#coach ben
Ranking the Yellowjackets from least to most unhinged/corrupt
I’m bored and I feel like we need to hold these characters accountable a bit more so I’m going to rank the main Yellowjackets characters by how many terrible things they’ve done, and I’m going to list these terrible things.
I’m not including the side characters in this list (like Melissa, Gen, Mari, etc.) because they’re all kind of at the same level and have committed the same sins.
TW: Mentions of SA
10. Javi and Laura Lee
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These two are both in the most innocent ranking on this list because I can’t really think of a single thing either of them have done wrong. Laura Lee called her piano teacher a cunt I guess? Javi ran away and made his brother worried? Yeah, I’ve got nothing. These two are pure, sweet souls that didn’t deserve what happened to them.
9. Jackie
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•Left Van on the plane to die
•Broke girl code by sleeping with Travis right after he and Nat broke up
•Kind of dubious consent with Travis being on drugs when they slept together (Jackie didn’t know that though) and her convincing him to sleep with her after he says he’s in love with Nat
Jackie’s crimes are really just being a teenage girl and becoming a nihilist after finding out about Shauna and Jeff.
8. Coach Ben
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•Slapped Misty
•Lead on a teenage girl into thinking they had a romantic connection
•Most likely committed cannibalism (Steven Krueger said that Ben’s disgust during the Snackie scene was more about how savagely the girls were eating Jackie and not about the cannibalism itself, he likely snuck just a little Jackie meat to stay alive)
•(Allegedly) Burned down a cabin full of teenagers with the intention of killing them
7. Travis
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•Made blatant misogynistic comments
•Pointed a loaded gun at Nat
•Pushed Javi to the ground
•Slept with Jackie when he was (kind of) still with Nat
•Committed cannibalism (including eating his own brother)
•Made offerings to “The Wilderness”
•Cheated on his girlfriend with Nat in the adult timeline? (according to Nat in her hypnosis scene)
Travis’ crimes were mostly out of his control and solely for survival. And being a sexist, moody teenage boy in the 90s.
6. Van
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•Made offerings to "The Wilderness", one of Lottie's main followers
•Committed cannibalism
•Hunted down Nat with the intention of killing her
•Allowed Javi to drown so she could eat him
•Told Travis she does not regret letting Javi die and eating him
•Called off the psych team for Lottie knowing that it would likely result in one of their deaths (was clearly willing to reinstate the hunt, which resulted in Nat's death)
We haven’t fully gotten to know adult Van yet, but I have a feeling, with the cold/numb shift we see in Van after Javi’s death and her seemingly still being a follower of The Wilderness in the adult timeline, she will shoot up this list when Season 3 comes out and we learn more about her.
5. Lottie
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•Was the first to commune with “The Wilderness” and introduced it to the others
•Made offerings to “The Wilderness”
•Was the first Antler Queen
•SA’ed Travis and hunted him down with the intention of killing him during Doomcoming
•Committed cannibalism
•Accidentally killed Travis
•Drained Travis’ bank account after his death
•Lead an ethically questionable cult in the adult timeline
•Kidnapped Natalie and handcuffed her to a bed
•Suggested that the girls should reinstate the hunt and sacrifice themselves to “The Wilderness” again in the adult timeline
•Hunted down Shauna with the intention of killing her
While Lottie did serve as the first Antler Queen, her reign was centered around (mostly) harmless worshipping rituals and she seems to have mostly good intentions. Notably, she was not involved in the first card draw/hunt and seemed to disapprove of it. She also was not involved in Adam’s murder coverup. However, she did spearhead the girls’ descent. And the SA, questionable involvement in Travis’ death, and her reinstatement of the hunt are hard to ignore.
4. Natalie
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•Attempted to kill her father
•Faked Javi’s death
•Committed cannibalism
•Allowed Javi to die in her place
•Accepted the role of Antler Queen
•Committed insurance fraud
•Blackmailed her former sponsor
•Breaking and entering
•Attempted to shoot the blackmailer (Jeff)
•Manipulated Kevyn into giving her confidential police records
•Stabbed Lisa’s hand with a fork
•Helped Shauna cut up and bury Adam’s body
•Joined Lottie’s cult and encouraged the others to join as well
Nat is interesting because she’s often considered to be the moral compass of the group, but she’s done a lot of bad stuff! What sets her apart is the guilt and remorse she feels after these events.
I’m putting her just slightly below Tai because Nat was not involved in any of what happened during Doomcoming, she has not yet hunted a person unlike the others, and she was less at fault for what happened to Javi because she didn’t really have a choice. However, she had a real descent in Season 2. You can see something shift in her after Javi’s death, so I think we’re going to see a much darker side of Nat from now on. She accepted the role as leader of a group that just hunted and ate a human being, so I have a feeling she is going to move up on this list as we learn more about what happened in the Wilderness.
3. Taissa
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•Accidentally broke Allie's leg
•Committed cannibalism (unconsciously the first time but intentionally the second time)
•Partially participated in hunting Travis during Doomcoming
•Hunted down Nat with the intention of killing her
•Allowed Javi to drown so that she could eat him
•Traumatized the fuck out of her son
•Killed Biscuit and made a shrine with his severed head
•Helped Shauna hide Adam's body
•Intentionally got into a car crash which almost killed her wife
•Cheated on her wife with Van
•Called off the psych team for Lottie (knowing this would mean the card draw would become a real hunt?) (idk her role in that is confusing)
Taissa is hard to place on this list because a lot of the bad things she does (eating Jackie, Biscuit, crashing the car) are "The Bad One" taking over. Ultimately I placed her here because of the dark potential of The Bad One and how little control Taissa has over this persona.
Taissa did consciously hunt Nat, eat Javi, and help cover up Adam's death. And she called off the psych team knowing this could result in someone getting killed (although I think that was more Van’s influence).
2. Shauna
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•Slept with her best friend’s boyfriend (and got pregnant with his child)
•SA’ed Travis, hunted him down, and attempted to kill him during Doomcoming
•Was the first to commit cannibalism
•Encouraged the others to eat Jackie
•Beat Lottie within an inch of her life
•Hunted down Nat with the intention of killing her
•Allowed Javi to drown so she could eat him
•Butchered Javi’s body
•That scene in the pilot where she’s…doing things to herself while looking at her daughter’s underage boyfriend
•Had an affair with Adam behind Jeff’s back
•Pointed a gun at a car thief and told him she really wanted to kill him
•Killed Adam, cut up and hid his body, and lied to the police about it
Shauna seems like a sweet and unassuming house wife on the outside, but she is secretly an adrenaline junkie who loves quote on quote “peeling the skin off a human corpse.” She really, really wanted to kill that minivan stealer, like to a concerning degree. Shauna, of course, has her soft moments and cares about her teammates, but she has a secret dark side that can definitely be bad news for those around her. I have a feeling Shauna will maintain this spot high up on the list as we learn more about what transpired in the Wilderness as well as where her adult self goes from where she left off in Season 2.
1. Misty
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•Broke the flight transmitter
•Attempted to SA Coach Ben
•Drugged Coach Ben without his consent
•Drugged the entire team without their consent
•Committed cannibalism
•Made offerings to the Wilderness
•Accidentally (but also kind of intentionally) killed Crystal
•Hunted down Nat with the intention of killing her
•Pulled Nat away when she was trying to save Javi
•Allowed Javi to drown so she could eat him
•Committed elder abuse
•Hijacked Nat’s car
•Planted secret cameras in Nat’s hotel room
•Arrested for breaking and entering
•Kidnapped, held captive, and killed Jessica Roberts
•Helped Shauna cover up Adam’s murder
•Accidentally killed Natalie (while intentionally trying to kill Lisa)
Do I even need to explain? Misty is terrifying and absolutely a sociopath. Also, she’s canonically a serial killer. This girl is absolutely the most unhinged on the show and will likely remain in the top spot as future seasons come out.
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jollyreginaldrancher · 4 months
Sister Michael could have handled the yellowjackets but coach Ben could not handle the Derry Girls
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homosexualslug · 1 year
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coach ben burning down the cabin was actually mlm/wlw hostility
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fairytwles · 3 days
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lottiefmatthews · 7 days
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i slept all day by accident and im feeling kinda unreal,,!
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wowzashipman · 1 year
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at some point i will stop making these
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nymphadoratheauror · 1 year
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macabre-romantics · 1 year
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muadweeb · 2 months
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halfagony-halfh0pe · 1 year
coach ben returning from the tree to find out the girls designed a cannibalistic ritual to choose the next meal, held travis at knife point, hunted nat through the woods and killed javi by inaction
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orangejinxy · 1 month
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pride club recruiting poster
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deerest-deer · 4 months
♡ yellowjackets characters as littlest pet shops pt. 2 ♡
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here's part 1 ♡
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lottiefmatthews · 20 days
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is this.. is this season 2
also i *dont* believe lottie is a pure baby but it was funny to me lmao
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the-lonelyshepherd · 7 months
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assorted yellowjackets items
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wowzashipman · 11 months
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Yellowjackets + text posts
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