#classy curtains
michelle-anadytop · 2 years
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Cotton Soft Blue Curtain Grommet Top Bedroom Small Texture Block Pattern Drapes
The soothing and relaxing soft blue curtain are made of thick quality fabric, classy & stylish, promotes lower stress level and comfort to ensure for a sound sleep, which is suitable for your bedroom/living room.
Shop now -> https://bit.ly/3hnKOKL
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choking-on-roses · 1 month
My toxic trait is that I love greige vibes
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progeniterror · 4 months
I just realized that open is basically all you're getting outta this blog for valentine's just a drive by comment that stigmata is hot
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poolboychagis · 9 months
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lovecrime2 · 6 months
Hannibal Lecter x Reader
summary: you begin therapy with Dr. Lecter, a man who you quickly learn much from. from his intellectuality, to the darkness hidden in the furthest parts of his mind, you become enraptured with him. will he feel the same about you? therapy sessions turn into exchanging books with notes, cooking together, and seeing more of each other in ways you both never thought possible. a love story.
authors note: hello!! this fic will have multiple chapters and i’m so excited to start this! it’s also on a03. and im creating a playlist for this!!
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Chapter I: Prima
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“Dr. Lecter is ready to see you now, miss.” the polite receptionist says, with a smile sent your way. It’s no more than a flash of positivity before she turns back to her paper work, reflected by her thin framed glasses. As her eyes scanned over the work, turning back to frantically look over her desk, presumably searching for something, she gave off an obvious air of worry. Perhaps she was new.
You were too.
Your first day of therapy. Well, your first day of therapy with this new psychiatrist. It wasn’t something you were exactly frantically nervous about- as the poor polite receptionist was. You’d been to therapy before. You were accustomed to the shallow invasion and prodding of the mind. This time, your hope was that this new Dr. Lecter would be unique. Different.
You’d heard many good things about him. Ranging from his written work and studies, to his success with patients. And after the worsening state of your mind and the life you had built around you, you decided that it was time to try again. So far, you weren’t disappointed. The office was classy. Nice chairs were set in the waiting room, where you had sat for some time. There was tasteful art, quiet classical music in the background. Bach, you had guessed. Other than the receptionist, it had emitted an air of class and calmness.
You flashed a smile back at the receptionist, returning the politeness.
“Thank you very much,” you replied.
You weren’t sure if she heard given how diligently she was scanning her desk currently. But it was of no matter, you had been polite, it was the most you could do. You stepped up to a wooden door, unsure if you’d have to knock. Before you could, the door was opened, and Dr. Lecter was revealed to you.
He was handsome. You weren’t one to judge or weigh value off of looks, but you would give him that simple statement. Looks were not the most important thing to you, and you certainly were not meaning it in a romantic way. But he was handsome. The eyes that quickly met yours were brown, maybe with a hint of hazel. His hair was brown as well, it shone in the light from his office. He wore a navy blue plaid suit, giving him an obvious air of seriousness, of class and respect. His lips curled into a smile, and yours followed suit.
“Miss L/N, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” he spoke, his voice was rich and soothing.
“Dr. Lecter, I’ve heard many wonderful things about you and your work. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well.” you replied calmly, mirroring his niceties and charm. He had a quiet suave demeanor. As if on instinct, you both reached your hands out for a handshake. More niceties. This doctor was very formal. You appreciated that. As your hands touched you felt his eyes scan you quickly. Almost like an eagle searching a field for prey. Though, there wasn’t malice behind this look.
“Please, do come in.” he said, leading you into his large room. And what a large room it was.
It had a mostly grey color palette, with the exception of the one wall which was a dark red. To your right was a large wall, with two large red and white striped curtains. To your left, a desk, obviously a professional one. Lamps and books and art decorated the top. Further back to your left was another desk and a chair, but nothing was on this one. Behind that, a fireplace. The room was lined with cabinets and bookshelves, and art (specifically paintings) were anything but scarce. Right in front of you however, were two chairs facing each other. And there was a ladder, on the wall behind them, leading up to another level of the room. This one was lined with books of all shapes and sizes and colors. You took note of the other items in the room. Your eyes scanned from the couch against the back wall, to the couch in front of the windows. The room seemed lightly dull at first, but the more you gazed, the more points of color stood out to you.
After having visually scoured the room, you summarized that the collection of books, European furniture, and art was not simply the doing of the building’s hypothetical interior designer. By his outfit and the look of the room, Dr. Lecter was a man of intellectuality, power, curiosity, and ambition. He was impressive.
“Have a seat, Miss L/N.” he said, gesturing to the two seats in the middle of the room- each sat directly across from the other. Each had small tables next to them, but one had a book (presumably for taking notes on patients) and a box of tissues. You assumed the seat that the book and tissue box adorned table belonged to: was his. So you took the other seat, smoothing the bottom half of your clothing as you sat down. He took a seat across from you, crossing his legs and folding his hands neatly in his lap.
“I have no doubt you know why you’re here.” he said politely. He was direct, eyes still piercing into you. You were afraid to look away. You wanted to maintain the eye contact but at the same time, the socially nervous part of you longed to break it, longed to gaze around the sophisticated room instead of facing his perceptive gaze.
“Yes, Doctor.” you replied, finally working up the courage to break the mural stare and look down as you smiled at him. He returned a brief smile, and nodded once.
“So then, I hope you won’t mind if I list off the reasons you put for requesting my psychiatric assistance which led to us meeting today?” he inquired, taking his notebook from the small table next to him.
“Not at all, go ahead.” you gave him an encouraging nod and he opened his book. As he looked over a page, a realization came to you. You realized how intimate the placing of his chairs was. You mirrored him and put one leg over the other. You wondered if this was a tactic of his to create a sense of connection, equality. Interesting.
“You have emotional regulation issues, accompanied by social anxiety. Past traumas, which I’m sure are accompanied by self-image problems, am I correct?” he asked at the end of his statement.
“Yes,” you said, pausing a moment. There was some more, but this was only the first session. You hated the way it sounded so labeled when it was later out like that, so shallow. Realizing your answer might’ve seemed curt, you rushed to say more. “Yes, that’s all correct.”
He set his book down on the side table and looked at you for a moment. The thought crossed your mind that he might be waiting for you to speak, you were about to say something when he spoke at last.
“How do you feel right now, at this very particular moment, Miss L/N?” he asked you, eyes endlessly boring into you.
“I feel,” you hesitated, trying to come up with the right words. “Comfortable and welcomed. Yet nervous.”
“I’m glad you feel comfortable and welcomed, I try to provide sufficient hospitality for those in my care. Though, tell me, why do you feel nervous?” he asked.
“I’ve just met someone new. Someone who will be peering into my mind, learning the most personal parts of me. It’s an odd thought that a man I met a few minutes ago will come to know my mind so deeply.” you replied, watching Hannibal process your answer. He had a good poker face.
“Are you afraid of what I might uncover in the depths of your mind?” he asked.
“I think everyone’s a little afraid of what can be perceived in the most personal parts of their mentality. We all have only so much we express. To the eye it may seem to show enough, but there’s so much hidden where we store our deepest thoughts.” you replied. You liked the knowledgeable banter.
“Knowing those parts of you is a fundamental aspect to your treatment, as it is to any patient. I am not here to judge, or to exploit. I am here to come to know your being and attempt to help it in a way that is beneficial to your mental well-being.” he replied.
“You make a good point, Doctor.” you replied, flashing him a smile. He returned it, and opened his book.
“Well then, shall we begin?” he asked, his eyes still focused on yours.
“Of course.” you replied.
And so began your session with Hannibal Lecter, your new psychiatrist.
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augustinewrites · 8 months
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+ series summary: as marius von hagen’s assistant, it’s your job to accompany him to certain public functions. you’re used to being in the background, but this time? the event is an engagement party, and he doesn’t need an assistant. he needs a date.
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as soon as the elevator opens to the penthouse floor, you pull the key card out of your purse and march straight to the door on your right.
six months ago you would have hesitated. six months ago you would have knocked politely, with a cup of coffee, a muffin, and a kind smile. 
now, you slap the key against the scanner aggressively. as soon as it turns green, you push down the handle and lean heavily on the door to let yourself in. 
you scrunch your nose as you step over a pair of sloppily discarded high heels, slipping your own off and pushing both pairs aside with a stocking-clad foot. then you venture into your boss’ apartment, deciding to deal with the blonde scrolling through her phone on the couch first.
“you need to leave,” you tell her dispassionately, picking up what you assume is her clutch and tossing it into her lap. “this isn’t a bed and breakfast. mr. von hagen has business to attend to.”
you wait impatiently as she looks you up and down, taking in your office ensemble along with the identification card hanging from your lanyard. 
relenting, she lets you herd her out the door without protest, but not before handing off all her contact information in case your boss ‘wants to have fun again.’
you take the little slip of paper (noting the lipstick kiss in the corner), then slam the door in her face. 
monday mornings are always the same. 
after kicking out sunday’s trash, you grab some aspirin and a glass of water, heading for the master bedroom.
predictably, marius is still passed out. you find him practically spread-eagled in the bed, with only a thin top sheet protecting his modesty. 
you’ve learned the hard way that marius sleeps nude, but seeing his toned chest and abdomen, along with the neatly trimmed trail of hair leading below the sheet never fails to make you catch your breath…
you squeeze your eyes shut, telling yourself to snap out of it. he’s your boss, the man who signs your paychecks and is the cause of some of your biggest headaches to date. 
“sir,” you whisper harshly from the doorway, reluctant to move closer. when you don’t get a response, you call out to him again, this time at a normal volume. much to your chagrin, his cute sleeping face - mouth slightly parted, brows scrunched - remains unchanged. 
huffing, you step around last night’s clothes and empty liquor bottles to rip the curtains open, letting the morning sunshine stream into the room. this action makes marius stir, groaning tiredly as he lays a hand over his eyes. 
“sir,” you say again, with more force this time. “you have a consult with the legal team in a half hour.”
“the legal team…” he mutters, still refusing to pry his eyes open. 
he continues to grumble uselessly into his pillowcase, clearly intending to make your job as difficult as possible. 
…until you check your watch and decide that you can’t waste anymore time coddling him, so you take the half filled glass of water and dump it over his head. 
he jerks up with a sputter, glaring at you as he swipes the ice water out of his face. 
“there are nicer ways to wake a guy up, you know,” he huffs, shaking the water out of his hair. 
you set the glass down, sighing. “if you want to be babied, sir, you should call vincent.” 
he mumbles something you’re sure is rude under his breath, pushing wet bangs out of his face before asking, “where’s maia?”
“first of all her name is–” you check the note you’d scrunched in your pocket. “–mia and she left her cell number, home number, and the number of the strip club she works at.” you hold it out to him, humming. “very classy, sir.”  
he doesn’t even look at it, so you crumple it back up and stuff it into your pocket. 
“yikes. i don’t know why she bothered. i already gave her the speech.” he shrugs, clearing his throat as he recites, “‘last night was incredible. you’re a great girl, but right now in my career–’” 
“‘i just can’t give you the relationship you want or deserve,’” you finish, having heard him recycle the practiced line to multiple other hookups in the last three months.
“hey, you memorized it!” he exclaims, lifting his hand for a high five. he lowers it when he sees your unimpressed look. “wrong crowd, i see that now.”
rolling your eyes, you turn around and open the door to his closet, grabbing a set of clothes that costs more than your rent and laying them over your arm as you call over your shoulder, “when i took this job, i didn’t expect to deal with the pussy parade. be honest, are you in some kind of competitive sex tournament?”
“i’m young and single!” he reasons, catching the boxers you throw at his head and quickly slipping them on. “i’m allowed to sow a few oats.” 
everyone in the office knows that it’s really about the lawyer from themis getting engaged. 
you’ve seen the way marius used to look at her, seen the plain adoration that used to shine in his gaze. it’s why ever since news of her engagement, you go through this every monday— when she comes in to help him navigate the confusing reports and updates of confusing legalese.
his behaviour these past few weeks was a coping mechanism. an unhealthy one, obviously, but who were you to tell that to the president of a multi-billion dollar company?
“whatever you say, sir,” you shrug, shoving the pants and button down into his arms. “get changed. i’ll call vincent and have him let everyone know we’re on our way.” 
you step out of the bedroom to let him get dressed, deciding to make yourself busy by starting the coffee maker. as the scent of freshly ground beans fills the penthouse, you take a moment to pull out your phone and double-check your boss’ calendar. 
after the meeting with legal, his schedule is relatively clear. only a handful of things you need him to review, along with a spot of press. it’s a relatively easy monday, by all means.
it’s then that berry decides to make an appearance, the adorable russian blue leaping up onto the counter and meowing insistently to get your attention. smiling, you reach out to scratch lightly under his chin.
“what are we going to do with him, huh?” you whisper, scooping him up into your arms. content purrs rumble against your palm as you stroke his fur. 
“traitor,” marius scoffs, entering the kitchen. you glance over your shoulder to see him looking somewhat put together. not only is his shirt still untucked, but his hair is still messy and wet and you’re positive he’s still sweating tequila. 
he ignores the fresh coffee in favour of grabbing a carton of orange juice from the fridge. he unscrews the cap, flicking it onto the counter so he can take a swig. 
“unbelievable,” you mutter under your breath. marius  glances over at you, wiping the corner of his mouth with sleeve before holding the carton out to you. 
“what? you want some?”
you push it away with a fingertip. “no, thank you.”
he shrugs, screwing the cap back on and shoving it back into the fridge. you and berry watch with equally unimpressed looks as he rummages through the oversized pantry, resurfacing with a box of cereal. 
you turn to open a nearby cabinet, grabbing a bowl. 
but in those few seconds, he’d already ripped the box open and was scooping cereal out with his hands, pouring handfuls into his mouth. 
this is it, you think as he gets crumbs all over his nice shirt. this is what marius von hagen looks like when he hits rock bottom. 
you barely make it to the meeting on time. 
the whole team is already seated, ready to begin. marius - with the mcdonald’s iced coffee that’d almost made the two of you late in hand - takes a seat at the head of the conference table. 
your boss is surprisingly alert despite the fact that his brain is currently steeped in alcohol. he takes notes, asks appropriate questions, makes thoughtful suggestions. it’s one of the things you respect about him. he is a professional first and foremost.
“it seems that’s all for today,” he says once the last subject has been covered. “if there are any other questions, please keep them to yourselves.”
with that, he makes his grand exit.
well…he was a professional most of the time.
you're quick to jump in when the room fills with dissatisfied murmurs. “if you have any questions, please direct them to vincent or myself so we may raise them with mr. von hagen at a later time."
with that, everyone carries on with their day. you head back to your desk with an armload of paperwork for marius to look over and sign. you read the first few pages as you walk, already working out a summary in your head.
you make it to your desk just in time to see rosa following marius into his office.
chatting in his office after a meeting is a fairly common occurance. rosa comes by to help review whatever contracts his staff of corporate lawyers had drawn up, or walk him through any topics confused about.
your phone buzzes with a message from marius.
[marius]: come get me in five to say that we’ll be late for lunch.
what isn’t common is for him to do that.
but you do as he says, knocking politely when the five minutes are up.
“come in!”
“sir,” you begin after sending rosa a small wave. “we’ll be late for lunch if we don’t leave now.”
“lunch?” the young lawyer echoes, sounding confused. “it’s hardly 10am.”
marius clicks his tongue, closing the folder on his desk. “well, you know what they say. early worm gets the worm.”
“that’s not at all correct—”
he’s already nudging you out the door, a respectful hand resting on the small of your back as he guides you away from his office. “see you later, miss!”
“what are you doing?” you ask, feeling your face heat up as you become the object of your coworker’s confused stares. “i have work to do—”
marius pulls you into an empty conference room, closing the door behind you.
“rosa invited me to her engagement party this weekend,” he says, tone clipped.
you’re not quite sure where he’s going with this. “shall i pick out a gift?”
“no, i’ll take care of that,” he tells you. then, with a growing smile that almost always means he’s up to something, he asks, “what are you doing this saturday?”
“trick question. i’d like you to accompany me as my date.”
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serverusslaype · 7 months
The Yule Ball, pt. 1
Severus Snape x professor!reader
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omg wow two posts in one day? who am i?
i also wanted to post this because i asked about it a while ago lmao, but i'm going to split it into two parts and finish the end of the second part tomorrow after work, it's mostly done, i just need to tidy it up hehe. this isn't very long, however, in part two, it gets good of course. pls don't hate me :( </3
i hope you are all doing well!! :)
warnings: slight harassment? ew, karkaroff
The atmosphere in the Great Hall was sparkling and lively as loud laughter and chatter filled the wintry and festively decorated room. Several large round tables were dotted around the sides of it, laden with beautiful white centrepieces and matching silver cutlery and glittering glassware. Long, blue-grey curtains adorned with artifical snow hung from the walls between the majestic and mythical stone statues, as if imitating frozen waterfalls. A warm and fuzzy feeling settled in your body as you glanced around the gorgeously decorated Hall, a small smile finding your cherry-red painted lips. 
You sat alone at a table in a silky, backless, long-sleeved dress with only a goblet of wine for company as you watched students and teachers alike dance joyously on the floor to a melodious tune. You had to bite back an amused grin as your eyes caught sight of Hagrid's hand slipping down to Madame Maxine's rear. She quickly swatted it away, and you couldn't help but chuckle quietly to yourself. Ever since the international schools arrived at Hogwarts, Hagrid seemed to be smitten with the enormous witch, and you could see why. Madame Maxine was stunning and classy; always dressed in the finest attire you could ever imagine - and of course, always carried herself with elegance. You envied her slightly as you watched the pair sway sweetly together.
Speaking of the international schools, a certain Headmaster had taken a liking to you during their stay and Hogwarts, and it didn't please you at all. In fact, it made you rather uncomfortable. Well, he made you uncomfortable. You shivered slightly at the thought of Igor Karkaroff and lifted your goblet of wine to your lips, downing the rest of it carelessly. You'd been avoiding him all night, and you hoped you wouldn't have to speak to him for the rest of it. 
As you placed the goblet back down, you glanced around, catching sight of Minerva stood to the right of Dumbledore and Snape who were currently observing the dancing students. Though you were looking at the older witch, your eyes were magnetically pulled to the wizard dressed in all black - surprisingly without his signature cloak.
Professor Snape.
You'd spoken to him a few times, but not many - he wasn't the most welcoming man you'd met. In fact, he was rather cold and short with you, which wasn't too unsurprising since he'd taught you back in the day when you attended Hogwarts as a student. So, you knew exactly what he was like. In those days, despite his harsh and cruel attitude towards you and your classmates, you developed a silly little crush on him. You weren't exactly sure why - perhaps it was the mysterious aura that he possessed, or his deep, sultry and silky voice he spoke with, or maybe it was just the plain simple fact that he was... attractive to you. Gods, your classmates would have disowned you, had you admitted such a thing.
Regardless of your history here, being the youngest professor here was a little intimidating to say the least, and the need to prove yourself was overwhelming. At times, you felt as if you didn't deserve your post as the professor of Astronomy - how could a twenty-something-year-old be qualified enough to teach students less than ten years their junior? Doubting yourself was bound to happen, especially in the presence of such talented, wise wizards like Dumbledore, Flitwick and McGonagall - Flitwick was a duelling champion, for goodness sake. And what were you? Merely infatuated with the nightsky and everything that possibly dwells beyond it? Merlin.
A deflated sigh swiftly fell from your lips as you quickly stood up from your seat, beginning to reluctantly head over in the direction of your fellow colleagues. It's not like you didn't want to stand with them, you just felt awfully out of place, and you didn't want to look weird by sitting all by your lonesome all night. Being the new person at the new job was never fun.
As you neared them, your eyes were drawn to the gloomy Potions Master again. As if he could sense someone watching him, his deep black eyes flicked to you, and you quickly glanced away with burning cheeks, walking forwards to stop beside Minerva. Maybe your crush never went away, and you winced slightly at the thought.
Turning to Minerva, she looked at you with happy eyes, a smile gracing her lips. "Y/N," Minerva beamed, her shoulders relaxing in a cheerful manner, "we'd wondered where you'd disappeared off to."
You hummed happily at her words, your stiff body relaxing slightly. McGonagall had been your favourite professor when you'd studied at Hogwarts, even though you didn't exactly excel in her class of Transfiguration. She never berated you for your lack of skill in the subject and that was probably what solidified your preference.
You looked at the witch beside you, though a silhouette of a prominent nose and a mop of black hair clouded your vision. "Just needed a sit down, really." You replied with a soft voice, smiling as you linked your fingers together in front of your waist. "Also, I fancied some more wine, it's rather moreish." Minerva and Dumbledore chuckled at your light-hearted joke, but Snape did not. You swallowed awkwardly.
"Perhaps it isn't wise to be drinking in the presence of students, Professor L/N." Snape drawled in a demeaning tone from beside Dumbledore, side-eyeing you.
"What makes you think I'm going to get drunk?" You frowned, his subtle dig at you twisting your insides. Crush or not, he was getting under your skin.
Snape snorted slightly, "A history of misbehaviour at Hogwarts doesn't bode well." He said, turning his head to face you. You fought the itching urge to roll your eyes at his words, remembering that one time you had pranked his class.
"That was one time, Snape." You sighed, fighting hard not to groan. Apparently, he wasn't going to let this go. "And it was years ago now."
"I wouldn't want to take any chances." He sneered at you, and your stomach twisted horribly. Did he really despise you that much? It hurt to say the least, you thought he would've put that in the past and moved on, but apparently grudges are the next best thing.
"Right." You huffed quietly, and Minerva cast an awkward glance to Dumbledore who also looked rather uncomfortable. Yes, this was a terrible idea coming to stand with your colleagues. A fucking terrible idea. Snape always had to make you look childish. Suddenly, you pathetically wished that Karkaroff would suddenly appear and bother you so you wouldn't have to deal with this awful interaction. Anything would be better than this right now.
As if on cue, someone called your name. "Would you excuse me?" You sighed, casting an apologetic smile towards Dumbledore and McGonagall, purposefully ignoring Snape. Dumbledore also excused himself, leaving only the Heads of Slythering and Gryffindor together.
As you and Dumbledore walked off, Minerva turned to Snape with scornful eyes. "You shouldn't be so harsh on her, Severus," she huffed, "she's not a child anymore. Y/N is an adult, capable of making adult decisions. There's no need for such hostility." 
Snape didn't reply, he only sighed heavily at Minerva's comment, prompting the older witch to roll her eyes at his petty behaviour. Though, underneath his cold and dismissive attitude towards you, there was something else. Something he did not want to unfold, nor understand. It wasn't a familiar feeling, and that was what worried him. And so, each time you spoke to him or looked at him, he had chosen to push that feeling away by being malicious to you. Snape wasn't fond of it, and he did resent himself slightly by acting so horribly towards you. Something inside of him tugged at his heart each time your face fell due to his sharp words, or the way he'd glare at you whenever you looked at him. It was the only thing he knew. Snape wasn't familiar with nor welcoming to feelings other than hatred or disdain.
The Potions Master cast his eyes over the crowds of students, absent-mindedly looking for your small figure. It's not like he wanted to check on you, he just wanted to see who had called for you, out of... curiosity. And there you were, chatting with the Weasley twins. Snape couldn't remember your exact age, but he was sure you were mid-twenties, perhaps early-twenties. Your youthful face and essence said so. As he observed you, his chest burned unusually as you laughed at something the twins had said, and it burned even hotter when he saw them hand you something. What were they doing?
"It's just a little something," Fred grinned goofily in his tuxedo as you held a small, neatly-wrapped box in your hands. It was a pale red, with a shining green bow. You looked up at them and smiled gratefully.
"Yeah, we just wanted to say thanks for being a brilliant teacher," George added after his brother, making you grin amused. The two of them always made you laugh in your classes, it was like they were the same person from how well they bounced off of each other.
"Oh, thank you, boys," you grinned, a little shocked at their kindness, "you didn't need to get me anything." Both Fred and George grinned together, their fluffy ginger hair bouncing a tad as they glanced at each other.
"You're our favourite, you know," George said, and Fred nodded with him, beaming. You chuckled at their silly smiles.
"Yeah, you're a thousand times better than any of the other professors," Fred agreed cheerfully, folding his arms against his chest.
"Especially Snape-" George interjected. Your heart skipped a beat at the sound of his name.
"Yeah, he's a right old miserable git, he is." Fred grumbled, nodding behind you. "He's staring right at us, too." Your stomach dropped the second Fred said those words, and you quickly whipped your head around, your eyes meeting with Snape's own fierce ones. As quickly as you looked at him, you turned back around, your face becoming hot and pink.
"Are you blushing, professor?" George grinned wickedly, glancing at his brother who also shared that same expression.
 "No!" You answered quickly, gasping.
"Don't tell me you like that horrible arse," Fred laughed, his eyebrows shooting upwards.
"I wouldn't have expected you to fancy a Slytherin like him." George frowned, his nose turning up in slight disgust. "I mean, he hates everything and everyone, why would you-"
"I never even said I liked him! You two just assumed so!" You scoffed, folding your arms against your chest. The twins laughed at your reaction, glancing at each other. "Anyway, boys, thank you for the gift, but this conversation is over." Another hefty sigh fell from your lips as you looked between the two of them, smiling politely.
"Professor L/N," A raspy, deep voice came from behind you, and instantly, your blood went cold. You knew that thick accent very well. Fred and George Weasley looked like they were on the verge of busting out laughing. They knew of your dislike for the Durmstrang Headmaster, and you were sure that the majority of the school knew of his weird, little thing for you.
"Headmaster Karkaroff." You turned around hesitantly, fighting back a scream of utter frustration. He looked a little more groomed than usual - his messy, dark brown hair with specks of gray in it was brushed through, and his long goatee had been neatly manipulated into a sharp point. You were also surprised to see him dressed in such expensive looking clothing. The dress coat he sported was a creamy-beige, adorned with a shining black leather belt around his middle, accentuating his lanky figure.
"You look like you need a dance," The corners of his lips turned upwards into a mischievous smirk, and an uncomfortable shiver ran down your spine. "May I help with that?" Karkaroff held out his hand, and your eyes shot down towards it.
"Erm," you stuttered, "well-" You couldn't find the words at all, and it wasn't helping that you could hear the twins behind you snickering to themselves. Before you could even answer, Karkaroff had his hand grasping yours and tugging you to the dancefloor. You stumbled slightly at how fast he had pulled you, and with your other hand, you reached down to grab your skirt to hike it up so you wouldn't trip over.
As the pair of you reached the floor after winding through hoards of dancing students, Karkaroff spun you around a little too quickly, and you ungracefully fell into his chest with a squeak. "Sorry," you mumbled, using a hand to push yourself away from him, "I wasn't really expecting you to do... that."
"You know," Igor chuckled, ignoring your previous comments, "I've been waiting for this moment ever since I arrived here at Hogwarts." He admitted with a wicked smirk, allowing his rough, bony fingers to slide down your bare back, gripping you a little too tightly for your liking.
"...To dance?" You frowned, using your free hand to fidget with his hand that laid flat against your bare back, silently telling him to ease off a little. "Don't be silly." You chuckled awkwardly, casting a glance over to where you had previously stood with the other teachers as you and Karkaroff swayed. Only Snape remained, and your face grew as hot as a firepit as you noticed his eyes were already stuck on you. His face was the usual unhappy, scornful, sour frown.
"Oh, but I am not being silly, little bird." Igor murmured, pushing his face closer to yours. Instinctively, you pulled your head away from his, scrunching your nose up at the awful pet name.
"Little bird?" You repeated, almost choking the words out. You squirmed within his uncomfy grip, casting another glance to Snape, hoping that he'd have just an ounce of human decency to realise that you were asking for help. Surely, he wouldn't be that much of an arsehole to ignore the sign of a colleague in trouble.
"Yes," Igor smiled, making your skin crawl. "You remind me of a little bird - tiny, beautiful..." Your eyes widened at his words, and again, you glanced to where you had seen Snape. Your heart dropped like a rock as you noticed the empty space where he had previously stood. You knew he was a dick, but not so much of a dick to let you get taken hostage by a man you hardly knew - and didn't want to know. "So beautiful... why don't we ditch this party and head back to my quarters? I could show you around." Karkaroff muttered and pulled you even closer, grinning lecherously as he brushed his nose against the crook of your neck. Your breath hitched - but not in a good way.
"Igor..." Your voice was shaky, yet low, indicating that you weren't comfortable at all.
"How about we go somewhere more private?" Karkaroff's hands tightened even more as they slipped down to your hips, pulling your body flush against his. A quiet gasp left your lips as you pressed your palms flat against his chest, attempting to push him off of you. Your eyes flicked to where Snape once stood again, but he was no-where to be seen.
"Something caught your eye, pilentse?" Karkaroff hummed lowly, his eyes narrowing, evidently upset that your attention is busied with something or someone else.
"No." You quickly replied - almost too quickly. "I just need a refreshment, do you mind?" You forced yourself to glance up at Karkaroff's intense, wrinkled eyes.
"Oh, no, that can wait. I've waited almost the whole night for this moment..." Igor grumbled with a sneer as his grip on you became deeper and a little tighter, as if to say you weren't leaving until he deemed it so. That was until you saw that same sneer fall from his face, replaced with what looked like fear. Instantly, your brows furrowed together into a confused frown as you noticed his eyes dart from yours to something behind you, and so you turned around, curious to see why Karkaroff looked like he was about to flee.
"Karkaroff." Snape's deep, almost threatening voice reached your ears, and immediately, your mouth went dry as your heart leaped up into it. So... he did notice you? A rush of relief filled your body and your shoulders relaxed a tad. Snape glanced down at you, his thick mop of black hair framing his pale face. The blue-white light from above highlighted his prominent, handsome features perfectly, and you felt a sense of warmth prickle your skin, pooling in your stomach. You looked away, certain that if you kept staring, he'd assume you were weird or something along those lines.
Igor swallowed thickly, his bony fingers digging into the skin of your back in fear. You winced slightly at the sharp prod, catching Snape's attention. His eyes darted down to where Karkaroff had an iron-grip on you, and his lip twitched into the beginning of a sneer as he looked back to Igor's worried eyes. "Snape," The Durmstrang Headmaster greeted the gloomy Potions Master, clearly a little afraid of him. Apparently everyone was fearful of Snape, except for a select few, you realised. "What can I help you with?" Karkaroff's thick accent had slipped slightly, his voice wavering. You had to stifle a laugh at that - how was a man like Igor Karkaroff afraid of Snape? There was definitely something that you were missing here.
"Professor L/N," Snape ignored Karkaroff and shifted his bored expression to you, though you didn't miss the venomous look that he'd shot at the Bulgarian. You were still in disbelief that Snape had answered your silent cries for help, let alone actually come to save you from Karkaroff's slimy grasp. "I believe we have some important matters to tend to." Snape said matter-of-factly, arching a brow at you expectantly. 
"Wait, what?-" You choked out with wide eyes. You'd been staring a little too hard at Snape, and so you stumbled over your words, unprepared. "Oh, right, yeah- the, erm, the... valerian root." You finished, turning a bright shade of red as Snape's brows furrowed at you in a judgemental fashion, as if to say 'seriously?'.
"Yes," Snape drawled, dragging his disappointed eyes from you to Karkaroff. You huffed quietly, embarrassed. "The valerian root." The Potion Master repeated, shooting you a glare. He held out his hand for you to take, and you reached out to grasp a hold of it, when you were suddenly tugged backwards by Karkaroff. Snape's narrowed eyes darted to the Headmaster's hand wrapped securely around your waist, his nostrils flaring in slight anger. This old, despicable man had no business holding a young witch like you in such a manner.
"That can wait, surely?" Karkaroff said, his voice low as he tucked you closer to his side. You shot a desperate glance to Snape, begging him to help you again. A frustrated breath shot out of his nostrils.
"Tragically, no." Snape quipped sarcastically, his dark eyes piercing a burning hole through Karkaroff. Snape looked furious - his body was rigid. He hadn't moved a muscle apart from his eyes to look at either you or Igor. "Professor?" He glanced to you, stretching his hand to you once more, and you took it happily, allowing him to pull you out of Karkaroff's slimy hands and to his safe side. Your cheeks flushed pink at the closeness between you two, and you kept your eyes on the ground as Snape shifted his hand to sit on the small of your back, guiding you away from Karkaroff.
Part 2! (wip) Masterpost
there is part 1, i hope you enjoyed it, and i hope it was sort of what you expected! i can't remember what i said i was going to do but this is what i came up with hehe. i'm always a sucker for jealousy.
let me know if you liked it/what you thought, i do apologise that it was kinda short, but it'll be finished tomorrow! <3
i hope you're all well! :)
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daycourtofficial · 3 months
Falling in Love on the Fourth Floor - Part 9
Summary: Out of an act of desperation, you move in with a guy you kind of know who happens to have a really hot brother who lives next door.
Author’s note: anyone else excited for me to actually update?? This part’s a bit short, sorry! Gotta set some things up tbh. I’m so so so excited for part 10. Cassian has big annoying little brother energy in this. Honestly Az does not make an in person appearance in this part, but just you wait 😉
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The warm water of the shower felt incredible, your mind unwinding as the water falls down your body. Thoughts of last night swirl through your mind, remembering how Azriel’s skin felt on yours.
You start going over the previous night again, from the way his eyes wandered over your body to the grip he had on you on the way home.
You were fucked.
You were pouring shampoo into your hand, trying to decide the odds that this was all a joke to Azriel, when the door to your bedroom opened.
You usually leave the door unlocked because Cassian has to reset the router pretty regularly, but you don’t think much of it until he is swinging open the door to your bathroom, letting in a cool breeze. You stick your head out of the curtain, hiding the rest of your body.
“Cassian,” you hiss, “what are you doing?”
“I don’t like eating alone,” he tells you, shrugging as he peels an orange.
“What?” He asks, words garbled from speaking through his orange slice.
“I’m in the shower.”
You roll your eyes, pulling a hand out to emphasize your point. “I’m naked. In the shower.”
“There’s a curtain for a reason,” his tone sounding bored of this argument.
“You got a text from Az,” he says, annoyed as he looks at your screen that he can’t view the message. You drop your conditioner at his words, the clang of it echoing in the small room as you bend down to pick it back up.
“Just leave it, I’ll check it in a minute.”
"I hope it's a poem about how beautiful you are."
You roll your eyes, despite Cassian not being able to see you.
"I bet it says how annoying you are."
Cassian's gasp fills the room, "I am not annoying."
You poke your head out of shower, "we have weekly meetings to discuss how annoying you are."
In an act of complete maturity, you follow your statement by sticking your tongue out at him. Cassian holds your phone up to your face, letting it unlock the screen for him.
He sticks his tongue back out at you, "Thanks!"
He starts scuttling out of the room, yelling behind him, "if I'm lucky, you've sent Azzy some classy nudes!"
You start sputtering, yanking the shower curtain away, grabbing your towel, and quickly wrapping it around yourself as you follow after Cassian, not even turning the shower off.
"Aww, in this text he called you cute."
He starts typing a response, his fingers flying over your phone. You hear the woosh of a sent message, and you stare at him, mouth open.
"What did you send him?"
He waggles his eyebrows, then hands you back your phone.
"You'll never know."
You look down at the phone in your hands, and sure enough, Cassian had sent him a text and promptly deleted it. The sick bastard.
Your roommate simply shrugs at the tenseness of your tone, "I told him how you love him and how you want his precious babies."
You grit your teeth as Cassian makes kissing noises at you, debating the legal and moral ramifications of murdering Cassian when your phone chimes in your hands.
Azriel: thanks, I like your hair too :)
You look up at Cassian, a shit-eating grin on his face.
"You told him I liked his hair?"
"Yep," he says, biting into an apple, its crunch aggrevating some deep part of your brain.
“You’re the worst,” you say, opening your door and shutting it quickly behind you.
Later that night, Rhys decides to stop by to see Cassian, wanting to watch a rugby match on Cassian’s tv. Much to Rhys’s horror, Cass does have the larger tv.
Rhys starts to come in through the door to the apartment, but he can’t get the door opened more than a few inches because of a weight blocking him.
“What are you doing?” You ask, head peaking in the six inch crack of the door.
He looks confused, then looks around. “Trying to come in to watch rugby with Cass.”
“No you’re not.”
He tries to push against the door, but you keep it firmly in place. “I’m certainly trying to.”
“You’re not coming in - it’s girl’s night.”
He looks inside, confusion on his face as he huffs, “I see Cassian over there.”
“We voted to let him stay.”
Rhys looks offended. “And why not me?”
You lower your voice, leaning in closer to him, “because Feyre doesn’t invite boys she wants to talk about.”
His smirk grows predatory, as he surveys Feyre, Mor, and Cassian inside the apartment. “And why wasn’t Az invited?”
Your face flushes with heat, “we didn’t think it was his scene.”
Rhys snorts, leaning against the door frame. Knowing Rhys, he’d stay there until he got what he wanted to hear. “Az loves gossip more than anyone. Tell me why he isn’t invited and I’ll leave you be.”
You two glare each other down, a sight which must have looked quite amusing to anyone who didn’t note the seriousness of both of your faces.
You mumble out, “we don’t invite boys we want to talk about.”
He puts a hand around his ear, “I’m so sorry, dear, what was that?”
You grit you teeth, looking upward in hopes a god or a titan or someone would smite Rhysand and his stupid smug grin on the spot.
You let out a long breath, trying to let all the anger out so you can say distinctly, “we do not invite the boys we want to talk about.”
His eyes dance with amusement, his weight dropping from the door almost causing you to fall. “Well why didn’t you just say so? Maybe we’ll have a boys night - talk about you divine feminine creatures.”
He starts strolling back down the hall, “tell Cassian he’s welcome to join us.”
You close the door on him, dead-bolting the door so he can’t come in, turning back to reclaim your spot next to Feyre on one of the couches, Mor and Cassian next to each other on the other one.
“Now, I know we all gathered here to spend time together, but I showed up because I wanted someone to tell me what the hell is going on between you and Azriel.”
Mor stabs her teriyaki chicken with her fork, pointing it at you. You choke, trying not to laugh as the chicken falls off the fork back into the takeout container.
Cassian interrupts, his mouth full of rice as he says, “yeah what’s going on between you two?”
Your cheeks heat, all the attention in the room on you as you say, “nothing’s going on, Mor,” and grab a mouthful of sesame chicken with your chopsticks to prevent them from probing further.
It does not work. Instead, Feyre chimes in, “you guys were awfully close last night at karaoke.”
Mor points at Feyre with her fork, “she sat on his lap to and from Rita’s.”
Feyre gasps, sitting up, “you sat on his lap?” Then she looks at you with a mischievous glint, “could you feel him?”
She waggles her eyebrows as you throw an eggroll at her, earning you a soft hey in response.
“Feyre, watch your language around Cassian’s virginal ears.”
Mor spits out her drink, “there’s nothing virginal about what we do at night.”
She high fives Cassian, who is suspiciously quiet during this whole exchange.
“Hey,” you say to him, getting him to look up from his rice at you, “why’d you say it was good that my date was bad?”
“When’d I say that?” Cassian asks, tucking his phone under his thigh.
You roll your eyes, “literally yesterday when Az and I dropped off lunch for you.”
Mor whistles, “Az took you for a ride.”
Feyre’s eyes light up and you roll your eyes at her sing-song voice, still looking to your roommate. Cassian starts fidgeting, unsure what to do with his hands, “uh nothing he just was- kinda ugly.”
Your brows press down in a hard line, “okay, Cassian, he might not have been your cup of tea but he certainly wasn’t ugly.”
“But he wasn’t pretty like Azriel,” Mor chimes in, a smirk on her lips.
You throw your hands up, “whoa whoa whoa, I invited you guys over for chinese food and silly romcoms, why am I being ambushed about Azriel?”
“Because he likes you,” Feyre says, pouring herself a glass of rosé. You look to Feyre, trying to silently tell her you don’t want to have this conversation here with Cassian, but she keeps her eyes on her lo mein, a noodle slipping from her chopsticks.
“Az sure did enjoy you in the Barbie costume last night, babe.” Mor had an absolutely feral look to her as she starts, “I bet he had a fun night thinking about it with his hand wrapped around his- hey!”
You threw a pillow in her direction, trying desperately to get her to shut up.
“Hey, even Cassian thinks you guys would be cute, and he isn’t the most observant.”
Cassian picks the pillow up, hitting Mor with it again. “Thanks, Mor.”
“You’re welcome, baby.”
You turn to Feyre and the two of you make kissing noises at each other, then direct them at Mor and Cassian.
“Hey, we’re mature adults who just fool around. And do you know why we work so well?”
You put your head on your hand, looking up to Mor, “oh wise and beautiful Mor, please tell me why you and my roommate are so good at having sex with each other.”
Feyre snorts, but Mor responds, “because we talk to each other. We’re adults.”
“It’s different,” you say, going back to your chicken.
“How is it any different?”
“There aren’t any stakes for you two,” you say, and Feyre nods eagerly. “There aren’t any emotions - you two just have sex and you know that’s what you both want.”
Feyre nods enthusiastically, and you narrow your eyes at her, “and why aren’t we grilling you about the other boy? Hmmmm?”
Her cheeks blush, as her mouth opens and closes, trying to form words.
“Because she didn’t spend all of karaoke night whispering to him. Especially not during my performance.” Cassian ends his words with a huff, taking a swig of his beer.
“You mean our performance?” Mor ask, “we made it what it was.”
Cassian rolls his eyes, but lets it go, pulling his phone back out. “I’m going to order more Chinese - anyone want anything?”
Everyone’s responses echo, but you make out both Feyre and Mor asking for more crab rangoons.
Cassian lets out a soft, “it’ll be here in 30 minutes, let’s start this chick flick.”
Mor smacks him on the chest, “Pride and Prejudice is not a chick flick! It is cinema!”
As Mor and Feyre try to convince Cassian that he will love Kiera Knightley, your thoughts linger to the other side of the wall you shared. You wondered what they were up to tonight, what Azriel was doing, if Cassian and Rhys give him a hard time about you.
Of all the thoughts you had of them, the thought hadn’t occurred to you that Cassian would be texting Rhys updates throughout the night.
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saturnville · 6 months
congratulations, mr. president
pairing: young!coriolanus snow x linnea lowtower. content: coriolanus is announced as president of Panem with his wife by his side. warning: none. an: idk this is short and simple. just randomly thought of it. I was gonna add smut but decided against it. tags: @fastlikealambo
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Coriolanus knew that the stars were aligned for his future. And, he knew that they one day, would align as a stepping stone to the seat of the presidency. The odds were ever in his favor. Though, life threw him arils of sour pomegranate and his support system was minuscule once his father passed, life had proven that good things come to those who wait. He had waited long enough. It was finally his time.
Election season was brutal, but unlike his peers, Coriolanus could easily admit that he enjoyed it. He was full of charm, class, and intelligence that made everyone fall for him. He became the President of Panem at the tender age of 24. The world was in the palm of his hand.
It was the day of his swearing in. The sun rose early and the smell of freshly brewed coffee filled his hotel suite. He spent the evening alone, per his request, to collect himself before his swearing in. His blue eyes darted to the clock on the wall. He had an hour to prepare himself before he’d be whisked away to the center of the Capitol. He stepped to the bathroom to begin getting ready.
Hot showers were something he still was not used to. For thirteen years, he lived just above the poverty line, and cold showers became a norm. It was better than no water at all, he reasoned. Coriolanus ran his fingers through his short, damp hair as he fumbled around for his toothbrush and toothpaste.
Through the foggy mirror, he caught his reflection. He looked much different than he did during his time at the Academy and at University. He no longer had shaggy, blond curls, but rather a platinum blond and a haircut with short sides and considerable length at the top, that was always strategically brushed back. It made him look older, more mature. More powerful. His shoulders were stronger and more broad, and he oozed confidence with every step he took. A complete 180 change.
Coriolanus flicked off the bathroom light and whistled his way to the main room. Near the window was a rack of clothes. The option he’d chosen hung pressed and wrinkle free against an iron hanger. His fingers danced along the thick fabric. The circular buttons, his fingertips touched. Tigris’ design.
He dropped his towel and proceeded to get dressed. He eyed himself in the mirror as he buttoned his shirt. A small smile graced his lips. Patience was a virtue and it proved to leave him victorious.
A soft knock came from the door. Coriolanus dropped his coat on the bed and went to open it. “Who is—hi.”
“Good morning, Coriolanus.” Right past him walked his wife. His eyes followed her with every step she took. He let go of the door slowly and let it close behind them. “How are you feeling?” She sat elegantly at the foot of the bed. She crossed her leg at the knee, her brown skin a stark contrast against her white dress. Coriolanus released a shaky breath.
To say his wife was stunning was far from an understatement. Their marital union began once they graduated from the Academy. Coriolanus proposed to her the day of graduation with a unique ring—a two diamond band, one silver, and one ruby red. Six years with her by his side through the ups, downs, and in-betweens.
She was a sensual being. Even in her most classy and elegant attire. She picked out her dress for the occasion and she picked it well. She wore a figure-hugging white dress with a slit going up the left thigh. Her dress was sleeveless with feathers along the chest. On her feet were a heel a shade of the deepest crimson. Her makeup was bold, eyes and lips bleeding with crimson. Her locs were curled and curtained her back. His beautiful wife. His First Lady. His Queen of Panem.
“Fine,” he said shortly. He extended his hand and took hers into his. She was careful not to rest her head on his white shirt; she’d hate for his outfit to be tainted with makeup. “Even better now. I’m almost ready. Just need my jacket.” He nodded at his crimson trench coat that rested on the edge of the bed. She broke from his embrace and swiped the coat from his hands.
“Go.” She pointed to the full length mirror on the back of the hotel door. He followed her command with ease. Though shorter than him, the crown of her head could be seen behind his stature as she stood behind him. She took the coat in her hands and gestured for him to slide his arms in the sleeves. One by one.
Her hands smoothed the non-existent wrinkles on the shoulders of the coat. Coriolanus lifted his chin, an unfamiliar sense of power coursing through his veins. On Linnea’s lips played a smile of approval. “Well, Mr. Snow, it’s about that time, yeah?” Right on cue, a knock on the door. It was time.
Coriolanus met her eyes through the mirror and nodded. “It’s that time.”
“It is with great pride that we welcome your new president of Panem,” Lucretius Lucky Flickerman said lowly. His dark eyes scanned over the crowd who itched with anticipation for their new leader to enter. “Coriolanus Snow!”
A pair of titanium doors opened. The logo of the Capitol split in two and slowly, Coriolanus and Linnea came into view. Capitol citizens roared with excitement. Coriolanus glanced at Linnea, who was already looking at him with a smile on her lips.
They were guided toward two chairs in the center of the suite. It was an overwhelming sight to see. Tens of hundreds of thousands people, proud and ecstatic for the arrival of the man who was determined to make Panem the greatest it could ever be. They were here for him, for Coriolanus Snow. The man who fought and clawed his way to the top. The man who went from something, to nothing, to everything in a short amount of time. Who could stop him? Coriolanus squeezed her hand tightly.
“Please, everyone, give it up for President Coriolanus Snow, and his First Lady, Linnea Snow!” A roar of cheers erupted. Dreams had become a reality.
Linnea leaned up and brought her lips to his ear, “Congratulations, Mr. President.” The words rolled off her tongue smoother than molasses. And the look in her eye was killer. Was she trying to make him weak in the knees in front of everyone? Putty in her hands, he was. Desire glazed over her brown eyes. She would pay for it later.
Coriolanus’ arm draped around her waist and his hand ghosted over the swell of her bottom. He brought his lips to her ear. “Save the congratulations for later, sweetheart. We’ll celebrate the right way, my beautiful First Lady…”
She smiled softly. “I love you.”
Not caring about the crowd ahead of them, his lips ghosted over hers. “Mhm, I love you, too.”
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nmakii · 2 months
Omg ! I didn't think you'd actually respond !! We're gonna fly away from here is easily one of the best ones in the series!! It's so Twisted and disturbing but almost domestic... (Also tysm for including my name idea in your story, Idk where it came from, I just liked it and I appreciate you!) I digress. I've returned with a concept. Al almost always has a plan when he does something. I don't know where you want to go with the second child but this won't be too focused on that one...for now. I really liked how you interpreted Alastor being a weasel and weaseling his way back into the families life and was thinking about how many I wonder about if he has a plan right now, like not a long term one, obviously, but a very specific one for a 'short term'. Women back then, especially in the south weren't allowed to have bank accounts so finicial trapping works well in this case. Also just kinda the ability to turn their kids against her would be enough to terify me. People talk about the 1950's housewife, but oh my god, 1920's housewives were a new kind of depressed. I, personally, don't think Alastor is the type of physically abuse women. No, he's far too classy for that. Instead, like I said, I think he'd either use his status in their house to trap his wife. We were able to run away while we were pregnant and alone, but we have a child now...and would we be willing to leave our child with him? No, I don't think I would, personally. This was just me rambling. K, love u, currently hyperfixated on this au. Byeee !!!! _ Cherry Anon!
[before reading this, read the rest of the story!]
— seems as if alastor found out your little secret
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being married to alastor, the radio show host is quite the sensation in your town. but, behind the closed curtains, alastor did things that would’ve made lucifer shake in his boots.
no, he didn’t hit you. his mother would kill him if he hit his wife. but, just because alastor never hit you, didn’t mean he didn’t abuse you.
he tormented you in the worst way possible, through noah. and now, emilia.
it’s been 3 years. your little emilia lives up to her name, a cute little girl who’s eager to win. and, little noah is now a big boy, double digits and all.
and, since you’ve returned back to his house, alastor has done nothing but twist your babies’ minds. ‘once upon a time, mama wanted to run away from daddy… so, she ran away and took big brother with her. daddy was sooo worried for mama and big brother though… daddy was able to track mama down, and took her home!’ he cooed to your daughter, bouncing her in his arms— with you right beside him!
you wanted to yell; scream. of course, emilia was too young to understand what alastor was saying. but, still— the fact that he was trying to tell your children that he was some sort of white knight who saved you from yourself. you wanted nothing less, but to snap that neck of his like a twig.
you really shouldn’t act so brashly though. to outsmart alastor, you have to think like him. think of what’s smarter in long run.
alastor was ‘kind’ enough to give you an allowance. $200 every week for groceries and whatever you may need. he’s even so kind as to let you have some ‘private bonding’ with noah and emilia as they accompany you to the farmer’s market.
thankfully, you had a father who wanted to make his little girl survived even without a husband. and so, you had to hear all of his ramblings about finance. saving about 45% each week for 3 years… was about $14,000!
if you saved just a little more, you’d be semi-financially independent until you can get a proper job to take care of your children. it was run-away money, so to speak.
you hid the money in noah’s room. after all, who would expect money there? especially $14,000? and, it worked, for a while. every monday, while you tucked him into bed, you brought the money with you and hid it behind his dresser.
until, what had seemed like a normal tuesday. you came home from the tailor’s, getting back a dress that noah accidentally tore. when you came home, it was only two hours after noon. and despite that, alastor was home.
“a-alastor..! what are you doing home so early? you have a broadcast in 2 hours…” you narrowed your eyes at alastor, on the floor with your children, many new toys surrounding them. “ah, darling! i decided to pick up our children early, and we may have splurged on our little shopping spree…” he smugly grinned. “oh..? where’d you get the money?” you raised your eyebrow, closing the door and laying your bearings on the dining table.
“funniest story ever, my love! there was a random stash of money in noah’s room! seems as if the tooth fairy came early!” he laughed. random stash of money in noah’s room..? “oh. i see.” your breath stopped for a minute, thinking of what kind of consequences could come from it.
“do you have any idea how that money landed there?” he side-eyed you, expecting a lie. “perhaps it was from the old owners? you know this house, there’s so many secrets in here.” you said. “i see… i suppose you are right, darling!” he giggled.
you were back on square one. financially dependent on your husband, if you could even call him ‘husband’. as you climbed up the stairs, you heard alastor whisper to your son. “you see that? momma lied. she got less talkative when papa asked her a question.”
this is what alastor’s been teaching your son. as much as you want to protest, you did lie.
oh, how much you wished for much more simpler times. playing with your baby boy in the kitchen as you make little treats together for his snack at school. and now, the boy alastor’s turning him into— a cunning sociopath, the lord only knows what he will teach your daughter.
this is just a minor setback, it has to be.
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mikeysbabygirl · 2 years
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Mikey's girl PART TWO II :
Warning : suggestive talk, dirty jokes, Bonten being gossips again...
Summary : I didn't thought of making a part two of this, but you all liked it so much and asked to meet the other executives, so here we are !
You should read the part one before starting this !
-" You know... " Sanzu, sitting on the chair in front of Mikey's started, earning his boss's attention. " You maybe should invite her to the gala event, boss. "
The latter lifted his head from his paperwork in front of him, looking at his henchman dead in the eyes and tilting his head to the side.
-" Your girl, I mean. " He added, in front of his boss' confusion.
Mikey frowned, which made Sanzu gulp down.
-" That's none of your business. "
Haruchiyo sank deeper in his seat, playing with his pill's bottle under the table discreetly.
-" Yeah, right. I'm sorry, Mikey... "
Nodding, Mikey looked back at his work, but something kept him from focusing on the words he was reading. Because of that damn Sanzu, he couldn't help but wonder what would be your reaction if he, actually, invited you at the gala Bonten were organizing in few days.
-" Why... Though ? " He started, for the first time his tone was laced with a spark of doubt which surprised Haruchiyo.
-" Um, well... Most men like to bring compagnie to these kinda events, and... You know, chicks usually like when their guys take them out to classy places".
Deep inside, he couldn't deny what his henchman had just said since he had no knowledge of being in a relationship besides some one night stands here and there.
Chicks usually like when their guys take them out... would you give him that smile of yours that made his chest go through strange heat states ?
Most importantly, would you actually appear next to him, as... As an official something ? Would you like being associated with one of the most dangerous Japan criminals ? You, the closest thing to an angel ?
-" That's still none of your business, though. "
Anxiety began creeping in inside you the minute you stepped into that ballroom. From the excessively rich decoration to the women's eyes that already started scanning you, everything screamed at you to run, this was not your element.
And could you blame your guts for that feeling ? You were used to white hospital walls, not to giant velvet curtains and crown moldings on high walls, used to the cries and screams of patients, not to the snarky whispers while those rich women were looking at you, and your body was more comfortable in scrubs and white coats, not the overly expensive mermaid dress Mikey has bought for you.
If there was something you despised, it was being the center of the attention. You gladly took the champagne glass the waiter passing by had offered you, ignoring the eyes lingering on your dress and body, especially that you were not seeing your boyfriend anywhere around you and started feeling lonely.
Not so far away from there, Takeomi and Kokonoi were discussing some business matters, both dressed in their most stunning suits, champagne glasses on hand. To be fair, Takeomi has been long ago stolen from whatever his friend was saying, eyes stuck on the young woman who just entered the room. It didn't took too much time for Hajime to notice that his co-worker was not listening to him anymore.
-" that's interesting... " The Akashi absentmindedly nodded his head.
-" You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you ?" Kokonoi asked with an exhausted face.
-" Not a clue." He answered in a smirk.
His face grew outraged, not only he was not even looking at him, he was, in addition admitting it openly.
-" Go to hell. "
-" Oh I'm counting on it, but I have a good reason for not listening".
Koko rolled his eyes, took another gulp of his drink and asked.
-" What is it ?"
The smirk adorning Takeomi's lips at that moment, as he put his hand on his co-worker's shoulder and turned his body toward where you were standing already told him it was about a woman.
-" This young blood. "
Hajime's gaze followed Takeomi's one,until it stopped on the one who had seemed to catch it. And his interest rose from none to two hundred percent in less than a second.
The first thing he had thought seeing you was how has he even been too blind to not notice you in the first place ? High fashion so stunning it could have blinded him. The mermaid shape of the dress embraced each curve of your body perfectly, it was in a Champagne-like color, which highlighted your skin tone too well for your own good, and then his eyes trailed down your legs, under the see-through fabric of the dress, he could use that sight of your bare thighs as he pleased.
-" A whole snack, indeed. " He admitted, cutting off his friend with what he added next. " But she's way outta your league. "
-" Huh-?" His hand on his friend's shoulder tightened and he made Koko face him again, which took out a frustrated groan from the latter since he was not done admiring you. " You mean she's too good for me ?"
-" I mean with a dress like that, her boyfriend must be either Christian Dior, or me. " Koko scoffed under a dark glare from Takeomi. " And honestly if I had someone like her on my bed, I wouldn't even be here t'night. "
Indignation filled the older man senses, painting a weary expression on his face.
-" I had girls like this between my legs when you weren't even born, jerk. "
-" and years later what you have between your legs now is a soft cucumber". Kokonoi replied, then snorted at his own comment making Takeomi roll his eyes.
-" You're being such a smartass, sit here and watch how real men make pussy rain. "
This time, Hajime couldn't hold his laughter, earning few glances from the people around. An idea clicked in his head at the same time.
-" I'll let you give it a try " he made a step toward him, locking eyes with his. " Then I'm heading toward her and bet tonight you'll receive a charming picture of her young pussy creaming on top of my bills. "
His answer has been a devilish smirk adorning Takeomi's lips, then he offered his hand to Kokonoi which he shook.
-" Deal. "
Oh no... You began biting your lower lip when you caught one of them approaching you. They have been standing only few meters away from you and shamelessly undressing you with their eyes, and now, the one who seemed the older was coming toward you with a smile on his face.
-" Isn't it a crime for such a beautiful lady not to enjoy herself at our event ?"
Our ? You wondered as he made a final step toward you, taking your hand in his and directing it toward his mouth in a gracious kiss. You smiled politely and shook his hand, he was not that bad, actually handsome, but a little too old for you.
-" Who told you I was not enjoying myself ? And, I assume you're one of the organizers".
Her voice's as soft as her skin, he mentally noted, reluctantly releasing your hand.
-" sweetheart drinking on your own is sad. " He watched as your smile grew wider, enjoying how your eyes lit up. " Takeomi Akashi, consider me your champagne mate for the night."
His confidence took a small laugh out of you, he was surprised by how warm his chest has felt within seconds because of you.
-" you have me very flattered, but unfortunately I am tak-"
-" Heard her, Omi ? " Another man's voice startled you from behind, within a second the voice's face appeared as a younger man, the second one that has been eye fucking you all along. " She's not interested".
Kokonoi stood between you and Takeomi, leaning over and taking your hand in his, placing a small kiss on your skin. If it wouldn't have looked creepy, he would gladly have left his lips lingering there longer, inhaling your perfume.
-" Kokonoi Hajime, dear. "
-" I am delighted" you flashed another smile toward him, thanks God was he a master in hiding his reactions since his heart missed a beat, couldn't take his eyes off of your face.
Not to sound cliché, but he found you looked different, almost out of place. Your face had that wide smile, those still bright eyes, an innocent expression in a nutshell, still not at all stained by all the dirty blood on that ballroom's walls.
And that,along with your enticing looks, was what had caught all Bonten's men attention. They had that chase arsenal, the need for destruction, and you looked like the perfect prey, untouched, like you would be beautiful even after the damage.
You on the other hand were flattered by their attention, really. Still couldn't help but be outraged by how stupid they thought you were, staring at you, discussing for nearly ten minutes and shaking hands just before they came to talk.
-" And it is my duty to say I really like the way you wear this dress. "
-" I like it too. " You answered Kokonoi in yet another smile. " Unfortunately for you, it's staying on. "
Both men scoffed at your answer, one mocking his friend, the other even more pleased. Kokonoi has never been a man of easy chores, he appreciated a little hard work and that made you even more interesting.
-" What a shame I won't be witnessing that wonderful view... "
-" Keep flirting with what's mine and you'll witness me declaring World War three. "
You three stiffened at the new voice, you were in no need to turn around to understand the hand that pulled you tighter by the waist was Mikey's. He stood there next to you, holding you close and sending daggers at both his men, poor them, you had thought still you couldn't help but smile seeing them with their tails between their legs.
-" Boss... " Kokonoi started, his face turned stern at the same time your eyes slightly widened.
Boss... Your smile was even harder to hold, you were far from being a tease but if was funny seeing them struggling in front of their boss' dark glare.
-" So this is... She is... " Takeomi began connecting the dots, then his eyes had caught the sight of his younger brother from the other side of the room, smirking along with both the Haitani brothers, that was when everything became clearer.
-" Now I understand why you told Mikey to invite her" Rindou contained his smile while talking to the pink haired man. The three of them were mocking Kokonoi and Takeomi's pale faces, Sanzu with a wide smile and Ran with a breathed laugh.
-" The face they're making is priceless. " Sanzu answered, yet his smile faltered since one of their partners cut Mikey off in his threatening glares, approaching him along with Kakucho.
-" duty calls... " Ran deadpanned and started walking toward them first, quickly followed by his brother and a sighing Sanzu.
Your fun was short lived since before anyone could add anything, the man with heterochromatic eyes that came in your house that night brought what looked like a business man with him who wanted to talk to your boyfriend, and soon after the greetings, the unknown one started introducing his project in front of Mikey's unbiased look.
There you were, standing in the middle of eight men discussing business, gazes drifting toward you from time to time as if you were nothing more but a doll on a shelf and that started really playing on your nerves, especially that the man was offering an investment that no one better than you could tell would cause a great loss.
Both the Haitani brothers had their eyes on you, even more obviously than Sanzu who still had too much respect to eye you that way in front of Mikey. Not a single inch of your skin was still unburned by their glances, from your bare shoulders under the shoulder-off dress to your breasts. The one you had stitched had a sly smile on his face that you wanted to wipe away, and the one you remembered as Rindou, the grumpy one just stared with a weary expression. He was too good at hiding that with every breath you were taking his heart was racing faster.
-" I'll study the case, none of us know enough about these to say if the income would be satisfying for us. As you know, we are quite demanding with our partners. " Kokonoi had replied to who you understood now was the president of a new pharmaceutical company.
No one of you can, but me... your mind was screaming for you to talk. Yet you were quite intimidated, honestly who wouldn't be ? Most of the men there were eyeing you as a piece of meat, and all the women were gathered far from any business talk, judging each other dresses and outfits. You secretly bit your tongue.
Shut up, shut up, shut up... Plus, what kind of honest pharmaceutical developer would use a criminal organization to promote their product?
-" I assure you that you will not regret investing in our antibiotics, I am fully confident that within the next twenty years we will dominate the pharmaceutical market." The CEO explained with another pathetic smile, that was the last straw for you, no doubt if you didn't talked at that time, you would have exploded.
-" This doesn't make much sense... "
Now have a room full of wolves, throw a piece of meat in the middle and close the door, that would be your feeling currently. Though you spoke in a low voice, all gazes turned toward you, you refused to meet any of them especially your boyfriend's one which you felt burning through your skin.
-" Aww she talks ! " His sugar coated tone almost made you throw up, which didn't help was how Mikey's hand tightened around your waist. " Why don't you go put on some lipstick, sweetheart? This strong sex's talk gives bad headaches. "
With each word of him, your blood boiled a temperature higher, and with each glance at his contemptuous face your nails dug deeper in your palm. All men stiffened around, hearing how he addressed you. To be fair, partners used to talk to their girls even worse, but what they all wondered was would Mikey consider you as their usual girls ?
Sanzu knew he wouldn't, he knew his king too well to not notice how his eyes darkened even more than usual...
-" Aww he barks ! " You scoffed in the same tone, making the man frown. " Thank you for caring about my lip's color, and since this conversation is for the strong sex, the strong sex's gonna use her pretty lips to tell these men around that investing in your project would be the worst decision they could ever take. "
The conversations around the ballroom seemed to get muffled, everyone could sense the tension climbing across the air. Kokonoi frowned, quite interested by your statement.
-" This is not about a stupid feminist argument sweetheart-"
-" Watch your fucking mouth when you talk to her. "
The man shivered to the spine under Mikey's voice, nodded fervently and cleared his throat. All the executives could not help but follow what was happening mouth agape, since when did Mikey stand up for his bitches ?
-" I apologize, Sir. What I meant is, this conversation's quite complicated for her-"
-" why ?" You cut him off, struggling to free yourself from Mikey's grip to make a step toward him. " Is it because I was born with a pussy between my legs ?"
-" Show us a proof... " Ran whispered under his breath, Sanzu almost laughing out loud because of his lewd statement. At the same time, Ran's face turned pale catching his boss' dark glare on him.
-" Say that again ?"
The silence around was suffocating, you didn't even cared about what Ran might have said since you were too busy throwing death glares at the pharmacist.
-" Um prove ! I said she has nothing to prove. not to him. He should respect her honestly, that is not how you treat a lady-" The elder Haitani made it up, luckily for him Manjiro was way too busy keeping you grounded to care more about him.
-" Within 20 years, antibiotics will be obsolete and completely unnecessary, with bacterial resistance increasing and the anti-antibiotic movement growing. " You managed to free yourself from your boyfriend's grip to stand still, with all your height in front of the taller man. " You just don't like it when pussy comes with a head, that's it. "
-" I wouldn't mind you giving me both-"
-" Repeat that ?" Mikey snapped back after Rindou whispered under his breath. Rindou straightened, cleared his throat and adopted his usual weary face.
-" I said she's a goat, boss. Women are smart, they giv- have wonderful heads. "
At this point, Manjiro was just too busy burning you with his gaze to even care about Sanzu, Ran and Rindou struggling to contain their laughers as dumb schoolgirls. His rage was roaring inside him, not only because of the several eyes stuck on his pretty girl,but also because his pretty girl had to draw everyone attention to her.
In less than a second, your waist was squeezed again, you found yourself face pressed against his strong chest, only able to look at the white fabric of his suit's shirt when you heard him.
-" I gotta talk to my women. Koko ?"
That one's eyes which were stuck on the curve of your hips from behind quickly got back at Mikey's face, straightening his shoulders, he nodded toward his boss.
-" Take care of this f'me, be back in a few. "
With that, he guided you, without a word outside, in a terrace that emptied as soon as you two got inside.
Kokonoi guided the man further from his co-workers, talking about whatever, and they took the opportunity to start spilling whatever they have been thinking.
-" Wow- " Sanzu began, popped a pill and stared at his older brother who was the next to speak.
-" that was... Fuckin' hot. "
Either nodding, or scoffing, none of them could deny that for once, having a woman taking part of the talk, putting a man back in his place and especially such a gorgeous woman had all their pants tightening.
-" She's the pussy that has been taking the Sano-conda for months, no doubt she's strong " Sanzu replied, earning all the glances to himself. Kokonoi who just came back to them rose an eyebrow.
-" Don't tell me you just gave Mikey's dick a name? Don't tell me his name is literally a mix of Sano and Anaconda?"
-" Okay I won't tell you" that one shrugged, still it didn't wiped the disgusted expression on Hajime's face.
-" So, you guys now believe us ?" Rindou inquired, Kokonoi and Takeomi's gaze met for a second, remembering their bet. They were not ashamed, far from it, they were just pissed by the fact that no one would obviously ever win that bet.
-" Someone tells me where I could buy these dark impulses ? 'cause I got the darkest black card out here and never had such a glamour-puss ".
-" That's exactly how I called her !" Both the Haitani brothers exclaimed as twins, then turned to look at each other with a sly smile.
- " how are things going, champagne mate ?" Sanzu took a chance to approach his brother and mock him while that one groaned.
-" She would've accepted if she was not head over heels for Mikey, I'm sure. "
-" Spare us, she's so young you could be her dad. "
-" you're thinking I wouldn't like her callin' me daddy ?" Takeomi snapped right back, making the Haitani's laugh.
-" shit bro, that ass in that dress was screaming for a spank. Bet Mikey's spanking his naughty girl right now " Ran made almost all of the men laugh.
-" What the hell am I hearing ?" Mochi who just came back from where he was smoking in the terrace asked, joining the group.
-" Where were you ?"
-" Smoking. And bro, how the hell did Mikey managed to get himself such a hot stuff ?"
He almost startled when the Haitani's and Sanzu looked at each other and went in for another laugher. What caught him more aback was that both Koko and Takeomi were smirking.
-" What the hell's happening here ?" He turned toward Kakucho, the only serious one there and asked. The latter sighed.
-" Nothing, just them being... Them. And me wondering why the hell my mother didn't swallow instead. "
Mochi only nodded slowly, confused as if to laugh or cry because of his friend's state, before Sanzu cut him off.
-" You can play coy all you want, just don't dare saying you wouldn't want whatever the fuck Mikey's having on the terrace now ".
Throwing a death glare at Sanzu and feeling his cheeks heating because of all his co-workers laughers and glances at him, he put his hands in his pockets and looked away, ignoring the statement.
He would not deny that. He could not anyway. His boss got himself the prettiest and cleanest girl they had ever seen since they started their careers, sweet, smart, and fierce, him just like any other executive could not say they were not even the slightest bit envious.
-" Yeah that's what I thought" the latter scoffed. " What are they doing anyway ? It's cold outside. "
-" Yeah... " Kokonoi started, and even himself wasn't believing what he was about to say, yet the influence of staying so long around these men have had the best of him. " It's cold outside, she's gonna tell him to cum inside. "
Nearly everyone's attention was on their group at that point, the laugher most of them had let out echoing through the room until even both you and Manjiro heard it from the terrace. Kakucho and Takeomi were the only ones who didn't laughed, still a smile was there curling both their lips, reluctantly.
-" That was the lamest joke I've heard in my life. " Takeomi told Kokonoi, who only rolled his eyes.
-" This is a nightmare... " Kakucho stated, before Ran answered.
-" No, this is Bonten ".
-" Every Saturday night on your TV. Stay tuned. "
If only the laughers echoing from inside have been useful, yet even those were not enough to cool off the atmosphere between the two of you.
Mikey had his back facing you, both his hands on the railing. His knuckles were turning white from how strong he was gripping that one, keeping himself grounded.
His demons started roaring again, screaming for destruction and burning with wrath. And deep inside, he was terrified.
Scared that he might just let go of the wheel, scared they might hurt you, the ones inside his head, and that was the last thing he wanted.
He has been so hell bent on keeping you away from his gang life at first, he really should have kept that mindset, let Ran die in his backseat that night because now, he knew there wouldn't be any back off possible. You were just too... Eye catching, your honesty, your innocence, everything about you was a forbidden fruit for all the devils inside that ballroom, not a wonder you got all their eyes stuck on you the entire night.
And that was one of the things upsetting him so much, how even his presence didn't scared them off of your face, of your body and your fire. That feeling of jealousy was a whole new cloud in his already dark sky, he had never felt such a thing before, never actually cared about anyone to even feel it. And now, he was finding himself wanting to kill people just because their eyes landed on you.
-" It's getting late-"
Enough, in a split second you found yourself pinned against the wall, with Mikey's hand around your throat and his knee pressed between your legs.
You gulped down, dived deep in those dark eyes you loved so much. Never have you ever seen his face in such a state, it was emptier than usual, darker, even. You could not help but feel scared, feeling your hands trembling on each side of your body yet you maintained his eye contact.
-" Find it fucking funny to have all those eyes on you ? Running this mouth 'f yours around my men ?"
His voice was lower than usual, more dangerous, his lips inches away from yours gave you the impression of eating you alive, but nothing could have been compared to the way his eyes were burning each inch of your skin, from your face to your chest.
-" You should be the one asking yourself questions. " You replied with all the courage left in your body. " Like : Do I actually own a gang or a kindergarten ? "
He would not hurt you, right ? You wondered right after the words left your mouth. Your Manjiro, the man that turned into a boy in your arms, he would never get mad at you until hurting you, right ?
You heavily doubted it as you watched his hand tightening around your throat, still his knee between your legs, the friction he was giving you had something comforting, as if he wanted you to understand you were not in danger of death.
-" You really want me to force you to watch as I kill them all, hm ?"
Closing your eyes briefly for a second, you repeated a mantra inside your head.
He would not, he would never... he just was feeling insecure, you knew him better than anyone. Being between a bunch of men which everyone wanted you in a different way had all his insecurities and demons screaming, be smarter.
-" When I fuckin' ask, you answer. "
His hand squeezed a little more on your throat, making you gasp louder. At the same time, Manjiro thrusted his knee against your crotch, making your clit throb from pleasure, a smirk adorned his merciless face while you squeezed your thighs against each other.
-" No. But I won't stay there and shut up when someone disrespects me. " In a bold, or maybe suicidal move, your hands flew to his collar and brought him closer to you. Lucky you, your gesture was rather soft, otherwise he would never have took it that lightly.
And to be honest, whenever you would flash that fierce part of yourself, he would already be thinking about thousand and one ways of having you, taking you, keeping you next to him forever.
-" You brought me here tonight. You wanted me to be your girl in front of anyone. You don't disrespect the boss' girl. "
His girl, could the world stop for a minute and just let him feel the hurricane moving his chest at that meer word?
Mikey stared blankly at your eye color, sinking deep in your ocean. There were so much things he could read there that he couldn't quite say anything, couldn't comprehend anything except his heart beating louder, his lips screaming to take your pretty ones. Each of your words was his daily reminder to why he has chosen to keep you longer in the first place, each more second that you sustained his glare was a slap in the face, telling him if whatever soulmates existed, you would be his.
-" if you waited long enough, you would've known I was only waiting for him to make one more mistake to gift you his head on a platter. "
Dead serious, the look in his eyes dared you to even think he wouldn't be able to do it. That night you knew, he knew, and all of them inside knew he would kill for you.
Your hands left his shirt to cup his cheeks, even though his dark desires were still yearning for destruction and pain, your gentleness soothed his worries and thoughts, he leaned in your touch the slightest bit.
-" I know that, but I don't want this. And deep inside, you don't want this either. "
Frowning, his hand around your throat loosened and his knee left your thighs, Mikey straightened, sensing where you were going and stared at you.
-" What do you mean ?"
-" I mean that you need someone who can stand for herself, even when you're not here. When you're by my side, I'm the strongest. But when you're not here, I take your sword and carry your crown gladly. "
Has his heart ever beaten that fast in years ? Through fights or workouts ? Through experiencing death ? Never, he promised. And nothing has never been that right, he had lost too many people to think he could protect you forever, what he needed was to rest, to feel like whenever he would not be able to stand for you, you would be able to do it yourself.
-" you don't need someone you can protect, Manjiro. You need someone who'll make you drop the sword for a while and rest, I can be that someone. I can be your someone. "
Think of it as if his whole life suddenly made more sense, as if hearing his needs out loud was the thing that made them relevant,accurate.
He felt exposed, naked, but not only. He felt as if you broke his walls, looked passed his insecurities that were hiding inside and built brand new walls around his heart. With windows, this time, to let the light seep in. He was at a loss of words and couldn't even face you, look you in the eyes.
Just what did he do to deserve such a blessing ? You were so perfect that it started to hurt, that it became torture to keep wondering when you would finally understand he was not worth it, you...
Your heart missed several beats when he turned his back to you, began making few steps toward the door that led inside the ballroom.
Was it the end ? Have you gone too far ? Months of trying to make his guards fall down have them ended up themselves falling, failing ?
Anxiety had you digging your nails in your palms, heart racing rapidly especially when he stopped few steps away from the door and turned to look at you from the corner of his eyes.
And God was he pretty, with his empty dark eye devouring you that way, wind slightly blowing his hair.
-" What you waiting for ?"
His stern voice snapped you out of your thoughts, you tilted your head to the side questioningly, eyeing the hand he reached toward you to take.
-" better hurry up and come with me, before I make them all hear how dumb I fuck my queen. "
Tag-list : @dreamingofyourmoons @fl4mepillar @thisbicc @isacreellover @Inupiko @akanemayumi @simpingforwakasa04 @luno614 @gukiemochi @shuujin
Wow, I bet you all know the kind of unfunny and lame jokes I make everyday, poor my friends...
I stressed posting this honestly cause you all liked the first part so much and I didn't wanted to ruined it, I was kinda pressured, hope you like it though !
About Sanzu's girl, it's soon to come ! And soon I'll be back to your requests, have a good night 🖤
Reblogs and comments are appreciated 🖤
Network : @downtown-roponggi @tokyo-ballroom
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michelle-anadytop · 2 years
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Cotton Soft Blue Curtain Grommet Top Bedroom Small Texture Block Pattern Drapes
The soothing and relaxing soft blue curtain are made of thick quality fabric, classy & stylish, promotes lower stress level and comfort to ensure for a sound sleep, which is suitable for your bedroom/living room.
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cameronspecial · 3 months
rafe x ocd reader. Maybe there at the mall and something’s happens inside of one of the stores, rafe brings her to the fitting rooms to calm her down .
Death By Clothes Rack
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x OCD!Reader
Warnings: OCD Compulsion and Obsessions
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.0K
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Rafe didn’t truly understand what OCD was until he met her, like most of society, he thought it was just something that made people annoyingly tidy. Meeting Y/N gave him a better comprehension of what anxiety disorder is. It is much more than what the media portrays and Rafe knows this because of his first-hand experience of seeing how distressing the obsessions and compulsion can be for his girlfriend. His fingers are laced with hers as they walk through the boutique. Y/N is looking for a dress for one of Rafe’s work events. She finds a classy black dress and goes to try it on in the changing room.  Upon seeing it doesn’t compliment her in the manner she wants, she returns it to the wooden hanger and walks back to the rack with Rafe in tow. She mindlessly places it onto the bar and begins to walk away, but stops when she spots something that gets her obsessive thought train going. The dress she just returned to the wrack is facing the wrong direction and not in the right spot size-wise. 
What if someone’s feelings are hurt because they thought they were trying on one size, but it is another so it doesn’t fit them? What if someone cuts their hand on the paper tag sticking out of the dress? Another error the girl has made. What if someone accidentally pulls too hard to fix her mistake and the whole rack comes down on them? These things could happen and it would be all her fault if they do. She has to make sure it doesn’t happen. Her first order of business is to remove the dress she put back and fix the direction it hangs, then she finds the section for its size and places it between two of its brethren. She notices the unequal distance between the hangers, which begins the urge to rectify the problem. Metal grinds against metal as she moves the hangers half an inch apart from each other. Her breathing quickens once she realizes there isn’t enough space for all the clothes to be spaced evenly. Rafe notices the internal struggle in her mind, knowing she is debating how to get everything the perfect way she wants it. To get it in a way that no one would get hurt. He hovers his hand over her right shoulder because he knows when she goes through her compulsive cycle that she doesn’t like to be touched, yet he still wants her to feel comfort from its presence. 
“Darling, can you come with me please?” he begs, holding his hand out to her. Her hand freezes on top of the next hanger, “I- I- I can’t. I need to fix it. It needs to be fixed. Someone can get hurt.” Rafe nods in understanding. He lifts a finger to beckon over a sales associate. “What can I help you with, Sir?” He gives her a tight-lipped smile, “I was wondering if you can look over this rack and make sure no one touches it until we get back. My girlfriend is worried that something will happen if they touch it.” The associate tilts her head at the strange request but immediately agrees to do as asked when Rafe flashes her his black Amex card. He turns toward Y/N, “Darling, this nice lady is going to watch over the rack for us. Now, will you come with me?” Even with her back facing him, he can tell the gears are turning in her head before spinning around to look at her boyfriend. “Okay.” Her hand laces with his and he leads her to one of the changing rooms. He pulls the curtain across the bar to give them privacy. He hesitates to place his hands on both of her shoulders, silently asking for permission to touch her. She bobs her head. He can feel her shoulders relax at the contact. 
Her feet bring her closer to him and she rests her face against his chest. His mouth dips to her ear, “Tell me what’s going on through your head.” “I’m so so scared someone is going to get hurt because of something that I did,” she cries, tears beginning to pool in the corner of her eye. “I don’t want to be the cause of anyone's suffering.” Rafe’s hold tightens around her, “I know you don’t, I know. I promise you, Darling, that it is unlikely for someone to get hurt because the hangers are wrong.” 
“But it’s not impossible though. What if something does happen?” 
"I’ll be honest. I don’t know what would happen if it did. I do know though that if it did that you didn’t mean to and that’s okay because accidents happen sometimes.” 
“They do.”
“How about this? You trust that the sales associates know how to properly hang the items in their stores, right?”
“So how about we ask one to fix it for us and we can know that it was done properly. Would that help?” 
He feels her breathing start to even out and this reassures him that he is helping. “Can we please do that?” she whispers. He runs his fingers through her hair, “Of course, Darling. Let’s go.” So the couple goes back out to the floor and gives their request to the sales associate. They watch as she removes each hanger, handing it over to Rafe to hold while she arranges everything. Once she is finished, Rafe asks Y/N to wait for him in the car. Y/N complies with his invitation, needing a break from being out in public. He turns to the associate he learns is named Kira. “Thank you so much for the help, Kira. My girlfriend has OCD, so sometimes she gets stuck in a compulsive cycle that can just get worse. I really appreciate you being so understanding and helping us. You get a commission, correct?” he verifies. Kira nods, “It was really no trouble going through all that. I could tell something was wrong and I’m glad I could help. To answer your question, I do work on commission.” “Perfect. I’m going to make some calls to a women’s shelter and ask them to send over the size clothes they need. Would you be able to pick stuff out for them? You can get them as much as they need,” he offers. Kira grins, “I would love to help you do that.” “Great, I’ll be in contact then,” he confirms before leaving the store.
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming
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The Atlantis is the fanciest Earth Ship I've ever seen. For one, it's turquoise. Wow, it looks like there's nothing around it for miles, but supposedly it's in an Earthship Community in Tres Piedras, New Mexico. 2bds, 2ba, $900K.
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Interesting that the walls are painted, usually they're natural adobe and earthy tones. It has the typical long "hall" of plants in the entrance and along the side.
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There's always a garden along the outer wall of the home.
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This one has a stone and tile fireplace. Look at the hole in the wall. I wonder why it has shutters.
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This is a relatively small earth ship. The cans, bottles, or whatever they used in the walls look jewel-like. For an earth ship, this is kind of a classy dining area.
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The kitchen is small and looks sort of standard, except for the architectural salvage upper cabinets.
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The primary bedroom is more of a sleeping nook and is separated by curtains.
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The covered patio has a swing.
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Must be very dark here at night.
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They have a seating area in the corner, but I wouldn't call this a beautiful view. Almost $1M. I don't know if it's worth it.
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chaseadrian · 1 year
fragile concessions
you don't mind leaving Eddie to his devices in your bedroom as you shower, you don't mind even more when you catch him taking advantage of the opportunity. [masterlist]
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pairing: eddie munson x f!reader tags: 18+ ONLY, explicit, voyeurism, pillow humping, invasion of privacy, friends to lovers, handjobs, blowjobs, facesitting, mutual masturbation, light backstory aka porn w some plot, fluffy ending word count: 4.2k+ a/n: yeah yeah i know i've been gone a long time. hope y'all like this <3
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Rifling through your dresser, you’re startled by a knock at the window. You bring the sweater in your hands to your chest instinctively, and step backward as you look through the glass. 
Black leather and ring clad hands wiggling a ‘hello’ from outside are more than enough to calm your nerves. 
“Morning, Eddie. You’re way early.” You push the curtain out of the way, muscling the old pane open, “Why didn’t you use the front door?” 
“I knocked!” He grunts as he climbs over the ledge, clamoring for your forearm when he loses balance. 
Your nails sink into the leather sleeve of his jacket, and you cock your head, “You did?” 
He looks up at you with a smile, brushing his wrinkled shirt, “No. Just wanted to see your bedroom. You never let me in here I—wow.” He reaches out for the chiffon fabric of your canopy bed, pointing at the cushion of pillows at the head, “Feel like I’m in a palace. Silk pillowcases? Classy.” 
The sweater knots into your arms as you cross them, “Weirdo.” 
Leaving him to wander, you pull a fresh towel from the hall closet, yelling back, “Well, get comfortable. I still have to shower.”  
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t worry about me.” 
You linger by the adjacent bathroom door, looking halfway over your shoulder to watch him explore. 
Eddie runs his knuckles over your belongings like they’re the most delicate objects in the world. Grazing over the rim of dust on your dresser’s edge, he scrapes it off on his jacket with a touch closer to his typical gentility. 
He threads the loose corner of your pillow through his fingers, and hops backward onto the comforter, settling into the mattress with a familiarity you aren’t sure he’d earned. 
You yell again from the bathroom, door half cracked, “I just washed those.” 
He adjusts his legs to hang off the bed, kicking his old sneakers onto the shag rug, “My apologies.” Grabbing a spare pillow to hold over his stomach, he’s half sat up against your headboard, tapping his fingers on the silk. 
You can hear him humming from your room as you shower. The softness in his voice when he thinks you can’t hear him always makes you smile. His kindness had a bite to it; if you asked for the shirt off his back, he’d throw it at you. 
Sometimes you like to watch him when he thinks he’s safe to shuck off his harsh, protective cloak and just be Eddie. The Eddie that leaves out a can of tuna by the trash for the trailer park cats, or carries the neighbor’s wandering toddler home on his shoulders. These little concessions towards fragility—like the soft hums with your silk pillow in his lap—remind you why he’s in your life. 
The bathroom clouds with steam while you settle into the hot water, humming along to his voice, reaching blindly for the shampoo. You shake the bottle over your head and squeeze, only to be hit with a puff of air and a few pathetic pearls of lather. It isn’t even worth it to scrub the remnants in, and you pop out of the shower with a groan, tossing the empty bottle into the sink.
If Eddie were to try and sneak a peek right now, the thick, fluorescent steam would ruin his show. Still, you pull on the robe hanging behind the door. You’re sure you bought new shampoo, sure it must be under the sink, but you freeze before you can even take a look in the cabinet, half kneeling with your fingertips wedged against the wood.
It’s silent in your bedroom. 
Eddie’s no longer humming, and when you turn on your toes to peek beyond the door you can just see his silhouette behind the thin canopy.
He’s on your bed as before, pillow over his lap, but now his hips rock up, knuckles white in the silk case. 
The cabinet door slips from your fingers, clapping shut, stopping Eddie in his tracks. 
He looks to the bathroom, and you dart behind the door.
“You okay?” He yells, obvious strain cut with even more obvious panic. 
“Fine! Almost dropped the shampoo!” You shout back, sitting down on the edge of the tub, wringing the string of your robe between your fingers. 
You don’t know if you want to look again. 
Eddie was always over familiar. Always controlling the situation, the ringleader who branded his group with every rough touch. Fingers hard on your neck, a peanut flicked your way at the bar, judgment in his smile.
All this to keep you—and everyone else—at arm’s length. The clothes, the hair, the rings, they did enough to keep most people away. But the ones who looked past that, they got the neurosis and informality. You know him more than he thinks, more than he allows, and you aren’t against taking that initiative.   
Of course you want to look. 
This is far deeper than you ever thought you’d get. 
Slipping off the edge of the tub, you crawl over to the door, inhaling a big breath of steam, robe damp and sticking to your body. 
You feel safe enough sitting on your knees to watch him, enough layers of steam and fabric and poor vision between you and him to keep this mutual intrusion a secret. If you were to argue it, Eddie using your pillow to get off is probably a bigger invasion than you watching him do it, but the shame was the same. 
One hand presses the pillow into his pelvis, the other pets along the grain of the smooth fabric, fingers touching down one after the other.
Sometimes Eddie taps you on the head with a ringed knuckle when you’re being smart. This feels like the gentle variant of that. 
Though his lips are parted, you can’t hear anything outside the hammer of the shower. A playback of all his dramatic grunts and scoffs loops in your head instead, and you see the way his Adam's apple thrums in his throat with every note of pleasure. 
It’s easy to piece together the way he could look behind that hazy chiffon, his chest rising and falling, slow to combat the noise he wants to make. The knee hanging off the bed just peeks out of the canopy, and he pushes up against your pillow using a firmly planted foot. You know the way his tendons move in his hand as he grabs tighter, presses harder. 
You make up the sound of his zipper sleeves against the pillow, a soft kind of scratching that could catch at any moment. If you hadn’t seen him now, you would’ve blamed him for being so careless with your stuff later. His name would’ve been the first in your head when you noticed the imperfection. 
But everything about right now is perfect. 
You can’t say there’s an established attraction, exactly. A curiosity, sure, little question marks in your head every time he calls you pretty with that surface grin. Maybe a dream or two in the years you’ve known him, dreams where he pulled you in from arm’s length. Not romantic, never that, but close and real and earnest.
If this is the closest you get—a voyeur to your own invasion—then you’ll take it for all it’s worth. At least you know he really thinks you’re pretty. 
You sit in stunned silence for a minute more before new movement startles you back behind the door, and when you peek again, Eddie has both feet on the bed, his knees pulled toward him, thrusting up harder against the pillow. It’s still slow, but he’s sunken into the deep plush of your comforter, hair blanketing his head. His features are distinct enough, the curve of his open mouth, the valley of his throat, you can carve expressions from familiar topography. 
It’s from this position that a weak moan cuts through the pattering water, and—for what you think is the first time—you feel something more than curiosity. 
Eddie pulls his bottom lip between his teeth, and he presses two harsh fingers between his eyebrows, smudging his fingertips across his forehead in what you’re sure is frustration. 
You’ve gone past filling the gaps of what you know, the pulpit of your stomach swirling with thoughts of more moans, how it must feel under the rough hew of his jeans, what he’d do if it were you on his lap, and whether he’d accept you there at all. 
For all his drama and fire, Eddie couldn’t sit in discomfort. He loved being the discomfort, but if it turned on him he was like a cornered dog. 
As you continue to watch him, the swirling in your stomach slips down, and for now a hand between your legs is enough to calm this bud of interest. 
The floor is slick under you, steam quick to fill the space of your parted thighs, heat on heat crushed under the just pruning skin of your fingerprint. You sigh, chest stuttering against relief. Slow, concentrated breaths quell any noise you’d want to make as you swirl your middle finger over your clit, Eddie’s moan looping in your brain. 
You focus on the line of his figure, the indent he’ll leave in your bed when he gets up and tries to pretend he’d been peacefully laying there the whole time. 
Without trying, your brain fills in gaps of space in your time with Eddie. Every time he left a party before you, a quick ‘I’ll wait for you in the van. No rush.’ and a tap on the shoulder. Trips to the 7/11, insistent that he must surprise you with snacks for the session, or each time you lost him in the bar, distracted by drifters who thought a beer or two would get you back home with them. 
The memories are tinged now with the sight of his arching back, his parted lips, and that singular moan. 
The thoughts carry you as far as they can, and the sight of him behind the curtain even more, but the rhythm of your fingers isn't what you want. It grows as stale as you hope that pillow must be for him, and with a sharp swallow you stand up to turn the shower off. 
It takes a minute to gather yourself, roughing your hair with the towel to shake off what nerves you can. You face yourself in the mirror, dewy glass blurring your body into something amorphous. You can contend with this fuzzy figure, gazing over your shoulder to watch it slip past the bathroom door. In your mind’s eye, it’s not you taking this risk, but the reflection. It’s enough to get you into the bedroom. 
Eddie has his ankles crossed and an arm behind his head, and he taps his fingers over his stomach as you approach, still roughing your hair as you enter. 
“All cleaned up?” He asks, his eyes following you until he’s looking up through his lashes, a quick flick to the space next to him before he meets your eyes again. 
You sit where he’d looked, tossing the towel into a laundry basket opposite the bed, “Mhm.” 
There’s a long moment of your eyes on his, and he snaps out with a shake of his head, and that stupid grin, “Shit, sorry, you probably want to get dressed, huh?” 
As he pushes to sit up, you close the space between you, your mouth just pressing against his. He pulls back with wide eyes that dart around your face, and he keeps a hand on your shoulder to hold you away. 
His lips form and abandon several words, but before he can get a noise out, you cut the space, “I saw you.” 
He jerks his head back, swallowing hard and looking past you now. More sentences starting and stopping without a thought fully formed. 
You feel the hand on you loosen, see him shift in front of you, but there’s no easy way for Eddie to escape the situation. 
“It’s okay.” You start reaching over for the hand on your shoulder, and he flinches. 
“It’s okay.” You repeat, voice quieter and firmer, and he lets you take his hand, lets you guide it from your shoulder to the pit of your throat, over the drying beads of water between your breasts, and under the plush cotton collar of your robe. 
His hand cups around you, rings warm and sticking to your skin, your fingers loosely wrap around his wrist for a moment before he accepts where you’ve left him. 
You both let out a slow breath. Eddie’s starts with a hitch, but settles into something calm and certain. He doesn’t meet your eyes yet, they’re trained on the concealed hand, resting dead over your breast. 
Placing two fingers under his chin, you coax him to look at you, your thumb brushing under his bottom lip, a few out of place dots of stubble pricking at your skin. You don’t think he could grow a beard if he tried, but random hair sprouts around his jaw from week to week, pimples following if he plucks them too late. 
You bring your nose close to his, and he tilts up almost imperceptibly, tongue darting between his lips. 
That first kiss was so brief you already can’t remember what he felt like, but the calm heat of his breath on you is steady, warm and inviting, and his eyes glisten as he looks at you. 
His palm is heavy under your robe, thumb running back and forth ever so slightly, catching on the natural pull of your skin. 
You let your eyelids slip closed, and finally he kisses you. 
It isn’t harsh or fast and it doesn’t light your insides up the way your imagination did, but you’re sure you’ll remember it for the rest of your life. His bottom lip trembles for the first second, slick and soft, and you feel the scratch of those loose facial hairs against your chin. The hand beneath your robe squeezes shut, the warm metal of his rings sticking and unsticking with a little sting as he builds confidence in the moment. 
The hand he’d kept on the bed comes up to curl over the slope of your neck, and as you lean into him he slides the collar of the robe down past your shoulder. It sits against your bicep, not revealing anything he’s not sure you’d want, but enough to let him kiss down your jaw, spattering over the bare landscape you’ve allowed him. 
You slip a hand under the hem of his old t-shirt, pinching at the rolled skin of his abdomen, body curved uncomfortably as he’s half sat up on the bed. 
He backs away from kissing when you push him down onto the comforter, both hands grabbing your arms to bring you with. You stay sat on the edge of the bed, torso twisted to follow him as he wants. 
“Take off the jacket.” You whisper against his mouth, dragging your lips under his jaw and down his throat. You pull his shirt up and fix your hands on his hips, marking the skin down his chest with nips and long kisses. He struggles to tug the jacket off and can only manage the sleeves, leather crinkling under him as he wriggles under you. 
You drag the tip of your tongue over his happy trail, and he watches with quiet interest, fingers gliding over your bare shoulder. 
Eddie isn’t wearing anything under his jeans, you can feel the length of his erection stuffed uncomfortably beneath the denim. 
“Ohh, please.” He whispers, more breath than anything else. 
You hum with a smile, watching him as you unbutton and unzip and tug the bottoms down his thighs. 
His hand hovers over the back of your head, nails just touching down along your hair, and he settles for resting it on your back. 
He isn’t over or under-endowed, you can comfortably wrap a hand around his base and hold the rest of him in your mouth without strain, but you start with the hand. Dribbling a mouthful of spit over his tip, you slip your fisted hand down the shaft, thumb pressing into the rim of his head. He holds back expletives, syllables drawn out and dying behind his teeth. You’re slow, gliding your hand over his length and watching the wrinkles as he screws his eyes shut and pushes his hand over his forehead, bangs fraying out of place. 
His cock thrums under your hand, and you squeeze his thigh as it jerks, quick spasms of enjoyment relieving tension. 
You wait until there’s obvious pressure in his chest, until his Adam’s apple is taut against his throat, and he can barely eke out breaths. 
Without knowing, he gives you what you want as you swirl your tongue around his tip for the first time. He can’t hold back the languid, whimpering moan that escapes his open mouth, all the air in his lungs expelled with it. 
Watery, salty precum slides over your tongue, and you close your lips around him, hollowing your cheeks as you work down his shaft. Spit pools into your mouth and over your bottom lip, and as your chin brushes the hair at Eddie’s base, you feel sweat and spit drying on the skin. 
Eddie’s hesitance falls away as he starts to lose himself, the hand on your back coming up to gently push down your head, not forceful, exactly, but wanting. He whimpers with increased impatience the harder you work him, the hum of your mouth around him an added jolt of pleasure. 
You break for a moment to suck marks into the sharp angle of his hip bone, your hand a warm substitute that still pulls beautiful noises from him. He hisses against the kiss, the curve of his belly heaving with full breaths. He has faint marks of muscle definition when he flexes against your touch, but his abdomen rounds with every intake of air, and you press your lips along his pelvic line to feel the way he’s working through your touch. 
Kissing the bush of hair around his shaft, you run your thumb over his head, your tongue flat against his base, dragging up to lick away the new dribbles of precum. 
He lets your name fall from his lips, and a mewling, strained, “Please…keep going…” with his nails combing over the back of your head. 
You take him entirely in your mouth once again, and he ruts up, hitting the back of your throat. You swallow the near-gag, and Eddie’s laughter—tied into an apology— hits your ear, the first instance of that rough-hewn boy you’re used to. 
In response you curl your free hand around his balls and give them a light squeeze, clutching them against the base of his shaft to compress the tension he must be feeling. You imagine it’s a tight, coiled pain in his stomach, and it’s your greed more than anything that keeps him from relief. 
Eddie wriggles underneath you, his body twitching outside his control, incomplete requests for release dying on his tongue. 
What he finally chokes out is an ill timed warning, his orgasm already spilling into your mouth by the time he tells you he’s going to come. It’s warm and salty down your throat, and if it came from anyone else it would be an off-putting sensation that you’d be quick to spit out, but with Eddie paralyzed under you as he finishes, no taste could be sweeter or more satisfying. 
You don’t even have time to swipe the sleeve of your robe over your lips before he’s tugging you up to his mouth. 
This kiss is harsh and deep and the hand on your head presses you hard into him. His tongue twists over yours, warm and slimy, loud smacks between you with every kiss. 
You’ve no choice now but to climb on him, straddling his stomach, his hand coming down to slide the robe entirely off. Your knees nick on the sharp parts of his jacket, but it’s a pale feeling compared to the heat of your bodies and his hands burning into your skin, branding your hip as you grind on him. 
“Hey, hey.” He pulls you back with a hand on your cheek, thumb tugging at the bulb of your cheekbone. You’re both flustered and disheveled when your eyes meet, and you feel you could fall forever into the pit of that dark brown. “Sit on my face.” He breathes, kneading at the skin of your ass, gaze trained on your reaction. 
“Yeah?” You ask, the throbbing between your thighs ever present as you’ve stilled on him. 
He nods, his hand slipping from your cheek to coast down your body and rest on your other hip. They coil underneath your thighs to hold you as you re-situate yourself over him, hovering just above his mouth, a little hesitant to drop your weight on him. This felt somehow more intimate than a blowjob, smothering him with your body, the full potential of your spasms direct and right there on his tongue. 
Eddie didn’t care, he forced you down with his arms, and you lurched forward against the headboard, one hand wrapping over the edge, the other a buffer between your forehead and the hardwood. 
The pleasure was instant and overwhelming, Eddie’s tongue indistinct in its movement, lips and spit and the tickle of his nose worming their way through your body. 
His grip was tight on you, arms wrapped around your thighs, and the soft curl of his hair rustled under your skin. He doesn’t move you over his tongue, but rather keeps you still, tries to stop you wriggling and doing the work yourself. You oblige best you can, holding the headboard tighter, biting down into the skin of your forearm, wanting even now to give him what he wants, to let him help you in whatever way he sees fit. He’s giving you more of himself than you ever imagined he could, and more than anything you just want to languish in this moment for as long as you can. 
He hums underneath you, satisfied little hums that rise and fall with his focus. 
It’s when you go silent—your breath caught in your chest, moans stuck in your throat—that Eddie starts rocking you over his mouth. The heat in your stomach is unbearable, and you gasp as he guides you back and forth over his tongue, everything below his nose a wet, slobbering mess, just as much from you as it is him. You slip against him with ease, grinding harder and faster, any worry you had about smothering him long gone with the ever-winding spiral of ecstasy that sits in your belly. 
Tighter and tighter it curls, the rocking of your hips uneven and desperate now. 
Eddie slides his hands as far as he can up your back, combing lines down your skin with his nails, and you wriggle closer to the headboard, so close to the end that every touch is torturous. 
You haven’t spent half as long with his head between your thighs as he did with your lips around his cock, but any shame you could possibly feel will come later. You just want the relief, to unfurl and collapse and let him feel you shaking over the knack of his tongue. 
You drop entirely onto him, his tongue swirling over the pulsing nub of your clit, and he grabs you as hard as he can, just as needy and wanting. 
He groans underneath you, and your vision explodes behind your eyes. 
Spasming and shaking, he holds you as you come undone, tilting his head up as the orgasm sends you backward to lay on his chest. He doesn’t stop running his tongue over your clit even as it becomes overwhelming, wanting to capture every last dredge of your climax. He laps up the arousal that wells from you, sucking kisses between your lips. 
The euphoria layers in your body like waves of radar, one after the other until you’re begging him to let you go. You can’t quite catch your breath, wheezing as you try to pull air into your lungs, evening out as the radiation of pleasure cools to satisfaction. 
You roll off him onto your stomach, resting your head in your arms to look back at with a smile. 
He pushes his bangs up and shakes his head with a laugh, “Nuts.” He squeezes your calf. 
You both sit in the moment, a comfortable silence between you with his hand resting on your leg.
Silence wasn’t golden in your experience with Eddie thus far. If there wasn’t conversation, there was music; if there wasn’t music, there was his humming. Any quiet with Eddie around was borne out of tension, but now you feel a deep tranquility even as the cool air of the still-open window hits your bare skin.
He runs his fingers gently back and forth, and the both of you let out a content sigh at the same time. 
“—inx! Ha!” Eddie is a hair faster, and he jiggles your calf in accomplishment before shifting to mirror you on your stomach. He hovers in front of your lips, muscling you over a bit with his shoulder, “Owe me a…kiss?” 
You let your head fall into your arms, a kick of giddiness in your stomach, but you come back to meet his lips. 
There’s a smile in this kiss, you think maybe there could be more. Kisses, smiles, whatever you can get. 
Whatever Eddie can give. 
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sacredjake · 1 year
After Dark
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pairing: Danny Wagner x Reader
word count: 11.5k
warnings: 18+ MDNI! alcohol, cussing, teensy bit of blood, violence, a guy being a creep, smut, oral (m. & f. receiving), slight face fucking, fingering, thigh riding, daddy kink, spit play, squirting, unprotected sex (wrap your willy before you get silly). let me know if i missed anything!!!
a/n: first danny fic, yay!!! this was inspired by Something In Your Mouth by Nickleback (of course) and snowballed into this after i watched Burlesque a few weeks ago. almost 12k later, here we are. i hope y’all like it, i’m pretty proud with it being my second smut. enjoy <3
“C’mon, Sam, can we please just go home? I really do not want to go in there.” Danny groaned from the passenger seat of Sam’s car as they pulled up to the club.
“Oh relax, Daniel. You’re gonna have a good time. Don’t be such a prude.” Sam threw the car in park, the giant neon sign illuminating the inside of the vehicle. He unbuckled his seatbelt and opened up the driver door, stepping out into the chilly night.
With another groan Danny followed Sam’s movement and stepped out of the car. He wasn’t necessarily opposed to going into a burlesque club, but he just wasn’t in the mood tonight.
All he wanted to do was go home and put on his favorite show before calling it an early night and going to bed. Clearly Sam had other ideas that did not involve getting home before midnight. Sam had been begging Danny to go to this club with him for a while now, claiming that he had heard really good things about it from one of the roadies.
“It’s a classy place man, this is right up our alley.” They walked into the dimly lit building and were met with a small ticket stand with an employee who eagerly welcomed them inside. They purchased their tickets and continued further into the venue to find a low key place to sit. The inside was nice, burgundy curtains adorned the walls, small, black circular tables and mixed-matched chairs filled the open floor. Matching booths were nestled in the back corners of either side of the room with a black top bar in center also at the back.
Sam chose a booth in the back near the bar in case a fan happened to be in attendance, and slid in as Danny stopped at the end of the table.
“I’m gonna go grab a drink from the bar. Do you want anything?” He jabbed his thumb in the direction of the bar behind him as he spoke. If Sam was gonna drag him here, he at least wanted to have a drink.
“Uh, yeah, can you grab me a tequila sour?” Danny nodded his head yes in response and made his way to the bar top. He leaned on the counter, elbows just resting against the cool top waiting for the bartender to come up.
“Ugh, Andi, I don’t care if he has a lot of money! I’m a performer, not a sugar baby, I don’t want his gifts!” Danny shifted his head towards you, curious of the situation that was going on just at the end of the bar.
You had an elegant black gift box in front of you on the bar with white tissue paper spilling over the sides. He couldn’t see the contents, but could tell whatever was inside must’ve been an expensive gift.
You shoved the tissue paper back inside the box and firmly placed the lid back on before sliding it towards Andi. “Tell him I don’t want his gifts, and that I can’t be bought.” Andi shook her head, taking the box off the counter, and placing it out of sight to be returned to the mystery pursuer.
“And can I please get a green tea shot? I need it after dealing with all this bullshit.” You pleaded with Andi, pinching the bridge of your nose and giving her puppy dog eyes. Performers weren’t supposed to drink before they went on, which you were very much aware of, but like you said, you needed it.
“If I get fired for serving you right before you hit the stage, I’m selling you out to Monica.” Andi rolled her eyes at you and you offered her a grateful smile.
“Thank you!”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re just gonna have to wait a bit, cause I have a real customer who’s been patient with us.” Andi nodded her head in the direction of a man who was standing towards the middle of the bar. His body was leaned slightly over the counter facing the back of the bar, but his eyes were trained on you, his mouth pulled into a side smile. He gave you a curt wave when your eyes caught his and you couldn’t help but notice how attractive he was.
His dark brown hair rested at his collarbones in gorgeous curls, and because of the way he was standing, his biceps were flexed, showing off his muscles. You felt your cheeks heat under his gaze and returned the smile and wave. As Andi walked over to him, he stood straighter showing off his true height and stature. He was tall, and broad, and had some of the largest hands you had seen as they shifted to grip the edge of the bar, leaning his weight into them.
“What can I do for you, sugar?” His attention turned to Andi as she made her way over.
“Can I get a tequila sour, an old fashioned, and two green tea shots?” He gestured his head towards you at the mention of the shots, “Wouldn’t want her to be late on the stage.” He turned back to you and winked.
“Sure thing.” Andi smiled and turned away to make the shots, but not before mouthing an ‘Oh My God!’ to you. It wasn’t uncommon for men to buy you drinks or shots, but for them to be this attractive? You were definitely intrigued. You walked towards the man to introduce yourself and thank him for the shot.
“Tequila sour, huh? Doesn’t seem like your kind of drink.” You giggled lightly once you approached him. He turned his body to you, crossing his arms over his chest.
“It’s not,” He chuckled, “It's for my buddy. The old fashioned is for me.” He tossed his head over his shoulder a bit, roughly signaling where his friend was sitting.
“Ah,” You nodded, playfully eyeing him up and down, “My kind of guy.”
Andi set the shots on the counter in front of the two of you before he had a chance to respond. “Two green tea shots, bottoms up!” She turned back around to finish making the other drinks he ordered.
You grabbed the small glass off the sticky countertop, holding it out between the two of you. He mirrored your action and you tapped your glass to his before downing the shot easily and holding his eyes.
You could feel the liquor warming you instantly along with his sultry gaze as he downed his shot. You set the glass on the counter still holding his eyes with a coy smile on your face.
“Thank you…” Your sentence drifted off, hoping he would fill in his name.
“Danny,” He smiled back at you with slightly hooded eyes as he placed the shot next to yours, the glass looking tiny in his hands, “It was my pleasure, and you are?”
From the music that played you could tell that the previous performance was wrapping up, and you knew you were cutting it close to show time, especially since you weren’t in costume yet. You gave him a teasing smile, your thumb resting at your lips as you your teeth toyed with your nail for a moment. Danny’s attention was solely on your thumb at your mouth, his cheeks flushed ever so lightly.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” You whispered, his eyes snapping back up to yours at the sound of your voice, and your thumb leaving your mouth. You smirked at him, shooting him a wink before sauntering backstage to get ready.
Danny watched your form as you walked to the back of the stage. He shook his head and blinked himself out of the trance you put him in once you disappeared behind a door. With a dumb smile on his face, he paid his tab, grabbed his and Sam’s drinks, and walked back to their booth.
“It’s about time, geez, did they have to plant and grow the fruit?” Sam exasperated as Danny finally arrived back at the table. Sam took his drink from his best friend, scooting in further so Danny had a good view of the stage.
“Relax, it didn’t take that long. One of the dancers was talking with the bartender about something and I bought her a shot.” He shrugged, taking a sip of his old fashioned. Sam nearly choked on his drink, sputtering and looking at Danny with wide eyes.
“You bought her a shot?”
Danny turned and looked at Sam, eyes basically bugging out of his skull.
“That’s what I just said, yes.”
“Man, she must be hot. You’ll have to point her out!” Danny rolled his eyes and turned his attention back on to the stage. The house lights had started to dim not too long after, eventually shrouding the room in darkness.
A familiar song started to play through the surround sound in the space. As the curtain raised, Danny recognized the song, After Dark by Tito & Tarantula. Immediately he spotted you sharing center stage with another girl. You were wearing a red corset top with black lace accents, a black ruffled mini skirt with bows placed on each hip bone, black feathers laying over top red ones on the sides of your hips, and a black fishnet garter.
Danny’s mouth parted as he took you in, not understanding how you could be sexier than before. Meanwhile Sam was trying to guess which one you were. He followed Danny’s line of sight and landed on you.
“Is that her? On center stage to the right?”
All Danny could offer him was a slow nod, closing his mouth and swallowing thickly. There was no other girl on the stage. His eyes were glued to you as you danced, every move drawing him in more. He had barely blinked, afraid he was going to miss something, heart pounding.
Towards the end of the dance you did something that he could only assume was meant for him. You had run your hand down the opposite side of your face, drawing your thumb across your lips before taking in between your teeth, closing your lips around the digit and languidly pulling it out. Although it was brief, Danny had latched on to the movement and suppressed a moan that threatened to leave his mouth.
When the routine ended you had blown a kiss towards the back in the general direction of where Danny was sitting. You had been silently hoping he caught on to the little surprise you gave him. And he did. In fact, he was hanging on to it, replaying the way you looked with something in your mouth.
The rest of the night, Danny waited on the edge of his seat hoping to see you on the stage again. Of course you couldn’t be in every number, but you were in a few more, and his eyes never left you each time. Eventually the curtain closed on your last performance of the night, and after touching up your makeup, you changed into some leggings, a comfy shirt and your favorite sneakers. It was time for a drink.
You hopped up into the barstool at the end of the counter and waited as Andi made the rest of her drink orders. Looking around as you waited you spotted Danny sitting next to another man in the corner booth at the other end of the bar. His focus was on the stage and he seemed to be waiting for something. When the next number started you realized that he had been waiting to see you appear on the stage. His shoulders slumped when he didn’t see you, turning his gaze down to his drink and swirling it lightly, moving the glass around on the table.
It wasn’t until his friend sitting to his right noticed you staring and caught Danny’s attention with a gentle backhand to his bicep. His head turned to see what his friend wanted and then shifted towards the bar after receiving only a nod in your direction in response. After a few moments, Danny finally landed on you, a smile tugging up the right side of his mouth. You waved at him, wiggling your fingers in a teasing way hoping it would entice him enough to join you.
He leaned in to say something to his friend before standing up from the booth and heading over to you. Before he could reach you, Andi had finished up with her customer and beat him to you.
“He was watching you the entire time, y/n.” She whispered, picking up a glass and setting it on the bar to make your usual drink.
“Good, I had a feeling.” You hushed back as Danny approached.
“May I?” He gestured to the open seat on your left with a small smile and cocked eyebrow.
“I’d be offended if you didn’t.” You picked up your drink and played with the two tiny cocktail straws as you spoke before taking a sip. Once again, his gaze had drifted down to your mouth as you toyed with the plastic.
“Then I guess I must. I wouldn’t want to offend you.” He chuckled and slid onto the barstool, gaining Andi’s attention. You waited while he ordered his drink of choice, another old fashioned. He thanked Andi for the drink before turning back to you.
“You put on quite the show here.” Danny gestured around the room with a lazy hand. While he seemed to be talking about the Burlesque club in general, you had a sneaking suspicion he was also talking about you.
“Why thank you, Danny.” He smiled a little wider at your recollection of his name. “What brought you in tonight?” You set your glass on the bar, swirling the ice around with the straws. Danny huffed a quiet laugh with a shake of his head.
“Actually, my best friend dragged me here. I was ready to go home, get in bed, maybe watch a show before going to sleep early for once.”
“Ah, so he kind of ruined your night?” The teasing tone of your voice was apparent in your reply, but Danny wanted to play along.
“Oh yeah, big time. And then when I came up to the bar, I had to wait for this gorgeous woman to stop talking to her friend so I could order my drink.” You felt a blush rise in your cheeks at being called gorgeous by one of the most attractive men you’ve seen.
“That’s unbelievable, how dare she?”
You were smiling at him with twinkling eyes, obviously enjoying the little game. He hummed in agreement before going on.
“Well, it seemed like she was having a bad night, so me being the ever so kind gentleman I am, I bought her a shot.” He waved his glass in the air as he talked, adding character to his story.
“But get this! She wouldn’t even tell me her name!”
You gasped dramatically with a hand over your chest. “That bitch!”
The two of you busted out into a small fit of laughter at your exclamation. You winded down and took another few sips of your drink before talking again.
“Tell me honestly though,” You had caught his attention once again, “What did you think, it being your first time and all?”
“Oh it was absolutely great!” He beamed at you before his smile turned into something more sly. “I noticed, by the way.”
You knew exactly what he was referring to. The small tidbit in your performance you had hoped he would catch. Still, you chose to play dumb, as if you had no idea what he was talking about. Your eyebrows furrowed and raised, the edges of your mouth turning upwards in a small confused smile. For an added effect, you tilted your head slightly before speaking.
“Noticed what?” You couldn’t help the way your smile grew the tiniest bit more honest. It seemed as though Danny could read you like a book, even though you two were practically strangers.
He leaned in towards you slightly before speaking in a hushed voice. “The little display you put on during your first performance.” His tone was somewhat cocky, and it turned you on significantly. However, you weren’t going to show your cards so soon.
Instead you gave him a sweet smile, trying to sound as innocent as possible while giving your best doe-eyes. “I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about.” You shrugged, leaning forward in your chair to rest your left forearm against the bar while your right elbow rested on top of wood. Your right hand came up to your mouth letting your thumb rest at your lips, the pad playing with the plump flesh.
Danny’s eyes were back at your mouth, watching your thumb tease your lips, smile widening a fraction as his eyes adopted something more wild. Your lips tugged up in a smirk, dropping your hand back down to your drink to finish it off. His gaze lingered on your lips, and you wanted to know what he was thinking about.
A hand on his right shoulder brought him out of his thoughts, peering up at Sam who had finally come over.
“Hi I’m Sam!” He beamed, extending his right hand to you and you took it as he introduced himself. “Hi Sam, I’m y/n.” You smiled back, shaking his hand briefly before letting go.
“I hate to be a cock block, but I gotta get going, and seeing as I’m Daniel’s ride for the evening… well yeah.” You chuckled at Sam’s brazenness, looking over to Danny who seemed to be wishing he was dead. Or that Sam was.
Sam seemed to catch his best friend’s energy, retreating his hand from Danny’s shoulder. “Alright well, um, I’ll let you two kids say goodbye, and I’ll go wait in the car.” With that he turned around and walked towards the exit, leaving you and Danny alone.
“Sorry about him, we think he was dropped on his head as a child.” Danny shook his head, making you laugh.
“That’s okay, hopefully he’ll drag you out again soon.”
“Oh no, next time I’m leaving him at home.” The two of you shared a laugh before you grabbed a bar napkin and pen, carefully jotting down your number on the flimsy paper.
“In case you don’t come around for a bit.” You folded the paper up neatly and slid it into his jacket pocket.
“I’m sure I’ll be back soon, but I’ll keep this in mind.” He patted the pocket you slipped the napkin in with a wink. He stood from the barstool, ready to leave before turning to you one last time. He leaned in, his mouth close to your ear. “You look pretty cute with something in your mouth.”
You could feel the heat flame in your cheeks and between your thighs at his words. You watched him leave with widened eyes, and a smirk on his lips. You didn’t move from your seat for a few moments, still reeling at his comment. Eventually you gathered your things and headed home for the night, thinking about Danny the entire ride home.
You thought about him the rest of that night. You thought about his tall, sturdy frame and how broad he’d feel under your hands as you changed out of your work clothes. You thought about his large hands as you washed your face, and how they’d feel on your bare skin. You also thought about the way his voice sounded in your ear as you laid down, the sound on a loop in your mind, wondering if he’d sound that way in bed as well.
Eventually you drifted off to sleep with him invading your every thought.
When you woke the next morning you were surprised to see an unsaved number pop up on your phone. You slid the message open to see who it was from, already having a feeling it was Danny.
Maybe: Danny
“Hey, it’s Danny, I forgot to ask you when you work next.”
You weren’t shocked that it was his number. You were shocked, however, that he was already reaching out less than 24 hours later. You saved his number in your phone before sending him a quick text back.
“Hey :) I work the next three nights, actually. Miss me that much?”
You felt satisfied with the flirtatious tease and set your phone on the table next to your bed. Feeling the nervous bubble of anxiety in your stomach, you left your phone in your room while you showered and brushed your teeth, knowing you’d check it every couple of minutes if it was in sight. Deciding to give it more time, you made a small breakfast before heading back to where your phone lay face down on the bedside table. When the screen lit up, you were excited to see Danny’s name pop up under messages.
“Perfect. Something like that… Are you gonna put on a secret show for me again?”
You couldn’t help the grin that stretched across your face at his text.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”
You hit send on the message, and waited a few moments, seeing the “delivered” under it turn to “read at 10:56 AM”. You exited out of the messaging app quickly before you could see his reply. A moment later your phone buzzed as his text came through.
“Maybe I’ll refresh your memory some day.”
You couldn’t help the way your stomach tightened and legs clenched in response to his suggestive reply. The effect he had on you was laughable. You had only known Danny for ten hours and you were ready to jump his bones, which you were well aware was a tad crazy, but you wanted him. Needed him.
“Is that a threat or a promise?”
You sent your own suggestive text and waited, biting the tip of your thumbnail in anticipation. Once again the “delivered” changed to “read” and immediately you saw his text bubble appear before his next message came through seconds later.
Another grin spread across your face as you read the short message. Usually a man being so forward would turn you away, but Danny had only drawn you in further. Leaving your messages at that, you locked your phone and continued about the day, thoughts being flooded by him. The day went by quickly and before long you were heading to work, excitement burning in your veins.
You were sat at your vanity backstage applying your makeup when Andi came in.. You could see her reflection in the mirror as she approached, holding something in her hand.
“He’s back.” Was all she said, setting a small blue Tiffany box on the vanity, and meeting your eyes in the mirror. Your stomach sank a little, hoping she was talking about Danny, but quickly realizing she wasn’t as you saw the box. The hand applying your mascara stilled and you rolled your eyes.
“I am so tired of his little offers. Take it back to him and tell him I don't want it and I don't want him.” You picked up the box and shoved it back towards Andi’s hands. She took it from your grasp, but stayed a moment longer before speaking again.
“Do you think Danny will be back?”
“I hope so. He’s like the first guest to ever come on to me that didn’t give me the absolute creeps.”
“And he’s hot.” You nodded your head in agreement.
“He’s so hot. God, I wanna climb him like a tree, Andi.” You both shared a light laugh as you stood from the chair, tapping your phone screen to check the time. It was almost showtime, and you still needed to get dressed.
“I don’t have time to come down to the bar tonight, but I’ll visit after my last number.” You moved about the small dressing room gathering all the pieces of your costume for the first routine. Andi nodded her head as she spoke, walking towards the door that led out to the side stage.
“I’ll tell Jeff to shove it,” She winked, and shook the Tiffany box, “I’ll see you later, kick some ass.” With a blown kiss, she was out the door.
You pushed Jeff and his stupid bribes out of your mind, focusing only on your upcoming performances. With the exception of Danny. Every time you were on stage you tried your best to look for him only to come up short each time. You had hoped that he would come tonight, but by the end of the last routine you were feeling you had gotten your hopes up.
Going through the motions of your post-show regimen, you changed your clothes before preparing each costume for the next shift, and gathering all of your stuff. You took your usual seat at the end of the bar and waited for Andi to be free of her current customer.
“I think this belongs to you.”
Rolling your eyes, you turned to see Jeff standing behind you with the Tiffany box in hand. He set the box in front of you on the bar as he slid into the seat next to you.
“No,” You shook your head giving him a firm look, “I told Andi to relay to you that I do not want it, and I am not interested.” Pushing the box back towards him, you faced forward, staring at the liquor bottles that lined the back shelves of the bar.
“Why do you have to play so hard to get, doll?” You wanted to gag at his pet name, but out of what little respect you had left for him as a regular, you refrained. Opting instead to face forward to simply ignore him, praying he would leave you alone. Of course though, that’s not who Jeff is.
“I just think I can take care of you… and have a little fun along the way.”
And just like that, you had reached your boiling point in a short amount of time. You scoffed, turning back to face him.
“Haven't I made it clear? I do not need to be taken care of, thank you, and I do not want to ‘have a little fun along the way’ with you. You can not bribe me with these ridiculous gifts.” Your blood felt like fire in your veins, heat rising to your face the angrier you became. In an instant Jeff’s hand flew to the back of your stool, turning it so you were forced to look at him.
“Listen here I-“
“Everything okay here?” Jeff had been effectively cut off by another male voice sounding out from behind you. Your chest felt tight, recognizing it as Danny’s voice. Jeff’s hand retreated from your chair and he reached up to straighten his tie.
“Everything is quite fine.” Jeff stared Danny down, but he only pushed further.
“Y/n, is everything okay here?” For the first time since he spoke you turned around to look at him. His face was serious, silently asking if you needed help. You knew that now was not the moment to be prideful and decline his offer to help, but you didn’t want to make matters worse.
“Actually, I think Jeff was just leaving.” You turned back to Jeff, seeing shock written all over his face. He stared at you with hard eyes for a brief moment before looking at Danny. With a few annoyed sputters, Jeff rose out of the seat next to you, snatching the Tiffany box from the counter and stormed out of the club. Once out of sight, Danny took the newly empty seat next to you, visibly relaxing.
“Geez, I thought I was gonna have to beat the guy up.” He breathed out a chuckle with a shake of his head, eyes landing in you.
“Thank you for stepping in, I appreciate that.”
“Don’t mention it. I noticed the two of you talking, and didn’t want to interrupt, but when he grabbed your chair rather forcefully I decided that it may not be a welcome conversation.” He shrugged, leaning back into the seat.
“Well, you were correct to assume that.” The two of you sat in silence before you spoke again.
“So did you enjoy the show?” He looked at you with a wide smile and eyes lit up.
“Oh absolutely. Even better the second time around.”
“Do you have a favorite routine?” You gave him a smirk, hoping he caught your little show for him again tonight.
“Hmm…” He paused briefly, seeming to be thinking about his answer. “Just about anything you’re in I suppose… although I do enjoy the first one just a little more.” He leaned in towards you before continuing his thought. “I’m a little disappointed that you don’t need a refresher.”
“Hmm, that’s weird, because I still am not sure what you’re talking about.” A cocky smile played on your lips, shrugging your shoulders. His own lips turned up into a grin as he playfully huffed a breath.
“What can I get y’all tonight?” Neither of you had noticed Andi walk over, both so caught up in the other.
Andi got to work making the drinks you and Danny had ordered. Your usual go to and an old fashioned got him. The rest of the night the two of you chatted and laughed, getting to know one another. You told him about how you got into burlesque, and that you had recently moved to Nashville for your graduate program. He listened well and asked the right questions, wanting to know more about you which was nice.
He told you about the band he’s in and that they’re from Michigan. You hadn’t heard of them, but you insisted you would give them a listen, always wanting to expand your musical horizons. You learned that he played the drums, but could also play a plethora of instruments. Impressive and hot. Eventually, the night was coming to a close as the stage lights dimmed on the last number.
“I should head out. I hate staying after the last performance, too many regulars come up to me afterwards.” You stood from the bar stool and grabbed your bag that was hanging underneath.
“In that case, how about I walk you to your car?” Danny stood from his own seat, his left hand resting on the bar while the other sat on the back of his chair. Part of you wanted to decline his offer as you were sure you could handle yourself, but the other wanted to spend more time with him. Even if it was just a brief walk to your car.
“Yeah, uh, that would be nice.” You gave him a thankful smile. Danny held his right arm out as if to say ‘after you’ and waited for you to lead the way. As you passed Elliot in the ticket booth you gave him a tip of your head and said ‘goodnight’, his eyes nearly bugging out of his head seeing Danny’s hand pressed lightly to your lower back, guiding you out through the small crowd. Danny’s hand never left your body until you had stopped in front of your car.
“Well, this is me.” You stopped at the front of your car, arms gesturing towards the vehicle. It wasn’t anything fancy, but it also wasn’t a lemon. Thankfully your parents had helped you buy a newer car as a graduation gift, a simple Jetta, because it was good on gas mileage.
“Cute.” His head nodded to the memorabilia of your home state hanging from the rear view, a smile on his face.
“A gift from my best friend. She didn’t want me to forget where I came from.” You laughed at the ridiculous idea. Kennedy had been adamant that you didn’t forget her while living in ‘lustrous Nashville’ as she put it. You, of course, insisted that you wouldn’t.
“So, um, are you gonna come to the show tomorrow?” Sitting your bag on the hood of the car, you dug the keys out, and unlocked the doors. Your eyes found your beat up shoes, suddenly more interesting than before as your feet shifted against the gravel.
“Only if you’ll be dancing.” You looked back at Danny as you made your way to the driver door. He was smiling down at you, following your movements towards the door.
“Yeah, I’ll be dancing.” You could feel the blush spread across your cheeks and down your neck as you opened your door and threw your bag on the passenger seat.
“Then I’ll be here.” Danny moved closer to the open door that separated you, arms crossed and supporting his weight as he leaned on its frame. You got in the driver’s seat, keeping the door open as Danny peered down at you.
“Wouldn’t wanna miss my secret show.” He shot you a quick wink and a goodbye before standing up and allowing you to shut the door. You sat in silence as he walked through the parking lot to his own car. Once out of sight you turned on the car and headed out for the night, thoughts of Danny filling your mind until you drifted off to sleep like the night before.
Over the next week the nights that you worked went the same. You would show up, perform and then head to the bar where Danny would be waiting. He would have your drink ready, quickly catching on to how long it would take for you to meet him after leaving the stage. The two of you would talk until the end of the last performance where he’d walk you out to your car. The only thing that changed was your ‘secret show’ for him. You decided to change little bits of it, knowing he would notice each time, and keeping him on his toes.
Like the past nights, tonight was no different. Although the air between you felt different while he walked you to your car. He seemed almost nervous. You came to a stop at your car and turned to bid him goodnight.
Instead, no words came out as you realized he was a lot closer than you expected him to be. Closer than he normally was. He brushed a few strands of hair away from your eyes, behind your ear. His fingertips ghosted the shell of your ear down to where your neck met your jaw, his hand resting there with his thumb laying across your cheek.
You watched with bated breath as his eyes flicked from where his hand was cupping your jaw, to your lips, and then to your eyes. Your lips were pulled into a content smile, watching as he silently asked for permission to kiss you. His smile matching your own when you gave him a barely-there nod.
He didn’t waste any time, gently pressing his lips to yours. Soft and warm against your own, everything about the kiss felt right, like it was meant to be. After a moment, Danny pulled away leaving his hand on your jaw, and looking down at you with soft eyes and a giddy smile. You knew your expression was probably similar to his.
“Goodnight, y/n. Until next time.”
“Goodnight, Danny.”
You watched him retreat to his car, looking over his shoulder only once to see you one last time before disappearing in the sea of cars. And like all the previous nights, he never left your mind.
After the night he kissed you, things progressed each time. Slowly, but progression nonetheless. The next night, he kissed you again, his lips lingering longer than the night before. The following night the two of you made out before he pulled away, whispering something about how ‘Jake would kill him if he was late to the studio again’.
Each time he left you were desperately craving more. To be honest, you had been craving him since the night you first met, but things had been developing slowly, which was alright with you. You were enjoying getting to know Danny, and the build up was kind of hot. The constant flirting, making out and teasing promised an eventual hookup, one that was bound to be worth the wait. You often thought about what it would be like. What he would be like. Constantly clouding your thoughts, like he was right now.
Once again sat at the bar, you and Danny had been talking and enjoying your drinks before he excused himself to the restroom. You waited for his return, watching the ongoing number even though you knew it like the back of your hand. In the dim lights you could see a figure staggering towards you from one of the VIP booths along the walls. As he approached, you knew exactly who it was. Jeff.
By the way he swayed and stumbled while he walked, you could tell he was absolutely wasted and dreaded his arrival. He had his eyes set on you, clearly waiting for Danny to leave your side so he could get you alone. You turned your attention back to the performance, pretending he didn’t exist.
“So you’ll entertain some average guy who more than likely can’t support you, and turn me down?” Every other word was slurred, the liquor coming off his breath prominent, as he rested a hand on the back of your chair and the other on the bar. He had trapped you in. When you didn’t respond, he sneered, bringing his face closer to yours.
“I’m not quite sure who you think you are, you little tramp, but you don’t get to ignore me. I practically own this place.” You kept your eyes on the stage, not giving in to his attempt at scaring you. He didn’t retreat, keeping his face close to yours until you were joined by another.
“I suggest you back up.”
Danny had returned from the bathroom and was now standing behind Jeff. He was calm, and confident, but if looks could kill, Jeff would certainly be dead.
“Oh look, it’s your little boyfriend back to rescue you.” He spat, the smell of the alcohol wafting from him penetrated the air around you. Danny took a few steps forward, closing the space between him and Jeff.
“I said, I suggest you back up.” He put a hand on Jeff’s shoulder as a warning, his tone more stern, clearly becoming angrier. Jeff drew his eyes from Danny’s hand on his shoulder to Danny, a bewildered laugh coming from him. He stood up straighter and in an instant, rounded on Danny, landing a sloppy fist to his nose. You gasped, clearly shocked at the outburst, Danny stumbling back slightly. He brought his hand up to his nose, blood beginning to trickle from the side of the impact.
You watched his face harden, a look you’ve never seen from him take over. Closing the distance between them again, Danny’s right fist connected with Jeff’s jaw, sending him back towards the bar. Danny grabbed the collar of Jeff’s shirt with both hands, pressing him further into the edge of the bar before rearing his fist back again and landing another punch to Jeff’s face. When he went to wind up again, you wrapped your arm around his bicep trying to stop his motion.
“Danny stop! That’s enough!”
He stilled his body, listening to your pleas. Jeff had gotten what he deserved, you knew that, but you didn’t want Danny to get in trouble. He let go of Jeff’s shirt, and backed away from him, leaving him slumped against the bar.
“C’mon we have to get you cleaned up and out of here before security comes over.” You grabbed Danny’s hand and drug him towards the women’s staff bathroom hoping it would be mostly empty. Leading him inside, there were a few of the girls occupying the space who stared at you with confused, wide eyes.
“Everyone out.” You pushed past them, Danny in tow behind you. Most of them gave you annoyed huffs while others scurried out without a word. You locked the door behind them and grabbed two of the many stools along the wall on your way back. You placed one in front of the large vanity mirror, the other next to it, but slightly closer to the mirror.
“Sit down, let me help you get the bleeding under control.” He did as you asked wordlessly and sat on the stool that faced the mirror. You grabbed a stack of napkins, and wet a few before sitting on the other chair. You brought a dry napkin to his nose and dabbed at it gently trying to stop the small flow of blood from getting further down his face. As you threw that one in the trash, you grabbed another one and twisted it a few times.
“Here. Put this in there.” You held the napkin out for Danny, and he took it. Again, he did as you asked and stuck the rolled up tissue in his nose. “Now lean your head back.”
“I’m sorry I caused a scene at your work.” His face was parallel to the ceiling, but his eyes were on you. He looked genuinely worried, as if he had offended you.
“Danny,” You shook your head and huffed a laugh at his silliness, “It’s okay. It’s not your fault… besides maybe he’ll finally leave me alone.” He hummed in response. After a few minutes passed in silence, Danny looked over to you.
“Can I stop looking up now? My neck is killing me.”
“Yeah. Actually stand up and let’s go over to the sink, see if it’s still bleeding.” He followed you over to the sink and leaned over it, holding his hair out of his face when he pulled the tissue out. You waited a minute or two, but nothing happened letting you know that the bleeding had stopped.
You led him back over to the stool and had him sit while you cleaned him up with a wet napkin. He watched you as you patted the area, a grin forming on his lips. You were focused, your teeth biting the inside of your cheek, brows furrowed. He thought you looked cute.
“Thank you for cleaning me up… I still feel kinda bad.”
“Danny, really, it’s okay.” You wiped his nose one last time before turning to throw the tissue in the trash. “Besides,” You shrugged, making eye contact in the mirror with you back to him, “It was kind of hot…” He caught your smirk in the mirror, his eyebrows raising in slight shock at your admission.
“Is that so?” His eyes stayed locked with yours as he walked up behind you, his body pressing you to the vanity counter with light pressure. He placed a kiss to the junction of your shoulder and neck, tracing his fingertips up the side of your body. You hummed, your smirk turning into a smile with your eyes fluttering shut. He placed another kiss on the same spot, this time letting his tongue graze your skin teasingly. You leaned into him with a small gasp, resting your head against his shoulder, allowing more access to your neck.
His lips traveled up your neck to find your lips, your hand tangling in his curls at the back of his head. His hands landing on your hips, turning you to face him, fingers digging into your skin. You deepened the kiss, dragging your tongue across his bottom lip and pulling it between your teeth. Danny let out a groan at the pleasurable sting, leaning into you more and swiping his tongue against your own. You could feel him growing harder against your body, and it only enticed you to continue.
You let your hand travel between the two of you, ghosting his chest and abdomen before landing on his clothed dick. You ran your hand along him for a few moments until it traveled up to the waistband of his pants, where you began to pop the button of his black skinny jeans open when his hand wrapped around your wrist, pulling it away from him and forcefully placing it on the edge of the countertop behind you. His lips had left yours, bringing his mouth next to your ear as he spoke.
“You’re a teasing little thing, aren’t you?” His voice was low and gruff, sending electricity through your body. You only smiled smugly before giving him your usual answer.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
He leaned away to look you in the eyes, a devilish smile upon his face. The hand that rested on top of yours on the counter skirted up your arm, to your neck, and then to your jaw. His large hand encapsulated most of your jaw and neck, his thumb resting on your lower lip, gliding the pad across it before dragging your lip down slowly.
“Mmm,” His eyes were transfixed on his thumb as it pulled your lip down, “I guess it’s time for that reminder?” As your bottom lip met your top again, his eyes flicked back to meet yours, thumb still resting faintly on your lip. You were giving him your biggest doe eyes, making him suppress a groan, his cock twitching. You could feel the movement against your thigh. Wanting to tease him just a little more, you opened your mouth letting the tip of his thumb slip inside, and wrapping your lips around it.
You pushed his thumb past your lips, earning a groan from Danny. The corner of his mouth was pulled into a dazed smile as you let him gently slide his thumb back into your mouth, fully this time. You ran your tongue along the digit till it reached the tip, while sucking as he pulled it out of your mouth.
He gripped your jaw, pulling you to him in a heated kiss. Your teeth clashed, but you didn’t care, if anything it turned you on more. His other hand dug into your waist, pulling you impossibly closer to him, his hard cock pressing into your groin. Your hands flew back to their place on the button of his jeans, working it open and pulling the zipper down. Still locked in the hungry kiss, your hands pulled at his jeans and boxers to free his growing erection. As you busied yourself with his pants, Danny’s hand left your face to knead your chest, thumb brushing over your hardened nipple.
Your hand finally wrapped around his dick, free of it’s confines. He was thick and heavy in your grasp as you pumped him a few times, wrist twisting your hand around his head before coming back down the shaft. Deciding you couldn’t wait any longer, your hands landed against his chest, shoving him away from you to give you room between him and the counter to move.
Danny almost questioned what you were doing as you moved closer to him before sinking down to your knees in front of him. You took him in your hand again while looking up at him through your lashes and gave him a few more pumps. Your hand continued to work him as you brought your lips to the side of his shaft, leaving open mouthed kisses from his base to the tip. Once you reach the tip, you swirl your tongue around his head, then licked a slow, flat stripe from the underside of his head, over his slit, to the top.
Danny’s hand flew to your head, his fingers gripping at your roots as you began to swallow him down. You took as much of him into your mouth as you could, nudging the back of your throat and holding him there for a brief moment. He couldn’t help the breathy ‘oh fuck’ that flew from him lips at the sight of you staring up at him, mouth full of his cock. It was something he had thought about since that first night. You hummed around him, making his hips buck into your mouth, and forcing him down your throat more.
Tears welled in the corners of your eyes, unprepared for his movement, and he pulled out of you slightly allowing you a moment to breathe. As his tip slipped back out of your throat, you gagged around him, your mouth filling with more saliva. His fingertips danced along your chin urging you to look up at him, and you obliged.
“You look so pretty choking on my cock, baby.” You couldn’t help the whine that escaped your throat. He was still in your open mouth, resting against your tongue.
“Be a good girl and let me fuck your mouth, hmm?” He held eye contact with you, a smirk still on his face. You nodded your head as best you could with the position you were in. Danny wasn’t satisfied with this action, gripping your jaw in his large hand.
“Uh-uh, use your words.” He hadn’t even been touching you and you swore you could’ve cum right then. “So let’s try that again,” His hand released your jaw to move the hair out of your face sweetly, “Are you gonna be a good girl and let me fuck your mouth?”
You closed your mouth around him, pulling off of him softly. You pressed a kiss to his head before answering, all while maintaining eye contact. Giving him a wicked grin, and mischievous eyes you responded.
“Yes, daddy.”
His eyes turned to something darker, hooded with lust. “Ah, princess… now you’ve done it.” He gathered your hair up into his fist, making a makeshift ponytail.
You obeyed his command, opening your mouth letting him slip inside once again. He held your head still with the hand wrapped in your hair, and began to thrust his hips into you. You opened your mouth wider, letting more of him glide down your throat.
“You take me so well.” He grunted above you, picking up the pace of his hips. You sucked him as he glided in and out of your mouth, trying your best to breathe. It wasn’t much longer before you could feel him twitch, his hips stuttering and breath becoming increasingly labored. You could tell he was close.
“Gonna swallow me down, princess?” You hummed around him, eyes fluttering at his filthy words and the pet name he gave you. That alone sent him over the edge, his cum shooting down your throat as he hit his high.
He retreated from your mouth slowly before pulling you to your feet and into a kiss. You relaxed into him, hands resting on his chest.
A knock on the door pulled the two of you away from one another. “C’mon!! You’ve been in there for twenty minutes!” One of the dancers shouted from the other side. You fixed yourself in the mirror, and Danny pulled his pants back up quickly, both of you blushing fiercely. As you walked past him to unlock the door, he grabbed your hand and pulled you into him.
“This doesn’t end here. I’m taking you home tonight. Go get your stuff and meet me at the entrance.” His breath was hot against your ear as he spoke, teeth nipping your earlobe before gently sending you back towards the door, landing a playful slap to your ass. You unlocked the door and apologized as the two of you left the bathroom, doing your best to avoid eye contact with your coworkers.
Danny headed towards the front doors while you did as he asked and grabbed your things. You met him at the door where he took your hand and laced his fingers with yours, leading you out into the parking lot.
The two of you got in his car and headed in a direction you could only assume was his house. To your surprise, he didn’t live very far from the club, only about seven minutes down the road. And you were kind of relieved that he lived so close because the tension in the air was almost unbearable. He pulled into a driveway and threw the car in park, neither of you wasting time to get out.
Danny made it out of the car before you could unbuckle your seatbelt, meeting you as you stepped outside. He grabbed your hand in his and pulled you up the driveway of his house quickly, making your body buzz with excitement. You made it to the front door, still hand in hand and waited while he fished for the keys in his pocket.
A moment later the front door swung open, and the two of you stepped inside the mostly dark apartment. You couldn’t make out much in the little bit of faded moonlight that danced about the space. Danny closed the door with one hand, the other on your sternum pushing you against the hardwood where his lips crashed to yours, teeth and tongues colliding in an instant. Your hands found the hem of his shirt trying to push it up his body, signaling to him you wanted it gone. His hand abandoned your sternum to reach between his shoulder blades and yank the shirt off in one motion, tossing it to the floor. When his mouth met yours again, he wedged his thigh between your legs, pressing into your heated core and earning a breathy moan from your lips.
His hands mimicked the action of yours moments prior, grabbing the bottom of your shirt, but taking initiative to pull the fabric over your head for you. It landed with a soft thud on the ground somewhere near his in the barely lit space. You grabbed the waistband of his jeans and worked them open as he kicked off his shoes and began to unclasp your bra before tossing it to the ground. Your effort to rid him of his pants and underwear was long forgotten when he flattened his tongue against your nipple, and captured it in his mouth, flicking his tongue over the bud. Your back arched off the door, hands gripping the roots of his hair, silently begging for more. His teeth grazed the sensitive bud before pulling away and moving to the other nipple. His knee was still firmly pressed against your aching core, driving you crazy for some sort of friction. You began to move your hips, rutting slowly along his thigh, trying to quell your aching need.
Danny pulled his lips away from your chest, casting his gaze downward to watch as you glided up and down his thigh. You whined pathetically when he stopped your hips from moving, hands firmly placed on each one.
“Fucking yourself on my thigh won’t earn you any brownie points.” He shook his head, and removed his thigh from between your legs. You groaned at the loss of contact, throwing your head back against the door.
“Don’t worry baby,” His hands moved to your backside, sliding down over your ass and gripping underneath your thighs, “I’m gonna take good care of you,” Effortlessly, Danny picked you up, and you wrapped your legs around his waist, “Such good care of you, you’ll be begging for more.” He whispered the last part in your ear, low and husky, sending shivers down your spine and making your skin raise with goosebumps. He reattached his lips to yours, walking through the dark house down a hallway.
For a brief moment your head and back were pressed against his bedroom door while he reached down to twist the knob. You were welcomed into the room by a faint orange hue emanating from the salt lamp he had left on. The calm light was a stark contrast to the dark, and lustful look in Danny’s eyes as he tossed you on the bed. He began to tug his tight jeans down his body, leaving him in his underwear. You quickly followed his lead, kicking your shoes off, and slipped your pants down your legs.
Danny closed the distance between you, and rested his hands on top of your knees that were propped up. He pushed your knees apart gently, letting them fall open, his gaze traveling down your body to your underwear. His fingers drifted down to your clothed pussy, tracing over a damp spot in the fabric.
“What’s got you so worked up?” His eyes drifted back to yours, eyebrow cocked, and a pompous look on his face.
“You.” You said almost breathless, his featherlight touches to your core beginning to muddle your thoughts.
“Me? I’ve hardly even touched you, baby.” His finger traced up your slit to your clit slowly, setting the skin ablaze even with a barrier between you. You were growing impatient and needy, bucking your hips into his fingers.
“Danny, please.”
“Please what?” He continued dragging his finger up and down your heat, your underwear becoming damper by the minute.
“Touch me, please. I need more.” You had hoped that the whining beg of your voice would encourage him to do something. However, he did nothing, but continued to torment you. You tried your last-ditch effort, giving him the same doe eyes as before, and sweetening your voice.
“Please daddy? I wanna feel you.” You cooed, a hand trailing up your body to grope your own boob. Danny groaned audibly and palmed himself through his boxers, his head falling back.
“Fucking hell.” His eyes fell back to you, continuing to stroke himself through the fabric. “Move up to the pillows.”
Not wasting any time you did as he asked and moved to the center of the bed, your head laying against his pillows. Your heels dug into the mattress, leaving your knees propped up as before. Once settled, Danny made his way up the bed on his knees to you, stopping between your open legs.
He pulled his hair into a bun at the crown of his head swiftly before laying on his stomach, throwing your knees over his shoulders. Using his index finger, he lightly pulled your panties to the side, dragging his other finger up through your folds to your clit. You carefully watched his every moment like you were trying to commit it all to memory. His eyes flitted up to yours, mouth tugged into a smug smile.
Holding your eyes, Danny’s tongue licked a teasing stripe following the path his finger had previously. He focused on your clit, running circles over it with the tip of his tongue and sucking it between his lips. Unable to hold your head up any longer, your head fell back against the pillows with a sigh of pleasure.
A finger teased your entrance while he repeated the motions of his tongue on your clit, and his other hand snaked up your body to pinch and tease your nipple. You couldn’t help but sink your fingers into his hair, nails raking against his scalp. His mouth hummed around your sensitive bundle, enjoying the feeling of your nails against his skin. You repeated the action, this time Danny slipped the fingers that were teasing your entrance into you, curling them up and pumping them at the same time. His name tumbled past your lips accompanied with a breathy and drawn out ‘fuck’.
His mouth was still working against your clit, licking and sucking, while his fingers slid in and out of you, the combination setting your core on fire. Your breathing was ragged, moans and curses flying from your mouth as he pushed you closer to your climax.
“That’s it baby, I can tell you’re close. You’re squeezing around my fingers so nice.”
His thumb had replaced this mouth, keeping your build up steady.
“Oh, fuck.” A particular swipe against your clit had your back arching off the bed, hips moving to gain more friction.
“Gonna come all nice and pretty on my fingers?” All you could do was moan, there were no words or phrases left in your mind. Only white hot pleasure.
“I’m- fuck, I’m s-so close.” You lifted your head, and watched Danny work you over. His thumb was still circling your clit as he held your gaze, and pulled his head back slightly, spitting directling on the bud, his thumb spreading his spit over you .
That was the final push, your climax taking over, feeling as though you ascended to the heavens for a brief moment. Danny never stopped his movements, carrying you through your orgasm until you became too sensitive and placed your hand over his. Coming down from your high you watched Danny pull the hair tie from his hair with one hand, letting his curls fall freely, and step off the bed, while licking the fingers covered in your slick clean before removing his boxers. He joined you back on the bed, dipping his fingers into the tops of your underwear and pulling them down your legs with some help as you lifted your hips.
He made his way up your body, kissing a trail from your lower stomach up to your lips, his dick nudging against your lower half as you made out, making the wetness pool between your legs again. Danny broke the kiss, to sit back on his calves, and pulled your hips towards his. He gripped himself, running his tip through your dripping core, coating his hard cock with your arousal.
“Ugh, Danny please, I need you. Fuck me.”
Without needing anything else from you, he lined himself up with your entrance and eased himself inside, watching as you sucked him in. He stretched you in the most delicious of ways, slightly painful, but euphoric at the same time, and you both groaned and sighed as he bottomed out.
“Such a good girl taking daddy’s cock like that,” He brought a hand to your pubic area and pressed with light pressure, “Feel me? Feel how full you are?”
“Yes, fuck,” You nodded frantically, “I feel it. You fill me so well.” The increased pressure was unlike anything you had ever felt. You almost didn’t want it to stop, but the feeling quickly left your mind as Danny began to move.
His pace was slow and calculated in the beginning, but quickly grew faster and harder. He was pounding into you relentlessly, the sounds coming from your bodies purely pornographic as they filled the air. You were approaching another release, the band in your core growing tighter and hotter with each thrust.
Danny changed the angle, your legs hiked up around his hips, with him leaning over you, allowing the tip of his dick to brush your sweet spot each time. Your eyes rolled back, moaning his name at the new sensation.
“Open.” He tapped the side of your jaw with his fingers. You let your jaw fall slack, opening just enough to let him insert his middle and ring fingers into your mouth, his index and pinky fingers pressed against either cheek. You moved your tongue against his fingers, still tasting yourself slightly on them.
“Keep it open for me.” He grunted as he removed his fingers from your mouth to play with your clit. You followed his instruction, leaving your mouth open. Danny let a small string of spit slip slowly from his mouth into yours, landing against your tongue.
“Swallow.” You obeyed, closing your mouth and swallowing his spit.
The speed of his fingers on your clit sped up, sending heat through your entire body. Your core felt like it was on fire, the pressure so intense you thought you might explode. Your hands found Danny’s back, pulling him closer to you while raking your nails across his skin.
You could feel pressure being released, ecstasy coursing through you, but it was different from your usual orgasm. There was an immense sense of wet coming from where Danny drilled into you. You could tell he felt it too as he leaned back to look where your bodies connected.
“Oh fuck, angel.” Danny groaned, his pace picking up impossibly harder, fingers grasping your hips, sure to leave bruises. “You’re so perfect, squirting all over my cock like that.” You could barely register what he was saying, your second orgasm mere second away.
“That's it, just like that. Keep that pretty pussy crying for me.”
Your climax crashed over you, wiping your mind completely blank. You weren’t sure how long it lasted, stuck between decades and seconds. When you finally came down, Danny was reaching his own end, his head was thrown back and mouth agape as he continued to thrust into you. He pulled out of you quickly, sending his release onto your stomach before collapsing beside you.
You both laid there, in fucked out bliss trying to come down and steady your breathing.
“Holy shit-“
“That was-“
“That was fucking amazing.” Danny laughed breathily, turning his head to the side to look at you.
“Yeah it was.” You agreed, turning to look at him as well. You both chuckled for a moment out of breath, and enjoyed the post-sex feeling.
Danny sat up slightly, brushing sweat-slicked hair out of your eyes and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“Don’t move, I’ll be right back.”
He hopped off the bed and walked towards an open door in his bedroom. When he flicked the light on you could make out that it was a bathroom, and you watched him grab a towel, before turning the sink on and running it under the water. He came back to you, and cleaned you up, being gentle between your legs due to the sensitivity. He threw the washcloth into a hamper before holding his hands out for you to take.
You simply groaned in response, not wanting to move.
“I know, I know, but we kinda need to change the sheets…” You looked at him quizzically, not understanding what he was saying.
When you sat up you saw what he was talking about. Beneath and all around you, the sheets had been soaked through. You had made quite the mess.
“Oh my god. Danny, I'm so sorry!” To say you were embarrassed was an understatement. You were mortified. “I-I’ve, um, I’ve never done that before!” You covered your face with your hands trying to hide in any capacity.
“Whoa, hey, y/n, look at me.” His hands grasped your wrists trying to ease them away from your face. You averted his gaze as his eyes tried to meet yours.
“It’s okay. I don’t give a fuck about these sheets, we can just toss them into the wash. It's no big deal, okay?”
“Are you sure, Danny? I feel awful.”
“Yes I’m sure. Besides,” His finger curled softly under your chin, finally making your gaze reach his, “That was the hottest fucking thing I have ever witnessed. I’ll take some wet sheets any day to have you do that again.” You couldn’t help the smile that creeped onto your face as you pulled him closer for a kiss.
You smiled into the kiss, feeling Danny smile back before he broke away to walk over to his dresser, and pull out a few items.
“Here, you can wear these.” He handed you a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. You thanked him, grabbing the clothes from him and slipping them on while he pulled on some boxers as well.
You helped him toss his sheets and comforter into the washer, and fitt his bed with fresh ones. Thankfully the mess was contained to just the sheets.
“I think this is kind of apparent now, but you’re staying, right?” Danny asked once the bed was made, looking quite shy as his fingertips brushed your forearm up and down.
“If you’ll have me, yes. I’d love to stay.” He grabbed your arm, pulling you into a hug with his arms encasing your body and chin resting on top of your head.
“I’d like that very much.”
He released you from his hold so the two of you could crawl into his bed, Danny instantly pulling you into him as he settled. He reached across you to turn off the salt lamp he had on his bedside table, chuckling.
“What’s so funny?” You snuggled back into him as he laid back against the mattress.
“I just realized I’ve never seen you in the daytime. Tomorrow will be the first time I've seen you, not after dark.”
“Oh, huh, I guess that is true.” You laughed along with him. Comfortable silence quickly filled the room, and you thought that maybe Danny had fallen asleep until he whispered your name.
“Yeah, Danny?” You whispered back into the open air, your fingers dancing along with his.
“Would you like to go on a real date with me tomorrow night?”
Your heart warmed, a fuzzy feeling spreading throughout your body. You laced your fingers with him, grinning ear to ear.
“I would absolutely love that, Danny.” He released the nervous breath he had been holding, and squeezed you tighter.
“It’s a date then.” He pressed a kiss to your temple followed with a, “Goodnight, y/n.”
“Goodnight, Danny.”
Your body melted into his as sleep took you under. In that moment you knew you were exactly where you were meant to be. Where you were always supposed to be.
taglist: @malany-gvf @gold-mines-melting @sacredthefran @dannyandthekiszkas @gretasimp @popejosh4ever @indigofallingsky
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