#clinical documentation
hk-1989 · 1 month
Streamlining Operations: The Role of Hospital Information Management Systems
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In the modern healthcare landscape, the efficient management of hospital information is paramount to ensure smooth operations and quality patient care. This is where Hospital Information Management (HIM) systems play a crucial role. Let's delve into the significance of HIM systems in data governance, clinical documentation, health information exchange, capacity planning, and performance analytics.
Data Governance: Effective data governance is essential for maintaining the integrity, security, and quality of healthcare data within a hospital. HIM systems facilitate the implementation of robust data governance policies and procedures, ensuring that data is accurately captured, stored, and utilized in compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards.
Clinical Documentation: Accurate and comprehensive clinical documentation is vital for documenting patient encounters, treatment plans, and medical histories. HIM systems streamline the documentation process by providing healthcare professionals with user-friendly interfaces and templates, enabling efficient documentation of clinical encounters while ensuring data accuracy and integrity.
Health Information Exchange: Interoperability and seamless health information exchange between healthcare systems and providers are critical for coordinated patient care. HIM systems facilitate the exchange of patient information across disparate systems and organizations, allowing healthcare providers to access relevant patient data when and where it is needed, leading to better care coordination and improved patient outcomes.
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Capacity Planning: Effective capacity planning is essential for optimizing resource allocation and ensuring that hospitals can meet patient demand efficiently. HIM systems provide valuable insights into patient demographics, utilization patterns, and bed occupancy rates, enabling hospitals to forecast future demand, allocate resources effectively, and optimize operational efficiency.
Performance Analytics: Performance analytics play a vital role in assessing and improving hospital operations and outcomes. HIM systems offer robust performance analytics capabilities, allowing hospitals to track key performance indicators (KPIs), measure clinical and operational outcomes, and identify areas for improvement. By leveraging data-driven insights, hospitals can enhance patient care quality, streamline workflows, and achieve operational excellence.
In conclusion, Hospital Information Management systems play a pivotal role in streamlining hospital operations and improving patient care delivery. From ensuring data governance and facilitating clinical documentation to enabling health information exchange, supporting capacity planning, and providing actionable performance analytics, HIM systems empower hospitals to operate efficiently, deliver high-quality care, and adapt to the evolving healthcare landscape.
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stuckinapril · 5 months
honestly crazy how much trial by fire we had to go through for bioethics to find a place in biomedical research. 23 nazi doctors were accused of crimes against humanity during the nuremberg war crime trials. from 1932 all the way through 1972, black american men were (unbeknownst to them) subjects in the phs study of untreated syphilis, and weren't even offered treatment when it became available. the revolting willowbrook trials, where mentally disabiled children were deliberately infected w hepatitis. the jewish chronic disease hospital study, where cancer cells were. on purpose. injected into cognitively impaired patients. fucking wild and crazy and insane. this is why the national act and the belmont report and 38736 other regulations exist. i cannot imagine being a doctor or clinical researcher during that time and just 1000% doing this w no conscience.
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tranny-fragrance · 20 days
so the recommendation letter for srs my social worker is gonna take care of gettign it done by my psych, social worker also signed another srs document as a witness, now i just need to scan that document and wait for the letter and take pictures of my health insurance card and i should be fully good ?
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nojoom · 21 days
female med student moments: 1. Being mistaken for a nurse even though im dressed in a white coat and identifying badge (sometimes by attendings!). Meanwhile my male classmates can walk in pajamas and be referred to as doctors. (Pro tip if this happens to you, just don't respond until they correct themselves, you don't have the skills to do what's asked from a nurse anyway) 2. being asked to go in to hijabi patients' rooms to ask them to put their veil on before a male doctor walks in (i dont mind this but it's so awkward at times)
3. being hit on/cat called WAY MORE when im wearing scrubs outside the hospital. someone please explain this. 4. clocking sexist attendings right away because they always start questions to female med students with a "suppose you're a gynecologist/pediatrics/family doctor and a case comes in with...." but always choose surgical specialties for male med students
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answrs · 6 months
this is why we fucking hate the cleveland fucking shitnic.
"uwu your only symptom is your throat hurts a wittle" no I explicitly told you multiple times it's swollen shut to the point it's hard to breathe and sends flames up all the way to my ears any time i even swallow my own spit. as well as all these other symptoms you just turned the computer off half way through me telling you. literally right in front of my face.
"you don't have a fever the outer shell of your ear (because he couldn't be assed to actually use it properly) is 96!" my normal temp is 98-99 pull the other one.
"this swab will test for covid flu and cold and needs to be in your nose at least ten seconds." DOESN'T EVEN FULLY INSERT THE *BRISTLE*, goes 12345678910 as fast as she possibly can- about 4-5 seconds watching the clock, then runs out the door before I can even respond.
I'm about to fucking cry except it's too excruciating to do so with my windpipe at like 10% capacity
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file folder
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The gender dysphoria questions they ask you can be so silly. They ask me about my dreams and if I'm comfortable seeing the "F" marker on my passport. And - like - I don't remember my dreams, and my passport is in a safe in my crawlspace? They're asking if I'm uncomfortable or if I hesitate when marking my sex/gender on "official" forms or documents at any point in the last year. I have not had to do any such thing in the last year.
"Over the last year, have you acted and/or dressed as a member of the opposite gender in social gatherings or in private?"
And my brain immediately goes to: "define acted and/or dressed." Like. I can hardly count a t-shirt and jeans as "dressing like a man" or "dressing like a woman." Most of what I own would be classified as "unisex" (gender neutral). And what does it mean to "act like a man"? Are you asking if I chop wood in the forest at night??? What are you getting at here???
Like. I try, I guess? It doesn't work. It's not like writing emails and wearing a polo are explicitly "male" things to do.
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I periodically forget the form of testosterone I take is primarily perscribed to older cis men and as such the documentation that comes with it is meant for cis men
So when I go to check said documentation against something to see if it's just a side effect vs A Symptom of Something I just get pages upon pages on erectile dysfunction and hair loss and how much dosage you should take based on how many years you are older than 50
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beewitch4 · 2 years
I can’t start any of my homework and I’m going to fail all my classes.
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agoddamn · 2 years
Got sucked into reading some insane Munchausen's shit about a woman skin-picking until her legs went necrotic and were amputated and now I'm fighting the urge to go carefully wash and bandage every tiny scrape on my body
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stormxpadme · 2 years
In a few hours, I’m off to the lipedema clinic workmate recommended today which costs a hundred bucks just for the first appointment (but everything else allegedly covered by fed insurance which ... I believe when I see it), so it’s back into another ED spiral tonight, only this time with extra costs, cool cool.
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transcriptioncity · 8 days
Accurate Medical Document Translation Services
Medical Document Translation Services: An Essential Guide Medical document translation services are a critical for global healthcare, ensuring precise communication across language barriers. Whether for work, business, or personal needs, accurate medical document translation is indispensable. This article explores the history, uses, importance, and process of accurate medical document…
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elijahwilliampost · 13 days
ICD-10 Coding and Clinical Documentation Review – Amity Healthcare Group
Amity Healthcare Group is offering a variety of options for home health organizations to outsource ICD-10 coding and clinical documentation review. Whether you are looking for ICD-10 coding support, OASIS review, or an episodic documentation review, our clinical professionals will be able to support your needs.
For more information visit to website - Home Care Specialist
Phone - 303-690-2749
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fprepairs · 17 days
Advanced wound care documentation solutions leverage technology to streamline documentation processes, enabling healthcare providers to capture, record, and track wound-related information efficiently. With intuitive interfaces and customizable templates, these solutions empower clinicians to document wound assessments, treatments, and progress notes in a standardized and systematic manner
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Medical support services
Vishwa Transcription Services is a medical transcription company headquartered in Kerala, India. They provide a wide range of healthcare documentation services to help providers avoid burnout while increasing income and minimizing paperwork burdens. The company offers a wide range of medical transcription services to hospitals, clinics, and physicians in the United States and Europe, including traditional transcription, platform-based online transcription, and v-EHR.
Medical support services are crucial to the healthcare business. They enable healthcare professionals to focus on their core capabilities while outsourcing non-essential services like medical transcribing. Vishwa Transcription Services is one of the companies that offers medical transcription services to healthcare providers. By outsourcing medical transcription services to Vishwa Transcription Services, healthcare providers can minimize documentation hassles while increasing revenue.
Finally, Vishwa Transcription Services is a reputable medical transcription firm that offers a wide range of healthcare documentation services to prevent provider burnout while improving revenue and minimizing documentation burdens. Healthcare providers might benefit by outsourcing their medical transcription services to Vishwa Transcription Services.
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