#close to giving up before being convinced this isn't what freddie wanted
firefurious · 4 months
in relation to what we were just talking about , but . how does grace cope with all the bullshit that happens to her in the week the game takes place in ? can she sleep ? does she cry or have any sort of breakdown privately ? or does she sort of just . not let herself stop and think about the trial ( yet at the same time be motivated by it ) and all these petty and spiteful fucks getting in her way ?
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for the most part, grace is just pushing through and not letting herself stop. i think she knows there's literally no time for it; she can't give herself the luxury to process everything that's happening to her because each moment wasted on that is a moment less to figure out what happened and prove her innocence.
which means she gets terribly stressed out whenever whoever is helping her tells her to just wait. not only it's time she feels she could be using to act, waiting is when everything threatens to catch up to her and she can't stop. she doesn't wanna risk not being able to pick herself up again.
she sleeps very little, and mostly only because the stress and exhaustion of everything happening in such a short time just knocks her out eventually (i know apollo wanted her to rest but consider: she can't relax). i feel for the most part grace is either acting or considering what to do next. i could say preparing but honestly people keep her in the dark about what she's supposed to do next so often that the most she can prepare is like. preparing herself to face anything jsdnfakjsnd
and so she does! going to a club and facing down a goddess in a song battle? sure. going to the reliquary to find the minotaur? okay. going to a party no one wants to tell her anything about and adapting as she learns? will do. there's no other choice. so she just faces whatever bullshit people throw at her the best she can (as she says in my favorite reply to athena after it's determined there will be a trial, and the one reply i'd keep as canon for my blog: okay, it's unfair but it is what it is. she'll do her best. it's all she can do).
i think the only breakdown she has is very visible and it happens when freddie dies. it's also the one moment i feel she'd falter because to her, her life isn't worth more than freddie's. there's this dialogue option where she says 'it should've been me' that i feel is very fitting with how she'd feel about it. and at least with apollo, his reply ends with something like 'freddie gave you a chance' — that honestly is something i feel would lead her to keep pushing through. freddie died to give her a chance. she won't squander that opportunity, no matter how much she wishes things had been different. it's the least she can do when it's what freddie would've wanted her to do.
other than that, no, she never stops to cry or despair or breakdown even in private. all her energy is dedicated to keep going, no matter what happens. people around her might forget her life is on the line, but she doesn't. they might act like there is time, but she can't, she knows there isn't. it's definitely not stopping to think about it while keeping it as a motivator; a very serious threat that keeps her going but that she won't examine too closely so she won't breakdown.
after the trial, it'd probably take days for the sense of impending danger and the adrenaline and anxiety of being Constantly dealing with something to finally fade. and when it did... well.. that's when i think she'd really start to process it. to cry and feel the weight of it full force and be happy she's alive and be angry she had to go through all that and be devastated about freddie's loss. even then, i'd consider everything that happened pretty traumatic, from calliope dying in her arms to being sentenced to death to having a week to prove her innocence and everything that happens there. it's not like she'd get over it fast. it wouldn't stop haunting her soon after it was done. she can't just forget about it.
she'd definitely be on guard and have trouble sleeping, and i think the restlessness also lingers. i think her keeping herself so busy after the trial is also a means to cope; still not letting herself stop for too long or think too hard about what happened. hoping given time it'll be distant enough she won't have trouble with it anymore.
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lovesick-feelings · 5 months
lord, i REALLY like your Funtime Freddy design! you mind drawing/writing (doesn't matter, you write/draw WONDERFULLY!) about Y/N celebrating Yandere Funtime Freddy's birthday? (understandablew if you don't want to. no pressure)
“Oh, cupcake, I’m the one who’s supposed to be celebrating birthdays! Not the other way around, silly!” 
He boops your nose, giggling. Freddy finds the whole thing sweet, but he insists that his birthday isn’t worth celebrating because he doesn't have one!
His creator never cared enough to give his creations much background besides basic programming so why should he try making one up? Besides, he much prefers celebrating to being the one celebrated. 
If you decide you still wanna give him something special it could go down in two ways: 
You aren't trapped: With more access to time and materials, you could set up an actual party! You���ll also have an easier time hiding your plans from the bear. Because FT Freddy is quick to notice subtle changes in behavior it’s easier to excuse yourself for work reasons than to make up a lie. The worst FT Freddy can do is pester you with non-stop questions and pleadings. If you can settle his curiosity with a couple of hints you could convince him to give you some space till you’re ready. 
You are trapped:  Though a little limited there is enough to make a serviceable gift. The only problem is none of the time away from FT Freddy. It’s already hard enough for him to part from you when you have to use the bathroom, nonetheless making a party for him. FT Freddy himself is quite the delusional fellow so whenever you propose anything to do with being away from him he expects it to be an escape attempt. Getting anything done requires BonBon and Bonnet's assistance. Luckily These cuties are more than willing to give you a hand. It’s going to take a lot of convincing to get Freddy to agree and even more patience when he’s constantly on your tail about it. 
Do be mindful of how much time you have. No matter the situation Freddy will grow more wary from your lack of presence. You wouldn’t want Freddy to snap from the lack of attention. 
“Hello there, Cupcake!” You jump from a sudden shrill voice. It doesn't matter how long you’ve been with the bear, you'll never get used to how stealthy he is for his size. You turn to see him hover over you with his typical Cheshire grin.  His hand puppet happily waved your way mouthing a ‘hi’.
 “You've been a-awfully secretive as of late, w-whatcha up to mmm?” Despite his upbeat attitude, you could hear a hint of impatience in his tone. Finally deciding it was time you tell him to close his eyes. 
“Oh, a s-s-surprise!? Is that what you’ve been p-planning?” His hand flaps in excitement, but he instantly deflates. 
“This isn't a trick, i-is it?” You shake your head. He eyes you before giving in. 
“Oh, alright!” He closes his eyes “W-w-whenever you’re ready, cupcake!” 
Freddy stares at your gift wide-eyed when you present it to him. The only movement he makes is the twitching of his face plates. It’s a little unnerving to see him so speechless.
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“I-Is it… really f-for me?” He mutters. Before you can answer, he quickly pulls you into a gentle embrace. You felt the gift slip from your hands but relaxed once you saw Bon Bon had it. You return the embrace, feeling the warmth of his body against yours.
“I love you'' Freddy whispers. He shifts but doesn't let you go. Instead, he clings to you tighter. You looked up to meet large, lovestruck eyes fixated on you. 
“I really, really love you, Y/N” ♥️
Oh Boy…
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linathelemon · 2 years
dating Glamrock Freddy and Sun
i've had a fnaf brainrot since i was 8 or 9 lol, apparently my brain finds robots hot??? also im lowkey so confused whether sun or sundrop is canon??? is both canon??? pls help this keeps me up at night tbh
characters: (seperate) Glamrock Freddy, Glamrock Chica
summary: ur dating them
Glamrock Freddy
Before dating:
before you started dating and were lowkey crushing on each other, Freddy was convinced you wouldn't be interested in a robot like himself!
Freddy was also somewhat convinced that you had a partner waiting for you, and despite it not being true at all. he didn't want to ruin that for you
until you confessed that you liked him!
Freddy is so confused??? what would be attractive about metal to a human,
his heart melted when you explained that looks don't matter at all. and it's his personality you like the best!!
he's so happy that you chose him <3
Honestly Freddy didn't know how to respond when you out of the blue admitted to having feelings for him as well.
he secretly scanned your heart rate and brain activity and deduced that you were being truthful, you really did have a crush on him.
Freddy is a tad bit confused over why, but if it's mutual, Freddy will gladly engage in a relationship with you!
Now, he's cuddly very, very cuddly but also cautious. He doesn't want to hurt you accidentally.
but some of that cautious instinct does stop after a while of dating.
Freddy calls you a nickname like a superstar, angel, baby
he does keep an eye on you since the other animatronics go kinda bonkers after closing hours
he does his best to keep you safe <3
Freddy would honestly malfunction if he witnessed you do anything of parental nature with Gregory <3
he honestly acts like a kicked puppy when your shift is over :(
although if you happen to have a day shift as well, Freddy will be so happy to see you.
regardless of your circumstances he loves you so much <3
before dating:
honestly the first few months of crushing on you, Sun didn't acknowledge that he had a crush.
honestly Sun had never felt this way for a human before, anyone really.
Sun thought he really admired you as a person until Moon pointed out one time when the lights were flickering that this wasn't platonic admiration.
Sun doesn't treat you any differently, other than giving you a few extra compliments.
"isn't y/n so thoughtful?"
"You look lovely, heheheh"
"You're so smart."
Sun confesses somewhat bluntly, after hours when all the kids had left, he sprinted over to you, literally yelling,
you were too stunned to speak
how could you possibly react to this??? they exhausted you from dealing with hyperactive children
and Sun starts yelling something like that??? your brain couldn't process it
Sun got worried and shook your shoulders in your state of shock.
you didn't know what else to say than that you liked him too
Sun was overjoyed, a tad bit too much for how tired you were mentally.
Sun is so happy dating you! although he did have a non-serious conversation about boundaries!
Sun is adaptive, he'll go all out on days you feel energized but the days they place you to play with the kids all day and a night shift usually has you exhausted.
on those days, all Sun does is read you a story, and let's your drift off to sleep!
Sun is also extremely affectionate and loves physical contact!
he's programmed not to do affection during the daytime hours, but after hours he's all up on you!
nicknames like Sunshine, Darling, and Love <3
regardless of what you do he's happy he has you <3
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tenebraevesper · 7 months
Five Nights at Freddy's: Salvaged, Night 20: Left Behind
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''I was left behind! All this torture will unwind, I was never all that kind! If you were to rewind, then you would find I was left behind! Take your turn to run and hide, I will catch you all the time! This night no longer shines, your tears divine, you'll now be mine! We hope you enjoyed the show within your grave down below!''
– Left Behind by DAGames (Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location)
Connor knocked on the door of the manager's office, waiting for the lazy ''Come in!'', and entered it. The manager was an elderly man who looked like he'd rather be at home and drinking beer than at this establishment.
''Ah, Mr. Davis, is there anything you need?'' the manager asked. Connor took a deep breath.
''I wanted to voice my concerns about the recent events. A lazy security guard and a missing employee isn't very good for Ricky's. I was wondering whether I could, aside from doing my regular job, also apply for the night guard job,'' Connor said, with the manager frowning. He then added, ''I would just make sure no one is on the premises after closure in order to prevent more accidents like this.''
''I will have to think about this, but considering how you're a longtime employee, have a clean record, are usually the last one to leave and we still cannot find a replacement night guard, you might get the job. Of course, we will also have to discuss your hours and paycheck for that,'' the manager said.
''I believe we will find a solution that problem,'' Connor replied, with the manager rising an eyebrow. ''It doesn't have to even be official. I'll just be on the closing shift as usual, but leave a while later after making sure no one is here.''
He knew that it wouldn't take much to convince the manager. He knew that he wanted to cut costs while pretending that everything was running smoothly and by the book. Not to mention, putting an employee as reliable as Connor was on the night guard position would spare him the hassle of having to hire a new night guard, especially since the day shift guard refused to take the night shift.
''I guess you're getting a promotion then,'' the manager said.
''Thank you, sir,'' Connor replied, exiting the office and walking towards the main area, grinning.
Sam yawned, checking her phone. It was late evening, with her and Springtrap being in her room after having finished cleaning the kitchen. Emma was a little upset about the broken dishes, although she didn't mourn the vase, calling it ugly and noting how she wanted to replace it anyways. However, she was glad things didn't escalate and Sam didn't end up scarred or worse.
''You seem to be really satisfied about this,'' Springtrap told Sam.
''Of course I am. After all, I managed to help someone improve their life, or rather, afterlife,'' Sam replied.
''Honestly, I'm just glad that she's gone,'' Springtrap said, with Sam noticing the bitterness in his tone. Before she could question him, they heard shuffling in front of the door and Emma peeked into the room.
''You two are still awake?'' she said, with Springtrap giving her a questioning look. She narrowed her eyes. ''You know what I meant, Afton.''
''Mum, could we borrow the car for tomorrow?'' Sam asked.
''As long as you manage to wake up early to drive me to work,'' Emma replied. ''Where are you even going to?''
Sam and Springtrap briefly exchanged glances, only to see Emma giving them a Don't you dare to lie to me look.
''We planned to visit an abandoned building called Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental,'' Sam said. Emma didn't seem to recognize the name.
''So, what is that place? Are you completely sure that it is abandoned?'' Emma asked.
''It is,'' Springtrap replied, with Emma giving him a confused look. ''At least it was the last time I was there, more than a year ago.''
''Should I even ask why you were there?'' Emma said, crossing her arms.
''I used to own it, and rest assured, it is completely empty,'' Springtrap replied. ''There are no people and no animatronics, just robotic parts and empty rooms.''
''I see,'' Emma muttered, looking a little skeptical. ''Anyways, don't stay up too late, else someone is going to sleep outside. I'm not that picky about who this person will be.''
She added the last part when she noticed Sam grinning, looking satisfied when Sam's eyes widened and her smile instantly vanished. Emma left, with Sam and Springtrap exchanging glances.
''To be honest, I'm not sure whether she was messing with us again or was completely serious about this,'' Sam said.
''I don't think we should take any chances,'' Springtrap replied. ''In any case, we have a plan for tomorrow and we can discuss the details in the morning.''
He was about to get up and leave, only for Sam to grab his hand, forcing him to stay. He was a little confused when he saw the annoyed look on her expression.
''Remember how I told you that I'm getting better at picking up on whenever you feel upset about something? I'm quite sure that there's something you didn't want to tell me earlier,'' Sam said as Springtrap sat back, looking a little flustered and anxious.
''I don't think I need to explain whom that little girl reminded me of,'' Springtrap said.
''No, but the children are gone, aren't they?'' Sam said. ''That chapter of your life is supposed to be over, isn't it? Even though it does influence your current situation.''
''True, but the more I think about it, the more I feel that not all of them are gone,'' Springtrap replied.
''You mean that entity?'' Sam asked, with Springtrap nodding.
''If anything, I'm certain that this entity is completely different from the voice that told me that I'd be back, for whatever reason they had,'' he explained.
''Considering how things are, you've been brought back to be tortured. Apparently, the Hell you faced wasn't enough,'' Sam said, noticing that Springtrap looked quite crestfallen. ''There is something else, isn't it?''
''How would you feel if I just left?'' he asked. He noticed the reluctant look on her expression, as she understood what he meant. It was more than obvious that she refused to let him leave, which he actually felt relieved about.
''Well, if you wanted to leave, it is your decision…'' Sam muttered.
''Sam, be honest with your feelings,'' Springtrap said calmly, in the same tone Sam used to talk to him in such situations.
''No, I don't want to you to leave,'' Sam said, now in a more confident tone, only to feel Springtrap patting her on the head.
''I know. I am not going to leave you,'' Springtrap told her. ''At least not unless forced, and even then, I doubt I would just abandon you. Besides, I'm quite satisfied with being back, so that's an additional reason for staying here.''
Sam smiled, with Springtrap feeling a warm sensation in his chest.
Even if I have to leave, it'll be on my own terms.
''It should be here somewhere,'' Springtrap said as he looked through the window of the car. The two were searching for Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental location. Springtrap felt a little tense about visiting it again, as he wondered whether everything remained the same, or whether the location was still there.
''Is this it?'' Sam asked, parking in next to the building next to an empty lot. There was an old rusty sign on it, saying CIRCUS BABY'S ENTERTAINMENT AND RENTAL, with the image of Circus Baby holding a microphone on the top of the sign. However, the colors were faded and chipped. The lot also had a broken fence around it, but it didn't seem like it was necessary for keeping intruders out. The whole place was decrepit and gave off a creepy vibe. The two exited the car, walking over to the building, with Springtrap being stunned.
''I can't believe this place is still here,'' he said. ''I thought that Henry had torn it down and burned the remains.''
''Well, I have no complaints about this place still being here,'' Sam said, looking quite excited. ''Let's go inside.''
Springtrap nodded, although he still stood on the spot, staring at the building. He did feel a little reluctant about entering it, as he didn't know what he might find there. Everything could've been the same as he left it, but it was also possible that there was nothing there. He sighed.
It's time to see what is lurking underground.
''Is there a bunny plushie?''
''But, I want one!''
Kathy looked at her younger brother, who was just as annoyed as she was that the only plushies were those of Ricky and the Misfits. The two hoped that they could find a plushie that looked similar to that green-golden bunny with the purple bowtie.
Speaking of the bunny, nobody had seen it. Sure, the two hadn't visited Ricky's in a while, but they were sure that the bunny would still be here. They asked a few older kids and even an employee about the strange bunny animatronic, but none of them had even noticed that he was there. The two felt disappointed, as they wanted to play with him.
They knew that the bunny was there, but everyone else acted like he didn't exist. What was going on?
''Maybe he doesn't work today,'' Kathy suggested. She then pouted. ''Or maybe he got fired?''
Kyle tilted his head. He didn't fully understand what ''being fired'' meant, although he knew that it was something about adults losing their job, as he overheard his aunt talking nastily about the people that worked in the grocery store. All he could imagine was the bunny animatronic being fired out of a cannon by Ricky, and got scared.
''I hope he wasn't,'' he said. ''That would hurt.''
The two then got approached by Virgil The Owl, who looked at them expectantly.
''Do you want a prize?'' Virgil asked them.
''We want a bunny plushie!'' Kyle exclaimed, holding his share of prize tickets.
''I am sorry, but there are no bunnies here,'' Virgil replied. ''But, did you know that rabbits are fragile animals and are most active in the morning and evening. They prefer to sleep during the day and through the night. Rabbits are very tame and not demanding. They can be trained to learn commands and play games. Rabbits make very little noise so bothering your neighbors will not be a concern. Rabbits love to be handled, like attention, and tend to be active when most people are home. Because of all these attributes they can make an excellent pet.''
''Really?'' Kyle seemed to be awed, turning to his sister. ''I want a pet bunny!''
''Me too,'' Kathy was just as excited about the idea as her brother was, but then quickly remembered why they were here, then turned to the animatronic. ''Did you see a bunny robot?''
''No, there is no rabbit animatronic here. We have Ricky Wolfrun-'' Before Virgil could continue listing the names of the animatronics, he got interrupted by Kathy.
''But, there was a bunny named Spring here!'' she insisted.
''No, there is no rabbit animatronic here. We have Ricky Wolf-''
Kathy groaned, with her brother copying her. Both of them were frustrated that nobody knew about Spring, not even the animatronics themselves.
''Hello, there!'' The twins turned around, only to see Ricky waving at them. ''Do you need any help?''
As much as the twins were aware of, there were two Rickys. One would sing on the stage and the other would walk around and interact with people. However, they would never be seen together. Of course, when they played with another kid their age and told him about it, he said that they were wrong and that they were stupid for believing that. The twins quickly left him, not taking kindly to the fact that they were insulted by someone who couldn't tell the difference between a robot and a person in a costume.
''Have you seen a bunny?'' Kyle asked hopefully. ''His name is Spring!''
''I'm sorry, but I don't know any bunny named Spring,'' Ricky replied. Kyle looked disappointed. ''However, you can play with me and my friends. Just come along.''
He reached out for Kyle, but Kathy grabbed his arm first.
''No, thanks,'' Kathy suddenly said, feeling uncomfortable in Ricky's presence. Even though he was friendly to them, she had a bad feeling about this and wanted to leave. ''Bye.''
Connor observed silently as the two left, feeling angry. He had realized that he basically got his confirmation that there was indeed a bunny animatronic roaming through this town. However, every time he appeared or was mentioned, he would take people he was interested in away from him.
Well, it's time to hunt this bunny down.
As Sam and Springtrap entered the building, they noticed a thick layer of dust on the floor and every surface. There were cobwebs, as well as a musty scent in the air. It was dark inside, with shutters covering the windows, although Sam brought along her flashlight, shining it on the surfaces. The hallway they entered led to another room covered in posters of Circus Baby, Funtime Foxy, Funtime Freddy and Bon-Bon, and Ballora. There was also a reception counter.
''We're not even at where the animatronics were and I'm already excited,'' Sam said, contemplating whether she could take the posters with her.
''We might have a little problem, though,'' Springtrap said, pointing at the elevator a bit away from the counter. ''There are other entrances, but the primary one, which is reserved for the technicians, is this elevator and I'm not sure whether this place is still powered-up since nobody is using it. Also, just to make it clear, the last time I came here I used a different entrance.''
''Well, we could try it out,'' Sam said, shrugging. Springtrap was worried about the possibility of them getting trapped inside a faulty elevator, but decided to give it a try. Surprisingly, when he pressed the button for the elevator, it actually worked. He and Sam exchanged glances, then nodded, entering the elevator. Sam felt her heart racing when the door behind her closed. It took a few seconds, but the elevator then went down.
As they waited, Springtrap figured that there was a possibility that Fazbear Entertainment was the one who kept Circus Baby's Rental and Entertainment from being torn down. After all, they had already decided to open another location.
Meanwhile, Sam examined the entirety of the elevator, noticing how it looked exactly like it did in the game. The posters were missing, but the panel on which HandUnit asks you to type was still there. Sam traced with her fingers over the torn sticker that said ''MIKE''. She was smiling widely, feeling as if she was dreaming. However, this was much better than a dream.
''Deep below ground, where memories sleep, anger is restless and secrets don't keep.''
''What do you mean?'' Springtrap asked her.
''That was the description for Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location,'' Sam explained. ''Speaking of which, something's missing. HandUnit is not active.''
''I guess that someone turned HandUnit off,'' Springtrap said.
''I kind of hoped that we would hear him,'' Sam said. ''He might've offered me some Exotic Butters.''
Springtrap snorted, figuring that he should ask her a little more about those Five Nights at Freddy's games. The elevator finally opened, with both of them exiting it, entering a smaller room with a vent they would have to crawl through. Sam glanced at Springtrap.
''I still don't get why people have to use the vents to get into another room,'' she said, noticing Springtrap grinning, his arms crossed on his back and his eyes glowing in a soft purple.
''It's just a precaution, to make sure that people stay where they're supposed to be. Do you really think that, unless directed, someone would use a vent to get into the next room?'' Springtrap asked.
''Well, you have a point,'' Sam replied.
''If you don't want to use the vents, I'll show you the way around,'' Springtrap added.
''Thanks, but I actually wanted to see what Mike had to go through,'' Sam said, pointing at the vent. Springtrap's ears drooped, with him looking a little anxious. He knew that Michael had been at this place, as he personally had sent him here, but the idea of her retracing his steps didn't occur to him. However, if she did attempt to retrace Michael's steps… Springtrap's eyes widened as he realized what kind of situation he put her in.
''Say, Sam, you'll be fine on your own for a few minutes?'' he asked.
''I guess…'' Sam gave him a confused look. ''Why are you asking?''
''There's something I need to do, but I'll be back soon,'' Springtrap replied.
''What is it?'' Sam asked.
''I'll explain you later. It's just something I forgot about,'' Springtrap told her. Sam tilted her head, a little skeptical, but then shrugged and entered the vent. Springtrap sighed as he heard her leaving, rubbing his temple. ''Why didn't I remember this sooner?''
He then turned back to he elevator, walking around it and opening the door that was concealed in the small area behind the elevator. As he had already noted, there were certain aspects of this place only he was supposed to know about.
Sam felt a little overwhelmed as she stood in the primary control module room. In front of her was the vent that led to the control room for the Circus Gallery. On the sides were the vents that led to the Ballora Gallery and Funtime Auditorium. She also noticed the keypads used for the controlled shocks, approaching the one on her left carefully, her fingers itching to press the buttons. She felt giddy, still a bit in disbelief that she was actually here, at the Sister Location. As she contemplated whether she should actually try the keypads out, she was startled when the light suddenly started flickering and turned on. Even the screens above her were turned on, albeit showing only static.
She figured that Springtrap was probably the one who turned the lights on and looked through the windows. Both the Ballora Gallery and Funtime Auditorium were empty, albeit there were scraps of metal and plastic lying on the floor. Running from one side to the other, she simply couldn't decide which one to check first.
In the end, she decided to visit first the Circus Gallery, wanting to see Circus Baby's stage first. After climbing out of the vent, she found herself in the control room for the Circus Gallery, leaning against the machinery to see the stage. It was dimly lit, with broken stage lights, but much larger than Ballora and Funtime Foxy's stage. She took a step back and crouched, opening the door to the small space below the desk, which once served as a hiding spot for Michael when the Bidybabs went after him.
She shuddered as she closed it, reminding herself that this wasn't a game or a dream. It was real and people had died here. Not only that, but several incredibly dangerous animatronics had managed to escape by using a human as a suit. Calling it an unnerving experience would be an understatement.
After returning back to the main control room, Sam turned towards the Ballora Gallery, roaming freely through the area, as there was no Ballora or Minireenas to stop her. The room didn't have anything of interest, aside from several decorations and posters showing Ballora dancing. Sam turned her attention to the stage, staring at it for a moment, then shivered, going towards the breaker room.
Now, the breaker room was just as she imagined it to be. She saw the panel for the power, the room being covered in wires and pipes, some tools on a desk at the far end of the room, as well as some machinery.
This was where Funtime Freddy and Bon-Bon resided, at least for a while.
She stepped towards the stage where Funtime Freddy once stood, staring at it briefly, before turning back to the Ballora Gallery, with the intent to visit the Funtime Auditorium next. Once there, she glanced at the stage where Funtime Foxy was, then looked at the floor. While dusty, it was clean.
I guess we'll never know what happened to those two technicians after they were killed.
She then walked over to the parts and service room, which, similarly to the breaker room, was covered in wires, but also had closets and a desk, as well as tools and parts that would be used for fixing the animatronics. As she looked down, she noticed a charred piece of plastic. Picking it up and turning it around, she realized that, while it was quite damaged, it was Ennard's mask.
She gasped, covering her mouth in disbelief as she processed the fact that she was holding a piece of a rather infamous animatronic. She assumed that Ennard, after parting ways with Circus Baby, came here to repair himself, only for that to go wrong. Instead, he became Molten Freddy, a bunch of wires with Funtime Freddy's mask and AI, as Ballora and Funtime Foxy's AI probably ceased to exist at that point.
As she exited the parts and service room, she turned her attention to two other rooms, one being the private room and the other being the scooping room. Biting her lip, she went to the private room, wanting to check it out. As she already expected it, it looked almost exactly as she imagined it to be. The monitors had been turned off, so she had no view of the other rooms. Just as she reached for the monitors, she felt a hand on her shoulder and quickly turned around.
''Are you okay? I'm sorry I scared you,'' Springtrap said as he saw her stunned expression.
''Yeah, I'm fine,'' Sam replied. ''I am actually quite enjoying myself, just like at Fazbear's Fright.''
''I see you have already found something,'' Springtrap said, looking at Ennard's mask. Sam nodded.
''Honestly, I don't think I have even explored half of the place properly,'' she replied. ''Anyways, what were you doing?''
''I was simply making sure you won't get yourself hurt,'' Springtrap replied, with Sam giving him a confused look.
''Thanks,'' she muttered, wondering what exactly he meant, only to figure it out a moment later. ''The scooper, right?''
Springtrap didn't say anything, avoiding any eye-contact with her. He was still troubled over what happened, as well as worried about Sam's reaction to everything. Sure, she had already known about the whole deal with the scooper and remnant, but there was still a difference between knowing something and experiencing it first-hand. Not to mention, considering how curious Sam was, he had every right to worry about her getting hurt.
''In any case, I have visited pretty much every room here, except for the one with the scooper,'' she told Springtrap as she exited the room.
''I think you might want to rethink that sentence,'' Springtrap replied, then glanced back at the monitors, a little reluctant. Although, I guess she already knows, right?
He sighed, feeling torn between letting her continue to explore and telling her that they should leave. After all, this was his idea, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he made the wrong decision. There was a reason why I left everything behind.
He sighed, remembering the time he encountered Circus Baby decades after he had left her and the other animatronics. At the time, she had managed to somehow repair herself, becoming Scrap Baby. She was excited to see him, showing no trace of malice or bitterness towards him. She didn't care anymore about being left behind, seemingly forgotten, and wanted to do anything to make him proud. She wanted to be part of this horror show and he allowed it.
She even told him about what had happened to Michael, which honestly shocked him as, while he did sent him to this location, he didn't expect such outcome. However, the possibility of Michael still being alive despite being carved out like a pumpkin for Halloween sparked his interest, causing him to wonder whether he would encounter his son again. Still, that didn't mean that he wanted a family reunion. At that point, he had lost every sense of sanity, only wanting to continue to murder people.
Hell, even Circus Baby was a victim of his insane ideas. He no longer cared whether he was talking to the Circus Baby AI or Elizabeth when he encountered her, simply accepting idea that this is who she was. While he may have not wanted to harm her before, he had accepted her idea of her becoming his successor, while at the same time making it clear that he would also act on his own, without her help.
Springtrap sighed, closing his eyes with a look of anguish on his expression. Now that he thought about everything, he felt sick. He was furious at himself for even taking such dark path, even though he knew that he couldn't change anything about his past. He refused to understand the pain and agony he brought upon everyone, believing that there would be some kind of benefit from his actions. Sure, had had discovered what could be called essentially immortality, but at what price?
Even if put myself into a similar situation, I still would have no idea what they have been through.
Time and time again, he had to wonder why he was still here, why he was allowed to come back. Was he supposed to repeat the horror show? Sure, he tried that, but Sam convinced him that there might have been another reason for his return. Or, maybe there wasn't any other reason for his return and this was just another form of torture? If it was, then they did a good job, as he now felt even worse than he did in Hell.
Still, there was a bit of hope left for him, as he had found someone who was willing to listen to him and help him out. It wasn't a bad deal, despite the constant anxiety and fear about her getting hurt somehow. After all, he had managed to hurt and scar every person he actually felt some connection with, and she might suffer the same fate.
I should've stayed away from her.
He shook his head, his eyes flaring purple. Only because he knew that he shouldn't be around her didn't mean he was supposed to leave her. He had shown that he could change, that he could become a better person. Hell, he even showed regret for his past actions! He wanted to keep Sam safe and happy, and that required his presence, no matter how absurd that idea was.
If this is not why I'm here, what else am I supposed to do?!
In the end, the decision lied within him. Even if he had made a different choice, he would still suffer the consequences, which could've been even worse than what he was experiencing now. Springtrap sighed, exiting the private room and closing the door, then leaned against it, staring across the room.
What should I do?
Suddenly, there was a scream, with something falling on the ground, the sounds echoing through the empty room.
Springtrap ran over to the scooping room, finding Sam sitting on the ground, clutching her stomach. He quickly crouched next to her, noticing the blood on her arm.
''Sam, what happened?!''
Sam looked at the dismantled scooper, with Springtrap noticing that the remnant injector had sprung open. While had had dismantled it, he forgot that there was a possibility that traces of remnant were still inside the injector and that it might activate if not handled carefully. He assumed that she picked up some of the pieces of the scooper to examine them and got stabbed by the injector after accidentally activating it.
''Sam, let me see the wound,'' he said anxiously, slowly feeling the dread rising in the back of his mind. Sam extended her arm, her eyes tearing. Feeling sorry for her, Springtrap examined her arm, seeing the tears on the bandages and blood dripping out of the tears. He took a look at her, realizing that it was just her arm that got stabbed by the injector. Still, that didn't make him feel less horrified. He looked at her, his eyes flaring purple. ''We're going home this instant.''
Sam was surprised by his stern and serious tone. It was less of a suggestion and more of an order, with her realizing that the situation was grave. She let him help her get up, feeling her arm throbbing and a little dizzy.
''Sam, can you stand on your own?'' Springtrap asked her, with Sam waiting for the dizziness to fade.
''Yeah, I think so,'' she said, even though Springtrap still held her non-injured arm. ''There's a first aid kit in the car.''
''I don't think that it will help much,'' Springtrap said as he looked at her injured arm. The bleeding had stopped, but there were still red stains on the bandages. However, he wasn't worried about her injury, but more about what the injector did to her.
As they walked past the remains of Ballora, Funtime Foxy and Funtime Freddy and entered the Funtime Auditorium, Springtrap directed her towards a concealed door Sam hadn't noticed earlier. It led to a corridor that had a fork. Sam assumed that one path led to the observatory she saw through the panel at the scooping room. Springtrap then gestured to take the other path, which led back to the elevator room. As the elevator went up, the dizziness Sam felt had faded away and she was capable of standing on her own. However, her arm still hurt.
''How do you feel?'' Springtrap asked her worriedly. Sam noticed that there was a hint of panic in his tone.
''My arm hurts,'' she said, holding her injured arm with her non-injured one. ''I also feel tired.''
Springtrap looked dismayed, fearing the worst. He didn't want to risk anything, but he also had no idea what might happen to Sam. After all, he never found out what might happen when someone who was still alive gets injected with remnant.
The drive back home was quiet. After having her arm once again bandaged, Sam insisted on driving them back home, despite feeling fatigue. Springtrap let her do that, as he didn't want to upset her further. The situation was already bad enough, even more when Sam expressed the desire to go to sleep once they had arrived.
''Sam, I don't think that this is a good idea,'' Springtrap told her. ''You need to stay awake.''
He was slowly freaking out. As much as he knew, remnant was supposed to bind the soul of a dead or dying person to a body, be it artificial or not. However, he feared that, if injected into someone who was still alive, it could outright kill the person. While Sam wasn't stabbed in any of her vital organs, like the heart, it seemed to be affecting her nonetheless.
''I'm sorry about what happened. This is all my fault,'' he told her.
''No, it's mine,'' Sam replied, her cheeks red. ''I shouldn't have touched that stuff. I should've known better-''
Suddenly, her eyes rolled back and collapsed. Springtrap managed to hold her, preventing her from falling down on the floor.
''Sam, wake up! Sam!''
Horrified, he realized that she couldn't hear him anymore.
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#Five Nights at Freddy's: The Untold Story (Masterlist)
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pebblewritesj · 2 years
Being Queen's Favorite Stylist
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- They always come up with excuses on why you're the exact person they need to see.
- "They're the only one that knows how to take care of my curls right."
- "My hair's real sensitive you see, and I'm tender-headed. The other stylists like to pull and tug and it makes me a bit uncomfortable." Then he'll go on about how as the lead singer of the band he deserves the best stylist.
- "They're the only stylist that isn't afraid to get involved in our conversations, they make things interesting."
- John's excuse depends on what era you're at, though he could include the following;
- "They're the only one that does my bangs right."
- "They're the only one that doesn't question me about why I like my hair to be so big."
- "They'e nice, fun to talk to in the middle of all the fights."
- They all treat you like close family.
- "Y/N! Hello darling! Christ, I had to fight my way in here, you have no idea how high demand you are at the moment.”
- Always include you in all of their conversations, no matter what they're about.
- "Y/N, I dare you to cut Brian's hair off." "Y/N I swear to god--" "Brian, you really think I would listen to Roger's drunken suggestions? Freddie get him some water, please." "No, it's not my fault he decided to drink before a show. Deacy, get Roger some water." "Alright."
- You happen to have the steadiest hands that the band has ever seen, John and Roger in particular are pretty fascinated any time you're putting makeup on any of the other members.
- Freddie convincing you to do people's makeup while they sleep.
- Freddie convincing you to forcefully give the other member's makeovers.
- Being the one to reluctantly cut Roger's hair off after having to deal with his complaints about being called a girl for the past years.
- "Roger I don't want to cut it off-" "Just do it Y/N, God!" "I don't want them to cut it, it's the only thing that's keeping us from seeing your abnormally large forehead," "I agree, besides you'll still look like a girl." "Yeah, I think it's the dainty nose that really sets it off-" "Don't agree with them Y/N, just do your damn job and cut it!"
- You get to paint their nails.
- Every time they go on a tour they always make sure you’re one of the stylists coming with them.
- There was one or two times where you couldn’t go with them, but you still received regular calls from the band.
- “Hello Brian, how’s the tour going?” “It’s going just fine, but I have found that I get more headaches when you’re not there to keep Freddie from yelling at us.”
- They all call you from time to time to complain about something the rest of the band is doing.
- “Hi Roger, did you need something?” “Hey Y/N, no everything’s fine, I just really need you to come over to the studio and listen to this song I’ve been working on.” “Well why do you need my input?” “Well the rest of the band’s making fun of me for it and I need to prove that it’s got potential— what the hell— no, give me the phone back you wanker!… Hey Y/N it’s Brian, instead of having you come all the way out here to listen to a stupid song, i’d like to read some of these lyrics for you…”
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yjwhatif · 3 years
With the semi/cryptic confirmation of Ed and Barts relationship in the series I have a question:
Do you think everyone knows about them (in world) or do you think they’re keeping it secret from some?
It’s just a thought that’s been in my head recently. It is most likely fuelled by the whole drama of G&B not being able to depict a “specific character” (it’s definitely Bart) as gay. They’ve had to hide the relationship from their audience - because of ridiculous reasons - but there are still moments that bring up the question - Are they? Before the reveals from AskGreg, I kinda thought- well they are clearly not together yet, but perhaps they both have feelings for one another and are just waiting for the other to make the next move because they’re nervous idiots who don’t want to have read the situation wrong — all while their friends are like - seriously guys? just get together already. Kinda like they did in s1 with Wally and Artemis - and I guess early Supermartian as well - which I would have been okay with... though with the likelihood of there being at least another two year time skip you’d probably have missed the getting together moment - which would kinda suck. Anyway. With the information about the chances being they were supposed to clearly be in a relationship throughout S3 — which makes the whole structuring of ILLUSIONS just make sense — it’s got me viewing their moments with a whole new energy. Also, I saw this post by Greg —
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And let me just clarify, I have no idea if this is actually referencing the Ed and Bart stuff, it might not be (probably isn't). This is purely me speculating.
My reading of this is they got told they couldn’t depict Bart as gay pretty late on and that specifically affected ILLUSIONS where they likely intended to confirm the relationship with that first shot - the kiss on the cheek moment. Even now that moment is just odd - because it’s there but it’s not - because technically there is no actual kiss… which I think is absolutely the point. It plants the seed without actually breaking any rules - all by keeping the momentum but removing the specific kiss frame. It’s the only moment that I feel is explicit in saying they are in a relationship - everything else you can just read into and imply there’s something - but they technically don’t confirm anything.
The whole thing is actually quite interesting - despite the reasoning for it being totally ridiculous. By keeping/showing what they did... People notice it. People talk about it. People reflect on it. More people talk about it. People writing. Make. Create. Discuss it. An entire audience is formed who want and support it. It’s a whole thing now because people noticed it and generated a positive response to it - and that was before all the AskGreg information. The whole reason YJ got a season 3 is because the fans fought to get it back. Enough people talked about it - and kept talking about it - to convince TPTB that the show should come back. Greg and Brandon know this. They know the power the fans have and maybe they hoped that power would help them again in freeing Bart from these ridiculous restrictions. #letbartoutofthecloset
Obviously, we can't know until S4 is released whether G&B got the permission to confirm Bart's sexuality the way they envisioned - but maybe the responses that came during the release of 3b were enough to convince TPTB that they were fighting a losing battle. But who knows, people in power can be very stubborn at times, so we will just have to see what we get. Fingers crossed they eased up though - and not just because of the Ed/Bart relationship (which I am obviously a fan of -- it's fine if not everyone is) - but because these restrictions on LGBTQ+ content shouldn't be a thing and need to stop -- there is just no validity in them.
Anyhow. despite their not being allowed to officially confirm the relationship, Greg's comment about Ed's having a boyfriend they can't name basically confirms the fact without technically breaking any rules again. Masterfully done Wiesman. With this, it implies the pair are in fact dating during S3 which brings us back to the original question... but who knows??
With the comments of Virgil during ILLUSIONS, it's easy to assume their friends do in fact know. They also seem to have no problem being close and interacting with one another whilst in the presence of others -- that is, except for one moment...
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Ever since the first time I saw this episode (ELDER WISDOM) I have always found this moment strange - because Ed seems to get kinda awkward when Barry comes to check on Bart. (Or that's how I see it at least.) He realises Flash is standing there and immediately pulls his head down averting his gaze -- almost like he doesn't want to be seen by the elder. But why? Does Barry not know about the pair -- or maybe he doesn't know about Bart and Ed thinks their current closeness is too revealing -- who's to say Bart's even fully out to the world yet -- who's to say either of them are? We certainly don't since we weren't allowed to be shown. We can't know until we know - so until then we can play the speculation game while we wait.
Bart is certainly a bit of a secret keeper when it comes to being himself. I'm still convinced the Bart we see onscreen is merely his interpretation of what he thinks people expect from a speedster in this time. We saw 'real' Bart, he was snarky and cynical and nothing like the Bart we've had for the past two seasons. He said it himself - he's playing a character - and I don't think he knows how to break out of it - not while the possibility exists that it might hurt those he's grown to care about. Bart wants to be seen a certain way to avoid acknowledging the truth of the past - if people see him as happy and smiley, then no one will question him on things he doesn't want to talk about. The problem with that is you can't hide yourself forever - cracks begin to form and eventually, the truth comes out whether you want it to or not. So who knows how comfortable Bart is revealing any of his true self to those he cares about. Maybe his relationship with Ed will be the thing that finally helps him find comfort in being himself, whilst also trusting others to still accept him as himself... and maybe getting him that bit of therapy he really needs.
This brings us to Eduardo… First, can I just say it made me so happy to see Greg’s confirmation of Ed being gay - though it is slightly annoying that he was robbed of his explicit onscreen reveal in S3 thanks to the drama with Bart. His whole relationship to his powers in S2 to S3 fits the representation of coming to terms with your sexuality/identity from a very negative point of view. Feeling like it’s something that needs fixing or needs to be “cured” - to then finding the light and freedom in accepting yourself for you. His growth between seasons is brilliant. He understands the hate and insecurity the teens are feeling because he felt it himself. He does all he can to help them because he never felt he got that help when he needed it - and no one deserves to feel worse for being who they are. Obviously, the things he talks about are framed in the context of dealing with/accepting the meta-gene - yet there are certain moments where it seems he’s saying more than that��
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All of which got me wondering - why did Ed originally runaway? It certainly wasn’t because of the meta-abilities he did not yet have. All he’s ever said on the subject was he thought he wanted to be with his father - the man it seems he barely had a relationship with. No, I think Ed has been running from himself for a long time and his dad just happened to be an actual direction for him to aim for. The way he speaks about his wanting to be “cured” and “praying to get rid of his powers” suggests an upbringing around religion and traditional ideas of there being a ‘normal/proper’ way to be — while anything that doesn’t fit that way is treated as other or something that needs to be changed or 'fixed'. Maybe he ran to avoid being found out and run the risk of being ostracised by those he loved. Or maybe he was found out and leaving wasn’t entirely his choice*. If this was the case, I can certainly imagine him not wanting to come out to his dad for fear of his reaction and completely losing all chance of that father-son relationship they’re both trying so hard to keep. It can seem easier to live in secret than risk the reality of loss. So while the meta-gene likely wasn’t the main thing he was angry about in S2, it was able to become a physical thing he could blame and focus his anger on - without having to think about where his issues truly lied… Though with a bit of time it also became the thing he was comfortable conveying his feelings through...
“I’ve learned to accept, even love my meta-abilities”
I love this line so much and it’s all because of the delivery by Freddy Rodrigues. There is the slightest hint of a pause before he says “meta-abilities”, which gives the impression he was about to say something else before then remembering himself and who he was talking to. Then there’s the small inflecion he put on “love”, which makes it sound like it’s the first time he’s heard himself say the words out loud. I don’t hear him talking about the gene - I hear him talking about finally accepting himself - all of himself - for the first time in maybe ever and finally feeling happy because of it. I hear growth... From being the angry 14-year-old skater who just wanted to run away and escape any way he could. To the 16-year-old councillor/Outsider jumping straight into the danger to protect and inspire those who need it. Both he and Bart are such strong characters with so much more to be seen - especially when it comes to the insecurities which lie behind their masks. They both compliment each other pretty perfectly - both powers-wise and personality-wise - meaning while they try to hide themself from others, I don't think it'll take long for them to realise they can't hide from each other.
Anywho, that’s all the speculatary nonsense I’ve got for today. This turned into such a patchwork of vaguely linkable thoughts I’ve had which barely relate to the one I started with - but that is usually how it goes. Take it as you will…
Also, completely unrelated to YJ, but Bi Tim Drake now exists in dc canon which is really cool - seeing all of the joy it’s sparked has really given me something to smile about this week… There is hope after all. 🌈
— LB ⚡️☀️
* OK so here’s a little random snapshot into the chaos of my mind— as I was writing the Ed stuff I had a scene pop into my head of Ed finally -for whatever reason- having to tell his dad that he didn’t leave his abuelo’s home - he got kicked out. His dads confused about this and asks Why? What did you do? And Ed’s like Nothing… I didn’t do anything wrong… he just… found out something. So Seniors like Found out what Eduardo? And Ed’s getting really nervous now because he doesn’t want to say it - That I, um… I’m… Senior step a fraction closer as he picks up on Ed’s anxiety but remains an appropriate distance - Son? Then after a tensening silence he finally says it - sounding the most vulnerable he has ever been - I’m gay… The silence is there again, heavy and unnerving, neither saying a word. Ed can’t move as he’s lock in his elders unreadable glare. Expecting the worse his head drops to take in the floor - anything that isn’t the disappointment ahead - he feels the urge to disappear burning up inside him - consuming him. Then just as he’s about to escape he’s suddenly grounded by a steadying hand rooting itself on his shoulder. Tentatively he lifts his gaze to witness his father, there, with nothing but love and support in his eyes - Mijo. The clamping in his chest dissipates as all the tension escapes at once, along with the breath he hadn’t realised he was holding. Ed embraces his dad and the elder embraces his son. Together. A family.
Anyway. That’s probably a load of rubbish but hey my minds full of it… but basically I really want to see a tender moment between Ed and his dad. For whatever reason. Something where Ed’s in a vulnerable state and in need of some emotional support from his father - and without hesitation his father steps up - because that’s what we haven’t seen from them yet. It would perfectly portray the strength of their relationship as father and son - despite their previous struggles - and prove that Senior is willing to support his son no matter the situation as the father - not just the scientist. Its the final step in their healing journey and I wanna see it so bad!!
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seas-storyarchive · 2 years
Nova Bound AU
Jones and Nova are a bound pair, an Annunaki and their human sidekick, if you will. Basically think Scooby and Shaggy or Ricky and Pericles
Jones, from the time of his death, is sent back to when the first Mystery Inc came to him
He decides to decline helping them, aisde from giving them a map, before swallowing his pride and deciding to become a history professor
During the course of his studies, he reunites with Nova - who is a "stray cocker spaniel dog" on the campus grounds. He knows who she is as she was the one to set this up and the two decide to be a duo, keeping the gang safe and trying to prevent the end of the world
By this point, Jones is friends with Janet and H. P., Jones trying to orchestrate them meeting Sheriff and Harlan. He somehow becomes friends with Angie Dinkley this time around, he's not sure how this time. Perhaps it's because he's more open minded to the supernatural now, after having been through it? Well, regardless, he and Angie have a great time discussing the town's history from his digging into it over her amazing smoothies. His favorite is a dragonfruit and guava base with a slight punch of lime to give it a good kick, Angie is fond of his taste after she tries one for herself.
He and Dale are on okay terms, after revealing to Dale that he's incapable of romance and helps with their business with his mapping out of the caves to sell as maps to tourists as well as his talks with Angie
Jones is the only human who can understand Nova. Janet thinks it's cute that Jones talks to Nova, H. P. considers Nova an otherworldly entity ("it's the eyes") - I mean he isn't wrong. Angie is convinced Nova carries the spirit of someone special to Jones (kind of, sort of, not really but close enough), Dale just thinks she's a weird dog
The first Mystery Inc breaks up around this time, all because Judy couldn't solve mysteries due to being pregnant. She shoves the boy onto Jones, her parents agreeing to the decision as it brought shame upon their family. Mystery Inc gets back together shortly after, Nova could only sigh as there was plenty of work ahead
Nova is loved by Freddy the moment he sees her, the dog loving him as well and for years acts as his guardian angel of sorts
She's given free roam of the house and backyard, when Jones is at his job studying and Freddy is at daycare. When out with Jones, she's either on a harness attached to a leash or riding on Jones' shoulders (she does this with Freddy when he's older too, but she's more comfortable on Jones' shoulders as his aren't as broad)
Nova is a service dog, using her powers to transfer the information from one timeline to this one, from her original time as Brad and Judy's dog. They don't take advantage of this, like bringing her into areas that dogs aren't normally allowed to go, unless it's a social event (talking to students or his friends is one thing, but Jones finds he can't hold a conversation in this timeline to save his life, so Nova stays close to Jones during these events. Freddy shows he has some idea of what's going on, letting Nova do her job when she wears her vest)
When Freddy has a high fever, at age 10, Nova examines him. It turns out, Freddy was also sent back to the past. Freddy and Jones talk about what Freddy knows, the next steps, everything. Freddy is on track to forgiving Jones, given that he found Jones' journal with plans on how to support him in his interests some time ago
When the gang start solving mysteries, they're just kids going by "the Scooby-Doo Detective Agency"
Jones monetarily supports some of their mysteries, mainly those that involve them driving out of the town as he won't be as close
This clashes with Avocados' vision of the town - prompted by the town being reliant on money from outsider tourists to pay for food shipments and such - wanting to use the monsters to bring in tourism. Jones, during one interaction meeting the man, could sense something off with him. A corruption of sorts, like his prior but purely.. sinister
Freddy "discovers" that Bradford and Judith Reeves-Chilles are his real parents. He's 17 when this happens, and he doesn't care, burned by them in the past and they didn't want him in the present
Jones dawns his Freak costume one Halloween, which is a trigger for Shaggy and Scooby - who, along with Daphne, were also sent back but unsure of how to tell anyone
Mystery Incorporated is in Avocados' pocket - meaning so is Ricky - to keep the mysteries alive, they solve mysteries for him and he pays them, they keep him blind to the treasure under the town so they can have it all to themselves
Velma is the hardest to see, she acts mostly the same as she did last time. They find out that she too came back after she doesn't try to start a relationship with Shaggy this same time around. Harlan seemed to "slip the timestream" as well, and Nova pulls H. P., Janet and Sheriff "into consciousness" after realizes it's a lot easier to explain things
Soon, after they get their hands on two disc pieces, it's a race against the clock for Jones, his friends and the Kids to stop Mystery Inc and Avocados from unleashing Nibiru unto them all
Nova gets knocked out of the fight, Brad and Judy shooting the chopper down as they did last time
So now a grief stricken Jones leads the charge, clad in his Crystal Covian Freak best with said Freak's powers as well, to stay this madness. No matter what it takes
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dweetwise · 4 years
What if Jeff was a werebear, a Grizzly, and thought of it as a horrible curse, but in the fog he's slowly comming to accept that it isn't so bad, since he can defend his friends from the killers by looking up at the permanent full moon in the fog and turning into a huge, pissed off bearman? Would the others survivors be willing to accept Jeff after they learn his secret?
this is a really interesting idea! i’m sorry i grouped some of the survs together, i really struggled with this for some reason!
Werebear!Jeff & other survivors headcanons
I see the survivors splitting into three groups depending on how they react to the revelation: either they accept Jeff and get closer to him, or they’re wary and distance themselves, or they just shrug and laugh it off.
The sweethearts:
Kate adores animals and will be even more affectionate than usual. She loves petting the bear and some of it leaks over into Jeff’s human form, where she’ll sometimes just plop down next to him and start carding her hands through his hair.
Jake won’t be bothered in the slightest. After Jeff has come clean and explained to the rest of the camp what a horrible curse it is, Jake will awkwardly pipe up: “So is this a bad time to ask when you can turn me?”. Jeff refuses but Jake keeps pestering him, and at least he doesn’t have to worry about Jake being disgusted by him.
Cheryl was there when Jeff first transformed in a trial, and while the two others panicked, she just stared, suppressing a yawn. It’s not even in the top 10 of disturbing shit she’s seen and she doesn’t treat him any differently, even going as far as to call out anyone who starts avoiding him.
Claudette worries a lot, but where most of the others are scared of the bear, she’s worried about Jeff himself. She’ll always try to talk him out of transforming even if it costs the team’s lives, because the transformation looks so painful.
Adam is really curious about his condition and will ask questions even Jeff doesn’t know the answer to. Adam will eventually conclude the bear harmless and that Jeff is in full control when he transforms. Not everyone believes his assessment, but Jeff is grateful nonetheless.
Bill and Yui recognize the strategic advantage and are willing to put their own initial hesitance aside to accept Jeff for the greater good. They’ll be happy to let Jeff distract the killer in trials and don’t treat him any differently than before.
The memesters:
Ace, upon seeing Jeff transform, doesn’t even miss a beat: “You know before, when I called you a bear, I didn’t mean like the animal, I meant in the gay—” “YES THANK YOU ACE we get it!” an annoyed Jane will interrupt. Any time Jeff is in the trial, Ace has a field day with bear jokes. “You could say we... bearly made it,” he’ll quip after a lucky escape.
Steve lacks any form of self-preservation and just goes “Dude, that’s badass!” and tries to give the bear a goddamn fist bump. He’ll prank the killers, getting chased on purpose and then leading the killer to where bear-Jeff is lying in wait.
Feng will, somehow, come up with a perk to let them interact with Jeff’s bear form in trials. She’s usually seen riding on the bear’s back, charging at the killer with a battle cry or just using him to move around the map faster. Since she’s easily the smallest and lightest survivor, Jeff barely notices her weight and is not quite sure what she means when she says her “class” is a “beastmaster”.
Ash just rolls with it. He’ll egg Jeff on to transform in trials even when he doesn’t need to, and tries to dare bear-Jeff to do the dumbest shit. Once, he succeeded in convincing a transformed Jeff to let the killer down him just because he wanted to see Frank struggle to hook the massive animal.
Quentin zones out with a frown, not reacting to the initial revelation. A heartbeat later, he perks up and asks “Sooo... just how bad can you hurt the killers?”, eyes shining with endless possibilities of revenge. Jeff refuses to go through with some of the teen’s more gruesome ideas, but he might have “accidentally” “ran into” Freddy a time or two and thrown the mauled corpse at a gleeful Quentin’s feet.
The scaredy-cats:
Dwight wants to think he knows better than to judge a book by its cover. He’ll try not to let his cowardice get in the way of his interactions with Jeff, but it’s painfully obvious to everyone involved that Dwight is just trying not to shit his pants.
Jane and Tapp are scared for the others, considering Jeff unpredictable while in his bear form. They’ll often be seen hovering in the distance when some of the others get too close, especially Feng and Kate, and will go behind Jeff’s back and encourage everyone to keep a distance—not out of spite, but out of concern for the others.
Meg and David are angry that Jeff has kept the secret from them for so long. They’re not afraid of him or anything, but they feel betrayed and become snappy towards him.
Nea is scared, even if she won’t admit it. Jeff is and will always be her bro back at camp, but in trials she starts avoiding him, sometimes even going as far as to duck down and sneak away if she sees him approaching.
Nancy is wary. She always liked Jeff as a person, but she’s seen enough monsters for a lifetime and is hesitant to trust him again.
Laurie and Zarina pretend not to be bothered by the revelation, but unconsciously start avoiding Jeff, their survival instincts screaming to keep a distance from the dangerous animal.
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ready8210 · 5 years
„Let me in your heart again“
2. California calling
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Munich / Germany - Vivian's Hotel room
It's a shame you have to spend the whole day in a boring plane. I let my eyes wander out of the window, taking in the breathtaking bright blue morning sky, one last time.
It was a nice breathy summer day and I was standing in my hotel room in Munich, had grabbed my packed bags and was ready to go for our "two - year - adventure".
It took me some days to realize, what happened and that I would spend the next years with one of the biggest rock bands in history. Me, little clumsy, timid Vivian.
Unfortunately it didn't take me that long, to realize, my hero, the man himself, Mr Freddie Mercury, literally HATES ME.
Yes he hates me, for sure.
And I have to admit, I shad a view tears, as my fantasizing about what could have been, between the two of us, went overboard and got the best of me.
NO, you can't just really believe that. Of course I didn't cry!! I'm on a MISSION now....giving him the hardest time ever!!!!
I may be a tad to upbeat here. I'm afraid things will evolve in another direction.
* * * *
Munich / Germany - Airport
I took a taxi, earlier today, to get all my bags full of camera equipment and belongings to the airport. Two suitcases for all of my cameras, lenses and all the other stuff, that comes along with being a photographer, plus two, for all my clothes and personal stuff. I'm hopeless when it comes to packing, so I always end up with way to much to carry around.
Finally there, we had some hours to spare and I was killing time, strolling around the multiple shops with my new „friend" Roger Taylor, incessantly asking me about my life and flirting like a manic.
He really can be annoyingly persistent.
I ended up telling him I'm married, having high hopes he would draw his attention to somebody else. Big mistake, I tell you. It encouraged him even more. I finally found some alone time, which was much needed, cause for whatever reason, I didn't feel very sociable today, as Brian and John forcefully tug him away from me, to discuss "something" with the band.
Looking after them, strolling away and making their way to the other end of the hall, I rummage around my bag, to put out my cellphone and headphones and make myself comfortable, while waiting for boarding to begin. I have to smile, as I hear the first tones of „under pressure" resounding in my ear. „How fitting" I giggle, while laying back my head, with closed eyes and sealing myself off from the outside world.
„Boarding for business class passengers will begin in 5 minutes", I hear a tinny voice informing the waiting crowd, as I still lay back in my seat, waiting to head to sunny California. My head is killing me at the moment, many sleepless nights and pervasive anxiety attack's, for the last view days, didn't make it better. And to make matters worse, there's no chance, not even a spark of relaxation, for the next two years. Even less, when you have to deal with a hate - filled Rock God.
Convinced to fly economy today, as Mr. Beach had acknowledged me, a view days ago, I look at my ticket for the first time, since I received it, recognizing, much to my surprise and liking, I am booked for business class.
„Let's go" I mutter noiseless „Let the hell ride begin", putting my way to heavy bag over my shoulder and enthusiastically bouncing up. This new circumstances really lighten up my gloomy mood.
As I make my way to the end of the line of waiting people, I can see Freddie hectically gesturing in my direction and scoffing something to Paul, while shaking his head contemptible, to then shoot me a death glare.
Paul Prenter to be precise. He's one of Freddie's PA's and the both of them are literally inseparable. Sticking together like Siamese twins the whole time. Somehow I feel sorry for Freddie, spending his time with a sneaky, calculating, little rat, always controlling his every move and telling him what to do. I may be prepossessed against Paul, but that's the impression I got so far. Earlier today, Roger did his best, to convince me of Peters malice. And one look at him is enough to know, Roger is right.
Besides that, I already was able to see for myself, when I was invited to the studio again and we all went out for dinner, a view days ago. The day was packed with teasing, despicable glances and subtle insults coming from Paul. After I was invited, I hoped for a more ‚friendly' meeting with Freddie, but he unfortunately took Paul as an example and did his best to make life hard for me.
Someone is not too happy with the fact I will join them business class, I tell myself, as I look at Freddie. I put on a big satisfied smile and look in his direction, while nodding brazenly. His expression changes to pure fury, you literally can see smoke whooshing out of his ears, before he relaxes his hands, which were painfully clenched into fists, showing every vein on his skin, and grabs his bag to quickly walk towards me, with narrowed lips and madness in his eyes. For a second I'm pretty sure he will stab me right there.
I shirk from his look, as a subtle hint of timidity overcomes me and make my way to the counter, as I realize, I'm next in line. A woman behind it checks my passport and ticket with a bored expressing, putting on a exaggerated smile, while handing me my documents back.
„Have a nice and enjoyable flight Ms", I hear her fading voice, already making my way to the plane, through the boarding bridge.
„Your seat Ms Kurzmann", I be led to my place, by a warmly smiling flight attendant. „If you need something, just let me know. Enjoy your flight."
Stowing away my luggage and seating myself, I take in the surroundings. This will be my best flight ever, I smile in satisfaction.
It will not! You'll see.
„Ms Kurzmann?", a friendly man, with a nice British accent appears besides me, seating himself, reaching out his hand to me.
„Yes, Vivian Kurzmann?!" I say half asking, looking astonished, and puzzled at him, as I hesitantly reach out my hand to greet him. I have to stand up to do so. Social interaction is not that easy, when flying business class.
„So You're the photographer the band is all exited about?" he babbles out, putting on a toothy grin, one that indeed shows all of his teeth. He has a really warm and friendly smile, one that immediately makes you feel happy.
„Oh excuse me. How rude of me. I'm Peter Freestone, or Phoebe for almost everybody." he introduces himself, while still giving me a firm handshake.
„Oh, I'm pretty sure not ‚everybody' is pleased with this arrangement." I mumble suggestively, looking at my hands, with Freddie, my new BFF, in mind.
„Phoebe?" I wonder, as we end our handshake. As I realize the word left my mouth, I slowly shake my head, fixing his eyes again and continue „isn't that a woman's name?"
„I suppose it's Freddie you're talking about? Oh I assume you caught him in one of his „good moods" he quips. Realizing my perplexed expression, he continues
„I should explain that. I'm Freddie's PA and he gives all of his close friends new names. Female ones for male and vice versa. Mine is Phoebe." he blinks at me.
„Well then, nice to meet you sir." I respond politely.
„Please call me Phoebe." he requests, as he still tries to make himself comfortable, searching for something in his bag.
„Gladly. I'm Viv." I tell him, leaning back in my seat, letting out a pleased sigh and marveling at what my seat and his surroundings have to offer.
Phoebe starts giggling and mutters:
„I don't think so..."
I turn my attention back towards him with a baffled mien. I already know this flight will be an ‚interesting' one.
„And whats that suppose to mean?" I begin to dig deeper, looking at him, my eyes widening in curiosity.
„Freddie already has chosen your new name." his lips turn into a fiendish smile, as he glances up from his bag and puts out a more then worn out book.
„No way. He literally hates me. I really wouldn't call me a friend of him. Not even close. We're more like Kain and Abel, David and Goliath or Napoleon and Kutuzov. You'll see when we arrive in LA." I put him off.
Phoebe lets out a loud lough „I'm telling you. YOU already have your name set." he assures me, nodding confirmingly.
„Enlighten me please." I request him, feeling curiosity grow in me.
„Brody." he shrugs , without any expression on his face.
„Brody? He couldn't come up with something better?" I ask blankly, still wondering how he came up with this name especially with such a boring one.
„You may ask him yourself." a broadly grinning Phoebe encourages me.
A queasy feeling spreads out, as is realize, I have to handle him for the next two years. And looking back on our two ‚dates', this won't be peaceful two years.
Unfortunately, my naive dream of a happy cure world unexpectedly came to an end last week, on this history - charged Friday and bursted like a soap bubble.
I shake my head in refuse at his words „I don't want to be eaten alive."
„This will be interesting two years." he winks amused.
In a steadily, serious voice I say „Don't get to exited. I may be dead and gone by the end of this day." Letting my head fall on my shoulder and my tongue hanging out of my mouth.
„The boys were right, you are adorable." he snickers.
Immediately turning red on his last remark, I coyly look into my lap.
„Young lady, I have to leave you for a short while. I'll be right back." Phoebe breaks the short silence, standing up from his seat and turning his back to me.
„I'll do my best to keep the evil away and stay alive. See you later." I exclaim, forming a cheeky smile.
As Phoebe strolls away, I grab my phone to ask google about my new dubious name.
‚Dirt' and ‚mud' I read speechless, with widened eyes after some minutes of research.
Staring at my phone with rising rage, I loudly blurt out „THAT SON OF A BITCH.", as Freddie and his partner in crime arrive at their seats. Both looking at me with a mixture of astonishment and aversion.
Freddie?.....here? In business class? The fact he's not flying first class today, for whatever reason, explains the tense atmosphere, now laying over the cabin like a big black cloud.
„Speaking of the devil" I address Freddie, playfully smiling, nodding teasingly at him again.
Something tells me, he wouldn't have expected me to speak to him like this, as his expression changes to a soft puzzled look and every muscle in his face relaxes. Still staring at me and looking me straight in the eyes, I move up my hand to wave at him, shooting him a challenging look. He looks down quickly, as phoebe comes back and passes by. With a long loud sigh Freddie falls into his seat, chatting and snickering with Paul.
Two can play this game Mr Mercury. I move to face my phone again, while shaking my head, still smiling over my little triumph. If he thinks he can intimidate me, than he's on the wrong track.
I really don't know what's coming over me today. It's not my typical introvert behavior, that usually would cause me to turn red like a tomato and go on the run. But I might get used to it.
„Im glad you survived", a winded phoebe collapses into his seat.
„Mephistopheles and his companion decided to leave me alone.
NEVER underestimate a woman and her superpowers" I giggle in response. Phoebe, for whatever reason unable to speak, tries to suppress his laughter.
„Did you take part in a marathon?" I ask in amusement, watching his rapid breathing. „I'm afraid you may need medical assistance."
Phoebe gasps and laughs at my words, which isn't of advantage for his current physical state.
„I'm pretty sure it's you, being dead and gone by tonight, not me." I quip, before giving the pour man his much needed rest.
Taking notice of all the laughter, Freddie turns to face us, jealousy and annoyance washing over his face, looking back and forth between Phoebe and me.
Deciding to ignore him this time - i really don't want to overreach things - I relax in my seat, putting my headphones out of my pocket.
„I Never would" phoebe finally finds his breath again.
"Would what?" I ask startled.
„Underestimate you and your superpowers." he winks, before grabbing his book again and browsing through it.
Noticing Freddie standing there again and staring at us, he whispers „He's a good guy, he's just very serious about his privacy and cautious when it comes to new people coming into his life", while slightly nodding his head in Freddie's direction. „You both will get along well."
„I hope so" I whisper calmly, facing Freddie.
As our eyes meet he holds my gaze for a view seconds, looking at me, as if he is in some kind of trance, before quickly turning his head back in embarrassment - at least it looked like that, as his cheeks started to glow in various red tones.
* * * *
With plugged in headphones I shuffle through my phone, with shaking hands, trying to find the kind of music, that will keep me calm for the tricky part of this flight.
I really enjoy flying, but takeoffs and landings scare the shit out of me. Most of the times everything goes off well, but when anxiety comes over me, I tend to go completely nuts. And this is no understatement.
Feeling a hand on my knee, I look up in surprise.
„You're ok?" a soft voice interrupts my growing panic. „Your hands are shaking like leaves." A concerned phoebe looks at me.
„I will be fine as soon as this bird will be up in the sky" is say assuringly, pointing upwards.
„Fear of flying?" he asks with worry in his voice.
„Not flying per se, just getting up there and down again. Don't worry, I will be fine." I smile at him affirmative.
„What are you listening to?" Phoebe tries his best to distract me.
„Canzonetta Sull'aria" by Mozart. It always helps with my anxieties." And let me tell you I have a lot. I simply reply with a hint of embarrassment in my voice.
„Oh, so you're into classical music?" an enthusiastic Phoebe babbles, with sparkling eyes and a way to big smile on his face. He seems to be as excited as a little boy in a candy store.
„I grew up with it, my grandma would never listen to anything else. I never could understand why, as a young kid. But here we are, over 20 years later....I really enjoy it these days." I tell him while melancholy comes over me.
Phoebe, recognizing my growing nostalgia, warmly smiles at me „I love classical music. I would love to show you my collection one day. I'm sure you'll find some stuff you like. Maybe I can show you something new."
Giving him a sincere smile I nod warmly: „That would be lovely."
„We just have to smuggle you past Mephistopheles." Phoebe giggles while looking in Freddie's direction, his mouse turning Into a mischievous grin.
„Uh?" Unable To disguise my lack of knowledge. „Why is that?" I go on as Phoebe didn't answer.
„I live at Garden Lodge. I'm his PA, so I get paid to always be around. It works best like this." he explains in his soft, calming voice.
„My sincere condolences." I reply ironically. „Living with Mephistopheles must be tricky." I add playfully.
Phoebe shakes his head giggling "You have no idea."
„Please never tell him, I called him that....uhm Mephistopheles I mean." I urge him, as I let my gaze wander to Freddie, who's sitting there, his thoughtful eyes fixed on a pad laying on his lap, while fiddling with a pen.
"My lips are sealed darling." he pats my shoulder, smiling kindly at me.
As I let my gaze wander over Freddie, peacefully sitting there, I surmise sadness in his whole appearance, he's always surrounded by people, most of the time by Paul Prenter, but in his eyes you can still see pure sadness and loneliness. I know this feeling too well.  But that's another story to tell.
After a short while, I look back to my phone, to stop my thoughts and try to prepare for the upcoming departure. Unaware what awaits me on this flight.
My omnipresent panic increases to another level, as it abruptly turns dark outside and the sky is fully covered with thick pitch black thundery clouds.
We were told to be ready for takeoff, as a voice rings out of the speakers: „The flight is delayed due to bad weather. Please remain seated and keep your seatbelt fastened. We're ready for takeoff shortly."
„Ready for takeoff?" I yell hysterically. „They must be fuc*** kidding. They cannot possibly....FU**!" I exclaim much louder as intended.
Phoebe looks at me terrified, based on my unfortunate choice of words and screaming, not able to hold back his laughter.
„You're laughing?" I snap in frustration.
Phoebe puts on a sympathetic face, while trying to calm me.
„Relax Darling. It'll all be over in a view minutes and you'll enjoy the flight." he soothes me.
„Exactly, everything will be over, that's exactly the point." I object.
Freddie, now noticing my panicky splutter, shakes his head, frantically repressing his laughter.
Shooting him a destroying death stare, I cling to my armrests.
As lightening and thunder set in and a heavy rain falls down, I tremulously look outside, the tip of my nose pressed against the little window.
Turning back, I cup my face with my hands, stammering: "We're going to die. Oh god, we're going to die. Please someone get me out of here." Moving my body back and forth repeatedly.
Phoebe now puts his hand on my shoulder - at least he tries to, with this good distance between our seats - and whispers at me. "Look at me."
Hesitantly putting my hands on my thighs, I look into his calm eyes, as tears roll down my cheeks.
Ok Vivian, how embarrassing can it get? You're such a drama queen.
"Take a deep breath, everything will be alright. Keep breathing, calm down." He whispers, his hand still resting on my shoulder.
I thought I was calmly breathing, for everybody involved, it must've looked like the strained panting of a delivering woman.
The captain informs us, we are next in line and will takeoff shortly, as the rain decreases and the last thunder fades.
At this point I completely lose it: „Oh God, we're taking off, you said everything will be fine." I hiss at Phoebe.
„I will die in this fuc*** plane and Mephisto right there will bring me straight to hell." I gasp way to loud. Again!!
I scroll through my phone like a maniac, as a perplexed Phoebe asks „What are you doing?"
„Searching for music....if I have to bite the dust, it won't happen to the sounds of fuc*** Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart." I mumble frustrated.
I felt the plain moving faster and faster as I shuffled through my phone, not exactly knowing, what I was searching for.
I close my eyes, lay my head back and cling to my armrests even tighter. „Please don't crash, please don't crash, please don't crash...!" I wind the words like a mantra.
The moment the airplain gets off, is the worst. „Oh god, oh god, oh god,..." I gush out, til I notice the plane gains altitude and is now in the air.
„You see darling, nothing happened." Phoebe smiles at me, as I open my eyes again.
Much to my surprise everything went off without any turbulences.
„Nothing happend..." I whisper disbelievingly, scanning every part of the cabin.
„Am I dead?" I ask Phoebe in all seriousness, still taking in the surroundings and looking my body up and down.
Phoebe bursts out laughing and shakes his head.
Surprised by his reaction, I look over to Freddie, who is sitting there alone, turned around to face us, his hand pressed against his mouth, giggling uncontrollably.
As my expression hardens, I face Phoebe again. „If we're dead, we went straight to hell. Mephistopheles is still here." I gesture in Freddie's direction, rolling my eyes in annoyance.
Phoebe just giggles and draws his attention back to the book he is holding.
"Darling, you made my day. I hope you're ok? That was an overly impressive performance." I hear a posh British voice chuckle next to me, as I look out of the window.
I turn around and look up, straight into Mephi....Freddie's deep, brown eyes.
For the first time, the sadness is gone. I look into the two most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. Eyes filled with honesty and warmth.
As I feel embarrassment grow, I try to avoid his gaze and look down into my lap, where my still shaking, cold hands are laying. "I hope you enjoyed the show." I stammer scarcely audible, to then face him again, and smiling sheepishly at him. It takes me all my remaining strength to do so.
"It distracted me from my own anxiety. From now on you will do this on every flight." He giggles and taps my shoulder, before strolling back to his seat.
Looking after him, like some love struck teenager, trying to grasp what just happened, Phoebe snaps me out of my thoughts.
"As I said, you'll get along well." He says convinced, not looking up, while reading.
"I really hope so" I mumble, my eyes fixed on Freddie's back, as i feel some hope flaming up in me again.
Part 3 will follow soon...
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