#codemaster hotekk
vidavs-refectorium · 5 months
Oh god, imagine that Chaotic censors the players' speech so they keep in line with age restriction codes. Imagine trying to explain censor beeps to Creatures.
Wytod: Is that why players go silent sometimes? What do the CodeMasters consider inappropriate, apart from cursing? CodeMaster Hotekk approaches Wytod. He puts a hand on the OverWorlder's shoulder, shaking his head and exhaling.
Hotekk: Wytod, we've known each other awhile, right? Trust me, you don't wanna know. Give a man a mask, or a digital avatar...
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askchaoticgame · 1 year
To the code masters.
1. What would happen if a human got infected with a danian parasite?
2. Would they gain there own card if they did?
3. has this every happened before in chaotic's?
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"There is the matter of an individual's security, so we cannot address matters about specific players in a public statement.
However, what we can say is that we do know what happens."
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"Let's say that we discourage players from trying to get Infected. It's not something to dare about or press your luck with, although I really shouldn't have to say that."
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What animal from Earth would be weird to see in Perim?
Hotekk: More like which animal wouldn't be weird in Perim. But to answer your question, if we're talking about the animalia kingdom, I haven't seen a creature like the tardigrade... This ask reminds me of the time CodeMaster Chirrul showed OverWorlders pictures of their feral counterpart once. Either they were confused, weirded out, or disturbed.
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perimportcourt · 10 months
Chaotic concept: The master tower
Having an arcade just for players who just want to have fun, but I think there should be a section for competitive players.
When a player defeats a codemaster, they don’t just received a scan, but gain access to a section in Chaotic: The master tower.
Each floor of the tower is dedicated to a codemaster and their battle strategy specialty:
Crellan‘s floor is dedicated to Perim’s history. The floor is divided into sections for each of the tribe’s history. Players can read translated textbooks from Perim to learn about their favorite tribe history or culture.
Hotekk’s floor covers creature’s abilities and biology. The floor is similar to Crellan’s, with sections for each of the tribes. Players can discover creatures unique abilities, like Mipedian’s invisibility to create strategies for chaotic matches.
Amzen’s floor collects info on battlegear. The floor is decorated with replicas of battlegear and battlegear blueprints. Players can learn the history of their creation, their Inventor and functions of battlegear.
Oron’s floor documents mugic and their creation. The floor can allow players to interact with instruments that aid muges to hid a tune for a mugic.
Tirasis’s floor covers on locations’s geography, ecology and zoology. Maps of locations are displayed in detail on tables or on walls on the floor. Players can learn about the effects of locations and the wildlife that inhabits the locations.
Imthor’s floor archives mythology, legends and folklore of Perim. Players can read about many versions of myths of the Cothica to a ghost haunting Maxxor’s castle.
Chirrul’s floor gathers info on attacks and their history. Players can learn how attacks were created and how they can use them in matches.
Rumor has it, if a player defeated all the Codemasters, they access to an eight floor in the tower.
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ask-the-codemasters · 4 years
Alright. Tell us your most embarassing loss!
Crellan: I lost a match with Hotekk because I used the wrong mugic. Meant to use a Song of Resurgence... turned out I picked Surge Song in the drome. So, Hotekk just hid until the mugic wore off.
Hotekk: Can’t remember one.
Chirrul: Liar, he’s still salty about losing to MajorTom’s weird battle team. Anyway, most embarrassing loss... That’d have to be when I lost to a sleepwalker. The guy just passed out during the last match and I was looking at the camera like “look at this guy”. Then, he started sleepwalking and he shot me in the back. 
Amzen: Once, I had a Codemaster battle with another player that got real heated. So heated, I didn’t notice there was a tree root behind me... I tripped and my opponent got to code me.
Oron: I was driving a drilldozer and hit reverse instead of the gas, while right behind a cliff.
Imthor: A kid called me ‘Imthot’ while I was sneaking up on him. I laughed, he heard me, I got coded.
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gale-dragon-writer · 3 years
Chaotic Reboots and Fixes Extensions: Battle-Kiosks & Admins.
Continuing on my Chaotic Reboots and Fixes post. I'll be explaining more on two of the Reboots and Fixes ideas I talked about in that. Onto the AIs! ~}i{~
Starting off, there are 8 Battle-Kiosks with each one corresponding to a specific BattleDrome. These Battle-Kiosks are AIs programmed into their respective BattleDrome (not completely replacing the DromeMasters, but they just add more to what they do). They keep the matches in order so there are no overlapping matches, reminding Players about their scheduled matches for their respective Battledome, keeps track of Players' streaks for a match against their respective BattleDrome Codemaster, keeps an active eye on the Matches for any hints of cheating, keeps track of which Players are currently banned from using their respective Battledome and for how long, and keeps any and all official bets/wagers made on Matches in fair reason as well as makes sure that the losing party(s) pays their wager. While they don't have a solid body, they use a hologram form with generic cybernetic features but each hologram "wears" the same coloured robes as their respective Code Master.
For the Battle-Kiosk for the Crellan Drome, the hologram wears blue robes. For the Battle-Kiosk for the Hotekk Drome, the hologram wears white. For the Battle-Kiosk for the Amzen Drome, the hologram wears yellow. For the Battle-Kiosk for the Oron Drome, the hologram wears green. For the Battle-Kiosk for the Tirasis Drome, the hologram wears orange. For the Battle-Kiosk for the Imthor Drome, the hologram wears gold and white. For the Battle-Kiosk for the Chirrul Drome, the hologram wears purple. For the Battle-Kiosk for the Beta Drome, the hologram wears red, green, and blue.
While the Battle-Kiosks don't have given names; Tom, Kaz, Sarah, and Peyton don't like calling them Battle-Kiosks. So they've been calling them Ceil, Tekken, Zenny, Clover, Tira, Imo, Chir, and Beta (they're listed in the same order as the Battledromes listed above). The Battle-Kiosks don't mind the Main 4 giving them names and calling them by those name, but they will verbally reprimand anyone inside their respective BattleDrom if they hear them making fun of or harassing the Main 4's little quirk.
The 8 Battle-Kiosks do have little quirks that show when interacting with the Players. Ceil can be a little snippy when the players taunt or tease their opponents. Tekken prefers that the Players arrive at their matches a little earlier than scheduled. Zenny likes to try to crack a joke after a battle match (Payton likes that about Zenny). Clover had overridden the code bits to green rather than blue-&-white in the Oron Drome. Tira always tries to motivate the loser of the Match to do better in the next match. Imo has a tendency to play soft music during the matches. Chir has a low tolerance for Tribe-bias in the Chirrul Drome and will reprimand players that belittle players that prefer a particular Tribe, sometimes to the point of disqualifying both players from the match if they continue that behaviour (Strangely, a lot of players seem to forget this and tend to do the Tribe-bias matches in the Chirrul Drome). Beta enjoys helping new players and some of the Challange Matches that players like doing (Beta keeps a record of all the Challenges to keep in case another player wishes to use the challenge [ie, like the Mega Matches}).
Now for the Admins...
Admins are pretty much AIs in cybernetic bodies that wander around Chaotic keeping their eyes and ears open for any players not adhering to the Rules of Chaotic. This is their main priority and will default to doing this when not asked to oversee matches. There are easily close to 500 different Admins functioning at once in Chaotic.
The Admins are also programmed to answer any questions that the players have in regards to Chaotic. While they can't/not allowed to formulate any battle plans for the players, they can recommend certain Mugic, Battlegear, and Locations that can work with certain creatures. The Admins are programmed to be unbiased in regards to the Tribes of Perim, so they can answer any questions regarding the facts of each of the Tribes.
While the Admins are normally found in Chaotic, they can travel to Perim if necessary. They more port-in at populated areas, such as cities or popular landmarks, than more remote locations because they do check-ins with Battlegear Makers. This is more to ensure the safety of the players and the creatures who use the Battlegears. They also assist in enforcing the security for storing Battlegear for each of the Tribes (The Tribes don't mind the Admins that much because they are programmed to not care about the wars and they're surprisingly good at analyzing the security system to improve them). The Admins do encrypt these security details with different coding so the other Tribes don't try to use the Admins to bypass the security for the other Tribes. The Danians do have some respect for the Admins because they somewhat operate like a hive too.
Like the Battle-Kiosks, the Admins have their own little quirks and don't have given names. However, they do have identifying glyphs on the location of their upper left chest in order to tell the Admins apart. Tom, Kaz, Payton, and Sarah have taken to giving the Admins names based on the identifying glyphs on their chests. (I'm just going to list the five that the main Cast interacts with the most)
Admin AVRI: The Main 4 like to call this one Avery. This Admin always seems to run into the four no matter where they are. This Admin is the one that they interact with the most and they consider Avery their friend.
Admin EDWRD: The Main 4 like to call this one Edward or Eddy. This Admin is usually found patroling around the BetaDrome. This one has a tendency to listen to music during their off-time.
Admin C1RT1C: The Main 4 like to call this one Critic. This one seems to enjoy watching movies during their off-time, so the name given to this one is on point.
Admin 1V: The Main 4 like to call this one Ivy. This Admin has a data bank of all plant life in Perim and knows where to find what species of plants.
Admin BL8K: The Main 4 like to call this one Blake. This Admin is always seen with a book in hand and has modified their cybernetic body to have extra eyes so they can read and patrol at the same time.
The Admins collectively keep an extra eye on the more "Troublesome Players" (Take two guesses on who those are) or Players who have accumulated a lot of negative rep or suspicious behaviour.
Until more Ideas develope~.
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transcending-chaos · 5 years
Based on your headcanon about Sobtjek and Imthor getting along, would any of the other Masters get along with a certain creature(s)?
-Crellan is generally the CodeMaster everyone knows and speaks to the most. He gets along with almost every leader (Mudeenu insists on being stubborn) and is both very polite and formal, as well as steadfast when they start being unreasonable. He’s the best diplomat.
-Chirrul regularly visits Illexia and shares tea with her, always making sure to bring new varieties. He enjoys sharing polite conversation, as well as spending time with her since she can’t really move too much. Her guards also like his company as he brings them new types of honey and makes an effort to include then in any exchanges
-Hotekk gets along with most M’Arrillians, mostly because he radiates the same sort of authoritative aura they’re used to thus they tend to seek him out. He’s friendly and cordial to them, something many are not familiar with
-Oron comes off as intimidating and stoic, though he’s often panicking behind his mask. He’d probably get along really well with most anyone, but he doesn’t really approach them often. His removal makes him seem enigmatic, but he’s just shy
-Amzen and Tirasis are also known for being intimidating, but it’s because they’ve both been challenged to fights before. They both have won. They are not to be trifled with.
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cordacfalls · 7 years
Codemaster Headcanons:
Tirasis is obsessed with Mr. Robot, but also loudly points out any inaccuracies when it comes the computer portions of the show.
Oron strives to be Bob Ross
The more you get to know Hotekk, the more chance there is you might like him, but the more you get to know Tirasis, the more you might not like him
Amzen owns every Elder Scrolls game on every system they are available
Imthor is stressed. Always.
Oron is the oldest Codemaster, and the only one married + with kids. His wife knows about his job co-owning and creating an online card game, but doesn’t play it herself or know about the other world. His children don’t know either (being too young) but if they play in the future he doesn’t mind, though he does find himself having moral struggles about whether he should or if it’s fair to tell them he’s a Codemaster + some of the other secrets.
Chirrul knows sign language and takes care of all things pertaining to Players with disabilities
Crellan has a stereotypical large Italian family
Imthor is the mastermind behind it all. He won’t even tell the other Codemaster how he came across the world of Perim but he is the one who found it and gathered them all to make the game of Chaotic.
Amzen online and in real life are two very different people. Online she is commanding of respect, formidable, and sociable, but in real life she is rather submissive and quiet, with her nose usually in a book and a game.
Hotekk keeps up a persona of Hollister boy who only plays Call of Duty in real life, but secretly has the worlds biggest collect of trading cards in his closet
Crellan is the only religious Codemaster 
Crellan - Gryffindor Hotekk - Gryffindor Amzen - Slytherin Oron - Hufflepuff Tirasis - Slytherin Imthor - Ravenclaw Chirrul - Hufflepuff
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narwhalwrath · 7 years
The Following is a collection of Chaotic Cards that Never Saw the Light of Day - some have card art, others were mere characters shown in the Chaotic TV series.
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Stelgar - Underworld Warrior (Original Art) - I was so thrilled when this little cutie’s card got released - only they gave him some new art that made him look badass, which I’m not at all saying is a bad thing, but I would really like to have seen this art be used in a card because it’s what was used on the show. Since they released Stelgar Vicious Mutation (yikes) they could’ve used this for a “Stelgar Purified” card.
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Spyder - Underworld Scout - Spyder is an Underworlder whose card art was featured a lot as a filler in battles - but we never once saw him get used. Instead, we saw the real Spyder in Perim when he attempted to steal the Arrow Drone from the Kiru City Armory - only to be shot at by Bodal with a Pyro Blaster and run away in “The Thing About Bodal”. Spyder also later appeared guarding Chaor’s Palace in the Underworld in “From the Deep, Part 1″, where he chased KidChaor and PeytonicMaster when they were attempting to scan Phelphor.
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Tharax - Underworld Taskmaster - Another common feature as a filler in player’s battle teams - despite us only ever seeing him get used once by Krystella, Tharax was featured in a couple Perim storylines in season 1. In “BattleDrome of the Sexes”, ChaotiKween explains to MajorTom how Tharax, Zalvar and Khybon attempted to use The Passage to invade the Overworld. In “Crash Course”, Tharax is in the Pouril Forest, where he falls victim to one too many of Yokkis’ pranks and attempts to squash the little nuisance once and for all - only for MajorTom to come to Yokkis’ rescue. And in “Colosseum Showdown”, Tharax battles Ghuul in the Underworld Colosseum.
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Zalvar - Underworld Muge - I really like this colourful Underworlder, though he was rarely used in battle, and only seen a couple of times in Perim. In “BattleDrome of the Sexes”, Krystella uses Zalvar against PeytonicMaster - defeating his Skithia, only to be coded by his Intress in the final battle. Zalvar is also put on KidChaor’s battle team in “Scavenger Scan”, and is used by PeytonicMaster in “MegaMatch” against MajorTom’s Bodal - though they both fell asleep during the battle. In Perim, Zalvar teamed up with Tharax and Khybon in “Battledrome of the Sexes” to attempt to invade the Overworld by using The Passage, battling Zalic and Intress in the process. In “Eye of the Maelstrom”, he teamed up with Kuhgar and Krekk to try and steal the Interlude of Consequence Mugic from Sobjek, Zhade, Ubliqun, and Ario while at the Eye of the Maelstrom - only to be pushed back by Najarin. Zalvar’s last true appearance was in “Colosseum Showdown”, where PeytonicMaster and ChaotiKween begin the episode with having scanned Zalvar’s Orb - much to Zalvar’s chagrin. Zalvar later appeared in the Underworld Tavern, where he laughed at Rothar’s insults toward Hammerdoom Chantcaller, and later witnessed their battle in the Underworld Colosseum.
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Jiggorex - Underworld Taskmaster - Jiggorex has been working alongside Khybon since the very beginning. He’s never been used in battle, but in Perim he was seen teaming up with Khybon to raid Prince Mudeenu’s Vault. In “Colosseum Showdown”, Jiggorex is one of the Underworlders in the underworld Tavern that laughs at Rothar’s insults toward Hammerdoom Chantcaller. As well, in “From the Deep, Part 1″, Jiggorex works alongside Khybon after they find something in Ice Pillar to carve Phelphor out of the ice. The two then escort Phelphor to Chaor’s palace as Phelphor requests an audience with the Underworld leader.
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Dindyon - Underworld Commander - One of the Underworld’s most powerful fighters, Dindyon was recruited alongside Swassa, Ultadur and Narfall for a raid on Kiru City - where Chaor would attempt to steal the Telebracers. Equipped with the Bionic Steam Arm to intensify his attacks, it was Dindyon’s job to distract the Overworld Guards by making it appear as though the Underworlders were targeting the Mugic Academy instead of the Armory. Though he was eventually forced to retreat, Chaor was ultimately successful in his mission and Dindyon returned to the Underworld victorious alongside all of his fellow Underworlders. 
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Screamer - Underworld Warrior - A rather Vampiric Underworlder with a supersonic scream, Screamer was the primary Creature used against Peytonic Master against Noisemaker in “Rockwave and Roll”, . Screamer’s special ability allows him to borrow Battlegear from other Creatures on his team. During the M’arrillian invasion, Screamer was one of the Underworlders that arrived at Kiru City to offer support to the Alliance alongside Takinom - though he was later brainwashed by a M’arrillian and forced to use his Gigantroper against the alliance instead. 
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Klesh - Underworld Warrior - Seen in the TV series episode “Train Wreck”, Klesh is a prisoner in The Pit - who is first seen when KidChaor and PeytonicMaster are filling in on guard duty for Grook - they hear Klesh and choose to investigate/get a scan. Klesh attacks KidChaor and KidChaor drops the keys in attempting to escape. Grabbing the keys with his tail, Klesh escapes his cell and confronts the two - but thanks to Grook’s guidance the two manage to get Klesh back to his cell. I feel like Klesh is a Creature driven to madness somehow and became feral as a result and I would love to see what his card art would look like.
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Gothos - Past Underworlder - The Creature which Gothos Tower is named after, we don’t know almost anything about him apart from the fact that he existed in Chaotic Now or Never way back in the day and he resembles some kind of turtle creature. I wonder what he did to get a Location named after him. I just wish we could’ve seen Gothos at some point...
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Xulvux - Past Underworld Ethereal - Xulvux was  one of the Underworlders during Kaal’s reign, and though we never saw him personally, Codemaster Hotekk utilized him in his battle against MajorTom.  Xulvux was defeated in the fourth round by Mommark, but was revived with only 5 Energy after Og was defeated by Owis, alongside Rav, Kkraa, Neerig and Ixxik. MajorTom’s quick thinking with Flash Kick Attacks allowed him to reorganize his Location Deck - and so when he transported them all to the Cordac Falls Plunge Pool - Xulvux finally met his end once and for all.
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Neerig - Past Underworld Warrior - Neerig was once an Overworlder, like Kiru, and while we don’t know the circumstances as to why Kiru ended up in the Underworld, it would seem as though Neerig followed not far behind him, giving way to H’earring’s future in the Underworld. Codemaster Hotekk first used him against MajorTom’s Mommark - but due to the speed boost Mommark had, he made quick work of Neerig. Though, Neerig revived with only 5 Energy after Og was defeated by Owis, alongside Rav, Kkraa, Xulvux and Ixxik. MajorTom’s quick thinking with Flash Kick Attacks allowed him to reorganize his Location Deck - and so when he transported them all to the Cordac Falls Plunge Pool - Neerig finally met his end once and for all. Nerig would later be present in Kiru City when MajorTom, KidChaor, PeytonicMaster and ChaotiKween traveled back through time for the first time, and later joined Kiru and a small strike force on a raid of Gigantemtopolis in order to retrieve the Oraklon to exchange with Kaal for the freedom of his kidnapped slaves from the Overworld.
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Volcarv - Past Underworld Warrior -  Volcarv was one of the Underworlders during Kaal’s reign, and though we never saw him personally, KidChaor made use of him after he, MajorTom, ChaotiKween, and PeytonicMaster traveled through time into Perim’s past. KidChaor would go on to use Volcarv in several of his rematches against those who had defeated him in the past.Volcarv was used to defeat Herculeon’s Silchaw, as well as Inga’s Donmar in a one-on-one battle in the Beta Drome. Volcarv also has this neat little ability where he can sacrifice his Battlegear in order to rebound any Attack.
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Draagen - Past Underworld Warrior - Draagen was one of the Underworlders during Kaal’s reign, and though we never saw him personally, KidChaor made use of him after he, MajorTom, ChaotiKween, and PeytonicMaster traveled through time into Perim’s past. KidChaor would go on to use Draagen in several of his rematches against those who had defeated him in the past. Unfortunately for KidChaor - when he came up against his rival SamShady - it was revealed that SamShady had followed the group to Dranakis Threshold and followed them through time, where he got a scan of Draagen while empowered with Mugic. This allowed SamShady to defeat KidChaor’s own Draagen with relative ease.
Brrug - Past Underworld Taskmaster - Mentioned in Portal to Perim on the Flux Bauble page, Brrug is the one who created the Flux Bauble - a piece of Battlegear that allows its user to transport themselves and their enemies anywhere in Perim. It is said that
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Banshor - Underworld Ethereal (Physical Copy) - A ghost-like Creature that inhabits a shipwreck, MajorTom and KidChaor were to go on a scanquest in pursuit of Banshor - but KidChaor was instead tied up with his battle against ChaotiKingDrake in “ChaotiKings”. Though MajorTom was struck by a wave which snapped him back to his senses, going to support KidChaor rather than scanning Banshor - it would appear as though the two later went back and got scans of Banshor in the end. Noisemaker would later use Banshor in his match against PeytonicMaster in “Rockwave and Roll”, where Banshor would be coded by Ørth, and by MajorTom in “Mega Match” - only to be coded by Biondu.
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Cerbie - Underworld Taskmaster (Physical Copy) - Used by FireKing in his match against MajorTom in “A Fearsome Fate” - though here because Maxxor’s Courage was so low he often hallucinated Cerbie in a more nightmarish appearance, he ultimately emerged victorious over the Underworld, albeit completely by accident.
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Mishmoshmish - Underworld Scout (Physical Copy) - Never appeared in the show apart from being included on FireKing’s battleteam against MajorTom in “A Fearsome Fate” - though his battles were not shown on screen.
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Agitos - Underworld Commander, Original (Physical Copy) -
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perimparties · 7 years
more codemaster questions cause i like throwing shit out into the void and generally voicing thoughts(this is also a way i organize my thoughts for figuring things out for my comic so humour me);
What happens after you beat a codemaster? like. ok. we know you get a scan-twice we’re shown its a location but can it be something else?(id like to think not??)-but is that it then? Is there a point in challenging them again? 
can you even challenge a defeated codemaster again??? would you get anything or would it just be for fun?
are codemasters like end bosses in that you can keep challenging them afterwards and they just keep getting more difficult? Maybe you beat prexxor chasm!crellan, but then when you battle him a second time its suddenly completely different locations/creatures? I mean, tom doesnt recognize ursis despite having watched tons of crellans matches and is surprised constantly by his locations...
when you receive the location scan, whats stopping you from mass scanning it and giving them out? Is there a failsafe in place for that or are people just genuinely not interested in giving their friends copies of these super rare awesome scans?
i guess its a ‘you have to earn it’ mentality(dumb), but cmon, theres SOMEONE who would make copies for their friends right? there has to be something preventing you from trading these scans.
Im also not past season 1′s rewatch yet, but is this undone with hotekks scan? Tom brings all his friends to the past-through a portal sure, but still. Doesnt this sort of invalidate hotekks scans??? Would he have to swap tactics and give out a different ‘prize’ because his is common knowledge now? Sure the portal gets destroyed but. Like with imthor and(hypothesized) m’arrillians, common knowledge, lots of scans out there now.
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chaoticonline-blog · 7 years
<meta itemprop="description" content="Nesse episódio, após vencer de forma muito inteligente o CodeMaster Hotekk, Tom fica bastante decepcionado com sua recompensa... até ele e seus amigos descobrirem que um Local deserto e não muito interssante na verdade é muito mais do que parece (mesmo!)
In this episode, after winning in a very intelligent way CodeMaster Hotekk, Tom gets very disappointed with his reward... until he and his friends discover that a desert and not very interesting Location is actually much more than it looks (really!)N"> Nesse episódio, após vencer de forma muito inteligente o CodeMaster Hotekk, Tom fica bastante decepcionado com sua recompensa... até ele e seus amigos descobrirem que um Local deserto e não muito interssante na verdade é muito mais do que parece (mesmo!)
In this episode, after winning in a very intelligent way CodeMaster Hotekk, Tom gets very disappointed with his reward... until he and his friends discover that a desert and not very interesting Location is actually much more than it looks (really!)
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If you liked the animation or even the care we had with the final result, quality of audio and video altogether, give us a "Like", subscribe the Channel and why not visit our sponsor partners because much, much more will come. Really!
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vidavs-refectorium · 2 years
Where even did Klay get that Hotekk outfit in When a CodeMaster Calls?
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askchaoticgame · 2 years
To any of the coadmasters.
1. What would you all do if chaotic monsters attacked chaotics?
2. How would ya all react if there where chaotic monsters that look like your all.
3. How many of you are there?
4. Do you get along with each other or do you also have fights and battle against each other?.
5. How did you all become codemasters? Is there a test? Or are you acutally the people who created the game and machinery to enter the world of perum?
Crellan speaks first.
"I think I've heard that tale before. Didn't you say you had a dream like that, Chirrul?" "Yes, yes I did! Though since then I've figured out it was probably because I rested too long in that Location."
Amzen pipes up next. "Let's see, Creatures that look like us.... I mean, that'd be even weirder then finding your doppelganger on Earth, right?"
"Or they're a shapeshifter, obviously."
"Or they're a shapeshifter, thank you, Hotekk."
Tirasis speaks up next.
"Oh, this one's easy. Crellan, Hotekk, Amzen, Oron, me, Imthor, Chirrul—"
Oron cuts him off. "I'll answer the rest. We are primarily coworkers, among other things, but the day we have no more fights amongst ourselves would be the day Chaotic ends."
Amzen chimes in. "Hey, don't say that. They'll think you're serious!"
Oron shakes his head.
"And the rest is something we are all sworn to secrecy by."
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ask-chaotic-creatures · 2 months
Did any Chaotic player bring their pets? Like a Cat or Dog, maybe even a bunny?
Attacat: What are pets...?
Hotekk: Hey, Attacat, I seem to have left my CodeMaster helmet in the studio. Mind fetching it for me?
Attacat: Alright.
When everybody's favorite panther is gone.
Hotekk: No, that was forbidden before any of us were CodeMaster. For once, the relations department knew what they were doing. Not every creatures takes the news of their animal counterparts well like Wytod did. And the less reasons creatures hate us, the better.
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thoughts-on-chaotic · 8 years
Hotekk is ranked lowest of the Codemasters and is generally the most sloppy out of them. This is generally because of the whole trope of the arrogant one is really not the best. Imthor and Crellan I see as the two top dogs. Hotekk and Crellan I can see as brothers for some reason. And finally, Hotekk is likely the youngest of the group. (-Will keep person Anonymous)
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askchaoticgame · 3 years
Hey hotek how does it feel to have dranikus threshold destroyed
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Oh, just thrilled. Why do you think there's meant to be such a mystery behind the Location I give, anyways? It might be the nature of the game, but it's no wonder you can't give players an inch: they will take the mile. Honestly...
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