#clone oc commander ratchet
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vod of the day (pt. 1/2) : Ratchet! He is one half of the IT/Repair department of the 142nd! he is a commando class but he doesnt care about that. hes too tired for that. he manages all the ordering and inventory/logistics for the 142nd.
ratchet (he/they) CC-2002 surge protectors (IT) department
<-thetra's office chair for the vod'e to sit in whenever
"no, mau. we don't have the room or the ability to look after a litter of tookas. besides, you five are already enough."
he has long hair because i was listening to hozier while drawing him
-double brewed caf -all-natural eyebags (thanks to the cluster and them being reckless and destroying the BRAND FUCKING NEW equipment he ordered for them.) -reading smut on the work datapad. leave him alone. its raunchy bounty hunter stuff (like those cowboy eroticas. fucking hilarious) ->hes the type of mfer to read fairy smut tbh
the cluster & rest of the 142nd donate half of all their caf rations to him as an apology-in-advance and a plea for forgiveness all in one.
(it doesnt work. he's still the one that places all the orders for it.)
-he has a big ol scar across his face going from the bottom right of his jaw to the top left of his temple. -has a shitton of freckles
he just wishes that his vod'e would stop headbutting those clankers with their band. fucking. new. helmets. (looking at you specifically, clank.)
he and fox get along well because ratchet actually files his orders and reports correctly.
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stars-wars-stories · 4 years
The 236th - Kill battalion. Serving under Jedi General Pong Krell.
"Most of the army thinks we're the Kill Battalion because we have the highest success rate in the GAR. In reality, it's because this is where clones are sent to die." 
So,  because I logged out of all social media while finishing an assignment, I didn’t have anything to procrastinate with, so I procrastinated by finally sitting down and making a couple of clone boys. I’ve always wondered what it would be like being under Krell’s leadership full time, and imagine his battalion might look something like this.
Also I already love all of these boys so please send me any and all questions about them I will gladly talk about them. (I’ve already got a full scene written with a couple of these kids that I’ll probably post at some point) ___
Under General Krell, the 236th Battalion has the highest success rate and the highest casualty rate in the entire Grand Army of the Republic. The clones serving in the 236th are scarred and hardened - those that survive. Only a few have lasted longer than a few months under the General’s command and those that have quickly learn the rules. 
The 236th is constantly getting new batches of Shinies, many who don’t even last their first battle. As well as this, reconditioned clones are often sent to the 236th - these are the clones who have caused trouble elsewhere and were returned to Kamino for reconditioning. Once that process is finished, they are sent to the battalion that needs the most men, and the place they are least likely to act out again. 
Discouraged from any kind of individualism from their General, these clones are one of the only battalions who have no identifying features, either on their armour or various different hair cuts and tattoos. Only the reconditioned clones have a few tattoos, but under their helmets, they look exactly the same as all the rest. 
CC-3429; Commander Sparks. 
Sparks is one of the oldest members of the 236th, largely thanks to his command position. 
Many see him as harsh and uncaring, but those who have lasted a few battles quickly learn he’s only hard on the shinies so they will survive. 
Very quickly learned the rules - obedience without question, watch your brothers’ backs in the field. 
Takes a lot of blame, and every time one of his brother’s goes down he feels it deeply, though he refuses to let it show. 
Feels very responsible for the men under his command and does his best to help them without going against his orders. 
Has to make the hard decisions, and is often cut off from those under him because he doesn’t want to get close to anyone only to lose them. 
CT-3825; Gai.
Almost as old as Sparks
A medic
One of the few people who gets to see Sparks for who he is, the two of them are very close
Has kinda given up, still does his job but is beginning to wonder what the point is
CT-8874; Ratchet.
A reasonably new member of the 236th, but quickly became a veteran of the battles. 
Was transferred from another battalion after his whole squad was killed so has a bit of an idea that Krell isn’t like most of the generals in the army. 
Quietly rebels, knowing that open rebellion, or even what appears to be open rebellion, is a fast track to the front lines. 
He does things like pulling wounded to safety even when they’ve been ordered to leave them, sneaking extra rations to those being punished and is often the instigator of meetings and gatherings that they’re technically not allowed. 
Sparks really doesn’t know how he’s survived so long, but he’s careful and keeps his head down to avoid any attention. 
CT-9333; Scarecrow ‘Crow’
Look he’s just trying to survive
One of the latest batch of shinies
He watched his whole squad go down in the first few minutes of his first firefight
He’s scarred, scared and not sure how to handle it all. 
He needs hugs
He’s a bean
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clonehub · 3 years
!!!!! Do y'all have an autistic clone OCs!! Tell me about them I'll start!
Ratchet is a vet who'd originally been with the 501st, but he transferred after a building collapsed on him on Christophsis. He'd gotten a traumatic head injury and then brain surgery, and that surgery killed/removed his chip. He escapes before O66 though.
He's a low-verbal (?) Autistic guy with a general special interest in history. He doesn't emote as much as everyone else and he gets pretty annoyed at how abstract conversations in the 686th can get cause he doesn't keep up with the jokes and sometimes he's convinced people just say weird shit for the hell of it.
He has audio sensitivity? Idk how to explain it but certain noises definitely just put him in a lot of pain (alarms, shrill noises) so he has jul helmet dampers modified to be as high as possible. He's also very soft spoken.
He hates yogurt! Keep that shit away from him! He does stim sometimes but it comes up more often when he's stressed. He's also not the best with command formality/hedging his words. He's a pretty straight forward guy with a firmly set moral compass so he comes across as pretty blunt when he speaks, even to people above his rank. Also he doesn't make eye contact.
Although he doesn't speak much he does like to hum. Hell show he's worried about someone or wants to cheer them up by nudging/pressing against them and everyone in the 686th knows that he's checking in on them.
Originally it was after the order when he, Jax, Marik, and Edger all deserted. Idk how to work around the chip thing but by that point Ridge had long since been arrested for desertion and when they heard his transport blew up, they'd all assumed he was dead. Lo and behold they show up to Kiki's place on Verocia and Ridge is there, alive and well. It was the only time any of them had seen ratchet cry. He couldn't talk for days afterwards. he also starts using sign language post desertion.
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elendiliel · 3 years
As semi-promised, a list of my direct-to-Tumblr fics. (Most of my nonsense is on AO3, and cataloguing it all will take quite some time, but I may add it later.) Hel, or in full Jedi Knight Helli Abbasa, is my primary Star Wars OC; Torrent, a semi-OC (technically canon, but his characterisation is nearly all mine), is her second-in-command. Glitch is my Transformers Animated OC, a young field-tech who joins Team Detroit after the events of Season 3 as Ratchet’s apprentice and Bumblebee’s partner (and later girlfriend).
Star Wars
Full-length fics (main universe):
Moving Forward - Lightning Squadron encounter takeaway for, in the clones’ cases, perhaps the first time.
Here For You - Obi-Wan checks in on Hel in the aftermath of the devastating Citadel mission.
I Have Your Back - just a snapshot of some Fives-and-Hel combat shenanigans.
Return from Umbara - Fives is reunited with his other squad after one of the most painful campaigns of the war.
It’s Enough - Torrent and Hel are working together on a diplomatic assignment, but the clone can only keep half his mind on the job.
Speaking Freely - Hel is being briefed on a new mission by the Chancellor, and she’s not happy about it. At least when he leaves the fine details to Commander Fox, that gives them both the chance for a much-needed conversation.
Mother - some meanderings about one of the sacrifices Jedi have to make, and the unexpected compensations it may bring.
Getting Out - young Han thinks he’s found a perfect target, but appearances can be very deceptive.
Hidden in Plain Sight - in exile on Tatooine, “Ben” Kenobi comes across a very old acquaintance.
[untitled] - a “close-up” of Hel’s first duel with Darth Vader.
Aliit Ori’shya Tal’din - as Wolffe watches a Rebellion unit return from a mission, he reflects on their - and his own - remarkable past, present and future.
As the Maker Wills - Hel returns to Coruscant without fear of capture for the first time in twenty-five years.
[untitled] - the First Order have their hands full on Lothal, partly for reasons they’ll never suspect.
Full-length fics (Healing AU):
The Best Of All Probable Worlds - in a universe where Order 66 never happened and Helli and Torrent are allowed to marry, the Jedi and the clone prove still to be a perfect team.
Counter-Conspiracy - Anakin discovers an unsuspected talent, and an unlikely co-conspirator, when Fives is badly hurt warning him about a far-reaching scheme.
Trust Me - a plan is hatched and set in motion that could change the fate of the galaxy, and involves some rather unlikely people.
A Life Laid Down - a confrontation between a Jedi delegation and Chancellor Palpatine doesn’t exactly go to plan. For anyone.
Burc’yase - in the aftermath of Palpatine’s arrest, Fives and Rex take good care of their older brother Fox.
Waiting For A Miracle - when Torrent learns of Hel’s injuries, nothing will keep him from her side.
Always Together - while Hel makes the slow journey back to health, the galaxy is changing fast, and for the better.
Lost and Found - Fives receives an unusual gift - and some unexpected but very welcome news.
New Adventures - the 501st Legion, specifically Jesse, Kix and Dogma, learn of Fives’ survival - and a few other pieces of news.
Into the Future - Lightning Squadron’s first encounter with the Bad Batch doesn’t exactly go according to plan. What’s new?
Free at Last - the infiltration of Skako Minor also goes slightly off the rails, but not by enough to prevent the team from reaching their objective.
Duty Before Feelings - Echo may be out of stasis, but getting out of Purkoll, and escaping the Techno Union’s forces, is still quite a challenge.
Mhi Solus Tome - Hel and Torrent finally tie the proverbial knot, surrounded by two of the most unusual families in the galaxy.
No Looking Back - the morning after their wedding, Torrent and Hel are summoned to a mission briefing - but it’s not urgent enough to ruin such a blessed day.
New Friends - Dr Mij Gilamar arrives at the Jedi Temple to meet the Jedi and clone who will be working with him on an undercover assignment. He doesn’t yet know how accurate their “cover” is.
Recon - Mij, Hel and Torrent navigate the new dangers of Sundari under Maul’s control.
Oya Manda - a coalition of Mandalorians, Jedi and clones fight to reclaim Mandalore from Maul, but only one person can defeat the former Sith and bring peace back to the war-torn planet.
Brotherly Love - as the dust settles after the battle of Sundari, Fives tries his hand at matchmaking.
Home - Torrent and Hel move into their new home, with the help of an assortment of friends and family.
My Turn - when Hel falls ill, Torrent is there to look after her - whether she likes it or not.
Nightmares - Torrent’s past comes back to haunt him, but thankfully he’s not facing it alone.
Families - Hel and Anakin have both seen their fair share of wartime chaos, but that’s nothing compared to raising children.
Full-length fics (other AUs):
[untitled] - Palpatine decides Initiate Abbasa would be an ideal back-up apprentice - which may be one of the worst decisions he’s ever made.
De-Conditioning - Helli is asked to help a recently reconditioned clone. but feels that her friend Ma’ro is more suited to the task.
Jedi Wedding - some thoughts on what Helli and Torrent’s wedding might look like, in the AU where it can happen in public.
Transformers Animated/Prime crossover (Misplaced Medic AU)
Far From Home - a space-bridge accident lands Glitch in a different universe, and a lot of trouble.
Spark-to-Spark - left alone with the children and the new recruit, Ratchet learns a bit more about his young colleague and her reality.
Soldier and Scientist - Wheeljack helps Glitch with an engineering project, and finds out a bit more than he expected about her Cybertron’s history.
Battle Mask - the friction between Glitch and Ultra Magnus has to be set aside if they’re going to survive.
Prisoner - when Glitch is captured by the Decepticons, the outcome is likely to surprise everyone involved.
Friends and Foes - on a mission with Arcee, Glitch finds herself having to take on Starscream to protect her comrade - and her opponent.
Partners - intercepted Decepticon transmissions may lead to a way home for Glitch, or warn of disaster for her universe.
Beautiful Chaos - is a powerful Energon signal a lucky break, or a deadly trap?
Gone - things go from bad, to better, to worse for Team Prime.
Operation: Rescue - the Autobots must work fast to get Ratchet back, and protect their now-exposed base, but they can still carve out time to take care of one another.
‘Til All Are One - both Team Prime’s rescue efforts and Megatron’s plans develop a fair few problems.
The Worlds Turned Upside Down - as Megatron prepares to cyberform Earth, the Autobots must stop him by any means necessary.
The Last Prime - Unicron’s return tests Team Prime to its limits, and gives it an unexpected new member.
The Winning Team - Knock Out reflects on his new comrades, especially a certain little medic.
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jd-arts319 · 3 years
RV:Transformers Brave Watche’s Multiverse AU’s
inspired by xxElementalStormxx story “watch prime mess”
Transformers Braves Multiverse Watches AU’s
Bayformers from Age of Existence (Optimus Prime, Hound, Drift, Grimlock, Crosshair, Hot rod, Bumblebee) along with 07 Ironhide, Jazz and Ratchet. Megatron… Humans Sam, Galloway, Cade, Charlotte, Simmons, Sir Edmund,Will Lenox,Epps,figs Animated – Ultra Magnus, Cliffjumper, Sentential Prime, Jazz, The jet twins, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Bulkhead, Rodimus Prime, Ironhide,brawn,hot shot,red alert Megatron, Lugnut, Starscream and clones, Skywarp and Thundercracker. Shockwave, Blitzwing, Swindle, Blackarachnia and Cyclonus,cliffjumper, preceptor,botanica. Human Sari Armada – Optimus Prime, Jetfire, Blurr, Hot shot, Overload, Red Alert, Scavenger, Sideswipe and Smokescreen. Galvatron, Cyclonus, Demolisher, Thrust, Ramjet, Wheeljack and Starscream. G1- Optimus Prime, Jazz, Prowl, Ratchet, Ironhide, Bumblebee, Wheeljack, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker and Grimlock. Megatron, Starscream, Skywarp, Thundercracker, Soundwave. TFP – Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Arcee, Smokescreen, Wheeljack. Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave, Knockout, Breakdown, Airachnid, Shockwave. Human-Agent Fowler, Jake, Raf and Miko. MTMTE (IDW) – Rodimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, Megatron, Drift and Cyclonus,Ratchet,tailgate,whirl,rung,chromedome,rewind,perceptor,first aid,swerve,windblade, RID: Strongarm, Sideswipe, Drift, Grimlock,windblade, Jetstorm, Slipstream, Fix-it and Steeljaw,thunderhoof.
TF!RB-heatwave,chase,blades,& boulder,salvage,blurry,quickshadow,high-tide,mercury(oc)
Humans-burns family
TF!RBA-grimlock & his dinobots,ratchet,whirl,hot shot,medix,wedge,hoist
Humans-Wes,sienna,Renata(both ocs-except Wes)
TF!Cyberverse-all cybertronians
Ocs:Mercury,Skyrunner,CloudCharge,Cicada,stormrunner,retrogade,nanobyte & pixelbyte,amaranthus,remix,niren,renegade 
Brave Series
Brave Exkaiser
Humans:kouta & his family,mario,kotomi,takumi,tokuda
Bots,exkaiser,raker brothers,max teams,geisters 
Brave fighter of Sun,fighbird
Humans: kenta,haruka,prof.amano,yoshiko,satsuda 
Bots:fighbird,baron team,guard team
Brave Fighter of Legend,Da garn
Humans:Seiji,haruka,their family,the officer,hotaru,yancha
Bots:da garn & earth twins,landers,sabers,ga-ohn,seven changer
enemies(ex.’s):pink,Violecche,red lsone,de butcho,cyan,ohboss
Brave Express of Might Gaine
Humans:maito,hamada,izumi,sally & her lil bro,aoki,wolfgang,Hoi ko low,Catherine V.,shogun Mifune,Joe,purple,exev
Bots:gaine,bombers & Divers team,black gaine
Brave police j decker
Humans:yuuta & his family,his friends,his neighbors,saejima,azuma,regina,Toudou,ayako,seia,ken,neuva,eva
Bots:deckerd,mccrane,dumpson,drillboy,power joe,shadowmaru,kagerou,duke,victim
Brave of Gold Goldran
bots:dran,Capt.shark,advenger,silver knights,leon,sorakage
King of Braves,GaiGaoGar
Humans:mamoru,gai,mikoto,taiga,swan,Leo,geki,Kosuke,hana & their friends,Ikumi
Bots:galeon,ryuu siblings,volfogg & his team.
Brave commander,Dagwon
Humans:en,Ryu,shin,you,Kai,Maria,gaku & others
Bots:dagwon fire,linear,shadow & lian
Ocs:reiki mitsuko,kotone mitsuko/aquablitz,mitsuki & switchblade,rumiko yukino,neirin suzuki & tsukikage,juniper,sakuya(minerva) & azureblitz,michiru crescente & her bots ryuujin quartet,hiryuu,koryuu,shinryuu,zenith,mitsuki sakimori,inari gozen
Chapter 1: reactions 
A mysterious figure in a darkness approach a crystal ball & starts to chant some odd language & soon 7 portals appear 
At the same time…
Bayverse bots,cons,& humans soon sucked by portal,before even optimus could leave & Galvatron starts running.
After prowl's funeral,before anyone starts said something,soon they too sucked up,screaming in suprise & panic
Before starscream sacrifice himself,a bright light blinded them & soon they disappeared in the thin air.
A portal appear on the sky on the middle of their battle,some autobots & decepticons we're sucked up soon as well.
Before optimus gone to the well of the all sparks,the well of the all sparks glow brightly that blinded them,that once the light is gone,so do they.
 Before the lost light crew even gone back to cybertron,a portal infront of them,& before anyone can calculate what they are seeing,they too soon vanish.
After defeating the council,a portal appears & sucked them at the same time, some of their friends in another place soon too sucked up.
At the astral realms….
All of them from their own universe appears,when they all see each other soon they stood up & ready their weapons but before any can fire,someone come out wearing a cloak,spoke in calm booming voice lined between in male & female.
{"Welcome to the realm of primes...,My name is Ren,some of our…...higher beings had something in their minds…..they wanted to you all watch this… & some time later some of us will asked you a questions….for now let's get into introductions…"
 "But for the time being stay in your chambers for each of you & you own alternative counterparts,each chamber has the acronym of your own universe….."}
They heard a clap & everything around turns into a replica of the cyber theater,every bots & cons we're shocked,then a minicon twins came up to them,bearing a zodiac symbol on there foreheads.
"Greetings we are the geminicons,one of the cyber zodiac guardians,today will be your host & we will guide to help you & answer some of your questions"
All looked confuse,some weary or catious,some hostile,but the twins keep on going with calm smile on their face.
"Come & follow us,we will show you around & when you need some questions answered,*holds a small rod with a button* you can call ms.renia,she has all the answers you need to know….well some of them *giggles*"
Soon the two mysterious"geminicons",while remain on guard,as they walked down the hall,many murmur as some couldn't help but feel their sparks in pained as they remember their own home,so fimiliar before the final days of their world.
In the security room….
Renia,chuckles as she ready her list of movies & videos ready,as she looks at her cameras,she smiles as she sees they are settling in for a bit.
This had been sitting in my doc Google for awhile,there’ another one but is a rule fic
Fanfic & Reactionverse,Transformers Brave, ocs (c) me
Transformers(any media types) (c) All Spark,paramount,idw publishing 
Brave Series (c) Takara;Sunrise
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(will be updated; don't reblog bc it will likely not be relevant by the next day 💜)
[if you want my natborn sw ocs, find them here !]
#vod on a log in a bog : daily clone trooper oc
#142nd clone trooper battalion (sorted by designation) (highlighted in red haven't been posted yet!)
#clone oc lieutenant burner #clone oc lieutenant root #clone oc arc trooper calico #clone oc arc trooper ragdoll #clone oc arc trooper mau #clone oc arc trooper mane #clone oc commander ratchet #clone oc commander caspian #clone oc commander weld #clone oc medic cadavre #clone oc medic estes #clone oc medic ghoul #clone oc trooper clank #clone oc trooper benzyl #clone oc trooper boots #clone oc trooper dropkick #clone oc artillery trooper grizzly #clone oc artillery trooper sunny #clone oc artillery trooper ursus #clone oc arf trooper jam #clone oc arf trooper honeytone #clone oc arf trooper notch #clone oc arf trooper groove
#142nd litter vod
#clone oc arc trooper calico #clone oc arc trooper ragdoll #clone oc arc trooper mau #clone oc arc trooper mane
#142nd rift vod
#clone oc commander ratchet #clone oc trooper clank
#142nd cub vod
#clone oc artillery trooper grizzly #clone oc artillery trooper sunny #clone oc artillery trooper ursus
#142nd rem pod vod
#clone oc medic estes #clone oc arf trooper honeytone
#142nd surge company #142nd surge protectors division #142nd ground troopers #142nd recon division
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stars-wars-stories · 4 years
Rest - A 236th story
They had taken the town, driven the droids out and secured it for themselves. General Krell had hidden himself away, reporting to the Jedi council or coming up with the next phase of the invasion; Gai didn’t really care, it didn’t involve him at the moment. 
He situated himself in the middle of the large building they had taken over as a makeshift hospital, directing the younger medics and looking over the worst wounded himself. Times like this were rare - times they were actually able to care for the wounded, times Gai was actually given a chance to save his brothers instead of leaving them to die. 
He wasn’t sure how long he had been applying bacta packs, stitching wounds, and cleaning blood when a hand was laid on his shoulder. He looked up with a start, almost dropping the supply of bandages he was running across the room. Commander Sparks stood beside him, a stubborn look in his eye Gai internally groaned at the sight of. 
“Commander?” he asked. “Are you wounded, I’ll look you over in a moment, Leap needs more bandages, and then I have to make sure the new shiny medic is coping.” He turned to leave, but the Commander didn’t remove his hand. 
“I knew this would happen,” he muttered. “Gai, you need to look after yourself.” 
“No sir, the men need me. I don’t often get to do my job, I’ll be damned if I don't do it now. For all the good it does,” he added with a mutter. 
“And where will the men be if you drop? Vod, you’re injured.” 
He had been trying to ignore it, but now that Sparks brought it up, Gai felt the pain from his leg. He had been limping most of the day, and his shoulder was aching from being thrown against a rock early in the fire fight. 
“I’m fine,” he muttered. Sparks grabbed the bandages out of his arms, looking him in the eye. 
“Take your weight off that leg for half an hour, Gai. That’s an order,” he said, his voice hard. “Gar shuk meh kyrayc.” 
For a moment, Gai entertained that idea. Collapsing into a bunk for half an hour, taking his armour off, just letting himself relax - it sounded like such a nice idea. But he couldn’t. He didn’t know how long they had of respite, he didn’t know how many men they would have to leave behind when they started moving again. He wasn’t going to let any of his brothers down, even though he know that ultimately it was a futile effort. 
“At least sit down,” Sparks continued. “You can still help sitting down.” 
Gai let out a long sigh, knowing that Sparks wasn’t going to leave him be until he agreed. And besides, sitting down sounded like bliss at the moment. 
“Alright, but only for a few minutes,” he said. Sparks nodded, handing him back the bundle of bandages and turning to leave. 
“Thank you,” he said quietly. Gai wasn’t going to leave it at that. 
“When was the last time you slept, Commander?” he asked. Sparks froze where he was, not turning to meet the medic’s eye. 
“I’m fine,” he said, echoing Gai’s words from earlier. 
“If I’m going to have to sit down, you need to sleep for at least twenty minutes,” Gai said, laying a hand on Sparks’ shoulder. He felt it slump slightly as Sparks let out a long breath. 
“I can’t,” he said. “The general could need me at any minute, I need to be ready when he calls.” 
“Sparks, I know you haven’t slept since we got here. And I know we’ve been moving for a while - the men who aren’t on duty or here are all sleeping. You need to as well.” 
“I can’t just ignore the general.” 
“Alright, fine.” Gai shifted, leaning up against the wall to take some weight off his leg. It really was throbbing now. He lifted a hand and waved over Ratchet, who had insisted on being available to carry the wounded, or run for more supplies. “Ratchet, make sure the commander gets some sleep - at least twenty minutes. And wake him up if the general calls.” 
“Yessir,” Ratchet said, snapping a lazy salute and a grin. “But what if the general calls before twenty minutes?” There was a hint of amusement in his eyes, and Gai was not amused. He didn’t say anything, just stared at Ratchet, trusting his imagination to come up with a suitable scenario for that situation. The smile wavered slightly, and he nodded, more serious now. “I will, don’t worry.” 
“Fine,” Sparks said with a groan. He looked exhausted, and Gai was pretty sure it had been more than few days since he’d been able to get a solid sleep. He needed more than a few snatched minutes, but Gai really didn’t know when that was going to be possible. “Only twenty minutes though,” the commander said as he followed Ratchet out. Ratchet flashed a wink at Gai, and the medic was comforted in the fact that Sparks would sleep for as long as Ratchet could make him. 
Which could be a while, Ratchet was good at making people do things. 
With a heavy sigh, Gai pushed himself off the wall, his leg nearly giving out as he put more weight on it. He really did need to get that checked out - but first he was going to deliver the bandages and check on the shiny. 
He moved quickly through the wounded, limping slightly, wishing there was something more he could do but knowing that there wasn’t. This was their fate - they were clones, no one cared about them except other clones. 
For a moment, he felt a flash of anger towards General Krell, likely well fed and comfortably sleeping after having done nothing to win this battle. Meanwhile, his men where here - exhausted, wounded, unable to properly sleep. He stopped the emotions almost as quickly as they rose - that was dangerous territory. Anger towards his general was a step towards treason, and the men needed him too much to risk being sent back to Kamino for reconditioning -- or worse.
Head up, shoulders back, bucket on. Keep pushing, stay alive. That was all that mattered, really, wasn’t it? 
Sometimes, Gai wondered what the point was.
Vod: Brother
Gar shuk meh kyrayc: “You’re no good dead” used to encourage someone to take a rest, rarely used literally. 
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stars-wars-stories · 4 years
@tiwis-fruit-basket asked some stuff about my 236th boys! 
Reading this a few questions formed. How would a battalion that's been treated so badly react when they get the news that their jedi general is dead, killed by a clone even. How would they react to, even just temporarily (maybe even after Krell's death), getting a jedi general like Anakin who actually cares about his men. Especially his respect and trust in Rex.
And Rex. How would they react to such an independent and individual clone captain who's been with his jedi long enough he’d say something like “sir, that’s a fucking stupid idea” with 0 hesitation and the jedi would listen to him.
I have honestly thought a lot about what would happen to these boys a) when Krell is sent to Umbara and b) what happens to them after he’s killed. I don’t really wanna say too much cos I want to actually write it and don’t want to spoil it! 
But I do think that the GAR would Not make it common knowledge that Krell was killed by a clone. Dogma just got quietly disappeared, and the only report the 236th got was ‘General Krell has been killed in action on Umbara, stand by for more orders/a new general.’ 
Learning about Krell’s death sends them into a bit of shock, Sparks and Gai are carefully optimistic, but also worried at the same time. Since they’ve been serving with Krell for the longest, the know the rules, and they aren’t sure what getting a new general would be like and they’re worried. Ratchet is super excited by the news, and feels very vindicated, he’s extremely hopefully about what a new general will bring. Scarecrow is a little more subdued, but he’s hopeful as well. 
As for their reaction to another general who cares about their men, well, I’ve had vague ideas about Krell’s replacement who comes in and is somewhat taken aback by how these clones are acting and she tries to help them heal somewhat. And then order 66 happens woop woop
As for other independent clones like Rex, Sparks would be very shaken, probably try to take the clone aside and be like ‘hey vod this is a bad idea you gotta be careful.” Gai would just kinda be like ‘well, he’s gonna die or be reconditioned soon huh?’ Ratchet would love it, probably highfive said clone if he could without being spotted, or just silently cheer if a Jedi was in the room. Scarecrow would be terrified by it, all wide-eyed and scared.
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clonehub · 3 years
(mandomydad) please tell me about blitz (bliz?) i love hearing about ocs
Of course! His name is Bliz and originally I had it so Kiki named him but I'm changing that.
His rise to being commander is an interesting one. He got a field promotion--kinda skipped over the other people that were above his rank, but it was an emergency and he was taking charge. It was a bad battle, the original commander had just been killed and Kiki herself was unconscious. He didn't carry the battalion to victory, but he did stave off the enemy long enough for reinforcements to arrive. He was a heavy gunner before hand so he's a bit on the taller side. Otherwise, he wasn't a fully grown one if that makes sense.
He got specialized training to be a commander and was immediately crushed by how much being a commander was also wrangling your men into line. He's not very good at it. He's impatient and filled with an anger that he doesn't know how to turn off. In the beginning, working with Kiki was difficult because he was trying his hardest to be like serious and appear in control and she's VERY lax compared to him.
Then they synchronized a bit and even tho their leading styles are different, they did become friends! But he's also a bit insubordinate. They definitely flirted on and off before starting their relationship. And then he fell in love and she broke it off.
Bliz is a mess of PTSD, anger, and depression. He's insecure and he takes that insecurity out on others. He's the jealous type--Ridge and Kiki are friends and so Bliz is unnecessarily mean to Ridge, which doesn't reflect well on him as a commander. He's an unnecessarily brutal fighter. He can rude to Kiki and to other command clones. He copes with alcohol when he can get it and he self harms, which Cord is trying to get under control.
He's also an insomniac, gets some pretty bad migraines, a huge flirt, and an even bigger hypocrite. He's a clone and an asshole!
One by one crusade squad all starts to leave. Ridge skips a battle, is charged with desertion, and by this point Bliz is so toxic he's overiding Kiki's order not to send him back to Kamino. Ridge goes and they naturally don't hear from him again. His and Kiki's relationship starts to deteriorate after that.
Kiki gets pregnant and he has a stupid and intensely small hope that the child is his. It's not. She leaves the Order to raise her child and he feels guilty.
Jax, Edger, and Ratchet all mysteriously disappear while on leave on Coruscant. He can guess what's going on but now his guilt is mounting. Marik is gone pretty soon after. It's just him and Cord, then Cord goes and Bliz is alone. He's not expecting anyone to come back for him. By this point, the rage has been replaced with loneliness and self hate.
He's surprised when he takes the opportunity to desert the second he sees it. He's even more surprised to see how everyone settled down on one of Verocias moons--how everyone basically is better off without him. The forgiveness wasn't something he could comprehend. All of them went through an adjustment period to get used to civilian life, and his was the worst of it. He does end up getting hospitalized, and then he's in a mental hospital for a few months, and when he comes back he's less depressed and not an alcoholic anymore.
I'm not sure he reaches Pure Happiness the way Kiki and Jax do. He gets to a level of contentment where he's at least not wallowing in guilt anymore. He's also much quieter and more mellow, a total 180 from how he was during the war.
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clonehub · 6 years
Do you have a comprehensive list of all your clone ocs? Y'all have so many and I have like 1 XD
Crusade Squad:
Commander Bliz
Wonder Squad:
Noble Squad:
(all named after the noble gases)
Graveyard Squad:
Other (686th):
Other (not 686th)
Nirisa (Kiki’s sister)
Another of ridge’s close civilian friends
Sunlaou, kiki’s cousin
Zeltron woman (kiki’s former lover)
And more!
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