systemdump · 2 years
honest sick of seeing femme4femme exclusively in media. show me two butches falling in love thanks<3
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clovercoin · 9 months
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Mellow Pillowing
Bonus artwork of the pillowings for the Pitter Pattern sale! We still have 2 available for sale! AJD . ART
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I’ve gotta say. I’d be really in awe to meet a girlboss 7’8 tall witch too!
Thank you @cloverses / @masterofmasters (i hope im tagging the right account JHGFSKJ) for the chance to showdown against Story, and also thanks for her being a very cool opponent in the @homemadegirlbossbattle!! What a neat design and concept! I think she’s super neat >:D!! I wanted to draw her earlier in the week but I got kinda distracted JHGKJS
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cloverses · 1 year
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vote for story in the @homemadegirlbossbattle tournament tomorrow
reasons to vote for her:
7'8" trans woman
storybook witch
lawful evil
calls everyone pet names, sometimes literally (her crush (?) is called her duckling)
has a big fluffy cat familiar
a woman who can multiverse! she's in DnD, cloverse, panda pearl, and many aus
might give you a kiss for your trouble
give her at least one win in her life, her life sucks so bad
and a word from story herself:
"Oh, my~! Aren't you an adorable little thing~? I would simply be honoured if such a cute little kitten voted for me~! ♡ Or perhaps you prefer a different title~? Whatever it is, why don't you stay a while afterwards~? I could make you some tea~! And then we could discuss business~..."
(...uh, maybe don't take her up on that business offer though, you don't want to accidentally trade away your soul)
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organicbabybattles · 1 year
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Myra "Doe" Dao ( @cloverses ) VS. Mania Solon (@containmentbreach ) ----
( art by @pandrena )
What is your baby's name? Pronouns?: Myra "Doe" Dao, she/they
Is your baby from a fandom or original?: OC BABEY
How old is your baby?: 14
Tell us about your baby!: Doe is a half-devil, half-angel child who wears a mask because she simply cannot see otherwise. (Angel/Devil vision is not the same as mortal vision, so they're glasses but like, the worst possible glasses.) She feeds on the emotions of others, though mainly off of happiness/excitement and anger/sadness- though it's not her choice! Her mask is a matching set with her father's, except xyrs is flipped and enchanted to show emotions instead of being glasses.
Doe's parents share custody but neither are exactly the best at the parental job- their father is busy with work (as a god (ex-angel)) and their mother pushes off minor devil duties onto her daughter, such as telling Doe to lead people astray and to their demises in the mortal realm. She's fairly apathetic to the suffering of others as a result, and is used to being treated… Not like a normal kid. As a result, people treating her like a normal child catch her off guard and she's not quite sure how to feel about it.
She has minor sunlight sensitivities due to the way her vision works- picture essentially a horrible mixture of both seeing auras/souls and heat vision, except those two things should not mix, which is why she wears 'glasses' (gives her mortal vision instead)- and they sometimes carry a parasol as a result. They also suffer from chronic migraines that are worsened if they don't wear their mask as a result of their… Unique vision.
Doe is also a lesbian and has a girlfriend the same age as her. And currently one inch taller than her at 4'6" (Doe is 4'5"). Too bad Doe will not remain small forever </3
Anything else you want to add?: shoes are for the weak and Doe can't normally float. she just has a dislike for shoes
( art by containmentbreach )
What is your baby's name? Pronouns?: Mania Solon, she/her
Is your baby from a fandom or original?: original!
How old is your baby?: 7 in her species' years (over 50 in human years)
Tell us about your baby!: mania (aka manny) is the youngest of 13 demonic shadowcreature children, who were raised to hunt and prey on humans. while initially she seemed perfectly primed to follow in the footsteps of her siblings, she ended up getting inconvieniently attached to the human babysitter who was supposed to be her target. almost like she's a touchstarved little kid or something. she can come off as quite grim and serious, usually comically so considering her style and general appearance, but that's largely due to her upbringing, and she's learning to have more fun and enjoy her childhood. she likes the colors pink and black, eating raw hamburger meat, and heavy metal music. once she discovers chewelry it will be a big day for her but the only things sturdy enough for her are dog toys for aggressive chewers.
Anything else you want to add?: i have previously described her as "what you'd get if a toddler in a princess phase, a goth teenager, and a fifty year old businessman had to share a wardrobe and a brain."
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void-kissed · 2 years
and ONLY if you want to, don't feel pressured if it's too daunting- 1 for camellia?
Ahh, and here it is. Thank you for this, friend. You flustered me into oblivion.
(question source: "F/O Kiss Meme" by self-shipper-snowdrop)
First kiss
The context here is that Telanthera was once caught off-guard by a prospective assassin sent by some other noble that didn't like the way she had risen to nobility without being born into it. Luckily, Camellia was there and was able to put her training into practice to easily dispose of the attacker, even if Tel was knocked to the floor in the process - but in the process, revealed to Telanthera exactly what she is capable of. This is something she had very much been trying to avoid out of fear of rejection, but Telanthera does not think ill of her for it at all, and proves this through the following scene.
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"Come here. I promise, that dagger of yours needs not taste blood again tonight."
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"If you truly think yourself to be unworthy in my eyes, dear Camellia.."
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"..then please, allow me to demonstrate exactly what worth you hold to me."
(I hope that this is alright! Thank you very much again for sending me this ask and helping me talk through how the scene might play out!!)
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tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 11 months
ca~mel~lia! do you and lady telanthera share any hobbies? if not, are there any that you've tried to pick up for the other? if so, how do the two of you usually enjoy them together?
Camellia: "I see that you have prepared a veritable array of questions, my liege. Very well; I shall answer each to the best of my ability, as always.
My lady and I do indeed share a number of pastimes, though not all. The one which we are fortunate enough to partake in most together would be reading - though, more precisely, it is often that my lady will take the opportunity to read her latest novels of interest aloud, should I happen to be preoccupied with other tasks yet still present in the room with her at the time. This, I believe, is her way of including me in the process, even whilst I am carrying out my duties. ..At her insistence, I have occasionally joined her in the impromptu recital of certain scenes, should she be re-reading ones I recall well enough to recite. Then, there was that additional instance of her practising a favourite song that typically features both a main vocal and harmony, one particular afternoon..
Ahem. In terms of acquiring any new hobbies as a result of the other, my lady has been quite graciously endeavouring to expand her palate of favoured teas as of late, and at each instance, has requested my assistance with preparation. Despite the array of different varieties she has tested by this point, none have truly seemed to satisfy her tastes - yet she has been persevering regardless, which is rather unlike her when considering her general reticence regarding meals. ..I suspect that part of this is due to what she perceives as the less strenuous nature of this task compared to other duties I may otherwise be engaged with, as well as perhaps the fact that it allows us a while to share together, usually away from many others.
Hm. If this has satisfied your curiosity, and is all which you require from me at this time, then I shall take my leave, my liege. However, as ever, please do not hesitate to call on me again, should you have need to once more."
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and I STILL do not have an Alise model, drat
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sbnkalny · 2 years
cloversion: The LAST time we saw a bubbled bismuth gem In lion 3: straight to video we watched on bad movies yet
cloversion: Paul blart 3: till death do us BLART
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The Storytelling Witch "Story" (@cloverses) vs. Eve Harrison (@thetechnicolorphase)
Story info:
Description: A witch who acts at the whims of fate as the 'darker' side. She takes great pride in her work- perhaps a little too much, considering what it involves...
Crimes: Murder, stealing, arson, 'the ends justify the means' type things, corruption of innocents, cursing children (literally), general storybook witch nonsense that's too numerous to list... And in her free time, giving power to people who shouldn't have power, making deals that are horribly skewed in her favour, having a corpse in her basement, almost definitely poisoning people for fun and not profit, and ignoring the laws of nature.
Other notes from the submitter: she's 7'8" if that counts for anything also. and single. but i really don't think you want to get involved with her romantically.
Eve Harrison info:
Description: Meet Eve! The local lesbian science teacher in a small town who has a passion for biology AND a passion for being the center of attention for everything. She's friendly, but also really really eccentric and self-serving. She has not a care in the world for anything but whatever crazy schemes she decides that she wants to do (and they can get REALLY crazy). She's wacky, a little unhinged, and loves to make dad jokes. I think her clashing socks and patterned button-ups sends a pretty good representation of who she is. Also, she has a bit of a pathetic streak because when she doesn't get what she wants she makes like the sad SpongeBob face and it never gets her anywhere. She is a certified #girlboss and is making the most of the fact that she is living through the microbe apocalypse (much to the dismay of the protagonist of this story!) Oh and how could I forget! She's evil. She is so evil, she loves being villainous and isn't afraid to show it!!
Attempted to get one of her students (the protagonist) killed by microbe aliens. After getting turned into one of said microbe aliens she has killed like, at LEAST 50 people. Probably more. Including her own students and friends. Has been purposely spreading alien microbes to people in order to grow the hivemind that's formed from the microbe apocalypse. Has unethically experimented on people, animals, and herself for her own studies and goals. Currently is hunting down the protagonist to try and experiment on her.
Other notes from the submitter: #EVESWEEP she is so silly and so so evil it's like all the evilness of her town got wrapped into one very eccentric lady, I hope everyone enjoys her >:D
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bambeptin · 5 months
tagged by @ghostpyre !!
post 5 songs you’re loving right now:
SHIFT+DEL - Riikira
Watch out for Golem. - Golemm
GIRL HELL 1999 - Femtanyl
EARDRUM - six impala
You Wouldn't Download - Kaizo Slumber
UHHH I never know who to tag with these. and I'm bad at being tagged myself (but I figured it out this time at least)!! sooo I'm gonna tag @catato @uhohproblems @insane-mane @cloversion @blastoffresearch @avpdyama if you wanna do them!!!
and you know what. bonus track
6. Moon - Wolfgun
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systemdump · 2 years
just made a private blog feeling scandalous
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clovercoin · 7 months
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Soft veggie palette
One of the early prizes someone won in Trick or Treat 2023! Wanted to make some random fanart! <3 AJD . ART
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meyecy · 5 months
your ocs are so cool you are so cool
THANK YOU.... did you know YOU are cool as well. it's important that you know this .
i realize i never. explain my tagging system to anyone but if i tag anything with a random name its probably one of my ocs ya. some of the exceptions to this are if its a full name its probably a character from media i like, or in the case of #will it's beloved friend of the blog @cloversion's oc who is legally married to my oc #isuzu who is the worst girl to ever do it. and by "it", haha, well. let's just say. Help
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cloverses · 11 months
happy birthday to jester and aceline!!!
hopefully this year it posts properly!!! they'll both have parties of their own sorts, in... drastically different styles- but would you expect anything less of them?
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containmentbreach · 1 year
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@organicbabybattles @cloverses i am still totally exhausted and was somehow endowed with the hubris to think i could draw someone sitting in a skirt or dress so this is not good but i wanted my vision out there. the kids :) mania's name is almost doe's girlfriend's name so maybe that's a sign that they'd be friends
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