#cloud jubjub
limecornchip · 6 months
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neopets ocs ^_^
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nimmo-tube-cheese · 1 year
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nicepets · 2 years
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Pet: petemcfeet
Credit: /~Sothy
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adobe-outdesign · 4 months
could you do a review of cloud neopets?
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Cloud is a classic old-school Neopets colour, dating all the way back to Y1. Like a lot of older colors, it's A) relatively basic, in the sense that it usually just involves adding a pattern to a pet and nothing else, and B) it's pretty inconsistent depending on the pet, with differences in palette, concept, and even the number/shape of the clouds.
One of the most jarring differences is that on most pets, the clouds are just a pattern... but with a few, they actually integrated the cloud shape into the pet itself, usually in the fur/mane. These pets are by far the best of the bunch, as we'll go over in the species section, and it's an absolute shame that so many are stuck with patterns when they could've been so much more creative.
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Unsurprisingly for a colour that's mostly a pattern, cloud pets also weren't really affected by customization. Some of them got a tad more polished in terms of exact cloud placement or hue, but at the end of the day there's not going to be much of a difference between a pre- and post-customization pet.
Favorite Species:
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Gnorbu: The cloud Gnorbu just straight-up is the best cloud pet, no competition. Everything here is perfectly executed. The mane is properly cloud-like right down to the tail, and makes it extra cute and huggable. The pattern placement is good, just the right amount of clouds without being too much, and the colors are good—sticking to white with a pastel light blue accent, and only using a darker blue to make the eyes and ears pop. 10/10 would Gnorb again.
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Jubjub: Someone saw and opportunity and someone took it. Like I said, the best cloud pets integrate the clouds into the body, and the Jubjub goes the extra mile by just having the entire body be a cloud.
My only complaint, which is minor, is that the bright cyan color they used as an accent feels a bit too bold and saturated for cloud—most other pets have a more pastel palette that better captures the sky look. Something like the cloud Gelert's base color would've been better here. Also, for some reason the feet have bright white highlights instead of a tint of the cyan, which makes them look weirdly shiny.
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Cybunny: Just like the others on this list, integrating the cloud shape into the mane will always get a thumbs up in my book. I do have to knock it a point or two or A) not having the tail be cloud shaped as well (come on, a cotton ball shape is classic for cartoon bunnies!) and B) the shading on the mane is a bit too flat compared to the Gnorbu above, which is a much better example of how to shade clouds. I also would've liked to see the darker blue accents just like 10% lighter. Regardless, it's a nice color.
Least Favorite Species:
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Kyrii: To be entirely fair to the cloud Kyrii, literally any cloud pet that doesn't do anything fun with the clouds could be considered the worst—and there's a lot of them.
However, I have to go with the Kyrii for a few reasons. First, Kyrii are known for their luxurious manes, so not taking advantage of that feels extra jarring here. Secondly, the dark blue on the mane is way too dark and there's way too much of it, and using it on the inside of the ear as well causes the ear to get lost in the fur. And finally, the eye is brown for no apparent reason.
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This is particularly weird as it was a much better blue pre-conversion, which means that they changed it to... look worse. All right.
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peedleedoo · 7 months
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starryscorchiotcg · 10 months
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Finally got this done! Tarla gave out cloud paintbrushes once again 🎉
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paradoxlemonade · 7 months
still mostly staying offline but had a fun idea for a poll bracket I want to run: ultimate neopet! phase one is pit every color option of a species against the others, continuing until there is one representative for for each species. phase two would have those representatives face off to find the most popular/coolest possible neopet
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radishleaf · 4 months
i do love how jubjub colors are just "x with legs" like the cloud jubjub, garlic jubjub, halloween jubjub, and coconut jubjub lol
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wei75631 · 28 days
P6 Idea : Jungles and World Trees
"Jungle" in P6 is equivalent to the palace in P5. It is an obstacle that players must pass to advance the main plot, and it is also a turning point for adding new companions. The concept of "jungle" corresponds to the saying "concrete jungle = city". Each jungle is the product of human collective subconsciousness, corresponding to the Kleshas and Three Poisons of Buddhism respectively.
Jungle of Mirrors
This is the jungle created by "Delusion (Moha)", rooted in the subconscious of young people who feel confused during adolescence, and the sport girl breaks in to save her club members. When players go deep into the jungle, they also have to rescue people trapped in the mirror. The boss of Jungle of Mirrors is named "Jabberwocky of Moha". It will temporarily disappear like a chameleon. At this time, players cannot damage it with weapons or physical attacks. Only by using skills can they force it to appear. In addition, it will summon Bandersnatch and Jubjub Bird to serve as its thugs. After Jabberwocky is defeated, it will laugh at the protagonist's futility before leading to death, because if you want to solve the problem, you must catch the mastermind behind it, otherwise this lost world will be filled with many subconscious monsters like it.
Jungle of Webs
This is the jungle created by "Hate (Dvesha)", inspired by the use of cyberbullying by prejudiced people, with spider web elements that also correspond to the computer "web". The advisor boy came here to rescue the navigator boy. As long as he joins his companions, he can rescue people trapped in spider silk.The boss of Jungle of Webs is named "Yatsukahagi of Dvesha". Players cannot directly attack its body and must break its eight legs one by one. In addition, this big spider will spin silk and give birth to spiderlings to hinder players. After Yatsukahagi is defeated, the people of Ragnarok will forcibly take the navigator boy away. From this time on, players must be mentally prepared to confront Ragnarok.
Jianmu the World Tree
Jianmu is not a jungle, but the World Tree in Chinese mythology. There are obvious differences between the World Tree and the Jungle. The World Tree is an indispensable part of Ophion like Dragon Veins, and the Jungle is produced by people's twisted subconscious and must be eradicated. Therefore, every time the player defeats a jungle boss, the jungle will follow the boss. disappeared together, but the World Tree did not. In addition to the previous statement, Jianmu is basically not much different from Separate Shangri-La. Players will still face Baize and Ragnarok.
Jungle of Birdcages
This is the jungle created by "Conceit (Mana)", which is caused by the comparison mentality between companies and people involved in consortiums. Except for replacing the air battleship with a birdcage and avoiding fights with masculine boy, the overall structure of this jungle will not be too different from Clipper of Clouds. The boss of Jungle of Birdcages is named "Vucub Caquix of Mana". Because this big bird can fly in the sky, players can only use firearms to damage its two wings before shooting it down. After Vucub Caquix falls to the ground, it will attack the player with its claws and beak. In addition, it will put its companions in a birdcage as hostages. The player must destroy the bird cage to release the companions.
Yggdrasil the World Tree
Once the player comes to the World Tree in Norse mythology, the plot will take a very obvious turn. In addition, the Ragnarok, which is opposed to the protagonist, has full home field advantage here. Yggdrasil will faithfully represent concepts from Norse mythology, for example, the guard shadows here will transform into the appearance of Norse gods.
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The boss here is "Nidhogg of Raga", which is caused by people's overexploitation of nature and excessive abuse of substances. In order to prevent Nidhogg from eating the roots of this world tree, players must try to avoid damaging the roots when attacking this big worm. Nidhogg will burrow into the ground to avoid physical damage, and players must use skills to blast it out. After Nidhogg emerges from the ground, it will forcefully swallow its companions. Players must climb on its head and attack its vitals to rescue its companions.
Jungle of Witches
After the problem of Yggdrasil is solved, players will have to develop several different endings from now on. At this time, the level of community improvement of players and partners must be taken into consideration to affect the development of the ending. The first is Amalthea, she will be the most important key to the ending. If her community is raised to full, she will tell us the truth when she first enters Jungle of Witches, and will continue to accompany players to fight against the mastermind behind the scenes.
Instead, once her community is not full, she enters Jungle of Witches to fight the player, leading to a bad ending where the protagonist and Amalthea are buried in the jungle. In other words, Amalthea is the boss of Jungle of Witches. Her confusion and low self-esteem about her identity make her the only exception among the subconscious monsters, which is "Doubt (Vicikitsa)". The guard shadows here will transform into the appearance of famous demons in monotheistic religions.
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In the boss battle, she will fight the player under the name "Amalthea of ​​Vicikitsa", and her persona will change from three bugs to Heidrun. This persona will release milk to hinder the player, and the player must use skills to prevent it. After defeating Amalthea, you will enter the next round of battle. The dying Amalthea will immediately transform into "Shub-Niggurath the Elder Mother", which releases several "Spawns of The Black Goat" to serve as thugs. In addition, Shub-Niggurath will spawn previous bosses to fight players, including Jabberwocky, Yatsukahagi, Vucub Caquix and Nidhogg.
Irkalla and Primordial Sea
Once you avoid the bad ending, you'll end up here, where the mastermind (final boss) lives. Irkalla is part of the Primordial Sea, and different ending developments will still be distinguished here, but I have to give a hint and I will explain the details later.
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Once players enter the interior of the Primordial Sea, it is full of organic and body horror style, and the guard shadows will become representative gods from Middle Eastern mythology.
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After going deep into the base of the mastermind behind the scenes, the final boss here is Nammu. She is actually the shadow of Gaia's consciousness, just like Ophion is the persona of Gaia's consciousness. Nammu looks like an innocent girl, but in fact her nature is full of pathology and distortion, which also highlights the result of her distortion of maternal nature. The reason for her distortion is the Gaia consciousness caused by the destruction of the natural environment by humans, which has caused everything to be imbalanced. And Nammu is the side (shadow) that Gaia doesn't want to face.
After defeating Nammu, she will transform into the huge "Tiamat the Chaotic Mother" before she dies. This monster, which is like a fusion of aliens and human deformities, will derive tentacles with the appearance of Cambrian creatures on its body to fight. The names of these tentacles are Musmahhu, Basmu, Usumgallu, Ugallu, Uridimmu, Girtablullu, Umu-dabrutu, Kulullu and Lahmu.
I will stop here first, and I will find time to explain the detailed truth later, so stay tuned!
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hemonychta · 5 months
Late night toontown cog posting.. WHAT IF THE MANAGERS WERE NEOPETS?
Derrick Man - Camouflage Moehog
Derrick Hand - Grey Bori
Land Acquisition Architect - Mutant Buzz
DOLD - Shadow Hissi
Public Relations Representative - Mutant Usul
DOPA - Robot Wocky
I’m gonna cut under here bcuz it’d be a really long post if it wasn’t cut. Street + Kudos managers beneath!
Duck Shuffler - Disco Eyrie
Deep Diver - Maraquan Uni
Gatekeeper - Royalboy Uni (I know she’s a girl, but I thought Royalboy would be more fitting :) )
Bellringer - Faerie Techo
Mouthpiece - Elderlygirl Tonu
Firestarter - Fire Kyrii
Treekiller - Speckled Skeith
Featherbedder - Spotted Vandagyre
Prethinker - Mutant Kacheek
Rainmaker - Cloud Shoyru
Witch Hunter - Darigan Lupe
Multislacker - Plushie Gnorbu (more specifically the UC version)
Major Player - Darigan Grarrl
Plutocrat - Camouflage Jubjub
Chainsaw Consultant - Grey Bori
Pacesetter - Faerie Cybunny
Litigator - Darigan Krawk
Scapegoat - He would be a MSP Ixi… IF THERE WAS ONE!
Stenographer - Striped Jetsam
Case Manager - Brown Gelert
Anything to add? You disagree with my choices? Leave it in the tags. I want to see you guys’s opinions :)
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meepons · 8 months
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Since Vandagyre day is coming up, I wanted to share my design for a cloud Vanda. My take is that they would be fluffy like the Gnorbu and Jubjub, but with some cloud elements.
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limecornchip · 5 months
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Neopia's biggest hater
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redtailcatfish · 1 day
whoever owns Dyke the Cloud Jubjub i love you
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img id: The Neopets pet lookup for a Cloud Jubjub named Dyke. The neopet looks like a cottonball with big eyes and feet. end id
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dearbisexual · 8 months
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repostober day 13
HI I MISSED SOME DAYS here's day 13, a stylized cloud jubjub! i think i looked at monet paintings to get the color palette/general vibe lol
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nicepets · 2 years
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Pet: Celeihste
Owner: berrypixel
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neopetpound · 3 years
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Smilbright the Cloud JubJub 
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