#cod gabriel t rorke
bloodyquillink-blog · 2 months
White at Your Wedding, Ghosts HC’s
Prompt: How the Ghosts would react to someone wearing white at your wedding.
A/N🪶: Hello again. To anyone who may have been keeping up with my fic “Sugar and Lemon”, I’m sorry I haven’t been writing. Between creative juices for the fic running out as well as school, I haven’t been as motivated. However, I do want to continue it. I just need to find the right time. I’m doing summer classes otherwise I probably would be working on it now. It’s just overwhelming at this point. But I still want to give y’all something with the Ghosts since I know a lot of people in that part of the fandom don’t usually get a lot unless it’s with (typically) Keegan. Nothing wrong with that, I just want to include more of them, especially more underrated characters like Ajax and David/Hesh. Thanks for reading this blurb <3
HC Note/TW: May include descriptions/mentions of weapons, violence/violent intentions, shitty people, harassment. Please note: I’m gonna make this AU style where Rorke wasn’t turned and no one was killed because I said so. Reader is gn so their groomsmen/bridesmaids will just be referred to as your “friends on the side”. 
I made a separate one for David because I love him, find that here
He was almost done getting ready. Today was finally that day, that beautiful day that he never thought would happen. Between the world gradually being broken down each time it was nearly put back up, he had expected to be killed in action like everyone else. But perhaps fate was on his side for now. He knew better than to expect everything to run smoothly, though. 
With two different people from two different families, someone was bound to have some opinions. It was just a matter of whether or not they voiced it. Of course, he had made plans just in case. He was getting married to you and there was no way in hell, heaven or on this Earth someone was going to stop that. They could interrupt the wedding all they wanted to, however they pleased. They could set the whole damn thing on fire, but he’d still marry you. 
He tried not to think about how beautiful you’d look, lest he start blushing. It didn’t work but the attempt was worth it, despite the pestering the other Ghosts would no doubt lay upon him. 
The time came and he stood on the slightly elevated stage, groomsmen and best man at his side. Normally, he doesn’t wear white but this is a wedding… his wedding… his and yours wedding. His back was to the hallway you would walk out of, so he kept looking to the faces of his friends and family for any indication. His heart beat was relatively controlled… and then the music began playing… and they smiled… and the officiant gave him the look to turn around. So he did.
And by God, you were ethereal. He couldn’t tell if his heart stopped or was beating so fast he could no longer feel it. His brain was short-circuiting. You had made your way up to the stage, your friends on the side smiling. He just stared, had he been smiling since he saw you? His cheeks were hurting already. You looked up at him, your smile like the sun, he couldn’t care less about going blind if it meant the image of you would be imprinted in his eyes.
Logan Walker
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This man would be trying so hard not to panic.
He almost gets whiplash from how fast his head turned to David who, alongside Merrick, would pipe up and tell off the person.
Logan would have been prepared in a rather classy way. 
See… There’s a thing where, if someone wears white at a wedding, especially a dress, the bridesmaids can take wine and pour it on them, effectively ruining the dress.
Logan absolutely has heard of this and got your friends the cheapest wine possible.
Logan looks at your friends and signals to them to get the wine. 
One of them moves around closer to them so their attention is away from the friends with the wine.
David and Merrick tell them that they need to leave.
As they get up to get in their face, wine is poured on them.
They yell and fuss, claiming you and Logan are going to pay for their outfit as they stomp out of the room. 
You, not having expected this, stand there. Your hands are held by Logans and your mouth hangs open.
Your friends smile at you, David and Merrick chuckling to themselves as they all come back to their original positions.
You struggle to form coherent words.
“Did you- when did- where’d the wine come from?! Was that planned?!”
And the wedding continues, the smell of wine and the sound of laughter flowing through the air.
Elias T. “Scarecrow” Walker'
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You know this man would be willing to drag out the guilty party himself. 
I fully believe he’d pick them up and carry them outside. 
Otherwise he’d probably set up his other comrades to be guards so people don’t try to get in.
I could imagine it being an old ex or probably a family member he hates. None of the soldiers he knows would dare do that to someone like him, he’s garnered so much respect from them over the years.
Any one of his friends, whether groomsmen or guests, I know they’d all stick up for him as he just watches with a smile.
Thomas A. Merrick
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Roasts the ever loving shit out of whoever is wearing white.
“If you’re gonna wear white, at least pick an outfit that fits you right.”
“Did you get that from Walmart? I think I saw that when I went last week.”
“That would look better on Riley, but hey, who am I to judge?”
I know the person would willingly walk out without having to be escorted, due to embarrassment.
Gabriel T. Rorke
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I can’t see him having a very public wedding. There is a very short list of people allowed and if there’s someone he doesn’t know, he’s meeting them beforehand.
If someone dared to wear white, well…
As all eyes are on them as they stand, showing off the color that was only meant for the two of you, he takes the opportunity since everyone is distracted.
He slowly reaches and shifts his white suit jacket, lifting just the edge, enough for the offender to see the gun, or other weapon, he has tucked away.
He lets go so he looks normal again, while the person is left with wide eyes, suddenly nervous.
They leave with minimal issue and everything resumes, people are left confused but eventually shrug it off as Rorke having intimidated them with his presence alone.
Keegan P. Russ
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Keegan would be the type where, prior to the wedding, he expects everyone to show what they are planning on wearing.
He makes sure the two of you set guidelines so it is absolutely clear that if anyone tries to come in wearing white, they will be thrown out and not allowed back in. 
This man does not leave room for error. 
He takes advantage of having your friends/family’s (bridesmaids/groomsmen) contact info so he can keep an eye on everything.
Would absolutely sweet talk your grandparents or parents into keeping him informed whenever possible, especially if there’s gossip (Keegan loves gossip and you can’t tell me otherwise).
Alex V. “Ajax” Johnson
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He wouldn’t bring weapons like Rorke or make snide comments like Merrick.
This is a man of respect, and while he’d be annoyed, he’d be prepared.
As people turned around and gasped and gossiped, he’d remain calm and relaxed despite his comrades wanting to push the person out.
He’d want them to be politely escorted out and you wouldn’t have to do anything.
Naturally, he’s fuming but this is your wedding after all. He maintains his composure.
If the person speaks up, they’ll be escorted out. If not, I can imagine him letting them stay, not wanting to waste time and probably continuing to marry you out of spite and right before the dinner, they suddenly aren’t allowed in.
They’re edited out of any photos they may have forced their way into, everyone basically ignores them. 
I love you, Ajax <3
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This guy is just getting married privately.
Mostly just because regular weddings are so hectic and frankly, he isn’t much of a people person but he still wants to marry you.
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obioxide · 2 months
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something something Twitter something something I forgot I had tumblr anyways
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aoioozora · 10 days
Romantically sharing a bed with the Ghosts
I wrote a platonic version, and so, why not a romantic version? Enjoy the fluff ;))
Logan Walker:
Once the two of you are alone and it's only one bed, you can bet he'll drop all his stuff and tackle you into the bed
He's tired, but has enough energy to tackle you
"Hey!" you exclaim, giggling, and he just stuffs his face in your chest, happily hugging you
Holds you like a koala and doesn't let go
He doesn't let you change into comfortable clothes, and neither does he change; he's already asleep
You just smile and run your hand through his hair before falling asleep yourself.
David 'Hesh' Walker:
Gets in bed first and opens his arms to you
"Come here." He doesn't have to say it twice. You're already crawling in bed and laying your head on his chest
He puts his arms around you and gives you a squeeze.
As you fall asleep, you can hear him softly singing a song and rubbing his thumb on your cheek
He is warm and cozy like a hot chocolate on a cold wintry day, you feel so safe with him
He gives you a kiss on your forehead <3
Thomas Merrick:
He's used to sleeping alone, and so sharing a bed with you is always a pleasure
He sees you laying on the bed, and he carefully gets in.
"Hey Tommy," you giggle when you see him and you open your arms out for him to come closer. He rolls his eyes. "Don't call me that," he says, but moves closer to you.
He wraps his burly arm around you and pulls you close, careful not to put his weight on top of you and accidentally crush you in the process
He rubs your back and your hair to lull you to sleep.
You gratefully give him a peck on his lips and you hear him shyly grumble
Keegan Russ:
"Why are you so far away? Come closer," he demands. Clingy man. He doesn't like being even 2 meters away from you.
If you don't close the gap, he will.
He'll spoon you and bury his face in your neck, giving it a couple kisses before falling asleep in your hair.
At some point at night, he will put his leg over your hip
You gotta be careful not to let him crush you under his weight
Normally a bit frisky but when he's dead tired, he's just adorable
"Sleeeepy," he whines and then proceeds to get tangled up in bed with you
Has you in a vice grip like he's a cobra around a mouse and you have to beg him to loosen up so you can breathe
Holds you like you're a body pillow
Will drool over you so be careful lol
Alex 'Ajax' Johnson:
He has you sleeping on top of him, wanting you to use him as your personal bed
He loves having your weight on top of him
He gets to hug you like you're his teddy bear
If he does need to switch positions after some time, he'll make sure to move you very gently so as to not wake you up
When he sees you fall asleep, he has to fight off his cuteness aggression and his urge to punch a wall to feel manly again because of how cute you look asleep
Elias 'Scarecrow' Walker:
Elias likes to have his face in your chest (Logan has to get it from somewhere), arms around your waist, and your legs around his hips.
Halfway through the night, he'll make sure it's your turn to lay on his chest.
Loves to rub your back, your shoulders, run his fingers through your hair-- just loves giving you gentle massages. It's soothing to you and to him.
You can be sure you'll find his hand under your shirt, rubbing your bare back and your waist. He likes some skin-to-skin.
He's your personal whisper ASMRtist. Expect sweet nothings and him grumbling a quiet "good girl"
BONUS - Gabriel Rorke:
Cannot keep his hands off you once you two are in bed.
He'll pull you to his chest and have his arm around you, rubbing your arm and your shoulder
If you can't sleep, he'll begin to talk to you in excruciating detail about some science or military related topic until it bored you to sleep
He's a chill cuddler, not too clingy, but just enough to let you know he loves and wants physical closeness with you
When you're asleep, he'll gaze at you admiringly like you're a work of art and then give you a tender kiss, either on your forehead or your cheek
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gunnrblze · 21 days
He is insaneeee for saying this to Logan💀
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“If you make it out of this kid, come find me! There’s always room for one more!”
Like aside from the fact the he ended up kidnapping Logan at the end anyways, you mean to tell me you just got done bamboozling the Ghosts plan to take you down, and decided to finish that off with “hey, come betray your family, country, and morals when you’re done!” before watching him fall to what could very likely be his death? yea that’s villain shit LMFAO
The fact that he must’ve clocked that he liked Logan specifically, much in advance, before deciding to nap his ass is interesting to me. Your ex lover Lieutenant brought his sons into the arena to help defeat you and you’re just like “ahh…the little one…I think I’ll pick him” 😭?? The foreshadowing, the manipulation…its chefs kiss. Why did he like Logan so much vs Hesh? Why did he choose to take him? In this essay I will…
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feds done turned him emo
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capt-zjaybird · 2 months
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(based on true events I do not regret attempting)
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creeping-willow · 3 months
If they ever do make a ghosts 2 (I doubt it but it'd be nice to finally see it 😭) my ideal continuation wouldn't be an immediate aftermath. I want years to have past, I want Hesh to be far more mature and mellowed out, finally forgiving himself and knowing there was nothing he could've done to save his brother. I want him to be convinved Logan is dead, and while the thought pains him, hes learned to carry on and live the life Logan would've wanted him to.
I need Hesh to come to the chilling realization that his brother has been alive all these years. While he's moved on to the best of his abilities, his brother has been endlessly tortured and broken, over and over until he's finally the perfect soldier Rorke envisioned.
I want Logan to come back with just as strong of a vendetta that Rorke had against the Ghosts, blaming Hesh like Rorke did Elias for leaving him, for not saving him. I want Logan to be filled with guilt, but also filled with anger and hatred for his brother; and all of the other Ghosts.
I desperately want Infinity Ward to focus in on the parallels between Rorke and Logan, and Elias and Hesh. To have Hesh realize there's nothing he can do to save his brother, but still try to get through to him, even if he knows deep down he'll never get Logan back.
I don't want the game to have a "happy" ending. Maybe a bitter sweet one, but I don't want Logan to just fully snap back to how he was. I think an ending where Logan turns against Rorke would be interesting, but I don't want it to just happen suddenly. I want them to draw it out, to gradually show Logan remembering the truth, and slowly getting away from Rorke. Maybe not directly to Hesh, but I do think an ending where Logan kills Rorke would be the best ending to the game tbh
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Rorke: When you dip your fries in ketchup, no one bats an eye
Rorke: But when you dip your balls in Big Mac sauce...society
Elias, in tears, shaking violently: One dinner. I just wanted ONE dinner--
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bigboy-lovers-unite · 22 days
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maymaylyn · 4 days
Rorke is taking his loyal lieutenant for a night out that ends like this….
Looking for a quiet Saturday night out. You make the unfortunate mistake of locking eyes with a tanned, worn-out-looking, large man from across the bar. He was sitting back in a booth, legs wide, with a man who looked just as, if not more, in need of a good drink. The man next to him looked younger, but not by much. Taking in their appearance quickly, as the bigger man's eyes felt like sin piercing your skin, the smirk on his face didn't help. You could tell they were military or at least something along those lines with their build. A good-looking pair enjoying whiskey, it looked. Or was it bourbon? The low light and the fire in the stranger's eyes made it hard to focus on anything.
Turning your attention to the beer before you, picking at the label. You deserved this after a week of hell at work. It only took one look to know you were in trouble and fuck, look where it got you.
You feel a calculated hand on the back of your neck, squeezing just enough to know through his heat that they are the hands of a killer. Eyes rolling back in your skull, the younger man underneath you grabbed your hair and pulled you in a desperate kiss. It was wet, with all teeth and tongue, and plain as day, that it had been a while for him. There was a deep chuckle behind you from the man with a grip on your neck.
“Easy Elias, just breath.”
Moaning out into ‘Elias’s’ mouth and grinding down on him, you could hear the unmistakable command in his voice. Put between two dominant men wasn't how you thought this night would end, but hell, like it was your place to complain. You felt the other man’s breath on your ear, taking air in as he brushed his lips down your neck. Like a flower, you opened up for him like he was the sun. Feeling both of their hands squeezing where they desire, you smile uncontrollably.
The enjoyment from you didn't go unnoticed as you could feel the stranger behind you. Giving you a gruff laugh as his hands went to the fat on your hips, yanking up to be flush with his. Pulling your too-tight skirt up and pulling your panties to the side, he paid no mind to your yelp of shock at his boldness. Letting out a deep ‘fuck’ under his breath when he saw how wet you were.
“How wet is she, Gabe?”
You lost yourself in the feeling of rough fingers running through your dewy petals. Suddenly, ‘Gabe’ pulled his fingers from you. Opening your eyes and letting out a wine of disappointment, your mouth soon dropped as your heart stopped beating. ‘Gabe’ took his finger covered in your wetness and immediately put them in ‘Elias’s’ mouth. He seemed just as shocked but didn't miss a beat as he began to suck. Moaning and licking around his friend's thick fingers, he bucked his hips into the open air. ‘Gabe’ came back close to your unmoving face. His laugh was haunting.
“What do you think, sweetheart? Think he likes your honey?”
What the fuck did you get yourself into?
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bloodyquillink-blog · 5 months
Animals, CoD Ghosts HC’s
What animals/creatures are the Ghosts?
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A/N🪶: These are just my options! Feel free to send me yours. These are for all the Ghosts, including former, deceased and current within the Ghosts game. This list will include Rorke, Ajax and Elias Walker. Also this is going to be formatted differently from the first HC, Natural Disasters.
David “Hesh” Walker - German Shepard
Hesh is loyal, probably to a fault. Willing to do whatever it takes to protect the ones he loves and get the job done, even if he gets injured in the process.
^ Bringing me to my next point, Hesh is very protective of his family. The mere idea of anyone getting hurt is enough to get this man baring his teeth and attacking.
In the Natural Disasters list, I mentioned that Hesh, according to Urban Dictionary, means courageous, another trait of German Shepards.
One more trait that applies is also Shepards, really any animal in general, being alert as well. This is a given, though, considering he is a soldier in active war zones especially with such effective and deadly enemies. He needs to make every second count and can’t afford to slack in these areas.
I should mention that Shepards are obedient yet stubborn. Hesh knows when to listen to his superiors but he’ll easily let you know when he doesn’t agree with something. Think about when Merrick, Keegan and Elias (mask on) picked them up and Hesh was yelling about their dad still being caught in the crossfire. Merrick got Hesh to sit his ass down but Hesh was clearly not happy about it, understandably.
Logan Walker - Mountain Lion
Mountain lions can’t roar and Logan can’t, or —depending on your headcanons, consciously chooses not to— talk.
Logan finds other methods of communicating, for example, when he and Keegan were about to bust into the room to get to Ajax, Logan used his fingers to count down.
The National Wildlife Federation website says “Mountain lions are territorial and solitary. They use pheromones and physical signs… to define their territory.” (Mountain Lion, Fun Fact.)
Mountain lions are known for being very stealthy predators, again a given considering the fact we’re talking about the Ghosts.
The Mountain Lion Foundation describes them as being relentless hunters which almost connects it to the wiki quote for Logan that calls him a cold-blooded killer and an excellent soldier (CoD Ghosts: Wiki, Logan Walker, Personality.).
Elias T. “Scarecrow” Walker - Black Bear
Scary but not as scary as you may expect.
While Elias is certainly ready to do his job at any point no matter how bloody, he still has his weak spots, that being his sons.
He’s caring but while be stoic when necessary. He’s not territorial but will protect his friends and family when the time calls for it.
Also one detail I find cute about bears is that they have DNA relation to dogs, albeit very distant. I like to call bears giant murder puppies :D
Thomas A. Merrick - Grizzly Bear
I want to say that grizzly bears are often considered to be more dangerous than black bears and more likely to attack if given a reason to.
Both grizzlies and black bears can charge but where black bears may shift away at the last second and avoid attacking, grizzlies may continue to charge and attack their target (once again I’m thinking about Merrick punching Rorke because it just makes me laugh, that man was not ready).
Of course, Merrick is dangerous but he knows when the time is and isn’t appropriate despite his temper. Merrick is a big dude too, so I think this works (“stocky”).
Gabriel T. Rorke - Polar Bear
Once he has his sights on you, you’re already gone.
Hehe, polar bears are mighty dangerous.
Polar bears are bigger and stronger sometimes, but other time grizzlies and polars can be about the same in build.
Polar bears are more likely to attack considering they have fewer resources for food and typically eat a lot as well.
Fun fact: Polar bears don’t hibernate.
^^^ Piggy backing off that, Rorke doesn’t seem to be resting. He’s always planning something, whether it be a plan B or future plans.
He’s a very large and commanding presence who will find alternatives when desperate, willing to do what he must to make sure his plans are completed.
Keegan P. Russ - Leopard
Fast, sneaky. You don’t know he’s there until it’s too late.
Fun Fact: Leopards can roar. Keegan, though very quiet, stills speaks and intimidates with his voice when necessary.
Leopard’s are solitary and ambush hunters, I don’t need to explain this but I will.
If you recall, Rorke had a lot of trouble getting his nasty ass hands on Keegan after kidnapping the Walker family and Merrick.
His first objective was to find Keegan. In my eyes, it’s because he knows that as long as Keegan is alive, Rorke isn’t safe.
Like many animals, leopards care for one another, seen with families. I think Keegan is a very caring person but he avoids showing it often, which is fair.
Keegan continuously checks in with Logan throughout the game. In the underwater mission, he made sure Logan was okay. If you look closely when walking behind Keegan on the submarine, Keegan turns his head back to us briefly.
Alex V. “Ajax” Johnson - Elephant
Ajax is smart and powerful, I want to say he’s very determined.
In the short time we knew him, he was very stubborn as well. He didn’t give up anything and held out for a while. Though he was a lower rank than the other characters.
In his last moments, he made sure the last Ghosts knew what was happening in a last ditch effort to keep them safe and aware.
It’s hard to pin down super specific traits due to the fact that elephants can exhibit many and there’s not much we can give to Ajax.
I want to say that Ajax was more laid-back with his friends and comrades, leaving his bold energy for those who don’t deserve his respect ( insert the iconic scene where Ajax puts up his middle finger right at the Federation soldier ).
Like all the animals and characters on this list, Ajax was dangerous when necessary. He wasn’t spending every moment trying to be scary or intimidating or anything. He’s confident in himself and his abilities and he doesn’t need anyone else to speak up for him.
The respect we hear given to him by the Ghosts after his death was well deserved.
Love you, Ajax <3
Kick - Monitor Lizard
Some kind of reptile (I was so tempted to put him as a Gila Monster but I can’t do that to my best boi).
I’d say probably a water monitor.
These lizards, which can grow to 9 feet btw, don’t surprise their prey, but “actively pursue” them.
While these creatures have venom, but it’s not necessarily fatal.
Kick is definitely dangerous when he’s needed but it’s not like a “I am the grim reaper.” type of thing, it’s more like “I have a job to do and you won’t be in my way.”.
These creatures are known for being intelligent which lines up with Kick’s likely (not confirmed?) role as an information specialist.
The main thing that doesn’t quite line up is the fact that water monitors can be friendly whereas Kick is, if not more stand-offish, then solitary. I do imagine that he eventually opens up, but he’s definitely more comfy with his computers.
Neptune - Owl
I imagine that Neptune, being one of the original Ghosts, is very wise, though more subtle. I can’t think of what kind of owl he’d be, maybe snowy.
I mostly just wanted to include him here. Feel free to add onto him.
Riley… Riley
The most dangerous creature ever, himself.
World’s Best Throat-Snatcher over here being a cutie patootie with blood on his maw. 10/10 best boi.
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howtotwirlaknife22 · 5 days
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A/N: okay, so after careful consideration and re writing my oc’s story a million times, I’ve come to the realization that the story is simply too long to post in one giant fic like I was originally planning to do so I have decided to break her story up into different parts. This story will be getting progressively darker as I post more parts, but this prologue will be a little sliver of what’s to come. Viewer discretion is advised, and none of what is described in the story is real or encouraged in real life (hopefully obvious, but just for warning).
❗️TW’s❗️: NSFW, cannon typical violence, descriptions of torture, descriptions of sexual and physical abuse, descriptions of broken bones and teeth, descriptions of violence against a female, descriptions of a higher spiritual power, some(?) inaccurate descriptions of military operations.
A fist went swinging.
It connected with a jaw, then there was a crunch. Blood. Teeth. A pathetic whimper, followed by shallow breathing. A woman, her ankles and wrists bound behind her, lay on her side in an awkward position. She had been stripped down to her underwear, and seemed to be covered in various injuries. A different finger broken on each hand, fractured ribs and bruises covering her from head to toe. A few cuts were still fresh, and blood trickled down her body and dripped onto the floor under her. One side of her hair was shorter than the other, as it had been cut and shaved haphazardly. She had multiple burns, and handprints were coupled with bite marks in certain areas. She was physically dirty. She looked as though she hadn’t taken a shower in months, which wasn’t far off from the reality. Her curly hair was matted in the places that weren’t cut off, and if she had a mirror to look into, she knew she would for sure have deep bags under her eyes. A man crouched down in front of her. The man who threw the punch. The man who caused all of this in the first place. He let out a deep chuckle before he finally spoke.
“I gotta say, you’re one hell of a fighter little lady. I wasn’t expecting you to last as long as you have.”
She didn’t acknowledge him. Her breathing was labored, and she tried her best to keep her mind off the immense pain she was in by staring at a crack in the concrete wall. She had become fond of that specific crack for this reason exactly. Every kick, every punch, and every touch she received could have sent a normal person over the edge. But she tried to keep calm and recall her training, and she redirected her mind towards the crack in the wall. The man suddenly grabbed her by her matted hair, and yanked her head up to look at him. She let out a pained groan, and his eyes raked down her face. She opened her one good eye, the one that wasn’t swollen, and met his dark gaze. He cracked a small smirk, and balled up his fist in her dark hair. She winced and opened her bloody mouth to make a noise, but nothing came out. The man began to speak again, his voice lower this time. “You know the drill sweetheart. All you have to do is chirp, tell us those codes, and we’ll send you right back home. And If you make it difficult for us, well…I think you’ve already gotten a good taste of what happens..” she searched his dark eyes for any hint of sympathy, or regret. Or any form of pity at all. But there was nothing. She mustered up all of the strength that she had left, and spat out a glob of blood at his face. He recoiled in disgust and let go of her, letting her fall to the hard ground. He growled as he wiped the blood off of his face and turned back to her, rage radiating off his being. He walked to her, placing his boot on her face. “Y’know, you’re a stubborn one that’s for sure. But we’ll see how tough you are after you spend a couple days in the cooler. How’s that sound?” He pressed harder on her head, earning a muffled whine from her. She felt like her head was about to explode. She felt helpless. She never felt connected to any deity out there, but in that moment, she prayed that someone would be her savior. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could survive without help. She wondered where her team was, what they were doing in this very moment. She wondered if they ever completed their mission, and she wondered if they were all safe. She could only hope and pray they were. She began to feel herself slipping in and out of consciousness, and she started recounting the events that led to her capture once more, wondering where she went wrong, and what she could have avoided. The last thing she noticed before she finally passed out, was the man speaking to a soldier. Only he wasn’t an average federation soldier, he had different gear from the others. He didn’t have the usual helmet, just a mask. Her vision began to tunnel in, and she felt the exhaustion begin to overtake her consciousness.
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aoioozora · 20 days
"I wanna ruin our friendship, we should be lovers instead."
Logan: [smirking] Yeah, why not?
David: [beaming] Thought you'd never ask!
Elias: Ruin? Being lovers would make our friendship grow by leaps and bounds!
Merrick: [holding back] ... say less.
Keegan: Sure I'm down [internal screaming]
Kick: [happily rolling eyes] Took you long enough.
Ajax: [eyes sparkling] Yes. Absolutely yes.
Rorke: Just say the word and I'm yours.
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heshwalker-husband · 13 days
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Old yaoi men, why not? 🤭
This is not my art!!!
Credits to ectotestify on X !!
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gunnrblze · 1 month
Thinking about what Elias said in the Legends Never Die mission.
“To us, Rorke was a legend. The man could walk through hell and not get burned. Ghosts were the best of the best, but Rorke was the reason we were feared.”
Not only was he That Fucking Guy (which we knew) but the way Elias talks about him with that reverence in his voice is gonna kill me everytime. You should’ve kissed him on the mouth when you had a chance dawg
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POV: you’re a tango and you see this mf (start praying)
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