#claudia is here to end all careers
reireichu · 6 months
they didnt allow claudia to reach this modern era because if she said “lol okay boomer” to lestat, it would promptly end his career, his soul, his will to live and probably cause his hair to fall out.
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mysticfalls01 · 10 months
Princesa II
(FC Barcelona x reader)
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Part 1
Alexia never thought about being a mother as her full focus was on her career however that changed the minute, she met you.
You brought out a side of her that she never imagined tapping out. You brought out her maternal instinct, you brought her joy and a new vision of life.
Not only did you brought out all of that to her, but you also brought out a new light for the team. The team was immediately impacted by your energy, your passion, and your ability to feel. As professional athletes they sometimes forgot that they also were humans, that it was alright to cry, to get frustrated and to be happy.
You were one of the greatest gifts that the team had ever received and they couldn’t wait to see you shine.
The first time your teammates heard you call Alexia mama you immediately became the target of jokes and teasing especially from Claudia and Patri however, they were met with Alexia’s glare as she told them that they were going to do two extra laps. The rest of your teammates immediately stopped as they didn't wanted to be the target of La Reina's rage.
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Playing at the Johan was a feeling that you wouldn’t change for anything. The excitement, the fans that had your back and the support of your teammates always made it special.
You and your teammates were preparing for the match against Sevilla. Before leaving the locker room to lineup you heard Frido’s voice.
“Unge come here! You need to put your sunscreen on!”
“Fridoo I already applied on my sunscreen” you said whining.
“Really kid?” She said rising her eyebrow.
“No” you admitted with a defeating voice.
You gave up and walked towards Frido so she could apply her sunscreen on your face.
“Andd it’s done kid, you are free to go” Frido said.
“What do we say frilla?” You herd Alexia’s voice behind you.
“Thank you aunty Frido” you said and gave her a kiss on her cheek
“No problem kid” she answered with a smile.
After that you guys went to the tunnel for the game, you were nervous as it was the first time that you were in the starting 11. Before Alexia reached her spot at the beginning of the line, she quickly hugged you and whispered “Hija, I’m so proud of you. It’s time to show everyone why you are Barcelona’s princess”
“Thank you mama” was all you said before she had to leave.
“Amiga we have your back, so don’t worry and believe it you’ve earned your spot in the team” you heard Aitana say before everyone started walking out.
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The game ended 8-0 with you scoring a hat trick in the first half of the game. You were subbed off around the 60th minute, as you were leaving the pitch to give the entrance to your teammate you heard for the first a chant that eventually would become iconic.
“Con la reina de nuestro lado la princesa brillará y nuestro reino blaugrana prevalecerá” (With the queen on our side the princess will shine and our Blaugrana kingdom will prevail)
You gave your teammate a high five so she could enter. You stayed by the line admiring the fans and the chant that they had created for you and Alexia. You always dreamed about having your chant and the culers made that dream come true.
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After joining Barcelona your skills flourished and everyone could notice it.
You were in the locker room playing with Jana and Bruna as the training session had just ended. While you were running around the locker room escaping from Bruna Ingrid’s voice called your attention “Princess! Your phone is ringing.”
After you heard her words, you ran and picked up your phone, you saw that the number calling started with London’s code. Usually, you wouldn’t answer numbers that you don’t have saved however, your instinct told you to answer the call.
“Hi?” you said with a shy voice.
“Hello is this y/n l/n’s number?” the other voice said, you could identify that voice had accent but couldn’t distinguish from where.
“Yes, it is, how can I help you?”
“Perfect! I’m Sarina Wiegman and I wanted to inform you that I want to call you up for the next international break.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. From the other side of the locker room Ale saw your face and she and Mapi approached you.
After processing what you just you answered “Thank you, thank you, thank you. I promise that I will give it my all.”
Sarina laughed at your enthusiasm and spoke “I’m sure that you will! On the next couple of days, you will receive all the information. Can’t wait to meet you y/n!”
After that the call ended and you felt Mapi giving you a hug, you guys separated, and Ale asked with a soft voice “What’s happening hija?”
You looked at her and said “I did it mama, I just spoke with Sarina Wiegman. I’ve been called up for the next international break! I’ve played with the under 19’s team but I didn’t expect to get the call up for the senior team!”
After hearing those words all your teammates that were in the locker room immediately ran to you and hugged you. It wasn’t until you heard AMC jokingly groaning that you separated.
“England is having a friendly against Switzerland. Ohh you’ll be a headache to play against kid”
“Prepare yourself Ana, la princesa is going to score against you” Leila said with a joking tone.
All you did was smile until you remembered something.
“Mama, I must call Ona to tell her about the call up! I’ll be back shortly” you said before leaving the room.
As you left the room all Ale could do was to stare at you with a proud face, she knew that this was only the beginning of your international journey.
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Olga and Ale took you to the airport.
“Yes mama, I’ll make sure to call you every day!”
“If something is bothering me, I’ll tell you.”
“Perfect hija! When you land send me a text and when you arrive to SGP too!”
“I will!”
As she saw you leave all she could think was that la princesa de Barcelona was about to have her international debut and the other countries won’t know what was about to hit them
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Part 3
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 months
"Let me know if you want to know more :))" If it's not asking much, yes, please?! I really know little to nothing about the books. I see what people post here, like, I didn't know about Rose and only found out about Viktor this week lol. Unfortunately the books aren't always available in my country and I'm still waiting to buy and read them. D:
Okay, for a rundown:)))
In the books:
Lestat finds Louis again through the rockstar career, and he writes his own story down for him, which Louis reads. Their reunion is quite beautiful, Louis and Gabrielle fight other vampires side by side with Lestat. There is a kiss backstage :)
Unfortunately Akasha kidnaps Lestat, because she thinks he is the epitome of toxic masculinity and that she can use him for her plan to take over the world (literally), burning a lot of the vampires. It’s a misjudgment though, Lestat is fearful of her killing the ones he loves, but starts to resist her ever more (she forces him to do her bidding via spells at times). Louis, Gabrielle reunite with all the others to hear the history behind Akasha and ultimately they meet up with her and Lestat, ending in Akasha‘s death. Louis and Lestat have a very romantic scene together.
Afterwards Lestat is changed though, battling with the event. He got a huge amount of blood from her, because she wanted him strong, and he experiences severe body dysmorphia and self hatred. Louis and he are in a weird “Netflix and chill“ era, visiting each other regularly, watching movies together, being petty with each other. Lestat’s guilt and that self hatred drive him to suicide, but he is too strong already to burn in the sun and he heals to retain a tan (only). The Body Thief sees his chance and offers him a mortal body for a while, and Lestat takes it. The Body Thief does not return his body though and so Lestat tries to bring Louis to turn him again but Louis refuses (very emotional scene). Louis tells Lestat to live that mortal life and Lestat has to turn to others (David in the book here maybe Daniel?!) to get his body back bc he realizes that he does want to be a vampire (after all). He manages, and there is a very beautiful but very raw scene with Louis in a church afterwards. Lestat tries to convince himself he is evil (for wanting that vampiric life back) and rapes David into darkness just as he was raped into it. All through the book Claudia‘s ghost is there and speaks with him. Lestat has Rue Royale fixed up and he and Louis (and David) live there again.
A while later a being claiming to be the Devil visits Lestat - he wants his help, and takes his soul onto a journey beyond (it is later confirmed that Lestat was gone from this plane of existence) and the events with heaven, hell, purgatory and Lestat drinking the blood of Christ (literally) shatter him. He loses an eye in purgatory, which is returned to him, altered. He goes a bit mad, confined to a church, where Louis and a few others tend to him. Louis comes by regularly to read to him, change clothes, etc. Lestat falls into a sleep.
Lestat’s coma continues, but it is involuntary at times. As he later tells it the altered eye allowed angels to take his soul to do their bidding, while threatening him. The unpublished novel at Tulane tells of one of those adventures. Lestat’s coma is hard on Louis. He is haunted by the fact that he has never seen Claudia’s ghost and with the help of Merrick, a witch, they conjure her, an event for which the diary pages are important. Claudia’s ghost is a vengeful one though, hating him, and he tries to commit suicide after. Lestat wakes up and saves him. They reunite and exchange a lot of blood and afterwards Louis is changed a lot. They leave NOLA because the Talamasca threaten them.
Something not closer defined happens while they are in the jungles, and Louis goes to Armand in NYC, where he is safe from the ever multiplying vampires. They spend some time apart, Lestat roaming, Louis with Armand, both coming to terms with who they are now. This is when Rose needing help must have happened. When Viktor was conceived and raised.
Another burning is happening - the spirit that propels them is clming to consciousness: Amel. It uses older vampires to thin out the ranks. Lestat is called and finally returns from his wanderings, and he defeats an elder and takes the core, effectively becoming the prince of the vampires. He and Louis meet, Rose, Viktor and first trouble with Roshamandes happens.
Amel is coming further to consciousness, recalling the being he was, once. Recalling who he was with, too. Lestat sets up court in his old family castle, now renovated. All big players come. Lestat goes to Louis and Louis comes to him - for good, with a very emotional plea. They are together for good after. Amel need to be removed fromthe vampires and Lestat, he gets a cloned body. Louis comes up with the solution, and holds Lestat’s hand through it.
Roshamandes, the ancient slighted bc he did not get the core is outfor revenge tjough, and kidnaps Gabrielle, Louis and Marius, sending ashes to Lestat. Lestat… shuts down. Armand goes feral (in words, incredible scene!!).
Lestat goes to Roshamandes in an all-or-nothing move and kills him, creating the “Blood Communion“ with the remains. Louis and the others are found, and Lestat can finally breathe again There is a big celebration, and the book literally closes with them dancing and kissing and Lestat telling Louis he loves him and always had.
This is the rundown :)
As you can imagine there is a LOT the show can do with this. In the books they kiss, the show has added sex, and so I expect some scenes to be a lot more sexy :) Louis is a lot more involved in the later arcs, his and Lestat‘s arcs are inverted. When they finally come together (for good) once more they are at peace with each other.
They have a son, and a daughter, their friends are with them. Former loves, too.
They have left their human pains behind, have accepted themselves as vampires.
Louis calls it the “monarchy of darkness“ in the unpublished draft at Tulane, and knowing Rolin knows of those drafts… I do expect this on the show :)
Obviously some of this will be spun differently. Has already been used, and/or used differently. But I expect to see the Body Thief parts, definitely. Akasha and the aftermath. And we know we’re getting the rockstar era :))
I think the show has already hinted at Amel, and so I do think they’ll finish with that arc :)))
We‘ll see. Since the relationship in the show is deliberately more explicit I think a lot of the canon events will be a LOT more intimate. It’s not about sex for them.
It’s about eternity and acceptance, both self acceptance and acceptance of the other.
And I cannot wait to see what the show makes of it.
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maskedtruths666 · 1 year
Part 8.2 of the paid story! Apologies it took that long, dude laying me for the story didn’t pay the remainder but I felt it was too good a story to let go.
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As Christina and Claudia showed Jared the video of how his beloved Denise was being made use of like a common whore by her bosses, Jared could not keep it in. He somehow knew that Denise was cheating on him but he hoped it was just a fantasy and it wasn’t real.
With wild thoughts and fantasies going through his mind, he knew that there was nothing he could do about it now except to keep it a secret and enjoy Christina and Claudia sucking him off.
During the alternating sucking of Jared’s dick, Christina and Claudia were battling it out to see who could make Jared cum first. But before he could unleash his cum, someone was entering the room. And lo and behold, it was Denise, entering the room. What she saw, shook her whole world to the core.
“What the fuck?” Denise exclaimed, shocked that Claudia and Christina were on the floor sucking Jared off whilst Jared was watching the video of how Denise was fucked by her bosses.
“Well, what the fuck too babe?” Jared retorted, showing Denise irrefutable evidence of her infidelity.
At that moment, Claudia and Christina said, “Well, karma’s a bitch. That’s what you get for fucking what’s ours. We’ll fuck what’s yours and he’ll never be satisfied with your cheap pussy. Our partners will come back to us because you’re nothing more than a cheap plaything. But your Jared will never forget what our mouths can do, how our tits make his cock feel and how perfect our asses are and how our mature pussy feels.”
Denise at that moment, knew she was caught and everyone knew that she’s a whore. She just walked over to Jared, dragged him away from Christina and Claudia, pushed him on the bed, removed her bikini underwear and sat on his throbbing cock with her pussy full of cum from her bosses.
She whispered into his ears, “Darling, fill me up. I’ve got two thick loads of cum in there already. I want yours.”
Jared, as if in a trance, started thrusting harder and harder with the mixture of cum seeping out onto his thick cock. Claudia and Christina took this chance to join in. Christina sat on Jared’s face, ordering him to eat her out and Claudia started playing with both Christina’s and Denise’s tits and licking them with Denise and Christina touching Claudia all over.
It was a fantasy foursome that Jared was having and with a chorus of moans from the girls, Jared was in dream land. He gave Denise a few more thrusts and he unleashed a hot load of cum up her well used pussy. As the girls got off him, Denise lay beside him and said, “I’m sorry for letting you find out this way.”
Christina and Claudia said, “This is not over bitch. Your career here is over unless you do exactly as we say.”
They then left the room, and Denise and Jared lay side by side, breathless. They then started to reevaluate their relationship as a whole.
The end! The story is coming to a close! Two more parts and this story is done! Can’t wait to share with you guys more stories I’ve kept in my drafts.
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thoseyoulove · 2 months
So, I see a lot of people worried or freaking out about how about Louis's story arc and how they're gonna use Jacob on season 3... Here are my two cents on it: Louis is a leading character on the series. Jacob is the first name on the credits. He's not going anywhere. He has a contract. I doubt anyone in this fandom that has no ties to him/Rolin/AMC really knows the specifics of his contract. And even if his contract ended and he decided to not renew it, the show would probably be shortened and end sooner because it's written in a way that is totally tied to Louis and Lestat as individuals and a pairing (and usually Claudia and their family dynamic too). They wouldn't suddenly reinvent the story to have another character taking Louis's role on the story and I believe with all my heart they would never dare to recast Jacob.
Sure, there are other characters that are fleshed out, have lives and relationships of their own, but ultimately all roads come back to them. It's built this way. When they map out the beginning, conflict, peak and conclusion of every season, it's always about them in a way. Season 1: the church scene, the fight, the murder attempt, Daniel confronting Louis, the "Armand is the love of my life" moment. Season 2: Louis and Claudia's saga in Europe and his promise to her, Louis being betrayed and kidnapped with Claudia, Lestat's return, the trial that included the three of them, the reunion. It all circles back to them.
There will be flashbacks of Lestat with Armand, Gabrielle, Nicholas, Magnus etc, but there will definitely be some flashbacks with Louis and probably Claudia too. There can be fantasy sequences with Lestat imagining Louis. And obviously there will be things in the present as well. The "I own the night" scene is not an exit moment, Louis is finally acknowledging and coping with his grief and embracing vampirism. That's not a conclusion, if anything, that's a new beginning, a rebirth, a fresh start. And even if Louis and Lestat have completely separated stories, they'll still be connected and build to a big moment for both of their arcs just like season 2. I mean, the new song is totally about Louis and that should be another sign that Louis will always be fundamental to the show.
I know Louis gets sidelined in the books, but that doesn't stop Rolin from using him. There are stories he can take from other characters and give to him and he can write completely new stuff himself. In fact, a lot of writers adapting existing stories love that because they can still come up with something original and surprise people. When you know how a story ends, things can get predictable and boring pretty fast, so many writers love using minor/original characters that allow them to have freedom, use their creativity and keep things fresh.
Jacob making music shouldn't be a problem, because he has balanced his music and acting career before. If anything, I see it as a good sign. He has an acting job he loves, plays a character really close to his heart, that even helps him find catharsis with personal aspects of his life and that job still lets him accommodate his other passion. If he had to dedicate all his waking moments to the show and not be able to do anything else, then chances of him wanting to walk way would probably be higher. But he doesn't have to choose, he gets to do both.
When it comes to the interview people are using as argument, I'm not trying to tell anyone how to feel, but I personally wouldn't take it too literally. They're giving a lot of interviews recently, sometimes they do many on the same day, people can end up expressing themselves poorly, specially if they're tired. And the interview is transcript, so who knows if they transcript exactly what he said with the full context (because I've seen awful and even offensive mistakes with other people before).
And even if he did mean that Jacob will play a supporting role, that doesn't equal being permanently reduced to a supporting role. Lestat temporarily played more of a supporting role on season 2 and he's still a leading character overall, it was just because the story was centering Louis's interview and his time in Paris. With season 3, he's back as a lead and shown for the first time as an actual individual, not the fragmentation of someone's memory. I personally believe Louis will stay as a leading character, but in case he doesn't, he will definitely be a supporting character that remains a key part of the story. And eventually go back to his status as a co-lead. At the end of the show, Louis and Lestat will be the center of the story and Jacob and Sam will be the co-leads with the largest screen time.
ADDING: Just remembered that Smallville, which was an adaptation of the Superman comics, had an original main character (Chloe Sullivan) that stayed for 10/10 seasons. In fact, she was the character that appeared the most after Clark Kent/Superman himself, even more than actual characters from the comics like Lex Luthor, Lois Lane, Lana Lang, Jimmy Olsen, Zodd etc. Everyone left the show at some point, or was introduced later, but Clark and Chloe were the only constant of the series. If I remember it correctly, the show had 217 episodes and she appeared on 206 of them. It's perfectly possible to work this out. This really shouldn't be a problem at all and I'm sure Rolin is smart and creative enough to pull that off. Other shows and movies have done it before.
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kittythelitter · 2 months
Hold Me Like You'll Never Let Me Go
Steddie snippet, angst, CW: self-loathing, CW: negative self talk. Steve POV, post season 4 - everyone lives.
Inspired by John Denver's "Leaving on a Jet Plane" but as performed by one of my favorite camp counselors every year on the last day of camp when I was in elementary and middle school.
Steve would like to think, had he not gotten that voicemail from his mother, that he would've been brave and finally told Eddie how he felt. He had been working up to it, and then. 
Steve had known for a while that he was the kind of definition of the kind of loser with no future who peaked in highschool, but that hadn't mattered so much when he was trying to make sure his kids survived to graduate highschool. His SAT scores didn't matter when it came to dealing with the end of the world. 
But then the world didn't end. Hawkins was in shambles, and his kids were going to survive wherever they each went to highschool, because the upsidedown was gone. But they wouldn't be attending Hawkins High, because it was just a pile of rubble, and all their families were moving far far away. 
What was his purpose, exactly, with his kids scattered and the world saved? 
He could trail after Nancy and Robin to Boston, like the loser he was, clinging to their coattails and dragging them down. He could follow the Hoppers'-Beyers to upstate New York. Follow the Henderson's to wherever Claudia found work. 
His plan, at least until the voicemail, was to stay in the government accomodations in Indianapolis with the Munsons. He and Eddie could, hopefully together, build a life post-apocalypse, find work, maybe move into an apartment together in the same building as Wayne. Maybe they could save up and move out to Boston to be near the girls, or New York or wherever the rest of the kids ended up. But they could build a life together. 
And then. 
When Steve's mom offered him a well paying job, a career, doing work he could probably be proud of while going to some fancy night school with the only catch being living with and looking after her aging parents in London, it was an opportunity he couldn't justify turning down. He wouldn't be a loser trailing after his smarter, more successful, wonderful friends. He'd build his own life and then could be someone Henderson and Robin wouldn't be embarrassed to introduce to their cool friends at college. 
His first instinct was to bring Eddie with him, but he knew that Eddie couldn't bear to be an ocean away from Wayne. He also got the impression that the music scene over there was more Jonathan's speed than Eddie's. Plus when he went over there to tell Eddie, Eddie was raving about some band that he'd auditioned for, so he just. Didn't mention his own stuff. And he just. Kept not bringing it up. Which brought him to the morning he was leaving. 
He didn't have much stuff after the sinkhole ate Loch Nora, but what he did have was all packed up and ready to go to London. 
 They tended to hang out at Eddie and Wayne's apartment anyway so it's not like the Munsons would've noticed him packing. 
All packed up. All ready to leave. He just. Hadn't told anyone yet. No one but him and the Munsons were still in Indiana, but they kept in close contact anyway. And he hadn't told them.  He stood outside the Munsons' door turning over and over in his head what he was going to say before he had to call the cab to get to the airport. 
It was 10am, so Wayne would be awake but Eddie might not be. How shitty would it be to wake him up just to tell him he was leaving. 
Steve let himself, for just a minute, imagine Eddie kissing him goodbye and promising to see him soon. Imagining Eddie wrapping his surprisingly strong arms around him and holding him here in the States. In Indiana. In Eddie's apartment forever. Like Eddie's arms could keep him from making what might be a huge mistake. Like Eddie could hold on tight enough to come with him. 
But Eddie was building a life here in Indianapolis, and Steve wasn't. Steve had to go. Had to become someone better. Someone who could maybe someday be worthy of the person he could see Eddie becoming. 
Maybe he should just go. Write a letter or call once he was far enough away that Eddie's big beautiful Bambi eyes couldn't change his mind. 
The opportunity to run away was taken, however, when the door swung open. 
"Stevie?" Eddie grinned at him. "I didn't know you were coming by this morning! I'm actually on my way to rehearsal with Last in Initiative! But! I can grab coffee with you on the way if you'd want to?" 
"Oh I don't want to keep you from rolling to initiate or whatever it is you guys do, but I wanted to let you know that I'm going to London to see my grandparents. I wanted to say goodbye before I left." 
Steve knew he was making it sound temporary, but looking into Eddie's beautiful eyes he couldn't bring himself to tell him that he was really leaving. God he was just like his dad. Popping off to Europe without having a return flight planned and not telling Eddie how long he'd be gone. 
Something flitted across Eddie's face too quickly for Steve to parse. 
"Well. Far be it from me to deprive the elderly of your presence, but don't forget me while you're gone, I don't want to be deprived either." Eddie darted in for a hug. Steve begged whatever forces were still out there to let it last forever. But it didn't. Eddie saw his watch, swore and bolted, leaving Steve to consider the Munsons' door once again. Trying to work up the nerve to talk to Wayne. And give him the truth at the very least.
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kayleighjennifer · 1 year
Beast (Patri Guijarro x reader)
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Today was the day. Your first champions league final of your whole career. Due to playing your whole life in Wolfsburg (and joining the senior team in 2019) you never made it into the finals.
This and the fact that you played your whole life in Germany lead to the decision to transfer at the start of the season to Barcelona to grow as a player. You never thought about how great life was there or that you would have to play against your former team in that champions league final, but here you are, doing pitch inspection next to the women you’re head over heels for and probably won’t feel the same for you, Patri Guijarro.
The next time you see Patri again is in the tunnel, she tells you calming words while massaging your shoulders. “We will win this and then we’ll go out and have the time of our lives okay?” She tells you and you nod, hugging her like it’s your last time being able to hug her. She presses a kiss onto your forehead and Irene gives you the last prep talk.
The first half was nerve wrecking, Wolfsburg was up by two and nobody from barca seemed to be able to put the ball into the net. You were one of Barcelona’s top scorer and still you had three shots who either got blocked or went wide.
You sit next to Patri in the changing room full of frustration while listening to Alexia’s and Jonatan’s words. When you feel Patri’s hand on your thigh you look up to her and see her smiling at you. “You will get that goal, believe me. You’re here for a reason and I can imagine that it must be hard for you playing against your old club but you’re home here, with Barcelona and with me. Go out there and smash it”.
“Thank you”. You hug her and press a kiss on her cheek. You and her were very close from the start, her being always there for you while settling in and you being there for her after she had a rough break up, but still there is sadly nothing more than friendship in your eyes.
The second half goes way better and it finally happens, Patri scored the first goal for Barcelona in this game. You’re fast by her side, hugging and giving her a kiss on her cheek. “I’m so proud of you, vamos!” You smile at her and she winks at you “that one was for you and now come let’s get more goals”.
Not even three minutes after her first goal, Patri scored another one and ten minutes after that Fridolina gets a goal as well.
You were all tired out by the end of the added game time but Patri still wanted to give you a chance to get your name on the screen.
You see Patri going forward with the ball and are on the other side next to Feli Rauch, directly in the box. She shoots you a high ball and you just let your instincts take over you while doing a beautiful header. Not even ten seconds after it, the whistle is finally blown.
You can’t even process everything when you’re pulled into Patri’s arm and Claudia jumping on your back. After the celebration of the pitch you go to your old teammates and tell them how good they played and that they can be proud of themselves.
Right now you’re in the hotel bar with the Barca squad and some Wolfsburg players, celebrating the final. You are talking to Ewa when you feel two arms sneaking around your waist and you can smell Patri’s perfume. “hello there” you say to her and wave Ewa goodbye. “Care to join me on the dance floor?” Patri asks and doesn’t even give you a chance to say now.
Your bodies are tight and you can feel her hands exploring your body. “Patri what are you doing?”. “I know you want me, you’re not very secret about it and I want you too. You’re all I can think about”. You don’t know from where your confidence is coming but you quickly say “then show it to me. Show me how much you think about me”.
She doesn’t even wait a second and already leads you to her hotel room, pressing you against the wall and kissing you like there is no tomorrow. You move your lips from hers to her neck, making sure to suck as many marks in it as possible. “god you make me feel so good cariño”. You blush at her words and she finally opens the door.
When the two of you reach the bed, she picks you up and lays you beneath her on the bed. Her lips never leave yours as she starts to undress the both of you. Then she starts teasing you until you’re begging her to finally fuck you.
She moves her fingers from your breast to your legs, so that she can open them more and positions herself onto your core. You moan when your clit touches her and she sighs satisfied. “That’s all I could think about since months. You drive me crazy amore”
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murfpersonalblog · 4 months
IWTV S2 Ep3 Musings - Loumand
Last post, I promise; I needed another nap; this ep's a freaking rollercoaster. And these two queens nearly gave me a stress ulcer!
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DEBATABLE, Louis. I can think of FAR worse vamps than you, love.
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Why're y'all having this whole conversation where anyone can hear?
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They got Sartre's wall-eyes down; good makeup this season, team! 👌
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DreamStat's a Loumand bed-death truther, jfc. 😭
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I wanna know EXACTLY what Armand sees--or "feels"--whenever DreamStat pops up in Lou's head. Cuz he clearly knows precisely where Les is; he looks right in his direction. But does he HEAR Les too? (God I hope not, this song would've had me SEETHING--Back to Hell with you! 😅)
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"Oh dear" indeed; I was HOLLERING.
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Armand looked PISSED, I was scared for Louis' life! And he DOES know, actually, yes Lou. I can almost GUARANTEE that he knows PRECISELY where Lestat is AT THIS VERY MOMENT, yes Lou.
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If only you knew.... 😬
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Claudia's suffered more than Christ. And nice cut to Daniel sneaking around with Raglan James as Armand talks about Furies punishing "human wrongdoing." It's really interesting that Armand told the lawyer that LOUIS is the owner of the paintings. Is he the owner of the penthouse too? HOW MANY DEEDS DOES HE HAVE, ROLIN?
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I wonder what AMC might be saying about Loumand's art collection, not just wrt what we know about art heist!Armand (which we'll likely see a nod to in Ep4 at the Louvre); but also wrt what we know about Dubai's godawful neocapitalist hellscape economy, and Loumand's "moralizing" about Parisian black markets in S01E02.
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I wonder if that's the excuse Armand'll give the coven when Louis shows up for dinner in Ep4--very much NOT dead; and rips out Santiago's tongue.
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WILD voice-over, cuz you KNOW that's what Santiago was thinking, too, LOL. (You wish, Francis.) But yes: Louis' finna end your whole career. XD
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Another TERRIFYING jumpscare from the coven, like in Ep2 with Annika. Louis, I am shocked & appalled--can you not HEAR all these vamps planning your bloody murder around you? CLAUDIA! WTF!?
But this is how you know Armand's true personality--he hates getting his hands dirty. He kills all the time, but he makes his victims' deaths pretty. He'd rather sit back & let Lestat/Louis come in and wreck his whole coven, even though he has the power to just light those mofos up all on his own! I wish AMC emphasized a bit more that Armand not only writes/directs the plays--he's an ACTOR, too. And istg he's an expert at PRETENDING to be helpless, meanwhile he's the strongest vamp that's NOT one of the Children of the Millennia (thanks to how well Marius made him).
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Armand, that is LOW; waiting until Claudia's stuck under the oaths b4 you tell her she's guilty of breaking Great Laws she doesn't even know about yet. WTF?
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How TF you gon' hold Louis accountable for following the Laws when he wasn't even allowed to be in the effing room when they were read!? He's not even a member! WTF! (I get it--any rogue vampires are subject to death, yadayada; we know it's a stupid policy.)
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I love how he plans to leave by himself here--it had nothing to do with picking "another one" over Claudia. He just didn't want to hold her back anymore. And his presence was causing problems. 😭 It's so cute that Louis' stipulation about London was that if it's "too large" he'd leave and go to Ireland (?!?)--he's become agoraphobic or something? He just wants to be alone in his hermit hole--MOOD. 😭
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Good to get confirmation that the Fire Gift here is Armand and blessedly NOT Santiago--so why's he zooming around in the sewers?
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Look, sometimes folks make terrible first impressions--Lestat was being hella racist, Louis' always playing defense, Armand was finna kill Louis in a gay public park. It happens.
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Foreshadowing like crazy, as usual.
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WILD thing to say. I'm gonna cry, please stop.
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(What kinda hypocrisy is that, when you were made young your dang self!?) She's already 30+ years old--maybe she'll last a little longer if y'all (read: sexist, racist, ageist, ableist, etc society) don't eff around tryna make her life even harder! But AMC's deliberately cutting Claudia's life in half, compared to the books, cuz misogynoir's real and Claudia gets NOTHING out of vampirism, not even a fair chance. And y'all let her into the coven KNOWING how much she loves y'all, and KNOWING y'all were gonna kill her. EFF THIS WHOLE COVEN, ARMAND INCLUDED. (Lemme calm down--this kind of betrayal is exactly how Lestat must've felt in S01E07; I get it; they're getting a taste of their own medicine. But LESTAT EFFING HAD IT COMING. The coven should've just told them: y'all got til sunrise to GTFO our territory, you're not welcome here. This whole bit's unnecessary.)
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SKILL ISSUE. Cuz Louis' got the least power, and he's finna clear that whole bish out in just a couple episodes. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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Louis, love, ARMAND DON'T GIVE A EFF ABOUT RAISING SOME OTHER MAN'S OFFSPRING. This is the call of the wild, as Alphas KILL the children their stolen Omega brides had for other Alphas/Betas, so he can restart the gene pool with HIS DNA instead. I know y'all had National Geographic back then already--READ A BOOK, Louis, it's what you're best at.
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Incredible. After all of that Louis said Lestat never broke him. BENT BUT NEVER BROKEN, that's right! 💪😤
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Boy, we're not talking about some little (unrequited) CRUSH over a man you only knew for a few months (which you've CLEARLY not gotten over yet). Louis was MARRIED to the man for 30 YEARS. This is his MAKER. Lestat knew his whole family; went to the Black cookouts and everything! They literally built a home AND business together! They raised a child together! WHATCHU KNOW ABOUT THAT!?
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And that's LESTAT'S DAUGHTER TOO--how much can you possibly love EITHER of them while planning to knock her off!? I can't listen to too much more of this. *hands Louis the torch and scythe*
Beautiful end of this STACKED episode. Incredible work, AMC! Jacob acted his PANTS off; he excels at the trembling voice, agonized facial expressions, and utter mental breakdowns. He's pulling DEEP within him, holy god; it's so raw, it's almost hard to watch. EMMY WHEN?!
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Unusual news in 1964…
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In a magazine from Caracas, Venezuela called "Páginas", journalists Jaime Carrión and Julián de Sada echoed an article from Spain in which they stated that the actress Claudia Cardinale "suffered from an incurable disease that gradually ended her life and that doctors gave her 1 year to live."
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According to their report they wrote the following: "Since those days on the beaches of Lido, 5 years have passed. 5 years of intense work and forced learning. 5 years have been undermining the strength and resistance of the famous actress until she was forced to lower the curtain that will put an end to her career and possibly her existence when she was beginning to perform the first comedy act in her life…"
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Clearly all this information was false! Claudia found out about this news and she joked saying: "I'm reaching the end of the road" and then denied the circulated information: "I recently went to the doctor, I'm in perfectly good health."
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| Real photo from the Spanish newspaper explaining the topic in June, 1964 |
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|And here the English translation|
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I wonder, with what intention did those 2 journalists create this entire fake story? Ah! To sell their newspapers!
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notjustjavierpena · 1 year
Six Weeks
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A/N: Hiya! I hope you enjoy the first chapter of my very self-indulgent Javier fic. I'm still wrapping my head around his characterization, but I hope you will love him as much as me.
Summary: Steve gets injured in the field. You end up as his 6-week-replacement.
Pairing: Javier Peña x Reader/You (No y/n)
Tags: EVENTUALLY +18 Smut (minors DNI), cute banter, casework, office games, flirting, kidnapping/abductions
Word count: 3.6k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47206690/chapters/118942645
Chapter 1: Week One
“Six weeks? Fuck, Murphy,” Javier sounded exhausted already. He leaned against the desk as if needing some kind of support to process what he had just been told. The phone rested between his shoulder and ear as he reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose. 
“What do you want me to say?” Steve said from the other end of the line, “That I’m a victim of poor construction work? Connie’s already on my ass for getting up from the couch. She won’t let me go to work which, to be fair, is pretty reasonable since I can’t walk.”
Despite how frustrated Javier was, Steve was right. They had been so close to a win that both of them could practically taste the satisfaction of catching some bastard with a connection to the kidnappings that they were currently investigating, when Steve had taken one wrong step on a roof in the barrio. It had collapsed under him, and he had landed on the floor of some poor stranger’s living room. It had resulted in compensation for said stranger and a severely sprained ankle. 
“This will set us back weeks. Messina’s already calling me into her office for a meeting later,” Javier sighed and let the hand run over his hair instead.
“Just talk to her, I’ll still be working from home.”
“You know it won’t do shit to sit on your ass with a pile of outdated files,” there was a pause, “I swear, if she sends me a replacement with no clue what he is doing, I’ll drag you into the office in a wheelchair if I have to.”
“You’re funny. Just— I’m not important. The case is,” Javier could hear Steve shuffle around, then he continued, “I have to go. Talk to the boss and try to be nice.”
“I’m always nice.”
The meeting started five minutes ago, and Javier Peña was nowhere to be seen. You eyed the clock on the wall, watching the second hand tick along as the silence between you and Claudia Messina dragged on. It felt awkward by now. 
“I’m sure he’ll be here in a minute,” she said to you when it became too much to listen to nothing else but each other’s breaths. You weren’t sure if you believed her.
“I don’t have to be anywhere else right now. He can take all the time he needs,” you said through a polite but very fake smile. You were being transferred from your own unit to the DEA against your will. Messina had specifically asked for you due to your (successful) work on similar abduction cases, but you suspected that it was also due to a need for not being the only woman in the room anymore. 
The fact that she was forcing you to be working with Javier Peña, woman to woman, didn’t seem to bother her. Javier fucking Peña, who was known for being a selfish, overly aggressive and ambitious man who treated women like notches on his bedpost. Despite his charming character and handsome looks, you were certain that this would be six weeks in hell, trapped with an arrogant man with a shitty attitude towards you and all you wanted was an equal.
You would have to put up a brave face as well as a fight for being taken seriously. It wouldn’t have been the first time in your career that you had to prove your worth to a mediocre male agent. The problem was just that Peña wasn’t exactly the definition of mediocrity; he was ruthless and, for the most part, got the result he needed. Word got around.
Seven minutes past, agent Peña walked into the office looking like he was too important to be here. He most likely felt that way too with the way he didn’t apologize for being late.
“Agent Peña,” Messina said, tone anything but kind, “Thank you for taking the time to join us.”
She then introduced you to him, and Javier looked bored with the conversation. You crossed your arms over your chest, refraining from rolling your eyes. He did give you a glance as she said your name but that was it. 
“Look,” Javier said the first chance he got. You prepared yourself for what he was about to monologue about, “Murphy and I got this under control. I don’t need or want a new person on the team and in on the case, it’ll just slow everything down with how much I have to work just to brief them— her.”
“I’m from the Kidnappings and Missing Persons unit, jackass,” you made yourself a little taller. Javier scoffed.
Messina raised her voice, standing up from behind her desk, “I don’t care if you both end up killing each other as long as you finish this job first. Agent Peña, this isn’t a pick and choose situation. The parliament is in deep distress, and it needs you two to fix it. Lives are at stake, children.”
Ouch. She was right. Javier mirrored your stance as he was scolded but unlike you, he looked at the ground as it happened. 
“I’ll brief her right now,” he eventually said, leaving the room in an instant and you guessed that you were supposed to follow.
As the two of you walked down the hallway, none of you said a word to each other. You walked a few steps behind him, noticing how you could tell that he was fuming just from looking at the back of his head. He took long footsteps back to his desk, like when one would skip steps on a staircase, and his hand flexed by his side. 
“Listen,” your name sounded cruel coming from his mouth. He stopped at his desk, resting a hand possessively on top of a pile of papers, “I don’t like this as much as you do but if we’re going to have any chance of winning this, we have to work together and you have to swallow your pride. I’ll brief you once, show you how I work around here and then we’ll get to work. Whatever I say goes.”
“Easy there, tiger,” you rolled your eyes. Did he seriously just tell you to swallow your pride? Your words came with an unfriendly smile, “I don’t think anyone would question your authority with how much you just pissed all over your work station.” 
“Coffee,” he interrupted.
“What?” You replied.
“I need coffee for this.”
The break room was a sad excuse for one. It wasn’t much different than the one you usually spent time in though, rocking the aesthetic of something that was paid for by the state. The same yellowish wood cabinets of the mini kitchen, cheap chairs around a cheap table and not a plant in sight. The only wall decorations were a clock and a sign that told you to clean up after yourself. 
Javier strode past the vending machine by the door, which you longingly stared at as you passed it too. You wouldn’t mind something sweet right now when there was so much venom in the air.
Javier started up the coffee machine. He reached for the cabinet doors to search for a mug, skipping several that were staring him in the face. You assumed that he had a favorite. 
When he finally did find the right mug, you noticed him only grabbing one for himself. This sort of powerplay seemed childish, but you weren’t going to point it out and ruin your day even more. Instead, you just got a mug out for yourself. 
“Did Messina say anything at all?” Javier finally broke the silence as the coffee maker made a gurgling noise in the background.
“Not much,” you told him, leaning your hip against the counter, “But I watch the news. I know you’ve been gathering resources from my unit too. Maybe this’ll work out in the end.”
Javier let out a humorless laugh but for the first time, he was actually looking at you. You tried not to shrink yourself under his brown, scrutinizing eyes. 
“I know this isn’t ideal, Peña,” you continued with a little sigh, “But I promise you that I’m good at what I do, so tell me what you got. I’m professional. I’m hardworking like you, I assume.”
Javier’s eyes gave you a once over, the agent sucking his teeth. He looked like he was contemplating what would happen if he said no.
“It has been going on for a while. Way before it hit the news,” Javier finally let out. He turned to the coffee machine which had made a fresh pot, filling the room with the distinct smell that soothed any office worker’s mind. He poured himself a cup, hesitating for a moment before turning to you and filling your mug as well. 
“Thanks,” you said genuinely.
He clicked the pot into its place, “It started small enough for the media to be indifferent, but the president’s spin doctor? Fuck, they won’t let that go that easily, they’re all doing spin themselves. Guess it becomes interesting when it hits too close to home.”
“I heard that he was taken out in the open,” you took a sip of the scalding coffee. 
“Poor bastard was on his way home to his wife, dragged into a car and shot out in the outskirts of town, but with everything going on? Stripping the president of his way to good PR isn’t stupid.”
“So this isn’t actually abduction?” You raised a brow. Why were you here exactly? 
“Steve and I are thinking things are getting worse,” Javier started walking back to his work desk. You followed him silently, “Those other people weren’t even considered as DEA-cases before this last one.”
“So they're moving up through the hierarchy,” you placed the mug on what you assumed was agent Murphy’s desk. There was a framed picture of two blonde-haired individuals on the desk, a man and a woman who were both smiling. The man looked too American to not be called Steve Murphy.
“Yeah…” Javier was underestimating you, because he trailed off for a moment when he realized you were catching on perfectly, “Yeah, exactly that. Fuck knows who is next.”
“But why DEA? This doesn’t sound like anything drug-related. Surely, Escobar isn’t repeating himself,” you slumped down into Murphy’s chair.
“That’s what we thought,” he replied after a sip of coffee, “We’re assuming that someone is keeping up operations outside La Catedral. Escobar will need reassurance that the extradition bill ban stays.”
“Have you looked into this?” You wished that you’d had some sugar for your own coffee as you drank it. A part of you didn’t want to ask for it, because Peña didn’t need a reason to bully you about not being a real adult.
“Here’s the kicker,” Javier looked proud of himself. He gave you a little smirk, drawing out the anticipation, “The abductions and killings are all of people related to the politicians who are against the ban of extradition. I bet they’re going to ensure that the ban stays a ban.”
You grimaced. 
“He’s an evil motherfucker,” he added, “It won’t be pretty, cariño, the next coming weeks.”
“I work with cases of missing persons, cariño,” you bit back at the condescending name, “Trust me. I do ugly for a living.”
Javier held up his hands in surrender. 
“So what’s our plan moving forward?” You asked instead of commenting.
The DEA agent walked to a long filing cabinet which was placed against the wall and had seen better days. Organization was a foreign concept to these two men, you figured, because stacks of papers were scattered on top and notes with scribbles of hurried handwriting were sticking out from its drawers. You made a mental note to attempt to create some kind of system, most likely when Peña wasn't around.
He returned to your desk with a tower of beige folders, some stamped with classified information. The stack landed on the table with a thump, almost knocking over your coffee if you hadn't been quick to rescue it.
“Start reading,” he ordered, grabbing his jacket from the back of his chair, “I’ll be back later.”
“Where are you going?” You called out, already undoing the rubberband on the front of the first folder.
A few days of this dynamic passed. You read as many files through as your brain could handle, occasionally writing something down on a notepad, whilst listening to the sound of Javier tapping away on his typewriter. 
None of you said much to each other. You had short conversations about who was getting coffee, and you volunteered more than a few times to get a break from having your eyes glued to paper. 
In the middle of your pushed-together desks, an ashtray slowly filled with half-smoked cigarettes and the hours dragged on with nothing ever really happening. It felt a little ridiculous to think that Javier had been angry that you had no time to catch up on him and Steve’s work, when you had had nothing but time these last few days. Despite this, you knew it was only a matter of when before something new would happen.
You blamed it on the boredom, but you would also sometimes find yourself looking at agent Peña over the top of your reading material. He had a crease in his forehead whenever he concentrated, which made him look slightly older than what your initial guess of his age had been. 
“Eyes on the file, cariño,” he had said at one time with a smug look upon his face, and you had muttered something about having wanted to ask him if he’d like a refill of his mug. Then you had left the room with red cheeks, and completely forgotten to scold him about the nickname.
Now, it was Thursday afternoon. The two of you were in your usual spots, time going by as slowly as ever. You were alone in the bullpen, but there was the faint sound of people buzzing about in the building. 
You threw the latest folder onto your desk with an exasperated sigh, then leaned back into the office chair and scratched along your scalp. It made Javier look up with an unreadable expression.
“What?” You asked simply, flattening your hair again. 
“You done?” He nodded towards your pile of papers.
“You know, I’m beginning to think that you just wanted to keep me busy, so we didn’t have to talk.”
Javier made a sound at that. You smirked back at him. 
“Not the case,” he eventually replied.
“Right, but word goes that it could’ve been the case,” you rested your hands in your lap, watching him not react at all to the revelation that people spoke about him behind his back. He knew. 
“There’s words?” He didn’t even try to sound surprised. 
“Plenty,” you weren’t going to tell him that you were specifically referring to him being an asshole serial romancer.
“I thought you said that you were professional, meaning you wouldn’t believe gossip about your colleagues,” there was something teasing about his tone. 
“Oh, fuck off,” you couldn’t help but laugh, “How am I supposed to know what to believe when you don’t want to speak to me?” 
Javier removed his hands from the keys on the typewriter, “Fine. What do you want to talk about?” 
You narrowed your eyes at him, not sure what he was playing at. Then you sat up a little straighter, “Where are you from? It’s not Colombia.”
“Laredo, Texas. Next question.”
“Old enough,” he went on before you could continue your rapid fire questions, “Unmarried, no kids, and I like long walks on the beach.” 
“You’re funny,” you said.
“You sound like Murphy,” he noted but you weren’t sure if that was a good thing. You weren’t even sure if Javier actually liked his partner but you hoped he did; if agent Peña compared you to him, there was no reason why he couldn’t like you too. It would make everything easier.
“Easier on the eyes though,” he added when you hadn’t replied as quickly as before.
“No mustache either,” you said with a slight grin, not about to show that you were taking his flirty attitude seriously.
That made him laugh. It felt like such a victory, a step closer to acceptance. You laughed too.
When the giggles died down again, a comfortable silence came over the both of you. You busied yourself with stacking the files that you had finished reading and Javier lit a cigarette as you both went back to work. 
That conversation had seemed to loosen up some of the tension between the two of you, and by Friday afternoon, you had continuous conversations that lasted more than three words. Your chest felt a little lighter than just days earlier, and whilst you had been so certain of Javier Peña’s nature before, you were starting to doubt if the rumors were true.
You found out that Javier did indeed like agent Murphy, because he frequently mentioned him in passing comments about previous missions. It seemed like he often visited Murphy and his wife Connie to eat dinner with them at their home (mostly on Connie’s demand but it might have had to do with him eating nothing but takeout). 
Additionally, you found that despite Javier’s efforts to stay hard-working and productive during these long days of waiting for something new to happen, even he experienced a certain amount of cabin fever. The cigarettes were piling up. 
Personally, you had finished Javier’s assignment of catching up on what he had called light reading. This meant that you had moved on to the neglected filing cabinet instead, working with your back towards Peña as you sorted through notes and documents without having the authority to look at any of them. It made it that much harder, so you simply settled on arranging everything into alphabetical order.
When you had reached H in the alphabet, you felt Javier’s eyes in the back of your head. You decided not to say anything, quietly swapping out the old tag on the front of the drawer with your new one, until a crumpled up piece of paper hit your shoulder.
You turned around, “Seriously?”
“I’m going fucking crazy here,” he told you.
You bent down to pick up the ball of paper then threw it back at him, but unlike you, he had every chance of catching it in his hands and he did. 
“You know, you could help me,” you noted but it only earned you the paper ball thrown back at you. You didn’t catch it.
“You’re terrible,” he snorted as the paper hit the floor in front of you.
“I’m not terrible, I’m just not ten years old,” you once again got it from the floor, weighing it in your hand for a moment before tossing it towards him in an overhand throw. He caught it again.
“I bet I can throw and aim better than you,” he was challenging you, clearly not accepting your reluctance to throw things around the office building. Unfortunately, you could never say no to proving an overly confident man wrong.
“No way,” you crossed your arms over your chest, “Pick a target.”
Javier reached for the wastebasket next to his desk, dragging it to the middle of the room. It wasn’t too far from where the two of you were sitting, but still far enough to be a challenge. 
“Ladies first,” he said after tearing off a piece of paper from his own notepad. He crumpled it in his hand, handing you the newly made paper ball after. 
“Don’t go easy on me,” you said before tossing the ball effortlessly into the wastebasket. 
Javier whistled, then nodded towards the basket, “Damn. Well, that needs to be moved further away.”
It seemed that the DEA agent wasn’t just competitive in his field but also when it came to office games because soon you were writing down scores. You would never admit that it was a relief to do something drastically different, especially not when you earned a nudge to your shoulder from him as a way of showing respect, but seeing him not be so serious was fun.
“Alright last one,” you said as you balanced on one leg on a wooden chair that you had gotten from the break room. There was a desk between you and the wastebasket, the both of you having had to add to the challenge with each throw since you were desperate to outshine each other. 
“Go on then,” Javier was standing on his own chair to get a better view. 
“A pro cannot be rushed,” you teased and you didn’t have to look at Javier’s face, but only listen to the sound he made to know that he was rolling his eyes. You raised your arm over your head to take aim, lifted your chin slightly. 
Behind you, someone cleared their throat. You froze.
“Agents, I see you’re getting along after all,” it was Messina. Javier was already off his chair, and you followed suit a few seconds after. Messina didn’t look very impressed, “There’s been another incident, but don’t let me stop you from your important work here.”
“Sorry, it won’t happen again, Ms.,” you blurted out, earning a glare from agent Peña. He was probably not one to admit to his mistakes.
“Come on, both of you, we’re going to the conference room,” she turned on her heel. 
“Suck-up,” you heard Javier say as he passed you on the way down the hall. You decided it was his way of telling you to stand up for yourself more.
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l-e-e-woso · 2 years
Oh...F*ck...ow - Mapi León
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italics = speaking Spanish
The Barcelona team were getting ready to go out for a dinner which was a rare occasion due to them usually just going clubbing but they wanted a chilled out night for once. 
Currently Mapi and Y/n are getting dressed in our bedroom. Mapi comes up behind Y/n as she is pulling her blue ripped jeans on and pulls your hips towards her then slides her hands around your waist. “Are you excited for dinner, mi amor?” Mapi whispers next to your ear as she kisses your neck. You nodded as you held on to Mapi’s hands and lent your head backwards onto her shoulder. “Yes I am. We can finally get to know more about Lucy and Kiera, This is like the first time we’ve been out as a team since they joined.” Mapi looked at you lovingly as you talked. “Yeah, it also gives me an excuse to practice my english more.” Mapi chuckled as she thought about her English. It wasn’t that she couldn’t speak it at all, it was just some words she could pronounce. “Maybe Alexia could get some advice off of Lucy, I read somewhere that Lucy had quite a few injuries on her knee really early on in her career. Hopefully Alexia will be back soon, I miss nutmegging her.” Mapi and you both burst out laughing at the last sentence. You look around for a shirt to put on and decide to steal Mapi’s shirt, you quickly button it up and run out of the room before Mapi can complain about you stealing her shirt. 
When you get to the bottom of the stairs you run straight into someone ultimately ending up on the floor you then look up to see Alexia looking at you with a raised eyebrow and shaking her head at you. Hearing a door slam shut upstairs you rush to your feet and run into the living room and jump over the sofa hiding behind it while getting a few odd looks from some of the barca players that were there getting ready to head out to the restaurant. 
You could hear the laughs of some barca players as well as Mapi footsteps that were currently heading towards you. Quickly you stand up with your hands up and look at Mapi with those adorable puppy eyes that work everytime. Mapi groans as she looks at you and then walks off to find another shirt to wear which leaves the barca players confused. 
Once Mapi returns with a new shirt on, the team proceeds to leave Mapi and Y/n’s house to head to the restaurant which is about 20 minutes away. They got there 5 minutes before their reservation time.
Y/n and Mapi sat next to each other with Alexia to the left of Mapi as well as Lucy and Kiera across from them. Mapi picked up the drinks menu that was placed in front of her and opened it looking at the options of what she should drink tonight. Mapi ultimately decided on a beer as did Y/n and a lot of the rest of the team as well. They eventually ordered their food which you and Mapi ended up sharing as you got a little bit of everything.
“So what was all that about back at the house?” Lucy asked while she took a sip of her drink. “Oh…uh…I stole Mapi’s shirt that she was going to wear tonight, but i must say it was a damn good choice cause you look way more gorgeous in that shirt baby.” You said chuckling while you placed your hand on top of Mapi’s which was resting on your thigh and intertwined your fingers with each other. 
Out of the corner of your eye you could see Mapi angrily glaring at someone across the restaurant and you move your head so you could see then immediately regretted looking because it was none other than your abusive ex girlfriend, Alison, which made you instantly tense up. “Fuck…fuck…no…why is she here?!” You muttered which Mapi heard so she immediately wrapped her arm around your shoulders and kissed your cheek. “Do you want to leave, mi amor?” Mapi whispered to you not wanting to make a scene and rubbed your hand in comfort. “No, I’m going to enjoy tonight. I'm not letting her of all people interrupt this. I’ll be fine, I promise baby.” You told Mapi and gave her a kiss. 
Everyone was having conversations with each other when suddenly Claudia suggested we play never have I ever and everyone agreed. Claudia started with “Never have I ever gotten a tattoo.” A lot of people groaned at that because that meant a lot of people were taking shots. You quickly took your shot and started with your question. “Never have I ever slept with someone on this team.” Mapi, Y/n, Lucy, Keira, Patri, Claudia and Alexia all drank. “Who with? Obviously, me and Mapi have slept together.” You asked everyone. “I’ve slept with Kiera.” Lucy answered and Kiera just pointed back to Lucy as her answer. Alexia rubbed the back of her neck and muttered her answer. “What did you say Al?” Mapi asked, turning towards the captain. “Patri and Claudia. I'm pretty sure you can work out who they have slept with.” Alexia smiled at the two as they sat across from her while everyone looked at the three in shock. “As in a threesome?” Lucy asked and Alexia nodded. “Moving on please…” Whatever the la reina commands we shall do. 
After about an hour of playing Never Have I Ever everyone decided that it would be best to start heading home since it was starting to get very late. Just as you stood up someone walked past and bumped shoulders with you and muttered “Bitch.” under their breath. Mapi grabbed the person's shoulder and they swung around and glared at Mapi. “What did you just say to her? Why are you even here? Y/n has a restraining order against you, you shouldn’t even be in the same city as her!” Mapi shoves the person who turned out to be your abusive ex girlfriend Alison and Alison goes to slap Mapi so you step in front of her. 
The slap is heard throughout the entire restaurant, you could hear all the gasps all over. Alexia gets involved and grabs you and sits you down on a chair and tells a waiter to go and get some ice for your cheek. Mapi on the other hand is absolutely livid and punches Alison who passes out from the punch. “Oh…fuck…ow” Mapi grabs her hand in pain and walks over to you and kisses you passionately. “Are you okay, mi amor?” Mapi asks, holding one of your hands.
“Yes I’m fine. I love you Maria.”
“I love you too, mi amor.”
I hope this is alright! I apologize for any spelling errors.
Please send requests. 
I shall try get through a bunch of requests tomorrow and make my list of people that I will write for .
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mrsbsmooth · 8 months
Suzi, now… before the reveal I NEED you to rank the islanders based on their names and resumes (we mostly have similar opinions Id love to see your prospective)
Oh you NEED it well then okay I guess I gotta do it 😂 y’all wild.
Note: this does NOT indicate which LI I’m going for this season. I’m waiting for the rest of the sprites because I’m ✨ shallow ✨
Anyway, here you go!
(Hope this doesn’t come back to bite me in the ass)
Season 8 islanders ranked worst to best
Based on nothing but their applications
#8 Sports Physio (Jack)
Cyclist. Last place.
#7 Wedding planner (Emel)
Hannah/Juliet hybrid. Thinks she knows everything about love. “Can always tell when a couple aren’t right for each other”, now wouldn’t that be convenient if you’re coupled with someone she wants??? It sucks because she sounds so smart and cultured and I hope she’s nice, but I just have a feeling they’re gonna make her the villain.
#6 Acrobat (Sophie)
She could be interesting, but she’s screaming “I’m quirky! Look at me! Want to watch me do a handstand?” Like come on, at least Rohan had a personality outside of his job. It might end up being endearing like Tim with his rap career but somehow I don’t see it happening. I hope not though because I do so love the Irish.
#5 Cat Cafe Manager (Luna)
Idk what it is about her she just sounds laaaaaaame. And this is coming from someone with a cat who adores them more than life itself. One of those people who makes coffee their whole personality, you know??? I feel like she’s gonna be Thabi from S4 but without the personality quirks that made her unique.
#4 Firefighter (Oakley)
He sounds a little boring but I have a feeling he is going to be like, next level hot. Like NEXT LEVEL hot. I’m immediately picturing Blaze from Love Is Blind (Netflix Game) and if he is I might die. 6’3!?!?!?!? Strong silent type, Jake Wilson-esque, might be our “slow burn” (😏) of the season because I feel like one of the girls is gonna latch her claws into him like that cat he saved and NEVER LET GO.
#3 Underwear Model (Jin)
Don’t get me wrong, he’s gonna be hotter than the sun, but honestly his personality is just boring to me. It might be how it’s written, but the whole “I’m funny because I tell you I’m funny” is getting a bit old. I hope he’s got a serious/romantic side to him (a la Bruno 🥰) otherwise he’s gonna get on my nerves real quick (a la Bryson 🤢).
#2 Dentist (Claudia)
I’ll be honest I’ve already seen her sprite and holy moly mother of Mary she is a STUNNER. I already know MC is gonna have nothing on her, but she’s gonna be stuck in friendship couples for her whole time in the villa because she’s a female LI. This also means she’s probably a bestie option. She seems so smart and funny, and it seems like she doesn’t take things too seriously. She’s gonna be fanfic fodder for sure.
#1 Travel Photographer (Theo)
Not only is this one of my favourite names, it’s also one of my weaknesses. Greek men. Y’all saw me last season demanding Cassius and it didn’t eventuate so if Theo is as hot as he sounds I might pass away. The reformed player vibe is doing it for me so I’m REALLY looking forward to seeing if he’s all that. If nothing else he sounds like he’s going to be a huge source of entertainment and will probably get himself into a lot of trouble 😂
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droughtofapathy · 9 months
The Gilded Age's Broadway Divas: Amber Gray (Bea)
While her Hadestown co-star Patrick Page is terrorizing workers' unions (as per usual), and her Comet co-star Denée Benton is the star of this show, Amber Gray gets one scene where she's terrorized by white men. As a restaurant proprietress, Amber enjoys an elevated place in society, all things considered. For plot reasons, Amber cannot enjoy this victory. Instead she gets manhandled and probably assaulted. Justice for her.
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Amber Gray has enjoyed an eclectic career in the off-Broadway and fringe theatre spaces before making her Broadway debut in Great Comet alongside Denée Benton. She also originated Laurie in the pre-Broadway run of that reimagined Oklahoma revival of 2018, and has been Persephone in every iteration of Hadestown. She left Hadestown in 2022 after several years to join the Daniel Craig Macbeth happing just across the street. This last year, she has performed in the benefit concert of Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris in Tangier, and now delights audiences as the vapid and tech-obsessed Claudia Bursik-Zimmer in Sondheim's final musical, Here We Are playing at The Shed through mid-January.
Her character is only ever referred to as "Bea" by the white man who gets physical with her, and IMDb incorrectly attributes her character as the one she played in The Underground Railroad so I don't really know what we're doing here. God forbid HBO put end credits that list everyone and their characters.
#1: "Charming," Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812 (2016)
Released as a series of music videos on the show's youtube channel, this staging of Amber Gray's solo number is not what happens in the show, but it's fun, and fabulous, and I was obsessed. Amber's signature growl can be heard across her discography.
Playing Countess Hélène Bezukova, a "Queen of Society," she attempts to woo Natasha (played by Denée Benton) on behalf of her brother in this homoerotic little number.
#2: "Our Lady of the Underground," Hadestown (2019)
In a jazzy, capitalist critique adaptation of the classic Hades/Persephone & Orpheus/Eurydice myths, Hadestown is quite possibly Tumblr's most recognizable musical based on all the best musical polls that completely disregard-- You know, I won't get into it here.
Hadestown is a great musical. I've seen it twelve times (which was probably seven times too many, but 2019 was a weird time for me). Amber Gray is a marvel as Persephone, the disillusioned lush of a wife to Patrick Page's Hades. She was nominated for a Tony for Best Featured Actress in a Musical. And I'm not mad about who won, necessarily, but I would have cast my vote in Amber's box.
#3: Here We Are (2023)
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Naysayers turn away because I loved Here We Are in all it's messy, unhinged, utterly deranged glory. With the death of Stephen Sondheim, it will never be fully finished, and the second act is almost entirely bereft of music, but I still consider the euphoria of sitting in that first preview audience and hearing the first notes of that music one of the best experiences I've ever had in a theatre.
As Claudia, Amber Gray is serving cunt and there is no other way to describe it. Now, I don't have the time nor the room to explain the plot of this show. Because of its style and lack of traditionally formatted songs, it's unlikely Here We Are will get a cast album, or that the score will become cabaret hits. Thus, we'll just have to work with the bootlegs I've clipped.
Also featured in the show is Tony-nominee Michaela Diamond, who played a non-speaking shopgirl in one scene during Gilded Age's first season.
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wisteriasymphony · 7 months
"And what did you think was going to happen? Fucking 'love conquers all' bullshit?" Claudia sniffled a bit, before rubbing her face furiously with her hands and smudging everything even further. "Do you know how much fucking work it would be to change my whole life up for you? ...Ever thought about that?" "...No." Adrien was just looking up at the sky, now, at how eerily cloudless it was. "I just lo—" "Exactly. You fucking haven't. It's fuckin' always about what you want, Adrien." She was clearly shivering now, her dress barely better to ward off the cold than a long roll of silk bandages. "You never, NEVER think about—" Adrien set his jacket on top of Claudia's shoulders. It wasn't much, but...he hoped it would keep her a little warmer.
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guys I might just have to end my career here I can't top this shit
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rebelspykatie · 1 year
Give Such Secrets Away
@steddie-week Day Three - First Kiss
Link to AO3 | 10.5k | Rated T
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Steve Harrington.”
The words startle Steve into almost hitting his head on the lip of the glass case where he’s loading in a fresh tray of blueberry muffins. It’s the time of day when not a lot of customers come in, too late for breakfast but too early for lunch. He was using the downtime to reload the case of baked goods before the lunch rush while Bailey washed some dishes in the back.
He wasn’t expecting too many customers, as his Wednesday regulars had already come in and there was only one group of college aged girls tucked into a corner booth. He hadn’t heard the door. Adjusting his hearing aid, he straightens up from his crouched position behind the case.
The voice isn’t one he immediately recognizes, but when he looks up, he freezes.
“Munson?” Steve asks, dumbstruck. It’s obviously him. He hasn’t changed enough to make him unrecognizable, he just looks older and a bit more put together than the last time Steve saw him. Which was at Robin’s graduation, to be exact.
That night was a blur, but he still remembers Eddie running across the stage and flipping off every faculty member in sight as he finally ended his high school career after two unsuccessful senior year attempts. Dustin told him that Munson left town right after that. As far as Steve knows, he hasn’t stepped foot back in Hawkins until now. It’s not like they knew each other well enough to keep up on the other's whereabouts.
Now, his hair is shorter, still almost down to his shoulders, given the length of his ponytail, but well taken care of, unlike the frizzy mop Steve recalls. He must have graduated from 3-in-1 shampoo to real hair products. Or maybe he finally learned how to use a brush with his curly hair. Either way, it looks good.
There are laugh lines around his eyes and a distinct slit is cut through one of his eyebrows in an edgy way that Steve’s seen on people in the clubs Robin and Vickie occasionally drag him to on the weekends. There’s a piercing in the same eyebrow that Steve wants to reach out and touch. His attire hasn’t changed much, though. He’s still all leather and flannel and black.
If his memory serves him correctly, Eddie was always bouncing off the walls, with too much energy to contain in his lithe frame. He would jump on tables in the cafeteria and chase squirrels during recess when they were younger. His mouth ran about ten times faster than his brain and it regularly got him in trouble, with teachers and bullies alike.
This Eddie, one ten years older than the last time Steve saw him, looks more confident than Steve remembers. Calmer. His shoulders are pushed back, but relaxed, as if he’s sure of himself. High school Eddie looked one good breeze away from floating into space, or like a rainstorm would leave him shivering in the cold like a stray cat.
He’s staring at Steve with curiosity, instead of disdain. It throws Steve for a loop.
“Figured you’d be long gone from this town by now, man,” Eddie says, leaning against the counter beside the pastry display, with one hip popped out and his arms crossed.
“My family’s here, I wouldn’t last long without them,” Steve replies truthfully.
And it is true. Maybe they’re not his blood and bones, but his little found family is mostly still in Hawkins. Hopper, Joyce, and El. Robin. Claudia Henderson and occasionally Dustin. Max.
Some of the kids scattered around to other places, but Steve gets to see them during the holidays, like right now. Will, Mike, Lucas, and Dustin were all coming into town over the next week. Even though it’s only been a month since he saw them at Thanksgiving, he can’t help being excited to see them again so soon. Erica is going to meet her boyfriend’s family this year, and he tries not to dwell on how much he already misses her.
“I thought you didn’t talk to your parents much,” Eddie presumes, perplexed, like they’re old friends.
Steve raises both eyebrows in surprise. “How would you even know that?”
“Oh, sorry,” his cheeks flush pink and he runs a hand over the back of his neck, “Henderson told me about it once during a campaign.” Eddie shrugs.
“Ah,” Steve tisks, “once a blabbermouth always a blabbermouth.”
Eddie grins and it dimples his cheeks in such a distracting way that Steve looks away to catch his breath. It’s been so long since high school, that Steve forgot how cute Eddie could be without any effort. All wide grins and twinkling eyes. He mostly ignored the attraction back then, but he’s learned a lot about himself since those days.
He takes a moment to collect himself by turning around to grab the next tray of pastries to add to the case.
“So, you uh- you work here, then?” Eddie asks. When he turns back around with the tray in hand, Eddie is glancing around at the decor of the small shop. Assessing, but not in a judgmental way. He looks impressed. “This is a step up from Scoops Ahoy. A lot of steps up, actually.”
Loading the apple fritters into the case, he says, “I own it.”
He doesn’t look directly at Eddie as he says it but he can see Eddie’s eyebrows shoot up into his hairline out of the corner of his eye.
“Holy shit, Harrington!” Eddie exclaims, slapping one hand on the counter. “I knew from personal experience your brownies were good, but I didn’t know they were open your own bakery good.”
Continue on AO3
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autismtana · 2 years
santana lopez has adhd (part 2)
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^the adhd/lesbian flags^
(*disclaimer: i have adhd myself and work in education/educational psychology, which is the basis of this post in which i get wayyyyy too analytical about a fictional character; however, i'm not a psychiatrist or doctor and am not qualified to diagnose real people with adhd or anything else ... seriously, our only representation is cis white boys whose adhd is an explanation for them being the class clown and treated as a joke so please don't get salty at me for claiming a fictional character that isn't a cis white boy as part of the adhd gang)
(credit to @dojasrivera on twitter for making the og adhd!santana thread; i unfortunately wasn’t able to see it as i only found out about it after their original twitter account got suspended but there may be some overlap between their thread and this post)
sup homies, as you know, tumblr cut me off so i had to make a part 2. (here's part 1)
ambitious but lacking in direction - noted terrible educator will schuester describes santana as being "unfocused" in 3x16.  she's indecisive about college in the latter half of season 3, initially says she wants to go then flip-flops, and then goes to louisville (fun fact: donovan mitchell also went there) for a short period of time then drops out.  after that she has a bunch of projects and career goals that never really go anywhere. (partially thanks to the lazy writing on the show)
fear of failure - santana wanted to go to new york after graduation but initially wanted to stay behind when she found out brittany wasn't graduating (like immediately), then chose to take the scholarship to louisville despite brittany and quinn both pointing out that she had the cash from her parents to pursue her dreams in new york (brittany was a lot more supportive and less judgy though). she did end up going after unpacking her anxiety around it with britt though.
low self-esteem, anxiety and/or depression - season 2 is what i like to refer to as "santana lopez's sad gay era", however i'd also argue that season 4 until mid season 5 (when she reunites with brittany) is kind of a low period for her as well.  the break-up is painful for both of them.  they're one another's safe people so when they don't have each other in close proximity, both of them experience depression.  i would also consider her demeanour at the beginning of 5x09 as an example of her exhibiting signs of depression. santana also experiences a lot of anxiety around her interpersonal relationships (pretty much all of season 2, 4x16, 5x09-5x13); in 5x18 it's very apparent that she's scarred by the experience with auditioning for rachel's understudy part and doesn't want to intrude on mercedes (thankfully, mercedes is awesome, we love mercedes jones here, themostrandomfandom does a great job of analysing this storyline here). it's also worth noting that despite how clumsily she goes about things, santana lopez is the most loyal, ride-or-die person on this damn show (she's definitely a gryffindor or hufflepuff who thinks she's a slytherin despite my less than positive thoughts on the transphobic lady's book series, or - in the context of the superior book series - a mary anne who thinks she’s a claudia) but the only acknowledgement she gets is shame, so she internalises it to give people an "out" ("I'm numb to people's feelings", "I have no heart").
can be easily distracted (while also hyperfocused on other things) - has a tendency to zone out of conversations (credit to @santanaslawyer on twitter) and couldn't remember her locker combo around brittany (although some of that could have also been santana being in her sad gay era and pining over britt)
narrow window of tolerance - santana was completely done with everyone's shit like all the time
strong sense of justice - homegirl uses her bitch powers to protect the people she cares about (see 2x17, 3x11, 5x18). other people aren't allowed to make fun of her mates, that's her job, dammit! she's also proactive in reporting mr schuester's lack of efficiency as a spanish teacher not because she dislikes him (which she doesn't; she might roll her eyes at him all the time but she does actually like him as a person) but because his teaching promotes offensive stereotypes, harms her and negatively affects everyone's education (and to her credit she is way more patient and charitable to him than he deserves when he literally chastises her in front of everyone for doing it). she will also challenge authority in situations where she is being held to a different standard to others. in 3x07, when figgins is considering suspending santana, she pushes back against it (rightfully so) because she doesn't understand how there isn't a zero-tolerance policy for violence when finn and puck get into it in the middle of school, or when the glee club get slushied, or when kurt is repeatedly physically assaulted by karofsky, but she slaps finn (after he outed her) and this policy suddenly exists. same applies in 3x13 when finn and rachel are allowed to have very graphic PDAs at school with no complaint from the authorities, but santana and brittany have one chaste peck and it's the end of the world, and she rightfully tells figgins that there's a double standard.
(really random) hyperfixations - it's a popular glee headcanon that santana spends a lot of time researching random shit on wikipedia (which she probably did the night before her wedding so she could explain to britt about the superstition around the bride/groom not seeing each other before the wedding) based on the absolute batshit cultural references she comes out with. she makes the most random cultural references (e.g. comparing rory to the great gazoo, which is a really random side-character from the flintstones), and has somewhat of a fascination with lizards (2x04, 2x12).  she also just randomly made an entire voodoo doll of rachel berry just for shits and giggles, like … wtf
lack of spatial awareness - so this one's mostly just naya rivera's physical comedy, but ... in the nicest possible way ... santana's a tad bit unco, isn't she? (see: her very charming wacky inflatable arm-waving tube person dancing in 3x08, the scene where she literally walks headfirst into a balloon in 3x22 and the scene in 5x17 where she gets attacked by pigeons).
hyperactive - santana's abuela put her in ballet classes because she was "such a tomboy and it really pissed [her] dad off"; obviously we know she had a mullet and dressed up as uncle jesse from full house for halloween (and she knows how to tie a tie, thanks again sarah) - those are obviously aesthetic things but "tomboy" can also be code for "hyperactive" in afab people (particularly if santana's grandmother was of the "children should be seen and not heard" generation).
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