#BUT the point is. even if clover was more work I was prepared for that!!! and I was excited for it!!! because working means I love clover!!!
gatesofember · 1 year
told a random lady about Clover and said “I’ve always wanted a disabled pet” and she was like “idk that sounds like a lot of work” ?????? excuse me????
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purplealmonds · 1 year
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This is my tribute to the late Technoblade. I'm well over a week late to the anniversary of his passing, but I think it was worth the wait. I wanted to get this right.
The story I want to tell is of time's passage after his passing, and the set dressing of this space is a symbolic amalgamation of various aspects of his life depicting that concept.
I have a lot more to say about this painting - three pages just for the symbolism alone. If you're interested, please let me know and I'll share my analysis on a separate post! Edit: I caved. Aight, prepare for a massive info dump below the cut!
Although I put a lot of research into this piece, my knowledge is likely flawed and incomplete. If I missed or misinterpreted a reference, it’s because I’m new to the Technoblade community. If I got a symbolism thing wrong, it’s because I relied on Google search for answers. I fact checked where I could. And with this analysis, I hope I can clear up any misinterpretations! 
There’s lots of imagery to unpack so I’ll try parsing it in a structured manner. Let’s first examine it holistically. 
The story I want to tell here is of time’s passage after Technoblade’s passing. As such,the set dressing of this space is a symbolic amalgamation of that concept.
Prominently featured are the various medical equipments - a nod to the grim reality of his cancer. But let’s not linger upon that aspect of his story.
Of equal importance are the more mundane objects - his gaming setup, the couch and pillow which Floof sat upon in that one photo, the plethora of paraphernalia of branded merchandise, and references to his exploits in Minecraft. These are relics and mementos of his legacy.
All of these elements intermingle in flooded, lushly overgrown room looking out to a rose-tinted exterior. Is it dawn? Dusk? I’ll leave that interpretation up to the viewers.  
The third and final component is the plant life representing his community -us. We beautify this metaphorical space with where it was once laden with tragedy. Yet, despite these riotous blooms, we never quite encroach on the bed - the empty space left behind by him.
Much care was taken in selecting the blossoms and placing them in symbolically significant locations.  And this neatly transitions us into the analysis individual details.
In the foreground, ivy crawls through a lamp and white clovers thrive atop a pile of pillboxes. The lamp base, once a shining bronze-like finish, is heavily tarnished. The lampshade is overgrown with moss and ivy. Even if the greenery has yet to damage the electric wiring, the damp surely has finished the job. Even if the bulb is replaced, the body is too far gone. The light’s never coming on again. 
I was initially put out that my painstakingly 3D modeled pillboxes became entirely obscured, but I think it works in favor of the piece’s overarching theme: the beautiful wilds overtaking a space that once reeked of the desperate fight to prolong life. 
White clover blossoms meaning “thinking of you” is paired with the ivy meaning “everlasting devotion”.  It’s an apt combination. It has been over a year since his passing, and we still remember and carry on his legacy. 
Nestled amongst the foliage is Techno’s compass. It was once used to hunt him down in the Dream SMP. But now, it’s an odd comfort. Even though he’s no longer with us, he’s still somewhere far, far away– or is he? The original idea was for the needle to point heavenwards, but it is currently pointing…sideways?  I’ll get to the reasoning a bit later. 
The Flood:
Moving deeper into the space, we hit the floodwaters. These once turbulent currents are now tranquil enough to nourish this verdant place. The thriving plant life hides much of this darkness. It is beautiful, hopeful, even. But always bittersweet, because everything that grows here is laced with an old sorrow.
White lotus rise from the murky depths. That is us, overcoming our grief. Breaching the surface, we gain a new vantage point to contemplate this loss. Perhaps we can also find a more comforting perspective of it.
Submerged amongst the blossoms is a rusted oxygen machine. I wanted to decorate the machine with stickers, much like one would personalize a plaster cast for a broken limb. It is deliberate that the “Technoblade Never Dies” sticker is in shadow, while the “So Long, Nerds" is in light. 
Immediately to the right was meant to be a box of assorted Technoblade apparel.  But then I flooded the space for narrative reasons, rendering that idea unusable. I eventually converted it into a Welch’s Fruit Snacks box, because apparently Technoblade liked them? It’s one of the shallower references here but it is what it is.
And finally, there is a little cameo floating somewhere in the waters. An Easter egg, if you will. I wonder if you can find it? 
Furnishings from Home:
I found the couch and Technoblade’s gaming setup during my trawl through the Technoblade Reddit page for reference photos. Balancing this space full of impersonal medical equipment with more personalized belongings is grounding. These areas insert familiarity in this strange environment.
Gaming Setup:
The gaming setup is bare bones - just the monitor, keyboard, and mouse. There was no space to add more iconic elements like his Blue Yeti microphone or the steering wheel from that Minecraft challenge. Hanging above but heavily obscured by overgrowth are two framed pictures of Technoblade’s cabin and a potato minion. It is a blink-and-you-miss-it detail, placed in a dim space and requiring close examining to notice. Without the context of the rest of this environment, it is easily mistaken as generic set dressing. 
That’s the point, though. This was a space where he streamed and created videos much beloved by his community. This space was the means of creation, not the creations themselves. Without the creator at the helm, this setup becomes insignificant. Does one dote over the easel on which paintings were created, or the paintings themselves? So now it sits in darkness, a footnote of Technoblade’s legacy. 
Nostalgia Corner:
On the other end, we have the sold out Youtooz plushies and the Agro Pig plush from the recent merch drop sat atop the couch.  If you look closely, you’ll see a Skeppy coin leaning against one of the plushies. Behind the couch is a shelf. A generic shelf, but the important bits here are the sellout bell, Youtube plaque, and vinyl figurines. 
This corner of the room is nostalgic and soft. Everything is bathed in rosy pink light, and it is filled with things that are comfortingly familiar. All across the world, people in his community have these pieces of merch to remember him by. 
The red poppies that also grow here have multiple meanings. It represents the battle - one against sarcoma - which was fought here. It symbolizes death, but also resilience in the face of grueling conditions. It is said that they grow in former battlefields where of fallen warriors. I believe of all the flowers here, this one best represents Technoblade.
The Hanging Mobile:
Strung up above it is a rather last minute addition to the environment - a hanging mobile fabricated from totems representing each member of the Sleepy Bois Inc. friend group. First and foremost is Technoblade’s iconic MCC crown, aptly placed at the top. Although it is untouched by the greenery, the gold and jewelry are somewhat muted and tarnished by time.
This is not the case for the objects below. TommyInnit’s music disc shines iridiscent green and purple - Cat and Mellohi merged into one. To is right is a sky-blue guitar pick with the LoveJoy logo engraved onto it for Wilbur Soot. And finally, below it all is Philza’s Friendship Emerald - sparkling and refracting light - with Elytra feathers fastened at the bottom. They, suspended and isolated from everything, maintain a pristine vibrancy which strongly contrasts against everything else in this space. 
IV Stand:
Next to the computer setup is the IV stand. It sustains life which is incapable of continuing on without intervention. The butterfly milkweed growing on it, in contrast, says “let me go.” The latter, overtaking the tangle of tubes and powered off patient monitor, is victorious. The hooks stand rusted, and the IV bag empty from disuse.
Sat atop the patient monitor but almost blending into the walls is a pig figurine featured in Dream’s latest music video. It stands on a high perch, yet is unassuming as to direct focus on Technoblade, or rather, his absence. 
Hanging from the wired basket is an air freshener tag. If you look on the official website, this is one of the only products which has what I can only call interesting flavor text. Most are merely descriptions and specs of the product. To quote it verbatim:
“Yes, this is a real product. And no, this ‘air freshener’ has no discernible fragrance. ‘Why’ you ask? Because Mr. Technodad and our team agreed this was exactly the sort of air freshener Alex would have found hilarious.”
As morbid as it sounds, I feel like this air freshener tag would not have existed before Technoblade’s passing. It is so unlike any other merchandise I’ve seen in any other branded merchandise store. It’s like an inside joke, secretly shared within the descriptions for the world to eventually discover. 
Unlit candles line the window sill - the aftermath of a candlelight vigil. It is a versatile symbol. It raises awareness of a disease or illness. It pays tribute the dead. Judging from the melted wax dribbling down the candle shafts and the wall below (the opacity was reduced so it looks less like bloodstains), this has been done many times over. But there is so much more candle to burn, representing the people still continuing this ceremony, albeit in the privacy of their own homes.
Above the candles are some broken blinds. When grieving, it would have been so easy for Mr. Technodad to hide away from the world in his grief. It’s understandable, to give into that primal urge to flee from prying eyes when he’s at his most vulnerable. He had the difficult task of reading out his son’s final farewell to us. This barrier between him and us dismantled by this gesture so we can remember Technoblade together. 
Coincidentally, the window frame itself somewhat resembles the kitchen window featured in Technoblade and Technodad's cooking videos. Completely unintentional on my end, but fitting in a way since in both those videos they're pulling back the metaphorical curtains for the audience to peer into a small aspect of their private lives.
To the right of the window is a nondescript clock, forever stopped at the 6:30 as a nod to the date when the "So Long, Nerds" video was published. The minute hand is accidentally left out removed to signify that time will no longer move forward for Technoblade. In contrast, the rest of the world - represented by this space - continues to grow and change around his absence.
A wind chime hangs just outside the window. It is said that the soothing sounds produced by them is a healing balm during tumultuous times. Where there is wind there is stirred up emotions, but it is motionless on this calm, breezeless day. A rare respite, where remembrance overrides grief. 
On a more amusing note, there is an interesting looking moth perched on the window glass. Upon closer inspection, the wing pattern may look somewhat familiar. In Chinese culture, when a huge moth visiting your home is the embodiment of your recently deceased loved one checking on you. Remember the compass in the foreground? Well, here’s why it is pointed sideways instead of upwards. This idea came up rather organically during a VC session in the R/Technoblade Discord server. My handful of viewers and myself affectionately dubbed this doofy looking moth TechnoMoff!
Venturing further beyond the windows, ferns grow with wild abandon. They represent eternal youth, and from a certain point of view, he will remain youthful forever at the age of 23. He lives on through us carrying on his legacy and spreading his story. 
Everything outside is tinged with pink. After someone dies, we start seeing them less as a person and more as a legacy. It is the natural course of things to start seeing the deceased through rose-tinted lenses - hence the artificially pink hue of the outside contrasting with the more grounded color palette of the inside. 
And now we circle back to the centerpiece of this entire composition: the bed and the things that surround it. 
In front of the bed is an over-bed table with a single object: an incense bowl filled to the brim with burnt sticks of incense. A simple shrine for Technoblade. In Chinese culture, we light incense at the altar to honor our loved ones. We may live separate lives and not cross paths often, but we all come together to leave our marks through this ritual. It is proof that he is still very much loved and missed by us all.
The bariatric bed frame is typically seen in hospitals. It allows the patient to comfortably sit up or recline without expending valuable energy. Encased in this frame is something more personal - the mattress and cushions which Technoblade laid upon in his photo with the Youtube plaque. Their unique patterning is a foil for the impersonal receptacle it is caged in. It is spotlit by the window light, emphasizing its emptiness. Not a single blossom dares to encroach upon this space, because to do so would be to erase the space where Technoblade last resided. Like I mentioned before, this is story is about the space around him as much as it is about him. 
Cradling this bed frame are several flowers. Rosemary and forget-me-not’s for remembrance. Appropriate, given its proximity to the bed. Morning glories, for resilience. That’s us, again. For a while, we meander and spread in the upper walls of this space, avoiding the floodwaters which symbolize grief. But eventually, we gather the strength to meander down to the bed, where grief was the strongest.
There is that cheesy quote from that one Marvel TV show – “What is grief, but love persevering?” While this reframes our perception of dealing with loss, grief is not some thing that should linger. The absence of grief does not equate to the lack of love. Instead, I would like you to consider this: remembrance is love persevering. And with our combined perseverance, Technoblade will never truly die. 
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azure-cherie · 8 months
PAC : How are your guides / angels / God's / ancestors / working for you
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Hellooo , how have you guys been ❤️?? Please choose the picture / pictures that resonate with you , know that this is a general reading and everything might not resonate, i hope a lot of does for you ❤️
Paid services
Pile 1 :
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Dear pile 1 , what I receive is your guides/ spirits gods have been preparing you for a journey , they are throwing on opportunities for you to multitask , travel by air is significant for you guys for the coming months , things are going to spice up now , you will learn how to live , i believe lot of you here are young adults or just got into adulting , they are protecting and teaching you lovingly the ways of the world , they are teaching you how to handle responsibility in the real world .
They are taking in charge to work out some debatable situations so that you can practice your communication skills more , to argue with someone is a thing and to learn to keep your self respect and keep your point is another that's exactly what your guides have been planning on , they are making sure you can always find a common ground in a discussion always keeping your point with integrity
Practicality is something they are pushing you towards if you hear a voice while you study that you can do it it's them the lovely gods !!!! If you are motivated to plant seeds in your garden it's them the lovely gods!!!!! If you hear a voice while overspending that you are infact doing it's it's them the lovely gods !!!! They are keeping this check on you so that you can take valuable decisions in the future
They are lifting you of burdens and tell you to keep going in the journey, protecting you from a person who has been trying to lurk on your energy because they feel victimized from you but you aren't even doing anything to victimiz them , they just need to heal , you should keep going they are working really really hard to keep you on your toes , they are also motivating you to do more things that you love and are offering you a period of transformation, searching and rebirth with the death , fool and Ace of wands in order , it's such a time for you to grow and while the celestial beings give you infinite nourishment belive in yourself and that you are capable of big big thingssss
Ace of wands gives you a new life now it's the time to be courageous you know it all you just have to apply what you know already all the best to you love ;)
Charms : fish , bunny , tambourine, tree of life , sun , ice skater , heart , love letter , four leaved clover , cat , leaf ; letter - T , J ; number - 333 , 666 .
Songs : Brightside by The Lumineers, DNA by Kendrick Lamar , Vanilla Baby by Billie Marten , Fade into you by Mazzy star , Cold water by Justin Bieber .
Pile 2 :
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Dear pile 2 , your guides are literally creating space for you , now it's the time to evaluate that what you are doing is really something that you want are you really into it ?! Are your decisions something you will not regret in the future or are you just acting on the spite of the moment , is it worth it ??? I think you guys are choosing a new degree or a new college or a new job in life , a lot of stuff is ending and you are on a cliffhanger whether to take what you already have or aim for more , you know the thing about working for the things we want isn't an act of greed you literally are hustling for it , go on love aim soooo bigggggg
Alright so what I see from the cards is that you might be taking a very big decision in your life thinking about love or thinking about a lover of yours , they are holding you back , I'm sorry to say that but it's the truth , eventually the surroundings and the people have to change , believe in the power of changes and let go of the old stuff there's literally so much more to look forward to , they are teaching you to look for the right thing at the right time , it's hard but this is an essential lesson , be good to yourself
They are making sure that This new phase in your life will bring you new love and new friends that would feel like a family, you will get what you have been longing for . That's so beautiful I'm so happy for you , spirit still wants you to take in less responsibility, one thing about you is you get too much into the lives of people you love some people like it while others don't appreciate it so in the next phase of your life you are required to just focus on the fun and be great with 2-3 people don't get too much into fights, be the mediator take things from one ear and throw it off the other or i believe that you literally will be crying, it's better to be on your own and care about less people, that doesn't mean the love or care you find newly in your life is fake it just means they are very different people with hard exteriors so it will take time to get close to them , take this slow alright.
You have lost only to gain babyyyyyy , whatever has left you has only left you space for so much more , i see more spiritual growth for you , gifts , if you are a reader , more clients , jobs , offers coming your way , all of it is because of your mindset and how beautiful it is , you will be so blessed I can feel it , they made sure that for all the struggles you get a gift and they are creating pathways for you to be in a leadership position you will soon be taking the responsibility and you will take it so well , you know a lot about the world and life in itself and now you are going to use it in such an amazing way !!!!
Charms : pentagram, flower , tennis racket , hammer , pearl , Christian cross ; letters : D, Z , M , P , N ; numbers : 555
Songs : $$$ by Daniela Andrade , Dynamite by BTS , Talk by Khalid , In too deep by Jacob Collier , idontwannabeyouanymore by Billie , Royals by Lorde .
Pile 3
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Dear pile 3 , your guides are now teaching you the worth of emotional wealth , the financial wealth is something that you really value but there's some stuff that is literally not worth your time and energy, they are telling you to step in the aura of your authentic heart and how kind it is , how loving it is don't leave it behind , it could also mean that you are spending too much out of kindness , they are making sure you have enough for yourself, you earn to buy things to feel better , don't be guilty while you serve yourself, you truly ardently deserve all of this . They are making ways in which you can make more connections with people to do well in your professional life , if you're someone who's into a psychology profession , they are making ways for you to have more hold on your conversations while working with a client , your advice giving skills are improving so much.
I see them bringing in a new lover in your life , this person is very romantic and loving and caring and giving , i really wanna tell you that your prayers have been heard , if you have ever felt that you are not chosen first this is the time to be literally chosen , you are so so valued rn , this will get you out of sadness or depression, they could be the golden retriever type . I see that you are looking for something long term and they might be the right choice
If you have been looking to travel they are helping you in go for them , by creating pathways , they wanna tell you that a phase in your life has come to an end and how you are to go to a new one and this one will need a lot of courage because there will be malicious people but you will work so hard and take what is rightfully yours , your fire burns greater than their envy and you will rise win and conquer what is yours no matter how frustrating this might seem , you are meant for the greater things.
With the reading ending with the magician, you are gonna alchemise your life all over 360 and they are gonna support you so so so much , all the good things are for youuuu , if you're a tarot reader , you will gain more wisdom, intuition and the power to read others even better now , wish you the besttt !!!!!
Charms : key , stethoscope, leaf , sun , moon , love letter , witch , camel ; letters - S, Y , H , N , V ; numbers - 222, 666 , 555
Songs : Million dollar man by lana del rey, Whispers by Halsey , It's called freefall by Rainbow kitten surprise, Good looking by Suki Waterhouse, Through me by Hozier , Northern lights by Kennie .
Thank you so much for reading i hope you resonated, please let me know if you did it really helps me .
Have a great day/ night ❤️
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starboyshoyo · 1 year
Wedding Bells
Characters: Riddle, Deuce, Epel, Silver x fem!reader (seperately)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Genre: fluff, romance
Proposals and weddings with your beloved!
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Riddle Rosehearts
Married life with Riddle comes in stages. It’s extremely difficult at times, especially in the beginning, and easier in others. You’d better be ready to take your vows seriously, because Riddle certainly will- even before you’re actually married. Especially the ‘for better or for worse’ part. He’ll outright refuse to hold a wedding until he can be financially and emotionally independent from his mother, refusing to subject you to her tyranny.
One way or another, Riddle will gain his freedom, either from gradually taking back control or from being disowned. Without the shadow of his mother hovering over him, he’ll decide to follow a path of higher education to law school. It’ll be a tough time period for you as a couple. Riddle is always busy studying and working hard, hoping to earn his degree early. He’ll attempt to help with house chores when you move in together, but he never learned practical home skills when he was younger. The combination of teaching him how to manage a household in addition to his school workload means that for a time, you will be doing most of the home duties.
The wedding discussion also has to be put on hold for a while. Your fiance is a perfectionist and refuses to hold anything but the perfect ceremony for you, with the most beautiful ring he can get his hands on. After graduating law school and landing a job, he’ll save up for the ring of your dreams.
He’ll propose after a romantic evening at home, under a full moon at midnight. Not everything went the way he thought it would- the ring was the wrong size (“What do you mean, fingers have sizes? I thought only shoes had that.”) and he burned the food at one point, but the two of you spent year waiting for this moment. Just seeing your eyes light up in disbelief and happiness when he finally gets down on one knee makes everything worth it.
Riddle will ask you to take the Rosehearts last name. He likes the idea of being joined, in life and in legal matters. Having his last name makes him feel like he’s truly your provider and protector. Plus, he’s just a hopeless romantic and wants to hear you being called Mrs. Rosehearts. He won’t complain if you don’t want to, though. Tradition is important to Riddle, but he respects your wishes much more.
The ceremony is small- held at an indoor venue in a courthouse, with just a few attendees. The Heartslabyul graduates will help set everything up, and catering is taken care of, courtesy of the Clover family. Riddle couldn’t be happier when he sees you walk down the aisle, escorted by Ace and Deuce. Deuce will give him a nod before stepping back, while Ace’s gaze will linger on Riddle’s a bit. The message is clear: take care of her, or else.
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Deuce Spade
The moment Deuce realized he was in love with you was the moment he knew he wanted to marry you. You are Deuce’s first and only love, and the only person he’ll ever need. The two of you are engaged just after graduation- he proposed on the spot without being prepared. He just saw you running towards him in your cap, diploma in hand and gown fluttering in the wind behind you, and blurted out, Will you marry me?
This was not how he planned the proposal at all, and he apologizes profusely when he realized he didn’t even get down on one knee or give you a ring. In the last week or so of school, he’ll practically be living in NRC’s metal workshop, learning to bend and hammer out a ring for you. And with Crewel’s help and a bit of luck, he’ll even create a small gemstone himself, to add to the ring.
He’ll definitely marry you soon after the ring is done. Like Riddle, you and Deuce have a small, private ceremony. Crowley was generous enough to let you hold it on NRC’s campus, with Ramshackle as the venue. The run-down, homely dorm you stayed in during your high school days was also the place you spent the most time with your best friend, so it’s only fitting you’d marry him there too!
While Riddle, Cater, and Trey agree to be Deuce’s groomsmen, Ace actually requests to be a bridesman instead! He says it’s because “this is the last time he’ll ever get you to choose his side over Loosey Deucey.” He’ll definitely send pictures of your day out to Deuce, rubbing it in his face that Ace got to have a self-care day with you while Deuce didn’t. Deuce can’t be too mad, though. After all, it’s him you’re marrying, not Ace :)
Deuce would actually discuss name changes with you before the wedding. He actually likes the idea of taking your name. He would feel very close to you by being connected to you by name. But he also likes the idea of you being a Spade because it’s like he’s bringing you into the family!
You’ll most likely move in with your husband and his mother for a year before moving to a small house nearby. Ms. Spade absolutely loves you, and dotes on you when Deuce is out working for the day. She’ll try to help you with your own work as well, especially if you’re working remotely or working from home a lot.
When Deuce is home, he’ll spend as much time with you as possible. There’s a lot of sleepy cuddling and long naps in your shared room. Even if he’s busy, he’ll help you and his mother with chores. Grocery runs are his favorites, because it gives him time to go out on a pseudo-date with you.
When on the couch together, Deuce loves placing your hands side by side, looking at the rings on both of your hands and thinking about how lucky he is. He can’t believe that you’re with him now, forever.
Once you finally get your own place, Ace will try to ask for a key. Deuce will give him one, and then change the locks just to mess with him.
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Epel Felmier
Epel didn’t even think about marrying you until the two of you moved back to Harveston. The townsfolk don’t have much news to talk about, so a lot of the gossip will be diverted to you and Epel. Every time you go out, expect to have at least three elderly residents asking when your wedding will be! Most of the time, you’ll laugh it off and assure them that you’re happy. But it’s happened so much that Epel begins thinking about it.
He brings it up to you one day in the orchard, lying in the grass with his legs propped up on a tree. This is the first time you’ve discussed marriage, and you come to an agreement- if your relationship in Harveston works out, in a year or two you’ll get married. It’s a simple plan, but people can’t help but notice Epel has a spring in his step now when he talks about his new fiancée.
With his degree in magical chemistry and background as a farmer in Harveston, Epel will always be financially stable. He is one of the few young people in the town and the older residents welcome the help with labor. With extra income from occasional jobs Vil will call in with, you guys are set! You have plenty of time to spend with Epel every day. It’s quite the pleasant life.
Your marriage to Epel will take place in the town hall. Every Harveston resident will attend, as well as many of your friends from your days at Night Raven College. The village elders insisted on doing everything themselves- making food, catering, helping with clothing and ceremony. It’s been decades since they were last able to prepare for a wedding party!
Originally, the gathering was planned to be relatively small, with just friends, family, and locals. But word got out that the Vil Schoenheit would be attending the event in place of the Bride’s father, and security had to be hired. Not only that, but the presence of nobles like Kalim, Leona, and Malleus garnered attention as well. Harveston’s economy got a big boost just from your wedding alone.
Much to Vil’s chagrin, you had hired Neige to be the live performance during your first dance with your new husband. He’ll complain about it for years, even if you reassure him that you would have asked him if he didn’t already have a part in the wedding party.
Epel is secretly smug that so many people are seeing you marry him. You’re his now! He’s yours! Take that, world! Everyone knows you’re Mrs. Felmier now. Speaking of that, Epel wants you to take his last name. He really wants you to be his in that way. He might pout a bit if you refuse but ultimately he accepts your decision. Either way, you’re his wife now! Nobody else’s!
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Two matching silver bands on yours and Silver’s ring fingers are the only indicator to the outside world that you got married in secret, on a humid summer evening before your final year at NRC. Worried about Lilia getting on in years and not being able to see his son’s special day, Silver asked you to marry him in a quiet, extremely private ceremony. Only Lilia, Malleus, and Sebek were present but Silver tried so hard to make it romantic. He promises that once you’re older, you can do it again, properly.
The ring exchange was overseen by Malleus, who had power for every official duty in Briar Valley. For Silver’s own band, he requested the gem on his magical pen to be turned into the centerpiece for his wedding ring. That way, he’ll never be without you or his magic now.
As the only humans in Briar Valley, you and Silver still need protection. Silver would never leave his job as Malleus’s guard either, so you’ll be living in the Thorn Fairy’s Castle for now. As a wedding present, Malleus had a new wing of the castle built just for you and your new husband, complete with a tower. It’s spacious and supposed to provide more privacy for newlyweds, but Lilia has a bad habit of barging into the rooms anyways, gushing about how his little boy is all grown up. If you need a place for more private affairs, the cottage out back might be a better location.
When you return to NRC for your final year, the rings on yours and your husband’s hands aren’t hidden. No one seems to notice, though. Not even the observant ones like Azul and Jamil. If they do, they probably assume that the rings are promise rings. Silver doesn’t bother to correct them- he’s wary of telling people already, lest someone target you for it. Stolen kisses in empty corridors are good enough… for now.
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Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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bettyfrommars · 5 months
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Dirty Metal Summer
a Dirty Dancing au
Part 3: Crimson and Clover
Eddie x fem!Reader & Steve x older!OC
masterlist playlist
18+MDNI, not too many warnings for this part just mention of losing a parent, hint to an abusive relationship, alcohol consumption, tons of awkward flirting, eventual smut, but very much a slow burn. Steve is in his mid-late 20's, aunt Kim is mid 30's to early 40's, or whatever age you are, dear reader.
wc: 4.5k
Summary: Hello! We're getting to know a bit more about the character dynamics, listening to some of Eddie's thoughts, and catching a glimpse at a third possible romance on the horizon. Preparing us for the wild ride that starts in the next chapter.
Songs for this chapter: Under the Milky Way/The Church Edge of a Broken Heart/Vixen Seek and Destroy/Metallica
The shores of the resort were thick the next day with people who worshiped the sun, playfully kicking at the water in their bathing suits, stretched out in their lounge chairs, glistening in layers of Hawaiian Tropic tanning oil.  
You, on the other hand, were still fully clothed, covered in SPF, under one of the big umbrella’s the resort offered with your headphones on to drown out the sound of the screaming children.  Your dad was in the shade next to you, absorbed in a book, while aunt Kim caught some rays on her backside in a black one-piece that was high at the hip, flipping through an issue of People magazine.  It was the Summer of Love issue celebrating the 1960’s with the Beatles on the front and the quote: “It’s 20 years later, do you know where your love beads are?”
“Don’t you want to get in the water, Bird?” Your aunt cooed politely, adjusting her big sunglasses on her face.
You shook your head, pulling your headphones down.  “I think I’ve developed a phobia of public watering holes.”
“Suit yourself,” she sat up and brushed herself off.  “I think I’ll take a quick dip.”
“Watch out for sharks,” you quipped, earning the weight of a magazine being thrown at your hip.
“This has been enough excitement for me,” your dad cleared his throat, placing a bookmark to save his spot, standing from his chair, knees popping.  “I think I’ll head in, get some writing done before dinner.”
“Later dad,” you mumbled, wishing you had an excuse to hide in a room by yourself all day.  
Once he was gone, Kim took a drink out of her water bottle and heaved a sigh.  “I wish the two of you would give this place a chance.  Look at that lake!” She stretched her arm out, pointing. “It’s breathtaking.”
You gazed out at the expanse of the cheery, vacation scene, bursting with melancholy.  “Mom would’ve loved this place,” you choked on the last word, not sure where that fresh pang of emotion had come from.  
Kim chewed the inside of her cheek, equally adrift in reverie, when a body stepped up to block the sun, putting her in its shadow.  “I was hoping I’d run into you again.” 
The body belonged to Steve, and he was shirtless, in a pair of navy-blue Staff swim trunks, short and slightly snug against his hairy thighs, and flip flops.  His lips were glossy, and even though he wore sunglasses, he had to shield his face with his hand, squinting against the sun so hard that his top lip curled.
Kim tried to speak so fast she coughed, wondering if she looked too frumpy in the suit she had on.  What was she thinking? He had to be a good 10 years younger than her, no way he was interested in—
“Kim, right?” He aimed a finger gun at her, but then he struggled a bit with your name, snapping his fingers to ignite recollection.
“And you’re Steve,” Kim's eyes couldn’t help but land on the silver chain nestled in his ample chest hair.  “Did you, um, are you working on your tan?”
It took him a second to catch what she was referring to, and then he smirked, pulling a crumpled polo from his back pocket.  “I jumped in to cover lifeguard duty for a buddy of mine,” and then he shifted his sunglasses to the top of his head and so did she.  “If you ever need a swimming lesson, I’m your guy.”
“You’re a swim instructor too?” Kim asked, impressed. Steve put his hands on his hips, accentuating broad shoulder muscles.
“Nah,” he shrugged, tucking his chin. “But I’d do my best.”
You dropped your gaze to the sketchbook you’d been doodling in, trying to pretend like you weren’t listening.  From the headphones around your neck, the song Under the Milky Way by The Church played and a handful of kids ran by you giggling, dusting sand onto your blanket.
Steve wished you a good afternoon just before he excused himself, seemingly headed back to the pool area.  You thought he’d been on his way somewhere else, but you were mistaken.
“I think he likes you,” you swirled a few doodles, raising an eyebrow.
“Noooo,” Kim gave a long protest, adjusting the straps of her bathing suit.  “He works here, it’s his job to be friendly.  
“Yeah? Is it his job to keep checking over his shoulder at you as he walks away?”
Kim peeked just as the man in question tripped over his own feet.  Regaining his balance, he waved and said, “I’m okay,” and then proceeded to put his shirt back on as he approached the lifeguard station. 
It was your turn to stiffen and feel tingly all over when you spotted Eddie strolling down the sidewalk from the main house, wearing a tool belt loose at his hips to accompany his denim and staff shirt attire.  
From the way he knocked that Lance guy out with one punch the other night, you wondered if his hand hurt.  Adjusting yourself, you wet your lips, as if he’d spot you or something, which was impossible from that distance.  He cut in front of the fenced pool area, heading for the outdoor bar that had a thatched roof like you’d see at a tropical beach.  For the first time that day, you noticed that Chrissy was working the area, carting fancy drinks around to the guests at the pool.  Her blonde ponytail bobbed as she turned from what she was doing to talk to him.  
She dipped her chin a few times in answer to whatever questions he was asking, and then he squeezed her arm affectionately before taking off again.  
“Do you want anything from the bar?” You got to your feet, dropping your Walkman to the towel.
Kim cocked her head, considering the question.  “Is it too early for alcohol?”
Eddie was back on the path, his back to you as he got further away, but your attention was on Chrissy mixing cocktails in a metal shaker.  
“I can see if they have mimosas?” You weren’t thirsty, really, but you were curious.  
Kim decided on a bloody mary and asked you to put it on her tab, slipping you a few bucks for a tip.  
The smile Chrissy gave you as you approached was polite, but it did not reach her eyes.  “What can I get for ya?”
You told her, fumbling over your words a bit, and then waited on one of the five stools for her to make your drinks.  She scooped ice into a Styrofoam cup and tossed in a jigger of alcohol. You noticed a gold, heart shaped locket around her neck with something engraved on the front.  
“Is it true you used to play with Vixen?” You asked, in awe.
Chrissy’s face fell and she paused to stare at  you.  “Who told you that?”
“Oh, um, Joyce, she, well—sounded like she was proud of you.”
Chrissy went back to work.  “That was a long time ago, back when life was good.”
“It’s not good now?” You were intruding, and you knew it, but still, you couldn’t help yourself.  
Chrissy scoffed. “You could say that. Lemon in your tea?”
You nodded, wondering if there was anything you could say or do to cheer her up.  
“How long have you and Eddie been together?” 
She frowned down at what she was doing.  “Eddie’s not my boyfriend,” she corrected.  “He’s like a brother to me. Known him since I was a kid.”
“Oh I see,” you pressed your lips together, trying not to appear relieved at that news.  
There was a lull of silence as she finished up and you felt compelled to fill it.  “I saw you play with the house band last night.  I think you’re really talented.”
You could hear the click of her molars gnashing together when she placed both drinks in front of you. “Playing lame cover songs for a no-name house band is the best I can do with my life right now. Music is the only thing I’ve ever cared about.”
You used some of your own cash to give her an even bigger tip and scooped up your drinks.
“Hey, wait,” Chrissy called after you. She rubbed her forehead and tried to smile.  “Listen, I’m sorry that I’m, that I’m being such a bitch,” she shrugged. “It’s been a shit couple days.”
You shook your head, cold drinks sweating in your hands, about to tell her that you understood, but the two of you were interrupted.  
“Bird, there you are,” you froze at the sound of Troy’s voice. “Glad to see you’re enjoying the amenities.”
Troy had a green and white tennis outfit on with a racket in his hand, and you caught the way Chrissy tensed and quickly turned away at his entrance.  She folded the tip you’d left and put it in the front pocket of her apron.  He came up close to  you—too close, invading your bubble—and so you shuffled back, bumping into one of the stools.  
“The staff is treating you well, I hope?” He leaned against the tiki bar, and it was not lost on you that Chrissy pretended to be so busy she didn’t notice him.
“Just about to bring this to my aunt,” you lifted the red drink with the celery stick sticking out of it. You glanced at Chrissy, but she went to the other side of the bar to help someone else.  “The service here is impeccable,” you said, loud enough for her to hear.
You headed out and he kept up, sticking by your side. “I’ll walk with you,” he winked.
“Great,” your smile was a tight, thin line.  
Eddie bent at the waist to sip from the stone drinking fountain near one of the utility sheds and splashed water on his face a few times, combing wet fingers through his hair so that his bangs were off his forehead.  He worked the cool water around the back of his neck, wondering if he had a sunburn.  He loved Indiana for the fall colors and the long winters, but the summer? The summer heat could go fuck itself.  
Water was still dripping from his chin and nose when Steve walked up, sunlight through the leaves making patterns on his face.   
“Did Robin mention we need to borrow your van tomorrow night?” Steve bent down to take a sip from the fountain after he asked it.  
Eddie pulled the bottom of his shirt up to wipe his face, exposing his stomach and trail of hair from his belly button to his waistband.  “As long as you don’t bring it back on empty. What’s wrong with your car?”
“We need to pick up a bunch of Robin’s stuff from her ex’s house,” Steve raised his brows high, locking them in place. “Girl is a bit of a psycho, I don’t want Robbie to go alone.
Over Steve’s shoulder, he caught sight of you making your way back to the umbrella with Troy by your side and he hoped that you were smart enough to know that guy was a piece of shit.
“I work late tomorrow, but I’ll help you unload when you get back,” the tip of Eddie’s tongue rested at the corner of his mouth, eyes darting to you again.  You weren’t some goddess from the cover of a hotrod magazine, or one of the metal babes who always tried to go down on him when he used to play shows with his old band, but yet, without knowing anything about you, the sight of you made his heart jump into his throat.
“Nah, we got it,” Steve talked as the two started walking.  “It’s just a mattress and a chair and some clothes I think.  I told her just to let them go, but it's the principle I suppose.”
“I get it man, believe me,” Eddie once drove three states just to get a rare Scorpions concert tee back from an ex who stomped his heart.
“Hey,” Eddie caught Steve before he headed off in the other direction.  “Jam at the Hideout tonight?”
They bumped fists. “Wouldn’t miss it.”
The movie Casablanca was the offering at the outdoor theater that night, and respective families cuddled on the lawn on their various blankets and camp chairs under cover of generous tree branches.  Halfway through, you excused yourself from your aunt’s company to find the restroom, and that was when you spotted Chrissy and Troy having what appeared to be a heated conversion at the curve of the sidewalk near the rose garden.  You ducked behind a tree just as Humphrey Bogart said one of his infamous lines on the screen.  
Since everyone’s attention was occupied elsewhere, no one but you saw the way Chrissy pointed in Troy’s face, only for him to snatch her wrist in a way that made you gasp.  She yanked her arm away and turned on her heel, but then he caught up and lunged in front of her.  Whatever he said to her then calmed things down for a moment, she stopped trying to break free, and then he cupped her face as if he were about to kiss her, but she shoved away again.  That time, he let her go.  Hands balled into fists in his pockets, head down, he stormed off in the opposite direction, toward you.
You stood very still, hoping to be mistaken for the thick trunk of the tree, and thankfully, it worked. You came around to glare at his backside, but then trotted after Chrissy.  She was long gone, walking as fast as her feet could carry her along the treeline, and you didn’t think she’d appreciate you screaming her name at the top of your lungs in front of the other guests.  
It was pure luck that made you take notice of something shiny on the ground, a pile of glistening gold on the sidewalk.
It was a necklace, a heart locket to be exact, much like the one you’d noticed around Chrissy’s neck earlier that day.  You ran your thumb over the engraving on the front and let the delicate chain drag along the back of  your hand.  
You were sure that it belonged to Chrissy, the clasp must’ve broken during the struggle with Troy.  You had to get it back to her somehow.  
“Where are you going?” Your dad asked as you sailed through the living room on your way to the door later that evening.  He looked at his wristwatch.  “It’s almost 11.”
You’d planned on him being in bed already.  “I, well, I ahh—” you scrambled for an excuse, something that wasn’t “I’m going off the property to where people fight and get drunk and listen to metal”.  You were 21 and technically, by the law of the land, could do anything you wanted, but anyone who has ever traveled with family is familiar with the tendency to be treated like a child infinitely.  He loved  you, he worried about you, and you didn’t want him to stay up all night pacing, so, you lied.  
“There’s a meteor shower tonight, and a bunch of the guests are watching from the boat docks,” god, you hoped he wouldn’t fact check you on that.
He shuffled some saltines absently out of a tin.  “You’re still coming on the boat with us tomorrow morning?”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” you beamed, clenching the front of your jean jacket closed to hide the revealing shirt you wore underneath.  
You raced down the porch steps once you were able, dashing into the night with Chrissy’s necklace safe in your pocket.
A guy in a Black Sabbath shirt and a drastic mullet with hair down his shoulders moved out of the way for you as you crossed the bridge, and then you had to stand there and take a breath. Robin wasn’t with you and you hadn’t been invited to the Hideout this time, maybe they wouldn’t want you?  Surely you could find Chrissy at work the next day and give her the necklace then? Fuck it, you were almost there.  
You could hear the shrill feedback from a guitar and then someone speaking into a microphone.  Was that Eddie’s voice? Your heart raced.  People cheered at whatever was said, and then the drum beat kicked in a few times, followed by guitar riffs, and a woman’s voice singing the Vixen intro to Edge of a Broken Heart.
“I can't believe I could have been so blind
But love is strange
I thought about it for a long long time
But the truth remains”
You could feel the music in your chest.  Was that Chrissy? Perhaps it was the “band practice” Robin told you about, but the music didn’t sound at all like what you’d expect to hear from the conservative house band. The sliding door was open once you were in view, with people mingling outside, and you dodged around them, sucking in a plume of secondhand smoke from a passerby.   
Slithering through a few more bodies, you stepped right over the spot where Lance had gone down the night before, and then you had the perfect view of Chrissy exercising her impressive pipes on the microphone under a few ropes of tiny, pale string lights.  
Steve was on bass, hair flopping in his face, his mouth holding an “O” shape as he played. He had on a thin white tee that was soaked through with sweat on the front atop belted blue jeans.  Eddie arched back, exposing his throat, his fingers deftly working the strings on his smoke black Warlock guitar.  He had a Bark at the Moon shirt on with wide, ripped out arm holes exposing the tattoo work on his ribs.  His hair hung in his face when he bent over to play, a frown of concentration knitting his brows together.
Chrissy jabbed her fist in the air for the chorus and the crowd screamed it:
“I've been living on the edge of a broken heart
I don't wanna fall, I don't wanna crawl
I've been living on the edge of a broken heart
Don't you wonder why I gotta say goodbye”
She commanded the stage, playing guitar as she sang. You were too absorbed to realize that you had made your way forward and were right there front and center when Eddie glanced up.
He wasn’t expecting to see you, so he did a dramatic double take, nostrils flaring the moment your eyes connected.  Why couldn’t you just stay away?
A smile teased at the corners of your mouth, but faded to an unsure lip bite when he averted his gaze, scowl deepening.  He ignored you for the rest of the song. 
When it was over, there were cheers and whistles all around.  The drummer with the mop of tawny hair twirled one of their drumsticks in the air with a flourish and caught it, clapping the high hat.  Voices murmured around you as people fell back into conversation while they had a break from the volume of the amps, and you shuffled to the side, following Chrissy as she took her guitar off and held it by the fretboard.  She had on a cropped shirt with her shorts, golden hair loose and wild around her shoulders, her short fingernails painted black.  There were a few old, wooden apple box crates stacked on top of each other to act as a makeshift table, and she grabbed the neck of the beer that was waiting there to take a sip.   
Eddie continued to play, wailing on the guitar with precision, while Steve and the drummer followed his lead to the tune of Seek and Destroy by Metallica.
You tapped Chrissy on the shoulder, and she jumped.  “Oh shit, you scared me,” she said, spinning around. She checked around as if she were expecting to see someone else there.  “Where’s Robin? Is she with you?”
“No, I, just a sec—” you dug around in the front pocket of your jacket, panicking for a moment that you forgot to bring the locket with you. “I found this on the sidewalk, and I thought maybe you dropped it?”
Chrissy gasped at the sight of it and her eyes began to water.  “How did you–?” A sob caught in her throat, and she reached out to gently take it from you.  She shook her head in disbelief.  “I looked everywhere, I thought it was gone forever, I—”
“I thought that was you!” It was Robin, bobbing on the balls of her feet as she came up to nudge your shoulder.  But then, her attention turned to Chrissy and her face tensed with concern.  “What happened, why are you crying?”
“No, no,” Chrissy sniffed and opened her fist to show Robin the piece of jewelry.  “It’s my grandmother’s locket I told you about.  Bird found it.”
Robin bent to get a closer look and the two women knocked their heads together, sharing a laugh.  “The clasp is broken though,” Chrissy mused.  “It must’ve come off when—” she swallowed, deciding not to finish that sentence.  “I’ll take it into town to get it fixed this weekend.”
“Give it here, I’ll fix it for you,” Robin volunteered.  “Not only can I unclog a toilet, but I’m also pretty crafty.”
“Y-you’d do that for me?” She asked as she was passing it over.
“Of course,” Robin chuckled.  “I’d do anything for y—I mean, what are friends for right?”
Chrissy turned her attention back to thank you properly when Steve pushed in between the other two girls and slung his arms around their shoulders.  “What's going on?”
Robin cringed.  “Gross, Dingus, you’re all sweaty,” to which he shook his head and droplets from his hair flew everywhere, making the girls scream and push him off.
The three of them got into conversation about something and you sank back against the corrugated metal wall to observe.  You hadn’t noticed the music stopped but the drummer was in the crowd having a beer and just as you were on your toes trying to find Eddie, a warm body sank in next to you.  
“Hey,” Eddie said.
You looked just in time to catch his gaze traveling down your body, but then he was quick to lift his beer to his mouth and pretended to be watching the crowd. 
“Hey,” you returned, suddenly full sentences and conversation felt so foreign.  You were acutely aware that there was plenty of space along the wall, but he was pressed close, bare arm touching yours.  
“They let you stay out this late on a school night?” He grinned against the aluminum rim, amusing himself.  He had a second beer in his other hand, and he passed it to you.
“Ha. Ha.” 
He had one knee bent with his foot on the wall while the other leg stretched long to show the heavily scuffed toe of his black boot.  
You shuddered despite the heat.  “So, how long have you and Chrissy been playing music together?”
He hummed, shifting so that his bicep rubbed against you, squinting one eye shut in thought, tilting his head back.  “Been something like a decade now, I think? Feels longer.  Feels like I’m 60 years old some days.”
“How old are you though?” You swallowed so hard your throat clicked.  “45? 50?”
He leaned into you, hard enough to push you over if your feet weren’t planted, his hair skimming your shoulder.  “Close enough,” he paused to say something else, but then puffed out his cheeks and exhaled.  
He wanted to ask how long you’d been playing the cello, but how would he even know you did without admitting he’d watched you that night from the street like a stalker? “Do you think you’re gonna stick around, watch us play some more?”
“I could,” you were about to add something super cheesy like, “if you want me to,” but opted for nonchalant.  “I love watching Chrissy play.”
He nodded a few times, and pushed off the wall, handing you his beer.  “Hold this for me?” His silky brown eyes locked onto yours, the tip of his tongue resting between parted lips.  “Please?”
There you were, holding Eddie Munson’s beer.  He got behind the mic and took his shirt all the way off to wipe his face with it before strapping his guitar on.  The next song they did was an original, something that Eddie and Chrissy wrote, and Chrissy came in on backup vocals, while Eddie growled out the lyrics, banging his head every so often.   He swiped his bangs from his forehead, wet with perspiration, and his fingers worked like magic along the strings.  At one point, he and Chrissy shared the same mic, belting out the words.  
He made eye contact with you three times, not that you were counting.  Each time longer than the last.  When it was over, he came out and took his beer from you, fingers touching as he did so.
“Eddie, I think I—” you were about to let him know you should probably get going, but he’d already turned, chugging the rest of the beer as he went, and then they were right into the next song.  
Eddie wasn’t sure why you made him so curious, but the voices in his head were screaming at him to shake it off.  Somehow, he’d gone four years without getting involved with a summer person, he’d never even been tempted really.  Nothing good could come of it, especially since he’d probably end up being nothing but a vacation fuck for you to brag to your friends about.  
He glanced around but couldn’t find you during the song.  When he went to check for you at the wall, you were gone.  
thank you again for the love on this and for reading!
taglist: @micheledawn1975@kurdtbean@katethetank@elvendria@spookysqaush86@somethingvicked@stylesxmunson@laurenlokirby@sapphire4082 @kellsck @motherfckerrr @emxxblog @justdamnpeachy @dashingdeb16 @corrodedcoffincumslut @bexreadstoomuch @ohmeg@marrowfrog00
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I saw your requests are open so,, may I ask how Azul, Deuce, Trey, Kalim and Vil react to a s/o who at first is really touch repulsed, until they started becoming close and they starting to become REALLY touchy? When they were friends at first they only had a habit of walking with their elbows intertwined with their own, but when they get into a relationship their s/o give sudden cheek kisses, play with their hands, etc....
Sorry if it's too specific, but I need to know how they'd react to that sudden change
Azul Ashengrotto: 
Azul was not emotionally prepared for that at all. It’s not that he disliked it, but he thought he had more of a chance with you because you seemed to be a little physically distant. He didn’t know how he’d handle someone who was touchy and loving, feeling like he might even be too cold for someone like that (he tried to be honest with himself).
Deuce Spade: 
Deuce was actually struggling a bit when you were more touch repulsed—he respected your boundaries but there was times where he just wanted to be held or to hold hands. He’s worried the switch is because of him and he has to be sure your change up isn’t because you’re trying to appease just him. Once it’s established it’s all your decision, he relaxed a little more and indulged himself in the newfound affection, only slightly embarrassed when he’s teased about it by his friends.
Kalim Al-Asim: 
Kalim is very touchy as a person, so it might’ve been a point of contention and a real trial on his part at the start of the relationship. Sometimes he’d forget and go to hug or touch you at wrong moments, always realizing his mistake and apologizing sincerely. When you become clingier he doesn’t even question it, you two just become the most disgustingly PDA couple around.
Trey Clover: 
Trey is a patient person, and he's not overly touchy himself. He can work perfectly well with either type of partner so that's why he doesn't consider it a big deal that you prefer simpler forms of affection. The sudden switch-up can throw him off balance, but it's not like he's going to reject you wanting to be close to him; it actually makes him feel a little happy, knowing that no one could question your relationships validity again.
Vil Schoenheit: 
Vil gets it. Sometimes, he wanted to be admired from afar too. He had no problem respecting your boundaries and your sudden change was like water off a swans back to him. He knew how to adapt (as people tended to change as they aged), and as long as you still respected that he occasionally wanted his own space then the relationship would continue to be harmonious.
531 notes · View notes
twstgarden · 7 months
❀ ❝ 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗿𝗮𝗯𝗯𝗶𝘁 ❞
━ riddle rosehearts x gn! heartslabyul! reader x trey clover (separate) ━ you would have never thought that your precious childhood friend would have a crush on you. (f/n means first name)
requested by: anonymous <3 request type: oneshot requester's message: Hello! I see your request are open🌱🌱 May i request oneshots or scenarios romance with Trey Clover and Riddle Rosehearts, with crush [Reader] who was their childhood friend and based on white rabbit from alice in wonderland. The Reader are in Heartslabyul dorm as well! Feel free to ignore this request if its make you uncomfortable or breaking the request rules. I hope you have a good day💙💙 florist's note: hello, dear anon! i wasn't sure if you wanted them together or separately, but here it is! apologies for the wait~
this work does not contain spoilers for chapter 7, diasomnia’s arc.
do not steal or translate without my permission.
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— 𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚 𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙨 —
painting the roses was always a regular task, but painting one with your dearest childhood friend and crush made the task even better than usual.
riddle’s recent incident was a lot to handle. you were there when riddle lost control and overblotted right in front of your very eyes, and you had to fight hard alongside the other involved parties to make sure he comes back to his senses and stop the mess he was creating.
the attempt was successful, save for the fatigue you and the others felt right after battling a magician in their overblot state. since then, riddle has been getting the medical attention he needed to ensure his entire state is well and healthy, and things in the dormitory were starting to return to its usual joyful chaotic state.
it has been a few days since that incident, and you were all preparing for the unbirthday party once more. you stood alongside trey with a clipboard in hand as you checked out all the required items, “white tablecloth, check; pastries including the tarts, check; tea set, check; chairs, check. okay, what else?”
as you continued to mumble under your breath, trey laughed a little as he spoke, “you’ve been going back and forth with the preparations for hours ago. everything is all set now. no need to be nervous.”
“well, yeah, but… it’s my duty to make sure all is well and done,” you spoke with a sigh as you glanced at your vice leader, making him hum in response. “your sense of duty is always admirable, but take it easy, f/n. riddle wouldn’t have your head if one spot goes wrong… i hope…”
trey mumbled the last two words under his breath, but you were well-aware of the words he said, causing you to grow even more nervous as you spoke, “aaaahhh… i better recheck everything!”
before he could say anything else, you ran off and inspected the venue.
“…and there they go.”
after assessing the venue, you checked on your pocket watch to see the time, realizing the party starts soon. you quickly went back to where the venue was and held your trumpet, blowing it as you announced, “make way for our leader, the red ruler: prefect riddle rosehearts!”
right after announcing, the crowd started cheering, “three cheers for prefer riddle!”
riddle then came into view as his eyes scanned the entire area, nodding his head in satisfaction, “perfect. the roses are red and the tablecloths are white. truly a perfect unbirthday party. i assume the dormouse is inside the teapot as expected? …well, i guess it doesn’t really matter now.”
“you don’t have to change so suddenly, you know?” spoke trey, “and we can use the jam on the scones, if you’d like. we don’t have to stop altogether at once. we can take things slowly.” riddle hummed in response as he glanced at trey, “yes, you’re right.”
you sighed in relief, causing riddle to glance back at you as you quickly straightened your posture and kept quiet. riddle smiled at you before looking around, “…wait!” he then pointed at one rose that was white in the sea of red roses, “that white rose…”
immediately, cater panicked and started questioning ace and deuce if they forgot to paint the other roses. at that moment, it seemed like chaos was about to erupt and trey was quite ready to console riddle, but unexpectedly, riddle smiled.
“i’m joking~ i won’t get mad over every little thing now,” spoke riddle, causing you to smile a little in response, “and it will be quicker if we painted it all.” the other heartslabyul students were relieved and thrilled to know their heads won’t be chopped this time.
you and riddle stood side by side as he held his staff and used his magic to quickly colour an entire rose bush red in a blink of an eye, making your eyes twinkle in admiration. “woaah~ you were always so cool when it comes to magic!” you stated as you painted the roses with him, “hehe, i remember when you tried to make a tart appear out of the blue, but you couldn’t!”
your giggles were met with riddle’s embarrassed huff as he spoke, “i was not as advanced as i am now, n/n…”
“but you’re still cool!”
riddle blushed lightly as you kept complimenting him, ‘and you’re beautiful…’
you two continued painting the roses as he grabbed one red rose and took off its thorns, making you pause your painting as you looked at what he was doing to the flower.
before you could speak, he tucked the rose behind your ear with a small smile – you could sense how nervous he was at that point.
“there… you look nice…”
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— 𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙮 𝙘𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 —
losing your precious pocket watch is actually a blessing in disguise.
“where is it? where is it?!”
you fumbled around your belongings in search for your pocket watch that you lost earlier. you had remembered placing it on the lounge as you were working on something over there, then you went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and came back with no pocket watch beside your study notes.
“i can’t lose it, no. maybe i was imagining things…” you told to yourself as you rushed back to the lounge and started taking off the cushion and even lifting the flower vase settled atop the table. during your search, the vice leader came across the lounge and feigned curiosity, “what are you doing, n/n?”
hearing the familiar voice made you look up as you sighed, “i lost my pocket watch. can you help me find it?” you were frowning as you said those words, and he immediately agreed to your request. you spent a few minutes in the lounge until trey suggested some other place, “maybe you left it outside and you did not remember? let’s check the tea garden.”
you were a little hesitant.
“i had it in my possession when i was in the lounge, though… it would be impossible to see it in the garden…” you spoke, causing him to smile at you reassuringly. “trust me, n/n,”
and so, you did.
you were quick to reach the tea garden as you were naturally a fast walker and runner. upon arrival, you saw a single table that was set up so perfectly as if someone was about to have tea with a partner. the tablecloth was laid perfectly along with the flower vase, the plates, the utensils, and of course, the sweets for dessert.
and right there, beside the sweet platter, was your precious pocket watch.
you gasped and immediately rushed to the table, grabbing your pocket watch before looking at the table. from your side of the seat, there was a folded piece of paper that had a smiley face on, making you glance back at trey to see him smiling at you.
you instantly knew what he was doing. you laughed a little as you crossed your arms, “you sneaky little guy.”
he laughed in response as he spoke, “sorry, n/n. i initially wanted to properly ask you out, but i… kind of chickened out. i didn’t mean to make you anxious, though!”
light-hearted laughter was heard from you two as you replied, “don’t worry, if anything, i like the way you executed this. it gives me a sense of adventure and the result was sweet. well then, shall we?”
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© twstgarden 2023 || please do not steal, translate without my permission, or use this to train a.i.
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blues824 · 1 year
Het there bestie I see your love for trey and u shall deliver you more requests of him.
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🍀Imagen mc making the cake for the unbirtday party and then giving him a slice of cake with a ring in.
☘️When he bits on it and looks shocked that there is something wrong with the cake he tries to hide it and then pulls out the object in his mouth.
🍀Everyone's wondering why trey is so silent and seeing him pull something from the cake and then seeing mc going on her knees asking trey to marry her.
☘️And calling him wife or husband from then on joking that they first years are their children baking together feel free to make this as fluffy as you want.
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Female Reader
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Trey Clover
He was a bit suspicious when you wouldn’t allow him inside Ramshackle for your typical daily baking session. He had missed you all day, but he was intrigued when you stated that you would be finished in a little bit and that the surprise you were making for him would be given to him at Heartslabyul.
What was a bit more surprising was when he found out that his dorm members were in on this as well. They were making grand preparations from what he could see, but he didn’t really get too much of a good look because Riddle led him away. 
Eventually, he was allowed back inside the dorm, and you and Grim were there as well. There was a small cake in the kitchen, and all of the Heartslabyul members vacated the dorm and went to the labyrinth so as to give you some private time. Ace and Deuce took Grim, don’t worry.
“This is quite strange. I’m usually the one baking sweets,” He said with a smile.
“You work so hard, so this is all for you, my love.” 
The nickname made him blush, but he quickly shook it off as you cut him a slice of the cake you made. It looked like it was perfectly baked through, the smell was pleasant, and the frosting seemed lovely, so he took a bite.
He didn’t expect to bite on something hard, but he looked at you and you hadn’t seemed to notice anything yet. So, he quickly spit the item out onto the plate, only to notice that it was a ring. Oh, you sneaky little thing… you planned this, didn’t you?
You noticed that he went silent, and you looked over to see that he discovered the little surprise that you had set up. Well, it looked like it was go-time, so you got on one knee and looked up at him with nothing but love in your eyes. You took a deep breath before speaking.
“Trey Clover, you have been by my side since I was magically teleported to Twisted Wonderland. You have been with me through thick and thin, and now I ask you this very important question: Will You Marry Me?”
Well, this was quite a shock to the Vice Housewarden. He had dreamt of this moment ever since you agreed to be his girlfriend. He was a family man at heart, after all. He just thought that this moment would have happened after you both had graduated, and that he would be the one proposing to you.
Oh, that doesn’t matter, as he found himself nodding. You took his hand and slipped the ring onto his ring finger, and he took a moment to admire it. It was a simple steel band, but it held so much value. 
From that point on, you both referred to each other as your husband/wife. You used the two interchangeably for him, because he doesn’t mind. Either term makes him blush, but it gets worse when he calls you his wife. It just seems so surreal.
Don’t even get me started on when you referred to the First Years as your children. There was one time where Deuce got hurt because he was in a fight, and as you were tending to the bruise, Trey gave him a stern talking-to.
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cheesy09 · 3 months
[CN] Kiro's Four-Leaf Clover Date
🌸 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date that hasn't been released on the EN server yet! 🌸
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[Note: This date was translated with the help of Google Translate :>]
Do note that this date takes place just some time after Kiro's Soundwaves Mind's Quest :>
[PART 1]
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February 13th, 4 p.m.
I push open the door to my house and sneakily poke my head through the door crack to look around.
MC: Kiro...?
Seeing that the living room is still quiet, I breathe a sigh of relief and pull in the trailer of express delivery behind me.
Taking in the small mountain of express delivery and shopping bags, I roll up my sleeves and briefly put them in order.
MC: Ingredients, cola, decorations...
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. After having just returned from Los Angeles, we decided to spend the holiday at home, having a big meal and watching a movie together.
But even so... I was still keen on preparing some surprises for him to make the day more special.
So before he got off work, I asked for leave and snuck back.
Looking at the stuffed refrigerator, I elatedly pick up a few of the express boxes and walk towards the storage room, ready to hide them first.
At one step away from the storage room, a panicked silhouette suddenly flashes down from the second floor. I shiver in fright before I finally take a look at the person gasping for air in front of me.
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Kiro stands in front of me wrapped in a bath towel, his slightly heaving chest still dripping with water droplets. His hair appears half wet, as if he was only halfway through washing it.
MC: You - Weren't you supposed to be filming tonight? Why are you back?
I feign composure and quietly hide the express box in my arms behind my back and press it against the wall.
Stunned, he awkwardly rubs his forhead.
Kiro: Finished work early and came back. What about you? Didn't you say you had to work overtime today...?
MC: Ah! My meeting was temporarily canceled... But I was afraid of interrupting your shoot, so I came back without telling you, haha~
At that moment, Kiro seems to notice something and looks behind me.
Kiro: What are you holding behind you?
MC: Oh, it's nothing, just a parcel. I was planning on putting it in the storage room.
I move to open the door, but Kiro suddenly grabs a hold of my wrist.
He seems to be taken aback by his own reaction for a moment. He then slowly lets go of my hand and scratches his head with a dry smile.
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Kiro: Wait, do go in just yet... Uh, it seems like a super invincible insect ran inside!
He feigns a horrified expression and gestures to me about the "body size" of the insect to be the size of a fist. I immediately shrink my neck in fear.
MC: Are you serious? That's terrifying....
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Kiro: Of course. It looks terrifying as well.
Kiro: So give me the boxes. Once I'm done with it, I'll put them in for you.
Seeing him reach out to take away my box, I immediately duck away and point to the small balcony with a smile.
MC: I'll put them on the small balcony by myself~ You can go finish off your shower. You won't feel good if you catch a cold later.
MC: Just take your time taking care of the bugs~
Kiro: Don't worry, I'll quickly take care of it and then go wash off. Otherwise, if I leave you alone with it on the first floor, you'll definitely be scared.
MC: All right!
The very next second, we each scurry away in separate directions.
Kiro runs into the storage room with a bang, and I return to the door and hide away all the remaining "surprises" on the small balcony.
In order for it to avoid being discovered, I throw several plastic covers on top of it.
In the distance, I hear the sounds of ping-ping-pong-pong come from the storage room, as if a fierce battle between human and insects is taking place.
[PART 2]
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With the festivities of the Spring Festival still ongoing, clusters of fireworks bloom in the night sky.
Considered that he'd unexpectedly hindered my plans, I tentatively decide to wait until he falls asleep to put my plan into action.
But with the fireworks being so loud, such an environment doesn't seem very conducive for a peaceful slumber...
Wanting to see if he's asleep, I open my eyes to sneak a peek, but am unexpectedly met with a pair of sparkling orbs.
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Kiro: Are the fireworks too loud for you to sleep?
MC: ...Yeah.
MC: And you? You seem to be in a good mood...
After I give a wry smile, I see him turn around and grab a pair of earplugs from the bedside table. He puts one into my ears.
The tight touch instantly fills my eardrums, quietly dissipating the sound of fireworks in the distance.
Kiro: I'm not sleepy, but I do want to be a good and energetic boyfriend tomorrow.
Kiro: So I've gotta go to bed early and recharge my batteries~
I chuckle and point at our other lonely ears.
MC: What about the other ear? How about I go to the living room and find another pair of earplugs.
Kiro: By the time to come back from your trip, the bed will get cold again...
He wraps his arm around my waist and prompts me to lie face to face with him, pointing at our ears that are pressed to the pillow.
Kiro: We'll just use physical noise reduction so that we can watch each other sleep without irritating our ears. Kill two birds with one stone.
And just like that, we smile and gaze at each other in this quiet world until our eyelids start to droop.
So as to not fall asleep, I press my fingertips into my palms and rehearse in my mind the surprise I would give him.
But when I open my eyes again, the clock on the bedside table has silently moved a few paces forward. It's almost dawn.
My eyes widen in fright, my heart beats rapidly, and I gasp... I almost overslept.
While I'm glad that I managed to wake up in time, I quietly look at the person next to my pillow. His long and even breaths fall softly by my ear, telling me that he is peacefully asleep.
I breathe a sigh of relied, slowly pull away his palm and tiptoe out of bed.
Looking at the slippers on the ground, I hesitate for two seconds and decide to go barefoot.
This way I don't have to worry about waking him up~
Soon, I come to the small balcony and quietly open the express boxes one by one.
Picnic blanket, star lamp, bear pendant, projection cloth, projector... After confirming that everything was in place, I take out the USB flash drive from my bag.
Knowing that it contained the "love montage" that I carefully edited with him in mind, I am unable to keep myself from shaking it with joy.
MC: Hum hum, just wait till I sweep you off your feet, Kiro~
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I pick up the projection cloth and the projector and walk into the yard. The fireworks outside had long since stopped, and there wasn't a hint of silver in the sky.
By the light of the flashlight I placed on the lawn, I carefully set up the venue for the outdoor screening.
MC: It's a good thing that we haven't picked up Apple Box and Cello from Savin's place yet, or else they'd have been barking and meowing next to my feet...
Perhaps due to how quiet it was, I couldn't help but talk to myself.
At that moment, by the light of the flashlight, I catch something swaying in the wind. I bend and squat down curiously.
MC: Is this... a four-leaf clover?!
Looking at this legendary "lucky" symbol lying in a tuft of grass, I reach out my hand and gently stroke it with joy and astonishment.
MC: Strange, why is this here in the yard?
MC: Did Apple Box secretly bring it from outside and then it took root here?
Just as I plan on waiting for Kiro to wake up and share this "discovery", I suddenly feel something in my heart and start laughing.
Then, I take the bear pendant from the decoration and place it next to it, marking the spot.
MC: When it get's brighter, I'll share it with him in a better way~
Saying this, I stand up, clap my hands and walk towards the storage room, ready to take out the tent and set it up.
But as soon as I walk to the door, I am suddenly reminded of something and my fingertips fearfully stop on the doorknob.
The bugs... he should have taken care of them, right?
[PART 3]
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After mentally preparing myself several times, I slowly push open the door and turn on the light - and the very next second, I am left stunned in place.
The sweet fragrance of flowers washes over me, making me feel like I have seen all of spring.
The room is filled with neatly arranged flowerpots, and the blooming flowers sway in the wind, just like a Monet oil painting.
The humidifier placed in the corner kept spraying water mist, blurring my vision again and again.
Looking at this sea of flowers, I almost forget that this storage room was once covered in iron shelves.
In my prolonged state of shock, someone suddenly hugs me gently around the waist and pulls me into a warm embrace.
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Kiro: I didn't expect you to find out...
Kiro: My plan was to secretly move them to the yard tomorrow.
Kiro: Then I'd appear like a magician again, and tell you that spring was coming~
He mumbles, not seeming to be fully awake yet, and yawns several times while talking.
Looking at this sea of flowers, the scene from yesterday comes to mind again. His hurried figure and unnatural voice all seem to bear answers at this moment.
Turns out that this person also prepared a Valentine's Day surprise for me.
Suddenly, a hint of sweetness fills my heart. I turn around, smile and wrap my arms around the back of his neck.
MC: I wondered why you were acting a little strange this afternoon... So you were afraid that I'd find out in advance?
MC: You can just tell me directly. Even if it's not so perfect, I still like it a lot.
Kiro: Are you talking about me? Aren't you the same?
He half-closed his eyes and touched his nose against mine.
Kiro: What were you doing in the yard in the middle of the night? I saw you "jumping up and down" out there through the cracks in the curtain.
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MC: Eh? Did - did you see it all?
Kiro: Yep, there was a projector and a star lamp...
Kiro: MC, did you prepare a grand family outdoor movie for me?
Watching this person guess a lot of it at once, I deliberately pout.
MC: Unexpectedly, we didn't manage to hide out surprises from each other. How do I "salvage" this...
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Kiro: No need to ask, of course. I'll arrange the rest with you.
Kiro: Are you here to pick up the tent? I put it in the guestroom when I packed it up today. Come on.
MC: Now? Don't you want to sleep? I noticed that you haven't gotten a break since we got back from LA.
Kiro: I went to bed early last night on purpose~
Kiro: Besides, today is Valentine's Day, and I have to cherish every minute of it.
Just as Kiro is about to pull me away, he suddenly looks down as if noticing something.
Then he sighs, squat down and gently rubs my cold feet with both of his hands.
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Kiro: You're so silly, Miss Chips.
Kiro: Did you not wear your slippers on purpose because you were afraid of waking me up?
MC: Haha... Actually it's not that cold. Our home has floor heating.
Kiro: That's not okay.
As he mutters to himself, he picks me up slightly and lets me step on his soft slippers.
In an instant, we have seemingly turned into two little penguins, waddling towards the bedroom together.
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Kiro and I start working together to prepare our Valentine's Day plans.
First, we spread the flowers in the storage room all over the yard, and then take out the tent and set it up together. After smashing the last nail in place, I get into the tent and lie down tiredly.
MC: ....!
At that moment, I notice the ceiling of the tent covered with photos of us, just like the ones in the RV not long ago. Each photo has captured moments that have escaped my notice before--
There's a photo of me snoozing at the hotel in Los Angeles, half of my head covered by the quilt;
There was also one of me with a sad look on my face as I stood in front of a supermarket shelf, wondering which snacks to buy;
And then there was also one of me smiling as I raised a broom as a guitar while we were cleaning together;
Noticing that I haven't said anything, Kiro opens the flap and sees that I am already lying inside. He smiles helplessly.
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Kiro: I pasted them on the top of the tent on purpose, hoping that you'd find it later.
Kiro: Looks like you unexpectedly uncovered my final "trump card" in advance as well!
Seeing Kiro's mock "depression", I grin even more happily, sit up with crossed-legs and wink at him.
MC: Kiro, I'm especially grateful for one thing right now.
Kiro: ....?
MC: Fortunately, you and I aren't colleagues, otherwise we'd definitely be clashing every time we proposed topics for a program!
Kiro: Wait...! Did you also prepare a "photo wall"?
I shake my head mysteriously, pull him to the picnic blanket and point at the projection screen directly in front of me.
MC: Dear Mr. Kiro, are you ready to start a romantic day with me now?
[PART 4]
Just as Kiro is about to nod, he suddenly looks at me, then looks down at himself, and quickly stretches out his hands to shout stop.
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Kiro: Not yet, wait a minute, I'll be right back.
Watching him run off, I belatedly come to a realization, glance at my pajamas and scurry away immediately.
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In the dark cloakroom, we continuously rummage through all kinds of clothes.
Looking at each other's hurried and messy appearances, a sweetness gradually overtakes my heart, for some reason.
When it comes to "wanting the person you like to see your best side"... It seems that no matter how many times we repeat this, that original thrill and expectation will never be lost.
Finally, I manage to find a light pink dress in a cabinet filled with clothes.
At almost the same time, Kiro also puts on a clean and refreshing coat which exactly matches with the color of my outfit.
When we get back to the yard, we seat ourselves on the picnic blanket, shoulder to shoulder. I turn on the projector and play our "love movie"--
On the screen, two little bears jump towards each other from both sides of the screen and hug each other sweetly. Love bubble keep popping up on their little heads, and when they fall to the ground, they turn into pieces of golden potato chips.
Soon, cute lettering appears in the center of the screen-- "Little Bear Pictures".
Kiro suddenly laughs and pinches my palm in surprise.
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Kiro: Turns out that another surprise for me was hidden here.
MC: Very cute right~
MC: Although it's only around ten seconds long, I checked out a lot of special effects tutorials and worked on it for several days and nights before making it.
Kiro: It is very cute. But the you who prepares these surprises for me so earnestly... is the one who deserves first place!
Just as he's about to add something more, his eyes are drawn to screen in the next instance.
In the picture, there are countless moments of us.
Like the photos in the tent, here are countless aspects of "him" from my perspective.
Him sleeping quietly while holding Apple Box, or him happily making breakfast for me in the kitchen;
Also him bending down to repair the leaking water pipe seriously, and him earnestly writing his music scores in the study room;
But no matter which side of him he is, as long as I call his name...
He'd look back at me in an instant and give me the brightest smile.
I cannot help but take a peek at Kiro, and find him watching intently. Although he doesn't utter a work, the raised corners of his lips say everything.
After an unknown amount of time, our movie temporarily ends with the appearance of the subtitle "To be continued".
At this moment, the sky is completely bright, it's shine akin to that of a pearl's.
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MC: Happy Valentine's Day, Kiro.
MC: Although this festival happens every year, I still want to give you the best on this day.
MC: But I also know very well that even the best is not enough.
MC: So whether it's beautiful scenery, delicious food, or endless happiness... I want to give it all to you.
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Watching me speak with such confidence, Kiro smiles and strokes my forehead.
Kiro: Silly Miss Chips, you don't have to do anything. I'm already very happy.
MC: How can that be... You should know better than me, right?
MC: Giving everything to the person you like is another form of happiness.
MC: But we still got really lucky this time, because amongst thousands of people, the gods took notice of us~
MC: For He... He seems to be slightly touched by us and gave us a "gift"~
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Kiro: ....?
Within his doubtful gaze, I walk to the bear pendant with a smile and squat down.
There, stood a four-leaf clover swaying next to the bear. Different from what it was at night, it shines brightly in the sun now.
I take it off with a smile and then secretly weave the ring along its roots.
MC: Now, I want to give this "gift" to you.
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I turn around, walk up to him and put the woven four-leaf clover on his ring finger.
At that moment, his long eyelashes tremble slightly.
With the breeze bowing and the sun shining brightly, I seem to see the most beautiful scenery.
Kiro: MC.
Kiro: What if I said that this isn't a gift from God?
I look at Kiro, stunned as his smile gradually brightens. He slowly intertwines his fingers with mine and at the same time, speaks word by word.
Kiro: Actually, before we went to Los Angeles, I had already planned on letting you see the yard full of flowers on this day.
Kiro: But considering that I couldn't take care of them personally for a while, I had to change my plans.
He pauses and seems to think of something again, his eyes full of tenderness.
Kiro: But when I left the market, the shopkeeper gave me an extra pack of clover seeds as a gift. He told me that this was a plant that could grow without much care. While it is inconspicuous, it's also very strong.
Looking at the "ring" on his hand, I suddenly realize that it all seemed to be like "destiny".
Kiro: As a result, they grew successfully in the yard. However, I never expected that a single four-leaf clover would actually grow among them.
Kiro: I was thinking that even though it's so rare, it's still inconspicuous.
Kiro: As long as you're not paying attention, the past will be ignored.
Kiro smiles and gently caresses my skin in the sunlight.
Kiro: But, inadvertently, it might light up a moment or day in your future.
Kiro: Maybe when you and Apple Box are playing on the lawn, or when you're watering the flowers with me, or maybe when you are depressed and distressed...
Kiro: But no matter when it was, I believed that this moment would make you happy.
Kiro: I just didn't expect that when this moment came, I would be the happiest person.
Kiro's voice grows softer and softer, and I am unable to keep to myself from gently kissing him.
The four-leaf clover sways on our interlocked fingertips, like a silent and simple intention.
Maybe it will eventually wither and turn to dust one day.
But I believe that the moment it was given will continue in this world--
Until my eternity with him.
Masterlist: Here
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mvrtaiswriting · 1 year
Wonderland (Part 3) x Reiner Braun.
third and final part finally here! this artwork had me spiralling for months - and i hope you enjoyed it as much as i did. this will be the concluding part of the series but nevertheless, not the last work about reiner eheh. thank you for being part of this journey with me <;3 (part 1 here) (part 2 here). as always, let me know what you think!
Follows AOT timeline, so please be mindful of any spoilers ahead. Specifically, this first part contains spoilers from season 4 (every animated part). The segments and different timezones of the story are divided by quotes from different Taylor Swift songs, which were vital for the formation of this idea. More specifically, the song that served as the backbone for this part of the story was The Great War, from the Midnights album. This part also used Out of the Woods, from the 1989 album, Afterglow, from the Lover album and Renegade, by Big Red Machine and Taylor Swift, from the How Long Do You Think It's Gonna Last album.
gn! reader.
usual AOT violence.
2.7K words.
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All the the bloodshed, crimson clover . 
Forcing you to kneel on the ground, Floch pinned your hands behind your back and quickly handcuffed you, preparing you for the execution planned by Yelena. A small laugh escaped your lips as you realised how ironically your fate had played out. Being held at gun point, gagged by a stupid cloth between your teeth, tied behind your head tight enough to not slip away. What you were leaving behind was a legacy of lies and betrayal, patriotism winning over love. How ironic of Marley to invade Paradise now that you were seconds away from dying - taking away the last ridiculous crumb of hope to see Reiner once again.
It probably didn't matter - he probably hated you by now, you knew very well what it meant to be betrayed by the one you loved the most. It was the type of pain that never really goes away, like an old scar that still burns even after years. You and Reiner were even now, but at what cost? Did he love you as much as you loved him? Was he ever torturing himself for what he did the way that you kept doing since the first night you slept without him?
The first gunshot you heard made you jump a little. It was close to you, enough to momentarily make your ears whistle. Jean always had a good aim, what was this bullshit? The second one followed almost immediately, just a few centimetres away from the other one. When the third shot missed you too, you knew something was off - and before you could realise it, you were pulled away from the whole scene by Mikasa, who was quick to untie you.
Handing you your ODM equipment, Mikasa silently pointed out towards the city. And that's when you saw him - towering even Eren's titan, his golden armour shining through the explosion's smokes. A small smile formed on your lips - you missed him so much, yet you were fighting again. In different fractions, on opposite sides.
It was an endless fight - every second, you saw your companions falling from the sky, shot down like birds. You were doing your best to protect your comrades, soaring through the sky and killing your enemies as if they were annoying flies. There was no time to wonder about morality anymore - it was you against them. Orders from Jean asked you to pay no mind to the titans that were entering the city through the breach on the wall, unless they were a threat to life - and so you did. You kept fighting and fighting, until a screeching scream stopped you in your tracks - a roar so familiar, that you couldn't quite recognise.
When you finally turned around, you saw the Armoured titan's nape being bitten and slowly destroyed by a titan. For the first time in years, an old, paralysing feeling invaded your body. Your muscles stiffened whilst your heart started beating so fast it could have almost burst out of your chest.
For the first time in years, you were afraid. It took you more than what you wished it did for you to finally soar through the sky again, using the remains of the surrounding buildings as levers to your ODM gears, running towards Reiner. The normal titan had now changed its target but Reiner was standing still, impaled by one of Eren's fists. Using one of your thunder spears, you aimed at Reiner's nape - it was now or never. In seconds that felt like an eternity, you grabbed Reiner out of his titan body.
"C'mon big boy, wake up!"
You said through gritted teeth\, wrapping one of Reiner's arm around your shoulder and soaring through the sky once again. He wasn't responding, his body was heavier than yours and it was slowing your movements down. This couldn't be the end - not for him, not for you. And if it was, you wouldn't have left him behind anymore. It was you and him now, regardless. And if he had to die tonight, then you would too.
Twenty stitches in a hospital room - when you started crying, baby, I did too.
Finally finding repair in a now abandoned house, you laid Reiner's body on the floor. Searching through the various drawers, you managed to find a blanket and a first aid kit - not the best you could ask for, but definitely enough to save his life. Despite his self-healing abilities, you were still afraid he wouldn't be able to heal properly on his own. His body kept giving off steam, slowly closing his wounds.
Tucking him with a warm blanket and providing him the best pillow you could find, you finally sat back. The war outside was still going strong - at every second, a loud explosion would make the walls tremble. Screams of pain and terror filled the brief moments of silence between gunshots and bombs. You took a second to take a closer look at Reiner, your gaze meticulously scanning the way he was seemingly sleeping like a baby, the usual crouch on the bridge of his nose now finally relaxed. It had been months since the last time you saw him, but it felt like an eternity; he almost looked older - his beard was longer and the lines on his face seemed a little deeper. Scribbling a quick note on a piece of paper which you left next to his pillow, you kissed his temple and fixed your equipment - your friends were still out there fighting as the apocalypse succumbed on Paradise, and it was your duty to fight.
You were on a roof with Mikasa and Armin when the walls started to crumble. One by one, each colossal titan trapped inside the walls was released, marching away from the Island. The earth trembled with every step they took, filling the air with steam and an unbearable rumble. Nonetheless, the city was now invaded by titans - familiar titans, with a name, a life, a story. With Armin co-ordinating the attack once again, you gave one final goodbye to whom was once a fellow cadet, or a captain.
My love was as cruel as the cities I lived in; I'll tell you the truth, but never goodbye.
You screamed, stopping Jean's arm from landing one more punch on Reiner's face, now covered in blood. Reiner didn't even flinch - he stood still, taking every hit from Jean's angry fists, ignoring every survival instinct he might have had. The usual adrenaline did not kick in - not a fight or flight situation, he just let violence rain over him.
You reiterated with a firmer tone, softening your grip on Jean's arm and letting your hand slide to his shoulder - to comfort him, of course, or to have a better grip if you needed to pin him down to stop him. A sigh of relief escaped your lips when you felt Jean's muscles relax under your touch, his intimidating gaze never leaving Reiner's. Carefully, you moved in front of Jean, your body now acting as a barrier between him and Reiner. Resting your hands on his chest, you gently pushed him backwards, forcing him to take a few steps back. Your steps followed his, never letting your hands slip off his chest. This was always your thing, after all - calming Jean down, dragging him off from the dark places his mind often wondered to. And so did he - you lost count of the amount of times he saved your life, sometimes more metaphorically than others.
Jean's eyes were now piercing yours - his brows were still frowned but he slowly regained his composure. His breathing was still heavy from the adrenaline rush he had experienced, but it slowly became steadier, more regular. As much as you hated to admit it, you were partially responsible for Jean's outburst - his hatred towards Reiner has been fuelled and nurtured for years. He was the one who saved you when Reiner pushed you off the Wall Maria, he was there when you almost got eaten by a titan because you were still grieving Reiner's betrayal to fight properly. He had wiped every tear and saved you every time - yet, at the end of the day, you always ran back to Reiner. Regardless of how bad he had hurt you, regardless of all the times you said you hated him - you always fell back into Reiner's arms. And Jean hated it - he hated the way you would always break your back to surprise Reiner, the way he would always win. Jean hated Reiner because he was still alive after all the shit he had done and Sasha wasn't, he hated him for the way he always managed to somehow redeem himself and have his happy ever after. Even now, the absence of any kind of reaction disgusted Jean - Reiner took every blow, knowing that he would self-heal every wound in a matter of minutes. More than that, Jean was disgusted by Reiner's audacity to give you the silent treatment - if he could have done it, Jean would have probably shoved an hand down Reiner's throat and pull all the words you needed to hear: something along the lines of "thanks for saving my ass out there" or "I don't deserve you".
Yet, all you received was silence. Even when everyone laughed at Hange's reaction to the cart titan, even when you called out his name to ask him if he wanted more soup. It was as if the armour of his titan was still working even now, in his human form - keeping his emotions safe, locking his heart into a silent crypt.
Tell me that I'm all you want, even when I break your heart. 
Sneaking out of your tent in the middle of the night, you made your way to Reiner's sleeping bag.
"Can we talk?"
You whispered, shaking his shoulder in an attempt to wake him up. Shifting in his sleeping bag, he slowly turned around to face you.
"Reiner, I swear to god.." You mumbled again, this time in a more menacing tone. Anticipating your moves, he instinctively moved away from your painful grip before you could pinch him awake. It was an old habit of yours, a trick you had learned to be very effective when trying to get him out of bed during particularly sleepy mornings. For a brief second, Reiner almost forgot he was sleeping on the ground in the middle of a forest - for a sweet moment, memories of the two you spending all morning in bed came back to him in a blur.
Stepping away from the little camp Hange improvised, you walked your way into the woods. The flickering campfire you had lit hours ago was still burning, allowing you to catch a glimpse of Reiner's face. His tall figure was laying against one of the trees, his muscular arms crossed across his chest.
"I had no other choice. And I'm sure you know how it feels."
You finally spoke, finally breaking that uncomfortable silence that had suddenly settled between the two of you. Your words came out sharper than intended, hitting Reiner exactly where it hurt him the most.
"You're a better liar than I ever was."
Reiner quickly replied, a chuckle escaping his lips as he locked his eyes on yours.
"What's there to talk about? Didn't you say enough already, with all your fairytales about love and forgiveness? "
He continued through gritted teeth; he was furious, but his voice slightly cracked mid-sentence, betraying his stoic façade. There was a subtle irony to the nature of his hurt - you followed his steps, bringing destruction and death upon his country. Reiner shared his tears and nightmares with you, he showed you the depth of his remorse, the sincerity of his regrets - and you had cried with him, you told him that none of it mattered now that you had each other. Days turned into week and before you could even realise it, you were living together. He even bought a ring: he only had a few years to live and nothing to lose; he wanted to dedicate his life to you. Instead, you left without a warning sign and dragged him down to the end of the world, forcing him to be what he hated the most - a weapon, a monster, a cold blooded assassin.
"Why do you think I saved you? I don't want to be thanked for it, but at least dare to look at me? At least try to acknowledge my existence instead of treating me if nothing ever happened, like what we had wasn't real."
You snapped back, raising your voice. Words kept rolling off your tongue, you were speaking faster than you could think and you almost lost your breath.
"I really don't know. I don't know why you saved me, I don't know what that ridiculous love scene with Jean was, I don't know what those months spent together meant to you! Because if they did mean something, then why did you leave? Why did you leave me behind when you knew, you knew! You knew I would have followed you!"
Reiner roared back, the vein on his neck become more and more visible. His body was now only few inches away from yours, his taller figure completely obliterating yours.
Silence dawned between the two of you once again - you had never seen Reiner so mad. There was so much you wanted to say, but the lump in your throat killed every word before it could come out, leaving you like a nervous, silent wreck in front of the man you loved. It was the end of the world and this time, you were defenceless. There were only a few steps between you and Reiner - he was close enough to let his breath caress your face, the scent of his cologne burning in your lungs with every breath.
"I had to." You finally whispered, only causing Reiner to sigh in response, trying is best to not snap at you again. Your voice was weak, troubled by the burning knot in your throat. He brushed on his wide hand against his face, as if that gesture could help him reorganise his thoughts.
"Is it insensitive for me to say get your shit together, so I can love you?" 
Reiner replied hopelessly, another sigh leaving his lips. His voice was calmer now, but his words felt heavy, sharp as a dagger piercing through your heart, once inch after the other.
Weakly shaking your head in response and the sound of you snorting your tears away was all it took to melt Reiner's heart. Wrapping his arms around you, he brought you closer to him - your head was now resting against his chest as the tears you were hardly fighting finally streamed down your cheeks. Being into Reiner's arms felt just right - as if all the planets just aligned, as if all your broken pieces were put together again.
When you first agreed to your mission in Liberio, you weren't expecting to fall in love all over again with Reiner. You thought these feelings were buried deep enough to never emerge again, hidden under a carpet of hatred and resentment. You entered Liberio wanting revenge, wanting to be even with Reiner. But when you left, revenge didn't taste as sweet as you expected; rather, it felt like sour liquor burning down your throat, slowly melting away every piece of your being like some kind of corrosive acid. Your relationship with Reiner felt like playing a chess match, each of you using the most unfair techniques, disguising your pawns as queens. It felt like war and it wasn't fair; and now that you were given another chance, you promised yourself would not waste it. Regardless of the future that lied ahead, from that moment you vowed you would spend however time you had left right by his side.
"I vow I will always be yours, if we survive the Great War."
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rawliverandgoronspice · 10 months
"…minimize the toll of time taken on both of them the same way it did for Zelda, especially since they semi-turn to stone immediately after. There are a lot of dialogue bits that feel like they are here for damage control and reassure us that the nice things are nice and the bad things are bad…"
So much yesssss. I honestly wonder if they did that because the story plays in a way where Link at no point feels like an active participant in any of what is happening.
Like "Oh yes there are consequences… but don't worry nothing is really gonna happen until we're in the present time with Link." It's weird how it almost feels like the game doesn't even acknowledge calamity Ganon. Not saying we need this huge cutscene about it, but imagine just showing Calamity Ganon being born at the same time as Zelda turns into a dragon. Showing the immediate negative consequences, and how Hyrule now has to wait millennia for totk-Link to finish what was started.
Hey, thanks for the ask, and sorry for the wait!
Yeah, I think there *was* a way to connect past and present more efficiently --using the past as revealing new information to guide objectives in the present-- but I think it would have gone against their open world philosophy (which didn't really mesh with the kind of story they tried to tell). As a consequence, nothing in the present really happens either honestly? The consequence to restoring a region involves giving you a tactical advantage and having some key players moving to the main Lookout Camp, but fundamentally you could skip all of it and lose almost nothing plot-wise, because the philosophy is: you can beat the game in any way you want.
And while I think it worked for BotW, where rediscovering that world you lost is never mandatory but it does give you emotional stakes in the fight ahead on top of helping you prepare your final battle, here it just feels... meandery? Your main goal is to find Zelda, but you don't actually have to find Zelda. You can finish the whole game without having invested a single thought into finding Zelda beyond the tutorial area. The overarching objective to Destroy Ganon worked in BotW because it remained the core pillar all the way, literally staring you in the eye from all across the map: every other quest objective is nested in the first one and optional by default, and it is made abundantly clear what the game expects of you while guiding you to opportunities to make your journey easier and more grounded as you rediscover Hyrule (gradually mastering the land, your own abilities, and your understanding of your place in that land to give you the best possible chance --mastering the Wild and becoming part of it, if you may).
But here? The game *tries* to hide its core objective (which is to Destroy Ganondorf: this is what actually triggers the ending credits sequence, not finding Zelda, which triggers... nothing at all actually) in a mystery the game... isn't actually that invested in gameplay-wise.
For example: you go handle the issues in the various regions because there are problems to fix and maybe you'll get information on where she is, which is honestly an assumption that is kind of based on... nothing? Why would the ritos facing an unnatural ice storm or the gorons facing a drug problem give you a clue on Zelda's location? Like yes, surely there is something weird going on and it might be linked to the same phenomenon that made Zelda disappear, but what makes you think going there will give you any hint of where she is? Honestly, the Lucky Clover sidequests almost feel like they should be the main quest given they actually involve Zelda sightings directly, but the fact that the game extra-diegetically categorize them as sidequests lets you immediately know these are all red herrings before you actually complete them...
But honestly: it would make sense to go look for her.... where she was last seen. Which is under Hyrule's Castle. And I didn't go there immediately, not because the game convinced me it was not necessary, or was too dangerous and I wasn't prepared yet, but because I knew for sure it was where Ganondorf would be, and so I pretended to be stupid so I would let the game lead me to its interest points while ignoring the glowing red hole under the core landmark of Hyrule where I had last seen Zelda and Ganondorf.
Sure, there was a glowing red boar in BotW screeching into the night, but. The game told me it's where the final boss was. Immediately. It was not trying to surprise me with that information. TotK, on the other hand, does an awkward little song and dance being like "oooooo I wooonder what you'll have to dooooo neeeext" and... it's pretty damn lame that I need to consciously course-correct the bad job the game does at leading me places to have a good time with it, using game design literacy to assume what I should and shouldn't do not to ruin my own experience as I play (same could be said for the Dragon's Tears as well, and it does an even worse job at it since I *did* spoil myself almost immediately, because I trusted the open world philosophy to carry into the memories like in BotW --and the fact that they are linear??? somehow?? without telling you and it's the only linear thing in the entire game?? is just so so so Not Good).
When I say the quest design of this game is a complete mess, I do mean it. It's layers upon layers of these baffling decisions, and I don't understand why they didn't apply any of the lessons learned in Breath of the Wild, given they were genuinely good and interesting lessons that have guided open world quest design ever since the game was released.
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epelletea · 1 year
Are These TWST Characters Ready to Date?
A/N: This one isn’t’t really a true disneyfy post but I had this little thought of hm which characters would actually be ready for a relationship or not. So here we are! I tried to make it still cute as possible tho :) also some of these are brutally honest or silly
♡ Most of them are going to be a No but I’ll explain why I think this. But don’t worry I did say yes to some characters so not all hope is lost plus this is just a silly little headcanon and thoughts I had
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Heartslaybul + Che’Nya
🌹 Riddle Rosehearts
Personally, he’s not quite ready for a relationship just yet. I feel as if he wants to try and focus on his personal issues first before he can get into especially try and fix his relationship with his mom or cut her out of his life.
He wants to be fully ready and prepared to go into a relationship. He wants to be mentally ready for his S/O. The last thing he would want is to become their personal baggage.
So, overall give him some to time to work on himself and his other issues and he’ll be ready to date :)
♣️Trey Clover
It’s not that he’s not ready. It’s more like it wasn’t on his mind.
He’s many other things on his mind that being his family business, school work and etc.
So anything remotely related to relationships and romance wasn’t really exactly on his mind.
But this doesn’t mean he isn’t ready. He actually is quite ready or at least doesn’t mind having an S/O.
It would be nice to have something more than just platonic love from someone.
So go ahead and ask him out! It’s probably a 50/50 if he says yes or not but go ahead and take the risk!
♦️Cater Diamond
Oh must definitely not.
He is not ready for any fully committed relationship.
However… he will do flings or at least causal date.
Now hear me out. He obviously doesn’t want anyone to really get to know him. None of that personal deep shit (even though he really should open himself and GET THERAPY!)
At least with casual dating, he doesn’t really need to form a real close relationship with them. He can just come and go as he pleases.
God forbid, he ever starts feeling real emotions towards them that’s when he gotta run.
He also has to deal with his obvious personal issues and family issues… he might just need to cut off his sisters at this point.
So yeah sorry Cater lovers, he’s not exactly ready for a committed relationship but he’ll casually date you but don’t be surprised when it’s cut short.
♥️Ace Trappola
If I remember correctly, he has already dated in his life. So he has actually been in a silly little relationship.
I’m going to be 100% honest with you all. I have no idea if he is ready for one or not.
I feel like he’s also a casual dater but wouldn’t mind if the relationship happens to get a little deeper and personal.
This might be short because again I have no idea for him. So go ahead and date this skrunkle he wouldn’t mind.
But be a little wary, I feel like their would be some ups and downs. Maybe a little arguing but overall a plain simple relationship.
♠️Deuce Spade
He’s not ready or at least feels he’s not ready
I feel like speaking about romance and anything related to it would send him into a flustered frenzy which is really cute of him.
He doesn’t think he’s ready because you know his delinquent history and then schoolwork. Yeah his mind is cluttered with so many things so dating would be another thing to clutter on his mind.
He wouldn’t know what to do because then he will be stuck in the mindset of just wanting to please his S/O and make them proud just like how he wants to make his mother proud.
But rest assured, I think a relationship would do him well actually. If he had a S/O it would help calm him down and I don’t know I feel like it would do really well for him.
So go ahead and date him! You might wanna try and convince him first.
I don’t know anything about him good enough to not say that he’s ready for a relationship.
Therefore go ahead and date him.
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Leona Kingscholar
Sorry honey, he’s not ready for a relationship.
I don’t even think he wants a relationship at the moment.
Now I don’t wanna people to think it’s because he’s “lazy” or anything. It’s actually not that.
He needs to get out this really depressive mindset he has going on in his head. The real reason why he is so “lazy” in the first place.
He doesn’t really have the motivation to quite do anything. He knows his worth and is actually really good at a lot of things but he’s just stuck in this loop of “what’s the point” or “it’s no use” and keep shoving down all those emotions and skills he has to just sleep it away.
It’s going to be a really long while before he’ll be ready to get into a relationship. He really badly needs to work on getting himself out of those dumps.
The first step of that should be him graduating out of NRC.
Ruggie Bucchi
Romance is the last thing on his mind right now and could not really care for it.
He’s more focused on the whole ordeal thing with Leona and also trying to gain a little bit more money for himself.
Unless you are walking stack of cash. Don’t expect him to be dating yet.
Keyword on that yet. Let him get some money first and himself together and he’ll get right back to you.
Jack Howl
He’s just like Ruggie. It’s not really a thing on his brain and I wouldn’t exactly say he doesn’t care for it?
It’s a little complicated than that. He thinks dating will be nice but just not right now.
His current goal is to try and become stronger.
After his whole training thing maybe he’ll think about getting an S/O.
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Azul Ashengrotto
I want to say yes but he’s not ready for one.
He probably doesn’t even think about dating.
But if he was too. Yeah honey he’s absolutely not even the slightest bit of interested.
Although it would be really cute if he did get one.
He also needs to work on himself before he can get into the dating scene. I’m sure he would want to be mentally prepared first before he can just jump right into dating someone.
Floyd Leech
Dating? Romance? Love?
Oh Boy, I think we have another casual dater on our hands.
I feel like he doesn’t want anything too serious on his plate right now so casual dating is the best course for him.
He is not ready for any fully committed relationship. I feel like being in a committed relationship for him would seem like it’s too much work or restricting his freedom.
So you can date him but don’t feel like it’ll last long unless you really touched his heart. Until then don’t be surprised with a sudden breakup and the reasoning of it being is that he “got bored” of you.
Jade Leech
Now I want to say he is like Floyd. But he’s not.
I’ve said it before in a post before about Jade and dating.
It’s not on his mind at all actually. But if you bring up to him I’m sure he wouldn’t mind having a lover.
Quite different from Floyd way, he wouldn’t be into the casual dating thing. He’s more of “waiting for the right one” type.
So is he ready to date? Yes actually. I think he would be quite the gentleman in a relationship.
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Kalim Al Asim
He is a bundle of joy. But I don’t think he’s quite ready yet to get into dating although he probably thinks he is.
When I think of Kalim, I think of Joy from Inside Out. They’re doing their absolute best for others and so much more. But they keep pushing their problems to the side and try to cover it up pushing this toxic positivity onto themselves.
He would be an absolute amazing S/O. But he needs to know that it’s okay to not always be happy and to have some doubt about things.
But if you’re gonna date him, try and help him out bit and bring some reality to him. He doesn’t want to know the real truth about things which is understandable but someone’s going to have to tell him.
Jamil Viper
I don’t think so.
One he is not ready and two he’s definitely ain’t thinking about it either.
With his whole ordeal with Kalim and his own personal issues. Yeah he’s not mentally ready enough to be in one.
Plus I don’t think he wants one at the current moment. Thought it would be nice, he has probably once thought about it.
But he wants to have this freedom of just himself first before he can let in another person into his life.
Just give a him a few months to breathe.
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Pomefiore + Neige
Vil Schoenheit
Odd enough, no he’s not and he’s aware of this.
He wants to work on himself and get his insecurity issues on check before he can date someone.
He wants to better himself for his this future S/O. He wants to show them his beauty in many ways and forms but right now he has to fix this.
But when he is ready , oh be rest assured he will be the best lover there is out there.
Plus I also feel like he’s another person who is “waiting for the right one”
Rook Hunt
Oh honey. He’s been ready to get into a relationship.
This is the Rook Hunt we are talking about here.
However, he’s deeply into the “Happily Ever After” thing
So be ready to get pulled into a loving and long lasting relationship with him.
Epel Felmier
(omg that’s me /t)
Oh Love. He’s not ready.
I think it’s little silly go to think this way but I feel like he wants to be more “manlier” to get into a relationship.
As we all know, Epel has this inner toxic masculinity thing he has. He wants to be more manlier and tougher Like the people in Savanaclaw.
Although he needs to realize that you can still be a man and be well feminine.
Let him work out his inner demons first and he’ll get back to you.
Neige LeBlanche
I don’t know quite a lot about his character other than he’s just Snow White.
And if I remember much from Snow White she generally very friendly and cute.
So, sure go ahead and date him. I think he’s ready!
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🎮Idia Shroud
I am going to be 100% honest with you all once again.
Absolutely not.
A relationship will do him really well. So please date him! I’m begging!!
Just hear me out. He is mentally not there and probably not that stable and I’m realizing as I type this…. this is seeming like a “I can fix him” situation.
No because I’m telling you! It would definitely fix him in some way! An S/O would do him so well and good for him.
He’ll probably start talking more and go outside quite a lot if his S/O wants him too.
I’m begging someone please date this man.
💙Ortho Shroud
N0 <3
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Malleus Draconia
We all wanna date him. But is he ready to date?
My answer is… yes but no???
I’m quite indifferent on him.
I personally feel like he is ready because hes been lonely for so long. Having a S/O would be magical and amazing for him.
He would really enjoy having another person around and especially sharing that romantic bond.
But something is also telling me that maybe he should wait just a little longer. I dont have quite the explanation yet.
But yes, go ahead and date the poor dragon man. He needs someone.
Lilia Vanrouge
Oh must definitely. He’s getting pretty old and he’s going to want to settle down soon.
This old man has probably already been in relationships before and already know all the ropes. He’s just been keeping it steady so he can watch over Malleus.
But now, I think it’s time for him get out some more and start mingling around with people his age (if it’s possible)
You know find someone to truly settle down with and probably live eternally with until death do them apart.
You know… old people things.
Dating is not a really thing on his mind.
But he has once thought of having someone special.
But it usually gets shoved to the side and goes back to focusing on whatever important task at hand.
Sebek Zigvolt
Absolutely not.
He is just like Decue.
If you come to him asking him about anything romantic or related to it he will become redder than a tomato.
How could you ask such a “inappropriate” topic to him! How dare you!
Silliness aside, he’s really not interested in dating right now. His main priority is Malleus Draconia.
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melloncreamsoda · 2 years
hii can i just say i LOVED ur recent post about the twst boys reacting to reader’s near death experience !! since reqs are opening i was wondering if i could req how the heartslabyul guys plan to propose to their s/o in the future? as always i live for your work and I’m looking forward to reading more of your writing !!!
Heartslabyul boys proposing to their S/O
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TW/CW: Gn!Reader, fluff, headcanons, not proofread
extra; AAA THANK U SM FR REQUESTING THIS i remember i got so excited when i first saw your request LMAO then iforgot aboutit and i just saw it again so im doing this at midnigh lolzieS. anyway THANK YOU??? youre too kind and generous with your feedback on my witing it means so much to me omg u sweet anon AAAA I hope u enjoy this piece!! <33
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Riddle Rosehearts
He's losing his mind over it, panicking in every manner known to mankind. 'Are they gonna like this? Is it too extravagant, or too simple?' He's running around, asking everyone on their opinions of his idea. He wants to make sure it's perfect, and even though everyone from Ace to Trey gives him the green light, he somehow still doubts himself. I mean, it's not every day you get to propose to the love of your life.
In the end, he settles for something simple, proposing to you in private, preferably with his friends and yours surrounding him. He keeps his little speech short and sweet, but not directly to the point — he'd be damned if he messes up his own proposal due to how shy he is about it. He starts tearing up in the middle of it because he realises that in the middle of it, he really was willing to throw all his doubts about love out the window for his beloved; he was finally ready to make a commitment that he was sure he wouldn't regret, and one that would definitely be rewarding
Don't be surprised if he stutters or tries to beat around the bush; he promises he's prepared mentally but the words might just seem to fail to fall out of his mouth, let alone even form coherently in his head. It's just a mixture of nerves and excitement, because he knows that he'll never forgive himself if even the slightest thing goes wrong.
"I'd throw away all my issues just for you!"
Trey Clover
He too, is one to keep it simple! In terms of the overall proposal and privacy, that is. To him, proposing to you is something intimate and emotional, and he rather not have the public swooning over something he'd much prefer to share with you, and you only in private!
He keeps the preparations on the down low, mostly consulting Cater and Riddle for their opinions on his ideas. However, he does let Ace and Deuce chip in if they happen to hear of it, under the condition that they keep their mouths wired shut; because otherwise, he might just have to do it himself!
He tries to remain suave and smooth when it comes to proposing, but you can see the way he wears his heart on his sleeve, and how his extended hand is trembling ever so slightly. You can hear him sigh while he smiles to himself mid-sentence, blush creeping up his cheeks as he struggles to form a coherent sentence.
He does the classic 'propose on one knee' thing because really what else do you expect from this man. After he slips on the ring, you can feel the way his arms linger around your waist for just a little longer, giving the slightest of squeezes, before placing a chaste kiss on your nose.
"... this is kinda embarrassing, but would you?"
Cater Diamond
Initially, he'd wanted to propose in public — in a restaurant, cafe. However, he didn't want to put you on the spot and make you feel pressured to say yes. So that's why he decided on a private proposal in a room full of your friends and his, recording your reaction from corners of the room.
The way he goes about it is rather interesting — he brings about the idea of marriage mid-conversation, testing the water of sorts. Until suddenly, he pulls out a rose gold ring, the reflection of the diamond stud catching your attention from your peripheral vision.
He doesn't ramble, but reassures you of how much you mean to him, and how he's willing to throw anything out of the way for you while maintaining eye-contact. You've never seen him this serious and you can tell from the rush of words coming out that he's desperate for you to stay by his side; his fear of losing you.
So he's surprised when you say yes to him. You seriously are confident that you want to spend the rest of your life with him? He's never felt such a sense of self-worth before, that being himself is actually enough for someone. And he's even more excited that it's you.
He's quick to throw himself over you, burying his face in your neck while he smothers you in kisses, and you swear that you could feel a few tears trickle down your neck.
"Ahhh— I can't believe you really said yes.."
Ace Trappola
He'd prepared really hard prior to the actual proposal, even going to the extent of practising with Deuce to get his honest feedback. He'd memorised every word of what he was to say, but obviously with them, even when you put two and two together you'd still end up with a negative... anyway
All his preparations were thrown out the window the moment he realised what he was actually about to do, he says that 'keeping it casual would make it easier for him to get his feelings across' but really it's the nerves. Even you could tell from the way his voice trembled as he spoke.
You two would be relaxing on the couch until Ace decided that that moment would be the prime time to propose, even if you were busy doing work. You would think he was joking at first, but what first seemed like an immature prank soon became a full-fledged proclamation of his love for you and how much you meant to him.
He tries to brush it off as no big deal at the though of you rejecting him, but he also wasn't exactly caught off guard when you said yes; definitely surprised though. You could see the way his brain forgot to function properly, still busy processing whether or not you truly said yes.
He'd simply slip the ring onto your finger with jittery hands, nearly dropping the ring. To you, it may seem like he's just blanked out, but inside he's just letting your futures play out in his head like a tape.
"Hehe, the ring really fits your hand huh?"
Deuce Spade
He is literally tearing his hair out. bending over backwards to think of the perfect things to tell you. Was he sure that you'd want to spend your life with this clammy man? A jittery boy with a cringe bully backstory? Regardless, he does it anyway.
When it comes to the proposal, it's everything you'd expect; a run-of-the-mill, cheesy one, similar to Trey's! He proposes wherever you shared your first date, which is probably NRC tbh. He's soft, squishy and everything inbetween, and might even end up crying before you do.
When you say yes, he begins cheering himself, nearly forgetting to pass the ring to you. It's quite the adorable sight, but only for a man who'd just propose to his partner — otherwise it would be cringe. He becomes extra jittery, so excited that the slightest touch would set him exploding into oblivion. Bouncing up and down, hyping himself up and congratulating himself for doing well.
He throws himself onto you, smiling into your shoulder, imagining how the wedding reception would go. He's so glad you said yes because he was going to treat you like absolute fucking royalty brah.
"Are you sure you don't want to rethink it? I mean, it's me we're talking about.."
@rinnelovebot & @shiemori a few hours = the next day haha
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one-leaf-grimoire · 2 years
◇ long fics
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» note: some of these are only on AO3, some have Tumblr links as well
Child of the Sun
fandom: black clover
next-gen AU
synopsis: In the twenty years since the defeat of Lucius Zogratis, the Clover Kingdom has changed drastically. The new Wizard King, Asta, had created a nation of hope and equality, and the future seems to be bright. However, there are still shadows of old enemies and new evils lurking in the undergrowth, and it will be up to the next generation to fight them back. And caught in the middle of it all is Juno Novachrono. As the second daughter of Julius Novachrono, she strives to live up to his legacy, but old histories have come back to haunt her. She has always known she was different from her siblings, and always known that her mother, Lisa, has kept the truth from her; and now, the secrets and lies meant to protect her could be her undoing.
ao3 link
fandom: chainsaw man
relationship: kishibe x f!OC
synopsis: Handa's life is turned upside down after a Devil attack, and she reveals herself to be a fiend. The only problem is that she had no idea, having lived a completely normal life up until this point. However, as she is forced to become a Devil Hunter, she must adapt to a life that's far from normal, and learn how to survive in this world as she unravels the mystery of her very existence. The Hunted must become the Hunter ; And she must learn to trust those around her.
Warnings: canon-typical violence, suggestive content, distressing scenes
Chapters: 29/ongoing
A03 link
The Knight Who Pierced the King's Heart
fandom: black clover (medieval au)
relationship: Julius Novachrono x f!OC, various OC x Canon pairings
synopsis: The Knight did not expect to win the jousting tournament that day. The King did not expect to fall in love that day. Neither of them were prepared for the events that followed, leading to rekindled wars, ancient cults, and a world determined to ruin them both.
warnings: violence, distressing scenes, suggestive content, 18+ content only in the AO3 version
chapters: 34/ongoing
AO3 link
Tumblr Link
fandom: black clover
relationship: Julius Novachrono x f!reader
synopsis: After a traumatic attack, a member of the Grey Deer realizes that someone on her own squad is out to get her. Out of all the people she considers her friends and comrades, two of them committed a brutal crime, leaving her in a paranoid, frightened state. Why would they do this? Why her? What is going to happen now? Among all the fear, she knows there's at least one person she can trust: her very own Vice Captain, Julius.
warnings: violence, distressing scenes, 18+ content in one version
chapters: 18/ongoing
AO3 link (18+ version)
AO3 link (safe for work version)
fandom: black clover (Julius dies au)
relationship: Julius Novachrono x f!OC (past)
synopsis: Julius Novachrono, the 28th Wizard King of the Clover Kingdom, is dead. But the chaos that ensues is not the only thing he leaves behind. In order to preserve his legacy, a new widow prepares to claw her way to the top, despite the huge obstacles in her path. Meanwhile, a brand new threat rears its head, and perhaps the end is inevitable. This is just the first of many long, lonely nights, but she must embrace it and let go of her past if she is to undo the damage that's been done... even if that means forsaking the one thing that makes her human.
note: This is a sequel to my fic "Dyad." This fic is going to be a little confusing if you haven't read "Dyad," but there's some info about it in the first chapter.  Also this is a completely non-canon-compliant fic because of new manga developments, and I have abandoned this plot in my OC Lisa's lore. I will archive it here still for fun but don't take it too seriously.
warning: violence, grief, mentions of depression
chapters: 25/25
AO3 link
fandom: black clover
relationship: Julius Novachrono x f!reader
synopsis: Once believed to be nothing more than a weak commoner with barely any magic, she proved them all wrong when a mysterious symbol appeared on her forehead, granting her the powers that she sought after for so long. However, this could be a curse rather than a blessing; She is marked for a fate that she is not prepared for. Despite this fact, she isn't alone. The Dyad is made of two parts, after all.
note: Although this is a reader insert fic, it also serves as my OC Lisa's official lore :)
warnings: canon-typical violence, 18+ content in one version
A03 link (18+ content)
Quotev Link (safe for work)
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Finally with you
pairing : patry x william
fic type : fluff
warnings: : none
notes : sorry for big lump of text at the beginning also a part of this fic is based off of a comic I made 💀💀
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William has had a second soul in his body ever since he could remember. He wanted to take care of it, to make sure he lives so the soul can, too. He’s always wanted to see the soul physically. Later, William having this second soul in his body complicated his life. The second soul, Patry, was going to fight against the human race, especially the Clover kingdom, while William is loyal and protective of Julius and the place he called home. He loves Patry, but he also cares for Julius. William saw the fight between these two people through Patry’s eyes. When Patry won, he was broken. He regretted not being able to choose who he would side with. His soul fell dormant inside of Patry for the rest of this incident, up until Asta removed Patry’s soul from his body. Then, after he helped get the truth of what truly happened to the elves and removed their souls from all the humans that were affected, Rades used his wraith magic out of anger and brought Patry’s soul back into Licht’s body. William was happy that Patry could atone, and he could see him, but he needed to atone first. When he saw that Julius came back in a smaller form, he was surprised. Then, William had to do a lot of work and training throughout the 6 months the Heart and Clover kingdom had to prepare for the fight against the devils. Then, he got abducted in an attack. After the spade battle and William healing, he could finally see Patry and talk to him in a peaceful environment. William makes his way to Elysia, where Patry and a few other close friends of his are. All of them were happy to see him for the first time in a while.
“Hello, William… It’s been a while…” Patry says, blushing a little at the sight of him. William talks and catches up with Patry and his other friends.
“Can William and I be alone for a little bit?” he politely asks.
“Sure, we’ll just walk around for a little while,” Rhya says. Him and the others walk off into the forest. Then, Patry and William find a place to sit together. He sits next to William.
“So, how’s it been going in the clover kingdom?” Patry asks William.
“It’s been well… how have you been feeling lately?” He asks, leaning up to him. Patry notices, and he sighs contently.
“Even better, now that you’re here with me…” He purrs. William blushes at those words.
“I’m so happy we can finally be together… also, I have to tell you something,” he holds William’s hand, preparing to tell him.
“I love you…” Patry confesses, looking up at him.
“I… I love you too, Patry…” William didn’t expect for his relationship with him to become something more than friends, but he was okay with that. He has been with Patry his whole life, and seeing him and thinking about him made his heart flutter. Then, Patry kissed him on the cheek. Both of them were flustered at this point, but they were happy. After a while of being affectionate talking to each other, Patry grabs William, making him gasp. He then pulls him into his lap and hugs him. Patry sighs as he presses his face into William’s neck.
“You’re so pretty, Will…” He mumbles. William softly rubs his back while Patry kisses him. Every time either of them got kissed or loved, their heart would flutter. They continued to kiss each other until they heard a familiar voice.
“So you’ve got a boyfriend now, Patry?” Rhya chuckles, walking up to them. Patry instantly hops off of William’s lap, his cheeks red with embarrassment.
“Don’t worry, though, I support ya,” Rhya laughs.
“W-we were in the middle of something!” Patry looks down, his face flushed adorably. William was just sitting there still, his face also red. After the both of them manage to calm down, everyone else comes back. They notice William and Patry holding hands and leaning up to each other. They knew they were in love, but they still announced it to them.
“You guys are so cute together… I wish I was able to see Mars, it’s been so long… we’ll see each other again someday,” Fana sighs.
“I have to leave soon, it’s getting a bit late,” William says, looking up at the sky, noticing the sunset.
“The sunset looks nice,” Vetto says, smiling.
“Well… I’ll see you again sometime soon, okay?” Patry looks at William, holding his hands.
“Of course, honey… I love you,” he kisses Patry before getting back on his broom and flying back.
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outofangband · 2 years
Food, gathering and agriculture of Mithrim
I’m working on a full flora and fauna post for different parts of Hithlum too!
Flora, fauna, environment and geography of Arda World Building Masterlist 
I did Nargothrond here and Doriath here! I'll also include a comparison
Mithrim (Gray Host) is an area of Hithlum in its Southeast surrounded on the East and South by the Ered Wethrin and the West by the Mountains of Mithrim which divided it from Dor-lómin. The Lake Mithrim was located in the North of the region and was connected to three unnamed rivers and one unnamed stream.
It was home to both Sindar though many left due to the proximity to the Ered Engrin and later the Noldorin hosts of Fingolfin and was the sight of the Battle Under the Stars. 
Mithrim was at one point the highest populated area of Hithlum and customs of food and agriculture differ throughout the region.
Agricultural, hunting and cooking methods were a combination of known Noldorin practices as well as methods learned from the Sindar. 
In Mithrim, the lake allows for both hunting and fishing. Water birds and fish are commonly caught and prepared for larger communal meals
Silver bream, brown trout and occasionally freshwater eel are the most common along with mallard duck. 
Hunting was typically done by bow and arrows with both the Noldor and Sindar having a great disliking of most snares and traps.
Vegetables both grown and gathered are far more common than fruit. Many have a bitter taste and are cooked as parts of soups and stews especially in the winter months.
Wild spinach, mountain spinach, rampion and carrots were gathered and later grown along with a number of species unique to the region.
Most fruit were berries though others were available through trade
Black mustard, salt, birch and pine bark are common seasonings as are a variety of wild herbs
Edible flowers like apple blossom, thyme, daisy and mint were used to decorate and season sweeter dishes.
Rye, barely and avena (oats) are grown in Southern Mithrim in the flatter and more fielded areas. Loaves of bread were almost always seasoned or decorated with herbs (thyme, rosemary, lemon balm, and later basil as well as others)
Bakers tended to imprint loaves with a floral design with the more talented ones leaving imprints of their house symbols or even sigils.
Domesticated cattle came to Mithrim through trade and cream and butter became not uncommon ingredients. I actually have lots of thoughts about cheese making among the elves but that’s a different topic..
Honey was the primary method of sweetener and sugar coming from trade with the Southeast was very rare. Fields with high quantities of clover were used for beekeeping. Apples were occasionally used to sweeten as well, though not usually grown by the Noldor of Mithrim they were far more accessible through trade.
Northern Sindar of Mithrim had a similar diet to the Noldor there however they ate more wild plants (a favorite involved a drink made from nettles) and more fish rather than other meat. They did not use honey and instead used nectar from other sources when they sweetened foods which was rarer. They also used flours made from bark and other plants to make flatbreads and porridges.
Differences to Nargothrond: although both Nargothrond and Mithrim have a ready source of water, the lake and rivers play a much greater role in the lives of the elves of Mithrim both socially and in their food.
Differences to Doriath: the waters are used far more as a source of meat and fish. Communal meals are far more common in Mithrim Mithrim has more larger scale agricultural projects than either Doriath or Nargothrond and uses domestic grains far more. Dairy was used
Similarities include the presence of small, communal vegetable gardens, similar vegetables and herbs, similar methods of baking and fishing.
As always please feel free to ask more, I love world building like this
Posts like this are always just an overview and I’d always be happy to do a detailed breakdown of one particular section, etc
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