#come hang in my inbox!
hikiclawd · 7 months
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shout-out to the one person who'll either get a jump-scare or a heavy bout of nostalgia out of this pairing
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idontlikeem · 8 months
also like. losing is a part of being a sports fan. so as much as i've been like 'it doesn't really matter because of all that we've won in the past!' that doesn't actually mean anything. lots of teams lose all the time and you don't have to justify watching them or give a reason for why they're still worth your time and attention as a fan. this kind of feels like a very uniquely tumblr thing, and i think it's been shaped a little bit by a few people going around frantically asking others to like...fix how they feel about the team's performance for them, but like...
...you can just watch a team that isn't very good, because you like the players and that's your team. it's ok. you don't need to have a set of reasons to trot out to give to others who have decided to put their bad feelings around losing at your feet.
idk. i feel like pens fans are in a weird spot because we've had so much success for so long that maybe some of us are feeling like we either need to be blindly confident the success will return quickly, or we need to have a bunch of justifications for still watching?
it's enough to have just selected this team as your team and watch them. it doesn't need to be deeper than that. none of us are hockey execs or GMs or coaches, and it's ok to just watch a game and be like 'hell yeah' when they win or 'man' when they lose and that's it. we don't all need to be searching for answers in order to be here.
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fruitybashir · 3 months
okay, gonna infodump about The Wiggles again for a second sorry this is so very long. (also sorry about the links not being clickable. I hope you can copy-paste them as tumblr didn't like linking them but I've also given you the title of each video if you want to look it up yourself. Also I hope they aren't region-locked.)
this is my fave song that I grew up with of theirs that I can so imagine Bojan singing to kids and also the music vid reminds me of Umazane Misli only cause they're like dancing in a studio and look like idiots which is great. This is one of their first songs/ music vids so they don't have their uniforms yet (they all get a specific colour that they wear and are identified with which really helps kids to go "I like the blue wiggle" or "I like the red wiggle").
(video title: Get Ready To Wiggle - Original Music Video, 1991 - The Wiggles)
For the audience participation idea you mentioned like UM karaoke, The Wiggles actually did do this!! one of the members (named Jeff) had it as a character thing he was always sleepy/tired so he would 'fall asleep' during their shows and they would have to get all the kids to scream "Wake up Jeff!" to wake him up. They did it cause Jeff was I think the shyest out of them and they wanted to give him a way to interact with the kids more. Here's this interview where he talks about it a bit and the band in general that's just really good/sweet and shows the band more and Jeff specifically.
(video title: Why purple Wiggle Jeff Fatt handed over the reins | Throwback)
this is their most iconic song called Fruit Salad which like everyone knows at least some of and you have to watch to get the idea of their music.
and just as another thing of how iconic they are one of our big radio stations here is called Tripple J and they have a thing called Like a Version where people come and do live covers of songs. They have some really big and famous musicians do it and the covers are often really good.
Anyway The Wiggles have changed and added members a few times by now but they did have at least 3 og members (plus some new peeps) do a cover of a Tame Impala song and they incorporated Fruit Salad into the song which was just so iconic of them
(video title: The Wiggles cover Tame Impala 'Elephant' for Like A Version)
(that radio station also has a song contest thing called The Hottest 100 every year where everyone votes for their fave song. I believe that cover did really really well, like it either won or was in the top 10)
there's so much info about them if you're interested but something I think is really cute is they're called The Wiggles because "that's how children dance".
anyway their wikipedia page is good if you wanna read about their history and stuff in more detail. I think it's interesting.
anyway sorry for the super long post/rant/thing about something very random but they're a really important group here and they mean so much to me and many others and the idea of Bojan in your fic just fits so well with them. once again sorry for the wall of text/infodump but I hope you find it interesting maybe!
(also I love your fic a lot and daycare dad Bojan has wormed his way into my heart which is why I got so excited to talk about The Wiggles)
omg i loooove this little-not-so-little infodump <3333 i dont really have anything clever to add bc im with company so my thoughts keep getting interrupted by someone talking to me but OFC i know fruit salad and also that audience participation thing sounds so funny and cute fr 🥺🥺💖
i kinda fucked myself over with making bojan work in daycare in this fic bc now i cant stop thinking about himmmm goddd. maybe i DO have to write a short bonus scene of the band performing for the kids. or something. anything. i need more bojan with kids ��💖💖💖💖
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lostinwildflowers · 1 month
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reveluving · 1 year
Life's been really tough rn ngl
Between you and me, I've been seeking comfort from Character.ai. On the plus side, I've finally watched Across the Spiderverse!
If you guys have any cute/soft/comforting thoughts with regards to Miguel especially, do drop it in my inbox (please)! 📬💌 I really really need one....
You'll never know who needs it as much as I do!
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And thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Not just for sending some sugar in my inbox but also for reading this in general. 💗
P.S. ;
I think it's worth mentioning that though I have yet to answer the asks in my inbox, just know that I haven't forgotten about them! In fact, I haven't stop re-reading what you guys have sent me!! They're all just so imaginative and worth sharing!! I just wanna find the right time so I don't answer them half-assed. 🦋
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nebulousfishgills · 1 year
I'll hang with you, friend! Have a few of these to chew on:
FMK, Jamie edition: Henry Creel, Jace Wayland, and whatever his Twilight character is (haven't seen Twilight lol)
Would you rather spend a year in the Stranger Things universe or a year in the Twilight universe? assuming that you're human, but have a reasonable degree of possibility to get powers somehow (so like... if you want to be a vampire, you could try to get converted but they might also just kill you)
You're visited by the writer genie, but they'll only grant one wish. Which do you pick?
1. You're able to transcribe the story exactly as it is in your brain, but motivation is just as it is now (so you'll probably end up with writer's block at some point)
2. You never get writer's block again, but that means you get intensely motivated to write at exactly the wrong time (i.e., in class, about to go to bed, etc.)
3. You get wide, positive reception for everything you post and comments on every fic, but some people BADLY misinterpret your characters and you literally can't do anything about that
Favorite things: your writing style is incredible, and you're not afraid to add genuine darkness to your storylines. You also stay really true to Henry's character and make it clear that he's still a villain, but you're able to implement these moments where we start to care about him all the same. It's really impressive, and makes for an addictive story! And even outside your writing, you're a really lovely person and I'm glad we've struck up a friendship here
Tiny vent: I have one fic that I'm honestly really proud of (the characters are unique and dynamic, there's an interesting plot, the writing is some of my better prose), but it has gotten ZERO attention whatsoever. I realize it's because it's written in a very small and underappreciated fandom, and OC x canon fics aren't always the most widely-received anyway, but I really wish people would give it a chance because I really think they'd enjoy it if they did. The worst part is that I can see a few people have bookmarked or subscribed to it, but I haven't gotten a single comment (not even one of those "this is great!" or "extra kudos" or whatever). I'm trying not to let it kill my motivation because I really do like this story, but it's starting to make me sad :/
Thanks for "hanging out with me," bestie lol. Luckily my isolation window for Miss Rona is over and I'm feeling better 😷. Anyways, let's see what we have here...
FMK - Henry Creel, Jace Wayland, Caius Volturi...
Bestie you're killing me here. You're actually killing me. It changes depending on my mood, of course, but if I had to pick the most constant idea... F Henry, Marry Caius, Kill Jace
I'm sorry
Would you rather - Spend a year in the Stranger Things universe or spend a year in the Twilight universe, both with a reasonable chance of gaining powers...
Hmm... that's a good question. Again, this very much depends on my mood, but I might have to go with the Stranger Things universe. I would honestly need an essay to explain why that would ultimately be like many of my college essays: four pages of nothing. Some days I think living in the twilight universe would be fun, but right now the Stranger Things universe seems like the "safer" option, relatively speaking.
A Visit From the Writer Genie - It's between 1 and 2, but I think I'll go with 1 becaus 2 tbh is not that different to how I operate now. I do most of my writing at like, 1 AM (as my roommate could likely vouch for) and I have done writing during class. But I'd love to just implant text right to the page, that'd be wonderful.
Favorite Thing - Bestie, your comments are some of the best things I have gotten, and it really means a lot that you enjoy those facets of my writing. I like to say that it's my blessing-and-a-curse empathy that lets me get characterizations right because I find that I'm very good at reading and interpreting characters, even for little shitpost things. And I, too, am very glad we struck up such a lovely friendship. I love making friends in my little Tumblr-sphere :)
Vent Reply - Aww, I'm sorry! Low engagement is the worst when you're very proud of what you've written. That by no means diminishes your worth as a writer, though. I bet it's a really amazing fic! In fact, I'll add it to my list. It's the least I can do.
Thanks for "hanging out" with me lol. It's been an incredibly hard few days, so it really means a lot that you decided to pop in :3
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theresawritesstuff · 10 months
Chillin for the evening. Ask me anything!
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planet-dusk · 1 year
hello hello :))
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tsu22 · 2 years
What he says in post race interviews: 
"I just saw the replay and it wasn’t blatant. I’ve gone in, locked and crashed into him. I feel like I held a pretty tight line. It was maybe a little bit me, there’s a lot of blind spots, but all we needed was to give each other 30 more centimetres and then we were good."
"Like, of course you never want contact to a point where the other guy goes off but I just saw a replay just before I did the media and I don’t feel as bad about it now, of course I still wish it didn’t happen. I think it’s one where for sure I’ll take a bit more responsibility, but I can’t say it’s 100% my fault."
What the FIA decision says:
"The stewards considered that Ricciardo's attempt to pass Tsunoda was both too late and too optimistic and find Ricciardo wholly at fault."
Sorry for the caps and long message but oh my god, the entitlement. People criticize George but this is about as close to a "he was in my way, i'm entitled to that area on the track" excuse as a driver could get. George also admits and apologizes when he's found at-fault for something. To say this instead of apologizing afterwards? I can only hope karma treats him good and well these final two races.
(anon im including ur other ask below)
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NO. your asks are not too much, they’re exactly the inside of my brain for the past few hrs.
i didnt watch the race, and wont watch the re run, so i clearly dont have a lot to go off abt this matter other than: the facts you dished out above, tiny clip of the incident that f1 posted on twt, and info i read post-race on the internet. but I WHOLEHEARTEDLY AGREE WITH EVERYTHING you said above. fia ruled out that its fully his fault but him trying to shift some of the blame to the dude he rammed and dnf is soooo fucking shitty of him (man icb i am with fia in this ehdjjskskw, yuki first everyone second). i tried to be chill but, just like u said, the fact that everyone and their grandmas celebrated his comeback on track at the expense of yuki’s race and points makes me want to be a hater (just for a couple of days, join me 🤡). praying the last two races will be kind to yuki (and unnecessarily cruel to car #3).
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queerpanikkar · 2 years
can i let u guys in on a little secret? ok cool ur pinky swearing to keep this a secret okay guys? anyway: bmmt pt 2 below
“What did she want?” Eddie asks carefully. “I didn’t know you two were on speaking terms.”
“We’re not.” He rubs a hand over his face and makes a small sound of frustration. “And she hasn’t asked me for anything.”
“Yet,” Buck agrees, spinning his phone in his hand. “Doctor called her. They ran some tests.” He worries his lip between his teeth and then groans, dropping his phone onto the countertop and placing his head into his hands.
He doesn’t have to look up to know that Eddie’s rolling his eyes, concern etched into the space between his eyebrows. Buck’s gotten good at reading Eddie over the years, but there’s too many secrets between them. They pool in Buck’s stomach, stagnant with the knowledge that they’ll never see light.
Buck doesn’t mean to keep things from Eddie. He doesn’t. All Eddie has to do is ask. Still, it’s impossible to ask Eddie — anyone — to always have the right questions.
“And?” Eddie prompts. There’s a hard edge to it. That’s familiar too. It’s only ever born from worry. “Buck, you gotta help me out here.”
There’s a sinking feeling in Buck’s stomach. He’s gotten so good at keeping his head afloat that he’s forgotten what it feels like to barely be treading water. 
“They diagnosed her with dementia,” he says, voice cut like steel. “Eddie, she doesn’t have anyone else.”
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I cut my bangs and now they’re sticking to the side I look like an anime character
why does this have such good rhythm. like. that's not just me, right? in other news never cut your own bangs unless ur a trained professional
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yeleltaan · 2 years
😶 + do you know not restraint!? Cayin don't you see what you're doing to me?
Send 😶 + a really uncomfortable question and my muse has to answer it | not accepting
And at last, he pauses. A weight upon his heart unfelt since the day of the equinox, it hangs heavy as if to call him out of his frenzied stupor. Painted upon his eyes is a glimpse of reason, awareness. He’s finally aware of the fact that he’s out of breath, of the pressure clutching his lungs because were he not moved forward by an unspeakable, unstoppable force, he would have died of asphyxia hours ago. The overwhelming sensation shatters his hold on his cane, and before it’s dropping thud is heard the stillness of his shoulders breaks into a gasp, reaching for oxygen as he stares wordlessly. And for that brief, haunting quiet his mind is blank of thought beyond shame. For what do you do when you have nothing to hide, but want nothing to show? Nothing. Nothing until the first words come to mind.
“...What has restraint done for you..? What has it done for... for us?” His voice falters, impeded by the foreign feeling of a noose tied tightly around his throat, and keeping the flaring of his chest captive, confined and unable to leave as it burns, burns, burns without solace or release. Beckoned by that cold flame the chilling shivers stab into him, make his tired limbs stiff and determined to stand despite their weakness. His jaw begins to tremble, and his teeth grit to keep it still. His head feels heavy, and it tips back. He stares into the ceiling, and he sees it all. He shuts his eyes, and he still sees it all.
“No... you don’t know.” His head tips forward again, and his eyes meets hers, differently now. They don't look into her, they open for her to see instead. They hold open, their usual glow condensed into the burning shape of his iris, a perfect incadescent ring with no shade or gleam to conceal it, for she must see him clearly. When he speaks, his voice comes out like a turbulent river: unevenly paced, tone peaking and dropping over the currents of barely restrained heaving.
“You don’t know what is being done to you. Do you know that I see everything around you? Everything. You think you’re surrounded? Cornered, outnumbered? You don’t know the half of it. And because of restraint, I’ve let you venture deep into their coils. I’ve seen you walk and entangle yourself with their ropes, their roots, their fingers and, and- enough restraint!”
Wild gesturing gives way to stillness once more. Claws ease out of his punctured palms, shaking fists opening into a calm limpness down which thin streams of crimson flow. His ire tempers, leaving controlled resolution in its wake. He catches his breath for but a moment, before every trace of the sound is gone once more.
“Were it up to you, I would be clueless to your suffering. You would have bid me farewell, succumbed to your wounds, your blood or someone else’s curse, without me ever knowing what became of you. But I won't let you.” Smoke seeps underneath the door behind him, embers fly through the cracks on the walls. His shadow grows, gradually swallowing the room, and the disjointed march of devotees rumbles distant but evercloser. “So enough of it. I’ve let you make your every choice until now… and now I make mine.”
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…. i forgot you didn’t think c!dream was hot… can lore go away again so i don't have to unfollow /s
im a lesbian with a cclingyduo header Like this is on you
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13eyond13 · 1 year
Would fem light would have to switch between her good girl persona, and smart girl persona(plus kira persona), would she balance them all?
hmmm yes probably i could see her having a few different sides she puts on most times
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
OH FREAK uuuhhhhh Steve hehe for the ask thing I forgot to pick a character. I think I was supposed to pick one. If not oh well sorry to be a disaster
ace!!!! I answered ur first ask but it disappeared into the ether and now I’m worried so I wanna make sure you see this one (even though I wanted to keep this message because it’s cute)
my compliment for u is ur masterlist!!! It’s so nicely organized and tagged and I want to be that way someday. I also think the way you tag your posts with your thoughts and reactions is lovely!!
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
my wee Steve headcanon that maybe I should do something with us how this boy super needs glasses after his numerous concussions and eye damage but since he doesn’t really like to read he doesn’t bother but damn when he does have to read he gets a headache so instead he likes to be read to (I have done this in my fics lol) so he can have a wee nap to the sound of your voice
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crossbackpoke-check · 2 years
Hi! Its the Anon re Mo and Zegras hanging out. So I got this from the interview of Mo on the spitting chiclets podcast (which...I really dont like spitting chiclets but I had to listen bc Mo). But if you want to listen to it, the interview (either podcast or youtube version) as a whole is like an hour and is incredibly interesting and the part re zegras is brief at 2 hours 1 min if you would like - Mo apparently chilled with the U18 USNDTP guys so it fits your story! Thanks again for your lovely thought spirals!
😪 literally just listened to the broadscast round table discussion on hockey media today lmao so my ire for sp*tting ch*clets is even more than normal! which is quite a lot! thank you for your service (✊😔 listening to That Podcast and sharing the important information so the rest of us may have content without suffering)
on a better note OH MY GOD i’m???? no words. how would they interact the dynamic this now gives the calder contention why did no one talk about this before 🤌🤏🫴🫰mo & z FRIENDS? frenemies?? is zegras mentioned by name?? which usntdp u18s were named or was it just mentioned as the entire (gestures towards amoeba in a FUCK OR DIE t-shirt) vague conglomerate Entity™️ that is the usntdp??
#me seeing you in my inbox again: HI BESTIE HOW ARE YOUUUUU#i’m not debating listening to it just for mo i’m not (mo reilly voice: willpower)#but i might google a transcript. or someone’s highlights post of the interview but i want the character information but i hate b*rstool 🤬#liv in the replies#i’m so. i’m so. ????????????????????????????? babe ur kids leave for one summer & you’re having empty nest syndrome#where did i put. hang on did i post it yet somewhere i had a moment about the couch poem i’ve got to find it i’m out here like i refuse#but also it just lives in my brain now the mold is in the tupperware folks & it’s not coming out hEY DO YOU EVER THINK ABOUT HOW JOE VELENO#IS CANADIAN AND SO IS JAMIE DRYSDALE HOLD ON LET ME GOOGLE SOMETHING#HAND OVER MY MOUTH SCREAMING FLAILING ALICE YOU’RE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE YOUR HOCKEY TEAMMATES WEBSITE IS THE 👌🧑‍🍳💋✨ BELOVED BEAUTIFUL PERFECT#S H R I E K I N G i. i typed in joseph veleno because i was like ‘official prospect right like they’d full name him’ & it went ‘ha that#doesn’t exist’ & i’m like oh no have i found the man that this system doesn’t even know?? but we’re not that niche ! joe isn’t !! & tHEN I#TYPE IN JOE & IT POPS UP & JOE&JAMIE PLAYED CANADA U20 ‘22 TOGETHER I CAN SPIN A NARRATIVE HERE SOMEHOW but i just about fell out my chair#i’m not retyping that tag but i mean 2020 which is the year z won gold & jamie was PISSED at him about it & at this point mo & joe had#already been playing together on the griffins & somehow?? z & mo saying hi after the draft running into each other at worlds OH MY GOD THE#FULFILLMENT OF THE NARRATIVE THAT’S THE EPILOGUE THEY HAVE THAT COUCH MOMENT & THEN A YEAR LATER EPILOGUE THEY’RE BOTH IN LOVE WITH BOYS ON#TEAM CANADA STANDING DOWN BY THE GLASS AT THEIR PRACTICE IN THEIR DIFFERENT COLORS JUST LIKE THE DRAFT mo in wings red z in anaheim black#but now mo in germany black z in usa rw&b somehow there’s something there about them reversed colors but idk yet & maybe it’s nothing more#than a nod a hello the gentle knowing of each other in companionable silence z looking up after joe shoots a puck at mo on the glass & z#says ‘that’s yours? your island?’ & mo says yeah & of course trevor hasn’t quite found his yet but there’s a comfort in knowing that someone#else has gone before you someone else made it through & maybe it’s just that jamie catches his eye here & dramatic irony we the reader know#the future here but of course trevor doesn’t mo’s smiling stupid big & z’s watching them skate around gets caught on number 6 (trevor’s no.9#& somewhere in my brain there’s a thing about reversed tarot cards/flip sides of a mirror/mo & z parallels more like tangent lines but#jamie/z sine waves collapsing idk it’s just brring up there we’ve got mo/z NARRATIVE FOILS OKAY) & of course what z actually says to mo#what he calls joe is a poignant callback to the couch island discussion which i have not written & thus cannot properly state bc. no context#love to fully go off the rails about something unrelated to literally anything & also does not make sense unless you’ve read the post#i’m talking about which i will reblog in one moment see above and/or below i don’t know chronology it’s a poem bUT OH IF I KEEP BABY MO & Z#AS HOCKEY PLAYERS I CAN HAVE DYLAN HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH THEM as the au pair when they’re twelve & do you think everything would be#different if they could’ve known when they were twelve that it was okay for hockey not to be everything to have someone sit them down & tell#them they are loved & good enough & i’m not saying this like it’s bad right now but also i’m thinking about that one post that talked about#how we do not love men & now i am projecting onto au pair dylan who maybe burned out of hockey but takes care of these kids now can take
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