#cliffjumper loves mirage and so do I
crying-fantasies · 25 days
The Second Unicron anomaly
Optimus, all my life since very young, has been the very example of selfness, sacrifice and that want to do better, be better, because he does so while dragging uncountable things he regrets but still keeps on going while trying to show the others that he is fine when he is anything but that.
G1 Optimus was a childhood crush of mine, I admired him so much, still do, every representation of him makes me believe that there is something worth fighting for.
So, when I started to write a little something about him, well, it's hard, because I've come to idealize him so much that now I realize it's hard to put myself or whoever next to him and not feel it strange (fuck).
Then, the answer comes in the form of Orion Pax.
Hear me out, first, everything and all my stories happen in the IDW1 universe/multiverse where, well, spoiler, Optimus dies to accompany and calm the pain of a grieving father for his child whom was taken from him by the very same war the Primes before Optimus started in an attempted take over of neighboring organic planets in their periphery, it ended catastrophically as for one, the entire population of that planet became dire wraiths, two, the planet itself bared the physical recreation of the mythical Unicron, the devil in cybertronian culture, in a very "fuck you" message for cybertronians in general, three, I know it was all Shockwave fuckery in the timeline but man, it makes you ask yourself that if this Unicron isn't THE Unicron, then where the fuck is he? (Maybe I digged a bit on the TFP and BV for this but we still didn't got there).
Well, long story short, Optimus Prime dies to protect his colony, colony the last of his people, friends and Allies can consider a safe haven, he is ready to do so to protect them and atoning for sins he did and the one he didn't.
It's a sad ending, but an ending nonetheless, just like Megatron on his trial, put to eternal suffering out of his frame.
I gave Megatron a second chance on my stories, of course I can let Optimus have one for himself.
So, Megatron is happy with the LL crew, and while they are in Cybertron something happens, as always, the starship seem to have a strange thing going on with it, the black hole result of Unicron's defeat at the hands of Prime opens, people start screaming when something is being launched out of it, big things get out of it and land on New Cybertron, most know as the free Cybertron or the Functionalism reality Cybertron, everyone believed it to be the mutated Maximals again, but what gets out is-
"Cliff? Cliffjumper is that you?", Bumblebee asks, fluid on his optics, looking at his lost friend, an also just returned Mirage just behind him with Hound, it doesn't take much before the latter drags his lost friends to him for a hug, full of relief.
More pieces start to fall, pieces soon landing around, more mechs, people, all of them are being returned, somehow, before the opening in the black hole ripped.
Carcer is back, with him, his whole crew, Elita One is the first to look at them in awe, she starts to shout, "Where is Unicron?!" when she just came from what was left of the devil itself.
Megatron is fast to search, some even questioned him for it when his own crew followed him, looking out for whoever came in those things, no one remembering what happened when they saw the massive frame of Unicron approaching.
Megatron, in all of this, notices their frames are good as new, no damage done, upgrades gone, as he searches in the many bodies coming back, the sparks reignited, mechs that welcome their loved ones back, faith restored in their optics as Tappet hugs as he can a very confused Hefter who ask where the enforcers are with a frightened face, screaming when he sees Velocitron appear before moving to a path back to it's previous orbital course, knowing where it belongs, followed by Caminus.
When Megatron finds the frame of who he knew would also come back he has to stop for a moment before finally presenting a helping servo to the bot trying to get out of the strange cocoon, who only looks at him, barely recognizing him, the Matrix casing put on him in desperate times gone, as the semi truck finally speaks at him.
And the one that asks isn't Optimus Prime, but Orion Pax, and Megatron knows, as this isn't the bot he knew like the back of his own coding, choosing to see this as a mercy more than a punishment when those clear blue optics look at him.
"You look different"
"I'm different, Orion, for good"
"Oh, did you get your work viewed?"
Megatron doesn't have the spark to tell him so, none of them does, not when Orion Pax smiles genuinely without his battle mask, trying to figure out who are the mechs in front of him.
"That's great, good to hear it"
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babstheyaga · 1 month
Autobots favorite hobby?
Oo, good question!
Ratchet likes to read a lot. He sometimes likes to write about history, just for fun. I can see him being a gardener too, maybe.
Optimus likes to read a lot too, if not more than Ratchet. He's never been much of a hobby person besides some late night reading, as he's constantly busy.
BumbleBee sometimes likes to cook. Very very rarely you'll see him make a random meal for Arcee, and though he knows he can't eat it, he still enjoys making it. He's a boxer, a gym rat, he likes to exercise. He also loves to work on his car.
Arcee likes to do her nails/get them done. She's not much of a fashionista, but she does like makeup.
Jazz normally just likes to veg out and listen to music. He collects CDs, vinyls, and tapes of all sorts. He's a huge music nerd.
IronHide loves the TV, but we've all known that.
CliffJumper has a thing for his Mustang, so he'll often just take it out for a spin when he's bored, instead of bothering the squad he'll go bother some other people... See what kinda trouble he can get away with that day.
Mirage also boxes from time to time, but he's more of a MMA type fighting kinda guy, TKD, Muay Thai, wrestling. He spends most of his time on his phone, though.
WheelJack collects knives. That's how Mirage got most of his. He'll often just sit there with a butterfly knife and practice toying with it. He's a good cook as well.
Prowl isn't much of a hobby person either, he's often too busy being the eldest of the three, AKA having to clean up their messes. He's definitely the extrovert of the triplets, so he would rather spend his time talking and catching up with people.
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arceespinkgun · 1 year
I am not intending at all to sound like a Geewunner when I say this but the question I always had is... Why weren't any of the major sunbow queer ships canonized in IDW1? WheelJack/Ratchet, Ironhide/Ratchet, Mirage/Hound, Mirage/Cliffjumper, Tracks and Raoul! Etc.
Although Tracks and Raoul's legacy lives on in Mirage and Noah for me, even though the latter aren't canon either but that's okay because I can always delude myself into thinking that's the case
I've wondered about this a lot too. They'd have been obvious (well mostly, I still don't get where Ironhide/Ratchet and Mirage/Hound come from and I'd actually appreciate an explanation, I've seen practically every episode and I still don't know!) and many were super popular... I guess it's just that the writers who wanted to include queer representation wanted to do different stuff? The only ship I could say had any connection to the Sunbow cartoon that got canonized was Greenlight/Lancer in John Barber's work, and those are sadly very minor characters. I think a big reason none of the well-known ships happened was that it was JRo who created a lot of the first queer couples, and one of the things he did was completely rewrite the personalities and motivations of many characters. This can be seen even in the smallest details, like how there's this big deal made in his work about how Ultra Magnus has NEVER smiled... when that was never a thing, not even in IDW1 itself. I think what's actually stranger is that no popular Sunbow ship got canonized in IDW2 either. Maybe in the new comics series something will be, since the new writer likes the Sunbow cartoon and IDW's All Hail Megatron?
...You know what? It's my blog, and I can do what I want. So I'm going to point out the obvious Sunbow ship that I'm most annoyed wasn't chosen is Ironhide/Optimus, and I'm showing everyone how easy it would've been for it to have happened based on what was already there!!! Like a love confession could've just been slapped into the existing story and it would've been an entire retroactive romance arc!
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ut-girl666 · 2 years
Okay I finally finished all of Earthspark so far, and it’s fantastic. I can’t wait to see what’s next, and I already love Nightshade, and Dot!!
and mandroid can eat shit. i hate him. i love everyone else, just not him. he’s not worthy of my love or attention, so it’s not likely I’ll be paying him much mind in my writing.
Dot reminds me of my own mom - momma bear! Grrrr… and I also kinda relate to Robby, on the whole moving thing, though I feel like there would be more emotion that we’re not privy to. So maybe that needs a little improvement, but this is coming from someone who’s been here for nine months, and I knew full well that we were doing it for the better, so maybe taken best with a grain of salt.
But I already can’t wait!! Plus they’ve been fairly vague on proper pre-show, so that means I can do my thing to make this Lego set look a little cooler for me, and ignore the instructions a little.
I also hope maybe they’ll have some more of Op + Elita interacting, and just more of Elita in general.
Also hoping they’ll bring some of the other OGs like Mirage, and Hound, and Jazz of course!! To see Cliffjumper would cool too, especially if there’s a specific intricate dynamic between him and ‘Bee. And one that’s more than ‘I look like a bumblebee rip off’, and shit. Like in a way siblings themselves. Maybe even Ratchet, the Lambo Twins, and Prowl could get little debuts!
Overall, I’m really liking what the show is offering. It’s awesome!! I can’t wait to see more, too!
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elfdragon12 · 2 years
Ok but day care AU where Megatron and Optimus run rivaling daycares that is right across the streets from each other. They share a playground.
Lil Bumblebee is a baby. Lil Prowl and Jazz are best friends, they always walk to the daycare together while holding hands. Lil Mirage is always with Hound ever since protected him from Lil Cliffjumper being mean to him, they a,so walk to the day care together. Lil Blaster and Lil Soundwave argue a lot and have a rivalry. Lil Rodimus is a hyper active child and Big kid Ultra Magnus is trying to maintain him while keeping up with Lil Arcee and Springer. Lil Blurr is also hyper active and can’t sit still, Lil Drift is attach to big kid Ratchet. Lil Ironhide is mostly friends with the girls. Lil Perceptor, Lil Wheeljack, Lil Skyfire, Lil Brainstorm, Lil Beachcomber, Lil Nautica, and Lil Seasoray are always together doing fun experiments. Lil Warpath is VERY Loud. Oh… and Lil Cosmos gets hurt a lot but Lil Soundwave and Lil Blast off protect him.
Lil Starscream is a pain in Megatron’s ass. Lil Knockout always has Breakdown with him. Lil Thundercracker and Lil Skywarp, all the seekers are following Starscream and are his minions.
Oh and Old Kup teaches with Optimus.
The fiercest of rivalries! They always have to triple-check their numbers when playground time is done to make sure the right sparklings come back with them.
Blaster and Soundwave's cassettes are their favorite toys (and kitties at home). :B Lil Hound and Beachcomber love the sensory buckets. Mirage, Tracks, and Sunstreaker are often in the dress-up area--Sideswipe joins them, but often has to be moved elsewhere because he starts throwing toys.
Lil Swindle is not allowed to bring toys from home because he keeps trying to 'sell' them for other sparklings' snacks. Blitzwing keeps sending the football over the fence. The lil Constructicons are always playing with blocks.
I was thinking who would be helping Megatron because, let's be real, I wouldn't most of his forces with children. BUT! Cyclonus. Cyclonus is very capable and reasonable.
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kryptonitecore · 5 months
Reread: All Hail Megatron, Part 2
This series is very variable in terms of art, especially as it gets into later issues and the mini-stories, each of which brings someone new. I don’t loathe the art style for the most part and I don’t love it either. A recurring issue, however, is the way human characters are drawn, with specifically darker skin tones having been put through the wringer, emerging with this sort of dark green tinge? I’m not knowledgeable enough about art or comics production to say why this is happening, but it’s very noticeable. The look of certain characters is also inconsistent - Sarah is another big example, as her facial features, hairstyle, and hair colour change between issues.
Otherwise, the book tends to go into a few moments where it comes across as a bit daft. Admittedly, this adds to the entertainment value, but not necessarily in the way the author might have intended. McCarthy’s books tend to be a bit… cinematic, I suppose, might be the word for it? As in, there will be moments where you can tell the writing and art are working together very hard to try and convince you that something is very, very, and this will either work or trip and fall into funny instead. Sometimes you can imagine where characters are supposed to be moving in slow motion or with epic music blasting and depending on your temperament and mood I think that might just bounce right off you. For sillier moments that work, see Cliffjumper’s ‘show time’ panel, for ones that don’t… I mean, for me that was quite a lot of the book. One of the generals referring to Megatron’s quite basic plan of ‘dump a bunch of soldiers in the middle of a city and cut off easy access routes, so that it’s difficult for the opposing side to reach us or use heavier munitions’ as ‘facing off against a sadistic military genius the likes of which we’ve never seen before’ was… certainly something. I can only assume this man has not met a lot of people.
A saving grace of this series is the directions that it sets a lot of the characters off in. For example, McCarthy seems to have been the one to really kick off the Thundercracker-Earth connection that recurs throughout the rest of the continuity. Although I have some mixed feelings about that whole thing, some of McCarthy’s takes on these characters end up having a lot of influence on later canon. His takes on Ironhide, Mirage, and Sunstreaker all hold on, as does the dynamic amongst a lot of the Decepticons, or between the Autobot teams of the Wreckers and Special Ops. Jazz and Prowl also gets some interesting moments here, but admittedly Prowl’s personality is about to whirl between McCarthy’s version, Costa’s version, and Roche’s version, so that ultimately doesn’t come to much. Interestingly, McCarthy’s Bumblebee is a bit of a dick and he really, conspicuously does not like Drift, bringing up how little he believes in Drift’s change of heart: ‘True to [who we are] - where do you get off saying that? The last thing we want is you being true to what you are?’. Although I complain about posturing, I actually found a fair bit of the Autobot infighting pretty engaging. I’m not a fan of this series’ human side, particularly, but some of the interpersonal drama is interesting and it occasionally produces a nice character moment.
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kudosmyhero · 1 year
Transformers (vol. 1) #1: The Transformers
Read Date: November 28, 2022 Cover Date: September 1984 ● Writer: Bill Mantlo ◦ Ralph Macchio ● Penciler: Frank Springer ● Inker: Kim DeMulder ● Colorist: Nelson Yomtov ● Letterers: Michael Higgins ◦ Rick Parker ● Editor: Bob Budiansky ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● "naturally occurring gears and levers" - I remember that phrase being used during a theological debate on evolution vs. intelligent design in the IDW series ● damn, the war is so strong that it knocked Cybertron out of its orbit??? that's… impressive. And terrifying. ● doesn't look like the comic is going to get into what it means to be knocked off orbit--i.e., drastic weather changes, no regular light source, catastrophic temperature drops… just to name a few. Surely even sentient machines would be affected? ● so that's how they crossed paths with Earth… ● whew, info-dumpy roll call ● um, I wouldn't question Megatron's logic if I were you… squints …oh, that's Starscream. Never mind. ● info-dumpy roll call #2… commence! ● heheh, I love the Autobots' theory of what a drive-in is for ● it's been a long time since I've seen Transformers with humans nearby for scale ● aww, poor Bumblebee!
Good first issue! A little clunky in how it handled introductions--ok, a lot clunky in how it handled introductions--but it got across the information that it needed to get across. Overall, very enjoyable first issue!
Synopsis: The planet Cybertron, home of sentient robots known as the Transformers, has been at war for millions of years, putting the peace faring Autobots at war against the evil war hungry Decepticons, led by the evil Megatron. The devastation wrought by the war would send planet Cybertron out of it's orbit spinning throughout the cosmos on an indirect course, and into the path of an asteroid belt that threatens to destroy their home world unless something is done. Autobot commander Optimus Prime is selected by the Autobot elders to lead a team to destroy the meteors before it's too late.
Optimus Prime selects a crew that consists of the following Autobots: Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, Brawn, Huffer, Gears, Jazz, Prowl, Ironhide, Ratchet, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Trailbreaker, Wheeljack, Mirage, and Hound to journey out in their ship, the Ark, to destroy the meteors. Learning of this, Megatron gathers a team of his own Decepticon warriors to attack and destroy the Autobots. With him, he takes Soundwave, Starscream, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, Rumble, Frenzy and Ravage to attack.
With the battle leaning toward Decepticon victory Optimus Prime, forseeing this possibility sets the Ark on a suicidal collision course with the nearest planet, which happens to be Earth. They crash into an active volcano, destroying them all. Some four billion years later at the site of the crash at what is now called Mount St. Hillary in Oregon the Ark's computers spring to life sending out a probe to scan what it thinks are the planet's sentient machinery. The ships repair systems repair all the Transformers aboard indiscriminately, repairing the Decepticons first and giving them the ability to transform into Earth machines. They manage to escape before the newly revived Autobots can stop them.
Scanning their computers to learn about the world they have crashed on, Optimus Prime decides to that the best course of action is to send out some Autobots to do reconnaissance before they do whatever needs to be done to protect this world from the Decepticons they unwittingly unleashed on this world.
Elsewhere in the state of Oregon, Buster Witwicky, the son of mechanic Sparkplug Witwicky arrives home late from school and gets in trouble with his father who is frustrated with his son for not having an interest in mechanics like he does. With the days work in his garage just about done he allows his son Buster to take the family car out to take his friend "O" and his girlfriend Jessie out to the theater.
Meanwhile, the Autobots Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, Brawn, Prowl, and Hound are on the road getting a lay of the land in their area. They happen upon a drive-in movie theater and thinking that the cars parked there are sentient beings find it odd that they are focused on a large screen. On their journey, they are spied on by Laserbeak who reports back to Megatron. The Decepticon leader decides to send a Decepticon attack force to ambush the revived Autobots.
The Autobots arrive at the theater, and Bumblebee in an attempt to "greet" an Earth car bumps into it. This car happens to be the one that Buster and his friends are in. Buster gets out of the car to yell at the person who bumped him and is shocked to find that there is no driver inside the car. Suddenly, Soundwave, Ravage, Laserbeak, Starscream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp attack the theater prompting the Autobots to transform into robot mode and fight back.
As the humans flee the drive in, the Autobots fight back sending the Decepticons in retreat, but not before one of their blasts can strike Bumblebee. The other Autobots realizing that the sentient life forms on this planet are organic, not mechanical transform into vehicle mode and make their escape before the Decepticons can counter attack. In the chaos, Buster notices that Bumblebee is leaking a fluid that is not oil and decides to take the car back to his garage in an attempt to repair it. He is surprised to find that there is no ignition on the car and is even more surprised when it starts up on its own.
Working hard in a futile effort to try and fix the car, the racket that Buster makes wakes up his father. Sparkplug is delighted to see his son trying to fix up a car on his own, not trying to listen to Buster's explanation about it. However Sparkplug is shocked when Buster tells him that the car is alive, and it weakly asks them for their help.
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Fan Art: Autobots by yo-3
Accompanying Podcasts: ● Transformers Chronicles - episode 01
● Transformers University - episode 06
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doux-mirages · 2 years
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Part II of what I drew on ms paint at 4 in the morning: these two doing a thing together
Mirage is a simple mech, he is gay, so he limps his wrist. Cliffjumper does the same but this is about mirage right now
They are old and they are omo [see last post] :]
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baebeyza · 3 years
Top 4 or 5 I dunno
Am bored so imma just list my faves for characters who have at least 4 different versions in the cartoons
(this was more than I expected, so it's under the cut-)
1. TFP (Just a fucking pissy and spiteful babe with the sexiest design) 2. Energon (jerkiest jerk ever) 3. TFA 4. G1 5. Cyberverse
1. TFP (My brother's favourite transformer, that gotta mean something) 2. G1 3. Cybertron (I'd love him more if he wasn't in like, 6 episodes total) 4. Headmasters 5. Cyberverse
TFA Soundwave just aint sexy, I am sorry- and neither is RID15 Soundwave after his upgrade u.u WFC Soundy just didn't do much
1. RiD01 (Middle child) 2. Energon (a little eager boyo) 3. TFA 4. G1 5. WFC
Only reason I chose WFC over Cyberverse here is that I fucking forgot he even was in Cyberverse, so he obviously couldn't leave a big impression on me
1. TFP (Especially that german voice OuO) 2. WFC 3. TFA 4. G1 5. RiD15
Putting RiD15 Ratchet above Cyberverse Ratchet because he says "I needed that" :D Also, in Prime Wars he seems to exist because Windblade mentions him once, but we never see him
1. G1 (Original boi) 2. Energon 3. Prime Wars 4. Cyberverse 5. TFA
Headmasters Roddy gets no place in this for just fucking off and never coming back-
Ultra Magnus!
1. G1 (love of my life) 2. WFC 3. RiD01 (the bitch version-) 4. Headmasters 5. TFP
Fun fact: In the japanese version of Armada he exists as well, but not really as a character, just as an upgrade for Prime in the last season of the show that just existed for some reason - in the english version that upgrade is called Overload :D (but sometimes gets called Ultra Magnus too because the english script writers for the show were kinda high or something)
Oh, and in TFA I aint all that hype for him
Hot Shot!
1. Cybertron (A cutie) 2. Energon (A mature cutie) 3. Armada (I don't even care about this boi, but I can't put him below the other two) 4. RiD01 (I can't remember anything he ever did) 5. TFA (I couldn't even remember him existing)
1. G1 (Original girl) 2. TFP 3. Cyberverse 4. WFC 5. Energon
She's also in Headmasters as a secretary - a downgrade from G1. And in TFA she didn't leave much of an impression on me :/
1. Cyberverse (Such crazy uncle energy) 2. Energon (He's only called Wheeljack in original version - and I fucking loved the way he talked man, his voice and accent were just so damn epic) 3. TFP 4. G1 5. WFC He is in TFA, but I can't remember anything he ever said in those 3 minutes of screentime
1. Prime Wars (Of course, he was so cute and funny!) 2. G1 (Cutie!) 3. Cyberverse 4. Victory (his one job of telling Ginrai he cannot be repaired was better than anything he ever did in TFA - at least he had a damn on-screen job! xD) 5. TFA
Some Minicon in Armada is called Perceptor, but bugger me if I fucking remember which one it was
1. RiD15 (Fave of the whole show, such a sweetheart! <3) 2. G1 3. Prime Wars 4. Cyberverse 5. TFA
Rid01 also has a Grimlock, but he ain't even a Dino in it
1. RiD15 (A sin, I know, but I'm not hot on Bee in general and I just found this one the most appealing) 2. Cyberverse 3. TFP 4. G1 5. TFA
I know he's in RB, but I havent watched that yet so I can't talk
1. Cybertron 2. Energon 3. Armada (one of the only two characters I actually liked in the whole show-) 4. G1 5. WFC
TFA version wasn't all that hot to me
1. Energon (a goodie) 2. Headmasters 3. Beast Wars 4. WFC 5. RiD15
Bro I remember nothing about him in G1, that 4th season was so damn forgettable and weird, that even the RiD15 version stuck to me more
Fortress Maximus!
1. Headmasters (Master SWOOOORD- <3) 2. Prime Wars 3. RiD01 4. G1 (I can remember this version better than Scorponok at least)
1. RiD15 2. Armada 3. G1 4. WFC
As with Bee, can't judge his RB version
1. G1 (BOI) 2. TFA (handsome boi!) 3. Cyberverse (I just remember that he dies) 4. RiD15 (Just here because I liked him more than in Armada) 4. Armada (he aint even boi, but he has the name so whatever)
He's in Headmasters too and he fucks off with Roddy, so SHAME ON YOU
1. G1 (The only version I give a shit about- the others are just a contest about which I care less) 2. Energon 3. Armada 4. RiD15 5. TFA
Headmasters Cyclonus gets disqualified for the AUDACITY TO BE A WHIMP!
Galvatron! (disclaimer - versions that are really just Megatron-repaints don't count. Also for the Unicron Trilogy, I go by the japanese versions because I hate the english one when it comes to him and Megatron)
1. Energon (In japanese, its always Galvatron from the start, the character never was "Megatron" and bro do I love him!) 2. G1 (The original crazy man, you go babe! 3. Beast Wars II 4. Headmasters 5. WFC (Hope he gets to be awesome in Kingdom! ~)
1. Beast Wars Neo (personality babey) 2. TFP 3. Prime Wars 4. G1 5. Armada (at least he had Sideways here) I mean he is in Energon, but is barely a character...
Red Alert!
1. Cybertron 2. G1 3. Armada 4. WFC 5. TFA
Fun fact: Energon Prowl is Red Alert in japanese and Armada Red Alert is Ratchet in japanese-
1. G1 (Aesthetics ~) 2. Beast Wars II (totally different character btw, but again - Aesthetics ~) 3. Cyberverse (girl Aesthetics ~) 4. WFC 5. TFA (anti-aesthetics!)
There be a lot of seekers in Prime Wars, but they all die without ever showing a robot-mode so who gives a fuck man
1. Cyberverse (It's the moe-effect) 2. Cybertron 3. G1 4. TFA 5. WFC
1. Beast Machines 2. Beast Wars II 3. Armada 4. G1 5. Cyberverse (Couldn't remember him in this thing either)
The Quintessons!
1. Energon (Alpha Q Disney Princess) 2. G1 3. WFC 4. Cyberverse
Alpha Trion!
1. G1 (This is the only version I have spent any thoughts on-) 2. TFA 3. Cyberverse 4. WFC 5. Headmasters
Man, at least in Headmasters he had a body compared to TFP-
1. Cybertron 2. Headmasters (just for that one scene in which he says that Magnus would have wanted to be buried on Earth) 3. Prime Wars 4. G1
1. G1 2. TFA 3. RiD15 4. Headmasters (mah man Marshall, eh?)
1. Cybertron 2. RiD01 3. G1 4. Headmasters
1. Energon (Character is called Overdrive in japanese but whatever) 2. TFP 3. G1 4. TFA 5. WFC (forgot he was in it)
1. Energon (The boi) 2. G1 3. RiD01 4. TFA 5. WFC (5 seconds or something)
Omega Supreme!
1. Energon 2. G1 3. TFA 4. WFC
1. TFP (Of course-) 2. G1 3. Cyberverse 4. RiD01 5. Cybertron
Sorry, WFC Laserbeak u.u And who cares for Armada Laserbeak-
1. Energon (the Decepticon who is IN LOVE WITH MEGS/GALVS, what more do you want! Also he cute-) 2. RiD01 3. G1 4. WFC
1. Cybertron (In japanese Thunderblast's name is Chromia- forgive me not sticking to one language here x'D) 2. WFC 3. G1 4. Cyberverse
1. RiD15 2. Prime Wars 3. G1 4. Cybertron
1. TFA 2. TFP 3. Energon (Sprung in japanese) 4. RiD15
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anon-e-miss · 4 years
I'm so sorry you're going through such a tough time. I love your writing and I'm glad you can escape a bit through it. Do you mind if I request another prompt form the ask meme? "I hit my head, now I don't feel so good"
Thank you. 🖤🤍
As mega-cycle’s went, Prowl thought this had been a rotten one. His energon press had malfunctioned, and he had faced a light-cycle of paperwork and disciplinary meetings with benefit of that quick burning fuel.  There was pressure behind his optics, a tension helmache perhaps, or the continual drag of his ATS as it scraped along. Unfortunately, while there was a rather fancy press in the mess hall, it did not have a setting remotely close to “black like Prowl’s spark”, and the two cubes he had downed had not been able to give him the quick burst he needed to clear the static and to get his processor running smoothly.
Why Prowl would reasonably blame the Twins for most misfortunes that fell upon him on base, he was the favoured victim of their pranks. His press had not fallen victim of a petty prank, however. They knew better than to touch it. Prowl tolerated friendly mischief, but there were lines you just did not cross. It had been falling apart for a long time, and it had been getting touchy of late. This final collapse had been coming, Prowl had only hoped his press would hold out until he finally found a suitable replacement. Unfortunately, he had never been a lucky mech.
Prowl glanced at the datapad containing the agenda for this officers’ meeting he was already a bream late to. For a mech to whom punctuality was almost of religious importance, Prowl loathed being late by even nanokliks but the matter of Brawn and Cliffjumper had run long. Getting the minibots to stop arguing long enough to give them their punishment duties had taken Prowl half a joor. Though his colleagues considered him a consummate bureaucrat, Prowl actually loathed  these meetings. They took precious time away from his real work. His mood was foul, and the prospect of the meeting he was meant to be chairing did not make Prowl any sunnier. As Prowl hurried around the corner, his peds slipped out from under him. Before he even realized he was falling, Prowl crashed to the floor with a crash.
“Ah,” he gasped.
For a klik Prowl lay sprawled on his back, his ventilations having been knocked out of him.. His padded back plate had done its job, and though his doorwing sensors flooded his sensory grid with a grating burn, his joints were unharmed. Some of that insulation would have been good in his helm, Prowl groaned with pain as his digits brushed against the back of his helm. The tension helmache that had been haunting him all light-cycle exploded. He held his helm in his servos as and gritted his denta. That fragging hurt.
“Prowl?” Optimus’ voice burst into his helm as their comms automatically linked. Prowl had to stop himself from hissing a curse. “Did you forget the staff meeting?“
“Of course not,” Prowl replied. Scowling, he looked to his scattered datapads and dragged himself up onto his servos and knees and quickly collected them. His helm spun for a nanoklik but Prowl summarily ignored it. “I was delayed with Brawn and Cliffjumper. I will be there shortly.”
The meeting was a waking memory purge. They argued over the same points, revisited decisions long decided. Prowl hated these things. He snapped, more than once, as he forcefully brought the meeting back into focus. Though he got some dirty looks for his highhanded behaviour, Prowl could not have given less of a damn if he had tried. When the meeting wrapped, Prowl tried to think if they had accomplished anything. Probably not. All he wanted was a half joor in the quiet and dark of his office. His tank churned a little as he rose from his chair. That energon from earlier was not sitting right. He had always had a nervous fuel tank.
“Ready for our session?” Jazz asked as he sauntered up. Right.
“Of course,” Prowl replied. He cursed himself for forgetting. They to go over the intelligence packet Mirage had sent in the other mega-cycle. It would only take a joor, probably. If he could keep Jazz on task, rather than letting the saboteur get... conversational.
“Yer office or mine?”
“Mine. I am not convinced you even have a desk under all that scrap.”
“Oh there’s a desk. Somewhere. Although Sideswipe did steal it last quartex and it took me an orn to notice anything had changed.”
“That may not be something a mech in your position should be admitting.”
“Bah,” Jazz laughed. I know there’s nothin’ important in there. That’s the point. If one o’ Soundwave’s minions ever gets in they can dig through that scrap, waste a few joors, ‘n maybe lose a digit or two to one o’ my traps.”
“You have the most peculiar of methods,” Prowl replied. Jazz’s workspace was chaos incarnate, it matched the mech. Upon seeing it the first time, Prowl had voiced some serious concerns to Prime but Jazz had proven himself to be a singularly talented operative. Chaos got him, and the Autobots, results.
Jazz talked as the walked. Prowl tried to listen but his processor was throbbing. He considered taking a pain blocker but they muddied his processor, and it was hard enough to really get his ATS going without his “rocket fuel”. At least Jazz did not expect more than one glyph answers or the occasional affirmative noise. As always, Mirage’s packets came heavily encrypted, but Jazz had already cracked it before they had booked this session.  He had already gone over himself as well. Prowl’s purpose here was to lend Jazz his tactical systems so they could more quickly sort the junk of the jewels. Except his tactical systems felt like junk right now.
“Ya a’ight, Prowl?” Jazz asked as they sat opposite each other at Prowl’s desk. It was a bit weird. Jazz was sitting straight, not sprawling.
He tried to think, really he tried. Prowl studied the schematics of Shockwave’s lab, and tried to make sense of the chemical samples Mirage had taken. As they moved on to the next file within Mirage’s packet, alluded to a device within the lab, and Prowl had to go back to the blueprints to remind himself where it was in regard to the other equipment. He flipped back and forth, twice, three times. A 3D map was projected from the communicube, it turned. It turned. Prowl grabbed his waste bin and purged.
“Scrap, Prowl,” Jazz cursed. Prowl groaned. His tank was rolling, and his helm was throbbing in time with his spark. When Jazz touched his servo to Prowl’s browridge, Prowl recoiled. The sharp movement had him swaying from side to side and he would have toppled out of his chair if not for Jazz catching him. “What’s wrong, Prowl. Got a crash comin’?”
“No,” Prowl groaned. “I hit my helm... Now I do not feel so good.”
“Scrap. When?” Jazz asked. He held Prowl’s shin and moved a digit back and forth across Prowl’s field of vision. His optics dimmed.
“On the way to the meeting.”
“I thought ya were a bit off,” Jazz declared. He shook his helm. “Silly mech. Ratchet was right there. He coulda had a look at ya.”
“Was not that bad,” Prowl argued. It had been. Maybe.
“Ya got a worse self-destructive bent than I do,” Jazz said. “‘N that’s sayin’ somethin’. Let’s get ya to Ratchet ‘n see just what ya knocked loose... Lean on me.”
“I might purge on you,” Prowl worried. Jazz shook his helm as he pulled Prowl’s arm over his shoulders and looped his own arm around Prowl’s waist.
“I’ll forgive ya if ya do.”
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thenamesblurrito · 4 years
also, from the Fan Cont Ask thingy Roster Brainstorm
Roster: where is x character in this AU? Who are they, what are they doing?
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Finally finished this one! I got halfway done with Brainstorm and then decided to do his roommates too, because background characters are fun.
Brainstorm is an excitable, clever youngling, happy to be a student at the JAAT but always setting his sights for more. He’s going to be the most famous (or infamous) scientist on Cybertron someday, and these pesky school rules are just getting in his way. His roommates have long since learned to step back when he gets going, as he’ll likely bat them on the helm with his waggling wings without even noticing. He wants to push the limits, even as a student, and gain some notoriety so that he’ll draw the attention of some premiere apprenticeship opportunities. The high-caste physicist Quark is the one he hopes to be mentored by, and his celebrity crush on him only heightens that desire. He’ll need to pull off something incredible in order to be noticed, and watching that Decepticon hero Cyclonus use the Blades of Time has given him an excellent idea: time travel.
Mirage got into the Academy from the get go. Of course he did, he’s a well-forged mech from a high-caste family with good connections. Principal Shockwave might say students are accepted on merit instead of class, but Mirage knows this must just be pretense to gain him a broader vote. After all, why would anyone allow idiots and brutes from lower castes into such a prestigious institution? The rude awakening of his fellow classmates from all walks of life hasn’t managed to humble him. His arrogant and framist attitude hasn’t won him many friends, but a student named Cliffjumper seems particularly willing to blow up at him whenever he gets too overbearing.
Bulkhead has never been to Cybertron before! It’s his first time off of Luna 1, and there’s so many new and fascinating things here. He’s rather surprised that he managed to pass the entrance exams, but he scraped by with exceptional marks in a couple areas that made up for his worse subjects. While he’s always known that he’s destined to go into construction and/or demolition because of his frametype, he’s never quite enjoyed it the way he does learning under his teachers. With the opportunity to study anything he’d like, he’s also discovered a love for art he never knew he had before. There’s a group of rowdy younglings who call themselves the Wreckers that he usually hangs out with, a solid presence of joviality that lends a little calmness to so many wild personalities.
Twirl and Combusta are from the same aerie on the other side of Cybertron from Iacon. Combusta is a little grateful that she’s rooming with her aerie-sibling, if only so she can keep an eye on the energetic wildchild Twirl. The two of them do decently in their classes, and Twirl usually drags Combusta into her wide social circle. So far their greatest challenge has been surviving Brainstorm’s mad science and Mirage’s framism.
Here’s some cropped pics so you can see them better!
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the-odd-job · 4 years
Ashes of Icarus chapter 4 - The Unmaker
Rating: Explicit Warnings: Chose Not to Use Category: Other Fandom: Transformers Characters: Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, Megatron, Ratchet, Optimus Prime Relationships: Megatron/Sunstreaker, Sideswipe & Sunstreaker Additional Tags: Dubcon, Unplanned Pregnancy, Mechpreg, Sticky Words: 2678
Beware Ratchet’s terrible bedside manner.
( Previous )
They did their time and got their freedom and right to wax and polish back after the assigned week had passed. From there it was back to the usual slog of rotating duties, some less desirable than others.
The quiet made sense. The Decepticons were largely successful in their last grab for energy to convert into energon. They wouldn’t be in a pressing need to stage another attack too soon.
For Sunstreaker (and Sideswipe), it meant boredom. They were warriors. The fight was in their spark, but they were denied it. Sparring, even with each other, was a poor substitute when they weren’t allowed to go all out.  
His blood screamed for the violence, but the only one he got to slag was Sideswipe, and even that was enough to earn them punishment detail. They weren’t even allowed to beat up each other, and they expected him to just deal?
Yes, yes they did. They expected him to sit down quiet and pretty in between battles, like everyone else. It didn’t work in anyone’s favor that he wasn’t designed for the calm between fights. Neither was Sideswipe, but Sideswipe directed his frustrations in fragging and pranks and general troublemaking—somewhat more acceptable than Sunstreaker’s penchant for delivering some serious pain to others for the smallest slight.
But that was a familiar song and dance to everyone by now. Even Tracks and Cliffjumper managed to stay out of his way enough that he wasn’t sent back to the brig for tearing into them. Prowl knew what he was doing, anyway, and as always when Sunstreaker was feeling particularly twitchy, handled everyone’s schedules in a way that made Sunstreaker least likely to cross paths with his usual antagonists and targets. Instead he got to spend time with the kind of mecha that just didn’t call for a fist to the face, or could take it with a laugh. Sideswipe. Jazz. Blaster. Hound. Bluestreak. Mirage. Bumblebee.
Primus, he seriously hated Bumblebee, but the whole of spec ops would’ve been on his aft if he hurt their precious baby. Even Sunstreaker had enough sensibility to not mess with that bunch. He wouldn’t know what misery was before he made an enemy out of Jazz and co.
No thanks.
All of it was lowkey torture he was never going to get used to—not after spending the better portion of his life having the opposite beaten into him. 
Of course, the Autobots wouldn’t get that. They lacked the whole framework to understand it–
But that was something he and Sideswipe had had to accept a long time ago, and cope to the best of their ability.
Which wasn’t always very impressive work. Admittedly they didn’t always try very hard, either.
It was war, though, and it wasn’t over. Peaceful spells were never going to last, and didn’t this time either. The Decepticons eventually staged another attack that Red Alert… Alerted them to, and the twins were called into action, as they usually were—both because of their sheer effectiveness, and because they become walking health hazards of the highest degree if they were denied a chance to let out some steam.
Or was that just Sunstreaker?
Skyfire brought them onto the scene, battle ensued, and he would never get enough of the feel of ripping into another mech—the sensation, gruesome and rewarding, of their blood spraying across his plating, still warm when it landed.
Starscream lived up to his name by being a particularly loud one when you did that to him, but he was also the Decepticons’ Air Commander for a reason that he made perfectly obvious once more by maneuvering himself, even damaged, into twists and turns that dislodged even Sunstreaker. Sideswipe sent a quick inquiry on his need for a catch, but Sunstreaker waved him off—they weren’t too high up.
It would hurt, but he’d live.
And that he did, hard landings or no. 
It was just that the shot of a fusion cannon sprayed the ground inches to his right the moment he came to a stop after his fall. Sunstreaker sprang to the side at once, but he knew.
It wasn’t a thing about his reflexes that spared him, those were too late. It wasn’t about Megatron being a bad shot, either.
Megatron had missed because he’d wanted to miss, where he could have just as easily blown Sunstreaker’s helm off before he had the chance to dodge. 
Sunstreaker spun to face him a moment before Megatron’s fist would’ve hit him, and this time it was about the merit of his own training that he dropped below the strike before it could connect. He spared a thought to the foolishness of taking on Megatron without even comming for backup, but a far larger part of him ate at him with curiosity.
Here he was, finally within Megatron’s reach, able to fully receive his attention. 
What would happen? What would Megatron do?
He didn’t inform anyone of the situation. Neither did Sideswipe. He struck back at Megatron instead, excitement thrumming in his lines. There was no one around to interrupt them, no one around to get in the way—no one to save him. 
“Sunstreaker, isn’t it?” Megatron asked after deflecting his blow, but Sunstreaker merely followed it up with another.
“One and only,” he confirmed with a growl, frowning at the way Megatron blocked him a little too easily. That just wouldn’t do. His next move was faster, and that Megatron didn’t block, grunting instead at the impact.
There we go.
But it wasn’t as if Megatron was just going to stand there and take it. Oh no, he returned it, and Pits, but Sunstreaker could block it all he wanted, it did him no good. He doubted Megatron was even using all of his strength, but Sunstreaker’s battlegrade armor caved in from one hit, sending him minor warnings that he fluently acknowledged and ignored.
He was physically outmatched, that much was obvious—as if he hadn’t known it already.
What was he supposed to feel at that?
What did he feel?
Primus, the Thirteen, his spark was going to spin right out of its casing and fly off into the ether–
The power he was faced with. His engine revved as Megatron landed another hit to his two that the tyrant didn’t even attempt to dodge, just blocked, accepting the damage to his armor where Sunstreaker couldn’t do the same. The damage he could inflict on Megatron didn’t compare with what Megatron could inflict on him, and for Sunstreaker it became a game of evasion. He was smaller, he was faster, he had less reach–
He could only try to stay one step ahead, avoid Megatron’s attacks, and try to land his own whenever he saw an opening.
Did he have chances of actually downing the warlord?
That wasn’t the point.
“You’ve been watching me,” Sunstreaker grunted after another strike that glanced him in the side, almost throwing him too far off balance to dodge the next one—almost.
Not quite.
“Have I?” Control. Megatron was control. Calm and put together even through the fight Sunstreaker put up, like he wasn’t even straining—but Sunstreaker didn’t discredit himself enough to think Megatron wasn’t working. Everyone had their work cut out for them when fighting Sunstreaker.
Just like last time.
Except this time they were both arguably better than they’d ever been. Time and practice did that to you.
Sunstreaker threw himself into the fight, blood coursing in his lines too fast for comfort, and yet it only kept ratcheting higher. They weren’t equal, far from it, but it wasn’t one-sided either. Sunstreaker could hold his own, could dodge just enough to keep himself standing, deliver enough damage to remain a threat.
If Megatron was holding back at first, he stopped doing so soon enough when it became clear Sunstreaker wasn’t pulling any punches.
Because where the fuck was the fun in that?
It was motherfucking pride he took in forcing the tyrant into taking it seriously, but of course, no less could be expected of him.
Did Megatron expect?
He had to. His memory couldn’t be so short that he’d have forgotten the times they’d faced off on Earth, short as those fights had been—he couldn’t have forgotten the goddamned glorious distraction Sunstreaker could be when there was no one else available to confront Megatron when he needed to be confronted. Those fights had all been brief for other reasons, and they’d always ended with Sunstreaker sporting the injuries–
But he’d always stalled Megatron. 
“It’s quite alright, everyone does that,” Sunstreaker continued with a growl, loving the thrum of pain and effort in his frame. 
This. This was living. “I’m too damn gorgeous, I know.”
“Ego, I see,” Megatron snarled back, and then Sunstreaker made a mistake.
He was too slow, too focused on his next opening.
He didn’t see Megatron’s feign for what it was.
A heavy, heavy fist collided with his chest and sent him flying. Sunstreaker landed hard on his back, felt the ache of a caved chassis, commiserated the further ruin of his finish, grunted—and then felt the heated end of a cannon pressing against his damaged chestplates.
Point blank they wouldn’t have been able to withstand the shot even if they were in perfect repair.
Megatron was staring down at him and Sunstreaker met his gaze without fear, his frame shaking, but only from anticipation–
Disappointment. He shouldn’t have felt that when held at gunpoint, his whole life on the line, but he did. Sunstreaker glanced back at the same time Megatron glanced up to see Optimus charging towards them, ready to take on his nemesis. Megatron’s cannon lifted to fire at the approaching Prime instead–
And just like that, it was over. Sunstreaker rolled out of the way of the two significantly larger mechs before he got trampled, finding his pedes and feeling the damage in his frame—extensive, but not life threatening.
Ironhide ran after Optimus, Sideswipe hot on his heels, a few Seekers landed to stave them off, and the normal course of things continued for a moment longer before Megatron called a retreat, either tiring of the resistance or having gotten what he came for. Sunstreaker didn’t know.
Both him and Sideswipe were ever reluctant to just let the enemy go, but there wasn’t much else they could do without breaking some holy orders Optimus stood by stubbornly. Sunstreaker stared after the retreating Decepticons longingly until he could feel the ground shaking just so and looked up to see Optimus approaching.
“Are you alright?” the Prime asked, concern evident in gaze and voice.
Sunstreaker huffed. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You shouldn’t have engaged Megatron alone, Sunstreaker. We didn’t even know you were fighting him.”
Prowl and Sideswipe approached, and without having to hear it, Sunstreaker knew Prowl took it as a bit of a personal failure that he had been left with Megatron without backup. It was Prowl’s job to direct battles in a way that those situations didn’t come to happen. 
But just as quickly, the attention shifted to Sideswipe.
“Why didn’t you let us know what was happening, Sideswipe?” Optimus asked from his brother.
Sunstreaker scowled, but Sideswipe didn’t do more than shrug. “He had it under control.”
“...It didn’t look like he had it under control,” their grand leader said after a moment’s pause.
Sunstreaker grumbled. “Yeah, well, that last bit was a little unexpected.” Would Megatron have fired if Optimus hadn’t shown up?
Honestly, probably. Did he have any real reason not to? And every reason to? It would’ve taken two of the Autobots’ best fighters straight out of the game for good. That was a significant strategic advantage he could’ve gained with little effort.
Sideswipe silently questioned if that was his conclusion. Had Megatron’s interest been for nothing? Would he have killed him despite it?
Was it just his ego talking, or why didn’t Sunstreaker quite believe that?
But whatever Megatron might have done instead of shooting him through the spark… He wouldn’t find out now, thanks to Optimus. The Prime looked at him with that damned concern still, and Sunstreaker glared at him in return. “I ask that you don’t engage him again, Sunstreaker,” Optimus said at length. “Leave Megatron to me, please.”
Ugh. “Yeah yeah.”
Sideswipe huffed in amusement at his incredibly bad attitude as Sunstreaker turned on his heel and headed for Skyfire, leaving his commanders staring after him. No doubt they’d talk about him again, although he doubted he’d get more than talking tos for his stunt himself. Not like he’d actually broken anything more than Optimus’ preferences.  
“What the Pit drove you into taking on Megatron?” Ratchet not-yelled at him as he triaged the extent of the damage done to his frame. Dents, mostly. Deep dents that pressed his armor against his exoskeleton, and his exoskeleton against his internals.
“There was no one else around!” Sunsteaker growled back at him, glaring at the medic with the same intensity as Ratchet glared at him. 
At least until Ratchet turned his attention from him to jab a digit at Sideswipe instead. Sideswipe glanced up from where he had been picking at some of the paint peeling from the area around a gash he’d acquired—don’t fragging do that—putting on his most innocent expression before Ratchet even not-yelled at him. “And you!” Jab jab went the digit. “Why didn’t you help him?”
“He didn’t need it!” Sideswipe repeated his defense that sadly no one was too inclined to believe after the position Sunstreaker had ended up in.
Ratchet was no exception. “He nearly had his spark blown through and ‘he didn’t need it’?” the medic hissed, and then the tool in his servo was already flying through the air to hit Sideswipe in the helm with a small clang and a meep from his twin. 
Ratchet just picked up another one and let that fly too. Sideswipe dodged, this time.
“Cut it, Ratch,” Sunstreaker interjected a little tiredly. It got old fast to see mecha blaming Sideswipe. “He would’ve come if I’d asked.”
“And why didn’t you ask?” Mission success, Ratchet’s attention was fully on him again. Sunstreaker got a hit upside his helm for his trouble and he growled in full offense. Wasn’t he banged up enough already, dammit? “Do you have a Primus damned deathwish? Or did you get caught so far up in your delusions that you thought you could’ve taken it?”
What the slag– “I’m not delusional!” Sunstreaker snarled, sitting up.
Ratchet pushed him back down. “Oh yes you are, missy, if you think you had that under control.”
Sunstreaker threw his arms up. Okay, so no one was going to believe them when they said it was a-okay. He could see why. He could! Honestly. 
But it probably wouldn’t have ended as badly as everyone else seemed to think. Maybe.
He could be wrong too, though. Never knew with these things.
“So what are we going to do next time?” Ratchet was growling at him again, and with the way he was brandishing the piece of medical equipment he was holding, Sunstreaker knew about how this was going to go. The usual ‘answer right or I’ll lovingly hit you until you do’. 
Ah, Ratchet’s caring.
“Preferably don’t engage Megatron?” Sunstreaker tried. And didn’t get hit. So, that was good.
“Sideswipe on the scene if it can’t be avoided!” his brother piped in.
Ratchet nodded, but still he wasn’t satisfied. “And?”
What the pit more? “...Let others know if it happens?” Sunstreaker ventured. That was one of the things he’d failed to do this time around, right?
“Yes. Good.” There we go, a satisfied nod from Ratchet, and then he went back to work, removing armor plates to inspect the damage underneath. “And don’t you fragging forget, either!”
Judging by the extent of banged up frame bits, they’d be at this for a while still.
Sunstreaker resigned himself to spending some more time under the care of their number one medic. He’d probably keep hearing about this for the whole duration.
( Next )
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Oh sorry, I meant g1 autobots for the movie preferences request 😂
All good, Anon!
The Ark Crew
Of course, Spike and Sparkplug have shown them all their favorites, plus taken them to drive-ins to see any new movies that look interesting, but some of the mechs have their own favorites:
Back To The Future- Wheeljack, Ratchet
Top Gun- Ironhide, Cliffjumper
Caddyshack- Jazz, Bumblebee, Hound, Windcharger
American Werewolf In London- Optimus Prime, Prowl
Grease- Mirage
Gremlins- Beachcomber, Inferno
Beetlejuice- Sideswipe
How was this, Anon? I was having a hard time coming up with movies for each and every mech when some of them would like the same movies, so I took a few I've either heard of or seen and went with those. Of course, they're all eighties classics, since it seemed to fit😁😁 If you wanted more-modern choices, send your ask back in, I'll gladly redo it. This is one of the things I love to do in my spare time!
~~Mod Phantom
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crystalconjunx · 5 years
Transformers has always been gay XD my friend thought otherwise, so I showed her that G1 clip where Hound is giving Spike a massage and the clip where Blurr gets kissed( by hardhead?? ), and was like "tell me that's not gay as fuck, Linda. Tell me!" ( her name isn't actually Linda, but she acts like such a Linda sometimes -_- )
It absolutely has been gay all this time. G1 started and ended gay. This has no straight explanation:
But wait. There's more.
Megatron keeps a full-body double of Optimus in his closet with no explanation. He has another Optimus "suit" that fits Starscream perfectly. Again, no explanation.
Starscream straight up glomps Megatron when he returns from the past in one episode. "Megatron, Megatron, it's me!"
There's a scene where Cliffjumper and Mirage roll around on the floor together while Ratchet watches.
"Hey Optimus, what do you think Megatron's going to do with Starscream?" "Nothing gentle I would say. *Laughs*"
Red Alert and Inferno in 2x17. It's a cute episode. It's gay.
How soft Starscream is with Skyfire when they first reunite and how jealous Megatron kind of seems about it. Plus how extremely touchy-feely and soft Megatron can be with Starscream in the oddest of moments.
This isn't an extensive list by any means. Gay-coded villainy and male softness were huge in the 80's and Transformers did not escape their tender clutches, much to its incredibly amusing but also heart-warming benefit.
Early IDW was a fucking mess (because Furman was an asshole, tbh) but Megatron and Optimus have been coded as a foiled pair for so fuckin long, much longer than before MTMTE. They probably were a couple at one point.
Orion Pax and Megatron were incredibly close and the war is so exceptionally personal to them.
TFP is incredibly gay, and MegOp is even referentially confirmed in a spin-off book.
Fall of Cybertron (set in the Aligned continuity) is gay and Metroplex has the two doll-like models of Op and Megs kiss in the credits.
Sorry for my rambling. I'm tired and I fucking love Transformers.
Also, Megatron canonically has worms. Worms that make him do naughty things.
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sternerstufftoys · 5 years
One Mean Bot*
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A while ago, esteemed robot scholar @chrismcfeely​ managed to spark a surprisingly heated moment when he declared that Sideswipe was the "king of being loved despite having no discernible personality and literally doing nothing of note ever". Fighting words from the big man from Belfast. It got the Sideswipe starns (Sidestans) up in arms, falling over one another to prove him wrong. And here's the thing about all that:
He was absolutely right.
Sideswipe is what happens when you leave the character creator sliders in the middle. Not too big, not too little, not too tough, not too weak, not too old, not too young, not too anything. He is baseline Autobot on its default settings. He turned up in both the G1 cartoon and the Marvel comic to provide an extra pair of hands whenever things got a little heated. He wasn't going to go crazy paranoid, or defect to the other side, or fall in love with a mermaid. He was going to be red and have a gun and join in when the good guys went out to play. Sideswipe was average. He was the absolute king of average.
And you know, average is fine once in a while. In a cast where everyone else had a kind of overbearing personality, getting to hang with Sideswipe becomes... kind of relaxing. Inferno and Red Alert are making out in one corner, Cliffjumper is beating Mirage into a bloody pulp in the other, and meanwhile Sideswipe is just leaning back in his chair with a cup of robo-tea and a robo-biscuit. He doesn't create any drama (unless you count that time when he made up for lost time by coma-dreaming of being a massive drama queen and then dying). It's good to have a baseline Autobot, if only as a yardstick from which to measure everyone else's personality defec- ah, quirks.
But therein lies the problem, chums. Being the most averagest average to ever average meant that a) he didn't stand out enough to get many toys and b) the line desperately needed more Sideswipe toys. After having sat out the Prime Wars era of Generations entirely, Siege finally, inevitably gave the world something approaching a definitive deluxe car bot, red, shiny and with a chest that goes on for days.
Sideswipe is a statement of intent for WFC, and Siege in particular. You know what you imagine that toy would look like? It looks like that. It might technically transform into an alien future space-car, but let's be honest, if you saw this thing on the A303 on a soggy Wednesday in October it would be no more or less of a sight than an actual 1980s Lamborghini Countach. It looks more like an Earth concept car than anything too outlandish, so can quite happily fit in next to the more conservative of designs, like your Jazzes or your Counterpunches, as well as the sillier sorts like your Chromedomes and your Hots Rod. See? Average!
He transforms exactly how you think he does, with everything folding and flipping where it looks like it should. No fakery on show, and very little kibble other than a bit of a slab on his back. There's a neat touch on the upper calves where they fold in to make everything just a tiny bit tidier. There's no real need for it, just a nice touch. And you get... an average Sideswipe.
No, now I'm being unfair. This is an excellent Sideswipe, or at least excellent at being Sideswipe. He's lithe and limber, can pose up a storm with a tremendous sense of balance on those big flat clown feet of his. His ludicrous bonnet-chest is definitely the most eye-catchingest part of him, but doesn't look quite as oversized as it did back in 1984. It can obscure his face when viewed from a low angle, although this hardly makes him unique among plastic robot-men.
Sadly he doesn't come with a gun. Well, obviously he comes with two, but they combine into his traditional shoulder launcher, leaving poor old Sideswipe a bit hands-free until you donate a new gun from someone else. I gave him Nightbird's. It's not like she's going to be using it.
I love Sideswipe. I love him for being so damn average. I love that the Autobots have a perfectly normal trooper to send out on missions, a counterbalance to the more wacky of their number. I love him for being normal. Also he's a sexy car, and that's nice too.
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*(that’s a maths pun, you bastards. It’s funny)
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transformersmr-hq · 5 years
TFMR Character Backstory Dev: Bumblebee & Arcee
These two are the main kid-appeal character, just like Bee and Bulkhead in TFA. The problem is, that I have absolutely zero idea how to write a kid appeal character. Their writings are so short that I can't even make it into seperate post
Optimus Prime -> [X]
Ratchet -> [X]
Whirl -> [X]
Mirage -> [X]
Here’s some bits about Bumblebee and Arcee’s backstory. Some of these will make it to the final character profile, but things that are not very relevant to the main plot will be altered or deleted.
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Born during the very final stage of the Cybertronian civil war
Picked up by a nomadic group of minibots, including Cliffjumper and Brawn
Roamed around between one refugee camp to another, worked as a parcel delivery boy during their stay at camp
When it became impossible to stay as a neutral, he followed Cliffjumper to become an Autobot
He was too young to join military, but he was quite tall for a minibot kid so he fooled the inspector easily
Fought in the Iacon battle alongside Sentinel Prime
Became the survivor along with Arcee and dying Sentinel
Sentinel called Arcee and Bumblebee to his side, and orders them to deliver Matrix to Optimus Magnus and tell him he’s the Prime now.
Sentinel dies, and both of them head towards to Iacon starport
Almost got there, but then got ambushed by Starscream’s Seeker pack
Despite Arcee’s best effort to defend him, BB ends up with severe wound and NO he DIDN'T lose his voice box I don't care how TFP Bumblebee's beep noises were cute as heck BUMBLEBEE SHOULDN'T BE A MUTE FITE ME AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Thankfully OP’s team arrives just in time
BB handed him the Matrix, then passed out.
Didn't get to see the Ark getting sucked into the timespace rift because of that.
Learned of what true peacetime looks like when he learned more about Earth. He strongly wishes that humans and Earth would not get involved into Cybertronian civil war, because peace is beautiful.
No newsparks came to life after Bumblebee’s birth, making him literally the youngest Cybertronian alive​
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I honestly don't have much to write about her for some reason. She has the least amount of backstory bits out of all Autobot characters!
Used to be a blacksmith in a rural area. Her dream was simple: to make many cool armors and stuff in peace
Then the effects of war reached to her town, and the pro-Decepticon gangs in her town started to act like a dick to everyone
Couldn't handle it, so she forged herself a set of auxiliary armor and formed a group with fellow blacksmiths so she could protect people
This band of protectors later becomes the Autobot’s Aegis squad when they participated in civil war
Protected many, but lost many more
Lost even more when the Iacon battle happened
She will protect each and every member of current Autobot crew, because that's what she swore to do the moment she donned that aux armor
Hasn't taken thet armor off in a very long time
As a newspark, she loved fantasy books where a brave knight protected the townsfolk by defeating an evil predacon. Part of the reason she became a blacksmith was because she liked to daydream about fantasy tale knights.​
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