#clover IS more work than the average cat but by that I mean they’re the most naughty and exhausting kitten I’ve ever met
gatesofember · 1 year
told a random lady about Clover and said “I’ve always wanted a disabled pet” and she was like “idk that sounds like a lot of work” ?????? excuse me????
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fearnyas · 5 years
TAGGED: @etoilenyas​ bc we love to suffer! TAGGING: i don’t even remember who’s active in my following man just steal it from me
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▌𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 : Oliver Quincy Issac Wright.  ▌𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐋𝐄 𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐍 : In an established relationship with Dmitry Jones. The state of their relationship varies throughout their canon. They’ve been dating since high school: for four years by the time the Vegas Arc takes place, and they’re engaged in the NYC Arc after Ollie proposes. Post-NYC Arc, they get married. ▌𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐑 𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐒 :
Uses a magical bell to transform into Nyan Diamond, defender of love & justice and second-in-command of The Cat’s Nyas. His bell when not in use is often worn as a choker.
Thanks to the contract, Oliver has cat-like senses. Meaning, his eyesight, hearing, sense of smell, etc. are all heightened even outside his transformation. This effect is permanent so long as the contract is enforced. Better vision at night. Includes cat-like reflexes, flexibility, quicker speed, and the ability to still land on his feet were he to fall from a great height. He may still obtain injuries, but is objectively safer than an average human might be.
Additionally, in the early years of his contract, under intense emotional stress (whether that’s positive or negative) he may sprout a cat ears and tail, or completely turn into a cat temporarily. (His particular breed is a Scottish Fold!) How long these consequences last varies on how much stress he was under, but he will eventually return to normal. He can still talk normally even in his cat form, which is...distressing...so any meows around non-Nyans are entirely fake. Eventually, the Nyans gain more control over this, and it becomes less of an inconvenience. 
When transformed, he has the ability to use water magic to attack his opponents.
The strength and usage of these attacks vary. Typically, he’ll summon blasts or waves of varying temperatures and strengths, but the possibilities are only as limited as his imagination is. However, everything new takes time to practice before he can use it to its full potential. Not limited to exclusively water, but anything liquid. 
This eventually extends to manipulating ice states, but the element itself is not something he can control outside of what he’s summoned. Pre-existing resources in this instance are of no use to him.
Water that he summons, if paired with another Nyan’s element, is beneficial. For example, combining his abilities with Nyan Clover’s vines/plant magic, Clover’s plants grow stronger, and Diamond’s water magic serves as a boon.
Most if not all of his summons come directly from his staff. The crystal embedded within it serves as a way to store his magic, and it makes any attack easier to control. His weapon-of-choice makes it so he’s more effective at a distance, but he’s comfortable taking enemies on close range if he has to.
After the Nyans defeat Oleander, the vice that Oliver forms in the middle of the Vegas Arc, he gains luck magic. Rather, the ability to manipulate luck itself. At its best, this is a major boon for the team if it works in their favor. However, when first obtained, it isn’t something he can predict accurately, and poses a high risk if used improperly. Has to rely on intuition and chance, luck and probability can be shifted at a price. It’s something he needs to be incredibly careful with.
▌𝐄𝐘𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑 : Naturally violet as a civilian. | As Nyan Diamond, the color shifts to light blue with purple and pink hues throughout. ▌𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑 :   Light honey brown as a civilian, has natural red highlights. | When transformed as Nyan Diamond, his hair is light blue. ▌𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐒 : Scarlett Wright, often goes by Carly or Carla - mother. She primarily works from home as an accountant. Prior to moving to America, he saw her the most often, so he was naturally closer to her. She was the first person he confided in about his sexuality and both her and Samuel have been incredibly supportive. | Samuel Wright - father.  Works as a sports coach and physics teacher, the main influence on a lot of Oliver’s interests and hobbies. When he wasn’t busy helping the local secondary school teams, he’d spend a majority of his time planning short family trips or trying to bond with his son. Oliver and him have a positive relationship, as far as families go. | Oliver doesn’t keep in contact with his extended family due to a variety of factors. He uses the distance as an excuse, though it’s an obvious lie. His relationship with them has always been incredibly strained, particularly after he realized his sexuality. As a result, he’s never come out to them, and he doesn’t intend to. ▌𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐒 : Presently, he helps take care of their contractor, Lucky, with Dmitry. Prior to his move, he had three dogs. All border collies, Lexi, and two of her twin puppies that his family grew attached to. Their names are Parsley and Sage! | While not pets that he owned, when his family was able they also fostered a variety of animals. As a result, it’s something he wants to take up again in the future. ▌𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 : People who are unnecessarily cruel for no reason. He doesn’t personally like swearing, and quit himself ages ago, he’s willing to overlook it for other people. Doesn’t really like religion as a whole, or people who force their beliefs on others (especially unprompted! The kinds of people who assume you’re just like them and share the same mindset, that kind of thing.) Not necessarily fond of himself, or how easily he cries; doesn’t like being overly sensitive. Absolutely hates being lied to, or people who skirt around the truth; thinks its easier to hurt temporarily than to hide something, which is...terribly ironic. ▌𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒 / 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒 : Gambling and cardistry. Sports, both playing and watching--likes playing soccer, rugby, swimming primarily. Watches national games for the former two, as well as American football, albeit with less interest. Cooking, baking, trying to figure out recipes for both himself and Dmitry with varying degrees of success. Binges of romcoms or trashy ‘dating’ shows. Violin. Most outdoor recreational activities--primarily hiking, fishing, or camping. Studying. Logic puzzles. Taking care of animals. Sewing. Playing video games casually, usually popular titles. ▌𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐔𝐑𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄 : Not intentionally! His vice caused a lot of harm, but it was mostly contained within its own realm. Doesn’t get into fights otherwise. ▌𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄 : No, keeping his vice contained + it’s own abilities (ironically) helped prevent casualties. There were cases of severe injury though, although not many. ▌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 :  Scottish Fold cat. ▌𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐒 :   He second-guesses himself a lot, rather than listening to his gut, as a result--this tends to backfire. (Vegas Arc) He’s meek, and doesn’t stand up for himself or speak his mind. Bottles up more of his feelings than he actually expresses, which leads to...some more than unsavory situations.  Has a tendency to doubt other’s intentions and feelings towards him, making assumptions of what they feel towards him even without provocation. Pretty petty and passive-aggressive, especially on shift, it’s rare this is directed towards his friends. Tendency to isolate, or at least makes attempts to. Assumes the worst of most every situation. Extremely self-depreciating, will find a way to shift the blame to himself if something goes wrong. Apologizes for literally everything. Hypocritical in the sense the advice he’ll willingly give other people is the same kind he knows he should take, but doesn’t. ▌𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐒 : His best friend, Lacey. His boyfriend, Dmitry. The other Cat’s Nyas, his friends. (Jules and Romeo especially!)   ▌𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 : Homoromantic homosexual. For a while, especially when he was closeted, he dealt with varying degrees of internalized homophobia not aided by the influence of his extended family, which fed into his worsening mental health. At home, he was selective and hesitant with who he came out to as a matter of safety. This is no longer an issue. ▌𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐆𝐄 / 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 : He didn’t think much of marriage prior to dating Dmitry. Mostly, he didn’t think he’d be able to, or that he deserved to. That being said...he does think highly of it, and absolutely wants to. He thinks its sweet, and by the time they’ve graduated high school he would have already brought up the idea of it. When he eventually proposes, he already has a vague idea of what he wants in his vows and the ceremony he’d like. Isn’t sure about children due to a small degree of self-doubt, but isn’t opposed to adoption. No opinion on how many kids he’d want to adopt, as he hasn’t really thought about it. ▌𝐒𝐓𝐘𝐋𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒 : Dress casual and light colors. Button ups and cuffed jeans, muted or slightly pastel-leaning colors, he likes loose t-shirts and jackets/cardigans, anything that looks nice but too flashy. Doesn’t wear a lot of jewelry outside of his piercings and the trinket. ▌𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 : Dmitry, first and foremost. He’s his first and only boyfriend and he’s honestly never been happier with someone. Didn’t buy into love at first sight until he met him, and even then, he only found more reasons to fall harder. He loves his childhood friend, current friends, and his parents too of course, and would do anything for them, but his feelings for Dmitry are notably stronger. ▌𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐂𝐇 𝐓𝐎 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐒 : Tries his best to be amicable, albeit, he’s extremely shy. He grows out of his shyness by the time the NYC Arc is in place, but he’s still pretty soft-spoken and is inclined to let them lead in conversations and plans. Relatively warm and easy to get along with, and likes hanging out with the friends he has when he’s able. Goes out of his way to try and talk to people who seem like they need the company, and is deeply empathetic, willing to lend an ear to those who need it. Although this doesn’t go both ways. He doesn’t want to burden them, so he often overextends himself with making others happy at the expense of himself. ▌𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐊 : Alcoholic, he likes beer most, particularly lagers or ale, but isn’t opposed to anything else. Non-alcoholic, black coffee or fruit-based teas are an immediate go to. Doesn’t drink a lot of soda. Should drink more water. ▌𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐀𝐓 : The easy answer is anywhere his boyfriend might be. The more in depth answer is anywhere outdoors; he likes to sight-see and experience new things. Favors beaches or local parks. Likes hanging out at the casino he works at as well, even off shift; it’s lively and he has a good time actually placing bets of his own, he knows a few of the regulars by name. ▌𝐒𝐖𝐈𝐌 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐂𝐄𝐀𝐍 : Ocean, no questions asked. History aside, he enjoyed going out to local beaches a lot as a kid, and swimming in the ocean was something he really liked. Give him directions to the nearest beach please and thank you! ▌𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐑 𝐓𝐘𝐏𝐄 : Romantically, someone who’s self-assured and knows what they want in life. Someone with a good heart who does good things, or at least tries to. Someone patient who won’t judge him for his seemingly-endless list of fears and is willing to help him as he tries to ‘get better.’ Someone who takes the time to understand him, just as much as he does them. Brave, beautiful, and willing to set aside time just for the two of them. Basically, everything Dmitry is, thanks, he thinks he’s perfect and this has never changed. Platonically, he just likes people who are kind, funny, and humble--he doesn’t like braggarts or anyone with a huge ego--the most important thing is just being willing to understand him and not judge him for what he perceives to be his many, many flaws. ▌𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐑 𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐑𝐒 : Camping, absolutely. He’s a surprisingly outdoorsy type, and he has gone on a few family camping trips before. Not to mention, stargazing is kind of romantic if you think about it...he’d really like to do that at least once with someone he really, really loves. (Hey? Dmitry? Are you listening?)
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bonnie-and-cloud · 5 years
Hi! First off I love your post . And your bunnies are adorbale . Do you have any tips on a person thinking of getting a bunny?
I don't know when this was sent @fulltoadpicklemuffin so sorry if this is late. I've also taken my time to give you a thoughtful, thorough reply
So I did a full year of research before getting my girls. I was living on a college campus where animals were banned except for goldfish and other small tank animals, emotional support animals, and service animals. I was in an apartment so I had plenty of space for a rabbit or two but we also had a school policy where we could have a surprise inspection at any point in time. We weren't even allowed to have friends who had pets come into our spaces even to pick us up it was so strict. It was pretty strictly enforced too
I also wasn't working because my mother promised me that so long as I focused on my studies, I wouldn't have to get a job. She paid for textbooks, groceries, my phone, medical expenses including meds, and so on. She helped me get a car and did a lot of heavy lifting. Meaning that between that, being disabled, and the school policy it didn't make sense to even sneak a bun
Well, I only needed one class for my last semester meaning I lost campus housing eligibility so I'd have to pay the campus something stupid like two grand a month to stay there. We moved to a temporary apartment and didn't say anything but like they didn't do inspections like campus did so whatever
So that's part of why I did a whole year of research. I made triple sure to know their proper diet, switching foods, and so on. I was very careful about them playing only with Approved Bunny Toys and didn't even have a cage for either of them at first as they were in an 8x8 closet with limited access to roam our room. Between that and my research, I have plenty of advice and it'll be stuff you won't necessarily hear from other people
At the end of the day, a bun got a home that otherwise might not have. And that's more important, to me at least, than other factors. I don't recommend getting a pet store bunno because they are horribly mistreated but you do you. I won't judge either way on that one. I got my girls directly from a reputable breeder
I do recommend different methods for different needs, ability, and whatnot. I had never owned a rabbit before so I had no idea what the baseline for bun behaviors were. I didn't know how destructive they were prone to be had they not been traumatized via abandonment or abuse or whatever. I had no idea the difference between a happy loaf versus a grumpy loaf. I didn't know a happy flop from a passive aggressive one and no amount of reading up on these things or YouTube videos was going to really show me unless I saw them with my own eyes
Not to mention, buns take a long time to get comfortable with you just in general. Bonnie and Cloud took almost two months before they were cool enough with me to cuddle me on my bed. I remember crying thinking they hated me with no idea they were bonding to me very quickly. It would have been even longer with a rescue and I might have sincerely thought I was a bad bun parent and given up on buns entirely
So, for new bun parents, I recommend getting from a reputable breeder two bun siblings of the same gender from the same litter like I did. Not only do you get a better baseline for behavior, you genuinely get to see a lot of things you wouldn't from other bonded pairs. Like these two fight over the same scrap of broccoli when there's a little pile beside them that either of them could choose from. They also play "pranks" on each other like sneaking up on each other, giving surprise boops, and running away. They make WAY more vocalizations than your average rabbit and can easily be mistaken for guinea pigs with their noises. Both in the type of vocalizations but also with how loud they can get. They act very similarly to human siblings
I say reputable breeder for obvious reasons. I contacted a breeder who was willing to promise me 4 week old buns which was a big fat no from me. There was no way they'd be completely weaned let alone emotionally ok with leaving their nest. When he said 4 weeks, I just hard blocked his number. Our breeder gave us ours at 6 or 8 weeks (I forget which) because they were ready. She even texted us saying they were ready to leave their parents earlier than she expected and gave us the option of waiting a couple more weeks to be double sure
So we could tell she knew her stuff and was reputable on top of her sending pictures of her setup and their pedigrees. She sent stuff shows care about too so it wasn't just x parent or whatever like she had genotypes back to their great grandparents which she herself had raised and had pedigrees for. We went ahead and got them early because I was so eager to meet them
My spouses and I have discussed adding two more to the mix but we're going to wait a bit. We're going to look into guinea pigs first and then if we still want two more bunnos, we'll cross that bridge when we get there. But, we'll almost definitely get from a reputable breeder again
As I've had my hip replaced, I can only handle creatures up to a certain weight. After my surgery, our roommate's cat jumped on my leg and opened my surgery wound. I won't get too graphic with it but it opened clear to my metal replacement and she wasn't even that large of a breed. Well, as far as my experience goes, the smallest buns get homes first because they're "cuter" due to their size. Holland lops go especially quickly because of how sweet and friendly they are. And I have needs
There are plenty of other bun parents who get all "well having a creature is a privilege not a right" about this and insist I shouldn't have a bun if I'm going to a breeder. These people can eat me. I have depression and meds and therapy only get you so far. Without these guys, I'd only leave my bed to use the bathroom or run errands. I know because that's where I was prior to them. I also can't have children so I need something to pour my love into or I'll hurt myself. I know that sounds weird or whatever but I shouldn't have to tell other bun owners, or anyone really, "without tiny fur children to love, cherish, protect, and provide for, I'll definitely kill myself" because like. None of their business
Not to mention, there's the question of bonding buns which takes time and a lot of effort. So even if we could get a couple rescue small buns, would they bond to the kids we have already. Rinse and repeat. Only one of us can drive so it's not like we have that much time available to bond either. It's faster, less stressful, and less time consuming for everybody involved to just adopt two babies from a reputable breeder
I say all my reasons why not to be all "breeder all the way!" because that's not where I'm coming from. I'm trying to illustrate why that might be a better option. Someone else may have to drive several hours out of the way to adopt and there is a perfectly good and cute bunno in need of a loving, happy home at a pet shop a street away. Whatever the case, so long as buns that exist get proper homes, I don't care. It's more important to me that buns aren't mistreated
ALL THAT SAID, time to move onto some quicker advice
Get a cage for each of your buns. We got those big ones that go for like 120 a piece or whatever at Petsmart. The big open trays with the wire sides and the side door. This gives them a comfy place to flop so they can nap in whatever hay you put. This will also keep them confined after they get fixed so you're not worrying about an expen or whatever else
THIS SHOULD NOT BE THEIR PRIMARY HOUSING. Now I understand if you can't free roam your buns. Not everyone has the space or living conditions. Frankly, we would put them in separate cages before bed, and release them when we woke up so they were in there 8ish hours. Mostly it was so they got some rest but also to keep them out of mischief while we slept. They turned into more of very large litter boxes over time and have only really functioned as cages post spay or when one (usually Cloud) was being destructive or bitchy and redirection and distraction weren't working so she needed a time out to calm down
Now that we've moved into half of a duplex with three whole separate rooms, an enormous front room, and so on, they're just very large litterboxes/hangout spaces. One will eventually be downstairs so they can be close to us while we do things and the other will be in our bedroom so they're shut with us at night. This is so they spend more time roaming during the day and don't get fat from being lazy babies
Now I won't Totally judge if anyone has an outdoor hutch so long as it's plenty of room and bunnos come in during extreme weather. It's not the safest but like I get it
GI stasis is going to happen. Don't freak out. Yes, it CAN kill bunnies but only if you're not doing what you should. We give ours 80% hay/wood sorrel/grass, 10ish greens/salad, 10ish pellets with a bit of wiggle room for treats. The wood sorrel (commonly called clover across the US) and grass are rare treats but they eat enough to basically replace their hay when they get it. Occasional treats are I'm eating strawberries and they get the tops or the ends of carrots when we're cooking dinner. Sometimes they get Legit pet store treats but these are rare
We see GI signs most often when they're shedding and it's because they're ingesting fur so their poop does the connected string thingy that's the first sign of GI stasis. We also have seen it every time after a move because they've been too stressed to eat enough hay so we up their pellets and greens during that time to compensate. The only other times were when we switched them from alfalfa as babies to Timothy as adults and when they were fixed
A good way to combat this is a product the Hook's Holland Lops lady recommends on her channel. They're digestive tablets made with papaya, ginger, pineapple, peppercorns, banana, and so on. It's all organic and one tablet contains a MINIMUM of 2% crude protein, 15% crude fiber, 0.5% crude fat. A tablet contains a MAXIMUM of 4% moisture, and 0.2 grams of fruit sugar. For mild cases, one tablet every day until they're in the clear is just fine but for a severe case, use one tablet per pound of bun body weight. This should be broken up from one feeding to throughout the day though so it doesn't screw up their systems
How I do it is twice a day because my babies are so small at 4ish lbs and 6ish lbs. They're actually 3.5 and 5.5 but it's easier to just say 4 and 6. I'll give Cloud 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening, and Bonnie 3 at both times. I've only had to do that after their spay. The worst their GI symptoms have ever been, they each needed one tablet twice a day. Now, if either were, say, 12 pounds. I'd split that into 3 tablets 4 times a day or 2 tablets 6 times a day
This has kept them from needing an emergency vet thus far. They've never had hard guts and their weird poops haven't ever lasted too terribly long either. Just keep an eye on how much they're drinking, how much hay they're eating, and so on
Bunnies shed WAAAAY more than you think and nobody can possibly prepare you for it. Literally, every time I go to comb or pluck or otherwise groom either of them, I end up with a pile of fur that is at LEAST as large as they are if not twice or three times as big. And I still have to groom their sides like I've only just cleared their backs
They shed so much that the poor babies were having sneezing fits. We checked their noses and no snuffles. So you'll need to vaccuum to try and keep that down. But like they will leave it on you worse than cats and they shed twice a year, roughly each spring and fall
LISTEN to your buns. Are they abnormally skittish around your new roommate? Keep an eye on that person the same way you would if your dog or cat were abnormally skittish. I promise you they aren't a good person. At the very least, they aren't very good for you and you shouldn't trust them around your buns. They don't want your new partner to pet them? Run the other way. Or at least remember it. My babies have let me know ahead of time when someone or some place is bad news
Not just this, they'll let you know when they're not happy. Whether that's their hay, their bedding, if the carpet feels weird. Listen to them. You'll be around after them but they only have you so make them as happy as you can
Bunnies are deceptively stupid. Now, I know some bun parents who are like "how dare you insult such majestic creatures" when like I ASSURE you, Karen, that Oreo there has nothing going on in his head beside "mmmm monch" when he sees your baseboards. Like they're definitely smarter when fixed because hormones aren't flooding their tiny brains but they're still super dumb and governed by instincts
That isn't to say they have absolutely nothing going on upstairs because that's a lie. They are smart enough to recognize routines and wake you up for stuff, bother you if something is upsetting them. They're about as intelligent as toddlers? If that makes any sense. Like toddlers aren't geniuses by any stretch of the imagination, they're still smart. Like they're tiny little dumbasses ruled by "am hunger so must eat" and so on. So if you act like you've got tiny toddlers with soft fur then you're pretty gold
Also, they like to watch TV. Cloud likes MLP and other animal cartoons like Looney Toons. Bonnie likes dramatic stuff with explosions and her favorite thing is YGO. So like :/ toddlers :/
Bunnies are more expensive than you think but they don't have to break the bank. Bunnies are the most expensive pet I've ever had but I've also only ever had dogs and roommates with cats. Hay can be pretty expensive, plus salad, treats, and that's just food. You also have to take into consideration litter boxes, damage costs, and so on
To cut down on hay, we buy a 75 lbs bale from Tractor Supply for about $15 that lasts quite a few months. Depending on how we use it, it can go as quickly as 3 months because they pee on it (which means mold flakes) or as long as over 6 if rationed appropriately in old pet shop hay bags. Then, we buy fresh stuff in season and take advantage of sales and coupons. Sometimes, we don't give a salad if finances are tight enough but they will always get hay and pellets. We also buy pellets in bulk for cheaper and bought a Brita pitcher for like 20 bucks or so so they get filtered water no matter how hard the water is for much cheaper than water bottles
Get a portable pen for hay like the one here. It helps contain mess a LOT. Like hay is gonna get everywhere, obviously, but if you do the bale like we do, it's super helpful and keeps the mess pretty well contained. On that note, I highly recommend a shop vac which the type of vaccuum wood shops, car repair places, and construction sites tend to use. I just linked an example so you know what you're looking for but get a hose that's at least 1.5 inches in diameter. Ours is close to 2 inches but you need the wide diameter so you can vacuum fur and hay without creating clog issues like a regular vaccuum. Capacity doesn't matter so much as hose size and ours cost us something like $60
Your buns will inevitably eat something they shouldn't. Depending on what it is and how much, your reaction should change. Your bun nosed their way into the trash and got the little chip crumbs at the bottom of a snack bag? Eh they'll be fine. If it's something that's dangerous like plastic or a poisonous food then you should contact your emergency vet. But Cloud has ABSOLUTELY snatched chips and bits of coke from a straw or two and we always have to fight her to stay away from our chips. I have a friend who has a bun who assaults her for pancakes. Like it's fine
Even after you have buns, keep researching. When it was stupid hot and I was worried, I looked up what to do to help keep them cool. When I was worried how much Bonnie was shedding, I asked my discord group. When I'm not sure about a food, I hit up Google
And I think that's it? At least that's all off the top of my head of stuff I wish I'd known going in regarding buns that I didn't see anyone else talking about. Feel free to hit me up with more specific questions!
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darby-drabbles · 5 years
Vamp AU updates from Darla’s visit so I remember all the good stuff but also I’m too excited not to share but doubt I’ll cram it all into the next drawing’s description:
Evelyn, Octavius, Ricky & Tatiana are all vampires in the AU now, while Avery and Nicki are now part of the AU as humans! Ricky n Tatiana belong to @duck-n-clover​!
Evelyn owns a goth nightclub/bar, with a secret (“secret”?) vampire underground scene, Ricky and Tatiana work there as well. Besides having to do a lot of important owner and manager tasks, she prefers to bartend more than anything. The club is occupied with 3 tiers, I guess. Humans who just like the vibe (they r valid), humans aware of the vampire community (usually wearing a subtle but unique accessory indicating if they're dtf/dtb(e bitten)) and of course the vampires themselves! Often marked with a blacklight stamp granting them into a vamp exclusive or vamp feeding zone! They may bring a human or unstamped guest into The Zone if they'd like, provided they know what they’re getting into. There’s another small room off of that featuring snacks, healthy drinks, and comfortable lounge furniture if any companions start to feel weak from the blood loss. The bar has a signature bright red cherry drink, to easily write off any possible stains or spills that could happen, though it’s usually dark enough in there and the crowd majority probably tends to wear black clothes.
Our vamps can transform into bats and also have an unrelated animal form they can transform into, though Evelyn just prefers to be a bat. She never really settled into one that feels right so jumps around, usually between common animals that won’t seem out of place. Dogs, cats and birds mostly. I don’t know when exactly she was turned but she stays very up to date on modern times, although she still sleeps in an old fashioned coffin when it’s not necessary. Is it just aesthetics? Or a reminder of when she was first made! A bit of both, most likely. Can’t stand sunlight for long, and isn’t really apart of a coven. She spends enough time around so many other vampires that it isn’t really a desire for her, though it’s true that she loves her friends and staff quite dearly.
Ricky is the entertainment/hostess buzzing around the club to make sure everyone is having a good time. However, she’s also a little goblin who may take a shiny piece of jewelry here n there, so, watch out. ;) Her animal form would be a squirrel. Can tolerate and indulges in human foods more than the average vamp. Tatiana is the security, and her animal form is a deer.
Evelyn meeting the whole crew because of the club isn’t really a surprise.. but I was trying to think what would make them so special to befriend out of all the other vamp covens she’d meet! I think what will end up happening is a little on the sad side but it’ll be fine.. Andre used to be in a no good spooky coven who Kinda left him for dead, then Levi Izzy & Lucky take him in and care for him, helping him get better slowly but surely. One night someone from his old coven comes back to the area, recognizes Andre at the bar as one of them and demands he come back. (Andre’s “branded” with a particular recognizable scar.)
Andre’s obviously upset and doesn’t want to, which makes the other guy mad. This of course draws attention, and it’s really not the ideal situation in the first place, but especially with some regular humans around. So while Tatiana does her job and tries to stop a fight and escort the bad coven out Evelyn also steps in to try and get the upset Andre to calm down, too. She takes him to a backroom until someone can come to take him home and they end up talking a lot while Andre vents about what happened. Evelyn blacklists a few vamps, and stays in touch with Andre n gives him special treatment next time he’s at the bar ‘cause boy has he been through a lot in this one. They are... buddies now.
Octavius was made some time vaguely between Andre and Nate/Kriss, but again, not 100% decided there. Was probably part of the navy at some point. Works at an aquarium now, just like in the regular universe. Can be out in the sun for stretches of time, long enough to get to work and retreat into the darker undersea exhibits for most of his shift without getting too drained of energy. Tries to keep up with the latest technology but looses himself for a bit and is always a little behind with things. Met Andre at the club and shares a bite to eat (*winks*) with him. (They were both thirsting after the same guy and his blood, is what I mean.) Andre’s a bit territorial? but eventually softens enough to get familiar with Tavey, bringing him back to the Vamp House to meet and befriend the rest of the mix n match. His favorite animals are of course octopuses... but you can’t always swing that transformation, so he defaults to a mastiff dog sometimes!
Avery is Andre’s human familiar, helpin him with daytime tasks n things. Kinda helps the whole mix n match if they needed anything but most of them can tolerate the sun for at least a little bit of time. Avery is just fine not becoming a vampire, seems like a messy life. Just picked it up as an odd job at some point! They definitely met the gang after Nathan and Kriss get turned, and maybe even close to when Nico was born!
Haven’t thought of Nicki’s role too much but she’s gfs with Evelyn still and might work at the bar as well. Definitely knows they’re all vampires, don’t worry!
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petcarecorner · 4 years
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Latin Name: Cavia porcellus
Native To: South American Andes 
Average Lifespan: 4-8 Years
Average Size: 20-25cm
Average Weight: 0.7-1.2kg
Diet: Herbivorous 
The confusedly named Guinea Pig is neither a Guinea native nor closely related to pigs. Yet according to the people of the South American these lively rodents do have one thing in common with their porcine namesakes: they taste good. Though I can’t attest to the merit of these claims (nor would I want to) I can confidently say that they do make wonderful pets. 
These vocal critters have long since outgrown their humble livestock origins and are now a go-to pet for parents trying to teach their kids a valuable lesson in responsibility via a new furry friend. 
Thinking of getting a guinea pig? Here are some things you need to know:
The most important thing to note about guinea pigs is this: they’re social animals. In order for your cavy to be happy it has to at least be kept as a pair (in this case of an animal unfit to live peacefully with others a divider should be placed between two halves of a large enclosure so as to allow socialization without the risk of injury to either or both of your pets). No amount of one-on-one cuddling with your rodent will replace the need for companionship. In short: if you can’t get two of them, you can’t get them at all. Period.  
This may seem harsh but the amount of times I’ve encountered multiple solitary guinea pigs is honestly disheartening. Switzerland went as far as to outlaw the purchase of lonely cavies, classifying the act as a form of animal abuse. Frankly, I wish more countries would adopt this policy. So please, do the right thing and get a pair (and if you don’t want a bunch of babies running around be sure to get the same gender for both of them).  Remember that when introducing a new guinea pig into a pre-established herd you need to do it slowly to ensure it’s accepted.
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Now, with that disclaimer out of the way let’s talk about all the fascinating quirks these guys have! You know how dogs get zoomies? Well imagine that but on a smaller scale and intercut with small excited hops. The already adorable behaviour is given an equally adorable name- popcorning.
Another noteworthy thing to know about these guys- they are extremely food motivated (aren’t we all?) and are permanently hungry. Some owners have used this to their advantage to train their herds to come when called, use a litter box and even perform tricks (x,x).  If there’s food on the line, they’re your number one student. Even without training most guinea pigs learn to recognize sounds like the fridge door opening, the crinkle of a bag of lettuce and even the footsteps of a specific person in the house. Anything and everything related to feeding time is going to receive loud wheeks of approval from the peanut gallery. 
And when I say loud, I mean loud. If you enjoy your peace and quiet you better find some other critter to share your home with. These guys are always chattering on about something and care little about what time you have to get up for work tomorrow. Happy? Your guinea pig might start to purr.  Angry or flirty? Don’t be surprised if they start rumbling. Stressed? Chirping may follow. These little critters seem to have a million noises for a million different things.
Your guinea pig duo are going to need at least 7.5 square feet of continuous space, so though they’ll definitely enjoy that second floor it doesn’t factor into the base size calculations. Remember, more is always better and whatever space you give them is space they’re going to use.
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It’s important to note that guinea pigs can’t sweat so it’s important not to place your enclosure near a direct heat source (stove, sunny window, fireplace, etc.). Their ears are also really sensitive so keeping them near speakers and such is also a bad idea. They thrive on being near the action and will enjoy hanging out wherever you spend most of your time, be it the living room or a study (you can even keep them in your room if you’re a heavy enough sleeper).
Most enclosures you’ll find in pet stores simply aren’t going to be big enough to comfortably house your guinea pigs so it’s better to research the cage you want before you go in to buy it so as not to rely on the “expertise” of pet store employees. Though there are numerous commercially available cages that meet (and exceed) the 7.5 square foot minimum, many guinea pig owners prefer using build-it-yourself C&C Cages (short for cubes & coroplast). These types are cages are easily customizable and expandable, made from easy to find materials and are often considerably cheaper than the ill-fitting cages you’ll find at your local pet store. Though building your own C&C cage is fairly simple there are also online stores where you can order a variety of colors an layouts. If you’re handy enough, you could even opt for a hand built wooden enclosure. 
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Just be sure to avoid wire bottomed cage, provide shelter if you decide to keep them outdoors and add a lid/rood if you have any pets that might try and make a quick snack of their new roommate. 
When choosing the right bedding for your cavy you want to be sure to get something soft, absorbent, non-scented and dust free. The dust free part is incredibly important as not only will dusty bedding make cleaning a nightmare but it can also cause some serious breathing issues for your pet. The top three beddings used by guinea pig owners are:
Each of these comes with their own pros and cons. Paper bedding, for example, can be dangerous should your guinea pig choose to eat it (unlikely but still possible) and lower quality brands can be quite dusty. Because of this, I’d stick to fleece or aspen. Still, I’d highly recommend doing your own research into each of these to decide which of them is the right choice for you.  
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As with any animal there’s also bedding to avoid at all cost. 
Cedar, pine and other softwood chips/shavings can be super dangerous to your pet’s health due to all the dust, oils and phenols. 
Clumping cat litter. All it’s clumping abilities come from the use of chemicals that make it unsuitable to live in full time. 
Corn husks. Prone to mold and could cause intestinal blockage if ingested
Straw. It’s not absorbent at all and the pooling of urine and feces will create a dangerous breeding ground for bacteria. It’s also not soft at all and could hurt your guinea pig. 
Not only do guinea pigs need environmental enrichment to stay mentally and physically active but watching them play is also one of the best parts of owning them! They really enjoy using tunnels and hides (x,x,x) as it makes them feel safe and secure (remember they’re a prey animal). Chew toys (like willow balls, grass balls and wood toys) are great to help them wear down their teeth. Also consider getting them a foraging toy of some sort where they can work for their food. As I stated earlier, guinea pigs are incredibly food motivated and you can be sure that they’ll spend hours figuring out how to get treats. Fleece forests, ball toys (x,x) and soft beds are also popular options. Making DIY toys is also an easy and fun thing you can do for your guinea pigs. Rearranging your cage set up from time to time could also encourage your cavies to explore.  
**Do not purchase a hamster ball or wheel for your guinea pig** Guinea pigs lack the flexibility that hamsters have and these toys will hurt their spine. 
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Another way to provide enrichment is to provide floor time for your guinea pigs a few times a week (experts recommend they get floor time at least 3 days a week). This can be done indoors or outdoors via a designated room or play pen.  When setting up your floor time area just be sure to guinea-proof it and keep the area free of anything they could eat that would hurt them. If you decide to have floor time outside be sure to use a covered pen and keep and/or eye on them so birds don’t swoop in for a snack. 
Guinea Pigs require a varied diet of hay, veggies, fruits and high quality pellets. For starters, guinea pigs require hay 24/7. Timothy Hay should make up the vast majority of your pet’s diet as it’s high in fiber, low in calories and strong enough to help wear down your cavy’s teeth. Though other types of grass hay (like botanical hay, orchard gras & oat hay) can help spice up their diet and provide a variety of textures, timothy hay should always make up the bulk of their diet. Legume hays (like alfalfa and clover) should generally be avoided. Though not harmful, it’s high calorie content and low fiber amount means it should only be fed in moderation and is unfit as a nutritional staple. There are exceptions, though. Pregnant, lactating or baby guinea pigs might benefit from the extra calories and calcium these hays provide. Some vets may even recommend it for sick or weak individuals. Remember to store your hay properly to maintain it’s freshness, avoid mold growth and keep the nutrient levels high. 
The second fundamental part of your pet’s diet is commercial guinea pig feed. Each of your guinea pigs should get 1/8 Cup of high quality pellets per day. Be sure to choose high quality pellets, timothy-hay based pellets are ideal for adult cavies (though alfalfa pellets can be used for young cavies). Be sure to store it properly to avoid vitamin C degradation. You’re going to want to serve them their pellets in a wide and shallow ceramic bowl that is difficult to tip over and place it far from their typical bathroom area. 
Lastly: fresh fruits and vegetables. You should provide your guinea pig three servings of vegetables a day, with leafy greens accounting for at least one of those servings and no more than one serving of any given vegetable per day. Remember, variety is important for you pet to receive all the nutrients they need. Also remember that certain vegetables, though harmless in small quantities, can become dangerous or unhealthy if fed too often. Fruit can be provided as a treat and account for 1-2 servings of food per week. To find out the serving size and how often certain foods can be fed I recommend checking out this helpful chart. If you decide to introduce a new food into you cavy’s diet, do it slowly to avoid upsetting their stomach. And remember, you can always turn to google if you’re unsure about which fruits/vegetables are safe to feed to your pet. 
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Guinea pigs (like humans) don’t produce their own vitamin C which can leave them susceptible to scurvy. Upon hearing this many worried owners may rush to purchase vitamin supplements for their new pets. In truth, their vitamin C requirement is easy to meet so long as you provide a varied diet of fresh fruits/veggies and store your pellets correctly. If you’re still worried, however, you can choose to supplement your cavy’s diet with guinea pig vitamin C tablets which come in the form of a treat. Some people may choose to sprinkle human vitamin C tablets into their pet’s veggies. The recommended dose of human vitamins is a quarter of a 100mg tablet (be sure it only has vitamin C and isn’t a multivitamin, though). Either way, supplementation is often unnecessary. If you’re worried, consult your vet. 
Now, as with our previous categories, there are also some feeding don’ts:
Do not add vitamin C to your guinea pig’s water. Though this kind of supplementation is available in many pet stores it may cause you pet to stop drinking their water all together which will cause serious problems. 
Avoid commercial guinea pig treats. These offer no nutritional value and are a drain on your wallet. If you want to give them a treat for a special occasion, give them fruit. 
Avoid multivitamin and mineral wheels. Like with vitamin C they tend to be unnecessary if you provide your pet with the proper nutrition. Furthermore, the bleaching/glue used on them can actually be harmful for your guinea pigs. 
When buying the equipment you’ll need for your guinea pig you’re likely to find yourself having to decide between purchasing a water bottle or a water bowl. Though advocates for water bowls claim they’re a more natural way of drinking most guinea pigs have been raised since birth to use a water bottle and may refuse to drink out of a water bowl (granted, I’ve also heard tell of guinea pigs where the opposite is true). 
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In reality, water bottles are an all around better option for your pet. Firstly, water bottles are considerably more hygienic. It is impossible to keep bowls clean with these guys. Substrate, feces- you name it. Soon enough that water is going to become a breeding ground for bacteria. Secondly, guinea pigs are notorious for knocking over their bowls. Though this may not seem like a big deal, guinea pigs can dehydrate very quickly and an empty water bowl for an extended period of time could have serious consequences. 
That being said, water bottles are not without their issues. For one, they have a tendency to break and empty themselves out. This feeds back to the issue of dehydrating. Be sure to take extra precautions and place at least two water bottles in your enclosure and fill them with fresh water daily.  
Cleaning Your Enclosure
Guinea pig enclosures require spot cleaning 1-2 times a day. In the case of loose bedding like paper and aspen this means taking out any soiled bedding and replacing it with fresh bedding. If you’ve decided to use fleece as a bedding this means using a dustpan brush or vacuum to remove any feces and loose debris.  
You’ll also have to deep clean your cage at least once a week. For loose litter, this involves completely replacing the bedding in your enclosure (dustpans are the easiest way to do this). For fleece, it involves replacing the used one with a new line and sending the soiled one to the washing machine (just be sure to shake off any feces/hay first). You should disinfect your enclosure while it’s bedding free using a solution that 1/2 white vinegar and 1/2 water. You’re also going to take this opportunity to wash your food bowls and water bottles to avoid the build up of bacteria and algae in these containers. 
Remember, cleaning is an ideal time to give your guinea pig floor time! 
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Guinea Pig Grooming 
Grooming requirements will vary greatly depending on the breed and fur type of your guinea pig. Short haired guinea pigs can get away with a weekly brushing with a soft bristle brush to help control shedding. Long haired guinea pigs, on the the other hand, require frequent (if not daily) brushing with a wide toothed metal comb to keep the fur bedding and mat free. Remember, should your pet present a mat it’s better to cut it out as trying to brush it could hurt your guinea pig. Your long-haired cavy will also need hair trimmings so investing in a set of hair dressing scissors is a must. Many owners choose to keep the fur around their bottoms short to avoid feces/urine getting trapped there. 
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Guinea pigs have a grease gland at the base of their spine which could become over active with some individuals (typically males). An over active grease gland will leave the fur in that area tacky, greasy and susceptible to infections. If you notice an excess of grease you should let the affected fur soak in coconut oil for a few minutes before washing the area with guinea pig-specific shampoo. If this doesn’t work, using mild dish soap will do the trick. Keeping the fur in this area short will also help with this issue. 
Bathing should be kept to a minimum with your guinea pig as it causes stress and leaves them susceptible to the cold. You should bathe your guinea pig about twice a year. Granted, additional baths may be necessary as a form of parasite treatment or to remove stuck feces/urine (though the latter can be done with a butt bath as opposed to a full bath). If your guinea pig does need a bath do so with warm shallow water in a warm room and use guinea pig-specific shampoo. Be sure to fully rinse them off and towel dry them to the best of your abilities (blow drying isn’t recommended as the noise/heat can hurt your sensitive cavy). Once done, give them floor time in a warm room until they finish drying. Never put your guinea pig back in his cage while he’s still wet. 
Aim to clip your guinea pig’s nails once a month (some individuals may require more frequent clippings). When doing so be careful and avoid cutting the quick (the blood vessel in the nail). On light colored nails, the quick is easily identifiable as the red part at the base of the nail. If you do accidentally cut the quick your cavy will be in pain for a few moments and his nail will begin to bleed- don’t panic! The bleeding can be easily stopped by pressing the nail into styptic powder/pencil, flour or cornstarch. Don’t place your guinea back in their cage until the bleeding has completely stop. If you’re uncomfortable doing this yourself you can always ask your vet/groomer do it for you (or teach you how to do it).
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You should clean your guinea pig’s ears once every two weeks. This is especially important for older cavies who’s ears have a tendency to become crusty. Start by adding a few drops of mineral/olive oil to your guinea pig’s ears and massaging it in to help soften any gunk. Then you can start cleaning the ears out using q-tips. Don’t go digging in parts of the ear you can’t see as this can cause damage to the internal ear. 
Now, here’s one part of grooming that not many people hear about until after they purchase their cavies: boar cleanings. Boar cleaning refers to the extra care male guinea pigs' genitals require (particularly their penis and perineal sac) as they get older. It’s somewhat difficult to explain the process of this so checking out these (x,x) links will give you an idea of what you’ll need to do for your boys as they get older. Be warned- the links aren’t necessarily pleasant to watch but they are a very important part of keeping male guinea pigs. Remember to check your male cavy’s ‘bits’ every four weeks and carry out a boar clean (or pay your vet to clean) as needed. 
Guinea pigs don’t naturally enjoy being picked up. That being said, a well socialized cavy is far more likely to tolerate it than one that never leaves it’s cage. When picking a guinea pig up be sure to use one hand under their chest/behind their front legs and the other to support their bottom so that your pet feels secure and their spine remains aligned. From there you can bring you guinea pig up to your chest, using your free hand to hold them in place if they’re particularly skittish.
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Though guinea pigs are often purchased as a child’s first pet I’d generally discourage young children from picking them up. Though guinea pigs aren’t particularly prone to bitting they can struggle and even scratch which could lead to your child dropping and seriously hurting a cavy. For kids I’d recommend having them sit down and have an adult place the guinea pig on their lap (a fleece bed could serve as an extra layer of protection so they don’t get dirty if the guinea pig decides to poo or pee on them). Having the cage at a level where your kid can pet their pets without taking them out of their cage is another option.
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When petting your guinea pig try your best to stroke in the direction that their fur grows (easier said than done for wild haired abyssinians). Most guinea pigs dislike being pet on their rump as it’s a sign of aggression amongst others of their kind.  
Common Health Issues and Warning Signs
Guinea Pigs, like all animals, are prone to getting sick. Unfortunately the signs aren’t always obvious if you don’t know what to look for. Be sure to take you guinea pig for regular check ups (1-2 time a year) and call your vet if you suspect something’s wrong. 
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The following are a list of common health issues to look out for: 
Respiratory Infections: This is one of the most significant conditions your pet may face. Stress, overcrowding, pregnancy and other illnesses are all risk factors for your guinea pig developing this condition. Consult your vet if your guinea pig stops eating, sneezes, has trouble breathing or presents with abnormal discharge from their eyes/nose (note that a milky white substance being secreted from their eyes is normal for healthy piggies).
Diarrhea: Diarrhea isn’t something to be taken lightly with cavies as they can quickly dehydrate and die. If your pet stops eating, playing, losing weight or presents with diarrhea they should be taken to the vet immediately.
Scurvy: Vitamin C deficiency is a subject I touched on earlier in the feeding category. If you notice your pet has a rough coat, stops eating, doesn’t walk, seems to be in pain, has swollen feet/joint or has bleeding ulcer on their skin/gums it’s likely they’re suffering from vitamin C deficiency. Consult your vet about the best way to supplement vitamin C into your guinea pig’s diet and adjust their food to provide more nutritionally balanced meals. 
Tumors/Abscesses: Though these are two different things they present in similar ways and often need surgical intervention to be fixed. If you notice any abnormal mass on your guinea pig contact your vet. 
Urinary Problems: Guinea pigs are prone to both urinary infections and the development of bladder/kidney stones. If you notice your pet stop eating, peeing blood, straining to pee, hunching over, small frequent urinations or no urination at all contact your vet immediately. 
Parasites & Skin Problems: Parasites (typically lice, mites, fleas and ringworm) are prone to making homes out of guinea pigs. If you notice your pet itching, losing hair or developing scabs contact your vet. 
Barbering: Barbering is when your guinea pig begins chewing it’s own (or it’s cage mate’s) hair. This is typically a sign of boredom that indicates your enclosure is lacking enrichment. Offer them more to do in the form of chew toys, balls or foraging opportunities. 
Bumblefoot: This condition, characterized by the development of infected sores on your guinea pig’s feet, has a deceivingly cute name. This most often happens with guinea pigs who are overweight, are kept on a wire bottomed cage or in unsanitary conditions. Treating bumblefoot is often difficult but by working with closely your vet can be cured. Over all though, it’s best to keep your pet in a clean, flat-bottomed cage to avoid the issue entirely. 
Spurs: This is characterized by the development of a flap of tough skin protruding from your pet’s feet. There don’t seem to be any risk factors and the spur itself isn’t painful and can be easily snipped off using nail clipper (just be careful not to get the skin). The real issue is that, if left untreated, they could get caught and tear the skin on their feet. This results in bleeding and even bumblefoot. 
Parting Words
Guinea pigs are wonderful little critters that’ll make the right owner very happy. If you do decide to bring a pair of these lovable pets into your life, consider rescuing a guinea pig from your local rescue! You’ll be surprised by the variety of guinea pigs you’ll find are looking for their forever home. 
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mortaveritas · 7 years
dumping some headcanons about sigma and family, huge spoilers (vlr and ztd) under the cut
first, his home life. In-game, Sigma claims that his family was “average”, he’s not rich (no great ransom), but not poor either. We don’t really get anything more than that, though.
Honestly, I’m kinda conflicted on what I think his family is like. On the one hand, I love the idea of him having a very large family, both because I feel it fits, and I feel like it makes a nice contrast with Phi. On the other, the idea of him having a deadbeat dad (and that being part of why he’s so abysmal as a father) is also quite plausible.
I do see the potential of mixing these HCs, tho. It’s possible that he was raised by his mother, but his extended family was still large. I doubt he’d have contact with his paternal grandparents/family, but his maternal grandparents would still be alive. (perhaps his mom just had a lot of sisters? potential for cousins there.)
Regardless though, I feel like while the family was large, it didn’t get together super often. There’d be a big get together at christmas, and a family reunion in the summer, but other than that? not much, really. And as well, there still weren’t that many positive male role models in his life. He didn’t really see what a dad was supposed to be like.
Sigma and women is a... complicated issue. He’s hopelessly perverted and doesn’t stop making jokes, and yet at the same time, he proves that he does know when to be compassionate, and when to shut up with the quips. He can take things too far, certainly, but he also does(usually) back off when they tell him to.
So, I feel like I’m confident in saying that he had good female role models growing up, mostly in his mother. He probably has a lot of respect for her (considering she raised him on her own). The perversion and stuff is just because he’s a dumb frat boy who talks first and thinks second, usually. he gets better with age.
for kids.... oh god that’s complicated. so fucking complicated.
first, in vlr: Sigma isn’t super awkward around Quark (when he’s awake). He’s definitely not a good role model for a kid, but he cares and he wants to keep quark safe. Hell, look what he does in quark’s ending- he lets himself get betrayed and then severs his fucking arm just to save Quark’s life.
However.... all good things must come to an end. and the good thing that comes to an end here is sigma being ok with kids.
I mentioned in a different post, but I was talking with indigocrash about just random headcanon things about Sigma and Kyle and Diana and Luna, and I really now like the idea that DIana was pregnant (and lost the pregnancy) right around when she died.
so right off the bat, we’ve got Sigma having a very upsetting experience regarding children. He loses his wife and unborn child (probably within the span of a month-2 weeks), and he knows. He knows what’s going to happen, but he pushes it off.
The next thing he does is create Luna, out of loneliness. After time he realizes that he needs to start seeing her as her own person, and not Diana, so he tweaks her personality and voice so that he has to force himself to see her as a separate person. And, it works- Sigma acknowledges that Luna is her own woman, and he starts to see her as a daughter. It’s about then when he gives her the blue bird and tells her the (albeit depressing) story that does with it. It was a symbol- he wanted to tell her that she was capable of being more than just what she was programmed for. That she was capable of becoming her own person, despite her status as a gaulem.
So, he’s got Luna, his daughter. But then, Kyle. Oh, Kyle, my poor poor boy.
I’ve mentioned numerous times about the HC where kyle dies over and over, so I won’t go more into it here. However, that’s what really screws with him, in the end. It sorta puts the final nail in the coffin of him becoming “dr. Klim”, as he distances himself more and more.
I do feel like he’d still talk more to Akane and Luna, but he just can’t bring himself to get close to kyle. In the period where Kyle works with him, I do think it makes him genuinely happy as well- but he knows it can’t last.
When Sigma finds out about Phi in ztd, I feel like he’d almost feel guilty. Because he has Phi, sure, but he’s lost Luna and Kyle.
Hell, it’s possible for him to recreate Luna, and because quantum computers it’s technically possible that he could create a ‘shifted’ copy of her personality, with her memories, and bring it to the good timeline. But kyle... oh, my dear sweet boy. My poor boy.
There’s two options to how Kyle can get to the ZTD true end timeline. One, the idea that I really like and actually do hc: he shifts with the spare carlos, the one that should be there from the transporter. That means that Carlos is “???”, I get to be happy because carlos and junpei meet up again in vlr timeline (and akane too, go to earth and see your tsundere fiance who’s too stubborn to see you), and I also get to be happy because Kyle on the true end. It’s the best-case scenario- Sigma can have his ‘family’, no matter how broken it kinda is. He could introduce Luna and Diana (lol that’d be a fucked up conversation), and Kyle could have an actual mother (although tbh i feel like he’d be really damn reluctant because a) not akane and b) looks like luna).
Now, this would still not be a happy ending- there’s no real ending where Kyle can just forgive Sigma. That’s not gonna happen, not after years and years of parental neglect. However, I do hope that at the very least, there’d be the possibility of some form of reconciliation. The idea that they could at least get along as ‘friends’, although not perhaps good friends.
The second, and far more depressing option, is that Sigma himself shifts with Kyle. There’s a lot to be lost here- depending on theories, it could almost be suicidal. (if you agree that having 2 of the same consciousness in the same timeline aware of each other would fuck things up, like a schrodinger’s cat situation. everything’s fine, until you know there’s two.)
In this case, one of the Sigmas would have to die- if the action of shifting with Kyle didn’t kill one/both of them right off the bat. It would be tragic for Diana, Phi would likely be goddamn pissed at him, and honestly? I don’t think Kyle would want that. It’s a better world, maybe, but it’s a world where he knows nobody apart from Phi. Akane isn’t the same, tenmyouji isn’t tenmyouji, and even Phi knows too much.
the hidden, best option? transporter. Clover and Alice heavily imply that they’re going to use it in the end of VLR, which means that Sigma knows where it is. And, how to still activate it.
My best idea, then? Clover and Alice go first (transporting to the early radical-6 outbreak to meet with Light and the other sois people), then ten months later, it’s Quark and Kyle.
I love this idea the most because a) Quark getting to live through an actual happy world is amazing, and also he gets to see young grandpa and just, a world where junpei doesn’t get to meet quark is kinda sad,,,, and b) Kyle gets to go to the good ending without feeling like he’s stolen anything. Plus, him and Quark can relate to each other about  things- i could almost see him sorta big bothering Quark.
I... I think I lost my train of thought along the line.
but, yeah. let quark and kyle use the transporters 2k74.
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bambl-ing · 8 years
I'm…going to ask for all the get to know me asks, haha. ^^;
alright get ready for wAY TOO MUCH INFORMATION ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
1. What is you middle name?jokes on u I don’t have one
2. How old are you?20, but I feel eternally 17 which grows more and more awkward with each passing year
3. What is your birthday?10/05/1996
4. What is your zodiac sign?Libra !
5. What is your favorite color?it’s a tie between orange and purpleI also like blue 
6. What’s your lucky number?5
7. Do you have any pets?a dog, two cats, and a snake!
8. Where are you from?like where was I born ? I was actually born in Korea, but I moved to the states when I was 2
9. How tall are you?like maybe 5′7″ or 8″ idk it’s been a few years
10. What shoe size are you?Sometimes 8, sometimes 9
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?more than I ever thought I would, probably not as many as other people
12. What was your last dream about?I was at my old manager’s house and she had me doing laundry, but when I put the clothes in the dryer it started filling with water and I was like “um I don’t think it’s supposed to do that” and she was like “oh no I know what’s going on” and she told me about this time in ‘86 when all across the country, everyone who had washed their clothes with a certain kind of soap went to bed and were rudely awoken by their clothes just randomly flooding water out ? 
so then she was like “that’s what’s happening but it should stop soon, so if you could just take apart the dryer and let it drain before putting it back together and drying the clothes that would be great” but then she also had a really old shelf unit that she wanted me to build but I had a thing I had to go to in like, an hour? and there just wasn’t enough time to take apart and rebuild the dryer AND the shelf, so I was a little annoyed and also like “crap, which one should I do first”
13. What talents do you have?uh. nothing out of the ordinary really ?14. Are you psychic in any way?nah (at least not that I’m aware of and nobody’s mentioned anything)
15. Favorite song?The Middle by Jimmy Eat World
16. Favorite movie?uhhhh…I guess right now Arrival? I just REALLY want to see it again alsdfh
17. Who would be your ideal partner?someone who respected me and who I could trust completely 
18. Do you want children?NAH
19. Do you want a church wedding?don’t really want to get married either? unless like, the benefits…,,
20. Are you religious?Not really 
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?yis
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?nope
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?I mean I went to Warped Tour and met a bunch of bands does that count
24. Baths or showers?you know if I had an actual nice big bathtub in which I could actually submerge myself without my knees awkwardly sticking out and getting cold, I would probably really like baths?? I’d definitely shower first though, baths would be for soaking in warmth
25. What color socks are you wearing?I’m wearing two pairs, white and the other is white and blue
26. Have you ever been famous?LOL NOPE
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?not really, all that attention…………
28. What type of music do you like?all of it
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?nah
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?4 ( ᐛ )
31. What position do you usually sleep in?I can and will sleep in any position, lately I’ve been falling asleep on my back though because Jack’s been sleeping by my pillow and I like to shove my face in his fur, nice n soft
32. How big is your house?not that big, but big enough
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?cereal of some kind or a bagel and butter, sometimes a cheese omlette if I have enough time
34. Have you ever fired a gun?nope
35. Have you ever tried archery?yes ! and I loved it
36. Favorite clean word?a few, serendipity, soliloquy, and haphazard just off the top of my head
37. Favorite swear word?I can work pretty well with any of them in the right mood
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?maybe like two days ? maybe a lil more I dunno
39. Do you have any scars?a few here and there
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?well if they’re secret i wouldnt kno would i ( ᐛ )
41. Are you a good liar?unfortunately I think so, as long as like…the benefit of the lie outweighs my guilt over lying
42. Are you a good judge of character?I got no clue
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?really badly sure
44. Do you have a strong accent?I mean I don’t think I have any kind of accent ? 
45. What is your favorite accent?Cajun( •⌄• )✧
46. What is your personality type?like the MBTI? I’m an INFJ
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?as if I’d remember (probably nothing that expensive tho)
48. Can you curl your tongue?yeah but I can’t do the clover thing
49. Are you an innie or an outie?innie
50. Left or right handed?Leftie !
51. Are you scared of spiders?yeah but I don’t like killing them unless they’re in my room and I don’t have a jar
52. Favorite food?how do people pick one food like,,, there’s so much good food, food is so good??
53. Favorite foreign food?again, how ????
54. Are you a clean or messy person?more messy than clean, but I also get really annoyed with too much mess and then angry clean
55. Most used phrased?if I’m counting everything I say out loud AND what I just think to myself, probably “you’re stupid,” “shut the fuck up,” “fuck you,” and “I’m going to stab you” 
…all of these are aimed at myself, and it probably makes me sound really self-hateful? X’D but I’m not, I just get frustrated with myself and am always 100% done with my shit
56. Most used word?probably “I” “a” or “the” going statistically lmao
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?depends, I usually shower at night but my showers are usually 15-20 minutes, and for work I have to put my hair up and also a hat, and I’ve got blunt bangs that I have to make sure are perfect, u know? so give me another like 8 minutes
58. Do you have much of an ego?no, not really at all
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?suck, then when they get small it’s been a few minutes and I’m impatient so I crunch ‘em
60. Do you talk to yourself?oh yes
61. Do you sing to yourself?me and only me
62. Are you a good singer?no? maybe? average? I’m probably not that terrible but when other people are around I become terrified and choke up and die
63. Biggest Fear?People™
64. Are you a gossip?only with my close friends who I know won’t spread the gossip
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?hlkfshdfos I don’t watch enough movies and my memory isn’t that great 
66. Do you like long or short hair?long !
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?give me a pencil and paper and like an hour
68. Favorite school subject?English and PE
69. Extrovert or Introvert?Introvert
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?I’ve been snorkeling, close ?
71. What makes you nervous?A Lot
72. Are you scared of the dark?yes, but sometimes nah
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?mostly no if they’re strangers (it’s terrifying to do that okay), but occasionally yeah
74. Are you ticklish?very, don’t touch my sides
75. Have you ever started a rumor?not that I can remember, and I don’t think I ever would intentionally?
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?define authority
77. Have you ever drank underage?in the presence of my mother, yeah
78. Have you ever done drugs?nah brah
79. Who was your first real crush?probably like…third grade, this kid named Micah. idk if it was a “real” crush, but like I really liked him and wanted to hang out and talk about dragons
80. How many piercings do you have?4, double piercings in my ears
81. Can you roll your Rs?yep
82. How fast can you type?I actually knew this at one point in like sophomore or junior year? it was either 86 or 96 CPM, smth like that
83. How fast can you run?fast, but not super fast, so like…kinda fast. I’ve probably gotten slower cause I don’t run regularly tho
84. What color is your hair?brown and really nice in the sunlight, I love it
85. What color are your eyes?brown again. sometimes I’ll just remember “oh yeah I have brown eyes!” and I actually really like them too, I think they’re a nice brown
86. What are you allergic to?I honestly haven’t run into anything yet
87. Do you keep a journal?I keep like an angry journal? but not just ordinary anger, it’s when I’m REALLY in a shittastic mood
88. What do your parents do?my mom’s a transcriptionist/editor/proofreader and my dad own a secondhand store
89. Do you like your age?I mean,,
I don’t hate it, but it makes me really uneasy when people are like “oh you’re 20 you definitely do 20-year-old things and you are an Adult” and I’m just like “no not really actually”
90. What makes you angry?some stuff, but I don’t like getting angry so a lot of the time I’m able to reason with myself
91. Do you like your own name?well enough
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?I will birth no babies ever and I have no desire to raise any real children, but if my OCs count as my babies then shit tons and counting
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?again, OCs? all of them. actual real, breathing, sticky children? none
94. What are you strengths?I know my weaknesses ?
95. What are your weaknesses?sighs
96. How did you get your name?I think like…it was my grandmother’s middle name? 
97. Were your ancestors royalty?not that I know of
98. Do you have any scars?déjà vu
99. Color of your bedspread?which one LMAO uh the top one is blue, the one underneath that is pink, then a blue/white/gray patterned, a darker pink knit, white, then a white knit
100. Color of your room?orange ! a really nice light orange that can look yellow in some light >u
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