enlisting Julia (who he didn't necessarily have a romantic connection to) to help kill Spike since he knew Spike loved her. Personally, I think there is plenty of evidence that Vicious also wanted Julia, and in fact was already with her, when Spike started seeing her. If you want me to cite my sources please send an me an ask about it :)
Spike gets the idea, whether by her just not showing up or word around the syndicate being like YO Vicious wants you dead. Despite Vicious' ultimatum to Julia, he was gunna kill Spike either way. SO he sets up an ambush, and SadBoy™ Spike walks intentionally into their trap. Somehow, he doesn't die, though the entire syndicate thinks he did. (Note Annie's reaction to seeing him alive in Session 5). It’s also implied that this is where he lost his eye.
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HIS EYE - possibly the most important symbol in the show so I do have to mention it. In episode 26, he explicitly explains to Faye that one of his eyes only sees the past. (PS this isn't dissimilar to Jet's arm… we can get into that another time). Basically, he's constantly living halfway in the past and halfway in the present, and describes the past like a dream he can never wake up from. Because dysfunctional or not - the syndicate WAS his family. (Again - see his relationship with Annie, Mao, and Vicious (prior to Spike's betrayal)). It's his reminder that Julia didn't run away with him, and that he'd left behind that life for her. (He didn’t know she was being threatened until the final episode). Basically Spike is hyper-fixated on what he had and what could've been.
Not long after this, Spike starts bounty hunting because like? What else is he going to do. He doesn't care if he lives or dies but if he has to be alive, he may as well be able to eat. He joins up with Jet Black on the Bebop.
TL; DR: Spike stole Vicious' lover, Julia, so Vicious made Julia choose between her killing Spike or Vicious killing them both. She instead went into hiding and Spike thought he'd been stood up. He fake died and got the hell outta dodge.
2.     What was Faye's past?
Ok let me start by saying Faye is my wife and my life. HOWEVER I hated her the first time I watched this show circa age 13 because I thought she was annoying/vain/shallow (also because #internalizedmisogyny lol am I right fam). Good news! She is all those things! But she's also very lonely and scared and an amnesiac and secretly a sweetie and she realizes she loves the crew of the Bebop like family.
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SO my wife's backstory:
she was born in the 1990s (#only90skidsremember). There's some debate over her race/nationality, but due to the images of her hanging out in Merlion Park in Singapore, my bet is that she's Singaporean. She comes from a wealthy family with a big house, and we see some utterly *adorable* film of her as a child/young adolescent in Session 18: Speak Like a Child. I cry everytime </3
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^^ Holla for the representation
In 2014, circa age 20, she and her parents were going into space when the shuttle they were on had some kind of malfunction/accident and it killed an unknown number of people, including her parents. At the time, the technology didn’t exist to be able to save her, so she was put into a cryogenic sleep state. Meanwhile, the Lunar Gate accident occurs, breaking up the moon and causing rock showers on Earth's surface. Most people died, moved to Mars, or settled underground.
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She wakes up from her cryogenic sleep in 2068. (Also the year Spike leaves the syndicate.) She's 'woken' by the corrupt Dr. Bacchus who plans on charging her for the years and years of medical debt she's accrued. (See Session 15: My Funny Valentine.) Luckily a lawyer takes interest in her case (Whitney Haggus Matsumoto) and tries to help get rid of her debt. The two fall in love, but turns out Whitney is a Scumbag. He's actually Dr. Bacchus's nephew, and faked his death, writing Faye as the sole inheritor to his will. This means she'll take on all his debts. So baby girl has LOTS of debt at this point.
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In the intervening years prior to her joining the Bebop, she gambles, cheats, gains a lot of street smarts, and adopts a very seductive character to get her way. She joins the crew on the Bebop in Session 3: Honky Tonk Women.
TL;DR: Faye is Austin powers
YIKES this is so long I am so sorry. Bitches are obsessed with this show. (I am bitches)
3.     The Ending
Okay I'm going to present this in the way, in my scholarly opinion, would be correct, though there are SO many interpretations other than simply 'Spike died :/".
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To understand the plot of the last couple episodes we actually have to go back to Session 5: Mao is instructed* to sign a treaty with a rival syndicate called the White Tigers. (*He's instructed by The Van (Council of identical creepy old men) who are the actual head of the dragon. I think we only see them in Session 26.) Well - Vicious is a Bastard Man and he and his fellow mutineers blow up the White Tiger guys' ship and slit Mao's throat. Before he dies, Mao is like "Gotdamnit if Spike was still here this shit wouldn't have happened." Later in the Cathedral battle, Vicious explains to Spike he killed Mao because Mao 'lost his fangs'. He planned on killing Spike for good her, IMO, so there'd be no rival to take over as Capo for the Dragons.
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^^These guys are The Van btw
THEN in Session 25, the Van basically catches Vicious and is like “you killed Mao and now you have to go to Time Out.” The Van also decides to just kill everyone associated with Vicious, just 2 B safe. That's why there's a big ass shootout at the Loser Bar where Jet and Spike are chilling, drinking, (missing Faye and Ed and Ein lol) and Shin (younger brother to Lin, who's helping Vicious overthrow the Dragon) explains all this to Spike. OH and PS JULIA IS ALIVE AND HERE IS HER LOCATION :). (**Notice Spike's reaction at this point is different than his reaction in Jupiter Jazz when he hears there's a Julia on Calisto. Much less excited… hmm…).
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SO THEN you know we get some flashbacks of the past as previously explained *and* Julia just happens to run into Faye. She recognizes that Faye is one of Spike's friends from the Bebop (she was keeping tabs on him it seems) and picks her up. Faye doesn't know who Julia is but is like damn bitch I'm a little gay for you. (I mean … that may just be my bi ass projecting, but Faye is REALLY struck with her. Look at how she describes her to Jet, I mean come on.)
 Faye's like, 'we should team up' and Julia says 'no thanks but also tell Spike to meet me at *the place*'. Meanwhile back on the Bebop Spike and Jet are talking and Spike goes on about some dream woman who was his other half. (We assume he means Julia … I have my reasons to doubt this … I have a lot of angry DMs about my opinion here lol but I just do not give a fuck (: I can expand on this in another post or you can refer to the title of my fucking blog haha) Personally, I think Watanabe personally left this specific scene open ended, the same way he does with the ending and various other things.
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more like SIMP Spiegel
ANYWAY Faye comes back to the Bebop to tell Spike about Julia, and Jet gets intel from a former cop buddy that there's some shit going down with the Dragons. (Again, the Van is hunting down everyone ever associated with Vicious, including your pal Spike). Bebop is attacked, Faye tells Spike what's up with Julia, and he heads out.
 PAN TO VICIOUS chained up - about to be executed - but what's that!? It's a bird!? It's a pla- no it's just a bird. (With one glowing red eye … hm … reminds me of Spike, also the drug Red Eye. Pls let me know if you have any thoughts on this). Just a bird with a BOMB! Explosion (RIP bird c. 2065 - too soon), Vicious kills the elders, his buddies show up and are ready to go fuck shit up.
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this show could not be more of an aesthetic
MMMPhhh okay RAINY CEMETERY. Spike and Julia. She draws a gun, explains why she didn't meet him that day, and then hugs him. Now Spike is not *great* at showing his emotions but he literally just stands there. Maybe it's a stoic expression of how sad he is that he never knew she still cared, when it seemed like she dumped him. Maybe he's finally getting some closure on his past. Maybe the past doesn't mean the same thing it used to. (I'll elaborate later on this).
They go to Annie's to get stocked up on stuff, she lets them know she denied knowing Spike was still alive and hey also the Van was assassinated by Vicious and his guys so. Watch out for that. Then her shop is surrounded by Vicious' guys and she dies :(. Spike and Julia escape to the roof, but she's shot and dies in Spike's arms, and says 'it's all just a dream' :(. (Refer to: Spike living in a dream of the past).
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Anyway Jet SAID he wasn't gunna go after Spike but. Jet's parental instincts kick in (oh yeah he was shot in the leg earlier btw) and he goes to Sitting Bull to see if he knows where Spike is. He basically says yeah Spike's about to die somewhere. (I want to do a further analysis on all the Sitting Bull scenes.) Well conveniently Spike returns to the Bebop, eats, tells his story about a tiger-striped cat. (At one point Jet asks if he's going there for her, and Spike is like well she's dead now so whatever). THEN we get to the scene where Faye is like HEY YOU CAN'T GO OFF AND DIE ASSHOLE and he's like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I 've been living in the past so I might as well see if I'm living now. (**This will play heavily into my interpretation of the ending). Faye is pissed, shoots the ceiling and he goes off to the syndicate headquarters to fuck shit up.
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He basically John Wicks his way through the building, Shin dies, he and Vicious have the big boss battle and whatnot. He kills Vicious and stumbles back out down the stairs and says "Bang!" and collapses. We pan to the sky and see a star fade away.
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Well that explains the plot … now here's what I think happened!!! ALSO may I mention, anon - you picked up on something I feel like a lot of people miss out on. Why *did* Spike go back to kill Vicious if Julia was already dead??
Basically, once it became clear that anyone associated with Vicious was being killed, Spike knew they'd hunt him down, and they weren't beneath Kill-Billing their way to him, (i.e. systematically destroying this companions to get to him). And for all his apparent indifference - he really loves his new found family. Jet is literally like an older brother to him. Ed is a little sister. Ein is well … a very good boy. And Faye? Well the relationship is complicated, and I'm not going to get into the 69,420 reasons I ship them here, but I think it is beyond argument that he really does care for her, even if that just in a filial way. He didn't want the syndicates to kill them for their association to him, or in order to get to him. So he did what he had to do to protect them. *AND NO* I am not saying that he didn't love Julia. But it was clear that his desire was no longer to run away with her. I think he genuinely loved and cared about her, but at some point between Jupiter Jazz Pt 2 and now, he accepted that their time together was over. Now he had a new raison d'etre, which is the Bebop.
I think at this point Spike has 'woken up' to reality (as he implied to Faye in their final conversation in episode 26: "Look at these eyes. One of them is a fake, because I lost it in an accident. Since then, I have been seeing the past in one eye, and the present in the other. I had believed that what I saw was not all of reality...I thought I was watching a dream that I would never awaken from. Before I knew it, the dream was all over." (This is from the sub btw I'm too lazy to look up the dub transcript.) He wasn't going there to die, he's going to find out if he's really alive. This line is fucking cool and everything - but it's implications are multitude. I won't go into them all here but basically : what makes him alive now is that he's free from his past. He's alive because he has this new family and protecting them is all he really wants now. Spike was protecting Jet, Faye, Ed, (and Ein) by going and facing the entire syndicate, knowing that their lives would all be in danger.
SO - did Spike die? Well again - Watanabe has purposely and artfully left this open ended. Well, if we're following the symbolism from Sitting Bull, then yeah, the man is as dead as disco, and wouldn't that be a fitting ending? BUT at the same time, Spike always refers to having 'died' before (meaning when he was ambushed by the syndicate, and they all thought he died, and he pretty much did). Don't forget that in  movie (takes places roughly between episodes 22 + 23, and yes, was made AFTER the series but whatever) he like .. DIES dies. He goes to the afterlife and everything. He wakes up to find he's chilling with Sitting Bull, who's like nah it wasn't your time to die yet. So the fact Sitting Bull confirms Spike will die in the final episode, means yeah, Spike is pretty much dead.
BUT -- okay now hear me out -- could this death in the final episode be a death to his previous life? The person he was in the syndicate? Now that he's extinguished the Red Dragons for good, is it not possible that its merely *that* life which has ended? That's the optimist in me saying that, but if it keeps me from staying up all night crying, I guess it'll have to do. Watanabe definitely wants to leave it up to the viewer, so whatever you think, I feel like there's validity to it.
WELL any anon, sorry for the fucking lecture - and believe me, I could've said MUCH, MUCH more - but I enjoyed this question. I always love talking about this show so please all you fuckers feel free to message me or send an ask about anything any time. I am really slow at replying because #life'sAbitch.
Love you all.
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jq37 · 3 years
The Report Card – Fantasy High: The Seven Ep 6
Bitches Be Shopping
What is up y’all. A little late but let’s jump in with episode six of The Seven where our girls have just received a LOT of information, Sam most of all who got put into a little vision coma that she’s just now waking up from.
She explains the vision to her friends (as she interprets it, the other Eidolons didn’t die, just became part of the natural forces of the world) and then the bear that Penny made on a whim last episode (who is Russian, named Koda, and somehow a trained circus bear) gets into a fight with Katja with their friends buffing the two to make things more interesting because these are still idiot teens, life or death situation or no. Yelle decides to be the adult and tells them to knock it off and get back on mission.
That means Katja needs to call her dad since he’s knows the guy who’s the best lead to getting to TK ( Talcidimir Tallbreeze who I’ll call Tal). She actually manages to get her dad this time who is inside a giant snake on his hell mission. Katja asks what he knows about TK and he says she’s a sorcerer but also has a spell book so maybe she’s multiclassed. Sam and Ant desperately want to know if they boned and Katja absolutely is not interested in that knowledge. Yelle decides to just ask which makes her dad a little annoyed since he’s kind of in the middle of something (literally) and that annoys Ant, Ost, and Sam who--respectively, accuse him of gaslighting Kat, cast Command on him, and cast Bane on him to aid the Command spell. 
Mr. Cleaver fails the save and Ost commands him to tell Katja the truth. He admits that he did hook up with TK and he regrets it (note: it wasn’t like he cheated. It was just a casual hookup that wasn’t fulfilling it seems). Ost demands he apologize for not being there for Kat and Sam berates him for being at the top of the world and not lifting up his daughter too. For his part, Kat’s dad seems genuinely apologetic and promises to do better. 
“You don’t need to be the best father, you just need to be there,” Katja says, making her dad break down crying. 
Yelle, who has no daddy issues, is a bit less aggro and says that everyone makes mistakes and he can start making it up right now by helping with the Tal situation. She also gives them the tip that a cold spell will probably get them out of the snake lickety split.  She is on the money with the snake tip and Mr. Cleaver gets them all invites to a masquerade ball Tal is hosting. It’s being held on the Rumbosa which is this city-sized leisure ship. Mr. Cleaver says he’ll be back as soon as he can and, in the meantime, she should take care of her friends, “even the first 2 that were terrifying to me.”
The girls give Katja the axe they took as a birthday present (it was apparently her birthday the day before which Rekha just decided and Ost/Izzy refuses to accept without a fight because she *knows* Kat’s bday) which is identified as the Axe of Sundering (it can shatter objects, people, and sometimes concepts like halving movement). The two unnamed potions Yelle found are also ID’d as a Potion of Fly and a Potion of Gaseous Form. She distributes the Heath Potions to people without heals. Ant’s new arrows bypass some resistances and let her treat whatever she hits with the first one like it’s her favored enemy. 
According to their invites, the ship they need is docking in the city of Gravalvia soon (a very old city in the Baronies) so they need to figure out a plan. They have some downtime, during which:
Zelda tries to hype up the team.
Zelda tries to see if Ost is OK wrt dad stuff and Ost has a Full Breakdown after badly pretending she’s fine. 
While Zelda, Ost, and Penny are being Emotional and Sam is trying to literally cool them down with her powers, Ant and Yelle keep watch and experience emotional stability as the Adults Of The Party 
Anyway, after a night of rest, they head to the golden city of Gravalvia which is this very cool, very pretty city with mosaics and fountains and I assume columns. They get there and there’s a dramatic fight happening in the square which is halted when one of the fighters realizes that the country he’s fighting for doesn’t exist anymore. And now, it’s time for what we’ve all been waiting for. Shopping Montage! Let’s go girl by girl.
Katja and Ost
Kat asks for help from Ost with getting fancy for this gala since she’s never really done anything dressy before (and she had no mom to help--Kaaaat) and Ost is happy to oblige, dressing them both like “Jersey trash”. Kat, of course, still wears her Khakis underneath.
Ant decides to get a vibe for what people here wear and picks something that will blend in but be forgettable so she can be stealthy. Classy blue dress and mask.
Penny...OK, I absolutely cannot describe what happens here in any way that will do justice to the scene. I am going to tell you what matters to the plot. You have to watch this yourself if you want to see the entire table have a collective breakdown. 
While looking for a costume, Penny runs into a halfling who is a member of the Society of Shadows--Laertes. He wants to know why she hasn’t responded to their invitation yet. She says she’s really eager to join, she just wasn’t sure how to respond (and also, she’s kind of in the middle of something). He says she can join by just messaging back and then her loved ones just have to sign waivers to have their memories wiped of her and she’s good to go. Say what now? asks Penny. She didn’t realize this was like a full Men in Black situation. 
He says it’s ultimately her decision and leaves.
Of course, I left out the parts where he ate a handful of Candy Heart’s remains, became violently ill, almost projectile vomited into Penny’s mouth, and she tried to kiss him despite him being a full adult. It’s A Lot, ok?
Also, we don’t find out until later but Penny picks a sexy duck costume for reasons that make more sense if you watch the scene but not *much* more sense. She also burns one of the healing potions on this dude as he is bar
Danielle tries to get some info on the guests at the party and gets the names Lawrence LaDuc, Princess Autumn, and Duston who is the playboy cousin of Tal. She also hears some dude saying some colonize and plunder the earth BS and casts Heat Metal on him, fully mercing the dude. Ice cold. 
She tries to play it off like it’s the Curse of the Forest and when that doesn’t work and people start coming for her, she wildshapes into a dragon wyrmling and starts roasting people, killing 1 and dropping 2 to zero. 
Unfortunately, one of her party members is a known dragon hater and uses her new arrows to snipe her right out of the sky. Ant is horrified once she realizes what she’s done but Yelle says it’s all good. It’s NOT all good, says Ant, I STABBED YOU. You’re allowed to be mad! Yelle says she’s just really good at compartmentalizing but what Ant’s getting here is that Yelle doesn’t really believe that her feelings matter which echo the fears of her moms. 
Sam uses a combination of Mantle of Inspiration, glamour magic, performance, and good old flirting to get herself some killer clothes and also start a spontaneous musical number Giselle style.  
Brennan says she looks resplendent and, honestly, when does she not?
They reconvene, Zelda in a classic hoop skirt. Yelle realizes she never got a costume and just whips out a Met Gala level, autumn themed, Queen Mab-esque costume with Druidcraft which she could have done this whole time so I guess that’s why she was cool spending her shopping time getting gossip and playing Poison Ivy. 
They get to the ship and the way this works, everyone has to make an entrance and the really rich people (including Tal) are on a dais up top watching everyone come in. They all have to give fake names for the night since it’s a masquerade and they have to do Performance or Persuasion checks to see how impressive they look going in. 
Before they go in, they plan a little. Penny wants to look for TK. Sam wants to find Dunston. Ost wants to talk to the bouncers. Yelle wants to see if there are plants she can manipulate (there are btw) and for any exits. 
A quick rundown of how these all go:
Katja aka Mere (which means both mom and horse): 16 
Ant aka Midnight Huntress: 18 
Penny aka Penny Duckstone: 13
Zelda aka Madame Goodparty: 2 (Poor Zelda)
Sam aka Songbird: 22 (but she takes a hit to entrance save Zelda from totally flaming out)
Ost aka Stanley Gucci: 13
And Danielle, who never hogs the spotlight and is embarrassed to admit that maybe she does want to be the center of attention for once in her life with a Natural 20, gets a 29, absolutely bringing down the house as Empress Anima. As she walks forward she feels a voice say to her, “You got this. I love the name. You wear it well.”
Tal seems very impressed by her and a lady in a rabbit mask (Coeliabranca who I’ll call Coel if she comes up more) comes down to bring her up to the top with the high rollers. As she leaves, Sam casts Fly on her, just in case and holds the Concentration. 
Ost and Kat go talk to the bouncers and Kat decides to pretend to be her mom to get access to the area Yelle is. She rolls low and is told, “Hey, aren’t you already up there?” Kat is like, fuck and Ost saves her by using her charm earrings to get an entourage of guards who will let them through and do what she says. Once up there, Kat doesn’t see her mom which I can imagine she has mixed feelings about. 
Sam finds Dunston who is talking about Fantasy Bitcoin and seems like a real “Step on me mommy” type you know? Like, I feel like he’s into findom. Anyway, Sam charms him and his hangers on and learns about a procedure called a Phlebectomy that involves something going into their nose and then they feel better. Sam is rightfully horrified because, as I said, she is Most Likely To Survive A Horror Movie and can sense BS when she sees is. It’s apparently all the rage with the rich people here which is, como de dice, concerning seeing as they’re surrounded by them but we’ll get to that. Sam takes advantage of Dunston’s proclivities and gets him alone, knocks him out, steals him clothes, and pretends to be him (a *very* good scene by Sephie). 
Penny sees a gnome gnome boy (Lysander Higgins) shining shoes and finds out from him that there is a copper earth genasi woman here. In a very Cinderella move, she asks what shoes she was wearing. Then, she makes out with him which like, sure. At least it’s not a grown adult man this time. Before she gets her kisses in, she does tell the group what she learned. 
Up with the rich people, Yelle is introduced to Tal’s friend who is into Eidolons because of the name she chose. Between the shoes and her knowledge, they confirm that it’s TK! Yelle asks what she knows about Eidolons and she says that 7 is a very powerful number.
We cut to Ant who is patrolling the room as the sun sets and she suddenly hears a little beeping. It’s coming from a small crystal that was in Preston’s shirt (which she still has on her because???). Guests start dripping goo from their noses and transforming into monsters. Ant realizes that some kind of spell is happening triggered by midnight and this beeping. Hope these costumes are battle ready cause it’s fight time baybee!
Danielle: Most Likely to Be on The News for Murdering Fantasy Jeff Bezos
I cannot imagine what was running through Yelle’s head when she decided that, having just rolled into a foreign country, her next move was to start using lethal force on anti-environmentalist colonizing capitalists. Like, she’s not *wrong* per se but she is wild--in all senses of the word.  
Random Thoughts
Kat keeps saying yesterday was her birthday which Ost/Izzy (and the rest of the group to a less vocal degree) are simply not having because maybe her dad would forget her birthday but her girls absolutely would not.
“You’re great because you stayed,” is the other killshot Kat line to her dad.
At a certain point Sam says, “This is so unhealthy,” to I think Yelle and like, if SAM is telling you your coping mechanisms are unhealthy, get thee to therapy.
OK, so someone, presumably Anima’s spirit, talks to Yelle as she makes her grand entrance which seems like info they should get to Talura ASAP, right? Cause that’s evidence they’re not dead-dead, just changed in form. But also Anima, girl. Don’t talk to Yelle. Talk to your rampaging sister!
"That's my secret, I stay in initiative."
Just a process note, notes are taken for the next ep and I am working on getting that recap up ASAP. As a battle ep, it will be in the abbreviated style that I did for last battle ep. 
In this episode, Penny rolls a Nat 1 (which she rerolls) and one of Brennan’s NPCs rolls a Nat 1. Ant rolls 2 Nat 20s, Yelle rolls 1, and Brennan says that one of his NPCs gets a 20 which sweeps him entirely into Sam’s dance number. 
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chibicalzones · 4 years
what the characters of haikyuu smell like pt. 3
featuring: 𝐧𝐞𝐤𝐨𝐦𝐚, 𝐟𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐢, and 𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐤𝐢  
read part one and two! 
DISCLAIMER: (just in case) this is my sister’s first impression on some of the boys so don’t take it too seriously! 
warnings: touches on gender and sexuality at some parts.
post made by: alex 🍒 - ALSO I FIXED OUR ASK BOX AND SUBMISSIONS! i didn’t even realize they were disabled i apologize :c but yes, feel free interact with us!! maybe we shall open requests? or at least on my end hehe 
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— kuroo: nail polish
a strong aura
has a superiority complex but he knows bc he genuinely believes he’s better than everyone else
a cheater... in every way
wanted to be cool but then he created his own level of c00L B)
was popular - like the freshman that was friends with the seniors for nO reason
wears platform shoes
prefers vans over converse
drinks straight up expresso shots instead of coffee
uninterested in finding a relationship
(little does she know that this actually geeky science loving nerd is the loml so)
— kenma: wet fall leaves
tired of everyone’s bs
wanted peoples’ approval when he was younger but he’s grown out of that. already figured out it doesn’t matter 
“i dont care if my roots grow in”
hangs with the boys
has a mysterious vibes
his old friend group kicked him out and is now a lone ranger
started playing volleyball to find friends and get his emotions out
has his own superiority complex because he wants to feel that he’s better than everyone else but he knows it’s unhealthy 
acknowledges his own problems
likes edgar allan poe
— yaku: apple cocktail with vodka
mix of things: nice but also gets ticked off real easily
if he went to parties, he’d just be playing beer pong
has a girlfriend - one of the few things keeping him nice
doesn’t look he cares for people’s approval of him but he really does
B student
likes science but thinks astrology is stupid
jealous of vinnie hacker on tik tok
straight now but will become gay
— yamatoro: leather
grew up in a uhm... unfortunate place? 
originally dyed his hair to look cool but went with the mohawk 
people think he’s cool but just wants approval
dresses different than everyone else 
but now since it’s becoming a trend, he’s really annoyed that he used to get bullied for it
had a michael jackson phase
likes edm
really bad at showing his emotions
— lev: pool / chlorine
the kid that pushes you into the pool when you didn’t wanna be there in the first place
makes fun of you for watching anime but recently started watching it
grew up watching pokemon as a kid but he only liked team rocket
ALSO has a superiority complex
capricorn energy, moon in aries
actually dresses up scary for halloween
parents are sweet but he can be a bit of a meanie 
had a toxic relationship with a woman... because he’s actually gay
— bokuto: gasoline
infatuated with cars
specifically owns a tesla in which his dad probably bought for him
spoiled as a kid
the popular kid
every popular person has at least dated him twice
everyone thinks he’s attractive 
the class clown but may unintentionally make fun of people in the process
“iTs mEnTAL iLLnesS isN’T IT?”
has rich parents but at least he has morals!!!
but also might take your lunch money
taken, straight
changes girlfriends every two weeks
my sister basically thinks he’s your every day local fuckboi
— akaashi: burnt pasta
really trying his best 
has good intentions but his execution’s either subpar or just awkward
likes science, specifically physics
really likes making paper airplanes and that’s how he flirts: he writes love notes and sends them your way 
bad at showing emotions so he writes them
doodles and writes in class a lot
a transfer student
hasn’t had his first relationship yet
doesn’t like swimming but he likes pool floaties
knows how to play piano
straight... for now
— konoha: miso soup
a warn person
people who don’t know him are afraid to approach him but to people who are friends with him thinks he’s very comforting
hard on others because he’s hard on himself
has an arch nemesis that fights for his position
passive aggressive but means well
was bullied for the smallest reason... like he owned a spiderman lunch box in third grade
one guy stole his girl and his is SALTY
he’d be very startled if someone came up and hugged him
with that being said, his love language is acts of service
— kita: ink
he does calligraphy
dabbles in spray paint
a bit conservative 
enjoys watching skateboard falls, parkour gone wrong, etc.
cheated in elementary school
a- a bully
doesn’t let people get close to him
people don’t know what to think of him
rather good at things that people may not realize, but he really doesn’t care if they realize or not
prefers iced tea over lemonade
takes health very seriously and doesn’t drink soda
uses they/them and states he doesn’t need a relationship
but he’s had one in the past and that’s how he figured out
— osamu: cotton
a reliable person
doesn’t necessarily have a lot of friends but cherishes to make sure they feel appreciated 
has a creative side
specifically sketches using pencil
likes movies and goes on movie dates
people like him for how forgiving he is
a hopeful person
has a realistic outlook on life 
very practical 
has several friends that are girls that think of him as an older brother
a lot of people like him but he he already has his eyes on set on someone 
a closeted bi
— atsumu: butter beer
a popular kid with a quirk
a marvel geek, his favorite superhero is the th3 classic iron man
likes girls who don’t wear a lot of makeup, also goes for bruh girls
genuinely a nice person
tries his best to be a approachable person but his geeky-ness gets in the way
has strange intentions?
puts a lot of thought into what he does but does it in a not-so-logic way 
needs guidance
questioning life
is NOT like his brother
wants people to like him but he portrays himself weirdly
also questioning his sexuality
takes a gap year before college because he doesn’t know what he wants to do yet
— suna: battery acid
“there’s a potency to his presence”
takes all AP classes
does things for himself but he’s not that full of himself
wants to make it far in life
he doesn’t know what he wants to do but he knows he wants to make a difference in the world 
always chooses to pick up trash for volunteer work
likes math because it’s straightforward
his dream significant other is someone just like him: he needs someone to care for him and soften him up
people say he’s intimidating but his friends say otherwise
into alternative rock
he would dress the way he wanted if he didn’t get bullied :(
pan and single
— sakusa: the inside of a missionary
overwhelmed by his own thoughts but whatever he thinks, stays there 
not much of a talker 
he tutors people in math and science
reads a lot of fanfic
has a famous tumblr account - swashbuckler26 and posts abstract and contemporary art
desperately wants to graduate
wanted to become a doctor until he actually started researching
now wants to be an artist
owns peacocks
he has one best friend because they share the same interests but that leads them to argue a lot 
goes by they/them and doesn’t care for a relationship 
this is the last part but i’m sure i missed some :/ if you guys have any other characters that you would like her to react to, lmk! hopefully i’ll be able to write for them soon!!! - alex 🍒
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wiyodreamz · 3 years
𝑽𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒅 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 | 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑺𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒉𝒘𝒂 [02]
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⌜Nari is a college student at Seokhye University. One day she got off on the wrong foot with Seonghwa, throws her coffee on him and curses him out. Later that day she signs up for an internship at Hwa Corp. That same day, she learns that the same guy she threw her coffee at, is the CEO of that company. How will things go for Nari if she has a target on her back from that encounter? ⌟ Office AU
01 | 02
A/N: if you want to be on my taglist, dm or send me an ask with ur user.
Contains: fluff, angst, smut, alcohol drinking, cursing, and more as the story goes on.
Seonghwa X Fem!reader
Warnings: alcohol consumption and a heated makeout session
Tag list: @seonghwaskitten
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Nari felt like she could hibernate after these few weeks. Mr.Park, or his real name Seonghwa which she learned from the workers, has been pushing her to her limits in the past week.
She was working on a PPT and then at the last minute before she had to hand it to him, he made her start all over again, making her want to hit her head on the wall for hours. Her appearance even shows that she was exhausted too.
“Did you just roll out of bed just to come here?” Dani remarked as she laughed at Nari appearance. Nari had very noticeable eye bags, even with makeup on.
“I’m not in the fucking mood Dani” she said as she glared at Dani and sat down at her desk.
“Ooh! A temper I see” Dani said in a snarky tone and then sat down at her desk.
“How many hours of sleep have you been getting, Nari?” Sunji asked as she looked at Nari concerned.
“About an hour or two, but the day he made me redo the ppt, I only got 30 minutes. So I’ve been functioning off coffee” she answered.
“Nari you’ll hurt yourself doing all those things! You looked stress...” Sunji trailed off as she looked and saw Dani glaring at her to be quiet.
“I know that I’ll have to stay up and finish the other things too, plus the stuff I have to do towards school to” she said as yawned sleepily.
“Moon Nari! As your friend I declare that once you get off work, you take a nice long shower to relax and sleep in until you can no more tomorrow! Because me and you are going out somewhere to distress!” Yunho declared as he stood up and that caused everyone to look at him. “And he’s at least nice enough to get us Fridays off.”
“Yunho you know I-“
“Nari we’re going tomorrow, no complaints or excuses!”
Nari laid back into her chair and rubbed her eyes. Taking a nice long shower and sleeping in sounds like heaven right now. She decided it would be best to with Yunho and she mostly can’t say no when he gets like that. She nodded sleepily at home and went back to working at her desk.
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She was currently eating lunch and the same guy who made coffee came up and sat down in front of her.
“Are you sleeping okay?” He asked as he looked at her.
“I am” she said, not really wanting to make a conversation right at that moment.
“I can tell that you’re lying. Your eye bags or messy hair doesn’t help” he said. “Oh I’m sorry, my name is Hongjoong.”
Nari looked at him, “it’s fine. I’m Nari.”
“Aren’t you like close friends with Mr.Park?” She asked.
“Yeah I am. I never really see him work anyone as hard as he’s doing to you. Did you happen to piss him off or something?” He asked.
“Yeah, I sort of threw my coffee at home one morning” she admitted.
“You’re that coffee girl he’s always been complaining about?!” He asked shocked as she nodded.
“Yeah, now I wish I could go back in time and stop myself from doing that” she said as continued eating. She heard the clicking of shoes and looked up to see Mr.Park staring down at her coldly.
“Yah intern! I need these copied right now!” He said as he slammed a stack of papers right in front of her.
“Yah Mr.Park! Can she at least finish her lunch first and if she doesn’t have them to you ten minutes after her lunch, you can scold me alright?” Hongjoong suggested ad Mr.Park clenched his jaw and then sighed.
“You better be lucky that Hongjoong saved your ass” he said and then walked away.
“Thank you!” She said with a tired smile.
“You’re welcome and you better eat quickly, because even though we’re friends, he won’t hesitate to scold me harsh.”
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It was now the end of the day and Nari, for the first time, she left with the other interns instead of staying over.
“You guys aren’t leaving yet” Mr.Park said as he came out his office. “Ms.Lee hand them the papers.”
“What are these papers for?” Dani asked as she looked at it.
“These papers are what rank you’re in” he said. “I’m also ranking you guys on your time management, workmanship, and how hard you’ve been working.”
“You’re ranking us?” San, a classmate that’s also going for the internship asked
“Of course, that’s how I’ll choose you guys in the end.”
Nari looked down at her paper to see her rank, but was angry at her rank. She was 10th, the last rank. How much time she put in while doing the work she was asked even overdoing it, the nights she stayed up to fix things up for him and other workers, and even staying a few hours over after everyone left. She crumpled the paper which made everyone turn their attention over to her.
“Aw, are you mad that you didn’t get the rank you wanted?” Dani asked in a mocking tone as Nari glared at her and saw the smirk Mr.Park was wearing.
She stormed away, despite hearing Yunho calling after here and made her way back to her apartment.
“How could he do that?! Ordering me around and stressing me out and giving me that last rank?! THE LAST RANK?!” She thought angrily as she walked inside her apartment building.
She followed Yunho’s advice and went inside the shower. The hot water felt so refreshing on her tense muscles, she swore she could fall asleep right then and there.
Once she got out the shower and into her pajamas, she felt relaxed and calm, but that feeling went away once she saw the balled up paper that fell from her coat pocket. She took it and threw it in the trash.
“Fuck you Mr.Park” she said angrily and then got into her bed. After a long time, she was going to get a full nights rest.
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Nari was enjoying the amount of sleep she was getting, until her phone kept blowing up. She whined when she had to get up and go get her phone. She saw many text from Yunho
From Yunho [2:46 P.M.]: r u awake yet?
From Yunho [2:48 P.M.]: i see ur actually sleeping in
To Yunho [2:49 P.M.]: yeah i just woke up not to long ago. what do you need?
From Yunho [2:51 P.M.]: we’re going tonight like i planned yesterday.
To Yunho [2:52 P.M.]: like on a date??
From Yunho [2:53 P.M.]: of course not! we’re going to a dance club!
To Yunho [2:55 P.M.]: yunho, you do know I don’t do clubs or dance right?
From Yunho [2:57 P.M.]: well you better be ready at 7 because that’s the time I’m picking you up at.
The conversation soon ended and Nari thought she could spare a few more hours of sleep, she definitely deserves it by how hard she works.
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It was now a couple of hours before Yunho came to get Nari. She decided to put on a simple dark red dress, that wasn’t too tight fitting on her. As she finishing getting ready, she saw Yunho’s car outside her apartment.
She grabbed her purse that had all her things that had her information on it just in case she was too drunk to respond to them, or they just find her asleep outside on the convenience store table. That has happened before. She walked outside and got into Yunho’s car.
“Still can’t believe I convinced you to go out” he said as he turned towards her.
“Most likely forced me too” she said as she crossed her arms. “I need it though”
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The two soon arrived at a club. Nari could already smell the alcohol from the outside, she knew that the smell would be even stronger when they walk in and she was right. People were already drunk and were drunkily dancing on the dance floor.
“I don’t really want to dance, so I’m just going to sit at the bar” she told Yunho as he nodded.
“Once you’re ready to go, just send me a text or find me” he said and then disappeared on the dance floor.
She sighed and sat on one of the barstools as she looked over everyone getting drunk off their minds. She played with her hands nervously and turned towards the bartender. “Can I just have something random?”
The bartender nodded and went to go make the drink.
“Aah, classic Nari. Always doing this randomly” a voice said beside her. She turned to see her ex, Minhyuck, staring at her.
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be with that girl you cheated on me with?” She asked as she sipped on the drink that was brought to her.
“Come on! It was a misunderstanding” he said as he leaned his body towards her.
“So seeing you deep inside another girl is a misunderstanding?” She asked in a state of shock. “Wow you’re ridiculous!”
He smirked at her. “And besides, I broke up with her.”
Nari watched him down his drink and intrigued on why he broke up with her. Minhyuck wasn’t the type of person to break up with a girl, he most likely cheats on them. “What did she do?”
“She was very distant and I honestly got very bored of her” he said as he swirled his second drink. “And I’ve miss you.”
Nari scoffed and rolled her eyes as she drunk the last of drink. “I haven’t missed you.”
She stared at her empty glass and decided to order another one, but Minhyuck stopped her. “Just put it on my tab.”
The bartender nodded and went back to their job. Nari turned to him. “So I guess you’re a regular here?”
“Yeah and I’m friends with the bartenders here. They owe me for the things I did for them” he said as he drink his new drink.
The two chatted for awhile. Nari hated to admit it, but Minhyuck was great person to conversation with, despite his personality and the things he’s done in the past.
As the minutes go on, Nari felt herself get more intoxicated. She felt Minhyuck hands on her thighs, but she didn’t due to her being intoxicated. He then leaned in and kissed her on the lips and she returned the kiss. If Nari was sober, she would’ve slapped him right then and there. But her drunken state told her to continue. Soon the kiss turned into a heated make out session, Minhyuck’s hand was creeping closer and closer to her core.
She felt dizzy and like she would faint any second, but that didn’t stop Minhyuck from kissing her neck.
“Min...Minhyuck can you please stop. I feel dizzy.” But once when she said that, her vision started getting blurry and she felt someone carry her.
The person who was carrying here suddenly dropped her and soon dropped to the ground right beside her.
“I’m glad I was keeping my eye on you bastard!” The voice said as they punched the person on the ground and then pick Nari up, she soon fainted after that.
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Nari then woke up in a different setting that wasn’t her bedroom. She looked up and saw a more fancy bedroom, with a super huge window that showed Seoul. She looked down and saw she was wearing a shirt that was very large on her and saw black sweat pants. She can hear the shower coming from the bathroom and a note on the bedside table.
Take this medicine and eat this granola bar. You can see yourself out.
She took the pain medicine for her hangover and ate the granola bar and walked into the living room. It was bigger than her whole apartment and she made her way to door. It wasn’t hard to find her shoes, since hers were the only female shoes in the pile of men shoes, and walked out the apartment. She mentally told herself to run away if she sees Minhyuck in a place.
She was going to take the rest of the days to find out who that mystery man was and thank him for saving her.
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Caneles ☁️💫
▪︎pairing(s): Miya Osamu x Reader
▪︎genre: fluff!
▪︎warning(s): mentions of bullying but it ends with fluff!
Y/n L/n, a decently popular girl who is well known for her baked goods. Although she's been pretty popular among the boys, she's never really liked any of them.
Because there is only one she likes. And that person was none other than Miya Osamu.
How cliched, the man who is best knowned for his love for food and huge appetite is liked by the one angel who bakes the best sweets in Inraizaki. But here's the twist, Y/n has fallen into some deep "drama". To be honest, none of the rumours circulated about her was remotely true. Of course they aren't. Only a fool would believe rumours. Unfortunately, that isn't the case here. Many fell for the lies of Himiko Saiko.
Y/n was in a friend group consisting of Saiko, Maika and Shana. They were the classic fangirls who fawned over the popular Miya twins. However Y/n has been catching Osamu's attention because of her amazing culinary skills of course. So Y/n continued to bake with Osamu in mind. Especially Caneles, since they were Y/n's specialty.
Of course the other girls never liked that. I mean, Y/n is getting a chance with Miya Osamu, arguably one of the most popular boys in Inraizaki. Of course they would do anything in their power to stop that. Even if it meant for them to betray her trust.
~ the first attempt ~
Y/n got the group a bunch of matching scrunchies because she wanted to thank them for being her friend. Y/n is a shy girl and she was so happy to finally be accepted into a group where she isn't judged for who she is. She smiled as she passed everyone a scrunchie, thanking them as well. "Ah! Sorry I need to get somewhere." Y/n says as she hastily leaves the classroom.
This was the perfect opportunity for the girls to strike.
Saiko sarcastically says loudly, "wow~ how thoughtful of her! Too bad these don't go well with any of my clothes~" Saiko stood up from her seat as she threw the scrunchie into the trash bin.
The other girls followed along as they sat back down at their seats.
"Ne Osamu-kun, don't 'cha think that was lame of Y/n?" Saiko asks as she looks at the boy. Osamu stayed silent, not wanting to involve himself into any drama. Saiko smiled and giggled, "that's what I thought. You dont't like her too!"
Saiko made her way to his seat and sat next to him. She rested her head against her hand as she asked, "ne Osamu-kun~ Does Y/n-chan annoy you a lot?~ She keeps giving you food. Don't you think that's pretencious of her?"
"I-" before he could say anything, Y/n came back into the class. As she was walking pass the trash bin, she saw the familiar fabric pieces she just gave to her "friends". Not wanting to cause anything unnecessary, she sat back down at her seat, holding back her tears.
Y/n was giving them the benefit of the doubt that it was an accident or someone else has those scrunchies and it wasn't her friends who threw them away.
She stayed silent as she continued the rest of her day.
~ the second attempt ~
Y/n was absent from school so the girls took the chance to do something nasty.
"Oh my gosh! Did you hear that Y/n dated 2 guys at once? What a slut! She should know better as our friend!" Saiko says obnoxiously loud, so the whole class could hear. Osamu could hear the lace of poison following the word friend. These girls are horrible and he wanted to do something. But what could he do? He didn't know what to do and who could blame him to be honest.
The other 2 girls followed along saying, "now that I think about it, didn't she cheat on someone recently?" "Mhm! It was the third year senior right?"
Suddenly the class was filled with whispers and muttering. Everything was going according to plan for the girls. Adorable Y/n's reputation which was perfect and seamless, was now like cinders at a fireplace. Burnt and gone.
~ the third attempt ~
Y/n made a fresh batch of caneles, wanting to give them to Osamu. She packed them into a cute paper bag and for the final touch, placed a cute rabbit sticker to hold the bag shut.
As she was making her way to school, she saw her crush and ran over.
"Ne Osamu-kun!" Y/n called out as she waved. She passed him the bag of Caneles and smiled, "I really hope you like them!" Osamu smiled back, "thank you, I'm sure they'll taste good." Y/n ran off first as she had morning duty. Of course Saiko and the others saw everything unveil. And of course they had to do something.
The group made their way to Osamu and Saiko sighed. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Osamu-kun. Is she annoying you again? I'll do something about it next time." And with that, she snatched the bad of food out of his hands and threw it into the bin.
Furious, Osamu shouted, "hey! Quit bein' a bitch to Y/n. You're just jeal-" "I have nothing to be jealous of Osamu-kun. She's an obnoxious girl who only wants your attention. She's pathetic."
And with that, the group left. Out of sight from Osamu and Y/n.
~ the fourth attempt ~
School just ended and Y/n was tired out of her mind. She couldn't wait to get home and bake something. What will she make this time? Macarons? Marshmallows? Chocolates? Or maybe her special, Caneles!
She also wanted to make them becase she wanted to give more to Osamu. He said that he couldn't eat any because his pig of a brother devoured them all. But little did she know, it was a lie.
As Y/n stood up, going to leave school, Saiko and the others stopped her. "Ne Y/n-chan, stop annoying Osamu-kun. Can't you see he's annoyed?" "I-I, uh. I didn't know," Y/n muttered softly. "Of course you wouldn't know an obnoxious bitch like you wouldn't notice."
Y/n retorted back, "I don't appreciate what you just said. Can't we just talk it ou-" "We don't want anything to do with you Y/n."
Y/n was on the verge of tears, she didn't want to cry now. She didn't want to look like a weak coward. Oh gosh, she wanted to die right now. She just wanted to go home and cry her eyes out.
Osamu saw everything and ran towards the scene, full speed ahead. "Screw of bitches!" He shouts as he holds Y/n's hand. He dragged her while he was running, forcing her to run with him too.
"W-Wait a sec, what are you doing?" Y/n asks clearly confused.
"Y/n they aren't your friends." He says with no hesitation. "W-What? I don't understand what you're saying Osamu-kun." Y/n whispers softly. She looked down as she played with the hem of her skirt. She knew what he meant but she didn't want to admit it. She never really had friends. So of course she would want to stick with them.
"Y/n you know damn clear about what I'm talkin' about... This actually hurts to see. You're amazing Y/n! You don't need trashy bitches to dictate you. So how 'bout we ditch 'em and we bake and cook together. We could have the time of our lives without anyone judging us."
And with that, for the first time in a while, Y/n could let out her tears. She cried softly as she crutched down to her knees. After all that happened, she finally has someone genuine that cares about her. After all those toxic encounters, she felt loved and cared for.
Osamu gets down as well to hug her. She smiled as tears continued to stream down her cheeks, "thank you," she managed to mutter out.
"I don't wanna see you ever crying again. You're a pretty girl Y/n."
Y/n blushes and chuckled, "her laugh is beautiful" Osamu thought to himself. "Thanks Osamu-kun. That was really sweet of you." Y/n got up and grabbed a bag of something from her backpack.
"For you!" She continues, placing the bag in Osamu's hand. "They are Caneles but I didn't want to pass this batch to you because I was planning to pass them to Saiko.." she bitterly continues.
"But now I can pass them to you!"
Osamu opens the bag and reaches to take a Canele, he took a bite and was a little surprised. Although it smelt like caramel and a little bitter, it tasted sweet and milky. His eyes sparkled with joy as he took another bite, and another one, and another one, eventually finishing the whole thing.
"Y/n-chan! You're amazing!" He praises as he reaches in to take another one. Y/n laughs, "you really like them do you." Osamu reached out the Canele to Y/n, signalling her to take a bite.
She got the signal and bit into it. "Mmm, it's good!"
"Ne Y/n, let's do this again sometime."
And with that, the once notorious Y/n was finally happy as ever. She made new friends and her new life was a 180 degree change from her previous one. She met many wonderful people like Miya Atsumu, Suna Rintaro and many more!
And now, she gained someone she could trust and lean on. Someone that could get her back to herfeet even though she was at her lowest. Her now boyfriend Miya Osamu.
"Momma! How did you meet Papa?" Y/n's five year old daughter asked. Y/n chuckled, "well it all started with a little pastery Momma loved to make. It is called a Canele."
☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
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msrosey · 4 years
shadamy: Easy Chill
Summary: Amy canonically hates the cold. Shadow canonically runs hot. You can see where this is going.
Links: AO3
Comic panel that inspired this. Tumblr ( @lonelysadblob​) that inspired me. 
Amy Rose prided herself on her adaptability, on being prepared for any scenario with the brightest of smiles, the most positive of attitudes, and, when all else wasn't enough, a quick hammer to the kneecaps.
There was, however, one blind spot in her nigh impenetrable shield of optimism, one Achilles heel to her adonis of good cheer. And she was currently hip deep and freezing in it.
“Stupid forest. Stupid snow,” Amy muttered, using her hammer to whack at the section before her. The snow was sent soaring to rather impressive heights only to be quickly replaced by a fresh wave from nearby drifts. Amy narrowed her eyes at the offending substance, pointing with a gloved finger. “I will destroy you.”
“Not unless you wanna start an avalanche with us in it,” Rogue said, contently flapping in the air far above the perilous drifts. Amy shot her a look of pure envy. Wings were the biggest cheat. As if reading her mind, the bat smirked and added, “Plus, I’m pretty sure the fluffy pink one would demolish you if you added any more ice to this bunch.”
“Darn straight,” Amy grumbled, whacking away more snow off the path. Which had the unintended consequence of hitting the nearby tree and dumping a fresh pile. Right on top of her. Her headband was knocked off. Trickles of now melting slush were sliding to slide down the back of her dress. She couldn't feel her nose.
Above her, Rogue giggled with a pink gloved hand covering her mouth. “Aww, trouble, fluffy?”
That was it. Amy let out a cry and swung her her hammer in a flurry of movements that cleared several feet of snow around her, lobbed several patches of ice towards Rogue and Omega (the former ducking behind the latter with an agility that proved she’d not been completely ignorant of the effects of her teasing), and last, but not least, uprooted the offending tree and several of its brethren and sent them flying off until they were small, dark specks in the sky.
Amy panted with exertion as she looked over the results. A nearly clear patch of forest, with only the lightest trace of offending snow. Her feet on solid ground, er, permafrost. Finally. She let out a deep, long breath.
“You have this one handled, or do you think you might need some backup?” Rogue called out, a sly smile on her face as she rested on Omega’s shoulders, who looked almost impressed at the carnage.
His robotic features were certainly doing something. “IMPRESSIVE DESTRUCTIVE POWER. CASE FILE UPDATED TO REFLECT SO.”
“Well, of course,” Amy said, casually brushing the remaining ice from the spines in her hair. “I mean, a lady like me always has things handled.” She leaned on her hammer as she fixed the last few spines, hip cocked to the side. “And a couple flakes can’t bring down A—“
The only warning was the sound of several dozen trees swaying in a sudden heavy breeze. It was only her innate superb hedgehog tracking skills that had Amy turning, only in time to be hit in the face by several tons of snow.
Courtesy of her destined hero’s rather bumpy stop.
“You guys all right? Shadow spotted some trouble by here just now, do you need...“ Sonic's eyes went wide as he spotted the hedgehog shaped snow drift at his side. “Hey, is that—“
“AMY ROSE WITH THE SHORT TEMPER AND HIGH PROCLIVITY TO VIOLENCE?” Omega responded, something almost gleeful in his robotic tone. Atop his shoulder, Rogue was staring, slack jawed. “AFFIRMATIVE."
“Ooh,” Sonic winced. “Heh, heh, oops?” A low growl started to build from the pile and Sonic wisely took several steps back, looking towards Omega and Rogue for backup. The former of which looked to be eagerly awaiting the results of the interaction and the latter already flying ahead.
“We can…talk this out, right, Amy?” Sonic asked sheepishly, “It was an accident. I know you hate the cold but you hate Eggman more, right? Attack him first.”
His answer came in the form of a the sudden poof of the piko piko hammer, poking out from the side of the Amy-shaped snowman.
“Not a good sign,” the blue hedgehog muttered, “Might be time to—“
In a blur of black and red, Shadow slid to a stop across from him and coincidentally beside the snowhog of murderous intent. The rockets on his hover shoes flared at the sudden change in speed, causing the snow immediately around him to rapidly melt. The hedgehog shaped snow mound quickly became a dripping mess of pink spines and wet clothes.
Shadow opened his mouth to speak only to shut it at the look of genuine fear on his blue counterpart’s face. A note of true concern leaked into his voice as he said, “Was there an attack?”
“ABOUT TO BE,” Omega chimed in, robotic voice high with excitement.
Shadow turned in time to catch the determined look on Amy Rose’s face and the current soaked state of her clothes and froze. Her spines dripped steadily onto the surrounding permafrost earth, breath coming out heavy and cloudy in the cold air.
There was a moment where Sonic looked about to laugh...but then the single hedgehog army better known as Amy Rose moved.
Then Sonic actually did laugh, although less due to the situation and more due to the absolutely stricken look on the Ultimate Lifeform’s face as he was embraced by the smaller pink berserker.
Her arms were wrapped around his neck and looked to be supporting herself up, knees bent and boots high off the wet ground. Her head was tucked somewhere between the tuft of white fur on his chest and his neck, and she looked to be…nuzzling closer? Shadow’s eyes went between the top of her head to Sonic’s form, hunched over and cackling, then to Omega, who looked confused as to whether this was some new offensive strategy, and looped back around to the hedgehog currently holding onto him for dear life.
“I-Uh-“ stammering in a completely out of character way for an ultimate lifeform, Shadow held his hands in tense positions on either side of her, not entirely knowing what to do. “What?"
A small, muffled sound came from her. “—mfph-ded the snow.” A shift in position, one that sent a surprise shudder through the dark hedgehog, and the words became clear. “You can melt snow.”
Amy Rose looked up at her current savior with eyes full of hero worship. Her voice was syrupy with awe, “You. You can melt snow.” Her arms showed no sign of tiring as she tucked herself closer to the living weapon’s chest, sighing. “And you’re warm.”
“Nah, nah,” Sonic cut in, still chuckling, “This is classic Amy. She hates the cold. Usually trades off with Tails on these kinds of missions, but he was busy with the Rogues. Must be your lucky day, huh, Shadow?”
Shadow looked less prone to chaos controlling himself back onto the ARK where things made sense, robotic lizard monster and all, but still had every spine on edge. His eyes flickered down to the still happily sighing hedgehog attached to his form. In a still not completely level tone, he told her curtly, “Off. Now.”
Amy ignored him in favor of tucking herself more securely over his shoulder, improbable muscles barely straining to carry her own weight even with his own arms still hanging loosely at his sides. It was obvious she do this for hours. Something in Shadow’s stomach twisted at the thought. Whether it was the fact the pang wasn’t quite unpleasant or his own dislike of Sonic’s increasing likelihood to pitch into another spurt of laughter, he found himself tugging at the hands around his neck. “You’ve faced down dimensional calamities. The cold is hardly a threat to you. Now, let go."
“No use,” Sonic said, grin now a thing that stretched so far across his face it was a wonder it didn’t reach his ears. “Last time it was Big, and she didn’t get off for hours. Or was it days?” A mischievous light was in his eyes as he pretended to think on it. “But it’s not like the Ultimate Weapon can’t handle one delicate lady, right?"
Shadow narrowed his eyes at the taunt, preparing to chaos control away just to spite the blue hedgehog of a target. The figure pressed against him made a sound of dislike at the first feeling of chaos energy being collected, turning her face upward to face his.
The full might of Amy Rose’s bright, pleading eyes were unleashed upon Shadow, a sight made particularly pitiful by the way her wet quills laid stuck against her still flushed cheeks. His resolve began to falter. No. No, he wasn’t going to give— Amy’s eyes went impossibly bigger, looking to reflect the whole of his being. Shadow’s thoughts spun. He was the Ultimate Lifeform, a Living Weapon—
Amy Rose stuck her her bottom lip, trembling.  
—A glorified pack mule. Swearing to find some way to patch up his weak spot towards innocent looking girls in apparent distress, Shadow slumped his shoulders and moved to support the pink hedgehog fully. He pretended not to notice the pleased sound she let out or the way her tail was currently wagging at speeds closer Sonic’s own when chili dogs were involved.
“Don’t worry, big guy, I’m sure Eggman has something special for you,” Sonic said, still smiling. He looked over at Shadow. “That is, if someone isn’t too busy playing knight in shining armor. Or should we leave you two alone for a bit?”
Shadow humphed. He’d quickly moved through the stages of acclimatization and was now compartmentalizing the sensation of being in such extended close quarters. Even if the errant hum or brush of shoulders from Amy seemed to scramble those thoughts, he was still perfectly capable of dealing with the current issue.
Which was shutting Sonic up.
“What shining armor? I’m just taking a handicap,” Shadow scoffed, activating his hover boots. “We both know I’ll reach Eggman’s fortress easily in this terrain. I thought I’d at least give you a fighting chance.”
The words hit their mark and Sonic bristled. “Oh, yea? Well, eat powder!”
He launched off towards the coordinates Tails had sent them, with Shadow hot on his heels. He thought of overtaking the blue hedgehog then but passed on it. Plenty of chances in the future and he might as well give the faker a shot. Plus, the potential of harm to Amy in this current wooded area was too high.
But mostly the part about chances.
Blocking out the rest of the snowy world around her, Amy nestled closer to the radiator of warmth that was a certain soft-hearted Ultimate Lifeform. Sometimes the best ways of adapting was leaning on others. Literally.
Now to break it him this was gonna be a repeat thing…
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szamsson · 4 years
omg pls write about sander arriving at the flat share one night when they’re having a party and taking care of drunk robbe pls
(Okay I’m gonna use this prompt to interpret some sort of a Luca surprise party setting)
Luca was so excited to have a girls night tonight. It seemed during the day none of her best friends really gave a shit that it was her birthday, so being invited last minute round to Zoe and Milans place for a couple (off bottles) of wine with the girls had her practically dancing up the stairs. She had a whole bottle of vodka, as well as a couple of different wine varieties in her bag. She knew obviously, between the three of them who would actually be down to get drunk tonight this was way too much alcohol. But it was her birthday goddamn it and she was going to drink to her hearts desire. 
She approached the door, pounding on it in a melodic rhythm. Zoe had said to arrive at 19,00, but of course, she hadn’t even notice the clock tick over to 19,21 before she darted out the door. The front door swung open and she was greeted with a grinning Milan. She hadn’t seen Milan since their last group zoom chat during lockdown and she had to admit he looked good. His hair was shorted and he had an intense tan going on that Luca knew could not be natural. Nonetheless, she was just glad to see his grinning face in person after all this time. 
“Happy Luca Day, birthday princess!” Milan said with a laugh, engulfing her in a huge hug. As he did this, the bottles in her bag clanked together noisily and Milan raised an eyebrow at her. “I hope you plan on sharing”
“Of course!” She said happily, slipping her backpack off her shoulders and fixing her glasses which had been tussled during the hug. “I assume we are pretty much going to be the only two drinking tonight, so I have plenty for us.”
Milan’s smile grew wider for a second then he schooled his features and not so subtly nodded with a concentrated look on his face. Ok weird, Luca thought, but also, classic Milan. It was then she noticed how goddamn quiet it was in the house. That really confused her because she was a good thirty minutes late. She was sure she would at least hear the quiet chatter of her friends, or the loud chatter in the case of Amber. 
“Am I early...?” She asked Milan anxiously.
“Nope! Right on time.” Milan steered her into the dark hallway and as they entered the living room her jaw dropped and her eyes went wide. 
All of a sudden there was so much chaos and noise and a very unharmonious chorus of “Surprise!” “Happy Birthday” rang out. It all ended up jumbling together so all she caught was the 15 of so people yelling “SurHapBirtpriseDay!” as they jumped out from behind the furniture. 
She loved her friends, she really and truly did and suddenly she was so so so excited looking around at all the faces who were there to celebrate her special day. Zoe sat with Yasmina, Kato and Britt, whilst Amber sat with Aarons arms around her shoulders. The Broooerrrs already looked kind of wasted as they stood together in the corner. She narrowed in on Robbe’s glassy eyes and goofy smile and assumed the boys had gone a little too hard during pre drinks. Even Noor was there, with some of her college friends, as well as Senne and his mates. The rest of the blonde ambition were sitting in the far corner sipping on wine, looking entirely out of place, but what the hell! she thought its a party! 
“WOOOOO!” Luca yelled in happiness as the music started again and she basically ran to her friends, practically knocking Zoe and Yasmina over as she gave them a giant bear hug. She couldn’t stop smiling. 
“You guys -- I can’t believe you did this!” She gazed around at the tacky streamers and balloons everywhere, then at the table that was FILLED with all different assortments of alcohol and party snacks. It was basic and last minute and absolutely perfect. 
“Of course,” Amber said, leaving Aaron to give Luca a hug. “You really didn’t think we were going to celebrate your birthday?” 
“We told everyone to bring a different type of alcohol as a present because we thought you’d appreciate that more,” Yasmina said with a smirk as she gestured to the table Luca had already zero’ed in on. 
Luca let out another little scream and the girls laughed at her as she began making what was bound to be a disgusting but very alcohol heavy cocktail. 
As the party continued, Luca walked throughout the groups, saying hello to everyone and thanking them for coming. The blonde ambition were polite but quiet, whilst the brooerrs were definitely next level drunk. And Robbe, who was tiny and probably trying to keep up with his friends, was next next level drunk. She could tell this as when she walked over to them to say hey, Robbe clung onto her shoulders and gave her a big kiss so close to her lips. 
“This was so my dream two years ago,” she said jokingly as the other boys laughed at her and Robbe just gazed happy and intoxicated. 
About an hour in, she was sitting with the girls chatting and laughing at everything and nothing when suddenly, Britt sat up straight, rolling her eyes and letting out a groan. All the girls looked up at her and followed her eyes to see a tentative Sander being led into the room by Milan. He seemed happy chatting with Milan, almost like he was using the older boy as his safety blanket before he had to face the wolves. 
“Who is that?” Kato asked with a frown. Confused by Britt’s reaction, having not seen the boy in school before. 
At the same time, Luca and Britt both answered her.
“Robbe’s boyfriend”
“My cheating ex”
Zoe and Yasmina rolled their eyes at Britt. The girl could just not let it go. Kato’s eyes widened and she nodded, feeling like there was a story behind that which she would ask Luca about at another time. 
Sander spotted the girls and hesitantly walked towards them, eyeing Britt as if she was going to jump up and slap him across the face. They all waved and said hey as he approached, shoving what looked like an expensive bottle of tequila into Luca’s hands. 
“Happy Birthday,” he said, “I didn’t really know what you drank, but I mean, you need tequila on your birthday.” He smiled shyly at Luca.
“It’s perfect! Thankyou!” She said, wrapping her arms around him. He seemed to startle at the contact. She didn’t know Sander that well but she liked the boy. And she knew he treated Robbe like a king so that was good enough for her. 
Britt got up in a dramatic huff and stormed off towards the Blonde Ambition girls, grabbing a bottle of wine off the table on her way. They all watched her go, Sander rubbing anxiously at the back of his neck. 
“Sorry,” he said quietly, to which Luca simply brushed her hands in a motion as if to say, don’t even worry about it. 
“Anyway,” Sander said clearing his throat, “Has anyone seen my--” He was cut off by the sound of a voice shrieking “JENS.”
They all looked over to see Robbe, jumping up and down, trying to reach the bottle of beer Jens was holding above his head. Robbe’s wobbly legs lost their footing on one of the jumps and he fell onto his butt with a huff. He looked up dazed and confused as all the boys broke out laughing at the drunk boy. Robbe’s face then started to crumble and his lower lip shook as he whispered “ouch.”
“--my boyfriend,” Sander finished, trying to hide a laugh at the pitiful exchange he just witnessed. “I’m gonna go deal with that,” he said with a final wave before heading in the direction of Robbe who was still sat on the floor sulking. 
The girls watched as Sander put his hands under Robbe’s arms and hoisted him up from behind. Robbe whirled around and when he saw who it was, all sadness and frustration from his face left and he threw himself at the other boy, trying to climb him like a tree. 
“Hey baby,” Sander whispered, “Let’s go get some fresh air yeah?” 
As they walked towards the door, Robbe turned from under Sander’s arm, and like a 5 year old, snuck his tongue out at Jens.
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
Love your writing! Renruki prompt: Married!RenRuki get into a fight and Renji's acting all gloomy when he goes to work the next day. He accidentally~ shares his woes with Byakuya.
Ahhh, I am not good at writing fights!! I think I am on the record as to saying that I think Renji and Rukia only fight over stupid shit, and I had a heck of a time figuring out something for them to fight over. Anyway, I did my best, at very least, this contains a lot of Byakuya Being Byakuya.
💔   💔   💔
“I think it’s in here, sir,” Third Seat Yuki explained, leading Byakuya into the Officer’s Lounge. “On second thought, you wait out here, I’ll bring it.”
Sixth Seat Taniguchi was sprawled on the floor, groaning. Rikichi stepped over him, and looked around. Fifth Seat Kuchiki had his leg propped up on a table, a bag of ice on his knee. Seventh Seat Shirogane and Fourth Seat Kuchiki were leaning against each other on the couch, snoring in unison. Rikichi picked his way toward the couch and poked Shirogane in the arm. “Hey! Hey, Shirogane! What happened to the training reports on the first-years?”
“Eh?” Shirogane asked, sitting up. “Training reports, right.” She shoved Kuchiki to one side, and extracted a thick binder, bristling with colored tabs from the depths of the couch. It was barely in Yuki’s hand before she was slumped against Kuchiki again.
“Found it!” Rikichi announced cheerfully, waving the binder and picking his way carefully back out.
“What… happened?” Byakuya asked gingerly. “It is not usually like this, is it?”
“Oh, no, sir,” Rikichi replied. “There was sparring after morning drills.”
“Everyone must have had an excess of enthusiasm, to have worn each other out so,” Byakuya observed. He was a bit sorry to have missed it. A spirited affray sounded much more entertaining than the interminable breakfast meeting with Lord Noragashi he had endured.
“Er, not exactly,” Rikichi excused, rubbing the back of his neck. “When I said ‘sparring’, what I meant was, ‘Vice-Captain made everyone fight him.’ He was in a bit of a mood this morning.”
“I... see,” Byakuya drew out. It had been quite some time since Abarai had felt the need to pummel his way through the top ranks. Byakuya had hoped it was a sign that the top officers were improving, but apparently, it had just been the recent improvement in his lieutenant’s disposition. Disappointing. “Any indication as to what precipitated this sudden bout of pugnacity?”
Rikichi paused and glanced around. “I think he might have had a tiff with the missus,” he said, voice barely above a whisper.
Byakuya arched an eyebrow.
💔   💔   💔
Byakuya pretended to be deeply engaged by the newest edition of the Standards for Disposition of Historically Significant Hauntings while taking occasionally surreptitious glances at his adjutant. He needn’t have bothered with the covertness, Abarai was clearly too tightly wrapped up in his own misery to have any sort of situational awareness.
The thunderstorm of ire that had possessed the man earlier had passed, leaving behind a drizzle of gloomy resignation. Abarai had dragged his brush half-heartedly across his paperwork for a while, but now all he could manage was to stare out the window listlessly.
Byakuya was not a nosy man and clearly, this was none of his business. In fact, he ought to chide his subordinate for this childlike behavior. However, Byakuya hesitated. This could very well be pertinent to his sister’s happiness. Now that Rukia no longer resided with him, how was he to know her daily mood, her overall humor? If there had been a row, surely Abarai was the one at fault. It was practically Byakuya’s duty as a brother to discern what had passed between them.
“Lieutenant,” he said sternly.
Renji seemed to come to himself suddenly, and straightened in his seat. “Yessir!”
“You seem out of sorts this morning.”
Abarai swallowed. “Sorry, sir! I don’t… I’ll do better, sir!”
Byakuya folded his hands. “Obviously, I expect only the strictest of professionalism from you, as always, Lieutenant, but you know that I care for your well-being. We are family now. If you have a problem you wish to talk through, you know that I am an excellent listener.”
Abarai’s face was overcome with what was obviously great emotion at this generosity. “Er… it’s nothing, sir. Really.” He grabbed his brush and began writing with great vigor.
Curses. That hadn’t worked at all. “Rukia is in good health, I trust? All is proceeding accordingly?” Perhaps there had been a disagreement regarding their pending offspring. Perhaps Abarai had suggested a ridiculous given name, which Rukia, in her wisdom, had rejected.
Abarai’s eyebrows furrowed. “Uh, yeah. Same as, uh, yesterday, when you asked.”
“You seemed distressed. I wondered if perhaps she had fallen ill.”
“Oh, no, nothin’ like that. She’s actually been feelin’ a little better lately.” He fiddled with his brush and looked back down at his paperwork for a moment. “Look, sir, can I ask your opinion on something?”
“Of course,” Byakuya replied, carefully keeping his face in its usual, disinterested mien, despite the fact that he was, in fact, very interested.
Abarai nodded slowly. “Okay, so, imagine there’s two people, see, a boy and a girl, kids like.”
“I can imagine it.”
“And they grow up together and they fall in love, right? But it’s hard for them to tell each other that, because they’ve been friends a long time. And they drift apart, it’s not looking good for either of them, but then the boy writes the girl a poem. It’s not a very good poem, it’s about how tall he’s gotten, not a great call on his part, but the girl goes for it, and she writes this lucky bastard a poem back.”
Byakuya nodded slowly. As usual, Abarai’s storytelling was circuitous and only dubiously coherent. Byakuya was familiar with the basics of Rukia and Renji’s courtship, although he hadn’t known poetry had played such a key role. He found that rather charming, actually.
“It works out,” Abarai continued on, “and they get married. Now, this woman is basically perfect. She’s beautiful, loyal, loving, the whole package. On the other hand, the guy is a real piece of work. He clearly does not deserve her.”
“I am following,” Byakuya nodded.
“So he’s a huge jerk, he doesn’t know what he’s got, and he cheats on her.”
Wait, what? “Excuse me?” Byakuya echoed.
“It doesn’t make any sense, but that’s what you get for marrying a guy who writes you a poem, I guess. He’s such a scumbag, in fact, that he thinks she’s cheating on him, too, just because she never calls him on this really obvious affair, and that’s how the slimeball mind works, I ‘spose.”
Byakuya tried to perform some mental math. Abarai had only been married to his sister for five months. How had he possibly had time to accomplish all this? Byakuya was beginning to think this was not actually an autobiographical story, in which case why was he telling it?
Abarai was waving his hands around enthusiastically at this point. “So he spies on her, trying to catch him in the act, and get this-- all he catches her doing is writing a poem about how she hopes he’s staying safe while gallivanting around with this other lady! I just bet he felt bad!”
All of this was beginning to sound vaguely familiar. Byakuya squeezed his eyes shut, trying to place this story in its proper context.
“Now, don’t get me wrong, this guy is a sleaze. I am not defending this guy in any way. But it’s not really about him, see? It’s about the lady, and the purity of her love for him--”
Byakuya gripped his head. “Abarai, this is just the plot of Izutsu, isn’t it? The noh play?”
“Oh, you’ve seen it?” Abarai asked. “We went on Wednesday, and I thought we both enjoyed it, but then yesterday, Rukia asked my opinion on it, and I gave it to her, and, uh, a big fight happened.”
“Of course I have seen it, it is one of the classical noh dramas! And Ariwara no Narihira is one of the Six Poetic Genius, he is not ‘a sleaze.’” Byakuya paused. “Rukia had strong opinions on it?”
“The strongest of opinions. She said the lady was dumb for pining over a shi-- poet, and that someone should have konsoued her in the first act. And I think she just really missed the point, I mean, it’s noh, it’s not like anyone’s here for a good time, how are you supposed to have any heartfelt songs about suffering in love if you ain’t got any suffering, am I right?”
Although one would never be able to tell from his facial expression, Byakuya found this entire shaggy dog story interesting on a number of levels. For one, every time he had ever taken Rukia to noh and asked her opinion of it, she had replied that the costumes had been very beautiful or that the dancers had been very skilled. She had never once expressed an opinion on the content. Reason number two was that Hisana had very strong opinions on the content of noh dramas. In fact, Hisana used to refer to Izutsu as the ‘Never Trust a Poet’ play. Byakuya very distinctly remembered her opining that “the husband was bad and he should feel bad; he should be the one who has to come back and haunt the damn well.” Byakuya eventually came to realize that Hisana’s complaints were primarily a ruse for the purpose of getting him riled up, and that the best way of short-circuiting them was merely to start kissing her and then to get riled up in a different way. He would give up his sword before he shared that piece of information with Abarai. The third interesting piece of information, though…
“I would not have expected you to take theater criticism so personally, Lieutenant,” Byakuya observed mildly.
Renji opened his mouth and then closed it again. “It’s just a dumb play,” he muttered.
Byakuya minutely adjusted the position of a paper on his desk. “Art is a reflection of our strongest emotions and a chance to explore the boundaries of concepts like love and forgiveness. It can be quite disconcerting to find yourself on the opposite side of a philosophical divide from the one person in your life whose opinions on romantic love are actually pertinent to you.”
“I just don’t understand why she’s mad at me!” Abarai lamented, throwing up his hands. “I liked the play, she’s one who said it was dumb. I don’t see how you can get mad at someone for liking a thing.”
Byakuya sighed, and reminded himself for the millionth time that Abarai had spent his formative years literally headbutting the humanoid mountain goats of the Eleventh instead of metaphorically headbutting an equally stubborn classical literature tutor. “Clearly, you find ongoing devotion in the face of obstacles to be an admirable quality, and were moved by the wife’s pining, which is, broadly speaking, the main theme of the play. However, consider the perspective of the one who is pined after, presented in this piece as a flawed idol, a cause of agony and suffering so severe that it persists past the confines of mortal existence.”
“Oh,” replied Abarai. There was a long pause. “Oh.” His face transitioned through a number of contortions, but not further words came forth.
Byakuya picked up the Standards for Disposition of Historically Significant Hauntings again, and pretended to flip through it. “Do you need to take an early lunch break today, Lieutenant?”
“Um, ah…” Abarai looked at his calendar. “I got Advanced Hakuda Skills with the upper seats at 11.”
“I don’t think they’re up for it today,” Byakuya noted dryly. “Go ahead.”
Abarai scrammed.
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superbadassnatural · 4 years
Summary: The hunter community decided to add an arranged marriage policy. Y/N and Sam aren’t quite fond of this idea, but they have to obey even if it means they can’t be together. Or can they?   Square filled: Two person love triangle (TFW Bingo) // Arranged Marriage (Sam Winchester Bingo) Pairing: Sam x Reader Word count: 2,641 Warnings: fluff, little bit of angst A/N: This was written for @spntfwbingo​ and @samwinchesterbingo​
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The bell at the door rang, announcing that another client had entered the crowded coffee shop. Monday mornings were always like this. Agitated, restless, and overall, stressful. It was just eight in the morning and you were already pacing around the counter nonstop. Pouring coffee, serving slices of pie, packing bagels to go. You were doing all that and you had to be fast so the clients wouldn’t start shooting daggers at you.
Sam had made his way to the counter and waited for you to attend every client. He smiled as he took in the sight of you. Your hair was thrown in a bun that now was a messy one. A bright shade of red was coloring your cheeks from all the rush. You were so focused on getting the job done that he thought you didn’t even notice he was there.
You did. The presence of Sam Winchester would never go unnoticed. Especially not by you. Every time he entered the cafe the whole room seemed to brighten. The sunlight seemed to enlighten up, even more, the cozy cafe. When you were near him you’d always feel this peace rush through you. Sam Winchester brings you a sense of home.
People started to make their way out with their coffee in their hands. There weren’t five clients entering together every two minutes. Now it was calm. People were already on their way to their jobs. Some of them to their hunts.
“Black coffee for you, Samuel,” you grinned at him. “With one teaspoon of sugar.”
“Thanks,” he smiled.
“Jeremy is already making your pancakes,” you winked.
Your family owned this cafe in Lawrence, Kansas. It had all started with your grandfather and his passion for brewing coffee. Then after he passed away, your father took over the family business. You’ve always been around though. When you were just a kid, you liked to stay behind the register with your mom and hand the change. As a teenager, you started to hand people their coffee. Now as an adult, you work full time on the family business. Currently, you, your dad, and your younger brother Jeremy work at the coffee shop. Your mother had decided to stay home and take care of things from there.
“Busy day, huh?”
“You tell me,” you sighed, leaning on the wooden counter. “I hate Mondays.”
“Me too,” he said, mouthful of pancake.
“When are you going back to Stanford?”
“In three weeks.”
“Argh, gonna miss having my best friend around.”
“I’m gonna miss having this coffee every morning.”
“You’re not going to miss me?” you gasped dramatically putting your hand over your chest.
“Maybe just a little,” he chuckled.
“You better miss me a whole lot,” you glared at him.
“Believe it or not, I hate being away.”
“Because you have to leave me in this town all alone and hopeless?” you feigned distress.
Sam only gave you a deadpan look.
“Yeah, but I know you’re doing what’s best for your future and you’re following your dream and all that crap,” you rolled your eyes. “So listen, Winchester, once you become a lawyer, you better end this whole arranged marriage bullshit," your tone more serious this time. “Or I swear I’ll rip your degree apart.”
“I promise I’ll try,” he pursed his lips. “That whole thing… it seems so outdated.”
“Because it is!” your eyes widened at your exclamation. “It’s ridiculous.”
The hunter community had a sort of arranged marriage policy. Many years ago, they started this to prevent young hunters from marrying a demon or a monster. Sometimes hunters didn't know who they were actually marrying to and only found out when it was too late. They believe it’s better if a hunter marries another hunter. It probably was better, but people should have the right to decide who they want to be with.
When you turned fifteen, your parents had a serious talk with you about your future. They’d asked you about your sexual orientation and from that they decided who you were going to marry. Then they made a contract with the parents of another hunter.
The thing is: you and your future husband only get to find out about each other once you both turn twenty years old. It's revealed two weeks after the youngest's twentieth birthday. Throughout those five years, you’d only hoped they had picked someone decent at least.
Most hunters hate all this policy and its bunch of rules. It’s the law though. So everyone has to follow.
“How’s Dean?” you asked. “He and Jo quit hating each other?”
“Really? I thought they would be over it by now,”
“Yeah, me too,” he sighed. “Dean called me last night. He just wouldn’t stop complaining about her. He said he misses his freedom,” the corner of his lips curled into a smile as he talked about his brother. “Honestly? I didn’t expect Dean to settle down before turning 30. He’s 26. Four years older than her. He said there’s a lot he’s missing. A lot of women. His words, not mine.”
“Classic Dean,” you shrugged.
“He can’t wait to get divorce though.”
“Is it possible to get divorced?” your tone rose a little with your excitement. Your wide eyes held a shine of hope.
“Yeah, after five years,” he grimaced as the enthusiasm vanished from your face. “Unless you end up marrying an abusive guy. If he cheats or lands a hand on you or does anything he isn’t allowed to, you can sign for divorce immediately.”
“Hmmm, that’s good to know,” you agreed. “I just wish I could marry someone I love, you know? I haven’t committed to anyone so I wouldn't get heartbroken because I can't spend the rest of my life with them.”
“Yeah, me too,” he sighed. “I just want to know already who I’m supposed to marry. Get this done and if I have to, in five years I can get divorced.”
“I just wanted all that romance crap, you know?” you said. “Getting to wake up every day to someone you love and admire. Getting to share everything with them. Loving them with everything within you. I want that for me. Not a marriage built on a contract.”
“When are your parents announcing who you’re marrying?” he asked. Sam felt a stab in his heart. The idea of you belonging to someone else hurts him more than anything.
“Sunday,” you muttered.
You grew up with the Winchester’s. When you were kids, you were always running around their yard. Due to the age proximity, you and Sam had grown closer. When you were twelve, you had your first kiss. It was Sam, of course.
Truth is you believe you’ve always had feelings for the youngest Winchester. He had always made you feel like you were the only girl in the world. He made you feel special. You love him dearly and you dream about having a life with him. Building your family with him.
Only you couldn’t have that. You’re committed to a man you probably haven’t even exchanged a word. You’d have to live with him for five years. Best case scenario: you’d get divorced. But what if Sam finds someone in five years? He’s committed to someone right now. You don’t know who she is and neither does he, but he’s going to marry someone. What if he marries this girl and falls in love with her? You didn’t even know if he loved you right now the way you did him. But what if he did? You’ve certainly noticed how he looks at you. The way his lips linger a little longer on your cheek and the way his hand always searches for yours. Maybe he feels something for you, but is it strong enough for him to wait for you?
The days dragged on and tomorrow you’d finally figure who’s your fiancé over brunch. You were exhausted after a busy day at the cafe. Saturdays usually weren’t this bustling.
As your head hit the pillow, your phone buzzed. It was a message from Sam.
We need to talk. Meet me on your porch. I’m waiting for you.
You put on your robe and made your way downstairs. Heart beating faster by each step. What did he need to talk to you about?
Hazel eyes stared back at you as you opened the front door. His hands motioned for you to sit on the swing.
“Hey,” you smiled. “What’s up?”
“I know I shouldn’t be here, but I won’t be able to live with myself if I don’t talk to you,”
“Sammy, what’s going on?” you placed a hand on his thigh. He was visibly nervous and wouldn’t stop chewing on the inside of his cheek.
“I love you,” he blurted out.
Sam was terrified out of his mind. He feared telling you and figuring your feelings weren’t mutual. But tomorrow you were going to meet your future husband so it wouldn’t make a difference.
You were taken aback by his confession. After a second or two of silence, you cupped his jaw and pulled him into a passionate kiss. His soft lips moved against yours. Clammy hands reached for your waist, pulling your body even closer to his. His tongue grazed your lower lip as if asking for permission. He invaded your lips. Sam knew that all he’d ever have is this moment and he needed to feel you. Your tongues danced in sync as if you had done this many times.
He tasted exactly as you remembered. The only difference was this time he isn’t the shy twelve-year-old boy who studied history with you. He’s a man now. A hunter. A law student. And the love of your life.
“I love you too,” you said as you both parted, resting your forehead against his. “And God- I- I wish I could marry you and have a life with you.”
A single tear rolled down your cheek. He cupped your face, staring deep into your eyes as his thumb wiped away your tear.
“We can have that,” he started. “We can run away and never come back. We can build our own life.”
“Sam, you know we can’t,” you shook your head. “We’re promised to other people. We can’t do that.”
“We can run,” he suggested. Agitated hazel eyes searching for a glimpse of receptiveness in your tearful ones. “We can run away and never come back,”
“No, we can’t. You know we can’t,” you sobbed. “Sammy, they’d hunt us down. They’d disown us.”
“You’d never be able to talk to your brother again. Or hug your mom. Or even screaming at your dad face to face,” your hand reached for his face. He leaned against your soft touch. “We wouldn’t be allowed to get near hunters ever again,”
“I know, but-“
“I’m sorry, Sam. I can’t do this,” you shook your head. “I just can’t,”
You pressed your lips against him. Your lips molded together perfectly. All the sadness and farewell put on that kiss. All the things you were feeling that couldn’t be put into words.
“Maybe in five years, we can get together. After I get divorced,” your voice wavering. “You are it for me, Sam Winchester.”
“You are it for me too, Y/N,” he licked his lips. “But I don’t know if I can wait for you. A lot of things can happen in five years.”
You didn’t welcome the next day. You were too devastated to enjoy the things that were to come.
Last night you had cried yourself to sleep. The reflection staring back at you in the mirror showed all the pain in its puffy, bloodshot eyes. You knew you would wake up like this, so you arose earlier than anyone else in your home. You grabbed a washcloth and wetted it with cold water. Laying in your bed, you applied the compress to your eyes. Then, you gently massaged the slightly swollen area to stimulate the blood flow.
Make-up helped to cover the remaining vestiges of your crying session. You put on your cute and comfortable baby blue summer dress. You weren’t one for dresses, but you felt like the occasion called for it. After all, you were meeting your husband and if he was nice enough he’d actually propose to you.
It was gorgeous outside. The sky was blue and there were barely any clouds to be spotted. Today was one of the most important days of your life. Probably it would be one of the saddest ones too. You were certain of only one thing: Sam wasn’t the guy you were meeting over brunch.
You hopped into the backseat of your parents’ car and your father started the engine. The diner they had made a reservation was ten minutes away from home. You were a little nervous and wouldn’t stop fidgeting.
“It’s gonna be okay, honey,” your dad said. His eyes finding yours in the rear mirror. “You know we would never pick someone that is gonna hurt you. We don’t like this either, but it’s the law,”
“I know,” you sighed in defeat. Your voice so low it could barely be heard.
Your father parked the car in front of the fancy diner. The three of you hopped out of the car and made your way into the place. You let them lead the way and followed to a table in the back. Your heartbeat faster at each step you took.
“Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me,” you heard a well-too-familiar voice.
Your eyes shot up to meet his hazel ones. There he was. At the table your parents had booked with his folks.
“Did you know this was happening?” your wide eyes glanced at everyone on the table.
“Of course not,” Sam shook his head, standing up. “Me, my mom and dad always go out for brunch on Sundays. I’ve never ever thought this-“
“Is this for real?” you stared wide-eyed at your parents who had, somehow, sat in front of John and Mary without you noticing them.
“You two idiots really thought we were going to keep you away from each other?” John chuckled. His fingers pointing between the two of you.
“Yeah,” you and Sam said in unison.
“How low do you think of us?” he pretended to be offended. “We have known you were in love since you were too stubborn teenagers,”
“I can’t believe this,” a wide grin spread across Sam’s lips.
“Here you go,” John tossed him a small black velvet box. “On your knee, son,” his father said and Mary scolded him, but still she couldn’t keep her smile off her face.
Sam cleared his throat. “I’m sorry I didn’t dress up better for this. If I’d known this was happening I’d have put on a suit and prepared a speech.”
“It’s okay. You look gorgeous,” you smiled.
“Y/N,” he beamed, dropping to his knee. Every set of eyes on the diner turned to the both of you. “Will you be the love of my life and marry me?” he opened the box, revealing the most beautiful diamond ring you have ever seen.
“Yes,” tears welled your eyes. “A million times yes.”
He slipped the ring on your finger before standing tall before you. His hands made their way to your face and you melted into his soft touch. Sam captured your lips into a passionate kiss. The whole diner cheered at you.
“I love you,” he beamed once you parted. His hazel eyes held a different kind of sparkle. One of pure joy.
“I love you too,” you grinned, pressing yourself even closer to him.
You had finally gotten the chance of spending the rest of your life with him. You got your happily ever after with the man you love the most.
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Sam babes:
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joy1579 · 4 years
Zen cheated on MC. She finds out and instead of crying her eyes out is getting drunk and calling Seven (which is madly in love with her but never told her because of her relationship with Zen).
so first I’m so sorry this took sooooooooo long but i hope you get it and i hope you like it. i had a ton of fun writing drunk MC. also i didn't want MC to use seven as a rebound so they don’t get together right away but seven does take care of her and they probably get together after a couple of months. she has time to move on and their romantic relationship has a real foundation to grow on.
so without further ado
zen cheats and seven gets the girl
You normally didn’t pay any attention to the gossip that circled around Zen constantly. after all every week they claimed there was some new lover or budding cast romance and every week without fail, Zen would come home to you, loyal as a knight. lately though the rumors had become more focused more realistic somehow. Zen’s rehearsals had run later, started earlier, things simply seemed off no matter how much you tried to deny it. so when the news story broke and plastered TV, magazines, and websites with numerous pictures of Zen wrapped around some pretty little blonde with big blue eyes, you hated to admit how much you had braced yourself for the blow.
the RFA chatroom was going haywire and your phone was ringing off the hook as you packed a single small bag. you supposed you should have been crying, grieving the loss of nearly two and a half years of “love” washed away by little more than some passing fancy. yet you couldn’t quite find it in yourself. Instead you felt an icy ball of hard anger settle in the pit of your stomach.
so it was that you now stood in some no name nightclub sipping a drink you couldn’t pronounce bought for you by some guy that had since given up on your affections. You had shut off your phone to stop all the notifications that had been flooding in since the pictures of Zen and THAT woman were released. You didn’t want to deal with the aftermath of that bomb dropping right now, didn’t want to explain things to the RFA or have to see Zen trying to defend himself. Right now all you wanted was to find some sort of catharsis in the loud music, alcohol and dancing. Downing the last of the far too sweet drink, you made your way toward were the band took requests. you shoved a ten towards the man and half shouted over the music.
“something fast, angry, and loud” he nodded and you decided to grab another drink while you waited for your request. you opted for strength over taste and grimaced as you chugged the drink. the icy anger you felt slowly dulled with your 3rd drink of the night and in the back of your mind you knew it was more the effects of alcohol than any real emotional progress. Four more drinks and several songs later had you ready to turn your phone back on if only to find a place to stay. confusion struck you however when your lock screen showed only black with green text moving at lightning speed.
“grrrrl that’s crazy you gotta show me how you got it to do that!” said one of the girls you had found yourself dancing with earlier.
“I didn’t do this girl.” you said slurring your speech only the slightest bit “oh no! what if this isn’t my phone!” you gasped “no nah it’s my case false alarm it’s mine. see the purple that’s, that’s my color so it’s got to be my pho-.” you were cut off by the ringing and answered it quickly fumbling the phone just a bit your drunken haste “phone?”
“mc?!?” cried the voice on the other end
“seven!! lucy, lucy- yell, lu- luceal? how do you, how do you say your name seven? not seven the other name you know the L one the bible name.”
“what? MC? are you drunk? never mind. listen I’m on my way to get you I got your location from your phone already so I’ll be there soon”
“I made friends, seven listen, listen” you pointed your phone towards the group of girls you’d been dancing with “grrl! grrl! you gotta come here my friends on the phone! you know the guy I told you
“fuck that guy!” one of them yelled prompting another to cheer an agreement.
you tried to stifle the laugh that fell from you lips before you replied. “nooooo the other, the other guy the good one remember? oh she’s dancing now.” you held the phone back to your ear to explain “she’s dancing now seven but, she’s so nice and she said, listen she said hyun is” what had she said? the memory was fuzzy now but you did know one thing “hyun is so stupid you know that?”
“MC I’m so sorry about what happened”
“where does he get off pulling that crap?” you broke into a fit of giggles suddenly “wait no I know where he gets off don’t I. Do you think she knows? seven do you think she knew?”
“mc please I’m almost there okay just 3 minutes’ tops can you come outside for me I’ll meet you outside”
“seven I think, I think I need a place to stay cuz, I think I need a place to stay because I lost my key or I gave it away? I don’t know”
“mc come outside please I’m pulling in”
“seven thank you so much oh, oh just a sec” you held the phone to your chest “grrl I gotta go!” you yelled waving at the dancing girls.
one waved back at you quickly before another shouted “you do you girl! YOU do YOU!”
you laugh at that and yell back “Imma do ME” before stumbling towards the door. just as you reached for the handles though the world lurched to one side and you stumbled directly into someone’s chest.
“mc? are you okay? you don’t look good! come on let’s get you out of here.” it took you several long moments before you recognized the car and voice of the man you had run into.
“sev! your here!” seven flinched at your loud voice before raising an eyebrow at you
“MC how drunk are you? like on a scale of 1 to 10”
you looked at your fingers for a moment as if you were trying to count but when your eyes focused back on sevens face your only answer was simply “which one is drunk?”
“okay. That answers that”
“I hate him you know?”
“huh? oh yeah”
“and I, I think he, sev? seven how long do you think?” you asked pulling your knees up to your chest and leaving your heels on the car’s floorboard.
“I don’t know” he admitted solemnly eyes locked on the road and hands in a white knuckle grip on the wheel. the momentary silence in the car was broken by the ringer on your phone playing the telltale love song you had set as Zen’s ringtone. you grimaced and rolled down the window before dropping your phone out of the speeding car.
“what the?!? MC! did you just - “
 “shhhhhh I don’t want to talk about it.” You slurred moving your hand in his vague direction trying to put your fingers to his lips in the classic shushing style but failing miserably.
“I um I’m pretty sure the phones destroyed anyway so I guess that’s that” he mumbled drifting off as you sunk lower in your seat curling in on yourself even more.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been this sleepy seven” you mumble before yawning and hugging yourself tight “Hyun may suck but he was always warm ya know? like, like a god damn space heater”
“if your cold I can turn on the heater” seven suggested gently one hand moving to adjust the air conditioner for you
“nooo” you whine grabbing his hand. you gasped the second your skin met his and exclaimed “your hands so cold”. bringing his hand to your face and pressing his icy finger gently against your eyes you mumble “they’re perfect”. after a moment you sigh enjoying the soothing chill against your skin. you didn’t notice sevens blush as he focused resolutely on the road.
 waking the next morning was hell. the blinking red lights of all the electronics in the room were way to bright and none of them went off at the right times. you buried your head into a dark red pillow before slowly things clicked into place. had your head not ached with every movement you would have sat bolt upright in the bed, but considering the angry throbbing in your skull and slight nausea in your stomach you opted to simply bury yourself farther into the bedding around you. the sheets smelled familiar, a semi sweet honey kissed scent that brought to mind cheeky smiles and mischievous winks. between the signature scent and the deep maroon color you knew exactly who’s bed you’d ended up in. sevens. at some point you would have to address all the implications of that fact but first you figured you should start with hangover management. first things first after all. head still buried in the bedding you used one hand to feel around you and get your bearings. when your finger met with a bedside table you searched it for anything to sooth your headache only to hear a quiet chuckle. you groaned shamefully before deciding to simply flip off the man watching you struggle before pulling you hand back into your make shift blanket sanctuary. After a moment you heard the door open and shut before the sound of a glass being set down on the bedside table told you it was okay to reach out again.
“I shouldn’t drink. I never drink? why did I drink? who let me make such a terrible decision.” you grumble to yourself sipping on the water seven had brought you praying to ease your headache.
“we couldn’t reach you to stop you. you turned your phone off.”
“sorry” you said shamefully “I know you don’t like alcohol picking me up probably wasn’t fun was it”
“don’t worry i was too worried about you to be angry” you buried yourself back in the blankets to shield yourself from light again. he was sat facing the bed with his laptop angled to shine away from you, a gesture you were extremely thankful for even if the light still felt blinding.
“thank you for letting me stay here seven. I guess I’ll have to look for someplace new to stay huh? I don’t really want to continue living with, him” you mused
“I uh, I have a guest room. just till you get back on your feet if you want.”
“you sure you and Saeran wouldn’t mind? I don’t want to impose”
“I’ll ask him but I doubt he’ll mind he practically thinks of you as a sister”
“thanks.” you said letting yourself peek out of the blankets just a little “um where’s my phone?” you didn’t like the mischievous smirk that lit sevens face at that question. Your drunk self-had a lot of explaining to do.
 the following weeks where long. putting your life back together seemed to highlight just how much of it you had built around Zen but seven helped the whole way. you had seven send him the info to take over the fan page that you had managed for him. he even helped you replace your phone and block Zen’s number. you and Saeran spent several evenings listening to angry music before eventually you had raged enough to be sad about everything that had happened and then seven was there to cheer you up. he joked around and sent you cute cat pics, one time he even took you to see Ellie while Jumin was at work. after a while you returned to the RFA chat determined to face whatever drama was awaiting you but seven had already handled it. He had banned Zen that first day and let the other members know what was going on so you didn’t have to relive every detail; and for the first time you thought maybe when one door closes, another one opens.
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