#classic j2
aborddelimpala · 1 year
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JIB13 | Classic J2 [video: amberdreams]
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funsizepunkelf · 2 years
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J2 being J2; the utter seamlessness of it
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annazima · 2 years
Classic J2
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move closer
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a touch
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another touch
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heart eyes
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another touch
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stop it
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J2 Spn Phoenix Con 2022 main panel
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alex-iltempo · 1 year
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J2 a.k.a. Real Men's Friendship
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symphonyart · 2 years
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J2 Spn Phoenix Con main panel
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ashtraythief · 17 days
ash!!! do you have any favorite fics that are special to you like underneath is to us? maybe a fic you’ve gone back and read a couple of times?
Aww, nonnie 💙 Yeah, I have some. Though it depends a little on whatever fandom I'm currently mostly reading and I have to admit that recently I've been straying quite often from SPN. But, in no particular order, fics I enjoy rereading.
Basorexia, which is thankfully orphaned instead of deleted, is as sweet as wincest can be and still be kind of canon-esque.
Crush by sonofabiscuit is probably the best outsider long fic I've ever read on Sam and Dean.
(Speaking of outsider POV, blindswandive wrote a fun, short fill for one of my masquerade prompts, it's great.)
Sometimes I just read my way through rivkat's catalog (wincest and J2, their mistaken for a hooker J2 is a classic for a reason), can't really go wrong there. Same with astolat.
Some of leonidaslion's stuff is too dark for me, but their softer stuff is great, like Sam's no good terrible day. Still makes me chuckle.
Amnesia fic is my kryptonite, so What Remains is a great reread. (We've Got to Get Ourselves) Back to the Garden by AmyPond45 is heartbreaking but also great.
Indolence by @zmediaoutlet is sort of my comfort smut. Is that weird? Idk. It's mostly not about the porn but the feeling. But, you know, that's also nice.
There's much more that I just can't think of right now 😅
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Richard Speight Jr. on J2:
(a few classic throwbacks)
1. 2.
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1: Things this first ‘Richard-ism’ brings to mind -
When Jared told us the story about being out to dinner in Rome with Genevieve (and accidentally flipping off the waiter), and at another con that same year, Jensen told the exact same story, except that time, he was the one who had been out to dinner with Jared…not Genevieve.
Also, just generally speaking, anytime Jared has publicly called Jensen “Jen.”
“Jen and I, we’re not small people.”
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2: Obviously I love every single thing about the Js being nicknamed The Captain and Tennille. Obviously. 😊❤️
All I will add is this -
I feel like it must be a pretty universal thing to commonly associate The Captain and Tennille with Love Will Keep Us Together.
I mean…right?
Yeah. It totally is.
And that just adds an extra little awesome…something.
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There’s very little I wouldn’t offer up on a silver platter to see that definitely dirty photo, and by the way, this was just one of the many shenanigans that went down when Dick left his phone where the Js could get their hands on it.
The phrase “unholy position” is absolutely perfect, and can we all agree that Jensen (who obsessively films/photographs Jared whenever he possibly can) was the boy who took the photo, while Jared was the boy who struck the unholy position? 😏
Yes we can.
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So, in case anyone forgot what this was all about, it was basically Richard joking about con-goers lying to their bosses about why they’re missing work (family emergency) and then those same bosses coming across hi-def videos online of their employees at J2 panels.
But what’s always cracked me up about this is the fact that specifically he went with “your gay grandparents.” It had to be your gay grandparents.
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So…THIS one!
Dick has not been the only SPN-cast-member to stumble over the whole “your - uh, I mean he” thing when talking to one J about the other J either on camera or in some public setting.
And it nevvver gets old.
Also…*ahem,* allow me to interject with -
Husband is the word you’re looking for.
(or boyfriend depending on the year…or partner, significant other, soulmate…take your pick!)
You’re welcome. 😘🌈
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canonicallysoulmates · 6 months
J2 Main Panel Nashcon 2023
We're gonna jump right into it, there were a lot of questions...
If Sam and Dean got hit by the Djinn again what do they think their Djinn dream would be now?
Jared thinks probably the same and Jensen concurs that it's probably the go-to thing for both; they always dreamed of this slice of normalcy and even though they know that’s something that would never work for them they still hold that in their idea of what they missed.
Jared asks the fan what they think, and they reply that at least from their interpretation they think it might be different after the boys met their mom since Dean saw her in such high regard then when he met her he got more realistic expectations. Jensen says that may have shed some light into that relationship and what the history was behind that but he still thinks Dean would have this wishful idea of what life could have been, and he would have held it as a bit of a dream even though he knows it would never really be like that.
Real quickly before we continue, if you decide to watch this panel or just this question there is a moment of microphone feedback so to my fellow headphone users lower your volume.  x
In regards to their acting process, if someone was put in front of them and they were told this person was a demon, could they jump right into character or does it take them some time?
Jared asks if he has to marry them as well…..it's been a while since he's pulled the my wife is a demon bit and that's all I'm gonna say about that....
Jensen says that he thinks when they’re on set it’s much easier to flip that switch. 
Jared says when it comes to the acting process there's a lot of prep that goes into it. So, if somebody was just there like 'hey I'm a demon, action' he'd be wondering what he's supposed to be doing, does he like them, is he using them, are they using him so there's so much thought that goes into it before it that if there was a script- if that was the first scene they filmed in that script then he's already done a couple dozen reads of it and thought about how Sam would feel and where this is in the episode and if it's climactic so there's a lot of prep.
Jensen says he and Jared are similar in the fact that they know a scene going into it, they know the way, the points they have to hit but the in-between is the stuff that they kind of allowed to be discovered. They had ideas about how they wanted to get from point A to point B but the great thing about getting to work with Jared is that it was never overly rehearsed, they were reacting to what each other did so they were available for the happy accidents that happened within scenes. That being said they knew where they needed to go, and what point to hit so he thinks snapping into that with the knowledge of kind of a roadmap made it much easier to get into character and also made it easier to riff while you’re in that character to come up with maybe some improv but just sitting there on stage and being like 'hey, be Dean'- Jared’s right there’s a little bit more prep that goes into it in order for them to step into those shoes. x
Favorite bands or artists growing up or in general?
Jared answers Pearl Jam.
Jensen says he grew up with a lot of different music in his house, his dad would listen to a lot of Frank Sinatra and Tony Bennet but he'd also listen to more modern classic rock and his mom listened to country music so he doesn’t know he could pick and choose dozens of bands. He’ll say a band that has never gotten old to him, cause some music you listen to it so long that you might tire of it a little bit, but there are obvious choices like Zeppelin and the Stones even the Beatles but he’ll say the Allman Brothers. He still feels he’s discovering their music even though he’s been listening to it most of his life. x
What are Sam and Dean's biggest regrets?
Jared, once again, answers that one of Sam’s bigger regrets is Amelia. He thinks Sam would have felt bad about the time that he didn’t go after his brother although he thinks the last time he understood that his brother was saying goodbye and he had to give him that farewell.
Jensen says that for Dean he doesn’t know but he’ll choose one: that he couldn’t save C. x
What was it like filming that scene in Mystery Spot where they say the same lines at the same time?
Jared says Jensen kept messing it up. It was hectic trying to say it, and it was a rough episode to film. 
Jensen agrees and comments it was probably more difficult for Jared. He does remember getting frustrated cause there was a word that kept being added and he couldn’t- it was stuck in his head but there’s probably a good amount of outtakes from that moment.
Also, the fan who asked this question was sad because they had missed their photo op with Jensen but he took a minute to go and take some pics with them with Jared as the photographer. x
What actress besides their wives would they pick to act with and would they do it in a show or movie?
Jared says some of the actresses on Ozark are so raw and real that he’d love to work with them like Julia Garner. 
Jensen is always interested in working with people he can learn from because neither he nor Jared are formally trained, what they know they've learned on the job from watching those who were successful that they got to work with, and as long as their careers have been there's always more you can learn and there's always people that you can learn from so he’d want to work with somebody he thinks it’s a crazy talent like Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Kate Winslet these incredibly talented artists that he thinks would hopefully elevate his game. x
What is their favorite acting role from their early days, and which did they get the most grief for when they did it?
Jensen answers Alec from Dark Angel is probably one he wishes he could have spent a little more time with, and the one he probably wouldn’t mind erasing is Devour. That he could have done without it although to be fair that movie was being re-written as they were filming it so he didn’t even know how that story would end while they were shooting.
For Jared, he will say one of his favorite roles was Gilmore Girls but he wishes he knew then what he knows now. He was a nervous kid, he was 17 when they shot the first two episodes and he was used to doing plays in school so he thinks he came in a little theatrical and didn't really know the technique of it; he grew along the way but it was a lot of fun and a great learning experience over the 5yrs that he worked on it. Everybody starts somewhere and he kind of started there, and there are some scenes that he went and watched to re-learn what Dean Forester was like for the Year in the Life Netflix special and he was like 'oh, this is a good show. oh, I suck' but that it was a fun time. x
In French Mistake where were they while Sam and Dean were in our universe? 
Jared passes the questions off to Jensen saying he really wants to answer it 😂
Jensen replies that he would imagine that if the writers had been asked this question they might have had an answer that sounded like when Sam and Dean entered into that universe at the same time the Jensen and Jared that were supposed to be there were sent somewhere else to make space for these two new ones so they wouldn’t destroy the space-time continuum. x
Did Jared get his knee surgery?
He did not but he did a lot of physical therapy. It’s still kind of wonky but he’s feeling good and he was ready to shoot on Thursday. x
Do they think Sam and Dean’s relationship is more influenced by being brothers or by being born in a different generation and growing up differently?
Jared answers brothers. He thinks the fact that they were brothers is really what made them behave the way they did with each other and with others. That there’s something great about SPN the relationship between Sam and Dean nothing was off limits, there were times when they would keep secrets from each other and found out later but otherwise, it was one of those you know you hear stuff like you always hurt the ones you love it’s like you can be yourself with somebody who knows you and understands when you're going through a tough time so he thinks the fact that Sam and Dean could ultimately bounce anything off of each other is what really helped them develop their relationship.
Jensen agrees, that it’s the fact that they’re brothers but he’ll also say that it’s not a generation or time thing because he thinks you could take those two brothers in any generation or time and there would be a similar story. It might look a little different but he thinks it would still be very, very similar and he thinks that’s one of the things we all like about the show that it is kind of timeless. That story of two brothers not just fighting the good fight but fighting for each other is a universal story and could be told in any time you could take it to medieval times or you could take it into the future and he thinks it would ring the same. x
If they could do a whole new show together completely on their own what would it be?
Jared says for sure he can’t wait for them to get their heads together and talk about seeing Sam and Dean again. And he also thinks it would be fun to do a comedy.
Jensen says doing something like The Nice Guys would be fun; he thinks the dynamic they got to establish over the past 15 years could be put in a lot of different scenarios. So, as long as they have that they can do whatever. x
Favorite moment with their family this year?
Jared says going to Australia for the holidays. They got to see the Sydney fireworks from the balcony of the house they rented and it was a fun moment to see how happy the kids were; most of the time seeing the kids play and kind of forget about their worries is a lot of fun. So watching the fireworks with them in Sydney was really special.
Jensen says there’s a lot, and they were given the gift of time off this year for an unfortunate reason because of the strikes but that gave them a lot of time to spend with family. He’ll say they took trips and all of them were very memorable but one thing he sees when he closes his eyes is when the kids come home from school, when he gets to pick them up and ask them about their day and that little drive home, and watching them sprint out to play on their playset and the trampoline and the dog chasing them he just sits on the back porch and watches them play, that’s what he sees when he closes his eyes. x
Does Jensen plan on doing another live Radio Company show soon?
He was just talking about this with somebody backstage, there are no hard plans, but it is definitely being discussed. x
What was their favorite episode of SPN to film?
Jared asks if in hindsight or at the time because he looks back and he says French Mistake looking back now he loves it but he was so anxious the entire time, he was so nervous that he didn’t have a great time filming it but in hindsight, he loves the memory of having filmed it. It was nerve-wracking because he had to be funny and the things he had to do and this is when he realized he was talking about Changing Channels 😂 But in hindsight it was amazing but while filming it he was thinking it might be the worst thing that's happened to him in his life. Sacrifice is another that was awful to film but he loves that he got to experience it. It was three days in an abandoned church with Mark Sheppard but it was stressful during it. Same with Swan Song, it's amazing in his head now but during it he hated it.
Jensen mentions that with The End, he thinks it's a similar thing because it was such a challenge to shoot those particular episodes, and when it comes to The End it was very taxing shooting that particular episode for him cause he was playing two versions of Dean but it's one he looks back on it with great pride because of how challenging it was. He will say one of his favorite episodes to film was the very last ep because they had gotten to a point where he and Jared could truly appreciate and reflect on the magnitude of the moment that was happening in front of them; when he got into that car and drove it in as Dean in Heaven he knew that was going to be the final drive for this run of the show which he thinks he has video of, he set his phone up on the seat and recorded that final drive. And the moment on the bridge, there were moments he and Jared took - multiple moments - that they took for themselves without the cameras rolling, and so he thinks that was precious for him and meant so much because of the journey they had gone on and where they had ended up together. But if you ask him what was fun Yellow Fever was fun.
Jared agrees 100% and says he thinks the only episode that he really feels he just had fun during was Baby because it wasn’t the Sam and Dean show it was the Baby show.
Jensen says it was also the most unique process of filming for an episode cause they just mounted cameras to the car and sent them out into the wild fingers crossed hoping the boys would get the scenes. 
Jared says it was the first time in a decade and a half they weren’t going to the set for a show about Sam and Dean this episode was about Baby so it felt like less pressure. And Jensen comments that it's one of his favorite episodes too. x
What do they think happened to the Richesters in Rio?
Jared replies wait for season 16 to find out. He says he does have the purple blazer there was no reason for it to get used again and when a piece of clothing gets made for him it'll never fit anybody else so they gave it to him, and Jensen says he has the suede jacket because they bought it and it was so expensive they couldn't get a double so it never got used, it was just sitting in a closet and they gave it to him to wear cause he didn’t have to do any stunts and then it went home with him.
Jared says the Richesters are having a good time at Carnival in Rio. x
Is there a family tradition during Christmas they are looking forward to doing?
Jensen says because D is from Louisiana and his in-laws usually spend the holidays with them, they do a Holiday Gumbo party. D and her mom spend all day making the gumbo, that’s a little piece of Cajun culture they celebrate at Christmas and it’s a favorite among family and friends- he mentions Jared has been a part of a couple of them.
Jared says they have tamales on Christmas day and smokies (aka cocktail sausages). It’s more the food and the midday nap - these days as parents his Christmas is consisting of him getting all the wrapping paper and boxes from the presents and trying to get rid of it and put it outside cause it’s everywhere but then they always have a late breakfast, watch tv, the movies like Home Alone, Die Hard, Love Actually. He shares the story about how when he did Flight of the Phoenix in Africa there was a "movie theater" there - it was someone's garage - and they had three movies one was in German, one was in Afrikaans, and one was Love Actually so he watched Love Actually like 12 times. He goes from Africa to Australia to shoot House of Wax and he was sitting with the cast talking and asked if they had seen Love Actually they all say yes, and he tells them he loves it then notices Elisha (Cuthbert) giving him a funny look and he tells her he means it, that the movie is awesome, that she has to see it he's seen it a dozen times, she keeps looking at him weird and he thought that she didn't think he'd like a romcom or something so he keeps insisting she has to watch it, that he's not kidding he can't wait to watch it again, and that's when she tells him she was in it.
Jensen asks if the elf comes to his house, Jared answers that it does he's moving around. Then Jensen says it’s stressful that elf can ruin a morning for him. x
What color lightsaber would they wield and why?
Jensen automatically answers green because everybody would envy it. Jared wants a double-bladed one like Darth Maul but one side green and one red. Jensen says "you mean Christmas?" and Jared laughs and says yes, cause he loves Christmas he’d be Darth Christmas. x
Besides friends and family, what’s something that they missed while they were filming?
Jensen says a life. 
Jared says during shooting it's not even like you miss things yet, you know you're missing things you're missing birthday parties and weddings and graduations but during it, it’s a different mode you go into. If a friend calls to hang out the answer is no, and you kind of find out who you’re real friends are because they get it, they know you love them but they understand you're busy for the next 8 months. And when you can wade above water and catch your breath that's when you get together with them.
But they wouldn't trade it. 
Jensen says he's missed annual golf trips his friends have done, he's only been able to go to like 2 out of the dozens they've done because he's not available but they understand, and he wouldn’t change it cause he took pride in what he was doing in order to miss it. x
In SPN were there any storylines or parallels that they wish had been expanded upon or explored?
Jared wishes we saw more of Michael!Dean, and more Eileen.
Jensen wishes there had been more Benny. He thought Purgatory could have lasted a little longer than it did, he thought it was a really cool concept and stuff but he gets that they writers had to put the brothers back together, and he probably, had it gone on for a few more eps, been like "can we wrap this up?"
Jared mentions Purgatory was filmed at a place that’s probably the reality equivalent of Purgatory called Panther Paintball it was like an hour's drive from the apartment and it's mud and muck and there's no service, it's shitty, cold, wet, and dark. It was perfect for Purgatory but probably not fun to go film there but in hindsight it's like 'wish I had been able to film there more'. x
What is the best prank that they remember from each other behind the scenes?
Jared says more than a specific prank, early on they realized things would continue to escalate if they started but Jensen is hard to break between action and cut and there was one time during one of the Gadreel episodes when they were at the Bunker, and his line of dialogue was a bit of a tongue twister and he messed up it actually made it to the gag reel and he loves it cause he purposefully basically spoke gibberish to make Jensen break. So it's more within a scene just trying to cut the tension, the slog of working 14-15 hours with a laugh.
Jensen says it was largely impromptu messing with each other, it wasn't anything drawn out or carefully planned. If the opportunity presented itself to mess with each other they would generally do it but it was also trying to make each other laugh. But, as Jared said, they very quickly realized they were much more effective joining forces. So, the pranks weren't really pranks it was really more messing with each other and having a good time, making each other laugh. And there were countless guest stars who went on set and told them it was the most unprofessional, fun set they'd ever been part off and that was one thing that was important to them they always got the work done but they also sure as hell had a fun time getting it done. x
What would they recommend to someone who has never been to Austin to see or visit, other than Family Business?
Jared says Family Business for sure and then depending on what time of year you are there if you're there between March and November he would recommend staying in a hotel room with AC on but honestly if you can make it for one of the festivals like ACL or South by Southwest- just being out and about that part of the reason he loves Austin is the feeling that people have it just feels like a group of friends so he would recommend trying to find a sporting event or a concert.
Jensen says what you wanna do is take a nice, maybe fall evening, and late in the afternoon take a walk in Town Lake, also known as Ladybird Lake, and then end yourself up on the Congress Street bridge and watch the bats come out from underneath, there are two million bats that live under the bridge and fly out every night and it's like a black cloud of bats, it's pretty amazing. Then maybe keep walking over to Barton Springs, walk down and take a seat at Terry Blacks get some BBQ then maybe that evening go to a show at the Moody theater. This man has provided a whole itinerary.
Jared says if there’s time left he has Jensen’s address so DM him, and Jensen replies to come on by he'll probably have some gumbo 😂 x
And before we wrap up the last panel of 2023, I have to point out something I didn't notice until the end which is that the flannel Jared is wearing, one of the colors matches the shirt Jensen is wearing! I love it 💕
With that finale note, we wrap up one more year of panels!
J2 Main Panel Nashcon '23
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silviakundera · 4 days
Ok, upon request my thoughts on Bad Buddy, a good queer romance drama that doesn't get much if any international exposure outside the circle of Thai BL fans. Full spoilers.
after consuming literally dozens of BB videos, the best trailer to the drama imo is actually the talented samyvids' "Just My Type" songvid. Perfectly captures the setup.
* the hook: 2 boys raised by their feuding families to be rivals end up attending a university that has a childish Jets vs Sharksesque historic rivalry between the science/engineering vs artistic/architecture majors. Despite these 2 barriers, the boys stumble into a secret bromance and then into love. Secondary couple here is f/f, though it's basically just soft girls meet cute then getting together (no conflict).
* Comedic and light-hearted drama that doesn't take itself too seriously, while also swerving into the appropriate amount of angst for its set up.
* This '20-something bros in love' dynamic reminds me vividly of what a lot of SPN J2 RPF and Hockey RPF has tried to capture. The 2 leads feel like your prototypical good natured university bros and falling in love never changes that. Friends AND Lovers is a challenging dynamic to capture imo but Bad Buddy succeeds
* It helps the Bros In Love vibes that the actors look less primped & polished than many other asian BL productions. They seem like guys you could have actually had in your classes in uni.
* If you welcome the drama's tone and just vibe with it, I think it successfully executes 4 popular romance tropes:
- rivals to friends to lovers
- forbidden (hidden) love
- fall first vs fall harder
- golden retriever bounding around paw cleaning cat
* If you are going to sell me on a modern day romeo & juliet esque queer rom-com, without the bloodshed, then you BETTER put your money where you mouth is and make their love actually forbidden.
* Thankfully, Bad Buddy understood the assignment. It's not just a misunderstanding. Their parents truly do have a feud and they truly are forbidden to even be friends, forget a romantic relationship. 2 kids obligated to be enemies since birth, bound by this twisted shared experience that no one else understands.
* Pran falling first, with enough time to comprehend how cruelly impossible they are. Pat falling late, fast, and hard - too impulsive to consider the consequences and wearing his heart on his sleeve.
* Both characters won me over quickly:  cautious & restrained Pran who likes order, chaotic Pat who craves his attention
* Love that the dramatic tension & hiding in all the early episodes isn't revealed to be pointless. If there was no consequence, then it removes the poignancy of its classic rooftop kiss scene. Prans' fears must be justified in order for the angst to stand up in a rewatch. Pran's friends DO reject him at first. Their parents DO refuse to accept the relationship, including his mom considering this a personal betrayal.
* Prans' fears are painfully rational and everything he is scared of does have to be confronted. But that also gives romantic weight to his decision to give in to the feelings and accept the consequences.
* In the way that scifi authors will try to explore sociopolitical topics through allusions & metaphor, and that Hunger Games author keeps writing dystopian YA whenever she gets heated about politics, Bad Buddy does a good job imo of using the feuding families setup to address the reality of existing in a homophobic and transphobic society while being queer -- demonstrating it in a way that straight cis people can relate to. And approaching from this angle allows the production to tell that story with a certain emotional distance for queer viewers who have experienced such struggles.
* The bittersweet ending sells me completely on this drama. Closeted but not. Open but not entirely. Accepting that you can't change the world and make all your family & friends & coworkers accept your truth... but refusing to abandon them OR your truth. It's a decision so many queer people have made over the years, in different countries and decades. And it's tinged with hope.
* Let's acknowledge that indeed there is tons of product placement in this series. Sometimes to hilarious ends. But frankly, without this sponsorship the series would not exist. So I'm very grateful to suffer through the marketing that helped fund it.
* Available streaming in multiple places, including YouTube.
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littlebeelife · 10 months
Daily J2 Breakdown
Day 12
The classic Richard Lawson (works for Vanity Fair) tweets that live rent free in our minds. If I could talk to this guy for just 10 minutes...
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and then, more recently, in 2020:
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aborddelimpala · 1 year
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Classic J2 at #SPNNOLA 2023
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dotthings · 1 year
Welp. I've talked before about how parts of the Jared stan lane have fake woke, dino, pseudoliberal tendencies while they're actually very narrow minded and anti-progressive and anti-diversity wankers. They sure are going hard openly embracing homophobic and fascist dog whistle tactics aimed against Destiel.
They're screaming and kicking and yelling against their own irrelevance. Nobody cares that you hate Destiel, Susan.
Worse, though, some from the staff of jibcon are full on embracing homophobic dog whistles, concern trolling, and fascism. They, and the Jared stans, resemble the book banning efforts targeted against LGBTQ books in libraries and schools going on in different states in the US right now. It's the same. Underlying. Mentality. It makes THEM uncomfortable. So nobody else should be able to have access. THEY don't like it so it has to go. The arguments are also relying on a vile level of demonizing the entire Destiel lane, which is extra gratuitous and gross and hilarious when you consider all the hatred that Jared stan accounts have been spewing onto the internet on multiple platforms non-stop.
The real world political climate makes it even more alarming that this is happening in a fandom space. It's a reflection of real world problems and it's leaking in. I do not want to hear your "shipping isn't activism" and that it doesn't matter how welcoming fandom spaces are. It matters.
Argue with the wall.
This is malicious and the goal is to full on ban Destiel from fandom spaces and make shippers feel unwelcome. Someone even made the slippery slope argument, and tried to blame the existence of fanart.
So let me slippery slope this--if they get their own way banning Destiel at cons, the fandom fascist anti-Destiel brigade will start a concerted effort to try to silence it online too.
If you think this is ok stay away from me.
Argue with the wall.
A jibcon staffer sought out a fan on twitter who got blocked at jibcon from having her fanart signed, despite Jensen's willingness to sign Destiel fanart (and he signed others). The fan got Misha to sign it and was comforted. Jensen never even got a chance to see it.
The jibcon staffer replied to this fan with a screed shaming them for refusing to hide their "boy love," used the "I have a gay friend" excuse, and collective accused every Destiel shipper who ever asked to have fanart signed, by two actors who have been more than willing and both have been kind and supportive towards shippers in fandom spaces, of only trying to "look cool" and using it as a "toy."
While the usual suspects from the Jared stan lane opportunistically tried to incite even more hatred aimed against the Destiel lane and used homophobic dog whistle tactics and concern trolling.
Someone calling all j2 fans "moderate, sensible" and all Destiel shippers "Gross" is classic dog whistling and is a tactic used by the far right while they attempt to paint compassion and inclusion and equity as an extremist position.
Do not even try to tell me this isn't homophobic fandom style fascism.
Argue with the wall.
It's stifling and silencing and malicious and people who think because THEY don't like a queer ship, it should not be seen and heard. They're like puritanical far right groups who wail "protect the children."
I do not care even one ounce if you don't like destiel and you're not a shipper so you think this is all ok.
Homophobic dog whistlers and concern trolls who target Destiel shippers: You're done. You are not welcome in this fandom. Leave.
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annazima · 1 year
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J2 | Vegas 2023 | gold panel
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alex-iltempo · 1 year
That moment when YouTube recommends you same shorts in certain order several times ☺️:
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Me: 😳
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symphonyart · 1 year
Funny moments
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J2 | Vegascon 2023 gold panel
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moonlightdistractions · 2 months
I just watched silly J2 convention videos on YouTube to try and find them doing that classic Mike Myers 'Coffee Talk' schtick - the "talk amongst yourselves" thing. I cannot be the only one who remembers this. They went off the rails doing that and I loved them for it.
here's Mike as Linda Richman:
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I found this gif of Jensen and Jared! what convention is that from?
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(and yes this was initiated by my previous reblog wherein I used that Coffee Talk gif)
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