#clexa manipulation
the100isracist · 7 months
Idk if yall are still active but I just eagerly quit this show around early season two. I was kinda hate watching the whole way, but I started googling spoilers when I saw how fucked they were being to Lincoln and Raven (and more, but they’re my faves). Do you have any show recs that are similar with the shows “building a new civilization after tragedy” (minus the colonization and racism etc)
i actually binged the entire show recently and i can confidently say it was not as groundbreaking or cool as the showrunner believed. the first 2 seasons were incredible but it just devolved into a mess and the ending was so dark and horrifying. also the fandom was completely unhinged and did not need to act the way they did 😭
onto your question: yes!!!! battlestar galactica is what inspired me to watch the 100 in the first place. it very much shares the themes of mass tragedy, civilizational warfare, living in space, seeking a new home, and humanity fighting for survival without losing its soul. start with the 2003 miniseries (a three hour pilot) tho or it might be confusing. it also has diversity without the weird racist tones of the 100's diversity, although the cast is a lot whiter. the 100 has also obviously borrowed a lot of concepts and terms from it but i don't want to spoil you. all in all, it is one of the best shows i have ever watched and it delivers until its very last second.
lost in space is also quite cool. and i have heard good things about the expanse! another show that shares some themes (without the space element) is the society - very fascinating
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clexmas23 · 2 years
Thank you everyone so much for who participated in any way for this year’s Clextober event! We had such amazing work come through, our kru never ceases to amaze me!
Let me know if I missed anything! Send them to me as a message and I’ll get it posted. I’ll still post anything Fall/Halloween-themed on here until November is over. Because let’s be honest it’s still FALL not Christmas yet lol.
But now that Clextober is over, let me know if you all would like to do something similar for Clexmas this year. If so, share any fun theme ideas.
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luvmyoui · 1 year
I'll know - written series
myoui mina x fem!reader GP!MINA
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SYNOPSIS: while in your senior year of high school mina gets you pregnant and promises that she'll be a good father to your baby. with the promise of that you keep it. what happens when mina gets scouted by JYP to become the next big idol?
WARNINGS: MINA HAS A PP, smut, toxic relationship, sexism, cursing, infidelity, mina being the biggest red flag ever, pregnancy, manipulation, gaslighting, paparazzi? (more might be added)
STATUS: unfinished
UPDATES: weekly
a/n: this is my first time actually writing a series but ive had this idea in my head for WAY too long. updates may be slow and inconsistent but ill try to update whenever i can. also please ignore the plot holes😭😭
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one-how it all started
two - wrong
three - maybe
four - why?
five - good?
six - out
seven - news
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taglist: @moon-ellie @lisas-earlobe @cocojy @second-daughter-of-clexa @runassimp @eliii1sblog @yvsvrn, @leefelixswife
send an ask if you wanna be added to the taglist!
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
Ooo canon meta question! Do you think if GodLexa was actually LexaLexa at the end instead of some random God (idk I never watched it except thru tumblr) and the ending was left kinda up to the audience intrepetation about their future, would clexa fans feel differently about the l00?
Not after 307.
Not after the shit JRot and company pulled.
Not after they specifically went into queer safe spaces and told queer fans that they were "paranoid and crazy" and "should seek help" for not trusting them to not kill off Lexa, because they said they wouldn't! How could we even question that?! *Stares at the fucking camera* Not after them pretending to be mad over "leaked" scenes from their love scene getting onto the internet when we all know good and goddamn well they leaked that shit themselves to fucking bait us into watching live for maximum shock and pain. Not after they did everything within their power to trick Clexas into watching 307 live, touting it as such an amazing episode and literally begging everyone on Twitter to ~not spoil such groundbreaking work~ for others, only to kill her literally 2 minutes after finding happiness. Like seeing her die was some kind of ultimate prize. (Special shout out to Clexa Archive for posting it The Second it happened. Absolute OG MVP move.) And not after luring fans to Vancouver to watch the finale being filmed to show them that YAYYYY Lexa was there!!! Giving them false hope that she would be brought back somehow, only to kill her a-fucking-gain.
They used her time and again in the show, referenced her and tried to bait back viewers with mentions and flashbacks and drawings and whatever other manipulative bullshit they pulled. Having God!Lexa not be Lexa-Lexa was just the final slap in the face of 4 long ass years of them treating us like shit. It was the period on a sentence that had already long been written.
I think the only thing that might've been different would've been the new and fun ways the fandom took it and ran with it and turned it into something 1000× more brilliant and heartfelt and interesting than whatever piss poor writing job they'd have come up with, because that's what we always do. But do I think it would've changed the overall sentiment? No. Not for Clexa OGs at least. Not for the ones who lived through that shit. Fuck them, fuck JRot, fuck that entire show. I'm glad it's dead. The only things about that entire shitshow that'll be remembered in the longrun are Lexa, Clarke, and Clexa. Because of us, the fans. The show itself will fade into obscurity and be forgotten. As it should be.
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bababaka · 1 year
Part 4 - Clexa x reader "headcannons"
No idea what i'm doing. Enjoy. Cause its the last one…
You can see how i was getting done with this as the end nears.
Part 3
- You were released. Yay. The problem was, being releasead by Heda? With no consequences? Oh. Opositors didn't take too kindly to that.
- You took that to your advantage. You had to lie and say that Heda should've killed you or at least torture you. She was too soft! 
- It worked. 
- not on all people, of course. After all, you were a traitor to both Heda and the Ice Nation.
- there were those who tried to kill you. To rally the crowd to execute you. 
- Most met their end in the middle of the night. Misteriously. Choked on their own blood. 
- You never left a trace. This wasn't any different. 
-  Those who were still alive and oposed to you had to be swayed by you. 
- They didn't trust you. But as you plead you could be useful, they relent. 
- And that's when your abilities come to light. 
- Sweet talking people to get information. Going unoticed as you eavesdrop om conversations. Sneaking into places you really weren't allowed to. 
- It was dangerous. Yes. But you didn't care. Your life held no value. You are just a tool to be used and discarded.
- First, to the glory of Ice Nation. Now, it was to serve your Heda. To help Lexa. To help Clarke.
-Ok. At first. You are avoing the both of them. Only talking when necessary to give reports. You try to give them to Titus or maybe Indra, though you have real chances of getting out of that harmed with the latter.
- Most people are distrusting and waring of you. It makes sense. You are a traitor. 
So. You are happy to avoid as much people as you can. 
- Neither Clarke nor Lexa lets you.
Ot3 dynamic
- Their trope is gay mess :)
- At first, it was Clarke. 
- You were outside. Layed at the ground. Staring at the stars. 
- Clarke obstruct your view, only to ask
"Youre stargazing? Do you mind if i join you?"
- You only nod. 
- She lays by your side. 
- For some minutes. You only look at the sky. Blue almost black with little points of light. Like snowflakes when they fall and the sun hits them just the right way. Demesmerizing. Sometimes you forget that winter, the cold, can be just as majestic as it is cruel and unrelenting.
- Clarke breaks your line of thought. 
- "The stars aren't nearly as pretty from the space as they are from here."
- "Really? You came from the sky, Wanheda. You are saying the sky is not beautiful?"
- "It can be." she turns her head at you. but "it doesn't compare to Earth."
- She holds her stare. This time not on the sky, but on you. And you hold your breath. Scared to break the moment. To end this. To come out of this "bubble"/dream. To think of what she means. What her shining gaze means.
- At the end, is Clarke who turns away.
- "Earth may have its flaws but it still is pretty."
- You remain silent. Still unbalanced. Still wondering and confused. 
- Clarke leaves not much longer after that. 
- And as she gives a last look, a thought comes to you unbidden.
- Her eyes are blue. Like the sky.
- It doesn't take long for Lexa to come to you. 
- It is at the end of the day. She comes to your room. Not in her Heda clothes. Just in her normal outfit. Looking achingly like the young girl she was. So soft. With so much burdens to carry. The way her shoulders were low. Her hair loose. Her eyes demure. Open. Tired.
- She wasn't there to fight. Wasn't there to manipulate you, yell at you. Punish you. 
For more that you deserved. 
- You deserved it. Her hatred, anger, pain, the guilt. And yet, there she was. In front of you. So damn vulnerable. Nothing like the unbreakable and fierce warrior. 
- Your heart squeezed in your chest. 
- You might have done anything and everything if she asked you. 
- What she does asks you, though, takes a lot out of you to comply. 
- "Why?" is what finally comes out of her mouth. 
- "Why what?"
- "i- i don't know..."
- "Why?"
- Why you tried to kill me? Why you didn't? Why you betrayed me? Why you ran? Why you still hurt me?
- "You always knew about Costia. You knew they had her. You were there."
- "...yes..."
- "Did she die well?"
- "Yes." your first instinct is to confort. To lie. 
- You weren't there when she died. But you knew it wasn't a painless or honorable death. 
- You just couldn't bring yourself to say that to Lexa. Not when she looked so damn vulnerable. Breakable.
- "Hm...."
- "I'm sorry, Lexa."
- "so am i." Again, her gaze could tear you apart. Shred your heart to pieces. More than it already was. Lexa had that power over you.
- "why didn't you kill me? You had the chance. I hesitated."
- and so did I. But that's not what she asked. She asked why. 
Why didn't you kill her? 
- "I couldn't bear the possibility of killing you. The mere thought made me sick. I thought i could get past that... That flaw. Weakness. But the time came and... I couldn't."
- There were few moments in which you are as truthful as this. You look in Lexa's eyes. Green as the forest. 
- You always loved the nature. The sky. The florest. 
-" i thought despite my inner feelings, i could push through it. I could... Do it.. 
I've come to care for you as i gotten to know you."
- You felt tears gathering behind your eyes. 
- "And i'm so sorry that i betrayed you. Your trust. I never meant to. You deserve so much more. You are so much more."
- you kneel before her. Droplets of tears streaming down your face. 
- "Lexa, you are an amazing Heda. And an incredible woman. You endured so much pain. You lost so much. And yet you stay strong, you care about your people."
- "I am sorry, Lexa. If i could go back, i would. You deserved so much more, and i just didn't give you that. I am so so sorry" 
- Lexa joins you in the ground. And hugs you.
- You felt a weight off your shoulders as you cry and your shirt gets wet with Lexa's tears.
- You get hurt or something akin to that. And Lexa gets worried alongside Clarke. 
While Clarke fawns ovr you and take care of you (<3), Lexa only watches. 
- Clarke asks you what happened.
- You very begrudginly tell briefly what happened. 
- Lexa is quick to chastise you and say you shouldn't take such risks. 
- You counter saying you got valueable information. It was worth the risk.
- She says looking you in the eye. Piercing green eyes. And stony face. But with something vulnerable in her. Soft.
"Not over your life."
- As the time progresses you see yourself spending more and more time with Wanheda and Heda.
- Sometimes separate and sometimes the three of you together. 
- Your favorite moments were when Adrien tagged along with the three of you. 
- You weren't someone that felt happy that much. 
- Life to you was bland. Meek. Grey. Blue.
- Now, though, you felt your chest light and filled with this fire. Warm and confortable. Chasing the cold away.
- One day, you were with Clarke. And for some reason, the air felt stuffed. Like a snowstorm just waiting to happen. 
- The stares lingered, and the touches were more intimate.  
- It didn't take long to Clarke to make the first move.
- You already had sex before. It wasn't that daunting of a task. 
- At the begining, you get stunned. You thought she was with Lexa.
-You seen the stares, the longing. The love. 
- you resist at the begining. Thinking of how Lexa would react. Her heart. Her trust. Broken.
- "what about Lexa?" You ask amidst moans. 
- "What about her?"
- "Won't this upset her? Aren't you together?" You were trying your very best. But Clarke had nimble fingers and a skilled mouth. You don't think you'd resist much more. 
- "Don't worry about her. She's fine."
- You don't resist anymore. You don't think you ever could with the blonde. 
- You love the squeal that leaves Clarke as you let go and throws her in the bed. 
- In the next few days, you are very wary. And watch with hawk eyes every little interaction between Clarke and Lexa. 
- You can't take it. You couldn't betray Lexa. Not again. Not like this. You needed to talk to Clarke. 
- "No. clarke. I can't."
- "I love you."
- "W-what?"
- "I love you."
- Dumbstruck. Of all the things, you never expected this. Love. 
- An inner, minor, part of you thought: Weakness.
- You were quick to extinguish that thought.
- Mostly, you were just happy. Relivied. 
- She loved you. She loves you. 
- You kiss.
- then. You stop.
- "What about Lexa?" 
- Clarke smiles, affectionate. "She knows. She's ok."
- You don't try to refute, and allow yourself to enjoy the moment of happiness.
- Doesn't take much longer for Lexa to come to you. 
- You are tense. Afraid. Fearful that you were part of something that hurt your Heda. 
-"Clarke told me you are together. Congratulations."
-you gaze at her face. Waiting to see sadness. Anger. Maybe even disgust. But no. She was normal.
-Well, indeed, when Clarke said she was fine. She was. 
-She talks about something. You know she does. You don't pay attention, though.
- You were appalled. Waiting for the disaster to happen. The guards to come. The blade to be unshelth. Her smile simmer down. Become less distracting. Her curves less attractive. Her hair was down. Her clothes were normal.
-She was a sight to behold.
- Lexa takes the initiative. Not because you didn't want to do it. But just because you wouldn't. Too afraid to do something wrong.
-you stop. Though you didn't want to. To ask. "No. Wait. What about Clarke?" 
-"She knows and agreed."
- For a moment. Fleeting. You wondered why do they always know? Why were you always the last to get that information? You weren't used to not knowing things. Secrets.
-You don't keep on that thought though. Lexa's lips were far more enticing.
-Later, with a clearer head and no pretty distractions, you wonder about your situation. 
- and as you come to the conclusion you were done being confused, angry and a bit frustrated, you call Lexa and Clarke to meet you. 
- you get everything in the open. Everyone confesses. It's cute. It's awesome. It's wholesome. Yay.
- You are officially together. Congrats. You bagged Heda and Wanheda. I would brag.
- The problem though is getting together with the two leaders? Not easy. 
- They are always stressed. Always overworked. Poor babies. 
- At some point, you learn some techniques to relax and put those two at ease. 
-They were leaders. They were the ones who'd make the shots. You were fine being in the background, just following their lead.
- Clarke has a better time dealing with her emotions. While you and Lexa tend to bottle it up.
- When the hundred get on earth, reader is 20, Lexa is 19 and Clarke is 18. (Yes, you are the oldest suck it up)
- Clarke would be your moral compass. While she understood that sacrifices and a more rough approach were needed, she tried her best to reign you two in. Most times she succeeded. Most.
- Ya'll are switches. I don't take criticism on this. It's true and that's it. Bye. 
- You hunt together. It tends to be romantic and fun.
- none of you were much of a jokester, but you find yourselves joking around each other.
-Adrien is your adopted child. Maybe Maddie comes along later. Now though it is only Adrien.
Your happiness doesn't last much. Because of course not. You were never that lucky. 
You hear from Nia and Rowan.
Those two come back.
Lexa kills Nia. Rowan becomes the king. You reunite. Cry. Bond. 
The rebels dismantle
You guys live happily.
Did i edit? Tried rereading to fix errors? No. And i won't either.
If it sucks, i don't care. Bye.
I've done my part. Now y'all go write for Clexa x reader. 
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ao3feed-the100 · 1 year
I Will Die For Love (clexa)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/9ZhdLsr
by Lisahwasa
Clarke had the perfect Life the perfect woman but little did she know that she was walking into the perfect trap.
what happens when the woman you love turns out to be a genius manipulator?
Read to see how Clarke's life is twisted and turned into a nightmare that doesn't end...
~~~~new clexa ff~~~~
Not suitable for sensitive minds and hearts and younger readers
Words: 333, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Clarke Griffin, Lexa (The 100)
Relationships: Clarke Griffin/Lexa
Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Love Triangles, Love/Hate, Murder, Manipulation, CEO Lexa (The 100), Drama & Romance, Clexa, Dark Love, Innocent love, Mystery, Serial Killer
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/9ZhdLsr
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dontcha-wanheda · 3 years
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Day 3: Monster Madness 
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Day 2 - No Strings Attached
Lexa shot up with so much speed and force, she promptly fell off the bed. She cursed under her breath as she attempted to calmly pick up her phone. Lexa opened her texts once again, letting her gaze linger on the tantalizingly tasteful yet very suggestive cleavage shot.
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jennifersminds · 4 years
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imagine how tired i am.
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hushthots · 5 years
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Clextober Day 12: Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice
pose - @sim-bubble @something-wicked-sims | Lot - @mychqqq-blog
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so-sick-of-17 · 4 years
The 100 fandom is a mess. Glad I got out off there when Lexa died. Support Arryn. Believe survivors.
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daddyrhee · 5 years
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‪ Raven(claw) Reyes ‬
‪— 2/3 of #The100 ladies Hogwarts Houses I’ve been working on‬
‪dedicated to raven stans
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clexmas23 · 10 months
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Hey Everyone!
7 days of Clexmas will begin on the 17th of December and end on the 23rd this year, so get ready!
Reblog or send this post out to anyone you think will enjoy it!
How To Participate: Fanart, fanvids, fanfics, moodboards, photo manipulations, fic recs, anything that jingles Clexa - let’s see it!
7 Days of Clexmas: This will be 7 days of Christmas/Holiday/Winter-themed posts. Reblog Share Repeat! Send out ideas/prompts to your favorite writers and artists! Don’t forget to tag!
Clexmas23 #7DaysofClexa
Dec. 17 - Day 1: Basically A Hallmark Movie Dec. 18 - Day 2: Naughty or Nice Dec. 19 - Day 3: Under the Mistletoe Dec. 20 - Day 4: Snowed In Dec. 21 - Day 5: Winter Wonderland Dec. 22 - Day 6: Spiked Eggnog Dec. 23 - Day 7: Free Day
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widonotts · 5 years
taking tropes that arose from male power fantasies and applying them to female characters and f/f relationships isn’t good representation or girl power, send tweet
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butmakeitgayblog · 10 months
Why does E give you the creeps? I feel like at the time, she was more openly supportive and enthusiastic around Clexa and ADC was the one who was more cagey and was obviously a straight girl who just didn’t really know what to say/didn’t want to say the wrong thing. I have always loved Alycia, but that’s how it came across to me. I’ve been out of the fandom for awhile and am getting back into it so I’m out of the loop. Is it because she married Bob Morley?
Oh no, I couldn't care less that she married Bob. My issue with Eliza (which I've gone into deeper detail about before so I'm just gonna be more brief here) is because of BM's ex's allegations involving cheating, gaslighting, and manipulation that E was party to, and then how E has since treated Clexa and Clexa fans. She went from championing Clexa to claiming she can't really remember scenes very well? Ok. She went from calling it "bell*rke shit" that will probably never happen because that's just not Clarke and his relationship is, to telling his paying Cameo stans that oh no, no reeeeally there were these secret few times that blork almost did happened and it was in the script and they actually built whole sets for it!!! But gee golly gosh it just got cut for some reason and we super don't know how that happened! But it totally was going to happen! Blork was real!! Source: Trust Me Bro.
There's a lot more to it involving her charities and the fact that she milks hers and his stans for all the cash they can get, but in simplest terms, the writing is on the wall about who she is and how she conducts herself as a person, and I'm not a fan.
As for Alycia, if in the future she does something to piss me off I'll drop her too. Celebs get held on a pedestal way too often and forgiven for being objectively bad people just because fans like their artform. I don't care to be that way. That being said, I never held it against Alycia for not being outspoken about Clexa, that's just not who she is. She's never effusive or public on her opinions on much of anything aside from like... what flowers she likes. To her, it's a job with a clock in and clock out time, and I can respect that. I appreciate it, actually. She's always been kind and gracious with fans who have met her, or so I've heard, and that's all I think a celeb really needs to be.
Personally I never found her to be cagey per se, just quiet and kept to her own lane. She said herself that because she isn't a part of the queer community, she never felt comfortable speaking out on it because it felt like she'd be speaking over the voices of the fans and queer people who were using that time for speaking their truth and pain. While some held that against her or felt let down, I didn't because in more ways than not, she was right. There wasn't much she could've added to the conversation that wasn't already being said by people who were actually the ones hurt by what happened with Lexa and the bury your gays trope proliferation of 2016. And since then, she's shown her support. She came back to a show that she had left behind for years just to give fans closure, and she did it in a way that didn't suck money from fans by bleeding their wallets dry through endless conventions.
It's because of those very same feelings in conjunction with seeing how E has handled the whole blork/Clexa situation in recent years that has let me know all that "support" E was throwing our way was disingenuous anyway. She doesn't get to keep those points from me. Honestly I'd prefer celebs to just stay tf quiet on issues rather than virtue signal and fake support for their own interests, only to eventually show their true colors and act mystified and victimized when people feel fooled and pissed off 🤷‍♀️
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skyline0000 · 6 years
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Lexa Woods Personal Trainer AU Manip Part One 💪😎 Lexa: "Hi, I'm Lexa. I'll be your Personal Trainer" Raven: "OMG Clarke you are so fuc*ed up!" Clarke: "Shut up Rae! N-Nice to meet you, I'm Clarke" *She is hot* 😳  Part Two Here: https://skyline0000.tumblr.com/post/176965165098/lexa-personal-trainer-au-manip-lexa-are-you
I do not own the original picture
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