#cocoa powder is so out dark chocolate chips are in
emoangel44 · 2 years
this is the best day of my life
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dorian-snake · 4 months
Little Sanji dabble
Standing in the kitchen stirring a pot of hot cocoa while talking to Robin is Sanji seemingly only half there.
“Cook-san are you alright you seem…”
Before Robin could finish her question, Sanji's head snaps up towards the door, quickly turning the burner off as he runs out. Heading straight to the boys bunk room, upon passing the girls room nami opens the door with a shout.
Before she can finish her sentence Robin runs past with a worried look on her face, looks at nami and shakes her head. With a sigh nami goes to follow as well.
Within moments Sanji slimes the door open rushing over to an already awoken chopper who’s crying and staring to hyperventilate. Quickly Scooping chopper in to hug one arm under his legs and the other running fingers through the fur on choppers head.
“Shhh shhh, its ok your safe you’re ok everyone is here”
Pushing his head into the crook of his neck and rocking softly side to side. Placing a soft kiss to the small boy's forehead.
“Sanji i-i Zoro he i-“
Carefully turning choppers head
“Shhh Marino right there, the sunny still has it’s resident plant life”
Chopper goes back to nuzzling into the crook of sanji’s neck still hiccuping but starting to calm down. Holding the little doctor close he starts to hum.
“How about we go to the kitchen for some hot cocoa?”
With an excited yell from the top bunk luffy jumped down.
“Yaaaaaay hot cocoa”
Sanji’s head snaps up as his eyes widen with the realisation that everyone is awake and witnessing this moment. With a sigh and a red face he offers for everyone to join them in the kitchen.
“Alright follow me if you want some hot cocoa”
Turning around spotting both girls in the doorway his face darkens even further, coughing and tilting his head down motions for everyone to follow. Entering the kitchen once again they head over to the table as Sanji with chopper now being held up with one arm as he rests on his hip, goes over to the stove where the hot cocoa is ready to be served.
Pulling a mug out of the shelf he ladles the hot cocoa to almost full then grabbing the piping bag filled with whipped cream he made, precedes to pipe the cream high on top. Then for the finishing touch sprinkles and cocoa powder are sprinkled on top.
Bringing both chopper and the drink over to the table he places chopper in his seat and with a gentle head pat goes back to the pot to pour out everyone else a cup. Placing all the drinks onto a tray as he goes to pass them out, starting with the girl's robin with just whipped cream on top, nami with chipped cream and tangerine peel with cocoa powder. Then the boys luffy first, who has the same as Chopper, Usopp with just marshmallows, Franky with cream and cocoa powder, brook with no cream and finely zoro just hot cocoa.
As Sanji places the drink in front of Zoro he goes to stop him.
But before much else can be said Sanji counters.
“Made with dark chocolate no sugar no cream no marshmallows drink up”
With a grunt the drink is accepted. With everyone’s drinks handed out he goes to sit down next to Chopper with a plain hot cocoa. After a few moments of quiet while everyone is enjoying their drinks, Robin breaks the silence.
“I see now why you were making so much but how do you know chopper was going to have a bad dream tonight”
Blushing yet again and hiding behind his cup he goes to tell robin that he had just guessed but before he could chopper chimes in.
“Sanji always know when I’m going to have a bad dream I don’t know how he does it but every time he’s there and he makes me hot cocoa, then tucks me back into bed and sometimes he’ll sing me a lullaby”
Chopper is smiling and swilling his feet, meanwhile sanji’s blush has evolved to a completely red face, steam can almost be seen coming off his head. Burying his face in his hands. Robin chuckles softly behind his hand, at choppers statement luffy gasps slamming both hands on the table.
Running his hands down his face with an exasperated sigh.
“Luffy you don’t wake up from bad dreams but if you do wake me up and i'll make you late night hot cocoa alight”
At this luffy is jumping up and down in his seat cheering. Sanji looks to his left to check in on Chopper, finding him content, smiles and takes a sip of his drink. But Robin is not done with her questioning.
“If this is a regular occurrence how come you made a whole batch and a special cup just for Zoro”
Nearly choking on his drink stammering to come up with a reason, sighing in defeat he goes with the truth.
“Thriller bark is only just behind us figured he was due for a bad one with how it ended, having everyone together after he woke up felt like the best option”
Shrugging he goes to speak again much more quietly, almost a whisper.
“Zoro doesn’t like sweet things so he got dark chocolate”
No idea if I’ll go further with this but I wanted to put it out there
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I'm leaving the gingerbread men and gingerbread trees for closer to Christmas, so today's cookies are pure black chocolate cookies. I couldn't find any cookies that seemed right, so I opted to make them myself. I made some modifications to this recipe:
I replaced the cocoa powder with black cocoa powder, and my research (a quick google) indicated that for a recipe calling for natural cocoa powder and baking soda, you have to replace the baking soda with twice as much baking powder if you want to use dutch process cocoa powder. There really is a lot of chemistry in baking! I also used dark chocolate chips instead of semi-sweet.
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These definitely came out very black. It's a little funny how unbelievably burnt these look while being baked properly. These are soft and chewy, with a bit of crispness around the edges. With the chocolate and dark chocolate flavors, they're quite rich. I usually prefer a more standard chocolate to a dark chocolate, but these turned out great.
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that-giorgione · 5 months
You too wanna make Giorgione's Hot chocolate to warm your heart this holiday season?
Here's what you're going to need:
For 1 Mug
250ml of milk (whole or not, your preference)
5g of cocoa power
3g of corn starch (optional)
22g of dark chocolate, at least 50% cocoa (if you prefer you can also use normal chocolate too)
25ml of coffee (facultative)
a bit of cinnamon powder (about .5 grams, but adjust to taste)
one small cinnamon cookie
whipped cream
Take the chocolate bar and chop it up into little pieces, either with a knife or by putting it in a cloth or bag and what it until it submits to your whims. This step is important, as it will melt easier into the milk. You can also use chocolate chips if it's more convenient to you.
In a very small bowl, put the cocoa and cinnamon powder, if you want your hot chocolate to be a bit more dense, add the corn starch too, then mix everything toghether trying to get rid of as many big lumps as you can
Take one (1) small cinnamon cookie and show it your wrath by crumbling it into small pieces. Be mindful, these are going to be sprinkled onto the whipped cream, so choose an appopriate crumbling size based on your personal preferences.
If you choose to start the day with this cozy beverage, prepare a little cup of coffe (about an espresso-sized cup)
Pour the milk in a container (preferably one that has a little spout for ease of pouring) and slowly heat it up on the stove. If you wish to add coffee, you can add it now.
Once it warms up (about 45°) add the chocolate pieces and mix until they completely dissolve into che milk, Make sure to not let the milk get to a boil. [This step can also be done with a microwave, just frequently take it out of the michaelwave to mix.]
After all the chocolate has been melted into the milk, pour a little bit into the powders mix you prepared earlier and mix. In this way you are going to avoid lumps into the final product.
Keep adding milk and mixing until the powders have all been incorporated, them, after making sure you have no lumps, you can pour everything back into your main container and take it off the heat.
Mix until omogenous and pour into your favourite mug.
Take your whipped cream and spray a generous amount on top.
Sprinkle the crumbled cookie atop your mountain of whipped cream.
If you feel extra fancy add either a sprinkle of cocoa on top or shave a little bit of dark chocolate. Any other topping is welcomed too.
Drink. Enjoy. Warm the body and the soul. Maybe take a nap. You are going to need the energies for the coming days.
And that's all!
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theahole · 4 months
How I make chocolate oatmeal
This recipe makes enough oatmeal to keep me going until lunch, or two smaller servings if you don't have my appetite. It can also be halved (half a tablespoon is 1 and 1/2 teaspoons).
What you need:
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2 quart saucepan (this stuff bubbles up high and fast, and you don't want it on your stove OR your skin) stirring spoon or spoonula 1 cup dry measuring cup 1 wet measuring cup measuring spoons bowl eating spoon butter knife stove top burner
You can use a metal or silicon or wood spoon to stir this. I use this spoon/spatula I stole when I moved because I was the only person using it anyway. Do NOT use one of those cheap plastic mixing spoons they sell in bags of 4 at Dollar Tree, because this is what will happen:
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1 tablespoon brown sugar, no need to pack it--I use light and dark interchangeably, whatever you got 1 cup cold water 1 cup quick oats 1 tablespoon cocoa powder scant 1/4 teaspoon salt (I forgot to put it in the shot, but it's hiding behind the coffee pot) 1 pat butter (not shown) toppings (optional, up to you)
You are going to want to remember the salt, the oatmeal will be bland without it.
Pour the water into your pot and put the pot on the burner you'll use. Once you get this down to a science, you can start the water boiling and get everything ready before it does, but on a first try you'd better measure everything first and then wait the two or so minutes it takes a cup of water to boil.
I always measure the brown sugar into the bottom of the bowl I will be eating out of first, because I'd rather get sugar in the cocoa than cocoa in the sugar. But do what you want.
Measure 1 cup of oats (I used to scoop and sweep this, but it's easier to just dip the cup in the oats, and accuracy is not a big deal here), and add 1 tablespoon of cocoa. You can mix these in a separate bowl if you want, but I always do this:
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Dump the cocoa on top of the oats in the measuring cup.
Which can get messy if you're not careful, but is, once again, easy and fast. The less time I spend on my feet, the better.
Start the water boiling on high, and when it starts to boil, add the salt. Once the boil really gets going, reduce the heat (in my experience it's the 4 or 3 on an electric stove and the lowest setting you can fucking get on a gas stove), and pour in the oats and cocoa. Start stirring IMMEDIATELY! You need to stir constantly so that the mixture all gets wet, cooks evenly, and doesn't stick or burn to the bottom of the pan. Once the mixture thickens, which takes about a minute, maybe less, take the pan off the heat and remember to turn off the burner.
Scoop the oatmeal into your bowl or bowls. If a chunk falls on the counter or over the rim of the pan, you may get an urge to put it in your mouth. Do not. At this point, unsweetened, the oatmeal will only taste bitter and salty.
You have to let the oatmeal sit for about a minute to finish cooking. I like to wash the utensils and such and leave the pot to soak while this goes on. If you want just plain chocolate oatmeal, add your butter and there you go. I like to add toppings, though. My favorites are a big spoonful of peanut butter from a large jar of processed store brand and a handful of chocolate chips. Mini chips melt better, but you get 2 ounces less per bag. You can add whatever you want--flavored peanut butter, other nut butters, flavored baking chips.. though I have tried cinnamon chips and would rather just add cinnamon, and the only mint ones I could find are Andes and they are VERY strong. Just be sure not to add anything cold to the oatmeal until after it's sat for the whole minute.
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Stir vigorously (did you remember the sugar?) and enjoy.
This is over-explained and probably posted at the very worst time, but I hope it's useful too.
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james-p-sullivan · 6 months
my fav cookie recipe i've been using since i was 7 💪💪:
225g butter
140g caster sugar
1 egg yolk
2 tsp vanilla essence
225g plain flour
55g cocoa powder
dark, white, & milk chocolate chips/chunks
cream the butter & sugar, then add the egg and vanilla. add the flour and cocoa & chocolate chips. cook at 180 degrees celcius for 11ish minutes
(i cant remember if you're american or canadian lmao so sorry if you can't use the measurements)
it sounds bomb! i saved it to try out the recipe in the new year, thank you for sharing!!!!!!!!!
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threewaysdivided · 7 months
trick or treat!
(send a "trick-or-treat" ask to get a snack, a prank or a cursed fact)
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Have my favourite recipe for chocolate chip zucchini muffins!
You will need:
Muffin tins (makes 24 regular sized muffins) + lining papers
Mixing bowl
Measuring cup(s)
Box grater
Food processor or immersion blender
2-3 large zucchini, washed
2 large eggs
2 blocks (approx 300g/ 10.58 Oz) milk or medium-dark chocolate
1 cup (250 mL/ 8.45 Fl Oz) rolled oats
3/4 cup (188 mL/ 6.35 Fl Oz) wholemeal flour
2/3 cup (166 mL/ 5.61 Fl Oz) brown sugar, firmly packed
1/2 cup (125 mL/ 4.23 Fl Oz) cocoa powder
1/3 cup (83 mL/ 2.8 Fl Oz) buttermilk (or regular milk)
1/4 cup (62.5 mL/ 2.11 Fl Oz) vegetable oil
1 1/2 tbsp white vinegar
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp fine instant coffee (or espresso) powder
1/2 tsp salt
Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F). Line muffin tins with patty papers.
Place rolled oats in the jar of your food processor/immersion blender.
Grate your zucchini. Squeeze the juice out and set aside. Place the strained zucchinis into your mixing bowl.
Add the zucchini juice, oil and milk to the oats. Stir to combine. Allow to sit for 2-3 minutes so the oats can soak up some of the liquid.
Add the brown sugar, salt, vanilla and coffee powder to the grated zucchini. Stir to combine and allow to sit for 2-3 minutes to draw more moisture from the zucchini.
Add eggs to the zucchini mixture, beating through until completely combined.
Blend the oat mixture into a paste. Transfer oat mixture to the zucchini bowl, stirring through thoroughly.
Add vanilla and cocoa powder to the batter, stirring until completely combined.
Chop chocolate into chunks of your preferred size (for this recipe, I prefer small bits).
Add chocolate, flour, baking powder and baking soda to the batter. Stir until completely combined. (The batter should be quite thick - if your zucchinis were very large or watery, you may need to add a bit of extra flour).
Stir through vinegar to activate the baking soda.
Spoon batter into muffin tins.
Bake for 25-35 minutes, until springy to the touch and a toothpick comes out with moist crumbs clinging.
Cool completely on a wire rack before serving.
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nbula-rising · 6 months
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Red Wine Chocolate Cake Yield: 8 inch cake, serves 12-14
Red Wine Chocolate Cake 2 cups flour 2 cups sugar 3/4 cup Hershey’s Special Dark Cocoa powder 2 tsp baking soda 1 tsp salt 2 large eggs 1 cup buttermilk 1 cup vegetable oil 1 tsp vanilla 1 cup sweet red wine
Raspberry Buttercream 1/2 cup salted butter 1/2 cup shortening* 2 1/2 cups powdered sugar 1/4 cup raspberry puree (from about 1/2 cup of raspberries pureed in a food processor)
Chocolate Buttercream 1 cup butter 1 cup shortening 3/4 cup dark cocoa powder 6 cups powdered sugar 1 tsp vanilla extract 4-5 Tbsp milk or water
Chocolate Ganache 6 oz (about 1 cup) semi-sweet chocolate chips 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream 1/4 cup sweet red wine
Additional ingredients and tools Raspberries for top of cake** Chocolate Wilton Candy Melts or something similar, like Chocolate Almond Bark Piping bags Wilton tips 3 and 10 Large round piping tip "Hello" pdf Parchment paper Toothpicks 9 inch offset spatula
Prepare three 8 inch cake pans with parchment paper circles in the bottom, and grease the sides. Preheat oven to 300 degrees.
Add all dry ingredients to a large bowl and combine.
Add eggs, buttermilk, vegetable oil and vanilla to the dry ingredients and mix well.
Slowly add wine. Mix well.
Divide batter evenly between cakes pans and bake for about 30-33 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out with a few crumbs.
Remove cakes from oven and allow to cool for about 10 minutes, then remove to cooling racks to cool completely.
While cakes cool, make icings. To make the raspberry buttercream, beat the butter and shortening together until smooth.
Add 2 cups of powdered sugar and beat until smooth.
Add raspberry puree and beat until smooth.
Add remaining powdered sugar and beat until smooth. Set buttercream aside while you make the chocolate buttercream.
To make the chocolate buttercream, beat the butter and shortening together until smooth.
Add the cocoa and 2 cups of powdered sugar and beat until smooth.
Add vanilla extract and 3-4 Tbsp of water or milk and beat until smooth.
Add remaining powdered sugar and beat until smooth, adding remaining water or milk as needed to thin out the icing.
When the cakes are cool, put the cake together. Remove the tops of the cakes with a large serrated knife so they are flat.
Place the first layer of cake on cake stand. Top with half of the raspberry buttercream and spread into an even layer.
Add second layer of cake and remaining raspberry buttercream and smooth into a smooth layer.
Top cake with remaining cake layer.
Ice the outside of the cake with the chocolate buttercream. Here's a tutorial for getting a smooth finish.
To make the chocolate ganache, place chocolate chips in a medium sized bowl.
Combine heavy cream and wine and microwave just until it begins to boil.
Pour heated cream/wine over the chocolate chips and cover the bowl with clear wrap. Allow to site for 5-7 minutes, then whisk until smooth. Allow ganache to sit for 10-20 minutes to thicken. You could also set in the fridge to cool more quickly. You want the ganache to be pourable and spreadable, but not too thin.
Pipe ganache around the top outside of the cake, then use an offset spatula to spread it out and over the edges of cake.
Place raspberries around the back of the back, near the edge of the ganache.
Place "hello" chocolate wording onto cake. For instructions, please refer to blog post above. You'll use the chocolate Wilton candy melts for this. For detailed instructions on decorating the cake with ganache and lettering, please refer to the post above.
*the shortening can be replaced with butter, if preferred.
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artemisarticles · 7 months
Getting Started
Clear the decks. Take everything out of your pantry, give it a hard look and decide what you can get rid of. Be ruthless. If you haven’t used it in a year, get rid of it.
Keep what looks and smells good. “Expiration,” “sell by,” and “best by” dates are not good guidelines. Some are determined by regulators, others by manufacturers, and almost all are arbitrary. Properly stored, some (unopened) ingredients, like canned fish, can last for years; others, like dried herbs, start declining in quality the moment they are sealed in a container.
Assess what remains. Then organize it according to the logic that makes sense to you: There’s no single best system. Your nut butters might be with the condiments, or the breakfast items, or the baking supplies.
Fill in the blanks with food that will make you a better cook. Each of the pantry lists below is a proposal, not a prescription. There’s no reason to stock black beans if you only like red. There’s no need to have everything here available at all times. You’ll know your pantry is well stocked for your purposes when most of the time, you need only add one or two fresh ingredients to cook one of our recipes from scratch. Or even better, none.
The Essential Pantry
The foundation layer for all three pantries, this is where everyone should start. There’s so much to be done with these basics. The rule here is stock your pantry mostly with what you’re confident using, and what you love to eat. You’ll turn to it again and again.
Oils and vinegars: Extra-virgin olive oil, neutral cooking oil (such as canola or grapeseed), red-wine vinegar, white vinegar or white-wine vinegar.
Cans and jars: Tuna in olive oil, tomato paste, diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, chicken stock or vegetable stock (box-packed tastes better than canned). A good-tasting, simple tomato sauce can become a soup or a stew, or make a quick dinner with pasta or polenta.
Spices and dried herbs: Kosher salt, red-pepper flakes, ground cayenne, curry powder, bay leaves, black peppercorns, sweet paprika, ground cinnamon, ground cumin, garlic powder or granulated garlic, dried thyme and dried oregano. This selection will take you through everything from a basic beef stew to Saturday morning pancakes to Thanksgiving dinner.
Grains and starches: Long-grain white rice, one or two other grains (such as quinoa or farro), dry pasta (one long, one short and chunky), plain bread crumbs, crackers, canned beans (white beans, black beans and-or chickpeas), dry lentils.
Nuts and nut butters: Walnuts, almonds, roasted peanuts, peanut butter (smooth and crunchy).
Sweeteners: Honey, maple syrup, granulated sugar.
Preserves and pickles: Fruit jams and preserves, anchovies.
Condiments and sauces: Basic vinaigrette, mustard (yellow or Dijon), mayonnaise, ketchup, hot sauce, salsa, soy sauce.
Produce: Garlic, onions, all-purpose potatoes (such as Yukon Gold), lemons, shelf-stable tofu (Essential for vegetarians, Expanded for others).
Dairy: Eggs, unsalted butter, cheeses (Cheddar, Jack or Colby, Parmesan), milk or cream for cooking (not skim).
Freezer: Chicken parts, sausages, thick fish fillets, shrimp, thick-sliced bread (for toast), spinach (and other vegetables such as corn and peas), berries (and other fruit such as peaches and mango). Some fruits and vegetables take particularly well to freezing — and in most growing seasons, the quality is better than fresh. Frozen fruit is useful for baking and smoothies.
Baking: All-purpose flour, cornmeal, rolled oats, cornstarch, baking soda, baking powder, pure vanilla extract, light brown sugar, dark brown sugar, confectioners’ sugar, bittersweet baking chocolate, semisweet chocolate chips, raisins or another dried fruit, cocoa powder. With these ingredients on hand, thousands of cookies, brownies, cakes, muffins, quick breads and other sweets can be produced without a trip to the store.
The Expanded Pantry
For the cook who has a grasp of the basics, but wants to be able to stretch toward new options and flavors. Here, long-lasting, punchy ingredients like tahini, hoisin sauce, coconut milk, sherry vinegar and capers are stocked alongside classics: limes with lemons, jasmine rice as well as long-grain, almond butter in addition to peanut butter.
Oils and vinegars: Peanut oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, sherry or balsamic vinegar, apple-cider vinegar.
Cans and jars: Sardines, unsweetened coconut milk, whole Italian plum tomatoes, beef stock (box-packed tastes better than canned). Whole plum tomatoes are rarely called for in recipes, but they tend to be the ripest and best-quality fruit. They can be diced or crushed to use in a recipe — or drained and slow-roasted for an intense topping on omelets, salads, grain bowls or pizza.
Spices: Flaky salt, single-chile powders (such as ancho and pasilla), ground coriander, turmeric, smoked paprika, cardamom, za’atar, allspice, fennel seeds, dry mustard, garam masala (a basic Indian mix of warm spices), five-spice powder (a basic Chinese mix of spices), whole nutmegs.
Grains and starches: Rice noodles, basmati or jasmine rice, brown rice, panko bread crumbs, dry beans.
Nuts and nut butters: Almond butter, tahini, pecans.
Preserves and pickles: Olives (oil-cured and-or in brine), capers in brine. These ingredients, served with good bread and butter, make an elegant appetizer with wine, or everyday snack.
Condiments and sauces: Worcestershire sauce, hoisin, Thai red curry paste, fish sauce, anchovy paste, harissa.
Produce: Russet potatoes, carrots, celery, limes, ginger, avocados, parsley, cilantro, scallions, jalapeños. Keeping chiles, aromatics and herbs on hand gives you instant access to intensely fresh flavors, even for — maybe especially for — the simplest dishes you cook.
Dairy: Plain full-fat yogurt, more intense cheeses (pecorino, feta), salted butter.
Freezer: Pancetta, artichoke hearts, homemade stock, homemade bread crumbs, fresh pasta, vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, cut and peeled winter squash, chopped onions), cooked grains. Prepared ingredients like chopped onions and cooked grains speed your route to dinner.
Baking: Cake flour, whole-wheat flour, dark baking chocolate, vanilla beans, almond extract, powdered gelatin, molasses, light corn syrup, buttermilk powder, active dry yeast.
The Expert Pantry
For the cook who likes taking global flavors, new methods and viral recipes for a spin. Here, the chiles get hotter, the chocolates darker and the cheeses funkier. These ingredients are just a fraction of what’s out there, but by stocking them, you will be able to cook almost any recipe you come across and experiment with creating your own.
Spices: Hot smoked paprika (pimentón), sumac, cumin seeds, coriander seeds, flaky dried chiles (such as Aleppo, Urfa or Maras), dried whole chiles (like ancho and arból), marjoram, dukkah, baharat, shichimi. Whether you stock spice mixes like baharat (a mix of warm spices used in the Middle East) or shichimi (a Japanese blend of ground chiles and sesame seeds) will depend on the global flavors that most appeal to you.
Grains and starches: Short-grain rice, dried pastas (bucatini, mezzi rigatoni or farfalle), spelt, pearl barley.
Nuts and nut butters: Pine nuts, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds (pepitas), pistachios. Toasted nuts like these (not as everyday as almond and peanuts) are good in salads and granola, on roasted fish, or just with olives for a classic pre-dinner snack.
Preserves and pickles: Pickled hot peppers, cornichons, kimchi, preserved lemons, roasted chiles, horseradish, caperberries, dried sausages such as saucisson sec and chorizo. The intense flavors of pickled and salted ingredients can be a great pick-me-up for mild dishes. In cooking, you can often substitute a bit of preserved lemon for regular lemon, or use the brine from cornichons as part of the liquid in a recipe.
Condiments and sauces: Gochujang, mango chutney, miso, wasabi, dark soy sauce, Chinese oyster sauce, Asian chili bean pastes.
Produce: Shallots, fresh mint, fresh rosemary, lemongrass, fresh Serrano and Thai bird chiles, fresh bay leaves.
Dairy: Ghee, crème fraîche, aged cheeses (Gruyère, blue cheese). Ghee (Indian-style clarified butter) and crème fraîche can reach much higher temperatures than butter, yogurt and sour cream without burning or breaking, so they are useful in cooking.
Freezer: Edamame, curry leaves, makrut lime leaves, merguez (spicy lamb sausages from North Africa). Fragrant leaves like makrut lime and curry (not the spice mix, but an Indian tree with scented leaves) are much more powerful in frozen form than dried.
Baking: Bread flour, pectin, almond flour, tapioca pearls, rose and orange flower waters, gelatin sheets, black cocoa, currants, fresh yeast, sparkling sugar, pearl sugar, candied citrus rinds
Best Practices
Once you have your ingredients, remember that cooking will always create change and disorder. Cans of tomatoes may never match, spices may never live in matching containers, and your hot sauce collection may always try to take over the condiment shelf. But here are a few final thoughts on how to keep your pantry well stocked and well organized enough to be truly useful.
Cooks with different styles need different systems. Some people store the jam with the dried fruits and maple syrup; others associate it with peanut butter, mustard and mayonnaise. The best logic is your own, and it may take some time to figure that out.
If you can’t see it, you’re probably not going to use it. A storage space with more shelving is the most efficient configuration for ingredients. Drawers or slide-out shelves also help tremendously with visibility.
Store everything you can in clear containers. Airtight plastic ones are best, and available in many shapes, sizes, and systems. Rectangular shapes make the best use of space.
Keep a roll of painter’s tape and some permanent markers in a kitchen drawer. It’ll help you make quick labels.
Be realistic about your habits. It’s great to clean and trim a week’s worth of vegetables at once — but if you’re not going to do that, buy smaller quantities.
Buy ground spices in the smallest quantities you can find (except for spices you use regularly). Specialty companies will ship as little as an ounce, about 3 tablespoons. You’ll save space and produce better, brighter flavors in your food.
Buy fresh herbs. Dried herbs used to be a pantry essential, but most start out with very little flavor and lose it quickly in storage. (A couple of exceptions are dried oregano and dried thyme.) Pick up fresh herbs when you need them for a particular recipe; it’s a better investment of money and storage space.
Buy heavy, shelf-stable ingredients like boxed broth and canned tomatoes in bulk; better yet, order them online to save time and irritation. Almost any delivery service or website will offer a better price on these items than a brick-and-mortar store.
Cooked ingredients are much easier to use up than raw ones. Whether you steam, boil, pan-fry or roast, cook anything in your refrigerator that looks tired. You can always use it in a salad, a grain bowl or a pasta.
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dragonsinkwell · 1 year
The Day Michael Myers Learns the Horrors of Dark Chocolate
So... I might have fallen into some slasher stuff over my hiatus. I might have finally started watching movies I never saw and my... curious choice in fictional men might have shown up. Maybe. Perhaps. Okay so yeah, turns out I've got a thing for Michael Myers is that really strange of me? This definitely isn't his most in character piece but also, lbh, IC Mikey is just killing people and we can do that another day because if I can get myself writing again after this he's definitely showing up again around here.
There is no chocolate in his cupboard.
There is not a single ounce of chocolate in all of his snack stash and Michael isn't having this.
While there are still quite a few treats left, mostly a variety of candies and a couple clipped bags of chips, none of them contain even a trace of chocolate and that is what he wants more than anything at this moment. He's run through it so quickly this week it takes him by a modicum of surprise; usually, he's more balanced in his unhealthy eating habits than this.
But no amount of stoic staring helps his plight. The half-eaten 'family size' bag of Skittles is unappetizing, none of the flavors of Fruit By The Foot strike his mood, and he knows that even though it's sitting in front of him, there are no S'mores Poptarts left in the box he never bothered to throw away. None of the chips are worth a second glance and for all that Michael does love those Rice Krispies, they're just the normal kind, so there is nothing of worth in them currently.
Michael can't restrain a silent huff of frustration as he lets the door fall shut, not at all interested in doing so quietly as he's the only one in these walls at the moment. He should have shown you before you left for work today, so you would at least be coming back with more. Instead, now he's stuck here hungering for something that isn't here.
And he knows that all too well. This isn't his first desperate attempt to have something manifest in front of his masked eyes in the last hour. His stash is bare of its usual chocolate content, he finished off all his ice cream last night, there's no more syrup to at least make chocolate milk with, and not even a single chocolate chip is left over from your last baking spree. The closest thing to what he wants that exists is your tin of cocoa powder and he is not that desperate.
Not yet, at least.
Unsurprisingly, this lack of abatement for his sweet tooth's cravings is driving Michael to blood lust, which while isn't actually a hard thing to do given his natural bias for it in the first place is a frustration he prefers to nurse under the cover of darkness and it isn't even proper afternoon. He can, and has gone on his 'walks' during daylight before, there is nothing to stop Michael if it pleases him, but he's never as satisfied with his work while the sun is up.
Although perhaps a little breaking into homes might not hurt, Michael thinks, given this is hardly the only home that would ever have chocolate. A two-for-one walk for some blood and treats would certainly scratch the itch quite nicely. But then, would it even be the stuff he wants? Nobody else caters to his tastes as succinctly as you do, and rummaging through any other kitchen would be a full gamble, and putting in work only to find the wrong stuff would only worsen his mood.
Before Michael can decide if this plan would be worth the effort that would go into it versus sucking it up to wait for your return and having you solve the problem, he remembers one specific place he hasn't looked: your snack stash. Normally he never touches it, for a small mix of reasons, the main one being that you've only ever told him that the treats you keep there are ones he isn't going to like and, for the most part, anything he's seen going in there seems to fit that label. Compared to what he always knows is in his cupboard, yours isn't ever worth bothering with.
However, he knows what he saw you take back into your room on the last grocery day. Sitting among those bags of spicy chips and strangely flavored cookies were a small handful of chocolate bars. They hadn't graced his attention then, as he had a whole buffet of his own to play with and Michael isn't an unmerciful man, he's let you live this long, after all, so allowing you some chocolate of your own is hardly a bother when you keep him appeased, but today, today is another matter.
It should come as no surprise, then, that the sweet-toothed killer makes a beeline straight to your room. Generally, he respects your privacy here so long as you can forgive his interesting takes on what the word 'privacy' means, but here in the heat of the moment, Michael doesn't care. You're not here and it isn't like he's going to rummage through all of your belongings; he's only here for your hidden chocolate bars. Plus, if you get testy he'll do what he normally does: nothing. What can you do about it?
Well, perhaps that's untrue, he thinks as he barges in heading straight for where your desk sits and the little mini-fridge and drawer on top of it that sit beside the desk he knows contains your stash. He might at least bring you back an extra something from his next kill, to make up for the loss of candy. Again, Michael likes to think there is some grace in this strange relationship you two have and he knows how he'd take the news of you stealing his candy. Worse than you can, for certain, but it's the thought that counts... or so you always say.
He still doesn't know what it means, but you say it quite a bit directed at him so it must mean something.
Michael yanks the drawer open, not here to play around and to his pleasure there they sit, a stack of three whole, untouched chocolate bars. He's even gotten lucky with them, attention locking on the presence of caramel inside. If there was anything that could ever improve chocolate it's extra sugar and now he's got that in spades. His choice to stay home truly was his best move. Time to indulge himself.
And yes, for this he's certainly going to bring you back something sparkly.
"I'm home!" you announce as you cross the threshold into your home, on habit more than anything. If Michael is still here and not wandering about the town with a knife in hand he already knows it's you. Still, you have no interest in somehow accidentally startling him, not when he could very literally tear you limb from limb. You haven't seen his 'surprised' reflex and you don't want to. Let that be some other poor fool's fate. "Brought home some stuff from a quick swing by the store!"
The house is silent, not that you were expecting any sort of verbal response, but for a moment you think your killer boyfriend is out doing what he does best: haunting Haddonfield. It wouldn't be particularly strange, so you never dismiss it. If he isn't sitting on the couch watching something, in his room making masks, or just staring ominously out of any visible window, then he's likely out in somebody's hedges creeping about.
However, after living with Michael for so long, several years now, you've picked up a spider sense for him and it is telling you that he remains within these walls. In these walls and, if you're not wrong, definitely unhappy. Dang it. It's gonna be a long night, isn't it?
Without turning to look, you lock the door behind you with your free hand while scanning the front of the house, just to see if you missed him. It's happened more than should be physically possible for a man of his build. But he isn't here, not that you can see.
"Hey, Mikey, where ya at?" You risk using a nickname, a gamble on even the best days, but it's worked in the past when a stalk or kill has gone wrong, the usual culprits for his sour moods on days not associated with anything specific. "Are you hurt?"
You're pretty certain he isn't, mostly since you can't see any blood tracked across the tiles. Curious. If there's no blood, then did he even go out? Michael isn't a man to really care about keeping things clean and if he's got blood on him, it's on your floors and walls, too. Maybe someone got away? It's happened before, just bad luck on Michael's part. Someone else shows up right before he gets to move in and he has to call it off simply because of an interruption. Given his desire to stay out of sight, but never out of mind, that blows his plans more than anything else could. It's not that it has to, but you're not going to question a killer's choice of modus operandi.
Makes you wonder if those people ever know how close they came in that moment to death. Also makes you wonder if Michael goes back for them, specifically. You'll never ask. You aren't truly interested in knowing.
As you pick through the house you're cautious, curious if he's in his room, perhaps. You don't think he'd kill you like this, an ambush in the house, but you're not stupid, either. Every day left alive around Michael Myers is by a very specific choice on his end and you don't have much say on that. You'd like to believe he's something akin to fond of you, after all, he's not exactly living and occasionally sleeping with anyone else, but there's a clock ticking on it. Always has been, and always will be.
But you reach the hallway and his door is left cracked open. You don't peek into the room, but just knowing it isn't closed up tells you Michael isn't there. He's not in the bathroom across the hall, either, so says the lights being off and the door not being fully closed. Which leaves your room or the garage and you're willing to bet good money you know which one of those he'd sulk in.
"Michael? What's up?" you question softly as you push your door open with the hand holding the reusable grocery bag that you never bothered to put down as it's not very high on your mental priority list. "Did something happen?"
Even expecting him to be here, when you step into your room and see Michael standing in the middle of it, still as a statue, you can't stop the shiver down your spine. You didn't believe in auras before meeting him but now you're not so sure. For being entirely non-verbal, there is never any mistaking when Michael is displeased with something, it lingers in the air like smoke, and today he is very unhappy.
Luckily, he doesn't have a knife in either hand, meaning this situation can be salvaged. Or, so you hope. Michael hasn't needed a weapon to kill a person for a while and he doesn't need one now. He is, however, holding something in his right hand, but what it is you cannot tell at all.
With a caution used normally around wild animals, you take a couple of steps forward, keeping your eyes on Michael the whole time. "What've you got there?" you ask, careful to maintain the closest thing you can call eye contact while the mask is on. It's odd how much better he reacts if you look him right in the face when he's in one of his moods.
All it takes Michael is a single step towards you to close the gap, putting himself a shred too close for general comfort, though you've grown used to that behavior from him by now. He doesn't stalk as a hobby for nothing. It forces you to tilt your head back to an awkward angle, but you don't step back to correct it. Michael's testing you.
Interestingly though, now that he's this close you catch a whiff of spearmint. Odd, as he doesn't like mint as a flavor. What happened while you were gone?
Seemingly satisfied with whatever he was trying to do in invading your space, Michael offers you the mysterious object clenched in his hand. You wait another moment, making sure he is going to let you take it, and when you're certain you turn your attention to it, reaching out with your free hand for him to give it to you.
What greets you when Michael drops the item into your grip has you biting your tongue in a desperate attempt to not start laughing. Really? Really? This is what set him off into a mood so foul? You know you can't laugh because if you do it's only going to exacerbate the situation but at the same time you can hardly believe it. Does that make the spearmint... your mouthwash?
All it took was a dark chocolate candy bar.
"I told you," you manage to wring out while doing everything in your power to maintain an even voice and not smile. "You won't like my stuff in here. Do you even know what this is?"
Unsurprisingly you don't get any verbal answer, but his body language tells you that he is very displeased with it and that you'd best have a solid explanation for why it was here.
"You're right in that it is chocolate, which is what you were looking for, but it's a bitter type called 'dark chocolate'. It doesn't have as much sugar or milk in it as the kind you like." A simple explanation but one that Michael would hopefully understand. It was rarely worth getting into specifics with him if he wasn't trying for them. "I figured you wouldn't like it and I wasn't wrong."
Michael looks down at the paper sitting in your palm and if looks could kill you're pretty sure your hand would be vaporized.
Now that you're aware of what happened, you don't mind taking your attention from him, walking over to the little trashcan by your desk and throwing the wrapper away. No point in keeping it around. While you're there, you can't help but spot the other two candies in there, crushed into ruin and left behind. Oh well, no point making a fuss for them now. You'll buy yourself some more another day.
When you turn back toward Michael, you can tell his focus is on the bag on your other hand, though the mood in the air is still quite sour. This you can let a small, light laugh at as you put the bag down on your bed. "Well, good news for you!" you chime, reaching in to pull out a handful of milk chocolate bars. "I saw you were running low on chocolate this morning and picked some up along with a couple of other little things on the way back. If you'd waited a bit for me to get home, you'd-"
Unwilling to wait any longer for what he's wanted all day, much less listen to you chide him, Michael snatches the candy out of your hand and immediately starts stalking off, earning a barked laugh from you. Honestly, for a serial killer built like a wall, he is exceptionally childish at times, you think.
Well, at least that has bought you another day in the neighborhood.
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robsth0r · 1 year
Food Fight (Loki x Reader)
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A/N: I have been thinking about writing this for a long time but haven’t had the time to do it but i finally got to finish it!!
Warning: Nudity (non sexual), a little kising but mostly fluff.
Word count: 1728
I open my eyes rolling over looking at the red glowing numbers. 01:55. I groan but get up as I can feel that I aren’t gonna be able to sleep any time soon. My warm feet hit the cold floor of my bedroom as I silently walk to my door. The door handle feels cold against my warm hands as I creak the door open soundlessly. I walk out of my room into the hallway closing the door behind me. My stomach growls eagerly and I sigh. Well, food it is.
I walk to the kitchen opening the fridge to see if there’s anything easy and soundless to make. Well there’s leftover pizza- oh anyways it’s Nat’s pizza, and I am not gonna make the mistake of eating it again. I looked over the food quickly, deciding nothing special was there moving on the cabins. 
Before I get a grip on the handle of the cabin a couple cool hands rest on my waist. I smile to myself as I feel the familiar warm feeling in my stomach.
“Darling, what are you doing up this late?” Loki’s voice is a little raspy but no less soothing. I turn around to face Loki looking up at him as I am standing very close to him. In the dark I am only able to see his silhouette but his presence seems to make my whole body relax even more.
“Couldn’t sleep. Decided to go see if there was any food.” I say, my voice only slightly above a whisper. I relax into Loki placing my head on his chest, sighing. His hands go from my waist and over my shoulders, hugging me.
“You remember the brownie ingredients we bought with Peter earlier this week? How about we bake that?” He mumbles into my soft hair, and pulls away from the hug, letting his hands slide down to my waist again. I smile up at him at the thought of newly baked brownies. 
“Yes! I would love to.” I say slightly more energetic than last time I spoke. Brownies would make anybody less tired. Loki chuckles slightly at my outburst but proceeds to find the ingredients. Meanwhile I get two bowls and find the recipe we found on google the other day.
“Okay so this recipe says we should start with mixing the wet and dry ingredients in two different bowls,” I say gesturing to the two bowls I have just placed on the table, “I’ll take the dry and you’ll take the wet?” Loki nods, moving over to the larger bowl.
I pour sugar, flour, cocoa powder, powdered sugar, chocolate chips, and a little bit of salt. I mix the dry ingredients and Loki comes over and I take my bowl, pouring the dry ingredients into his bowl with wet ingredients.
As I am mixing in the ingredients together a big cloud of flour comes over me. I shriek at the sudden flour explosion. Loki bursts out laughing and I turn to see him standing with the flourbag in his hands and flour all over his right hand. I open my mouth in offense and put my hand on my chest as if I were taken aback, but before I get to say anything Loki digs his fingers into the flour once more, splattering it on me again.
That is the last straw for me and I pick up the cocoa powder and throw a hand full onto Loki. His face lights up in surprise at my suddenness and he flinches covering his face with his hands spilling loads of flour on the ground. At that we both start laughing hysterically. 
We both take handfuls of flour and cocoa powder getting ready to fire at the other. Right before he throws the flour at me I go to hide behind the counter making him miss me. I hear a muffled “Helvíti!” making me giggle. When Loki rounds the corner of the island counter I throw a surprise shot at him making him shriek before throwing loads of flour at me who is on the ground laughing.
“I give up! I give up!” I yell through my giggles making Loki stop the throwing, squatting down to me sitting lightly on top of my stomach. He wipes my mouth for flour and leans down, kissing me lightly. I relax at the touch of his lips and my hands land in his hair, combing it as our kiss deepens. When our lips part we both catch our breath and I feel a smile creep onto my lips.
“We should finish the brownies.” Loki says sitting down next to me. I sit up slowly with a sigh. 
“Yeah, we should.” I just answer. Loki gets up on his feet stretching his hands for me to take. I get up and we both go over to the brownie dough. I find a big pan for the dough while Loki turns on the oven to make it ready. The dough gets into the pan and we set it into the oven.
After I set a timer for the brownies, Loki and I just look at each other. Our hair is messy with both flour and cocoa powder in it and our clothes are covered in the ingredients as well. I giggle a little walking over to Loki wrapping my arms around his waist.
“Should we take a bath? I don’t think I can go a minute more with cocoa powder in my hair.” Loki says with a smile looking down at me. Not looking back I nod and he pulls back and takes my hand in his.
We walk down the hallway till we reach Loki’s room. As we enter the familiar scent comes over me and I take a deep breath relaxing. Loki leads me to the bathroom, closing the door behind us when we walk in. We get the water running and we both get undressed ready for the bath. 
“You first, my love.” Loki says gesturing to the big bathtub. I get into the hot water exhaling at the touch of the water. Loki folds the dirty clothes together, putting it into his laundry basket before getting into the tub with me. After getting all the way into the tub he starts moving over to me sitting himself behind me hugging my naked body. I lean into him feeling more relaxed than ever with Loki planting soft kisses on my jaw and neck. The butterflies in my stomach are going wild as I turn my head kissing Loki’s soft, perfect lips once again. God I’m lucky to have this magnificent person as my lover. 
We sit like that with Loki holding me for a little while till we remember we have to be quick with the brownies being in the oven and all. It seems we both remembered at the same time because just a moment later Loki stretched his arm over the edge of the tub grabbing the shampoo.
“May I have the honor of washing your hair?” Loki asks teasingly, making us both laugh a little. I nod eagerly, wanting nothing more than getting all the flour out of my hair. He starts massaging my scalp getting the shampoo into my hair. After that he washes it out, making sure there is no trace of flour left in my hair. We switch and I wash his hair.
We get out of the tub not long after Loki grabs two towels, throwing one at me which I catch easily. We get dry and it then hits me that I don’t have any of my own clothes with me. 
Loki seems to catch up with my thought process letting out a small “Ahh!” before disappearing out of the bathroom, while I take on my underwear. He returns with a handful of clothes, throwing them on the closed toilet seat. He hands me one of the many Thor t-shirts Thor has given him after he came to Earth to live here. I let out a little giggle at the memories of Thor’s puppy-like body language everytime he sees his beloved hammer on a shirt and how he will always scream “See! Y/n! There, Mjölnir on a shirt!” everytime.
We take on our matching pajama pants and I take on the Thor t-shirt, while Loki takes on a t-shirt with his helmet on, or well the t-shirt I gave him a few months back before we even started dating. My phone starts beeping from Loki’s room and I look up at Loki with a grin knowing the delicious snacks are ready at this very moment. I jump out of the bathroom excitedly earning a laugh from Loki.
We walk out of his room and back to the Kitchen which smells purely of brownies. I run over to the oven like any other child would have done looking through the glass “window” of the oven. They look done.
Loki has taken the pot holders on ready to take the brownies out. I open the oven for him, letting him take the pan out. He sets it on the counter next to the stove and I get a knife ready to cut it in pieces. I cut the brownies and I take up a piece for Loki, handing it to him.
“Here you go, my love.” I say as he takes it. I take a piece for myself as well and we both take a bite and as always it is amazing. Never disappoint. We eat a couple pieces more each when I suddenly feel a wave of tiredness come over me. Loki notices my change in body language and starts cleaning up after we have eaten and puts the brownies into the fridge of course remembering to leave a note close to it so there will be something when we wake up. The Avengers are brutal when it comes to food.
Loki comes over picking up my half asleep form from the chair I have sat myself on while he was packing down the brownies. He lifts me to his room laying me on his bed putting the covers over me and lays down next to me.
“I love you Y/n.” Loki whispers, kissing my forehead, making me snuggle into him even more. Like that we both fall asleep in each other's arms.
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Immediately jumping from dark to light, pure white chocolate cookies are up today. I'm still using the same base recipe as the pure black chocolate cookies, but I'm modifying it even more for these cookies.
I'm replacing the cocoa powder with white chocolate cocoa mix, using white chocolate chips, replacing the baking soda with twice as much baking powder, using all white sugar, and using 2 egg whites instead of 1 whole egg. I also added some white food coloring to get these as white as possible. after mixing everything, the dough still felt a bit soft, so I added 1/4 cup flour and chilled the dough before baking. Hopefully all my guesswork results in a good cookie.
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I'd say these turned out pretty good. They're soft and quite chewy, with a little more crispiness around the edges and bottom than the pure black chocolate cookies. The flavor is very sweet and almost purely white chocolate, though the cocoa mix has given a hint of a milk flavor as well. I'd say the base recipe is pretty good if I can change it up this much and still get a good result.
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oursweetlife · 2 years
Triple Chocolate Chip Chewy Cookies
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Welcome to my kitchen Foodies!!!
Oh yum!! What’s that decadent smell?.... 
That’s right foodies, I’ve got cookies in the oven!
I’ve been searching for the perfect cookie recipe for ages!! This little treasure popped out from a pile of discarded recipes and after making it once, I have never looked back.
This rich cookie recipe is my all-time favourite! With just the right amount crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside, it’s sure to be the go-to recipe in any cookie-lover's book.  
While the original recipe calls for dark, milk and white chocolate slabs, I’ve been chopping up slabs of whatever chocolate I could find in the house, and it creates the best flavour combinations! I once used chunks of mini-Snickers. Oh man! The extra chewy factor with the caramel was to die for!  
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Let me show you step by step how I put these babies together. Come bake with me!  
(take a sneak peak at the recipe at the bottom of the page)
Preheat oven to 200 degrees Celsius
Chop up chocolate slabs into chunks. I like mine slightly larger, for the extra crunch when you bite in. Here I have a milky bar slab, dairy milk slab, and a hearty scoop of Belgian chocolate chips:
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3.  Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. I like to chop up the butter into blocks.  
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4.  Your creamed butter and sugar should look like this.
 Crack in your egg:
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5.  Measure out dry ingredients into a bowl. Here, I have Belgian cocoa powder and stone-ground cake flour. 
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6.  Add in dry ingredients little by little to avoid messy flour explosions!
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7. Your dough shouldn’t stick to your fingers when you touch it. If the dough is a bit dry, you can add in a dash of milk at this stage. The richness of the colour will depend on the quality of the cocoa powder you use.
8.  It’s time for chocolate chips! Mix those in there for an even distribution.  
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9.  Next, we line our trays with baking paper, and roll the dough into balls.  Using roughly  a heaped tablespoon for each cookie I was able to yield around 30 cookies.    
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10. I like to press my dough down slightly for a better spread when baking:
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11.   So, 11 minutes later... Look at these 2 trays of heavenly cookies!! Leave these to cool for about 30 minutes. This helps them to harden enough for that chewy goodness. If you are like me and can’t wait to dig in, they’re  pretty good straight out of the oven!
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12. Cold milk and cookies...I won’t be available for a while. Have fun making them and enjoy them with your families(or alone... I won’t judge ;) )
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Trust me, you can’t make these just once!
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You can depend on me for great food and great vibes. I’m always serious about food. Lets Eat, Drink and Love.
Find me at the grub hub, and get a taste of Our Sweet Life. 
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bearcina · 2 years
OC Physical Characteristics
Tagged by @captastra, so I'm gonna fill it for Ophelia!
Long legs. Short legs. Average legs. Slender thighs. Thick thighs. Muscular thighs. Skinny arms. Soft arms. Muscular arms. Lean arms. Toned stomach. Flat stomach. Flabby Stomach. Soft stomach. Six-pack. Beer belly. Lean frame. Beefy/muscular frame. Voluptuous frame. Petite frame. Lanky frame. Short nails. Long nails. Manicured nails(chipped drugstore polish). Dirty nails. Small breast. Average breast. Big breast. Flat ass. Toned ass. Bubble butt. Small waist. Thick waist. Narrow hips. Average hips. Wide hips. Calloused hands. Soft hands. Big hands. Average hands. Small hands. Long fingers. Short fingers. Average fingers. Narrow shoulders. Broad shoulders. Average shoulders. Underweight. Average weight. Overweight.
Shorter than 140 cm. 141 cm-150 cm. 151 cm to 160 cm. 161 cm to 170 cm. 171 cm to 180 cm. 181 cm to 190 cm. 191 cm to 2m. Taller than 2 m.
Pale. Rosy. Olive. Dark. Tanned. Blotchy. Smooth. Acne. Dry. Greasy. Freckled. Scars. Birthmarks.
Small. Large. Average. Grey. Brown. Blue. Violet(purpleberry purple!) Green. Gold. Hazel. Doe-eyed. Close-set. Wide-set. Deep-set. Narrow. Monolid. Heavy eyelids. Upturned. Downturned.
Thin. Thick. Fine. Normal. Greasy. Dry. Soft. Shiny. Curly. Frizzy. Wild. Unruly. Straight. Smooth. Wavy. Floppy. Cropped. Pixie-cut. Afro. Jaw length. Shoulder length. Back length. Waist length. Past hip-length. Buzz cut. Under cut. Shaved. Bald. Weave. Hair extensions. Mohawk. Dreadlocks. Box braids. Faux locs. Mullet. White. Platinum blonde. Golden blonde. Dirty blonde. Blonde. Ombre. Light brown. Mouse brown. Chestnut brown. Golden brown. Chocolate brown. Dark brown. Jet black. Ginger. Red. Auburn. Blue. Pink. Dyed. Thin eyebrows. Average eyebrows. Thick eyebrows. Plucked eyebrows.
Full sleeve. Thigh tattoo. Neck tattoo. Chest tattoo. Back tattoo. Shoulder blade tattoo. One tattoo. Face tattoo. A few here and there. Multiple. No tattoo. Monroe piercing. Nose piercing. Septum. Nipple piercing(s). Genital piercing(s). Industrial piercings. Earlobe piercings. Prince Albert piercing. Eyebrow piercing(s). Tongue piercing(s). Lip piercing(s). Top of the ear. Tragus piercing. Angel bites. Labret. Stretches out ears. Navel piercing. Inverse navel piercing. Cheek piercing(s). Smiley. Nape piercing(s). No piercings.
Eyeliner. Light eyeliner. Heavy eyeliner. Cat eyes. Mascara. Fake eyelashes. Matte lipstick. Regular lipstick. Lipgloss. Lip balm. Red lips. Pink lips. Dark lips. Bronzer. Highlighter. Eyeshadow. Neutral eyeshadow. Smoky eyes. Colorful eyeshadow. Blush. Lipliner. Light contouring. Heavy contouring. Powder. Matte foundation. Shiny foundation. Concealer. BB cream/tinted moisturizer. Wears make-up regularly. Wears it from time to time. Rarely wears make-up.
Floral. Herbal. Earthy. Fruity. Fresh. Perfumes. Aftershave. Cocoa. Moisturizer. Shampoo.(conditioner).Cigarettes. Leather. Sweat. Food. Incense. Marijuana. Cologne. Whiskey. Wine. Fried food. Blood. Fire. Metal. Rain.
Jeans. Tight pants. Overknee socks. Tights. Leggings. Yoga pants. Pencil skirt. Tight skirt. Loose skirt. Tight/Form-fitting dress. Cardigans. Tunic. Blouse. Button up shirt. Band-T-shirt. Sports-T-shirt. Sweatpants. Tanktop. Cut off t-shirt. Designer. High street. Leather jacket. Thrift. Lingerie. Long skirt. Miniskirt. Maxidress. Sun dress. Tie. Tuxedo. Cocktail dress. Highslit dress/skirt. T-shirt. Loose clothing. Tight clothing. Jean shorts. Sweater. Sweater vest. Waistcoat. Khaki pants. Suit. Hoodie. Harem pants. Basketball shorts. Boxers/Boxer-Briefs. Thong. Hotpants. Hipster panties. Bra. Sportsbra. Crop top. Corset. Ballerina skirt. Leotard. Polka dot. Stripes. Glitter. Cotton. Linen. Silk. Lace. Leather. Velvet. Patterns. Florals. Neon colors. Pastels. Light colors. White. Black. Dark colors. Fur/Fauxfur. Revealing clothing. Heavy armor. Medium armor. Light Armor.
Sneakers. Slip-ons. Flats. Slippers. Sandals. High heels. Kitten heels. Ankle boots. Combat boots. Knee-high. Platforms. Stripper heels. Bare feet. Loafers. Oxfords. Gladiator shoes
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stumblngrumbl · 2 years
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Glad to not fuck up the first bread baked in a while... we haven't been into bread the last couple months so i haven't baked much of it, out of practice
I kinda screwed up the chocolate chocolate chip cookies; the last time i wrote that recipe down was obviously not recently as only after the first batch was in the oven did i finally remember later changes. They're still delicious but a bit cake-y (the change: instead of adding a part of cocoa powder to the recipe, instead substitute 1 of 3 parts of flour as cocoa powder - very simple - though be warned, it makes a super dark rich cookie. terrible.)
(in fact i just looked on my blog found a post with the recipe which corroborates my memory)
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Embody Your Favorite Cookie Flavor with These Outfits
Have you ever wanted to create a fashion aesthetic that was uniquely your own? You only have to look as far as your pantry to get some ideas. In fact, your favorite coconut cookie brand may inspire you with its popular flavors.
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You know that cookies can be kind of cute, especially those gluten free coconut cookies you love so much. So, having a few pieces that make people think you look as sweet as a cookie will make getting dressed for the day a special treat. Whether you want this look for yourself or one of your kids, people will fall in love with the cookie fashion vibe.
Enjoy Some Classic Polka Dots
Do polka dots remind you of anything? How about a beautiful cookie sprinkled with sweet chocolate chips? Polka dots have been around for hundreds of years, and while the chocolate chip cookie can’t claim the same history, it’s still a classic cookie everyone loves. You can find a pretty polka-dot blouse or dress in black and white, brown and white, or cream and white to harness some cookie fashion, maybe even while you enjoy chocolate chip coconut cookies.
Embrace the Dark Side (They Have Cookies)
If your look is instead inspired by a dark cacao cookie full of decadent organic cocoa powder and rich coconut, you’ll lean toward deeper shades of elegant dark brown, burgundy, and black. Still, that doesn’t mean you have to look like a queen of darkness. Grab a pair of black jeans (they can be distressed) and a burgundy T-shirt or blouse, and pair them with some white tennis shoes or brown sandals. Don’t forget to add some dark cacao cookies to your tote bag.
Pop on a Bit of Yellow Zest
When lemon cookies are your favorite flavor, you need to bring a pop of zesty yellow to your closet. While you could go all out with a pretty lemon yellow dress (perfect for snacking on cookies during summer), you could also enhance a simple outfit like denim shorts and a white T-shirt with yellow accessories. Wear bangles or sunnies in a lemony hue, and slip some gluten free lemon ginger cookies into a yellow backpack or handbag. Maybe even some bright yellow sneakers will do the job.
Keep It Chic with Creams and Whites
While you might not wear white after Labor Day, if the season is right and it invites you to wear some chic creams and whites, you can harness the energy of a timeless vanilla cookie. Whether you put together an outfit for yourself or your kid, there’s nothing wrong with keeping things crisp and classy. Unlike the pop of lemon, this look evokes a vanilla cookie. It pairs well with accents of color like light pink, blue, green, and purple, so feel free to get creative if you’re dressing a little one. Try styling a pair of off-white shorts with a simple sweater or a white T-shirt (maybe with a colorful image or logo). You can also add colorful bracelets and hair clips to turn up the playfulness if desired.
Coconut cookies are a treat everyone can enjoy, and you know what? Everyone can also enjoy that kind of positive energy in their wardrobe. When you want your fashion choices to remind people of their favorite coconut cookies chocolate chip, dark cacao, vanilla bean, and lemon ginger flavors, just look into your pantry to inspire your wardrobe.
About Emmy’s Organics
Emmy’s Organics wants to bring wholesome, gluten free snacks into everyone’s home with products that are better for the planet and the people. The certified B Corp’s organic cookies feature high-quality ingredients like coconut, almond flour, and agave. They’re the perfect snack or treat for little hands to grab when they need a break from playtime and for adults to enjoy at their desks or as a delicious dessert. You can pack any of Emmy’s Organics' tasty treats for road trips, potlucks, or any busy day. With the original coconut cookies, Brownie Snaps, Coconut Crunch’Ems, and gluten free baking mixes, Emmy’s Organics makes it easy for everyone to enjoy a USDA Certified Organic snack.
Get inspiration for your wardrobe and your daily snacks from https://emmysorganics.com/
Original Source: https://bit.ly/4b7gXk3 
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