#clexa camping au
macolethings · 1 year
The Woods Are My Home
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Summary: Lexa has spent months planning the perfect weekend camping getaway so she can propose to Clarke at sunset on a cliffside. But, just like her life, the universe seems to have other plans, and Lexa realizes that perfection cannot be planned.
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Lexa had always loved the woods. It was the mix of the petrichor and pine smells, the sound of the wind blowing through the trees, the calming colors, and the serenity of it all. Today, she was hoping to add “beautiful memories” to that list, if she could just get this damn tire changed.
“Do you need help, stud?” Clarke asked.
Lexa stood on the crow bar, attempting to loosen the lug nuts that were keeping the blown tire stuck on the truck. “I don’t know what monster tightened this so much, but it isn’t budging.” She huffed as she gave a small hop to add some extra weight to it, eventually knocking it loose. “Finally,” she said before looking up to the blue eyes she loved. “I got it, Clarke. Don’t worry, you’re supposed to be relaxing this weekend.”
“We’re supposed to be relaxing, this weekend, if I recall correctly,” she corrected. “Come on, let me help,” Clarke offered one final time.
Lexa gave in, asking her to roll the spare over, and the two of them were eventually on the road again. It took a few more hours before they finally reached a secluded site off a Forest Road. The roads were not maintained and required a high clearance vehicle. Lexa knew the roads from her job as a volunteer for the Polis Search and Rescue Team. She taught the specialized skills required for the job to those in Arkadia and other departments across the country after being medically discharged from her job as an Air Force Pararescue Jumper (PJ).
The site was perfect. Soft pine needles cushioned the small circular clearing. A few trees gave cover in case the 17% chance of rain decided to surprise them. And the sparsity of the trees allowed front row seating to the night sky. As she stepped out of the car, she could smell the fresh pine as the sun heated it, releasing the glorious scent. She took a deep breath, settling herself from the bad start to her perfectly planned trip and mentally preparing herself for what could be the biggest moment of her life thus far.
“You alright?” She felt her favorite pair of arms wrap around her from behind and place a kiss on her shoulder. Turning her head slightly, she gave a quick peck to Clarke’s forehead and smiled. “Of course, I am. I’m in my favorite place in the world, with my favorite person in the world. There isn’t much that could make this better.”
“What about your favorite beer as we sit by the creek for just a bit before setting up,” Clarke suggested, giving her one more kiss before stepping away to start grab drinks.
“You know me so well,” Lexa said in a mockingly dreamy tone as she placed her hands over her heart. “How’d a woman like me get so lucky?” she joked.
The creek had been rejuvenating. The cool water ran over their feet as they sat on the bank, holding hands, and drinking their beers. Clarke tried to pry details out of Lexa about the hike they were going on the next day, but Lexa was adamant about keeping it a secret. “I told you how I found it. That’s all I’m telling you.”
The remainder of the evening passed quickly. Between having to wait till after work to start the drive and losing time to the blown tire, there wasn’t much time to enjoy their setup. Although they did make sure to stay up by the fire for a while to just stare at the stars while in each other’s presence.
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A thunderous boom cracked from the west as they finished up breakfast late the next morning. “Of course, you would,” Lexa internally scolded the universe. She knew there was a small chance of rain, minuscule some would say, but in all her planning there had been no mention of thunderstorms. Rain, they could handle, even hike in if necessary to reach the cliffside in time. But Lexa would not risk their lives with lightning.
Not wanting to give away her disappointment in having something else ruin this special weekend, she settled her face before turning towards Clarke and standing. “We should go hang out in the truck until the thunderstorm passes.” She helped Clarke out of her seat and the two of them did a quick grab of the chairs, coffee, and trash before jumping into the truck. The huff she let out as she settled into her seat must have been louder than anticipated. A tender hand came and rested on face, a soft thumb stroking the side of her face.
“Hey baby,” Clarke whispered, calling to her. “I’m sorry our trip out here hasn’t started out so well,” she commented. “I know how much you were looking forward to getting away from life for a few days and just be.” Lexa hummed and nodded, letting Clarke know she heard her.
“Once this goes away,” Clarke continued, “we’ll start our hike.” She pulled her hand from Lexa’s face and reached into the glove box, pulling out the travel Cribbage set Lexa kept in the car.
“Until then, we might as well kill some time.” She waggled the set at Lexa, smiling. “It’s what it’s here for, right?”
The game was a good idea. Not only did it take Lexa’s mind off the storm, it also cheered her up. Playing games was one of the things her and Clarke loved to do together. When she was deployed, they would sometimes play Yahtzee together. Each had their own set and they’d play over Facetime. When together, Cribbage was their go to game.
They started playing the game when Lexa was stuck in the hospital after her helicopter had been attacked during a rescue gone wrong. She had been shot in the shoulder, and broke one of her legs jumping out of the it before it crashed down. The doctors were worried about infections due to the time she was stuck in the field, as well as the humid, sweat drenching terrain they had been stuck in. Lexa, active by nature, was going stir crazy laying in the hospital. Her wonderful girlfriend, her Clarke, had tried so hard to make sure she didn’t feel alone or bored. That’s when the suggestion of games came about, and thus was born their Cribbage addiction.
Three games and a short nap later, the clouds had departed and the sun was shining. It was as if the universe realized it had wronged them and was gifting a peace offering to Lexa. Trying hard to put the past events behind her, she prepped her backpack for the trip. Blanket, check. First aid kit, check. Water, check. Candles, check. Mini champagnes, check. And most importantly, ring, check. She opened the crushed blue velvet box to look at the ring one last time. It was a simple, white gold ring, with small diamonds inlaid into the band, and a small, raised, round diamond in the center. Clarke had mentioned long ago that she had no want for a large ring; she didn’t want it to get in the way of work or life. So, Lexa went with simple, small, but elegant.
Clarke popped her head into the tent, Lexa quickly shutting and palming the box in her fist. “You ready to go, Lex? I’ve got the food, my water, sweatshirts, and my first aid kit. Anything else I need?” she inquired.
Lexa shook her head and placed the ring back into her bag. “I’m all good.”
The hike started out great. The path was surrounded by the giant trees she loved, yet the rays from the sun were still able to sneak their way through the breaks in the canopy. Birds had come out of hiding, chirping away and playing in the water. Lexa’s hand was entwined with Clarke’s, the two of them enjoying the quiet walk and each other’s company. Quick glances and small smiles were exchanged as they climbed their way over the gravely terrain.
The storm had been more about lightning and thunder than rain, and the gravel made for easy walking. They were almost half way to the spot and making good time. Lexa would have to rearrange her plan slightly, but the most important part was still in place. By the time the sunset was over, she would hopefully be sipping champagne with her fiancé. A loud yelp brought her out of her thoughts. She turned around to watch Clarke struggle on a random patch of slippery clay and completely lose her footing.
She rushed towards her. “Shit,” Lexa bellowed, kneeling next to her. “Are you alright, Clarke?” She looked down, noting the woman grabbing at her ankle and the pain radiating over her face.
Lexa slowly lifted Clarke’s hands away, “let me take a look at it, baby.” Clarke nodded and gave Lexa free reign; she knew she was in great hands.
“I don’t think it’s broken,” Lexa said after careful observation. “It’s swollen, but there’s no sign of a break.” Lexa’s face showed only concern. Her proposal plans were definitely off now, but she was more worried about her love being in pain. “I’m going to press a little bit to see if it can take any weight.” She gave it a slight push, intently watching Clarke’s face for any sign of pain. A quick grimace told Lexa that Clarke should not be walking back down.
“I’m sorry, Lexa.” She heard Clarke say through gritted teeth.
“Please, Clarke. I’m sorry this happened to you.” She tried to give her an assuring smile but failed. “Let’s get this splinted and wrapped so we can get you back down to camp.” She left no room for argument.
Between the two of them, Clarke having been a paramedic for a few years, the leg was immobilized and they were ready to make their way back down the path. “I’m going to carry you down on my back,” Lexa told Clarke.
“Lexa, I’m not going to do that. It’s not good for your leg and you could slip with me throwing your balance off” Clarke argued.
“It’ll be fine, Clarke. We just started on the upward slope not long ago.” She rolled her eyes. “Plus, I’m cleared for rescues. Let me rescue you,” she pleaded. Lexa felt safter knowing most of the path down was embedded with gravel sized rock, allowing for great traction.
Lexa knew Clarke was fully aware there weren’t many options. It was either be carried, throw her arm over Lexa’s shoulder and hobble down together, or stay put. Finally, Lexa heard Clarke groan. “Fine.” Lexa smiled, lifted her carefully, and got Clarke settled on her back.
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Thanks to her job, Lexa was extremely fit. She had grown up playing sports, one being trail running. Her fitness level exploded when she became a PJ. The career field had been dominated by men for decades. When she started the pipeline to become a PJ, the Air Force had just started giving women the chance to attempt to join the elite force. The first woman through, Indra Groves, had finished fourth in her class and inspired Lexa to become a PJ herself. A fellow teammate from high school, Anya, had graduated second in her class from PJ School. When Anya found out Lexa was going attempting to become a PJ, she offered her any help she could so Lexa could finish at the top of her class. Which she did, with Anya and Clarke’s help.
That life had all came crashing down, along with their helicopter. They lost two of their crew that day. The pilot and co-pilot gave their lives holding onto the controls as long as possible, allowing the others a chance to bail. Anya, Lincoln, Lexa, and Roan had all made it out alive, but very much worse for wear.
Lexa’s leg started to ache shortly before arriving to their campsite. She didn’t lie to Clarke; she had been cleared for rescue missions. But she left out the part where the doc said it could still take a toll on her body and that she needed to weigh every rescue with the potential for days of pain as she recovered. Lexa had listened, but she would always put Clarke first.
Together, the two sat Clarke down into the tent as darkness started to cover the skies. Lexa grunted as she knelt down, causing Clarke to raise her eyebrow as she raked her eyes over Lexa’s body. “How’s your leg doing, Commander?” Crap. That nickname had been given to her by Anya after Lexa had become a bit too commanding on their first mission, especially considering she was the newest to the team. Clarke used the name sparingly, and normally as a tease, which meant Clarke was onto her.
Lexa could try to lie, but she didn’t want to. Not only that, but just like Clarke could read her body, she could also read all her subtle expressions. There was no way out of this. “Hurts,” she stated, nonchalantly.
“Uh-huh.” Clarke rolled her eyes. Lexa knew that look. She was in trouble. Clarke must have been able to see her distress because she let it go. But Lexa could no longer let it go.
“Let’s get your leg propped up on these,” she instructed while grabbing their pillows. “She reached into her bag, grabbed the ice pack, and activated it with a quick crack. “If you’ll be alright for 10 minutes, I need to clear my head.”
“I’m sure I can manage,” Clarke confirmed. “It’s been a while since my paramedic days, but I still remember the basics.” She winked at Lexa. “Go. Take your time. I’ll be here when you’re done.”
Lexa felt bad leaving, but she needed to pull herself together, and to do that she needed to let these feelings settle over her so she could deal with them head on. Lexa knew that no life was perfect, but she thought that her dues had been paid. Yes, her life was good. She loved her job, had great friends, and had found the love of her life. But it had in no way been perfect, personally, career wise, or in her relationship with Clarke. She traipsed through the woods as she thought back on her life with Clarke, and how they got to this point.
She had met Clarke while training in Arkadia to become a PJ. After making it through all the military training and testing, she had to learn how to save lives. They were taught to manage trauma patients prior to evacuation and provide emergency medical treatment. They practiced in simulated life or death situations, and were required to do an extensive number of hours as a paramedic in the city. On one of her first nights, she was dumbstruck by a beautiful, sarcastic, and wickedly smart woman who commanded the paramedic team. She had introduced herself as Clarke, to which Lexa’s dumbass could only respond with, “I was expecting a dude.”
Never had she felt so stupid. She avoided the team as much as possible that night, keeping to herself whenever they weren’t saving a life. At the end of the shift, Clarke pulled her aside to make sure Lexa was alright. “I know the first few shifts can be rough, but you’ll get used to it,” Clarke had told her, clearly misreading the situation. Lexa wasn’t scared, just distracted by the woman. She knew she had to pull herself together. She told her she would do better, and Clarke promised to teach her everything she knew. And she had. Clarke’s knowledge was extensive. She had started out in medical school but lost interest as time went one. However, she retained everything she’d learnt and had more saves than any other paramedic team in the city. Lexa’s military skills and the medical knowledge she learned from Clarke had her graduating number one in her class.
They were able to date for seven months while Lexa waited for her first assignment. Clarke and Lexa’s relationship grew and the two were inseparable, talking about their lifelong future. They met each other’s parents and made plans for the inevitable long-distance relationship. As luck would have it, Lexa was assigned to a base in Polis six hours away from Arkadia. Anya was also assigned to the base. Their unit, being so close to the coast, saved lives those the Coast Guard couldn’t reach, and led forest rescues, especially during fire season. Clarke had moved out there eight months later.
After the crash on her first deployment, Lexa’s life had been changed forever. She was struggling through physical therapy after the crash. The immobility and slow progress made her furious. Going from being a fitness guru to not being able to walk was soul crushing. Her anger was sometimes taken out on Clarke, who took it for a while before finally telling Lexa that she wouldn’t stay around to be her punching bag. Her therapist eventually suggested couples counseling, and just like her body, their relationship eventually became strong again.
Lexa sighed to herself. Her and Clarke had been through so much, but they always managed to heal together. She knew that if she wanted to finally feel better, she would have to lean on Clarke. But it would be a balancing act of being honest without giving away her intentions for this weekend. Looking at her watch, she panicked. It had been 45 minutes, much longer than Lexa had told Clarke to expect. What if something had happened?
As she ran back, she noticed an odd light coming from the tent. It wasn’t as bright at the lantern they normally used, and it had a flicker to it. Opening the tent flap, her breath hitched in her throat. “Clarke,” she awed. All around the tent, Lexa’s battery powered candles she had planned to use at the cliffside flickered. In the middle, on one knee with the other leg propped up behind her was Clarke. She wasn’t sure how she managed to get into that position. Lexa slowly made her way in, keeping her eyes on Clarke’s face. She watched as a watery smile appeared across her face. “Clarke, what is this?”
“Lexa, I can see how upset this weekend has made you, but I couldn’t figure out why some storms and a few accidents would set you off so much. But then, I realized why you were trying so hard for the perfect weekend.” Clarke adjusted a little, and Lexa bent down to help steady her. “Our life has suffered its ups and downs, just like this trip. But with you by my side, everything is perfect. Stranded in an airport, losing our luggage on our first trip, having to share a twin bed at my grandparents’ house; all those memories are precious to me because they’re with you.” She watched as Clarke pulled a small crushed velvet box out of a backpack. It took Lexa a second to realize that the box Clarke held was crimson though, not blue. Her heart started pounding as it settled in what Clarke was doing. “I have waited years for this moment, and months to get you here to the woods again. Because, while the woods are your home, Lexa Woods, you are my home. You will always be my home, and I would love nothing more than to marry you. Will you marry me, Lexa.”
Tears were streaming down Lexa’s face. Never in a million years had she seen this coming. Yet this wonderful woman had taken another shitty situation and turned it upside down. Lexa didn’t even care in this moment that she wasn’t the one to ask. The woman she loved had taken it upon herself to try to fix everything and in the process mended her heart with one simple question.
“Yes.” She couldn’t get the additional words out as she started to cry, but pulled herself together. “I would love to be your wife, Clarke.”
Clarke reached up with her free hand, wiped the tears from one side of her face, and kissed her softly. “I love you, Lexa. We are a team, always.” Clarke gently grabbed her left hand and placed the ring onto her finger.
Lexa nodded, and rested her forehead against Clarke’s. They took a few seconds to just breathe one another in. “We should celebrate,” she said after her heart settled. “But first, you need to sit back down properly or that ankle is going to swell up even more.” Clarke nodded her affirmation before Lexa settled her back down and grabbed a few things from her bag. She held the two small bottles of champagne in one hand, and the ring hidden in the other.
“Before we celebrate, I have one clarification to what you said.” She stroked Clarke’s hand as she spoke. “You mentioned that the woods are my home. And while they have almost always been a place of peace for me, YOU are my home, Clarke. A home I want to have forever.” She opened up her fist to reveal the ring. Clarke gasped upon seeing it. It was gorgeous.
“Always,” Clarke vowed before kissing her again.
The two toasted each other, and to their future. Drunk off their happiness, they started making outlandish plans for the wedding before spending the rest of the night wrapped in each other’s arms as they reminisced about their life together. It may not have been the perfect weekend Lexa had planned, but the weekend had ended perfectly.
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paverics · 2 years
avatrice au’s nobody asked for but they live rent free in my head and I have spent so long thinking about them that I’ve mentally built very specific lore for each other them:
- ava loves milfs. beatrice has a mom. do the math. (stacy’s mom but with avatrice ending)
- just regular nuns without the superhero shit and world eating entities
- anti gay summer camp but without the trauma. less miseducation of cameron post, and more campy but i’m a cheerleader
- basically the plot of do revenge or john tucker must die
- beatrice is a doctor who moves into the small town. ava is her frequent patient because she truly (genuinely) can’t stop accidentally hurting herself
- something something war, something something star, crosses lovers slash leaders of opposing factions. telling the clexa gorls to shut the fuck up
- beekeeper beatrice. i have zero other coherent thoughts on this one. mind blank. legs open. maybe ava is…a bee? something. i don’t fucking know
- soccer au
- literally anything horror related. love me a final girl. camping in the woods. slasher shit. mystery killer picking them off one by one. no ghosts or hauntings though because boring
- accidental murder of adriel or vincent (dealers choice) but half of the gorls are the cops and the other half did it
- something about the 40s but their husbands have gone to war
- ava and beatrice are both moms but their kids keep bullying each other so they meet up in a denny’s parking lot to bare knuckle fist fight and end up kissing each other on the mouth instead
just so, so many outlandish and insane scenarios that will not give me peace
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lexa-griffins · 2 years
Seven husband of Evelyn Hugo Clexa 👀
Tell us more.
I'm very interested 🤔
It's not a TSHOEH au per se, although it is very very inspired by it with some elements of Carol/The Price of Salt. This is just the base plot and not all of it because if i ever do post it, I want some mystery there still.
The story is narrated by a 80 something year old Clarke who finally gets to share with the world, in a book written by Josephine, that Lexa Woods, the star of the golden age of hollywood, known for her glamour and her presence on screen, was, in fact, a lesbian and married to her.
We start when Clarke had just been hired to work on the set of Trikru Studios newest release "Polis is Burning Down", starring their new hit girl, Lexa Woods.
Lexa's engaged to Hollywood's newest heartthrob and her co-star, and Clarke doesn't really care for her - a woman who seems arrogant and cold, her glamorous life not something Clarke finds appealing at all. That is, until Clarke is there to watch the filming of emotional crescendo of the climax of the movie, where she sees Lexa bring everyone on set to tears with her performance, a young mother begging her lover not to follow others into a burning world of war.
Clarke decides to go and tell Lexa how much that scene made her feel. She did not expect Lexa to be so gracious at the compliment, not did she expect to suddenly become the target of attention for the young actress - invites to lunch, small presents like wine and chocolates, being on the receiving end of the rare smile the girl shows behind the cameras. They are sleeping together by the time Lexa is married, a marriage Clarke knows is out of pressure from the studio, the movie having just released. Clarke is okay with that, she knew what getting involved with Lexa meant.
They are together for nearly 10 years. Clarke is there when Lexa's husband turns from a man she simply shares a house with to someone who feels cheated by a wife who does not sleep with him nor will give him a child and starts beating her and blaming her for every movie that does not go right. She is there when Lexa loses her first pregnancy, after a beating got too out of hand and she found Lexa bleeding in the bathtub. After that, they start making plans to run away together, buy a small farm back in Kentucky where Clarke is from, run away from the lights and the cameras, even if Lexa has given up her entire life to be a star, even if Lexa owes her life and her fame to the studio and her fans. And when Lexa finds herself pregnant again, Clarke promises they will raise the baby together and away from the cruel, vicious city and from their roles.
To Clarke that baby is her baby too. She cares for it much more then his own father does.
And then one day Lexa tells her she cannot go. Her husband found out about the pregnancy, found out about Clarke and as told her that if she leaves with her, he will make sure he finds her and takes the baby away from her, telling everyone what she is. Perhaps is for the best they go their separate ways. Clarke as come to hate Hollywood but to Lexa this is her home and her duty is with her fans and the studio.
So Lexa stays. And Clarke leaves. They see each other last in 1964 and to not lay eyes on each other again until 1985.
There's a whole lot more that happens in between but this is a quick run down of the first bigger half of the plot. Lexa is very much the star, even if its narrated by Clarke. Lexa never got to tell the world who she was, cancer took that chance away from her, but Clarke wants to be able to share it now that she too is reaching the end of her life. Lexa is already a "gay icon" for many, her glamorous lifestyle, how she seemed to care so much and yet so little about what others thought of her, her last few movies in the 70's were rather camp so without people knowing she was a lesbian, she was already an icon of sorts.
I'm not sure if that killed or hyped your interest, but yeah, that's more or less what Violet Hollywood is about :D I do have a tag for it (au: violet hollywood) for about almost two years now so thanks for asking about it 'cause i never had the chance to talk about it on my blog :D
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bottom-lexa · 2 years
Strangers to lovers for clexa smut fic. Clarke and Lexa meet at a campsite. Lexa notices that her tent is ripped so Clarke offers they can share her tent since it's large enough. Stuff happens and they also have to share the same sleeping bag. Stuff happens and they bang 💥
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Okay these are pretty good ones. I’m gonna keep them in my notes and maybe write a couple of them. I’d make little changes tho probably.
The camping one would probably work better if they’re friends or even exes. I like the jock/nerd one. But I’d probably make it a college au rather than a high school one. I have a funny one where either one of them calls the other daddy and then the next morning their kid is like “mom why did mommy call you daddy last night?” And as for the last one, it’s not something I’ve written before but it’ll be a fun one so might give it a go.
ALSO if anyone wants to write any of these ideas, go for it.
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silentknight28 · 3 years
Joshua Tree
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I pictured you—pictured us—camping in the van. I wake to the soft orange desert glow peeking in through the curtains. You are beside me. I smile. You are sound asleep, naked and pressed against my bare skin. Outside, Joshua Tree National Park.
We’ve been on the road for weeks, spent countless nights making love. Over and over. Limitless. Drink each other in. I cannot be happier.
You stir in my arms and wake. You open your eyes and I am graced with those same soft blues.
In this world, this iteration, this universe, we are together. We own the camp van together.
“Good morning,” I whisper.
You smile and curl into me further. We spend the morning snuggling, and perhaps fall back asleep for an early morning nap. I am the first to rise, exiting the warmth of the camper and inhale the crisp desert air. I fire up the Jetboil to make us some hot coffee.
I shiver slightly as I press the handle of the French press down, squishing the grounds to the bottom. I pour myself a cup, hugging the mug in both hands and holding it close to my chest as I take in a full three-sixty view of the desert. Each unique Joshua Tree stands stark against the sunrise. That’s when you emerge from the van, sliding the door open with a soft thud and hop out. You’re wearing my hoodie. It looks good on you. Comfy. Cozy.
Again, I smile. I am the luckiest person in the world and I can only hope you feel the same.
“Hey,” I say.
Instead of pouring yourself a cup of coffee, you come towards me, wrap your arms around me—facing me—and take a sip of mine.
Your hair looks golden in the sunlight, and I kiss the top of it.
“I really like it here,” you say.
“Me, too.”
“Want to stay one more night?”
We have plans to travel north today, but another day here sounds nice.
“Sure,” I reply.
We spend the day biking, leaving trails of dust under the California sun, and retire into the camper come nightfall.
Despite how physically tired I am, I spend the night making love to you. Again. Kiss and rock you on my lap. Pull you tight against my body and watch you come.
“I love you,” you tell me.
“I love you, too,” I murmur against your lips.
I watch your eyelids slip with fatigue. I am there as well. We fall into bed and I lay my head on your chest, sinking into another perfect slumber.
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karanna1 · 7 years
          two weeks camping, two weeks to get to know each other, two weeks to fall in love
                                        || a clexa camping AU ||
                 part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7 - part 8 - part 9  - part 10
                   - part 11 - part 12 - part 13 - part 14 - part 15 - part 16 - part 17 - part 18
                                 - part 19 - part 20 - part 21 - part 22 - part 23 - epilogue
“I think Lexa’s going to break up with me.”
Raven snorted, rolling her eyes as she walked away towards the kitchen.
“I’m serious.”
They were in Clarke’s apartment, waiting for Wells to bring dinner by. Octavia was on the couch, disinterestedly scrolling through her phone. Clarke turned from the window to face her friend, arms across her stomach as she hugged herself.
“Come on…” Raven glanced up at her as she poured herself a glass of water. “You’ve been saying that for weeks now. How many times do I have to tell you? It’s all in your head.”
“It’s been 6 months of long distance,” she reasoned stubbornly. “I’ve been busier with rotations at the hospital and she’s…she’s obviously busy with work and whatever else…”
“Whatever else?” Raven echoed, raising her eyebrow skeptically.
Clarke shrugged. “She’s barely had any time to talk in the past couple months. I can feel it. Something’s off.”
“Well,” Octavia broke in with a long suffering sigh, still not looking up from her phone, “in any case, you two had a good run. 30 years is way too long to be stuck up your ass. Lexa deserves to breathe again after all that time.”
Clarke glared at her murderously while Raven just snickered.
“Have I mentioned how much I hate Lincoln for telling you about that?”
It’d been private - their ongoing inside joke that one day in Clarke and Lexa’s relationship was the equivalent of two months - but Clarke inevitably let it slip to Raven, and then Lexa let it slip to Lincoln, so naturally both circle of friends were all fully aware of their little secret and made no bones about tormenting them for being Lextra.
“We’re a couple,” Octavia deadpanned, eyes ever glued to her phone. “Couples share.”
That sobered Clarke quickly and she looked away with a sigh.
“Right…” she said quietly. “Couples share.”
Except that’s not what she and Lexa have been doing lately.
Well, it’s not what Lexa was doing lately anyway.
Octavia caught Clarke’s sigh and at least had the decency to feel a little guilty about it. She looked up at her from the couch, but Clarke didn’t notice. She was now back in her own swirling world of worry. Out of the corner of her eye, Octavia caught Raven emphatically gesturing with her hands while and mouthing ‘fix it!’.
“Clarke…hey, Clarke…come on.”
The second time got her attention and Octavia continued.
“I didn’t–you guys are fine,” she said with a little too much enthusiasm for it to be natural (especially from Octavia). “Lincoln would tell me if there was anything going on. He and Lexa are freakishly in sync with each other. You’re just overreacting. Chill out.”
Clarke’s gaze grew cloudier and she barely nodded in acknowledgment before she moved away from the living room - putting space between her and her friends.
The loud slap of Raven’s palms on the counter top did not go unnoticed. Octavia looked back with wide eyes and a useless shrug, mouthing ‘what?’.
Daggers were her reply.
Clarke was oblivious to the exchange.
They were happy. They really were! Or, at least, Clarke had been. The last few weeks though…the last two months really…there’d been a shift. Lexa had always been busy with work, but never too busy that she couldn’t carve out some time in her day for Clarke. They traveled to see each other every other weekend, taking turns on who visited who. Lexa never bailed on a single visit until suddenly two months ago “something came up at work”. And then it happened thrice more since… Clarke tried asking her if there was anything wrong, but all she got was the brush off.
Work was more demanding than usual.
Everything was fine.
Lexa was sorry for not being more available.
But she didn’t really seem sorry… It was all sort of an afterthought. Clarke had gone from feeling like she was at least number 1 or 2 on Lexa’s list of priorities, to…an afterthought.
It hurt.
It hurt too much to think about. So she tried not to. Tried to follow Lexa’s lead and pretend that everything was absolutely fine.
But it wasn’t.
Lexa was drifting away and Clarke didn’t know how to stop it. How do you keep a force of nature such as Lexa Woods tethered down? It wasn’t all her fault. Clarke didn’t have as much time for her as she did in the beginning either. With Lexa’s encouragement she’d enrolled in med school again and began her 3rd year of training in rotations. Her mother was ecstatic. And for balance in her life, she was also taking an art class twice a week with Lincoln.
Yes, Lincoln had moved to the city that very fall after their camping adventures. Octavia said that if he hadn’t come here, she would have been off to D.C. in a shot. Lincoln said he always wondered what it would be like to live in New York City and Octavia was the best kind of excuse he could ask for. He ended up taking a staff position in the rehab department of NY Presbyterian where Abby Griffin was Chief of Staff (only one or two strings pulled). He packed up his life in D.C. and then he was in the city and part of their circle as if he’d always been there. Clarke once asked him how he felt about up and leaving Anya and Lexa like that, but he just shook his head with a smile. He could never leave them even if he tried. Didn’t matter where they were.
And that was that.
Unfortunately, things were not quite so easy for Clarke and Lexa.
Lexa had responsibilities and strong ties to D.C. Her brother was going to high school. That’s where her business was located. She didn’t have the same freedoms that Lincoln did. Clarke tried to bring up the possibility of her going to Georgetown Med, but Lexa wouldn’t hear of it. Clarke would have an easier time picking up where she left off in New York with the same program. With her mother’s connections and how well she was known in the medical circles there…her career would move much faster.
Lately, there wasn’t a day that went by where Clarke didn’t second guess that decision. With Lexa growing more distant, Clarke was kicking herself for not insisting that she go to D.C. for school. It wouldn’t have been that big of a difference. A few setbacks, sure, but it would have been worth it.
Because she would have been able to save her relationship…with the woman she loved more than anything and anyone…
Now she was faced with the prospect of losing that and it was unbearable.
“Jesus, Clarke!” Raven bumped her shoulder, knocking her from her thoughts, and pulled her back into the room where a chastised looking Octavia was slouching. “You can’t honestly believe this crap. The woman worships you.”
Raven plopped into the armchair while Clarke remained standing, but at least she didn’t try to move away again.
“She’s hiding something from me,” Clarke insisted. “I know it. Something’s changed.”
“You know, she’s not the only one who’s changed.”
Clarke narrowed her eyes at Octavia. “What is that supposed to mean?”
Her phone was no longer the sole focus of her attention as Octavia set it aside. Raven groaned, sinking further into the chair as she braced herself for what was coming.
“You’ve done a total 180. Back in med school, in an actual relationship with someone who isn’t a convenient pit stop, taking art classes with my boyfriend, and now whining and moping about the supposed love of your life being too busy running her own business to tuck you into bed every night. Get over yourself. When did the Great Clarke Griffin become a whiny, clingy–”
“Okay!” Raven clapped, chuckling nervously, as she held her hands up between them to stave off the argument that was likely about to explode. “Clarke, what O is doing an unbelievably shitty job of saying here is that there have been a lot of changes in your life lately, a lot of really good ones, and you’ve never been in a relationship before - you don’t know what to expect. So maybe you’re getting a little nervous about the half year mark? Waiting for the other shoe to drop…and it’s making you paranoid?”
Octavia scoffed. “That’s not what I was–”
“Ladies!” Wells’ voice boomed through the apartment, effectively cutting her off, and a door slam followed. “Some help please…”
He appeared in the hallway with a toppling armful of take-out which Octavia made a mad dash for, tossing her phone aside. She seemed to forget that they’d even been talking at all. Raven looked back at the still gloomy Clarke, pursing her lips sympathetically, and kissed her on the forehead before pulling her along to eat with them. They didn’t bring it up again.
But it was never far from Clarke’s thoughts.
Lexa hurried up the steps to Clarke’s apartment building, cradling a large paper bag in one arm, while tugging off her leather glove with her teeth and fishing out her keys from her messenger bag with the other. It was a frigid New York night with a threatening Nor’easter hurtling their way. The snow had already begun, sticking to her long, wavy dark hair. She opened the door with surprising ease and shook out her hair and jacket as she made her way up the stairwell, getting warmer already.
Clarke was at the hospital working a late shift, but Lexa’s meeting ran behind and now she was short on time, but she knew if she moved quickly she could still get everything set up before Clarke got home. She wanted it to be perfect. Clarke deserved perfect.
Using the keys Clarke gave her, she opened the door to Clarke’s apartment and it was dark inside. She decided to find a place to set down her bags before bothering with the light switch.
There was a cry and a shadow lunged out of the dark at her. Lightning quick reflexes was the only thing that saved her. Glass shattered, shared screams, and Lexa dove for the light switch.
Clarke was standing there in her pajamas wielding a baseball bat, looking frantic and alarmed. There was a bowl in pieces on the floor. Clarke had managed to whack that instead of Lexa’s head…thankfully.
“Lexa?” she cried breathlessly, lowering the bat, but still gripping it tightly as the adrenaline started to wear off.
 Lexa sagged against the wall in relief. “Oh, I thought you were working tonight,” she said much more calmly than the situation felt like at the moment.
“That’s what you’re going to say to me right now?!” Clarke’s voice went up an octave. “I thought I was about to be murdered!”
Lexa chuckled and pushed off the wall, embracing a still slightly wary Clarke with a deep kiss that soon had them melting into each other. The bat dropped onto the hardwood floor with a clatter, but Clarke just wrapped her arms around Lexa, deepening the kiss.
They agreed in the beginning not to use the phrase “I miss you” too much. Only reserve it for the most needed times. Sometimes in a long distance relationship, “I miss you” happens so often, it becomes the only thing you say.
As Lexa’s hands slid up Clarke’s shoulders to cup her neck and Clarke threaded her fingers in Lexa’s ever thick and wavy curls…no braids. It was a summer time only thing apparently.
They weren’t voicing the words, but ‘I missed you’ echoed between them over and over a thousand times and again.
Eventually they parted, hearts racing, foreheads pressed together, breathless for an entirely different reason now…. A much better one.
“What are you doing here?” Clarke murmured, soft, wondering smile on her kiss swollen lips as the pads of her thumbs brushed over Lexa’s cheeks. “According to your text this afternoon you were going to be in back to back meetings and then straight to bed. In Washington, D.C.”
“I changed my mind,” she replied easily.
Clarke’s smile grew wider, gaze flickering from Lexa’s eyes to her lips. “Did you now?”
“I wanted to surprise you.”
“You definitely…definitely succeeded.”
She leaned back in to capture her lips once more, deep and languid. They broke for a gasp air and chuckled, still wrapped up in each other.
“What are you doing home?” Lexa asked, almost in a whisper, running her fingers through Clarke’s hair.
They just couldn’t stop touching each other. As if they couldn’t believe this wasn’t another dream they’d wake up from and they’d still be too many miles apart. As they explored each other’s bodies in the simplest of ways, no damage, same as they remembered - it was affirming that it was real. They were together again.
Solid. Warm. Soft. Real.
“According to your text, you were pulling a double.”
“Harper asked for some extra hours.” Clarke shrugged nonchalantly.
Truth be told, she’d actually been right on the line of her 80 hour limit for the week and she really needed the rest. Harper threatened to go to their attending and report her if Clarke didn’t go home. When Lexa started be less available, Clarke threw herself into school and the hospital as a distraction, taking every shift available when she wasn’t studying. She didn’t say that though. She didn’t want to worry her and worry is exactly what Lexa would do.
The answer, predictably, didn’t quite satisfy Lexa who was eyeing her with that knowing gaze that always made her shiver. But before she could question her further, Clarke pulled away, dropping her arms.
“So what’d you get me?”
Lexa sighed, barely audible, but she allowed the change of topic and watched silently as Clarke peered into the paper bag.
“Candles…candles…more candles…” She mused aloud, rummaging through it a bit. “Oh! Fairy lights…with even more candles.” Clarke looked up at her with a an amused tick of her eyebrow. “Did my friends finally get you that gift basket?”
“Gift basket?” Lexa repeated with a confused frown.
“Oh, yeah, they wanted to thank you for fucking me so thoroughly our first night together at the lake. Coffee?”
Lexa stared at her in bewilderment as Clarke walked off into the kitchen as breezily as she had let that bomb drop.
“No…no, thank you.” Lexa shook her head, trying to erase the image of the delinquents lining up to offer her presents for sex with Clarke. As if it were some sacred ritual…which she really couldn’t deny...but--
Then it finally clicked for her that Clarke just said she was going to make coffee at this hour.
“No coffee for you either,” she called out reproachfully. “You need sleep, Clarke. Not more caffeine.”
“But you’re here and I wan…”
Lexa was already in the kitchen with her, gently, but firmly, leading her away from the coffeemaker.
“Fine, fine,” Clarke acceded. “May I have some wine instead, ma’am?”
Lexa gave her a look, oh the look she’d gotten to know so well, the look she absolutely loved getting more than anything.
Okay, not more than anything.
Cause there was a lot of other stuff she really loved with Lexa and about Lexa.
Like sex.
Sex was high up on that list.
So very, very high…
Anyway! The point is, she liked the look. Very much.
Smirking, tongue between her teeth, Clarke pulled an already opened bottle from the fridge and set two glasses out to pour for them both as Lexa kissed her cheek and went back into the living room.
While Clarke was busying herself for the moment, Lexa wistfully glanced at the bag of supplies she brought, knowing her plan was shot to hell, and sat down on the couch as she wracked her brain, trying to pivot and see if this night was still salvageable.
Salvaging what she had planned anyway.
It was still a night with Clarke and there was nothing better she could ask for than that.
Clarke came back in and handed her a glass half full before settling down on the couch, snuggling into her side.
“I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Even if it means you smashed your bowl?” Lexa glanced over at the still shattered mess on the floor. They really needed to clean that up soon.
“I’ll smash them all if that’s what it takes to have you here.”
Lexa smiled. She knew a sleep deprived Clarke when she saw one. Sleep deprived Clarke was always more loose lipped with glassy eyes and just an tiny bit of exaggeration to her usual animation.
She sipped at her wine and put it down before she turned her body towards Clarke, curling into her. She couldn’t help but be entranced by the sight of her beautiful girlfriend.
The sloppy bun on top of her head, hair half fallen out in disarray. The way her t-shirt fell over her shoulder, exposing smooth skin and the angle of her collar bone. The way her eyes, still such a bright, sharp blue even when she was as exhausted as Lexa knew she was. The dark circles blatantly gave her away, but it still didn’t dim the ever vibrant, strong waves of energy Clarke’s presence always seemed to bring. Her scent surrounded her and Lexa breathed it all in deeply.
That was one of the things she missed most…ached the most for after Clarke’s touch. They way she smelled.
They always made sure to leave some clothing item of each other’s behind after a visit. A sleep shirt, a sweatshirt…something. But it still wasn’t a substitute for the real thing.
Utterly mesmerized, Lexa was leaning in before she knew it, but Clarke turned away at the last second - leaving her more confused than ever.
“So…when are you going to tell me the real reason you showed up at my apartment in the middle of the night - in a snowstorm - when you live in another state?”
She took a another gulp of her wine immediately. As if that would hide her nerves somehow.
Lexa was a little alarmed at the question. It wasn’t like she’d never surprised Clarke with a visit before. And Clarke seemed nervous.
Why would she be nervous? If anyone had something to be nervous about here, it was Lexa.
And another thing - Clarke was never nervous with her. Not since they met last summer.
Was it just the vibes Lexa was giving off? Her own nervous energy being reflected?
As she watched her closely, Clarke was in another world of her own.
Usually, Clarke wouldn’t be anything but overjoyed to have Lexa physically with her again. To be pressed up against her, feeling her warmth, breathing her scent… God, how did Lexa always smell so good? But there was still that feeling between them. The secret. The chasm inching wider and wider the longer they let it go unsaid.
“Well…it’s not a storm yet,” Lexa pointed out, choosing the most obviously innocuous response.
Clarke had to use considerable strength to resist an eye-roll.
“Okay, fine, you caught me,” Lexa sighed, sliding down next to her and took a sip of her wine. She looked at Clarke with the most level, serious expression. “This is a booty call.”
Clarke snorted ungraciously before letting out a barking laugh. She set down her (now empty) glass, and curled back up with Lexa on the couch, closer than before and feeling more at ease. If Lexa wasn’t concerned, then Clarke shouldn’t be concerned.
Maybe Raven and Octavia were right…maybe it was all in her head. (Octavia still sucked for being so harsh though.)
“A three hour drive ride for a booty call,” she smirked. “I’m flattered. But poor Flint…having to drive you up to the city at this time of night.”
Lexa shrugged. “I took the chopper. 90 minutes. Flint gets the week off.”
This time Clarke had to roll her eyes. “My ridiculously loaded girlfriend… Who knew you had all that money while you were riding around a lake on a glorified piece of tinfoil?”
Lexa smirked. “Had to make sure you weren’t blinded by dollar signs of course.”
“Of course.” Then a thought occurred to her. “A week? Does that mean…you’re going to be here for…a whole week?”
“Something like that,” Lexa replied carefully.
That was her opening, her chance to start, but Clarke was staring at her lips now, eyes darkening. Lexa felt her heartbeat quicken automatically in response.
If she wanted her plan to have any semblance of a chance tonight, she’d have to come up with something fast because Clarke’s plans were about ready to carry them both into the bedroom for the rest of the night.
Not that she would complain.
Fuck it.
Lexa couldn’t remember what she was going to say anyway.
Clarke’s gasp when Lexa met her lips was enough to make her throb wildly between her thighs. She was wholly unprepared for Clarke ripping off both of their shirts and shoving her down on the couch as she attacked every inch of bare skin available.
Fast and furious, the flurry of hands, lips, teeth, and tongues - they needed this. They needed to meet each other again. It’d been too long. Time for leisure and exploring and drawn out pleasure was for later. Right now, they just needed each other.
And that’s what they took.
Eventually they’d ended up in Clarke’s bed, though how or when, Clarke really couldn’t say. She knew she’d passed out almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.
She didn’t know if Lexa had ever gone to sleep though because when she opened her eyes again, it was still dark out, and the space beside her was cold and empty. A lonely bed in a lonely room.
Clarke wondered if she’d dreamed it all up. Lexa surprising her. The shattered bowl. Just another dream she could hardly tell the difference from reality except for the part where she’d have to call Lexa and have only her voice and pixelated face through a camera for comfort.
There was a gentle thump outside her door and Clarke exhaled quickly. Not a dream. Lexa’s scent was still on her. The sting of light scratches and a pleasant ache between her legs were evidence enough. Lexa was here. This was not a lonely bed in a lonely room. It was just waiting…biding it’s time until the two of them filled it again.
There was another thump and Clarke forced herself to lift her head off the pillow, wrapping the blanket around her shoulders to stave off the winter chill.
“Lexa?” she called out groggily. “What are you doing? Come back to bed.”
No answer.
With a frustrated groan, Clarke wrapped the blanket around her nude self tightly and flung herself out of bed. The floor was freezing beneath her sleep warmed feet and she grumbled to herself about her impossible girlfriend as she padded towards the door, still half asleep.
The glow of lights didn’t really strike her until she was back in the living room and then her eyes widened.
Lexa had outdone herself. The entire room was adorned with fairy lights elegantly draped over the walls and ceiling. It seemed like there must have been a hundred candles lit and flickering, bringing a nearly magical, hallucinatory glow around them.
“Lexa…” Clarke gasped, looking around in wonder.
She turned around after lighting the last candle with a smile. Her hair was a mess of curls over her shoulders, the ringlets appearing like mini-halos in the firelight. She was wearing Clarke’s sweats and a t-shirt, but barefoot as usual.
Lexa was so beautiful, so striking, her features standing out even more in the soft, muted light. She was perhaps even more beautiful then the day Clarke really saw her for the first time. The second day of their camping trip as Lexa expertly tiptoed her way out of her boat and leapt onto Clarke’s beach. The afternoon sun pouring down on them to shine on Lexa in all her glory. She had felt and heard her the most when Lexa picked her up off the rock. That alone had been enough to make her feel something… But seeing her the next day…with no head injury to impede it… Maybe she’d fallen in love at that very moment.
“Hi,” Lexa smiled gently.
Clarke’s mind was a blur. Too tired, too overwhelmed, too relieved to form words.
Lexa came towards her and slid her hands up Clarke’s arms to cup her cheeks lovingly.
She brushed their lips together briefly before pulling back. “Just so we’re clear...this was not a booty call,” she murmured, the corners of her mouth curled up. “I have news I wanted to surprise you with. I was hoping to set this up for when you got home from work.”
“Oh?” Clarke murmured, still feeling dazed. Maybe the candles were giving off some kind of fume that was drugging her into this languid, delirious, perfectly happy state of being…
“Yes, but then you swung a bat at my head.”
“Not sorry.”
Lexa smirked. “I had a...pretty important meeting earlier tonight. It was to finalize the plans, sign the contracts, officially start the process.”
Okay, she didn’t expect that.
Clarke blinked a few times, struggling to wake herself up more, and tightened the blanket around her naked body. Lexa wrapped her arms around her, molding their bodies together to help her stay warm. Well…it was one reason anyway.
“Contracts?” Clarke repeated in confusion.
Lexa nodded. “I know I’ve been busy and not around as much, but I had to make sure it could work - that I could follow through with the plan without getting your hopes up.” She sighed. “And without getting my hopes up either…”
“Lexa, what are y–?”
“I finally convinced Uncle Gustus to expand.” Lexa couldn’t keep the excitement out of her voice. “I flew in tonight to sign the papers with Kane. We break ground on the second store in two days. A third one is soon to follow when I get this up and running.”
Clarke was very confused. Still happy, but quite befuddled about what to make of all this.
Clearly, it showed because Lexa laughed softly, hugging the sleepy Clarke tighter.
“The second location is just outside of the city. Anya will run the flagship with Gustus in D.C. while I focus on growing our brand in brick and mortar. Which means I’ll have to live nearby. Which means…”
It finally clicked in Clarke’s poor, short circuiting sleep-deprived brain.
Lexa had found a way.
“You’re going to live here? In New York?” Maybe it was a little over-dramatic the way her voice trembled, but damn it, with all the romantic lights and missing her girlfriend and being so terrified of losing her…
“With you…” Lexa nodded. “If you’ll have me. We can stay here if you want or we could find a bigger place together, whatever you want.”
“I want you.”
Lexa’s smile grew. “I want you too.”
Clarke opened up the blankets, exposing herself to the chill briefly, so she could quickly bring Lexa into the warmth with her, wrapping the coverlet around them both. Lexa wrapped her arms around Clarke’s naked waist and snuggled into her shoulder.
They stayed like that for a moment before Clarke stomped on her barefoot none too lightly.
Lexa cried out in protest, mouth open in shock. “What the hell was that for?”
“What was that for?” Clarke frowned deeply at her. “You ass! Do you have any idea what you’ve put me through these past couple months with all the secrecy? Lexa! I thought you were going to break up with me!”
“Okay…” she said slowly, controlling her voice, while wincing, “I understand your frustration, but it was with good intention and certainly does not excuse violence.”
She narrowly escaped Clarke’s heel coming down a second time.
Growling, Lexa bent at the knee and picked Clarke up, forcing her to wrap legs around her waist unless she wanted to fall, and brought her over to the couch again, but this time Lexa laid on top of her.
“Are you going to try and kick me?”
“You put me through all that just because you couldn’t share plans for–!”
“I didn’t want to disappoint you if I couldn’t make it work.”
“You could have trusted me.”
“It wasn’t about trust. I love you. I had to make sure this would work before I could tell you.”
“We’re supposed to be partners!” Clarke stopped struggling with a frustrated exhale and laid her head back as Lexa hovered over her. She spoke more calmly, “We promised each other that. There’s no way we would be able to work if we weren’t partners. How could you keep something like this from me? All that you must have been going through and you never said a word...”
“I didn’t want to raise your--”
“You should have trusted me to handle it. You lied to me.”
“What lie?” Lexa replied, bewildered. “I have never--”
“Lies of omission,” she said sharply, her gaze boring into Lexa. “You of all people should know how badly those work out for us.”
Lexa seemed surprised by that and was silent, frozen, until, finally, she sighed and rested her forehead against Clarke’s.
“I’m sorry.”
Clarke had calmed down from the initial outburst, but she was exhausted and still shell shocked over this revelation.
Lexa was going to move to New York.
Lexa had been keeping a massive secret from her for months.
Lexa was here.
Lexa had been hiding things from her.
Clarke had always known she was hiding something, she just didn’t know what. It was something good - something wonderful even - but Lexa didn’t have to go through all of that alone. Clarke could have been there to support her, maybe even help if she needed it.
But Lexa chose to keep her out.
And that hurt.
Soft, sweet lips pressed against hers in the gentlest apology she knew.
“Not now.” She said tiredly, without any real bite, and shook her head.
She wrapped her arms around her and snuggled into the crook of her neck, soaking in the comfort of Lexa’s weight on top of her, breathing her scent as her eyes fluttered shut.
Clarke woke for the third time in what seemed like the same night, but now it was to daylight streaming through the windows. Lexa was warm and solid, pressed against her back as they were curled up and tangled in blankets on the couch, lying side by side. The candles had been extinguished, but the fairy lights were still on.
She cracked her eyes open further, noticing the missing bowl that was usually on her coffee table. She looked for the shattered glass, but saw nothing. Lexa must have cleaned it up when she did all this last night.
“Do you think we’ve laid here long enough?” It was scratchy with sleep, but still that same strong, extraordinary voice Clarke heard against her ear in that twilight on the lake.
“Long enough to fix things you mean?”
Clarke paused, thinking as her mind slowly caught up with her from it’s dream-world state.
“You’re really going to move here?”
Lexa shifted behind her and Clarke could feel her soft lips press against the bare skin of her shoulder, shivering despite herself.
“You want to live with me?”
“There can’t be secrets like that again, Lexa. Even well meaning ones.”
“I understand.”
Clarke was quiet for a moment. She could feel Lexa holding her breath behind her.
“Let’s go to bed.”
Lexa kissed her neck and cheek and nose, climbing over her with a smile. Clarke wrapped her arms around her neck as Lexa scooped her up, hands on her bare ass, as she carried Clarke back into the bedroom. Curtains pulled shut, door locked, they cuddled beneath the blankets ducking their heads under the sheet like they were back in a tent again.
They had never really left it. Never really would.
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costiascoven · 5 years
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Scary Stories
Lexa hate ghost stories around the campfire but being in love with Clarke makes her a little reckless. She even joined a secret club for scary storytelling when she was younger, just to get closer to the coolest blonde in her school. It proved to be a smart choice seeing she got to call Clarke her wife now. Besides, the protective embrace and calming effect of her wife's heartbeats makes it all worth the while.
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a-neonlight · 6 years
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Clexa Camping Trip AU **
If you ever fall in love... fall in love with someone who wants to know your favorite color and just how you like your coffee. fall in love with someone who loves the way you laugh and would do absolutely anything to hear it. fall in love with someone who puts their head on your chest just to hear your heart beat. fall in love with someone who kisses you in public and is proud to show you off to anyone they know. fall in love with someone who makes you question why you were afraid to fall in love in the first place. fall in love with someone who would never ever want to hurt you. fall in love with someone who falls in love with your flaws and thinks you're perfect just the way you are. fall in love with someone who thinks that you're the one they would love to wake up to each day.
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thessclexa · 6 years
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Hockey AU fanfic update!
Chapter 7: Thumper
Hey! It’s hockey season - so let’s update this fic. 
Clarke and Lexa meet at an all-girls hockey camp. Read here
Credit @skyline0000 for Lexa manip!
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shaydez13 · 7 years
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I need me a Clexa Camping AU where the crew decide to go camping and Clarke and Lexa act on their feeling for eachother around the warmth of a campfire, beneath the blanket of stars with cold beers in hand and friends retelling childhood stories of growing up together ✨
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butmakeitgayblog · 3 years
I read somewhere that Lexa would definitely be a chess person and let me tell you: yes.
Clarke would teach her at some point and she (Lexa) would dominante the game (as much as Clarke? Who knows) but she would really enjoy that.
So now I'm thinking about "Teach Me" (that is so good) and I finally found a perfect AU where she can play chess (this doesn't mean you have to write it, it's just my imagination 😂)
"Teach Me" and "Demon AU" Clexa would play chess.
AND! Vampire Clexa! Don't forget Vampire Clexa.
I doubt it'll make it into the fic but oh my, 100% professor Lexa plays chess. She may or may not have even been in chess club in high school. And went to chess camp a couple of summers. And took a few seminars during her time in college. It's whatever it's whatever nothing big don't worry about it.
And yeah okay, she's competitive, but also a good loser when it happens but an even better and gracious winner because she's not an asshat like the kids she grew up playing against. And Lexa's a natural born teacher, it's just in her blood, so when she finds out Clarke used to play a little with her dad years ago but never really learned a lot of fancy moves and strategies, she gets more than a little excited. But obviously plays it cool. As in, very cooly sits straight up and vibrates at a frequency that could shatter glass as she very, very nonchalantly and wide eyedly asks if Clarke would like her teach her a few tricks just for fun.
She also plays it really cool when she immediately shoots off her couch before Clarke's fully finished her answer to go grab her favorite set.
Because of course she has multiple sets.
The lil nerd.
Of course the greatest strategy Lexa ever teaches Clarke is actually that if she wants to win a against an opponent, she has to get in their heads. That's why her tried and true method of victory against Lexa becomes very strategically undoing buttons of her blouse throughout the game. Lexa's concentration goes to shit
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macolethings · 1 month
For anyone interested in my list of completed and in-work stories, see below the cut for the names, summaries, and links! Everything is on my AO3 account here. You can also click on any title name below to go directly to that story.
Current WIP
Sonraun Rein Kiken (A Life Worth Living)
Summary: Lexa and Clarke deserved more time and a happy ending. But in this world, and with the responsibilities these two have, it won't be easy. And more than one event will work to tear them apart. Experience these two learning about one another, falling in love, and taking on the world together.
Canon Fix-It that starts the night after Lexa fights Roan and kills Nia in season 3. There will be romance, angst, attempted humor, unexpected friendships, and maybe a few other surprises.
#sonraun on tumblr
Completed Works
Witch’s Chimney
Collaboration with @mozz14
Summary: Lexa is living a quiet life in the woods away from her past. Clarke and Madi are seeking a new life on the other side of the mountains. Truths will be revealed, lessons learned, and hearts captured, as the Darkness haunting Lexa returns.
#witch’s chimney on tumblr
Imperfectly Perfect Series
#Imperfectly perfect AU - tumblr tag
The Woods Are My Home
Summary: Lexa has spent months planning the perfect weekend camping getaway so she can propose to Clarke at sunset on a cliffside. But, just like her life, the universe seems to have other plans, and Lexa realizes that perfection cannot be planned.
Karma, Friend or Foe
Summary: Lexa and Clarke have been working together for a month and Clarke is confused on how she feels about the newest member of her team. What happens when she accidentally overhears Lexa having a private, loving, conversation.
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clexaweekofficial · 4 years
Can you give an example of what the "out of bounds" theme means?
Sure! It’s kinda like Forbidden love, except I think a bit less...dramatic, maybe. Here are some example prompts:
AU where Clarke is invited on a summer camping trip with her friend Anya, and finds herself very interested in Anya’s younger sister Lexa...who Anya made Clarke SWEAR she wouldn’t sleep with. 
Workplace AU where Lexa finds herself very attracted to her boss Jake’s daughter, she’s so out of bounds but she won’t stop flirting with her...
Another workplace AU where Clarke’s boss Nia makes Clarke go spy on her rival and enemy Lexa. Clarke is going to be so fired if she starts dating her boss’s biggest enemy....
HSAU where Clarke has eyes for her friend Costia’s ex-girlfriend Lexa. You can’t date your friends’ exes, everyone knows that, but uh...they kinda sorta ended up making out under the bleachers after the football game yesterday and um, Cos might just kill her?
College AU where Clexa are roommates- everyone knows it’s a cardinal sin to fuck your roommate. Anyone else is fine but God, roommates are so out of bounds...
AU where Lexa is getting the hots for her probation officer Clarke. This is so far out of bounds it might as well be in outer space.
AU where Clarke finds herself attracted to her rebellious daughter Madi’s hard-ass principal during countless after-school meetings discussing Madi’s behavior.  Madi hates the principal (though she secretly might just respect her) and would never forgive Clarke for the embarrassment of her mom dating the principal and ruining her rep. Lexa is out of bounds, and yet....
AU where stable-girl Lexa finds herself falling for Princess Clarke. Royalty don’t date commoners, Clarke is SO out of bounds, but it doesn’t seem to stop Clarke from constantly seeking Lexa out to tend to her horse and the two of them to go on long romantic rides together with a surprise picnic or two...
HP AU where pureblood Lexa meets muggle Clarke during summer break. Mugglekind is out of bounds, but God, she’s so pretty...
Canon au. ‘nuff said.
HSAU/College AU where Clexa are rivals, and everyone knows they’re rivals, and it’s at the point where they can’t not hate each other or all their friends would be insufferable so...out of bounds, but uh...they don’t actually hate each other at all....
Fake dating au where they have a CONTRACT, they CAN’T FALL IN LOVE, they’re OUT OF BOUNDS (oh shit they fell in love)
Just to name a few :) 
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So I decided that for my day nine, I’d do a list of some of my favorite fics to give the fandom authors some recognition. Of course, all of our fanfic authors are amazing and I’m so grateful that they do what they do, but these are just a few of my favorites. 
I tried to tag any authors that had a tumblr account, but it’s entirely possible I missed some, so if I did, sorry
This post isn’t super long but it’s pretty damn long so all below the cut
(also do note that my interest in bellarke is only a few months old so I have a lot more clexa fics than I do bellarke sorry)
Canon AU
Set The Dark On Fire by @talistheintrovert (complete)
Okay okay so this is a pretty dark fic, but god is it beautiful. After waking up from Cryo, Clarke and Spacekru try to figure out what to do about this new planet situation, but Clarke isn’t handling it very well and attempts a suicide. Like I said, pretty dark and serious, so if that isn’t your thing don’t read, but it’s amazing
Three Lives, Three Loves, One Face by @these-dreams-go-on (complete)
This fic has a ton of my favorite themes all mashed together and it’s amazing. Basically it’s similar to the Josephine!Clarke situation of s6, but Wanheda is an actual manifestation also inhabiting Clarke’s body so when Josie gets put into Clarke, Wanheda takes over and goes mass murder on Sanctum. Phenomenal fic, I’ve read it so many times and I adore it
Into The Anomaly by @fuckitup-in-style (WIP)
Time Travel AU!!! Starts after s6, but resets back to s1 canon divergence. The hundred all wake up on dropships and they all remember up until their deaths, and then it’s this thing where the mains all take charge and start herding up their crew. Just- if you like time travel fix-its, this is p e r f e c t please read it
And Now You’re Home by @asroarke (complete)
I just read this one recently and g o d is it amazing. After being left alone during Praimfaya, Clarke finds herself becoming desperate after being alone for so long. Until she finds out there’s been a grounder watching her the whole time. Grounder!Bellamy AU, with some accidental pregnancy that just makes it even cuter
Modern AU
I Found Peace in Your Violence by @eyessharpweaponshot (WIP)
I just found this fic a few days ago and holy shit is it a piece of art. I finally went through and read the entire 80k fic last night, it’s absolutely enthralling. Basically, there’s this gene called HTS and Clarke ends up having it, and so does Bellamy, and it’s just a beautiful story from both a romance and a plot standpoint. Such an interesting concept
our stars came in a packet of two by @millipop (WIP)
This isn’t a super long fic, it’s 20k right now and hasn’t been updated in a few months but what’s there is amazing. So the delinquent group is desperately trying to get Bellamy and Clarke together since they’re constantly denying their chemistry, but what the delinquents don’t know is that Clarke and Bell have actually already been together in secret and it’s such a fun fic, highly recommend
Don’t Wake Me, I’m Not Dreaming by grumpybell (complete) (I can’t find their tumblr sorry)
A very interesting AU where Clarke can see into other people’s dreams. She’s been meeting Bellamy in his dreams for years, him being the only person who could actually see her. Guess what happens when they meet in person? Probably not what you expect. Read the fic to find out, you’ll love it
reelin’ through the midnight streets by @detectivebellamyblake​ (WIP)
I haven’t finished this fic yet, but what I’ve read so far is wonderful. Basically Clarke, Bell and Octavia all grew up in a trailer park together, and eventually Clarke has had enough of her mom’s bullshit and decides to get out. Bellamy and Octavia go with her
Canon AU
Broken Body, Broken Spirit by @vmplvr1977 (complete)
I love love love this fic!! It basically mashes together the worlds of The 100 and Deus-ex, and if you don’t know what the latter is don’t worry too much, the fic gives all the backstory you’ll need!! Basically Clarke gets severly injured and ends up with augmented limbs, and Lexa, thinking Clarke dead, has some pretty severe reactions to it all. Kind of an enemies-to-lovers, but it’s set after the s2 finale
Clarke Kom Azgeda by FMLClexa (WIP)
This fic combines so many of my favorite ideas it’s amazing. Coming back after a long hiatus, basically Clarke gets sent down to Earth alone and ends up in Azgeda territory. She’s tortured and trained into Nia’s top assassin for years, and eventually gets the order to infiltrate Polis and kill the commander. You can guess how that goes
A Riffle and the Sea by Follower_Of_Mania (complete)
I will say it’s been a while since I read this fic but it’s amazing. Another Clarke gets sent to Earth alone AU, but she gets adopted by Floukru and trained to be a seriously badass killer grounder, like even Lexa is pretty put off by her. Clarke and Lexa develop this really interesting relationship where half the time you can’t tell if they love or hate each other and it’s amazing
Ascendants by whiteleopard1124 (WIP)
So this isn’t entirely clexa, it’s also clarke x luna but it’s clexa enough. Basically Clarke and the hundred get injected with this solution before being sent to the ground, and it causes certain people to develop supernatural powers. But Clarke gets injected with a special serum that causes her to be extra-OP but like in a very very good way
doing the impossible (with you) by snowandwolves (WIP)
Another Time Travel AU where Clarke kills herself and, after having a discussion with the goddess of death herself, wakes up back in time. She (and her accomplices) work out how to rewrite their story and make everything go better than it did last time. One of the best time travel fics, in my opinion
Healer on the Ground by Owlmemaybe (WIP)
This has long been one of my favorite fics, I love AUs where Clarke turns grounder, and that’s exactly what this is. Basically Clarke has a healing talent, so she can heal herself and others on command, and during s1 gets separated from the 100 and ends up with Heda. Another fic that isn’t likely to get updated, but it’s 100k of goodness that you h a v e to read
Whispers In The Dark (Lead Us To The Light) by JadelynDeath (WIP)
This one also hasn’t been updated very recently, but it’s still 50k good words to enjoy. Wanheda!Clarke AU where Death is a real being and takes a liking to Clarke before she even touches the ground, and once on Earth Clarke is an absolute badass in leading the delinquents.
(my) Destruction Within Your Mouth by @entirelytookeen (WIP)
It took me so long to actually finish this fic once I started reading because oh my god the angst, it was actually too much for me. This is a beautifully written story, so many emotions, can’t recommend it enough. Basically, Clarke gets separated from the 100 and ends up temporarily mute while she’s taken in by Heda
She’s a maniac by ChocDog (complete)
Another big-time favorite, this has badass commanders Heda and Wanheda. The grounder culture is different in this fic, but in such a good way. They’re much more tribal than is portrayed in the show, preferring not much clothing, bloodthirstiness, but it’s amazing. Also Bellamy comes in and makes a fuss of things
Through the Looking Glass by RhinoMouse (WIP)
Role Reversal AU where Lexa comes down with the 100 and Clarke is a BAMF Commander of the grounders. It’s been a really long time since I’ve read this one but I remember loving every second of it. Faintly follows the s2 plot, but it’s different enough that not a second of it is boring
Can you See Me? by clexawarrior (complicated)
Okay so basically this story was discontinued, but the author left a summary of how it would’ve played out at the end, so it’s... complicated. But this is another one of my favorites!! Lexa was at the explosion on the bridge and got injured, Clarke brings her back to the dropship to care for her. A lot of sexual tension ensues
From The Ashes by ArchonsVoice (complete)
I love love love this fic!!! So basically the dropship landed in the sea rather than on land, the ship explodes, leaving Clarke stranded alone in the middle of the ocean. She’s rescued by a clan called Tseekru and after years of living with them, has a run-in with our one and only Heda and sets this whole thing going. Amazing fic, so many twists
Returning to Hell by ElseworldKara, littleraider99 (complete)
If you haven’t read this fic what have you even been doing honestly. Set two years after the s2 finale, Clarke leads the coalition beside Heda, and she’s returned to Arkadia to finally tell them to get their shit together or suffer the consequences. Very dark, a lot of character bashing on Abby, Bellamy, and others. An inspiration for many of my own fics
Then There Were Two by TheWorldNeedsMoreOctaven (WIP)
I haven’t read the most recent chapters of this, but it’s phenomenal. ABO universe where Clarke is the only omega sent down in the hundred (later followed by Raven), and they have to deal with the grounders and nature. It’s a lot more interesting than I make it sound, promise. Also very octavia/raven based too
Doctor on the Ground by @underneaththecovers-au (WIP)
Very angsty, very smutty fic. Clarke finds an injured Lexa while out of camp and takes her to the bunker to help her heal. Lexa pretends she can’t understand English, but even with the barrier, things get heated very quickly. You can imagine the chaos when Lexa’s secret gets out. Must-read
Modern AU
Vantage Point by thatoneloser_kid (complete)
This is pretty short, only 16k words, but god is it good. If you like dark!clarke, this is the story for you. Clarke, Lexa, Octavia, and Raven are all a bunch of criminals who run around- saving people?? That makes it sound like a superhero story but no, they’re all badass. Clarke is literally a psychopathic ex-assassin. It’s just an amazing fic
Are You A Kidnapper? (Because You Abducted My Heart) by 707 (complete)
This isn’t normally the type of fic that I like to read but I’m so glad I picked it up. So Clarke and Lexa have this hatred going on between them that’s actually just hidden attraction, and they’re finally forced to address it when they get kidnapped and locked in a room together. This fic has it all, fluff, smut, angst, an amazing plot, it’s just all around wonderful
Make Two Halves Whole by awkwardrainbow, Lexawoodz (WIP)
This one I also don’t remember all that much about other than that it was amazing. It’s been years since it was updated, though, so I doubt we’ll get any more, but what’s there is 80k worth of goodness. Clarke and Lexa meet online through Twitter, living on opposite sides of the US, but still manage to fall in love with each other
breathe into my lips the life i do not have by @ur-the-puppy (complete)
So this is another long-time favorite of mine!! It’s a 36k oneshot where Clarke moves into a house that ghost Lexa haunts but instead of being creeped out Clarke just starts chatting up the ghost and they become roommate buddies. Such a good fic, I highly highly recommend this one
You See the Smile That's On My Mouth (it's hiding the words that don't come out) by heartshapedcandy (complete)
Another fic I need to go back and reread, but I remember being absolutely absorbed in this fic!! Childhood friends to lovers AU, with a fuck ton of angst and confusion and oblivious pining dorks that you can’t help but love it to death. Also a lot of ‘’’’platonic’’’’ kissing
Other AU
Storm of the Heart by @cruellanita-bby (WIP)
Mermaid AU!! Clarke lives on an island where they grow up hating the mermaids that attack their fishing ships, and she hates them too until she finds Lexa the mermaid washed up on the shore, injured, and starts taking care of her. They fall in love and try to mend the relationship between their people. I’ve been keeping up with this one for a while, it’s so good, please read it
Hold Me Till The Stars Dim by @ur-the-puppy (complete)
I’m putting this one down here rather than in modern AU just because of how different it is from most modern AUs. Lexa goes camping with her friends out in the woods, some shit happens, and she meets what’s basically grounder Clarke, with a twist. This fic is so captivating, I loved it
You’re safe with me by I_am_clexa (WIP)
ABO modern AU where omegas are sold as slaves to alphas. Clarke is an omega who is bought by Lexa’s father as a gift to her, but Lexa doesn’t like the way omegas are treated and goes out of her way to give Clarke the best life she could possibly have
Other Pairings
Canon AU
Three Loves (Pieces Of Us) by @kendrene , @bae-in-maine (WIP)
Clarke/Lexa/Anya fic where Anya takes Clarke back to Lexa as a kind of prize, Clarke ends up making an alliance with the Trikru and maybe also falling in love with the commander and her general along the way. I’ve read this fic so many times, but it hasn’t been updated in years. It’s still 150k worth of amazing fic though
Twisted Steel by Steelehart (complete)
A clarke/raven fic where an explosion on the Ark leaves Clarke with two prosthetic arms. Follows fairly closely to the s1 plot once you get into it, but deviates in the later chapters. It’s an amazing fic I promise, please read it
Modern AU
and four makes home by @dreamsheartstory (complete)
This is over 300k worth of Clarke/Lexa/Octavia/Raven, which seems like a lot but I promise you it’s perfect. It’s been a bit since I read this, but from what I remember it’s your typical fall-in-love modern fic, just with the added angst of figuring out a four-way poly relationship
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anonfanfic · 4 years
Life of the Party || Clexa Small Town AU
The huge bonfire crackled and hissed in the distance. Lexa wasn’t sure what she was doing at this party. She hated parties, she hated crowds, and she hated most of the people gathered around the fire yelling and laughing way too loud. She could already smell the stale beer and cheap vodka all around her. 
“Holy shit, I didn’t think you’d actually show.” Lexa spun around to see Clarke holding a red plastic cup and smirking at her.
“Yeah well,” Lexa’s right hand was clutching her left forearm protectively. She couldn’t hide how uncomfortable she was in this environment. “I’m full of surprises.” 
Clarke walked over to Lexa and the second she started to speak again Lexa could smell the liquor on her breath.
“Are you staying long?” Clarke reached out and pulled Lexa into a tight hug. “Or are you gonna disappear like you always do?” 
Lexa wrapped an arm loosely around Clarke’s waist and smiled. “You know me too well.” 
Clarke pulled away and took Lexa’s hand, pulling her toward the crowd gathered around the fire.
“Come on, we’ll get you a drink.” 
Lexa didn’t want to be here, but Clarke was here and that was enough to get her to stay for at least one drink.
The air smelled like smoke and alcohol. It was a dizzying combination made only more intoxicating with each drink Clarke handed to Lexa.
At some point, music started to blare from one of the cars parked nearby. People started to jump, scream the lyrics, and grind against the nearest body.
Lexa watched Clarke in the middle of a group of people shaking her hips and finished yet another cup of alcohol. 
After a particularly loud song ended with a final bass drop, Clarke came over and wrapped her arms around Lexa’s shoulders. 
“You’re still here!” Clarke’s voice was slurred and Lexa put a hand on Clarke’s waist to steady her.
“I am.” Lexa looked down and could see just how blasted Clarke was. “You aren’t driving home tonight, right?” 
Clarke shook her head and smiled. “No, I’m sleeping at Raven’s tonight.”
Lexa’s brow furrowed in concern. “Raven just left half an hour ago with Finn.”
Clarke pouted dramatically and went to reach for another drink, but Lexa took her arm.
“Why don’t I drive you home.” 
Clarke eyes went wide. “I can’t go home, my parents would murder me.”
Lexa thought for a long moment, looking around as the crowd around them started to thin. People were pairing off or just sitting next to the dying fire still singing along with music that had long since stopped. 
“Alright,” Lexa made a decision. “We’re gonna crash at Lincoln’s tonight.”
Clarke’s eyes were wide again. Lexa could see the embers of the remaining flames dancing behind the bright blue.
“It’s fine. He’ll be cool and in the morning I can either take you to Raven’s or to your house.” 
Clarke nodded along with Lexa’s words though Lexa wasn’t sure if Clarke understood anything she was saying. 
“Let’s get out of here and maybe find you some water.”
Clarke nodded again, this time reaching down and lacing her fingers with Lexa’s as they walked back to Lexa’s truck. There was a rush of electricity that started at Lexa’s fingertips and charged through her body to her chest. The surge seemed to pull all the oxygen from Lexa’s lungs as she fought to inhale the closer they got to her truck.
Lexa helped Clarke into her truck, her mind still racing through everything that was happening. It was like the world was moving so much quicker than she could keep up, but she was trying her best stay above water.
Lincoln’s place wasn’t far from where the party had been held, and Clarke had taken the opportunity to play Lexa’s radio as loud as she could a sing along to some cheery pop song Lexa’s didn’t know. It didn’t stop her from looking at Clarke and cracking up as she pretended to be on stage performing.
They got to Lincoln’s and Lexa used her spare key to get into the small, dark house. There was little chance Lincoln would walk up and if he did Lexa knew she would need to do some serious explaining as to why a drunk Clarke Griffin was now raiding his fridge.
“Okay, let’s get you to bed,” Lexa whispered, after Clarke had downed a large cup of water and taken the leftover burger that Lincoln had in his fridge. Lexa made a note to grab Lincoln dinner tomorrow.
Lexa carefully maneuvered Clarke to the guest bedroom on the other side of the house and got her settled into the small bed. She grabbed the trash can from the bathroom and placed it next to the bed.
“I’ll be right over there if you need me.” Lexa pointed to the floor near the closet where she would be camping out for the rest of the night.
Lexa turned to walk away, but felt Clarke grab her wrist.
“Stay here with me.” Clarke patted the bed.
“No, it’s way too small. You need to rest.” Lexa looked down at Clarke’s hand grasping her wrist and felt the same shock move through her system, but this one stopped in the pit of her stomach.
“I can make room.” Clarke moved over and once again patted the bed in front of her. “Please…” Clarke stuck out her bottom lip and batted her eyes up at Lexa. “For me?” 
Lexa felt her resolve crumble. This was a bad idea. The only thing worse than Lincoln finding out Lexa had hidden Clarke here was Lincoln waking up to Lexa and Clarke sharing a bed and reeking of booze. 
“Fine,” Lexa kicked off her boots. “But only until you fall asleep.”
Clarke smiled and released Lexa moving one of the pillows as Lexa settled into her spot. 
The bed was far too small for this. Clarke’s body was flush against Lexa’s as she pulled the covers up. Clarke draped an arm over Lexa’s stomach and wiggled her body around until she finally got comfortable. Lexa felt Clarke’s warm breath on her neck and it was almost enough to make her jump out of bed. This was too close. This was crossing a line with Clarke who was too far gone to know it.
“Lexa?” Clarke’s voice came through the dark. “I love you.”
Lexa’s heart stopped. This had to be some fever dream. Lexa was at home in bed, she had never actually gone to the party. This couldn’t be real.
Lexa swallowed, feeling a lump the size of a boulder in her throat. 
“Tell me that again when you’re sober.” Lexa whispered back.
There was a moment of silence that made Lexa’s ears buzz like a nest full of wasps.
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karanna1 · 8 years
             two weeks camping, two weeks to get to know each other, two weeks to fall in love
                                                           || a clexa camping AU ||
     part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7 - part 8 - part 9  - part 10 - part 11 - part 12
    part 13 - part 14 - part 15 - part 16 - part 17 - part 18 - part 19 - part 20 - part 21 - part 22 - part 23
The Blakes lake house was gorgeous, massive, and luxurious - every inch of space designed and utilized by a seemingly professional touch. Clarke heard from Bellamy that his mother wanted to build her own mountain get away two years ago. Seeing the results now...it was clear Aurora Blake spared no expense.
We couldn’t have vacationed in the lap of luxury here instead?
Clarke shook her head.
Octavia and her stupid grudge against Kane...
They were all gathered in the Great Room, sprawled out on various pieces of furniture when the dining table only fit 10. The pitched ceiling must have been 20 feet above Clarke’s head as she tilted back to look at the gorgeous, almost rustic feel of exposed pine that ran across it. The house faced the lake with a wall of windows, floor to ceiling, which Clarke knew would give them a stunning view on most any other day, but today it just gave them a front row seat to the monstrous storm ripping through outside.
It was okay though. Now, they were merely spectators to this great storm and no longer participants....victims, really. It was okay because now they could watch from the safety of this beautiful, strong home, and know that they were protected. Lightning flashed again and again over them as thunder constantly interrupted, but no one paid it any mind as they ate their supper.
And she was totally not jumping every time the thunder claps...
Not at all.
Another deafening boom had Clarke half out of her seat. Lexa put her hand on Clarke’s thigh and squeezed reassuringly
Clarke gave her a weak smile, but inside she was cringing at how pathetic she must look.
Stupid thunder...
She must have been frowning pretty intensely because Lexa shifted closer, slipping her arm around Clarke’s shoulders.
“Are you all right?” she asked quietly.
Clarke felt the tension flood out of her body at Lexa’s touch...the headiness of her being close like this...
Her smile was one hundred percent genuine this time.
Lexa smiled too and they went back to eating their supper.
It was quieter than Clarke was used to with this crowd, owing to exhaustion. Lincoln, strangely enough, was the chattiest Clarke had ever heard him since they met. It was mostly directed at Aurora (and Kane, much to Octavia’s disdain).
The day had caught up to Lexa as well. Clarke had already caught her almost nodding off into her bowl of stew twice. She couldn’t keep this up much longer, but knowing what she did about Lexa, Clarke knew the woman would never admit it.
“We were on the phone with the rangers when you pulled in,” Kane said. “They check all the sites in storms like these, but you never know and we wanted to be sure they’d get to you in time.”
“But here you are,” Aurora said firmly, as if to remind herself.
Bellamy smiled and squeezed her hand while Octavia nodded at her solemnly from across the room. Aurora looked between them both and sighed, allowing herself a weary smile.
“I have to say, you are one of the last people I would ever expect to show up at our door, Miss Woods.”
“I share your surprise,” Lexa replied, lowering her bowl to her lap, “but I am grateful for your hospitality and--”
“My mother’s hospitality,” Octavia interjected coldly. “This is her house.”
“Octavia, not now,” Aurora said firmly.
“I am grateful to you both,” Lexa amended smoothly, “for allowing us strangers to take refuge here.”
“You’re hardly a stranger, Miss Woods,” Aurora said. “Marcus told me all about you. You managed to leave quite an impression. He admires you.”
“Okay, seriously,”  Octavia snapped, “how do you know him?”
Her blatant disregard for Kane actually being in the room with them did not go unnoticed, but it did go unsaid. Her mother just shot her another warning look. Kane pretended as if there was nothing out of the ordinary happening, the smile never leaving his face.
Clarke was listening to the exchange in silence, as an intense observer, but she was tucking away all these nuggets of information in the back of her mind - ready to explore and discover on a better day.
Lexa gave Octavia a tired, but polite focus of her attention. “We had some business together last year.”
“I’m only sorry we weren’t able to conclude it,” Kane said. “You’re a true visionary, Miss Woods.”
“Tell that to my Uncle,” she quipped, but it was clear she was not comfortable having this conversation.
Kane didn’t pick up on it. He only tutted and rapped his fingers on the table. “Gustus is stubborn and set in his ways, but you have more influence over the man than you know. He looks to you for your knowledge and expertise. If there is anyone who could convince him--”
“Marcus,” Aurora cut him off, squeezing his shoulder affectionately but pointedly, “no business talk tonight. Can’t you see how tired she is after their ordeal today?”
She was absolutely right. Clarke looked over at Lexa sympathetically as she was valiantly trying to stay awake and alert for the conversation as well as make it though their meal.
“Of course,” Kane nodded, seemingly apologetic. “I wasn’t thinking.”
Clarke decided to jump in there since Lexa certainly wasn’t going to do it for herself. “Well, I’m about to pass out after everything today so I’m going excuse myself.” She took Lexa’s hand, squeezing gently to alert her. “And I’m sure Lexa could use the rest now too.”
Lexa’s eyes flew open, startled by the sudden shift. Clarke acted quickly, thanking Aurora, as she took the half empty bowl from Lexa, and cleaned both of their dishes in the sink against Aurora’s protest. Lexa was drifting off again, but in her brief moment of alertness, she seemed confused about where she was and where her bowl had gone. Then Clarke was standing in front of her again and tilted her head towards the hallway, gesturing for Lexa to follow.
Which she did. Of course she did.
Aurora pointed out where they would be able to sleep and that she’d already made up the beds. They would have to share of course, but there was still ton of room. Three guest bedrooms on the main floor, the loft could sleep 8 comfortably, and there were two pullout couches.
“Thank you again,” she said to the older woman as she took Lexa’s hand.
“Don’t thank me,” Aurora replied, rubbing Clarke’s shoulder fondly. “You know you’re always welcome, Clarke. Sleep well. I’ll phone your mother for you to make sure she knows you’re safe.”
Clarke nodded to her gratefully and led Lexa down the hall to the third guest room she’d decided to claim without asking, knowing her friends would full well concede it to her anyway.
Surprisingly...or perhaps not because of what they’d all just been through...there were no wolf whistles or cat calls as Clarke took Lexa to bed for the night.
“This is the first time we’ve ever been in a real bed together.”
“I could get used to it.”
They were under the covers, drapes drawn, lights off, but still the rain pounded loudly against the roof and the wind beat against the windows. Lightning flashed through the curtains and thunder boomed. But they were warm, safe, sheltered, and they were together. Mother Nature could howl all she wanted, but she couldn’t touch them now.
They were on their sides, heads on their own pillows, facing each other in the dark. Lexa took Clarke’s hand and held it in the space between them after she brushed her lips over her knuckles.
Clarke sighed happily at the feeling of Lexa’s plush, soft lips against her skin. It wouldn’t get old. It couldn't. Not just the the way it made her heart stutter, but how right and comfortable it felt. In no time at all, Lexa had opened up an entire new world that Clarke didn’t know existed. And, yes, there was pain there too, heart rending, unimaginable pain. But the happiness that came with it...there were no words to describe it. That’s how she knew any pain that might come would be invariably worth it.
Watching the dark outline the sleepy woman in bed beside her...Clarke finally understood the how.
Intellectually, she understood the why. That falling in love brought pleasure and pain tenfold. That the one made up for the other and in the end was worth it.
But...she never understood how it really happened.
Because it never happened for her. She never felt it. She never felt the intensity. The magnetic draw. The way your head spins and your heart thunders. You can’t imagine a more nerve wracking state of existence or a more peaceful state of contentment. Only does the one person manage to turn you inside out over and over.
Then she was stranded on a rock with her head bleeding, absolutely freezing, and a beautiful Forest Goddess came to her rescue (and of course immediately started undressing her).
How did people fall in love? Clarke still didn’t know.
But she did.
“I know why they call you 'Princess' now,” Lexa said sleepily, surprising her.
Clarke thought she’d long since succumbed to exhaustion.
”What do you mean?” she asked quietly, not wanting to disturb the peace they’d found in that moment.
“You handled yourself well today. Your friends, they look to you for leadership."
Clarke rolled her eyes even though Lexa couldn’t see her. Still, she couldn’t deny the quickening of her heart, a feeling akin to pride to have Lexa pay her such a compliment. It meant so much more coming from her, the woman her own friends referred to as ‘Commander’ than it would have from anyone else.
"Usually I’m considered the annoying Mom friend."
Lexa yawned, pulling Clarke a little closer. She could feel the warm, even little puffs of air on the back of her hand as Lexa breathed. “It's more than that.”
"Well...” The corner of Clarke’s mouth turned up in a wry smile. “If I wasn't convinced of the Commander before, I definitely am now. You were incredible."
Lexa moved again, close enough now so that their noses were touching, but she didn’t say a word. Clarke’s heart was racing again. The little smirk before had bloomed into a full smile that she couldn’t stop even if she tried. She nudged Lexa’s nose affectionately with her own, trying slow the rapid fluttering in her chest to no avail.
“You know...’Princess’ didn't really start out as a compliment."
"Finn thought I was pretty spoiled.”
“Another reason to love that guy...” Lexa grumbled, but there wasn’t any real bite to it.
Clarke slipped her free arm over Lexa’s waist, shifting so that their lower halves were pressed together, tangled legs and all.
“It wasn’t just him. Bellamy and some of the others felt the same. They thought I was used to getting what I want, having everything handed to me. But...they didn't know my life.” “So they changed their opinion eventually,” Lexa nodded, “but why still call you ‘Princess’ then?”
Clarke thought about it for a moment. “I suppose for the reason you said.” She nudged her again with a smile. “I’ll take 'Princess' over 'Mom friend' any day.”
“Would you like another title?”
Clarke giggled lightly. “Another title?” she echoed. “Are you royalty now? Do you have the authority to bestow me with titles and lands? Am I being knighted?”
Lexa answered with a kiss that was sweet and short, but more than enough to have Clarke lose her entire train of thought.
“You can be called anything you want.”
“I think I’m okay with sticking to Clarke,” she replied, sighing blissfully. “And even though it might not have started out as a compliment, I think ‘Princess’ is actually their way of...”
She didn’t really know how to finish that, brow furrowing ever so slightly.
“Showing you respect?” Lexa offered.
“I wouldn’t put it that way,” she shrugged, “but...yes. In a sense, I guess.”
“Wouldn’t you rather be ‘Queen’?”
“Only if I get the crown jewels to go with that title.”
Lexa laughed softly. “Fair enough.”
Clarke nuzzled closed and found Lexa’s lips again for another, much...much needed kiss.
“Sleep?” she whispered.
Her reply came in a throaty, unintelligible murmur. Clarke grinned so stupidly she was grateful the lights were out so that Lexa couldn’t see her. She buried her face in the pillow, trying to contain herself and soon she was able to relax.
For the first time in... Well, actually, she’d never felt like this before. Not exactly.
It was going to be all right.
She felt lighter...happier...and content in a way she never really knew possible. Lexa and all her promises were still there. After what they went through today, Clarke knew she’d never actually lost her.
Lexa’s breathing, slow and deep beside her, was incredibly soothing and the perfect counterpart to the storm raising hell outside. She closed her eyes and focused in on hearing Lexa and only Lexa.
“I’m in love with you, you know?” she whispered into the darkness for only her ears to hear.
Their fingers were still entwined as Clarke fell into the sweetness of oblivion.
It was bittersweet when they went out on the lake the following day, seeing the utter havoc and destruction wreaked upon the peaceful mountains they’d gotten to know so well in the last two weeks.
It was Day 14.
Time to go home.
Trees were pulled up, debris strewn everywhere, and the lake was higher than Clarke had ever seen it. The sun was out, bright and clear, but there was still a damp chill in the air, reminding them of the storm not long past.
The delinquents went with Kane and Aurora by truck to their campsite. Getting back to their vehicles and loading up whatever else had been left behind. Their site was accessible from the road while Lexa, Anya, and Lincoln were staying on one of the islands, only accessible by boat.
Clarke and Octavia decided to go with them instead of the others case they needed the extra hands.
But also because...it was day 14.
Two weeks were up.
And they were going home.
Anya and Lincoln’s camp was unrecognizable. There were small fallen trees, larger ones now leaning with its exposed roots half ripped out of the ground, branches, leaves, and all sorts forestry were strewn about. They could also see how high the water had flooded, right up to where their tents had been. Clarke stared at the disaster with a sinking feeling of dread.
What if they’d been stranded here? What if Lexa had been made to ride out the storm on this tiny little island, exposed. What did her own campsite look like? If they hadn’t come to get them...just in time...
Lexa sighed beside her and Clarke was shaken from her musing, joining Lexa at once to see what she was looking at.
The dread turned into absolute devastation.
Lexa had cleared away some branches to reveal an aluminum structure hidden beneath a fallen tree. It was her boat.
They’d turned it upside down and carried high into camp where the rising water wouldn’t reach it.
But that left the trees.
“Oh...” Clarke gasped softly, her hand covering her mouth.
But Lexa just waved her over, wordlessly asking for Clarke’s help to move the slim tree trunk. A few awkward reaches and one giant heave was all it took to shove it aside.
It was even worse than Clarke thought. The hull was completely crushed, caved in under the force of the fall. Where had been the shiny, sleek aluminum underside with a freshly painted trim was now a scratched up, dull, and dented piece of scrap metal.
“Lexa, I’m...I’m so sorry.”
Her mother’s boat... Clarke was absolutely devastated for her. She could only think about what she’d be feeling if this had been something of her Dad’s. What if this had been one of her last remaining cherished items that belonged to Jake Griffin? Instead of a boat, she was seeing the watch she left at home - the glass crushed, the gold tarnished, the chain ripped apart...  Her Dad’s watch, the one she wouldn’t dare risk bringing on a camping trip, but killed her to leave behind.
Momentarily lost in her own grief, it took Clarke a few beats too long to realize that Lexa wasn’t upset. In fact, she was...fine? She was kneeling down by the boat, running her fingers over it with her lips pursed as she seemed to examine the extent of the damage. But there was no sadness. No loss.
Lexa glanced up at her and Clarke must have had some kind of look on her face that gave her away because Lexa smiled at her.
“It’s all right. I’m used to it.”
“Used to it...?” Clarke echoed.
Lexa stood up, brushing off her hands. “You don’t use a boat like this for more than a decade and get away with keeping it in mint condition, Clarke. Look, see here?” She bent over a spot on the side, dragging her fingers over it so Clarke could see where it dipped. It was actually a pretty massive dent, but she really wouldn’t have noticed it without Lexa pointing it out. It was so well cared for, you’d really have to be looking for it to see. “Rammed it into the side of the docking pole at home when I was 11. Learned that lesson the hard way... And here...”
She continued to walk around the boat, pointing out various places that had patches or dents or scratches - giving the story for each one.
“And this one,” she raised her eyebrow, looking at Clarke as she traced a slightly raised line that carried almost straight into the middle of the boat, “this was Lincoln who lost control of a handsaw and nearly split the thing in half before I managed to yank the power cord.”
“No!” Clarke gasped.
Lexa shook her head fondly at the memory.
“I’ve basically become an expert welder to be able to keep this little thing up and running. I’ve put more money into it than I ever should have actually. I probably could have bought a brand new speed boat instead of repairing this.”
“Three!” Anya groused as she walked by them with an armful of soggy gear.
Lexa smirked. “Perhaps...but there’s no substitute.” She sighed and went to Clarke’s side, slipping her arm around her waist as they both looked down at the ruined, but apparently not quite, boat. Clarke firmly took hold of her waist as well.
“This is how life works. My uncle showed me that the first time I took it out and ended up with a nasty little ding on the bow. I was heartbroken. I thought I’d ruined it forever. How could I have been so careless with her mother’s boat? I was trying so hard to protect it and still I failed.”
Lexa looked at her with a wry little half smile that did things to Clarke’s heart that she would never be able to describe.
“But Gustus told me that things like that would always happen. That it’s inevitable in life, but also that I had a choice. I had a choice in how I reacted. I could do nothing and let it be destroyed...send it to the junkyard or maybe even lock it up in the garage and never ride it again. Destroy it or waste it by locking away...”
“Or?” Clarke prompted, squeezing her side lightly.
“Or I could cry out my tears, stand up, learn how to repair it, and move on. Life doesn’t let you live without taking hits and the same rule applies for boats. Either way, you either lay down and let it sink you or you get back up and figure out how to fix it.”
Clarke swallowed thickly, giving Lexa a brave smile. “I think I’d really like to meet your Uncle.”
“He’s a grumpy piece of work, stubborn and set in his ways,” Lexa sighed. “He pretty much loathes everyone. I make him sound better than he really is.”
“Yeah, right. Don’t worry, I’ll win him over.”
“Okay, maybe I won’t,” they both laughed softly, “but I’ll never stop trying. A man who was able to be that kind of person to you, to raise you, love you, teach you how to be strong... That’s a man worth knowing.”
Lexa nodded, unable to say anything else, as her eyes shone with unshed tears.
“I still say Gustus stole that speech from me,” Lincoln said, coming up behind them.
They released each other to turn around and face him. Octavia was down on the beach loading the boat while Anya was working a few feet away, seemingly unaware of their existence. Purposely unaware, really.
“Yes, Lincoln. He stole the speech from a 14 year old.” Lexa replied dryly, rolling her eyes.
“You know I’m right. I’ve been saying it my whole life and the man tried to use it for himself. He knows that I know!”
“I have a feeling this is an ongoing grudge match...” Clarke said in amusement.
“Don’t get him started,” Lexa hissed.
“Get knocked down, get back up. Only way to do it. He heard me say that and took it like a golden nugget of wisdom to pass on to his niece who hero worshiped him.”
“Good God, Lincoln,” Anya groaned exaggeratedly. Clearly, she couldn’t ignore them for long. “Let it go! It’s been more than a decade. Either throw down the gauntlet and raise your fists or move on!”
“I’m not going to beat the old man up.” He frowned, tucking his arms across his chest. “I’m not that kind of person.”
Lexa scoffed. “You’ve been using that tired excuse all these years. You know Gustus can still kick your ass.”
“He’s like a head taller than you.”
“And definitely out of your weight class.”
“He’s in the best shape I’ve seen him.”
“I think Lincoln is just--”
“Wait a second!” Clarke interrupted them all, pausing as she thought hard with a furrowed brow. “Isn’t that a Chumbawamba song?”
The three of them stared back at her in stunned silence.
It was almost like it happened in slow motion - Anya’s face lighting up, Lincoln’s mouth opening to argue, Lexa turning away slightly so her grin wouldn’t be seen.
Then the silence broke.
“No?” Lincoln tried, unsteady. “It’s...it’s a saying...”
But Anya cracking up behind them hysterically only made it that much worse. Lexa’s eyes were shining mirthfully as she hid behind her hand.
“Hey! It’s not Chumbawamba!” he insisted despite the laughter from Anya and Clarke.
Lexa pulled herself together enough to pat his arm consolingly. “It’s been welcomed and valued advice in my time of need, Lincoln. From you and Uncle Gustus. Don’t worry about them.”
“He drinks a Whiskey drink, he drinks a Vodka drink. He drinks a Lager drink, he drinks a Cider drink.”
“Anya...” he growled, his eyes narrowing darkly.
She disappeared into the trees but they could still hear her singing at the top of her lungs.
“He sings the songs that remind him of the good times. He sings the songs that remind him of the best times.”
Lincoln grunted unhappily and stalked off to work with Octavia who was just finishing up and watched him in bewilderment as he stormed past her.
“Hey, what’s going on? Lincoln, what’s the matter?” There was a pause. “...is Anya singing Chumbawamba?”
A loud cry of frustration told them all they needed to know.
Lexa turned back to Clarke with a shake of her head, sighing. “They can be a handful sometimes.”
But Clarke wasn’t paying attention. She was busy clearing away some debris and singing under her breath.
“I get knocked down, but I get up again. You are never gonna keep me down.”
Lexa snorted loudly, clamping her hands over her mouth to fight the laughter. Clarke’s head snapped up at the sound and her eyes widened with delight.
Did she...
Was that...
Did she actually hear that?
Lexa Woods just snorted.
It was possibly one of the best feelings Clarke had ever known.
She sidled up to her, still singing along with the disembodied Anya, louder now. “I get knocked down, but I get up again. You are never gonna keep me down. I get knocked down...”
Clarke bit her lip, pulling on the front of Lexa’s shirt as she grinned cheekily.
Lexa couldn’t hold out any longer especially with Clarke wiggling her eyebrows so absurdly and she broke into laughter.
Clarke was positively thrilled by this turn. To think that she, Clarke Griffin, managed to get the stoic and level headed Lexa Woods to laugh at this silliness. Was there anything better?
Making her orgasm?
Okay, maybe one thing was better.
Clarke pulled the still giggling Lexa into her arms as she sang along with Anya in the distance.
“Lincoln can never know about this,” she said sternly.
“Your secret is safe with me, Commander,” she cooed, leaning in for a kiss.
“ANYA, SHUT UP!” Lincoln roared, finally breaking the calm, chill demeanor Clarke had only ever seen from him since they met.
Clarke and Lexa burst into another round of laughter and quickly ran off to the end other end together, ducking out of the line of fire and into each others arms.
They didn’t have just two weeks anymore.
They had all the time they wanted.
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