#clexa project
kpforpresident · 1 year
from the prompt list - time travel 💫😌 please
Clarke slams into the ground so hard her teeth rattle. Every muscle aching with effort, she manages to fling out a shaking arm to hinge herself onto her back, teeny rocks biting into her palm with sharp edges as she flops down again, arms screaming.
With another desperate burst of energy she manages to curl her fingers around the knife that is digging a razor tip into just above her knee, bringing it to clasp over her chest as her lungs burn from the abrupt change in both altitude and oxygen content.
The sky is a bright ceramic blue, puffy white clouds lazily sailing by as birds chirp merrily in the background, the sounds of an idyllic marred only by the loud wheezing Clarke found herself emitting as she struggled to catch her breath.
Why the fuck is that time jump so goddamn hard? When I go forward it doesn't give me a rib stitch like that, Clarke finds herself thinking as she massages her right rib absentmindedly.
Three large breaths later Clarke finds the fortitude to peel herself off the ground, staggering upright as she shakes the pins and needles out of her leaden feet. She surreptitiously checks the glowing map that surrounds her wrist, noting the golden, pulsing dot in the middle is moving steadily closer to her location.
Nodding decisively, she moves forward, finds a slightly rotten, moss coated log to settle onto by the side of the road, and settles in to wait, eyes glued to the glowing orb that is moving from the crook of her elbow to the green x that is projected above her wrist.
Lexa rolls her next side to side slightly, straightening up and nodding infinitesimally back towards Gus's direction when he tilts his head in her direction, eyes questioning.
Yes, I'm ok.
Stiffness from her neck alleviated slightly, Heda settled into the rhythmic movement of her horse, Laika's gentle walk, and resigned herself to a boring ride north, mentally preparing for the mind games and underhanded treachery that two weeks of all of the ambassadors in Polis for their annual meeting held.
At least Luna is coming this year, that's something.
Lexa was so entrenched in the thoughts of her dark eyed friend that she almost missed the flaxen haired girl, curled up slightly off the path on a crumbling redwood log.
Her guards, however, did not.
Lexa was unable to bark an order to stand down before Ryder drew his bow, a lethally honed arrow whistling through the arrow with deadly speed before Lexa could raise a hand in warning.
Before she could breathe, a blue glow washed over the clearing as an orb, crackling and pulsing with energy, encompassed the girl. Ryder's arrow fell to the ground silently at Laika's feet, arrow tip compressed cleanly into a flat disc where it had come in contact with the energy field.
Brow pressed tight in silent disbelief and worry, Ryder silently stooped to scoop up the arrow and hand it to Lexa, both chastisement and concern etched into his features.
The clearing was completely silent, dusk rapidly creeping into the forest as purple smudged the horizon.
The girl was awake now, expression blank behind the wavering energy as she stared silently back at the company before her. She stands quietly, every muscle clearly on alert as she raises her hands in deference to Lexa, either somehow knowing or assuming that she was the one to address. Lexa makes a mental note of her observation skills,
"Hello. My name is Clarke Griffin."
Lexa turned the arrow over in slender fingers twice, thumb gently worrying the downy soft fletching of the owl feathers before coming to a snap decision.
She speaks the language of the mountain people.
"Hei, Clarke Griffin. I am Lexa."
Something akin to recognition washes over Clarke's features, intelligence clear in her bright eyes.
Confused, Lexa cocks her head, Laika stamping uneasily as Lexa's hands tighten unconsciously on the reigns.
"Lexa kom Trikru." The trig words trip uncomfortable, foreign, off of Clarke's tongue.
Gus's head snaps up at this, hand tightening around his sword as he looks at Clarke Griffin with renewed suspicion.
"The only people who refer to me as that are my familiars or my advisors, of which you are neither, Clarke Griffin. Explain yourself, or you will not be so lucky as for Ryder to miss a second time." The words come out colder, tighter, than initially intended. Clarke's tech and her appearance among a trail that was a tightly kept secret as Heda's preferred traveling path was unlikely to be a lucky guess.
The blue orb flares again around Clarke at Lexa's threatening tone, Lexa's guard blinking against the bright glow that once again surrounds her figure. Despite this, Clarke takes one, then two hesitant steps towards Lexa. Laika
"Lexa. I'm here to help you, to help protect you."
Lexa can feel her eyebrow quirk in amusement and disdain as a ripple of laughter ran through her men. Lexa, clad head to toe in leathers with two swords strapped to her back, black war paint smudged down her cheeks in a fearsome mask, hardly conjured images of helpless maidens in distress. Lexa had staunchly curated her image in defiance of her stature as a slim young woman since the day she had climbed bloodied and victorious out of her Kongeda.
"Protect me?" Lexa snorted in derision, though not unkindly. This Clarke Griffin clearly meant well, although mistaken. While they would have to question her on her knowledge of this trail, there was nothing to be concerned about, Lexa decided as she settled back into her saddle once again. "I highly doubt that, Clarke Griffin."
"I come from a future where you are killed by an unseen assassin at the last night of the yearly ambassador meeting, Heda. With your death the conclave falls into disrepair, triggering the start of World War Four. I was sent back to save you, and I intend to do my job."
The reins slip from Lexa's hands as she is unable to stop the shocked breath from escaping her lips.
A steely blue gaze meets a dazed green stare as Clarke hesitantly lowers the force field, stepping foward into Lexa's path.
"I believe we have much to discuss."
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lottieurl · 2 years
life lesson: never use a fictional character to cope with your own grief tHEY MIGHT DIE AND THEN YOU'RE FUCKED UP FOREVER
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owl127 · 1 year
You don’t have enough prompt already ? I sent like 3 😭😭😭
Oh love, not all prompts hit right away. Others get my brain going... Like these games in city fairs/festivals that you need to throw balls to get a prize. You need to try it multiple times to get it going, sometimes?
Think of my brain like a cat: it won't always let you pet it, but when it does, you'll feel like the most special person in the universe. (Or not, my analogies are pretty off this morning)
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lesbiwlw · 1 month
So...... I might have just fucked around and posted a new chapter of my clexa fic that hadn't been updated in like 8 months....
anyway, here it is:
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audi0med1c · 2 months
Teaser for my Clexa Celebrity AU “Is It Over Now?”
If you’ve been following these messy idiots, we’ve waited quite a long time for them to come face to face again….
(play with sound bc the song hits so hard for these two’s struggle post-breakup🥺)
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clexa-surrogacy-au · 1 year
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Between Our Love
Chapter 9: as the evening pulls the sun down
Summary: Clexa go on a roadtrip (and sometimes- gasp- there's only one bed!)
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Summary: a little bit of angst and a little bit of progress.
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reallygroovyninja · 2 months
Soft and tender prompt for clexa. Since she's not well endowed, Clarke is worried that she won't be able to knot Lexa properly and start a family. Lexa shows Clarke that she's more than enough
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butmakeitgayblog · 8 months
Any new headcanons brewing in your head after seeing Alycia at the AACTA
Not... entirely
But I've had thoughts. Bear with me.
I'm not even remotely the person to write something like this at all, but it definitely did have me thinking of a SORT OF SHOEH-esque type fic. Something involving them being closeted and in Hollywood. Getting their flowers for their talent and being in love, but having to keep it quiet their entire careers. I've seen some fics along this line here and there, but inevitably in the fic, one or both eventually come out on stage or something.
Which is great! That's a lovely and hopeful ending.
But also....
Not entirely realistic.
Or even half as heartwrenching.
"Well yeah jesus fuck, why do you want sad shit Andi, why are you always such a glutton for punishment and literary pain?"
Well I'll tell you why: cuz... shut up
Idk it just got me thinking of Clexa as two Hollywood starlets on kind of differing ends of the spectrum of Hollywood that in the public eye are generally never really thought about together.
Lexa tends to do more gritty work, a lot more indie films. Dark threaded moody pieces and emotional roles, not generally thought of as box office fodder, but pretty much always a contender at awards season. Sleeper hits, you get me. Things like that. She definitely has a well known name, but she's selective in her work and that gains her a lot of respect with fans, even if they have to sometimes wait 2-3 years between projects. Because whatever she signs on for, it's pretty much always really fucking good. Whereas Clarke is more of a mainstream girly. She does a decently broad spectrum of films, but they're by and large always ones with bigger budgets, bigger release dates, more screens. It's not that they're not quality pictures, it's just that Clarke likes to work a broad range of things. One year she's in a comedy, the next a period piece, the next action. There's no real labeling her career.
And most importantly, they're both very, very straight.
At least, their personas are.
Alexandria is a smoky eyed femme fatale who leaves all the men eating out of the palm of her hand. Very "Look but don't touch" attitude that adds to her allure, to her mystery, despite her always being attached to leading man's arm. Miss Griffin is the picture of buxom Hollywood glam that every guy has on the List. Known for leaving a string of broken hearted men in her wake with little more than a cheek kiss-stained in signature red lipstick
Lexa and Clarke though?
Lexa and Clarke are two friends who have been deeply in love and committed to each other for the better part of 5 years.
They love each other in secret because that's what they feel like they have to do. They have two seperate houses with two separate addresses, and only one bed they actually sleep in.
It only really burns on the big nights, which I think would be an interesting oneshot. Just a glimpse into their life and what it feels like in that moment. The night when all their work and their sacrifices are being honored. Because even though, yes, they do play the part of friends and manage to sit near each other, it's not the same. It's not the same when they can't get ready together or even show up in the same car. When they have to remind themselves not to lean into each other too often, or even reach for the others hand to calm their nerves.
When one wins, they walk up alone without a hug or kiss from the only person who actually matters. They thank their families and their friends and their management that they can barely stand half the time, and remind themselves to smile like it's the happiest moment of their life even though at least half it all feels like a lie. Because yeah, they get lonely in the months when projects and shooting schedules pull them to opposite sides of the globe... but somehow those months never feel quite as lonely as being in a room filled with people who act like they adore you, while the love of your life sits quietly with her own "date" half an aisle away
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toolateintheday · 2 months
If you're here then I'm gonna assume you're a Shadowzel or Clexa fan. Be most welcome!
A little about me.
My name's Lora.
Big lesbian. Married to my beautiful bi wife.
Early thirties. Elder emo.
UK based.
Very much an 18+ blog.
Currently obsessed with BG3 but I also love Assassins Creed and Far Cry. Game recs always welcome.
I write fanfiction as toolateintheday on ao3. You can read my WIP Shadowzel fic here:
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an-shu · 10 months
Plot Summary: Kara leaves for a mission that ends catastrophically, and when she returns, she’s not herself—Kara is gone. All that’s left is Supergirl, last child of Krypton and now Rao’s successor.
Lena’s convinced Supergirl is all that remains, so she closes herself off. But when she cautiously reopens at Alex’s behest, her certainty wavers after every interaction and memory they share.
Then Lena finds there’s more to the tragedy, determined to bring Kara back, but Supergirl begins acting increasingly dislocated.
Dedicating this fic to Supercorp artists and writers whose work I loved and felt inspired by. Some may not even be in the fandom anymore, many I remember from my Clexa days, and some I was friends with before Spoopercorp disappeared off the face of the earth (I'm so sorry). Please note it's not an exhaustive list, there's absolutely more who I don't remember bc of my absence (I'll update this as I remember):
Give them a follow and support them if you're not already!
@plastic-pipes (their fanart is what sparked this fic) @rykerajera @comickergirl @sango-blep @papurrcat @lena-in-a-red-dress @lesly-oh @polar-biscuit @smallandsundry @ekingstonart @stennnn06 @unicyclehippo @vega-tenala @blindwire @rudderless-in-an-ocean-of-stars @gabsrambles @supersappho @foleypdx @cardiaceyes @justmickeyfornow @elliotdrawpls @younglemonade
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luxi-storyteller · 7 months
New Clexa story is up!
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creativekha0s · 9 months
I just finished writing Chapter 10 for Arkadia and my emotions are in shambles 😅 if anyone on here has read/is reading the story, we’re only on Chapter 6 so there plenty of story ahead! I’m hoping for 16 chapters total and trying to post a chapter a week! But man…this story, this ship that is Clexa has a direct line to my emotions.
I love Clexa and this story of Arkadia for them. Every week I’m writing for this story with a smile on my face and it’s all I can think about. There is so much love and so much heartbreak in this but it is so worth it in the end. Writing this story for Clexa has breathed new life into me and my passion for fanfiction. This is the one, this story is that one passion project for me that I’ve been searching for in 12 years of being involved in fanfiction, where I would be content if I never wrote anything again. Arkadia is my way of helping to immortalize Clexa with all other members of the fandom, to show how no matter what, Clarke and Lexa will always find each other and always be in love.
If you’re reading this story, thank you so much. It means the absolute world to me. Clexa helped change my life 8 years ago, this story is for them and the fandom. And personally for me. Without Fantascape, there wouldn’t be Arkadia and to always have this story no matter the ship, it means the world to me as well. Thank you so much and please enjoy the story of Arkadia for Clexa, always enjoy Clexa, and never forget Clexa 💚💙
EDIT: Ah I probably should have mentioned as well that Arkadia is pinned on my profile! And I post links to every chapter as soon as I update, thank you again and always! 💚💙
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clexa-bones · 1 year
Clexa BonesVerse Presents: Badge 'n' BONES
Forensic anthropologist Lexa Woods is a caretaker for the dead who has little patience for the living. Clarke Griffin is an impulsive federal agent with a dark past and a penchant for taking big swings.
Together, they are..
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Are you ready to go back to the BonesVerse?
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I'm looking for a clexa fic, which I remember next to nothing about other than Clarke was working as a "honey trapper" who was paid to catch cheating partners.
If anyone knows it based on that extremely limited and vague info you have my thanks.
Hi, is it this one maybe?
"The break upper" by 100hearteyes.
If someone has another idea, please feel free to leave a comment. 😊
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audi0med1c · 11 months
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Out-of-Context Snippets of my fanfic (2):
Clarke had already made good on her plan to get Lexa sweaty again this morning, twice.
"Clarke," Lexa moans as the blonde kisses her way back up the brunette's body, using her nose to nudge Lexa's face to the side so she has better access to the commander's neck.
Lexa feels fingers glide down her skin on their way back to her center, swollen and sensitive from coming twice already.
"Clarke, today would be a very bad day for me to not be able to use my legs."
"Shhhhhhhh" Clarke hums into Lexa's neck, dragging her tongue along the brunette's jawline before nipping at her chin. "I'm still in charge as long as you're in this bed, remember?" She coos, before planting a kiss on the girl's lips, smiling against her mouth, whispering, "And I say I'm not done with you yet."
A more fleshed out, adult-themed fix it, on both archive and wattpad that jumps in at 3x7 and further explores Lexa's character, her past trauma, and her struggle with love vs. duty.
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