#clone commando scorch x reader
vodika-vibes · 7 months
More delta squad here!
I’m kinda curious to see what your take on Scorch would be in a scenario where he’s fallen head over heels over someone. How do you think he’d confess? 🤔
Head Over Heels
Summary: Scorch is too observant for your own good.
Pairing: Clone Commando Scorch x Reader
Word Count: 1694
Warnings: Mentions of lingerie, reader lives is a shitty apartment with rats and cockroaches at the beginning
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: So...when I said that I normally stopped writing at Noon, and I obviously lied about it today, because I felt anxious and needed to write more than anything else. Anyway! I hope this is close to what you wanted!
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You remember the first time you met Scorch. You were 20 years old and were adjusting to living life on your own. And you weren’t doing too poorly. You made enough money with your job that you could afford a studio apartment (it had rats, and cockroaches, and calling the landlord a slumlord would have been an insult to slumlords everywhere-) and you were able to eat almost three times a day.
Okay, at the time you weren’t doing so hot. You were constantly one mean comment away from bursting into tears. And you regretted everything about your life, and you just wanted to climb on a ship and go home-
And then you met Scorch.
And by met, you mean you bumped into him when your nose was buried in a book, and caused him to drop his lunch. He was pissed about it.
He yelled at you, and said some mean things, and you stared at him and just…burst into tears. Not your finest moment, honestly.
But the moment the tears started, he stopped yelling, and his voice got gentler, and he apologized for yelling, and that he didn’t mean what he said, that he had a bad day and took it out on you, and that he’s sorry-
And you, sobbing, pushed credits into his hands and apologized for being such a failure person and that you never should have left home-
And before you knew it, you were sitting on a bench next to Scorch, sharing a sandwich (because it was all you could afford with the credits on you), complaining about your job and your apartment and your scummy landlord, and he’s comforting you.
You thought it was going to be a one and done kind of meeting. Just a stranger on the street who was a shoulder to cry on, that kind of thing.
But the following morning, there was a knock on your apartment door, and Scorch was on the other side, with his three annoyed looking brothers. At the time, you stared at him in absolute bafflement, as he and his brothers pushed their way into your apartment and started setting rat traps in various places, as well as setting foggers on the floor.
You sat on your raggedy couch, clad in your pajamas, as the four men moved around your apartment, making it habitable for you to live in. Sev cursed up a storm as he repaired your windows. Fixer was in your fresher, caulking the shower and the sink, and the kitchen sink. And Boss was critically eyeing the black mold growing on the ceiling, and the patch of moss growing in the corner. And Scorch was poking through your cabinets and noting that the only food you had was instant noodles.
You remember sitting on your couch, your legs tucked under you, as the four men conferred in your kitchen (which was also your living room, and your bedroom) and then Scorch turned to you, “How much is rent here?” he asked you.
And when you told him the astronomically high price, all of their faces soured. And when a rat ran across the toe of Sev’s boot, their expressions soured even more.
You were moved out of your apartment and into a room on their base by the end of the day. And by the end of the week, you had a much higher paying job as an administrative assistant on their base. 
And almost overnight, your life went from barely tolerable, to good. You no longer had to worry about food, and you no longer felt the urge to flee back to your mother.
That was almost a year ago now, and you’re of the opinion that you’ve never been in a better place in your life. You’ve made friends with the other civilian workers on the base, as well as with the clones, and you no longer have to worry about rats or cockroaches.
Though, if you’re going to be completely honest with yourself, you’re closest to Scorch. And even though you feel awful about it, you have to admit that he’s also your favorite.
After all, there’s no moving on from the fact that he took the time out of his busy day to comfort someone he never met, and then decided to go above and beyond by getting you out of the horrible situation you were in.
You like to think that he’s just as fond of you. After all, he does seek you out at the end of the day. And even when he’s not working, he’ll come and find you and spend the day with you, even if you’re working.
You’ve become slightly enamored with him, and you’re not sure what to do about it. Everytime you try to tell him that you have a crush on him, the words get stuck in your throat.
Still, you keep trying. After all, you fall more and more in love with him with every passing day.
Today’s plan? Drag Scorch to go shopping with you. Honestly, you half expect him to beg out as soon as he realizes that you’re going clothes shopping. And if he does, you’ll just adjust fire and bring him to the farmer’s market instead.
Honestly, you want to do both, but you’ll leave that up to Scorch.
You finish pulling your shoes on just as there’s a knock on the door. You press a button on your datapad, allowing the door to slide open, and Scorch steps into the room.
He looks amazing, dressed in civvies rather than his blacks, or his armor, and you can’t help the slightly enamored smile you flash at him. How he’s not aware of your massive crush is beyond you, honestly.
He grins at you and leans against the door frame, “Hey there, princess. What’s the plan for today?”
You get to your feet and cross the room to him, “Well, I need some new clothes. A lot of mine are old and worn to the point where they’re in danger of falling apart.”
He makes a face, “Clothes shopping?”
You flash a lopsided grin, “Or,” You add, “We can hit up the Farmer’s Market.”
Scorch stares at you for a moment, a thoughtful look on his handsome face, “Actually, let’s go and buy you some new clothes.”
You tilt your head, “You sure?”
“Yeah. As enjoyable as it would be for me to see you walking around naked, I would hate to have to murder my brothers for perving on you.” Scorch says with a grin.
You lightly rap your knuckles against his chest, “We both know that they would never.” You say with a laugh, “How about we buy me a few outfits, and then go to the Farmer’s Market?”
“Deal.” Scorch swings his arm over your shoulder, and tugs you against his side, as he starts telling you about something amusing that happened in training that morning.
Several hours later, you’re finally finished with your clothes shopping, and Scorch is nice enough to carry the majority of your bags. “Alright. I think that’s enough. Are you ready to go to the Farmer’s Market?” You ask with a warm smile towards Scorch.
Scorch tears his gaze away from a store front, and glances at you, “Sure, but there’s one shop you haven’t been in yet.” He nods to the shop across the street.
You follow his gaze and feel your face heat, “Scorch, that’s a lingerie shop.”
He pins you in place with a mischievous look, “I’m aware.”
Your eyebrows creep up, “As in, the type of lingerie meant to show off for a partner, not for everyday wear.” You clarify.
His grin grows, “Oh, I’m well aware.”
“Why would I buy lingerie meant to be worn for a partner, when I don’t have one?” You ask.
“You can show it off for me.”
“...uhm…” You pause, “Can I get some clarification on that comment?”
“What? You thought I didn’t notice the crush you had on me?” Scorch asks with a laugh, though it’s not unkind.
You pout at him, “You could have said something.”
He steps closer to you and leans in slightly, “This is me saying something, cyar’ika.” And then he leans back, “Honestly, I’ve been in love with you for months, the only reason I didn’t say anything was because watching you trip and stumble over your words while you tried to confess to me was, frankly, adorable.”
Our jaw drops, and then you huff, “Well, now I’m definitely not buying lingerie for your viewing pleasure.”
“Sure you are,” He flings his arm over your shoulder again and presses a kiss to your temple, “Come on, Princess. I’m sure we can find something white and lacy and perfect for you.”
You allow him to drag you across the street, “White and lacy?”
“What? I have my fantasies.”
“Sure, but I never expected you to be a white lace kinda guy.” You say dryly.
“Oh? What did you expect?”
“Sheer? Or leather?” 
Scorch pauses mid-step and his eyes glaze over for a moment, and then he grins, “Yeah. Let’s get some of those too.”
“Pervert.” You say affectionately.
He tugs you back onto the sidewalk, and then he leans in and kisses you quickly at first, and then again, more passionately. “Only when it comes to you, Princess.” He says quietly, “Now. How about you help me become even more of a pervert when it comes to you and you alone.”
Laughter bubbles from your lips, “I suppose I will benefit from that.”
He grins at you, and tugs you back against his side. 
It’s nice, you decide as he drags you into the store eagerly, and immediately walks over to the store clerk and tells her what the pair of you are looking for. Absolutely nothing changed in how he treats you with his confession to you, and his acknowledgment towards your feelings for him. He’s just a little more touchy than he would normally be.
And that, you think as he then tugs you over to a rack filled with lingerie covered in feathers, is how love is supposed to be.
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moodymisty · 1 year
Hi hello there! First of all, congratulations on the milestone, it's a hell of one to clear 🎊🎉 I hope you are proud of yourself for it (you should!), because it's an awesome achievement, and you're awesome for hitting it 😌
Now, if I'm not too late for the party, could I place a request? You see, I'm a Delta Squad girlie first and human being second, so if you could write for any of them glowy face darlings (esp Boss or Sev!) I'd like, be forever grateful 🥺🥺
Delta boy + "You look so hot when you do that", with Reader skilfully performing a task and he goes like 👀👀👀 new kink unlocked: competence
I hope this ask finds you well, and that you remember to sip water and do some stretching!
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❀ from my 1k followers event ❀
Author's Note: DELTA BOYZ DELTA BOYZ I have a 4k+ Sev fic i'm working on in at the moment, so how about we give our boy Scorch's discostick a ride? I hope that's ok? I know you mentioned all of them, but highlighted Sev and Boss if not feel free to tell me and I'll cook something else up
Relationships: Scorch/Gn!Reader
Warnings: Lewd but not nsfw, Flirting, Scorch is down bad, a hint at Scorch being a bit of a masochist but very tame and could be easily taken as a joke but I figured I'd warn anyways, being a bit reckless with weapon handling, Messy kisses <3
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"Nice headphones."
Scorch watches you turn to look over your shoulder, glancing him up and down in one overexaggerated motion.
"Nice bucket."
One of the best things about Scorch is how easy it is to tell how he's feeling by his body language- even with his 'bucket' on. His shoulders rise and fall along with his chest, as he lets out a silent laugh.
The last group of troopers left the range a bit ago, as it's getting late enough that many of them need to get some rest before getting deployed. You and Scorch only just got here however, having sneaked off away from the rest of the Deltas to have some fun on your own.
As much as Scorch loves making things go boom, he seems to be more interested in watching you do so at the moment, leaning back against the wall behind you and watching with crossed arms as you look back at him.
"I've only done this a few times, so don't roast me." Scorch shakes his head and lazily gestures outward to the air surrounding him.
“That was such a poor choice in wording, pudding pop.”
You just roll your eyes, looking away from him and back towards the range, blaster in your hands. There's a target plate at the far end of the range, as far back as you can send it. Any closer felt a bit too, easy.
You can feel eyes on your back as you take aim, watching down the lane as you steady your hands a take a breath.
'BANG' In the center.
'BANG' In the center again.
'BANG' And again.
Each shot lands exactly where you want it in the center of the target time after time, all forming a near perfect cluster.
So maybe you weren't as rusty as you thought you would be, leaning away from the sights a bit to look down at your handiwork.
Hmm, not bad.
Leaning back into position, you take a few more shots, up until you feel the blasting getting noticeably hot. Only then do you stop, admiring your work again before throwing a quick glance over your shoulder to look at Scorch. He seems, more than a little surprised; And you remember you've never actually told him you weren't half bad with a blaster.
"Scorch?" Your eyebrows raise, looking at him as he eyes the target plate for a moment before his brown eyes go right back to you. He's walking towards you now- and quickly- brushing a hand along the curls of his hair with one hand.
"Fuck. You look so hot when you do that. Holy shit."
Having already torn off his helmet moments ago Scorch's jaw is effectively dropped, swallowing hard enough that you see the knot of his throat noticeably bob.
"You gotta- holy shit, can you pistol whip me?" You gasp as you laugh, back to the range as you look at him.
"Scorch! I am not going to hit you!" He steps forward even more, pressing the middle of your back against the table where the blaster case lays, as his body almost squishes you. His hands slide down to cup your ass as his lips crash with yours, almost bending you backwards. Your hands float awkwardly in the air, the wrist you're holding the blaster with going limp outward. His teeth scrape over your bottom lip, pulling as you try to speak again.
"Hey! We're in public anyone could see and- and let me put the blaster down!" He doesn't seem to listen to you, apart from blindly reaching for your wrist, taking the blaster from your hand and sitting back in the case once he flicks on the safely. How he can do that all blind, you can't hazard a guess. The whole time his lips never leave yours, feeling the way his hips press against your stomach. You feel like he's going to squish you, but you wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
"Can," He stops his sloppy, passionate kiss, only to let you speak a few words. "Can we at least take this somewhere else?"
"I ain't exactly patient right now, you gotta think fast." His hands keep pawing at you, cupping your hips and ass and keeping you against him.
"The refresher at the end of the hall?" Scorch allows you to stand fully upright, but his lips barely leave yours.
"Refresher works."
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arcsimper5 · 4 months
Yai'mol - Chapter 4 - Memories
yaim'ol - [yai-MOHL] - return, homecoming
Pairing: Sev x F!Jedi OC, Scorch x F!Jedi OC Characters: Delta Squad (Republic Commando), F!Jedi OC Cin Rating: M - Explicit content in later chapters Warnings: Gore, Canon-typical violence, angst, smut (later chapters), descriptions of injury, force osik.
Following on from the end of Republic Commando, Sev and Cin must make their way through the galaxy, overcoming trials and tests in a bid to keep themselves alive long enough to reunite with their squad.
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[Content warning for explicit smut at the beginning of the chapter]
“S-Sev, maker, please…”
“Calling his name still, mesh’la?” Scorch let out a playful hum of disapproval as he pulled away from her core for a moment to glance up at her.
His eyes were bright and full of mischief, chin drenched in her pleasure as he licked his lips, gaze darting briefly up to his brother where he sat behind her, restraining her arms with one hand while the other teased her bare breasts. “Must be doing something wrong.”
Before Cin could answer, Scorch was back to work, diving between her thighs with devastating precision. Her entire body arched in Sev’s hold as his clever tongue wrapped around her clit once more, driving her closer and closer to bliss.
Behind her, Sev’s chest rumbled with low laughter, his lips brushing the shell of her ear. Leaning in close, he flicked his tongue against the sensitive flesh, smirking at the whine he got in response.
“Not my fault she loves having her tits played with,” the sniper growled, nipping at her ear when she let out a whimper, rolling her hips against his thick cock where it pressed into her back, desperate for pleasure. “Prettiest thing in the whole karking galaxy, aren’t you, ner kar’ta?”
Another pinch of her nipple between his bare thumb and forefinger, combined with Scorch’s tongue drawing unintelligible symbols across her sensitive bud brought her right to the edge, head thrown back on Sev’s shoulder as she screamed for them both, relishing in the pleasure they gave her.
“That’s my good girl,” Sev praised as her orgasm rolled through her body, arms and legs twitching, his hand tightening around her wrists, “give him everything you’ve got.”
Scorch continued to lick and suck her sensitive flesh as she thrashed above him, her thighs tightening around his head as the waves of euphoria faded to overstimulation, trying to communicate without words.
Sev could tell what she wanted, laughing his low, knowing rumble before pulling her away from Scorch’s mouth and lifting her up with terrifying ease. She couldn’t even question his actions before he sank her back down, his cock sliding easily inside her warm heat, her walls quivering around him.
“You like that, baby?” Sev growled as he rolled his hips, bottoming out inside her. She could only mewl in response, panting for breath, overwhelmed by the feeling of being so utterly filled. Managing a nod, Sev grinned as he bit her neck, sucking a deep purple mark into her skin. “You like me filling you up? Feeling my cock inside that perfect pussy?”
“S-Sev, f-fuck!” she gasped, eyes widening as Scorch crawled up between her legs, mouth moving towards her breasts.
“Gonna take such good care of you, cyar’ika,” he promised, even as she let out a wail of pleasure when Sev bucked, hitting a sensitive spot deep inside her body, “can’t wait to have my turn with you.”
“S-Scorch,” she whined, barely able to keep her eyes open as more and more pleasure sent the world into a haze, “I… I…”
“Shhh, mesh’la,” he chuckled, letting his tongue flick out to flick at one nipple while his hand fondled the other, “enjoy this. We’ll take care of you… We’ll always take care of you.”
“Ner cyare,” Sev murmured in agreement, voice strained as he fought his own release, “ner kat’ra. Ibac’ner.”
Sev woke with a start, gasping for breath as he shot up, sleep clinging to his senses.
No answer.
He may have only been half awake, but he managed to rip the layers of material covering him away, confused to find himself in only his blacks as he stumbled towards what looked like a door.
Where was he?
Last he remembered, he’d found Cin, he’d… 
“Kriff,” he muttered, squeezing his eyes shut in pain as memories of pinning her to the ground and holding a knife above her flowed back to him. “Cin!”
There was an urgency in his voice now. Pushing through the pain, he groped blindly for the doorway, trying to make sense of everything around him.
The material under his palm felt like wood, natural and unfinished. It sloped gently inwards, running up high, above the ceiling from what he could tell.
Pulling at the door, he found it unlocked, wincing as light spilled into the room from outside.
Looking around in confusion, he found the source to be multiple carved chandeliers made of polished wood and metal, the lights on them bright flames. In the centre of the room was a large table, set as if waiting for a large group to descend and eat. It was covered with various fruits and berries as well as slabs of cold meats. Some of the fare he recognised, though others seemed foreign, and for a moment, the urgency running through his veins lulled enough for him to acknowledge his hunger.
How long had he been out for? It felt like he hadn’t eaten in days.
Almost on instinct, he staggered towards the table, collapsing onto one of the benches and reaching for a handful of seifruits, small bright purple berries he recognised from his training.
He knew he should be looking for Cin, that this could well be a trap, but Maker, he was so damn hungry.
His mind was still awash with confusion, every thought sluggish and half formed.
There had been a trandoshan, he remembered that much. Pausing mid-bite, he cursed himself, trying to tear his gaze away from the spread before him, panic making his breath catch.
What if they’d got her?
What if they were torturing her while he sat here, eating?
Nausea enveloped his senses, his stomach churning with worry. His body fought him hard, drawn to the feast. But he couldn’t… He needed to find Cin, he needed…
As the door behind him opened, he found himself reaching for his blaster on instinct, only to find the sidearm, much like his armour, missing.
If he hadn’t been so confused, he might have laughed at himself as a large wookie with dark brown and red fur stepped through the door, shooting him what seemed to be a smile of sorts; here he was, an elite commando, dressed only in his blacks, unarmed, stuffing his face with fruit instead of finding his comrade.
Kamino would have put him down for less.
Still chewing the mouthful of food he’d grabbed, he took a defensive stance, sizing up the wookie with narrowed eyes.
It would have to be a wookie, he complained to himself silently. Boss was the one who did languages. And without his helmet, he wouldn’t have a chance to translate.
“Where’s Cin?” he demanded, the wookie letting out a soft, laugh like sound. “Something funny, furball?”
The wookie simply rolled its eyes and turned back through the door it had come from, making an odd, low growl which seemed to be echoed by others beyond the threshold.
After a moment of hesitation, he began to follow, assessing the situation. If he was going to be attacked, he figured it would have happened by now. After all, he’d been unconscious here for… a while. Reaching up to scratch his face, he realised a thick fuzz had grown onto his chin, a testament to just how long he had been out of it.
It had been years since he’d had any kind of facial hair. Originally, the Kaminoans had outright banned it, claiming that it interfered with the seals on their buckets. Even though that had been laxed, Scorch and his dumb goatee were the closest any of them ever got.
Scorch… He wondered where his brothers were now, if they were okay, if they’d made it off world before… whatever had happened, happened. He was still trying to make sense of everything, his head spinning wildly.
Sev drew a sharp breath as he walked into yet another wooden room of the massive complex he was in, in silent awe of the sheer size.
Judging by what he knew about their location and the presence of so many wookies, most of them giving him odd looks as he passed silently past them, following the one who had come to find him, they were still on Kashykk, and likely inside one of their massive dwellings.
His guide let out a roar, catching his attention once more as he was guided to a doorway, his breath hitching once again as he spotted a familiar figure inside.
There, cross-legged and meditating, her lightsaber laid out in front of her as a warm fire radiated light across her features, was Cin.
She was dressed in a shirt and trousers far too big for her, her arms exposed and littered with cuts and bruises. Her auburn hair, once kept in long plaits that trailed down her back was all but gone now, barely reaching her ears and choppy, his heart lurching again as he remembered seeing the terrified look on her face as she lay beneath him.
Whether it was his guilt, fear or something else that drew her from her meditation, he wasn’t sure, but before he could move, her eyes fluttered open and sought him out, her expression softening into a gentle smile of recognition.
“Sev,” she breathed, tears beginning to well in her eyes. He was frozen to the spot as she clipped her lightsaber to her belt and stood, adjusting her ill fitting clothes before she moved to him, wrapping her arms around him in a tender embrace. “You’re awake.”
“Mesh’la,” he croaked, head dropping onto her shoulder.
Relief flooded through him, arms trembling as he wrapped them around her body, clutching her tight.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
Every other word he could have offered in that moment felt utterly inadequate as he clutched at her, every emotion he’d held back for years mixing into a torrent that spilled down his cheeks and into her borrowed clothing.
Even as she shushed him and reassured a worried looking female wookie who approached, she supported him, guiding him back towards the room with the spread inside and settling him down on one of the benches.
With one hand still resting on his shoulder, keeping him grounded, Cin grabbed a plate and loaded it with a selection of meat, cheeses and fruits, placing it in front of him along with a pitcher of water.
“Eat, love,” she urged, fingers trailing patterns into his skin through the thin material of his blacks, “you’ve been out for two days.”
“Two days?” Sev choked, unable to even look at the food as she settled next to him, straddling the bench so she could face him. Nodding sagely, she drew in a steadying breath, her expression tight.
“After you passed out, Tarai and her search party found us. They’d been hearing the shots, and figured you for a Trandoshan. They bought us back here, and…”
She hesitated, biting her lip before her eyes flickered up to meet his, full of misery.
“Sev… you… you had a chip in your head,” she breathed, the words fluttering around the silence of the room. A cold shiver ran through his body as he stared at her, dumbfounded.
“What kind of chip?”
“A biological one, from what Rieikonno is saying,” she sighed, dropping her gaze to the bench she was sat on. “They… ran a scan on you, when you got here. We couldn’t wake you up, no matter what we tried, and… we thought… we were beginning to think, that…”
The pain in her words spurred him into action, his hands moving to hers, lacing their fingers together. Even without words, she smiled softly at the comfort he offered, taking another breath, readying herself to continue.
“They ran a scan, and at first, we thought it was a tumour. They took you down to the lab under the structures here, and they… they took it out. It took a long time, they said it was embedded almost like your brain had grown around it, but… they did, and then they brought you up here, and…”
Again, she faltered, tears dripping from her lashes onto their joined hands, her chest shuddering.
“Sev… the Jedi,” she began, voice trembling. “The clones, they… they…”
Another flash of pain ran through Sev’s head, memories flashing over and over like a spotlight across his vision.
“Kill the Jedi. Kill the Jedi. Traitors, all traitors!”
He didn’t know why he was speaking aloud. Maybe it was to confirm to himself what his thoughts were telling him. He’d heard the order over comms, loud and clear.
“Execute Order 66.”
Kill the Jedi. The Jedi had betrayed the republic. Somehow, he knew. He didn’t need to hear it. It was obvious, how they’d turned on those they were supposed to protect.
They all needed to die. Her included.
Cin. The name was poison now. The feelings he’d held close to his chest were gone, replaced by a seething hatred, one that only grew as he spotted what he was looking for; familiar footprints sunken into the softened ground beneath them.
She was running. Good. She should be running. He would hunt her down like the animal she was. Kill her. Bring her lightsaber back to the Capitol.
So why were his hands shaking? Why did the idea of watching the light leave her eyes fill him with such dread? Why did he care enough that he thought to make it quick and painless?
Gasping for breath, Sev’s eyes fluttered open once more, finding Cin looking at him with a mixture of horror and fear in her eyes.
A flash of movement caught him off guard, a light flashing off to his side. He reacted on instinct, hand snapping to grab at the intruding figure, resulting in a shocked roar echoing around the room.
“Easy, easy, Sev,” Cin urged, looking to the wookie whose arm he’d grabbed, shaking her head. “He’s not dangerous, he’s just disorientated.”
A low rumbling growl echoed from the door, Cin’s eyes narrowing into a frown as she turned to the source.
“He wasn’t himself,” she protested to the large wookie who now stepped through the door, a large metal belt with ammo bolts secured to it and a bowcaster at his side adding to the ferocity of his expression, “I told you. Ask Riek, he’ll tell you. It was the chip.”
Another set of low rumbles and whines, Sev’s grasp loosening on the other wookie.
“Well I trust him, and if you trust me, you’ll respect that.”
Cin’s tone was terse, gaze full of anger as she glared up at the wookie, their conversation continuing, though Sev couldn’t understand the other side.
“Then kick us both out. I’m not going to leave him.”
Another few roars and grumbles sounded, the elder who Cin had been arguing with rolling his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest, showing obvious displeasure.
A sharp bark came from him, followed by another long whining sound.
“Well I’m not Yoda.”
Whatever he’d said had obvious set her on edge, her eyes refocusing on Sev as she grabbed the plate of food and took his hand, urging him to stand.
“We need to get you resting up again, love,” she murmured, voice soft once again as it was directed at her. “Do you think you can follow me?”
“Anywhere,” he managed gruffly, drawing a weak smile to her face, “and always.”
Any retort she might usually have given was lost to the sound of movement, the wookie he’d previously grabbed looking over him with a mix of caution and concern.
“I’m… sorry,” Sev mumbled, flashing a look to the paler furred wookie, who smiled easily back at him before letting out a low rumbling purr, Cin nodding in response.
“She says it’s okay. She understands. This is Ollerra, she’s been overseeing a lot of your recovery.”
Sev winced as he stood up from the bench, supported on both sides, to make his way back to the room he’d woken in. His mind was still spinning, head throbbing and only getting more painful with every step he took, and Ollerra seemed to notice.
A soft sound left her, Cin’s head snapping to the commando.
“Are you in pain?”
The hesitation in his reply was all the confirmation she needed, a frustrated sigh leaving her lips.
“She’ll give you pain meds, okay? Once you’re settled in bed.”
The vulnerability settling over Sev’s body was uncomfortable, his limbs trembling.
“And you’ll stay?” he murmured, exhaustion beginning to creep into his every nerve now he knew Cin was safe and that they were secure. With the additional promise of a shot of pain meds, he was ready to sleep again, but only if he could keep her close.
“Of course, e’tad.”
He huffed a laugh at the use of his number, smiling weakly through the pain. Not much registered as he was drawn back into bed, the sharp sting of a hypo in his neck and the warmth of a body settling close to him, soft fingers cording through his hair the last thing he felt before sleep claimed him once more.
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toska-writes · 3 months
Clone commandos request if possible. 😁 Could you do delta squad. where on a mission they get captured along with the Padawan, and get protective when they try to separate them or interrogate them.
So i thought about writing a fic based on todays bad batch episode (but I need to get some of the requests done- if you wanna request some Wolffe *wink wink* that’s ok)
“Got your back”
Summary: a mission goes south with the delta squad but they have your back
Paring: The delta Squad/ republic commandos x padawan!reader (PLATONIC OFC)
Warning: slight mentions of injury and imprisonment nothing too bad… the most scary- not proofread
Word count: 1688
Notes: Delta Squad fics are not my “most popular” but ones I always do so much for and I don’t know why
Also I swear to god someone asked to join the Taglist but I can’t remember nor find it so let me know!
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"Can you focus for one second Scorch? EVER?" Fixed screamed through the comms, you could see his tense movements from a mile away as the squad ducked once again behind a wall.
Boss could only nod this head, he quickly spun around from where you, Sev and him were hiding to shoot an incoming droid.
"Sorry Scorch I can't defend you this time it's not looking good." You spoke between gasp of your own breath, the adrenaline from the long hours fighting wearing on you and the whole group.
Sev leaned heavily on Fixer from where you could see him, though Scorch as of now was doing a good job covering them.
"Boss," You yelled over the hiss of a smoke bomb going off- the contents of which were going in your eyes and making you cough. "I'm all out of ideas here."
The comando spared you a glance for a second, you feared what his face would have looked like if his helmet was discarded.
Boss looked down at the padawan for a moment. A thin cut ran along their cheek way too close to their eye for Boss’s comfort. He watched their head whip around looking through the fog desperately before a huge bang went off.
After a moment of slight ringing Boss felt the bump of another person against his side. The padawan looked around frantically for the force of the bomb before looking up to the comando.
In a more solemn voice they asked. “Boss what are we gonna do?”
Boss thought about their options then. Backed into the corner of what should have been an abandoned outpost, on of their men injured and the rest ready to collapse from exhaustion. He as a leader thought he was better than this but Boss felt as if he walked his squad right into this trap.
“The missions easy enough for us.” Boss had said only hours before. A knot sat in his stomach but the team needed an easy mission, a break from their last fiasco with the bugs.
He’s never been more wrong in his life.
While he was lost in thought, Boss nearly missed Scorch sliding up next to their leader, his panicked voice tried to fill Boss’s ears.
For a moment the other comando didn’t realize the trooper in yellow was talking until Scorch made a shhh gesture with his hand.
That’s when you noticed it too, the complete lack of noise. No more clanker chatter or blaster bullets from each side. Just the low hiss of the fog that didn’t seem to die down.
You opened your mouth to say something before the unmistakable scraping of metals filled your ears.
“Rollies! get down!” Scorch shouted pulling you and Boss to the floor with him. About 5 Droidekas emerged from the smoke…. Lucky you guys.
“Scorch handle them.” Boss yelled using his hands to signal something at Fixer and Sev at the speed of light. His gruff tone scratched your ears but you all seemed pretty fed up at the situation.
Blaster bullets were blocked by your lightsaber left and right until the next words made your heart drop all together. “Out of hand grenades sir.” Scorch ripped his blaster out now but the shields were too strong on the droids.
“Down the hall!” Fixer yelled as both He and Sev passed the 3 of you, a way out hopefully planned.
You felt them before you saw them, you tried skidding to a stop before turning into the next hall as a hand shot out to grab Boss.
“Shit.” Was the only thing you could say, before they could question what you meant a group of comando droids emerged with guns drawn.
“You’ve got to be joking me.” Sev rasped out, his arm shook while he tried to lift his blaster up and fire. The tiredness leaked off of him though you were sure it did for everyone.
A ring of blue light hit the wall behind you. It didn’t make sense though, comando droids weren’t the type to show mercy.
Your lightsaber flashed along the darkened walls trying to keep the nimble droids away, why couldn’t the separatists just send the normal clankers.
Once again the hall was engulfed in a think smoke. You heard more blasters going off but you feared you were getting more and more disoriented. After a moment you heard a sickening thunk next to you and you assumed the worst.
In the blink of an eye you felt the blast hit its mark and half your body go limp. Unlike the bulking clones you were with it only took about 2 hits before you were out.
Boss was the first one to awaken. His head bobbed around and his eyes fluttered open. Boss reached his hand up only to finally realize that his armor was gone.
He laid there for a moment, confusion laced his face. What had happened to him? To them….
In a split second Boss shot up to a sitting position , which his head greatly protested, and looked for the rest of his squad.
Relief was one of the best things in the galaxy in this moment. In the dim light of the ray shield keeping them in Boss could count the 3 other comandos and the form of their padawan knocked out next to Scorch.
Sev still looked bad as now Boss could get the full view of his gash along his side- the blacks on all of the men seemed to be tattered.
Boss observed their surroundings for a moment before giving a light tap to Fixer on the foot. When that didn’t work the first time a much hard kick was implemented.
Fixer gasped awake along with Scorch after a “friendly” tap from the clone comando.
I didn’t take Scorch long before he leaned back against the wall and groaned, clearly he knew the situation at hand.
Boss could only stare for another second at Sev, guilt rummaged through his insides as he helped his injured brother up ultimately waking him as well. This was his fault and Boss couldn’t shake that.
“Fixer start working on those bindings.” Boss ordered unable to keep his gaze on the unconscious padawan. Clearly to the eyes of their captors the Jedi was the bigger threat.
Sev hissed for a moment now finding a new brother to lean on.
You came to with the feeling of someone’s exposed hands brushing against your arms. The pounding in your head was present but the blanket of confusion was much scarier.
“Thanks for joinin’ us.” The unmistakable voice of scorch chimed in. Your eyes strained against the darkness but you could tell what the problem was.
The cool metal hurt your wrists as Fixer fiddled with them muttering a small apology every once in a while.
Boss’ low voice filled the cell, plans of just how they would get out to fight another day. Your eyes scanned the worrisome group.
Scorch sat fidgeting with his hands trying desperately to listen but you could see the worry in his eyes as clear as day.
Fixer sat in front of you cursing and apologizing but he just couldn’t seem to do anything useful without his tools and data pad.
Sev’s eyes closed everyone once in a while and you could see the fight to remain in the moment, though his scowl never seemed to be wiped off.
And finally Boss. His voice was level and low just like the countless other times you heard him give directions, however this time was different. He knew this wasn’t in their favor and he was worried beyond belief.
Someone had to stay strong for them all.
Your heartbeat beat out of your chest, a dull throb started in your temples the feeling seemed vaguely familiar.
“I think someone’s coming.” For the first time you were unsure in the force. Fixer faltered for a moment before meeting your eyes. “It’s probably these. Messing with you.” He shook the bindings.
Though to your surprise, and relief in a way, someone did make their way down the hall. Boss spoke out quickly as you averted your gaze, sweat started to form on your brow.
“We need a medic.” It was hard to call it pleading despite where Boss said it from his position on the floor, but it was definitely more of a demand.
2 masked figures approached though they seemed to ignore Boss all together.
“We need the Jedi.” The cool voice stated only once.
Everyone seemed to freeze for a moment unsure about which group would make the first move.
“Get up.” Was demanded at you and you glanced around meeting Boss’ eyes for only a moment before you gripped onto the sleeve of Fixer.
The ray shield was down now and the larger figure stepped in. “I’m not asking again”
“Like kriff they’re going with you.” Scorch stood in front of you now. His full height filled up their line of sight.
“Move clone.” For a second Scorch was pushed back that was until Boss stood as well and shoved their captor away from his brother.
Before the other could react with their blaster Scorch was all over them. Fixer taking the hint that their time was now scrambled to get their other brother still on the floor.
Your eyes were blown wide with the loud alarm that was set off. You felt someone grab your arm as you were still in a little daze.
“I hope you didn’t think we were really gonna let them take ya.” Scorch said as the group rushed down the halls.
You thought about that for a moment, had there truly been something to worry about while you were surrounded but the Delta Squad, your brothers?
A smile broke out of your face and Scorch seemed to get your reply.
“I hope you know.” Scorch called over his shoulder. “You’re never picking the missions by yourself again Boss.”
An angry yell was heard from somewhere behind you replacing the fear in your body with a laugh. “You were the one to pick the bug mission Scorch!”
@arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97 @pb-jellybeans @floffytofu @verybadatwriting @solstraalaa @ray-rook @gregorsmissingarmor
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wanderinginksplot · 7 months
Refuge Chapter Seven
You have a little time to kill before your first mission. Delta Squad has very different ideas of how you should spend it.
Continued slow burn Delta Squad x fem!reader
Word Count: 6,600
Warnings: feelings of alienation, mentions of lack of money, misunderstandings, light discussion of weapons and battle tactics, slight embarrassment.
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When Scorch had mentioned finding a fun way to spend time planetside, he had apparently meant it literally. He and Sev walked you to the front entrance to the Temple and unceremoniously led the way outside. 
Scorch had already started walking away, chattering about places he enjoyed, when you stepped through the towering doors. You paused when you were out, taking a moment to adjust to the differences between what you were used to and what you actually found on Coruscant.
To be fair, those differences were hardly surprising. Coruscant was densely populated and heavily polluted. The outside air wouldn’t feel fresh, cool and faintly scented with pine needles like you were accustomed to on Voubos. But you were never ready for the hot, semi-stagnant waft tinged with the exhaust of innumerable speeders flying overhead.
More than the disappointing atmosphere, Coruscant was overwhelming, so bright your eyes stung to look around. Voubos could be noisy and had its fair share of sunshine, but there were no trees to shelter you from it here. The street outside the Jedi Temple was one of the few that hadn’t been choked by buildings, and it left the sun beating down on the duracrete expanse where you stood. The vicious light was blocked only by the occasional shadow of a speeder passing overhead, like a less-pleasant version of the clouds that performed the same function back home. 
And none of it was silent. The speeder engines were noisy, the people were noisy. Everything was undercut by the rumble of far-off machinery and the drone of hovering screens broadcasting the most recent Senate debate. It was loud enough that you almost didn’t register the sound of someone speaking directly to you. 
“What’s wrong?” 
Sev’s harsh voice managed to cut through the stimuli surrounding you. You shook your head. “I’m still getting used to all of this..”
“You came here from the GAR headquarters,” he countered, frowning. “And you tailed us from there again today.”
“Commander Gree brought us in a transport the first time and I was too scared to see anything more than a blur,” you explained, still transfixed by the chaos surrounding you. “When I found you earlier, I was focused. I had something to get done. And now…”
“Now, you don’t have a mission to concentrate on,” Sev summarized. 
You grimaced. “Exactly. I’m sorry, I know I must seem… I’m sorry.”
Sev shook his head. “Remind me later and I’ll tell you about my first time on a planet other than Kamino.”
“Why not now?” you asked. 
“First, I don’t want to scare you,” he said ominously. Then he nodded behind you. “Second, we’re about to have company.”
Before you could wonder about the second part of that, Scorch came jogging up to the two of you. “What’s going on? I thought you were following me.”
“Just taking a minute to look around,” Sev told him. 
“We’ve all been here before, Sev,” Scorch reminded, exasperation in his face and voice. “No need to play tour guide.”
Sev - standing slightly behind you - must have made some kind of face at Scorch, who abruptly changed his stance. “Or, I suppose there might be a little need to play tour guide. But I’m the much better choice for it.”
He beckoned you closer and you obligingly followed him to the edge of one of the regular gaps that provided entrance to the lower levels. Scorch gestured toward it, though it was partially hidden behind the utilitarian fences that kept passers-by from getting too close. “Do you know what’s down there?”
With a smile at his hushed, conspiratorial tone, you nodded. “It’s another level. I understand there are five thousand of them.”
“Oh,” Scorch said, seeming to deflate slightly. 
Sev laughed at his brother, joining you in staring toward the fence-flanked space. “Five thousand plus a few, but yeah. I take it you did some research about the planet?”
You nodded. “But there are a few things I still don’t really understand.” 
“Like what?” Sev asked. 
“How do they make sure the levels are tall enough?” you asked, feeling utterly ridiculous. But the question had been bothering you, and this was a good opportunity to get some answers. “Do they just base the height of the ceilings on the tallest known species and go from there? Or are different levels different heights?”
Sev was staring at you blankly, which made you more nervous, but Scorch tipped his head back with a look of understanding. “Ahh, I get it. You’re thinking too small, nattie. Levels aren’t just for beings to walk around on. Each one is big enough to have buildings and speeder lanes and stuff. There’s no need to base them on specific heights.”
“They’re that big?” you asked, feeling suddenly queasy with vertigo. It was strange, fearing heights with your feet planted firmly on the ground, but you were also cognizant of the fact that you were far, far from the surface of the planet itself.
Scorch nodded sagely. “Yep. And each one has more species than you can count calling it home.”
“You good?” Sev asked, fingertips grazing your elbow lightly. 
You were gaping, you knew it. When you spoke, your voice was hushed and a little unsteady. “How are there any people left to live on other planets?”
“There are plenty more people in the galaxy,” Sev told you, amusement filling his deep voice. “Trust me, we’re fighting about half of ‘em.”
“You’re just not used to seeing this many life-forms,” Scorch informed you. “This is the most heavily populated planet in the galaxy. Your planet wasn’t anything compared to this.”
You hadn’t thought about Voubos very often since you had started training with the Jedi. Still, it was jarring to hear someone mention it, especially so casually. It made you feel like your life was a statistic, an incidental casualty almost too small to be counted. Not even - your life hadn’t been lost or taken, simply changed. You weren’t even significant enough to be a statistic.
Suddenly, you felt dizzy again, overwhelmed by something so much larger than yourself. But this time, instead of the planet’s population, the feeling had been brought on by the staggering largeness of the war. 
The only thing that brought you out of it was an unexpected noise. The sound could only be described as the sound of a plastoid-covered hand striking a plastoid-covered chest. It was followed shortly by a growl from Sev. “Shut up, di’kut.” 
“Sorry,” Scorch muttered. “I forgot natties are sentimental about that kind of thing.”
“It’s okay.” They both looked skeptical about your reassurance, but you smiled and changed the subject before they could add anything else. “So, what are we going to do? Did you have a plan for what you want to see today?”
“Whatever you wanna see,” Scorch told you with a shrug. “Explore as much as you want.”
Sev nodded. “We’re only here to make sure you aren’t attacked. Or fall off a building.”
That low opinion of your survival skills aside, you were warmed by the thoughtfulness and started off in a direction you decided looked promising. 
The time you spent on Coruscant took on a strange quality. Everything you saw was wonderful, every experience unlike any other you had ever had before. But, looking back, you could hardly catch more than a blur. 
You saw shops filled with goods both familiar and utterly mystifying. The streets were packed to bursting with beings, many of them belonging to species you had never seen before. Street performers playing strange instruments tried to entice passers-by to dance while stern, armored troopers ordered them to keep moving. 
You couldn't help sneaking a glance at the red and white helmet as you walked past. Both the Republic and the Separatist Alliance had distributed propaganda on Voubos, so they weren't unfamiliar to you. But you hadn't realized how imposing they would be with their blankly watching visors and the blasters strapped to their thigh plates.
With your focus so close on one trooper, you completely missed another standing on the opposite side of the path. Unfortunately, your lack of attention meant that you bumped into him, swiping him with your shoulder. 
He didn’t move in the slightest except to look down at you. In contrast, the slight collision had sent you staggering and you offered apologies even as you tried to recover your balance. 
“Watch yourself, civilian,” the trooper ordered. You couldn’t see his expression, but his tone managed to be disdainful even through the small speakers of his helmet. 
“Didn’t you hear her say ‘sorry’?” Sev asked, his deep voice lashing out from behind you. 
“And that’s more than you deserve, di’kut,” Scorch told him dismissively. “Anyone could see it was an accident.”
The trooper bristled, taking an aggressive half-step forward. “Hey, just because you’re-”
“Drop it,” the other trooper advised through the crowd. “Not worth the paperwork.”
The closer trooper looked Scorch and Sev up and down. He didn’t bother including you in that. Seemingly to himself, he muttered, “Commandos.”
“What was that?” Sev asked. 
If Sev took things any further, it was going to get physical. If it got physical, Scorch would join in. If Scorch joined in, it would be a brawl. Would you be pulled off of working with Delta Squad if half of them started a brawl with the Coruscant Guard? Instinct told you yes, but the Republic was short-staffed… But you weren’t taking any chances.
“Sorry again,” you called loudly, cutting off whatever else anyone might say. Your push against Scorch’s shoulder wasn’t gentle, but it was effective. Sev was more of a challenge, and you ended up bracing both hands between his shoulder blades and shoving. It wasn’t at all effective, but he let you move him. “We’ll just be on our way!”
The moment you had gotten through the press of the small crowd, Sev let out a string of blistering curses in an unfamiliar language. You watched in something like awe while Scorch gave you an amused look. When Sev had finished, Scorch asked, “Feeling any better?”
“No,” Sev grumbled. “I should have hit him.”
“I don’t think any of us are interested in seeing the inside of a Corrie Guard holding cell,” Scorch said lightly. “What’s next?”
As the second part of that had been directed at you, you glanced around. “I’m not sure. Are either of you getting hungry?”
Sev gave you a look you couldn’t quite figure out until Scorch added, “Always.”
You were, as well. “Well, something smells fantastic! I think it’s coming from over here…”
A nearby stand was offering street food, roasted meat and hunks of bread paired with a variety of sauces for dipping either into. The worker standing there belonged to a species you couldn’t name, though you had seen some of them around. They had a humanoid build with green, leathery skin. Their face had folds and curves that made you think their bone structure was slightly different than that of humans, but similar enough to know that they were offering a polite smile.
“Looking for something in particular?” The low tone and roughness of the worker’s voice made you think they were male, but there was no way to know for sure without asking, and that would have been inexcusably rude.
“It all looks incredible,” you told them, flashing a smile between staring at the array of foods spread out on the stand’s preparation surface.
“Only the best at Kiaba’s.” It was always risky trying to interpret the facial expressions of humanoid species, but from the clear pride that shone from their bearing, you assumed that you were speaking with the very Kiaba who owned the stand. 
You wanted to get a closer look at the food, but before you could take more than a step, Scorch had caught at your elbow. He leaned close, and for a wild moment, you thought he was going to kiss your cheek. 
He didn’t, of course. His lips ended up a scant distance from your ear instead, keeping Kiaba from overhearing. “We don’t have any credits, and this side of the city isn’t too willing to give their goods away.”
“Especially Klatoonians,” Sev added, half-turning away from Kiaba, who was watching you curiously from behind the stand’s main counter. “The culture believes in the value of hard work, but they take it to extremes. They consider any charity to be stealing someone’s chance to earn something the right way.”
You sent Kiaba a regretful smile. “I’m sorry, I’ve just been informed that we don’t have any credits.”
The professional half-smile that had stretched Kiaba’s lips disappeared in an instant as they scowled. “No handouts.”
“Of course not,” Scorch muttered, definitely loud enough for Kiaba to hear. Their scowl deepened and they leaned forward as if they were half-thinking about jumping over the workstation to beat some sense into an upstart customer.
So you cut in, avoiding Sev's attempt to stop you. "Sorry about the confusion! While we're talking, though, can you tell me what that dish is. The one right… there?" 
You gestured to something that looked like a pocket of dough, crimped at the edges, with hints of a warm orange seeping through in certain spots. It looked like a normal piece of dough, other than the spots, but it smelled of deep spices and roasted vegetables. 
Kiaba shook their head. "I can't take time outta my day to explain my menu to people who aren't even gonna buy something. I have paying customers."
"Where?" Scorch challenged. "We're the closest thing you have to customers within a five-klick radius!"
To Scorch’s credit, that was true. The area in front of Kiaba’s stand wasn’t empty - the size of the city made that nearly impossible - but no one seemed compelled to look at the food, much less stop. 
“Of course you don’t have to talk with us if you’re busy,” you assured. “I just want to understand it to see if I can find something similar in the future when I do have some credits.”
“You’d never find anything like my tisuh,” Kiaba told you, their tone a mixture of irritation and pride. “There are others who make it, but no one who does it as well as I do.”
You nodded, offering an encouraging smile. Kiaba watched you suspiciously before heaving a loud sigh. They beckoned you closer, dishing up one of the dough pockets so you could examine it more closely against the light brown of a simple disposable plate. 
“Tisuh is found many places in the galaxy,” they explained. “It is dough wrapped around a filling. There are as many kinds of tisuh as there are people who make it. Everyone has their own recipes, but the best one is found on Klatooine, where I’m from. My forebears have been making this dish for thousands of years, for millions of people. Wherever I am…” Kiaba took a bite of the pale round, showing you the orange-sauced filling inside as they chewed and gave a blissful tilt of their head, “it always reminds me of home.”
The watering of your mouth halted as you wondered what would remind you of Voubos. Everything, you expected, but you still managed a nod for Kiaba. “That’s lovely. I’m happy you have such a strong tie to things that bring you joy.”
“Where’s home for you?” they asked, taking another bite of food. 
“Nowhere, not anymore,” you admitted softly. “I’m looking for a new one.”
The green-skinned being finished chewing and watched you silently. You held their gaze, waiting to hear more about their tie to the tisuh or be told to leave, but Kiaba sighed again. They set their half-eaten food aside, deposited two more tisuh onto a new plate, and held it out to you. “You might as well have a full stomach while you look.”
The smile that spread across your face was instant and - you could feel it - delighted. It was nice to be reminded that there were kind and generous beings in the galaxy, no matter how rare they seemed. “Thank you, Kiaba. I appreciate it.”
From behind you, there came the sound of a throat being pointedly cleared. Kiaba rolled their dark eyes. “I guess I can spare a few for your friends.”
“I appreciate that, too,” you told them with a slow nod to show your gratitude. “As do my friends.”
It took a stern look from you to prompt Scorch and Sev into thanks, which were muttered without an ounce of sincerity. Kiaba seemed unconvinced, but the astonishment you felt when you took your first bite of tisuh brought something almost prideful to their expression.
The dough was tender and delicate, falling away to reveal a filling that seemed to be made up of mostly vegetables. They were tender, with just enough variation in texture for you to recognize that the filling had several different kinds of vegetables in it. All of them had been stewed in a thick sauce that was toward the upper limit of your spice tolerance, but the heat was dampened slightly by the coolness of the bready dough that had surrounded the filling.
“This…” you started, pausing for a moment while your brain tried to choose between speech and shoving more food into your mouth. “Kiaba, this is incredible!” 
“I know,” Kiaba told you with the closest thing you had seen to a smile on their face. 
You returned to inhaling your tisuh. Sev and Scorch were silent, but you could tell that they also liked the food by the speed they were eating. Even so, your plate was the first one empty and you disposed of it in a nearby waste receptacle. 
“My apologies for my friends,” you told Kiaba, earning a glare from Scorch. Sev ignored you entirely. “I can see why you were worried about a sudden flood of customers. I’m not sure how you have any tisuh that hasn’t been purchased already, but I thank you for sharing the excess with us. Your kindness is most appreciated.”
Kiaba waved you away. “Been kinda slow today, actually. Lucky for you all.”
Scorch appeared over your shoulder, peering down toward your hands. “Do you have any you’re not going to-? Oh, you’re already finished. You know, most females wouldn’t have been able to eat all of that.”
“Well, most females don’t have Kiaba’s excellent tisuh to motivate them,” you countered. “I think that’s the best thing I’ve ever eaten!”
A dozen or so passersby glanced over at you curiously at the fervent praise. Some came to look at Kiaba’s selection of foods, and you were amused to see that a small line formed as you watched. 
Kiaba glanced from the line to you, their dark eyes traveling to Sev next. They pointed a stubby green finger at Scorch and Sev. “You two keep this to yourselves. I’m not running a clone charity. This was a one-time thing. I don’t want to see clones coming around here asking for handouts.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Sev muttered while Scorch made a rude gesture behind him. Fortunately, Kiaba was too busy tending to the line to pay much attention to their antics, and you managed to pull the commandos away before they could say anything else. 
The three of you walked in silence for a while, but it started to grow uncomfortable. You rubbed your stomach and let out a contented sigh. “That was great.”
Sev nodded. “Better than the usual stuff.”
That made you remember to ask what you should have asked earlier. “So you guys don’t have any credits at all? How do you eat when you’re on Coruscant?”
“GAR mess hall,” Sev told you. “Or there’s a civvie place nearby that gives clones food occasionally. Some sympathizer. Feels bad for us.”
“Oh.” There seemed to be very few responses to that, but you ventured, “Nice?”
“Yeah, but it can get a little old,” Scorch said. “We don’t mind eating the same food over and over - ration bars’ll train you right up for that - but it’s nice to have something different now and then.”
You nodded understandingly. Anyone would get tired of the same food over and over again. “That’s valid. Even if it’s charity, that doesn’t mean you need to want it all the time.”
When Sev spoke, it was so sudden that he interrupted whatever Scorch had intended to say. “How much of that was Jedi osik?”
Scorch’s protests cut off and you felt the weight of their scrutiny on your face. All you could offer was the truth. “I’m not really sure.”
“I thought you learned to control it,” Scorch said. 
“I am, it’s- it’s a long process,” you reminded them both. “It’s hard to know when I’m using the Force, because I’ve spent my whole life thinking it was just part of who I am and how I relate to people.”
The silence was deafening - which was a trick, considering the sheer number of people surrounding you as you walked through the city streets - until it was broken by Scorch. He sounded unusually serious, enough so that you actually looked over at him. “Never use that on us. Just… don’t.”
“I won’t,” you assured him instantly, stung by the insinuation that you would try to make them do something by force rather than conversation or negotiation. 
“You might not know, though, right?” Sev pointed out. 
“...Right,” you agreed, voice quiet. You hated to admit it, but you refused to lie to them. There was every chance you wouldn’t be able to recognize when you were influencing their will. 
When you arrived at the barracks, Boss and Fixer were waiting for you. 
The silence that fell between the three of you was tense. When Scorch suggested that you go back to the GAR’s barracks, you didn’t argue. 
“About time,” Fixer grumbled. “I knew Six-Two couldn’t read a chronometer, but I thought better of you, Oh-Seven.”
“Shove it, Fixer,” Scorch retorted. “We’re not on a mission. And fifteen extra minutes is nothing in civvie time.”
“C’mon, we have places to be,” Boss ordered, offering only a brief nod to Scorch and Sev. He gestured for you to follow him as he walked away. 
You glanced at the others. Sev’s expression was blank while Scorch’s was an amused mask. Fixer started walking in the direction Boss had gone, tilting his head for you to come along.
Gradually, the signage told you that you were approaching the armory. Every door you passed was just like every other, a gray door set in a gray wall. They were double the width of a standard door, leaving no hint about what lay behind or what typically was transported in or out. When you finally stopped, Boss had to enter a code into a control panel set into the wall and scan a spot on his arm before the door would open. From the noise it made while it slid, it was heavier than normal - most likely armored to withstand any attempts to break in. Even then, you entered into a narrow, shallow hallway that led directly to another door with the same control panel and scanner. Boss opened that armored door as well and you entered the room.
When you stepped through, you were taken aback by the sheer size of the armory. Just ahead of you was a waiting area, complete with hard durasteel benches set into the walls for people to sit while they awaited their chance to speak with the clerk. The clerk’s desk was set behind another wall - though this one did not reach the towering ceiling. It was guarded by a transparisteel barrier that looked resistant to blaster fire, though there was a speaker set into it so people could speak to the clerk. 
Behind the clerk’s chair, you could see rows of doorways holding different types of weapons. Each entrance was covered by a ray shield. There were shelves in the middle of the space that held the additional necessities - everything from kamas to harnesses that would support heavy weapons for the wearer - and at the back of the room, you could see a practice range. There was more around the edges of the space, you were sure, but it was hidden by the half-wall and the clerk was beckoning you forward. 
You took a nervous step toward the human male - definitely not a clone, you noted, but a GAR employee - but Boss approached with more confidence. “I need to outfit a new member of my squad.”
“Okay, that doesn’t help me much,” the clerk told him. “What is your designation? What is your squad’s designation? What is the new trooper’s designation?”
“RC-1138, Delta Squad, and she doesn’t have a designation.”
The clerk blinked at the resolution of Boss’s answers. “She? You have a non-clone addition to a commando squad?” 
“Yes, we do,” Fixer said, ushering you forward. “Approved by the Jedi Council. Generals Yoda, Windu, and Unduli in particular.”
The clerk still looked a little stunned, even when he was looking directly at you, so you helpfully supplied your name. He shook his head in resignation. “You’re going to have to wait while I get this cleared.”
“Fine,” Boss agreed, stopping you when you started toward one of the benches in the empty waiting area. 
“You’ll probably be more comfortable over there,” the clerk said. 
“We’ll just wait here,” Fixer countered, leaning slightly against the counter and watching the clerk steadily. 
There was no way to know for certain how quickly the clerk would have moved without being stared at by two no-nonsense commandos and one mildly confused Force-sensitive woman, but he was able to contact someone in moments. After a short conversation with a superior who sounded decidedly grumpy to be asked for clearance, the clerk motioned you over to a door set into the wall that divided the waiting area from the rest of the armory. 
When it opened, Boss led the way in and Fixer followed you. The clerk gave all three of you a skeptical look. “The droids will help you from here. I assume you know where everything is?”
“Yes,” Boss said shortly. 
“Thank you!” you chirped, unable to fight the urge to be polite. 
Boss glanced back at you with a slight lift of his eyebrows, but didn’t say anything as he led the way toward a specific part of the room.
“Don’t thank him,” Fixer told you. He didn’t lower his voice in the slightest and you cringed at the idea of the clerk overhearing him, but the man had gone back to his desk and was now scrolling through a datapad. “He did nothing but slow us down.”
“He let us in the door,” you argued. 
“Slowly,” Fixer snorted. “I could have sliced in faster than it took him to open it.”
"When you two are finished," Boss started, his even tone holding an edge of impatience, "I'd like to get this done."
With that said, he turned and tapped a droid that began to power up. 
You had gotten more familiar with the variety of droids that helped everyday life run more smoothly in the Republic, but you certainly didn't know all of them. You leaned closer to Fixer. "What kind of droid is it?" 
"An RMR, second generation," he told you. "They're pretty rare. The GAR is the only legal user in the galaxy."
As soon as the droid was fully upright, Boss shoved his arm in front of its sensors. "I need armor for my new squad member." 
The droid scanned Boss's arm with a flickering reddish light, then trained its sensors on his face. "The records indicate that the new attachment to Delta Squad, led by RC-1138, is a human female. The approval was issued by the Jedi Council. Do you need armor for a Jedi?" 
"Yes," Boss decided. As the RMR droid whirred toward one of the shelves, he gave a wordless shrug over one shoulder, offering that by way of an explanation to you and Fixer. 
The droid came back, holding a small stack of plates in its metallic arms. Boss accepted them with noticeable disgust. "What is this?" 
"Armor for a Jedi," RMR explained. "Most Jedi choose to wear small amounts of armor to facilitate easier movement around the battlefield. The blaster-resistant undertunics are provided by the Jedi Temple, but I could check to see what we have in stock…" 
“Absolutely not,” Boss refused. The droid, having already started to move away, turned just in time to catch the plates it had just handed Boss. The sergeant was shaking his head with thinly veiled irritation. “No Jedi of ours is going to walk around unarmored. I want a full set for her, tailored to her specs.”
You tried to keep a straight face, but you were unreasonably warmed by the casual sense of belonging that Boss had offered. You weren’t even a Jedi, really, but Delta Squad had offered you a place in the galaxy where you could fit in. And you would apparently fit in there for a long time, if Boss had anything to say about it.
“Sergeant, a full set of armor is heavy,” RMR objected. “Wearing it may decrease her ability to maneuver around a battlefield. That is the reasoning behind most Jedi wearing sparser armor-”
“And that’s their choice,” Boss agreed. “But I won’t have someone on my squad who would be taken out by ricochet blaster fire. Let us worry about her maneuverability.”
RMR droids clearly had not been designed to sigh, but if it had the ability, you would bet that RMR would have done so. Instead, it settled for a heavy silence before replacing the plates Boss had handed back. 
“Boss,” you started quietly, trying to disguise the emotion in your voice. You didn’t know exactly how you were going to thank him for looking out for you, but you needed to tell him. Especially in the wake of Scorch and Sev’s subtle step back after your earlier meal. “I-”
“No complaints,” he told you harshly. The surprise of it kept you from protesting aloud, but he seemed to take your silence for offense, because he gave a small sigh. You watched his shoulders move with it before he angled his head to see you in his peripheral vision. “I know it seems like too much, but-”
“Thank you,” you interrupted. 
You could only see Boss’s face in profile, but you watched the eyebrow you could see shoot upward in surprise. Before he could answer, the RMR droid returned. This time, it was carrying a much larger stack of plastoid plates. 
The feeling you got at the sight was a surprise to you. Those were yours - or, they would be once they had been sized properly. It would be your way to start repaying the debt you owed these men. Delta Squad had saved your life, and this pile of plastoid would protect that life while you worked to help them. 
RMR was apparently not happy with any of you, and it dumped the armor into Boss’s arms. Boss caught most of it, but Fixer had to snag a few pieces out of the air. Then RMR handed you a piece of slinky black material. 
“What is this?” you asked, holding it up and puzzling at the shapeless fall of fabric.
There was a beat of uncomfortable silence, broken only by a mutter from Fixer. “Body glove.”
The next hour was among the most embarrassing of your life. Republic technology was at least good enough to keep the fabric from becoming sheer as it stretched over certain places, but there were no secrets in the body glove. Every bump and curve and swell of your figure was blatantly visible.
It was bad enough when you confronted yourself in the long, narrow mirror in the changing room, but Boss and Fixer clearly noticed the places where the fabric strained to contain you. It became a game of ignorance, everyone aware of it, but no one saying anything. 
Fortunately, the nature of your task meant that you slowly got more covered up as time passed. Pieces of plastoid armor locked into place, each one held firm against you by a system of electromagnets. You had wondered how the armor worked, and you were thrilled to find that the electromagnetism was activated when the plates touched different sections of a flexible wiring worked into your body glove.
You had to swap several pieces of armor, working closely with RMR as you sized up and down to collect a full set that fit your body. By the time you finished, you were sweating. (You had to wipe it away with your palm, since the back of your hand was protected by a gauntlet.)
“Doing okay?” Fixer asked, approaching with the helmet you had been eying almost as long as you had been trying on armor. 
“Yeah,” you confirmed with a sheepish look. “This really is heavy. More than I expected.”
Boss nodded. “We’ll do most of your training in it to build your strength. The relief mission we’re about to go on won’t require speed, but wearing it will keep you safe while you get used to it.”
“I can’t say I’m looking forward to it, but I think it’s a good idea.”
As soon as you had agreed, Fixer handed you the helmet. “Last piece.”
You raised the helmet and slid it over your head. The seal at the bottom of the helmet pulled at your scalp, then at the sensitive skin of your face as it lowered further and further before it settled into place. When the helmet seal met the neck of your body glove, the helmet’s HUD flickered to life. 
Your breath caught at the way information was augmenting everything you could see. You had assumed that the helmet would limit your sight and hearing, but that wasn’t the case at all. In fact, the only sense that suffered was smell. 
The viewport allowed you to see everything around you while the HUD gave you information about everything outside your field of vision, synced to where your eyes traveled. The speakers of the helmet were incredible as well, bringing sounds inside while also allowing your sound of surprise to travel outward.
Fixer grinned and Boss gave a soft chuckle - both of which were presented with perfect clarity by the helmet. 
“I remember that first time seeing the galaxy through a helmet,” Fixer said, sounding a little wistful. 
“We’ll probably turn down some of the HUD features until you get used to it,” Boss offered. “And then you can sort through it all and choose what you want to keep.”
“Can I keep all of it?” you asked. “It’s incredible!”
“You won’t want to see everything,” Fixer warned you. “Especially not when you’re in combat. You’ll want the necessities - nothing more, nothing less.”
“If all members of your squad are fully armored, I must request that you leave the armory,” RMR informed you all, appearing once more. You weren’t surprised, though. The HUD had warned you of an incoming droid even with RMR approaching from behind you. 
“We’ll be on our way in a minute, droid,” Boss told it. He turned to Fixer. “Go check our ship for tomorrow. Make sure everything is loaded and that systems are set for a smooth mission. You know what to look for.”
Fixer nodded and - with a final glance at you - left the armory. Boss held a hand out in your direction. You glanced at it, then at him, but he couldn’t see your confused frown under the cover of protective plastoid.
After a moment, he said, “Give me your helmet. I’ll hold it while you change back into your clothes.”
Ah. At least you hadn’t done anything mortifying, like taking his hand. Even so, your face was hot as you removed the helmet and handed it to him. Your retreat to the changing area may have been a little faster than it would have been otherwise, but that could be for any number of reasons. 
When you reappeared, Boss gave you a medium-sized pack. “To carry the armor.”
You nodded and knelt to pack the plates of armor. By far the bulkiest piece was the chestplate, but it wasn’t impossible to carry. The body glove folded down smaller than you could believe, especially now that you knew there was an electromagnetic system hidden in the fabric’s weave.
You stood and slung the pack over your shoulders. It took a moment to adjust your balance, but the weight didn’t seem quite so bad with it supported by your shoulder. Boss handed you the helmet once more. “I’ve already signed everything out, so we’re good to go. Just remember that everything is owned by the GAR. They don’t care if you customize it, but not in any way that purposely damages it.” 
“Got it,” you said with a nod. “Anything else I should know?”
“No, but there’s something I should,” Boss countered. “What’s wrong?”
You blinked in surprise, walking behind him as you left the armory. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Nothing is wrong.”
Boss sighed through his nose, a sound filled with more disappointment than irritation. “I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want a real answer. What is it?” 
You took a moment to think it over, but Boss apparently thought you didn’t intend to say anything at all. With a grave look, he said, “I’ll make it an order if I have to.”
With that mild threat hanging over you, telling the truth seemed to be your best option. You told him what had happened at Kiaba’s, and the way Scorch and Sev had reacted to you afterward.
“It makes sense and I understand where they’re coming from,” you hastened to add. “I’m just worried they’re never going to trust me. But I know none of us knew everything before we agreed to have me work for you and I’m not going to be offended if you feel the same way. It’s hard to-”
“I don’t.”
The simple denial made you abruptly cut off your tirade. Despite the trickle of relief running through you, the only question you had was: “Why?”
Boss shrugged. “The Force isn’t much different from getting an order. You feel like you should follow it, but nothing can completely take over your free will. Not unless you’re a complete di’kut.”
“How do you know?” you asked. It seemed stupid to question things when they seemed to be going your way, but you couldn’t help it.
“Someone had us made,” Boss pointed out. “If the Force could make people follow something without question, they wouldn’t need a clone army, they would need a rogue Jedi. Besides, Dooku would do that to make an army for the Seppies. Instead, they’re spending fortunes on their clankers.”
For the life of you, you couldn’t think of an answer to that. When you kept walking beside him in open-mouthed silence, Boss caught your look and shrugged again. “It’s a working theory, but I thought it over before I ever agreed to have you join us.”
“You’re smarter than I could ever dream of being,” you told him, hearing the awe in your own voice. 
“Nah, I’m just used to thinking around what the jetii do,” he countered. “Don’t worry about Sev and Scorch. They’ll get over it soon enough. Right now, you need to focus on the mission. We meet in the hangar bay at oh-five-hundred hours. Get some sleep before then.”
Author's Note - Uh, oh. A little awkwardness with Scorch and Sev! I'm STILL working my way through the Republic Commando book series, and I feel like troopers (especially Delta) would have trouble with the idea of their scraps of free will being taken away by someone, even if they like and trust that person.
This chapter was supposed to be posted a week ago, but Thanksgiving was crazy and internet access was sparse. Sorry for the delay and thank you for your patience. Thank you for reading!
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thelazybard · 1 month
I'm not sure if you know anything about Delta Squad. But perhaps can I request Bad Batch x Fem Padawan reader who was first adopted by Delta Squad and when order 66 happened she was recused by Bad Batch, after attempting to use the force to stop them from harming her.
What a great first request!
This is gonna be a long one so buckle in
F!Reader x Bad Batch: Being saved from Order 66
warnings: Order 66, slight canon divergence, character death, Crosshair never follows Order 66, betrayal, angst, hurt/comfort, use of force speed because why did we never see that after Episode One, light fluff
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This can't be happening.
What was even happening?
One second you and Delta Squad are on Kaller celebrating the death of General Grievous and the seeming end of the Clone War. The next, you're running as fast as you can, as far as you can, away from your squad; your family, who are now doing everything they can to find and destroy you.
You were Master Shaak Ti's padawan, and once helped her oversee the prowess of the clone army. But soon the war effort called you off-world to lead a special force of clone commandos. Master Shaak saw this as a way to know for certain if you were ready to be Knighted, since you were an adult now.
Boss, Scorch, Sev, and Fixer were apart of Delta Squad, and looked to you for guidance as their Commander. It was unnerving at first, being away from your master's calming presence and not being able to seek her guidance at a moment's notice.
But, you eventually proved your worth as a commander, and soon a knight. At least you would have if there was an Order to return to after this last mission.
You will never forget, Sev was the first to draw his rifle on you. At first you thought it was some distasteful joke. You weren't a stranger to your squad's pranks.
But when you sensed his index finger curl, and heard the faintest tick of his trigger being drawn back, you couldn't help the reflex of igniting your saber and swinging the blaster bolt back into your opponent's shoulder.
Sev had cried out, and even to this day his cry echos through your mind in the late of night.
Then the others drew your weapons and that's when you ran. You refused to fight them. Not because you couldn't, but because you wouldn't. They were your friends, your brothers. You lead them through their first campaign on Geonosis, laughed with them, cried with them. Celebrated victories and healed their wounds.
Clone Force 99 found you cornered between Delta Squad and the icy canyon below the ridge you stood on.
"Just stay back! Please!" You pleaded, lightsaber drawn and eyes glossed over with tears. You weren't in fear for yourself, but instead afraid of what you'd have to do to ensure your survival.
They weren't speaking to you. Why weren't they speaking to you?
"We've got her now, boys. Open fire on the target." Boss said to his brothers.
It was with those words that it was finally able to register in your head.
Something definitely happened, that was for certain. They were given orders from someone that superseded you. If that was the case, nothing you could say or do would stop them from completing their mission. You damned their unwavering loyalty before you sprung into action.
You'd always held back when sparring with your brothers. You were quicker, stronger, and could see their moves before they made them. You never let them win, only kept up with them until they grew tired, which granted took a while. But now it was life or death, you understood that now as you sliced their rifles in half, blocked their punches and parried their melee attacks before even they knew what they were moving to do.
The Batch watched the scene unfold from the treeline, still unsure of whose side they should be taking. Echo advocated stepping in right away on your behalf, but the jury was still out with the rest. Besides, it didn't look like you needed help.
Nothing like this has ever happened before. The Jedi were trustworthy, no? Especially the padawan of Shaak Ti.
They knew you in passing. You've interacted with the batch a few times, usually just accompanying Shaak Ti during their assessments. The Batch teased each other for their crush on you, and had taken every chance they could to pass you in the sterile hallways on Kamino. Now, that beautiful, calming padawan was fighting for her life.
In this moment you were other-worldly. It was nearly impossible for the batch to keep track of your form weaving through the four supersoldiers, blocking their attacks as you still clung to hope they'd come to their senses.
"She's not just killing them." Crosshair said.
"She doesn't want to." Echo replied.
Hunter had heard through the grapevine of padawan Ahsoka's alleged treason, that was later learned to be false. Could it be the same, here?
When Hunter finally finished mulling it over and called for CF-99 to aid you, they dove through the shrubs to stun your opponents while their attention was still fixated on you.
You watched in shock as Delta Squad's bodies crumbled to the ground around you, not realizing what happened until you saw the clones at the treeline.
"Commander," Hunter greeted you, worry wrinkling his brow.
"Sergeant. They tried to kill me! What is happening?" You asked.
"That's what we're trying to find out. But it isn't safe for you here."
"It doesn't appear it is safe for her anywhere," Tech interjected, eyes fixated on his datapad. "It says here the Jedi Order had commit treason against the Republic, and we are to eliminate all targets under Order 66."
"Treason? The entire Jedi Order? What could be the... Fives!" You breathed, your fingers draping over your mouth.
"Fives what?" Echo asked.
"He tried to warn me about a plot against the Jedi. I wanted to believe him, but before he could prove it he was–" You sighed and shook your head, sheathing your saber so you could dig the heels of your palms into your temples as the world you once knew was flipped upside down.
"We have to get you out of here. If the other clones planetside know you're here they'll try to..." Hunter said.
"I understand. It seems I will have to–" You nearly doubled over as an unfamiliar senstation dug through you like a vibroblade.
The tether between you and Shaak Ti was severed. She was killed.
You regained your footing with the help of Wrecker who steadied you.
"Master Ti. They- they killed her."
Hunter sensed regs closing in on your location. "Come on. We have to go, now!" He barked.
Running alongside the batch, tears streamed across your cheeks as you grappled with the fact that Master Ti, the woman who raised you, taught you, protected you, was cut down and you weren't there to stop it. Or at least die with her.
You boarded the Maurader and Echo helped you into a seat as you were overcome with emotions. Emotions you were taught to supress spilled out of you with the wound Shaak Ti's death left. Your shoulders quivered as you sobbed softly to yourself.
You were sad, angry, and scared.
"Take me to the nearest planet that doesn't have a Republic nor Separatist occupation," You finally said when the tears subsided. "I can't return to Kamino. I must hide until I figure out what is happening."
Tech nodded before keying in coordinates and making the jump to hyperspace. It would be a few days before you arrived, so it was time to get comfortable with your company.
The Clone Sergeant didn't know what to say to you for the first few hours.
Partly because he'd never conversed with you one-on-one and was nervous to talk to the pretty Jedi that was the object of his affections for the past few years.
Your entire squad just betrayed you. He couldn't imagine how that must feel. He didn't want to.
At first, every time he looked at you he was reminded of his greatest fear, and couldn't face it.
Eventually he decided he had to say something, gazing at your form curled up in a seat, seeming far away.
It wasn't until Crosshair literally shoved him in your direction did he finally approach you.
"Uhh, Commander... I... can't imagine what you're going through right now. If you need anything, let me know, yeah?" He asked.
"Thank you," You replied, voice small and strained now as you try to grapple your emotions.
"And, for what it's worth... You fought well. I think Delta Squad is lucky to have such a commander. I'm sorry they betrayed you. You won't get that from us."
You smiled at him and his heart stopped.
He wasn't sure of where you'd end up after they took you somewhere safe, but he was determined to cross paths with you again.
Echo has the most experience out of the batch when it comes to working with Jedi. He understood their overall nature; Kind, calm, wise.
You were no different. It's why he was picking his brain for any reason clones would be ordered to murder you.
Echo knew you before his accident. It was your faith in him and the rest of Domino Squad that drove him to work together with his team. He'd been smitten with you ever since.
"Are you alright?" He asked, coming to sit across from you.
You looked up at him, and his chest tightened as the two of you made real, undivided eye contact with each other for the first time in years. Your eyes were wiser now, even while saddened.
"I'm... shaken. And trying to cope with the fact that I will have to leave everything I've known if it means I'll survive."
"You've still got us," Echo offered. "We don't really know what's going on either, but you can trust us. You can trust me."
"Thank you, Echo."
"Anytime. I... appreciate, all you've done for me and my brothers in the past. It's the least I can do for you now."
You reached over to touch his hand that rested in his lap, and he only froze a little. The look you then gave him when your eyes met again was a look he'd never soon forget.
After a day of being on the Maurader with you, Wrecker knew he wanted to cheer you up. But he wasn't sure how.
He started with offering you his favorite flavor of ration bar, which you politely declined. Not much of an appetite.
Nodding, he left and returned with Lula, making her dance around you as he hummed a tune, and eventually bonked you on the head with the plushie to provoke a laugh.
His brothers told him to leave you alone but you assured them it was fine.
You liked Wrecker. He was silly and said what was on his mind.
His humorous way of cheering you up seemed to be working.
He crouched down to your level, looking up at you to meet your eyes and smiled. "C'mon Commander, let's hear that pretty laugh." He said.
He thinks it's pretty?
You thought back to your handful of interactions, and found you had chuckled a few times here and there.
This encouraged a soft giggle out of you.
"Thank you, Wrecker. I really needed that."
"Anytime, Commander."
Tech has never seen anyone cry before. Not really, anyways.
He's seen people cry in the holofilms, and knew it was something you did when you were sad.
But Clones were in many ways emotionally stunted, even moreso Tech.
So watching you cry, well... it stirred something in his chest he'd never quite felt before.
He knew you were sad, that much was clear.
But how do you comfort someone who's crying!
"Don't fret. Your tears are simply a pathological response made to relieve some of the traumatic stress you may be feeling." Tech explained sagely as he sat beside you.
"That's... good to know, Tech. Thank you."
He then passed you a ration bar. "Here you must eat. You will need your Jedi strength."
His unconventional way of displaying his affection was oddly charming. Doting on you like a mother hen while also explaining the science behind your emotions in painful detail to alleviate your worry.
You'd always seen through Crosshair's stoic, brooding demeanor.
You knew there was a storm of thoughts and feelings swirling around that noodle of his.
There was so much he was thinking at any point in time, so much he could say.
And he knew you knew. Everytime you two locked eyes, he felt you looking right through him into something more than what met the eye.
It was unnerving. He didn't like being seen in that way. Mostly because he didn't know what it'd entail.
Your eyes were duller now after what transpired, like you yourself had built up your walls into your own psyche.
It was like a thorn in his heart, not being able to see you like he did. So that's what it felt like.
He wanted to be let in.
"Need an ear?" He offered when it was just you two aboard the ship.
He didn't mean to startle you right as you exited the refresher after your sonic shower, but it was on his mind since he saw you disappear to freshen up.
"What?" You said, eyes alert suddenly.
"If you need to talk, I'll listen." He reiterated more clearly this time.
You looked down, shoulders shrugging weakly. "I'm not even sure what I want to say that would help."
He nodded his head in the direction of the cockpit and you followed him to sit in the pilot chairs.
"Maybe it won't fix anything, but it will at least be off your chest."
You exhaled through your mouth, then nodded.
"I just can't believe... I was close to them. They were my brothers. I thought that no matter what, they wouldn't..." You began.
Cross listened intently to your grievances, nodding to let you know he was listening, humming occasionally. Finding out more about your personality in the process.
Finally, when you couldn't find anything else to add, you wiped your tears and sat back, sighing deeply.
He was right, it at least helped with the cinderblock weight on your chest grief gave you.
"Thank you, Crosshair." You said.
He looked into your orbs, then to the swirl of blue and white that was hyperspace. "Get some rest. You can have my bunk, I changed the linens this morning." He said.
Sorry if this took too long, I just really liked this idea and the words came spilling out.
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momojedi · 1 month
topic. hunter x gn! jedi! reader
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type. loss, pt 4 note. you start to feel exhausted from your imprisonment when you hear talk of an upcoming guest … warnings. imprisonment, medical blood, slight creepy scorch, tantiss, jedi shit talk :( word count. tag list: @ooostarwarsfandom501st @shadow-rebel-223
star wars masterlist || pinned post
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The pinch of the needle in my skin isn't what makes my stomach churn, but rather the squelching noise as my blood is drawn from my veins.
"There," Dr Karr declares with her eyes glued to her datapad once the droid pulls back from me and I'm left rubbing the back of my hand, "thank you for your cooperation." I grit my teeth, biting my tongue yet the words slip my mouth before I can hold them back. "Not like you're leaving me much of a choice."
She hesitates and for a second I notice her gaze swiftly glancing toward me before looking back at the screen. Then she steps out of the cell, letting the door slide shut behind her. This time and much to my dismay, the little girl isn't accompanying her but rather another droid programmed to serve the Empire. I gulped when I noticed the blonde shock of hair missing in Karr's trail, immediately forcing my head to fill with worrisome thoughts at where she might be. An imperial research facility isn't exactly the safest place for a girl her age to be, let enough one under the lead of a sociopathic scientist such as Hemlock.
Whether Karr had noticed my surprise or not, I'm not sure as she didn't exactly react to it. Instead, she immediately went for the daily procedure of taking my blood samples for whatever the scientists are testing now and asking the usual questions.
I pace up and down the small room, letting my thoughts roam free in my head when the distant noise of statics catches my attention. I lean again the cell door, narrowing my eyes to make out the distant silhouettes down the corridor. Two commando troopers, their armour a polished white and grey, stand guard with their blasters readied. They're so engulfed in their small talk, neither of them pick up on the hiss escaping my lips when the door shoots a shock into my veins as soon as my fingers graze the metal.
"So, he wants to see the Jedi?" "That’s what the commander’s been saying," the other trooper responds in his modulated voice, "Don’t even know why he’s coming specifically for them. I figured the Empire would want all of them dead." "Yeah. Jedi scum."
I bite my cheek. A guest on Tantiss isn’t exactly a common occurrence, let alone one that seems to be so vastly enthused about seeing me. My thoughts drift to various imperial names before I shake my head free from those thoughts. The fear I hold for these figures is tense enough, and as Master Yoda liked to say, fear is a direct path to the dark side.
So, I suck in a sharp breath and settle down, kneeling on the cold floor and shutting my eyes to assume my standard meditation practice. An hour passes in a silence — or well, as silent as it can be with comms chattering down the hallway — when I’m interrupted by heavy footsteps.
“Up.” The clone commando’s order leaves little room for discussion, and so I hesitantly get up. The yellow and black markings on his armour make him stand out from the others, clearly pushing him to be higher ranked than his brothers. With a raised brow I trail my eyes over his form, letting the gears function in my brain. This wasn’t an average sampling procedure; where was Dr Karr? What is going on?
The commando locks my wrists with a pair of binders. “Move,” he bites from behind me before leaning closer, so close I can feel the cold plastoid of his armour on my cheek. “And don’t do anything dumb.” I gulp. Then, I stumble forward, scanning my surroundings with every step.
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dystopicjumpsuit · 1 year
Turn It Up When You're Gone (1/2)
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Starting my fic migration off with a bang! This is by far my most popular work on AO3, because people be horny. Delta Squad/Republic Commando girlies, come get y'all juice!
Rating: Mature/18+/Minors DNI
Pairing: Sev x Fem!Reader
Wordcount: 2.9k
Summary: You are a GAR analyst, and your job is to process clone trooper helmet feeds. Being surrounded by incredibly handsome, competent troopers makes it hard to keep a professional distance, but you've managed. Until now.
Warnings: SMUT; voice kink, praise kink, body worship
Next chapter | Masterlist
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You love your job. As a GAR tactical analyst assigned to the Venator-class Star Destroyer Guarlara, you spend your days immersed in clone trooper helmet feeds. It might seem boring or tedious to some, but with your keen eye for detail and extensive knowledge of tactics, it is as close to a perfect occupation as you can imagine.
Besides, the clones are pretty entertaining. You always love the snippets of banter that pop up in their comm feeds, from gallows humor, to good-natured mockery, to genuine awe or delight at a new planet. Seeing the galaxy from the perspectives of these men, who have seen too little of beauty and too much of the chaos and horror of war in their short lives, gives you a new appreciation for its wonders.
At first, you try to maintain some professional distance from the troopers, if only to preserve your sanity when so many of them are lost in each engagement, and you have the responsibility of watching as their helmet feeds fade to black. But it isn’t easy. The battlefield camaraderie you witness in their feeds continues onboard the Guarlara, and you can’t help being pulled into it. You make friends with a few clones, and every time they go on a mission, you hold your breath until they come back safely.
It doesn’t help your resolve to keep them at arm’s length that you are surrounded by incredibly handsome, competent soldiers in peak physical condition. Several of your fellow nat-born analysts have already had flings with clones, and by all accounts, the experience is worth the risk of official reprimands or even demotions. You haven’t done it yourself—yet—but you’ve been tempted.
And the temptation just got one thousand times stronger.
A new clone commando unit has been temporarily assigned to the Guarlara: Delta squad. Regular clone banter is entertaining, but the Deltas are on a whole different level. Boss is all business, and Fixer is quiet and by-the-book, but Scorch and Sev are hilarious. You often have to bite your lip to keep from bursting into unprofessional laughter at their antics, even as you are blown away by their tactical prowess.
You find yourself saving the Delta feeds for the end of your work cycle, just so you can finish your day on a high note. Sometimes, you wish you could get your hands on some Mantell Mix while you’re watching the feeds. They’re better than any holoflick you’ve ever seen. If only they could be released to the public; they would make a blockbuster action comedy.
But there’s another reason you are quickly becoming obsessed with the Delta feeds.
The first time you hear Sev’s voice, you gasp, and prickles run down your neck. He sounds different from the other clones: deep, gravelly, menacing. Incredibly sexy. You often find yourself replaying snippets of his comm feed, just so you can hear him speak. Whether he is making a dark joke, tallying his kills, or snarling at an enemy, his voice never fails to make you breathe a little faster.
You have never met the squad, never seen their faces, though you’ve seen them in their distinctive armor around the ship. The commandos mostly keep to themselves. You aren’t even sure which armor belongs to which commando, though you would bet every credit of your cycle’s pay that Sev is the one with the helmet painted to look like a bloody handprint. 
You know that the commandos were the same height as all the rest of the clones, but somehow, they seem larger. More solid. Far more intimidating. Maybe it is the armor, but you doubt it. And you’d be lying if you said you didn’t think about what Sev looks like under all that bulky commando armor. Lying in your bunk during your sleep cycle, you picture him. Copper skin, curly black hair, eyes the color of amber. Hard, sculpted muscles. Broad shoulders, narrow hips that flex against yours, driving his thick cock deep inside you until you whimper his name. And of course, you imagine his voice: deep and dark, murmuring the filthiest words in your ear as he pounds into you with that incredible clone commando stamina.
When you meet up with your fellow analysts for lunch in the mess hall, you confess that a clone has finally caught your eye—or more correctly, your ear.
“He has the sexiest voice I’ve ever heard,” you say, keeping your volume low so as not to attract attention from the troopers eating at nearby tables or milling around in small groups.
“They all do,” laughs Drinna. “They’re clones!”
“This one is different,” you insist. “It’s so deep and growly. He sounds so… dangerous.”
Jeelee shivers next to you, and you don’t blame him. None of your friends can deny that the rush of adrenaline is at least a small part of their attraction to the clone troopers. There’s just something about a soldier who has been trained from birth to be a killing machine that activates your fight, flight, or fuck response.
“Stars, I never thought I’d get turned on listening to someone yelling, ‘Trando scum,’” you say with an uncertain laugh. “If it weren’t a massive security breach, I’d try to smuggle some of his feeds into my bunk for a little private viewing session.”
Drinna snorts with laughter, and the group hurries to finish the meal before you all have to get back to your stations to close out your work cycle.
Sev can’t believe his ears. He’s sitting in the mess staring at the empty table where you and your friends were just sitting. He’s off duty and wearing only his black body glove, which is why you don’t notice him sitting alone when your group takes the table next to his. But he notices you. How could he not? He’d spotted you the very first day he and the Deltas came aboard. 
He isn’t completely sheltered. He’s met nat-born GAR personnel before, including a few female officers. And he has made the rounds at 79’s during Delta squad’s all-too-rare shore leaves. But something about you grabs his attention. He first notices your laugh. You laugh a lot, and you do it with your whole body. Your eyes light up, your mouth opens in a delighted smile, your head tilts back, your shoulders shake, your tits bounce. One time, he saw you laugh so hard you had to lean against a wall for support when your knees gave out. It makes him want to be the one who makes you laugh.
His keen sniper’s eyes have also spotted you stealing glances at him and the rest of his squad when you pass in the hallways of the Venator. He’s seen you chatting amiably with other clones, and he wonders why you never try to talk to the Deltas. Maybe she’s intimidated, he thinks. He doesn’t blame you.
When he overhears you talking to your friends, he doesn’t think much about it. He just enjoys getting a little glimpse into your life. And then he hears it: “... turned on listening to someone yelling, ‘Trando scum.’ If it weren’t a massive security breach, I’d try to smuggle some of his feeds into my bunk for a little private viewing session.”
Sev nearly chokes on his nutrient paste, and for once, it’s not because of the flavor.
It’s me, he realizes. She’s talking about me.
All this time he’s been watching you, and now he knows you’ve been thinking about him. Getting off to his voice. Imagining him during your “private viewing sessions.” The thought of it has him semi-erect in the middle of the mess hall, with no armor to disguise his state. He spends a long time eating his nutrient paste.
The next time the Delta feeds update, you notice that Sev’s is a little longer than the other three. As usual, you save his feed for the last of your day. You take a quick look around to make sure nobody is watching, which is ridiculous, because this is literally your job. But you can’t help feeling a wicked little thrill as you queue up his feed, as though you are about to do something forbidden. You settle the headphones over your head and turn up the volume as you press play.
The holofeed isn’t what you expect. Instead of a battlefield or the inside of a gunship, you see a barracks filled with empty bunks. It looks spare and sterile. The bunks don’t even have pillows; just thin blankets and rough sheets. Your own quarters are austere, but at least you have the luxury of a door and a small refresher. You’ve never seen the inside of the clone barracks before, and you feel as though you are intruding on something private. You reach to scrub forward through the feed, but you halt when Sev’s voice crackles in your headphones.
“I heard a sexy little analyst say she likes my voice,” he says. “I have a present for her ‘private viewing sessions.’ If she comms me the code to her quarters, I’ll know she wants it.”
Oh, stars. He heard. He knows. And he knows who you are. If ever there were a time for the Guarlara to have a small hull breach and launch you into space, now would be the ideal moment! Your heart beats so hard you are sure everyone around you can hear it. You steal a glance out of the corner of your eye, but none of your fellow analysts have noticed anything out of the ordinary. 
You send him a quick message. “RC-1207, this is the tactical analysis center. Your helmet feed flashed an error code during your most recent upload. The code is one-one-three-eight-four-echo-bravo. Please run a diagnostic and purge your helmet’s memory bank to prevent corrupted feeds.”
The reply comes almost instantly. “Copy that, tactical. Thanks for the code. That’ll help me track down what I’m looking for.”
You take a deep, shuddering breath, and turn your attention back to the feed. It cuts to the hallway of the Venator as Delta squad heads out for a mission, and the comm feed is just more of their usual banter, followed by their day’s activities in the battlefield.
You scrub back to the beginning of the feed and listen to it one more time before you trim the recording and upload it to the GAR server. You often have to cut out sections of feeds, so the missing section won’t raise any eyebrows, but Sev could get in huge trouble if anyone higher up the command chain saw the original recording.
With shaky hands, you tidy up your workstation as you do at the end of every work cycle. You straighten your uniform, joke with your friends, and head out of the analysis center. You meet up with a few clones in the corridor, and you make your way as a group to the mess hall, where you complain about the bland rations and make plans for your next shore leave. When you’re confident that you haven’t aroused suspicion, you stretch and tell your friends that you’re going to turn in early. 
You barely restrain yourself from running through the halls to your quarters. You key in your door code with fumbling hands, and once inside, you spot it immediately: a datachip lying innocently on your pillow. You plug it into your personal player. There’s no holo, but Sev’s voice rumbles through your headphones.
“Get comfortable, beautiful. I want this to be good for you.”
You gasp. You pause the recording and strip out of your uniform in record time, flinging it across your cramped quarters to lie rumpled on the floor. Crawling into bed, you slide naked under your blanket and pull the headphones back over your ears.
“That’s my good girl. Are you naked? Kriff, I hope so. You look hot as hell in your uniform. You must be the prettiest karking thing in the galaxy out of it. All that soft, smooth skin. I want you to feel yourself for me, little one. Run your fingers through your hair. Is it as soft as it looks? Does it smell as good as I imagine?”
Oh, sweet gods, he’s been imagining you, too. You wonder if he has been picturing you when he touched himself. Arousal licks up your spine, tinged with a tiny bit of disappointment that you hadn’t made a move sooner. You push the thought aside, determined to enjoy this moment.
“Now I want you to touch your skin. Slide your hands up and down your body, your arms, your thighs. Cup your tits. Give your nipples a little squeeze. Do you like that?”
You nod, biting your lip and breathing hard. You imagine Sev’s hands, rough and strong and big, and your hand drifts down your belly.
“Don’t touch your cunt, sweetheart. Not yet. I don’t want you to rush this.”
Force, it’s like he’s there with you, watching you, instead of away on some Maker-forsaken planet blasting droids. You obey his pre-recorded commands, wanting to get the full experience.
“Brush your fingers over your neck. Do it gently, like you can feel me whispering in your ear instead of a recording. Touch your mouth, baby. Gods, I wish it was me. Would you lick my fingers? I wonder what you taste like. I bet you taste amazing. Sweet, soft lips, wet little tongue. Fierfek, you make me so hard I could nut right fucking now. How kriffed up is it that I’m jealous of your hands?”
Your breath stutters as you hear another sound in the recording: the rhythmic slide of skin against skin. Oh stars, he is getting off on this, too. Or he already got off. Whatever. You roll your hips instinctively, looking for stimulation.
“Damn it, Sev, let me touch myself,” you whisper.
But you don’t. Not yet. You wait for his permission. Instead, you writhe in the bed, sliding your hands all over your body, pinning your hips to the mattress, touching yourself everywhere except the place you so desperately need.
“If I were with you, I’d take my time. Explore your whole body inch by inch. I would kiss you, and taste you, and suck on your tits until you beg for more. I’d bite your sexy ass and then kiss it better. I’d eat that pretty little pussy until you scream for me. Oh, fuck—” He panted for a moment. “Sorry, honey, I needed a minute to cool down or I was gonna blow early. I don’t want you to think I’m not up to the mission. Because right now, you are my mission. And you know that the mission always comes first.”
You can’t help it: you giggle. It’s endearingly cheesy, but you suspect it’s also true. Once Sev has you to himself—because you have no doubt that he will, and soon—he is going to give you the ride of your life.
“Have you been a good girl for me? Did you touch your pussy before I said you could?”
You shake your head. “Please, please, Sev, I need it.”
“I think you have been a good girl, and now you deserve your reward. I want you to touch your cunt, angel. Just brush your fingertips over it, nice and easy. Are you wet? Kark, I hope so, otherwise I’m doing this wrong. Slip your fingers inside, just a little. Get them nice and slick. Now I want you to play with your clit. Do what you like best, baby. Go hard, or go soft. Rub it in circles, or give it a little tap, or press on it nice and slow. I can’t wait to find out what makes you scream. Do you like it when I suck on your clit? Or maybe you like it a little rougher. Do you want me to slap you, pretty thing? Slap that beautiful little pussy and then lick it better? Or would you rather I go slow and gentle, just barely touching you, taking hours to build you up before I ruin you?”
You moan as you work yourself frantically. You are close, so close, and his voice is doing unholy things to you. You can hear him fucking his fist again, and it turns you on even more to know he is into this just as much as you are.
Sev’s breath grows ragged. “It’s gonna be so good when I fuck you. I know your cunt feels amazing. So tight and wet and warm—fuck—gonna be incredible. I can’t wait, I can’t kriffing wait—gods baby, gonna make me come—FUCK!”
He grunts, and it is loud. You can hear the wet spatter of his orgasm, and the sound of it pushes you over the edge. You feel the entire universe contract into your body, so tight, so hot, and then Fuck! The tension snaps, and you cry out as your body jerks and spasms. You gasp for air, twitching away from your own fingers as your hypersensitive body shudders. Your body is drained, your head is empty, every drop of energy in your being is utterly spent. Your eyes close, and you slip into oblivion.
Chapter 2
Tagging: @blueink-bluesoul
This compilation of lines from the Republic Commando game will never not be funny to me: https://youtu.be/WHXy-_mztg0
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vodika-vibes · 5 months
Could you do a Scorch fluff piece with “When they pout because you don't give them enough attention, and they just come to you and cling to you like a koala”? Feel like adding something to the Delta master list! Thank you!
Attention Starved
Summary: Scorch just returned home from a long mission, and you're trying to spoil him, but he has other plans.
Pairing: Clone Commando Scorch x Reader
Word Count: 872
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
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As much as you love Scorch, you’re of the opinion that he’s a little bit dramatic. It’s one of the many, many things you love about him, but sometimes, just sometimes, it can be a bit much. 
Like right now, for example. 
You’re trying to cook dinner for the pair of you. His favorite, a meal he specifically asked for. But now that you’re focused on the various pots and pans and are more concerned with making sure the food doesn’t burn, Scorch is sitting at the kitchen table watching you with a pout on his handsome face.
“Babe-” He whines, “Come and sit on my lap.”
“I’m trying to make sure that dinner doesn’t burn, love. Give me half an hour, and then you can have all of my attention.
You can hear him sulking, and you roll your eyes. “But I just got back from being away for months.” He bargains, “And I missed you.”
“I missed you too, but you asked for this meal, Scorch.” You remind him, “I offered to order in-”
“I didn’t know that it meant that you weren’t going to pay attention to me.” He sulks.
“You’ve seen me make this before,” You point out, “It always requires almost all of my attention.”
He perks up, “Almost?”
“As in I’m able to talk to you while cooking rather than being totally focused on the food,” Carefully you add some of the spices you set to the side earlier, and the kitchen fills with the rich scent of the spices. “Please be patient, Scorch.”
He sighs deeply, and you hear the sounds of the chair moving, and for a moment you think that he’s going to move into the living room to entertain himself, so you’re genuinely startled when strong arms wrap around your shoulders and he presses his face against your neck. “Can you cook like this?” He asks, his voice muffled by your neck.
You glance back at him, and then release a quiet laugh, “Yes, Scorch. I can cook like this.”
His grip tightens around you and he presses a feather light kiss against the junction of your neck and shoulder, before his arms slide down to wrap securely around your waist. 
“What did you do while I was gone?” Scorch asks, “Anything fun?”
“I worked,” You reply dryly.
“That’s not fun, babe. Did you go dancing? Out drinking with your friends?”
You switch your spoon to your other hand and then reach up to press your hand against his cheek, “Go dancing or drinking without you? Sounds boring.”
“Please tell me you didn’t just work and then come home and wait for me to come back.” Scorch teases, “You get to do things without me, love.”
You huff and lightly pat his cheek, “Of course I did. I went out to dinner with some friends, and I saw a couple of movies. But, honestly, everything is a little dull when you’re not here with me.”
“I love you too.” He says with a grin as he kisses your cheek.
You flash a small smile up to him, and then turn back to the food, “I know I’m really boring when you’re not here to make me do fun things.”
“Not boring. Never boring.” Scorch says immediately, “No one is allowed to call you boring, not even you.”
“Oh, what would you call not doing anything because you weren’t here to have fun with me?” You ask as you flip the meat in the skillet.
“I would say that you missed me.” Scorch replies promptly, “After all, you answered all of my comms, even the times I called you at 2 am, and woke you up.”
“Yeah, that was annoying. You’re lucky I love you.”
“I know, I know.” He kisses your cheek, “I apologized for that already.” Scorch rubs his cheek against yours.
“You did, and I answered every time anyway, so I’m not even mad.” You reply.
He hums thoughtfully, and then he reaches out and carefully cuts off all of the burners.
“Babe,” He trails kisses down your neck, “The food will keep.” Scorch murmurs.
“Come spend time with me, cyare.” He purrs, “Please?”
You hesitate, and then sigh. “Let me at least cover the food?”
You feel him grin against your neck, and you shake your head. “Thank you, babe.” Scorch murmurs, releasing you only long enough that you’re able to drop the lids on the various pots, and then he spins you so that you’re facing him.
He has a wide grin on his face, and his eyes are sparkling with mischief, and you have never been able to stay mad at him, so you reach up and wrap your arms around his neck, “You’re a troublemaker,” You whisper as he rains kisses across your face.
“You like my brand of trouble,” Scorch replies as his lips hover just over yours.
“You’re not wrong.” You say with a grin, and Scorch laughs as he tugs you out of the kitchen and into the living room.
You’ll probably have to toss the food on the stove, but at the moment you can’t bring yourself to care. You have Scorch and he has you and nothing else matters.
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reader6898 · 5 months
Pairing: delta squad x female reader (platonic), Sev x female reader (romantic)
Summary: Delta squad has to rescue you when you're taken while they're on a mission
Warning: Sev threatens to kill one of your captors, torture (not descriptive), mentions of slavery and sex work, language, that's it
A/n: I've never read any of the clone commando books so I apologize if I didn't get the characters right. I'm just kinda going off on what I've read from other people's fanfics
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"Where is she?"
The Zygerrian laughs as he answers Sev's question. "You're too late. She's long gone by now. Probably been sold already and pleasuring one of my brothers as we speak." The Zygerrian laughs again but immediately stops when Sev punches him.
Sev pulls out his vibroblade and pulls the male by his fur as he holds the blade to his neck. "If you don't tell me where she or your cronies have gone I will slice your kriffin throat without hesitation." The Zygerrian spits in Sev's face and stares at him. "I'm not telling you shit. So go ahead and kill me. Your girl is gone forever."
Sev was about to tear him apart when Boss comes in. "What!?" Sev breathes heavily as he continues to hold the blade to the Zygerrian's neck while he waits for whatever Boss is going to say to him.
"Come take a breather. Let Scorch or Fixer take over." "I'm fine." Boss sighs and Sev hears him come up behind him. Boss bends down and whispers loud enough only for Sev to hear his words. "You're not in your right mind, brother. He's never going to talk if you keep this up." Boss was right. Sev needed to take a step back. Boss takes a step back as Sev straightens up and Sev places the blade in the Zygerrian's leg. The Zygerrian screams out in pain but Sev does nothing to lessen to pain. "Hold that for me, would you?"
Sev follows Boss out of the room and curses are thrown his way but both of them ignore their hostage. Sev takes off his helmet and sets it down on the table before pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.
The team had been on a mission so you stayed behind as Sev had said it was too dangerous and that you could get hurt. While it had been true Sev didn't think that the danger would still find you. He was dead wrong.
They had come back from the mission and found their ship torn apart. Sev instantly panicked and went to find you but turned up empty. They searched for you in the nearby woods to see if you were hiding but had no luck. Since then Sev had been going out of his mind as the team continued their search for you.
When they got word from an informant that there were slavers in the area they checked it out and found one of the Zygerrians. They managed to subdue him and brought him back to the abandoned building that they were using when they started looking for you.
Hours later and Sev was still not getting answers that he was looking for. Boss puts a hand on his shoulder and Sev looks up at his brother. "We'll get her back. I promise." Sev knew that Boss was only trying to help but right now nothing he could say was helping to reassure him.
Scorch and Fixer walk up to them. "Did he say anything?" Sev nodded his head. "No. He's not going to cooperate with us." Fixer cracks his knuckles together. "Don't worry. I'll make him talk." Fixer and Scorch walk to the room and lock the door behind them.
Soon Sev and Boss could hear screaming coming from the locked room but chose to ignore it. The Zygerrian chose to lay down in his bed and now has to pay. Now all Boss and Sev have to do is wait patiently.
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Thirty minutes later Fixer and Scorch come out and Fixer heads for the sink. he takes off his gloves and cleans them off before washing his hands. Sev paces a little as he looks at his brothers. "well? did he say anything? give a location to where they're holding her?"
Scorch nods his head. "Yeah. Said that they were keeping her in a small place on the other side of the city. He also said that they'll have at least five to six people guarding the place and more in the building." Sev grabs his helmet. "Let's go." Boss sets a hand on his arm. "Hold on. We need a plan if we're going to rescue her. We can't go in blind."
"fuck the plan. I've waited long enough. I'm going to get her back with or without your help." Boss takes Sev aside. "You need to calm down. If we go in there blind we could end up getting hurt. Or worse. And I'm not even going to mention what could happen to her if we do." Sev stays quiet. He knew that Boss was right. If something happened to you Sev wouldn't be able to bare it. "Okay. Let's make a plan." Boss nods and the four of them make up a rescue plan.
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You sat quietly on the bed that you had been placed on by the men that took you. When they first found you you hand been outside admiring the plants and taking pictures of them with your holopad to show Sev later and collecting data on them. When you saw them come out of the trees you ran inside and they came after you. You threw everything at them that could get in their way but they had eventually caught up to you. You tried every fighting technique that you had been taught by delta squad but the zygerrians caught you and subdued you.
They were able to tie your arms behind your back and they also placed something over your eyes so that you couldn't see their faces. Once they had you in their grasp the Zygerrians brought you to wherever you were now.
You could hear a couple over in the corner talking to each other and others outside the room. Then you hear footsteps come your way and you panicked. The Zygerrian touches you and you flinch away. He laughs at how scared you are.
The Zygerrian that touched you said something in his native language that you couldn't understand but you had a feeling it had to be about the way you flinched or something inappropriate. The others laugh and you sit far away from him as possible. Taking you from Delta squad had been their first mistake. Now, if you were harmed in any way, these men wouldn't stand a chance against them, especially with Sev on the team. You were his sarad (flower) and if another man even thought about looking your way Sev would have their head.
You continued to sit there when all of a sudden there was shouting coming from outside. What was happening? Whatever it was it raised suspicion with your captors. There was more screaming and shouting and you could hear the zygerrians scrambling to get their weapons.
You could hear the leader of the group giving orders in their language and then it was just the two of you. He walked over to you and grabbed your hair. You let out a yelp as he held you close to his face. "If you make a sound I'll kill you. Understand?" You nodded and he let go of you. You sat in the corner on the bed and prayed that whoever it was didn't kill you as well.
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Sev took out another Zygerrian before joining his brothers. When they arrived at the building you were being held at it had gone smoothly in the beginning until one of the zygerrians came out and spotted them. Fixer took him out but soon more had been sent out at the arrival of the team.
They successfully made it inside but more and more zygerrians came at them. They really didn't want to give you up. "On your left!" Scorch took out another Zygerrian that was coming at him and joined Sev as they did their sweep. They looked in every room for you but so far came up empty. You had to be around here somewhere.
They joined Boss and Fixer on the next floor and saw that they had one of the zygerrians. "I'm asking you one last time: where is the girl?" Fixer held his blaster to his head as Boss stood face to face with him. The Zygerrian finally cracked at gave them their answer. "Two floors up. She's in the last room."
Boss nodded at Sev and Sev and Scorch ran up to the floor that you were being kept on. Sev was closer to you than ever now and once he has you back he won't be letting you go.
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You heard shouting coming from outside followed by blasters going on. You became frightened and struggled a little against the rope that was keeping your arms bound behind your back. Whatever was about to happen you didn't want to be a part of.
The shouting was outside the door of the room and you could feel your heart racing. You could hear the leader of the group stand up from where he was sitting and his weapon being picked up.
The noise from outside stopped and the door slid open. "I'll kill her." The weapon he was holding was pointing your way and you silently listened. You were now afraid for your life and you didn't know if the person that showed up was friend or foe.
Whoever it was didn't care as they shot at the Zygerrian and he went down. You heard footsteps and you panicked as you tried to make yourself small. "Please. Don't hurt me." The person approached you and you could hear them laying down their weapon on the bed and the sound of a helmet coming off
The person touched your shoulder and you screamed. "It's me, mesh'la." You sat there for a moment as you took in his words. "Sev?" Sev takes your blindfold off and you let yourself adjust to the light. Once you could see clearly you saw Sev looking. "It's okay. I got you." You cried as Sev cut the rope and you threw yourself into his arms.
Sev held you close before pulling you away and placed a kiss on your lips. You were visibly shaking and Sev pulled away once again. He brushed your hair out of your face and held your face in his hands. "Are you okay, cyare?" Your lower lip trembles and more tears fall onto your face.
"Shhh. It's okay, my love. I got you mesh'la. I got you." Sev wipes your tears as the others wait for the two of you outside the room. He places a kiss on your forehead, cheeks, lips, and finally one last one on your nose. You giggle a little and Sev was happy to see you smile. "There's my girl." He picks you up and holds you in his arms as he carries you out of the room. As all of you walk out of the building you hold onto Sev and bury your face in his neck. You missed him and the scent of him.
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That night you and Sev curl up together in his bunk. The two of you were inseparable since you had been rescued and you didn't mind one bit. You were happy to be back with your clone lover.
The two of you hold each other and as you close your eyes you let the lull of hyperspace pull you and Sev into a deep sleep.
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Tagging: @techs-stitches @anxiouspineapple99 @sev-on-kamino @wings-and-beskar @moonlightwarriorqueen @cw80831 @sunshinesdaydream @523rdrebel @dystopicjumpsuit @deejadabbles @multi-fan-dom-madness @rexxdjarin @the-rain-on-kamino @the-bad-batch-baroness @sinfulsalutations @eternal-transcience @starrylothcat
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thecoffeelorian · 9 months
Overwatch, Chapter 3
Inspired by ASMR
Word Count: 1.1k
3 of 5 Chapters
Created for TBBAW 2023 @tbb-appreciation-week
Characters: Crosshair and Omega, aka You are Omega because the usual ‘x reader’ tag will not work here.
Tags:  Smoking, Imperial Horror
A/N: I brought in one of the members of Delta Squad for this one, because they were shown around the end of Season 2 as Imperial Commandos, even if their faces were covered the whole time. Also, even though Omega doesn't know which Commando it is, my inspiration settled on Scorch for...reasons. *wink wink*
Tag List: @groguandthebadbatch
AO3: Click Here
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Crosshair goes and takes another puff, only this time, you're careful to lift the rag over your nose and mouth in case he tries to exhale any more smoke at you. After what you saw and heard on Ord Mantell, maybe that’s why you're not about to be caught unawares by anyone else’s surprises.
"And how are they going to find you?"
What you are ready to do, however, is not allow yourself to fall into despair, or sadness, or any other low feelings that can otherwise disrupt a person's well-being. Not when you could literally be within spitting range of the ship that could fly you to freedom.
"That’s easy. I'll just sneak out to where the hangar is, steal a ship, and then comm them once I hit hyperspace."
By contrast, Crosshair just sits in silence, watching you and then...smirking. He's got the look of someone who's acting as though you just told him a droid joke, though you don't remember saying anything silly. What is he reacting to this time, or are you too foolish to ask?
"You're going to find your way past all of these guards and doctors, sneak up to the uppermost levels of this facility without setting off a single alarm, and then convince one of these pilots to look the other way while you fly off with their shuttle...?"
"Of course. I've gotten away from two bounty hunters already, how can some Imperials be any—"
"—How do you plan to steal one of their key-cards?"
"Their what now...?"
His smirk widens.
"Their key-cards, kid. The things they have to use to get from one level to another, without which nobody has proper clearance. How are you going to get one?"
At first, you imagine the ground dropping out directly from under you, leaving you to fall forever into whatever lightless void waits beyond all the floorboards, dirt, and everything else than lies between.
Then, you get your first of many ideas, and hopefully not your last. Specifically, your mind turns to Emerie Karr, not just the strange woman who claimed to be your sister, but also the second 'doctor' you happened to meet in this scary new place. She might have the clearance you need to go snoop around a little, never mind to help create your escape plan.
Provided, of course, that you manage to work your way into her good graces first.
"I can go to Emerie. She’s also a clone, right? Maybe I can just ask to borrow hers one day, like...to go help Nala Se, or something."
His smirk hasn't vanished yet, but at least the two of you are thinking ahead rather than arguing. So far, so good.
"...All right. So you now have the key-card, but you're going to need your weapon back. How do you plan to get it?"
Your memory rewinds for your a second time, back when one of those Imperial guards took your beloved energy bow and traveling sack away from you, seemingly because they thought your journeys were over. However...since this facility has dedicated itself to various forms of research, would they choose throwing a potential asset away over studying its strengths, weaknesses, and overall capability in combat?
"Well, there's got to be an armory here, if not also a weapons testing room. I'm good at snooping in places where nobody would expect me, so maybe I can start there."
"And then what?"
"Then, I'll...eavesdrop in secret to learn their pass codes, after which I'll sneak in after dark and take back what they took from me."
"Good, good...so you're armed, and you have clearance. Now lie down."
Crosshair barely pushes you back onto your bed in time before you hear the footsteps, the one sign available to you that an Imperial Guard is coming. Did he hear you talking? He must have. Those upgraded helmets could have also upgraded their comm devices and earbuds in the time you spent away from Kamino. What if he—
"—Shhh. Just lie still until he leaves."
He doesn't dare speak above a whisper, but then again, he won't have to tell you twice. The growing sound of this Guard's breathing is more than enough to make you go rigid and silent, your face turned toward the wall to purposefully avoid having to stare into that faceless visor. Each new breath he takes makes the sick feeling in your stomach return, and with it, your fear of being discovered by him grows a little at a time.
"Who's still awake? Status report."
It's a sound you only ever heard in the hospital bays before, the sound of respirators keeping so many Troopers alive while they healed from blaster wounds, broken bones, concussions, infections, and so many other strange descendants of the Republic's battlefield. This Guard, curiously enough, rarely made it into those same bays because of how accomplished his team—also known as Delta Squad—had once been, according to all the stories. Curiouser still, you had once believed him to be far above serving any dictator—let alone this new 'Emperor' Palpatine—because as far as you were concerned, they were the closest things to heroes besides your own Clone Force 99.
How quickly the galaxy has seen it fit to teach you otherwise.
“...Ya know, you’re not in trouble. Every Trooper has a rough night here and there, so. Any of you shinies wanna tell me who ignored the ‘Lights Out’…?”
His voice sounds a little bit clearer now, so he’s got to be a little bit closer to you than before. He’s coming. He’s on his way, but you’re not going to look back at him. He may be so close as to notice that you’re only pretending to be asleep, but you are not going to look back at him. The moment that you do will be the same moment you disappear behind those massive gray doors, and then—
“—The kid had a bad dream.”
Then...nothing happens whatsoever. You’re fighting the urge to turn and see if he’s standing right behind you, but this Imperial Commando makes no sound of response. Shouldn’t he be trying to punish you right now, or something…?!
“You do know how kids can be, right? You obviously had nightmares at her age. I never met any other regs who didn’t, so...maybe you could do her a favor, and ignore the usual protocols just this once?”
You hear a low sigh from nearby, a shifting of old armor rattling in spite of its new technological upgrades—
“All right, Trooper. Just this once.”
—And then, whichever part of Delta Squad this Trooper is supposed to be—be he Boss the fighter, Fixer the hacker, or Scorch the accident-prone, as there was never any further word about Sev—simply walks away to continue his rounds of guard duty.
He’s gone now.
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toska-writes · 9 months
This fix is based on this fanart lol (x)
“A Little Buggy”
Summary: You don’t know where the bugs came from, or why there’s loads and loads but hopefully someone on the squad can gather more than one brain cell to stop this.
Paring: Delta Squad x GN padawan!reader
Warning: none just some brotherly action
Word count: 952 not proofread!
Notes: so clearly school started back which is… fun? Sure yeah. Ficus are gonna be a little slower butttt part 3 of endure is coming out next!
Also better news I got a leopard Gecko who is properly named REX!
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You had no idea where the bugs came from, granted they were more dangerous than normal bug's because they were big and metal, and oh yeah could shoot at you.
Watching Scorch run past with a least 3 bugs actively trying to climb up his back. Followed close on his tail flashed the armor of none other than Fixer, carrying both his blaster and the one Scorch dropped.
They seemed to pour from a hole in the factory (that was suppose to blow up altogether) you were originally tasked with destroying.
Now you could understand why.
"Heads up!" The voice of Boss filled your ears, and almost nearly at the same moment you could feel the unmistakable presence of Sev gaining on you. Something cold seemed to grasp you leg pulling you down while igniting your lightsaber. The sucker never stood a chance- however when hundreds more are retaking it's spot- it seemed difficult.
10 of the head sized bugs advanced on you now, but also Sev with guns a blazing. Blaster bolts rained around you as you tried to get back up on your feet, after a shot burned past your ear your head snapped to Sev.
"These little shits Sev, not me!" You yelled as a hand landed on your robes and pulled you up, finally regaining balance you stomped the last droid that was currently on you.
"Yeah we'll it's hard to tell you apart." He spoke with a gruff turning back to look at Boss who had his own problems currently.
You could hear the audible sigh come from Boss as he finished his own little wave of attack. "We'll have to regroup somewhere where we can form another plan to destroy all of the droids."
The comms crackled to life as pants from the resident demolition were heard before he spoke. “Fixer thinks there could be a way to shut them all off if we can get back into the facility.”
“Sev couldn’t have just told us that?” You questioned as another droid was batted down by your lightsaber.
“Little bugger cracked his comms.” From somewhere in the background you could hear the faint voice of Fixer arguing with Scorch probably over the real story.
You could almost hear the eye roll that came from Boss before he started ordering everyone to different positions for this impromptu plan.
The other commandos met up and it was little to no time before you and Scorch were running head first into the swarm.
“I’m starting to see a pattern of these missions.” You huffed to scorch while plowing down the droids.
“Us running into trouble first? Yeah me too.” Scorch shouted too you as more and more of these droid bugs seemed to spears
“If this beeping goes on any longer I swear to the maker.” You could hear Boss curse through the comms.
While you and Scorch tried to lead the bugs one way into the factory Sev, Boss, and Fixer were to take care of any stragglers before looking atriums themselves for some sort of off switch.
“5 credits I find it before you.” Scorch said to you.
“Make it 10.” You countered slapping a bug off the commandos shoulder.
“Is this really the time for bets?” Someone asked over the comms but was downed out when Sev spoke up. “Add an extra 10 if Scorch doesn’t make it back from this one.”
“Deal.” You spoke up rounding another bend.
“Fine. Deal.” Scorch solidified his fate.
An inner buzzer to to factory doused the hall with red flashes. Metal scraping over metal married with the sound of blaster bolts followed in the wake of the pair.
Screens upon screens seemed to cover the room both of you entered through before Scorch shot a blast right at the door pad to close it.
The satisfying plunk against the door could also put a gruesome smile on your face.
“Now where oh where could this off switch be?” The demolition man said in a sing song way.
Silence fell over the park as both eyes latched on what could possibly be the switch. Looking back over your view was met with nothing but the commando helmet.
Gripping the armor tightly you pushed as hard as you could to propel yourself quickly to the button.
Realizing this was the way you wanted this to play out Scorch tried desperately to grab onto any part of the Jedi in front of him.
Getting shoved back slightly you watched as Scorch was about to get to the lever. You had to humble him somehow.
Calling upon the force-which was not cheating- the lever came down and the banging on the door seemed to grow quiet.
Whipping around the commando ripped his helmet off before storming up to you. “That’s totally against the rules! Your not getting my credit.”
With a smug look you responded. “Oh no I will get them, just be glad I didn’t sacrifice you to the masses to get the extra 10.”
Opening the door again and walking out to the hall was like walking through a junkyard. Some of the droids were disassembled from trying to claw there way to the front and other were in perfect working conditions.
Scooping one of the better looking ones up Scorch explained. “GARs gonna wanna take a look at these bad boys.”
Rejoining with the group and stepping over many of the abandoned droids the walk to the ship was a quiet one.
That was until you were trying to get your rightfully earned credits since unlike last time you were the one who did it by following the plan.
You said you’d get them back no matter what
Taglist: @arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97 @pb-jellybeans @floffytofu @verybadatwriting @solstraalaa @ray-rook
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✚✚ ABOUT ME ✚✚
(Just realised I haven't made one yet lol)
Name: 'IWillStealYourToes'
Nicknames (in order of pref): Toto, To, IWillStealYourToes (bit ominous saying my whole username 💀 /lh)
Pronouns + Gender: She/her + Female
Sexuality: Bisexual/a-spec(?) + maybe polyam (I'm open to trying)
Languages: English, though I'm learning German and Spanish too :)
Other: I'm neurodivergent bc I have OCD (and maybe smth else like ADHD)
Languages - Ever since early Highschool, I adored all languages! I currently only learn German and Spanish, but if I could I would learn French too. My dream is to be at least tri-lingual!!
Maths - I think since I was young I was always good at maths, which I'm very grateful for. I think my favourite type of Maths is probably shapes in triangles or something like that, though algebra in general is fun :)
Accounting (ik ew) - In the beginning I found it difficult, but the more I learnt the easier I found it. Sometimes it's nice just sit and do numbers and nothing super creative.
Gaming - I love gaming with all my heart. I think I've always been interested in games since I was at least 9 or something. My current favourite game is probably TF2!! I started playing in 2019 and haven't stopped loving it since (although the a lot of the playerbase can be toxic)
Drawing - I'm not the best at drawing, but a sketch now and then always helps me, especially when I want to make a new OC! I also like sketching up outfit ideas for me to try out later. I usually draw fem people, since I'm not that good at drawing masc people :(
Writing - Of course I love writing! I started writing 'x reader' fics when I was on Wattpad then moved to Tumblr!
Playing piano - I'm self-taught so I'm not that good, but I still enjoy playing simple tunes now and then. Last song I was learning was 'I Giorni'. :)
Swimming - I don't take classes, I just enjoy relaxing in the water. Sometimes it's really nice just to immerse yourself in the water and not make a sound, you know?
✚My current fandoms✚
TF2 - I think this is probably my special interest lol. I love TF2 more than anything, if I can relate it to TF2 I probably have tbh-
My fave character is Engie or Demo and my main is Medic!
PAYDAY 2 - Something about shooting things as a team is just rlly fun to me lmao. The OST is genuinely so good if you can't get the game just listen to it pls- I usually am a stealth guy but omg M1 garand yippeeeee- Used to be my hyperfixation lol
My fave character is Sokol or Dallas and my main is Joy (I play Sokol or Dallas sometimes)
Undertale - Probably the first game I actually loved??? It's literally still on my favourite list fr- I would play it again but I did the True Pacifist run and I don't wanna ruin Frisk's life 😭
My fave character is Papyrus!
Star Wars: Clone Wars - It's an amazing show with great characters and visuals! I definitely have it as one of my special interests... It's really interesting to watch the show and see how each season the animation/visuals improve. I wish there was a separate show or smth where the clones actually get a good ending for once... 😭
My favourite character is Fives, Tech or Plo Koon :)
(I literally just found out the graffiti on Plo Koon's ships say 'Plo's Bros' and I can't stop thinking about it)
Lethal Company - I love this little horror game so much! I had a hyperfixation (no longer) to the point I actually made a 67 slide PowerPoint about it... I might have a problem. I like playing it with my friends the most, since I get scared alone really easily!
Republic Commando - Recently got it and I am hyperfixating fr 😭 I love these lil guys so much I sure hope nothing bad happens to them (especially to Scorch and Sev haha) (/s, I know what happens)
My fave character for sure is Scorch :) He's just a silly guy (he has committed several murder-sprees and will continue to do so)
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wanderinginksplot · 9 months
Refuge Chapter Six
Continued slow-burn Delta Squad x fem!reader fic
Now that you've made your decision, the real work begins.
Word Count: 4,700
Warnings: Mild suspicions, explosions, mentions of theft and pickpocketing
Previous | Next | Masterlist
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“And certain you are of this choice?” Master Yoda asked you, his voice grave.
You hesitated, unwilling to lie. Were you certain? No, not entirely. But despite your lack of confidence, this was the right decision. You knew that much. Your gut - maybe the Force, maybe just instinct - was drawing you toward Delta Squad, and you knew better than to go against a feeling that strong.
“This is the correct choice,” you answered eventually, deciding on simple honesty.
Yoda's eyes - disproportionately large and disconcertingly insightful - were locked on you for a heart-pounding moment before he nodded slowly. "Agree with you, I do. As does the Council."
That took a moment to filter past the roaring in your ears, but the kind nods and gentle smiles from the Council behind the diminutive Jedi master helped you understand.
"Thank you," you said, fighting back a wince at the tremors you could hear in your own voice.
"It will not be a simple task," Master Unduli warned. "We will not send you into the field without any training."
"Training?" you repeated, frowning at the unexpected revelation.  
"Yes, training." Master Windu's tone was firm. "At the very least, we will teach you to recognize when you're using the Force. Beyond that, you'll get training on how to infiltrate an area, basic combat abilities, weapons training, and as much information about Separatist battle plans and tactics as we can manage."
"And how long will that take?" you asked carefully, striving not to sound ungrateful.
“Likely a few weeks,” Master Unduli calculated. “Delta Squad will complete their next mission alone. You will not accompany them until the following mission.”
“A few weeks,” you mused. It was a shorter span of time than you had expected, but you still had some questions. “I’m sorry, Masters, but that seems like an extremely short amount of time. Am I going to be able to learn everything I need to know by then?”
“It will be a lot of work,” Master Windu warned, his brows lowered into a foreboding line. “You must be prepared for that.”
“The reason your training will not last longer is that we are not teaching you to be a Jedi,” Master Unduli explained. “You will learn some control exercises, but you only need to use them when your emotions begin to get the best of you. You will practice controlling your emotions and recognizing when you are beginning to lose that control. You will learn the basics of working in a combat situation, as well as the expectations of working with the GAR.”
You nodded, but Yoda spoke next. “Warn you, we must. Instructed, Delta Squad has been. If signs of betrayal they see, inform us they will. Watching, we will be.”
“I understand,” you agreed. “When do I start?”
“I’m sorry?” you said politely to Master Yoda. You had heard some of the younglings in the Temple talk about the tiny green Jedi, and all of it was done in tones of awe. He, apparently, was one of the most powerful Jedi to have ever lived… and he had lived for a great deal longer than it would seem. It paid to be polite, even if you were taken fully aback by the answer he had given you. 
“One of the instructors, Master Vildon Haze, is going to begin training you in control techniques,” Master Unduli told you. “This afternoon, your instruction will be undertaken by an expert in the criminal underworld of the galaxy, Master Tera Sinube.”
“So, control over my feelings and learning about the criminal underworld,” you summarized. “Are those going to be the two main things I focus on?”
“Consider this your first lesson,” Master Windu said, not unkindly. “Trust that we know the correct path for you. Save your questions for the things that really matter.”
You bowed your head slightly, trying to decide whether that was something you were able to accept as a good idea. You had always overflowed with questions, doing your best to learn about everything and everyone around you - it was what had helped you survive the Separatists as long as you had. The idea of trying to change that facet of yourself was… uncomfortable.
No, not change, you amended internally. Just bite back. Push it down for a little while as you trained in the Jedi temple. They were not asking you to become a Jedi. As soon as you learned what you needed to know to function alongside Delta Squad, you would be on your own once more and could ask every question that came into your head.
With that in mind, you nodded. “Yes, Masters.”
"How do you think the jetii will go about training her?" Scorch asked in a rare quiet moment.
"That really what you're thinking about right now?" Fixer bit out, checking his blaster for damage. 
Scorch shrugged. "What else should I be thinking about?"
Boss stared at him, inclining his head to indicate the current situation. "Finding a way out of this cave would be a good place to start."
"I have a way: a thermal detonator, some explosive tape, and a reckless disregard for life." With that, Scorch finished rigging the improvised blasting system and patted the rock wall beside it. He knew better than to risk patting the system itself. "There you go. Done in less than two minutes and I was able to think about the newest Delta at the same time. Try to act like you aren't impressed."
"I'm not impressed," Sev snapped. "You're the reason we're stuck here in the first place."
It was true, but Scorch didn't let that bother him. Anyone could have thrown a thermal detonator that had a forgotten piece of blasting tape stuck to it. It was just bad luck that the combined explosion had been strong enough to start a rock slide that trapped Delta Squad in a cave.
"Look on the bright side," Scorch suggested. "At least there aren't any enemies out there."
Sev scoffed, but Boss looked at the entrance of the cave, hidden behind a messy spill of rocks. He activated his HUD’s heat sensor with a twitch of his cheek and performed a brief search for living organisms outside. He gave a short nod. 
"Scorch is right: if there are wets out there, they're either dead or dying."
"Just wait until this hits 'em," Scorch agreed, indicating his work on the perimeter of the slide. “Speaking of, take cover.”
Sev wordlessly led the retreat toward the back of the cavern. He had been front and center for most of Scorch’s exploits since… well, since Kamino. Boss and Fixer had been present for more than a few, but their pace was too slow. It told Scorch they didn’t understand what was about to happen, not really. 
Ah, well. They’d find out soon enough. Scorch moved to the closest possible spot that could still be deemed safe, broadcasted a short countdown in the inter-HUD comm channel, and activated the detonator. 
The resulting explosion was stunning, even to the person who had set the charges.
A blinding flash and a deafening roar did their best to destroy two of Scorch’s senses, but the wave broke against the muffling plastoid of his helmet. When the dust settled, there was an open space where the previously blocked entrance to the cave had been. 
“Mission accomplished,” Scorch announced, rising from his protective crouch.
Fixer was cursing into the squad comm channel while Sev growled something foul in Mando’a. Boss strove for a milder tone. “Scorch, you think you might have overshot the parameters of the assignment?”
Scorch turned, arms open wide as he indicated the space around him and over his head. “You said you wanted it clear, Boss. I got it clear. Besides, didn’t the Sarge always teach us that commandos go above and beyond? Or… wait. That might have been the holos of propaganda they show to the natties. But at least we have a clear exit.”
Boss snorted at Scorch’s rambling. As he passed by, taking point as always, Scorch saw his helmet tip back as he admired the results of the demolition job. Or, at least, that’s what he should have been doing. There was room for all of them to leave the cave side-by-side (disregarding the rubble, of course), and the new opening was tall enough to pilot a LAATi through if they had brought one. Honestly, the cave probably wouldn’t last much longer with so much of its structure gone, but it was still standing now. 
Scorch gave himself a pat on the back for that.
“I’m still waiting on an answer,” he reminded the others, trailing behind them. They had left the cave while Scorch admired his own work, leaving him to huck his slightly-lighter pack over his shoulder and hustle after them. “What do you think the jetii are doing to train her?”
“Hopefully some basic weapons drills,” Boss replied absently, checking for enemies before he led Delta around a corner.
“Like a jetii knows anything about any weapon other than a lightsaber,” Sev told him, voice sour. “What else do they do to train? They’re probably teaching her a bunch of mystical osik.”
“Watch your tone, oh-seven,” Fixer warned.
Boss’s voice was carefully bland when he responded, ignoring Fixer entirely. “Do you have a problem with me letting someone new join Delta Squad, Sev?”
“She’s not joining us, she’s tagging along,” Sev said.
“You’re the one who said she could keep up with us,” Fixer reminded him. 
“Yeah, as a civilian,” Sev emphasized. “But she isn’t gonna be coming as a civvie. If she’s trained by the jetii, she’ll be considered part of the GAR.”
Boss was still wearing his helmet, but it was clear from his tone that he was frowning, unable to see the problem. “And..?”
“And, GAR personnel are all considered expendable,” Sev bit out. “She won’t be protected. She’ll have to come along on all of our missions. And we know what kind of missions we get sent on.”
“Kandosii'la ones?” Scorch suggested.
Sev’s frosty silence said that he didn’t agree with Scorch’s upbeat assessment. “Dangerous ones. Ones where a civvie might be able to wait in the ship or be kept out of the action, but a GAR staff member would be expected to pitch in and keep up. And no month of training is enough for her to do that, especially when that training is being done by the jetii.”
“We’ll just have to keep her safe,” Fixer decreed. “We decided she could be helpful, didn’t we? That hasn’t changed just because her status might.”
“It changes more than you think,” Sev bit out. “We barely got outta that back there. How do you think an untrained civvie would have done? They send us on the missions that can’t be done by standard troopers, and now they want someone with no augmentations to help. And how is she going to help us at all? She did well enough on her planet, but that place was a hundred years behind the rest of the galaxy. She’ll be out of her depth every day, especially with us. She doesn’t have any useful skills other than being ignored.”
Silence fell in the inter-HUD chat as the members of Delta Squad considered that point… though, of course, they disguised it as concentration on picking their way back through the complex network of caves that led back to where they had left the ship. Sev wasn’t known for making long and passionate speeches about anything. The fact that he was doing it now about a civilian who may or may not be considered half a Jedi was concerning. 
They had nearly reached the ship by the time Boss spoke. “For whatever reason, the GAR and the jetii decided that she would work well with us. Civvie or not, skilled or not, she’s part of the squad now.”
The quiet was oppressive until Scorch decided to break it with his favorite weapon: a joke. “Don’t worry, Sev. Worst case, we’ll just send her back to the Triple Zero and forget she ever existed.”
Sev didn’t answer out loud, but the rest of Delta Squad saw the slight, doubtful shake of his head.
Your time at the Jedi Temple passed much the way you had assumed it would. As the members of the Council had told you, your training consisted mostly of time spent learning to control your emotions and to do basic surveillance. 
Master Haze was normally assigned to work with the younglings of the Jedi Temple. The Iktotchi female was particularly skilled with children, but she was able to adapt her teaching style to one that you responded to quite well. You felt like you were improving rapidly on controlling your emotional response to everything that had happened. With her guidance, you had confronted your two major sources of emotional turmoil: your grief about the past and your fear about the future.
Master Sinube was an elderly male Jedi. You weren't familiar with his species and it felt rude to ask. In any case, he was often overlooked by others. Whether it was because of his age or his tendency to ramble, Master Sinube was constantly underestimated by those around him. Under his tutelage, you learned to see beyond sight, to listen instead of simply hear, and to don an unremarkable aura like a cloak.
Eventually, you added a third piece of training, done in the form of lessons with Jedi Master Quinlan Vos. 
Master Vos was another expert in the criminal underworld. While Master Sinube specialized in the peoples of Coruscant, Master Vos had a more generalized skill set. More importantly, he was still actively going undercover and knew the intricacies of how the war had impacted crime. 
Realistically, you were underprepared for war. You had gone from never having left your home to preparing for galaxy-wide travel, all in a very short span of time. If you had the choice, you would elect for more training, but - as the Masters reminded you - you would resume training between missions, every time you were on Coruscant. For now, you had gained an understanding of the way things worked. That didn’t feel like it would be enough, but the hope was that any gaps would be covered by your connection to the Force. 
In any case, you were far beyond where you had been when you first arrived at the Jedi Temple. You had formed connections with the Jedi, learned to balance your emotions with your new-found abilities, and learned how to navigate through the underworld you would find on all too many planets through the galaxy. Did you feel ready? No. But the Jedi Masters constantly assured you that you were ready, and that would have to be good enough. 
Finally, you were called into the Council’s chambers. There were several Masters missing. That wasn’t unusual - the demands of war took them all away from Coruscant, though some more often than others - but some of the faces you had relied on seeing were gone. A blue, flickering version of Master Unduli hovered just over her customary chair, but Master Windu wasn’t present even in hologram form. Still, you had gotten familiar with some of the other masters over your time at the Temple and weren’t completely lost in the group.
“You have made excellent progress over the past few weeks,” Master Fisto told you, a broad grin stretched across his face. “How do you feel?”
You straightened your shoulders, trying to project confidence as you matched Master Fisto’s smile. “I know I have a great deal left to learn, but I feel I’m much better off than when I first arrived. Thank you all for helping me.”
The typical Jedi bow felt odd and alien still, but you gave a deep nod to show your respect to the gathered Masters and were happy to see them respond in kind. 
“We must have some proof of your abilities before we send you into the field,” Master Secura warned. “It would be irresponsible of us to order an untested civilian into danger without knowing that you can look after yourself.”
“I understand,” you agreed easily. “What do you want me to do?”
The other Masters glanced at Master Yoda. The diminutive being beamed at you. “A special mission, we have for you…”
Fixer bit back a sigh as he watched Scorch crane his head around, trying to look in every direction at once. Delta Squad had been on Coruscant before, but it had been a different quadrant and, apparently, Scorch thought this new one was just as interesting.
Not that it would have mattered if Delta had been assigned to that very neighborhood where they had been last time. Given the cramped space and the incredible population density, even that small area had probably changed dramatically in the time since Delta had left. There were only so many beings who could occupy the same space before homeostasis became impossible.
He couldn’t really blame Scorch for studying their surroundings so eagerly… but that didn’t stop him from being irritated. “Six-Two, you’ll hurt your neck if you keep doing that.”
Scorch’s only reply was a scoff, but he did dial it back, relying on the holocams embedded in his HUD to provide him with a 360° image of the crowded street they were walking down. The buildings towered overhead, narrowing the sky to a slight flash of light between the transports caught in a line of traffic. Even here, on the top level of Coruscant, seeing the sky was a luxury reserved only for those who could pay for it. 
“I don’t know why the jetii had us run their errands,” Sev bit out, his low voice harsh over the crispness of their in-HUD comms. “Isn’t it enough we’re fighting their war?”
“Sev,” Boss warned. “Stow the attitude. It took us four minutes out of our way.”
“And you’re not even the one carrying the shuk’yc box,” Fixer added. He thought about tapping the small rectangle at his belt for emphasis, but he could feel Sev’s glare through both of their helmets and knew his brother had gotten the point.
“What are the medals for, anyway?” Scorch asked, apparently having gotten his fill of the streets of the Triple Zero. “Are we getting promoted?”
The snort could have come from anyone, but Fixer’s credits were on Sev.
“Pretty sure they’re jetii-specific,” Boss told him. “Counts out any of us verde.”
“Shame,” Scorch said carelessly. “I could use a new rank.”
“Why?” Fixer asked, unable to prevent himself from tossing out the barbed comment that had come to him. “You aren’t doing much with your current one.”
“Because I’m not being challenged,” Scorch complained.
“That isn’t true,” Sev joined in. “Just because you haven’t beaten a challenge doesn’t mean you haven’t gotten any.”
Fixer snickered as Scorch threw an elbow at the deep-voiced commando. “Har, har, Sev. If you want to see a real challenge-”
“Men,” Boss said sharply, cutting off whatever antics that may have started. “Pipe down and hurry up. We have a meeting with the jetii and I don’t want to be late.”
Delta Squad obliged, the men cutting their bickering short as they picked up the pace. Fortunately, their white armor and the intimidating shape of the commando visors helped them cut effortlessly through the crowd.
Or almost effortlessly. 
Even as the thought crossed his mind - though it was couched in the uncomfortable realization that they were designed to protect these beings and most of them were more scared of Delta Squad than they would have been of Grievous himself - a short form collided with Fixer.
He glanced down in surprise, catching sight of wide eyes and a gasping mouth under a deep hood before the being gave a hoarse yelp, ducked its head, and scurried away. 
“However much Procurement spent on the proximity sensors in your armor,” Scorch remarked, “I’m glad to know it wasn’t wasted on you, Fixer.”
Fixer rolled his eyes, grumbling at his loud-mouthed brother, and focused on their path through the city. 
“Do you think she’s done training?” Boss asked, unprompted. There was a beat of silence between them, one that stretched only a millisecond too long before Boss added, “That’s why they’ve brought us back here. It has to be.”
“You don’t think they would send her to meet us somewhere?” Sev asked.
Scorch, sounding uncharacteristically uncertain, said, “She’s only been with them a few weeks. Maybe they brought us here for something else?”
Fixer shook his head. “We’re not important enough to be invited to meet with the Jedi Council if it doesn’t have to do with her. Do you think we’ll be invited to see her graduation ceremony?”
“She’s not a shiny leaving Kamino for the first time,” Sev told him derisively. “They won’t give her a ceremony. They probably won’t even evaluate her skills.”
“How would they, with the skills they say she has?” Boss asked.
“I would start with a basic weapons skill test.” Scorch shook his head. “Gonna guess that would be asking too much from the Jedi. Do any of them have to take tests?”
“Sort of,” Fixer told him, watching from the corner of his eye as a group of younglings appeared and started begging for credits from the people walking just ahead of Boss. Well, half of them were begging, the other half were picking pockets. They were smart enough not to try either move on the troopers. “They pass a ‘Trial’, but there’s no telling what that is. Sometimes the Jedi create it, but it’s usually something that happens to them in the field. A challenge they overcame.”
There was a curious pause after that, but Fixer kept his eyes on the surprisingly skilled younglings. Eventually, Boss huffed out half a laugh. “Didn’t know you were an expert on the Jedi, Fixer.”
Fixer shrugged. “Pays to know about the people in charge of commanding the GAR.”
He, of course, didn’t offer up the information that he had only recently become interested in the Jedi, what was expected of them, and what they were and weren’t allowed to do. Very recently.
“We’re getting close on time,” Boss commented. Fixer’s HUD chronometer told him the same thing. “Double-time, men.”
At the commandos’ increased pace, they were at the Jedi Temple before any more conversation could be had. Fixer didn’t mind. Despite their best efforts, Delta was a little late to the meeting - not by more than a few minutes, but from Boss’s impatient huffs in the repulsorlift, it was too much.
Still, when they got to the Jedi Council’s chamber, their entrance didn’t interrupt anything. The Council members were sitting in peaceful silence other than a few scattered conversations between holofigures. You were nowhere to be found.
Boss snapped a crisp salute and the rest of Delta followed his lead. “Delta Squad, reporting. Apologies for our tardiness, sirs.”
“Worry not,” General Yoda assured him. “Started, we have not.”
“Yes, we could hardly begin the proceedings without you,” General Kenobi agreed, seemingly amused by some kind of private joke. Fixer couldn’t say what was funny, but at least the Jedi didn’t seem to be laughing at them. 
“Where is she?” Scorch asked, and Fixer was relieved to see that his brother had asked it in their inter-HUD comm channel rather than aloud. “Shouldn’t she already be here?”
“Maybe she’s late, too?” Fixer suggested.
“Or she didn’t want to see Scorch’s di’kutla face again,” Sev opined.
“You two don’t want to see the punishment I cook up if you start bickering in front of the Jedi Council,” Boss warned, voice heavy with threat. 
There was no more inter-HUD communication. 
The quiet in the chamber was so intense that Fixer nearly jumped when the repulsorlift in the atrium warned of another arrival. He turned reflexively and was thankful for the cover of his helmet when he saw you hurrying into the room.
He expected you to look flustered, but your general appearance of disarray seemed to be due to excitement and… pleasure? You were wearing an odd assortment of clothing - an ill-fitting, bland-looking array of gray, brown, and dark green - though the bright yellow of your vambraces flashed through the gloom. 
As you walked forward, Fixer’s training leapt to the front of his mind. There was armor in your clothing. Not much of it, but enough to reduce the risk of being hurt. 
After you had been politely greeted by the Council, General Windu arched his brows. “And? Did you succeed?”
“I did!” you confirmed with a joyful smile, reaching toward one hip.
“Perhaps you should tell Delta Squad about your mission first?” General Secura encouraged.
“Of course,” you said, a slight hint of embarrassment dimming your happiness for only a moment. When you turned toward them, your brow creased oddly. “Why are you still wearing your helmets?”
The question hung heavy in the air for a moment before Boss broke the seal between his helmet and his body glove, pulling off his bucket and tucking it under one arm. The rest of the squad followed his example, and were rewarded with another beaming smile from you. 
 “I was given a single piece of information and sent to use it however I thought most appropriate,” you explained. Privately, Fixer thought that was a little vague, but you continued. “In this case, I was told that a group of soldiers was going to pick up some Jedi artifacts.”
General Koon leaned forward in his chair, templing his long fingers. “And what did you do with that information?”
“I tracked Delta Squad from the GAR dockyards and followed them until they picked up the artifacts. I was able to recover them from Fixer and then tailed them the rest of the way here. They never saw me.”
“Is that true?” General Windu asked Boss. “Did you or any of your men see her or otherwise suspect that something may have been wrong?”
“I had no idea,” Boss told him, a shade of respect in his tone. “Men?”
“Not a clue,” Scorch chimed easily.
Sev shook his head.
Fixer opened his mouth, but nothing came out. His stomach twisted unpleasantly. That small box - its weight nearly imperceptible - weighed heavy in the pouch at his hip. You hadn’t gotten the medallions from him, but could he make the Jedi somehow believe that you had? Maybe if he pretended he had put them in a different pouch… 
At last, he realized that he probably wouldn’t be able to lie to an entire group of Jedi. He pulled the box from his belt.
“I… still have this, though,” he admitted, trying to apologize to you with his eyes alone. Another trooper would have understood the non-verbal communication in a moment, but natties only knew what they could hear out loud. 
He held the box out to you, but you only watched him with amusement on your face. “Open it.”
Fixer pulled the box back, staring at it for a moment before he did as you said. The box opened easily, revealing an utter lack of contents.
General Windu cleared his throat. “Again. Did any of you see her or suspect something was wrong?”
Fixer shook his head slowly. “No. I- I never even felt someone touch the box.”
“Does that mean I passed?” you asked. 
“Yes,” General Yoda said, inclining his wrinkled head. His expression grew solemn the next moment. “But warn you, we must: face many more challenges on the battlefield, you will. Hmm… difficult challenges indeed.”
“I understand, Master,” you said, offering a bow to the gathered Jedi. “Thank you all for the training and allowing me this opportunity. I look forward to using what I’ve already learned and learning more every time I return to Coruscant.”
General Yoda smiled kindly. General Windu looked to Boss. “Boss, you and Delta Squad are scheduled to leave Coruscant early tomorrow morning. You’ll be accompanying the Wolfpack on a relief mission. We’ll meet for a briefing at twenty-one thirty.”
Boss saluted. “Yes, sir!”
“C’mon,” Scorch urged, cutting his salute short to tug at your arm. “Drop off those medals and we’ll find a fun way to spend our time planetside.”
Author's Note - Not a huge fan of this chapter, honestly, but we needed to get it out of the way to set up for the next few! Thank you to those who have been reading and leaving kind comments and waiting so patiently. I appreciate you!
You can find other works on my masterlist or sign up for my taglist here.
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zinzinina · 2 years
I was wondering... How do you think Delta Squad would react to seeing the reader in lingerie for the first time? 👀
Ohhh anon! I love this; thank you for sending such a sweet prompt to me! 💕 I’m so sorry; this has been sitting in my inbox for months and you’ve probably forgotten sending it, but I just rediscovered this today and felt a little burst of inspiration! x
Pairing: Boss x F!Reader, Fixer x F!Reader, Scorch x F!Reader, Sev x F!Reader Word Count: 1k Rating: 18+ Explicit Warnings: Lingerie, slight praise kink, some body worship, non-explicit mentions of penetrative sex, implied oral sex (f receiving), anything else I’ve missed please let me know.
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You won’t get much of a dramatic reaction out of Boss...mainly because he’s the one who bought you the lingerie in the first place
And you might be wondering how he managed to get his hands on such a beautiful set when he’s both time-poor and, like...poor-poor
But he considers it well worth calling in every favour he’s owed from vod and civilian alike when it comes to making you feel just as special as those girls living in the Upper Levels, all draped in silk and lace
He knows he can’t give you fancy dinners and romantic weekends away, though he’d give you all of that and more if he could
Boss would give you one of the diamond moons of Jelucan if if were remotely possible
So as soon as you step shyly out of the bedroom dressed in his gift, a slow, proud smile stretches across his features
He can’t quite believe you’re his; only his
All of his sternness melts away as you run your hands over your body, your eyes fixed to his
“There’s my girl. Bid mesh’la, ner cat’ra. Can you turn around? Show me how good you look, ad’ika. Just like that.”
And then later that evening, when he’s buried inside you, he’ll hold you facing toward the mirror so you can see exactly how beautiful you look with your eyes rolling back in your head from pleasure, dressed in the lace he chose for you
Fixer is so strictly no-nonsense that his reaction is alarming at first
You’re worried that something’s wrong with his brain, as though he’s experiencing a short-circuit somewhere in there
You’re still standing, your robe loosely open, as he stares at you
“Fixer? Are you okay?”
You’re rewarded with the sound of his datapad hitting the floor, his jaw hanging open
“What is—when did you—osik, cyare.”
You step closer, feeling a rush of affectionate amusement as he blinks at you
“They’re new. Do you like them?”
He manages to snap his mouth shut, then he starts shaking his head
At first, you feel a wash of self-consciousness
Maybe he doesn’t like it? Maybe he thinks you look ridiculous? But then his hands are on you, his fingers feeling around the tops of your thighs, dipping beneath the edges of the flimsy garters with a frantic clumsiness
“Hey, what are you doing?”
He looks up at you. “How do I get this off?”
Your face falls. “Because you don’t like them.”
He frowns, bewildered
“No. Because if I don’t get these off you, right now, I’m going to ruin them.”
Understanding blooms in the same second he yanks you down onto his lap, leaving you squealing in surprise
Scorch had been complaining all afternoon about his stomach growling in the lead up to your dinner date 
You don’t get to have nice date nights like this very often, with him away so much and with your own work schedule sucking up most of the free time you have
So you’re determined to make the most of it: new shoes, new dress, new underwear
You spend far longer than usual getting ready, paying careful attention to your hair, bending to lean in close to the mirror 
Which is when you hear him behind you
“Babe. Holy fucking shit.”
You glance over your shoulder, and he’s standing in the doorway, gawking at you
You snicker at the way his eyes are nearly falling out of his head at the sight of you standing in your underwear, half-ready and embarrassed
“Scorch, come on, quit fucking around! You need to go get ready—”
And then he’s on his knees in front of you, his hands on your thighs
“Babe. Babe, step on me. Please step on me. Holy fuck. Holy shit. Holy fucking shit.”
You laugh properly this time, trying and failing to cover your face with your hand
“We’re going to be late! I thought you were starving, remember? What about dinner?”
At first you think he’s too busy pressing his lips to the thin fabric covering your cunt to respond, but then he grins up at you
“Forget dinner. I got something way better to eat right here.”
You’re laid out on your bed, your eyes rolled closed against the feeling of Sev taking his time in slowly kissing every inch of you that he can reach
Which isn’t much, because he’s yet to remove a single stitch of your clothing
You don’t like to hurry him, no matter how desperate you get, because the way that he kisses you never fails to make you see stars
As he gently loosens your clothing, you sigh, leaning back and waiting for his lips to trail lower
But then he pauses, and you glance down, momentarily confused
He’s staring at your body as though he’s never seen it before, and you remember belatedly putting on the fine shimmersilk set this morning; one you’ve never worn before, so soft and comfortable that you’d forgotten it was even there
He’s still neither speaking nor kissing you and it takes you a second to understand his silence
Sev spends a lot of time telling you how beautiful you are; often with his customarily severe, almost-too-much intensity
Even when you aren’t; even when you’re tired and sweaty and sick and halfway through dirty, unglamorous tasks like cleaning the ‘fresher
But now, he doesn’t say a single word
Which is how you know that right now, to him, this is the most beautiful you’ve ever looked
Not using my usual list because this is a bit niche. I’m just tagging a couple of pals who interacted with my last RepComm headcanons and who might be interested (no pressure of course!) x @mandaloriandin @dikut @stalinsthirsttrap @imalovernotahater @saradika @lackofhonor @thirsty-void @just-some-girl-92 @fractiouskat @hardcasey @chewychewyque
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clonewarslover55 · 2 years
Republic Commando Masterlist
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Find my masterlist of links here! 
Non-Repcomm clone masterlist here!
Began: originally  6/16/20
Updated: 3/19/23
Walon Vau and Mird 
(Find my works with him and my OC on my AO3 or on their own masterlist here!)
Walon Vau’s early life story
Walon Vau’s homeworld, Irmenu.
Walon Vau weapon headcanons
How Jango and Vau bonded //Working on now//
How Vau joined the Mandalorians //Working on now//
Walon Vau taking care of Kad 
Reasons why I love Vau 
Even Strill’s throw hissy fits 
Walon Vau face claim //Maybe//
How Tall is Vau?
Vau’s eyes 
Walon Vau’s cock headcanons //NSFW//
Another lesson from Sergeant Vau
Warming you up. Walon Vau X Fem!Reader //SMUT//
Mandalorians don’t fight fairly
A cold grab on Kal and Walon
Drunken fun with Walon and Kal 
Walon Vau and Kal Skirata hate sex //NSFW obv//
Kal Skirata 
Kal Skirata face claim
Kal Skirata height discussion 
Kal Skirata’s cock headcanons //NSFW//
Spending the day with Kal Skirata  Kal X Reader //Fluff//
Kal Skirata wears glasses
Kal Skirata and his IKEA foldable stool //Six parts all linked//
Mandalorians don’t fight fairly
A cold grab on Kal and Walon
Drunken fun with Walon and Kal
Walon Vau and Kal Skirata hate sex //NSFW obv//
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Delta Squad and Advisor 
Advisor relationship headcanons //NSFW and SFW//
Delta squad relationship headcanons //NSFW and SFW//
Delta squad personalities explained 
What the Delta Squad looks like headcanons
The Delta Squad Boys as fathers headcanons
Delta Squad chaos: Lord Mirdalin
Delta Squad Chaos: Gossip
Tales around the fire with the Delta’s, Omega’s and Null’s  //Adult content//
Snow day snuggles with Scorch
The curious young Delta’s
Sev’s first time being pegged //NSFW//Sev X Fem!Reader
Fixer’s first time being pegged //NSFW// Fixer X Fem!Reader 
Boss’s first time being pegged //NSFW// Boss X Fem!Reader
Scorch’s first time being pegged (Currently being discussed)
Fingering Boss. Boss X GN!Reader //NSFW//
Rescue mission
Another lesson from Sergeant Vau
Calming Sev down while he’s having a panic attack //FLUFF//
Sev asking for more babies
Boss’s punishment //NSFW//’
Having a secret marriage with Scorch headcanons
Dad!Sev Headcanons
Fixer X Fem!Reader  //SMUT//
Boss X Fem!Reader !NSFW! //Part two// //Part three//
Fixer X Reader
Fixer is sweet and awkard //Fixer X Reader//
Fixer X Fem!Reader !!NSFW!!
Fluffy Sev X reader 
Scorch X Fem!Reader !NSFW!
Sev X Curvy!Busty!Fem!Reader !NSFW!
Scorch Angst
Delta Squads biggest fans. Part one 
Omega Squad 
Omega squad relationship headcanons
Omega Squad personalities explained
Fi comforting the reader after a horrible week
Oral sex and pillow talk with Fi //NSFW and FLUFF//
Story time with Darman Skirata
Kids are chaotic! Darman and Etain fluff
Stress relief. Niner X Fem!Reader //SMUT//
Null ARC’s 
Null realtionship headcanons //NSFW and SFW//
The Null’s with kids Headcanons
Breakfast with the Null’s
Null Chaos! Starring petty brother things
Null Chaos! Starring Jaing’s new gloves
Null Chaos! starring A’den
Welcome home sex with A'den. A'den X Fem!Reader //SMUT//
Teaching Ordo. Captain Ordo X Fem!Reader //SMUT//
Sleepy Kom’rk cuddles
Hooking up with Mereel //SMUT//
Kom’rk blurb
Being Marked up by Mereel //SMUT//
A teasing game with Mereel //NSFW//
Singing with A’den
Mereel X Non!Mando Trans!Fem reader!!
Alpha Arc’s from the books 
Sull(Alpha-30) Relationship and general headcanons
Captain Maze general headcanons
Maze and his new baby
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