#clem x loui
jasonsbruce · 1 month
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I love the idea of an au where both Nick and Luke survived because I like that they’re like big brothers to Clem but in different ways. This is how I’d see them being if they’d stayed alive.
Luke in the game is definitely the softer of the two but is still very protective. He’d be the one that gently teases her and acts a little immature when bickering with her while the rest of the group are like “bro she’s 12 and you’re 26 act your age” lmao. He’d also be protective in regards to her falling for Louis but would eventually see that Louis is a good kid.
Nick on the other hand is very much a grumpy older brother who doesn’t like to admit that he cares. He feels bad about how he initially treated Clem so will be a little more kinder to her than the others. He’s very protective and while Luke was protective but fair in regards to Clem and Louis relationship, Nick would just stare them down and be much more protective. Clem is mortified and Louis is a little terrified but Nick probably would eventually like him.
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weenieman25 · 3 months
Carlee till I die
Clouis till I die
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scullyy · 1 year
Love Doesn't Need to Hide in the Epilogue
Pairing: Clementine x Louis
Word Count: 1948
Summary: All is fair in love and war, even with the threat of violence impending on the young teenagers a little crush cannot help but to blossom.
A/N: This was supposed to be multiple little clouis moments in one drabble but it got a bit too crowded for my liking and I got carried away with the first part KSKSSK. Anyhow, I'm like so proud of this?? Also Mitch my beloved you get to shine cuz you deserved better ;-;
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At a mere eight-years-old, Clementine considered her babysitter one of her best friends. Sandra was kind, silly and knew all the lyrics to every song on the radio. Her games were creative, her clothes were always stylish and she could would make perfect waffles every time, safe to say Clementine wanted to be just like her in almost every fashion. Almost
Sandra would not shut up about boys.
The boy in her gym class, that one boy she went on a date to the movies with, the boy she bumped shoulders with in her Biology class. Every week there seemed to be a new boy, a new fixation. A hopeless romantic, Sandra listened to her heart more than she listened to her head. It was Clementine's' least favourite thing to talk about, boys were gross! Kissing was gross! The naïve girl told herself to never, ever obsess over a boy the way Sandra did. It was so incredibly boring, especially when they could have been playing their Secret Sisters game instead.
But now, at seventeen years of age, she too fell victim to the same thing; boys.
Well, maybe just one boy in particular.
There was no way in hell Sandra ever met someone like Louis; none of her romantic conquests sounded as kind, charming, delightful...funny...totally handsome-
"Hey Clementine!"
Said girl shook her head of such thoughts, trying to remember her original task. Spears, that's it. "Uh, sorry Ruby, bad nights sleep." Clem rubbed her eyes for added effect, also trying to distract herself from him and shoo away any lingering thoughts. Louis was on watch that morning, his legs casually swaying off the edge of the tower. She had only known him for almost two weeks, why was he trapped so tightly in her mind?
Deep down she knew and the answer scared her more than the battle looming over their heads.
"Uh-huh," Ruby wasn't silly like both her friends here, her keen eyes picked up on the puppy love look on Clem's face the second Louis came out into the courtyard that morning. She kept her hands busy with the wire spiralling around the arrowhead, a cheeky grin on her face. "I was just sayin' the banners are done, AJ and Tenn did a real good job. How's your spears goin'?"
"Fine, should have plenty by evening-" Her unfaithful eyes flickered back to Louis, who was now gazing up at a bright bluebird in the trees above. She hoped with all her might that he was smiling, no one had seen him smile in days. "Can I ask you something?"
"Sure, what's wrong sug?" Ruby asked even though she had a pretty good idea what Clementine was going to ask her. It wasn't the first time she had seen this look, it was universal. Ruby's love detecting machine was as strong as ever!
"Has, uh...has Louis said anything to you? He just hasn't seemed like himself the past few days-"
"Louis hasn't talked 'bout you."
Clem choked on the air around her, spluttering everywhere and almost dropping the arrowhead in her palm. "Me? Who...why on earth would I ask that?"
"Cause you're totally crushin' on him!" The red-headed girl gushed, nearly screaming her words for the whole forest to hear.
Clementine swatted at the space between them, urging Ruby to keep her mouth shut. "I am not!" Even if Clem was good at lying, her blush - which was as bright as Ruby's hair in the sun - was exposing her heart and mind ten fold.
"Okay sure," Ruby snorted as she continued to laugh further at her friend, who was trying to shush her to no end. "It's nothin' to be embarrassed 'bout! Louis has some appeal...in his own bizarre way." Though she couldn't see it, what with all the racket he made.
"Oh god," Clementine threw her head against their table, wondering just how much strength would be needed to rip her hair out. "Is it that obvious?"
Ruby set down a completed spear, placing it with the other two she had made. "Naw. Well...maybe just a smidge-" Pinching her pointer finger and thumb together. "Don't worry, Louis ain't that observant."
Clementine had completely forgotten about her craft at this point, eyes lowering to her lap. "That and I'm sure he hates me." She was so certain of it, every time they passed by one another his head would drop down, finding the floor much more interesting.
"What makes you say that?" Ruby inquired further, also losing focus on the spears. They could be finished later, this was so much more important!
"He hasn't spoken to me for a few days, not since he gave AJ..."
Ruby leaned in closer, the gap that once separated them almost non-existent now. "Gave AJ what?"
"He let AJ have some of Tenn's old shirts since his got ruined when we got attacked in the woods." A memory she still held onto dearly as she couldn't help the innocent smile from growing.
Ruby buried her head in her hands and squealed, getting an odd look from Omar by the stairs. "Oh my god, that's adorable!"
Clementine rolled her eyes. "It's just some shirts, Ruby..." Besides, Tenn probably asked Louis to do it. Yup, one hundred per cent. 'There was no way he would be kind to us because he genuinely wanted to be, right? People aren't just kind for the sake of it these days, not anymore.'
A lie right after the other. Despite what she had put Louis through he was still there for her, for AJ. A moment of kindness she seldom saw these days, with no expectation to pay him back. That's just the kind of person he was.
Her friend had other things to say, however. "No way Jose! That's a sure sign of affection right there!" She waved her finger in Clems' face, bouncing around like a giddy toddler being presented with a gift.
Clementine moved Ruby's hand with a gentle push yet the support still steadied her shaky knees, even by just a small bit. "Whatever, it doesn't matter anyways, he can barely look at me. There are more important things to worry about right now as well."
"Uh-huh, is one of those things a booyyyy?"
"Hardy fucking har."
Ruby snorted as she continued on with her final spear, shaking her head lightly. "Y'all are too cute."
Clementine kept her mouth shut from that point on.
The young man on the other side of the courtyard wasn't feeling much better himself. One, there was nothing super interesting to look at when on watch. There was the pretty bird in the tree above him sure, but that bird flew off into the sky. He tapped his fingers against the wooden railing, practicing a song he was trying to finish writing. There was the C key, then the D key followed by-
He made the mistake of looking back at the school, his eyes immediately falling on Clementine, sitting beside precious Ruby, the two gossiping about something as the duo seemed super hushed, their eyes and heads low.
'What is she thinking about? It's hard to tell what's going through her head on a good day, though I haven't really given her much of a reason to smile or be happy lately- shut up Louis!'
"See anything dude?"
Louis was jolted out of the daydream he was slowly falling into by Mitch calling out below him. He straightened his back out, attempting his best chilled out position. Totally chill so long as Mitch didn't notice his fidgety hands. "Not unless you count the bird that was here a few minutes ago."
"No, I don't." Mitch kicked at a stray rock by his feet, he was supposed to be doing something with Aasim but it sounded boring so fuck that. "You cool, dude?" Despite not being the most emotionally in tune with those around him, Mitch knew if Louis of all people was silent then something was definitely wrong.
"Uh, yup. What makes you say that?" Even Louis didn't believe his own answer, uncertainty wrapping like a noose around his neck; uncertainty about his past memories, the future of his entire life and...well, her.
"Cause you can't stop staring at Clementine like a fucking weirdo."
Louis bit down on his own tongue to keep his sarcastic remark to himself, focusing on the sour taste of his own blood. "I'm not staring and even if I was it's not weird."
"Why?" Mitch continued, not taking the hint as per usual.
"Wow, nice save."
Louis felt the eye roll in that, Mitch's candour was something he was always a little bit jealous of. Violet possessed this too, he wondered why he hadn't picked it up after so many years together. Hell none of the characteristics he admired in his friends he seemed to possess; he was the two-headed lamb, the broken hand on creations clock, a small bug lost in a big garden.
And yet, a girl he had only known for a couple weeks found it within herself to forgive him of all that. To resign him to a different fate, freeing him as though he were David being pulled from his marble prison. 
"Has she said anything? To you or someone-"
"I'm not a fucking marriage counsellor, you got shit to say you tell her." Helping Aasim doesn't sound so bad anymore 'fucks sake Mitch.'
"Dude-" Louis' palms met his face, tugging at the skin around his hairline. "Forget I said anything." He kicked at a stray leaf, watching it twirl to the ground below, knowing his treacherous eyes would immediately gravitate towards her if given the chance,
Mitch leaned against the rickety ladder, finding the dumb look on his friends face fucking hysterical. "You wanna know what I think?"
"Not really-"
"I think you gotta suck it up and go talk to a fucking girl. Y'know, an actual girl. Not like Violet or Ruby." He wildly gestured to the red-head as if Louis was unsure who he was talking about, hell he wouldn't put it past him. 'Seems like his mind is all 'Clementine this, Clementine that', fucking idiot.'
Louis glanced between Mitch and Ruby multiple times, searching for whatever point his friend was talking about. "Mitch...they're girls too."
"Yeah I know, but not like girl girls."
Crickets chirped between them. "I'm so confused-"
Mitch waved him off, forgetting his argument just as quickly as he had brought it up. "You know I'm right. Don't talk to me about your fucking fucked feelings, tell it to her." With that declaration, he turned on his heels and marched back to the school, leaving Louis only with the sight of Mitch giving the laziest bird ever flipped.
"Thanks, Mitch. You're a real Romeo."
It was his own fault really, asking Mitch about girls was like asking Clementine to wake up on time-
'Oh c'mon now. Stupid crush, stupid school, stupid car crash that brought her into my life like a meteor collision.'
Meanwhile his lady love had found no luck in quieting her humming mind.
‘You don’t have time for boys, Clem. Get your shit together and stop being selfish.’
Louis would one day tell their friends the story of how he wooed Clem with his endless charm, how enchanted she was by the song he wrote and how - as he put it - “she just couldn’t resist any longer!”. She would go along with the bit because of course she would, she was never one to turn down a game.
Quick and not-so-subtle glances would become fingers perfectly intertwined, embarrassed and hidden smiles turning into inside jokes and a carving on a piano there for the rest of time, outliving even them.
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Hi! First off, I just wanna say that I love your writing! It is very very good and I enjoy it very much :D
Second off, I have a request for TWDG
So, how would Marlon, Louis, Clem, Violet, and anyone else you want to add react to their future S/O who has a cat they really really love. Like, say if reader was with Clem whenever her and AJ got rescued. When reader wakes up, they immediately start looking for their cat and when whoever come to check on them, they bring out a knife they have in their shoe and start threading them until reader gets their cat back.
You don’t have to use that idea, just a little thing I thought of. Thank you for your time and thank you if you decide to write this! (Btw if you do you have a request that’ll be prioritized on my blog!)
Have a great day/night!
(Yo! Sure I can! I may have messed this up a bit, so sorry. Anyways, here ya go! Enjoy!)
Marlon, Louis, Clem and Vi x Reader who's missing their cat Platonic, Brother AJ and sibling Reader
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When they heard the crash and found you guys, Marlon didn’t see your cat around
Much less even know there was a cat in the beginning 
So when he heard you had woken up, at first he was sorta relieved but apprehensive
Didn’t help when first thing you did when meeting was pull out a knife they missed in your boot and point it at his neck
You were demanding your cat
Marlon was so fucking confused
“What cat- there was no cat when we found you two and the boy.”
When he finally explained, he felt bad because you looked so sad
Your heart was so broken
Your cat was gone
You didn’t know if it ran away or had been eaten by walkers
And Marlon also felt bad because he knew what it was like being attached to an animal
Like he didn’t know what he would do if he lost Rosie
Clem also helped you trying to find it, Marlon tagged along also
And there was no luck until Marlon heard meowing by the gate
He jumped ngl
He then saw the cat
He felt so proud when he returned it to you
Felt like a damn hero with his hands on his hips
He loves the cat also!
He doesn’t like when the cat tries to play with his haier thinking it’s a fellow cat but-
Rosie surprisingly liked it too
Your cat liked him a bit too
Because we all know that if your pet doesn’t like them they gotta go
So yay! All good
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Louis when he came to check on you was kinda excited new people were at the school
He and the others hadn’t seen anyone for a long time
But that excitement quickly turned into fear when he was thrown into the wall with a knife to his neck
Hands up and saying “Ay! I come in peace!”
Only thing he got from your yelling was that you had a cat, your cat was gone, and you wanted your cat
Problem was…Louis had found it and claimed it as his own-
Dw he was glad he had what you wanted
But he found the amazing creature who loved him and he loved it
Was so sad that he couldn’t keep it
He missed animals
Except Rosie, loves her to but he hadn’t seen a cat in a long time
Once you took the knife away from his neck he was like
“Okay, thank you for not murdering me- and yeah, I got a cat. What does your cat look like?” 
And once you told him he felt so sad he had to part ways with the amazing animal
But nonetheless he gave it back
Felt happy he reunited y’all
And also was so freaking happy because the cat followed him around
You didn’t wanna tear him away from the cat so you let them hang out
And Louis and the cat are best friends now
The cats always on his lap or sitting on his shoulder when eating dinner or playing a game
Always plot
Anything and everything
Pranks, gossip, day-to-day routine
Have their own language
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You had been with Clem and by extent AJ for a while
So she was pretty used to your cat
She loved it also
The cat was so cuddly
Also AJ loved it also, ever since he was a baby he always seemed fascinated by the little cat
So when you and Clem woke up and you started freaking out about your cat
She sorta panicked also and tried helping you find it
When y’all were introduced with everyone at the school your cat was still missing
Until you guys went hunting, Clem heard meowing and thought it was your cat
And she was right, she found the little feline in a tree as walkers were trying to get it
Once she killed the walkers the cat seemed so excited to see a familiar face and jumped down to her
She walked back with your cat in hand and was so relieved when your eyes sparkled seeing your animal
She missed the cat too tbh
AJ also was excited to see it again!
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Vi before it all absolutely loved cats
I believe she had one at some point
When the world went to shit she didn’t think about cats a lot
But when she did she never thought she would see one ever again
So when she went with Marlon and Louis when they heard the crash
She was shocked when she saw you, Clem and AJ all in the car surrounded by the dead
And even more shocked when she saw a cat there
The cat didn’t stick around though, hesitant but ran off when it saw the three teens
Vi was a bit sad but helped you guys out
When she heard you woke up and went to check on you she also got a knife to the throat and was threatened
When she heard you saying you wanted your cat it seemed like it clicked
She explained to you what happened to the cat and you seemed scared a bit
Like the cat could’ve been eaten or gotten hurt
So she helped you in finding the cat
In the hunting grounds, maybe in the school or she once snuck you guys out to the train station to go and find it
But no luck
Until one day she found out it had snuck through the gates and hid behind some of the bushes
She got it out with some food and it liked her a lot 
It rubbed it’s head against her hand when she picked it up and let me tell you she loved it so much
When she returned it to you she was happy at how happy you two seemed
But it didn’t end there
No ma’am 
The cat loves sticking around her
Y’know those movies where someone dramatically sits in a chair, turning it around with a cat in their lap and is like
“I’ve been expecting you…”
“I’ve been expecting you, (Name).”
“...How long have you been waiting there for me to come in?”
“A while actually. Louis came in and I thought he was you but he passed out in fear- I’m pretty proud of myself.”
You can’t tear them away from each other
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You had been with Clem since the beginning, and there when AJ was born
AJ never remembered the cat coming along, in truth it was there before he was
The cat was pretty old
But he loved it so much
He never really understood there wasn’t a lot left
But he always liked holding it and how the cat always liked nuzzling its head against his hand
So when you and Clem were asleep, he was angry he couldn’t see you guys and was in a strange place with people he didn’t know
He was also angry because your cat was missing
So he tried finding it everywhere
The others didn’t know what he was looking for because he didn’t tell them and didn’t wanna talk to them without you guys
Everyone just sees him looking under tables like
“Kitty? Where’d you go? (Name)’s gonna wanna see you when they wake up.”
So let’s just say when you guys woke up he felt sad and a bit disappointed in himself because he couldn’t find the cat
So he tried even harder
And he did find the cat
And he felt so proud giving it back to you once he did
The cat also was so happy to see him
Little cat member of the family
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mijcky · 1 year
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🍊C L E M E N IT N E🍊
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faithinlouisfuture · 1 year
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guess who (there are TWO right answers)
please allow me to illustrate 🤤 (x)
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melancholy-queen26 · 2 years
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clemmietimes · 2 years
i love how people are either “clemerva is a good ship” or “why is this a thing” and tbh i think they’re both understandable
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astraldoesart · 1 year
I just finished the entirety of the walking dead game seasons 1-4 + Michonne. I liked them all! I ended up having Clem leave Lee, Jane dying (fuck Jane), apparently Gabe can die but at least Kate lived, and finally Louis is best boy :)
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I’m always going to be a Clem and Louis shipper until the day I die but I just find Clem x Mitch so good like I wish he’d stayed around or being an option it could’ve been an interesting dynamic.
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chmydarling · 1 year
louis trying to be smooth:
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Louis TWDG x reader - Opposites Attract
Warnings: None :)
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(This takes place in a world where Marlon hasn’t died yet and the raiders aren’t a threat yet.)
     You had been staying at the Ericson Boarding School for troubled youth with the rest of everyone for a while now. You came with your friends, Clementine and AJ.
     The three of you were found by Marlon, after you had gotten into a car crash together.
     Since then, It's been a couple of months, and you've made quite a few friends here! You and Violet typically had late night talks, you helped Marlon out by hunting for food and scavenging; and generally you got along well with everyone. 
     Everyone; except for one person. That person being Louis. 
    He had a very laid back personality, one that you had a hard time getting along with. You felt all his flirting and teasing was gonna end him up with a huge zombie chomp. But, you still got along with him decently, he wasn’t your enemy, per se, just sort of opposites from you. 
     It was nighttime, and everyone was outside when Louis called for one of his infamous card games. This time, though, it wasn’t war. It had a slight twist,
"Let's play truth or dare, the highest card gets to truth or dare the lowest card!"
     We all pull cards, and you look around and then at mine. You got the lowest card.
     And who would’ve guessed, the person with the highest card was good ol’ Louis. 
“Truth or dare?” He says with a shit-eating grin.
“Uhhm, truth.” You sigh. 
He crosses his arms and thinks, “Hmm, out of everyone here, who would you want to be the last person on Earth with?” 
“Huh,” You look over to Clem, “Probably Clem, she’s got my back.” you smile, 
     He seems a little bit dissatisfied with your answer, hoping for something a little more out of character from you, but the game carries on and everyone picks a card again. The next couple turns are pretty normal and fun, nothing too crazy. It takes a while for the lowest card to be yours again. This time the highest card was Violet. 
“Truth or dare?” She says tilting her head. 
“Uhh, truth.”
“Again? Someone’s playing it safe,” Louis chimes in teasingly. 
     Violet rolls her eyes with a smile, “Shut up, Louis. ..anyways,” She hunches over on the picnic table and looks up as she thinks for a moment. 
“Hmm, you know, speaking of Louis, why do you talk about him so much?” She smirks sneakily. 
     A subtle ‘Oooooo’ can be heard by everyone else at the table. All of their eyes went on you, who was now wide eyed and slightly sweaty. 
“Whaaaaaat? I don’t! W- what’re you talking about?” You deny.
Violet shakes her head, her smile remaining. Her whole demeanor is nonchalant and sort of sleepy as she’s talking, “Well if I recall, you talk; a lot. And about half of it is about Sir Louis over here.” 
     You just sit there for a moment with a dumbfounded look on your face while at a loss for words. The truth is, you did talk about Louis, not in a positive light though. It was more complaining about how annoying he was than anything, but she was right, you did talk about him a lot. And even you couldn’t explain why.
“Uhh, I think I choose dare instead.” 
    Everyone around the table laughed at this, and you somehow played off the question and evaded further questions about it. The game went on for just a few more rounds, you got the top card and ended up daring Omar to do a handstand, which he gracefully failed at, and then eventually the long night came to a close. 
   We cleaned up the courtyard, turned out the lights, and then everyone headed off to their dorm rooms. Except for one person, who followed behind you to yours. Louis. 
“Hey, hey (Y/N),” He walked up behind you before you could walk inside your room.
You turn back to him, groaning slightly, “What is it, Louis? I’m really tired.”
“I know, I know, It’ll just be a minute.” 
“Sooo… why do you talk about me so much huh?” He teases with a smirk. 
You sigh and cross your arms, “Louis… I promise you it isn’t as deep as you think it is,”
“Or isss it?” He hums in a sing-song voice.
You sigh, “I dunno. You heard Violet, I talk a lot, I love to ramble to her, I don’t even remember what I say.” I shrug. 
“Are you sure it’s not cuz you… LIKE me?” He tilts his head forwards and looks at you with a cheesy smirk on his face. His hands placed in his jacket pockets. 
   You pause for a second, a slight tint of red on your face, but you immediately purge the thought and regain your composure. You smirk back, crossing your arms and tilting your head up.
“In your dreams, mister.” 
He shrugs, “Welp..” 
“I do hope to see you in them tonight,” He smiles as he casually walks away, wishing you goodnight.
    You shake your head as you watch him walk away,
    He really is something else. 
/ / / / / /
I post my writings on wattpad but nobody seems to be seeing them there so I'm posting them here as well <3 if you have requests put them in my ask box, I think it's set up, I just made this new account so i'll have to check lol, thx for reading !
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scullyy · 1 year
Sunkissed Faces and Quiet Places
Pairing: Clementine x Louis
Word Count: 500
Summary: One of hundreds of mornings spent together, Clem takes time to reflect.
A/N: I’ve had this in my drafts for a while and I’ve missed writing, I’ve missed you. I’m not sure if anyone in this fandom is still really active but I don’t care, I love these two and I love being here with you. This is all just pure fluff hebfhsjbs
Enjoy xx
- <3 -
"Psst, Louis!"
The young man grumbled, his mind caught in the zone where the whole world is a dull hum. His girlfriend inched closer, their noses almost touching now. "Looouiisss," She sang lightly, a small part of her not wanting to disturb his slumber. But AJ was off doing who knows what and she was lonely, a feeling she seldom got these days. "Hey, wake up sleepyhead."
He twisted in his sleep ever so slightly, pulling the blanket further up his shoulders, blocking the rays of fresh sun that came in. "Five more minutes." Despite his sarcastic tone, Clem could see his cheeks rise; the sign of a genuine smile.
"C'mon, you always wake me up in the mornings."
"Cause you always sleep in late."
"I do not!"
He opened one eye and was greeted by her enchanting grin. Not a bad way to wake up if he was being honest. "Oh yeah? You have a problem with how I wake you up?"
Clem bit down on her tongue to better repress her giggles. "I know you're trying to be cute again, but it's hard to take you seriously when you have drool coming out of your mouth." The floodgates to the giggles were bombed open as Louis frantically wiped at his mouth, his nose scrunching at the cold, wet feeling.
"So much for being charming," He sighed in defeat, snuggling back up into his pillow. The single bed just barely held the two of them, so personal space wasn't a thing during these sleepovers. Their arms and legs were crisscrossed like a game of twister, though they definitely didn't start off that way when they first got into bed. "Do I still have a shot?"
She took a long, dramatic pause. "Maybe, I'm sure there's someone else out there who also has dashing good looks."
Quiet, the only word Clementine could have used to describe these soft mornings. These sleepovers were a rare treasure, a treat for the two whenever one (or both) were feeling particularly prone to night terrors; a fleeting image in either ones mind of dead friends, blood soaked hands or ear piercing gunshots. An endless echo in a dark cave... and yet morning would always come and he would always be there, she would always be right beside him.
"Good luck with that Clemmie-"
"-don't call me that-"
"-Considering most of the popular are either dead or have flesh rotting from their faces, I'm as good as it's gonna get." He was sitting up now, stretching his tired limbs. Louis was in quiet thought over what job Violet was gonna assign him today, he hoped fishing with AJ.
Clementine hauled herself out of the bed and over his frame with ease, her feet hitting the dusty floor with a small thump. Despite Louis' protests, she knew there was work to be done, but she also knew tomorrow morning would come and they would follow this routine all over again. Even if there was no sleepover, they would still have every morning together for the rest of their young lives.
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juchily · 2 months
when are TWDG fans gonna learn that relationships are tailored to your decision
If Vi/Lou is on your side when the Marlon stuff happens (i.e, stepping in front of Clementine) its because you made choices that appeal to that character
It's the same as back in s1, Kenny will dependingly be ride or die, or a bit of an ass sometimes depending on if you go ride or die for him as Lee
The people who criticize Violet or say she's a worse love interest are the same people who look at Kenny with a blind eye (no pun intended)
The way I see it:
Clem x Louis is a parallel to Lee x Carly
And Clem x Vi is a parallel to Lee x Kenny
Thanks for coming to my ted talk and let's all be respectful towards these characters and their validity in what they do, they're both great love interests, Louis isn't 👎 and Vi isn't 👎, let's kick the toxic shipping in the ass and realize that your choice is among most things, as an appeal to you as a consumer, and not Clementine's. Realistically— based on the past and the short time frame of S4, she wouldn't date either of those hoes! Not at least until the epilogue where we see her living her life without a leg and the crutch (presumably a few weeks after the bite)
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Louis x Immune S/O
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After everything happened with Louis finding out about your bite, everything simmered down for a while. Well, the most it could do for the apocalyptic world.
But everything was good, until it wasn't. A group of walkers was near the school, wearing down its fences a hefty bit and you all were left with the mess.
So which brings us to today. 
"Why can't the world be normal for one fucking day?" Mitch asked, your brother , groaning and he was tired. 
It was quite early in the morning, Clem and Vi had taken it upon themselves to wake everyone up to help with the walkers.
"There's walkers on the fence, Mitch." Louis yawned, holding you up as you leaned on his shoulder, already falling back asleep.
"Not our fault that Clem and Vi are two grade-A psychopathic women." Mitch rolled his eyes, his knives in his hand as Vi punched his shoulder.
"Okay, everyone watch your backs! There's a lot of 'em out there!" You all looked up, seeing Willy yelling down to you all. 
You all glanced at each other, a bit confused. Yeah there was a lot but none you all hadn't handled before.
You glanced out the fence, doing a double take at all the walkers out there. You hadn't seen that many before, especially outside the school.
"Fuck." You heard Vi cuss under her breath, you felt Louis wrap him around your shoulder as he watched worried with his friends.
"It's gonna be okay guys. Just stick together." Clem said, nodding her head at you all as you all nodded back, some more hesitant than others but a nod nonetheless.
"Okay, let's fuck shit up out there." You state, less worried than the others with your immunity but still worried, immunity was cool and all but you still could be killed by them.
You walked to the gate, opening it as Vi followed you out. You could hear the running steps of the others, immediately your mind was taken away by the walker attacking you already.
You stabbed it in the head, it fell to the ground before you spun around and narrowly avoided getting hit by Vi's cleaver.
"Vi!" You yelled, looking at her shocked as she gave a shrug and a sorta guilty look. 
"Shit! Sorry, Y/n!"
You shook your head, taking out another dead head.
Clem was with Mitch, killing walkers left and right as the others helped from the school walls. Shooting arries, throwing knives or setting more traps.
You bumped into a tree, seeing a walker under the giant rocks you cut the rope and watched as the walker was crushed by them.
You sighed, relieved until you felt something grab you and then you around. 
You immediately reacted, pulling up your knife but it seemed as if you were too late as the walker had already sunk its teeth into your arm.
You gave a small yell, stabbing the walker in the head as it fell. You look down at your arm, putting your hand over it and applying pressure to stop the bleeding and the pain.
You turned your head, freezing when you made eye contact with Mitch. You shook your head, your brother looked heart broken while he watched your hand.
He didn't know what you and Louis did, all he knew was that you were bit and what always happened to people that were bit.
He came running over to you, holding your arm in his hand.
"Shit! We gotta get you back to the school." He panicked, looking around at all the walkers and your guys' friends. He started ushering you back to the school, you didn't put up much of a fight.
Until a walker came at you guys, Mitch didn't see it coming but you did. It got closer, almost biting Mitch as you acted on instinct.
You put your arm in the way, the walker biting onto it as you kicked it down and Mitch looking at you with wide eyes.
You were about to speak, but stopped when you felt pain in your leg. You looked down, the walker you kicked biting into your ankle.
You bit down on your lip, the pain unbearable but you were running in adrenaline. You lifted up your foot, looking away as the walker left a gruesome mark and bringing down your boot to stomp on its skull.
Once it was down and dead, you looked at Mitch. Your brother didn't know what to do, he was close to tears but he wouldn't admit it.
All he knew was that he had to get you out of there.
He grabbed your arm, ushering you the fastest back to the school before you heard a yell.
Louis' yell.
You whipped around, looking with wide eyes as Louis was being grabbed through a tree by a walker, one trying to bite him on his neck as he fought it off and one coming at him.
You yanked your arm away from Mitch. "Y/n!" He yelled, running after you as you ran towards Louis.
The walker grabbed Louis' arm, trying to bite him until you kicked him off, the walker somehow managing to scratch a jagged line across your arm.
You pulled Louis out of the walker's grasp, stabbing it in the head as Louis looked at you relieved. The relief soon turned ro horror when he saw the bites and scratches.
He may have known but he didn't want to see you in pain.
"Shit, are you okay?" Be asked, grabbing your arm as you weakly nodded your head. 
"No, you're not okay! We have to get you back! Now!" Mitch demanded, grabbing your arm and throwing it over his shoulder as you limped on your ankle.
Louis nodded, Clem and Vi running back over as they finished off the rest. "What happened?!" Vi asked, frantic as she saw th bites on your arm.
"Holy hell…" Clem trailed off, Louis and Mitch rushing you back to the school as your conscience began to abandon you.
All you saw was blurs, Louis yelling as Mitch called over for Ruby. Ruby's face in front of you was the last thing you saw before passing out from shock.
When you woke up you saw the top bunk above you, groaning in pain as you sat up and threw your legs over the side of the bed.
You looked down, seeing the bandage over your ankle as you checked it. Yeah, the bite seemed pretty deep but clean as of now.
'So…what now?' You looked around the room, your hearing clearing up enough to hear the muffled yelling outside your door.
"They're gonna be fine!" You heard Louis yell. "How are they gonna be fine, Louis?! They were scratched and bit!" Ruby asked, her voice confused and yet scared at the same time for you.
"They've been been before-"
"What?" Clem cut in, shocked as she learned about this. "Yeah! And they were fine, Ruby saw it! It was scarred over!"
"It was probably a dog bite." Vi's voice was heard, sorta small but loud at the same time. "Dog bites don't look like that." Clem stated, you winced as you knew she saw it too while you were out.
"Well, we're not killing them or making them leave." Your breath hitched, Mitch was outside there. "We can't just do nothing." Assim stated, you could already tell Mitch was in his face.
You were all he had left except for Willy. And he would be damned if they took his sibling away.
"No! Fuck you, Assim! Louis said they're gonna be fine. If it was you in there would you wanna just be thrown out by everyone you knew?!"
"I would rather leave instead so I wouldn't hurt anyone when I turned!" Assim yelled back, you knew how their arguments went. 
Both yelling, Mitch in his face as Assim poked his chest.
"They're not gonna turn!" Louis yelled, everyone arguing as Louis begged them not to kick you out. Mitch was straight up threatening people.
"Touch them and I'll fucking kill you!" He yelled, you sighed.
All this was because of you. Were they gonna make you leave? Kill you before when they thought you were gonna turn?
All you could do now was wait.
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