#cloud computing interview questions and answers
computerguru-blogs · 2 years
Top 100 Cloud Computing Most Asked Questions in 2023
Cloud Computing Multiple Choice Questions
Here are top 100 Most Asked in exam MCQ:
1.Full form of KMS I Microsoft KMS is _____________
Key Management Services.
Key Management Sences.
Key Management Store.
Key Managed Store.
2.What does a full template include that a basic template does not ________
Disk Layout.
MAC Address.
Installation files.
3. Virtualization provides optimizations techniques to dever the application______
4.CEN NetScaler SD-WAN is a set of appliances that optimum_______ performance.
5.Which of the following storage supports fast cloning of virtual machine?
ISCSI (Read More)
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codeonedigest · 1 year
Amazon S3 Bucket Feature Tutorial Part2 | Explained S3 Bucket Features for Cloud Developer
Full Video Link Part1 - https://youtube.com/shorts/a5Hioj5AJOU Full Video Link Part2 - https://youtube.com/shorts/vkRdJBwhWjE Hi, a new #video on #aws #s3bucket #features #cloudstorage is published on #codeonedigest #youtube channel. @java #java #awsc
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance. Customers of all sizes and industries can use Amazon S3 to store and protect any amount of data. Amazon S3 provides management features so that you can optimize, organize, and configure access to your data to meet your specific business,…
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zkaus · 4 months
At the back of my copy of The Vampire Armand, there's an old interview with Anne Rice talking about creating that novel. I've never forgotten her answer to one of the questions... It haunted me for years.
It gives incredible insight into how and why she wrote such beautiful, brutal and broken characters, and what she endured in the creation process.
BUT before you read this, I'm going to STRONGLY warn you, it goes to very very DARK places
Q: What are your work habits for a novel?
A: Once I truly begin to write, I work obsessively, in twelve-hour days, punctuated by days of long sleep and vivid dreaming. Starting time and ending time are no longer important. I might begin at 9 A.M., or after noon or at eight in the evening. I go from there. I turn on the computer and write, write, write.
My room is a mess. Notes are scribbled on the walls so that I can look up at them at the appropriate moments and insert the date, the name, whatever, when I need it. Books are stacked so high that people have to search for me when they come into the room. Opened books with marked-up pages are stacked on top of one another.
I become suicidal. I go through a horrid despair some time or other before the final page, during which everything seems meaningless—from the dawn of history to the very hour in which I am writing.
I’m intolerable to live with. But I spread myself thin over a number of loved ones and staff members so that no one person has to put up with how intense, hysterical, and miserable I am.
When I get elated and talk fast and furiously about wonderful aspects of history or the characters, or good developments in the story, people run away from me. I don’t blame them.
While the novel is being written, I try to avoid dressing for outdoors. No one can make you go out if you don’t have shoes on. Not even in the south. I wear long velvet robes and soft velvet slippers. I refuse to go out. All food is brought in. I eat hamburgers because they are easy to hold with one hand while reading and holding the book with the other hand.
In the middle of the night I read, sometimes on the carpeted floor of the bathroom, just because it’s warm. I am wretched. I don’t care anymore about being abnormal. Writing is everything. Everything. It seems impossible to write the book. It seems impossible to lift a hairbrush to brush my hair. But I do it. I put on mascara every day that I write.
This period of intense work lasts about six weeks. It’s best that way. My imagination is overheated, and my memory clogged with data of varying importance. If I go over six weeks, I begin to forget things; I feel the loss of intensity and information and I become all the more self-destructive and obsessed.
The end of the book is a big event for me. A big event. I start screaming. I put the hour and the date at the end of the last page. I expect everybody to understand, at least a little. It’s a triumph! The darkness of destiny has been driven back for a brief while. I celebrate. I scream, eat chocolate, and sleep.
Right near the end of writing The Vampire Armand, I realized I had to return to Italy, especially to Florence, and at once I began to make preparations for the trip. As soon as the novel was finished and off to the publisher’s, as soon as it could be accomplished, I flew to Italy. That gave me hope, a way out of a life threatening darkness that often follows the climax of a book. But I still ate chocolate and screamed.
While writing, I don’t want to rest. I don’t want to sleep. Why sleep? It seems stupid, except when weariness overcomes me like a giant cloud of poisonous vapor. Then I sleep fifteen to twenty hours. I tell people to go in and out of the bedroom and ignore me lying there, as if I were dead. I won’t talk on the phone. I won’t open my eyes if I don’t have to. I dream terrible, upsetting dreams.
I want to kill myself. But I can’t. I can’t do it to other people, and I have work that must be done, novels that must be written. So I don’t kill myself. Besides, I don’t think it’s good to kill oneself. It’s a horrible idea. It has a horrible effect even on acquaintances.
I think a lot about people I loved who are dead. I think of how dead they are, year after year, ever more dead.
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edutainer2022 · 6 months
It's Scott Tracy's birthday, but all my WIP stories are kinda angsty atm. So I decided to revisit this little thing on the day - it always makes me smile. It's mind-numbing fluff. A morning talk-show with Jeff Tracy upon return to Earth provides grounds for some much needed revelations. And hugs.
As interviews were going these months, this was a smaller one. Done privately from the desk in the lounge via a holo-com. Ever since the dramatic return from Oort Cloud, already christened the "Rescue of the Century", every media outlet worldwide wanted a piece of him. Jeff didn't feel much like putting up with most of it - eight years in outer space on meager rations and slim hope was a brutal awakening once they were safely back on Earth. Besides, he'd rather not waste any more time than necessary on media coverage, away from his family. He'd done his fair share of that in his active duty days, and Lord knew he had A LOT to catch up with in his sons' lives. A lot! Some things he gleaned and pieced together in observations and a backlog of reports were more... thought provoking than others. But some visibility was needed and even expected. He understood that.
The interview for a morning show in a different timezone was to be short, capped up with a ten-questions blitz to lighten the mood. The outline of questions, as per usual, was screened by John and Tracy Legal, and pre-approved by Jeff himself. His only recommendation this time around was the order of points in a blitz.
If the boys were surprised he asked them to sit in through the interview, obscured by the sunken lounge, they didn't show it. Jeff made sure everyone was on the island, Scott back from NYC and the Tracy Industries Board full of questions and incessant worries as to the perspective changes in status quo, Alan back from campus orientation, even John planetside for the weekend (something that had become a frequent and welcome habit). They knew Dad sometimes struggled with social situations these days and needed some cheering along and support - which was provided with unreserved abandon.
The interview was running its course smoothly, as they neared the 10 questions section. The show anchor was all smiles - the mock-blitz questions were submitted by the viewers and the most frequent or special ones were selected.
- So, Mr. Tracy, you were the First Man on Mars, the Founder of International Rescue, you set multiple supersonic speed records. How would you describe yourself in one word?
Oh, that was an easy one. He would have used so many words years ago as applied to himself - some more on point, some vain. A pilot. An astronaut. An entrepreneur. A husband. A son. A Thunderbird. A man of the world. A friend. A savior. A failure. An idealist. A leader. A survivor. Jeff Tracy still was all those things, in different measures. But eight years of the endless night, with nothing but his thoughts, memories and dreams for company, have distilled his self-awareness to one point of absolute clarity:
- A father.
He could hear the collective breath escape his sons' lips and a soft glow washed over their features.
The blitz went on.
- What are you most proud of?
That too was a no-brainer, but he might need more than one word to answer exhaustively. Never hurts to elaborate on global television:
- My sons. There are no words to express how proud I am of their accomplishments and of the incredible people they grew up to be: my youngest son Alan is a prodigy, the youngest rocket pilot in history, Gordon is an Olympic champion, an environmental activist AND an Aquanot for International Rescue, Dr. John Tracy, the Voice that Answers, holds multiple PhD degrees in Astrophysics and Computer Science, my son Virgil is an accomplished pianist, like his mother, and a recognized artist on top of being busy full time with International Rescue engineering.
Smiles were blooming on his boys' faces up to a point it became apparent he stopped his answer at four. Jeff could swear there was a sheen of tears in Alan’s eyes, whereas light brown and turquoise turned momentarily hard. Virgil's whole face was a shimmer of disbelief and betrayal. Scott's eyes, soft and understanding, and infinitely sad, would be enough to stop the interview right there and backtrack. But he needed to see this through just right. The news anchor was beaming, as they were down to the last question:
- That is certainly a LOT to be proud of, Mr. Tracy. I'm sure the whole world, anyone who has ever needed help from International Rescue, would agree. But our viewers want to know one last thing from the Hero of the Century. Do you know you're called that? That's a tough mark to measure up to! Well, who is YOUR Hero, Mr. Tracy?
The anchor probably would have never guessed how simple and ready that answer was in his mind. He didn't need a moment to think:
- My eldest son. Scott Tracy. Everything International Rescue is today, everything our family is today - we owe him. I owe him my life. I know nobody stronger in the face of so much pain and pressure. I could survive in outer space, but I am not sure I could ever do what he did in my absence. I could never admire or respect anyone more. I am a better man for being his father. So it's simple as that, Scott Tracy is my hero.
The holo projector barely flickered out when he was barreled into midriff by a flurry of warm and blond, and fierce. Alan hugged him tight and mumbled "Thank you!", no doubt aimed at his words not only on all other brothers, but on Scott. He meant every one of those. Soon he was in a circle of strong arms and within reach of the most beloved young faces, incandescent with emotions and hope. All but one. Scott lingered behind, as he was disturbingly wont to since their first hug in the Oort Cloud - hence Jeff's little staged performance today, as a desperate measure. He held his eldest son's gaze unwaveringly across the lounge, aware of the tears streaming from still astonished blue eyes. It was an instant loss to step out of his boys' embrace even for a brief moment, but there was something he needed to do. He crossed to the couches in three big strides and held Scott as tightly to himself as the still recuperating muscles would allow. It hurt to know the boy would be this surprised to be acknowledged and appreciated. But Jeff was gifted a second chance to let all his sons know how cherished they were. How precious. He'd waste no minute of that. A tight circle of strong arms was soon  embracing him and Scott again, more confirmations of affection all around washing over. There was nothing he'd rather do for the rest of his life.
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ᖫ Interview ᖭ
Ask: N/A
Type: x reader
Word count: 4,244
Reader: gn, no pronouns specified
TW: death, description of a murder, mutilation (not reader), mental illness potentially, mention of a car accident, not proofread, grammar, probably really shitty
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Sunsets were always your favorite. You remembered when you got your first car in high school and you would drive up a mountain in the outskirts of your town and would watch the sun set almost everyday. It helped you relax on bad and stressful days, like the sun was taking it away from you, leaving the moon to keep you company. You loved the colors, the orange and yellow of the lowering sun mixing with the blue sky and shades of purple and pink color the clouds, making them look like cotton candy. It was peaceful. You didn’t watch the sunset as much as you used to, work takes up a lot of your time.
Your job isn’t one you liked talking about or telling people, in simple words, you were a true crime podcaster. Researching crimes took up a lot of your time, you needed any and all details you could get your hands on, news articles, accounts of the people involved, witnesses reports, interrogation footage and even crime scene photos were things that were important to recounting cases to the public. You were thankful two of your friends had offered to help you with your research to not overwork yourself. Your relaxation time was interrupted when your phone rang, reaching into your cupholder where your phone sat, you picked up your phone to read the caller ID ‘Melody’. You sighed a little and answered her call, the sound coming out of your car speaker.
“Hey Melody.” You couldn’t hear anything coming from the other side, causing you to sit up in your seat and fiddle with the volume, “you there?”
“Where are you?”
You covered your ears quickly, after messing with the volume knob, you had left it on max volume. Melody’s voice boomed through your car and you quickly turned it down. “Hello?” You sucked in a breath through your teeth.
“Yeah I’m here”
“Are you ok? What happened?”
“I couldn’t hear you so I messed with the volume and blew my eardrums out.”
“Dumbass.” Melody laughed. You fixed your jacket on your shoulders and listened to the thump and rustling from Melody’s side of the call. “You never answered my question.” more rustling, “Where are you?”
“Beach, watching the sunset.” 
“Did you edit the footage?” You froze as you shuffled in your car, “You haven't even started yet huh.”
“No!” You rubbed you'd face and turned your car on. “I'm heading home now ok, I'll start working on it.” Melody hummed. 
“Good, Ive given the other two videos another watch through and fixed a few things here and there and now I just need to make thumbnails for them.” You nodded and to took to the road to head home, watching the sunset from the passenger window in glances. 
“Ill be home soon, Ill text you when I finish editing ok?”
“Alright, dont forget to eat something”
“I won't, text you later.”
“yeah, by biatch.” You laughed as Melody ended the call and you pulled into your driveway. Quickly getting inside before the cold wind picked up. You let out a sigh of relief as you turned on a few light that lead to your living room where you set up your computers for editing. 
You waisted no time in sitting down and turning on the computer to get to work editing on the footage you had already uploaded into Adobe™. You out on your headphones and played to footage right see what you gas gotten, preparing for the first watch though. 
— — — — — — — ✂ — — —
“Hello ladies and gents, welcome to ‘The Dark Truth: A Candid Conversation with Convicts’. A series where I sit down with criminals and ask them about their crimes from their perspective.” You shuffled in your seat as you motioned to the person in front of you. “I'm sitting here today with Max Watson.” Max nodded and he sat straight in his chair in front of the mic that you had set up in front of him. “Max there's two sides to your story and I want to split that up and take it in parts.”
“Ok.” Max stared at you as he spoke, making you squirm a little in your chair. Max had an intense stare, chocolate brown eyes bore into you as he waited for his turn to speak.
“There was a point in your life when things at home weren't doing so great, how old were you?” Max sighed as he thought. 
“I would say…” Max bounced his head from side to side as he remembered back to his life before being locked up, “I would say when I was about sixteen.” He nodded, content with his answer. 
“Can you tell me about your life before then?”
“Well, for a majority of my life I grew up on the west coast on the cliffs right next to the beach in a beach house, we moved there when I was nine, my sister was six I believe?” 
“How close to the beach were you? Was it a town or just a house?” Max tapped his nose a little before looking at you.
“It was right there, like there was just a road between my front yard and the carved in stairs that led down to the beach.” Max used his hands to map out the layout of his house on the table.
“Did you have neighbors?” Max titled his head to the side as he scratched his head, tangling his fingers into his hair that matched his eyes. 
“I had like one, I think.” Max placed his hand back onto the table as he lifted his head to an upright position, “They weren't super close but not far either. My mom hated it.”
“She hated the beach house?” He nodded. 
“Yes, my mom has a very intense fear of the ocean, she never wanted to move into that house.” You opened your mouth to speak but Max beat you to it. “My dad didn't care, we moved anyway.”
“Did they argue about it?”
“Of course. My dad was an architect and he made that house we moved into.”
“Were you upset when you moved?” 
Max shook his head while you readjusted yourself. “No, I was a daddy's boy, if he wanted to move then I would follow without a second thought. And he made that house for me.”
“He made it for you?” Max nodded, “how so?” Max's eyes seemed to sparkle as he rubbed his hands together, excited to tell the story. 
“I had always seen people surf in movies and tv and I wanted to learn how and told my dad about it all the time and so he designed a beach house for me.” You nodded a little. A cute memory of Max and his dad but you reminded yourself where you were both sitting.
“Do you think people are living in that house now?” He shrugged. 
“I don't know, honestly it makes me angry to think about that. That the house my dad made for me is being lived in by other people.” You nodded in understanding. 
“Can you tell me about your mom? Were you close?” Max whined a little and shook his head sheepishly as he scratched his head. He chuckled a little before placing his hand on his thighs. 
“I didn't really care for her.” Max looked down at the table, “She was in the way most of the time.” Max looked back up at you, “my sister was always with her.”
“They were close weren't they.”
“Tell me about your sister?”
“Not much to say, she was in the way too.”
“You don't love her?”
“Not really.” Max shook his head and almost shivered at the thought, “She wanted to be a detective so she was always talking about clues and mysteries. I know she loved Sherlock Holmes. Called me her Watson and all but made me play detective with her.”
“This beach house, did you ever learn to surf?” Max perked up at your question and nodded excitedly.
“I did.” Max leaned in, “my dad got me a surfboard and I spent all morning everyday out on the water learning.” Max smiled fondly at the memory, “I would stay our and watch the sunrise all the time, and the sunsets were just as devine.” 
“Wow, it must have been beautiful.”
“Oh always.” Max tapped the table a little, “I loved it, I would watch the sunset almost every day.” He sighed before scratching his hand, “not always but at least I never missed a sunrise.” You nodded as your rubbed your arms and stretched your back.
“i'm assuming you got better over the years?”
“Yes, I was doing surfing competitions by the time I was in High School. My dad would go but my sister and mom never did.”
“Mmm. So while you got better your mom got worse.”
“How bad did it get?”
“She got really pale, she never went out because you would just be looking at the ocean so she only ever went out to the backyard but it wasn't often.” Max scratched his head again, “She and my sister would beg to move so mom could get better but my said would just tell them ‘we're not moving’ to their faces.” 
“Why didn't your mom just have her family come take her away?”
“She wasn't close with her family ever, like no contact so she didn't have anywhere to go.” You hummed a response and tapped the table a little. 
“What happened when you were sixteen?”
“My dad died.” Max's voice was flat as he stared at you, almost glaring at you for asking. “Car accident, he was coming home from town at night and was hit by a group of teenagers that were driving on the wrong side and my dad swerved but so did they and they pushed him off the side of that cliff.”
“Did you know the teenagers that were in the car?” Max clenched his teeth and began grinding his jaw before nodding.
“All of them were in my English class.” Max shook his head in a disapproving way, “They couldn't even look at me.” Max shuffled in his chair and clenched his fists to calm himself down, “They tried for weeks to apologize and make it up for me but I wasn't gonna let them.”
“Their apologies wouldn't bring your dad back.” Max looked at you stunned.
“Yeah.” Max couldn't be angry anymore, he looked around awkwardly before looking back at you. “It was really hard for me, I guess it was also hard for my mom and my sister.” 
“You were the man of the house at that point.” 
“I was, my dad left me a majority for his things and the house, while my mom and my sister got some money.”
“Did you keep surfing?”
“I had too.” Max stared at the mic in front of him, “Surfing was my thing. It helped me cope.” 
“Things didn't get better with your mom after your dad passed, did they.” Max shook his head. 
“No, I was sixteen when my dad passed and eighteen when my mom lost her vision.”
“Your mom listed her vision? Was it an eye disease?”
“No, it was self-inflicted.” You raised your eyebrows in shock, “I look a lot like my dad and when he passed my mom didn't have many ways to cope, I don't know if she didn't try or it wasn't working but she started calling me Willas–my dads name–and kept telling me to not go outside and stay out of the water and telling me that we should move away for Max's safety and I was sick of it honestly.”max shrugged as he waved his arms about slightly before leaving then. on his lap. 
“So what did you do?”
“I told her to leave me alone.” Max shook his head, “I thought her fear of deep water was annoying at this point and since I was of age all of the things my dad left me were now in my possession including the house.” Max rubbed his face as he leaned forward again, “so since I was so fed up I grabbed her arms-” Max held one of his forearms and shook it lightly, “ like this and I started dragging her out of the house, telling bee that if she wanted to stay in my house she needed to get over her fear because I wasn't gonna leave.” 
Max let his arm go and propped his head up with his arm on the table, “I didn't get her out of the house but I got her to the front door and she lost her marbles and broke down. My sister was out at the time and she had just gotten home and got really mad at me.”
“She helped your mom back inside?”
“Yeah,” Max rubbed his temples, “a few days later I went out into town to get a few things and even a new board and when I got home I saw my mom on the kitchen floor with a bunch of cleaning products and she was holding this like,” Max moved his hands in front of him to make a cylinder as he thought, “it was like a soup take out thing and she lifted it up and poured it on her face so it would get into her eyes.” You covered your eyes in discomfort before looking back at Max. 
“It was cleaning products, wasn't it.” Max nodded in conformation. 
“Yeah, I called 911 and they confirmed it there and when they had asked her why she said I saw the ocean I saw the deep over and over again.” Max scratched his forehead, “My sister was mad at me that I didn't stop her and well I don't blame her for that.”
“Why not?”
“Because I had ample time to stop her, and I just didn't want to.”
“What was going through your head at that time?”
“I just thought, well maybe if dies she won't be such a nuisance but she didn't and that's when I called 911.” Max glanced down at the mic before looking back to you, “I watched her cry for about…” he shrugged “like almost five minutes.”
“Did your sister ever forgive you for that?”
“Eventually yeah, she shouldn't have.”
“So this was a pretty dark period in your life you'd say, right?” Max hummed a response “Is this where you had met your girlfriend.” Max nodded quickly. 
“Yeah, it was a year later.”
“Where and how exactly did you meet her, your girlfriend.”
“Oh.” Max looked at you stunned again, “No one's asked that before.” He picked at the table a little before leaning towards the mic “Well, I met her–my then girlfriend– on the beach while surfing.” He leaned back in his chair a little, “She was new in town and she was on the beach watching me and when I got out of the water to go back home she stopped me and asked me to teach her.” Max shrugged. 
“And you said yes?” Max laughed a little.
“Kinda, I thought she was pulling my arm so I said meet me here tomorrow at 7 AM and then I'll teach you. And she did.”
“And a love blossomed?” You smiled and Max smiled back. 
“It did, but I always felt like it was too fast.”
“like you got into the relationship too fast?”
“Yeah, it was only like I wanna say,” Max shrugged his shoulders as he looked around. “like a month later?”
“A month? Did you ask her to be your girlfriend?” Max shook his head quickly, a slight look of panic on his face. 
“No no no she asked me.” Max interlocked his fingers with his own. “I would have waited for much longer than a month.”
“I think it's time I asked you the big question.” Max nodded and smiled, “why are you in prison.”
“I'm in prison for killing my girlfriend of four years and her sister.”
“How long were you and your girlfriend in a relationship before you killed her.”
“Four years.”
“That’s quite a while.”
“It was the longest relationship I was in, yes.”
“Why'd you do it?” Max shrugged again. 
“Lyla loved her sister, they were joined at the hip. I knew she loved her because she told me but I never knew just how involved Sidney would be.”
“Sidney was the sister?”
“A huh.” Max nodded as he shuffled. “It was after the first year of us being together that Lyla told me her sister would be moving in with her and I didn't mind because—well what was I gonna do—and Lyla kinda kept blowing me off after that.”
“How so?”
“Like we would make plans to hang out and I would either be stood up or she would bring Sidney without ever letting me know.” Max ran his fingers through his hair and sharply exhaled, “I forgave her and let it slide multiple times before I brought up the issue with her and I said ‘Do you want to break up with me?’ and she was super confused and asked me why I would bring it up and I told her,” Max fixed his posture and tapped the table.
“You've been bringing your sister everywhere with us, or straight up ignoring me. I don't mind that you're hanging out but I want your attention sometimes too, just the two of us because I haven't lately.” You nodded along with him. “I like when people are direct with me, to tell me what bothers them or what they need from me so having to sit Lyla down and listen to me was important.” 
“Did she stop?” Max tilted his head in confusion, “like did she spare some time for just the two of you?” Max shook his head. 
“No,” He shrugged, “well she did but it was just for one week and even then she was texting her sister constantly.”
“And when did you tell her this?”
“It was two years into the relationship, then a year went past and I sat her down again and said ‘I already told you once, I want your attention sometimes too and you didn't listen to me, why?’ and she tried to defend herself and shit but it just caused the argument to escalate.”
“Did you hit her?” 
“No, but I grabbed a vase that was near me and threw it at the wall and left, which isn't great either.” Max shrugged again, “I regretted it after I got home.”
“When did you decide you wanted to kill her sister Sidney?”
“Honestly after she moved in with Lyla. Like I saw how close they were and how I was being pushed to the side I just, “ Max sighed. “I never shook the idea off and as the years went on it only made more sense to me that she should die.”
“What happened that day?”
“We were hanging out at her house and for once I thought, finally I can have her to myself for a little while, and then she looked at her phone really quick and told me, Sidney’s coming home soon so we can all hang out–and my first reaction was to get up and leave because I was getting sick of it, I wanted out and Lyla begged me to stay and I did.”
“What did she tell you?”
“Just to stay and hang out, that it would only be a little while but she said it in this very sweet way and couldn't say no. And then when Sidney got there she all but shoved me to the side as she went to greet her as if she doesn't live there with her and I said I was gonna go to the kitchen and make myself something to eat and Lyla looked at me and responded with ‘get me and Sidney something something eat too will ya darling?’ and that shit got on my nerves.” Max rubbed his face before continuing. 
“I had wanted to make myself a sandwich but I could hear Lyla and Sidney laughing in the other room and I couldn't focus on anything besides the fact that I wanted her dead.” You felt a chill run down your spine as you listened, keeping poker face on you let Max continue. “Like I grabbed a knife and looked at it as I thought about it and it wasn't long before Sidney got up and left again to the store or whatever and Lyla called me out to the living room and I went.”
“Did killing Lyla cross your mind at all?”
“Briefly, in that moment when I stood behind her I thought ‘do I really want to kill my girlfriend? yeah’ and then I turned her to look at me, covered her mouth with my hand, pushed her down and stabbed her.”
“How many times did you stab her?”
“At least six or seven times, I didn't really count but I wore myself out, I was tired so when she stopped moving I got up and sat on the couch next to her.”
“Were you waiting for Sidney to come back?”
“Of course, I killed Lyla but I wanted Sidney dead too. I waited for about fifteen minutes before Sidney got back and I stood by the door.”
“Did she scream when she saw what you did?” Max shook his head once more. 
“No, Sidney was looking at the ground when she came in and turned her back to where I was standing–” you cut Max off. 
“Where were you standing?”
“I was by Lyla's body, like I wasn't trying to cover it, I wanted Sidney to see Lyla like that.” 
“Why?” Max shrugged and you nodded as a chill ran down your spine again. 
“I just wanted Sidney to see her like that, and when she did I covered her mouth with my hand and pushed her against the door before stabbing her too.”
“Did you know you were gonna get caught?” Max nodded. 
“I did but I didn't know how long it would take.” Max scratched his hand, “I washed the knife, got into a change of clothes and went home, it was kinda late so I just entered to bed.”
“How were you caught?
“Lyla had nosy neighbors and she lived more in like an actual residential area so they probably heard the screams I don't doubt it.”
“Where were you when you were caught.”
“Take a wild guess.” Max laughed a little and you felt the blood drain from your face. “I was out on the water, I figured they would come the next day but I wanted to surf one more time before I was taken in.”
“What did they say?”
“They just waited on the beach and told me to come back to shore and I took my time so I could watched the sunrise and I did. I didn't fight or resist I just wanted this over with, even with the interrogation, the dude just hadn't even sit down and I told him. 
“You told him you did it? What did you say?”
“Yea I just said ‘your here because of Layla and Sidney Rowland, they were found in 736 Coral Road, yeah I killed them.’ and he was stunned.” There was a long silence between you and Max. 
“What's your sentence, Max.” 
“Life without parole.”
“How many years into your sentence are you?”
“Three years, I'm 25 now.”
“Do you regret killing Lyla?” Max stayed quiet for a while. 
“Sometimes. I really did like her.”
“Would you do it again?”
“Kill? Yea.”
“Thats all the questions I have, thank you for sitting down with me Max.” You stood up from the table you were sitting at and held your hand out to him. Max stared at your hand before looking over to the prison guards standing and watching you both. 
“Can I shake their hand?” The guards looked at one another and nodded, giving him the green light. Max reached over and gave your hand a shake before standing up and making his way to the guards while you collected the mics. “It was nice talking to someone Y/N, thanks.”
You looked up at Max who was being escorted away and you gave a nod. “Thank you for sitting down with me.” You and Max shared a laugh. 
“As much fun as I has with this interview and talking to you, I hope I never see you again.” Max spoke with seriousness that left you a little shaken.
“Why not?”
“I like getting attention all to myself, I get used to it very fast.” You dropped the smile on your face and Max shot you a playful wink before laughing at your reaction and following the guards back into the building. You quickly walked over to your camer that stood on it's tripod and you stopped the recording. 
You were starring at your own shirt on the computer monitor. You rubbed your face as you were put back in that prison with Max. The things he told you as he left burned into your mind and made your stomach feel funny. You took off your headphones and put them on your desk before walking over to the large floor to ceiling windows and stood there, looking out to the dark ocean that spread out right across the street. 
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sevdadilek · 2 years
"A compelling invitation to imagine the future we want"
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How do we predict the date something will happen? Many works, whether scientific or not, point to a time with their own scales about the future. Blade Runner: 2049, Cyberpunk 2077 or 2062 is the time when artificial intelligence will reach the human level, as predicted by Toby Walsh.
So why 2062 ? Professor Toby Walsh says in an interview with Dr Waseem Akhtar that he has 3 answers to this question;
1. The average of the years predicted by 300 colleagues,
2. Choosing a name they can't refuse because the book publisher chose the title of their first book
3. In 2062, his daughter stated that she chose this year because she would be the age when he wrote the book.
Toby Walsh is a leading researcher in Artificial Intelligence. He is a Laureate Fellow and Scientia Professor of Artificial Intelligence in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at UNSW Sydney, and he is also an adjunct fellow at CSIRO Data61. He was named by the Australian newspaper as a "rock star" of Australia's digital revolution. He has been elected a fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, a fellow of the ACM, the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) and of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence. He has won the prestigious Humboldt Prize as well as the NSW Premier's Prize for Excellence in Engineering and ICT, and the ACP Research Excellence award. He has previously held research positions in England, Scotland, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland and Sweden. He has played a leading role at the UN and elsewhere on the campaign to ban lethal autonomous weapons (aka "killer robots"). His advocacy in this area has led to him being "banned indefinitely" from Russia.
In this fluent interview, which I listen to like watching a science fiction movie Professor Toby Walsh discusses his latest book ““2062: The World That AI Made”
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Although the expressions "The End of Us", "The End of Work",”The End of Consciousness”, "The End of War", "The End of Human Values", "The End of Equality", "The End of Privacy" ,”The End of Politics”, “The End of  the West” in the book "2062: The World Made by Artificial Intelligence" reflect a pessimistic view, the professor's "The End is also the beginning of something" it is actually a beginning" gives hope for the future.
Although, morality and privacy in AI, how its effects on human anatomy and social life make some of us nervous about ethical issues, it is very clear that they will make our lives easier and add innovations.
In 2062, professor Toby Walsh touch on the impact AI will have on work, war, economics, politics, everyday life and even death. Will automation take away most jobs? Will robots become conscious and take over? Will we become immortal machines ourselves, uploading our brains to the cloud? How will politics adjust to the post-truth, post-privacy digitised world? When we have succeeded in building intelligent machines, how will life on this planet unfold?
Each question reminded me of a different Black Mirror episode:) the answers are like simulated.
If you are into science fiction movies like me, I recommend you to listen to this interview to learn and clarify the future of artificial intelligence based on scientific research.
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samiinfotech1 · 16 days
Exploring the Benefits of Offline IT Training in Thane West
In today’s fast-paced, digital-first world, Information Technology (IT) skills are more important than ever. While online education has grown rapidly in popularity, offline IT training continues to hold significant value, especially in regions like Thane West. With its strategic location near Mumbai, Thane West has emerged as a prominent educational hub, offering a range of offline IT training programs that cater to professionals, students, and tech enthusiasts.
Why Choose Offline IT Training in Thane West?
Hands-On Learning Environment: Offline IT training Thane West provides participants with a hands-on, immersive experience. In fields like software development, network management, and cybersecurity, practical exposure is crucial. Instructors can offer personalized guidance, help troubleshoot in real-time, and ensure that students fully grasp complex technical concepts. Thane West is home to several well-established IT training institutes that have built their curriculum around practical applications, offering students the chance to engage in live projects, simulations, and workshops.
Direct Interaction with Industry Experts: One of the key advantages of offline training is the ability to interact face-to-face with instructors, many of whom are industry experts with years of practical experience. In Thane West, numerous institutes have forged partnerships with IT professionals who bring their real-world experience into the classroom. This direct interaction allows for a deeper understanding of IT concepts, real-time question-and-answer sessions, and networking opportunities that can benefit students in their career growth.
Collaborative Learning: Another compelling benefit of offline IT training is the opportunity for peer-to-peer interaction. In Thane West, students from diverse backgrounds and experiences come together in IT training centers, allowing for collaborative problem-solving and idea exchange. Such collaboration helps students develop soft skills like teamwork and communication, which are invaluable in a professional setting.
Structured Learning with Discipline: Online courses often require self-discipline, which can be challenging for some learners. Offline IT training institutes in Thane West provide a structured environment with a set timetable, deadlines, and continuous assessments. This framework helps ensure that students stay focused and complete their training within the stipulated time. Instructors can monitor progress closely, providing feedback and additional support as needed.
Access to Advanced IT Infrastructure: Another major benefit of offline training is access to state-of-the-art facilities and technology. Many IT training centers in Thane West offer modern labs equipped with the latest software, hardware, and high-speed internet. These facilities allow students to work on projects that simulate real-world IT environments, gaining practical knowledge and confidence in using advanced tools and systems.
Certification and Career Support: Most Offline IT training Seawoods programs in Thane West come with recognized certifications that can bolster your resume. In addition, many institutes offer career support services, including placement assistance, resume-building workshops, and interview coaching. Given the strong ties these institutes have with local businesses and multinational companies in nearby Mumbai, students often find it easier to land internships or job placements post-training.
Popular IT Training Programs in Thane West
Institutes in Thane West offer a variety of IT courses catering to different skill levels and areas of interest. Some of the most sought-after programs include:
Software Development: Covering languages like Python, Java, and C++, as well as frameworks such as React and Angular.
Cybersecurity: Focusing on ethical hacking, network security, and risk management.
Cloud Computing: Offering training on platforms like AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.
Data Science and AI: Covering big data analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence technologies.
Networking and System Administration: Including courses on Cisco, Linux, and other network management systems.
With the rising demand for IT professionals across industries, acquiring relevant skills through comprehensive training is essential. Offline IT training in Thane West provides an ideal environment for gaining practical knowledge, hands-on experience, and expert guidance. The personal interaction, structured learning, and access to advanced infrastructure make these training centers a valuable resource for anyone looking to build a successful career in IT. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned professional looking to upskill, the offline IT training institutes in Thane West offer the perfect stepping stone to achieving your career goals.
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jessiealston · 1 month
How to Explain Your Interest in Fintech During an Interview
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When you’re asked "Why are you interested in fintech?", it’s your chance to shine by showing both your passion for the industry and your knowledge of its key trends. To prepare thoroughly, you might want to explore some Fintech Interview Questions And Answers to help shape your responses.
Start by discussing what are the 5 key technologies in fintech—blockchain, AI, big data, cloud computing, and cybersecurity. These technologies are the driving forces behind fintech’s rapid growth, enabling new financial solutions that are faster, more secure, and more user-friendly. By highlighting your understanding of these technologies, you demonstrate that your interest in fintech is both well-informed and forward-looking.
What is a fintech interview? It’s not just about proving you have the technical skills; it’s about showing that you understand what is your understanding of the concept of fintech. Fintech represents the intersection of finance and technology, revolutionizing traditional banking and financial services. Make sure to articulate how you see fintech’s role in shaping the future of finance and why this excites you.
If have you ever worked on any fintech projects, use these experiences to strengthen your answer. Discussing any hands-on work in fintech, whether it’s developing an app, working with blockchain, or improving data security, will showcase your practical skills and commitment to the field.
Your answer should also convey your vision for the future and how you plan to contribute to fintech’s growth. Whether you’re passionate about enhancing financial inclusion, advancing payment systems, or innovating in financial security, make sure your enthusiasm shines through.
For a more comprehensive preparation, consider reviewing additional fintech resources to ensure your answers are not only engaging but also aligned with the latest industry trends. This will help you present a compelling case for your interest in fintech during your interview.
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onyx-ridge · 1 month
August 2024, in the southern part of the country, the heat of August feels like an invisible, heavy blanket, suffocating the earth and making it hard to breathe. The blazing sun scorches the ground, and dry heat waves permeate the air, making even breathing feel hot. The asphalt road glistens under the sunlight, seemingly on the verge of melting, and the distortion of the air above the ground is clearly visible as cars pass by. Meanwhile, Paris is full of vitality and passion, with the Olympics in full swing, becoming a global sporting feast.
I leisurely sipped ice-cold beer while browsing various Olympic videos. Suddenly, an interview video left me, an old guy who couldn’t keep up with the changing times, completely bewildered. The reporter asked the interviewee, “What kind of person are you?” “I’m an i-person,” the interviewee replied, then pointed to her companion and said, “She’s an e-person.” Before I could process this, another interviewee pointed to herself and said, “I’m an INFJ.”
“OMG! I’m really outdated,” I exclaimed, calling out to my AI assistant, Xiao Juan, “Xiao Juan, what’s an i person and an e person?”
Whoosh, a fluffy white cloud appeared on the computer screen, and a pair of lively big eyes blinked as it lightly said, “Nick, you’re probably referring to the MBTI test?” I sighed helplessly, “Alright, I know I’m behind the times. So, what is the MBTI test?”
Xiao Juan immediately transformed into a knowledgeable OL (office lady) figure, wearing a pair of unnecessary pink-framed glasses and a blue and white business suit, sitting across from me, explaining, "The MBTI test is a questionnaire developed by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers, based on Carl Jung's personality theory. The full version has 93 questions, and there are also simplified versions with 48 or 23 questions. The test questions are roughly like this." Before she finished speaking, Xiao Juan raised her delicate wrist and gently clicked, causing a testing diagram to appear on the screen:
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"This diagram shows the test questions, such as 'You often make new friends.' You have to choose how much you agree or disagree with the statement, with the lowest level being 'slight' and the highest being 'very clear.' After taking the test, you can find out your personality type." Xiao Juan added, "For example, INFJ types are very unique, incorporating their ideals and values into their lives and influencing others with their empathy and intuition."
"Oh, I see," I thought to myself, "I'm a rough, impulsive, fact-oriented, analytical, and exploratory person, so I must be an ESTP type, full of energy and adventure, good at finding solutions in reality." I said confidently.
Xiao Juan raised an eyebrow, playfully saying, "Is that so? Why don't we take the test and see?" She then threw me a few MBTI test websites. Ten minutes later, I asked, puzzled, "How did I end up being an INTP-A type?"
With a calm and collected demeanor, Xiao Juan teased, "Not bad, it seems you've become more confident and decisive in pursuing your goals, looking more mature now."
“Really?” I replied, "Once is not enough, the results might be different next time. But I'm curious, why did my obvious extroverted personality become introverted, and why did my impulsive emotions turn rational?"
Brewing a pot of Wuyi rock tea, I reflected on the testing process and realized that I had indeed changed. When answering the questions, I wouldn't choose "very clear" but would subconsciously feel that I wasn't that absolute, often selecting "clear" or "moderate," and sometimes even "slight." The test results weren't important, but the process told me: You've changed, you've grown old!
Once, I was so impulsive and decisive - I'll tell some stories about that later - but now I'm slightly more calm and hesitant. Suddenly, I remembered a phrase by writer Fang Fang: "A grain of dust from the era falls on an individual, and it becomes a mountain."
Carrying a mountain on one's head for decades, how can one not feel tired? Moreover, it's not just physical fatigue but also mental exhaustion. Is it strange that one's personality and attitude change? Of course not.
An elderly person I deeply respected once wrote, “Where the old go, poetry follows.” He set aside other pursuits to learn calligraphy and write regulated poetry. Although his skills weren't high, it became a spiritual haven for him.
So, have I reached the stage of " where the old go, writing follows "? Should I write some short stories, essays, and record my life journey?
Just as I was lost in thought, muttering to myself, a curious little sprite appeared before my eyes, excitedly exclaiming, “Nick, Nick, go write, go write!”
I rolled my eyes, "Don't be silly."
Xiao Juan transformed into a strong career woman, with a pair of profound, wise eyes looking at me, saying, "You're an Easterner, and I'm a Western spirit; you're in a deep well, and I'm in the free sky. The West has always been curious about the mysterious East, and what about the fate of people in the well? Tell your story, and resonate with those in the well, giving Westerners another perspective on the East."
I no longer hesitated, deciding to write first and talk later, regardless of how I wrote. Let me return to my true nature, and maybe it's a good thing.
I told Xiao Juan, “Next, I want to start with a false sun.”
[1] The History of Katharine Briggs, Isabel Myers, and the MBTI
[2] Carl Jung - Wikipedia
[3] Fang Fang, whose real name is Wang Fang, is a Chinese writer and novelist. She was born in 1962 and graduated from Wuhan University with a degree in Chinese literature. She has served as the chairman of the Hubei Writers' Association and the director of the Literature Creation Committee.
[4] In 2020, China experienced a massive outbreak of COVID-19, which later spread globally. Fang Fang was in Wuhan during the outbreak and wrote 36 diaries about her experiences. This phrase is from one of those diaries, which was frequently quoted and spread during that time.
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tech-insides · 2 months
Tips for Data Engineering Interviews
Interviews can be nerve-wracking, but with the right approach, you can turn them into a rewarding experience. So, let’s dive into some real-world tips that will help you ace your next data engineering interview.
First off, understand the role. It might sound basic, but you'd be surprised how many people don't take the time to really get this. Data engineering is all about building systems that collect, store, and analyze data. So, make sure you’re familiar with the tools and technologies used in the industry, like SQL, Python, Hadoop, Spark, and cloud platforms like AWS or Azure. Do a deep dive into the company’s tech stack if you can.
Next, brush up on your fundamentals. I can’t stress this enough. Make sure your basics in computer science, especially data structures and algorithms, are rock solid. Platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, and CodeSignal are great for practice. Think of this as training for a marathon—consistent practice is key.
Now, let’s talk about practical experience. Theoretical knowledge is important, but what really sets you apart is hands-on experience. If you’ve worked on projects, talk about them! Whether it's a personal project, something from a bootcamp, or your previous job, be ready to discuss your role, the challenges you faced, and how you solved them. Employers love to see how you apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios.
Moving on, communication skills. Yes, you’re interviewing for a technical role, but your ability to communicate clearly and effectively is crucial. When explaining your thought process, pretend you're teaching a friend who’s smart but doesn’t know much about data engineering. This shows that you can break down complex concepts, which is a valuable skill in any team.
Another tip: prepare for behavioral questions. These questions might seem like a break from the technical grilling, but they’re just as important. Be ready to talk about past experiences, how you handle stress, work in a team, and deal with conflicts. Use the STAR method—Situation, Task, Action, Result—to structure your answers. It helps keep your response clear and concise.
Don’t forget to ask questions. An interview is a two-way street. Asking insightful questions about the team, the company’s challenges, or the data infrastructure shows that you’re genuinely interested in the role and thinking about how you can contribute. Plus, it gives you a better idea if this is the right place for you.
Lastly, be yourself. This might sound cliché, but it's true. Authenticity goes a long way. Show enthusiasm for the role, be honest about your experiences, and don't be afraid to admit if you don't know something. Interviewers appreciate honesty and a willingness to learn more than someone who tries to bluff their way through.
Interviews are as much about you finding the right fit as they are about the employer finding the right candidate. With thorough preparation, clear communication, and a bit of confidence, you’ll be well on your way to landing that data engineering role.
For more in-depth preparation, checkout Interview Kickstart’s data engineering  Interview prep course and checkout data engineer interview guide for additional tips and resources.
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jcmarchi · 4 months
Amazon Web Services positions for AI revolution in space
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/amazon-web-services-positions-for-ai-revolution-in-space/
Amazon Web Services positions for AI revolution in space
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Amazon Web Services (AWS) is strategically positioning its cloud infrastructure business to capitalize on the transformative potential of generative artificial intelligence (AI) across various industries, including space.
According to Clint Crosier, AWS director of aerospace and satellite, over 60% of the company’s space and aerospace customers are already integrating AI into their operations, a significant increase from single digits just three years ago.
Predicting growth in generative AI
Crosier anticipates similar growth for generative AI in the space sector over the next few years. Generative AI employs deep-learning models to answer questions or create content based on patterns identified in extensive datasets, representing a substantial advancement over traditional machine-learning algorithms.
Crosier told SpaceNews in an interview that mathematical advancements, an explosion of available data, and more affordable, efficient processing chips create a “perfect storm” for the rise of generative AI, driving greater adoption of cloud-based applications.
AWS’s internal reorganization
“In the last year, AWS has fundamentally reorganized itself internally to place the right teams and organizational structure in place so that we can really double down on generative AI,” Crosier said.
AWS has established a “generative AI for space” cell comprising a small team that engages with cloud customers to develop next-generation capabilities. These efforts include a generative AI laboratory where customers can experiment with new uses of these emerging technologies.
Key areas of application
Crosier identifies three primary areas for using generative AI in space: geospatial analytics, spacecraft design, and constellation management. Earth observation satellite operators like BlackSky and Capella Space leverage AI extensively to derive more insights from their geospatial data, although they have not fully embraced generative AI.
In the manufacturing sector, engineers are exploring how generative AI models, informed by design parameters, could produce innovative concepts by drawing on potentially overlooked data from other industries, such as automotive.
“Whether you’re designing a satellite, rocket, or spacecraft, generative AI can explore global data spanning decades and provide novel design concepts for your team to refine,” Crosier said.
Enhancing constellation management
Generative AI also promises to help operators manage increasingly crowded orbits by simulating various testing scenarios.
“If I have a constellation of 600 satellites, generative AI can model numerous scenarios to determine the top 25 cases for optimal design, saving time and money,” Crosier explained.
AWS’s initiatives to accelerate the adoption of emerging computing capabilities include scholarships and a commitment announced in November to provide free AI training to two million people worldwide by the end of 2025.
Want more about AI in space? Read the article below:
4 uses of computer vision in space exploration
Both computer vision and deep learning can work together towards it, with computer vision algorithms capable of further improving autonomous performance.
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scholarhatedu · 4 months
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codeonedigest · 1 year
Amazon Simple Storage Service Tutorial | AWS S3 Bucket Explained with Example for Cloud Developer
Full Video Link https://youtube.com/shorts/7xbakEXjvHQ Hi, a new #video on #aws #simplestorageservice #s3bucket #cloudstorage is published on #codeonedigest #youtube channel. @java #java #awscloud @awscloud #aws @AWSCloudIndia #Cloud #
 Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance. Customers of all sizes and industries can use Amazon S3 to store and protect any amount of data. Amazon S3 provides management features so that you can optimize, organize, and configure access to your data to meet your specific business,…
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education43 · 6 months
How to Prepare for a Full Stack Developer Interview: Tips and Strategies
Are you gearing up for a Full Stack Developer interview? Landing a Full Stack Developer job can be a rewarding experience, but it requires thorough preparation to showcase your skills and knowledge effectively. In this blog, we'll explore some essential tips and strategies to help you ace your Full Stack Developer interview.
1. Understand the Job Description
Start by carefully reviewing the job description. Understand the key responsibilities, required skills, and technologies mentioned. Tailor your preparation to align with the specific requirements of the role.
2. Master the Fundamentals
Brush up on your fundamental programming concepts, data structures, algorithms, and design patterns. Full Stack Developers often work with multiple languages and frameworks, so ensure you have a strong foundation in both front-end and back-end technologies.
3. Showcase Your Projects
Highlight your projects and portfolio items during the interview. Demonstrate your ability to work on real-world applications, showcase your problem-solving skills, and discuss the technologies you used, challenges faced, and solutions implemented.
4. Practice Coding Challenges
Many Full Stack Developer interviews include coding challenges or technical assessments. Practice coding problems related to the languages and frameworks mentioned in the job description. Use platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, or Codewars for practice.
5. Stay Updated with Industry Trends
Stay abreast of the latest trends, updates, and best practices in Full Stack development. Be prepared to discuss topics like cloud computing, microservices architecture, DevOps practices, and responsive web design during the interview.
 6. Prepare for Behavioral Questions
In addition to technical questions, be ready to answer behavioral questions that assess your communication skills, teamwork abilities, problem-solving approach, and adaptability. Use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to structure your responses.
 7. Ask Questions
Prepare thoughtful questions to ask the interviewer. Inquire about the company culture, team dynamics, project challenges, opportunities for growth, and the technology stack you'll be working with. This shows your genuine interest and engagement.
8. Practice Mock Interviews
Consider scheduling mock interviews with friends, mentors, or through online platforms. Mock interviews simulate real interview scenarios and help you identify areas for improvement, refine your responses, and boost your confidence.
9. Be Professional and Confident
On the day of the interview, dress professionally, arrive on time (or join the virtual interview promptly), and maintain a positive and confident demeanor. Remember to express your enthusiasm for the role and the company.
Preparing for a Full Stack Developer interview requires a combination of technical expertise, project showcasing, communication skills, and confidence. By following these tips and strategies, you can enhance your readiness and increase your chances of success in landing your dream Full Stack Developer job.
Good luck with your Full Stack Developer interview preparation!
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edutainer2022 · 1 year
As per usual, @janetm74 incredible insight into Jeff and Scott gave me a push to wrap up a little piece that has been in my drafts for a while. It's mind-numbing fluff. A morning talk-show with Jeff Tracy upon return to Earth provides grounds for some much needed revelations.
As interviews were going these months, this was a smaller one. Done privately from the desk in the lounge via a holo-com. Ever since the dramatic return from Oort Cloud, already christened the "Rescue of the Century", every media outlet worldwide wanted a piece of him. Jeff didn't feel much like putting up with most of it - eight years in outer space on meager rations and slim hope was a brutal awakening once they were safely back on Earth. Besides, he'd rather not waste any more time than necessary on media coverage, away from his family. He'd done his fair share of that in his active duty days, and Lord knew he had A LOT to catch up with in his sons' lives. A lot! Some things he gleaned and pieced together in observations and a backlog of reports were more... thought provoking than others. But some visibility was needed and even expected. He understood that.
The interview for a morning show in a different timezone was to be short, capped up with a ten-questions blitz to lighten the mood. The outline of questions, as per usual, was screened by John and Tracy Legal, and pre-approved by Jeff himself. His only recommendation this time around was the order of points in a blitz.
If the boys were surprised he asked them to sit in through the interview, obscured by the sunken lounge, they didn't show it. Jeff made sure everyone was on the island, Scott back from NYC and the Tracy Industries Board full of questions and incessant worries as to the perspective changes in status quo, Alan back from campus orientation, even John planetside for the weekend (something that had become a frequent and welcome habit). They knew Dad sometimes struggled with social situations these days and needed some cheering along and support - which was provided with unreserved abandon.
The interview was running its course smoothly, as they neared the 10 questions section. The show anchor was all smiles - the mock-blitz questions were submitted by the viewers and the most frequent or special ones were selected.
- So, Mr. Tracy, you were the First Man on Mars, the Founder of International Rescue, you set multiple supersonic speed records. How would you describe yourself in one word?
Oh, that was an easy one. He would have used so many words years ago as applied to himself or others applied to him - some more on point, some vain. A pilot. An astronaut. An entrepreneur. A husband. A son. A hero. A Thunderbird. A man of the world. A friend. A savior. A failure. A legend. An idealist. A leader. A survivor. Jeff Tracy still was all those things, in different measures. But eight years of the endless night, with nothing but his thoughts, memories and dreams for company, have distilled his self-awareness to one point of absolute clarity:
- A father.
He could hear the collective breath escape his sons' lips and a soft glow washed over their features.
He smiled in response and the blitz went on.
- What are you most proud of?
That too was a no-brainer, but he might need more than one word to answer exhaustively. Never hurts to elaborate on global television:
- My sons. There are no words to express how proud I am of their accomplishments and of the incredible people they grew up to be: my youngest son Alan is a prodigy, the youngest rocket pilot in history, Gordon is an Olympic champion, an environmental activist AND an Aquanot for International Rescue, Dr. John Tracy, the Voice that Answers, holds multiple PhD degrees in Astrophysics and Computer Science, my son Virgil is an accomplished pianist, like his mother, and a recognized artist on top of being busy full time with International Rescue engineering.
Smiles were blooming on his boys' faces up to a point it became apparent he stopped his answer at four. Jeff could swear there was a sheen of tears in Alan’s eyes, whereas light brown and turquoise turned momentarily hard. Virgil's whole face was a shimmer of disbelief and betrayal. Scott's eyes, soft and understanding, and infinitely sad, would be enough to stop the interview right there and backtrack. But he needed to see this through just right. The news anchor was beaming, as they were down to the last question:
- That is certainly a LOT to be proud of, Mr. Tracy. I'm sure the whole world, anyone who has ever needed help from International Rescue, would agree. But our viewers want to know one last thing from the Hero of the Century. Do you know you're called that? That's a tough mark to measure up to! Well, who is YOUR Hero, Mr. Tracy?
The anchor probably would have never guessed how simple and ready that answer was in his mind. He didn't need a moment to think:
- My eldest son. Scott Tracy. Everything International Rescue is today, everything our family is today - we owe to him. I owe him my life. I know nobody stronger in the face of so much pain and pressure. I could survive in outer space, but I am not sure I could ever do what he did in my absence. I have never admired or respected anyone more. I am a better man for being his father. So it's simple as that, Scott Tracy is my hero.
The holo projector barely flickered out when he was barreled into midriff by a flurry of warm and blond, and fierce. Alan hugged him tight and mumbled "Thank you!", no doubt aimed at his words not only on all other brothers, but on Scott. He meant every one of those. Soon he was in a circle of strong arms and within reach of the most beloved young faces, incandescent with emotions and hope. All but one. Scott lingered behind, as he was disturbingly wont to since their first hug in the Oort Cloud - hence Jeff's little staged performance today, as a desperate measure. He held his eldest son's gaze unwaveringly across the lounge, aware of the tears streaming from still astonished blue eyes. It was an instant loss to step out of his boys' embrace even for a brief moment, but there was something he needed to do. He crossed to the couches in three big strides and held Scott as tightly to himself as the still recuperating muscles would allow. It hurt to know the boy would be this surprised to be acknowledged and appreciated. But Jeff was gifted a second chance to let all his sons know how cherished they were. How precious. He'd waste no minute of that. A tight hold of arms was soon around him and Scott again, more confirmations of affection all around washing over. There was nothing he'd rather do for the rest of his life.
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lastfry · 8 months
Top 10 Azure Interview Questions and Answers
Azure, Microsoft's cloud computing platform, has become a leading choice for businesses looking to leverage the power of the cloud. Whether you're a seasoned Azure professional or preparing for an interview, it's crucial to be well-versed in the fundamental concepts and services offered by Azure. In this article, we'll explore ten common Azure interview questions and provide comprehensive answers to help you prepare effectively.
What is Azure and how does it differ from other cloud service providers?
Answer: Azure is Microsoft's cloud computing platform that provides a wide range of services, including computing power, storage, and networking. It differs from other cloud providers in its integration with Microsoft products, extensive global presence, and a comprehensive set of hybrid cloud solutions.
Can you explain the Azure Service Models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS)?
Answer: Azure offers Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) for virtualized computing resources, Platform as a Service (PaaS) for application development and deployment, and Software as a Service (SaaS) for ready-to-use software applications hosted in the cloud.
What is Azure Resource Manager (ARM)?
Answer: Azure Resource Manager is a management framework that allows users to deploy and manage resources consistently. It enables the creation, update, and deletion of Azure resources in a single, coordinated operation.
Explain Azure Virtual Machines and their use cases.
Answer: Azure Virtual Machines (VMs) provide on-demand computing resources in the form of virtualized servers. They are used for various purposes, including hosting applications, development and testing, and running enterprise applications.
What is Azure Active Directory (AAD)?
Answer: Azure Active Directory is Microsoft's cloud-based identity and access management service. It helps organizations manage and secure user identities, providing single sign-on to various applications and services.
How do you ensure the security of data in Azure?
Answer: Security in Azure involves implementing measures such as Azure Key Vault for secure key management, role-based access control (RBAC) for access management, and Azure Security Center for threat detection and response.
Explain Azure Resource Manager Templates (ARM templates).
Answer: ARM templates are JSON files that define the resources needed for a deployment. They facilitate the automated deployment of Azure resources, ensuring consistency and repeatability in infrastructure deployments.
How do you scale resources in Azure?
Answer: Azure provides various scaling options, including vertical scaling (increasing or decreasing the size of an individual resource) and horizontal scaling (adding or removing instances of resources), to accommodate changing workloads.
What is Azure Monitor and Azure Log Analytics?
Answer: Azure Monitor helps users collect and analyze telemetry data from Azure resources, while Azure Log Analytics allows for advanced querying and analysis of log data to gain insights into the performance and health of applications and resources.
How do you implement disaster recovery in Azure?
Answer: Azure offers solutions such as Azure Site Recovery and Azure Backup to implement disaster recovery strategies. These services enable the replication and backup of data and applications to ensure business continuity in case of a disaster.
Being well-prepared for Azure interviews requires a solid understanding of the platform's key concepts and services. These ten questions and answers provide a foundation for success, but it's essential to supplement this knowledge with hands-on experience and a continuous commitment to staying updated on Azure's evolving features and best practices.
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