#coach matt monroe
andrewmoocow · 1 year
Little Homeworld Life chapter 15: A Quick One While I’m Away (originally published on April 3, 2023)
AN: You wouldn't believe me if I told you, but this episode shall be focusing on Steven himself. Bet you didn't expect that, huh? Taking place around the same time as the previous episode and taking cues from The Beatles' A Hard Day's Night, we shall spend the episode focusing on Steven as he continues his journey across the country to find himself along with focusing on the end of Two Sides of the Same Gem from his perspective, but he keeps finding trouble along the way. What characters could possibly return along the way, you may ask? That's for us to find out!
Synopsis: Steven travels across the country to find himself.
Zach Callison as Steven
Ron Perlman as Negative Steven/Inner Steven/Thorn
Hugh Jackman as Beckham Jordan
James Monroe Iglehart as Coach Matt Monroe
Karen Fukuhara as Makoto Fuji
John Goodman as Jeffrey Lazuli
Grace Rolek as Connie
Kate Miccuci as Sadie
Indya Moore as Shep
Joan Jett as Sunshine Justice
Kacey Musgraves as Yvonne
Michelle Creber as Chloe
Featuring Tim Daly as Kent Clark
Sarah Michelle Gellar as Sarah Summers
Christy Carlson Romano as Bonnie Kimberly
Cam Clarke as Mr. Leonardo
Sam Riegel as Mr. Donatello
Sean Astin as Mr. Raphael
And Brandon Mychal Smith as Mr. Michelangelo
For the past month since his failed attempt at reaching out to his evil counterpart, the leader of the Crystal Regime, a lot has been on Steven's mind lately. Who would've guessed there was another universe in the infinite horizon of the deep cosmic sea where not only Steven was evil, but he and the Crystal Gems ruled the universe with an iron fist? It worried Steven about what if he gave into Black Rutile's manipulations and turned out just like that alternate Steven. But on the other hand, Lord Steven suffered from the same problem of living up to his mother's legacy as he did, and it seemed like maybe the two could've come to an understanding had Black Rutile not gotten in the way and had Lord Steven presumably killed for even daring to have a change of heart. No matter how traumatizing the sight of seeing himself die yet again may be, Steven chose not to dwell on that for now and continued his drive.
"Penny for your thoughts, my boy?" the familiar voice of Negative Steven gave the regular Steven a scare and almost made him lose control of the Dondai Supremo.
"You!" Steven yelled at Negative Steven. "I thought I made peace with you! What do you want now?!"
"Relax, Steven; I don't want to fight." Negative Steven proclaimed." I only want to talk. So, an evil version of you, huh? Sound familiar?"
"Yeah, I made the connection." Steven said, eyes laser-focused on the road. "But still, can you imagine it? There's an evil version of me out there, and probably in many other universes. What do you think that says about me? Was I really that close to turning out just like them?"
"Possibly." Negative Steven contemplated. "Worst case scenario, you'd turn out even worse. That's why I'm here now, to keep you from going too far off the deep end should something like our first encounter happen again."
"So you're like my conscience now?" Steven asked his inner self. "Wow, it's amusing how our relationship turned out. So what can I call you other than Negative Steven? Maybe Inner Steven? Or how about Thorn, since you were a thorn in my side?"
"Thorn, Inner Steven, I can go either way." Steven's new conscience replied with a shrug. "Hey, we're coming up on our next stop. Snakewater, Montana, I think."
"Thanks for reminding me; I hear there's a lot of dinosaur digs here." Steven said as he began pulling into Snakewater.
"Get a move on, Dr. Scott, I want this Oryctodromeus clean by sundown!" Jeffrey Lazuli ordered the leader of a group of paleontologists as they worked on cleaning up a dinosaur skeleton they had just excavated. "The museum wants this donated by noon tomorrow."
"Hello there, sir." Steven greeted the bowling ball magnate. "I was just stopping by when I saw you here. Need help with anything?"
"Well, drop me in a cave and call me Batman; it's Steven Universe!" Jeffrey cried out in delight before turning to the paleontologists. "Hey buddies, Steven Universe is in town today!" The paleontologists stopped what they were doing and rushed over to greet the boy, although he'd prefer to say hi and go on his way. "Never would I see the day I'd get to meet you in person, Mr. Universe."
"Nice to meet you too, sir." Steven laughed awkwardly while shaking all the paleontologists' hands and signing autographs for them. "I suppose you may recognize me from the times I saved the world, huh?"
"Oh, not entirely." Jeffrey said. "I once met some of your Gem friends, one of whom happened to share my name. Lapis, I think her name was? Yeah, she came to me because she was mistaken for my daughter by some thugs."
"Yeah, funny how that works out." Steven continued laughing sheepishly while looking for an opportunity to get away. "Listen, I need to go now; I got a ton of other places to see."
"I hear Los Diego is gorgeous this time of year." Inner Steven replied, even though Steven was the only one who could hear him.
"No, no, stay. Everyone in town would love to see you!" Jeffrey urged Steven, who couldn't say no and disappoint everyone. "So what do you say?"
"Of course, I'll stick around!" Steven declared. "I'd love to see more of your town."
While Steven was eager to meet the people of whatever town he came across, he wasn't prepared to be mobbed by fans wherever he went. Indeed, his adoring fans caused him to be chased out of Snakewater and find somewhere new to visit where he hopefully won't be mobbed by screaming fans or paparazzi, somewhere like Los Diego, the place where he sent the Crystal Gems off to for a night of fun so they can be distracted from his struggles for just a little bit.
Not at all. What started as a sightseeing trip soon turned to chaos as Steven found himself running through the streets of Los Diego, away from his fans, with Inner Steven by his side. "How would the Gems cope in a situation like this?!"
"Beats me; look at what they're doing." Thorn answered with a shrug before pointing at a billboard advertising a Lapis Lazuli-brand flamethrower. "Talk about irony."
"Yeah, the irony is real!" Steven replied. "Don't you think they should've talked to me first before this happened?!"
"You tell me." Inner Steven answered. "Didn't you want some time away from them to find yourself?"
After a moment of contemplation, once Steven found a way to hide from his fans, he could only come up with one answer. "Well played."
A few days afterward, Steven and Thorn drove all the way up to Keystone to have a meal at the Best Diner in the World, where Steven had breakfast with Greg and a feuding Ruby & Sapphire so many years ago, back when he was so young and carefree, and the only thing he had to worry about at the time was how Pearl's betrayal affected Garnet and her components.
"I wish I had a corporeal body of my own to inhabit instead of being a part of your mind," Inner Steven muttered as he was enamored by Steven's breakfast. "because this food indeed looks worthy of being served by the Best Diner in the World."
"Glad you're enjoying the place, Thorn." Steven laughed while cutting up his chicken and waffles. "Though I'm definitely sure there are tons of places calling themselves the Best Diner in the World, this one will always hold a special place in my heart."
"Hey, look, it's Steven Universe!" a news reporter yelled excitedly as he set his coffee on the counter and raced to sit next to Steven in his booth. "Mr. Universe, I'm Kent Clark from the Daily Star; it is an honor to meet you!" the reporter introduced himself while shaking Steven's hand. "Care to answer a few questions?"
"Uh, sure, I got time to kill." Steven shrugged while setting his fork down, while Thorn just raised an eyebrow.
"Question number one, can you describe your early childhood?" Kent asked while pulling out a notepad.
"Well, if I had to describe it in one word, it would be "complex," Steven answered. "On one hand, I was used to having fun adventures with my friends involving my favorite ice cream being discontinued or taking my new backpack on an adventure. On the other, my life has been put at risk more times than I can count on my fingers, and I learned some shocking truths about my heritage that I'm better off forgetting about."
"I think you're selling yourself short there, friend." Thorn commented dryly.
"I see." Kent replied. "Now for question two. How are you coping with life following your recent adventures?"
"Pretty okay, actually." Steven answered again. "I've been traveling the country in search of an identity for myself and maybe a new place to live, but I've promised my friends back in Beach City that I'll return every so often." Then his face suddenly turned dour. "But the events of last month have been pretty shocking for me, even by my standards. As it turns out, there's a whole alternate universe where I'm the evil ruler of Earth, and I tried convincing him to change his ways before he got killed. Or, at least, I think he was killed. I got my gem taken out, and I didn't instantly die either."
"The multiverse, eh?" Kent murmured. "You mean the concept of an infinite number of universes with infinite possibilities? You know, I always daydreamed about being a mild-mannered reporter who's actually the last of an alien race sent to Earth by my parents to be adopted by a kindly farmer couple, and the Earth's sun basically turns me into God. What if there's another universe where that's my life?"
"Look, it's been nice talking to you, but I think I have to go." Steven said as Kent let him move out of the way, only to be hounded by more reporters and even some other restaurant patrons.
"Mr. Universe, is it true that you're as much of a white supremacist as the hashtag says?!" one sensationalist reporter asked.
"Wait, a what supremacist?!" Steven gasped in alarm. "Where are you getting this from?!"
"Just this page dedicated to Black Rutile, sir." The reporter said. "Asking about discrepancy here."
"I think I should really go now; thanks for having me, everyone." Steven hurriedly said as he shuffled his way out of the diner and back to his car. "Of course, Black Rutile would keep spreading slander like this."
"You, a white supremacist?" Inner Steven sneered. "Maybe when the pigs fly as the fat lady sings."
Back inside the diner, Kent was doodling a picture of himself as a superhero on a new page in his notepad. The superhero version of Kent was dressed in a blue costume with a set of red trunks, boots, a cape, and a big S on his chest. "Hm, what should I call him? Supreme?" he muttered to himself. "Naw, pretty sure that's already taken. Superior? Hm, getting a little warmer."
Steven's journey now took him to Empire City, where he hoped some familiar faces would help him. That reminded him, he had a meetup with Beckham Jordan he needed to attend because they had arranged a basketball game with some of the local kids. But unfortunately for him, that would soon have to wait. As Steven disembarked from his car and began walking through Empire City, he was quickly greeted by the familiar voice of a little girl. "Mommy, look, it's Mr. Steven!"
"Wait, is that who I think it is?" Steven chuckled as he turned around to find Chloe, the little girl that he and Spinel helped reunite with her mother Yvonne, running towards him. "Chloe, it's been so long! And you've gotten so big too!"
"Yeah, I'm six now!" Chloe giggled as she wrapped Steven in a big hug while Yvonne laughed.
"Oh, hello Steven, fancy seeing you here again." Yvonne greeted Steven. "I saw you on the news last month. Technically, it wasn't you; I think it was that evil you. Whatever happened to him?"
"I'd rather not talk about that." Steven tried to dodge the subject while gently setting Chloe down. "Listen, I'd love to stay and chat and maybe babysit, but I got things in this city to do. I'm actually planning to check up on Beckham Jordan and his friends today so we can shoot some hoops together."
"Oh, how delightful!" Yvonne exclaimed. "Tell Mr. Jordan I said hi. I'm a pretty big fan."
"Bye, Mr. Steven. I hope I can see Spinel again!" Chloe waved Steven goodbye as he returned to walking, unaware that four men in suits with differently-colored ties, one blue, one purple, one red, and one orange, were quietly following him.
"Hey Steven, I'm open!" Beckham Jordan yelled as Steven tossed the basketball to him, and a group of kids tried blocking him.
"Oh no, you don't!" one of the boys exclaimed while snatching the ball away and dribbling it toward the hoop on the left. "Score!" he yelled as he made a perfect dunk. "Woo, go me!"
"Nice moves there, Koby." Steven patted Koby on the head. "Who knows? With enough practice, you might be playing on the same team as Beck."
"Now, now Steven, let's not get too hasty." Coach Monroe chuckled warmly before blowing his whistle. "Okay, kids, halftime!" On that note, the kids took a break from their game to start swarming around Steven with questions galore.
"Mr. Steven, how can you fuse with fuse with humans and Gems?" a girl asked.
"I think it may be because I'm half-human, half-Gem." Steven answered. "I'm unsure if I ever delved too deep into that topic."
"Have you ever tried fusing with them both?" a boy added.
"I don't think I ever considered that either." Steven replied. "Anyone else?"
"Can you turn into a monster for us?" another kid asked while raising their hand.
"I'm afraid that's a no." Steven said nervously. "I only turned into a monster due to massive amounts of bubbled-up stress and cortisol from all my years of adventuring. Plus, I'm not sure if I can even do that anymore."
"I got a question." Matt asked, pointing to the growing crowd of news reporters and photographers outside the court. "Any of those guys looking for you?" Steven cringed in disgust as he spotted the paparazzi trying to break through to meet him.
"Just when I thought we'd finally get away from them." Inner Steven grimaced when he suddenly got an idea. "Here comes a thought. Why don't you walk up to those autograph hounds and show them what for?"
"Are you sure?" Steven asked his conscience. "They're obnoxious, but I don't think they mean any harm."
"Go on, yell at them." Thorn sneered evilly, his former life as Negative Steven beginning to show once more. "Do it!"
"Mr. Universe, we'd like to ask you a few questions for the Empire City Times." A newswoman asked with her microphone to Steven's face. "Just recently, your friends in Beach City have reached international celebrity status. Care to disclose your feelings on the matter?"
"Uh, I don't think they ever told me about this." Steven answered shyly.
"Correct, this status was thrust upon them without warning too." Another reporter stated. "Onto more pressing matters, did you truly believe it was right to imprison Black Rutile in Little Homeworld instead of shattering her?"
"Taking lives just isn't my thing." Steven replied as he slowly began glowing pink with anxiety. "Black Rutile needed to learn that her actions had consequences, no matter how much she insisted that she was in the right!"
"Yet you're still letting her run free to enact her revenge on you and your super friends." A third reporter proclaimed with a scoff. "Like just recently, she attempted a takeover of the world with the assistance of an evil doppelganger of yourself from another dimension. Who's really to blame here, you or her? Or perhaps you're becoming just like her?"
"SHUT UP ALREADY!" Steven finally screamed as his powers and temper took control, and he sent the news team flying with a mere yell while creating a small crater beneath his feet. "I am nothing like Black Rutile, and I never will be! So just leave me alone already!" As the dust settled and the reporters collected themselves from the shock of the blast, Steven looked around and gasped at what he had just done before looking back at Inner Steven, who had his arms folded with a smirk.
"Attaboy, Steven." Inner Steven smiled proudly before he looked at the stunned children. "Care to explain what you just traumatized them with over there?"
"Mr. Steven, are you okay?" one of the frightened children Steven was just playing basketball with bravely stepped forward to ask the older boy.
"I….I….." Steven muttered in terror before running away from the court, dismayed with how he had just acted.
"Steven, wait!" Beckham cried as he raced after Steven. Not too far from the court, the four men in black watched the incident patiently from behind their pitch-black sunglasses.
"Hmmmm." The man in the blue tie pondered. "Mr. Donatello, would you care to discuss what we have just witnessed."
"It seems his powers are triggered under extreme stress, just as Aescul stated." Mr. Donatello, the man in the purple tie, analyzed in a robotic tone of voice. "Had he been pushed farther, the effects would've been lethal."
"We need to bring that boy to his majesty at once!" the red-tied man hissed while taking off his shades to reveal snakelike eyes beneath them. "He is too dangerous to continue living on this planet!"
"Calm yourself, Mr. Raphael." The orange-tied man suggested to his companion. "I suggest we continue our surveillance of Steven to see where he goes from here. Should he indeed threaten the human race, we will take action."
"As always, Mr. Michelangelo, you are right." The blue tie man said to Mr. Michelangelo with a reptilian smile. "We cannot simply alter our mission now. I request further investigation on this child, and then report back to me. Understood?"
"Yes, Mr. Leonardo." Mr. Donatello, Mr. Raphael, and Mr. Michelangelo nodded with their hands over their hearts. "Glory to sneople-kind." As the three snakes disguised as humans slithered back into the shadows, Mr. Leonardo kept out of sight as he snuck his way towards the basketball court, taking advantage of Coach Monroe trying to calm the scared children down.
"Hm, this has Diamond written all over it." Mr. Leonardo observed the crater Steven had created. "The royal family must be informed of this."
"Uh, can I help you sir?" Matt asked Mr. Leonardo, who responded by presenting the coach with a silver pen-like object in his hand.
"I need you to look in here, please. My pen seems to be broken." Leonardo stated before the "pen" emitted a bright flash that momentarily stunned Matt and the kids. As soon as they could see again, the man in black had vanished when in reality, he had retreated to the rooftops to continue his investigation.
"Steven! Steven!" Beckham called for his little friend while walking through the Narrows. "Come on out, squirt; I won't bite!"
"Hey buddy, you looking for someone?" a hot dog seller asked Beckham in a thick Brooklyn accent.
"Yes, I'm looking for my friend Steven." Beckham answered with a nod. "He's about yay high, wears a pink jacket, and is probably running in shame of his powers going out of control! Seen him run by here?"
"Oh, you mean Steven Universe?" the hot dog seller said while sticking a wiener in his mouth like a cigar. "I saw him run crying into that alleyway over there." He pointed towards an alley just a few blocks behind him, and Beckham could see that it was now glowing pink.
"Oh, thank you so much, sir. You're a lifesaver!" Beckham smiled as he enthusiastically raced towards the alley.
Meanwhile, Steven had curled himself up into a ball to cry, still ashamed over his earlier outburst while fuming over how Inner Steven egged him on. "This is all your fault."
"My fault?" Thorn said defensively. "Technically, this is just as much your fault since I am a part of you. Guess I'll have to get used to being your conscience."
"Just leave me alone." Steven responded sadly before he heard footsteps coming towards him. "Let me guess, another reporter?"
"No, Steven, it's me." Beckham said calmly while sitting down next to his friend and fan. "Listen, I understand what just happened was because you're under a lot of stress. You're an international superstar now, and I totally get that. Heck, even I need some time away from the press sometimes. But I prefer not to drive them away with any weird alien superpowers I got from my mom."
"So what are you trying to say?" Steven said before Beckham put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"The point is that I know how you feel and how to help." Beckham said, helping Steven up off the ground before finding a nearby costume shop. "Follow me; I know of a perfect disguise."
"Have to say, this celebrity isn't half bad." Inner Steven grinned at Beckham's willingness to help Steven.
"Yeah, he's a really great guy." Steven responded, much to Beckham's confusion.
"Steven, who are you talking to?" Beckham asked Steven.
"Just my conscience." Steven replied frankly, much to Beckham's confusion, as the two entered the costume shop. Above the shop however, Mr. Leonardo and his cohorts watched the two silently before beginning to talk among themselves.
"Despite his godlike power, Steven is just as human as the rest of them." Mr. Leonardo proclaimed stoically. "Our people and their special friend must know about this."
"So this is the same boy who brought the Diamonds to their knees?" Mr. Raphael added sourly. "Pathetic."
"Don't speak too soon, Mr. Raphael." Mr. Donatello assured his teammate. "If Steven truly has pure intentions for the universe, we shall allow him to live his life. If not, he will be exterminated, and the entire Gem race shall be reset to their original programming." However, the sheer gravitas of Donatello's declaration was undercut by Mr. Michelangelo noisily snacking on some pizza. "Mr. Michelangelo, could you please stop eating that Earthen source of nourishment so messily?"
"I apologize, my friends. It's just that the humans make such good food." Mr. Michelangelo said with his mouth full of pizza. "Want some?"
"Not right now. We must keep watching." Mr. Leonardo declined the offer as Steven emerged from the costume shop wearing a red button-up Hawaiian shirt, sunglasses, and a fake mustache.
"You sure this'll help me blend in?" Steven asked regarding his tourist disguise.
"Trust me. Nobody will suspect some tourist in a goofy mustache." Beckham replied proudly. "Gonna need an accent too, though."
"You mean-a like this-a?" Steven asked in a fake Italian accent, causing Beckham to laugh. "Hey-a, I'm-a nailing this!"
"Yes, it's like you're a completely different person." Inner Steven chuckled sarcastically.
"Listen, let's just go to my penthouse, and we can lay low there for a bit." Beckham instructed Steven. "Hopefully, we won't have fans bothering us then." Looking at his watch, Beckham then realized something. "Oh wait, Makoto and the cheer squad should be practicing in my gym right now. That won't be too much of an issue, right?"
"Naw, Makoto's good people; I'm sure it'll be fine." Steven said in his normal voice as he and his favorite basketball player walked away to the penthouse.
"Okay, girls, let's run through our routine again!" the voice of Makoto Fuji exclaimed to her fellow cheerleaders as Steven and Beckham entered Beckham's penthouse, where they found Matt sitting on the couch with a book in hand. "A five, six, seven, eight!"
"Oh, Beck, didn't expect you back so soon." Matt said while looking up from his book and then at the disguised Steven. "Who's your friend here? Found another visitor?"
"It's me, Steven." Steven whispered while taking off his disguise. "Had to put this on to avoid the press."
"Clever move there, kiddo." Matt grinned with a nod. "Hey Makoto, Steven's here to visit! Why don't you and the girls take a breather and come see him?"
"Oh, Steven!" Makoto turned to find Steven outside the gym before lowering her pom-poms and speaking to her cheerleaders. "Take five girls. Got an old friend coming over."
"Hey, is that Steven Universe?!" one of the cheerleaders, a brunette with blue eyes, said excitedly. "Yo Bonnie, Makoto's friends with Steven Universe!"
"OMG, Steven?!" the redheaded cheerleader Bonnie cried and raced over to greet Steven. "I can't believe it, Sarah; I'm meeting Steven Universe!"
"Hi, nice to meet you, girls." Steven blushed shyly while shaking the cheerleaders' hands. "Makoto, it's been so long!"
"Steven!" Makoto cheered as she scooped Steven in her arms and spun him around. "You could not believe how worried I was for you when you turned into that big dinosaur thing! How are you recovering?"
"I'm doing just fine." Steven sighed happily as Makoto gently put him down. "I'm just busy avoiding all my new fans lately, as a celebrity should do."
"Yeah, he's been bitten by the fame and fortune bug." Matt chuckled lightly. "I should know. I caught a glimpse of it myself."
"Well, while you're here, wanna check out the routine we've been working on?" Makoto offered. "We'll even dedicate our cheer to you!"
"Sure, I could use some time to relax." Steven sighed agreeably while following the three girls into Beckham's gym, where the rest of the Vipers cheerleaders were doing some warm-up stretches and gymnastics while waiting for their captain to return.
"Okay girls, let's start over." Makoto called to the girls while picking up her pom-poms and taking her place in the center of the gym. "We got a special guest to perform for today, so let's make it count! Ready?!"
"Okay!" the other cheerleaders yelled. "S-T-E-V-E-N, who is our friend? Steven!" The girls then started bouncing around the gym as they formed a pyramid, with Makoto at the top, held up by Bonnie and Sarah. "Go, Steven!"
"Hey, you all did great!" Steven cheered back while taking a picture of the pyramid before him. "I have got to tell Connie about today and maybe send her this."
"Alright, tell her we said hi." Makoto replied as she was lowered to the ground, not noticing the four men in suits spying on them from outside.
Once outside the gym, Steven sat down on the couch and started calling Connie, who he believed was in her dorm room at the University of Jayhawk. "Hey Steven, long time no see! How's your road trip going?"
"Doing good. You'll never guess where I am right now!" Steven smiled before pointing his phone camera over to Beckham having coffee, who just waved at Connie. "So, how are you doing?"
"College enrollment has been hectic so far, but I'm keeping up." Connie replied. "Hey, did you hear that Peridot and Amethyst were on a talk show recently? Apparently, the president had the bright idea of making the Crystal Gems international superstars for all their deeds, including me."
"Yeah, I noticed." Steven muttered. "It's been pretty tough for me to get used to this, and I've been spending part of my journey running from the press and overly-obsessed fans."
"Hey, you're not alone here." Connie nodded. "Everyone's been worshipping me lately because of my association with the Gems, asking for autographs, favors, and even if they could name their future children after me!"
"Talk about nuts." Steven replied. "Makes me wonder how the Gems are doing?" While shrinking Connie's face on the screen, Steven decided to try texting Pearl. However, he got an automatic message with a video attached. "WE'RE SORRY, MISS PEARL CANNOT BE REACHED AT THE MOMENT." The message read. "SHE IS CURRENTLY FILMING FOR HER APPEARANCE IN THE UPCOMING BLOCKBUSTER 'THE PINK BEAST FROM THE BAY,' IN THEATERS SOON."
"The Pink Beast of the WHAT?!" Steven yelled, outraged at this profiting off his trauma while Inner Steven reappeared to give his two cents.
"A film based on you? What will they think of next?" Inner Steven dryly remarked.
"Really, a movie based on you turning into a monster?" Connie added just as dryly. "Then again, I've seen more offensive movies based on true events." Just then, she spotted something, or someone, standing on the balcony watching Steven. "Uh, gotta go Steven, I think someone is looking for you."
"Huh?" Steven turned around as Connie hung up to find Mr. Leonardo standing on the balcony outside with his arms crossed. "Uh, excuse me, sir, but if you're looking for someone, I don't think you'll find them here."
"That's the idea, Steven Universe." Mr. Leonardo said as he forced his way into the penthouse, and his cohorts emerged behind him, almost like he duplicated himself. "We have come for you."
"Hey now, you're trespassing on private property here!" Beckham yelled as he blocked the four men from getting their hands on Steven.
"You do not understand, human. We don't mean any harm." Mr. Donatello responded. "Simply hand over the child and we will let you live."
"No way we're letting you get your hands on him!" Sarah Summers added defensively.
"You mess with him; you're gonna have to mess with us first." Bonnie Kimberly proclaimed as the other cheerleaders surrounded the men in black.
"Go, Steven, get out of here!" Makoto urged her little friend. "We'll take them from here!" Steven gave a terse nod and immediately raced out of the penthouse, while the four men tried to follow.
"After him!" Mr. Raphael yelled when he was suddenly put into a headlock by Matt.
"Watch out, he's dangerous!" Mr. Michelangelo exclaimed in fright.
"You bet I'm dangerous; I was a champion wrestler in college!" Matt boasted. "Wanna see me do a mean grapple?!"
"I'd like to see you try!" Mr. Raphael yelled while trying to wriggle free.
When Steven thought things couldn't get any worse, those four guys in suits just had to suddenly appear wanting to talk to him. He needed to get out of Empire City and fast. Steven floored it as soon as he found his car, and almost like a flash of light, he was gone from the city in the blink of an eye.
"Where should we go now?!" Thorn yelled harshly as Steven kept his eyes on the road. "What if those four guys keep following us?!"
"I don't know!" Steven replied in terror. "Let's just stop at the nearest city and lay low for a few days or so! Hopefully, there will be someone we know there!" In what felt like only a few hours, Steven was so stressed that he lost track of time, he suddenly realized that he had accidentally crashed into a tree. "Where are we?"
"Seems rather peaceful out." Thorn mused happily before he noticed a massive music festival, with a group of rather flamboyant men dressed as a policeman, an Indian chief, a cowboy, a construction worker, a soldier, and a leatherman performing on stage. "And I spoke too soon."
"Hey, it's the annual Wood-Shavings Festival!" Steven exclaimed. "Only one of the biggest music festivals in the country! You know, I know a few musicians myself; maybe we can meet some here."
"I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here, Steven." Inner Steven sighed. "Besides, that much leather on one person must be a nightmare to wear in the summertime."
As the two Stevens combed their way through the crowd, they were once again unaware that the four men were still following them, apparently having escaped the clutches of Beckham Jordan and company. When Steven began to get closer, he saw familiar faces relaxing backstage. "Sadie? Shep?!"
"Steven?" Sadie gasped and raced towards her old friend in delight. "Oh my goodness, it's been so long!" she squealed while wrapping Steven in a hug. "What's been happening lately?!"
"Just a lot of stuff." Steven explained. "Gem terrorists attempting to take over the world, on the run from obsessed fans and guys in suits, talking to my own darker half turned conscience."
"Yo." Inner Steven greeted Sadie, even though Steven was the only one who could see him.
"So, what brings you here to Springfield?" Shep asked Steven. "I'm not sure if this is really a coincidence that you arrived just as we were about to perform with Sunshine Justice here."
"Hey Steven, long time no see!" Sunshine Justice greeted Steven with a smile. "My, you've certainly been growing since last we met! How's Greg doing?"
"He's doing great. In fact, he's moved into my old room now." Steven replied. "I gave it to him as a gift before I left home to find myself and run from my obsessed fans."
"Oh yeah, I heard everyone's cuckoo for Crystal Gem puffs now, probably including you." Sadie said. "How have you been faring?"
"That's why I found my way here, to escape all the hustle and bustle of celebrity life." Steven answered. "More times than I could count, I've been followed around by news reporters and photographers wanting to talk to me, and some of them think I'm no better than Black Rutile."
"Is that where they came from?" Shep asked while they pointed at the four men in suits marching towards Steven. "Or are they just security?"
"You guys!" Steven cried while unleashing his shield. "What did you do to my friends?!"
"Do not worry, Steven, they are safe, for they are not our objective." Mr. Leonardo stated while adjusting his blue tie. "We only want to speak with you, Mr. Universe."
"Uh, I'm going to need a refresher on this!" Sunshine Justice stepped back as the men approached her, Steven, Sadie, and Shep. "What are they, the feds?"
"No human, we are simply four individuals on a mission to speak with Steven here." Mr. Michelangelo revealed. "To see whether he has any pure intentions for the universe at large."
"Okay, fine, I'll tell!" Steven finally submitted to the four's commands. "If you think I will turn out like Black Rutile or that evil alternate universe me, I'd rather die than go evil! I know that not everyone will agree with me, but I don't mean any harm!" The four men were silent before turning to each other and huddled. Soon, they turned back to Steven with rather uncharacteristic smiles on their faces.
"Very well then." Mr. Leonardo stated warmly. "We'll simply be on our way. Have a splendid day, Steven." Mr. Leonardo and his comrades then turned and disappeared into the crowd, leaving Steven to wonder what inspired their change in tune.
"So good to finally have them out of my hair." Steven sighed with relief before turning to Sadie and Shep. "Well, while I'm here, care to invite me onstage? Would be nice for us to sing together again."
"Sure, the more, the merrier." Sadie agreed while handing Steven a ukulele that looked exactly like the old one he gave to Pearl.
For the rest of the evening, Steven sang onstage with Sadie and Shep, while Sunshine Justice provided backup. But while he was happy to reunite with some old friends, the four men from earlier still lurked about the festival grounds to continue watching Steven.
"His majesty and the Lapidarist will be pleased with what we have discovered." Mr. Leonardo proclaimed while removing his sunglasses, allowing him to shapeshift his head into a creature resembling an Australian copperhead snake. "Come, my friends. We must return to Serpentes with our findings."
"Do we have to?" Mr. Michelangelo complained. "I wanted to stay and enjoy the human music."
"We can examine human music later, Mr. Michelangelo." Mr. Donatello assured his partner. "Mr. Raphael, our ship, please."
"Understood." Mr. Raphael obeyed before pulling out a device that made a snakelike spaceship visible, and the four Sneople boarded the ship before it vanished into the stars above. "GLORY TO SNEOPLE-KIND!"
Well, that was certainly an ominous ending. Who is the Lapidarist, and what could it possibly want with Steven to the point of sending those four obvious Ninja Turtles references down to Earth? Unfortunately, that'll have to wait until we get to Snake Eyes but, in the meantime, we head back to Little Homeworld for a little therapy! See y'all later and happy early Easter.
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imaginationiskeyy · 2 years
I thought some of you may enjoy my list of Father/sons and bromances whether it be by blood or not so I thought I’d share some of my favs! :D (Please feel free to add to it)
All shows are in alphabetical order.
🎥 = Movie 📚 = Book 📺 = TV series
Father and son
Shawn Davis and Vic Davis (The 2nd 🎥)
Christopher Diaz and Eddie Diaz (911 📺)
Harry Grant and Michael Grant (911 📺)
Judd Ryder and Stuart Ryder (911 Lone Star 📺)
TK Strand and Owen Strand (911 Lone Star 📺)
Alex Standall and Bill Standall (13 Reasons Why 📺)
Jack McClane and John McClane (A Good Day to Die Hard 🎥)
Lee Adama and Bill Adama (Battlestar Galactica 📺)
Jamie, Danny and Frank Reagan (Blue Bloods 📺)
Chris Halliwell and Leo Wyatt (Charmed 📺)
Josh, Brody & Bruce Murakami (Crossroads a Story to Forgiveness 🎥)
Scott Norris and Mike Norris (Crush 🎥)
Kyle Harmon and Horatio Caine (CSI Miami 📺)
Pacey Witter and John Witter (Dawson’s Creek 📺)
Jason Dixon and Mike Dixon (Disconnect 🎥)
Bradley Branning and Max Branning (Eastenders 📺)
Ben Mitchell and Phil Mitchell (Eastenders 📺)
Ephram Brown and Andrew Brown (Everwood 📺)
Bode Donovan and Vince Leone (Fire Country 📺)
Hal, Ben, Matt and Tom Mason (Falling Skies 📺)
Peter Bishop and Walter Bishop (Fringe 📺)
Indiana Jones and Henry Jones, Sr. (Indiana Jones 🎥)
Tom Garvey and Kevin Garvey (The Leftovers 📺)
Sam Monroe and George Monroe (Life as a House 🎥)
Nathaniel Bazile and Jack Bazile (Life Unexpected 📺)
Ryan Mitchell and Captain Mitchell (Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue📺)
Shawn Spencer and Henry Spencer (Psych 📺)
Luke Morrow and Jacob Morrow Sr. (Purple Hearts 🎥)
Max Kenton and Charlie Kenton (Real Steel 🎥)
Jughead Jones and FP Jones (Riverdale 📺)
Duval Pritchard and Jimmy Pritchard (Second Chance 📺)
Clark Kent and Jonathan Kent (Smallville 📺)
Finn Scott and Damien Scott (Strike Back 📺)
Jonathan, Jordon and Clark Kent (Superman and Lois 📺)
Dean, Sam and John Winchester (Supernatural 📺)
Stiles Stilinski and Noah Stilinski (Teen Wolf 📺)
Josh Shannon and Jim Shannon (Terra Nova 📺)
Kevin, Randall and Jack Pearson (This is Us 📺)
Stephen Jameson and Roger Price (The Tomorrow People 📺)
Cordell, Liam and Bonham Walker (Walker 📺)
August Walker and Cordell Walker (Walker 📺)
Carl Grimes and Rick Grimes (The Walking Dead 📺)
Like father and son
Evan Buckley and Bobby Nash (911 📺)
Jake Peralta and Captain (Ray) Holt (Brooklyn Nine-Nine 📺)
Spencer Reid and Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds 📺)
Nick Stokes and Gil Grissom (CSI 📺)
Sky and Saul Silva (Fate: The Winx Saga 📺)
Bode Donovan and Manny Perez (Fire Country 📺)
Matt Saracen and Coach Taylor (Friday Night Lights 📺)
Jess Mariano and Luke Danes (Gilmore Girls 📺)
Harry Potter and Sirius Black (Harry Potter 🎥+📚)
Steve McGarrett and Joe White (Hawaii Five-O 📺)
Peter Parker and Tony Stark (Marvel 🎥)
Timothy McGee and Leroy Jethro Gibbs (NCIS 📺)
Tony DiNozzo and Leroy Jethro Gibbs (NCIS 📺)
Christopher Lasalle and Dwayne Pride (NCIS New Orleans 📺)
Darius Tanz and Liam Cole (Salvation 📺)
Walter O’Brien and Cabe Gallo (Scorpion 📺)
Jason Hayes and Clay Spenser (SEAL Team 📺)
Sam and Dean Winchester and Bobby Singer (Supernatural 📺)
Neal Caffrey and Peter Burke (White Collar 📺)
Brax Wolff and Christian Wolff (The Accountant 🎥)
Luke Matthews and Holden Matthews (Beyond 📺)
Jamie Reagan and Danny Reagan (Blue Bloods 📺)
Jared Booth and Seeley Booth (Bones 📺)
Colin, Benedict and Anthony Bridgerton (Bridgerton 📺)   
Wyatt Halliwell and Chris Halliwell (Charmed 📺)
Jay Halstead and Will Halstead (Chicago PD/Med 📺)
Mike Leighton and Angus Leighton (Code Black 📺)
Robert Sugden and Andy Sugden (Emmerdale 📺)
Hal Mason, Ben Mason and Matt Mason (Falling Skies 📺)
Newt Scamander and Theseus Scamander (Fantastic beasts + where to find them 🎥)
Troy Otto and Jake Otto (Fear the Walking Dead 📺)
Tim Riggins and Billy Riggins (Friday Night Lights 📺)
Seth Gecko and Richard Gecko (From Dusk Till Dawn 📺)
Max Lawson and Jake Lawson (Geostorm 🎥)
Brad Land and Brett Land (Goat 🎥)
Peter Petrelli and Nathan Petrelli (Heroes 📺)
Brax, Heath and Casey Braxton (Home and Away 📺)
Gray Mitchell and Zach Mitchell (Jurassic World 🎥)
Amenadiel and Lucifer (Lucifer 📺)
Joey Cassidy and Nick Cassidy (Man on a Ledge 🎥)
Loki Odison and Thor Odison (Marvel 📺+🎥)
Lorenzo de’ Medici and Giuliano de’ Medici (Medici 📺)
Don Eppes and Charlie Eppes (Numb3rs 📺)
Nathan Scott and Lucas Scott (One Tree Hill 📺)
Elijah Mikaelson and Klaus Mikaelson (The Originals 📺)
Bailey Salinger and Charlie Salinger (Party of Five 📺)
Beto Acosta and Emilio Acosta (Party of Five [2020] 📺)
Leo Corbett and Mike Corbett (Power Rangers Lost Galaxy 📺)
Brody Romero and Levi Weston (Power Rangers Ninja Steel 📺)
Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows (Prison Break 📺)
Thomas Peaceful and Charlie Peaceful (Private Peaceful 📚)
Luke Morrow and Jacob Morrow (Purple Hearts 🎥)
Ronan Lynch and Declan Lynch (The Raven Cycle 📚)
Sebastian and Francis (Reign 📺)
Lip Gallagher and Ian Gallagher (Shameless US 📺)
Will Byers and Jonathan Byers (Stranger Things 📺)
Jeremiah Fisher and Conrad Fisher (The Summer I Turned Pretty 📚📺)
Jordan Kent and Jonathan Kent (Superman and Lois 📺)
Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester (Supernatural 📺)
Jack Pearson and Nicky Pearson (This is Us 📺)
Kevin Pearson and Randall Pearson (This is Us 📺)
Scott, John, Virgil, Gordon and Alan Tracy (Thunderbirds 📺+🎥)
Damon Salvatore and Stefan Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries 📺)
Cordell Walker and Liam Walker (Walker 📺)
Jamie and Kayce Dutton (Yellowstone 📺)
Like Brothers
Judd Ryder and TK Strand (911 Lone Star 📺)
Alex Standall and Zach Dempsey (13 Reasons Why 📺)
Oliver Queen and John Diggle (Arrow 📺)
Oliver Queen and Tommy Merlyn (Arrow 📺)
Matty McKibben and Jake Rosati (Awkward 📺)
Seeley Booth and Lance Sweets (Bones 📺)
Cory Matthews and Shawn Hunter (Boy Meets World 📺)
Jake Peralta and Charles Boyle (Brooklyn Nine-Nine 📺)
Angel and Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel 📺)
Kevin Ryan and Javier Esposito (Castle 📺)
Matt Casey and Kelly Severide (Chicago Fire 📺)
Jay Halstead and Greg Gerwitz (Chicago PD 📺)
John Casey and Chuck Bartowski (Chuck 📺)
Angus Leighton and Mario Savetti (Code Black📺)
Spencer Reid and Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds 📺)
Nick Stokes and Warrick Brown (CSI 📺)
Zeke Pedrad and Four (Divergent 📚)
Ephram Brown and Bright Abbott (Everwood 📺)
Barry Allen and Cisco Ramon (The Flash 📺)
Joey Tribbiani and Chandler Bing (FRIENDS 📺)
Derek Shepherd and Mark Sloan (Greys Anatomy 📺)
Harry Potter and Ron Weasley (Harry Potter 🎥+📚)
Steve McGarrett and Chin Ho Kelly (Hawaii Five-O 📺)
Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams (Hawaii Five-O 📺)
Steve McGarrett and Lou Grover (Hawaii Five-O 📺)
Caleb Odell and Ty Borden (Heartland 📺)
Colby Thorne and Dean Thompson (Home and Away 📺)
Gregory House and James Wilson (House 📺)
Eliot Spencer and Alec Hardison (Leverage 📺)
Lucifer and Dan Espinoza (Lucifer 📺)
Angus MacGyver and Jack Dalton (MacGyver 📺)
Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson (Marvel 🎥+📺)
Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes (Marvel 🎥)
Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson (Marvel 🎥)
Newt and Thomas (The Maze Runner 🎥+📚)
Merlin and Arthur Pendragon (Merlin 📺)
Will Lexington and Gunnar Scott (Nashville 📺)
Tony DiNozzo and Timothy McGee (NCIS 📺)
Sam Hanna and G Callen (NCIS LA 📺)
Nick Miller and Winston Schmidt (New Girl 📺)
Michael Bishop and Seymour Birkhoff (Nikita 📺)
Seth Cohen and Ryan Atwood (The OC 📺)
Prince Charming and Captain Hook (Once Upon a Time 📺)
JJ and John B (Outerbanks 📺)
Daniel Pierce and Max Lewicki (Perception 📺)
Michael Scofield and Fernando Sucre (Prison Break 📺)
Shawn Spencer and Burton (Gus) Guster (Psych 📺)
Richard Gansey and Ronan Lynch (The Raven Cycle 📚)
Nolan Ross and Aiden Mathis (Revenge 📺)
Jughead Jones and Archie Andrews (Riverdale 📺)
Michael Guerin and Max Evans (Roswell 📺)
Alex Manes and Kyle Valenti (Roswell New Mexico 📺)
Michael Guerin and Max Evans (Roswell New Mexico 📺)
Liam Henstridge and Jasper Frost (The Royals 📺)
Bravo team (SEAL Team 📺)
Clay Spenser and Sonny Quinn (SEAL Team 📺)
Jason Hayes and Ray Perry (SEAL Team 📺)
Jace Herondale and Alec Lightwood (Shadowhunters 📺)
Sherlock Holmes and John Watson (Sherlock 📺)
Jax Teller and Opie Winston (Sons of Anarchy 📺)
Kirk and Bones (Star Trek 📺+🎥)
Spock and Kirk (Star Trek 📺+🎥)
Han Solo and Luke Skywalker (Star Wars 🎥)
Poe Dameron and Finn (Star Wars 🎥)
Damien Scott and Michael Stonebridge (Strike Back 📺)
Mike Ross and Harvey Specter (Suits 📺)
Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf 📺)
Stephen Jameson and John Young (The Tomorrow People 📺)
Alaric Saltzman and Damon Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries 📺)
Rick Grimes and Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead 📺)
Neal Caffrey and Mozzie (White Collar 📺)
Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr (X-Men 🎥)
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j77m · 11 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: COACH 'Monroe' Hidden Wedge Boot W/Genuine Shearling Trim in Saddle/Neutral sz7.
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goalhofer · 1 year
2023 San Diego Padres Famous Relations
#11 Darubbishu Yū: Ex-husband of actress & model Saeko and boyfriend of former wrestler Yamamoto Seiko. #75 Robert Suárez: Brother of former Samsung Laionseu P Albert Suárez. #12 Luis Campusano: Son of former Charleston Rainbows 1B Genaro Campusano. #26 Austin Nola: Brother of Philadelphia Phillies P Aaron Nola. #2 Xander Bogaerts: Brother of former H.C.A.W. 1B Jair Bogaerts. #14 Matt Carpenter: Brother of former Mobile BayBears P Tyler Carpenter. #13 Manny Machado: Brother-in-law of former El Paso Chihuahuas 1B Yonder Alonso. #10 Jurickson Profar: Brother of Quebec Capitales 3B Juremi Profar. #21 Fernando Tatís; Jr.: Son of former New York Mets 3B Fernando Tatís and brother of former ACL White Sox SS Elijah Tatís. #15 Thomas Pomeranz: Great-grandson of former New York Giants P the late Garland Buckeye and brother of former Norfolk Tides P Stu Pomeranz. #99 Gary Sánchez: Brother of former Nashville Sounds P Miguel Sánchez. Assistant hitting coach Scott Coolbaugh: Brother of former Tulsa Drillers 1B coach the late Mike Coolbaugh. Bench coach/offensive coordinator Ryan Flaherty: Brother-in-law of former Atlanta Braves RF Nick Markakis. 3B/infield coach Matt Williams: Grandson of former Paducah Indians CF the late Bart Griffith and ex-husband of actress Michelle Johnson & tv host Erika Monroe.
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ledenews · 2 years
Shamrocks' Special Season Keeps Rolling
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The last time Barnesville finished the regular season undefeated, current head coach Blake Allen was a senior back in 2006. Those Shamrocks fell in the second round of the Ohio Division postseason to Warren JFK, 14-8, in overtime. JFK later went on to fall to St. Henry in the DV championship game. Friday night, Allen's current Shamrocks capped an unbeaten regular season with a cherished 29-26 victory against rival Union Local in the annual Battle for the Milk Jug. The Shamrocks sit third in Ohio Division V, Region 19, and will face Piketon (6-4) on Friday night in what will be Barnesville's third straight trip to the postseason in what is Allen's sixth season at the helm. Safe to say, the moment was just as special for the coach as it was 16 years ago as a player. “Definitely, it was certainly exciting and cool to be a part of both (seasons),” Allen said. “But first and foremost, I'm happy for our kids. I know how it feels, so I'm so happy for them and happy that all of the hard work they put in has paid off.” The players have certainly put forth the effort; the coaching staff too. Allen's tenure took a few years to gain footing as he worked to transform the culture and the program into how he best saw fit. The years between Allen's graduation and when he first assisted then-head coach Matt Johnson in 2015 saw Barnesville muddle through marginal success, reaching the postseason only once in 2016 in Johnson's final year. That season, the 'Rocks finished the regular season 8-1, having lost one game to COVID. They won their first playoff game before falling to Fort Frye. Between 2007 and 2014, Barnesville finished 30-50, winning some, and losing more. A four-year stretch between 2009 and 2012 saw the Green & Red start strong each season, only to fade down the stretch against a daunting schedule that included the likes of Shadyside, Monroe Central, and Magnolia, when all three were at their respective peaks. In 2009, BHS started 5-1, only to lose four of its last five. The next season the rocks finished 6-4, losing three of their last four. In 2011, the team started 7-3, but in falling in its final three games, lost on a potential postseason bid. That final year of the four-year stretch, Barnesville started 4-1, only to lose the final five games.So you could forgive any longtime Barnesville fans who were questioning just how good this year's team was after an impressive 4-0 start but against four teams that combined for nine wins all season; especially, with the likes of River, Toronto, Shenandoah, and Union Local waiting. But as each week's new opponent turned into another victory in the 'Rocks march to the postseason, it became apparent nothing was going to break this team's focus. “We really do just focus on one game at a time,” Allen admitted. “I can't say there's any point where we thought or talked about running the able. That's kind of just the position we're in. “The kids stayed focused on the task at hand and we played a lot of tough teams. The minute you look and think that you're ahead is when you trip up. Their ability to stay focused and hone in on the opponent speaks volumes.” Tough Schedules Make Tough Teams Allen was complimentary of his team's ability to retain its focus week in and out. That was probably made easier by the difficulty of the back portion of its schedule. True, Barnesville's opponents went a combined 45-55, but its final six opponents finished 36-24, including five playoff qualifiers. And in fairness, Meadowbrook (1-9) and Shadyside (3-7) both were not representative of either program's recent successes. But it was a typical Barnesville schedule, tough all around, back-loaded with tough games. “The schedule is the schedule, you can't control what teams' records are,” Allen said. “It's only a matter of focusing on one game at a time. Our first goal always is to beat our rivals, which, we consider most of the teams on our schedule rivals because they are local teams we play each year. It's easier to keep your focus there. When we're playing teams we know, it's easy to get them amped and excited.” Allen knows just how difficult it is to finish undefeated too. Talent alone is not enough to guarantee or even predict a potential unbeaten season. Just look at last year. Barnesville finished 8-1 in the regular season, falling 35-12 to Shadyside in Week 4. It also won its first two playoff games before falling to Fort Frye in the regional final. “It's hard to do, that's why it's a rare achievement,” Allen said. “A lot has to fall your way and you catch some breaks. It's hard to win one game, let alone all 10 of them, so it's a major accomplishment to be excited about.” But … Wait. There's a but? Yes, there is. While Allen, his staff, and players are all elated about finishing the regular season unbeaten, that is not, nor was it ever, the goal. “But 10-0 is never the goal,” Allen said. “Our goal is to make some noise in the playoffs and build on what we've been doing and not to rest on what we did during the regular season.” The next season begins against the Piketon Redstreaks, a 6-4 team from Pike County that's making the trek to Barnesville after defeating Huntington 24-6 to finish in the No. 13 spot. Huntington was the lone team the Redstreaks defeated that had a non-losing record. But that doesn't mean Allen is expecting a cakewalk; far from it actually. “They are a team that spreads you out, but spreads you out in order to run it,” Allen said. “They have a big running back, a young QB, and a big offensive line. Their defense is fast and aggressive and blitzes a lot. “They were present a lot of challenges, but we are excited to get back to work.” Barnesville's players put in a ton of work in the weight room during the offseason. The results are speaking for themselves. Work is the Key Word Coaching, talent, and luck, all have played a part in the resurgence of the Shamrocks out in Western Belmont County. But there's no substitute for hard work and dedication, and Allen believes that has played an integral part in his team's successes. They are willing to do what's necessary to get to where they want to be. That arduous journey started where many such gridiron journeys begin—during the offseason. “That's kind of been my focus since I took the head job, and in talking to other (successful) programs in the area, that it really is the key to building that foundation is the offseason program,” Allen said. “What I'm really proud of is the kids have all bout into it and put the work in. “High school football in Ohio is so competitive now, you have to keep training, keep working in the weight room, and keep active, not just in the fall.” Barnesville's senior class is only seven players strong, a stark contrast to Allen's senior season when the rostered 12th graders numbered in the low 20s. Now, it's a sizable sophomore class that's making major contributions as many are learning on the job, guided by a small but spirited senior class leading by example. “We only have seven seniors, but those are seven great kids. They've been outstanding and have really set the tone for us,” Allen said. “The young guys came in and learning the ropes and are filling right in. That's a testament to their buying in, and the (seniors) showing the younger guys the way we do things. “And that sophomore group, I'm extremely proud of them. They've played well above their years.” Read the full article
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princeescaluswords · 4 years
A Pattern of Violent Behavior
I have to admit that I might tend to overreact to fandom nonsense, but it costs me nothing except time and the tediousness of anti-Scotts who approach MAGA levels of malicious memory loss.  One of the drawbacks of my inability to let things go is that sometimes a particular post gets stuck in my head, and it remains there until I exorcise the demons.  This post has reply from a commentator that I can’t get out of my head.
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I’ve already dealt with the idea that Scott is not a hypocrite for having the unfilled and unpursued desire to kill Peter in Season 1.  I’ve dealt numerous times with the idea that Scott failed to kill Gerard, most recently by pointing out that, while dangerous, neither Scott nor any other character regarded it as a failed assassination attempt.   That leaves only the argument “managed to get massive amounts of people killed through my unwillingness to kill actual villains.”
Unfortunately, I have to agree.  Scott didn’t let Derek Hale die and everyone suffered for it.  He had the chance:
Stiles: You know, you probably lost it when you two were fighting. You remember that, when he was trying to kill you, after you interrupted him trying to kill Jackson? Are you starting to see a pattern of violent behavior here? 
Scott: He wasn't going to kill anyone. And I'm not letting him die. 
Stiles: Could you at least think about letting him die? For me? What?
If only Scott had listened to Stiles!  Since Stiles is always right, his best friend should have recognized that it’s for everyone’s best interest that Derek Hale die at the hands of the Argents.  Imagine how many people’s lives would have been saved!
Jackson would not have bitten, so Coach Lahey, Bennet, Tucker, Sean, Jessica, Kara, four deputies, and Matt would not have died.  Body count: 11
The Alpha Pack would not have come for Scott and/or Derek, which means that the Darach wouldn’t have made an appearance either.  So none of the twelve sacrifices, that unfortunate Ambulance driver, Ennis, Kali, Erica, Boyd, and Jennifer herself wouldn’t have died.   Body Count: 18
With no Alpha Pack/Darach War, the drowning ritual would not have been completed and Stiles wouldn’t have been possessed by the nogitsune.  That means Katashi and his men would still be alive, those two people electrocuted at the hospital, at least one dead deputy dying due to the bomb, the two deputies dying at the police station, and the minimum of four people dying at the hospital, Allison and Aiden.  Body count: 16+
And since Allison didn’t die, Meredith wouldn’t have started the Dead Pool.  That means the Walcotts, DiMarco, Carrie Hutchinson, the ten members of Satomi’s pack, Brunski, the six-plus rogue hunters, the nameless female hospital assassin, the six-plus Cavalveras, and two Berserkers wouldn’t have died.  Body Count: 32+
According to Valack, the Dread Doctors only returned when Scott, Stiles, and Allison reignited the Nemeton, so we can put the nine permanently dead chimeras, the twenty-three dead found in the tunnels, the dozen plus found in the school bus trap, at least one dead teacher, the Dread Doctors themselves, and Sebastian Valet, again.   Body count: 49+
And then there’s the rampage of the Anuk-Ite and Monroe, neither of which would have happened.   That means Deucalion, Aaron, Edgar, the four bodies in the freezer, the Primal Pack, Quinn, the Eichen orderly, all the residents of the Closed Ward, Satomi Ito, Brett, Lori, the rest of the Ito pack, four hunters, Kate Argent, and Gerard Argent.  Body count: 24+
Final Body Count:  145+
All that because Scott wouldn’t let Derek die.  Tsk, tsk, tsk, Shame on you, Scott.  Shame on you.
I think even the most sarcasm-challenged of my audience can get the point of this little exercise.  If, as the commentator argued, Scott was in the wrong for not executing anyone who could be a threat, then he was wrong for not letting Derek Hale die immediately after Scott stopped him from murdering Jackson in Co-Captain (1x10) and only a little bit after Derek betrayed Scott to Peter, regardless of Derek’s oh-so-tragic-backstory, intent to do good, or possibility of growth.  We could easily do the same type of calculus for Peter, Stiles, and Theo.  
The only possible counter they have is that things could have gotten worse if Derek was dead.  Leaving aside the fact that Derek was essentially useless in stopping Peter, I’m sure that Scott, Stiles, and the Argents could have figured out a way to stop the evil alpha. Hell, with Scott as a normal alpha, the Alpha Pack has even less reason to come.  What about Scott being an unstable omega?  Scott was an omega for eight months with no sign of instability.  What about Deucalion?  Deucalion didn’t kill anyone after Scott and Derek let him go.   What if Scott had murdered Theo on Stiles’s say-so -- then Lydia, Malia, Stiles, Liam and Hayden would be dead.
Scott recognizes that not only does he not have the ability to tell the future, he doesn’t have the right to try.   He stops characters trying to kill other characters, but he doesn’t base that on what they might do or what they have done, but what they are doing.   
Though the bottom line is, people like the commentator wanted Scott to get out of the way of the Hales murdering Jackson and the Argents.  They wanted him to execute the characters they didn’t like -- like Gerard, Deucalion, Jennifer, etc, but they didn’t want him to execute the characters they did like -- such as Derek, Peter, Theo, etc.  There’s no hypocrisy in Scott’s  moral stance, and no one injudiciousness.
I can’t help but wonder if the real world wouldn’t be better off if we all agreed that everyone has a right to life regardless of whether we liked them or not.
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
Life & Style, October 7
Cover: Lady Gaga tells all -- Bradley Cooper broke her heart 
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Page 2: Photo Flash -- Kendall Jenner goes blonde 
Page 4: Contents 
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Page 6: The top 10 TIFF looks -- Katherine Langford, Chloe Benet, Kristen Stewart, Brie Larson, Sarah Paulson 
Page 7: Shailene Woodley, Felicity Jones, Jennifer Lopez, Madeline Brewer, Kerry Washington 
Page 8: Twinning -- Bella Hadid vs. Tessa Thompson, Pixie Lott vs. Poppy Delevingne 
Page 10: Jon Gosselin breaks his silence -- Kate Gosselin locked up our son 
Page 11: Kanye West’s new acting coach is Brad Pitt, Throwback -- Jennifer Garner, Biggest Spenders of the Week -- Stephen Curry, J.K. Rowling, Aaron Paul, Tarek El Moussa, Tracy Morgan 
Page 12: Khloe Kardashian betrayed by her family, Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman get his and hers Botox, Quiz -- Whose sports team is it? Justin Timberlake, Will Smith, Will Ferrell, Usher, Fergie, Jay-Z 
Page 14: Gwen Stefani is unhappy that Taylor Swift is stealing her thunder in her return to The Voice, Beyonce and Jay-Z’s school recital, VIP Style -- Scott Eastwood, Sonja Morgan, Vanessa Morgan, Bebe Rexha, Winnie Harlow, Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard, Nick Viall and Ashley Iaconetti and Jared Haibon, Kevin Federline 
Page 16: The Week in Photos -- Cardi B 
Page 18: Happy Hour -- Vanilla Ice, Kourtney Kardashian and BFF Stephanie Shepherd, Jason Tartick and Kaitlyn Bristowe, Chrissy Teigen 
Page 20: Christina Aguilera, Nicolas Cage and son Weston, Meghan King Edmonds 
Page 22: Jordin Sparks 
Page 23: Megyn Kelly 
Page 24: Stars Behaving Badly -- Ice-T and Coco Austin, Jennifer Lopez and Hoda Kotb 
Page 26: Say What?! Kacey Musgraves, Christian Bale on Matt Damon, Kaia Gerber, Jenni “JWoww” Farley, Orlando Bloom 
Page 30: Adele’s $200 million divorce battle 
Page 31: Kevin Hart’s sex tape shocker, Lindsay Shookus is just using Jon Hamm to make Ben Affleck jealous 
Page 32: Cover Story -- Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper’s romance -- what really happened 
Page 36: Felicity Huffman’s countdown to prison 
Page 38: Prince Harry carrying on Princess Diana’s legacy 
Page 40: Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom -- is the wedding off 
Page 42: Who Lives Here? Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis 
Page 44: Entertainment 
Page 45: Star Review -- Audrina Patridge, the lavender heels Jennifer Lopez wore on GMA were Tom Ford’s Satin Mary Jane Pumps 
Page 52: Diva or Down-to-Earth? Tia Mowry and Cory Hardrict, Tom Hiddleston and his dog Bobby 
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Page 53: Miley Cyrus, Kaia Gerber 
Page 54: Social Stars Posts of the Week -- Miley Cyrus, Mariah Carey and daughter Monroe, Mariska Hargitay
Page 55: Jessica Simpson and daughter Birdie, Chris Hemsworth and Liam Hemsworth, Khloe Kardashian’s daughter True 
Page 56: Horoscope -- Libra Brie Larson, They’re Not Together But They Should Be -- Aquarius Paris Hilton and Aries Scott Eastwood 
Page 58: Made Ya Look -- Miranda Lambert 
Page 60: What I’m Into -- Sherri Shepherd
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urwarriorangel · 6 years
<3 urwarriorangel’s writing challenge <3
hello my darling angels! i have started a writing challenge because i want to read more of what you write. i’m calling this a challenge because that’s what i’ve read others call it? rules are listed below! all submissions will be read by yours truly and (if they follow the p basic rules) i will post them all on a masterlist! i will reblog them and give you feedback because that’s what should happen regardless and also i love you guys! (gif not mine!)
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*no rape/incest/underage sex/etc.
*if you choose to write smut, you must be 18+!!! the characters you’re writing for must be 18+!!
*must be character x reader! you can write for multiple characters, but it still must be a reader insert!
*it’s first come first serve for characters, meaning there are character limits. multiple people can write for the same character, but they are capped. so please message me as soon as you see a character you want to write for!
*only one prompt per fic! (bonus points if you use any of my original prompts lol!) (also prompts can only be used once)
*triggers must be tagged. if there are any triggers in your fic, you must have a trigger warning. i cannot emphasize this enough.
*fic should be at least 500 words, if it’s longer (which please make it as long as you’d like!) you have to add a ‘read more’
*must tag me in the fic and use # urwarriorangelwritingchallenge <3
*fic should be a new original, not an old piece being resubmitted or a part of an already existing series. (you can write a series for this challenge if you’d like!)
*bonus points if you’re a poc!writer with a poc!reader <3 <3 <3
*you must respect the sexuality of the character! if you would like for an lgbtq+ character, their sexuality should not change in the fic. thank you!
*please send me a message with the character(s) you’d like to write for and the prompt!
example: damon salvatore + “i don’t know how much longer i can go on”
~the masterlist will be posted on august 13th! (if this goes well aka if people participate i would love to do this more often!)~
categories allowed:
anything your heart desires. if you’re going to write fluff please keep it compelling! add a few different styles together! give me some angst, some smut. make it a mystery! i mean absolutely no disrespect to those who write/read only fluff, but personally i find fluff a little more fun when it’s got multiple components! (if you write only fluff, please go ahead and write fluff! i will read it and i’m sure i’ll love it! these are just my personal preferences!)
i love aus very much, so please don’t shy away from them!
characters & prompts under the cut!
characters (five slots for each character)
agents of shield
al mackenzie antoine “trip” triplett daisy “skye” johnson grant ward jemma simmons lance hunter leopold fitz lincoln campbell
brooklyn 99
amy santiago charles boyle gina linetti jake peralta raymond holt rosa diaz terrence jeffords
buffy the vampire slayer
angel buffy summers cordelia chase rupert giles william the bloody aka spike
criminal minds
aaron hotchner david rossi derek morgan elle greenaway emily prentiss jennifer jareau luke alvez penelope garcia spencer reid
billy russo frank castle jessica jones luke cage matt murdock
chandler bing joey tribbiani monica geller phoebe buffay rachel green ross geller
game of thrones
arya stark benjen stark daenerys targaryen eddard stark jaime lannister jon snow khal drogo robb stark samwell tarly sansa stark tyrion lannister
gossip girl
blair waldorf carter baizen chuck bass dan humphrey nate archibald serena van der woodsen vanessa abrams
harry potter
draco malfoy fred weasley george weasley harry potter hermione granger remus lupin ronald weasley sirius black (young) tom riddle
hawaii five-0
adam noshimuri chin ho kelly daniel williams kono kalakaua michael noshimuri steve mcgarrett
jane the virgin
adam alvaro jane gloriana villanueva petra solano rafael solano
lucky number slevin
slevin kelevra
bruce banner aka hulk brunnhilde aka my valkyrie queen bucky barnes aka winter soldier clint barton aka hawkeye drax aka the destroyer erik stevens aka killmonger gamora aka um need we say more? janet van dyne aka wasp loki aka loki m’baku aka you already know mantis aka mantis aka a fucking cutie may parker aka ailf nakia aka loml okoye aka incredible badass peggy carter aka kickass peter parker aka spider-man peter quill aka star-lord pietro maximoff aka quicksilver sam wilson aka falcon scott lang aka antman shuri aka an angel stephen strange aka dr. strange steve rogers aka captain america t’challa aka black panther thor aka thor tony stark aka iron-man wanda maximoff aka scarlet witch
new girl
coach nick miller
pretty little liars
aria montgomery caleb rivers emily fields ezra fitz hanna marin jason dilaurentis mona vanderwaal noel kahn spencer hastings wren kingston
francis mary stuart nostradamus sebastian
archie andrews betty cooper cheryl blossom fangs fogarty fp jones fred andrews jason blossom josie mccoy jughead jones kevin keller malachai charles!reggie mantle ross!reggie mantle sweet pea toni topaz valerie brown veronica lodge
alec lightwood clary fray isabelle lightwood jace herondale lucian grey magnus bane simon lewis
teen wolf
allison argent chris argent cora hale derek hale isaac lahey jackson whittermore jordan parrish kira yukimura liam dunbar lydia martin malia tate peter hale scott mccall stiles stilinski theo raeken
the 100
bellamy blake clarke griffin echo finn collins jasper jordan john murphy king roan lexa lincoln monty green nathan miller octavia blake ontari raven reyes wells jaha
the originals
davina claire elijah mikaelson freya mikaelson hayley marshall kol mikaelson lucian castle niklaus mikaelson marcel gerard rebekah mikaelson
the vampire diaries
bonnie bennett caroline forbes damon salvatore elena gilbert jeremy gilbert katherine pierce malachi parker mary louise matt donovan nora hildegard olivia parker tyler lockwood stefan salvatore sybil
alex summers aka havok charles xavier aka young!professor x erik lehnsherr aka magneto hank mccoy aka beast jean grey aka phoenix logan aka wolverine peter maximoff aka quiksilver ororo monroe aka storm raven darkholme aka mystique
prompts (once someone requests a prompt, i will update the list! list will be updated once a day, if multiple people ask for a prompt in between updates, i will give it to the first person who sent me an ask. i realize that there are more character options than there are prompts, i did this because i don’t think too many people will participate. if we ever run out, i will add more prompts! example of request: klaus mikaelson + “give me a chance”)
1: “ give me a chance. ”
2: “ not you again.. ”
3: “ leave me alone. ”
4: “ i don’t love you anymore. ”
5: “ why do you hate me? ”
6: “ i lost the baby. ”
7: “ i thought you loved me. ”
8: “ i don’t need you anymore. ”
9:“ i can’t believe you! ”
10: “ we can't keep this up forever. ”
11: “ you’re a monster. ”
12: “ i hate you. ”
13: “ don’t leave me… ”
14: “ you’re a disappointment. ”
15: “ don’t die on me– please. ”
16: “ i never meant to hurt you. ”
17: “ are you upset with me? ”
18: “ i wish i’d never met you. ”
19: “ i’m going to kill you! ”
20: “ please don’t hurt me like this. ”
21: “ thanks for nothing. ”
22: “ dont call this number again. “
23: “ why did you spare me? ”
24: “ you need to leave. ”
25: “ i’m sick. ”
26: “ i’m dying. ”
27: “ i wish i’d never met you. ”
28: “ i thought we were family!”
29: “ there was never an us. ”
30: “ so that’s it? it’s over? ”
31: “ i fucked up. ”
32: “ i came to say goodbye. ”
33:“ he’s dead because of you. ”
34: “ i don’t deserve to be loved. ”
35: “ about the baby… its yours. ”
36: “ i’m so in love with you. ”
37: “ dance with me! ”
38: “ isn’t this amazing? ”
39: “ i wish we could stay like this forever. ”
40: “ will you marry me? ”
41: “ i’m pregnant. ”
42: “ i need a hug. ”
43: “ you’re special to me. ”
44: “ i’m going to keep you safe. ”
45: “ do you trust me? ”
46: “ can i kiss you right now? ”
47: “ you’re cute when you’re angry. ”
48: “ i’ve liked you for awhile now. ”
49: “ let’s have a baby. ”
50: “ we’d make such a cute couple. ”
51: “ i want to take care of you. ”
52: “ can we cuddle? ”
53: “ it’s lonely here without you. ”
54: “ i can’t stand the thought of losing you. ”
55: “ shut up and kiss me already. ”
56: “ are you flirting with me? ”
57: “ is that my shirt? ”
58: “ how did we get here? ”
59: “ you own my heart. ”
60: “ you’d be a great dad. ”
61: “ you’d be a great mom. ”
62: “ i want to protect you. ”
63: “ what's the matter? ”
64: “ you’re so beautiful. ”
65: “ did you do something different with your hair? ”
66: “ is that a new perfume? ”
67: “ stop being so cute. ”
68: “ you’re making me blush! ”
69: “ you’re teasing me again… ”
70: “ this is why i fell in love with you. ”
71: “ you’re the best! ”
72: “ they’re going to love you, don’t worry! ”
73: “ oh, are you ticklish? ”
74: “ of course i remembered! ”
75: “ you’re one hell of a girl. ”
76: “ you’re one hell of a guy. ”
77: “ are you jealous? ”
78: “ hold me and never let me go. ”
79: “ stop hogging all the blankets! ”
80: “ lets run away together. ”
90: “ catch me if you can! ”
91: “ i’m fine. ”
92: “ are you drunk? ”
93: “ are you high? ”
94: “ we can't go in there… ”
95: “ give it back! ”
96: “ well this is just great. ”
97: “ don’t touch me. ”
98: “ not sure if you could tell, but i’m not exactly a people person. ”
99: “ this was fun— let's do it again sometime!”
100: “ i didn’t do it! ”
101: “ i did it… ”
102: “ i don’t remember that! ”
103: “ well that’s pretty rude of you to say. ”
104: “ get that thing away from me! ”
105: “ you owe me. ”
106: “ do you believe in aliens? ”
107: “ do you believe in ghosts? ”
108: “ are you hitting on me? ”
109: “ why are you naked? ”
110: “ you did what?! ”
111: “ you have… superpowers? ”
112: “ why are you bleeding? ”
113: “ where did all these puppies come from?”
114: “ don’t make me come over there myself! ”
115: “ that wasn’t funny. ”
116: “ this tastes horrible. ”
117: “ this is delicious! ”
118: “ are you mad at me? ”
119: “ stop ignoring me… ”
120: “ i love that show too! ”
121: “ can i borrow that book of yours?”
122: “ let's blow this joint. ”
123: “ let me help you with that. ”
124: “ take that back! ”
125: “ wanna go see a movie with me? ”
126: “ no way, that’s so lame. ”
127: “ what are you listening to? ”
128: “ i brought you your coffee. ”
129: “ don’t fuck this up. ”
130: “ run! ”
131: “ lets run away together. ”
132: “ i haven’t slept in four days… ”
133: “ your turn to do the dishes. ”
134: “ was i really that drunk? ”
135: “ was i really that stoned? ”
136: “give me back my phone! ”
137: “ you’re an asshole. ”
138: “ are you cold? ”
139: “ this place gives me the creeps. ”
140: “ i swear my house is haunted. ”
141: “ did you hear that? ”
142: “ it’s just your imagination. ”
143: “ just how stupid do you think i am? ”
144: “ stop being such a baby. ”
145: “ go back to bed. ”
146: “ are you okay? ”
147: “ i can take care of myself just fine.”
148: “ thanks for helping me back there. ”
149: “ since when have we ever been friends? ”
150: “ what on earth are you wearing? ”
151: “ i can’t feel my legs! ”
152: “ stop texting me weird stuff so late at night. ”
153: “ put me down! ”
154: “ there’s only one bed… ”
155: “ it isn’t what it looks like! okay.. maybe it is… ”
156: “ how did i lose it? ”
157: “ i read your diary. ”
158: “ this is awkward. ”
159: “ didn’t you read the sign? ”
160: “ do you think you can teach me that? ”
161: “ bite me. ”
162: “ make me. ”
163: “ fuck me. ”
164: “ stop teasing me so much… ”
165: “ do you like it when i touch you like that?”
166: “ okay.. this is new. ”
167: “ want to head back to my place and have a little fun? ”
168: “ you’re in trouble now. ”
169: “ what a pretty sight. ”
170: “ bend over. ”
171: “ on your knees. ”
172: “ the food looks great but.. there’s something much more delicious i’d like to eat right now. ”
173: “ lay back. ”
174: “ take off your clothes. ”
175: “ well, fine; just this once. ”
176: “ i’m waiting. ”
177: “ you’re so beautiful. ”
178:“ as you wish. ”
179: “ first one to make a noise loses.”
180: “ you have no idea what you do to me. ”
181: “ if you’re bored; wanna have sex? ”
182: “ i've wanted this for so long. ”
183: “ car sex looks so much more easier in the movies. ”
184: “ can i touch you? ”
185: “ open up. ”
186: “ no strings attached. ”
187: “ already? do i really have that much of an effect on you? ”
188: “ mine. ”
189: “ the nights still young. ”
190: “ we can't do that here! ”
191: “ behave. ”
192:“ what did you just say? ”
193: “ good girl. ”
194: “ good boy. ”
195: “ come here. ”
continued nsfw from misc sources
196: “are you going to come here, or are you going to make me come get you myself?”
197: “don’t look at me like that, you brought this on yourself.”
198: “stay still, squirming will make it worse.”
199: “keep count. if you lose it, we’re starting over. understand?”
200: “go get me the cane.”
201: “take your shirt off and put your hands up against the wall.”
202: “open your mouth. i’m putting the gag in so your screaming won’t alarm someone.”
203: “did you disobey my orders?”
204: “i thought i told you not to touch that?”
205: “have you finished everything i told you to do?”
206: “if you don’t stop acting like this, i’ll be forced to use different tactics.”
207: “your skin turns so red under my palm.”
208: “bend over the back of the couch.”
209: “you might want to bite something, the whip has a bite to it.”
210: “come here and bend over my lap.”
211: “i’m tired of your smart mouth.”
212: “you’re really hot.”
213: “oh, don’t mind me. just enjoying the view.”
214: “you know, those/that ______ of yours are/is pretty distracting.”
215: “hot damn.”
216: “so, you come here often?”
217: “well, well. my night just got better.”
218: “is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”
219: “you have got a great ass.”
220: “hey, i’m open minded.”
221: “you enjoying the view over there?”
222: “keep sweet-talking and this could go a whole new direction.”
223: “don’t be bashful. you know you want to.”
224: “you can have me any way you’d like, baby.”
225: “you wanna move this conversation someplace more private?”
226: “i’m off in a few minutes, you know.”
227:“it’s been a long day. why don’t we help each other unwind?”
228: “i think it’s about time we stop avoiding the obvious.”
229: “i’m gonna be honest with you. i’m really horny, and you’re really hot. can we fuck? like, now?”
230: “i wanna see you get naked.”
231: “you like how i bend over for you, huh?”
232: “you’re getting me all worked up.”
233: “what do we have here?”
234: "i see someone’s happy to see me.”
235: “play your cards right, and i just might have to put you on speed dial.”
236: “you like that, don’t you?”
237: “how do you want me?”
238: “i’m sure we can put those lips to better use.”
239: “i want you. right here. right now.”
240: “god, you’re perfect.”
241: “i really like a man who’s good with his hands.”
242: “i’d be more than happy to show you a good time, if you’re looking for one.”
243: “i saw that. you just checked me out.”
244: “you look real good in that suit/dress/skirt/outfit.”
245: “you wanna help me out of this ___?” (insert article clothing here.)
246: “can i keep you?”
247: “you’re such a tease.”
248: “oh my, looks like i/you dropped something.”
249: “i love it when you talk dirty.”
250: “i can’t stop thinking about your hands on me.”
251: “i think you’ll be happy to know that i’m not wearing any underwear.”
252: “i really want to take you home and get you out of all those clothes.”
253: “it’s like you want to ruin men/women for me.”
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To determine if you suffer from this condition, consider how often and how heavily you sweat. If you find that at least once a week you sweat enough to soak through your clothes, that you experience constant clamminess or excessive perspiration and that any or all of this is interfering with your social life, you may want to seek treatment for axillary hyperhidrosis. Most people perspire when they are hot or when they are stressed. Klairs Supple Preparation All Over Lotion. I bought this because I used a sample and it amazed me! It is a great moisturizer! Very light, quick to absorb, but it packes quite a punch! It has a herbal scent, like the toner. It is also very economical! 250mL is around 20 euro Mizon Ultra Suboon Cream. N n "She was with the gang of criminals, but we cannot say whether she participated in the shootout, " state Higuera said. "That's what we're going to have to investigate. " n nFlores Gamez was voted the 2012 Woman of Sinaloa in a beauty pageant in February. A double rainbow occurs when the light is reflected twice in the drop. It means you can see two different reflections, coming from different angles [source: Plait]. This leads to something that is actually really cool instead of seeing red at the top and blue at the bottom like a regular ho hum rainbow, the 양구출장샵 secondary rainbow (which is higher and lighter in color than the primary) has the colors reversed [source: Margusity and Andrews]. Pretty much in shock. I had seen cougars in zoos and maybe a flash of one in the distance, but the zoos had been SMALL cougars by the pacific standard. This one wasn even a true adult alpha it was probably 250 300 lbs.. I get a lot stricter on which orders I accept when it rush hour or when the weather is bad. I 양구출장샵 generally don accept orders under $15 total unless it close by to where I am and won take much time/effort. There a lot of variables to consider! When you first starting out, just take a look through the items, pull up the delivery address, and make an educated guess from there. I'm still confused as to how any of this really screws the consumer. Sure you can complain about requiring another new game store, but this has been synonymous with pc gaming for years now. In my opinion, if you can't deal with using multiple digital game stores and clients, go back to console which has one uniform store.. Monroe county has a large commuter population that doesn reside in the county. Other than Columbus, there isn much else down there. Indy has an abundance of "main" road ways for the population that is pretty evenly distributed in usage. I got two matte shakers on sale at Ulta, and they were both garbage. Horrible formula, made no sense. Whatever the juicy shakers are doing, with the gloss, isn't there with this product. I don think there is an accepted Indoeuropean etymology, that directly out of those primeval Germanic woods, where they made human sacrifices to Nerthus and other Old One entities, could be a borrowing from Chthuluish as far as we know.In summary, when the rail industry of the Northeast really began to pick up, many city workers realized it would be cheaper to live in New Jersey and just commute to their jobs in cities (probably why the most extreme instances of Boroughitis occurred in the metro New York and Philadelphia regions of New Jersey.)However the rural locals were afraid that these newcomers would want more/better government services (and thus higher taxes). To avoid having to pay more, these people voted to split their towns up and many did.Today it a little annoying because all these little municipalities are helping to put extra strain on NJ already rockey financial situation. 82 points submitted 20 days agoThey a lot more chill at the Dover crossing than they are for planes, I guess because it a bit more difficult to fly a ferry into a skyscraper.I remember when I went to Germany on a school trip as a kid the officials didn even need to check our passports at all (well, they didn need to check my passport, but they did check the passports of the Indian kids on the trip which felt a little awkward at the time).Although when I took a coach from Seville to London I had to have passport checks at the French/Spanish border, then two checks in Calais, then I think another check back in the UK which was a big pain in the arse.
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tkmedia · 3 years
The Likely Lads – Ashley Sexton & Tommy Jacobs
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Feature • Issue • Premium
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They fought at the age of 11, been best pals ever since, but along the way Ashley Sexton and Tommy Jacobs lost their way at different times and for different reasons. Both are now 33 and fight on the same bill on Saturday night. Matt Bozeat tells their story ASHLEY SEXTON and Tommy Jacobs are the best of friends until the conversation turns to the time they fought each other. Jacobs got the decision… and Sexton disputes it.“I definitely thought it could have gone my way,” said Sexton. Jacobs’ version of events is: “Ash says it was close – but he knows he lost. He knows I beat him fair and square.”That was when they were 11-year-olds – and much has happened since then. The boxing crazy boys who fought each other at a caravan park in Dover are now 33-year-old veterans of boxing – and life. Lessons learned, both believe the best days of their careers are in front of them and are matched on manager Mo Prior’s show at the York Hall in Bethnal Green on Saturday night (July 31). Sexton hopes victory over Venezuelan puncher Antonio Guzman (21-2) in their eight-rounder will lead to a shot at super-flyweight honours, while Jacobs takes on Theophilius Tetteh (19-8-2) at 168lbs. “I grew up with Tommy,” said Sexton, “and we formed a bond. We had that fight and then won the Schoolboys together. Tommy captained the team that went to the European Championship and included Amir Khan, Luke Campbell and Joe Murray.“We were away from home at a young age and the people like Tommy and Joe became my second family. Tommy is like a brother to me and I still keep in touch with Joe and Bradley Skeete.“We still meet up for a Nando’s.”Murray went to the 2008 Olympics in Beijing and retired without winning a major pro title, while Skeete returned earlier this year, looking to add 154lbs belts to the British and Commonwealth welterweight titles he previously held.As a pro, Sexton was known as “Flash Ash”, a chirpy and confident character who showed his mettle to grind out a blood-splattered draw with Shinny Bayaar in a challenge for the British flyweight title in May, 2010. He also pushed Paul Butler hard over 10 rounds at a sweltering York Hall (after weighing in over the 8st 3lbs limit) and is known beyond hardcore fans for a knockout that Boxing News placed at No. 31 in the sport’s best one-punch finishes. YouTube views of Usman Ahmed doing his best P Diddy impression on his way to the ring to fight Sexton for the vacant English title and then being ironed out in the first by a right-hand thunderbolt top three million. “They were great times and I got sucked into the party lifestyle,” admitted Sexton. “I was going to clothes shops and not having to pay for anything and when I walked into nightclubs the DJ would say my name and people would want to talk to me. “I believed the hype. I forgot about the boxing and it was a comedown when I lost. I’m more grounded now. I don’t think I’m a rock star anymore.”He suffered an eight-round loss to Stephane Jamoye in a challenge for the European bantamweight title in March 2013 and has scarcely boxed since. “I was winning on points and then he cut me in half with a body shot,” is how Sexton remembers the most recent loss on his 17-2-2 record. “I never officially retired. I just needed to get my life in order. I realised there is life after boxing and I needed a career away from the sport. “After boxing there will always be my family and I had to get everything right for them. The firm I work for, Kelly Rail, supports me and gives me time off when I need it. I work nights so get to the gym in the morning. “There was a time when I didn’t think I could compete with the youngsters in the gym anymore, but I can still do what I did before and this time, I’m wiser and happy. I haven’t taken any punishment, there haven’t been hard spars or hard fights for five years. My body is still 26 years old. I haven’t damaged my body.” Sexton trains at the Hodbox Pro gym under Sab Leo and Julian Leivars and it was there that he prepared for his first fight for more than five years, a points win over Jose Aguilar (16-78-5) in Spain last month. “That’s the first time I’ve ever picked up my opponent from the airport, driven him to the hotel and then driven him to and from the fight!” said Sexton, who also trains juniors at the gym, including his 10-year-old son, Tiger. “He didn’t have any wheels. It was surreal. On the day of the fight he was texting me asking for more money and getting me to sort things out. Now I know what promoters go through and it’s not a lot of fun!”Sexton had Jacobs there supporting him. “The moment I told Tommy I was boxing, he said: ‘I’m there’,” remembered Sexton, who was twice outpointed by Carl Frampton as an amateur. “I told him: ‘I don’t think you’re allowed to come,’ but he was there.” Google ‘Tommy Jacobs’ and he isn’t proud of what you find. He spent six years in prison for an attack that left his victim with a fractured skull. “I made one mistake when I was young and was harshly treated,” said Jacobs. “But I made the best of a bad situation. Boxing again was my target so I was in the gym every day I was in prison and I got loads of qualifications. “I became a Level One and Two FA coach, got my PT badges and a Business Diploma.” Boxing is a sport that gives second chances – and Jacobs had to wait for his. “As soon as I came out , my thinking was: ‘I was a top amateur, so I’m going to get signed by Eddie Hearn or Frank Warren and earn tons of money,’” said the father of two. “It was a lot harder than that. I couldn’t even get in front of the Board. They just turned me down. “I boxed on other shows , but to box on Board shows was always the goal. People said: ‘Why don’t you go abroad?’ but I was still on probation. If I was caught spitting on the street they would have sent me straight back to prison. I got turned down again a couple of years ago and I thought: ‘I either give up or I wait.’ I waited for my sentence to expire. “All that mattered was getting my licence. Boxing is all I know. I cried when I got the email saying I finally got my licence. Apart from the birth of my children that is the only time I have cried in my whole life. Boxing is me. This defines me.” Boxing is Jacobs’ life again.Boxing News rang him last week when he was on his way from a sparring session at the Peacock Gym to train amateurs at Willie’s Gym in home-town Colchester, named after featherweight great Willie Pep. “I also go into schools and talk to naughty kids who are about to get kicked out of school,” he said. “I use myself as an example of what not to do. It comes better from me than it does from a teacher or policeman. They can relate to me. I’m nearer their age and I say to them: ‘I know what will happen to you, you little s***s. I know it’s not going to end well.’ “The teachers look shocked that I talk to them like that, but I talk to them in a way they understand and it gets results. I get schools ringing me all the time saying: ‘We need the Tommy treatment.’ “I underachieved as an amateur partly because I had awful parents. What I needed when I was 17 or 18 was someone to shake me and say: ‘You’re going to ruin your life. You have something here, so don’t muck it up.’ I can be the person who shakes these teenagers and says: ‘Look at me, don’t make the same mistakes I made.’” What Jacobs threw away was a bright future in boxing. Between the ages of 11 and 17, he won a clutch of national titles boxing for Harwich ABC and captained his country. “If I go to amateur shows around Essex and the South East the officials all remember me,” he said. “They all come over and talk to me. I was one of the most successful amateurs in the area for a while. “I captained England when Billy Joe Saunders was in the team and I was his main sparring partner for the Willie Monroe fight when I hadn’t even had a fight with the Board. Brendan Ingle watched me spar Billy Joe and said I reminded him of Archie Moore. He said I could still have a long career. “I’m 33 years old, but physically, I’m younger. I’m hoping I’ve got a good few years left in boxing. I believe I have five years minimum. There’s a chance I might find my level before then or my body might start giving up on me. But I know what level I can get to and I want to get there as quickly as possible. “I’ve told Mo : ‘I don’t have time to mess around. I don’t need to learn my trade against journeymen. I don’t need to be fighting Latvian road sweepers.’ I’m looking to have three fights in three months and I want to be fighting for titles by the end of the year. “I’ve had hundreds of jobs, tried hundreds of different things. I’ve been a postman, a bricklayer, you name it, I’ve tried it. They weren’t me. I’m a boxer. This is all I can do.” Read the full article
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andrewmoocow · 1 year
Little Homeworld Life chapter 26: Hostile Takeover (originally posted on June 19, 2023)
AN: It has all come to this. The end begins here. The final episode of Little Homeworld Life is here at last, and after that will be Steven Universe: Snake Eyes. It has been an honor delivering such consistent quality writing to this fandom, and I'll be damned if I don't enjoy doing it again one last time before I finally decide to move onto other stories I've left to dry for too long.
Synopsis: Connie returns home from college just as Black Rutile takes over Little Homeworld and holds the Crystal Gems captive. With their alien friends in danger, the people of Beach City decide to repay the Crystal Gems by joining together to save them from Black Rutile.
Grace Rolek as Connie
Noël Wells as Black Rutile
Kimberly Brooks as Jasper, Skinny Jasper, Carnelian, Superfan Rose, Hippie Rose, Shy Rose, Cherry Quartz, Biggs Jasper
Lauren Ash as White Topaz
Amy Sedaris as Teal Zircon
Martha Higerada as Topaz
Della Saba as Aquamarine
Charlyne Yi as Eyeball, Doc, Navy, Leggy, Army
Christine Pedi as Holly Blue Agate
Casey Lee Williams as Cat's Eye
Hayley Kiyoko as Morganite
Jinkx Monsoon as Emerald, Chest Emerald
Melissa Fahn as Demantoid, Eyeball Demantoid
Kari Wahlgren as Pyrope
Jon Wurster as Marty
Shanelle Grey as Sally Grove
Larissa Gallagher as Bluebird Azurite
May Calamawy as Chrome Chalcedony
Susanne Blakeslee as Pietersite
Estelle as Garnet
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst, Famethyst, Tiger's Eye
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pearl, Yellow Pearl, Blue Pearl, Volleyball, Black Pearl Brigade
Shelby Rabara as Peridot, Squaridot
Jennifer Paz as Lapis, Laz, Zuli, Phoenix Lapis
Uzo Aduba as Bismuth
Dee Bradley Baker as Lion, Concretes
Tom Scharpling as Greg
Matthew Moy as Lars, Dante
Kate Micucci as Sadie
Indya Moore as Shep
Enuka Okuma as Rhodonite
Kathleen Fisher as Fluorite
Ashly Burch as Rutile Twins
Erica Luttrell as Padparadscha Sapphire
Mary Elizabeth McGlynn as Priyanka
Crispin Freeman as Doug
Andrew Kishino as Kevin
Reagan Gomez Preston as Jenny, Kiki
Godfrey as Kofi
Zach Steel as Ronaldo
Brian Posehn as Sour Cream
Lamar Abrams as Buck Dewey
Colton Dunn as Mr. Smiley
Toks Olagundoye as Mayor Nanafua
Joel Hodgson as Bill Dewey
Eugene Cordero as Jamie
Atticus Shaffer as Peedee
Billy Merritt as Mr. Fryman
Kristin Chenoweth as Sheena Synstylae
Nancy Linari as Martha
Brian George as Mr. Frowney
Jackie Buscarino as Vidalia
Aparna Nancherla as Nephrite, Lemon Jade
Ian Jones Quartey as Snowflake Obsidian, Bixbite
Michelle Maryk as Larimar
Auli'i Cravalho as Orange Spodumene
Kimiko Glenn as Blue Chalcedony
Tara Platt as Heaven Cubic Zirconia, Earth Cubic Zirconia
Tara Strong as Grossular Diopside
Phillipa Soo as Chrysocolla
Anika Noni Rose as Watermelon Tourmaline (fusion), Watermelon Tourmaline
Aimee Carrero as Moonstone
Gal Gadot as Desert Glass
Willa Holland as Albite
Maddie Ziegler as Serpentine
Courtenay Taylor as Beryl
Sarah Jessica Parker as Dumortierite
Cavetown as Diaspore
Emily King as Kunzite
Alex Newell as Monazite
Alyson Hannigan as Lavenderine
Avi Roque as Cinnabar
Gina Torres as Andesine
Awkwafina as Kyanite
Allison Janney as Pyrite
Zehra Fazal as Zoisite
Lena Hall as Bloodstone
Jodie Whittaker as Xenotime
Idina Menzel as Amazonite
Halsey as Tanzanite
Mia Barron as Apatite
Sarah Stiles as Spinel
Christine Baranski as Hessonite
Olivia Olson as Citrine, Citrine Twins
Lin-Manuel Miranda as President Eduardo Suarez
Wendie Malick as Vice President Theresa Maxwell
GZA as Major General Wade Grant
Tim Curry as General Lloyd Waller
John Kassir as Reginald Johnson
Stephanie Beatriz as Arleen Suarez
Xolo Mariduena as Huey Suarez
Leslie Grace as Riley Suarez
Pierce Brosnan as Bane Jones
Hugh Jackman as Beckham Jordan
James Monroe Iglehart as Coach Matt Monroe
Karen Fukuhara as Makoto Fuji
Matthew Rhys as Dr. James Brenner
T-Pain as Sam Galley
Christoph Waltz as Francis von Bowling
Rob Paulsen as Mr. Shreds
David Kaye as Collar
Roger Craig Smith as Tank
Alex Hirsch as Lawrence Abrams
Zach Callison as Steven, Onion, Cactus Stevens, Topiary Stevens
Featuring Christopher McDonald as Carl Grove
And Betsy Sodaro as Maureen Grove
"It just feels so good to be bad." Black Rutile gloated to the Crystal Gems as she held them prisoner in a makeshift prison. Today had quite possibly been the best day she has ever had on Earth. Black Rutile had now converted multiple Gems to her coalition of rebels, whether by force or through coercion, her enemies were now hers to torment, and their precious Little Homeworld into her newest evil lair. "I haven't felt this utterly delighted to be victorious since the siege of Tweenis 12, I feel like singing! Maestro?"
Amazonite turned on a music player at her master's command, causing Black Rutile to sing a reprise of a familiar song. "Wither the rose! Growing shadows! Sow a world of chaos! Wither the rose! Only highs, no lows! In a world of chaos!"
"Is this really the time to be singing?" Pearl muttered as she tried to break free from her chains.
"Ha!" Black Rutile laughed in response before looking out at her various enforcers. "Come on minions, hurry along! Soon, Beach City will be gone! I could squeeze myself with glee, first the Diamonds and then this galaxy! I really stopped at nothing, gaslighting, terrorism, and lying!" she declared. "Whatever it takes to get revenge, you really can't blame me for trying."
Little Homeworld soon began hovering over Beach City, casting a dark shadow over a large portion of the town while the townies had no idea what was going on. Suddenly, the water holding the Gem village in the air began firing at the humans, making them scurry in fear as Black Rutile finished her song. "Wither the rose! Growing shadows! Sow a world of chaos! Wither the rose! Don't you doze!"
"This planet is basically ours!" Aquamarine sang along.
"We have control over its superpowers!" Eyeball added triumphantly.
"You are helpless to resist!" Holly Blue proclaimed.
"There's no way for you to persist!" Cat's Eye declared.
"Saying sorry just won't cut it!" Cinnabar boomed.
"This universe will be ours, bit by bit!" Andesine stated.
"You thought you could contain us," Black Rutile sang out in victory. "but you can no longer discuss!"
"Genocide, slaughtering, jingoism, in enemy blood, we shall wade!" the seven Gems joined together in harmony. "Rutile Rebels come celebrate, as we make these foolish Crystal Gems fade!" By the time the song ended, Black Rutile looked out at the destruction below her and began making a speech. "People of Beach City, do not look away!" she bellowed to the humans below. "You witness a Rutile's revival, and the birth of her new empire!"
"What do you want now, Black Rutile?!" Lars yelled from below.
"What I want is recognition!" Black Rutile responded. "As you can see, I have officially conquered Little Homeworld and taken the Crystal Gems as my prisoners. The means as to how it can fly can all be blamed on their dear friend, Lapis Lazuli." She looked over at Lapis, who was sitting on the Warp Pad with a blank look on her face. "Despite what the Crystal Gems believed, Little Homeworld was the aspiration of idiots and dreamers! A mere tool to indoctrinate poor, unfortunate Gems who were living lives free of their tyranny. But unfortunately for them, I am far smarter than the average Gem, so I continued planning my revenge for months on end, which leads me today." She then sent out her drones, ready to attack at any moment. "Either surrender to me at once or else your pathetic little town will go bye-bye! Bye-bye."
Down below, Jasper and White Topaz were watching the carnage the entire time, lying in wait for an opportunity to strike back at Black Rutile and save their friends. "So, any idea on how to stop her?" Jasper asked her girlfriend. "I mean, it's just a bunch of us Gems that she could convert at any moment with those Blasters."
"Well, one thing's for certain, Black Rutile has gone too far this time." White Topaz declared. "We kept giving her second chance after second chance, but she always used them to try and destroy us! I've had enough of this! Once we defeat her, she's going straight to Revanche 666 where she belongs!"
"Someone's got leftover issues they need resolving." Teal Zircon added as she popped up behind the two big Gems. "Okay, Topaz and I have spent the last few minutes coming up with a plan."
"If it involves doing something astronomically stupid, then I don't want in." Jasper stopped Teal before she could finish. "What makes you think you could come up with an intelligent plan?"
"Because outside of being the obnoxious but lovable comic relief, I am actually far more observant than you think I am." TZ declared. "Which is why I am 10,000,000,000% certain that my plan will work."
"I'd like to see you try." Jasper scoffed before White Topaz placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Come on honey, just hear her out." White Topaz suggested. Jasper knew she couldn't disappoint her lover, so she relented with a sigh.
"Okay, proceed." Jasper groaned and let Teal explain.
"I say instead of just saving the day ourselves, we team up with the humans to save the world from Black Rutile!" Teal declared proudly. "The people of Beach City have been around us long enough to know what to do in situations like this, and we've gained a few allies over the years to back us up."
"I get what you're saying now." Jasper nodded proudly. "Like him for example!" As if on cue, Dr. James Brenner walked up to the three Gems. "I found him falling to his doom when Black Rutile threw him out. He's her psychologist, ergo, he should know exactly what she's thinking!"
"You are indeed correct, Jasper." Brenner declared. "I have been forced to watch as Black Rutile's schemes took shape, hoping that maybe my advice would get through to her, but alas, my words fell on deaf ears. Perhaps joining forces with all of you can help me redeem myself for being so powerless to help her."
"Great, we have our first recruit!" Teal Zircon cheered while giving the psychologist a hearty slap on the back. "Okay guys, I'll go gather the troops! You two on the other hand will have to find a very special someone."
"Are you pondering what I'm pondering?" Jasper then asked White Topaz.
"I think so Jasp, but Pete Rose?" White Topaz replied oddly, making Jasper raise an eyebrow at such a non-sequitur. "I mean, can we trust him?"
"No, I think Teal means we should fetch Connie!" Jasper yelled. "You and I both know she's been throwing a wrench in Black Rutile's plans multiple times! Her first invasion of Earth, the Steven monster crisis, and the alternate universe business, all of them had Connie involved and she played some role in stopping them all! You see what I'm getting at here?"
"Yeah, I get it now!" White Topaz exclaimed. "To Connie's house!" Just as the two raced off, a small black spy drone was watching the pair and quickly began following them.
"Breaking news all the way from Beach City!" Lawrence Abrams announced on the news. "The alien terrorist Black Rutile is once again laying waste to Beach City, and at the same time, our beloved president has been subject to a violent uprising against legions of angry Arnold Clump supporters led by the alt-right Internet personality Reginald Johnson. Are these two events connected? We'll be back after the break with more updates."
"Sweet Manila in the claws of light." Doug Maheswaran gasped in shock as he and Connie watched Black Rutile's invasion on the news. "This is probably something Steven should take care of, right?"
"Hopefully he at least knows what's going on," Connie added as she prepared to reach for her phone, only to hear a knock on the door. "Can someone get that?"
"Don't worry Connie, I'll get it," Priyanka said to her daughter as she opened the door to find Jasper and White Topaz waiting for her outside. "Oh, you must be that Jasper and Topaz who tore apart Beach City."
"You are never going to let go of that." Jasper declared. "Anyways, we need to see your daughter. The world is in danger and we need everyone we can get to save it."
"Right here!" Connie exclaimed while she raced up to the front door with her sword at the ready. "Come on guys, the Crystal Gems need us!"
"Yeah, about that." White Topaz stated nervously. "They kind of broke up because Black Rutile exposed Bismuth for poofing Lapis and is now holding them all hostage at Little Homeworld. Plus, Lapis officially betrayed them to Black Rutile and is helping make Little Homeworld fly. You know what, I think I know of a way to explain this better."
White Topaz then turned her fingers into puppet versions of the Crystal Gems to further go in depth about their situation. "Hey, what's this I hear about Bismuth poofing me and setting me on this path of torment and betrayal?!" her imitation of Lapis complained. "Oh no, the jig is up!" an imitation of Bismuth exclaimed. "Okay, I did poof you, Lapis, but I didn't mean to!"
"Saying you didn't mean it won't save you from me!" the shadow puppet of Lapis yelled before lunging at Bismuth, only for Garnet and Pearl to stop her.
"Top thirty reasons why Bismuth is sorry." The puppet version of Pearl stated. "Number 5 will surprise you."
"Top thirty anime deaths," puppet Lapis continued. "number one: YOUR BUTT RIGHT NOW!"
"I'm just here to be supportive!" a shadow puppet of Amethyst said as she took Lapis and Peridot's side in the tussle, ending with White Topaz making "whoop whoop whoop" sounds as she started twiddling her fingers into a big clump. "And scene!"
"Okay, I'm going to need a refresher here." Priyanka said, shocked at the bizarreness of White Topaz's show. "What does this all mean?"
"Look, the point is that Teal Zircon and all the Gems Black Rutile didn't convert are gathering everyone in Beach City to fight back against Black Rutile, and we believe Connie is the best possible candidate to lead them all." Jasper explained in brief. "If anyone else wishes to join, you're free to come along."
"But what about Steven?" Connie asked. "Surely he'd know what to do in this situation." Suddenly, the tracking drone from earlier emerged from Jasper's hair, making her and White Topaz wonder if it was following them the whole time, and dropped into Connie's hands to deliver a message from Black Rutile.
"Ah, Connie Meka-Leka-Hi-Meka-Hiney-Ho-Swanson, we meet again." The hologram of Black Rutile smirked at her message's intended recipient. "If you are seeing this message, then you're already well aware of my latest revenge scheme and how frequently you've been playing a part in my constant failures. I would kill you and your parents right here and now, but I believe that would be too easy." The very thought of being killed by such a madman unnerved the Maheswarans. "Which is I offer you this challenge! Meet me at the flying Little Homeworld in ninety minutes to face me for the fate of your wretched world, and bring company too. And for an extra challenge, Steven must not get involved in the slightest. Lose, I will kill each and every single one of you. Win?" She let out an evil chuckle. "The only winner will be me, no matter what. Allons-y!"
The drone then shut down and crumbled to pieces of metal in Connie's hand. Despite the threat to her life, it only made her more determined. "Take us to Beach City."
Later at Beach City, Teal Zircon was true to her word and had assembled the entirety of its citizens and then some to discuss their plans to stop Black Rutile. Along with all the Gems that escaped Black Rutile's earlier assault, there was the Barriga family and the Off-Colors, Sadie & Shep, the former Cool Kids, the Pizza and Fryman families, Mr. Smiley and Mr. Frowney, Jamie, Kevin, Onion and his friends, Vidalia, Yellowtail, and Sheena Synstylae. In addition, Teal had also managed to get into contact with Bane Jones, Beckham Jordan, Matt Monroe, Makoto Fuji, and Sam Galley. Now, all that was left was Connie and her parents to make their makeshift army complete.
"My my Teal Zircon, you assembled quite an assortment of characters here." Brenner nodded at all the humans and Gems gathered together to stop Black Rutile. "But do you think this will be enough to stop her?"
"Oh, I know so!" Teal yelled excitedly. "You know those kinds of movies and TV shows where there's a team of people who cannot function together, but they pull through regardless? That's what I'm going for here. On our own, we're just a bunch of misfits. But when we're together, now that's something special." Just then, Connie, her parents, Jasper, and White Topaz appeared behind her from a portal created by Lion. "And there's our girl of the hour! Let's give her a hand!"
Everyone began applauding as Connie walked up to Teal Zircon. "Uh, hello everybody, thank you for inviting me to your little get-together. I'm afraid I'm going to need some catching up to do on what's been going on. I don't think a funny little puppet show is enough."
"Then allow me," Brenner said before he spoke to the audience. "As some of you may not know, our 'dear friend' Black Rutile", He put "dear friend" in air-quotes. "has enacted quite possibly her greatest revenge plot yet, and I bore witness to the fruits of her labor overtime as I was assigned to be her criminal psychologist. She has assembled criminal masterminds, bigoted online personalities, more old enemies of the Gems, and forlorn Gems looking for a place to belong. I have tried multiple times to convince her that she wasn't doing the right thing, but she kept ignoring me at every turn."
"Online personalities like who?" Ronaldo raised his hand, making the rest of the crowd turn to him. "You mean Sally Grove? I've had tons of arguments with her about the Gems before."
"Precisely that," James explained. "I have no idea why she is so cruel, but she seemed perfect as one of Black Rutile's top lieutenants, using her social media influence to gather more human followers through the Internet. There is also Francis von Bowling and his cohorts from P.H.A.N.T.O.M, no doubt brought in for their vendetta against the Gems too."
"Well, I'll be." Bane Jones muttered in bemusement while preparing a technologically advanced shotgun.
"In addition, Black Rutile is now joined by this Marty fellow, who claims to have his own grudge because Steven took his son away from him." James continued, giving him strained looks from Greg and Vidalia. "Together, these scoundrels have converted multiple Gems through these strange blasters built to brainwash anyone hit by them!"
"It's because of those blasters Black Rutile took away my crew!" Nephrite sobbed into Biggs Jasper's arms.
"She took out almost the entire Famethyst!" Carnelian added.
"And like, tons of other quartz Gems too." Chest Rose stated. "Me, my sibs, Biggs, Tiger's Eye, and Cherry are the only ones left."
"Hopefully what the Black Pearls said about finding a way to restore them is true." Cherry Quartz nervously said, looking over at the Black Pearl Brigade.
"So, what can we all do?" Beckham Jordan asked. "We're all just a bunch of humans and Gems who have no idea how unprepared we are for this! Heck, I'm just a star basketball player who knows more about how to score a point than fighting battles! What would happen if one of us were to die today? Besides, Steven won't be here to help us!"
"I promise you all, I won't let that happen." Connie declared before unsheathing her sword and holding it to the sky. "The Crystal Temps will defend this planet to the end!"
"Wait, is that what we're calling ourselves?!" Kevin yelled from afar. "Why not something cooler like the Substitute Crystal Gems, or something?!"
"It's very sentimental!" Connie hurriedly replied. "Now who's with me?!"
"I am!" Orange Spodumene yelled while raising her hand.
"I am!" Kofi Pizza and Mr. Fryman shouted in unison.
"And me too!" Sam Galley added excitedly. "Also, just want to get this outta the way, but I have a bit of a crush on Amethyst."
"Me three!" Lavenderine shouted, followed by a wave of excitement from the gathered New Crystal Temps.
"Aw, what the heck, I haven't got that long a lifespan anyways." Kevin resigned himself to the cause. While Connie proudly looked over at the crowd united for a singular purpose, she felt a familiar hand touching her shoulder.
"I'm in too." Priyanka proclaimed, much to her daughter's surprise. "After that hospital incident, I feel like it's time for me to get involved in your Crystal Gem business and be on the frontlines."
"Well, someone's a little eager." Brenner smiled at Priyanka before looking over at Doug. "And what shall you do for this, sir?"
"I think I'll go look into the Sally Grove situation." Doug answered. "Her parents deserve to know that their daughter is basically selling out the human race to Black Rutile. But be sure to call me so I can still join in."
"Black Rutile told me that I have to meet her in ninety minutes," Connie announced while looking at her watch. "Well, this announcement went by quicker than expected. Anyways, let's save the world!" The New Crystal Temps then began cheering for their grand leader.
Meanwhile, in the dark void of space, Revanche 666 was now completely abandoned following Cinnabar and Andesine's escape from the prison. Black Pearl guards, Bismuths, and Peridots were locked in cells formerly occupied by members of the Rutile Rebels, surviving on a false hope that someone would come to save them. However, two particular prisoners weren't meant to be there. They just wanted to get in, stop a prison riot, and get out. But fate had other plans.
"How long has it been since we were trapped here by Cinnabar's plotting and my own recklessness?" Hessonite muttered to Citrine as the two languished in their prison cells. "Feels like we've been stranded here for eons."
"It's only been a few weeks, Hessonite." Citrine stated. "But yeah, it really has felt like forever. I mean, it would take a miracle for someone to notice that we're stuck here!" Suddenly, the two heard something crash through the walls. "Well, what do you know?"
"Hey, anybody here?!" Spinel yelled as she and Lemon Jade emerged from a spaceship they just crashed into the prison. "The Diamonds were getting worried that something bad happened!"
"Over here Spinel, over here!" Hessonite yelled to Spinel. "Hello, it's me, Hessonite, and yes, I am exactly who you're looking for."
"Yeah, we haven't seen you guys since you went to stop that prison breakout," Spinel answered while turning her hand into a ventriloquist dummy resembling Yellow Diamond. "Old Yeller was like 'I fear something might've gone horribly wrong on Revanche 666. I need someone to volunteer to investigate.' Luckily, I was there to oblige."
"And I simply got dragged along." Lemon Jade added. "So what did happen?"
"We thought Andesine and her entourage had surrendered, but it was all a ruse she and Cinnabar set up to escape," Citrine explained to the visitors. "Now we're all stuck behind bars with no way to leave, no way of contacting anyone outside this prison, and no way to deactivate our cells. Do either of you have any bright ideas?"
"I got one! I saw this on a TV show once." Spinel replied before she leaned on the wall between Hessonite and Citrine's cells and gave it a hard knock, which somehow forced the destabilizing fields guarding the two to deactivate. "Ey!" she added with two thumbs up. "You can thank me later."
"Finally!" Hessonite sighed with relief while shaking Spinel's hand as she emerged from her cell. "But what about everyone else?"
"Don't worry, I got this," Citrine said as she walked out of her cell and straight to the control room.
"So, where are Cinnabar and Andesine now?" Lemon Jade asked Hessonite.
"The two of them are currently on Earth aiding Black Rutile in whatever harebrained scheme she has now planned," Hessonite stated while the prison staff was released from their cells. "We need to act quickly if we want to stop all of them in their tracks."
"Roger roger, live long and prosper and all that!" Spinel exclaimed. "Come on Jade, let's chew bubblegum and kick some butt! And I'm all out of bubblegum."
"I'm not sure if I'm equipped for a fight, but whatever you say, I'll follow," Lemon said as she, Spinel, Hessonite, and Citrine boarded the ship Spinel crashed earlier and took off for Earth to bring Cinnabar & Andesine to justice.
"Ocean Town." Doug muttered to himself as he pulled into Beach City's sister town, easily identified by a sign declaring "STILL NOT ON FIRE." His journey ended at a shabby but homely-looking one-story house where he pulled into the driveway before getting out and knocking on the front door. An overweight, middle-aged fellow with a receding hairline, a barely shaved mustache, and clothes that looked like they haven't been washed in days soon answered. "Hello, is this the Grove residence?"
"What's it to ya?" the fat man said while pulling a half-eaten hot dog out of his pocket to shove in his mouth.
"Doug Maheswaran from Beach City." Doug introduced himself to the man while pulling out his ID. "I'm here to speak about your daughter, Sally."
"Oh good, I thought you were here about the body we found on the train tracks." The man sighed in relief before turning his head to call for someone. "Maureen!"
"What?!" what Doug assumed to be the man's wife hollered back.
"We got a cop here to talk about Sally!" the man replied before letting Doug inside and sitting him down and offering him a drink. "Here, have a shot on me."
"No thanks, I'm good." Doug rejected the offer before a skinny woman hiding her bleached blonde hair in a bandana walked into the living room. "Hello there miss, I'm here to talk to you about your daughter's recent activities."
"Ah yeah, Sally." The woman said as she and her husband sat down on the couch. "I always kept hearing her talk with that alien woman on her whatchacallit….computer. Anyways, my name's Maureen Grove and this is my husband Carl."
"Well, that alien woman is a known bigoted criminal who is plotting to destroy the world." Doug revealed, making Carl and Maureen blankly stare at each other in silence. "Something the matter, you two?"
"Shoulda known our girl would do something like this." Maureen Grove shook her head in shame. "If you think Sally's views were a product of an abusive upbringing or some kind of trauma, I'm afraid you're mistaken, officer. She was diagnosed with kajigger disorder or something."
"Antisocial personality disorder." Carl Grove corrected his wife. "What we're saying is that Sally is just not a pleasant person to be around, especially in this current era of that danged Internet. She thrives on being so smug & self-righteous and making people hate her, yet at the same time she wonders why everyone hates her. And we've tried our best to help her, but she always kept picking on us for stupid reasons! It's absurd, I tells ya!"
"So, she brought this upon herself," Doug said while writing down in his notepad. "Would you care to further elaborate on her behavior?"
"She also had this TubeTube channel that barely had any subscribers because people would rather watch cat videos, let's plays, and those creepy kids' videos," Maureen answered. "But then came that weird monster attack last year, where everything changed forever."
"Sally honey, time for dinner!" Carl called for his daughter while knocking on the door. "Mama's making chili cheese dogs tonight!"
"I can buy and sell you, old man!" Sally insulted her father from behind her bedroom door.
"Fair enough, just starve then because I'm a man." Carl casually replied as he walked away. "I swear, we have got to get her a therapist soon." He muttered to himself. "Dropping out of college I can understand, but she desperately needs to do something with her life."
"CARL, GET DOWN HERE!" Maureen shrieked for her husband. "SOMEONE'S INTERRUPTED AMERICAN IDOL!"
"They WHAT?!" Carl bellowed as he charged down the stairs to see what was going on. To his alarm, their TV show was cut off by the sudden appearance of Black Rutile on their television screen as she made a speech.
"Greetings to the civilians of this backwater planet. I am Black Rutile, soon to be supreme ruler of the Gem race." Black Rutile introduced herself to audiences around the world. "I come to you today because you are faced with a crisis that has been right under your noses for thousands of years now, and it can all be blamed on the Crystal Gems."
"Nothing that changing the channel won't fix." Carl declared as he picked up the remote and tried switching to another channel. Unfortunately, Black Rutile was interrupting the programming there, and on every other channel too. "What the Sam Hill is going on here?! Who would believe such malarkey?!"
"They have been living among your people since the dawn of man, and have brought numerous world-ending threats along with." Black Rutile's speech continued on Sally's computer, much to her curiosity. "From loads of monsters that were formerly members of their kind, to insane terraformers that stole the ocean for selfish purposes followed by nearly drowning thousands once they returned the water to Earth, a superweapon made from the remains of their own kind that remains buried under the Earth as we speak, repeated counts of abductions and the near-genocide of all organic life." Despite Black Rutile clearly spreading lies about the Crystal Gems, the desperate TubeTube user felt a special sort of parasocial connection to her. "But now we are faced with a new problem, and it's all thanks to one Gem: Pink Diamond. It's because of her that this monstrosity plaguing the Earth at this moment is running amok and the Crystal Gems have done nothing to stop it, or her for that matter. Should you believe this planet is worth saving, something must be done about the Crystal Gems, or you will suffer the consequences. That will be all."
With the end of Black Rutile's warning, Sally's life was changed forever. Her TubeTube channel was then completely overhauled to benefit from her newfound hatred of the Crystal Gems. They caused so much chaos and destruction, yet they're celebrated as heroes. Sally simply gives her opinion, and she's constantly villainized for it. To her, that simply wasn't fair. But what no one realized about Sally was terrified of growing past her bigoted, misanthropic mindset and becoming a better person because she believed kindness and compassion were signs of weakness. And she despised being weak.
"Ever since then, that Black Rutile yutz has been a bad influence on our girl." Carl finished his story. "Sally's been completely off her rocker because of her. Every time we tried setting her up with various lovers, she just kept abusing them. Especially this one feller named Fred who she kept saying had a small di-"
"Anything else I should know before I leave?" Doug asked, cutting off Carl before he could finish. "What other crimes has she committed?"
"What hasn't she committed?" Maureen replied. "Thankfully, she hasn't done anything super serious, but she's also formed lynch mobs online against random people she hates, and cyberbullied her so-called friends away. And let's not forget that she wrote some really disturbing fanfiction!" She cringed in disgust at the thought.
"Right, thank you for your time, Mr. and Mrs. Grove, I promise I'll have your daughter returned home so she can get the help she deserves," Doug said as he got up and prepared to leave, only for Carl to stop him.
"Hey, before you go, officer," Carl said before presenting Doug with a chili cheese dog. "care for a chili cheese dog? Can't save the world on an empty stomach."
"You know what? I'll take it." Doug accepted the dog before pulling out his phone. "Connie, I'll be coming back soon. Is everything ready?"
"Almost, Dad," Connie responded. "Bane Jones helped us get everybody weapons for the big fight. We just need to wait on you now."
Elsewhere in Washington D.C., President Eduardo Suarez, his vice president Theresa Maxwell, Wade Grant, Lloyd Waller, and his presidential cabinet remained in hiding from the forces of Reginald Anderson. Having just witnessed his family being held hostage, the White House being overtaken, and one of the secret service agents under his employment brutally beaten to near death, the president was naturally anxious about what to do next. What's more, there's no way he can contact the Crystal Gems at the moment. He was at an utter loss at what to do.
"Never seen Eddy this worked up in ages," Theresa muttered in wonder at her president's nervous pacing. "Last time I've seen him like this was when Clump seemed to have beat him in the polls."
"I wouldn't blame him," Lloyd replied. "Country's in crisis again, plus his family is in grave danger. Poor thing looks like he'll have a panic attack at any moment."
"I'll go have a talk with him," Wade said as he walked over to his chief and put a hand on his shoulder. "Mr. President, are you feeling alright? Do you need anything before we make our decision?"
"No, I'm perfectly fine!" Eduardo exclaimed bravely, a far cry from the nervous front he was just putting up. "I'm willing to give everything for this country, as a good president should!" However, his courageous smile was quickly replaced with an insecure frown. "But what can I do when my family's lives are at stake here? One wrong move and I could lose everything."
"You're right, he's giving us a very tough choice here." Wade nodded when he suddenly got an idea. "Wait, I know!" Whatever he whispered into the president's ear, Eduardo was liking what he was hearing. "You got that?"
"I like what you're saying." Eduardo nodded. "Let's do it." Just then, three men opened the doors to One Observatory Drive and walked in. The first man wore a nice suit and was balding, while his two associates were dressed in a tank top and a collared shirt respectively. "Hello there."
"Greetings Mr. President, my name is Mr. Shreds." Mr. Shreds introduced himself to the president. "These are my two associates, Tank and Collar, and we are here to deliver you to Reginald Johnson so you can relinquish your presidency."
"Just move along now and don't keep us waiting!" Collar said as he and Tank took Eduardo by the arms and guided him to their limo. "Any last words, sir?"
"Yes, I'd like to make a personal request to Reginald." Eduardo nodded. "I'd like to have a public debate with him, face to face."
"As absurd as your request is, I shall grant it," Tank replied begrudgingly, not knowing what he was in for as the limousine drove away.
"So what did you tell him?" Theresa asked Wade as the two worriedly watched Eduardo be taken away.
"You'll see." Wade gave the vice president a knowing smirk.
"Making yourselves comfortable, Crystal Gems?" Black Rutile asked her prisoners while paying them one last visit to their cell. "Doesn't matter to me, because I got special plans for you."
"What is it now?" Peridot muttered disdainfully. "Is it about how you're so much better than us because you're not us?"
"Whatever it is, just get it over with already," Bismuth added sadly. "I deserve it for what I put Lapis through."
"Yes, yes you did." Lapis harshly agreed. "You poofed me and then forced me to be the dumb little plaything that you'll always throw away when you don't need me."
"You're still depressed about that?!" Black Rutile groaned in irritation as the brainwashed Emerald pulled up a throne for Black Rutile to sit on. "I'm saying that this could all be avoided if you joined me! Over time, I began to realize that the Rutile Rebels aren't as different from the Crystal Gems as I thought. We all started out as nobodies, did something extraordinary that made us different from the rest of our kin, rose to the top, and earned the respect of the Diamonds, only to have all torn down by a person who didn't even care about them." She declared. "I'll admit, when I first heard about Little Homeworld, I wanted to destroy it so bad, especially when you locked me up here. But after spending some time trapped here, I, ever the opportunist, decided that I could make it into something better!"
"Like turning it into our new secret lair for example!" Aquamarine added.
"And we have your stupid bickering to thank for it!" Eyeball said as all the other Rutile Rebels threw their heads back and laughed.
"What I'm trying to say is that there are special people like us who should run the world, and then there are the disgusting humans who deliver our food and fight our wars." Black Rutile continued. "Which is why I'm offering you this one-time opportunity. Let us work together for once so we can truly bring Gems and humans together in peace and harmony!" To emphasize her point, she turned on a news report documenting the attack on the White House. "Refuse, and I shall make you pay with your lives! Bring out the Disintegrator!"
"Wait, the Disintegrator?!" Bismuth shrieked in terror as Sally walked in with a small, glowing boxlike device in her hands that she set on the table. "I thought that was outlawed eons ago! How did you get one?!"
"You'd be surprised what I can accomplish through mixing Gem technology with human garbage." Black Rutile stated while presenting the device. "For those uninformed, most likely you Amethyst, this was an ancient torture device built to execute criminal Gems by grinding them up into dust and dispersing them in the air in a beautiful yet morbid fashion."
"Curious, most curious." Francis von Bowling nodded with intrigue. "And how does it work exactly?"
"Allow me to demonstrate." Black Rutile responded before presenting a small rock she placed in the Disintegrator. She then turned it on, and the rock was instantly ground up into dust in a terrifying show of the machine's power, leaving the Gems horrified yet not surprised she would use something like that. "That oughta show you for brainwashing us all!"
"You're kidding me?" Pearl scoffed. "You claim we're brainwashing Gems against their and forcing them to join our side when that's literally what you are doing with those devices! Those aren't rejuvenating blasters, they're inculcating blasters! All these new Gems of yours say: "All hail Black Rutile! All hail Black Rutile!", but the Gems we teach would never say anything like that. We didn't force them to come here, they made that choice willingly."
"Kind of like how Lapis willingly joined me after I convinced her of how alone we were in the universe?" Black Rutile retorted, pointing to a sullen Lapis in the darkness. "Or how I convinced Sally Grove here to be a kindred spirit?"
"Yeah, that reminds me," Amethyst asked. "How could you team up with someone that obviously evil? Surely, you must have some tragic reason for doing so, right?"
"No, no tragic reason at all," Sally admitted without a single ounce of empathy in her voice. "I just like being hated. It makes me feel powerful."
"Hatred makes all of us powerful." Holly Blue agreed with Sally, with Cat's Eye by her side with her cat Blake in her arms.
"Very powerful." Cat's Eye agreed.
"Okay, we've had enough taunting, let's get to executing!" Black Rutile declared eagerly as she began choosing which Crystal Gem to disintegrate. However, her choice was pretty easy. "Bismuth, do you volunteer as tribute?"
"Wait, what?!" Bismuth muttered as the brainwashed Demantoid and Pyrope freed her from her shackles to be executed. "You won't get away with this, Black Rutile!"
"As a matter of fact, I've gotten away with it months ago." Black Rutile cruelly sneered while shoving the Disintegrator towards Bismuth. "Now, you might feel a little tingle."
"Lapis, please, I'm sorry!" Bismuth cried out for possibly the last time to Lapis, but she didn't seem to listen. All Lapis could do was turn away in shame. As Bismuth was about to be thrown into the machine and the other Crystal Gems cried for Black Rutile not to do it, the Disintegrator was suddenly stabbed with an epee, causing it to shut down. "What?"
"You!" Black Rutile yelled at Tanzanite for destroying her machine. "I have put hours upon hours into building that, and you made it all for nothing!"
"That's because you've gone too far this time, and I can't do this anymore!" Tanzanite yelled angrily while proceeding to free Bismuth, Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Peridot from their restraints. "Brainwashing is one thing, but executing too?"
"Are you seriously trying to talk back to your master?" Black Rutile growled angrily. "You know how Rose lied to you, you know how she left you to die and become part of a planet-destroying abomination against your will! I was there for you, and this is how you repay me?!"
"Yes, the Crystal Gems aren't honest, but their intentions are definitely real." Tanzanite declared firmly, bringing a tear to Pearl's eye before her former student was threatened with Black Rutile's bowie knife.
"Take that back and fight for me, or pay the price." Black Rutile ordered Tanzanite to stand down, and the punk purple Gem meekly did as she was told while Navy raced up to her master's side. "Yes, Ruby?"
"We got humans and enemy Gems at 12:00!" Navy yelled hurriedly.
"Did you tell them I hate them?" Black Rutile asked while turning her bowie knife into her sword. "No matter." With a superhuman leap, Black Rutile bounded out of her lair and landed in front of the New Crystal Temps before striking a pose as she drew her sword. "Well, don't stop on my account."
"Black Rutile, we've come to finally bring you to justice!" Connie declared while raising her sword in the air. "In the name of the Crystal Gems, the planet Earth, and the entire universe, we'll punish you for your crimes. And this time, we'll make it permanent. Do you yield?"
Black Rutile just sneered at Connie's bold declaration and responded with simply "I do not." With a snap of her fingers, the other Rutile Rebels, including a reluctant Tanzanite and Lapis, soon gathered behind her to counter Connie's forces. Just then, however, the Crystal Gems leaped out from behind the Rutile Rebels to join Connie and the others, followed by Spinel, Hessonite, Citrine, and Lemon Jade crashing into Little Homeworld on their ship.
"CRYSTAL GEMS!" Garnet roared while summoning her gauntlets. "Assemble." With that, everyone behind Connie roared as they charged into battle against Black Rutile and her enforcers, along with legions of brainwashed Gems, Concrete warriors, and Cactus & Topiary Stevens once again forced to serve Black Rutile. This was a day unlike any other when humans and Gems alike found themselves united against a common foe for the first time in thousands of years. On that day, everyone in Beach City became a Crystal Gem.
"Of course, you would find a way to ruin my plans!" Black Rutile said as she got into an intense swordfight with Connie. The battle for Earth had already gotten off to a rousing start. Bane Jones and Beckham Jordan fought side by side against von Bowling and his men, Kevin and Vidalia were up against Marty in a mechanical war suit, and Lars had a rematch with Emerald, among many other battles. "For too long now, you've always been interfering and you didn't even know it!"
"It's called loyalty Black Rutile, something you would probably never know!" Connie retorted before going in for a stab, only to be blocked by Sally Grove fighting back with a laser sword. "And as for you!"
"Don't even try to preach to me, little girl." Sally taunted in her usual high and mighty fashion. "We all know you would've found a way to call your white savior because you have no other personality outside of being his protector! You're a disgrace to your ethnicity, brat!"
"That's what you think, bullying my daughter like that!" Priyanka retorted with a sword of her own to fight Sally and Black Rutile with. "Apologize to her at once or I will reveal everything your parents told my husband!"
"What do you mean I have to apologize?! She attacked me!" Sally said before she realized what the doctor meant. "Wait, really? Oh no, no no no no!"
"Yeah, they told me some pretty messed up stuff about you," Doug said while putting out his notepad and reading what he had written earlier, making Sally writhe in agony while Black Rutile looked disdainfully at her human charge. "Let's see, abusing everyone around you, including your own parents, refusing to grow beyond your toxic personality while also blaming it on everyone around you, that disturbing fanfiction-"
"It's only disturbing from a certain point of view, having sexual relationships with your family members is perfectly normal in some parts of the world!" Sally only kept digging herself deeper into insanity in her attempts to preserve her image, unaware that Ronaldo had been live-streaming her this entire time, and her reputation was falling apart by the second. "Hey, turn that camera off!"
"No way, this is going to make a killing on Keep Beach City Weird!" Ronaldo laughed mischievously. "Wow, these negative comments expressing how betrayed your viewers must be for how much of a hypocrite you're being are coming in by the dozens."
"It's the same story I've seen so many times." Doug shook his head in disgust as Sally had an utter breakdown in front of the Maheswarans and Black Rutile, who was just as disgusted at how pathetic her partner was. "A fine, upstanding bigot. Your nose is so close to the grindstone, you can't see anything else. Meanwhile, the world changes and grows, and you're blind to it! Ignorant and proud of it too."
"Am I glad that's not me!" Black Rutile scoffed hypocritically as Sally was handcuffed and taken somewhere safe until the battle was over. "Now where were we? Oh yes!" She immediately got right back to her clash with Connie.
"So, calming down Lapis." Peridot muttered as she, Jasper, and White Topaz stood in front of Lapis and Phoenix Lapis fighting Laz and Zuli. "Got any ideas?"
"You're her life partner, you should know!" Jasper exclaimed while Laz and Zuli fought for their lives. "Paz, got any bright ideas?"
"I think I might have a good idea of what to do." White Topaz declared. "Bismuth, we need your help!"
"I'm in the middle of something here!" Bismuth replied while she was fighting Andesine and Cinnabar. "Oh, you want me to make up with Lapis, right?"
"Hopefully having her back on our side will turn the tide of battle!" White Topaz suggested, causing Bismuth to knock her two opponents out and walk up to her. "Just say what you need to say and hopefully she'll listen."
"This had better work." Bismuth took a deep breath and yelled "HEY LAPIS, OVER HERE!" The four Lapises then turned to see Bismuth below. "No, not you, the one who hates me!" she corrected herself.
"What do you want now?" Lapis angrily asked as she hovered on the ground.
"Listen Lapis, I know you won't ever forgive me and the other Crystal Gems for what we did to you," Bismuth said. "but I swear, if you listen and understand we didn't know what we did, maybe we can finally start making amends."
"Wait, you mean it?" Lapis's face softened in surprise.
"Yeah, we're still your friends!" White Topaz declared happily.
"And besides, I'm the only one who gets to be all sullen and betrayed here!" Jasper added before reaching her hand out. "Just take my hand."
Lapis started smiling again, bringing smiles to Peridot and White Topaz's faces as well, and began to reach out to Jasper. However, she was quickly interrupted by Cinnabar and Andesine's groups pointing their Rejuvenation Blasters at the Crystal Gems.
"Make another move, and we'll have to reset all of you." Cinnabar declared coldly.
"Now then, any last words?" Andesine smirked.
"I got one," Bismuth stated before raising her fist at Lapis's gem. "Please don't hate me for this again!" With a single punch, Lapis was poofed yet again, this time to save her from being shot with the Rejuvenation Blaster as the Rutile Rebels began opening fire, prompting Bismuth, Jasper, White Topaz, and Peridot to scatter.
"I'll be taking this to reverse-engineer, thank you very much!" Peridot snickered as she robbed Howlite of her Blaster to experiment on and ran away with a maniacal "NYEH-HAHAHAHAHA!"
"After her!" Howlite commanded and raced after Peridot with Dalmatian Jasper, Zoisite, Amber, and Xenotime behind her.
"Check it out, I got a Rejuvenation Blaster!" Peridot said to Squaridot and IQ while presenting the stolen blaster to them. "Maybe we can work together to find a way to use it to get everyone back to normal!"
"That's some good thinking, Peridot." Squaridot complimented the other Peridot's idea before the three geniuses snuck off to get to work.
"So it's come to this, Tanzanite, the student versus the master," Pearl said as she took a battle stance, and Tanzanite did the same. "Tell me Tanzanite, why did you join Black Rutile instead of accepting everything as it was? I understand if you felt betrayed by Rose, but this is not a healthy way of coping."
"It's because I just wanted to save everyone from what I suffered," Tanzanite revealed sadly as she clashed with her former mentor. "My friends! My family! Everything I did was for the galaxy, for the Crystal Gems! But it was all for nothing, Pink Diamond used all of us to avoid the consequences of her actions." Despite how much Pearl tried to speak up, Tanzanite kept ranting. "I had to use my skills on friends; on family; Gems that I knew. She controlled us through lies." She then let out a strained and tearful laugh. "Homeworld, no better than the rebels Rose created. I helped terrorize my people! I wanted you to stop it, I had to stop it. I spoke out. I spoke out to Black Rutile, to save everyone from you! But when I did, I only stood with a monster. You chose Pink Diamond." Now, Tanzanite was on the verge of tears as she sobbed into Pearl's chest. "You left me, gave me no choice! The Diamonds wanted to destroy worlds, and they did. Pink destroyed mine."
"Oh, poor dear," Pearl muttered sorrowfully while holding her old student close. "But do you still believe Black Rutile is good for you?"
"I'm not sure if anyone is good for me." Tanzanite sobbed. "I don't know if Black Rutile really cares for me or if she just saw me as a tool."
"Black Rutile never cared for anyone to begin with." Pearl declared before she held Tanzanite's head in her hands. "I'm truly sorry that I made you choose this path, and I promise that there will be no more secrets between us from now on. Is that good?"
"Yeah, but I'm not sure if I can forgive myself for this." Tanzanite agreed just as she felt the business end of a Rejuvenation Blaster pressing the back of her head.
"Another last-minute betrayal, I see." Andesine grinned while preparing to pull the trigger, only for Tanzanite to smack it out of Andesine's hands with her epee before stabbing her in the chest.
"Now look what you made ME do," Tanzanite smirked as she threw what Andesine said when she shattered her back in the red Gem's face before she poofed.
"Okay Mr. S, here we are." Mr. Shreds said as he pulled the limo up to the White House and let Eduardo out. "Just make it quick, I'm on a tight schedule here," Eduardo said nothing as he saw his family surrounded by terrorists and Reginald smugly standing by a video camera and a podium.
"Go on Mr. Prez, don't be shy." Reginald mockingly urged Eduardo. "Just say what you need to say."
"That's exactly what I was going to say to you." Eduardo declared before trapping Reginald in a headlock. "NOW!" The SWAT team immediately overwhelmed Reginald's enforcers while Reginald tried his best to fight back, only to be met with a krav maga kick from Theresa, coming straight out of nowhere.
"Did you plan all this?!" Reginald shouted.
"Well, not necessarily," Eduardo replied as Wade and Lloyd came to handcuff Reginald. "It's just that I'm far more quick on my feet than you'll ever be."
"Dad!" Huey and Riley Suarez cried as Theresa freed them from their restraints and hugged their father.
"Oh, mi preciosos, I was so worried," Eduardo said as he hugged them back before seeing Arlene walk towards them as well. "And I surely didn't forget you, my love."
"And you never will," Arleen replied before kissing her husband. And so, the White House was saved, thanks to the president and his quick thinking. Now all he had to do was hope that the Crystal Gems were doing alright.
"Must I remind you of my superiority, pretty boy?" Marty taunted Kevin while showing off the capabilities of his war suit. "Face it, hiding behind all these beautiful women won't get you anywhere in life!"
"Yeah, I'm absolutely unequipped for this, but that won't stop me from trying!" Kevin exclaimed before beginning to fight back.
"How could you, Marty?" Vidalia asked her ex-husband. "I knew you were a dirtbag, but selling out the entire human race for what? Just because you're mad we disowned you!"
"Oh yeah, I'm absolutely livid," Marty agreed. "but I'm mostly just here to get even with you guys. I don't give a damn about Black Rutile's whole rebellion business!"
Meanwhile, Bane Jones, Beckham, Makoto, and Matt were all standing back-to-back against Francis von Bowling's men. "So, when this is all over, could I perhaps get an autograph?" Bane asked Beckham. "I'm a huge fan, and I consider it an honor to be fighting for Earth with you."
"I'd be more than happy to." Beckham smiled at the offer.
"Hey boys, can we pick up the pace a bit?!" Makoto said while delivering an upside-down spinning kick to Konstantin, Pavel, and Leo at once.
Above the chaos going on in Little Homeworld, Black Rutile stood atop the whirlybird tower and was not happy with how her forces were losing. "STOOOOOP THEM!" she shrieked angrily while pulling at her hair just as she turned to see Connie, Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Peridot, Bismuth, Jasper, White Topaz, Spinel, Hessonite, and now Tanzanite standing behind her. "You! You ruined everything again! I could've made everything perfect!"
"You didn't want to make things perfect." Tanzanite declared to Black Rutile. "You just hated things the way they are."
"This is your final warning, Black Rutile." Garnet declared. "And this time, we won't be giving you a second chance. You and your minions are headed straight for Revanche 666 after this!"
"Fine, if I can never win, then neither should you!" Black Rutile completely snapped. "Aquamarine, Eyeball, Chrome Chalcedony, to me!"
"Ready as always, Black Rutile!" Aquamarine said as she and Eyeball fused into Bluebird Azurite, while Holly Blue and Cat's Eye arrived to make Chrome Chalcedony.
"And now, for a little surprise!" Bluebird proclaimed.
"I have a little joke for you all." Black Rutile smiled dementedly while grabbing Bluebird's hand. "What do you get when you cross a depressed loner with a society that abandons her and treats her like trash?!"
"That's not a very good joke!" Amethyst replied.
"I'll tell you what you get, you get what you deserve!" Black Rutile shrieked before she and Bluebird merged to form Pietersite, now sporting Black Rutile's new pink cape and red visor in addition to her outfit now looking different to fit Aquamarine's regeneration.
"PIETERSITE LIVES!" Pietersite bellowed loudly for all to hear and cringe in fear. "AND NOW CRYSTAL GEMS, IT IS TIME FOR THE FINAL CURTAIN CALL!"
"I don't think so!" Peridot said as she fired a Rejuvenation Blaster at the two fusions, which they dodged only for the blast to hit one of Nephrite's crew and revert her to normal. "I stole one of those blasters from Howlite and reverse-engineered them to change everyone hit by them back to normal."
"I'm free, I've been freed!" the Nephrite cheered at finally being brought back to her old self.
"What?" Pietersite muttered in horror as the Crystal Gems immediately understood what was going to happen and raced down to solid ground so they can do the same for all the other Gems Black Rutile converted. "No! No no no! Don't do that, I worked so hard!"
"Stop them!" Chrome Chalcedony added as she and Pietersite tried fighting back against the enemy, but as the Crystal Gems' forces grew with every Gem turned back to normal, they were quickly outnumbered.
"Well, we're boned," Apatite muttered as she and Amazonite prepared to leave. "Let's skedaddle!"
"I don't think that'll be necessary," Amazonite replied as she and Apatite found themselves confronted by the entirety of Beach City's population, and they weren't happy.
"Goin' somewhere?" Sheena Synstylae cracked her neck and her knuckles.
"Don't worry, you're not the only ones we'll be punishing," Lars added.
"We'll finally gain an advantage over Black Rutile!" Padparadscha Sapphire exclaimed happily.
Pietersite could barely comprehend what happened, and it was so anticlimactic too. Her forces were subdued, her weapons seized and modified to fix what she had done, and now all that was left of the Rutile Rebels was her, Aquamarine, and Eyeball once again. "Please no, just give me a second chance!"
"Not likely," Lapis said as she summoned a sawblade made of water that sliced Pietersite in half, barely giving her a chance to fight because the Crystal Gems now considered Black Rutile to be that pathetic to not even consider a grander defeat. To seal the deal, Little Homeworld was returned to its rightful place outside of Beach City with help from the Lapis Lazulis.
Black Rutile, Aquamarine, and Eyeball all fell to the ground in defeat, while the rest of the Rutile Rebels were brought together in chains. "I hate happy endings."
"Well, that should about wrap everything up!" Pearl sighed in relief once the dust settled. "Now then, it's off to Revanche 666 you all go!"
"And me too," Tanzanite added, much to Pearl's shock. "Even if I changed my ways, I still need to forgive myself for siding with Black Rutile too."
"Indeed, young Tanzanite." James began one final monologue. "At the end of the day, we are all but individuals crying for fairness in our lives. You won't get everything, but you'll get something. The Crystal Gems finally restore peace, while Black Rutile hopefully realizes how futile her schemes were. In the end, we just need to decide what is fair and what isn't."
"Oh, be quiet!" Black Rutile said as Hessonite and Spinel carted her away to the ship Andesine and Cinnabar hijacked in their prison break, while everyone was left to rejoice.
"So, that's all that happened?" Steven asked Connie a few days later over video chat. "Wow, sounds like you had quite the adventure."
"Yeah, and that's not even getting into what happened next," Connie stated. "First, Marty's now on the run from the law and lost everything. Then, Kevin got a key to the city."
"That's a phrase I never expected to hear." Steven laughed. "What else happened?"
"The Crystal Gems have all made up with each other and the Diamonds, and they're getting the therapy they need from Dr. Sucrose, Mr. Ikari, and Dr. Brenner." Connie continued. "Speaking of which, Brenner put Sally Grove under house arrest and is writing a book about the psychology of influencers, Neil Michaels is stuck doing ChikFlix movies to recoup his losses, Francis von Bowling is stuck in prison with Reginald Johnson, the president is still alive, and finally, the Rutile Rebels are all safely behind bars for what they've done. But I kinda doubt they'll stay there for long because evil geniuses are harder to squash than cockroaches."
"Hey, Connie!" Lapis cried while knocking on Connie's window, now back in her Crystal Gem uniform. When Connie peeked her head outside, she could see the other Crystal Gems outside her house. "You got a minute?"
"I'll call you back Steven!" Connie said before hanging up on Steven and racing outside to meet with her alien friends, no doubt to go on another adventure together. In the distance, the Officer was recording everything he saw and sending it to his masters.
Meanwhile, on Revanche 666, the prison was restored to order as the Rutile Rebels were locked behind the destabilizing fields in their cells.
"Hey, don't be so bummed out everyone!" Kyanite exclaimed. "We can make prison life fun!"
"Oh be quiet!" Zoisite yelled angrily.
"I did pretend to get sent to prison only to get sent to prison for real!" Amber added. "I'm getting anxious!"
"Hey, is no one going to check up on Black Rutile?" Dalmatian Jasper asked while pointing at Black Rutile sitting calmly in her cell.
"She's looking even mopier than me," Xenotime added worriedly. "I hope she's alright."
Hiding from the endless chatter of Zoisite's team, a restored Emerald, Morganite, Demantoid & Pyrope who were behind bars to repent, Black Rutile gazed emotionlessly at her hand as she wondered how it all came to this. So many months of planning have now gone to waste, once again because of the Gems' human friends. This made her finally ask herself one thing. "Is this still worth it?"
This went way longer than I expected, and with way too many characters I put on the cast list that didn't get a line! I've recently found it to be a bad habit of mine, and I hope to remedy that in future stories. I also think I kind of rushed this to be as big as possible while still meeting my deadline. But in the meantime, I hope you all enjoyed these past thirteen weeks and I get to enjoy a break at last and maybe pursuing either a story I haven't written yet or one I still need to finish. But for now, let's see what to come in the finale.
"Your Highness, we received another update from Aescul!" a snakelike alien told his master, another snake alien who was far larger and resembled a king cobra, as he received the news from their deep cover agent. "He says now might finally be the time."
"Excellent work, sir." The king cobra alien said to his subordinate while slithering away. "You are dismissed." The cobra then retreated into a mysterious chamber where he met with a shadowy figure towering above him. "It's time for the Gems to enter our contest, great Lapidarist." He declared to the shadow. "Soon, we shall return your children to you."
The shadowy figure began glowing a brilliant white light as it woke up, followed by shimmering with every possible color in existence while laying eyes upon its servant.
Featuring Voltaire as King Cobralan Jormagundr
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lacrosselifestyle · 3 years
An Insight into Endicott Lacrosse with Matt DiLorenzo
Hailing from the city of Monroe, New York, Matthew DiLorenzo now plays lacrosse at Endicott College, a small college located on the North Shore of Massachusetts, in a quaint town called Beverly. DiLorenzo, or as his teammates call him, DiLo, is a six foot tall, 170 pound, long stick defender, which means he plays defense right in front of the goal with a longer stick than an offensive player uses. While he might be tall and slim, DiLorenzo is not one to underestimate on the field, as he was the 2019 Don Bosco Prep MVP. DiLorenzo went to Don Bosco Prep in New Jersey for high school, where he played lacrosse all four years. DiLorenzo wears number 30, the same number he wore throughout his high school career. At Endicott, DiLorenzo is majoring in exercise science, and wants to go into athletic training when he is older, as helping people out is one of his many passions. DiLorenzo is also a part of the Exercise Science Club at Endicott, where he hones his skills in the field he is going into. Even though DiLorenzo has not gotten to play much yet because of the Covid-19 Pandemic, he is an integral part of the team and helps out in more ways than most. He is especially helpful in coaching up the younger players, as he is very knowledgeable about the sport of lacrosse. Outside of lacrosse, DiLorenzo is a great guy to hang out with and a friend to many. Now, here is a deeper insight into DiLorenzo.
How did you get started with lacrosse?
I played football growing up, and one of the kids on my team, who I was pretty good friends with, had a dad who coached lacrosse. So I talked to him about it with my dad and my dad said I should give it a try since we had never heard of lacrosse. I ended up trying it and I thought it was really fun. I liked it because it’s kind of like football but with a stick.
How was the commitment process for college?
It was definitely difficult because my high school coach didn’t really help at all so I pretty much had to do it by myself. My parents really helped a lot too, but it was mostly about filling out a lot of paperwork and making highlight tapes and a lot of tedious work that you have to do over and over again to get in front of a lot of coaches, but in the end it paid off. It was also a lot about finding out what coaches you do and don’t like and finding out where you fit in and what kind of players the coaches are looking for.
What other choices did you have for schools to go to besides Endicott?
I had a good amount of other options for school, but my top ones were: Springfield College in Massachusetts, Washington College in Maryland, The University of Scranton in Pennsylvania, and Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey. I also probably could have walked on at a lot of colleges if I decided to go somewhere else.
Why did you choose Endicott?
I chose Endicott for a lot of reasons, but the main reason was the internship program, I mean obviously lacrosse was a big factor too, but after hearing about the internship program it really set Endicott apart from all of the other schools I was looking at.
What are your goals now that you’re on a college team?
My biggest goal is to be an All-American, but that’s what pretty much everyone else’s goal is too. Some smaller goals would be to start for sure or just to get some playing time in general. Maybe even scoring a goal, like at least one would be cool for me, but that’s more of a hope really. Obviously as a team goal I want to win the CCC Championship, but besides that there’s not really anything else.
What is your favorite part about playing defense, as opposed to another position?
To begin with I don’t really get hit as much and I get to do the hitting which is a lot less pain for me and helps me get my anger out a little bit. I don’t have to run too much either anymore which is nice because I played some LSM in high school and I would always be winded after doing that so I don’t really want to do that again unless I have to. There is the occasion that I have to step in front of a shot and get hit but I don’t really mind that too much anymore.
How is playing your position different from playing LSM?
So now I play close defense which is like just the guys that play right in front of the goal. LSM stands for long stick midfield, which basically means I have the same stick which is longer than offensive players' sticks, but I run a lot more and have to play some offense sometimes.
How would you describe your playing style?
Definitely faced paced. I’m not really too much of a flashy or take away player, but I’m more of a team player in the sense that I don’t often get beat by the guy I’m guarding and I’ll do everything I can to get in his face and just play solid defense, and hopefully he either drops the ball and I’m in the position to make a play. I’m more of an IQ player too, like I know all the plays and where everyone should be standing and stuff like that.
What do you look for in a coach and what do you like about the Endicott Coaches?
I like a coach that is hard on you and tells you if you’re doing something wrong because they actually want you to be better, but doesn’t just yell at you to be a jerk or anything. As far as our coaches, they are really good guys and care about us and want us to be better men off of the lacrosse field as well as on the field. 
What about your playstyle helps you stand out against other players on the team?
I have a very high lacrosse IQ and I know what I am doing on the field, like I am never lost on defense and I always know where to go and what to do while playing. I also help the younger guys on the team out and help tell them where they need to be on the field in certain situations and just help them out in general. 
What about helping the younger guys do you enjoy?
I just like helping out the team anyway I can. I just figure later down the road they’ll be playing at some point and I would rather have someone playing with me that knows what they're doing because It helps out both me and the rest of the team. Also seeing them fix their mistakes in practice and get better is really rewarding to see. 
What other sports are you a fan of and what other athletes do you admire?
I’m a big football fan and it’s really the only other sport that I like to watch. As for athletes I admire, I love Eli Manning, not just because I’m a Giants fan, but because he’s a really great person too. He does a lot of charity work which I admire a lot and he also won the Walter Payton Man of the Year Award. Another thing I like about him is that he is really humble which is always good.
Do you try to emulate any of that with the way you play lacrosse?
Yeah I try to be humble for sure and not be too cocky or anything like that. I just try to play my game and not get distracted too which is something he does well, and I also try to just be a good person in general and play fairly.
What is one of the weaknesses in your game that you think you need to improve on?
Definitely opening my mouth more. I’m a pretty quiet individual so I always have to think about communicating with my teammates because that is a huge part of having success at this level.  I think I’m pretty strong skill wise but my communication is not as good just cause I’m not a super talkative person.
Do you have any other hobbies?
Yeah I like playing video games and watching T.V. when I’m not busy. I like cooking a lot too. That’s one of my favorite hobbies for sure because I like good food and I like eating, which I guess is another hobby.
What video games do you play?
I haven’t played in a while, but I like Call of Duty, the Star Wars video game called Fallen Order, and the P.G.A. Tour game is really fun too. I’m not a huge sports game guy though because they just piss me off too much. Mortal Combat is really good too though, I love that game.
Do you have any rituals or superstitions you do before a game?
Sometimes if I play well in a game I’ll wear the same pair of socks or underwear in the next game. Obviously I wash them just so everybody knows. Or if I play well with a certain eye black style I’ll just keep wearing that style for a while. Maybe I’ll try to eat a certain breakfast a lot if I play well after eating something specific. I’m a big pasta dinner the night before a game too cause you gotta be ready for the game and have enough energy, but that’s about it.
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goalhofer · 2 years
2022 Seattle Mariners Roster
#7 Marco Gonzales (Ft. Collins, Colorado)
#16 Drew Steckenrider (Norcross, Georgia)
#18 Anthony Misiewicz (Ira Township, Michigan)
#33 Justus Sheffield (Tullahoma, Tennessee)
#36 Logan Gilbert (Apopka, Florida)
#37 Paul Sewald (Las Vegas, Nevada)
#38 Robbie Ray (Brentwood, Tennessee)
#47 Matt Brash (Kingston, Ontario)
#50 Erik Swanson (Cincinnati, Ohio)
#54 Sergio Romo (Brawley, California)
#55 Yohan Ramírez (Villa Mella, Dominican Republic)
#58 Ken Giles (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
#63 Diego Castillo (Cabrera, Dominican Republic)
#65 Casey Sadler (Ripley, Oklahoma)
#67 Matt Festa (Staten Island, New York)
#75 Andrés Muñoz (Los Mochis, Mexico)
#77 Chris Flexen (Newark, California)
#2 Tom Murphy; Jr. (West Monroe, New York)
#22 Luis Torrens (Valencia, Venezuela)
#29 Cal Raleigh (Sylva, North Carolina)
#3 J.P. Crawford (Lakewood, California)
#12 Evan White (Gahanna, Ohio)
#13 Abraham Toro (Montréal, Quebec)
#23 Ty France (West Covina, California)
#25 Dylan Moore (Placentia, California)
#26 Adam Frazier (Watkinsville, Georgia)
#28 Eugenio Suárez (Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela)
#1 Kyle Lewis (Snellville, Georgia)
#10 Jarred Kelenic (Waukesha, Wisconsin)
#17 Mitch Haniger (San José, California)
#27 Jesse Winker (Orlando, Florida)
#44 Julio Rodríguez (Loma De Cabrera, Dominican Republic)
Manager Scott Servais (Coon Valley, Wisconsin)
Senior director of development Andy McKay (Sacramento, California)
Pitching coach Pete Woodworth (St. Petersburg, Florida)
Batting practice pitcher Nasusel Cabrera (San Cristóbal, Dominican Republic)
Bullpen coach Trent Blank (Columbia, Illinois)
Bullpen catcher Fleming Báez (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)
Hitting coach Tony Arnerich (Santa Rosa, California)
Assistant hitting coach Jarret DeHart (Medford Township, New Jersey)
Infield coach Perry Hill (Salina, Kansas)
1st base coach Kristopher Negrón (Willingboro Township, New Jersey)
3rd base coach Manny Acta (San Pedro De Macorís, Dominican Republic)
Field coordinator Carson Vitale (Victoria, British Columbia)
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ledenews · 2 years
Shamrocks' Special Season Keeps Rolling
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The last time Barnesville finished the regular season undefeated, current head coach Blake Allen was a senior back in 2006. Those Shamrocks fell in the second round of the Ohio Division postseason to Warren JFK, 14-8, in overtime. JFK later went on to fall to St. Henry in the DV championship game. Friday night, Allen's current Shamrocks capped an unbeaten regular season with a cherished 29-26 victory against rival Union Local in the annual Battle for the Milk Jug. The Shamrocks sit third in Ohio Division V, Region 19, and will face Piketon (6-4) on Friday night in what will be Barnesville's third straight trip to the postseason in what is Allen's sixth season at the helm. Safe to say, the moment was just as special for the coach as it was 16 years ago as a player. “Definitely, it was certainly exciting and cool to be a part of both (seasons),” Allen said. “But first and foremost, I'm happy for our kids. I know how it feels, so I'm so happy for them and happy that all of the hard work they put in has paid off.” The players have certainly put forth the effort; the coaching staff too. Allen's tenure took a few years to gain footing as he worked to transform the culture and the program into how he best saw fit. The years between Allen's graduation and when he first assisted then-head coach Matt Johnson in 2015 saw Barnesville muddle through marginal success, reaching the postseason only once in 2016 in Johnson's final year. That season, the 'Rocks finished the regular season 8-1, having lost one game to COVID. They won their first playoff game before falling to Fort Frye. Between 2007 and 2014, Barnesville finished 30-50, winning some, and losing more. A four-year stretch between 2009 and 2012 saw the Green & Red start strong each season, only to fade down the stretch against a daunting schedule that included the likes of Shadyside, Monroe Central, and Magnolia, when all three were at their respective peaks. In 2009, BHS started 5-1, only to lose four of its last five. The next season the rocks finished 6-4, losing three of their last four. In 2011, the team started 7-3, but in falling in its final three games, lost on a potential postseason bid. That final year of the four-year stretch, Barnesville started 4-1, only to lose the final five games.So you could forgive any longtime Barnesville fans who were questioning just how good this year's team was after an impressive 4-0 start but against four teams that combined for nine wins all season; especially, with the likes of River, Toronto, Shenandoah, and Union Local waiting. But as each week's new opponent turned into another victory in the 'Rocks march to the postseason, it became apparent nothing was going to break this team's focus. “We really do just focus on one game at a time,” Allen admitted. “I can't say there's any point where we thought or talked about running the able. That's kind of just the position we're in. “The kids stayed focused on the task at hand and we played a lot of tough teams. The minute you look and think that you're ahead is when you trip up. Their ability to stay focused and hone in on the opponent speaks volumes.” Tough Schedules Make Tough Teams Allen was complimentary of his team's ability to retain its focus week in and out. That was probably made easier by the difficulty of the back portion of its schedule. True, Barnesville's opponents went a combined 45-55, but its final six opponents finished 36-24, including five playoff qualifiers. And in fairness, Meadowbrook (1-9) and Shadyside (3-7) both were not representative of either program's recent successes. But it was a typical Barnesville schedule, tough all around, back-loaded with tough games. “The schedule is the schedule, you can't control what teams' records are,” Allen said. “It's only a matter of focusing on one game at a time. Our first goal always is to beat our rivals, which, we consider most of the teams on our schedule rivals because they are local teams we play each year. It's easier to keep your focus there. When we're playing teams we know, it's easy to get them amped and excited.” Allen knows just how difficult it is to finish undefeated too. Talent alone is not enough to guarantee or even predict a potential unbeaten season. Just look at last year. Barnesville finished 8-1 in the regular season, falling 35-12 to Shadyside in Week 4. It also won its first two playoff games before falling to Fort Frye in the regional final. “It's hard to do, that's why it's a rare achievement,” Allen said. “A lot has to fall your way and you catch some breaks. It's hard to win one game, let alone all 10 of them, so it's a major accomplishment to be excited about.” But … Wait. There's a but? Yes, there is. While Allen, his staff, and players are all elated about finishing the regular season unbeaten, that is not, nor was it ever, the goal. “But 10-0 is never the goal,” Allen said. “Our goal is to make some noise in the playoffs and build on what we've been doing and not to rest on what we did during the regular season.” The next season begins against the Piketon Redstreaks, a 6-4 team from Pike County that's making the trek to Barnesville after defeating Huntington 24-6 to finish in the No. 13 spot. Huntington was the lone team the Redstreaks defeated that had a non-losing record. But that doesn't mean Allen is expecting a cakewalk; far from it actually. “They are a team that spreads you out, but spreads you out in order to run it,” Allen said. “They have a big running back, a young QB, and a big offensive line. Their defense is fast and aggressive and blitzes a lot. “They were present a lot of challenges, but we are excited to get back to work.” Barnesville's players put in a ton of work in the weight room during the offseason. The results are speaking for themselves. Work is the Key Word Coaching, talent, and luck, all have played a part in the resurgence of the Shamrocks out in Western Belmont County. But there's no substitute for hard work and dedication, and Allen believes that has played an integral part in his team's successes. They are willing to do what's necessary to get to where they want to be. That arduous journey started where many such gridiron journeys begin—during the offseason. “That's kind of been my focus since I took the head job, and in talking to other (successful) programs in the area, that it really is the key to building that foundation is the offseason program,” Allen said. “What I'm really proud of is the kids have all bout into it and put the work in. “High school football in Ohio is so competitive now, you have to keep training, keep working in the weight room, and keep active, not just in the fall.” Barnesville's senior class is only seven players strong, a stark contrast to Allen's senior season when the rostered 12th graders numbered in the low 20s. Now, it's a sizable sophomore class that's making major contributions as many are learning on the job, guided by a small but spirited senior class leading by example. “We only have seven seniors, but those are seven great kids. They've been outstanding and have really set the tone for us,” Allen said. “The young guys came in and learning the ropes and are filling right in. That's a testament to their buying in, and the (seniors) showing the younger guys the way we do things. “And that sophomore group, I'm extremely proud of them. They've played well above their years.” Read the full article
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historysisco · 7 years
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On This Day in History February 12, 1934: Professional Basketball player and Civil Rights advocate William Felton Russell better known as Bill Russell is born in Monroe, Louisiana. 
Russell is one of the most successful athletes in history. His list of accomplishments include:
Two Time NCAA Champion in 1955 and 1956 with the University of San Francisco
Captain of the Gold Medal Winner United States in the 1956 Summer Olympics held in Melbourne, Australia
Five Time NBA Most Valuable Player and Eleven Time world champion with Boston Celtics for who he played for from 1956-1969.
First African-American coach in North American pro sports when he was player-coach for the Celtics from 1967-1969
First African-American Coach to win a championship
Induction into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in 1975
Russell was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2011
Russell has also been very vocal and outspoken on civil rights issues not only during his playing days but also after his playing days ended. Russell spent time in Africa in the late 1950′s when the movement for independence for the European colonies in Africa was taking shape.
Russell also spoke directly to the blatant racism that plagued the city of Boston in relationship to the Boston Celtics who were one of the teams in the league that embraced African-American players. Russell publically supported Muhammed Ali who refused to fight in the Vietnam War. 
Russell continues to be a voice for Civil Rights advocacy recently posting a photo of himself taking a knee wearing his Presidential Medal of Freedom in solidarity with the NFL Players who were taking a knee during the National Anthem. 
For Further Reading:
Bill Russell, Civil Rights Hero and Inventor of Airborne Basketball by Doug Merlino from Bleacher Report dated April 29, 2011
Bill Russell: Civil Rights Leader and Champion by Matt Levy from the Sconnie Sports Talk website dated October 29, 2015
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auburnfamilynews · 4 years
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Hi-keeba everyone and welcome back in to the Thunderdome of Pain known as the Auburn Football Theater 2020. As you make know by now, this is where we look back at Auburn wins that have been forgotten about because of a ton of different situations, whether it was a horrible season, or the win was against a team that shouldn’t have been that close or a combination of the two. Today, we find that happy medium of Auburn not being that good and the opponent being good enough to match Auburn. In fact, some were surprised Auburn won this game. This week, we dive right in to the number 2 game on our list. The 2012 meeting of Auburn and the Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks.
This season had started off just about as bad as it could. Gus Malzahn had left to take over Arkansas State and Gene Chizik had tabbed Scot Loeffler to brng back the Pro-style offense to the Plains and that experiment was…well it wasn’t going so great. Auburn lost by 7 to a good Clemson squad in Atlanta and then got thumped by State in Starkville the following week by 18 in a game that wasn’t as close as that score makes it out to be.
The Warhawks on the other hand, had played one game an WOOOHH boy was it a game. ULM took to Little Rock to take on the 8th ranked Arkansas Razorbacks and came away with some surprising results.
So a lot of ‘experts’ were saying that Auburn would drop to 0-3. Wow, way to go out on that limb you experts you!
Before we begin, the bourbon choice is Wheeler’s Raid #6 out of Nolensville, TN. If you haven’t tried them before and a fan of new distilleries, look them up.
For this one, we get the ol new school JP 11 AM crew of Dave Neal, Andre Ware and Cara on the sideline. Monroe gets the ball at the 11 to start this one out because the Tiger special teams are on point and stop the Hawks before anything can get started. After that, however, ULM’s Kolton Browning picks up where he left off last week and takes off down the field. They did get a little help though.
I mean…I have been touched more by a flight attendant showing me to my seat. So that set up the Hawks in great position, but the Auburn defense would bow up and force a 4th and goal try.
Tricky, tricky, tricky! And before Auburn touches the ball, its 7-0.
The Tigers would take it from the 24 and would actually get after it. Auburn would hit a 30 yard gainer to Tre Mason that would set up O Mac to get on the board.
And after just 2 drives, we are tied at 7. The 2 teams would trade drives and ULM would get it from the 22 as the 2nd quarter got underway. The Warhawks would get a first down and be set up for a 3rd and 3 to try to extend the drive.
This was the frustrating thing about the 2012 season, there were flashes on defense and on offense that things could be different but then more constant showing that the guys weren’t playing as a team, like we saw the following season. So ULM would punt and…HOLY CRAP LOOK WHO’S HERE!
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I’m so sorry you were here for this one Chuck…no one deserves to watch this one live.
After this the 2 team would trade the ball 3 times in 13 plays, all ending in punts, and ULM would get the ball back from their own 20 and would finally get something going. The drive itself would last only 6 plays…main because Kolton Browning has Matt Jones qualities.
Ugh…and its 14-7 and WHY IS THE BOURBON GONE!?
Auburn would take it from the 25 and where has this been? Three plays and Auburn is in to ULM territory and…
Bam! And we are tied up at 14.
The Hawks go 3 and out on their next drive and Auburn gets it from the ULM 39 with 22 seconds left. Auburn gets a few yards but not close enough to try a Parkey FG so a hail mary try it is.
It’s at this moment where I give away the finish…man how big is that TD at the end of the day, cause prepare for not a lot of offense in the second half. So at the half, Auburn enjoys a 21-14 lead over ULM.
Funny enough, Auburn gets the kick to start the second half so it’s a bonus for getting that TD. The good news, is that Auburn has their longest sustained drive of the day, going 11 plays after getting it from their own 35 yard line and capped it off with a little Tre Mason love.
ULM would get it from the 25 and was able to get a first down but came up short from getting another one. Coach Berry could feel this one slipping away so took a gamble.
That’s some pretty big grapefruits because if that didn’t hit, you have to think Auburn puts it in. However, ULM gets it and the drive continues. They were able to get it down to the Auburn 14 yard line and decided to try a FG to draw a bit closer.
NOOOOPE and we hold at 28-14. The Tigers would get it from their own 21 and went on a run, getting deep into ULM territory in 4 plays and Mike Blakely got the call to get them closer.
Well that’s unfortunate…Auburn though has a 2 touchdown lead as we hit the 4th quarter. ULM would get it out to the 50 before punting and Auburn would go 3 and out from their own 7, giving it back to the Warhawks at the ULM 40. ULM would get a first down but need a big 4th down conversion to keep the drive alive and, for the most part, their hopes.
It looks like Auburn has figured things out on defense and the offense has also started to look good, so one more TD should salt this one away.
AND THERE IT WAS!! Andre shows you exactly the play but Frazier decided to go short and it cost him. ULM would go 9 plays in 6 minutes, a very nice drive if I do say so myself, and finished it with a very disjointed play.
Hey, however it works when those hands go up. And all the sudden things don’t feel so good.
Auburn would take over from the 25 and gain a whole 3 yards before punting, setting up ULM from their own 35, and you know how this ends.
And we are tied at 28.
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Both teams would get it but ULM would just take knees and they would go to overtime for the second week in a row.
ULM would only gain 5 yards in their 3 plays from the 25 and would opt for the FG.
OOFFFF! So all Auburn needs to do is get a FG and this is done.
Auburn would gain 10 yards on their first play, center the ball on the second one and Cody Parkey would take center stage.
Praise His holy name this one is done and another win in the books at 31-28 in overtime.
Well we know what happened on the Auburn side, the worst season since 1950, Gene gets let go, yadda yadda yadda.
ULM on the other hand, had a pretty good season. They would fall just short of Baylor the following week, but went on a run in the Sun Belt, finishing second in the conference and would get a bid to the Independence Bowl against Ohio, who got the best of the Warhawks 45-14.
Well, that’s it for this week’s look at the Auburn Football Theater and there is only 1 game left…I think we all know which one it is, but come back next week as we will have something a little bit different for this one…
Until next time my space cadets!
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2020/5/18/21261147/aft2020-2-2012-ulm
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