#beckham jordan
andrewmoocow · 1 year
Little Homeworld Life chapter 15: A Quick One While I’m Away (originally published on April 3, 2023)
AN: You wouldn't believe me if I told you, but this episode shall be focusing on Steven himself. Bet you didn't expect that, huh? Taking place around the same time as the previous episode and taking cues from The Beatles' A Hard Day's Night, we shall spend the episode focusing on Steven as he continues his journey across the country to find himself along with focusing on the end of Two Sides of the Same Gem from his perspective, but he keeps finding trouble along the way. What characters could possibly return along the way, you may ask? That's for us to find out!
Synopsis: Steven travels across the country to find himself.
Zach Callison as Steven
Ron Perlman as Negative Steven/Inner Steven/Thorn
Hugh Jackman as Beckham Jordan
James Monroe Iglehart as Coach Matt Monroe
Karen Fukuhara as Makoto Fuji
John Goodman as Jeffrey Lazuli
Grace Rolek as Connie
Kate Miccuci as Sadie
Indya Moore as Shep
Joan Jett as Sunshine Justice
Kacey Musgraves as Yvonne
Michelle Creber as Chloe
Featuring Tim Daly as Kent Clark
Sarah Michelle Gellar as Sarah Summers
Christy Carlson Romano as Bonnie Kimberly
Cam Clarke as Mr. Leonardo
Sam Riegel as Mr. Donatello
Sean Astin as Mr. Raphael
And Brandon Mychal Smith as Mr. Michelangelo
For the past month since his failed attempt at reaching out to his evil counterpart, the leader of the Crystal Regime, a lot has been on Steven's mind lately. Who would've guessed there was another universe in the infinite horizon of the deep cosmic sea where not only Steven was evil, but he and the Crystal Gems ruled the universe with an iron fist? It worried Steven about what if he gave into Black Rutile's manipulations and turned out just like that alternate Steven. But on the other hand, Lord Steven suffered from the same problem of living up to his mother's legacy as he did, and it seemed like maybe the two could've come to an understanding had Black Rutile not gotten in the way and had Lord Steven presumably killed for even daring to have a change of heart. No matter how traumatizing the sight of seeing himself die yet again may be, Steven chose not to dwell on that for now and continued his drive.
"Penny for your thoughts, my boy?" the familiar voice of Negative Steven gave the regular Steven a scare and almost made him lose control of the Dondai Supremo.
"You!" Steven yelled at Negative Steven. "I thought I made peace with you! What do you want now?!"
"Relax, Steven; I don't want to fight." Negative Steven proclaimed." I only want to talk. So, an evil version of you, huh? Sound familiar?"
"Yeah, I made the connection." Steven said, eyes laser-focused on the road. "But still, can you imagine it? There's an evil version of me out there, and probably in many other universes. What do you think that says about me? Was I really that close to turning out just like them?"
"Possibly." Negative Steven contemplated. "Worst case scenario, you'd turn out even worse. That's why I'm here now, to keep you from going too far off the deep end should something like our first encounter happen again."
"So you're like my conscience now?" Steven asked his inner self. "Wow, it's amusing how our relationship turned out. So what can I call you other than Negative Steven? Maybe Inner Steven? Or how about Thorn, since you were a thorn in my side?"
"Thorn, Inner Steven, I can go either way." Steven's new conscience replied with a shrug. "Hey, we're coming up on our next stop. Snakewater, Montana, I think."
"Thanks for reminding me; I hear there's a lot of dinosaur digs here." Steven said as he began pulling into Snakewater.
"Get a move on, Dr. Scott, I want this Oryctodromeus clean by sundown!" Jeffrey Lazuli ordered the leader of a group of paleontologists as they worked on cleaning up a dinosaur skeleton they had just excavated. "The museum wants this donated by noon tomorrow."
"Hello there, sir." Steven greeted the bowling ball magnate. "I was just stopping by when I saw you here. Need help with anything?"
"Well, drop me in a cave and call me Batman; it's Steven Universe!" Jeffrey cried out in delight before turning to the paleontologists. "Hey buddies, Steven Universe is in town today!" The paleontologists stopped what they were doing and rushed over to greet the boy, although he'd prefer to say hi and go on his way. "Never would I see the day I'd get to meet you in person, Mr. Universe."
"Nice to meet you too, sir." Steven laughed awkwardly while shaking all the paleontologists' hands and signing autographs for them. "I suppose you may recognize me from the times I saved the world, huh?"
"Oh, not entirely." Jeffrey said. "I once met some of your Gem friends, one of whom happened to share my name. Lapis, I think her name was? Yeah, she came to me because she was mistaken for my daughter by some thugs."
"Yeah, funny how that works out." Steven continued laughing sheepishly while looking for an opportunity to get away. "Listen, I need to go now; I got a ton of other places to see."
"I hear Los Diego is gorgeous this time of year." Inner Steven replied, even though Steven was the only one who could hear him.
"No, no, stay. Everyone in town would love to see you!" Jeffrey urged Steven, who couldn't say no and disappoint everyone. "So what do you say?"
"Of course, I'll stick around!" Steven declared. "I'd love to see more of your town."
While Steven was eager to meet the people of whatever town he came across, he wasn't prepared to be mobbed by fans wherever he went. Indeed, his adoring fans caused him to be chased out of Snakewater and find somewhere new to visit where he hopefully won't be mobbed by screaming fans or paparazzi, somewhere like Los Diego, the place where he sent the Crystal Gems off to for a night of fun so they can be distracted from his struggles for just a little bit.
Not at all. What started as a sightseeing trip soon turned to chaos as Steven found himself running through the streets of Los Diego, away from his fans, with Inner Steven by his side. "How would the Gems cope in a situation like this?!"
"Beats me; look at what they're doing." Thorn answered with a shrug before pointing at a billboard advertising a Lapis Lazuli-brand flamethrower. "Talk about irony."
"Yeah, the irony is real!" Steven replied. "Don't you think they should've talked to me first before this happened?!"
"You tell me." Inner Steven answered. "Didn't you want some time away from them to find yourself?"
After a moment of contemplation, once Steven found a way to hide from his fans, he could only come up with one answer. "Well played."
A few days afterward, Steven and Thorn drove all the way up to Keystone to have a meal at the Best Diner in the World, where Steven had breakfast with Greg and a feuding Ruby & Sapphire so many years ago, back when he was so young and carefree, and the only thing he had to worry about at the time was how Pearl's betrayal affected Garnet and her components.
"I wish I had a corporeal body of my own to inhabit instead of being a part of your mind," Inner Steven muttered as he was enamored by Steven's breakfast. "because this food indeed looks worthy of being served by the Best Diner in the World."
"Glad you're enjoying the place, Thorn." Steven laughed while cutting up his chicken and waffles. "Though I'm definitely sure there are tons of places calling themselves the Best Diner in the World, this one will always hold a special place in my heart."
"Hey, look, it's Steven Universe!" a news reporter yelled excitedly as he set his coffee on the counter and raced to sit next to Steven in his booth. "Mr. Universe, I'm Kent Clark from the Daily Star; it is an honor to meet you!" the reporter introduced himself while shaking Steven's hand. "Care to answer a few questions?"
"Uh, sure, I got time to kill." Steven shrugged while setting his fork down, while Thorn just raised an eyebrow.
"Question number one, can you describe your early childhood?" Kent asked while pulling out a notepad.
"Well, if I had to describe it in one word, it would be "complex," Steven answered. "On one hand, I was used to having fun adventures with my friends involving my favorite ice cream being discontinued or taking my new backpack on an adventure. On the other, my life has been put at risk more times than I can count on my fingers, and I learned some shocking truths about my heritage that I'm better off forgetting about."
"I think you're selling yourself short there, friend." Thorn commented dryly.
"I see." Kent replied. "Now for question two. How are you coping with life following your recent adventures?"
"Pretty okay, actually." Steven answered again. "I've been traveling the country in search of an identity for myself and maybe a new place to live, but I've promised my friends back in Beach City that I'll return every so often." Then his face suddenly turned dour. "But the events of last month have been pretty shocking for me, even by my standards. As it turns out, there's a whole alternate universe where I'm the evil ruler of Earth, and I tried convincing him to change his ways before he got killed. Or, at least, I think he was killed. I got my gem taken out, and I didn't instantly die either."
"The multiverse, eh?" Kent murmured. "You mean the concept of an infinite number of universes with infinite possibilities? You know, I always daydreamed about being a mild-mannered reporter who's actually the last of an alien race sent to Earth by my parents to be adopted by a kindly farmer couple, and the Earth's sun basically turns me into God. What if there's another universe where that's my life?"
"Look, it's been nice talking to you, but I think I have to go." Steven said as Kent let him move out of the way, only to be hounded by more reporters and even some other restaurant patrons.
"Mr. Universe, is it true that you're as much of a white supremacist as the hashtag says?!" one sensationalist reporter asked.
"Wait, a what supremacist?!" Steven gasped in alarm. "Where are you getting this from?!"
"Just this page dedicated to Black Rutile, sir." The reporter said. "Asking about discrepancy here."
"I think I should really go now; thanks for having me, everyone." Steven hurriedly said as he shuffled his way out of the diner and back to his car. "Of course, Black Rutile would keep spreading slander like this."
"You, a white supremacist?" Inner Steven sneered. "Maybe when the pigs fly as the fat lady sings."
Back inside the diner, Kent was doodling a picture of himself as a superhero on a new page in his notepad. The superhero version of Kent was dressed in a blue costume with a set of red trunks, boots, a cape, and a big S on his chest. "Hm, what should I call him? Supreme?" he muttered to himself. "Naw, pretty sure that's already taken. Superior? Hm, getting a little warmer."
Steven's journey now took him to Empire City, where he hoped some familiar faces would help him. That reminded him, he had a meetup with Beckham Jordan he needed to attend because they had arranged a basketball game with some of the local kids. But unfortunately for him, that would soon have to wait. As Steven disembarked from his car and began walking through Empire City, he was quickly greeted by the familiar voice of a little girl. "Mommy, look, it's Mr. Steven!"
"Wait, is that who I think it is?" Steven chuckled as he turned around to find Chloe, the little girl that he and Spinel helped reunite with her mother Yvonne, running towards him. "Chloe, it's been so long! And you've gotten so big too!"
"Yeah, I'm six now!" Chloe giggled as she wrapped Steven in a big hug while Yvonne laughed.
"Oh, hello Steven, fancy seeing you here again." Yvonne greeted Steven. "I saw you on the news last month. Technically, it wasn't you; I think it was that evil you. Whatever happened to him?"
"I'd rather not talk about that." Steven tried to dodge the subject while gently setting Chloe down. "Listen, I'd love to stay and chat and maybe babysit, but I got things in this city to do. I'm actually planning to check up on Beckham Jordan and his friends today so we can shoot some hoops together."
"Oh, how delightful!" Yvonne exclaimed. "Tell Mr. Jordan I said hi. I'm a pretty big fan."
"Bye, Mr. Steven. I hope I can see Spinel again!" Chloe waved Steven goodbye as he returned to walking, unaware that four men in suits with differently-colored ties, one blue, one purple, one red, and one orange, were quietly following him.
"Hey Steven, I'm open!" Beckham Jordan yelled as Steven tossed the basketball to him, and a group of kids tried blocking him.
"Oh no, you don't!" one of the boys exclaimed while snatching the ball away and dribbling it toward the hoop on the left. "Score!" he yelled as he made a perfect dunk. "Woo, go me!"
"Nice moves there, Koby." Steven patted Koby on the head. "Who knows? With enough practice, you might be playing on the same team as Beck."
"Now, now Steven, let's not get too hasty." Coach Monroe chuckled warmly before blowing his whistle. "Okay, kids, halftime!" On that note, the kids took a break from their game to start swarming around Steven with questions galore.
"Mr. Steven, how can you fuse with fuse with humans and Gems?" a girl asked.
"I think it may be because I'm half-human, half-Gem." Steven answered. "I'm unsure if I ever delved too deep into that topic."
"Have you ever tried fusing with them both?" a boy added.
"I don't think I ever considered that either." Steven replied. "Anyone else?"
"Can you turn into a monster for us?" another kid asked while raising their hand.
"I'm afraid that's a no." Steven said nervously. "I only turned into a monster due to massive amounts of bubbled-up stress and cortisol from all my years of adventuring. Plus, I'm not sure if I can even do that anymore."
"I got a question." Matt asked, pointing to the growing crowd of news reporters and photographers outside the court. "Any of those guys looking for you?" Steven cringed in disgust as he spotted the paparazzi trying to break through to meet him.
"Just when I thought we'd finally get away from them." Inner Steven grimaced when he suddenly got an idea. "Here comes a thought. Why don't you walk up to those autograph hounds and show them what for?"
"Are you sure?" Steven asked his conscience. "They're obnoxious, but I don't think they mean any harm."
"Go on, yell at them." Thorn sneered evilly, his former life as Negative Steven beginning to show once more. "Do it!"
"Mr. Universe, we'd like to ask you a few questions for the Empire City Times." A newswoman asked with her microphone to Steven's face. "Just recently, your friends in Beach City have reached international celebrity status. Care to disclose your feelings on the matter?"
"Uh, I don't think they ever told me about this." Steven answered shyly.
"Correct, this status was thrust upon them without warning too." Another reporter stated. "Onto more pressing matters, did you truly believe it was right to imprison Black Rutile in Little Homeworld instead of shattering her?"
"Taking lives just isn't my thing." Steven replied as he slowly began glowing pink with anxiety. "Black Rutile needed to learn that her actions had consequences, no matter how much she insisted that she was in the right!"
"Yet you're still letting her run free to enact her revenge on you and your super friends." A third reporter proclaimed with a scoff. "Like just recently, she attempted a takeover of the world with the assistance of an evil doppelganger of yourself from another dimension. Who's really to blame here, you or her? Or perhaps you're becoming just like her?"
"SHUT UP ALREADY!" Steven finally screamed as his powers and temper took control, and he sent the news team flying with a mere yell while creating a small crater beneath his feet. "I am nothing like Black Rutile, and I never will be! So just leave me alone already!" As the dust settled and the reporters collected themselves from the shock of the blast, Steven looked around and gasped at what he had just done before looking back at Inner Steven, who had his arms folded with a smirk.
"Attaboy, Steven." Inner Steven smiled proudly before he looked at the stunned children. "Care to explain what you just traumatized them with over there?"
"Mr. Steven, are you okay?" one of the frightened children Steven was just playing basketball with bravely stepped forward to ask the older boy.
"I….I….." Steven muttered in terror before running away from the court, dismayed with how he had just acted.
"Steven, wait!" Beckham cried as he raced after Steven. Not too far from the court, the four men in black watched the incident patiently from behind their pitch-black sunglasses.
"Hmmmm." The man in the blue tie pondered. "Mr. Donatello, would you care to discuss what we have just witnessed."
"It seems his powers are triggered under extreme stress, just as Aescul stated." Mr. Donatello, the man in the purple tie, analyzed in a robotic tone of voice. "Had he been pushed farther, the effects would've been lethal."
"We need to bring that boy to his majesty at once!" the red-tied man hissed while taking off his shades to reveal snakelike eyes beneath them. "He is too dangerous to continue living on this planet!"
"Calm yourself, Mr. Raphael." The orange-tied man suggested to his companion. "I suggest we continue our surveillance of Steven to see where he goes from here. Should he indeed threaten the human race, we will take action."
"As always, Mr. Michelangelo, you are right." The blue tie man said to Mr. Michelangelo with a reptilian smile. "We cannot simply alter our mission now. I request further investigation on this child, and then report back to me. Understood?"
"Yes, Mr. Leonardo." Mr. Donatello, Mr. Raphael, and Mr. Michelangelo nodded with their hands over their hearts. "Glory to sneople-kind." As the three snakes disguised as humans slithered back into the shadows, Mr. Leonardo kept out of sight as he snuck his way towards the basketball court, taking advantage of Coach Monroe trying to calm the scared children down.
"Hm, this has Diamond written all over it." Mr. Leonardo observed the crater Steven had created. "The royal family must be informed of this."
"Uh, can I help you sir?" Matt asked Mr. Leonardo, who responded by presenting the coach with a silver pen-like object in his hand.
"I need you to look in here, please. My pen seems to be broken." Leonardo stated before the "pen" emitted a bright flash that momentarily stunned Matt and the kids. As soon as they could see again, the man in black had vanished when in reality, he had retreated to the rooftops to continue his investigation.
"Steven! Steven!" Beckham called for his little friend while walking through the Narrows. "Come on out, squirt; I won't bite!"
"Hey buddy, you looking for someone?" a hot dog seller asked Beckham in a thick Brooklyn accent.
"Yes, I'm looking for my friend Steven." Beckham answered with a nod. "He's about yay high, wears a pink jacket, and is probably running in shame of his powers going out of control! Seen him run by here?"
"Oh, you mean Steven Universe?" the hot dog seller said while sticking a wiener in his mouth like a cigar. "I saw him run crying into that alleyway over there." He pointed towards an alley just a few blocks behind him, and Beckham could see that it was now glowing pink.
"Oh, thank you so much, sir. You're a lifesaver!" Beckham smiled as he enthusiastically raced towards the alley.
Meanwhile, Steven had curled himself up into a ball to cry, still ashamed over his earlier outburst while fuming over how Inner Steven egged him on. "This is all your fault."
"My fault?" Thorn said defensively. "Technically, this is just as much your fault since I am a part of you. Guess I'll have to get used to being your conscience."
"Just leave me alone." Steven responded sadly before he heard footsteps coming towards him. "Let me guess, another reporter?"
"No, Steven, it's me." Beckham said calmly while sitting down next to his friend and fan. "Listen, I understand what just happened was because you're under a lot of stress. You're an international superstar now, and I totally get that. Heck, even I need some time away from the press sometimes. But I prefer not to drive them away with any weird alien superpowers I got from my mom."
"So what are you trying to say?" Steven said before Beckham put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"The point is that I know how you feel and how to help." Beckham said, helping Steven up off the ground before finding a nearby costume shop. "Follow me; I know of a perfect disguise."
"Have to say, this celebrity isn't half bad." Inner Steven grinned at Beckham's willingness to help Steven.
"Yeah, he's a really great guy." Steven responded, much to Beckham's confusion.
"Steven, who are you talking to?" Beckham asked Steven.
"Just my conscience." Steven replied frankly, much to Beckham's confusion, as the two entered the costume shop. Above the shop however, Mr. Leonardo and his cohorts watched the two silently before beginning to talk among themselves.
"Despite his godlike power, Steven is just as human as the rest of them." Mr. Leonardo proclaimed stoically. "Our people and their special friend must know about this."
"So this is the same boy who brought the Diamonds to their knees?" Mr. Raphael added sourly. "Pathetic."
"Don't speak too soon, Mr. Raphael." Mr. Donatello assured his teammate. "If Steven truly has pure intentions for the universe, we shall allow him to live his life. If not, he will be exterminated, and the entire Gem race shall be reset to their original programming." However, the sheer gravitas of Donatello's declaration was undercut by Mr. Michelangelo noisily snacking on some pizza. "Mr. Michelangelo, could you please stop eating that Earthen source of nourishment so messily?"
"I apologize, my friends. It's just that the humans make such good food." Mr. Michelangelo said with his mouth full of pizza. "Want some?"
"Not right now. We must keep watching." Mr. Leonardo declined the offer as Steven emerged from the costume shop wearing a red button-up Hawaiian shirt, sunglasses, and a fake mustache.
"You sure this'll help me blend in?" Steven asked regarding his tourist disguise.
"Trust me. Nobody will suspect some tourist in a goofy mustache." Beckham replied proudly. "Gonna need an accent too, though."
"You mean-a like this-a?" Steven asked in a fake Italian accent, causing Beckham to laugh. "Hey-a, I'm-a nailing this!"
"Yes, it's like you're a completely different person." Inner Steven chuckled sarcastically.
"Listen, let's just go to my penthouse, and we can lay low there for a bit." Beckham instructed Steven. "Hopefully, we won't have fans bothering us then." Looking at his watch, Beckham then realized something. "Oh wait, Makoto and the cheer squad should be practicing in my gym right now. That won't be too much of an issue, right?"
"Naw, Makoto's good people; I'm sure it'll be fine." Steven said in his normal voice as he and his favorite basketball player walked away to the penthouse.
"Okay, girls, let's run through our routine again!" the voice of Makoto Fuji exclaimed to her fellow cheerleaders as Steven and Beckham entered Beckham's penthouse, where they found Matt sitting on the couch with a book in hand. "A five, six, seven, eight!"
"Oh, Beck, didn't expect you back so soon." Matt said while looking up from his book and then at the disguised Steven. "Who's your friend here? Found another visitor?"
"It's me, Steven." Steven whispered while taking off his disguise. "Had to put this on to avoid the press."
"Clever move there, kiddo." Matt grinned with a nod. "Hey Makoto, Steven's here to visit! Why don't you and the girls take a breather and come see him?"
"Oh, Steven!" Makoto turned to find Steven outside the gym before lowering her pom-poms and speaking to her cheerleaders. "Take five girls. Got an old friend coming over."
"Hey, is that Steven Universe?!" one of the cheerleaders, a brunette with blue eyes, said excitedly. "Yo Bonnie, Makoto's friends with Steven Universe!"
"OMG, Steven?!" the redheaded cheerleader Bonnie cried and raced over to greet Steven. "I can't believe it, Sarah; I'm meeting Steven Universe!"
"Hi, nice to meet you, girls." Steven blushed shyly while shaking the cheerleaders' hands. "Makoto, it's been so long!"
"Steven!" Makoto cheered as she scooped Steven in her arms and spun him around. "You could not believe how worried I was for you when you turned into that big dinosaur thing! How are you recovering?"
"I'm doing just fine." Steven sighed happily as Makoto gently put him down. "I'm just busy avoiding all my new fans lately, as a celebrity should do."
"Yeah, he's been bitten by the fame and fortune bug." Matt chuckled lightly. "I should know. I caught a glimpse of it myself."
"Well, while you're here, wanna check out the routine we've been working on?" Makoto offered. "We'll even dedicate our cheer to you!"
"Sure, I could use some time to relax." Steven sighed agreeably while following the three girls into Beckham's gym, where the rest of the Vipers cheerleaders were doing some warm-up stretches and gymnastics while waiting for their captain to return.
"Okay girls, let's start over." Makoto called to the girls while picking up her pom-poms and taking her place in the center of the gym. "We got a special guest to perform for today, so let's make it count! Ready?!"
"Okay!" the other cheerleaders yelled. "S-T-E-V-E-N, who is our friend? Steven!" The girls then started bouncing around the gym as they formed a pyramid, with Makoto at the top, held up by Bonnie and Sarah. "Go, Steven!"
"Hey, you all did great!" Steven cheered back while taking a picture of the pyramid before him. "I have got to tell Connie about today and maybe send her this."
"Alright, tell her we said hi." Makoto replied as she was lowered to the ground, not noticing the four men in suits spying on them from outside.
Once outside the gym, Steven sat down on the couch and started calling Connie, who he believed was in her dorm room at the University of Jayhawk. "Hey Steven, long time no see! How's your road trip going?"
"Doing good. You'll never guess where I am right now!" Steven smiled before pointing his phone camera over to Beckham having coffee, who just waved at Connie. "So, how are you doing?"
"College enrollment has been hectic so far, but I'm keeping up." Connie replied. "Hey, did you hear that Peridot and Amethyst were on a talk show recently? Apparently, the president had the bright idea of making the Crystal Gems international superstars for all their deeds, including me."
"Yeah, I noticed." Steven muttered. "It's been pretty tough for me to get used to this, and I've been spending part of my journey running from the press and overly-obsessed fans."
"Hey, you're not alone here." Connie nodded. "Everyone's been worshipping me lately because of my association with the Gems, asking for autographs, favors, and even if they could name their future children after me!"
"Talk about nuts." Steven replied. "Makes me wonder how the Gems are doing?" While shrinking Connie's face on the screen, Steven decided to try texting Pearl. However, he got an automatic message with a video attached. "WE'RE SORRY, MISS PEARL CANNOT BE REACHED AT THE MOMENT." The message read. "SHE IS CURRENTLY FILMING FOR HER APPEARANCE IN THE UPCOMING BLOCKBUSTER 'THE PINK BEAST FROM THE BAY,' IN THEATERS SOON."
"The Pink Beast of the WHAT?!" Steven yelled, outraged at this profiting off his trauma while Inner Steven reappeared to give his two cents.
"A film based on you? What will they think of next?" Inner Steven dryly remarked.
"Really, a movie based on you turning into a monster?" Connie added just as dryly. "Then again, I've seen more offensive movies based on true events." Just then, she spotted something, or someone, standing on the balcony watching Steven. "Uh, gotta go Steven, I think someone is looking for you."
"Huh?" Steven turned around as Connie hung up to find Mr. Leonardo standing on the balcony outside with his arms crossed. "Uh, excuse me, sir, but if you're looking for someone, I don't think you'll find them here."
"That's the idea, Steven Universe." Mr. Leonardo said as he forced his way into the penthouse, and his cohorts emerged behind him, almost like he duplicated himself. "We have come for you."
"Hey now, you're trespassing on private property here!" Beckham yelled as he blocked the four men from getting their hands on Steven.
"You do not understand, human. We don't mean any harm." Mr. Donatello responded. "Simply hand over the child and we will let you live."
"No way we're letting you get your hands on him!" Sarah Summers added defensively.
"You mess with him; you're gonna have to mess with us first." Bonnie Kimberly proclaimed as the other cheerleaders surrounded the men in black.
"Go, Steven, get out of here!" Makoto urged her little friend. "We'll take them from here!" Steven gave a terse nod and immediately raced out of the penthouse, while the four men tried to follow.
"After him!" Mr. Raphael yelled when he was suddenly put into a headlock by Matt.
"Watch out, he's dangerous!" Mr. Michelangelo exclaimed in fright.
"You bet I'm dangerous; I was a champion wrestler in college!" Matt boasted. "Wanna see me do a mean grapple?!"
"I'd like to see you try!" Mr. Raphael yelled while trying to wriggle free.
When Steven thought things couldn't get any worse, those four guys in suits just had to suddenly appear wanting to talk to him. He needed to get out of Empire City and fast. Steven floored it as soon as he found his car, and almost like a flash of light, he was gone from the city in the blink of an eye.
"Where should we go now?!" Thorn yelled harshly as Steven kept his eyes on the road. "What if those four guys keep following us?!"
"I don't know!" Steven replied in terror. "Let's just stop at the nearest city and lay low for a few days or so! Hopefully, there will be someone we know there!" In what felt like only a few hours, Steven was so stressed that he lost track of time, he suddenly realized that he had accidentally crashed into a tree. "Where are we?"
"Seems rather peaceful out." Thorn mused happily before he noticed a massive music festival, with a group of rather flamboyant men dressed as a policeman, an Indian chief, a cowboy, a construction worker, a soldier, and a leatherman performing on stage. "And I spoke too soon."
"Hey, it's the annual Wood-Shavings Festival!" Steven exclaimed. "Only one of the biggest music festivals in the country! You know, I know a few musicians myself; maybe we can meet some here."
"I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here, Steven." Inner Steven sighed. "Besides, that much leather on one person must be a nightmare to wear in the summertime."
As the two Stevens combed their way through the crowd, they were once again unaware that the four men were still following them, apparently having escaped the clutches of Beckham Jordan and company. When Steven began to get closer, he saw familiar faces relaxing backstage. "Sadie? Shep?!"
"Steven?" Sadie gasped and raced towards her old friend in delight. "Oh my goodness, it's been so long!" she squealed while wrapping Steven in a hug. "What's been happening lately?!"
"Just a lot of stuff." Steven explained. "Gem terrorists attempting to take over the world, on the run from obsessed fans and guys in suits, talking to my own darker half turned conscience."
"Yo." Inner Steven greeted Sadie, even though Steven was the only one who could see him.
"So, what brings you here to Springfield?" Shep asked Steven. "I'm not sure if this is really a coincidence that you arrived just as we were about to perform with Sunshine Justice here."
"Hey Steven, long time no see!" Sunshine Justice greeted Steven with a smile. "My, you've certainly been growing since last we met! How's Greg doing?"
"He's doing great. In fact, he's moved into my old room now." Steven replied. "I gave it to him as a gift before I left home to find myself and run from my obsessed fans."
"Oh yeah, I heard everyone's cuckoo for Crystal Gem puffs now, probably including you." Sadie said. "How have you been faring?"
"That's why I found my way here, to escape all the hustle and bustle of celebrity life." Steven answered. "More times than I could count, I've been followed around by news reporters and photographers wanting to talk to me, and some of them think I'm no better than Black Rutile."
"Is that where they came from?" Shep asked while they pointed at the four men in suits marching towards Steven. "Or are they just security?"
"You guys!" Steven cried while unleashing his shield. "What did you do to my friends?!"
"Do not worry, Steven, they are safe, for they are not our objective." Mr. Leonardo stated while adjusting his blue tie. "We only want to speak with you, Mr. Universe."
"Uh, I'm going to need a refresher on this!" Sunshine Justice stepped back as the men approached her, Steven, Sadie, and Shep. "What are they, the feds?"
"No human, we are simply four individuals on a mission to speak with Steven here." Mr. Michelangelo revealed. "To see whether he has any pure intentions for the universe at large."
"Okay, fine, I'll tell!" Steven finally submitted to the four's commands. "If you think I will turn out like Black Rutile or that evil alternate universe me, I'd rather die than go evil! I know that not everyone will agree with me, but I don't mean any harm!" The four men were silent before turning to each other and huddled. Soon, they turned back to Steven with rather uncharacteristic smiles on their faces.
"Very well then." Mr. Leonardo stated warmly. "We'll simply be on our way. Have a splendid day, Steven." Mr. Leonardo and his comrades then turned and disappeared into the crowd, leaving Steven to wonder what inspired their change in tune.
"So good to finally have them out of my hair." Steven sighed with relief before turning to Sadie and Shep. "Well, while I'm here, care to invite me onstage? Would be nice for us to sing together again."
"Sure, the more, the merrier." Sadie agreed while handing Steven a ukulele that looked exactly like the old one he gave to Pearl.
For the rest of the evening, Steven sang onstage with Sadie and Shep, while Sunshine Justice provided backup. But while he was happy to reunite with some old friends, the four men from earlier still lurked about the festival grounds to continue watching Steven.
"His majesty and the Lapidarist will be pleased with what we have discovered." Mr. Leonardo proclaimed while removing his sunglasses, allowing him to shapeshift his head into a creature resembling an Australian copperhead snake. "Come, my friends. We must return to Serpentes with our findings."
"Do we have to?" Mr. Michelangelo complained. "I wanted to stay and enjoy the human music."
"We can examine human music later, Mr. Michelangelo." Mr. Donatello assured his partner. "Mr. Raphael, our ship, please."
"Understood." Mr. Raphael obeyed before pulling out a device that made a snakelike spaceship visible, and the four Sneople boarded the ship before it vanished into the stars above. "GLORY TO SNEOPLE-KIND!"
Well, that was certainly an ominous ending. Who is the Lapidarist, and what could it possibly want with Steven to the point of sending those four obvious Ninja Turtles references down to Earth? Unfortunately, that'll have to wait until we get to Snake Eyes but, in the meantime, we head back to Little Homeworld for a little therapy! See y'all later and happy early Easter.
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purple-afternoon · 7 months
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Happy valentines day💕
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crosseyedcricketart · 5 months
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Met Gala 2024, "The Garden of Time", 20 Looks
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lewishmilton · 7 months
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sir lewis x met gala headers
like or reblog if save/use
give me the credits if you repost
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saintlaurentproblems · 8 months
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Celebrities at Michael B. Jordan’s David Yurman Campaign Launch. Photos by Getty
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imvges-football · 11 months
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ocandrew1 · 1 year
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Great Twitter Posts of my favorite athletes, past and present. Do you recognize them all?
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jeffe1313 · 8 months
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Who: Jordan Alexander as Julien Calloway What: Victoria Beckham Two-Tone Canvas Trench Coat In Navy - Sold Out Where: 2x03 “Great Reputations”
Worn with: Monse dress, Stella McCartney boots, Maria Black earring and huggie and Fendi bag
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midnight-star-world · 5 months
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MSR 4-13-24 Midnight Star Report 4-13-24
So today I will be bringing you the Top 20 Country Music Songs for the week of 4/13/24 with the help of both CMT (Country Music Television), the Billboard Country Music Airplay Charts, & even myself. So let's get started right now.
Number 20 belongs to Kacey Musgraves who is new to the list this week - Deeper well.
Number 19 belongs to Chayce Beckham who is dropping 18 spots this week - 23.
Number 18 belongs to Old Dominion featuring Megan Moroney who are moving up 1 spot this week - Can't break up now.
Number 17 belongs to Warren Zeiders who is moving up 1 spot this week - Pretty little poison.
Number 16 belongs to Hardy who is dropping 14 spots this week - Truck bed.
Number 15 belongs to Ashley Cooke who is moving up 1 spot this week - your place.
Number 14 belongs to Jason Aldean who is moving up 1 spot this week - Let your boys be Country.
Number 13 belongs to Bailey Zimmerman who is staying in the same spot as last week - Where it ends (Live).
Number 12 belongs to Megan Moroney who is moving up 2 spots this week - I'm not pretty.
Number 11 belongs to Kenny Chesney who is moving up 1 spot this week - Take her home.
Number 10 belongs to Lainey Wilson who is moving up 1 spot this week - Wildflowers and wild horses.
Number 9 belongs to Carly Pearce featuring Chris Stapleton who are moving up 1 spot this week - We don't fight anymore.
Number 8 belongs to Scotty McCreery who is moving up 1 spot this week - Cab in a solo.
Number 7 belongs to Tyler Hubbard who is moving up 1 spot this week - Back then right now.
Number 6 belongs to Jackson Dean who is moving up 1 spot this week - Fearless (The echo).
Number 5 belongs to Parker McCollum who is dropping 1 spot this week - Burn it down.
Number 4 belongs to Jordan Davis who is moving up 2 spots this week - Tucson too late.
Number 3 belongs to Sam Hunt who is moving up 2 spots this week - Outskirts.
Number 2 belongs to Nate Smith who is moving up 15 spots this week - World on fire.
Number 1 belongs to Morgan Wallen featuring Eric Church who are moving up 2 spots this week to take the top - Man made a bar.
And that's a wrap for the Top 20 Country Music Songs for the week of 4/13/24 with the help of both CMT (Country Music Television), the Billboard Country Music Airplay Charts, & even myself. Thanks as always goes out to both CMT, & the Billboard Country Music Airplay Charts, for doing their weekly Country Music Song Countdowns. And thanks as well goes out to you for taking the time to read this weekly list. See ya all next time.
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allpromarlo · 1 year
the ravens saw me getting too preoccupied with other things and grabbed me by the scalp
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thatsdemko · 1 year
only him - p.gasly
pairings: Pierre gasly x reader
warnings: none???
a/n: feedback is always appreciated xx my requests are open!
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“Channing Tatum? Michael b Jordan? you’d chose me over them?” he asks, slight offense at the tip of his tongue that the beautiful dark skinned males image he’s pulled up on his phone isn’t who you’d pick.
you’re not sure how this conversation arose, you were at dinner and somehow the topic switched to men you find attractive, and that then shifted to the one you’re having now. where you’re sat staring at pictures of gorgeous male celebrities picking who you’d date, or sleep with, over Pierre, your boyfriend.
it’s not a surprise to you that he’s pulling out all the stops: harry styles, Michael B Jordan, Timothee chalamet, etc. but none of them compare to way the man in front of you treats you. for all you know, the stories and rumors about them could all be false, but you know Pierre gasly treats you like a queen.
“David Beckham? he has to get your panties wet?” he asks, at this point he’s pulling straws just trying to see who you’d give him up for. you think it’s cute, that he thinks someone out there is better than him.
“he’s hot, but I would still date you.” you laugh, unsure when this will end, but you enjoy seeing him roll his eyes and him playfully argue that you could do better than him.
“Pierre, nobody is better than you! not even harry styles and you know how much I love him.” you reach across the center console to grab his hand, guiding it to your inner thigh where he happily pats the fabric of your pants against your thigh.
“I have a hard time believing you’d stay with me over him, I see how you react to him.” he scoffs, you and Daniel have the same reaction to his music and his outfits, you both are practically carbon copies. Pierre finds it adorable— and slightly annoying.
“have you heard the songs he writes? he practically admits he’s a bad boyfriend!”
Pierre puts his hands up in defense before quickly placing them back on the wheel, “amour, would you really stay with me? you’d really pick me over them?” he glances at you for a quick second, you catch the worry in his eyes, he wants you say no, pick Channing Tatum instead, but he knows you love him too much for that.
“Pierre, even if Timothee chalamet was walking down the street I’d still hold your hand and kiss your cheek. that’s how much I love you.”
“that’s quite the compliment.”
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theroyalsandi · 7 months
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British Royal Family - The Prince of Wales, president of Bafta, with David Beckham at the Bafta Film Awards 2024, at the Royal Festival Hall, Southbank Centre, London. (Photo by Jordan Pettitt) | February 18, 2024
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rendezvouz-fling · 5 months
Celebrities you share placements with Pisces Placements Edition
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Pisces rising:
• Whitney Houston
• Michael Jackson
• Gwyneth Paltrow
• Ryan Gosling
• Richard Pryor
• Billie Eilish
• Andrew Garfield
• Ringo Starr
• Tony Hawk
• Kourtney Kardashian
• Ellen DeGeneres
• Zayn Malik
• John Stamos
• Demi Moore
• Antonio Banderas
• Jay-Z
• Brandy Norwood
• Nancy Spungen
• Amanda Bynes
• Phylicia Rashad
Pisces sun:
• Elizabeth Taylor
• Eva Longoria
• Victoria Justice
• Kurt Cobain
• Trever Noah
• Steve Jobs
• Adam Levine
• George Harrison
• Camila Cabello
• Stephen Curry
• Olivia Rodrigo
• Shaq
• Queen Latifah
• Cindy Crawford
• Floyd Mayweather Jr.
• Terrence Howard
• Rebel Wilson
• Dakota Fanning
• Becky G
• Kat Von D
Pisces moon:
• Prince
• Axl Rose
• Lacey Chabert
• Jhene Aiko
• Bad Bunny
• Erykah Badu
• Freddie Prince Sr.
• Shailene Woodley
• Jason Statham
• Dylan O'Brien
• Felicity Jones
• Robert De Niro
• Kidada Jones
• Sarah Michelle Gellar
• Luke Mitchell
• Vanessa Hudgens
• Macaulay Culkin
• Joey King
• Kevin James
• Matt LeBlanc
Pisces mercury:
• Heath Ledger
• Lady Gaga
• Lily Collins
• Reese Witherspoon
• Shay Mitchell
• Ashley Greene
• Jennifer Grey
• Joan Crawford
• Daniel Gillies
• Michael B. Jordan
• Vida Guerra
• Pharrell Williams
• Jenny Slate
• Matthew Lawrence
• Luke Evans
• Vince Neil
• Eddie Murphy
• Jackie Chan
• Jennifer Love Hewitt
• Christina Ricci
Pisces venus:
• Selena Quintanilla
• Brandi Quiñones
• Drew Barrymore
• Orlando Bloom
• Michelle Pfeiffer
• Kristen Stewart
• Barbra Streisand
• John Travolta
• Emma Watson
• Jon Bon Jovi
• Diana Ross
• Iggy Pop
• Alice Cooper
• Victoria Beckham
• Celine Dion
• Justin Bieber
• Michelle Obama
• Samantha Fox
• Dave Grohl
• Dove Cameron
Pisces mars:
• Denzel Washington
• Rowan Atkinson
• Tom Hanks
• Marilyn Monroe
• Shirley Temple
• Tina Turner
• Bob Dylan
• Phil Collins
• Heidi Klum
• Paris Hilton
• Elton John
• Enrique Iglesias
• Eric Clapton
• Ellie Goulding
• Ricky Martin
• Lisa Marie Presley
• Paco Rabanne
• LL Cool J
• Kelly Rowland
• Big Pun
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httplilyyy · 2 years
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pairing: leah williamson x beckham!reader
summary: your brother, brooklyn beckham, just had his first child and whilst visiting him in the hospital you bring leah along. after a small incident occurs you go back to your apartment with leah where the two of you confess unknown feelings
warnings: brief mention of blood and stitches, a typical drunk bloke from london and the occasional swear word
word count: 4.8k
a/n: not really sure where i was going with this fic but it somehow ended up with nearly 5000 words
woso masterlist
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There are positives and negatives with your mum and dad being Victoria and David Beckham. Sometimes the negatives outweigh the positives but then again, the positives can outweigh the negatives.
You were the oldest out of all your siblings. Sometimes it's a blessing, sometimes it's a curse. But you wouldn't have it any other way.
Even though you were the oldest, you weren’t the first to do everything. Although you did a lot of things before your siblings there were only a few you didn't do and Brooklyn was the one who managed to do two of them.
One, get married, the other, have a baby.
You were doing media when you had gotten a call from your dad saying that Nicola Peltz, Brooklyns wife and your sister in law, had gone into labour.
“Y/n! Someones calling you.” Katie shouted across the room.
“Cheers, McCabe.” You said as you walked over to her, taking your phone as she handed it to you.
“Hello?” You answered, pressing the phone to your ear.
“Y/n, hey.” The voice on the other end replied.
“Hey, dad.” You smiled, “what's up?”
“Nicola has gone into labour, we’re all heading to the hospital now.”
“No way!” You grinned. “I can't get there at the moment, I've got to do some bits for media.”
“I know, I just wanted to tell you.”
“I can try and come after.”
“Yeah, okay. Only if you can though.”
“Yeah, I’ll only be here for another couple hours I think.”
“Okay, I won't keep you any longer.”
“Alright, I might see you later, if not I'll see you tomorrow.”
“Okay, have fun.”
“Will do, bye.”
“What's got you all smiley?” Leah asked as she jumped on your back.
“Wouldn't you like to know.” You chuckled as you turned around to face Leah once you felt her slide off you. “Nicola has finally gone into labour.”
“No way!”
“That's what I said.”
“Are you going to see them?” Leah questioned.
“Yeah, do you want to come?”
“I think it should be just family today.”
“Oh come on, you're practically family, I've known you all my life.” You said, exaggerating the word ‘all’.
“I shouldn't.”
“You’re coming, I need moral support.”
“No you dont.” Leah chuckled.
“It's been ages since I held a baby so I need your help.”
“Fine, only if you’re sure it's okay.”
“Okay, are you going after you finish with media?”
“Yeah, is that okay?”
“Oi, you two,” Jen shouted, “stop gazing into eachothers eyes and do some interviews.”
“Shut up, Beattie.” Leah chuckled. “We weren’t gazing into eachothers eyes.”
“You wish though.” Lotte piped up.
“In her dreams.” Leah laughed as she bumped her shoulder into yours.
“Yeah right.” You scoffed with a smile before the two of you joined the rest of the girls.
A couple of hours later and you had finally finished with all the interviews and photos. After gathering all your things you made your way to your car and waited for Leah. The defender wasn't far behind and she put her things on the backseat before joining you in the front.
“Sorry, I was talking to Jords.”
“No problem,” you smiled, “ready to go?”
On the outside you seemed fine, well, you hoped so. But on the inside you felt a little green-eyed monster start to grow. You had nothing wrong with Leah and Jordan being friends but you wanted it to stay that way. Just friends. Nothing more.
You don't know why you’ve started to feel that way recently, being jealous, that is. But you just suspected that it was because you were best friends and not because you had feelings for Leah. Definitely not that.
Every time those feelings arose you were just as quick to push them back down, scolding yourself for thinking that way.
“You want the aux?” You asked.
“Yeah, your music taste is awful.”
“Hey! Absolutely not, there is nothing wrong with it.”
“Mhm, keep telling yourself that.”
“Be nice to me or I'll kick you out onto the road.”
“Okay.” Leah chuckled as she put on her playlist.
Looking in your mirrors you made sure it was safe to reverse out of your spot. You placed your arm around the back of Leah's chair and looked over your shoulder and out of the back window, using one hand on the steering wheel to reverse.
Leah watched you carefully, the way your hand manoeuvred around the steering wheel effortlessly, or the way your turned head showed off your neck intoxicating her with your perfume.
Finally pulling out from your parking spot you made your way to the hospital, completely oblivious to Leah's thoughts running around her head and the way her cheeks flushed every time she looked at you.
“You alright?” You questioned as you noticed Leah was very quiet all of a sudden.
“Yeah, just tired.”
“I can take you home if you want, you don't have to come if you don't want to.”
“No, no, it's fine, I promise.”
“Why don't you try and get a couple minutes of sleep? I'll wake you up when we get there.”
“Yeah, okay.”
It took a little while for Leah to get to sleep especially with the thoughts of you running around her head but once she did you turned the music down and drove a little slower, trying to maximise the time she got asleep.
It was around twenty-five minutes later when you arrived at the hospital and it took you another five minutes to find somewhere to park.
Once you found a space to park you waited a little while for Leah to wake up, but since she didn't wake up on her own you gently shook her awake.
“Leah,” you whispered, “we’re here.”
Groaning, Leah got out of her somewhat comfortable position and looked at you with half closed eyes making you chuckle.
“Morning.” You joked.
“Have you heard anything from your parents or Brooklyn?” Leah asked as she rubbed her eyes, trying to mentally wake herself up.
“Yeah, my dad texted me saying Nicola gave birth around ten minutes ago.”
“What did she have?”
“Let's go find out.” You smiled as you opened your car door and walked over to the passenger side to open Leah's door.
“Thank you.”
As the two of you walked into the hospital you saw a mass amount of people look at you either noticing who you both are or the fact they know who your parents are.
“Ignore them.” You mumble, wrapping an arm around Leah's waist as you spotted a group of men giving the two of you dodgy looks.
You walked up to the front desk and waited till it was your turn.
“How can I help you?” The lady asked at the desk.
“Yeah, hi, we’re here for Brooklyn Beckham.” You said.
“Are you family?”
“Yeah, he’s my brother.”
“Okay, well the lady next to you doesn't look like you.”
“She won't be allowed up if she's not family.”
“Alright, she’s my wife, that's family, right?”
“Okay, so let us up.” You said, getting a little impatient.
“Hey,” Leah whispered, placing a hand on your shoulder, “calm down.”
“You’ll be allowed up but you’ll have to wait till someone can get you.”
“Or-” You started but you were cut off by Leah taking a hold of your hand and intertwining your fingers and speaking up instead.
“Thank you, do you know how long we’ll have to wait?”
“Not too long.”
“Okay, thank you.” Leah smiled as she dragged you away from the lady at the desk and into the waiting room.
“I’ll text my dad asking what room they are in because I cannot be bothered to wait.” You mumbled.
“Just sit down.” Leah said, pushing you into a chair.
“Where are you going to sit?” You asked, looking up at Leah noticing there were no spare chairs.
Looking around her, Leah shrugged before sitting on your lap.
“I’m your wife, right?” Leah smirked, placing an arm around your shoulders, making herself comfortable.
“Yeah, sorry about that.” You grimaced, “I said it so she would let us up.”
“I know, we’ve just got to make it believable now.” Leah whispered as she nodded her head to the lady at the desk who was looking at the two of you intently.
“Alright then, wifey.” You chuckled as you placed your hand on her thigh.
The two of you sat and waited for someone to come down. Whilst you tried to kill some time the two of you were scrolling through instagram on your phone laughing at the occasional post or comment.
About five minutes passed when a doctor came down and called out Brooklyns name signalling for you two to get up. Leah got up first and handed your phone back to you.
You followed the doctor into the elevator and to the room where your brother and his wife were. Going all the way up to the fifth floor and along to one of the very end rooms you were finally ready to see your niece or nephew.
“I’m scared.” You whispered to Leah.
“How come?”
“I haven't held a baby since Harper was born and that was ages ago.”
“Yeah, like what if I drop them or I hold them the wrong way-”
“You won't drop them, you’re going to be fine, I promise. Everyone will be there to help you.”
“Okay.” You said, taking a deep breath in before opening the door and making your way into the room.
As soon as you set eyes on the newest addition to the family, you felt all your worries dissipate. You congratulated Brooklyn and Nicola before you silently asked if you could hold their baby.
“What's their name?” You asked as Brooklyn placed his child in your arms.
“He’s called Charlie.” Nicola smiled, looking very tired and worn out.
“Hey Charlie.” You whispered, looking down at the tiny person in your arms.
You sat down next to Leah and the two of you looked at your nephew in awe.
“I told you, you wouldn't drop them.” Leah said quietly as she leaned her head on your shoulder.
“So far so good.” You joked. “You want to hold him?”
“Can I?” Leah asked as she looked up at you and at Brooklyn, he gave her a gentle nod and you carefully handed Charlie over to her.
Placing your arm around Leah’s waist you look over her shoulder as Charlie held onto your finger with the tiny grip he has.
You’ve never felt more content in all your life and you wished that one day you would have a baby of your own but you’ll leave that to your brother for now.
Snapping back into reality, the sound of Charlie’s cries remind you why you don't want kids as of now.
Leah handed Charlie back to Nicola and went around asking if anyone wanted something to eat or drink.
“I’ll come with you.” You said as you stood up and made your way to the door.
“Stay here.” Leah smiled. “I’ll be fine, you need to spend time with your family.”
“You sure?”
“Promise, if I'm not back in ten minutes then I may be dead.” Leah joked.
“Alright.” You chuckled as you held the door open for Leah. “See if they’ve got any doritos.”
“Will do.” Leah said as she walked down the hall.
“You're in deep.” Cruz said as you sat down beside him.
“You like her.” Romeo joined in.
“Of course I do, she’s my best friend.”
“Not like that,” Cruz laughed. “You like like her.”
“Romantically.” Romeo added.
“And how do you two know? You're both practically six.”
“We see the way you look at her.”
“And how do I look at her?”
“Like you're in love.” Brooklyn said.
“Great, you're all ganging up on me.” You groaned, making your way over to harper. “Please tell me you're on my side, harps?”
“You’re in love.” Harper giggled, dragging out the ‘o’ in love.
“I’m not.” You said. “I mean, she's my best friend.”
“Have you seriously not watched a single episode of Friends?” Cruz mumbled.
“What's Friends got to do with me being in love with Leah?”
“Woah, you said it, not me.”
“I didnt-” You stopped yourself. “Oh my god.”
You walked backwards till you sat back down next to Cruz.
“Wait hold on, I still have no idea how my situation relates to friends.”
“Monica and Chandler.” Romeo said.
“But we dont live in New York, we havent had sex in London to then fly back to New York to continue having sex and-”
“Cruz just means you are similar as you are best friends and to hopefully become lovers.”
“That's a shit example.” You mumbled. “Your movie and series trivia needs a little boost.”
“You get what I mean though.” Cruz said.
“What do I do?”
“Tell her your feelings.” Your mum said as she gave you a knowing smile.
“What if it ruins our friendship?”
“It wont, now go find her and tell her.”
“Yeah, okay.” You said, hyping yourself up as you looked back at your brothers before walking to where you saw Leah wander off to.
As you walked through many hallways and turned many corners you finally saw Leah making some coffee, her arms filled with snacks.
You made your way towards her when you noticed a guy from earlier, one of the blokes who gave the two of you horrid looks.
“Come on sweetheart, why don't you-”
“Let's not go there.” You said as you stood beside Leah, gently pushing her so she was behind you.
“It’s just a bit of fun, mate.” The guy said.
You could tell he was drunk from the way he swayed from side to side or the fact he had managed to smuggle a beer bottle into a hospital.
“I’m not your mate, so back up and go back to wherever you were originally.”
“Where's the fun in that? I want to treat the pretty lady to a good time.”
“If you couldn't tell, she doesn’t want to have a ‘good time’ with you as she’ll have a better one with me. So leave.”
“Ballsy, why don't you walk away and leave us alone, huh?”
“Okay, bye.” You said as you placed your hand on the small of Leah's back and led her down the hall.
“That's not what I meant.” The guy shouted as he ran up to you and tried to swing at your head.
“Alright, why don't we just calm down?” You grunted as you ducked and weaved away from the man.
Whilst you were trying to dodge the guy he used his beer bottle and swung his arm haphazardly till it connected to the side of your face.
It felt as if the world was moving in slow motion, you didn't fall down, staying planted in your spot, looking up at the man in front of you.
You felt the blood trickle down the side of your head and you straightened yourself back up. Your right hand touched the cut on the side of your head whilst your left pushed Leah away from the two of you.
Luckily enough, before you could do anything stupid, a couple of security guards came rushing over and tackled the drunk to the floor.
“Are you okay?” Leah rushed out as she dropped everything on the floor and cupped your face in her hands.
“Yeah, are you? He didn't touch you did he?” You asked as you held onto Leah's waist, looking her over to see if she had any injuries herself.
“I’m fine, but you're not. You need to see a doctor.”
“It's just a scratch.” You shrugged.
“Even so, I think you should.”
“Alright, but you're coming with me. I’m not leaving you alone.”
Nodding, Leah took you through the hospital and back to the front desk, on your way a doctor came out of a room and ushered you both to follow her.
Doing as told you were taken into another room where they sat you down on a bed, preparing the equipment needed.
“How did this happen?” The lady asked as she sterilised a needle and thread.
“Some drunk.” You mumbled. “You must have more important people to attend to, you don't need to worry about me.”
“They can wait.”
Whilst the lady stitched your cut back up, Leah held your hand the whole way through. Squeezing it every so often to make sure you were alright.
Once you were finished you asked if Leah could get either Cruz or Romeo. She was reluctant to leave you but nodded nethertheless.
“Before you go to sleep you’ll need to rewrap your bandages as well as clean your stitches.” The doctor said.
“What are the steps?” You asked, having no idea what to do when you get home.
“There's not many, just a couple.”
“Could you write them down?”
“Of course.”
“Here.” You said as you handed her your phone with the notes app open.
Having all the steps down, the lady handed your phone back to you. Unbeknownst to you, Leah was watching the whole interaction from the door with Cruz beside her, giving a knowing look.
Walking back into the room, Leah was followed by Cruz.
“You’ll need someone to stay with, just for the night. They’ll be there if something happens although it's unlikely anything will.” The lady said.
“I can stay with you.” Leah said as she walked over to you in a protective sort of manner, giving the evils to the doctor beside you.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I don't want anything else to happen.”
“Do you have any more questions?” The doctor asked.
“No, we should be good.” Leah smiled as she helped you up and out of the room, Cruz trailing behind trying not to laugh.
You managed to thank the lady before Leah pulled you down the hallway.
“What did you need me for?” Cruz questioned as he walked beside you.
“I didn't want mum or dad, and especially Harper to see me like this so I was wondering if you could tell them that I was going to go back home?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“Thanks. I'll see you soon, yeah?” You said as you gave your brother a hug.
“Oh tell Brooklyn and Nicola, I am happy for them.”
“Will do.”
“Okay, love you.”
“Love you too, have a safe drive home.”
Giving Cruz one last hug, you finally started to make your way out the hospital.
“Let me drive.” Leah said as she tried to take your keys from your hand.
“Nope. I'm fine.”
“I'm driving.” Leah stated as she stood in front of the driver’s side door.
“Oh yeah?”
“You got the keys?”
“Then you're not driving, you're not even insured on my car.”
“For Christ sake, y/n. Let me drive.”
“No chance, you want the keys, come get them.” You teased as you held your keys above your head.
Leah jumped up and nearly took a hold of them but you moved your hand out of the way just in time.
Smirking, you walked away from her a little and dangled your keys before putting them down the front of your joggers.
“Come get them then.” You chuckled.
“That's gross.”
“Let me drive then.”
“I hate you.” Leah mumbled as she walked over to you, standing right in front of you.
Her fingers traced the elastic of your joggers slipping underneath them slightly.
Thinking she would actually grab the keys made your heart rate speed up and Leah noticed the hitch in your breath and increased breathing.
“In your dreams.” Leah whispered against your ear before pulling away and getting in the passenger side of your car.
“God.” You groaned as you leaned your head back and looked up at the sky, trying to calm yourself down.
Finally sitting in the driver's seat you notice Leah unable to contain her laughter.
“I hate you.”
“Mhm, just drive.”
Doing as told you pulled out of your parking space and made your way back to your apartment.
Leah put on her playlist again and the two of you were singing the songs at the top of your lungs.
Once you finally got back to your apartment you let Leah go in before you and you both made your way to the kitchen.
“Do you want to get take out or do you want to make something?” You asked as you looked through your fridge.
“Take out please.” Leah smiled, hopping onto your kitchen counter.
“Coming right up.” You said as you got your phone out and went on to just eat.
It only took a couple of minutes for the food to arrive and you both were quick to sit down on your sofa and eat the lot.
After you had finished your food the two of you cuddled up on the sofa and put on a movie, mamma mia to be exact.
You both were singing all the songs, trying to recreate them at one point before you both decided that you should head to bed.
“So what did the lady tell you to do with your head?” Leah asked as she followed you into your room and sat down on the edge of your bed whilst you went into your ensuite to get your little first aid kit.
“I don't actually remember.” You replied, looking through your cupboards finally finding what you were looking for.
“Why don’t you just text her?” Leah said as you came back into your bedroom.
“You got her number, didnt you?” Leah questioned, her voice coming out more harsh than she intended to.
“No? She just put the steps down on the notes app.”
“Why? Were you jealous, Williamson?”
“Not at all.” Leah said as she looked down at her lap trying to hide the fact her cheeks were a little red out of embarrassment.
“You so were.” You chuckled. “You love me.”
“Shut up and sit down so I can clean your cut.”
“Yes ma’am.” You mumbled as you leaned back on your bed with your head against the headboard.
Leah sat beside you as she got all of the things ready. Gently, Leah placed her hand underneath your chin making you look up at her so she could have better access to the cut.
“This may hurt a little.” Leah said so quietly it almost came out as a whisper. She poured antiseptic over the wound, your back arching off the bed slightly and she gently pressed you back onto the mattress.
“Stop moving.”
She used a wipe and dabbed the cut cautiously as if she would hurt you any more. Letting out a loud ‘ow’ caused Leah to pull away from you.
You let out a laugh after seeing her reaction making Leah look back at you with a very unimpressed face.
“I’m sorry.” You said as your laughter died down. “You just looked so concentrated.”
“You’re hilarious.” Leah said sarcastically as she went back to cleaning your cut but her little smile didn’t go unnoticed by you.
“It did actually hurt though.”
“I’ll do it again if you’re not careful.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
Smiling a little Leah dabbed the cut just a little harder and you let out a pained groan.
“I had too, sorry.” Leah chuckled.
“You enjoying me being in pain?”
“Just a little bit.” Leah smiled as she put away the wipes and looked for another bandage.
“You gonna patch me up Doctor Williamson?” You chuckled as you watched Leah go through the first aid kit.
“Shush.” Leah smiled, finally finding what she was looking for.
Again, you decided to mess around and started to wiggle your head so it was borderline impossible to place a bandage on your head.
“Come on, y/n. You’re not making this easy for me.”
“That's the point, Williamson.”
What you didn’t expect was for Leah to sit in your lap and tilt your head down so you were looking directly into her eyes.
Leah placed the bandage over your cut but still stayed on your lap. Your hands found themselves resting on her hips so she didn’t fall off.
There was a beat of silence between you two but you both didn’t mind it, in fact you relished in it.
“You’re blushing.” You whispered as you looked between Leah’s eyes and lips.
“I’m just a little hot, that's all” Leah whispered.
“Mhm.” Leah hummed as she shifted on your lap, looking down.
“Look at me.” You said softly. “Leah, look at me.”
She didn’t listen to you and she kept her gaze on her fingers on her lap, in between the both of you. You moved your right hand from her waist and used it to tilt Leah’s head up to make her look at you.
After a moment of silence, you pressed your lips against hers. The sudden impact had stunned Leah, her breath catching in her throat.
Her eyes were blown wide and she didn’t know what to do with herself. Her brain started to register what was going on and she finally kissed you back, wrapping her hands around your shoulders.
You both sighed contently into the kiss. Easily getting lost in each other’s presence.
Butterflies fluttered all around in your stomach as the kiss went from tender to heated in a matter of seconds.
Leah’s heart was pumping out of her chest at the feel of your lips on hers. Her cheeks were burning and she could feel the joy bubbling up inside her.
She tangled her hands into your hair and you rested one hand on the side of her face whilst the other held her waist.
When the need for air became a problem you slowly pulled away from the kiss and you rested your forehead against Leah’s. Both your breaths in tandem with each other’s.
After calming down a little you both let out small chuckles, not quite believing what just happened.
“There's no one like you, Williamson.” You smiled and Leah felt her cheeks grow a crimson colour.
“I really like you, y/n.” Leah whispered breathlessly.
“I really like you too, more than you can ever imagine.” You said softly.
You cupped her flushed cheek and brushed your thumb over her cheekbone. Leah’s eyes fluttered shut as she leaned into your touch. A small smile adorning her face.
Due to the closeness of the two of you, both your faces barely an inch away from each other, you could see every intricate detail on her face.
You admired her for a little while before you dived back in for a second kiss which had the both of you smiling into.
You ended the kiss, feeling your lungs begging for some air gaining a soft wine of protest from Leah. The two of you looked into eachothers eyes just enjoying the moment you were in.
“Do you want some pyjamas?” You asked as Leah got off your lap and sat beside you.
“Please.” Leah smiled as she watched you get up and rummage around your draws trying to find an old t-shirt and some joggers for Leah to wear.
“Are these okay?” You asked as you held up a white t-shirt and some black Nike joggers you found at the bottom of your draw.
“Yeah, thank you.”
Leah went into your bathroom to get changed and you quickly got changed in your room. You had just about put your top on when Leah opened the door, managing to see your abdomen before the t-shirt fell over it.
Your clothes were a little big on Leah but she didn't mind it as they were comfortable and smelt like you.
“What?” Leah asked softly as she placed her clothes on your dresser.
“Nothing,” you smiled, “you look better in my clothes.”
“How cheesy.”
“Ha ha ha.” You chuckled as you got up and walked into your bathroom with her. Looking through your cupboard once again you found a spare toothbrush and handed it to Leah.
“Here’s your toothbrush ma’am”
“Thank you.” Leah smiled as she took it from you and waited for you to put some toothpaste on it before the two of you cleaned your teeth.
After you both finished up in the bathroom, doing your nightly routines, you walked back into the bedroom.
Dramatically flopping onto your bed with style you got underneath the covers and held your arms out, signalling for Leah to come cuddle up with you.
Leah happily obliged and she got into bed, snuggling up into your side. She rested her head in the crook of your neck, your perfume flooded her senses. Her breath making goosebumps rise all over your skin as she cuddled herself into you more.
Chuckling to yourself you felt Leah smile into your neck once she was finally comfortable.
“Goodnight, love.” You whispered as you gently stroked your hand up and down Leah's back, making small patterns every so often.
“Goodnight.” Leah hummed contently as she soon drifted off to sleep, her hand intertwined with yours. With you following and falling asleep not long after Leah did.
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voguefashion · 8 months
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Edward Enninful's British Vogue (December 2017-March 2024)
December 2017: Adwoa Aboah by Steven Meisel
January 2018: Taylor Swift by Mert & Marcus
February 2018: Margot Robbie & Nicole Kidman by Juergen Teller
March 2018: Gigi Hadid & Bella Hadid by Steven Meisel
April 2018: Gugu Mbatha-Raw by Mikael Jansson
May 2018: Vittoria Ceretti, Halima Aden, Adut Akech, Faretta Radic, Paloma Elsesser, Radhika Nair, Yoon Young Bae, Fran Summers & Selena Forrest by Craig McDean
June 2018: Cara Delevinge by Steven Meisel
July 2018: Ariana Grande by Craig McDean
August 2018: Oprah Winfrey by Mert & Marcus
September 2018: Rihanna by Nick Knight
October 2018: The Beckham's by Mikael Jansson
November 2018: Fran Summers by Inez and Vinoodh
December 2018: Stella Tennant, Adut Akech, Primrose Archer & Saffron Vadher by Steven Meisel
January 2019: Dua Lipa by Nadine Ijewere
February 2019: Emma Stone by Craig McDean
March 2019: Naomi Campbell by Steven Meisel
April 2019: Naomi Scott by Nick Knight
May 2019: Kate Moss by Mikael Jansson, Jamie Hawkesworth & Inez & Vinoodh
June 2019: Madonna by Mert & Marcus
July 2019: Zoë Kravitz by Steven Meisel
August 2019: Karlie Kloss by Steven Meisel
September 2019: Adut Akech, Gemma Chan, Greta Thunberg, Jameela Jamil, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Adwoa Aboah, Jacinda Ardern, Francesca Hayward, Ramla Ali, Christy Turlington, Salma Hayek, Sinéad Burke, Jane Fonda, Laverne Cox & Yara Shahidi by Peter Lindbergh
October 2019: Kaia Gerber by Steven Meisel
November 2019: Jourdan Dunn by Nick Knight
December 2019: Emma Watson by Alasdair McLellan
January 2020: Taylor Swift by Craig McDean
February 2020: Lupita Nyong’o by Steven Meisel
March 2020: Irina Shayk by Mert & Marcus
April 2020: Jodie Comer by Steven Meisel
May 2020: Rihanna by Steven Klein
June 2020: Judi Dench by Nick Knight
July 2020: Rachel Millar, Narguis Horsford & Anisa Omar by Jamie Hawkesworth
August 2020: Reset by Mert Alas, Lubaina Himi, Alasdair McDean, Craig McDean, Nadine Ijewere, Nick Knight, David Hockney, David Bailey, Martin Parr, Marcus Piggot, Jamie Hawkesworth, Tim Walker, Juergen Teller & David Sims
September 2020: Marcus Rashford & Adwoa Aboah by Misan Harriman
October 2020: Emma Corrin by Charlotte Wales
November 2020: Serena Williams by Zoë Ghertner
December 2020: Beyoncé by Kennedi Carter
January 2021: Kate Moss by Mert & Marcus
February 2021: Dua Lipa by Emma Summerton
March 2021: Angelina Jolie by Craig McDean
April 2021: Janaye Furman, Precious Lee, Mona Tougaard & Achenrin Madit by Steven Meisel
May 2021: Thandiwe Newton by Mikael Jansson
June 2021: Billie Eilish by Craig McDean
July 2021: Malala Yousafzai by Nick Knight
August 2021: Margot Robbie by Lachlan Bailey
September 2021: Gemma Chan by Hanna Moon
October 2021: Zendaya by Craig McDean
November 2021: Adele by Steven Meisel
December 2021: Lady Gaga by Steven Meisel
January 2022: Kristen McMenamy by Steven Meisel
February 2022: Amar Akway, Majesty Amare, Akon Changkou, Nyagua Ruea, Abény Nhial, Maty Fall, Janet Jumbo, Adut Akech & Anok Yai by Rafael Pavarotti
March 2022: Naomi Campbell by Steven Meisel
April 2022: Anya Taylor-Joy by Craig McDean & Queen Elizabeth ll by Antony Armstrong-Jones
May 2022: Lila Moss by Steven Meisel
June 2022: Gisele Bündchen by Steven Meisel
July 2022: Beyoncé by Rafael Pavarotti
August 2022: Cara Delevingne, Cynthia Erivo, Ariana DeBose, Jordan Barrett & Munroe Bergdorf by Mert & Marcus
September 2022: Linda Evangelista by Steven Meisel
October 2022: Timothée Chalamet by Steven Meisel
November 2022: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Tribute
December 2022: Simone Ashley, Senna Miller, Yasmin Finney & Elizabeth Debicki by Scot Trindle
January 2023: Iman by Nadine Ijewere
February 2023: Priyanka Chopra Jonas by Zoë Ghertner
March 2023: Rihanna, A$AP Rocky & son by Inez & Vinoodh
April 2023: Jill Kortleve, Precious Lee & Paloma Elsesser by Inez & Vinoodh
May 2023: Sinéad Burke, Selma Blair, Aaron Rose Philip, Justina Miles & Ellie Goldstein by Adama Jalloh
June 2023: Miley Cyrus by Steven Meisel
July 2023: Miriam Margolyes, Janelle Monae & Rina Sawayama by Tim Walker
August 2023: Maya Jama by Steven Meisel
September 2023: Linda Evangelista, Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford & Christy Turlington by Rafael Pavarotti
October 2023: Lily Gladstone & Leonardo DiCaprio by Craig McDean
November 2023: Emily Ratajokwski, Adwoa Aboah , Irina Shayk, Adut Akech, Karen Elson & Mona Tougaard by Sean Thomas
December 2023: Kate Moss,Lila Moss, Olivia Colman, Jodie Comer, Stormzy, Little Simz & Tilda Swinton by Tim Walker
January 2024: Emma Watson, Tolu Coker, Priya Ahluwalia Torishéju Dumi & Amber Valletta by Charlote Wales
February 2024: Julia Roberts by Lachlan Bailey
March 2024: Karen Elson, Irina Shayk, Laverne Cox, Anya Taylor-Joy, Serena Williams, Rina Sawayama, Karlie Kloss, Jourdan Dunn, Amber Valletta, Precious Lee, Cindy Crawford, Jodie Comer, Gemma Chan, Adut Akech, Vittoria Ceretti, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Cara Delevingne, Jane Fonda, Gigi Hadid, Linda Evangelista, Adwoa Aboah, Miley Cyrus, Paloma Elsesser, Iman, Victoria Beckham, Ariana DeBose, Jameela Jamil, Oprah Winfrey, Salma Hayek, Christy Turlington, Selma Blair, Maya Jama, Anok Yai, Kate Moss, Kaia Gerber, Cynthia Erivo, Naomi Campbell, Simone Ashley, Dua Lip & Lila Moss by Steven Meisel
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