#colby cash
getoutofthisplace · 1 year
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
The time-change confused us on our calendars this morning and we showed up an hour early for the shoot, but our people eventually showed up and we got some shots of our Greenville staff beside the river, then we went to the office and filmed some interviews to help them recruit additional staff. We've hired 20 people since our original two guys opened the office in December, and we plan to hire 20 more by the end of the year. This much growth in a new area makes for lots of excitement.
Today was a long day, but long days aren't nearly as bad when Mom is with me because I can shed some of the guilt I usually feel about being away from home. And she's kind of fun to have around.
Greenville, South Carolina. 7.27.2023 - 9.36am.
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ecneir · 1 year
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gameofthunder66 · 1 month
The Boys (2019- ) tv series
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-(finished) watchin' Season 4- 8/17/2024- 3 [1/4] stars- on Amazon Prime
92% Rotten Tomatoes
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trillestat3 · 8 months
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Happy Birthday Colby Minifie!
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lordprettyflackotara · 4 months
sharp fangs || sam & colby || part two
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SMUT MINORS DNI 18+. sam and colby are vamps hehe🧛🏼‍♀️. TW: SMUT WITH PLOT. this fic contains blood, brief gore, murder but like it’s justified tbh. mainly you just have two vampire bfs obsessed with you lol. made this shit extra long. ps: part three will not take as long i promise. enjoy my beloved readers. MWAH <3
Sam and Colby absolutely adored you. You were the apple of their eye, the air that made them feel like they could breathe again. They couldn’t get enough of you, making a conscious effort to spend every moment they could with you. When you were away they’d clean your apartment. (Or snoop through your things.) When you went to sleep at night they’d take shifts watching over you while the other went out to hunt.
You were so darling while you slept, the contentment and peace on your face the sight of a lifetime to them. In all of their long years they had didn’t think they’d allow themselves to get attached to another human. After the first two hundred years they saw all of their companions die, leaving them alone with just one another. All of their past lovers met the same inevitable demise, death becoming an old friend of theirs.
The routine was beginning to become old, the two deciding interacting with humans was pointless. Humans were so fragile, so unfortunately disposable. Whoever they chose to get attached to could get hit by a bus and die, or catch a simple cold and it’d end the same. They shared the same fears with you, which they tried to repel by watching over you so heavily. You liked it in an odd way, having your two best friends become angels watching over you. Both Sam and Colby only shared two fears. They feared the day you’d unexpectedly die from a tragic occurrence. Turning you into one of them was out of the question, your soul deserving better than eternal damnation.
The only thing they feared more, was when you truly saw them for what they were. They knew everything about them was appealing to you. Their looks, their voice, even down to their scent. They believed you truly cared for them, but they weren’t convinced you actually comprehended how terrifying they could be. How savage and ruthless they could become. They feared once you realized this, a look of genuine horror spread across your face, you’d wish them away. Forever.
Often times they tried to ignore this fear. After all, right now you were standing in between them, asking them questions about being a vampire. Your fingers were intertwined with Sam’s, Colby’s arm lazily hanging over your shoulders. “Coffins?” You asked. Colby chuckled, an ice cold winter breeze flying past the three of you. “Did we bring coffins when we moved in?” He asked. You rolled your eyes, hoping the boys didn’t notice your visible shivering. They did.
It wasn’t unusual for the three of you to go out for a snack late at night, the empty streets allowing Sam and Colby to be visible without disguises or questions. “Alright alright. How about garlic? I may be Italian, you never know,” You asked. Sam had given you his jacket a few minutes ago, your lips still turning more white by the second. How had they not thought this through better? As the blonde looked down at your eyes, the soft doe kind that made their frozen hearts flutter, he remembered. Right, that’s why.
“Human food doesn’t bother us. You can make as much garlic bread to your hearts content,” Sam replied, placing a small kiss to the side of your head. Small snowflakes had entangled themselves in your hair, Sam’s lips forming a frown. You were willing to make yourself this cold and potentially sick for a twinkie? The three of you finally approached the tiny store, Colby handing you a wad of cash. “Jesus Christ, a twinkie does not cost more than a hundred dollars Colbs,” You gasped, looking at the wad of crisp and shiny hundred dollar bills. “I read about inflation all the time. Just get a few snacks so you won’t have to nearly freeze to death for a twinkie,” He insisted.
You smiled softly, placing a kiss on Colby’s cheek. “Alright i’ll be back,” You say, before dipping into the grocery store. Sam and Colby preferred to stand outside, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention. “We didn’t have twinkies in our time right?” Colby asked. Sam let out a chuckle. “Dude we were actively there for the salem witch trials. We absolutely did not have twinkies,” He answered. Colby teasingly elbowed him, the two leaning against the brick wall outside of the store.
“Just double checking. Couldn’t recall if we were around to try those hyped up little rolls,” Colby told him. It was odd when they thought about it, how long they had roamed the earth. It was always just the two of them during life and then resurrection. They couldn’t help but feel like you were the final piece to the puzzle, the third to the trio. Yet they feared how long they’d actually have with you. Especially when you opted to eat twinkies a majority of the time instead of actual food. (Colby had agreed to learn how to cook just to get you to eat better.)
Sam’s ears twitched for a split second, the sound of footsteps flooding them. He looked around, both him and Colby as still as statues. “You hear that?” He asked the brunette. Colby nodded, equally as on alert. The weather was undoubtedly freezing. No economic crisis was occurring, there would be no reason for a regular human to be roaming the streets this late at night. “I’ll go check it out. Stay with her and i’ll meet you guys back at the apartment,” Colby huffed, dashing off into the night. The ringing of the bell attached to the store door rang, your happy face emerging into sight. You had already broken into one of your twinkies, taking a big bite. You went to hand Sam the wad of cash, before searching for Colby.
“Where’s Colby?” You asked, wiping the white cream off of your bottom lip. Sam’s mind briefly went to filth, before resuming to the matter at hand. He didn’t want to worry you, but he also didn’t want to lie. Since they had met you they had agreed to not lie, the truth something you’d have to handle if you wanted them around. “He’s off investigating something he heard. He’ll meet us back at the apartment,” Sam explained. You laced your fingers with Sam’s, allowing the blonde to walk you across the street. “You think it’s another one of your kind?” You asked, taking another bite of your twinkie.
Sam purposefully kept you on the side away from the road, ensuring no car would hit you if it came brawling your way. Especially with the icy roads, Sam knew human drivers would be unpredictable. (Big shocker: he wasn’t a fan of automobiles when they came out.) “I doubt it. This is our territory now. Our scent is everywhere,” Sam reassured you. You shoved the empty wrapper in your pocket, leaning on Sam for support as he walked you home. His body was cold and statue like, yet you found comfort the more you touched him.
The three of you didn’t want to make things confusing after you all met. After all, the sex was just supposed to be a one time thing. A peace offering in the boys minds. That’s what it was supposed to be. Yet the memory constantly lingering in the forefront of all of yours minds. There was a not so subtle craving that you all wanted it to happen again, the timing just not seemingly right. Sam and Colby didn’t believe in rushing things, even if you didn’t have all the time in the world as they did. Snow crushed underneath your sets of footsteps, Sam’s hearing acutely on alert for intruders.
Yet he couldn’t find it within himself to hear anything over the soothing sound of your heartbeat. It was music to his ears, the sound gratifying to him. It was so soothing in fact, it was distracting. This distraction created the perfect element of surprise for a man in a ski mask to emerge from the alleyway shadows, grabbing you. “Sam!” You screeched, thrashing against the criminals grasp. Sam was forced to let go of your hand, knowing he’d accidentally tear it off if he held onto you and played tug of war against the criminal. Sam could hear it now, the disgusting blood flowing through the lowlifes veins. He had been so blinded by how ethereal your presence was and now he was paying the price.
The flash of a blade sent Sam into an angry frenzy, baring his fangs at the attacker. “Sam! Help me! Colby!” You screamed, your voice echoing off of the alleyway walls. In the blink of an eye Colby was on the attacker, biting into the side of his neck. The grasp on you was released, your body falling to the ground. You quickly turned around, moving backwards on the icy sidewalk. Colby wasn’t feeding onto your attacker, his gaze was much more intense than that. Much more unhinged. He yanked his head backwards, tearing his throat apart. You barely had time to blink before Sam was on the other side of the attacker, copying Colby’s actions.
Clumps of flesh hit the ground, streams of blood flowing everywhere that you looked. Your attacker was long dead, your heart thumping so loud you thought it may burst out of your chest. You continued to back away, your back hitting a street lamp as you watched Sam and Colby. Any mortality they had, any sense of pride or self control had been washed away by the biggest wave. Neither of them were hungry, the taste of the attackers blood sickening. They received no satisfaction from feeding on him, their animalistic craving ordering them to tear the threat apart.
So they did, the man’s neck now a pile of unidentifiable blood and flesh. You swallowed, staring at your best friends. The ones who did your laundry and watched sitcoms shows with you. The ones who looked over you every single moment of the day, even when you didn’t want them to. The same ones who had once fucked you merciless, your life never having been the same afterwards. Blood coated both of their hands, the same crimson paint dripping down their chins and necks. Sam’s maroon sweater was now soaked, Colby’s leather jacket stained with splatters.
Sam dropped the attacker first, his eyes darting around in search of you. You were a pitiful sight, one Sam wished he didn’t have to see. You were on the ground, your back hugging the closest streetlight. Your hands were buried into handfuls of snow, your fingers turning red from the cold. Your eyes were widen, your gaze refusing to stray from him and Colby. Sam swallowed, the rancid taste of the attackers blood still coating his tongue. He walked in front of you, crouching down to your eye level. “I’m so, so sorry,” He whispered. You looked terrified, surely of them. Sam was very sure, his eyes soaking in what he figured to be the last time he’d see you.
Colby quickly joined his side, the corpse abandoned behind them. You had never seen so much blood before, the color seemingly everywhere you looked. “It’s going to be okay, I promise,” Colby cooed. He brought his hand up to your cheek, lovingly stroking your cheekbone with his thumb. The blood was staining your skin, the feeling unnatural and making you slightly uneasy. Yet, when you looked at the two killers in front of you, you felt nothing but pure awe. Sam was trying to find the words to say to you, expecting the worst. Colby didn’t seem to have the same thoughts as him, which only made the situation ten times worse.
“I-I-I-” You began stuttering, unable to form a coherent sentence. How could you do it? How could you ever thank them? They saved your life. The faint sound of sirens interrupted the conversation, the boys heads turning to the left at the same time. “Sorry princess the conversation is going to have to wait. Let’s get you home,” Colby said, scooping you into his arms. You curled up against his chest, the stench of blood flooding your nostrils as you nuzzled against his shirt.
The boys had gotten you inside safely, setting you down on the couch gently. “Do you need anything? Water? Food?” Colby asked. There were only a handful of things a human could need, surely there were maybe five max. In his mind at least. Sam’s mind was soaring in the other direction, his mouth running dry. You shook your head no, meeting their gaze. “Thank you,” You said. Sam blinked a few times, trying to ensure he heard you correctly. “We’d do anything for you,” Colby answered, crouching in front of you. The blonde braced himself, sure this was the end.
“I’m sorry I didn’t do my best to protect you. I know what you’re doing to do and I just have to say that I-” Sam began, your widened eyes stopped him. Fuck, you really had no idea the power you had over them. The three forbidden words were on the tip of his tongue, the ones that would only make this harder. You quickly rose to your feet, cupping his face into your hands. Gratitude had washed over you, your body demanding to give them a reward. You couldn’t deny that although unsettling, the sight of them covered in your attackers remains made your heart skip a beat.
“I wanna thank both of you, for saving my life,” You say, looking up into Sam’s red orbs. A thousand thoughts ran through the blondes head, many of them thinking they had broke your sanity or something along those lines. “Are you not scared?” Colby asked, approaching you from behind and resting his hands around your waist. You shook your head no. “You both won’t hurt me,” You answered. Sam’s eyebrows furrowed. “You don’t know that. You saw what we did. We ripped his throat apart. Tore him to shreds,” Sam huffed, “What exactly makes you so confident we wouldn’t do that to you?”
His words were hurtful, even if they did hit the hammer on the nail. “You did that to protect me. I know you. I know you both. You won’t hurt me,” You answered again, more confident this time. Colby exchanged a look with Sam, the gears in his brain finally turning the same way his were. “I think what Sam is trying to say is that what you just saw was a lot to process. It is for us, which means it has to mean even more to a human-” He began, your sharp eyes turning around to meet his. Your eyes were shooting daggers, a look Colby knew to not threaten. “Enough with the whole ‘weak human’ bullshit. I may not be immortal but I have a brain you know,” You snapped.
Yeah, Sam had came to the conclusion that they broke you.
“And what does your brain tell you about what you just saw? About the two blood soaked demons that are standing in your living room?” Sam questioned. Your facial expression softened, your eyes resuming their doe like fashion. “They’re telling me that you’re both vampires. Vampires with habits and tendencies I anticipated. Ones that don’t scare me,” You answered. Why didn’t they understand? Could they understand?
Your words seemed so sincere, both boys back on you. It was Colby in front of you this time, Sam’s chest pressing against your back. “We are so sorry you had to see that,” Colby told you. He grabbed your chin, guiding you to look up at him. They could hear your heart skip a beat, the blood smudging against your soft skin. “It’s okay. If it makes you guys feel better, you both look awfully hot covered in blood like this,” You say, biting your bottom lip. Sam pressed himself against your ass, his hands traveling up to your breast.
“Really, is that so?” Colby hummed, smirking down at you. He centered his thumb on your bottom lip, pulling it down teasingly. “In that case, let us show you how sorry we really are,” Sam murmured into your ear, pressing a kiss against your earlobe. You groaned, his large hands kneading at your breast. “Open your mouth princess,” Colby muttered. You did so, flattening out your tongue on display. The brunette could feel himself getting hard, watching you eagerly suck his thumb as he put it into your mouth. The taste of blood coated your tongue, your pupils dilating as you looked into Colby’s eyes.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking perfect,” Colby praised. He removed his thumb from your eager mouth, replacing it with his lips. His taste made you feel drunk, your body becoming putty in between the boys as Sam tweaked your nipples. He chuckled darkly into your neck as they hardened under his ice cold fingertips. “Always so eager,” Sam murmured, sucking hickies onto your neck. He could feel your veins, hearing the blood flow through your delicate body. Colby’s tongue slid into your mouth, the brunette careful to not nip you with his fangs. Your desperation only made them harder, your sinful noises only becoming louder.
“Fuck, i’ve missed this,” Colby panted, pulling away from your lips. A thin string of saliva hung between both of your lips, your lips now swollen. “We’ve missed this,” Sam corrected, working on his third hickey. Colby dropped to his knees, eager to please you. “Let me taste you, fucking please, just wanna make tonight up to you,” Colby pleaded, his desperation washing over him. You could feel Sam’s hips roll against yours teasingly, ripping a groan out of your throat. “Answer him baby,” Sam encouraged, the smell of your arousal flooding his nose. You licked your lips, your balance unsteady.
Sam’s large hands kept you in place, his assault on your throat relentless. “Please, do whatever you want to me,” You whined, raking your fingers through Colby’s hair. The brunette quickly pulled down your skirt and stockings, accidentally tearing them in the process. “We’ll buy you new ones,” He muttered, bringing your panties down to your ankles. Your slick was drenched for them, Colby’s eyes blown with lust as he admired your cunt. This is all he could think about since the last time he saw you like this, so wet and desperate.
“Go on baby, use Colby’s tongue the way you need,” Sam said encouragingly. You pulled him towards you by his hair, his eager tongue lapping up your juices. Your knees almost buckled, Sam quick to keep you in place. The blonde was having a hard time restraining himself, your blood calling to him. Your smell was always so delightful and it only became more so when you were a moaning mess. “Sammy,” You whined, using your spare hand to grab his wrist. Colby’s lips sucked at your clit, making it harder to form coherent sentences.
“Yes baby?”
“Drink from me,” You panted, grinding against Colby’s face. Sam blinked, unable to deny or question your request. Your blood was sweeter than any others he had tasted, his body always yearning to have another taste of you. He slowly sank his sharp fangs into you, the piercing pain subsiding into a blinding euphoria. “Oh my God,” You whined, clawing at Colby’s hair. His large hands were keeping your thighs pried open, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as Sam drank from your neck like a starving man. “Thats it princess, keep using me. Make yourself cum on my tongue,” Colby ordered, the sight of you crumbling enough to make him want to cream his pants.
Sam managed to pull himself off of you, panting as he did so. Your blood was so intoxicating, so addicting. It’s like you were made for them. He lapped at your neck, cleaning your wound as you felt a familiar knot form in your stomach. “Fuck fuck fuck,” You whimpered. Sam slithered one of his hands around your waist to keep you upright, using the other to guide your head to turn. He brought his lips to yours, swallowing each noise you made with his mouth. You could taste your own blood, the metallic taste sending you over the edge. You pulled at Colby’s roots are you came, your vision clouded with stars.
Colby emerged from between your thighs, bruises of where his hands had held your thighs apart already forming. Sam picked you up, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist. You smashed your lips against his, the boys bringing you to your bedroom. Your back hit your plush mattress, the boys switching positions. Colby stood in between your legs, undoing his belt. “You sure you can handle me princess? I won’t go easy on you like Sam,” He smirked, causing Sam to roll his eyes. You nodded eagerly, reaching behind you to undo Sam’s belt.
“I’m not just a human Colbs. I can handle whatever you throw at me,” You say, as cocky as you can muster. The boys exchanged mischievous looks, their cocks throbbing with excitement. You laid your head back, quickly helping Sam take off his pants. You could feel your core throbbing with desire, Colby making himself right at home in between your legs. He rubbed his tip up and down your folds, soaking in the feeling. You stuck your tongue for Sam, eagerly awaiting his cock. The mere sight of it was making your mouth water.
“You have no idea how long i’ve been waiting to fuck you,” Colby confessed, pushing himself inside of you. You moaned, your noises being muffled by Sam’s cock as he placed it inside of your mouth. The vibrations sent a chill down his spine, your name falling off of his lips. “Fucking hell, you’ve got to try her mouth,” Sam groaned, pushing himself down your throat deeper. Colby grinned as he bottomed out, your walls milking his cock.
“Trust me I remember, everything about her is a slice of heaven,” He replied, gripping your waist harshly. He began to move slowly, slithering one of his hands down to your clit. Your thighs trembled at the extra stimulation, Colby’s thrust speeding up rapidly. Both boys seemed to be in a state of heat, their hips moving faster than you could keep up. “You’re so pretty like this,” Sam praised, watching the shape of his cock go up and down your throat. Colby bit his bottom lip, his sinful noises threatening to spill out at a rapid rate.
“You’re taking me so well. Like you were made for me,” Colby grunted. He drew faster circles around your clit, your waterline flooding with tears as Sam’s cock abused the back of your throat. They were merciless, hell bent on making you cum whilst chasing their own highs. “Made for us,” Sam corrected, his orgasm coming quickly. He pulled himself out of your throat, watching as you stuck your tongue out, desperately trying to lick the underside of his cock. He jerked his shaft above you, depositing his seed directly into your mouth.
“You’re so fucking hot, my fucking God,” Sam panted, watching you eagerly swallow his cum. Your mouth was free to moan now, your mascara smudged and tears peaking at the corner of your eyes. “Just like that, please, feels so good Colbs,” You babbled. Colby grabbed both of your legs, throwing them over his shoulders. He felt impossibly deeper, his cock abusing your g spot as it pleased. “You’re fucking milking me princess, it’s like you want me to cum inside of you,” Colby moaned, his thrust relentless.
Sam snickered as he lowered himself near your ear. “You’d like that wouldn’t you? To be bred by him? By both of us? Such a dirty girl, wanting to be bred by demons,” Sam snickered, licking the side of your neck. You could feel yourself getting closer to your orgasm, your body beginning to tremble. “Shit, i’m gonna cum,” You warned. One of your hands found Sam’s squeezing it tightly as you felt your orgasm wash over you. He now felt what Colby felt before, the butterflies swarming around his stomach at the romantic gesture.
Colby’s hips stuttered, his thrust coming to a halt as he came inside of you. He slowly pulled out of you, collapsing on the other side of the bed. The rooms sounds consisted of your rapid breathing and heartbeat, for Sam and Colby at least. Colby stroked your hair as you calmed down, Sam’s hand never straying from yours.
“Hey guys?” You hummed. Sam could’ve jumped on his feet right then and there. Anything you needed. Anything you wanted. He’d eagerly walk to the ends of the earth to get it for you. “Yeah?” He replied, awaiting your orders. You giggled, looking over at him.
“Wanna have a round two?”
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stevielicious · 7 months
𓆩⟡𓆪 His Little Stripper 𓆩⟡𓆪
pairing- Colby Brock x fem!reader
summary- a stripper catches the eyes of a handsome man, has a lotta fun
warnings- a lil angsty, some hardcore smut lol, cute lil ending
word count- 3k or sum? maybe 4k, LMAO
a/n- been a long time since I’ve written, enjoy
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The whole studio was bouncing, the bass rhythmically played throughout the club. Swimming inside the walls, almost enticing you in. The night was young and had only just begun, it was a start to a long night. Here, I was treated almost like royalty, all the other dancers liked to roll their eyes or make snarky comments because they didn’t like the way I hogged all the attention, I was young and that’s nothing I could help.
You could say I was a good dancer. One of the best.
Brittney. I only had one friend in this place, the rest would only batter their eyelashes to get a hand on your earnings. Not Brittney though. She was a sweet, honest girl that just needed the extra cash and in complete fairness, that’s what we were both here for. We were both the youngest in this place. University costs an arm and a leg, there’s no lie in that. It was a hated industry, but the world is a tough place to make a living.
“Girl! You gotta get out there! it’s thriving with old dudes that have a TON of money!!” She heaved, slumping on a swivel chair next to mine, with a wide-eyed expression painted across her makeup clad features. I glanced at her through the huge mirrors stuck to the smoke stained walls, with a slight smirk finishing up on my cherry red lipgloss, “Oh yeah? Sounds just like every other night.”
“Well, I did see these couple guys around our age, maybe older, they were sooo hot.” Brittney explained, emphasising their good looks, applying makeup to her smudged areas. She seemed skittish, almost like she was eager to get back out there. This time I’d turned to face her, making my blonde hair a bouncy, wavey look. Being expressive with her hands, matter of factly she had said, “I sooo wished they’d came over to me, that brunette guy was soo handsome, so mysterious too. I’ll have to show you when you get your ass out there! I’d give that man a dance for free any day.”
I giggled, never hearing her talk like this made me believe these men were as handsome as she said they were. Maybe I’ll have to see for myself. I began to slip my cherry red heels on, glancing in the mirror, puffing my hair out. I had styled it in to an 80’s blowout type look, just more modernised. “I believe you girl, it’s been a while since we’ve had a looker come here.”
“Man, you look like a whole full course meal looking like that, Y/N. You have more of a chance than me at getting that handsome devil in a booth. Gosh, you’re so sexy!” Brittney huffed, looking at me with a sad but hopeful expression.
I grabbed her hand, pulling her out of her chair. Cupping her face with my hands, I said with confidence, “God is a woman, and you my friend are a fucking goddess! Now let’s get out there and make some fucking money!” She smiled into my hands as I then spun her around, seeing the sparkles on her little outfit shine.
I stood behind Brittney as she peeped from behind the big, draping, scarlet red curtain that lead out to the runway. A shiny pole awaiting us. Britt had kept an eye on the stage as I was trying to skim the crowd for the one who looks like they had the most cash with them. “Oh! Gabriella’s almost finished her dance, god blue is NOT her colour!”
“Brittney! You have to watch your mouth sometimes, you’ll get in trouble if someone hears you!” I wispered harshly, playfully jabbing her arm. She moved over a little so I could get a better look of the crowd. Taking me by surprise, a pair of striking blue eyes caught my own as I swiftly shut the curtain, almost knocking Britt over, “Holy shit.”
“What? What!” The brunette nudged me out the way as I took a step back, body running cold. I heard her muttering as she closed the curtain as quick as she re-opened it, turning to me. “Oh my God, that’s him!”
“Shut up! I’ve never seen him before, I can’t dance infront of him, he’s too pretty to be here! What’s a guy like him doing here?! God!” I gulped, walking back and forth on myself, finding my nerves getting the better of me of me. God, his dark brown hair and that shiny earring glistening in his ear, the black button up, the shine on his rings and tattooed arms, man. I’m used to dancing for 40+ year old guys, not actual good looking guys my age!
“Are you being serious right now, Y/N? You’re the hottest one here, if Gab’s can flaunt it then you definitely can too!” She exclaimed assertively, stopping me in my tracks, hands on either side of my arms. Pointing her finger in my face.
“Hey sluts, they’re waiting.” A scratchy, unbothered voice had sounded as the clacking of heels sounded down the set of stairs held by the stage. We both rolled our eyes as she swang her hips side to side, sauntering away from us.
“Ugh, whatta bitch.” We muttered in unison, breathing out a laugh. Britt gave me a subtle peck on the cheek, something she always did to calm my nerves before my journey to the pole, “Knock ‘em dead, Y/N”
As she turned my track on, I took a deep breath, pushing my boobs up a little, feeling the deep red lace against my body. Promiscuous sounded, by Nelly & Timbaland. As much as it is a corny song, the boys loved it.
Whipping my hair over my shoulder, I winked at my bestie, and started my walk. The giant curtains opened as I started to strut. The dim lights only lighting up solely on the pole. My confidence returning as my hips swirled to the beat, winking at thirsty men in the crowd. I raised my arms leaning my head back touching my chest.
I made my way over to the center, strutting around the shiny metal pole, caressing it gently. Placing my heels accordingly on the polished platform, stepping on dollar bills everywhere I walked. “Promiscuous girl, you’re teasin’ me. You know what I want and I got what you need.”
I raised my leg on the pole letting my body drape around as my arm held my balance along the pole. As I smoothly came to the bottom of the glistening metal, I spread my legs one infront and one behind, bouncing slightly. Rolling onto my next move, the same pair of blue eyes caught my attention, I couldn’t help but stare for a second, which felt like minutes, as I got behind the pole, he winked at me.
Which took me by surprise as I blushed. I gulped and returned the wink. I blew a kiss at this man, as I slut dropped down the metal shaft, licking up it. Keeping eye contact, his mouth agape. When I grew confidence, I also grew dirty. Giving what these men came to see. “Have all my money!”
One man shouted, another had exclaimed, “I want you to ride my face, please! Be my dirty little girl!” I smiled politely at these men, knowing full well they probably have wives at home, most of them having a ring on their marriage finger. Bastards.
As I danced around the pole, I let my hips do the work, shaking them around in a sexy way. Left to right, innocently dancing. Mouthing the lyrics, shutting my eyes ever so slightly. With my back to the pole now, I had slid down it, mouthing the lyrics, “I’m all alone and it’s you that I want!”
Motioning this handsome blue eyed boy to me with my fingers, in a ‘come here’ type of way. Hoping to entice him, or just playfully tease him. He was leaning against the bar, eyes glued to me. I’ve felt his eyes on me the whole dance. He had this dark smirk on him, looking me up and down with these hungry eyes. Turning his full body towards me now. He mouthed, “Oh yeah?”
In return, I sent an innocent wink his way, with a smile this time. Getting on my feet and swinging around the pole one last time before subtly dropping down, against the cold metal, arching my back as I pushed my hips towards the pole, not letting go. The lights going dark once again as my time came to an end.
I blew the crowd a kiss as I took one last glance toward the bar, the man that had captivated my full attention could not be seen. My heart sank a little as I turned on my heel, forming a strut down the walk as the curtains closed behind me, the money being collected as I had left the stage that I had now earned.
“Eeek! Y/N! You did so good! How am I supposed to follow that performance up?!” Brittney squealed, high fiving me.
“You’ll do even better than me, I’m sure of it!” Giving her praise, she was the one thing that got me through this place, she deserved more confidence. “ I’m gonna take a walk on the floor, gonna get a drink! Go get ‘em tiger!”
As much as I was there for my girl, I desperately wanted to see if this man had stuck around.
Venturing onto the men-riddled floor, I tried to keep my composure. This was when my nerves got the better of me, you’re looked at as a piece of meat when you’re of the floor. Up on the stage, you feel as though everyone’s below you, literally. You’re on top, nobody can touch you up there.
I found myself at the bar, just asking for a lemonade to pass the time, a kind, older woman had served me. She was one of the nicer workers that resided here, “Would you like a cherry in there too, Y/N?”
“You know me.” I softly said, giving her a thankful smile. Some saw me as the baby here and some saw me as the queen. It was a weird place to be, I just appreciated the kind ones. She gave me a wink and went on her way to make me a the simple concoction.
“Y/N. What a name. Pretty, too.” A deep, husky voice sounded from next to me, as I felt his eyes burn into the side of my head. I turned, slowly looking up at him, his tall, dark frame leaning down on me. I gulped. Those familiar blue eyes keeping ahold of my attention, his warm smile sounding, “Hey, I’m Colby.” He took my hand and kissed it gently.
“Y/N. Hey.” I shyly ushered out in one whole breathe, as I glanced down, my hair falling infront of my face. He was gorgeous, a true beauty. I must be lucky for someone like him to be able to approach me.
“Yeah, I know” He chuckled. I blushed as he heard the lady behind the bar already address that. Don’t screw up now girl! “Is that your real name? I know ladies like to have a disguise around here.”
He observantly mentioned, smirking too. I was at a loss for words, Colby was so captivating, I was lost in his celestial, lapis eyes. His chestnut hair cascading infront of his eyes ever so slightly. “It is, does that disappoint you?”
I decided to be honest, maybe he’d find that attractive in its self. After all, he was honest with me. “What? God no, I think you’re stunning, and your names just the cherry on top!”
Colby ironically exclaimed, as my drink was placed infront of me. The lady looked at both me and him and smiled, raising her eyebrows at me. He glanced at my drink, taking the cherry. Swivelling it in his grip, he glanced at me. I looked up at him with my doe eyes, as he popped it in my mouth, plucking the stem from the cherry itself. “Good girl.”
My heart started to race as he reached his hand out, ushering me closer. As I went to take his hand, a loud roguish man approached me, grabbing me by waist, immediately yelling in my face, “Are you gonna dance for me or what? Huh?”
The alcohol definitely playing its part, I glanced to security, they hadn’t seen the commotion yet and my heart was jumping out of its chest. He towered over me demanding, impatiently waiting for an answer. “Sir, please don’t speak to me like tha-“
“I can speak to you how the FUCK I want, don’t you dare think for a second that your better than me or anyone’s gonna save your pretty little ass, you do what I tell you-“ a huge thud landed as I was swiftly pushed back, the man in front of me collapsing to the ground. Colby had lunged at the drunken man. Angered, he had hit him square in the jaw, a tooth rolling around on the floor. A splash of blood on already red heel.
My breath hitched in my throat, still no security in sight, the music too loud for anyone to really give a shit. Colby had picked this man up by his shift, as though he weighed of nothing, he hissed in his face, “Beat it.”
The man was dropped to his feet and quickly scurried away, as if he saw death itself. I watched as he was out of site, a warm touch against my chin snapped me out of the trance I was in. Startled. “Are you okay, beautiful?”
Gazing into his eyes, hard to look away, I stuttered out, “I-uh, yeah. Thank you.” I placed my hand on his chest trying to gain my breath back, it all happened so fast, a boldness took over me, the sheer sign of strength made so effortlessly was almost overwhelming, “Wanna get out of here?”
I felt his heartbeat pick up every so slightly as he huskily said, “Lead the way, Y/N.”
Of all places, I lead him to one of the private booths, the expensive, champagne riddled rooms. I shut the curtains to the room, letting staff know that it was occupied. The curved couch was a sparkly red, that had a pole in the middle as well as a love seat. The circular table had three bottles of champagne in a bucket of ice, recently been placed there. Lights had become dim since I’d closed the curtains and there were little sources of light emerging from under both seats. Colby had poured a drink for me and himself, keeping them set down on the table, he approached me with a smirk on his face, “What brings us here then beautiful?”
“I wanted to thank you back there, you were so brave.” Placing my hand on his chest once again, ever so slightly pushing him backwards, towards the curved seat, trailing my hand downwards. Batting my eyelashes at him with my big doe like eyes, I pouted, “So strong.”
His legs hit the textured couch, falling back on, eyes never straying from mine once. I began to crawl on top of him, in a straddle position, feeling himself twitch underneath me, “I-That was nothing back there, a beautiful girl like you shouldn’t have to take that shit.”
He insisted while taking in my body, my looks. Colbys hands began to travel up and down my lacy, deep red piece, taking it all in, breathing a little heavier than before. Muttering, he shifted a little from under me, looking back up at my eyes, “Fuck.”
Smirking slightly, I leant forward, giving him an eyeful of my cleavage, whispering, “I’ll make you feel good, Colby.” His breath began to hitch as I began to kiss up his jaw, his eyes darkened as he lifted my face, gazing into my eyes. His plump lips were begging to meet mine, he took a quick glance at my lips and mumbled hastily, “You’re making me crazy, beautiful.”
And with that he crashed his whiskey stained lips into my cherry tasted ones. Hunger was taking over and I grew to want him so badly. His great hands found their way to my back, travelling down and cupping me, grabbing me ever so slightly but enough for me to moan into his mouth. He seemed to like that. Swiftly, he took my laced bra off with one quick motion, making me gasp.
My hands got the better of me and I started unbuttoning his shirt, almost frustrated that it wasn’t coming undone quick enough. He pulled away, picking me up, his hands under me, straddling his waist now, “You’re so fucking beautiful.”
The blue eyed boy had laid us down, I was now laying on the love seat, he towered over me, looking me up and down, ready to feast. Colby stood there, with his shirt unbuttoned, his abs glistening from the sweat we had just created. He looked godly in this moment. He quickly took off his jeans, his member almost throbbing to be let out. I gulped as he looked bigger than anything I’d ever seen.
He lowered himself down, and kissed me passionately, still hungry for more. My hands roamed freely, helping him take off his shirt completely. With this motion I quickly flipped us, wanting to be on top of him. I begged, “Let me please you, Colby.”
Impressed at my strength, Colby had stifled a moan as I started to leave hungry kisses down his chest, until I got to his boxer line. I looked up at him through my lashes, as he nodded with approval, removing the clothing. His thick member throbbing. I gulped, taking in his size, he was fucking huge.
“Fuck.” I muttered as I teased him, licking up his shaft, keeping eye contact with him as he propped himself up on his elbows to get a better look. I wrapped my hand around his member, kissing the tip.
I began to take him in my mouth, bobbing my head up and down and sucking slightly, wanting him to feel euphoric. His sweet moans filled my ears, making me work harder for him. Wanting to make him feel better than ever. “You’re such a good girl, Y/N.”
Seeing his eyes roll back as his shaft touched the back of my throat was enough to make me moan, knowing I was doing a good job. I was a good girl. His good girl. Colby’s hand traveled to the back of my head, grabbing my hair slightly bobbing my head. It felt so good. “You like that baby girl?”
I nodded quickly, not wanting to disappoint, all of a sudden feeling really submissive. As I carried on sucking it for a little longer, Colby pulled my hair back and away from him gently making me look up at him, he muttered, “C’mere baby.”
I did as he asked, waiting for what was to come. Colby got on top of me, his chain dangling infront of my face, his arms looking as muscular as ever as he towered over me, I felt completely under his spell and I was more than ready for what he was about to do to me.
He caressed my breasts, with both hands as I started to breath heavier, trying to keep it together. His eyes flickering towards mine and my bare chest, he muttered sweet nothings as he latched onto them, kissing them. Sucking them. I couldn’t help but moan at the way his tongue moved against my body, “Colby!”
“Shh, baby. You sound so fucking good, but we can’t get in trouble now, can we?” He muttered against my breasts, knowing full well we’d get in big trouble as clients weren’t supposed to be touchy let alone all over each other. He was far from being a client, but I would definitely get kicked out immediately for this behaviour. I groaned out of annoyance, frustrated with pleasure. He began to bite them ever so gently, putting my hand over my mouth to shuffle my moans. Colby had made him way down to my panties, asking for approval, granting him access. He swiftly took them off with ease, “Fuck you’re so perfect.”
“Are you ready baby?” He huskily marvelled, admiring the mess he had made me into, touching himself. His hair stuck to his forehead a little, his muscles glistening all over, his tattoos made his aura dark and mysterious but he seemed like a complete utter dream. In response, all I could manage was a swift nod, with impatient, hungry eyes.
He lined his huge member up with my already wet folds, awaiting the small pain that came with it. He came down closer to me, kissing me roughly and pushing himself into me at the same time, causing me to melt into his mouth, both moaning loudly. My hands traveled up to his hair, getting tangled in his locks. His motions were euphoric and heavenly, making my back arch with every move. Colby moaned roughly into my neck, kissing it and nipping at the skin with his teeth, leaving slight bruises as he trailed.
“Fuck, you feel so good Y/N.” My nails scraped along down his back, marking him as equally as he did me. He couldn’t keep back his moans as they sounded through my body. Unwinding. As is pace quickened, my orgasm started to grow nearer. I couldn’t hold it any longer, he was making me feel pleasure like I’ve never felt it before, “Colby, I’m so close!”
“Fuck baby, don’t come until I tell you too. I know you’re a good girl. My good, good girl.” He quickened his pace and became a little rougher with his thrusts, making me into a moaning mess. He couldn’t bring himself to tell me to be quiet anymore, he loved the way he was making me feel. He moved so he could put my legs over his shoulders, making my climax come quicker, “Colby, please!”
“Oh baby, I’m gonna come too.” He muffled tensely, his thrusts getting sloppier, I looked at him with pleading eyes, muttering and begging, Colby looked at me with pleading eyes, “Come for me beautiful.”
With that, I had unleashed my orgasm, coming undone at his command, moaning his name as I rode out my high. I started toying with my breasts to get him closer to his climax, wanting nothing more but the warm fill, “Colby, please come. Please!”
Not even a moment later he came undone too, filling me up with his come. We were both messes, moaning into each other as he collapsed on top of me, pecking my neck as he collected himself. He rolled over to the next of me, putting his arm underneath his head and one out for me to lay on. We were both panting like sick dogs. I propped myself up on my elbow, my head resting against my palm.
“You know, I’ve never seen you in here before.” I muttered, playing with a strand of my hair. I pondered it, because he was a beautiful man, a young man. A man that didn’t suit these kind of places.
“I thought you’d ask, it’s a good friend of mines birthday and we all thought it would be a good surprise to bring him here.” Colby chuckled, looking into my eyes. He reached out for my hand and placed it on his chest, his heart still erratic. “You are beautiful though, Y/N. I meant what I said.”
“Thank you. You’re not too bad yourself.” I giggled, him faking a hurt expression, giving me a pearly white smile, something that made me melt on the spot. His crinkles next to his eyes matching perfectly with his happy looks.
“A pretty girl like you, how’d you end up here?” He looked at me sincerely, wanting to know me a little better. I didn’t think he’d ask, making me feel slightly embarrassed that I have money issues.
“Oh it’s nothing, just- university won’t pay itself, you see.” I said with honesty. glancing down at my hands down, playing with them.
“University? That’s incredible, I can’t imagine how expensive that must be, I guess I can understand.” I looked up at him, he seemed genuine and I melted into his gaze, I gave him a small smile. Appreciating his kind words. Mouthing a ‘thank you’.
“You know,” propping himself up to really look at me this time, grabbing the two glasses of champagne on the table. Handing one to me, “I would really like to take you out, get you away from here eventually.”
“I would really love that.” I blushed, him smirking in return.
“It wouldn’t be classed as inappropriate to maybe cheers to this? A new beginning, potentially?” Him raising a glass.
I giggled, feeling a sense of happiness and fulfilment. Cuddled up with a man you feel like you’ve known forever, chatting, getting to know each other and just sealed a date with, raising a toast to a new beginning. “Cheers.”
a/n- omg I had no plan for this just a thought, one thing led to another and BOOM. hope you enjoyed lol I never know how to wrap up endings
stay sweet x
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multiwritesstuff · 4 months
If you think I’m pretty
Summary: you and Colby have a toxic relationship
Note: I don’t romanticise toxic relationships this is just a one shot
Warnings: kinda toxic relationship?, 18+ minors dni, cursing, unprotected sex (don’t be silly wrap your Willy)
I’m finally back with a Colby one shot what else is new lol
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How would one describe yours and Colby’s friendship.. relationship? Whatever you want to call it.. well for one thing it’s what one would call toxic and here’s why. Well you guys like each other.. sorry no you like screwing each other. When you’re not screwing each other.. you’re bantering like a couple would.. then you guys end up fighting.. over something stupid.. so you take a break from each other and then after a while it’s like a game of cat and mouse.. until someone wins.. and when they win.. the sex is great.. but after.. comes the toxicity again..
You were currently in your apartment getting ready for a party that your friend was throwing when you feel your phone buzz, you put down the curling iron and you read the message, rolling your eyes as you saw who it was from.
Colby: You coming to the party tonight?
You: Sorry who’s this?
Colby: Cute.. come on princess… I want to see my favourite girl.
You roll your eyes at his reply and type out your response
You: You think I’m dumb? I know you say that to all your girls
Colby: Yeah well now it’s your turn to hear it x
You don’t bother replying back and you continue getting ready for the party.
You were dancing with your friend, swaying your hips to the music and having a good time. When all of a sudden you felt a pair of hands on your waist.. you’re about to tell them to let go of you when Colby’s voice whispers in your ear.
“Relax princess. It’s just me.”
You roll your eyes and turn to look at him
“I don’t like it when strangers touch me.”
“I’m not a stranger.” Colby chuckles rubbing your hips with his thumbs
You try not to melt into his touch but it was impossible.. his touch ignited a fire in you and he knew that.
“Shut up Colby.. why are you even here?” You question him
“I told you.. to come and see my favourite girl.” He tells you still rubbing your hips looking at you.
“You’re so full of shit.” You tell him
“You could be full of me.” Colby retorts smirking at you
“No thanks.. I’d rather pass.” You act disgusted
“Oh come on.. it’s not the first time you’d be full of me.. I know how much you like to beg for it.” Colby whispers into your ear
“That was a long time ago.” You push him away
“I know that you still think about me.. because I still think about you.” He looks at you
“I don’t ever think about you.” You tell him
“The text messages you send me when you’re drunk.. tell a different story.” He says recalling all the times you’ve drunk texted him.
“I was drunk.. when I sent those messages so it doesn’t mean anything.” You tell him
“Drunk words are sober thoughts darling.” Colby says leaning in to press a small kiss to your neck
“Sure.. I’ll let you think that.” You say as Colby pulls you closer and you let him
“You know I’m right.” Colby says as he presses kisses against your neck
You snap out of the little trance you’re in and you pull away from Colby
“Baby.. what are you doing?” Colby asks
“I’m stopping this.” You tell him and you walk away leaving Colby alone in the sea of dancing bodies.
You were in your apartment, sitting on your couch watching a rerun of friends when you hear a knock on the door, you stand up grabbing your cash thinking it’s the pizza you ordered. You open the door and roll your eyes when you see Colby.
“Not happy to see me sweetheart?” He asks
“Not in the slightest, what are you doing here?” You ask as Colby steps past you, walking into your apartment.
“Well I haven’t heard from you since the party.. I was getting worried.” Colby tells you putting his hand over his heart.. acting fake concerned.
“Sure just come on in.” You close the door
“Did you just hear what I said?” He asks
“I did.. you’re full of crap.” You say
“You could be fu-“ You cut Colby off
“I could be full of you.. yeah yeah I’ve heard it a million times before.”
Colby chuckles and walks over to your couch and sits down making himself comfortable
“Sure just make yourself at home.” You comment watching him still standing
“I am.. come sit gorgeous.” He pats his lap
“Not happening.” You say walking over sitting down on the couch keeping your distance
“Come closer, I won’t bite.. unless you want me too.” Colby says with a smirk
“I’m good here.” You tell him looking at the television
“You’re no fun.. let me at least give you a foot rub.” Colby grabs your ankles pulling your legs into his lap.
“I don’t want a foot rub.” You look at him
“You like my foot rubs.” He says as he starts to massage your sock covered feet gently
“I never said that.” You say as you relax into the couch
“Your body language does.. you forgot I know you and your body better than anyone.” Colby says still massaging your feet
“Sure.. keep telling yourself that.” You say
Before Colby could retort a knock was heard at the door, you stand up and walk over grabbing the cash again and you open the door grabbing your pizza and handing the cash to the pizza delivery guy
“Keep the change.” You close the door and let out a squeal, Colby standing right behind you.
“What pizza did you get?” He asks
“Pepperoni.. why aren’t you sitting on the couch?” You ask
“My favourite.. and I wanted to get your heart racing.. is it racing?” Colby asks
Your heart was beating fast
“Nope.. now go and sit.. I’ll bring you a slice of pizza and a whiteclaw?” You tell him
“I know it is sweetheart.. remember I know you better than anyone.. yes please.” Colby pats your ass gently and walks back over to the couch sitting back down
You take a breath and shake your head putting the box of pizza on the counter and you grab two plates, you open the box of pizza and you put two slices on Colby’s plate and one slice on your plate, you close the lid and you open the fridge grabbing out two whiteclaws tucking them under your arm, you grab the two plates and walk back over to the couch handing Colby his plate and his whiteclaw, you sit down next to him.
“Thank you gorgeous.” Colby thanks you and you nod as you both eat in a comfortable silence.
Some time had passed when Colby speaks up
“We should make out.”
“We should not make out.” You get up grabbing the plates and the empty whiteclaws
“Come on please.” He groans
“No.” You walk into the kitchen putting the cans in the bin and you put the plates in the sink
“It’s just an innocent make out.. my hands will stay where you can see them I promise.” Colby tries to compromise
“You and I both know that’s a lie.” You put the pizza box in the fridge
“Please y/n.” Colby says
“No.” You walk back over to the couch and just as you’re about to sit down Colby grabs you by the waist and pulls you down to sit on his lap
“Colby!” You gasp taken by surprise
“Shhh.” He says as he places a hand on your cheek pulling you in and he kisses you
You melt into his touch as you kiss him back
Colby smirks against your lips as he keeps kissing you.. his hands trail down to your ass and he gives your ass a squeeze, you gasp softly, Colby takes that chance to slip his tongue into your mouth
You and Colby make out, Colby lays you on your back and settles in between your legs, be pulls away from the kiss and starts kissing down your neck.
“Colby.. we really shouldn’t.” You breathe out
“Shh please baby I miss you.” Colby says sucking a hickey into your neck
You let out a moan and give in. “Okay okay.. fine.”
Colby pulls away and smirks and picks you up walking into your room throwing you onto your bed gently before taking his shirt off and crawling on top of you. He kisses you again and you kiss him back.. you guys start to make out and Colby pulls away
“Can I take this off?” He asks tugging on the the bottom of your shirt, you nod and lift your arms up and Colby takes your shirt off you and throws it somewhere your shirt landing with a thud.. he reaches behind to your back and unclasps your bra taking it off and throwing it on the floor.
“Wow.” He breathes out and you blush, he kisses down your neck before stopping at your chest.. he kisses your breast before taking a nipple into his mouth sucking gently, you moan, Colby pulls away with a pop before moving onto your other nipple, before pulling away.
Colby kisses you again, you kiss him back and he tugs on your pants you lift your hips up and Colby pulls down your pants, followed by your underwear.
Colby pulls away and kisses down your neck, you pull down his pants followed by his boxers, Colby slides his tip in between your wet folds, you moan softly and Colby slides into you, he lets you adjust to his size.
“You can move.” You tell him, he nods and kisses at your neck, as he thrusts, they start off slow.
“Fuck.” You moan out softly, Colby keeps thrusting his pace picking up, he keeps kissing at your neck, leaving hickeys behind.
“Feel so good around me baby.. this pussy was made for me.” Colby groans as he keeps thrusting, you whimper at his words.
“All mine aren’t you baby?” Colby asks, he thrusts deeper, you swear you could feel him hit your cervix.
“All yours Colby.” You moan loudly
“That’s right.. now be a good girl and cum for me.” Colby grunts, thrusting faster.
You drag your nails down his back, he keeps thrusting, you moan your climax fast approaching, Colby reaches in between your bodies and he finds your clit, rubbing it in fast circles.
“Colby! Oh fuck Colby!” You scream out, you arch your back as you cum.
“That’s my girl.. good fucking girl.” Colby grunts, his thrusts start to turn sloppy, and he shoots load into you, coating your walls.
He kisses your neck and pulls out of you, the both of you panting heavily. Colby rolls off of you, and he wraps an arm around you. You snuggle into him and he presses a kiss to the side of your head.
You lay in a comfortable silence for a while, before Colby gets up and goes into your bathroom and he wets a towel coming back, walking over to you and he cleans you up, before getting dressed.
“Thanks for this.. this was fun.. I’ll text you later.” He winks at you and he leaves.. leaving you naked and alone in bed.
Finally posted, let me know what you think, requests are open thanks 🫶🏻
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The Boys: Why the Gruesomest Show on TV Is Also One of the Greatest
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Brash. Brazen. Bonkers. Brutal. Bloody. Bawdy. Bizarre. On the surface, 'The Boys' is a show I should absolutely loathe, yet I love it. Why? Because it’s like nothing else I’ve ever seen before, and that makes it exhilarating! 
In this day and age of remakes, reboots, sequels, and prequels, 'The Boys' is a revelation. It takes everything we’ve come to know and love about the superhero genre and turns it on its head. Actually, it smashes its head in and flies off, covered in blood, with a big grin on its face. 
This alone is a great antidote to the "superhero fatigue” that so many of us have been suffering from. With the DC Universe currently in a Chapter 1 reset, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the midst of a very busy Phase 5, ditching the genre (and all the films, TV shows, and spin-offs you have to watch to keep up with it) has been beyond tempting.
In showrunner Eric Kripke's cleverly subverted script for 'The Boys' (based on a comic book series by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson), each superhero, or "supe,” as they are dubbed in the show, is a satirical spin on a classic DC or Marvel character, even down to their collective name, The Seven (based on the Justice League).
However, unlike the more moral idols it takes its inspiration from, 'The Boys' is an R-rated romp that explores the ramifications of giving ordinary humans superhuman powers. Behind all the muscled supersuits and PR-manufactured wholesomeness, our heroes have become outright antagonists, and the so-called vigilantes have become our (anti)heroes.
Soldier Boy is an angry and arrogant take on Captain America. Homelander is a narcissistic, sadistic, and volatile version of Superman. Queen Maeve is Wonder Woman, if she were reduced to a cynical sidekick. All-American girl Starlight is an amalgamation of Mary Marvel, Stargirl, and Dazzler. Kimiko possesses a feral quality akin to that of Wolverine. Tek Knight is a BDSM-obsessed Batman. Black Noir is a masked mercenary in the same vein as Deadpool (minus the sass). The Deep is a dumb, perverted parody of Aquaman, and A-Train is a reckless Flash or Quicksilver. They even have their own Nick Fury of sorts, in the form of Vought International SEO Stan Edgar.
In the era of corruption, celebrities, and social influence, real-life supes would definitely abuse their powers and gaslight the public into believing every bit of righteous bullshit that came out of their mouths. They only (and begrudgingly) do good deeds to get more follows and likes, and most don’t like each other either, viewing teammates and partners as competitors rather than comrades.
This dark, disturbing, and at times hilarious take on the genre is what makes the show stand out amongst the rest. It easily offends, distresses, traumatises, titilates, and grosses you out. But it’s not just done for headlines and shock value. Every single chaotic, cruel, and unpredictable action is there for a reason. It forms part of a character’s motivations, it propels the plot forward, or it sets up a new and exciting direction.
Casting is another ingenious ingredient in the supe soup that is 'The Boys'. Household names (Antony Starr, Karl Urban, Giancarlo Esposito, Jensen Ackles, Simon Pegg, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan, to name a few) are mixed in with relatively new names (Erin Moriarty, Karen Fukuhara, Tomer Capone, Dominique McElligott, Aya Cash, and Colby Minifie). However, all performances are stellar. There isn’t one specific actor who carries the whole show or steals every scene (although Starr can be the most mesmerising). As an ensemble, they all have a role to play, and they play it scarily and consistently well.
Every episode is an intense mix of gratuitous violence, gore, sex, nudity, language, and drug use. Characters engage in orgies, bodies are mutilated and torn apart, heads are blown clean off, religious views are ridiculed, and political agendas are exploited. There are supes who are sexist, supes who are homophobic, supes who are racist, supes who are ableist, and supes cloaked in woke ideology purely for the purpose of infiltration and manipulation.
That being said, and for a show that always feels one scene away from being banned, 'The Boys' has shown incredible restraint when it comes to its ending. Five seasons was what was planned, and five seasons is what it’ll be. Despite top ratings for each season, a loyal fanbase, rich source material, and the potential to introduce dozens more supes and storylines, 'The Boys' can clearly see the value of quitting while it's ahead, and I salute them for it.
I’m confident that the fifth and final season will be f**king diabolical, and I can’t wait!
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multi-muse-transect · 3 months
Imagine Crisis On Infinite Earths Part 3 has the Tomorrowverse Justice League arrive on the MAWS universe albeit taking place many years after the show with them teaming with the MAWS versions of the Justice League with the team consisting of
Superman (Jack Quaid obviously)
Wonder Woman (Dominque McElligot)
Batman (Antony Starr)
Hawkman (Karl Urban)
Hawkgirl (Claudia Doumit)
Flash (Chace Crawford)
Green Lantern John Stewart (Laz Alonso)
Katana (Karen Fukuhara)
Zatanna (Aya Cash)
Shining Knight (Tomer Capone)
Mr. Terrific (Jesse T. Usher)
Black Lightning (Nathan Mitchell)
Vigilante (reimagined as Grace Saunders) (Colby Minfie)
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st4rswrld · 9 months
content has been lazy and hard to watch recently. all the pre filming is insane. like we were watching months old content where they were tired and exhausted. i know people on here are coming for matt’s attitude and stuff but i really can’t blame him. they prefilmed SO much, went on a TOUR, and then came back and immediately pre filmed more so they could go home and see family + have a stress free holiday. i know that i was miserable to be around when school gets really intense and i’m studying all the time- i can’t imagine how they feel. and honestly i’m shocked chris/nick have such good of attitudes as they do. laura could’ve planned better for them and spaced everything out. that’s her job and she lowkey failed them and now their content is suffering. like i don’t even know how i got through some of those car videos lol.
and maybe i am out growing them. i’m not discounting that. i’m a different person than i was when i started watching them and both the triplets and i have changed. but honestly, their content really isn’t as fun for me to watch anymore.
i honestly agree i feel like them going on tour the second time in a year was too soon and such an obvious cash grab. They could have done so much more to connect and grow their fanbase rather then a glorified meet and greet. They could’ve actually put out the “individual projects” they say they’ve been working on for the past year or so. Fixed their shipping issues and just overall better content w collabs like sam and colby.
laura’s been failing them (i’m pro laura hate sue me). i hate to be that person and say “i miss boston them blah blah blah” but im just being honest when i say that their early content like 2021 - 2022 ish was just peak content and so much better then now. and i honestly don’t blame them like 3 videos a week ur bound to get burnt out a year into doing ts.
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do NOT join twitter!!!
you will deactivate your account an hour after creating it apon seeing pim pimlings tiny purple dong
based on personal experience
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
not so alone // colby brock
A/N: this fic is clearly inspired by maddie and all the other ghosts that for some reason love colby lmao honestly this fic kinda makes me sad and happy at the same time. this fic is also gender neutral, like the last one. let me know what you think of it. enjoy ! :)
prompt: you've had many men pass through your bedroom doors, but they always tell you lies. but this one... might make you finally believe. || ghost!reader x colby brock
trigger warning: you're a ghost sex worker... so there's that, unwanted touching??, fluff and angst, kind of a happy ending
word count: 1190
You had had many men come through your doors over the decades of all shapes and sizes. Even different clothing styles too (some of which didn't quite make sense to you). But you didn't discriminate, it wasn't in your line of work to do so. As long as the customer paid, they were allowed to have a good time.
But for some reason, and you don't know when it began, these men would come in and act like they owned the place. They would come in, boss you around, and tell you lies.
Tell you that you were dead.
Sure, you got shot in the heart by your ex-lover Harold, but by the grace of God, you survived it. You were happy to know he died when these men would say it to you, but... you weren't dead. You would know whether or not that was the case.
These "ghost hunters" (whatever that means) would come in and talk to you, tell you to light up a device they had or touch them. Of course, the few what they called “mediums” that actually paid attention to you, because for some reason everyone liked to pretend you weren't there and they were the only ones that could see you, would tell these hunters that the only way you would do anything for them is if they gave you money. You had plenty on your dresser, and people just kept leaving you more and more over the years. So, once they would put some cash down, then you would do what they ask. But only if you felt like it.
You weren't sure why this is what these hunters were into but... whatever floats their boat.
Then one day, these four young men came into the brothel. They were dressed oddly, but so were any recent folks that walked through your doors. But you didn’t care about that because their energy was different.
Especially the dark haired one. He was tall, handsome, and had beautiful blue eyes.
He had this... glow around him. Something you didn't see too often, if ever. It felt warm and safe, unlike a lot of other men's energies.
You watched as they spilt off, two going one way and two entering your room. The dark haired one laid down on your bed. You grimaced at his shoes being on your comforter, but quickly ignored it. They placed down these random gadgets around the room and started "recording".
"Are you here, Y/N? Would you like to come talk to us?"
You rolled your eyes, not moving from your seat. You picked at your nails as they asked more questions.
"Bro, wait. The tour guide said that they usually don’t respond unless money is placed on the dresser." The blonde one reminded them.
The dark haired one pulled out his wallet, and handed a $10 to the blonde one, who placed the money on the dresser.
"Is that good enough, Y/N? Is that what you were waiting for?" The dark haired one asked.
You walked over to the device they had been pointing at, tapping it softly. The light flashed and boys freaked out.
Wow, men these days are easily amused.
"Oh my god thank you Y/N! That means so much to us."
You talked back and forth with them for a while, but eventually the subject turned to your least favorite part: the lies.
Colby, which you had learned was the dark haired one, quietly asked. "Y/N.... do you know that you're dead?"
You didn't touch their device. You got off the bed and went back to your chair. You were so tired of being asked a question that wasn't true.
"I'm sorry that happened to you, Y/N. Your ex, Harold... he shouldn't have shot you. That was terrible. I'm sorry you suffered."
You looked over at him. His voice... it was so much more sincere than the other men that had come through and told you this lie. The way he said it... it almost made you believe him.
But you couldn't be dead.
"The tour guide was telling us that you haven't moved on, that that's what a lot of mediums have said. I hope you know that if you need help crossing over, we'll help you."
You shook your head, crossing your arms uncomfortably. You weren't dead. You just couldn't be.
They ended up leaving not too long afterwards, but you overheard them saying that Colby should stay the night in your room. You were happy about that, at the very least.
But this whole being dead thing... could it actually be true? You couldn't remember the last time you ate, or changed your clothes, or bathed even. But you never changed. Nothing about you ever aged. Time felt frozen, days blurred together. Thousands of people had passed through your brothel, and they all had told you the same thing.
You. Were. Dead.
Tears flowed down your face, and you felt like the world finally stopped moving. Oh God, you were dead. You died when Harold had shot you all those decades ago. No one was pretending you weren't around, they really couldn't see you. Or hear you.
You had never felt so alone in your whole life.
Colby came to your room again. You didn't know how much time had passed since you last saw him, but assumingly it wasn't that long. He awkwardly sat down on your bed, kicking his shoes off this time. He leaned back and glanced around.
"Y/N... are you still here? I hope you don't mind if I stay here tonight. I don't plan on recording anything, unless something major happens. I figure it might be better to just have a one-on-one conversation."
He asked random questions, and weirdly waited for responses from you. You hoped he could tell you were answering, but you weren't sure. He didn't seem like these mediums you had talked to before.
You leaned across the bed and lightly touched his arm, now noticing the tattoos on the right one. You felt the hair on his arm react to your touch, rising. He gasped, pulling away from you.
"Oh my god, did you just touch me?" He gasped, looking around the room hastily.
That was the first time a man had almost revolted from your touch. You scared him. Of course you scared him. You’re a ghost.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to react like that. I’m just surprised.” Colby apologized, his voice low.
You kept your distance the rest of the night, until he was finally asleep.
You figured this would be your last night here; you knew it was time to move on from this place. But you wanted one more night of normal. You slid into bed with Colby, resting your head against his chest softly. He didn't stir or move away from your touch this time. His hand rested against your back, pushing you closer. You felt at peace finally. It had been so long since someone had touched you back.
You looked up at his face, cupping his cheek softly.
For a moment, you didn't feel so alone.
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gameofthunder66 · 1 year
The Boys (2019- ) tv series
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-(started) watchin' Season 2- 9/13/2023- on Amazon Prime
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trillestat3 · 1 month
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