#comandante fluffy
humixalex · 5 months
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big fat bear handsome
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cariciapadre · 1 year
Hey! So if there was a Pompom x Caricias x generals… how would it work? Would the generals just like share Caricias with Pompom every now and then or…?
The reason I ask is bc I remember you said you headcanon Pompom as General Otto’s grandson or something along the lines of that.
HAIII ok sao in my head basikally yeah its more of a " caricias and his 4 boyfriends " kinda deal then a " theyre allll dating " kinda thing ! however i doo think them all dating is supa cute under the circumstance that .. yk .. pompon is not related to the generals 😭
i have many different hcs for many different characters , sometimes i like ships that fits my hcs and sometimes i like ships that dont ! its weird , but if im picking up what youre puttin down nah the ship isnt incestuous !! just bears in love . i hope i worded this well lol
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boywhatintheheck · 1 year
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*drops down from the heavens and throws this at your face and returns to the pearly gates*
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wannab-urs · 1 year
Hello, gorgeous. I'm Gin, what's your name?
This is a safe space for queer folk. We support (and are a member of) the LGBT+ here.
TERFs can fuck right off to hell please do not interact with me
Minors... please god do not read anything on my blog. Ever.
I refuse to be consistent, tag anything in a way that makes sense, or shut the fuck up.
AO3 link
requests are open! - i love getting requests, but remember that sending one doesn't mean I'm definitely going to write it :)
Masterlist <3
Dieter Bravo
A Ghost of You* - Cycles of a toxic relationship
Do You Love Me? - Dieter needs some reassurance
Bruise* - dieter paints you, literally
In the Next One* - Dieter thinks he's lost you in every past life
I've Shattered Now - Working through the grief of losing Dieter.
Mr. Ben (SNL)
You Have Me In a Chokehold* - Mr. Ben finds out you made a fancam of him
Joel Miller
Build Me Up Buttercup* - series - Joel is your professor and you're gonna fail his class if you don't do something about it.
Frankie Morales
Burn Slowly / I Love You* - series - Frankie used to be a firefighter, but he had a rough go of it after a traumatic event. You're a librarian with an oddly similar source of trauma...
Max Phillips
I Bite Back* - Max Phillips is seemingly always in command, always domineering, always on top… except when he’s with you.
Ezra (Prospect)
Appropriate Reactions* - Ezra is stranded without a ship and has nothing to offer you in return for a ride off The Green... So you make a deal.
Comandante Veracruz
Vete a la Mierda* - You are a member of Espada Ardiente and Veracruz is trying to torture the location of your base out of you
Peg That Middle Aged Man Campaign 2023
Masterlist - featuring Ezra, Joel (pre and post outbreak), Din, Javi G, Max Phillips, Frankie, Dieter, Javi P, Dio, Mr. Ben, and Oberyn
1k Celebration Ficlets
Perfecta, mi amor*- soft dom!javi peña x reader - blowing Javi P
Thunder Buddies - joel x reader - fluffy cute cuddling
Anything for you, babe* - subby!Frankie x reader - pegging Frankie ;)
My silly little Pedro fics spreadsheet can be found here.
Fic Rec Masterlist
Feel free to ask for fic recs for Pedro boys!!
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anonymouse1312437 · 7 months
FanFic Ideas
Hey everyone, I have been a bit out of it for a minute. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas they wanted for the following people:
Pedro Pascal (Himself not characters)
Matthew Lillard (Himself not characters)
Oberyn Martell
The Mandalorian
Juan Badillo
Marcus Moreno
Dieter Bravo
Comandante Veracruz
Javi Gutierrez (A favorite of mine)
Agent Marcus Pike
Javier Pena
Nathan Landry
Francisco Morales
Shaggy Rogers (live action not animated)
Jerry Conlaine (A favorite)
Dean Boland (Another fave)
Stu Macher
Brock Hudson
Principal Bosch
Tim LaFlour
Dennis Rafkin
William Afton
Please either leave suggestions here in the comments and whether you want them smutty/fluffy.
If there is a specific trait or fetish/fantasy you would like but, don't want to comment it please feel free to send me a message Privately.
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apcomplexhq · 1 year
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✦ Nome do personagem: Choi Kyunggu. ✦ Faceclaim e função: Park Jimin - BTS. ✦ Data de nascimento: 05/10/1994. ✦ Idade: 30 anos. ✦ Gênero e pronomes: Masculino, ele/dele. ✦ Nacionalidade e etnia: Coreia do Sul, sul-coreano. ✦ Qualidades: Conselheiro, altruísta e brincalhão. ✦ Defeitos: Fofoqueiro, cínico e vingativo. ✦ Moradia: Asphodel Meadows. ✦ Ocupação: Tatuador no Muse 9. ✦ Bluesky: @AM94CK ✦ Preferência de plot: ANGST, CRACK, FLUFFY, HOSTILITY, ROMANCE, SMUT. ✦ Char como condômino: Aquele típico vizinho que vai tocar guitarra durante a madrugada e, se forem reclamar, o que ele poderá fazer é: te encher de bajulações e flertes até que esqueça o ocorrido OU fingir a maior cara de arrependimento, antes de esperar alguns minutinhos para iniciar toda a barulheira de novo. Encherá muito o saco se ver alguém sujando ou bagunçando algum lugar próximo de sua moradia, desejando sempre que tudo esteja perfeitamente organizado e limpo. Vira e mexe pode fazer uma festa ou incentivar outras pessoas à tal, como, também, é possível que o encontre tocando a campainha de um vizinho e saindo correndo em seguida, pela sua alma de criança que ainda vive muito forte dentro de seus vinte e poucos anos (quase trinta).
TW’s na bio: Prostituição, abuso infantil, tráfico/drogas, suicídio, incêndio. Biografia:
Choi Kyunggu nasceu e cresceu em uma vila localizada na ilha de Ulleung-un, sendo sempre bem visto e adorado por todos aos quais interagia por ser charmoso e um verdadeiro galanteador. Entretanto, toda essa aura atraente que ele exalava não passa de uma “cortina”, perfeita para esconder quaisquer suspeitas de que, na verdade, ele era um dos principais comandantes do tráfico naquela vila. Filho de pais adotivos, que nunca se mostraram verdadeiros exemplos para o garoto, na verdade, eles viam Kyunggu e sua irmã mais nova, Dohee, como moedas de troca no ramo criminoso. Quando eram mais novos, aqueles aos quais chamava de pai e mãe, tentaram o prostituir junto de sua irmã a fim de pagar algumas dívidas que possuíam em compras de narcóticos, porém, após se encontrar no lugar junto de seu abusador, o Choi mais velho conseguiu enganá-lo e o apagar com uma garrafada na cabeça para, logo em seguida, causar um incêndio proposital ao misturar fogo com substâncias inflamáveis, ocasionando na destruição da cabana de madeira que estavam presos. Por mais que tenha escapado, ainda possui algumas queimaduras em suas costas e no ombro esquerdo após uma coluna de madeira ter o derrubado durante sua corrida para fora.
Conseguiu encontrar Dohee em outro lugar perto dali, ajudando-a a fugir e mandando a garota correr para longe e se escondesse. Kyunggu, por outro lado, retornou a casa de seus pais, por ainda não ter consciência de que havia sido vendido propositalmente por eles. Quando chegou lá, foi maltratado e xingado quando descobriram o que havia acontecido, mas ainda se manteve obrigado a viver com eles durante um bom tempo, sendo impedido de sair de casa por tempo indeterminado. Alguns anos se passaram e, Kyunggu já com seus 20 anos, via seus pais adotivos cada vez mais bêbados e sem esperança, se afundando em dívidas e nas drogas mais pesadas. O Choi, então, se aproveitou da fragilidade mental para buscar sua própria vingança. Já tinha entendido tudo o que aconteceu durante sua infância há alguns anos e tinha tudo planejado para aquele momento, a propósito, já tinha até mesmo começado com seus planos, incentivando-os ao suicídio e, por meio de uma gigantesca lábia, desenvolvia uma relação tóxica com ambos, que acabaram se matando um ano mais tarde, quando Kyunggu começou a trabalhar como tatuador para manter as aparências, progredindo positivamente no tráfico que herdou por baixo dos panos.
Quando estava próximo de completar seus 28 anos, após anos e anos de culpa por nunca mais ter conseguido encontrar sua irmã, o tatuador buscou a ajuda de seu melhor amigo, Eric, que o apresentou ao seu detetive particular. Depois de meses, restante apenas alguns dias para seu aniversário, pôde reencontrar Dohee, alguém que já tinha conversado tanto, mas que sequer poderia imaginar que se tratava da garotinha de cinco anos que ajudou a fugir. Conseguiu aproveitar muito tempo com ela, vivenciando um tipo de laço que já fazia tempo que tentava entender o significado: família.
Com o passar dos tempos, infelizmente Dohee teve que retornar para Seul, onde, mais uma vez, os irmãos tiveram que se ver separados. O Choi mais velho se crucificava sobre isso, mas possuía tantas raízes naquela vila que sequer se via morando em outro lugar. Entretanto, ao seu melhor amigo decidir mudar os ares e ir também para o centro da Coreia, juntamente do enorme escândalo em que inúmeros segredos dos moradores foram revelados, Kyunggu precisou fazer uma escolha muito difícil para si, ao mesmo tempo que buscava superar seus medos e traumas.
Exigindo a presença de Moonsik, quem passou a chamar de namorado após um longo ano e alguns meses de convívio, nessa escolha importantíssima, o tatuador resolveu se distanciar da vila ao qual nasceu, a princípio, como algo temporário, para rever sua irmã mais nova, esfriar a cabeça e, também, repensar sobre os grandes passos que estava dando em sua vida.
🥇 Risinho da Vizinhança 🏆 ✦ Prêmio conquistado no Momuscar 2024, que ocorreu durante o evento ARA: Acropolis Residents Awards. Esse personagem foi o que mais recebeu votos na categoria “o morador mais brincalhão”. [Total de votos recebidos: 08].
🥇 Boca de Sacola da Vizinhança 🏆 ✦ Prêmio conquistado no Momuscar 2024, que ocorreu durante o evento ARA: Acropolis Residents Awards. Esse personagem foi o que mais recebeu votos na categoria “maior historiador/fofoqueiro do condomínio”. [Total de votos recebidos: 04]. 🥇 Drama Trophy 🎬 ✦ Prêmio conquistado após ficar em primeiro lugar na coleta de estrelas no evento I'M THE DRAMA, temático de gravação, realizado no mês de março~abril de 2024. [Total de estrelas coletadas: 1.295].
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supernaturalgirl20 · 3 years
What you mean to me!
Pairings: Veracruz x reader
Warnings: Smut 18+, cursing, violence, angst, fluffy ending, mentions of pregnancy.
Summary: your paid to warm the bed of the comandante, will you ever be anything more?
A/N: I got inspired by @flightlessangelwings this girls fics on Veracruz are AMAZING!!! The excitement when I see you’ve written another fic 🥰🙌please please, go check her work out you won’t be disappointed. The ending is very self indulgent 🤷‍♀️
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Arriving into camp you knew he was in a mood. Everyone was tense and on edge and you could hear him shouting at some poor soldier. Walking into his tent, he’s standing tall, shoulders squared, hands on his hips. He hasn’t notice you yet, his back to you, but the soldier he’s angry at has and a sly smile creeps onto his face.
“You think this is funny?”
Before he can continue berating the poor man you come up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist. His whole body goes rigid, spinning around quickly he pins your arms behind your back.
“Hermosa? What are you doing?”
He nods his head at the soldier, an order to leave you both alone.
“I missed you baby.”
He lets you go and walks away from you, “you can’t just come here because you missed me, I’m busy.”
“I know but..”
“No. You need to leave. I’m not in need of you right now.”
“Right. I though that after all this time I would be more to you than just someone to warm your bed.”
He scoffs and looks at you with dark eyes, an unreadable expression on his face.
“You are a great fuck, nothing more. Now leave. If I need you I’ll come find you.”
You can feel the tears building behind your eyes, willing them not to fall down your cheeks. You didn’t want to let him see you like this. He doesn’t look up from his desk as you leave his tent.
It’s been a week since you left his tent and he has missed you, not that he would ever admit that. No, he has a persona he has to maintain. He calls one of his men in and sends them to get you. He never goes to you, that would lead him down a path he wasn’t willing to go. It seemed too intimate and although he lov…liked you, he would never allow himself that luxury. He’s broken from his thoughts when two of his men come rushing in.
“Comandante, sir….she’s gone!”
“What? What do you mean gone?”
“We went to her apartment like you asked, she did not answer when we knocked so we burst her door in. It looks like she was taken sir, her place was ransacked.”
He could feel the anger bubbling under the surface, how dare anyone touch her. She was his!
“There was a note.”
He snatches it from his hand and quickly reads it.
We have your whore. If you want her alive and unharmed, deliver us that case of money you and your men stole from us. You have 24 hours to meet us at the location with the money, if you do not show, she will die.
Veracruz crumples the paper and throws it at his men. “Get that case, and gather everyone…now!”
He paces his tent, almost wearing a hole into the ground. If they’ve hurt her, I will kill them all. He is not an emotional man, well he is notorious for his anger, but nothing else, but with you, he is a different man. He may never show you, but he truly cares. Thoughts of how he spoke to you the last time he saw you flood his mind and he is ashamed. What if that was the last time he ever sees you.
“We’re ready sir.”
“Good, let’s go.”
You don’t know where you are, only that it’s dark and your tied to a chair. Your cold and you can hear faint voices outside the door.
“He’s made contact, get the girl, but don’t lay a finger on her. We won’t make it out alive if we do.”
Someone approaches you and stands directly in front of you. “Such a pretty little thing, I can see why he like you so much.” He grabs your chin and forces you to look at him.
“Bet that mouth would feel good wrapped around my cock.” You spit at him, and after he wipes it off he slaps you across the face.
“Fucking bitch.”
He hauls you out of the chair pushing you to the ground, he goes to kick you, but you scream at him to stop.
“Please don’t, I’m….pregnant.”
“Your not just sayin that so I won’t hurt you are you?”
“No….please….it’s true please don’t hurt me.” You cradle your stomach hoping he won’t kick you there. Suddenly the door flings open and three men enter.
“What the fuck did I say? If she’s got bruises and he sees, we’re as good as dead.”
“Let’s go, grab her.”
“Where are they? I’m going to kill someone if they don’t show.”
“Sir, sir there are three cars arriving now. Well wait for your order.”
The cars come to stop and the four men approach Veracruz.
“You have our money?”
“All here? You don’t get it until I have her back.”
“No that is not how this works Comandante, we call the shots now, and I want my case first.”
Veracruz laughs as he stands, hands on hips. “You must think me an idiot if you think I’ll give you anything until I have her.”
One of the men turns and shouts an order to whoever is in the car. Relief floods his veins as he sees you, although his face remains poker straight. Your brought forward and put on your knees, gun pointed to the back of your head.
“How much is she worth to you I wonder? Enough for you to call off your men that are waiting for us in the trees?”
Veracruz’s eyes drift from him to you and he can see your shaking, tears rolling down your cheeks. It takes all his restraint to not kill these fuckers where they stand.
“Perhaps you would be more inclined to let us go if we threaten your unborn child?” He slowly points the gun to your stomach. Veracruz nearly falls where he stands. A baby! He looks shocked.
“Ha you didn’t know. Well this just got interesting.”
You look towards the Comandante but he won’t meet your eyes. This is not how I wanted him to find out!
“Well what will it be?”
Veracruz stares him down before grabbing his radio and calling his men.
“Stand down, you can come out from the trees, they know.”
“We will switch at the same time, let her walk towards me and I will have one of my men give you the case.”
When they release you, you run to V and he pushes you behind him, just in case. Once the exchange is finished they get back into their cars and leave. The Comandante radios his men at the exit of the forest, “do not let them leave, kill them all.”
Turning to you he runs his hand down your face, “are you ok hermosa?”
You don’t answer him, only nod your head. He wants to kiss you so bad, hold you close, but he can’t let his men see him sentimental for a women. He guides you into his truck and drives you back to camp.
Your sat on his bed, one of his t-shirts on you, wrapped in the duvet. He brings you tea as he goes to sit beside you.
“I didn’t say anything.”
“Your thinking, is what he said true. I’m telling you, yes. That is why I came last week, to tell you. I know you don’t love me, like I love you, and I know you don’t want this, but you have a right to know.”
There is a million thoughts running through his head and he doesn’t know how to voice any of them, so he does what he knows best. Leaning into you he kisses you softly on the lips. Your shocked, having not expected this, but you kiss him back. He lays you back on the bed, leaning beside you, he goes to touch you stomach but hesitates. You grab his hand and move it the rest of the way, laying it over your barely round stomach. He releases a breath and you think you see a tear in this eye.
“I never thought I’d have this, I’m a killer, I don’t deserve it. Then you came into my life and everything changed. I tried to fight it, to make it seem like I didn’t care about you, but you wormed your way into my heart and I can’t let go. Yes, it is not ideal to have a baby here, but I want this with you, I will not leave you alone.”
Your crying now, you thought he would kick you out and you would be on your own. “I love you and I love our baby.”
“You Will move here with me. I will keep you both safe.”
“I can’t live here in a tent.”
“ it is just for a short while, I have a house, no one else knows of it. Once I have it suitable for us, we can live there.”
“Are you sure this is what you want?”
You pull him in for another kiss and this one becomes heated quickly.
“Let me show you how I feel mi vida.” Your both naked in no time and he slowly thrusts into you, savouring every moment. He kisses your breasts before sucking on your hardened peak, making you moan loudly. Your whole body feels like it’s on fire as pleasure courses through you. It’s slow and sweet, completely different from how it normally is. He makes you come three times before he comes, spilling his seed into you. He pulls out and cleans you up before getting back into bed and pulling you into him. He runs his fingers over you hips, helping to smooth you into sleep.
“I love you Y/N. I won’t let anything happen to you every again. You have my word.”
@lunaserenade @anaaaispunk @day-off-inkyoto @asta-lily @librariantothejedi @seasonschange-butpeopledont @pintsizemama @almaeunice @dindjarinneedsahug @maievdenoir @elinedjarin @ikinmahlen @javierpinme @pascalisthepunkest @pascal-rascal424 @kirsteng42 @thorins-queen-of-erebor @rosie-posie08 @loserrlauraa @agingerindenial @nicolethered @stevie75 @colorlesswhispersunknown @janelongxox @dihra-vesa @jediknight122 @drinkingwhileblogging @alberta-sunrise @pureprism21 @greeneyedblondie44 @icanbeyourjedi @prettylilhalforc @giselatropicana @athalien @hauntedmama @phoenixhalliwell @sherala007 @littlemisspascal @its--fandom--darling
(If you want to be added or removed let me know or fill out my taglist form here)
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221bshrlocked · 4 years
GOD I'm so horny, all I can think about Is Pedro or one of his Characters just fucking me till I'm not horny any more.
bitch you know as well as I that we would be hornier if we got fucked by Pedro or one of his characters. Like. That’s a given. But just think of all the types of sex you could have tho.
We got the giggly playful fluffy sex with Pedrito himself who is a giver and may or may not talk dirty to you in Spanish.
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We got soft turned rough sex with the one and only Din Djarin who is touch starved and will want to mark every inch of you to make sure that the entire goddamn galaxy knows you’re his...bonus points because THE MASK STAYS ON!!!
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We got filthy fucking with the resident Spaniard and by filthy I mean he will breed the absolute fuck out of you and tongue fuck you to taste his cum mixed with yours and will then shove his fingers into said cunt to collect your juices before he pushes them into your mouth before he goes at it in the middle of the forest again...SPIT IN MY MOUTH SIR
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We got the fun also filthy sex that will last all night long because Agent Javier fucking Pena does not half-ass anything and he will leave you wobbling around as he continues to rail in you and will have you screaming his name until all of fucking Colombia knows who owns your cunt...bonus points if he brings his gun
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Dave York will 100% take things to the next level...i’m thinking knives, guns, roleplaying (maybe non-con roleplaying) somnophilia exhibitionism ANYTHING THAT MAKES HIM LEAVE MARKS ON YOUR SKIN BECAUSE HOLY FUCK JUST LOOKING AT THOSE BRUISES AND MAYBE TINSY BIT OF BLOOD ROLLING DOWN YOUR CHEST WILL HAVE HIM COMING IN HIS PANTS (sorry i’ve been in a dave york mood lately)
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And then...oh man, and then we get the soft as fuck sex with Marcus Pike who will make you cum at least three times on his tongue or fingers before he gives you his cock but then he begs for you to call his name and come around him again and he can’t take his eyes off of you and he will for sure tell you that you own his heart and then he’s bringing you breakfast in bed the next day that may or may not be forgotten because he can’t get enough of you and he wants to have you again...SOFT BABY WHO DESERVES THE WORLD LOOK AT HIM
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Oberyn motherfucking Martell man- oh my holy hell. “Strip for me butterfly.” And he’s eyefucking you and ordering you to spread those legs for him and growls at you so you could pleasure yourself so he could watch you until he can’t anymore and then he’s on you and giving you everything he’s got and he brings you to the window because he needs to make sure that everyone in fucking Dorne knows you’re his...I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, the man might be into bringing foods into the bedroom, i’m thinking oranges, pomegranates..anything that has juice so he could lick it off of you. Also, you’re fucking a prince. A PRINCE!!!!
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Homeboy scares the absolute fuck out of me but I will not turn this psychopath down either. He’s a vampire for fuck’s sake yall...BITE MY NECK AND SPIT IN MY MOUTH (doesn’t have to be in that order)
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I mean those noises....and that look. Please...
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Yall didn’t think I forgot about this man right here did you? Well, you know what htey say, SAVE A HORSE RIDE A COWBOY!!!! also, whip and laso. he has a fucking whip and laso. nuf said.
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I haven’t gotten to Maxwell Lord yet in my thirst but I’m getting there...just this scene will have me on my knees begging for him, don’t give a fuck about the world. He’s also daddy, literally and metaphorically. bonus points if he keeps the suspenders on. and fucks me with those thick ass fingers that have the rings.
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FRANKIEEEEEEEEE MILE HIGH CLUB MORALES. We are 100% doing this on an airplane, all day, every day, don’t care if we have an audience. Also he can keep the hat on i don’t mind.
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And last but certainly not least, Comandante Veracruz can rock my world anywhere he wants. In his tent. In the forest. In front of his men. In the interrogation room. Literally anywhere. Bonus points if he keeps the vest on and makes it scratch my neck. Actually, I will not fuck him if he doesn’t have it on...that’s not true. But you get me. Also, HATE FUCKING THE EFF OUT OF EACH OTHER PLEASE LEAVE ME CRYING PAPI
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....did i stutter?
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tintinwrites · 4 years
Tintinwrites’ 3,000 Follower Fic Request Celebration
Hello everyone and welcome to another part of my celebration!!
Fic requests!!
This is a special fic request celebration so here is what you may send in:
The main thing this is for bc I know y’all thirsty? Smut prompts, no limits aside from no incest or underage
Don’t like smut? Send in a romantic/fluffy prompt!
Don’t even like romance? Send in any platonic situation you want with a character!
Do you find that something about you is underrepresented in fanfiction? Let me know how you would like that incorporated into your request!
Want an AU? I love my AUs so please feel free!
Did I miss any special tidbit? Just put something you’ve been wanting to request but have been hesitating to do so!
Characters you can send in for:
Poe Dameron
Santiago ‘Pope’ Garcia
Din Djarin
Francisco ‘Catfish’ Morales
Javier Peña
Comandante Veracruz
Max Phillips
What I need to know:
Would you like fem!reader, GN!reader, AFAB!Reader (ie if it’s smut then female anatomy is mentioned but no she/her or any other references to gender), or male!reader?
Is there something you really don’t want me to include in your request because it triggers you or you just don’t like it?
Please make it as specific as you can so I have something to really work with!
What you need to know:
You can send in on anon or off, it doesn’t matter and there’s no judgment!
NO incest, NO underage, NO graphic violence (violence is okay I’m just not gonna write graphic details about like someone’s limbs being chopped off or them being bludgeoned u know)
I will be accepting submissions until Friday, December 11th, 11:59 PM EST
I probably won’t start posting them until after Christmas as I’m trying to be up to date on my other fics as well as write some Christmas one-shots
That’s it!
Have fun!
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It Belongs in a Museum
A/N: Okay. Shorter than what I usually do, but I promise the next chapter will be longer. Canon typical violence. I kind of thought of the Mummy Returns for the first bit. Some fluffiness toward the end though. “Spanish”
Everything tag: @mikeisthricedeceased
Pedro tag: @m-1234  @fioccodineveautunnale @artsymaddie​
For this fic: @sarahjkl82-blog​ 
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The next day, they split up with their assigned guards, to run through each hallway. Vixen and Veracruz were going to go down the spiral staircase that led to a long hallway. As they made their way down, Veracruz carried a machete, but also, she noticed, he kept his hand near his holstered gun.
She held the torch, lighting any other torches they came across as they walked. The hallway was bare of any artwork, roots hanging low from the ceiling. The floor was uneven, so they had to meander down it slowly.
They came to a doorway that was covered in moss. Vixen stepped forward examining it closely. She quietly wiped away the moss trying to find a handle or a lock mechanism. As she studied it, Veracruz apparently was impatient as he grabbed the crowbar from her pack and jammed it into the gap between the wall and door.
“V!” She exclaimed watching him pry it open.
“Your way was taking too long,” Veracruz mumbled as he pulled the door open.
Vixen rolled her eyes at him as she walked past him into the room. It opened up to a small room, and she gasped as the light illuminated it. The walls were filled with bones and skulls everywhere. She looked around, spinning in a circle, amazed.
“It’s a catacomb,” She whispered.
“Vixen. The floor you’re standing on is moving,” Veracruz grimaced as he stared down at her feet.
Vixen looked down and saw hundreds of snakes and spiders crawling over her feet. She blanched slightly but kept moving, seeing another hallway to her right.
Veracruz followed after her, moving a bit more delicately, stepping onto gaps rather than just brushing them aside like Vixen did. He didn’t quite understand how she could so calmly walk past all of this. Veracruz wasn’t one to experience fear, but he was raised to have a healthy amount of superstitions. He caught up to Vixen a moment later.
“You okay there V?” she asked somewhat concerned but also slightly amused by his behaviors.
He simply grunted in response and waved her to move forward. She walked further down and noticed the hallway opened up to a large atrium. She stared at everything in awe. It was like time had stood still as she took in her surroundings.
The center looked to be a market area, with stands, bowls and vases strewn about. The outer areas were stone houses and the structure to the back appeared to be a sanctuary of sorts.
“Whoa,” She heard Veracruz whisper.
“I know right?” She replied to him.
“It looks like the jungle… just… swallowed this village whole. How is that possible? How has no one ever found this place before?” Veracruz wondered as he stood next to her.
“Could be a number of reasons. Diseases, a pandemic, could have run rampant through the village. From the looks of it, the village slowly sank with the years. Between rains and floods, it’s possible no one was ever able to reach this area. Or others have found it and ran into the people that attacked us. That’s what we are here to hopefully figure out,” Vixen explained as she examined the walls.
Veracruz listened to her explanation impressed, as they continued to light the room up, before further exploring.
“Okay. Fair warning, I talk to myself a lot. So, if you hear me mumbling, just ignore me,” Vixen warned as she pulled out her notebook and camera, holding her pen between her teeth for a moment.
“Understood. Do what you need to, darling. I am just here to guard,” He replied taking a seat on some rock formation.
Vixen moved around the center of the main area, taking photos before writing down what she was seeing. Once she was done with that, she began to explore the individual homes, doing her best not to disturb anything. The homes were small, so it did not take her long to explore each one.
She made her way to the sanctuary; the archway was ornate, carvings engraved into the stone. She examined the archway, trying to take some photos. She realized that she needed to take some rubbings of it to fully analyze it. She made a note of that, before moving forward.
There were some steps that led to an open area, that led to an altar at the back. She moved slowly, as she stepped onto the cobbled floor; trying to avoid suspicious looking stones. She realized the further she walked in, there were several skeletons that had arrows sticking out of them. She stared at their armor noting some were Spanish Conquistadors and Roman Legionnaires.
She slowed further down, gulping slightly as she noticed the large serpentine sculptures, with their mouths wide opened. She had walked into a trap and had to be smart about this.
The steps she noticed were becoming increasingly difficult to navigate. She was having to hop or take large steps to the solid stones.
Eventually she had gotten to the altar; she stared at it somewhat confused because there was no obvious sign of anything valuable. No glittering jewel or rare item, obviously waiting to be taken. She gently wandered around the rectangular altar, that looked a bit like a casket of sorts.
Behind it, laid a skeleton, and in its grasps was a sparkling necklace made mostly of gold and emeralds. She took a photo of it, before reaching into her pockets, to pull out a pair of gloves. Once they were on, she gingerly pulled the necklace out of its grasp.
It was heavy as it laid in her hands. From what she could see so far, it was the only thing of immense value; the only thing worth stealing.
“That doesn’t make sense though. Why risk your life for a necklace?” She said to herself out loud.
“It’s not necklace they wanted dearie, but the inscription on the back of it. They wanted to know the way to El Dorado,” Came an unfamiliar voice from the opening.
She glanced up to see three men, armed to the teeth, walking toward her.
“What did you do with..” She began to ask, fearing the worst, as she noticed Veracruz wasn’t with them.
“Loverboy? He’s taking a short nap. Now, hand over the necklace girlie,” The leader demanded.
However, unlike her, they did not pay attention to their footing. The men flanking him both stepped onto a pressure plate, causing arrows and darts to start shooting out at them. The man in the middle, tried to duck and rush forward, to avoid them. His backup fell to the ground swiftly with pained groans, before dying.
Vixen had to think fast, as the third man made his was to her, dodging the arrows. She looked at the altar before her, realizing that the top looked like it could move. She shoved at it harshly, the lid sliding off and hitting the third man. The pain from the stone smashing his foot, caused him to jerk up, followed by an arrow lodging itself in his throat.
Vixen looked away, horrified, trying to not vomit at the sight before her. It wasn’t until she heard a loud thud that she looked back.
She glanced down at the now opened altar and winced. It had been a casket. She quietly muttered an apology in several languages, as she tried to go around the casket again, and grab the top. However, it was too heavy for her to lift. She was going to need help, but she had to wait for the dispenser to empty of arrows.
A minute had passed, before they had emptied, and she was able to make her way back to Veracruz. He was lying on the ground, slowly moving as he came to.
“V? V are you okay?” She asked worriedly as she squatted down near him.
She gently helped him sit up, gasping at the wound that was on his head.
“Veracruz,” She whispered his name, as she tried to examine his head further.
“I’m okay little fox. Pissed that those assholes got the drop on me. Where are they?” He questioned as he tried to stand up.
“Hey! No. You are not going anywhere. And… they are very much dead,” She answered not looking at him.
“Lemme guess… first time seeing someone die?” He guessed taking in her trembling hands and lips, her lack of eye contact.
She simply nodded once, not trusting herself to speak. She quietly grabbed his radio and asked for backup.
Minutes later, several of his men and Professor Jones had arrived. One of his men had a first aid kit and began to work on him. It wasn’t until Professor Jones had gone to help her up, his hands grasping her forearms, that she hissed out in pain.
Professor Jones turned her arm over, revealing a large, bloodied scrape from when she had tried to push casket top.
The medic, after taking care of the Comandante quickly took care of her wound as well. The medic and a few other soldiers walked Veracruz back up top to rest.
The rest stayed there with them, as they wandered back into the sanctuary.
Vixen quietly explained what happened to the professor as they worked back to the altar. She looked down at the necklace she had dropped in her panic and picked it up. She laid it inside the casket, before her and the professor placed the top back over it.
“I know part of you might be dying to know the location of El Dorado, but there’s a reason why it was kept hidden from the world. I am proud that you resisted temptation and placed that necklace back where it belongs,” Professor Jones said to her as they walked down the long hallway to rejoin the others.
“I didn’t even think about it to be honest. I saw these skeletons of men from hundreds of years ago, dead simply because they wanted to find a city of gold? That allegedly existed? Then for those men to attack us just for a clue to its location? No. No fortune or glory is worth dying over,” Vixen replied wiping away the sweat from her face.  
“Well. You are already doing better than I was when I was your age. Younger me, would’ve taken it, figured out the location, and then brought back something to show for it. Older me, now realizes, I am too old to run away from boulders, to drink from holy grails, or dodge lunatics who try to rip out my heart,” Indiana lamented lightly.
“Rip out your heart? Haven’t heard that story before. Who the hell did you piss off?” Vixen wondered in both fascinated and horrified.
He laughed lightly, “I’ll tell all of you once we are topside and safe.”
They regrouped with everyone back at camp, recounting the story, but ignoring the bit about El Dorado. By the time she had finished, and Indiana had told his story about the heart ripper, it was late. She was exhausted but she was worried about Veracruz. The others had gone to bed, and there were only a couple guards patrolling.
She quietly made her way over to his tent, ducking under the flaps once she had unzipped it. She closed it back up, before wandering over to his bed. He was quietly laying there, a fresh butterfly band-aid on his forehead. She gently brushed her hand down the side of his cheek, the action waking him. He stared up at her, blinking.
“Hi. Sorry. I just wanted to check on you,” She whispered as she sat next to him.
“Oh? Worried about lil ol’ me? Careful, lovely, one might think you have feelings for me?” He softly teased.
She rolled her eyes at him, motioning for him to scootch over. He does so, staring at her as she dressed down a bit. She threw off her shoes and socks, before shoving her pants down, stepping out of them. She undid her bra and took it off from under her shirt before joining him on his cot.
She curled herself around him, laying her head on his chest. His arms slowly wrapped themselves around her, keeping her close.
“What if I did?” She asked lowly.
He hummed in response, confused.
“What if I did have feelings for you? What would you say?” She questioned, turning her head to look up at him.
“I’d say…. That you were a fool. My fool, but a fool nonetheless,” He answered after a moment.
“Your fool, eh?” She snickered softly. “What does that make you?”
“An idiot… for maybe, possibly having feelings for you as well,” He replied with a cough.
“An idiot and a fool. Quite the couple we make,” She murmured as she slowly fell asleep.
“Indeed,” He whispered as he reached over to turn the lantern that lit his tent off.
Veracruz was internally beating himself up. How could he have been caught off guard? How were they able to sneak up on him? He was furious when the medic brought him to his tent. He desperately wanted to punch something, but his head injury prevented him. So, he had laid there and stew with all of this pent-up rage until he fell asleep.
When he heard someone enter his room, he was ready to yell, to scream, and then he recognized the touch and all of it left him. All of his anger and the need to fight, disappeared when he opened his eyes and saw Vixen standing there.
He would never fully admit his feelings, but there was no denying it. He cared for her more than he realized. Part of him wants to shove her away, to rebuild his walls and return to his life of solitude.
Another part however…. A much larger part… wanted to whisk her away and never return. Keep her to himself, and never let her leave his sight.
He wasn’t sure what was going to happen come morning, but for now… he was going to rest, with his woman right by his side.
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jynzandtonic · 4 years
I hope you’re feeling better! Which of AD’s upcoming movies are you most excited about, to watch, as well as potentially write character fics for? Are there any movies that you might skip? Bonus question: which of his prior movies/tv shows or appearances/theater peformances are your fave? Please take good care of yourself! I am sending you some virtual face sheet masks, cooling eye gel cream, some scented candles and a fluffy pillow for sleepover🌙 - kitsune 🦊
Thank you, darling Kitsune!! I just adore you! Also... you’ve totally inspired me to do a facemask 🤗 Treat yourself to something indulgent tonight, too! <3
I’m SO preposterously excited for Gucci, Anette, and Yankee Comandante! 
I think Adam’s character in Yankee Comandante will likely be... ahem... SMOKIN HOT. I know he’ll be singing at least a little bit in Anette, so I’m obviously simping for that. Aaaaand I’m a big fan of vintage designer things, so the Gucci period-piece sounds deeeelicious 😋
I don’t really know much about The Coward or Tough as They Come, but I look forward to learning more about them! The Last Duel seems... eh. I could take it or leave it given what little I know about the rest of the cast/writing, but our boy will probs be lookin’ fiiiine in it!
My all-time favorite AD flicks are The Last Jedi, Blackkklansman, and Logan Lucky... honorable mention for The Dead Don’t Die :)
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sapphicmarxism · 4 years
The gay farm animals
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Sadie May
A ten year old puppy and single mother of five. Her puppies are all moved out and she's retired.
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Commander Bunny
Often going by the nickname Comandante, Commander Bunny is a veteran of the first fluffy war and now spends her days with her girlfriend, Ms. Cherry.
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Ms. Cherry
A shy girl who has only ever really opened up to Commander Bunny. Not much is known about her.
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Nine ducks, one consciousness. Beware
There's also a bastard cat somewhere around here named Molly, but she comes and goes as she pleases so getting a photo of her is difficult. Some believe her to be a cryptid.
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cariciapadre · 1 year
caricias has too many boyfriends he has padre he has pompon he has the generals and he has coco !!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH
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michaelfallcon · 5 years
In Sri Lanka, Kopi Kade Brings Specialty Coffee To The Capital City
Stratford Avenue marks the end of Colombo. It separates Sri Lanka’s capital city from it’s suburbs to the southeast—up and down, the short stretch of road is dotted with small shops and hole-in-the-wall restaurants, and hums with faint chantings of a nearby Buddhist temple. Here is where Kopi Kade calls home.
Opened in 2016, the cafe stood out at the gate. A product of Nimeshan Namasivayam, Kopi Kade directly translates to “coffee shop” in both Sinhala and Tamil. It’s also the name of a long running and extremely famous soap opera. The show centered around the idea of a kopi kade as a community hub.
The unassuming facade of Namasivayam’s Kopi Kade gives way to a clean, former warehouse—designed by local architect Manju Wijeratne, the space is decorated with clean-cut teak tables and chairs, bronze light fixtures, and the work of artist Shaneea Mendis.
Before founding Kopi Kade, Namasivayam worked as a barista, coffee roaster, and a coffee taster for more 15 years in Australia, where he lived for most of his life.
“It’s more about ensuring consistency,” says Namasivayam of running a successful cafe. “We use very good water filtration systems and always fresh milk.” He’s also using Kopi Kade to build Colombo’s barista community, offering workshops to local restaurant staff and home baristas alike.
The menu here sees a constant change, with rotating single-origin coffees from Costa Rica to Ethiopia to Indonesia. “We change the coffee every three to four weeks, not just from different countries, but from different roasters,” Namasivayam says.
Kopi Kade also has its own 1kg Giesen abutting the back wall, on which Namasivayam trial roasts small lots of Sri Lankan coffee.
“We want to see if we can improve farming and processing techniques, which would result in a better cup of quality coffee,” Namasivayam says of his relationships with a few local smallholder coffee farmers. “There’s a lot of potential to produce good Sri Lankan coffee, as the terroir is perfect for coffee growing in the hill country.”
For espresso beverages, the cafe uses a two-group Victoria Arduino VA388 Black Eagle along with two Mythos One grinders. Brewed coffee is offered either on AeroPress or Hario V60 and ground with a Comandante hand grinder. There’s also a “Sri Lankan Style” cold brew made sweet to match Colombo’s palate—it’s a darker-roasted African coffee mixed with 40-percent milk.
Kopi Kade’s food menu is filled with modern takes on traditional Sri Lankan dishes, like spiced lamb and prawn sliders and the Coconut French Toast—fluffy, eggy, pani pol bread covered in caramelized coconut flakes and coffee-infused coconut sugar syrup, gently spiced with cardamom, cloves, and cinnamon.
At Kopi Kade, Namasivayam has built a community of regulars with whom he shares not just new coffees, but sizable doses of information about production, taste, brewing, and coffee culture. In doing so, he hopes his coffee shop can be more than just that. “It’s an experiential learning experience,” Nimeshan says, and one with the name recognition that just may draw the masses.
Kopi Kade is located at 15/3 Stratford Ave, Colombo 00006. Visit their official website and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
Zinara Rathnayake is a freelance journalist based in Colombo, Sri Lanka. This is Zinara Rathnayake’s first feature for  Sprudge.
Photos by Nathan Mahendra
The post In Sri Lanka, Kopi Kade Brings Specialty Coffee To The Capital City appeared first on Sprudge.
In Sri Lanka, Kopi Kade Brings Specialty Coffee To The Capital City published first on https://medium.com/@LinLinCoffee
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shebreathesslowly · 5 years
In Sri Lanka, Kopi Kade Brings Specialty Coffee To The Capital City
Stratford Avenue marks the end of Colombo. It separates Sri Lanka’s capital city from it’s suburbs to the southeast—up and down, the short stretch of road is dotted with small shops and hole-in-the-wall restaurants, and hums with faint chantings of a nearby Buddhist temple. Here is where Kopi Kade calls home.
Opened in 2016, the cafe stood out at the gate. A product of Nimeshan Namasivayam, Kopi Kade directly translates to “coffee shop” in both Sinhala and Tamil. It’s also the name of a long running and extremely famous soap opera. The show centered around the idea of a kopi kade as a community hub.
The unassuming facade of Namasivayam’s Kopi Kade gives way to a clean, former warehouse—designed by local architect Manju Wijeratne, the space is decorated with clean-cut teak tables and chairs, bronze light fixtures, and the work of artist Shaneea Mendis.
Before founding Kopi Kade, Namasivayam worked as a barista, coffee roaster, and a coffee taster for more 15 years in Australia, where he lived for most of his life.
“It’s more about ensuring consistency,” says Namasivayam of running a successful cafe. “We use very good water filtration systems and always fresh milk.” He’s also using Kopi Kade to build Colombo’s barista community, offering workshops to local restaurant staff and home baristas alike.
The menu here sees a constant change, with rotating single-origin coffees from Costa Rica to Ethiopia to Indonesia. “We change the coffee every three to four weeks, not just from different countries, but from different roasters,” Namasivayam says.
Kopi Kade also has its own 1kg Giesen abutting the back wall, on which Namasivayam trial roasts small lots of Sri Lankan coffee.
“We want to see if we can improve farming and processing techniques, which would result in a better cup of quality coffee,” Namasivayam says of his relationships with a few local smallholder coffee farmers. “There’s a lot of potential to produce good Sri Lankan coffee, as the terroir is perfect for coffee growing in the hill country.”
For espresso beverages, the cafe uses a two-group Victoria Arduino VA388 Black Eagle along with two Mythos One grinders. Brewed coffee is offered either on AeroPress or Hario V60 and ground with a Comandante hand grinder. There’s also a “Sri Lankan Style” cold brew made sweet to match Colombo’s palate—it’s a darker-roasted African coffee mixed with 40-percent milk.
Kopi Kade’s food menu is filled with modern takes on traditional Sri Lankan dishes, like spiced lamb and prawn sliders and the Coconut French Toast—fluffy, eggy, pani pol bread covered in caramelized coconut flakes and coffee-infused coconut sugar syrup, gently spiced with cardamom, cloves, and cinnamon.
At Kopi Kade, Namasivayam has built a community of regulars with whom he shares not just new coffees, but sizable doses of information about production, taste, brewing, and coffee culture. In doing so, he hopes his coffee shop can be more than just that. “It’s an experiential learning experience,” Nimeshan says, and one with the name recognition that just may draw the masses.
Kopi Kade is located at 15/3 Stratford Ave, Colombo 00006. Visit their official website and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
Zinara Rathnayake is a freelance journalist based in Colombo, Sri Lanka. This is Zinara Rathnayake’s first feature for  Sprudge.
Photos by Nathan Mahendra
The post In Sri Lanka, Kopi Kade Brings Specialty Coffee To The Capital City appeared first on Sprudge.
from Sprudge https://ift.tt/2xOmlId
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dondafullgamesblog · 7 years
Revelação do homem por trás do Treta News! Veja mais PROVAS e fotos
Revelação do homem por trás do Treta News! Veja mais PROVAS e fotos
Revelação do homem por trás do Treta News! Veja mais PROVAS e fotos
Como prometido, mostramos no vídeo o homem por trás do Treta News, ele é o principal suspeito de comandar o Fluffy e não é atoa, há várias provas que apontam ele como o comandante do canal, além disso, conseguimos novas provas que confirmam que ele é o criador do Treta News.
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