#bunny advice
thatsbelievable · 11 days
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duckieluvr · 6 months
♡ you're valid !
littles with tattoos, piercings, dark aesthetics
littles without a caregiver
littles that don't like using pacis
littles that don't use babytalk
littles that are non-verbal
littles bodily-disabled
you're sooo so valid (ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡
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sincerityisscarity · 1 month
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What do you mean you don’t like bunny wabbet?
My art! Gearing up for Ostara
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dearestbunny · 2 years
some covert agere stuffs!
don’t live alone? don’t want people to question your purchases? here are some things i’ve bought or would like to buy, that are great for agere but would completely slip someone’s radar!
kids toothpaste — i know SO many people who just don’t like minty toothpaste and use children’s toothpaste just because it’s not mint! it’s very easy to explain!
bath & body works wallflower — these are cute little air fresheners that you plug into an outlet. the thing is they light up, so they’re great for little ones who need an excuse for a nightlight! they’re essentially just nightlights that smell good!
fun water bottle or drink tumbler — especially one with a sports top or a flippy straw! so close to a sippy, but completely big-friendly!
adult coloring books / color by numbers — personally, i’m able to buy kids coloring books and easily hide them, but if you’re not in that position this is a good alternative! you can always color digitally, too!
cute socks — a great way to sneak something cute and kiddish into your wardrobe! not many people will pay mind to the socks you wear, and those who do arent gonna judge! just the other day at work a customer complimented me on my care bear socks!
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u3pxx · 5 months
along with getting me into dungeon meshi, you also encouraged me to purchase and play disco elysium. My life has been ruined by YOUR hyperfixations and I’m demanding compensation for how much of my time has been consumed by quality content,, I’ll see you in court.
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*our* hyperfixations
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novlr · 1 year
How to create a plot outline in five easy steps
1. Think of a premise
Every story needs to start somewhere, but it doesn't have to be a complicated process. Coming up with a premise is as simple as asking"What if?"
What if four writers spent the night in a haunted house? What if humans evolved wings?
It's that simple! Now you have a story premise.
2. Get to know your characters
Your characters are the backbone of your plot, so knowing who they are, and what they want is a great first step in outlining your story.
Create character profiles. Consider their inner and outer lives. What are their goals, motivations, and conflicts? What are their relationships, and how do they come into conflict with each other and their world?
3. Develop a setting
Your story setting is more than just where the action happens. It's an integral part of your plot, and arguably, as important as your characters!
Determine where your story is told, and ask why it's the ideal place to tell this story. How do your characters relate to their world, and how does it factor into their goals, motivations, and conflicts?
4. Create a timeline
A timeline of events is just one part of creating a compelling plot, but it's the part most people think of when you say the word 'outline.'
Once you have your premise, characters and setting worked out, you need to determine what happens in your story, so a brainstormed timeline of your plot's main events gives you a beginning, a middle, and an end — a strong foundation on which to build a more layered narrative.
5. Brainstorm some scenes
Now that you know your plot's main events, think of some important scenes that might happen within that plot. What needs to happen to get you from point A to point B?
Brainstorming scenes that will move your story along lets you set your narrative's pace. Place those scenes in your timeline to get a clearer picture of where your story might need more developing, or is too packed with content.
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housewife-noire · 5 months
Depression Master Post
Tips that work for me:
♡Utilize your audio notes apps on your phone as an 'audio diary', talk to yourself like it's a podcast, interview, imaginary bestie etc
♡warm wet rag, toner (I use a bottle type and a spray type), moisturizer, Vaseline for a 'lazy' skincare routine. You can also use rose water to cleanse your face. This takes literally five minutes
♡modified stretches/workouts are your best friend, it's actually very easy to do stretches without getting outta bed or even moving your blanket!!
♡open up your blinds!!!!!
♡ensures and similar brands w/ extra protein for days you absolutely can't get out of bed
♡can't shower? No problem. You can get bathing cloths at any pharmacy otc (you can purchase with an HSA card as well!) Just add water to the pack no soap or rinsing needed
♡any food is better than no food!!!
♡90 minute rice + tuna packs are good 5 minute meals w/ some substance. You can add any add ins you want(I add fried egg and avocado)
♡download the finch app!! It's super cute and like a self care tamagotchi
♡allow yourself the time to rest
♡have a self love/feel good Playlist ready
♡rewatch your fave childhood show/movie. Anything that's been longer than 5 years since you've seen it works best imo
♡pedialyte AND water to keep hydrated, add a pinch of pink salt to the water
♡mix water, rubbing alcohol and essential oils to make an air freshner spray for bedding and clothing
♡if you're not on any medications, combine l-theanine and st John's wort supplements for mood health (can also add St John's wort, damiana, lavender and mint/catnip to a tea or smoke blend)
♡pure tart cherry juice before bed to help you sleep
♡download the I Am app and repeat the affirmations you see out loud thrice
♡can't brush your teeth? Get a water flosser and add a bit of mouthwash & peroxide to the reservoir to kill bacteria and remove stuck food
♡use pink or brown noise as your background for sleeping, you can find these on youtube
♡download MindDoc & Gratitude if you have the spoons to have prompts and questions to answer about your mood
♡digital coloring books!!! I use infinite painer and sketchbook on my Samsung tablet
♡if you scroll any app, pick the one you see the most positive or nontoxic feed (lemon8 and tumblr for me), this way your consumption is potentially bettering your life
♡charge your phone and other devices in a separate room/a few feet away from your bed to reduce scrolling and help promote getting out of bed to turn off alarms etc
♡daily shower spray cleaner, helps keep your tub clean. I spray after I get out
♡use Groupon to schedule yourself a moodboosting self care activity for the month (massage, tanning, filler, facial)
♡eat with a tray in bed
♡spray your fave body spray before bed
Hope these tips help someone!!! Add your own in the tags or reblog ♡
Happy House Spousing ♡♡♡♡
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spindle-and-nima · 3 months
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This is spindles reminder to drink water and not wilt like sad plant
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cryptidghostgirl · 1 month
Heyy :)))
any writing tips for beginners?
First off, can I just say, it is genuinely such an honor to get asked this question? It makes me so happy.
The biggest thing I would recommend for beginners is just to write. The more you write, the more used to it you get. I know that doesn't sound like very productive advice, but it is the truth. I have been writing fics since I was twelve and I am twenty one now. My first fics were shit. One of my earliest ones (its a BSD Akutagawa x Reader fic called Project X I started when the show first came out back in 2016 and finished in 2022 that is still up on my wattpad, which is linked in my pinned post, if you want proof I am not lying) is genuine shit, but I put a lot of passion and a lot of time into it (to the point that if you read the book, you watch me learn how to write). It was the practice and time spent that did the trick. So write and write and write. You don't have to post it anywhere or show it to anyone until you feel like you are ready (or at all). The more you do it, the more everything will fall into place.
The second thing I would recommend is to write the stories that you want to read, whether fanfiction or not. You have to be invested in whatever you're making in order for it to work. If you don't care, you wont put the effort in. You wont take the time for it. The only reason I started writing in the first place was because I would read fic after fic and I never saw anyone else putting the ideas I had on to paper (this actually lead to me starting a mini trend in the BSD fic community on wattpad lol). This will also help, if you are putting your work out into the world in some way, with the idea of reward. Whether through notes or readers or whatever, as long as you like what you are writing and you want to read what you are making, it is worth it and it is enough.
Third is to read. One of the ways I developed my own writing style was by taking note of the things I liked about other peoples writing styles (doesn't matter whom. I take a lot of the way I write from poets and authors like Annie Dillard and Terry Pratchett as well as other fic writers). So much of writing is about aesthetics and personal preference. Once I knew what I defined as 'good writing,' I could figure out how to morph my own work into something I deemed 'good.' This also counts for reading the things you yourself have written. I go back and re-read and edit my own work all the fucking time, both out of an enjoyment for the stories I create and in an effort to make them better. The best thing you can do is to read your work out loud. Listen to what you change when you read it out loud, what sounds odd or uncomfortable, where there are gaps. It really helped me when I first started writing fics almost ten years ago, and it still helps me now.
This is a weird one, but when you're writing about emotions, try to feel the emotion yourself. Think about what something like fear does to a person. Picture the situation you are writing and take the time to think about the ways in which you personally, or your character, would react to it. Writing reactions, body movements, things like that, has always been the most difficult for me, especially when its in-between dialogue and not just big blocks of text. Taking a moment and closing my eyes, feeling the shiver down my spine or the burst of sudden joy, really helps pin down the ideas and figure out how to describe them.
Also, if you know other languages, think about the things you like about the way those function and how you can incorporate that into your work. A lot of the way I structure sentences comes from ancient Greek, for example, with my usage of participles and timing. It doesn't have to be an ancient language though! And it doesn't even really have to be another language. All that matters is that you are actively thinking about the way the words interact with one another and what is pleasing to you. English is such a flexible and fun thing, there is so much meaning in every word and if you want to, it can be really fun to play around with. (I am a philologist. I am sorry for the little rant.)
That being said, it is important that you understand the grammar of the language you are writing in. This might just be a personal thing, but incorrect grammar tends to really bug me. Once you know the rules, they are easier to follow and it makes a huge difference. Also, incorporating techniques like varied sentence length/structure and literary devices like metaphor, allusion, ekphrasis, and simile can really make a piece more enjoyable for a perspective reader (whether the reader is yourself or someone else.)
Write what you know, write what you love, write what you want, write what you need, write. Don't worry about it being 'good enough,' if it is on the paper it is good enough. The hardest part is starting. Once you've got that under your belt, anything is possible.
Now that this post is almost excessively long, I am gonna make myself stop. I really hope at least some of this made sense and that you find it helpful.
<3 <3
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novabunny · 1 month
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Crime of the day: ate an unknown number of candies. She seems totally fine but I’ve been hyper vigilant of everything she does just in case
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gabrielokun · 1 month
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thatsbelievable · 6 months
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duckieluvr · 6 months
dada / mama is so proud of u.... did u eat today lovely ? brush ur teethies and rest <3 and make sure to drink water to grow up big n strong >-< !!
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evillillad · 6 months
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i like seeing the progress hehe
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broflovski-brah · 10 months
real time talk
am i a bad person for not liking shipping..? i keep seeing shit about ‘antis’ and i don’t wanna seem like a bad person just because shipping isn’t exactly for me, so can someone maybe help me out..? i don’t publicly hate on south park ships or anything but some of them i don’t really like; is that okay? and is it okay not to like popular ships like bunny and style? is it okay just to have them as like…bros? i kinda headcanon different things and i wanna know like…if i’m in the wrong here? the only ship i refuse to interact with us kyman, but i’m not gonna be all ‘kys kyman fans’ it just isn’t for me. so any help would be appropriated, please and thank you
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bblinkoo · 6 months
okay, so i have an almost 4 month old rabbit and i feel like i cant make any progress with bonding with her. originally she was in a very small play pen but i did my research and she now free roams my bedroom except for when im at school (im in college) and im never out all day. when im not home i keep her in her (much bigger now!) playpen with plenty of hay, water, pellets, chew toys and her bed. i try to cuddle with her when shes roaming and she wont have it. sometimes she'll be affectionate with me but then sometimes she'll become aggressive and bite and lunge at me for no reason. shes also extremely aggressive if i reach into her playpen for literally anything!! ive also tried to litter train her, i have the bumbox and am constantly cleaning up her poop and pee to try and get her to understand she needs to go in there instead, and her hay is right above her litterbox in a large hay bag. (i cant leave her hay in the litterbox because she's a digger.) in the couple months that i've had her i haven't been able to groom her or cut her nails at all because she wont let me and attacks me if i try. shes not quite old enough yet to be fixed, so im not sure what i can do about any of this behavior until i can get her spayed. i really love my bun and am not sure how i can bond with her more than this! any constructive!! criticism would be greatly appreciated, i want my bunny to love me :,(
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