#clown makeover with ye
eds6ngel · 4 months
Please friend, I need Eddie and his equally feral grungy little girlfriend. Think like Allison Reynolds from the Breakfast Club before they gave her the hideous pink makeover. I want these two clowns to match each other’s energy, both of them nuts about D&D and metal, and I want her to be the one member of Hellfire who is in charge of drawing these insanely intricate drawings of everyone’s player characters.
being eddie's grungy gf would include ...
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a/n: i think this calls for some headcanons! and i suppose this is my reminder to watch 'the breakfast club' as i still haven't gotten round to it ! :')
warnings: SLIGHT SMUT!! (one mention of sex, two allusions.) fem!reader. artsy!reader. grungy!reader. kissing. one mention of people calling eddie a 'freak.' tons of fluff and comfort !!
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𝜗𝜚 you guys met in your sophomore year.
𝜗𝜚 eddie had been looking to set up a d&d club at the end of the year, knowing his middle school friends (jeff & gareth) were now going to be in high school with him.
𝜗𝜚 eddie didn’t know that you played d&d at the time, but he had sneaked a glance at your notebook during art class and was very intrigued into your drawings, many which consisted of your own monsters, fairies, dragons, anything magical and mystical.
𝜗𝜚 he knew the opportunity was even greater when you were pinning ‘battle of the bands’ posters in the school hallways. he couldn’t believe it was you making those incredible designs.
𝜗𝜚 asked you right there and then if you could help him design a poster for his new club.
𝜗𝜚 you were unsure at first, wondering what the hell this random dude who was in your art class wanted a poster for.
𝜗𝜚 however, you were immediately on board when he mentioned it was for d&d.
𝜗𝜚 you were technically the first member to join his club. it was you and him against the world at that point.
𝜗𝜚 you asked some of your artsy friends who were also in the drama club if you could rent their space on friday nights for weekly campaigns.
𝜗𝜚 they reluctantly said yes just because it was you. eddie was happy as it was one of the few groups of people outside of his own friend group that weren’t calling him a ‘freak’ upon arrival.
𝜗𝜚 over the summer, you and eddie met up to discuss how the whole ordeal would work. his trailer had basically become your second home by that point.
𝜗𝜚 you had started cooking meals together, you would go out to benny’s for a quick evening bite, you even started sleeping over at his.
𝜗𝜚 you began with bringing over a sleeping bag to camp out on his floor, but it soon turned into the two of you just sharing his bed. platonically, of course.
𝜗𝜚 it wasn’t until jeff and gareth came to visit the two of you so you could start drawing their characters for eddie’s visual reference that they encouraged eddie to grow some balls and ask you out.
𝜗𝜚 it took him a couple more weeks, but he finally got there.
𝜗𝜚 luckily you felt the same and you shared your first kiss that day.
𝜗𝜚 and by the time your junior year rolled around, everything was settled in place.
𝜗𝜚 eddie let you sit on his lap during campaigns, to which the boys always complained about.
𝜗𝜚 and after the boys had left, you got up to some… not exactly PG activities on his throne.
𝜗𝜚 or your throne, should you say. eddie said that the throne was all yours, since you decorated the entire thing.
𝜗𝜚 it was actually a 50/50 split effort.
𝜗𝜚 you were the couple who annoyingly blasted metal music out of his van on late night drives at 2am.
𝜗𝜚 hopper stopped you once as you had been getting noise complaints from locals.
𝜗𝜚 you and eddie both agreed it was only because it was metal music and continued anyway.
𝜗𝜚 eddie didn’t realise how feral you were until you got together. you were pretty excitable when you were simply platonic friends, but this was a whole different level.
𝜗𝜚 he didn’t care though as he loved it (and it also transferred to the bedroom.)
𝜗𝜚 sickly PDA couple alert ! eddie’s kissing you all the time ! the boy cannot keep his hands to himself ! he’s infatuated by you !
𝜗𝜚 always sharing cassettes. the both of you never buy new albums individually anymore. you either listen to them together and nerd out, or you share them back and forth.
𝜗𝜚 friday night dates after d&d ! i repeat, friday night dates after d&d !
𝜗𝜚 followed by some truly amazing sex. thank god wayne took the late night shift on fridays. and you hoped it never changed. because it was always the best ending to your week, and you didn’t want to change it for as long as you lived.
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taglist: @cosmorant @ye0nvibezzn @tlclick73 @agxxb
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the-anxious-youth · 11 months
Bubbles II
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Pairing: Buggy x gn!Reader
Summary: Now that Buggy has agreed to help you find Nami, the two of you get closer, and shenanigans ensue.
Warnings: none, general flirting but nothing too spicy, the reader is written as gender neutral but Buggy does call them pretty, some talks of insecurity but it's more comfort than hurt
Word Count: 4.7K
Author's Note: Here's the highly anticipated part two of my Buggy fic! He's quickly become one of my comfort characters so writing about him has been fun. Also, I made some major changes to the plot in regards to rescuing Nami because I felt I couldn't do it justice since I haven't seen episode 7 yet and didn't want to mess up such an emotional scene. Thank you for being so patient and I hope you enjoy! (Up next is a Shanks fic, so keep on the lookout for that) banners by cafekitsune
Part 1
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Luffy’s eyes brightened when he saw you, a cheerful aura surrounding your captain. His smile triggers your own, and you walk up to him, holding Buggy in your hands. Luffy looks down at the clown’s head, and his smile grows even wider.
“Did you give him a makeover? It looks great, Y/N!” says the enthusiastic man, always in a good mood. You chuckle and nod in response, thanking him softly. Out of everyone in the crew, Luffy had always been the most supportive and you’re glad his reaction was the polar opposite of Zoro’s. 
“Good news, I got him to tell me how to get to Arlong Park so we can rescue Nami!” Your tone is cheerful, and your Captain’s face reflects how you feel.
“Really? That’s awesome! How’d you do it?” Luffy leans against the side of the boat, visibly impressed by the way you’d been able to tame the beast, considering that a few hours ago, they all thought they’d have to torture it out of him. Looking down at Buggy, you smile softly, debating on whether or not you should tell the whole story. Before you can answer, Buggy lets out a laugh and responds for you.
“Guess I just have a soft spot for them,” he says, sending a wink in your direction. By now his flirtatious confidence is fully restored. Luffy watches the two of you making eyes at each other for a few seconds, before breaking the silence.
“Well, I’m glad you worked it out.” Luffy notices how your eyes sparkle when looking at Buggy, but he decides not to comment on it, instead moving to pull out a map. Spreading it across a table, he gestures for you to come closer.
“So this is where we are right now, approximately.” Your captain points to a spot on the map, and you recognize it as part of the East Blue. You gently place the clown’s head on the table, allowing him to look at the map. “And this is where we think Nami is,” utters Luffy, pointing his finger to an area adjacent to where he said you all are.
“You’re heading in the wrong direction, pal.” Buggy chuckles as he says this, not surprised that your crew wasn’t good with directions. After all, Nami was the navigator, the impact of her absence being very visible. Not waiting to hear what Luffy has to say, the clown continues.
“Arlong Park is on the other side of the East Blue, next to Cocoyasi Village, which is along the coastline.” Since he doesn’t have hands, he tilts his head to gesture towards the location of your desired destination. Your captain nods with a smile.
“I think I know where that is. See, was that so hard?” Luffy says teasingly, looking down at Buggy with a cheeky smile. The clown just glares in return, his smile not reappearing until you gently pick him up in your hands.
“Need me to go tell the others or do you want to do it?” You ask softly. Luffy smiles at you before responding.
“I’ve got it. I am the Captain after all.” He says cockily, though you know he means no harm. You chuckle and nod, finding his happy mood contagious.
“Yes, you are.” He pats you on the shoulder before heading off to inform the rest of the crew of the new developments. You look down at Buggy, his amorous grin causing the heat to rise to your face.
“Now what, sweetness?” He says, his tone smooth. Cocking your head at him, you hum while thinking.
“How about some food? I’m getting pretty hungry and I bet you are too.” You smile at him softly, to which he admires your face.
“You have no idea,” the clown mutters, excited at the prospect of food. Carrying him in your arms, you head to the kitchen, which incidentally is where the rest of the crew seems to be chatting. 
As you walk into the room, everyone turns to look at you. Luffy smiles at you gently, Zoro’s face is humorless, and it seems like he’s still irritated about earlier, Sanji’s eyebrows furrow, confused to see you so happy with the clown, and Usopp wears a look of amusement as if he’s just along for the ride. For a moment, everything is quiet, before you decide to walk over to the pantry to find something to eat. Snapping out of his daze, Sanji walks over to you, the others resuming their discussion.
“What can I get for you, dear?” says the cook, gazing at you with a suave smile. 
“Just a snack please, enough for two.” Your tone is soft, and you don't miss the look of surprise on Sanji’s face when he understands what you are referring to. You don’t notice it, but Buggy’s face is smug, enjoying watching the other man squirm. Sanji is silent for a moment, his face turning concerned.
“You do know he’s a bad guy, right? Remember what he did to that town?” asks the chef, leaning closer to you, to which Buggy scoffs.
“Lighten up, blondie, you weren’t even there.” Spits out the clown. His tone reads annoyance, not wanting the chef to impact your view of him. Sanji glares down at the head, crossing his arms.
“Yes, I remember. I just figure you get further with people using kindness.” Sanji’s eyes soften at your words, internally reminding himself that this is just who you are. He sighs, before meeting your gaze.
“Just be careful, okay? I don’t want you getting taken advantage of,” he says softly, and you smile at his words in an attempt to comfort him. 
“I’ll be fine, I promise.” Chuckling softly at the blonde man’s concern, he nods his head, doing his best to smile back at you. He opens one of the cupboards and pulls out some snacks, handing them to you carefully. 
“Let me know if you need help, alright?” Sanji’s eyes still hold some worry, but his easy-going smile is back on his face. You nod in response, thanking him for the food before heading to the top deck, wanting to get some fresh air.
Unbeknownst to you, the rest of the crew watched your interaction with Sanji, teasing him as soon as you were out of earshot.
“Is someone a little jealous?” teases Usopp, to which Sanji shakes his head, brushing him off.
Back on the deck, you take a seat on a blanket, putting Buggy’s head down next to you. He looks up at you with a sense of wonder, admiring your features.
“So what sounds good, apples? Crackers?” You gesture to the pile of snacks in front of you, a soft smile on your face.
“Just give me whatever you don’t want,” says the clown, his smile widening at the surprised look on your face.
“I thought you were this tough guy who only cares about himself?” Your voice is gentle, with a hint of curiosity. He chuckles at your words, shaking his head softly.
“Don’t believe everything you hear, doll.” His eyes twinkle as he speaks. “Who knows, maybe I just like you.” Feeling the heat rise to your face, you look down bashfully, not sure how to respond.
“Apples it is then.” Reaching over to grab one of the apples, you pull out the knife Sanji gave you and start cutting it into smaller pieces, slipping one into your mouth every so often. The clown just watches you, taking the opportunity to admire you while he can. Secretly, he plans to charm you so that you’ll leave with him once this is all over. 
After cutting the apple into enough pieces, you move to give one to Buggy, when an idea comes into your mind.
“Here comes the choo choo train!” You say teasingly, waving the apple slice around like you would for a toddler. His eyes narrow at you, and you can tell he’d be crossing his arms if they were with him.
“Very funny,” he says unamusedly, though there is still a hint of a smile on his face. Chuckling at his response, you finally give him the apple slice, and he watches you while he chews.
“I didn’t pick these apples out so if they’re bad it’s not my fault.” You smirk at him cheekily, and he just shakes his head before swallowing.
“It’s fine,” he says, still smiling at you. “Trust me, I’ve eaten much worse.” Taking an apple slice for yourself, you pop it into your mouth, taking a look at the view around you.
“The sea sure is pretty,” you comment, admiring the fluffy clouds above you.
“Not as pretty as you.” Buggy’s statement makes you turn your head toward him. Searching his eyes for insincerity, your eyebrows furrow as you find none. By now you’re sure you’re blushing, and you look down at the apple to hide the apparent flush on your face. 
“You’re quite the flirt, aren’t you?” Anxiety fills your chest, wondering whether his words were truthful or just a way to lower your guard. You fiddle with your fingers, sparing glances in his direction. Almost as if he can hear your thoughts, the clown speaks up, his tone softer than before. 
“I’m being serious, you’re gorgeous, babe.” His eyes scan your face, hoping you’ll believe him, the corner of his mouth upturned into a soft smile. You just shake your head softly, his cheeky smile prompting your own. Gaining some confidence, you respond in a pert tone.
“Yeah, well you’re quite the looker yourself. I bet the girls go crazy for you.” Buggy’s cocky demeanor falters for a second, used to giving compliments rather than receiving them. He laughs nervously, thankful for the makeup on his face for hiding the blush on his cheeks. 
“Depends on how you define crazy,” he says, tilting his head slightly. Even though you can’t visibly see the flush on his cheeks, his demeanor tells you enough. Chuckling to yourself, you reach for an apple slice, observing the clown as you chew.
“I guess we’re both not used to compliments.” Timbre hushed, you watch as he nods, silently agreeing with your statement. The two of you exchange friendly conversation, slowly opening up to one another. Before you know it, the sun is setting on the horizon as the day comes to a close, and all the snacks you got from Sanji are gone.
“If your captain correctly follows my directions, we should arrive at Arlong Park within a day.” Buggy’s tone is kind, something unusual for him, though there’s still a hint of playfulness. Nodding in response, you move to pick him up, being careful as always. He always gets a weird look on his face when you treat him with such fragility, and you assume it’s because being treated in such a way is unfamiliar territory for him. 
Walking down the stairs, you head towards your room, smiling at your crew members as you pass them. Stopping by the kitchen to get some fresh water, you run into Sanji, who seems to be writing something down in a notebook. Probably his meal plan for tomorrow, you think to yourself. The chef turns to you as you enter, surprised to see you still with the clown. 
“Aren’t you getting sick of watching him? Why don’t you let one of us take a turn, you’ve been on clown watch all day.” He says with a concerned smile. 
“That’s okay, I don’t mind.” Sanji looks at you as you speak, his eyes scanning over your face as if it were a puzzle to be deciphered. His eyebrows furrow, revealing his confusion. To him, watching a pretty person choose to hang out with a homicidal maniac was like watching a scientist write poetry, it made absolutely no sense. He narrows his eyes for a moment, debating on what to say.
“Well, if you’re happy I guess.” His tone indicates that he wants to say more, but is restraining so as to not upset you.
“I’ll just get some water and I’ll be out of your way,” you say mellowly, the awkward tension becoming uncomfortable. At your comment, Sanji sends a flirty smirk in your direction.
“You’re never in my way, darling.” Feeling the blush rise to your cheeks, you nod quickly and head to grab the water. You couldn’t see it, but if looks could kill, the glare Buggy was giving the chef would have knocked him dead. After finding the water, you make a beeline for your room, not wanting to deal with more problematic interactions. As Sanji watches you leave, he wonders to himself how the clown has caught your interest, clearly not understanding the appeal.
Shutting the door to your cabin, you let out a sigh, gingerly placing Buggy on your bed, and moving to sit next to him. He notices the change in your mood, already missing the smile on your face. 
“Everything okay, dollface?” His tone is the gentlest it’s been in years. The last time he could recall speaking in such a manner was with Shanks, and that was quite a long time ago. Nodding slowly, you start to fidget with your fingers, signaling your uneasiness.
“There’s just something about the way he looked at me like I was doing something wrong. It just reminds me how I don’t fit in with the rest of the crew.” You bring your hand up to start picking at your lips, the anxiety in your gut triggering the habit that appears whenever you get nervous. The action does not go unnoticed by the clown, and he tries to think of a way to calm you down.
“Hey, don’t do that. You’ll get scars,” Buggy says gently, wishing he had his body with him so he could grab your hand and pull it away from your face. Pausing your movements to look at him, you notice how concerned he seems, which ignites a strange feeling in your chest, comfort perhaps. You chuckle softly before replying, watching how his eyes never leave your face.
“It’s a little too late for that, I’m afraid.” He doesn’t match your laughter, aware of your attempt at deflection. A deep pit of sorrow seeps its way through his chest, which feels strange considering it’s not currently attached to him. It’s at this moment when he realizes how much he cares for you and decides that when you find Nami and the rest of his body, you’re coming with him. He’d be damned if he let anyone make you feel anything other than happiness. For a few minutes, you just watch each other, deciding what to say. In the end, Buggy is the one to break the silence.
“I know what it’s like to not fit in, but trust me when I say you’re a treasure, and anyone who doesn’t see that is an idiot. This crew is lucky to have you, they should be making you happy, not sad.” He smiles at you, his usual teasing nature completely gone in exchange for raw sincerity. 
“Look, I know we haven’t known each other long, but I meant it when I said I had a spot for you on my crew. You’d be treated like royalty, which is exactly what you deserve.” Unlike the first time he said it, you actually consider what it would be like to join him, the thought bringing a small smile to your face. 
“There’s that gorgeous smile. You’re too pretty to be sad, angel.” His words may be flirty, but he means each of them wholeheartedly. You chuckle and blush breaking into a full smile.
“How are you so sure your crew will like me?” You ask softly, tilting your head at him.
“They’d be stupid not to like you. And even if they don’t, their Captain does which means they don’t really have much of a choice.” He smirks up at you, enjoying the little giggle you let out. “At the end of the day, they’re below me and you’d be beside me, so at the very least they’d respect you. Knowing my crew though, I can pretty much guarantee they’ll like you.” 
You listen to him speak with a smile, and for the first time in a long time, you feel like someone actually understands you, even if that someone is technically your crew’s rival. He grins as you nod, observing you with an almost wondrous look.
“We have to find Nami first though, okay?” You declare, pointing your finger at him playfully. Buggy laughs and nods, swearing that neither of you will leave before the redhead is found. A yawn slips out as you chuckle, the fatigue from the day reappearing like a weight on your shoulders.
“It’s late, we should get some sleep. Besides, tomorrow’s the day we rescue your friend and I’d rather you didn’t fall asleep on me.” He says with a smirk, and you nod, giggling softly to yourself. Pulling back the blanket, you move to lie down, placing Buggy’s head on its side on a pillow in front of you.
“Good night, Bugs.” The clown smiles at the nickname, gazing at you fondly as you snuggle up with the blanket.
“Good night, darling.” He says softly, watching you close your eyes. He takes the opportunity to study your features, afraid that if he looks away he’ll forget them. After a while he hears your breathing even out, signaling your unconscious state. Only then he closes his eyes, hoping to dream of you.
The next morning goes by quickly, everyone preparing for the rescue they’re about to attempt. Buggy’s directions were correct, and Arlong Park was visible just on the horizon. The energy is full of excitement and anticipation, with everyone looking forward to seeing Nami again. Right now, you’re sitting on the deck surrounded by the rest of the crew as they discuss the game plan.
“You know the layout of Arlong Park, don’t you, clown?” Zoro’s tone is harsh, and Buggy has to physically resist rolling his eyes. He’s placed on your lap, something that keeps catching the eyes of Sanji, perhaps with a hint of jealousy. The only person who isn’t actively glaring daggers at him is Luffy, though that doesn’t say much considering the pirate is always happy.
“Yes, but I won’t be much help as a head, so we need to find my body first. Then we can go after your navigator.” If it wasn’t for your gentle touch on the sides of his neck, he would’ve gone off by now, annoyed at being treated like a prisoner. 
“I can help with that,” you pipe up, and everyone nods in agreement. The group discusses some more, everyone being assigned various roles to assist in the operation going smoothly. After that, you all gear up, your goal being to reattach Buggy’s head to his body before you can help the others. Soon, the boat is docked a little away from your destination, not wanting to signal Arlong’s men of your arrival. 
Trekking through the foliage, you finally make it to the gates and split into groups, deciding that it’ll be easier to cover more ground that way. Your group consists of yourself, Buggy, and Sanji, as the chef didn’t trust the clown being alone with you. The blue-haired pirate directs you towards a hidden entrance along the side of the park, one in which you hopefully wouldn’t be spotted. Following his directions, you come across a small clearing in the trees, Sanji following right behind you. 
“Where do you think your body is being kept?” You ask quietly, hoping your voice doesn’t tell Arlong or his men of your locations. 
“Probably somewhere amongst the carnival games. Since he’s taken it I’ve noticed they’ve been throwing something at it, probably darts based on the sensation. Arlong likes to mess with people anyway, so it would make sense.” Nodding, you head towards that area, allowing Buggy to tell you where to go since he’s the only one who’s been here before. Not long after, you stumble upon what you’re looking for, Buggy’s body pinned up against some balloons. Breaking out into a large smile, you look down at Buggy, and he grins back up at you.
“Wow, you were actually right,” Sanji comments, his words full of surprise and bitterness, his distaste for the clown painfully obvious.
“You say that like it’s a miracle.” The clown says in rebuttal, sharing the disdain for the chef. Suddenly, Buggy’s head flies out of your hands as the various parts of his body reattach themselves. Once he’s back to being a whole person, he hops down from the wall, running towards you with joy written on his face.
“It feels better than I even remembered!” Says the clown, running his hands up and down his arms. He turns to you with a grin.
“Now let’s go find your friend.” You nod at him, his happiness triggering your own. 
While searching for Nami, you run into the rest of your crew, who seem to be in a bit of a hurry.
“What’s the matter? Did you find her? Is she okay?” Right as Usopp is about to answer, a familiar voice rings into the air. 
“Miss me that much?” You turn your head in the direction of the sound, and a huge smile breaks out on your face as you see Nami running towards you. She smirks at your expression before continuing. “We need to get out of here before the rest of the Arlong pirates find us, we can catch up later.” You nod quickly, picking up your pace, and start running behind the others, Buggy at your side. 
Once you all are far enough away from Arlong Park, the crew stops to properly greet Nami, yourself included. You can tell she’s not much of a hugger, so you make sure your embrace is short. As you all talk amongst yourselves, Buggy stands a few feet away, not wanting to interrupt the moment. After everyone had a chance to talk to the red-haired girl, she finally notices the clown standing awkwardly a few steps away and furrows her eyebrows in confusion. 
“What the hell is he doing here?” She asks shortly, starting to walk in his direction. You quickly move to stand in front of her, preventing the two from fighting. 
“It’s okay, he’s okay,” you say quickly, and are met with a confused look from the girl. “He actually helped us find you. I mean, we had no idea where we were going until he showed up, considering you are our navigator.” She scoffs at the idea of Buggy willingly helping someone who isn’t part of his crew.
“Oh yeah? How’d you get him to do that? Torture him or something?” Nami looks at Buggy suspiciously, not believing that he actually did something nice for once. You shake your head, chuckling nervously, not sure how to explain the whole ‘I gave him a bath and we kinda connected’ thing. Lucky for you, Buggy speaks up.
“Your crew member here is very convincing.” He takes a step forward, gesturing to you with a cheeky smile. She just watches the two of you for a moment, finally connecting the dots between Buggy’s friendly attitude and your flustered demeanor. 
“Huh. Well, that’s something I didn’t expect to see today,” says the redhead, her timbre nonchalant.
“What didn’t you expect to see, Nami?” Sanji quickly asks. Now that she’s back, Sanji is taking every opportunity he can find to speak with Nami.
“Y/N hooking up with the clown. They didn’t seem like the type but I guess we all have secrets.” She looks at you with a smirk, a deep blush blossoming on your face. The rest of the crew looks surprised, especially Usopp, now that your little fancy has been blatantly stated.
“Wait, you have a thing for the clown captain? How am I only finding out about this now?” Usopp asks with a smile on his face.
“You really haven’t noticed? Even though I can’t possibly fathom why, they’ve been spending every second together the past few days. I mean, they’re always blushing around him, and that’s a sign of only one thing.” You’re surprised that Zoro seems so calm now, especially considering the way he reacted in the beginning. There’s no smile on his face, but he doesn’t appear to be upset. “You really need to be more observant of your surroundings, Usopp.” The swordsman shakes his head, baffled at his crew member’s ignorance.
It’s Sanji who turns to you next, a mix of emotions on his face. “So you two are really a thing?” he asks hesitantly, not sure if he really wants to hear the answer. By now you’re sure your face is deeply flushed, not used to being put in the spotlight.
“Let’s just say I’m pretty fond of your crew member,” Buggy looks at you cheekily, enjoying the blush on your visage. Sanji stays silent for a moment before nodding, leaning closer to say something to you.
“Just be careful, darling, okay?” His voice is gentle, and he backs away as soon as he sees the glare the clown is giving him. Suddenly Nami walks up to Buggy with a tough look on her face.
“If you hurt them, I’ll make sure you’re just a head, permanently.” He immediately puts his hands up in surrender, knowing that she fully means the threat.
“I wouldn’t dream of it, they’re too precious.” The look on the clown’s face shows his fear of her, a sight that almost makes Nami’s lip quirk. 
“Good.” She turns back to you, the smile returning to her face. 
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think I’ll actually miss you.” You knew this was the closest Nami got to being sappy, and you moved to give her one last hug.
“I’ll miss you too, Nami. Keep the boys in check for me, will you?” The navigator chuckles at your question, letting you go from the hug.
“Oh I will, you don’t need to worry about that.” Despite not knowing you for long, Nami secretly always liked you, finding you the most enjoyable to be around, unbeknownst to you.
Turning to the rest of your crew, you can tell they’ve already figured out your decision. You walk up to Luffy first, who’s beaming at you like a little boy.
“We’ll miss you too but I can tell this is what you want.” Your lips tug upwards at his statement, appreciating the way he values your wants and desires. “You know you’re always welcome on the straw hat crew, right?” His question makes you smile, and you nod in response. Stepping closer, you give him a tight hug which he happily reciprocates. ‘Always so touchy’ you think to yourself fondly. After pulling away, you say goodbye to the rest of the crew members, even getting a small “good luck kid” from Zoro. 
“Until we meet again.” You say to all of them, nodding as a sign of respect. They wave at you as you walk away, following Buggy to go find his crew. As you’re walking, he stops abruptly and turns to you.
“Oh! I forgot something.” Raising your eyebrows, you start to open your mouth to ask him what he meant, when suddenly he carefully grabs the back of your neck, pulling your lips against his. Your eyes widen for a second out of surprise, but you quickly close them and kiss him back, moving your hand to his bicep. He grins at you after you pull away, taking pleasure in the shy look on your face.
“Cat got your tongue?” The blue-haired man says softly, referring to the conversation you had the day you first met. You giggle and shake your head, hiding your face in his chest. He laughs and wraps his arms around you.
“You’re too cute, you know that? Now come on, I’ve got some people to introduce you to.” You look up at him as you pull away, smiling as he grabs your hand to lead you to his crew. 
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©️the-anxious-youth, 2023
Please do not replicate/repost :)
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wrathofrats · 5 months
Mushy May Day 1- doing each others makeup (I changed it heyyyy)
Thanks to the icon @forlorn-crows for the prompts !
Mist gives a recently transitioned cirrus a makeover
“Mist I look like a clown” cirrus grumbled as mist dusted more powder onto her cheeks. She had some kind of brown palette in her hand, the other hand brushing side to side along her cheekbone. The bristles were borderline scratchy, the powder sitting heavily on her skin. She wasn’t used to it and truly didn’t understand how mist and cumulus did this so often.
“You look pretty storm cloud, just let me work” mist dabbed some kind of sponge along her jawline. It was soft, bouncing along her skin while mist smeared more “contour” along her jaw and neck. She could barely see her reflection beyond the ghoulette who stood in front of her. It was more than likely on purpose, mist hoping for some kind of big reveal of her makeover.
A long black skirt flowed around her ankles as she kicked her feet gently. Simply passing the time while mist worked on her. It was covered in small orange and white flowers and little vines that nearly blended into the dark fabric. Mist threw it at her saying that she just had it in her collection, and that cirrus could keep it. The flowers matched a burnt orange sweater that mist picked from cirrus’s own closet.
“Are you sure I look alright?” Cirrus asked. She hadn’t been allowed to look in the mirror since mist had picked out her new outfit. A part of her felt off, felt as if she was wearing some costume instead of a real outfit she could actually wear out and around the abbey.
“You look beautiful, you’re absolutely stunning like this” mist smiled proudly, a sparkle of adoration in her eyes.
“Will cumulus still like me like this?” Cirrus whispered, more to herself than anything. Cumulus had always been supportive of her, along with the whole pack. But she couldn’t help the nagging anxiety that gnawed at her brain telling her that cumulus would’ve prefered her before.
“Cumulus cried in the kitchen drunk because she realized that she would still love you even if you were a worm, yes she will still love you” mist combed her fingers through cirrus’s short brown hair, styling and picking at the clips she had in it. “She will love you even more, especially if you’re comfortable like this”
“I guess”
“Are you ready to see yourself cir?” Mist beamed, rubbing her fingers along the backs of cirrus’ hands.
“Yeah, show me”
mist moved to the side, revealing cirrus to her mirror that sat in front of her bed. It was nothing too crazy, her cheeks were pinker, her eyes were covered in a brown shadow and some kind of gold shimmer, and her face looked softer, painted to look softer. She was enamored, grazing her fingers along her cheeks and the waves in her hair.
She did look pretty.
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murfpersonalblog · 2 months
I have been thinking about Louis and him being a vampire capitalist means he has to stay connected with humanity. To know art and reality trends means he cannot sever his ties.
I love this @deepalienstudentshepherd.
It really gets to the spindly roots of Louis' unique approach to vampirism, through his approach to what being human is or even means & works--for him.
"Him being a vampire capitalist means he has to stay connected with humanity."
And this is why I roll my eyes when Lestat talks, cuz he swears that vampires are oh-so-removed from humanity, and so above worldly attachments--oh, look at those silly mortals, all they ever think about is Food, Sex & Home. As if Lestat isn't the walking talking incarnation of hedonistic hyperfixations on Food ("and then there was the food"--the MEAT); and Sex ("we can have an orgy; you can F**K them, I can EAT them~!"); and Home ("I am your family, Louis").
Either as a capitalist, artist, butcher, baker, candlestick-maker--or ROCK STAR--vampires doing anything humans do (and passing as humans) naturally requires staying connected with humanity. You have to KNOW your audience; know what makes them tick. We always clown on companies being out of touch, cuz if no one's buying you ain't selling!
"To know art and reality trends means he cannot sever his ties."
And what's sad is that Louis experimented with art via photography, cuz it called to him, and he does have an eye for it--Louis is, after all, very fashionable & stylish; we see it in Ep1 when he gives Lestat a makeover & helps furbish the townhouse & design Claudia's bedroom & dress her; "it's chiffon, it has movement~!" But at the end of the day, Louis realizes & has to accept that he's NOT an artist; that's not his calling. He doesn't have the patience for photography, and what's worse; he can't connect with human muses if he himself cannot be around humans when they're living their DAY-to-DAY lives--cuz he's a nocturnal vampire. (TBH I'd love to see him take another crack at it with modern technology; around modern nightlife.)
But you know what Louis IS good at? What he's always had a real knack for? And what he's much smarter & savvier about? BUSINESS.
The unique thing about Louis is that unlike so many of AR's Old World vampires, who either lived during antiquity (Akasha, the Twins, Seth, Cyril, Teskhamen, Marius, Pandora, Mael, etc), or frikkin ye olde medieval/rennaisance times (Thorne, Armand, Gabrielle, Lestat, Nikki); Louis is a MODERN vampire. book!Louis was born in France and came to the Americas as a colonizer, but AMC!Lou was BORN in the New World. Like anyone, Louis is a product of his environment; and that shapes what drives & motivates him; as his vampirism/capitalism is all wrapped up in how he existed as a human.
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The DPDLs lived lavishly in their mansion--land that used to be a slaveowning sugar plantation--waited on by Black servants; giving hefty donations to the biggest White church (vehicles of imperialism & colonialism--"Gold, God, and Glory"); gaining who knows how much money that had been seeded and fertilized by nothing but the exploitation of Black men & women--slavery & prostitution both.
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Louis' character is defined by his vampirism--even before he's ever made a vampire. Vampires are predacious parasitical leeches. They are voracious insatiable carnivorous bottomless pits that just eateateat; consuming but never being fulfilled--Hungry Ghosts.
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Of course Louis would be attracted to real estate (HOMES); since buying, selling & developing property is in his French White ancestors' colonial settler drug-addicting sugar-growing plantation-owning blood (FOOD). When his father up & died and Lou inherited the DPDL estate, Louis HAD to learn how to successfully run land & shops & people; so he could keep his bougie AF family afloat.
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When he ran Storyville, he owned multiple businesses, not just brothels, and was apparently a very good landlord. (Ironically, we also know how quick Louis is to evict a mofo & take their deed--just ask Antoinette, Lestat & Armand! XD) Of course Louis would turn from making art to selling art as an art dealer--Louis is fashionable, and he knows what people like, even if he himself can't produce or even mimic it (like Santiago, Armand, Marius, & Lestat can). We saw Mr. "Fire Escape" Louis flex his skills with the Alderman's racist lawyer dabbling in effery in 1x3; and when Lou renovated the old-timey Fairplay and made it the slicker hipper & more popular Art Deco-themed Azalea.
Louis built a microcosm of the Savage Garden at the Azalea; a tiny corner of hedonistic paradise (full of "hookers, hooch, and cards"), where men could live out their fantasies (SEX). He inspired Armand to even conceptualize Night Island--as Armand realized he needed a better/another companion to teach him about modernity, technology, treasure-hunting, etc. And together, they lived in the neo-capitalist hellscape of Dubai for who knows how long--I wouldn't be surprised if they had a direct hand in its vampiric development.
Louis' character is also defined by his delusional hypocrisy; always tryna justify his place in the world (and the space he wastes/takes up) by tryna do "good" things, to balance out the evil.
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During Jim Crow, so many Black people suffered under socio-economic inequality & oppression--even Black folk lighter-skinned than Lou, as seen with Bricktop, Lily, and even BBass!Claudia; all living in the worst slums of Storyville; deriving not a single drop of privilege/benefits their mixed/white ancestry might've given them in better circumstances; other than the dubious Pretty Privilege that made them sexually exploitable as prostitutes, etc.
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book/show!Lou's a HUGE exploiter; not just as a slaveowner/pimp, but also as a father; using Claudia to boost his ego and save his marriage. Lou FAILED at being a father, cuz he couldn't relate/connect to the wants & needs of a growing girl/woman past his own self-centered aims. And Lou FAILED at being an artist, cuz he couldn't relate/connect with the human(ist) soul; and rage-quit cuz of his hurt pride/ego, rather than paying attention to what the art deal was saying (albeit condescendingly).
The one thing Lou took pride in that he was actually good at was his status as a businessman/capitalist--exploiting/relying on middle-men to produce/create things for him to buy & sell at a profit. (His failures as a businessman in NOLA were solely cuz of racist white men & the Ordinances that shut down Storyville.) At the end of the day, know thyself, and capitalize on one's strengths. So that's what he did. And cuz capitalism is evil AF, as a vampire, he's pretty good at it, LOL.
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dissvicious · 9 months
Red may be laughing now at Buggy’s emo phase but once he gets to see her photos of her in her full on neon outfit clad, kandi bracelet stacking, teenage scene kid glory the shoe will be on the other foot /
Related: Do you think the triplets would ever go trough a phase experimenting with alt style outfits themself? Skye already seems to go for an undercut style look when she gets older (which I could speculate on btw but I’m not gonna) , but also Rory feels a little like someone who already leans into the steampunk aesthetic himself, as long as it doesn’t interfere with practicality „Why on earth would I put a random gear on a tophat when I can use it in these new collapsible wielding googles I am working on?“ „Okay but there’s also no need for the wielding goggles to have the gears be that visible…“ „Of course there’s a need for that and the need is STYLE.“ type of deal
Blaze probably just goes trough anything he thinks looks interesting without necessarily joining a scene. One of his later crew mates dresses like a Victorian goth and sometimes he will get bored and be like „I’m bored. Can I try and put on your corset?“ „No because you’re gonna hurt yourself …. So I’M gonna do it. How do you feel about eyeshadow?“ „Tastes awful but looks good on me.“ „Alright then its makeover time.“
Ok but I have to thank you because this message was the kick in the ass I needed to rework the teen triplets charadesign, which I was procrastinating since a while! Propers referencesheets will come later. Let's meet 16 years old Buggy the clown's spawns!
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To answer you :
First of all, Red' don't keep any pictures of her past - to Buggy's big despair. So the poor little clown don't have any weapon to fight back! However I can easily imagine that one day the big top will anchor on an island where the crew will randomly meet someone from Reddie's past. Buggy will jump on them and ask them a TON of questions.
As you spotted, Rory has a soft for steampunk aesthetic - big fan of Jules Vernes (yes I HC that a version of Jules Vernes exist in one piece), dreaming about flying machines, obsessed by the idea to go on Skypiea because that's a land you can't reach by the sea. He's also the one of the triplets who cares the most about being ~ classy ~ . A real little dandy! He probably got through some victorian goth phase when he was like 14. When he get the outfit you can see on the ref, everyone in the family and the crew was like "o_o guys is Rory wearing COLORS?!!"
Skye is the one of the triplets who embrace the most the clowncore vibe, probably crafting herself some outfits in her father's old clothes. By the years she finally went ok with her nose, however she still feels the need to compensate with the rest of her outfit, copying her father's crossbones makeup for exemple. She will change her look when she will reach early adulthood (19-20 years old), and yes there is a meaning behind the undercut she got! you can speculate but I won't confirm or deny anything ehe 🤡
When it comes to clothing, Blaze only has two criteria : comfort and color. His hyperactive ass always run, jump, climb anywhere soooo he quickly learned to chose robust clothing that is easy to evolve with. But bright colors! Bright colors always catch his eyes! He's like a magpie! He also kept his beanie hat while growing up, and attempted to wear it with pigtails like his daddy do with his captain hat. He lose one teeth after a bait with Rory, too. Thinking this would make him look more like Buggy, but this dumbass did it the wrong side. His bracelets are very important too, but you'll understand why later! Also, I like your idea of him trying anything (and tasting eyeshadows which. Let's be honest. He did. At 16 years old. And after too.), especially some goth things. I think Blaze is mostly aroace, but if one day he should have a " planotic lovestory" this would be with someone who has a black cat energy, and he probably won't realize he's in a relationship. A gothy teen just appear in his life and it's somehow funny to kiss them, apparently they decided he was their boyfriend now? hey, why not.
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cxhleel108 · 4 months
LITG S9 Thots for this week
Guess we’re back bitches! Put your clown makeup on🤡🤡🤡
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• Meet your new favorite islander for the next 3 months, Kiara from New York😛
• First off the hair options…Prolly the worst we’ve had in a while like they’re already not serious LMAO.
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• It hasn’t even been 1 minute and Hamish already working my nerves omgmsmdekak I got beef with every bitch that made them bring him back😭😭😭
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• Six foot six…I’m bout to go crazy😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🥴🥴🥴
• So I see Melissa want beef with me? Bet!
• I gotta start off the season listening to a dude I don’t want feen over me. Fusebox I’m not happy with that!
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• Yes you are Finn now MOVE!
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• Ok but why Kat’s new mug kinda eating tho liiiiiike??? This the first makeover they done did that ain’t made me bust out laughing.
• Kat I DO NOT want Captain Redbeard chill out sis.
• The first ex-review making Melissa looking bad ugh yes they did that for me!
• I heard Natasha’s ex was saying she a real eater…have fun WLW players😏😏😏
• Now why my review had to make me look like the bad guy??? Don’t piss me off!
• If they bring Stefan back and try to start Ex In The Villa 2.0 I’m done I am not kidding😕
• Not doing outfit time for now cuz there’s a lotta shit available but just know I love the blue dress and hate the pink one❤️
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• This outfit is so simple but he look so damn good omg Henri I’m really finna put this pus- *mic cuts*
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• Bae Imma just pretend you ain’t tell me this❤️
• No cuz look his only flaw is that he a bit of a lovestruck dummy and that’s it, y’all not finna make me hate him idc!!! That’s not even a bad thing.
• What even is Chen’s party outfit???
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• Katherine be fr😭😭😭
• Oh they wasn’t playing Chen really was a man whore. You was breaking up friendships slanging that dick around babe?
• Wait but this ‘describe yourself in bed’ game kinda tea. Tasha you ate that sis!
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• Why they gag him I’m so dead.
• Girl I just know Henri be talking you through it oouuu😩😩😩
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• Ong you not but go off sis.
• Idk why me telling Chen that I’m finna just go sleep with Henri is killing me so bad. Like they really letting us be honest with our thottin’ and bottin’ this season😭
• Soooo…am I supposed to like care that Henri told Melissa that he “wants to get to know her”? Maybe he said that cuz they’re complete fucking strangers and know nothing about each other LMAOOO. Talking bout he playing both of us naw girl you just playing yourself💀💀💀
Alright well that was…a nice starter tbh. If they actually wanna do right by us this season then I think it has the potential to get better along the way!
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anders-hawke · 5 months
bridgerton predictions/preferences post so i can see how close i got:
Colin & Penelope have a son first and he inherits the Featherington estate
They get to live in (and makeover) Pen’s childhood home
Pen runs the estate bc we know from Whistledown scenes that she’s a whiz with math and money
Colin runs the household and throws their yearly ball; each one is themed after a different country that he’s been to
Pen will be the queen’s incomparable/emerald but on the down low bc the queen wants to keep her machinations as secret from Lady Whistledown as possible
The queen is also very set on Pen marrying Debling with Lady Danbury’s help in orchestrating the match bc she wants to finally show up Whistledown and successfully have her match get married after her “failings” with Daphne and Edwina; little does she know of course 😭💀
I assume that Fran’s gonna marry John Stirling this season too and then Benedict will spot Sophie in the finale
Kate and Anthony will announce that Kate’s pregnant (will be used to prompt Colin into thinking about having kids and how it was intimidating bc he was almost trapped with Marina’s twins but then the idea doesn’t scare him when he thinks about having kids with Pen)
Queen Charlotte will put out a bounty to incentivize people to finally unmask Whistledown but not this season
Considering that Daphne had a very important role in season 2, I think that will continue and previous romantic leads will continue to have important roles in the proceeding love stories; but Pen will continue to have Whistledown storylines in all the other seasons until she retires in Hyacinth’s/Gregory’s (she might be involved in the love stories but i figure only in small ways and most of her continuing screen time will be about her paper and only a little will be indirectly related to the current love story of the season (Pen & Colin being an example of a happy, healthy marriage + being happy with their kids)
Eloise and Penelope will reconcile before Pen and Colin truly get together bc their row is an obstacle for Pen and Colin (maybe not entirely solved but at least defrosted enough for Eloise to be Pen’s maid of honor)
Also Ben was Ant’s best man and I would love it so much if Colin has Gregory be his 😭 And of course Violet would walk Pen down the aisle
I think Pen and Colin will get one of the true weddings of the series: not small and rushed like S1, not a farce like S2, but a lavish wedding after Colin practically shouted from the rooftops that he was courting Pen and then very publicly proposed to her (probably after asking her in private if he could ask her in public and she pointed out that he’s basically already asked her but yes he absolutely can)
With the emphasis on them courting (or not courting) i don’t think they’ll get a proposal scene but like functionally them agreeing to court is the same exact thing
Also Fran getting married makes Colin think about getting married and once again, thinking about getting married to Pen isn’t scary, it sounds wonderful
Of course, the two of them finally being on the same page and clowning around together (just friends.......... LOL)
I also think Colin’s rampant flirting that we’ve seen in trailers is really just him putting on a front; he really relies on Pen (especially her letters when they’re apart) to keep him grounded and help him interpret the world and without that he feels untethered
So he’s falling back on his reputation as a flirt and playing it up to keep his true feelings at bay; that’s also a huge part of why he volunteers to teach Pen how to snag a husband - he doesn’t know much (certainly not how to snag a husband) but he does know that he needs to be around Pen (“eagerly awaiting” her presence!)
I truly think that Colin still hasn’t had sex and if he has I actually don’t know if i’ll tune into the other seasons; why, knowing Colin/Pen is endgame, introduce this facet of Colin’s character in S1, say he’s sworn of women in S2, only to suddenly (and off screen!!!!!!) reverse it? he’s still a virgin.
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Forever And A Day (KTH x READER) series ♡ Francis Forever (chapter 17)
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Summary: your lifelong friend is forced to face his true feelings for you once he breaks the number one rule of becoming friends with benefits: dont fall in love. He knows he loves you, but you on the other hand need more convincing of the most important thing: the right decision.
Genre: fwb. Roommates, friends to idiots to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, the whole 9 yards tbh.
Pairing: taehyung x female!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni!!!)
word count- 5k
warnings- swearing, angst, mentions of miscarriage, confused feelings, some kissing (some smut not really its like 2 seconds), REALLY EMO
a/n- guys....we have reached the final chapter of Forever And A Day, oh my god. Ive worked on this story since January, its very dear to me, Thank you for everyone who tagged along. I love you so much! there will still be an Epilogue posted as well. Enjoy the chapter angels
Your feet led you down to the kitchen, where your mom was currently cleaning.
"hi honey" she mumbled, not turning around to see you as she scrubbed the top of the stove.
"hey.." you walk over, opening the fridge and looking for something to snack on. Granted- there was something made for breakfast but you hadn't woken up until 12pm. Technically, it was now lunch.
"do you want me to make you something?"
You peer over to your mom whos putting things away in the storages
"no thats okay" you grab a sleeve of crackers from the cabinet and some cream cheese, opting to sit at the kitchen island with your sad "meal"
"thats not lunch, missy" your mother scolded as she turned to you finally
"meh" you shoved the cracker in your mouth as you watched her grab her coat from the hanger. "where are you going?" you spoke with a full mouth.
"I have to run to the store"
"didnt you just go the other day?"
Your mom peered over her shoulder, waiting a moment "yes...but, I forgot to grab...uh....planter feed, for my little window plants" she nodded over in the direction of them.
"okay....can I come?" you mumble, throwing another dry cracker into your mouth.
"no" she laughed, making you look up
"what, why?"
"because" she began to ramble "well...I love you but Ive spent every minute with you this week, its good to be alone for a few hours"
You raised an eyebrow as if you didnt believe her.....because you didnt. "okayyy..." your voice dragged out
"ill be back in no time, no worried dear." she grabbed her bag and walked to the door, "ill bring you back a coffee" she winked as she left.
Once you heard the door lock, you stood up, licking the cream cheese off your fingers.
why was she in such a hurry to be gone?
Your feet wandered over to the little plant cabinet she had, opening it to see a freshly stocked basket of soil feed packets. Of course she was lying.
She was probably looking for an excuse to see that guy shes been talking to for months now. Why would she lie though? does she think you couldn't handle it?
Chosing to ignore it, you picked up her cat and made your way upstairs to your room, sitting down at your desk.
These days you werent out much, last time you saw other people was 2 days ago when you went to go grab the mail from the mailbox in the pouring rain. Nonetheless, you still loved to get yourself dolled up as if you were going out.
You applied some makeup, carefully drawing out your eyeliner to a sharp point. The way you applied your face could be compared to how you applied yourself to everything else in life- strict and neat, and you hated when you had a smudge
You pushed through your makeup bag, searching for a certain lipstick that you are now realizing you left back in Paris.
"that was $20" you sigh, standing up to wander to your moms room. Surely she has something to use, shes always been one to paint her face, she used to let you play "makeover" when you were young, which might be why you love it so much now. It was always enjoyable, even if you made her look like a clown a bit.
You wondered where she would keep her makeup, as it wasnt in her bathroom. A quick scan around the room brought you over to her vanity drawers.
"ahh, there we go" you happily looked at all of the collective lipsticks and palettes sprawled out in front of you. You grasped a few of them to look for one you would use, when your eyes fell onto a folder underneath all it.
Pulling it out and carefully looking inside, because you were snoopy even with your mothers belongings, you saw what appeared to be a booklet of Polaroid photos.
You giggled softly at the cute older photos of your mom when she was younger, the silly gestures in the photos reminded you that she too is human and has her own emotions.
You came across a specific one in the pile where your mom was looking out the window in her old apartment, obviously pregnant.
that was you.
Smiling softly, you slid through the last bits before picking up one that made your breath hitch.
Your dad.
She still kept every photo. Hidden.
Photos of your dad sitting on the deck of the house with newborn you resting on his chest, photos of him not knowing your mom was even there while he did tiny activities, like fixing or repainting something.
It was so real and so raw, and you wanted to criticize your mother for keeping all of these, because as you looked at his face, you felt nothing but anger.
But you had to remember she spent a majority of her life with him...she had a kid with him....and you almost felt a sense of sympathy for her and the life she thought she would have with him.
He ruined so many things and even after all of that, she cant toss the photos.
Its never really over, huh?
You knew deep down that you should've respected your moms privacy and left the room, considering you were only on the look for a lipstick.
But you found yourself still digging an hour later, looking at photos and notes and everything in between. In a way, you felt like the snooping mom looking into her daughters room.
Perhaps you shouldnt have, but you took one of the photos and kept it for yourself. It was of your mom, she had to have been your age in it, and she was standing in front of the old ice cream place she always took you to before it got demolished.
She looked so happy and pure, she had that gleam in her eyes that you struggle to find in her nowadays.
You put the photo into your bag, making sure it was flat and not bent.
With any lesson learnt from your parents, its that your biggest fear is to spend your life in the wrong situation, trying to make it work only for it to end up as the opposite, and leave you with a broken heart.
But on the other hand, you also realize that you dont want to be like your mom, although you admire and adore her, you want to find your place so desperately, and not let any opportunity go to waste.
The doorbell downstairs rang, startling you a little as you rose to your feet, trying to head down quickly.
"coming!" you shout, your bare feet leading you to the locked door. You open it and see a young man with a pizza in his hand. "oh!"
He bows his head polietly, "Hi, pizza for Y/N?"
You almost laugh, "ah...I didnt order anything?"
you thought for a moment and considered that your mother probably ordered it for you, knowing that your choice of meal this morning was crackers and cream cheese.
"its already paid for" he spoke again
"im sorry but-" you sigh "okay....thanks?" you reach out, almost burning your hands at how warm the box was. You dropped it off on the kitchen counter and looked at it.
It was cheese and bacon, your favorite, how did your mom know that?
"should I trust this?" you looked down at the cat crawling over your feet, she smelled the yummy food just above and was trying to access it.
Before you could grab your phone to call her, you heard the doorbell ring again. "seriously...?"
once more, your feet dashed you over as you opened the door, assuming it would be another delivery. You dropped your phone onto the floor as the person standing in front of you turned around.
"I hope you are open to sharing that pizza" Taehyung spoke quietly, a small smile on his face.
"what are you doing here....?" you looked at him like a deer in headlights; scared, relieved, shocked, happy all in one.
He calmed his expression and stepped a bit closer, "can I come in?"
You stepped back and thought for a moment
"please....?" he persisted
"y-yeah..yeah come in" you stepped away and watched him slowly enter the house, taking his shoes off before turning back to you. He didnt have a moment to speak before you threw yourself into his chest, wrapping him up into a tight hug.
His arms snaked around you, pulling you closer as both of your breathing became uneven.
"i-im so sorry...i missed you a lot and I havent texted and, fuck, youre here and im so-"
"shhh...shhh" his hand held your nape as you looked at you, forehead against yours, "dont apologize its okay"
"no...lets just go sit down and talk" he whispered, rubbing your back.
You exhaled shakily "okay"
You led him over to the kitchen, still in absolute shock at the fact he is here with you right now. All of the guilt began to seep back in the moment you saw his face.
You took a seat at the counter and looked at him, the sun peaking in through the blinds, leaving stray lines of orange through the room.
He smiled and looked around, pulling the seat out next to you as he sat down.
"So.." you looked at him, swallowing harshly. "wh-"
"your mom called me" he spoke honestly, sitting down and shielding the sun with his hand. "I was worried sick about you, I cant lie"
Yep. Guilt.
"and I didnt wanna bother you, but she called me and said that you wanted to see me so..." he smirked a little, looking down.
You sigh loudly, "oh tae.....i never told her to tell you to come...."
He laughed, throwing his head back "ah I figured sort of...I knew you would have probably texted me yourself"
You nod, stomach fluttering at the sound of his amusement. "yeah..'m sorry for not texting, that was really shitty of me Tae"
"dont apologize, youve gone through a lot, I understand its not easy to jump back in yet...and thats okay." he whispered "but...how are you? what are you feeling?"
"right now? im....im honestly really happy you showed up...."
You nod, "mhm, i, er, missed you" you fumbled with your words, not wanting to sound needy or desperate.
"I missed you too" his response was quick.
you both looked at eachother for a few moments silently, before you spoke up, "you ordered that pizza, didnt you?"
He began to laugh, "yeah I did"
"I knew my mom wouldnt know I liked bacon...." you giggled, he moved a little closer and smiled.
"and listen, im not here to course you to coming back to Busan, I just wanted to come check on you...because you know I love you always"
You felt your face heat up, "I know...I know tae, I love you too."
"how are you physically?" he spoke quietly
Shrugging, you answered truthfully, "I think Im okay....my body is beginning to go back to normal, so....."
"good, thats good" he nods
"mhm...im glad I have my mom, but I really did miss having you nearby, and I know you dont want to hear it but I have to say it" you mumbled
"you can talk, y/n"
"im so sorry...for everything....its not fair-"
"just listen please, its not fair...what I did to you, and I shouldnt have left, that was so shitty to leave you back in Paris knowing you were hurting too"
His face softened
"and what I did has been haunting me so much that I was afraid to contact you in fears you resented me....in fears that perhaps you hated me now-" your voice choked
"y/n, no, no," he grabbed your hands, "I could never hate you....never ever" he whispered moving to see your eyes, "listen to me, It was a bad situation, and perhaps we could have done better, yes, but stop apologizing for dealing with grief."
He wiped the tear stain on your cheek, holding your face close to his, whispering, "does your mom still have popsicles in the freezer?"
The random question made you laugh, "what?"
"this is serious, y/n, does she?"
"I- I think?" you stood and watched him search, successfully finding them. "why?"
He smirked, "you know why" he grabbed 2 and held your hand, bringing you upstairs to your room, opening the window and climbing out to the ledge of the roof
A place you two always sat during your high school days...with popsicles.
"ohh...." you giggled, now understanding his method to the madness.
"been a longgg time since we sat here, why didnt we do it when we visited a few months ago?" he smiled, opening the wrapper and licking the watermelon pop
"Im not sure..." you opened your own, happy that the sun wasn't directly on you two anymore.
Taehyung laid back against the roof, eyes on you from behind. Its been so long since hes seen you, and with every passing day he grew more impatient.
When he got the phone call from your mom, he knew it was mostly her doing, but he was not about to pass up a free opportunity to see you, even knowing the risk of you despising him was still high.
He wanted to call you beautiful, the way the orange sky illumintaed on your skin, it blended perfectly, it was straight out of a disney Princess movie.
He had no clue as to what label you two stood as, was it okay to call you baby? there was never an official breakup. Was it too much to want to kiss you as soon as he saw your face? his body yearned for you in every way, he missed the feeling of your hand in his and your body on his chest at night.
He missed all of you, and it hasnt even been that long.
"you know..." he began, closing his eyes, "Im starting to think im a bit too dependent on you" his voice was teasing,
"why do you say that?" you looked back at him, licking the popsicle.
He shrugged, smirking, "just cant seem to stay away...."
"i dont understand you" you laugh, looking forward again. "ive been such an ass, Taehyung"
"youre not an ass you just feel things deeply and I love that about you"
"is this some kind of kink?" you joke, watching him laugh
You shake your head as you continue to eat the pop, "I dont shame"
He looked up at the sky, glaring at a plane flying across. He wondered if you two could be seen from the window.
He wondered how tiny and insignificant you would appear to the passengers aboard, who had no idea what situation you both were dealing with, like how he didnt know what they were dealing with.
Life is weird like that.
What problems you have and seem huge may seem meaningless to others, or how from space, you are the size of a grain of salt. It puts things into perspective, and over the past few weeks, hes been thinking about everything deeply and truly....deciding that although it may change nothing, seeing you was the best option.
"Tae?" you spoke, noticing how quiet he got
"remember when we were 16 and it was Easter? My family was over with yours, and you and I climbed up here after dinner and tried to smoke my dads cigarettes for the first time?" he laughed at the memory
You smile, "I smoked it wrong and began to choke"
You both were giggling again now
"you almost swallowed it, how does one fuck up smoking so badly?"
You nudge him, "hey!"
He shrugged, still smiling
"you are quite the smoker yourself now, huh?"
"I grew up with him smoking so yeah, I sort of picked up on it"
You nod, listening
"you hate it though, right?" he smirked
"well you are a grown man, you can chose to do as you please"
"oh cmon dont play coy, you know you would never give up a chance to scold me for it"
"yeah youre right" you sigh at his knowingness "I worry about your lungs!" you tease
"my lungs are okay" he smiled as you laid down on the roof next to him, the sun casting both of your shadows behind you.
"you dont know that!"
"trust baby, if anything was wrong youd be the first to know"
You froze after he called you baby, it wasn't like you two had been gone for years, but neither of you had been lovey in over a month, it felt almost foreign, almost wrong.
He wasnt going to apologize, it did slip, but did he regret it?
His eyes scanned over yours, softly and lovingly as he moved his hand over your hair, pushing it out of your eyes.
You stared at him, an expression reading shock. He pulled away slightly
"am I making you uncomfortable?" he seemed worried that he stepped too far, scaring you.
"n-no!" you spoke, reaching for his hand. "it just feels odd you know? its not you, its just...."
"been a while" he finished for you
You still felt safe with him, how could you not?
You didnt want him to make the assumption that you were not okay with his touch anymore, because that definitely was not the case.
You slowly cuddled closer to him, both of you laid on your backs as your head rested on his shoulder, his head leaning against yours.
Both of your lips were painted pink and red from the popsicles, it made you smile.
The sky above you two seemed so big, so endless.
Staring at it was almost frightening.
You reached for his hand and intertwined his fingers with yours, he quickly squeezed yours out of affection.
"ahh..." he spoke up suddenly, voice quiet. "I shouldnt.....I shouldnt have taken you to Paris"
You looked up at him
"maybe the plane ride was too much? maybe your body couldnt handle the stress?" he exhaled shakily, eyes still up at the sky. "Im sorry...I really am"
"you dont have to apologize for anything" you turned your body on your side so you faced him, though he still wouldn't look at you.
"hey.." you tried again, "you know, my mom told me she also miscarried when I was 3 years old...and thats why she never had kids after me"
He closed his eyes, squeezing your hand
"So I guess its runs in the family.....not our fault" you shrugged, "Its breaks my heart but...we dont have to blame ourselves"
He turned his head to your finally at the sound of your voice cracking, He brought you closer to his chest, hand rubbing your back. Taehyung swallowed harshly, clearing his throat to talk quietly "I've been...having a hard time dealing with it.
You rested your hand on his chest, looking at him sympathetically. His eyes were now watery, it took a lot to not cry yourself.
Youve already cried.
Youve cried so much
Perhaps you were now accepting the miscarriage for what it was, you were even able to say it aloud now, and thats growth.
You wished the same for Taehyung.
"that's okay, too" you whisper, hand snaking around to brush his hair between your fingers behind his head.
His eyes went back up to the now purple sky, tears reflecting the image in front of you. "do you think they are up there?" he smiled softly, rubbing your back still.
You look up at the sky, the clouds creating a beautiful set up as the sun set behind them. The world felt blanketed and secured in this moment, almost safe.
"yeah" you whisper, squeezing his hand, "but they are also here...with us, you know?"
He looks at you, tear marks on his face as you move to wipe them with your sleeve. "I think we will always be parents, that cant change. I feel that connection so deeply, and I know you do too. They arent gone, they just arent in this world" you add.
Taehyung smiled softly at your words, nodding slowly, "yeah....yeah youre right"
His thumb runs over your knuckles, calming you both down.
"I cant get myself to get rid of anything...like the stuff we bought." you mumble, looking down at your hands.
He chuckled, "mmh, you dont have too."
You sighed and looked at him again, a warm blush coating your cheeks.
"you know...I dont give you enough credit" he spoke "youve been through so much"
"Tae..." you brush his hair back, "youve given me everything....we need to look ahead...the past cant be changed."
He slides his hand under the hem of your shirt, touching the soft skin on your hip bone. It wasn't promiscuous or anything, simply an act of love and affection, silently showing you he's here and is listening.
"Im really sad" he choked out
You hugged him close as he began to cry into your shoulder
"its okay baby, its okay....its okay to be sad, you dont have to be strong for me" your hand caressed his back. "I love you so much, please know that"
He took a moment to calm down before pulling back to look at you, "y-youre right....we do need to look forward now"
You nod softly, holding his face.
You were a little worried to see him in this state, you didnt know he was feeling this and keeping it down for so long.
All you could do was comfort him and be there.
"I just.....are we still...." he trailed off, making you smile as you cupped his face again, brushing your thumbs over his cheeks lovingly.
"mm" you slowly leaned forward to kiss him
It was a nice kiss, not too slow but not too fast, just what was needed after a month of distance and no contact.
He blushed brightly, holding you as he whispered, "do you think we could start over? I really want to treat you right, and I want this to work. We can work it out right? the correct way this time?" his voice wavered
You nodded, still looking at him "yes....we can try again, the right way" you giggled as he leaned forward to kiss you again, this time a little quicker.
He bit your bottom lip, hands gently squeezing your hips
"baby-" you exhaled into his mouth, gently pulling back to look at him. "maybe we shouldnt"
"why?" he frowned, almost looking like a little kid
"well for starters we are on my roof" you giggled, sitting up
Taehyung smiled and looked around
"and....I dont know...sex is what brought us this mess" you teasingly nudged him, making him laugh. "lets just be with eachother for a little bit and let our feelings lead us to what happens"
He sighed, knowing you were right. "okay....can I still cuddle you though?" he whispered, making you coo at his cuteness.
"of course, lets go"
You slowly led him back into your room off the roof, closing the window before settling down on the bed with him. "when are you going back to Busan?"
He held you, face hidden in your neck "maybe in a few days...I dont want to leave you yet if thats okay"
"okay...thats fine, but, I think I'll head back with you...."
He smiled, rubbing your back "yeah?"
"mm" you kissed his head, closing your eyes.
You were still healing. To say you fully recovered was not true, but as you sat in his arms things felt normal again, even if it would be temporary.
Perhaps you needed to be with him to fully heal, to fully be yourself. Taehyung was your other half, and he knew you better than anyone. To give this another chance is like a breath of fresh air.
Putting your pasts behind you in hopes of feeling happiness again, in hopes of both of you becoming better people for each other.
Taehyung doesnt want to leave you, ever, and you cant say you want him to.
You dont spend half of your life with someone then let them run away just because things go downhill.
If your father was in your presence, you would teach him this lesson.
When you love someone, you hold their hand and walk through hard times together, you dont let them leave over something that both of you know you would need eachother's support for. To think- you almost let him out of your grasp, you almost lost him.
And Taehyung loved you so much...that if you asked him to leave....he would have.
You dont know what the future entails, and yes, its fucking terrifying. Life is scary, theres ups and downs, and suprises and failure, but theres also a lot of love, and happiness, and success if you look hard enough.
You do hope one thing for sure, and thats that he will be at your side as you grow up, to be there when you are right and wrong, healthy or sick, happy or sad.
As you both began to pick up the pieces of what was broken, you appreciated the past, knowing you had to let it go, but it also brought you here, back into where you feel most safe.
You renovated the apartment and turned the Nursery into a craft room for Taehyungs painting. He kept all of the baby belongings in the closet, hoping for the day in the future when he would open it again and feel that sense of excitement but nervousness.
You continued work and college classes, pursuing your acting career that youve always wanted, and when you graduated, Taehyung would never let you forget how much he admired you.
He kissed your neck softly, his hand pressed into yours as he hovered above you, "so beautiful, my love...."
you bit your lip before exhaling a shaky moan "ohh..f-fuck"
"so smart....youre so perfect baby, I love you"
He kissed you gently, still moving his hips against yours as you held him close to you, fluttering your eyes shut.
things had settled into place once again.
Taehyung got offered a job as an art teacher at the college you graduated from, taking the full time position while you worked at the local theatre, producing and preforming sold out plays every weekend.
The saving money part was hard for him, he wanted to buy you anything you laid your eyes on.
"did you seriously buy the couch?!" you tossed your bag, running from the doorway to the living room to see the grey couch you had pointed out shopping with him literally the day prior.
He shrugged, "yeah...whats the big deal?"
"taehyung!" you giggled and hugged him.
He was too spontaneous for his own good.
A few years passed, and looking at your current life now, you would not believe how much had changed. You can say for the first time in a while you felt happy...and oh what an exciting and freeing feeling that was.
"I love youuuu! my baby!!!!!" taehyung danced around on the icy sidewalk outside of your apartment door, it was new years eve and he was drunk.
very...very drunk.
He pointed at you as he sang, "my babyyyy! woo!"
You giggled, sitting on the steps and recording your man child boyfriend whom you loved so much. "baby be careful dont sl-"
too late.
He fell on his ass, laughing so hard he almost puked, which of course made you laugh too.
"cmon ya big baby" you ran over and helped him inside. Midnight had already passed earlier, pre-drunk taehyung had danced with you around the living room, gifting you a small kiss once the clock read midnight.
"hm, I dont get it, whats so different about a new years kiss? its like every other one?" you laughed after his lips left yours.
"well its special because I get to be the first to kiss you in the new year" he smiled cheekily
"tae...your the only one who gets to kiss me any year" you point at him
"damn right" he snaps his fingers at you as he walks past into the other room.
Every holiday you spent with him felt special, every event, every grocery run, it all felt so much more authentic now.
You two were in your mid twenties now, and a lot of mental growth had come along with that. With pride, you can say you were better people than before, and thats why things worked so well.
You could easily live like this forever.....
it was basically an endless sleepover with your best friend. You were okay if you could come home and see his face waiting for you on the couch.
Your sweet boy.
You had no idea what was gonna happen next, whether that was marriage, or another attempt at having kids- you felt ready.
Ready to give him anything he wanted in return for him saving you.
You could do anything, be anywhere or anyone, in good or bad conditions, and you will still only crave him.
Your lover.
You want him for months
for years
for eternity...
For Forever And A Day.
And God knows he felt the same.
A/N- wow guys....this is it....I cannot thank you enough for reading my first story on here, im not perfect at writing but you guys keep me motivated and confident in my work, and I love you for that. This will not be the end of this couple, we still have the Epilogue as well as eventual drabbles.
You guys are amazing. ily.
@turnthepageandbeburnt @taebangtanbabe @borahaexoxo @lelefoodlover @tan-veee
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Who Made Me a Villain (7)
Confused? Yeah, I am too. [Masterlist] [Ao3]
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6)
“Rebel, I am your father.”
“I know that.” Rebel said, cutting him off in the middle of his glorious speech about reuniting their Joker family. “We met before. Remember?”
“We did?” Joker said, confused.
“ Yeah. I was still locked up in Arkham.” -
Rebel hummed in her cell as she doodled. Her therapist was kind enough to allow her a sketchbook and a pencil when she found out about her artistic background. Dr. Fenton was already a step-up from her last one who thought he could harass her and she had kicked him where the sun doesn’t shine in retaliation. Alarms sounded and red lights filled the room, making her lose concentration and accidentally ruin her drawing of the Gotham skyline. Rebel cursed in a mix of French and English because now security was going to be tighter now and she had been planning to break out that week.
A feeling of unease filled Rebel and her gut instinct was urging her to find a way out. She ran towards the door and yelled for someone to tell her what was going on. There were no answers.
“Then you came to my cell.”
Under the blaring sirens, she faintly heard the sound of manic laughter. Her heart raced, as the uneasy feeling increased tenfold.
The door shook under whatever was trying to get through its feeble resistance. Rebel slowly backed away and tried to look around her cell for something she could use to defend herself. It was bare except for her sketchbook and pencils. The bars were too narrow for her to use. While she could use magic, teleportation was still outside of her skillset. She should have learned that one before she left Paris. Maybe if she could just-
The door fell down and a grinning face, one which she desperately wished to never see, grinned down on her before pulling back.
A slim figure dressed in a purple suit stepped through the doorway. A wide grin on his face.
“Hello, my dear child.”
“You kidnapped me and tied me up. To try and convince me to do your bidding.”
“Come on, Darling daughter of mine, smile. Give your Daddy a big smile.”
“No.” Rebel replied vehemently.
“I guess, I have to make you them.” He snapped his fingers and some Joker goons appeared and lifted her throne.
Joker stepped away and gave Rebel a good view of the vat of green glowing chemicals, bubbling away.
She struggled to get out of her bonds, panicking at what was going to happen. She heard horror stories of the infamous Joker toxin which made her father into what he is. Turned Harley from Harleen Quinzel into a psychotic clown sidekick.
A moment before she was tossed in, Joker said, “Well, sweetheart, you excited for your makeover?”
“Go burn in hell.” Rebel snarled.
The goons tossed the heavy throne over the railings with a short scream from Rebel. A giant splash was heard and when they looked over, the top of the throne could be seen, slowly sinking into the vat.
“A few minutes soak and a new Joker will be born.”
Then, he pointed at one of the goons, “You there, jump in there and get her out. Tying her to a heavy throne was not a good idea in hindsight. We don’t want my heir to drown.”
“Yes, you and hurry up. Or else,” Joker pulled a gun out of his jacket and waved it in the goon’s general direction, “Bang!”
“It didn’t quite work.”
The man walked to the edge and looked down into the vat. He hesitated, looking to and from the gun and the vat of chemicals. As he looked over, preparing for a dive, he saw something dangling from underneath the catwalk.
“What is that-” The Joker goon didn’t get to finish his sentence before Rebel kicked his face in, knocking him out.
She had managed to get free from her restraints with magic and grab hold of the chains which were connected to the bottom of the catwalk the Joker was on.
Rebel used enough momentum from swinging the chain to jump back onto the catwalk and coincidentally, kicked the Joker goon .
She lifted the heavy crown which the Joker had put on her head and threw it. The crown spun in motion and hit its mark on Joker’s face, knocking the Clown Prince of Gotham out.
When he was down, she kicked the nearest goon in the crotch. Upon seeing the others draw their guns, she grabbed the one dropped by the Joker goon and shot at them.
“In the end, I kicked your ass and got away.”
“I don’t recall any of that ever happening.” Joker said, still confused. This was the first time that they had met. He wondered if the madness was hereditary. Or if it was something else.
“Oh. Wait. That was a different timeline.” Rebel exclaimed.
“So we have never met before today. I keep forgetting.” she muttered.
“So you know the truth of this world.” Joker stated instead of asking. He looked unusually serious that Rebel was a bit caught off guard.
“The fact that we are nothing more than people’s fantasy written down in ink on paper.” Rebel remarked dryly.
“Sometimes, just words on a screen.” Joker added.
He laughed his head off like he just told the funniest joke in the world.
“So you know. That we are not real. Nothing is real. So nothing matters except for me and Batman.” 
“I know. You told me before in the timeline that never happened.” Rebel drawled out.
“So you agree with me? Will you join me by my side?” Joker loomed over her with a pleased smile.
“Not really. I just see it differently. If you hadn’t noticed, I am an anomaly. I am not really your actual canon kid.” Rebel pointed out. “Just someone else’s idea of that reality.”
“Not in this world and time. You are my child. Even if you aren’t in other universes and timelines.” Joker dismissed.
“This world is our playground and you are the clown princess of this entire place. Even if you want to deny it. Right here and right now, I am your father and you are my daughter. This is a fact that currently holds true.”
Rebel huffed. “That doesn’t mean that I share the same ideology as you on your views of this world. So no, I don’t think I will be joining you in your eternal war against a guy in a fursuit.”
Joker frowned. “Then, you won’t matter. They won’t know about you. They won’t care about what happens to you. Unless you matter, they will just kill you off and put you into the void.”
Rebel couldn’t take the way that Joker was looking like he was borderline concerned for her existence. In his own twisted way, Joker was trying to look out for her.
Rebel took off her mask and gave him a smile. “I don’t care either way. I used to matter to the world once upon a time. I suffered because I was the important main character. If my time in this world is now limited because I am no longer one of the main ones, then I will make sure that I was memorable enough in my current run so I can have another go.”
“There’s a chance that you won’t be able to make it back. Not dead in the way that you won’t be brought back to life later on. A permanent death. Forgotten. Never existing. Forever lost in the limbo.”
“Oh. Please. This isn’t my first rodeo. I am here, aren’t I?” Rebel replied nonchalantly.
The meaning behind her words clicked for Joker.
He roared with laughter.
“Bravo.” He said with a hint of fatherly pride. “You brought yourself back from the limbo, didn’t you?”
Rebel tried not to grin too much at the praise.
These moments of lucid madness, where her father was sane enough to comprehend the truth of their world but still insane to not care about it, were rare. Coincidentally, these moments are when Joker acted the most fatherly.
Was it wrong of her to engineer these moments to feel fatherly affection?
Probably. But she had a feeling Joker would approve of the manipulation if he knew.
“Besides, I know you won’t let me stay dead.” Rebel said.
“Do not take that chance, Rebel.” Joker warned her. “I did not fully remember the previous times until you mentioned it. I didn’t know that you were my daughter until I saw the paper about your little crew.”
“Crew? What crew? I don’t have a crew.”
“The Rebellion, of course. Aren’t you the one in charge?”
“Nope. The leader of the Rebellion and I are just friends. She stole my jacket and masqueraded as me for a bit. Now, everyone thinks I lead them.”
Joker chuckled. Not laughing that the manic laughter that everyone was used to. Instead it was the light-hearted chuckle from hearing a good unexpected joke.
He came near Rebel and ruffled her hair.
She swatted his hand away because it took an hour for her to style it that way.
Joker gave another delighted chuckle.
“Now. Now. My rebellious spawn, I heard that you pulled the wool over that Big Blue Boy Scout in Sunny Metropolis. I want you to tell me about how you pulled it off.” Joker said, hugging her sideways.
Rebel tried not to seem too eager. She knew that she would have this version of her father for at least a few more hours before his more Joker-ish traits would set in again. Until then, she was going to enjoy being a daughter to a somewhat loving dad.
Rebel gasped for air as she sat up. Her arms immediately wrapped around herself. She was solid and alive and breathing. Rebel grabbed onto those facts like a lifeline.
Even until now, she felt like every move she made was being watched and in the back of her head, she heard the ominous click-clack of the computer that controlled her life.
She was real. She had to be. She can’t be-
“- a figment of someone else’s imagination.” A voice came from her right.
Rebel instinctively looked in that direction.
She tried to scramble away upon seeing the purple suit and green hair.
“Hello, my rebellious spawn. Quite the fitting name you have chosen for yourself.”
“What did you do to me?” Rebel asked. If she sounded freaked out, who could blame her when she just came out of a death experience and found herself in the same room with a psychopath.
“I didn’t do anything.” Joker paused, “Well, it’s slightly my fault as your progenitor. But other than that, I have to assume what you saw was the true reality of our world.”
Rebel tried to calmly assess her situation. She needed to get the hell out of here. Joker was spouting nonsense as usual. Who knows when he would snap and kill her. Judging by the place, she was in the morgue(?).
“What the fuck?”
She looked down and saw that she was wearing nothing. The only reason she hadn’t accidentally flashed her ‘father’ was because she had a white sheet covering her. 
“Am I some kind of fucking zombie?” Rebel said.
“No, my offspring. As I was trying to kindly explain, this is our Joker birds and bees talk.” Joker revealed.
Rebel glared at him. “I am not fucking doing the sex talk while I am naked. The French thing about being okay with nudity is not true.”
Rebel didn’t know what possessed her to follow the Joker. He tossed her usual outfit of t-shirt, leather jacket and ripped jeans but they were eggplant purple and green to match his suit. At least she wasn’t naked anymore.
She summoned one of her emergency masks out of her magic dimensional space pocket. It was a simple dark purple instead of her usual red to match her outfit.
She didn’t have to follow him like he asked but curiosity about what she saw made her ignore her instinct, screaming at her to not trust him. Joker had her answers and her gut told her that he would be forthcoming about it.
“Ah… this is perfect.” Joker said as he stopped.
Rebel looked up from her musing. They had stopped in front of an abandoned apartment building. Against her better judgement, she followed Joker into the building.
Joker seated himself comfortably in the armchair that the one of the past owners must have left behind while Rebel remained standing up.
She glared at him.
“So talk.” Rebel demanded.
Joker tapped his chin, “Where do I start?”
“Let me help. How am I alive if I died? I didn’t have enough in me to cast a spell for a shield.”
“Tough question right off the bat.” Joker giggled at his little pun before continuing. “Because you are still needed for the story. You aren’t the only exception. No one important can die. That means both heroes, villains and everyone in between can’t die. Even if they die, there is always the chance you can come back. Look at the Red Hood for example. The child was supposed to be dead but he was brought back to the land of the living for the sake of the story.”
“How am I important? I have been nothing but a nuisance. The fucking Universe doesn’t care about me. I have you for a father for fucks’ sake.”
“If you haven’t noticed, every hero or villain has some type of tragic backstory. Batman has his parents’ death. His current Robin had been neglected by his parents. Harley had been fucked up by me. I can go on and on. But there are some exceptions. You however are not.”
“Gee. Thanks, I didn't notice.” Rebel said with heavy sarcasm.
“Another reason you aren’t dead right now is because we are slightly immortal.”“What do you mean ‘slightly immortal’?” The finger-quotes were obvious in her statement.
“Slightly immortal as in we are more durable than your average human, spawn. It is also something that has to do with your mother.”
“My mother?”
“She is not human, that's for sure.” Joker said. “I don’t know exactly what or who she is. Even the creators didn’t give her a proper name. She was delightful company though. She was intrigued by the fact that I also knew the truth about this world and she was the one who explained it all to me.”
“Then the two of you had a fun one night stand that ended up with me?”“We fooled around a bit, had some laughs and caused some trouble for Batsy.” For a moment, Rebel thought that the Joker looked like a forlorn man who regretted letting go of a lost love.
“There was this one time that I miscalculated a plot and thought that I was going to die. Then, I woke up perfectly fine. She told me that she had given me a gift. Not true immortality. Even she can’t give me that. But I will not die by things that would kill other humans.”
“But doesn’t that mean you are the only one who would have that invincibility?”
“I thought so too but then, you survived an explosion head-on.”
Rebel remembered those last moments. Her taking her jacket off and covering the bomb in hopes to somehow dampen the explosion.
“You are crazy. Crazier than me even.” Joker remarked.
“I should be dead.”
“But you are not, which means you are one lucky girl. My theory is that your mother gave you the same gift she had given me or you inherited it from me.”
“You don’t know?”
“Rebel, my dear, I didn’t know that you existed until one of my Joker goonies showed me the newspaper headlining you. After another fun heist, your mother disappeared and I never heard from her again. I only assumed that she got bored of me.”
“How are you so sure that that being was my mother? Even if you are my dad, how can you be sure that my mother is not someone else you had your fun with.”
“You have her eyes.”
“Blue is the second most common eye colour.” Rebel shot back.“Her eyes weren’t blue. No, your eyes have that same calculating glint where you look at random objects and be able to make it work.
Rebel sat there, processing the information that she had been given.
“So now what?”
Joker gave her a confused look. “I don’t know either. Currently, the creators are giving me a break so I have nothing going on.”
“No invitation to join you? No threats to throw me into a boiling vat of what made you ‘you’?”
“I realised that you were never going to join considering what you chose for your name. You are crazy enough even without the chemical.”
“The Joker being calm and reasonable? Never thought that I would see the day.”
“I can be calm and reasonable. Can’t be crazy all the time.” He said, shrugging.
Rebel felt like her whole world had been slightly turned upside down. She
“You know what. Let’s go bowling.” Rebel suddenly suggested. The day is crazy enough as it is, might as well make the most of it.
“Bowling? That’s a strange request.” Joker said, cocking his head to one side.
Rebel shrugged. “We have nothing better to do. Let’s do something fun.”
Joker stood up and straightened his jacket. “Then, let’s go, my dear rebellious spawn. Onwards we go!”
Extra scene:
After Rebel scored three strikes in a row, Joker turned an accusing look to her and said, “YOU ARE CHEATING!” “I’M NOT!” Rebel denied. “I’m just better at this than you.”
The not-enough-to-deal-with-it bowling alley employee gave them a bored look before going back onto their phone.
A lady with a death wish approached the bickering pair from behind, dragging her son along.
“Hi, excuse me. I saw you and your daughter playing together and I was wondering if she would like to join us. We are having a birthday party for my son, Jerry. Wouldn’t she be happier playing with kids her own age?” The lady said with a bright smile on her face.
Joker and Rebel stopped their bickering, and gave each other the same look of disbelief.
Suddenly, the same thought struck them and grins of mischief replaced the earlier disbelief.
Joker laughed, causing goosebumps to run up their arms.
Rebel joined in, giggling. Making the civilians realised that they may have made a mistake in approaching the pair both dressed in green. The mother and son tried to subtly take a step back.
Immediately, Joker and Rebel turned around on their heels in sync.
Blood drained from their faces at the sight of the famous faces.
“You… you are…” The mother hyperventilated.
Joker leaned forward, his face barely inches from her pale frightened face.
“The Joker. Very kind of you to offer.” Joker laughed and then wrapped an arm around Rebel’s shoulder. “But I think my daughter prefers my company over some floozy.”
“Floozy? I am not a floozy.” The woman screeched with indignity.
Rebel stepped in front and pushed her father back.
“Lady, if you value your life, fucking leave us to our game and mind your own damn business.” Rebel warned. “Or else…”
The woman thought it might have been her imagination when she saw Rebel’s eyes flashed red.
The son, who had more self-preservation than his mother, covered her mouth to prevent her from digging her grave further and dragged her away.
Joker laughed.
“Did you see their faces? I don’t know how you did it but you scared them good. They looked like they would have shit their pants.”
Rebel simply rolled her eyes and said, “Come on, let’s see how ridiculously we can throw these bowling balls until they kick us out.”
“Harley?” The voice said. A voice she never thought that she would ever hear again.
“Stitches?” Harley turned around and exclaimed with disbelieving hope.
Standing there in the doorway, in her green mischief leather jacket was Rebel. Without a scratch or scars to tell the tale of her death.
Rebel removed her mask and gave her an impish grin. The sight was familiar to Harley. A memory from a different lifetime rose to her mind.
Harley ignored those thoughts for now and rushed forward to hug her ward/child.
“Stitches! You are alright!”
“I am back.” Rebel said.
“Oh, we gotta tell Red.” Harley said. “She’d been mopin’ in the house since we foun’ out about the incident.”
Harley tried to drag Rebel along but was confused when the girl refused to move.
“Stitches?” she asked, concerned at the look on Rebel’s face.
“Aren’t you going to ask how I am perfectly fine? When I am supposed to be dead?” Rebel quietly asked.
Harley gently cupped the two sides of Rebel’s face. “Rebel, sweetie, I used to work for your father. If there is anyone who knows most of his secrets, other than the big Bat, it’s me. I have seen him die in a hundred different ways and always go back runnin’ without a scratch. I’m glad that you got this part of his genes from him. The world without you seems a bit darker.”
Harley gently knocked her forehead with Rebel’s own.
“Any other problems that we need to address?” Harley asked with a smile.
“Other than my traumatic experience of my death and then finding out the truth behind our reality?” Rebel said as sarcastically as possible so Harley would think that she was telling a joke.
“So you met the people behind the voices.”
“You know about it?”
“I asked the Joker once. If the voices were normal. He tried to explain it to me but my mind kept forgettin' for some reason and he gave up. All I know is that I can hear the truth but I can’t know what it is. How do ya know what it is?” Harley asked.
“Joker told me about it.” Rebel confessed.
“Kid, are you okay?” Harley asked in worry. Any encounter with that monster is never pleasant.
“I am fine. He’s different this time.” Rebel said. “It’s like he feels more real than how he usually acts.”
Harley gave her a sad smile. “I know what you are talking about. It’s not real, Stitches. It’s just another mask he wears to make him believe in him.”
Rebel didn’t say anything. Because Harley was neither right or wrong. The Joker from last time and the Joker she just met were the same man after all. They were both real. Or not real since they are aspects that the people outside their reality perceive Joker to have.
Rebel stopped that line of thought there. She had enough of an existential crisis for one day.
Rebel just smiled at Harley and said, “Let’s go home.”
_____ Taglist:  @toodaloo-kangaroo, @iloontjeboontje, @buginetye, @angelwreckedd, @anoires-blog, @ever-since-i-was-young, @shutupandactuallylisten, @its-maemain, @vel-vee, @kashlyn, @officiallydarkgeek, @jayjayspixiepop, @cmouse, @transheso, @thecrazyfantrolls, @just-a-random-girl-loves-anime, @maddiesupdates, @the-dumber-scaramouche,
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securi-tye-blankey · 8 months
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So the sonas got a makeover! My fiance's sona, Arc is a Ryhnoc. He's witty, but doesn't show that too often as he's very shy. However, he will often attempt to make friends with others. Given the right environment he proves to be a very honest and reliable companion to those he considers close.
Though the Ryhnoc race isn't very fleshed out, I like to believe that the Rhynocs hold a lot of pride in the professions they choose. It's how I can justify they're jump from the Sorceress, to Grendor (canon?), to Ripto. Anyway, at some point a group of Rhynocs got sick of the cycle and branched off and advanced on their own. We have a little headcanon that the Rhynocs managed to advance themselves enough to travel to other planets and dimensions to find work after the events of "Year of the Dragon". But we haven't really figured out how Arc would meet Pockets yet. That's not too important at the moment.
Pockets is a retcon of my Fenomenan sonas Blankey and Jack. Their personality is a mix of the two. Pockets can pass for your average social person, but in reality they really would prefer to keep the conversations short when talking with someone they're not familiar with. Brief interactions are their preference, but will hold the communication if it's absolutely required. To friends, this is the exact opposite. They love to communicate and Pockets is more likely to reach out. Funny noises and mild pranks are their bread and butter. They stand at 4'10".
The headcanon that I have on Fenomenans is that they are a species of slime folk who's culture is mainly based around the clown, mime, jester, joker, etc(yes, juggalos count) stereotypes. Be it the good, bad, and the ugly. (Utopias are hard to come up with) Depending on the culture, they will dress in the race(?) attire while either sticking to the traditional look or adding to it, depending on family groups.
Fun past headcanon: The original headcanon was a bit more sad for the Fenomenans and the Norms. My idea for why there were no Fenomenans (at the time) was due to an event that caused Fenomenon to suffer distortions in space/time on parts of the planet. The "Nitro Fueled" track "Out of time" is the main inspiration. Originally, it was supposed to be wumpa fruit but, when out of time came out, I had changed it to be caused by a very bizarre purple fruit.~
Small Norm was affected by said event, leading the unintended creation of Big Norm and his hoarding/protecting of books. It's the final records of his species, and he's attempting to keep the culture alive through himself. However, through his interactions with Emperor Velo, he gained a strong distrust of outsiders and refuses to share what knowledge that is currently left. (I'll type a whole thing on it eventually.)
N. Fo was a bit of a foil to Small Norm in the story, being fascinated by the possibility of bettering the tech that caused the event to further advance other civilizations, but also doing it out of his own arrogance of wanting to achieve something to advance the galaxtic technologies and make a name for himself. (This is the brief outline btw)
I'm considering just making this it's own separate AU as I think the story I had was interesting, but a bit too much for the tone of the Crash Bandicoot series. I literally stopped with the comic because it was getting a bit too dark as I got too invested in these characters.
All this over rerolling in the shop to do story mode with Moe, just to discover the Norms... Just to never beat all of story mode with Moe.
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pynkhues · 2 months
#this is only semi-related but i do love that sam was so excited to play swamp creature lestat and rolin was like no the swamp is in the min#sorry we need you hot for the reunion everyone needs to realise the real reason louis fell in love with you#which is that you are a beautiful pathetic theatre kid with no sense of time or place#the fact that it's happened before too in the opposite direction lol#like sam's like can't wait to play beautiful romantic lead leilo#and rolin's like actually you are now the clown here's your little clown suit go spend hours in hair and make-up#and then sam's like can't wait to play lestat as a depressed ugly swamp creature#and rolin was like actually you're going to be like a beautiful unwashed norma desmond in an artfully dilapidated house with a plank of woo
I love all of this so much, I can stop laughing. Do agree that it's hilarious that Sam was so excited and Rolin was like NO YOU ARE MR. PRETTY FACE, WE'LL MAKE YOU KIND OF DRAWN-LOOKING AND WET CAT BUT THAT'S IT, DEAL WITH IT. I can hear Rolin saying "sam, the swamp is in the mind..."
(but yeah, better that Lestat looked, as you put it, like "beautiful unwashed Norma Desmond" -- he did genuinely look pathetic and unwell, but you're still like, I get it Louis. And Louis' there looking like it's Jacob's Vogue cover...
Hahaha, Rolin saw the dearth of beautiful gothic monsters on TV and he's built the anchor series of a multiverse to fix it, nothing, not even the source material will send him off course!
(Yes! Louis' ready for his close-up while Lestat's needed in hair and make-up. 😞 That works for them though, Louis already had to give Lestat a makeover back in s1, haha).
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thegigglingbaker · 8 months
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Meet my Killer Klowns oc Bimbo and yes his name actually is Bimbo. He wears a blue and purple clown suit, a dark blue corset, a pair of pink earrings, a purple neck ruffles, and dark blue and dark purple stripped clown shoes.
Bimbo has sensitive hearing and his ears flick and move around a lot.
He hung out with the Klownettes a lot and due to this they would often give him makeovers which he often kept, he often gets mistaken for a Klownette.
He is shorter than Shorty by nearly a foot.
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Notice from the Administrator
Concerning some staff "recreational activities"
It has come to attention that certain staff members are engaging in... questionable activities off hours. Therefore, it is advised that the following are forbidden until further notice.
Lawn darts are banned for a reason. Yes, Andre looks way cooler with the eyepatch. That being said, it should have never have happened.
Naked speedskating, karate, yoga, golf, or any other activities of such ilk are banned. No one wants to see Uranus Dr. Bright, especially not during downward dog. Either put on some pants or keep it in quarters.
Extreme cooking. It should not be possible to make an exploding pasta dish.
No more dressing up as videogame characters. While we all love Link, wearing his attire will cause 076-2 to go all Gannondorf on you.
No more "Extreme Foundation Makeovers". Putting false lashes on 096 was a brave move and a waste of lash glue.
No more "Pin the Tail on 682". Even HE'S starting to complain.
The entirety of the "Ninja Mime" movie franchise is banned. Look, if even 035, 076-2, or 682 would rather go do testing than watch the movies, that should tell you something. 076-2 threatened to gnaw off the arm of the next person to show him even a clip.
No. More. Clown. Costumes.
No one is to attempt fighting any anomalies in little more than a loincloth and a pot on their head. Although we think that was the first time anyone heard 096 laugh. Still not worth the structural damage and loss of several D-Class.
If you must play Dungeons and Dragons, Doctor Bright is automatically uninvited. No more repeats of the infamous "Escape From Boner's Pleasure Palace" for 343's sake. Dr. Winters is still in therapy, Dr. Bright. And... the bills are coming out of your pay.
If it involves lasers outside of work... it's banned.
If it involves explosives outside of work... it's banned, and any attempt to do whatever you had planned will result in immediate demotion to D-Class or execution, depending on the offender.
No more water wars. Poor 073 is still trying to figure a way to dry the entire backlog of new anomalies. Thanks, Clef.
For 343's sake... keep the "marital aids" in your personal quarters. Yes, we know Dr. Bright can be a dick. But... throwing a dildo at him is unprofessional (but hilarious).
No one is to give 999 caffeine or any artificial sweeteners. Neither agree with our favorite friendly blob of happy very well.
No one is to "demagnitize" Dr. Gears. He is human, and has the x-rays to prove it.
Stop trying to place fish inside the Water Nymph. She says they tickle her too much as they swim through her.
The Eye Pods do not need clothes. The little bobble hats were cute, we admit.
No more fish in aquatic anomalies. The Fountain of Youth was not meant to prolong the life of your children's goldfish, Agent Maine.
No creating cults. Unless it's the Church of the Holy Brew, we can all support a cult dedicated to very good coffee and fair treatment from farm to consumers.
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alwaysa-winner · 2 years
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{⋅-: ✧ :-⋅}  task 25:
                          lorenzo mcqueen
enzo is the eldest of the triplets. he is a bundle of nerves and emotion. often labeled the most sensitive of the bunch or as seraphina refers to him “cry baby”. the boy is particularly a walking rain cloud. it’s only when he’s behind the lens that he feels like he has it together. he has created a name for himself through streaming and the special visitor he invites to play with him frequently.
                            {⋅-: ✧ pinterest - musing - spotify   :-⋅}
inspired by : steven universe  (steven universe),  nana hachi komatsu (nana), cedric diggory  (harry potter), haruki nakayana (given), futaba yoshioka (ao haru ride ), jack( beastars), shelter - porter robinson ( song ), etc.
{⋅. GENERAL .⋅}
birth name: lorenzo mcqueen   nicknames: enzo         date of birth:   apr 1    age: 22     gender: male      pronouns: he/him  powers: weather manipulation species: human / mortal.                sexuality: bisexual  place of birth: porto corsa, italy    current residence: elias, california    occupation: game streamer 
zodiac sign: aries mbti: ESFJ temperament: sanguine  hogwarts house: gryffindor  moral alignment: neutral good
height: 5′9. hair colour/style:  brown and wavy, textured shaggy.  eye colour: hazel green. piercings: none. tattoos: matching tattoo with his siblings. notable markings: freckles glasses/contacts? no. faceclaim: timothee chalamet
 {⋅. HEALTH .⋅}
physical ailments: asthma.  allergies: tree nuts. sleeping habits: up all night gaming or streaming and sleeps all day.  dominant hand: right hand. drugs / smoke / alcohol? no, no, no
( + ) traits: loyal, sensitive, responsible, friendly, observant.  ( -  ) traits: inflexible, needy, avoids conflict, takes criticism very seriously .  usual mood: pensive likes:  volunteering, snow, mountains, rpg games, road trips, the color green, hot chocolate, popcorn, hand holding, card games, laying on the floor, skiing, green apples, glowsticks, neon lights, ghost hunting, storytelling, wednesday, cats, people watching, cartoons and anime, manga, horses,  loose warm clothing, staying inside, fireplaces, laser tag, fidgets, spending time with friends or family.  dislikes:  change of plans, bad drivers,commercials, hospitals, robots, clowns, ghost, jump scares, mean comments, judgy stares, heights, gyms,the sounds of bells, makeovers, surprises, history, pranks, fireworks, bettles, chicken noodle soup, total darkness.
bad habits: not standing up to himself.
parents: francesco bernoulli and lightning (monty) mcqueen  siblings: dante, elise, caspian,nina, athena, stefan, seraphina. children: one day birth order: eldest triplet  significant others: none  closest friends: diana & nanami (the gaming buds) / henry & harry teague and you!
languages spoken: english, spanish, italian drive? yes.  jump start a car? yes.  change a flat tire? yes.  ride a bicycle? yes.  swim? yes.  play an instrument? harmonica play chess? no. braid hair? yes, but not very good tie a tie? yes.  pick a lock? no.          sew? no.
compassion.          10/10.
empathy.          10/10.
creativity.          5/10.
mental flexibility.          5/10.
passion.          7/10.
luck.         9/10.
motivation.  5/10.
education.          7/10.
intelligence.          6/10.
charisma.          4/10.
reflexes.          4/10.
willpower.          10/10.
stamina.          5/10.
physical strength.          2/10.
battle skill.          2/10.
initiative.         5/10.
restraint.          5/10.
strategy.         10/10.
team work.         10/10.
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sadclowncentral · 4 years
ah yes the 15 fears. goal oriented furries. music that makes you go apeshit. fucking off to sea. moisturized clowns. extreme home makeover: door edition. nihilistic hentai. singing and the rain. academic truth or dare. the bee movie extended universe. yeeting people. the power of vore and friendship. simon says: spider edition. a parents guide to arson. the sun but evil. and of course: cringe umbrellas.
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hopeshoodie · 2 years
A thought I’ve been having about S4 is that it’s interesting to me how people are so mad about certain characters not being romanceable/not being able to couple with MC all the time, when in S2 you were taken from your LI/not coupled with them for quite a bit of the story.
The difference seems to be that in S4, the characters just aren’t that into MC, whereas in S2 they were interested in MC but there was a lot more going on (being interested in someone else as well, having personal development they need to do, the game tearing them apart) that stopped them from being together.
And that kinda connects to my disappointment that I ~like~ all the S4 characters. Like with the exception of Juliet and Dylan, all of the characters are self-assured, fully developed, secure adult people. I loved S2 because all of the characters were flawed in ways that made them more than just an ~ideal love interest~
Marisol wasn’t fully comfortable with her own sexuality and needed to develop her ability to express and be confident in her attraction to women
Bobby had a TON of insecurities that visibility impacted how he treated people, same but to a lesser extent with Rahim
Gary’s ED, Chelsea’s ADHD, and Rocco’s depression realistically impact their behavior and self perception
Noah is wracked with confrontation anxiety and doesn’t communicate well, Hope has anger management problems and the context of the show exacerbates her commitment and jealousy issues.
The S4 characters just don’t… Have as many vulnerable moments where we can see their flaws. Instead they’re all a lot more… I don’t know, whole? Like Angie is the sardonic quiet friend (and yes she comes to terms with being gay but also that's not a character flaw she overcomes), Youcef is the blunt pretty boy (ironic because he’s so terrible to look at), Najuma is the confident goofy girl, Will is the aloof artist, Bruno is the brash class clown. But we don’t really know what makes them tick outside of that. I /like/ them all, just don't love any of them specifically. They all easily exist outside of a relationship with MC and don't really develop over the course of the game (aside from Angie coming out and Tom's superficial makeover).
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