#come to Ireland i am BEGGING
ashthenerdtheythem · 1 month
Have you ever had to run?
Have you ever had to flee and hide and carry your children with you. Have you ever had to spend hours desperate to get to a "safe zone" still not be safe. Because where's the water, wheres the food? Wheres the five minutes of relief. It doesn't come. Not even when you check your evacuation funds because it has been three months and you have only reached 1% of your evacuation funds. ONE PERCENT!!!
But you can't scream, you can't cry, because you have to stay calm for your kids, your little babies who are already scared enough, who are already terrified and tired and just want to go home. But your home's not there anymore. Nothing of your old life is left anymore, except your family. And you don't know if you can save them. Because if it has taken 3 months to get 1% of the funds needed to evacuate, it will be decades before you have the funds to save all of them. Unless people help and donate, but nobody is listening!!!
When you are begging for help to save the lives of your sweet innocent kids who you would do anything for, when you are pleading for help to protect the woman that you love, the mother of your children, and nobody hears a sound.
How do you not let that break you? How do you stay sane? How do you stay kind? Because I haven't a clue, but somehow, Feras is still kind and is still calling out asking all of you to help protect his sweet little Mazen, before his baby gets hurt any further.
And he's not just campaigning for himself, for his wife, for his little girl and his little boy. He's trying to get his whole family to safety, his aunts who watched over him as a child, his cousins who he used to play with when they were just as small as sweet little Mazen. He just wants to protect the people he loves.
So please help him. It doesn't have to be a landfall, it just needs to be something, because otherwise none of then will get out of the hell scape that is the Palestinian genocide. Because people survive genocides because other people help them. Ireland survived our genocide because of people like those of the Choctaw Nation. And they helped save us during their own genocide. They raised what would now equal €5,000, right after the trail of tears. If they could do something so incredible and save my ancestors, why can't you do something amazing and help save this family
Verification by @/Apollo-olives
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dude-iloveu · 3 months
Hello this a long shot call, am a citizen of Palestine. I am here to request for your support to help get my insulin (Humalog), just an injection for today to save my life please I beg.I was diagnosized with type 1 diabetes and due to current situation in Gaza I'm unable to get my insulin injection as a result I'm here begging for little financial support to help me purchase insulin for this week. Am sorry if am sending you again this request, kindly donate any amount please. My donation link is in my pinned post🇵🇸
22 September update:
This is a scam. I've condensed this post so it is easier to read.
Current accounts: shinytastemakerphantom || magnificentdragonengineer || bitchygardenarcade
Past accounts: androgynousrunawaytree || deepesttragedyprince || atomiccollect29r || androgynousmusicpeace || generousreviewladdy || scrumptiouswastelandphantom
Please report and inform anyone you see reblogging from them (report -> unlawful uses -> phishing. explain that the blog is not legitimate and their post is using the same story by past scam accounts). Check scambuster blogs like kyra45 for guides and updated list of scams.
Also as @/nabulsi mentioned in the notes, be aware of this profile picture as well as a few others. They have been reused multiple times when a scammer makes another account:
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I'm very concerned that scam blogs like this have more notes than some actual Palestinian's fundraisers. GFM posts are very rarely scams, and there are people who thoroughly vet them! Please take your time by donating and sharing these verified fundraisers instead.
Mahmoud Khalaf's family reached the initial goal! Now the goal is raised to cover expenses that will arise from moving to Ireland whenever they are able to.
Post: supportgaza
Verified by: el-shab-hussein & nabulsi (151, line 155)
Current amount: €31,188 out of €55,000
Previous GFM that I included (mohammedayesh) has reached their goal! so here is Hossam's fundraiser that is shared by him
Post: gaza-evacuation-funds
Verified by: nabulsi & el-shab-hussein (251, line 255)
Current amount: $11,581 CAD out of $20,000
this person has reached out to me to share their campaign. The funds are going in very slowly, it would be very cool if we could reach at least $2000 soon! Abdulrahman is a skilled graphic designer and you can see his works in the link to his Behance account.
Post: abdulrahmanpixel
Verified by: nabulsi, Vetted Fundraiser Spreadsheed (225, line 229)
Amount: $1,689 CAD out of $31,000
and all else do your daily click as well
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gender-fluid-weirdo · 23 days
Ireland is not anti-Semitic, c'mon. The Irish have good reason to be against Israel's treatment of Palestinians. What the Israeli government is doing reminds us too much of what the British did. We got our freedom, and unlike Israel or Indonesia, we choose not to perpetuate the same crimes done to us. I want no harm to come to you, only sense. I and many others don't believe this is the path to peace in any region, I'm sorry. x
This isn't about Israel or Palestine. This is about the treatment of Jews IN IRELAND by IRISH PEOPLE. Why is it that every time ANYONE points out the existence of antisemitic hate crimes in the diaspora goyim fall over themselves to justify it by pointing to the undeniable harm caused by the Israeli government?
The Chinese government is CURRENTLY engaged in genocide against the Uyghur people, but no one is using that as an excuse to harass and attack random people of Chinese decent in Europe or America, nor should they. I am simply asking, BEGGING at this point, for the same.
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viktoriaashleyyx · 1 month
My thoughts during different points in ACOTAR.
(It been like 2 months since I read it so these aren't direct quotes but I remember my reactions)
*Feyre contemplating killing the wolf. I remember her thinking "it could be a fae, I'm pretty sure it's a fae but realistically it's probably just a wolf and I am an emaciated teenager so I better use the element of surprise to kill it before it kills me."
Fair. Fair judgment. Can't argue with that tbh I do the same with yellow jackets (I'm surprised I don't see this take that often)
Lucien being mad at her for killing what she has now confirmed was Andres
Bro, she was a starving human and Tamlin did a good job at making him look like a wolf. Also, isn't that what you wanted her to do? Be mad at Amarantha, not some 19 yr old. (First and last time I disagreed with Lucy baby). At least Andres didn't die in vain like the others did now you have a shot.
"You can tell us your name, you can eat the food and we are not affected by iron. We can lie. We are affected by ash though."
Elves. You're elves. Why write Faerie if you're just gonna shit on everything that makes a Faerie, a Faerie?
Explaining the masks nonsense:
Bro you ever seen a man in a hat? Covering parts of a man's face makes them hotter. That's why they can grow beards
Hybern comes up and I am listening to the Audio books so sjm can't hide behind the spelling change.
Okay so we are just taking a shit on the Irish with this shit huh? (Hibernia is the original Latin name for Ireland)
"Dance Feyre"
Awwwe 😍
Tamlin writing her limericks and and then was super chill about her not knowing how to read even though she was pretty confrontational about it. He kept his cool, and reassured her and tried to teach her a little bit.
Awwwwwwwe 😍 they're getting along. Not mad at anyone here tbh. I can see why feyre would be ashamed and scared, but tam handled it well.
Rhysand shows up at the manor and Lucien stands in front of Feyre to shield her
Ugh go away RhySAnd you asshat. But also: Damn Lucy 😍.
RhySAnd makes Tamlin and Lucien beg to not tell Amarantha
I know this is a power play and I am supposed to think RhySAnd is the hot one, but.. to humble yourselves like that. To do anything in your power to protect her even if it's embarrassing. Damn. Tamtam and Lucy you have my heart.
Tamlin sending her away
Say it. Say it. Say it. Please feyre say you love him.
RhySAnd twisting her broken arm to get her to agree to a deal.
(By this point I had spoiled it for myself and knew that RhySAnd was the fan favorite) Bro what the fuck did he do to make up for this?
RhySAnd having her painted and drugging her to dance for him until she vomited.
Babygirl I am glad no penetration happened but like WHAT THE FUCK DID HE DO TO MAKE UP FOR THIS??
Feyre contemplating "he's a fae and I am a human, I'm fighting to have maybe a few decades with him at best"
First off babygirl you haven't even been alive for 2 decades yet, calm down. Second, they're gonna turn her fae. Please don't "turn" her fae that's not how that works these aren't vampires.
Tamlin crawls to Feyre still bleeding, kills Amarantha when the other High Lords couldn't, and then holds her the way she had told him she wanted to be held when she dies.
Tam, baby, how did you fumble so hard? What tf do you do in the next book that makes people like RhySAnd more?? It makes me not want to keep reading but also want to keep reading cause what the fuck.
She dies and is revived by the high lords and turned fae.
They fucking turned her fae. This isn't how this works. Holly black did it better with the "hey I know you think you're a human but really you're a changeling." (Tithe, I haven't finished her other stuff yet idk what goes on with Jude)
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warnings: mention of assault (no details)
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: You've been dating Sihtric for nearly a year, but your lives are very different, and it was time for you to go back home.
word count: 1,4k
Note: back on my modern bullshit! Sihtric 'John Wick' style??????? I might go feral with this story.
taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion
'Tell me and I will take care of it.'
'Stay, please. Just say with me,' Sihtric begged, refusing to let you out of his arms.
'Don't make this any harder than it already is, please, you know I can't stay,' you sniffled as you tried to pull away from him.
'Because you have to work?' he scoffed, 'fuck work!'
You sighed. 'You know it's not that easy, Sihtric, our jobs are not alike. I don't work for one month and then have the next 6 months off.'
Sihtric frowned at your words, 'You know there is a reason for that.'
'I know. I didn't mean for it to sound like you have it easy. But,' you sighed,' it's different for me. People count on me to come back, I can't just do whatever I please. I have responsibilities back home… and bills, which I can barely pay.'
'I do not care,' Sihtric mumbled before he kissed you over and over again, 'I need you. I don't care if I am selfish, but one week with you is not enough for me,' he said in between kisses, 'I need you to stay with me.'
'I need you too and I want to stay, I really do,' you cupped his cheeks, of which one was recently bruised, 'but I need to go back home, Sihtric.'
Almost one year ago you had met Sihtric through your mutual friend, Finan, who threw a birthday party and you happened to be in the country at that time. You grew up with Finan, as your parents moved around when you were young, but had stuck in Ireland for several years. He was like a brother to you and he often joked he worked for a private security company, and you always just left it at that.
When you got older you moved away from Ireland and travelled for a little while until you settled in Denmark, where you felt at home and had now built a life and career there. You wondered if that was what attracted you to Sihtric in the first place, as he was a Dane, but had moved away during his teens. Sihtric lived in England, as did Finan now, and you hit it off with Sihtric right away that evening. You quickly got into a long distance relationship with him, which wasn't easy. You've only been able to see Sihtric a handful of times since you first met, mainly because of his job.
He worked for a man called Uhtred, as did Finan. They were legal hitmen, so to say, part of a government program that you weren't even supposed to know about, but Sihtric hates hiding things from you. He was hesitant to tell you about his job though, he feared you couldn't look him in his eyes anymore once you knew he killed people for a living, even if it was to keep the country safe, and he was delighted when you took it rather well.
Before you met Sihtric you already knew Finan was into some "shady business", as you liked to call it, because in no way could he afford that mansion he lived in by just running an Irish pub. And as Sihtric worked with him, you figured he was in the same line of work, even though you didn't know exactly what that was at the time. 
Back in Denmark, you worked in a youth detention centre, providing a safe space for the troubled youngsters to talk about their feelings. A job you took pride in, but it came with risks. Several months before you met Sihtric, one of the youngsters had suddenly attacked you, causing you to need urgent surgery. And as life would have it; your insurance didn't cover the treatment you received, leaving you with a massive debt.
'Tell me how much you need,' Sihtric suddenly said.
'Your medical bill,' he whispered, 'how much money do you need to pay it all off?'
'Sihtric,' you sighed and looked away from him, feeling embarrassed. 
Sihtric didn't know the true extent of your struggle, as you never told him, but he always refused to have you pay for anything when you were with him, knowing you needed the money. You never really told him exactly what had happened, only that you had an incident and now had a medical bill to pay off. But that wasn't the whole truth though, there was a much darker side to it than just paying off a medical bill.
'Tell me and I will take care of it.'
'No, Sihtric. I appreciate it, I really do,' you kissed his lips quickly, 'but no, baby, this isn't your problem. I don't want you involved.'
'Involved?' he frowned, 'involved in what? It's just a medical bill.'
You said too much and knew he sensed you weren't fully honest with him about this.
'It's a medical bill you are paying off, right?' his voice became low, and you know he was in no mood to play when he took that tone.
'Yes, but…' you said and watched Sihtric clench his jaw, knowing you were lying about something, 'forget it, okay? We'll talk about this next time I see you, I promise,' you smiled and turned to look over your shoulder.
'My train,' you sighed. Sihtric cocked his head back and grunted slightly before he took your face in his hands.
'Stay, baby, please. I love you so much. How can I make you stay?' he pleaded again, even more now knowing you were hiding something.
'Sihtric, stop,' you smiled weakly before he pulled you in a long, deep kiss.
You heard the train halt behind you and the people who got off moved around the two of you.
'I have to go now, I love you, Sihtric, so much. I will see you again soon,' you said quickly, fighting your tears.
'Baby, please,' he said, but his words got caught in the noise of the trainstation and he felt your hand slip out of his as you quickly hopped to the train.
You looked back over your shoulder as you stepped into the train, seeing a worried and broken look on Sihtric's face. You watched how he firmly brushed his hands through his long, wavy hair, just like you had done the night before and suddenly your heart dropped when you remembered that you had no idea when you would be able to touch him again.
You heard a train guard blow their whistle, warning that the doors were about to close, and at that exact moment Sihtric suddenly sprinted towards the train and jumped in as the doors closed right behind him.
'Sihtric!' you said in shock as he nearly fell into your arms. 
The train gave a slight shock and started to move. 'Sihtric, what are you doing?! You can't just… this… it's… this train is going straight to France!'
Sihtric shrugged and started to laugh at his impulsiveness.
'Sihtric!' you hissed, but before you could scold him he planted his lips on yours, making you forgive his reckless behaviour when you felt his tongue slide into your mouth. 
You both chuckled when you looked at each other and you moved to push a strand of hair behind his ear.
'Sihtric Kjartansson,' you smiled, 'always in need of a thrill.'
He smiled and took your hand in his to kiss it gently.
'What will you do if anyone asks to see your ticket?' you suddenly felt concerned.
He rolled his eyes and smirked, 'working for the state kind of gives me a free pass to go anywhere at any time.' He gave you a quick kiss and then nodded over to the empty seats a few paces away from you, and you pulled him with you as you walked over to sit down.
He wrapped his arm around you and you planted a kiss on his jaw as you nestled against him. You had no idea how this was going to end, you only knew that Sihtric was clearly going home with you to Denmark. Which you couldn't be happier about, as you never wanted to leave him.
But you became anxious when you realised he would soon find out about your troubles back home. He would find out that your issues weren't just related to your medical bill, but that the criminal father of the youngster, who had attacked you, had been harassing, threatening and stalking you ever since the incident.
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kate-inhaler-1975 · 1 year
Apple Cider 🍎 🍂 // Matty Healy
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A/N: A very VERY late Promptober No.2....I'm sorry 😭.
CW: Slight mature language and some hints of sexual activity, but you'd have to practically shut your eyes to see it xx
WC: 2,179 words
Amy would be lying if she said she enjoyed the concert. She truly didn't enjoy it as much as she would have if she had never met Matty, especially if he never gave her his phone number.
"AMS! COME ON, LIGHTEN UP! THIS IS YOUR FAVOURITE SONG!" Eve screamed as she grabbed Amy by the shoulders, shaking her vigorously to the beat of Amy's favourite song, Sex.
While Eve practically frolicked around the back of the pit, Amy stood still, bopping her head slightly while being completely transfixed by him.
His curls freely bounced as he shook his head back and forth, the plain white t-shirt hugging his small frame perfectly. He was hot, but also very pretty to her. Beautiful even.
She never heard back from him. She texted the number hours later. She even rang it in desperation to hear him call her love again.
But she got nothing in return. Not even an "Sorry, I'm busy, can't talk right now.". Nothing, she got nothing.
So, while Eve had the time of her life foaming at the mouth over Ross, Amy just felt deflated the entire night.
When the concert was over, and everyone left the Arena in massive groups, some people staying back because they didn't want to even begin comprehending that the night was over, Amy begged Eve if they could stay for just ten more minutes.
"Evie, please. I'm begging you. What if he gets someone to come get me, or he rings me back and then -"
"Ams, please. Let's just go. If he wants to text you back, he will, but let's not hang around here because we will get kicked out if we don't get a move on." Eve gripped onto Amy's right hand, sending her a sympathetic glance when she noticed how disappointed her best friend was.
Amy knew her best friend was right. If he wanted to, he would. He probably already forgot about her, and if that was the case, she doesn't really blame him.
Amy was just some baker with a large enough following in Ireland on social media and getting on with her normal day to day life. Where Matty is a rockstar having number one albums and touring the world, and probably needing or wanting a significant other that was on his level or close enough to it.
"Come on, let's go have a few drinks and get some food. I don't know about you, but I'm fucking hanging for a bag of chips with a shit load of salt and vinegar." Eve completely swerved from the subject of Matty as she pulled Amy by her elbow, linking arms with her as they walked back out into the cold and wet Dublin night.
"I just don't understand why he would even give me his number in the first place if he isn't going to bother dropping me even a short and simple text. What a dick!" Amy whined in dismay.
"Please, Amy Elizabeth Mitchell, I fucking beg of you. Stop talking about hi-."
"Wait! Shut the fuck up for a minute. I think someone's ringing me." Amy's eyes went wide as she searched for her phone that was buzzing in her small green handbag.
Her heart stopped beating for a split second when his name flashed up on the screen, her mind considering letting it ring out to return the favour of him, not answering her text or call.
"If you don't answer it, I will." Eve grabbed the phone out of Amy's hand. One slip of her thumb, and she would've answered the call.
"Hey! Stop! Give me that." With a forceful grab of the phone and accidentally jerking Eve forward with it, Amy retrieved her phone.
"Be normal!" Eve called out as Amy walked to a quieter area outside of the Arena.
"Hello?" She spoke in fake confusion. Pretending like she had no clue who was ringing her.
"Hiya, Amy. It's me, Matty. You doing alright, love?"
There it was. Love. Her new favourite word.
"Ahhh, hello! Me and Eve are just after walking out of the Arena. You guys were fucking amazing!" She looked down at her feet, trying to hide the giddy smile that was appearing across her face.
She felt like a teenager experiencing her first boyfriend.
"You didn't look like you had that much fun." He chuckled. He could see her from the stage because he was actively searching for her.
He looked as far into the seated part of the crowd as he could, but there was no sign of her. So then he turned to the standing area, quickly taking a good look at as many people as he could when the house lights came on at one point by his request.
And there she was, hair curled and perfectly framing her face with a black corset top and a large leather jacket, her tight black leather skirt with fishnets and heeled black leather boots.
She was a goddess.
She was mesmerising.
She was so mesmerising to him that he messed up the lyrics to It's Not Living (If It's Not With You).
"Wait, you could see me?" She gasped in embarrassment and shock, feeling so ashamed for standing there like a statue in a crowd full of feral fans (which she was once upon a time).
"As soon as I spotted you, I couldn't stop looking at you. That mate of yours seemed to have the time of her life, though."
"Don't tell her I said this, but I think she's slightly obsessed with that bassist of yours."
Oh, Eve would kill her if she found out she said such a thing to Matty.
"Well, listen, Ross is a man of his own. Everyone loves Ross."
"She definitely loves Ross. I can tell you that for love nor money."
The two of them giggled and chuckled like teens down the phone. Anyone who would listen to their conversation would think that they were totally in love and in the honeymoon stage.
"Amy, I hope it's not too late, but I'm staying in The Shelbourne Hotel on....is it Grafton Street?"
"No, St. Stephens Green. Close enough, though."
"Ah well. Anyways, would you like to have a drink with me at the hotel bar? If you want, you can bring Eve along with you, if that makes you feel more comfortable?"
For Amy, there was only one simple answer to that.
"Are you sure you'll be okay. You won't have a massive fangirl moment if he kisses you, and then you end up fainting or something like that?" Eve questioned one last time as she gave Amy a cuddle outside the beautiful 5-star hotel.
"I can promise you he won't kiss me. That'd be stupid of him."
"It would be stupid of him to NOT kiss you! Look at you! You are the sexiest and probably most fashionable woman to roam the streets of Dublin tonight! Now, go get your arse in their and make eighteen year old Amy proud."
Eve gave Amy a cheeky tap on her bum as she walked away from her. Leaving Amy nearly breaking out in a rash at the thought of anyone catching her best friend smacking her butt.
The doorman opened the left side of the door for her, giving her a polite smile and wishing her a goodnight.
Amy could only smile back at him and pray in her head that it would be a good night.
Amy had stayed in The Shelbourne Hotel before after getting asked to an event of some sort. She loved it, and it's interior, oh and of course it's history.
She adored history.
It was like something out of a romantic movie.
Meeting the handsome man in a fancy hotel bar, and if you add the rockstar part, it's even more unbelievable and movie like.
The bar, called No.27, was filled with casual elegance. The cocktails nearly sparkled in their glory while the neatly poured and precise pints seemed to be served with style.
Even though the pint of Guinness that the man sitting on one of the navy leather bar stools was drinking looked mouth wateringly appetising, the thing that shined and showed class the most was Matty.
He sat alone at the rectangular and heightened black marble table beside one of four large windows that faced the front of the hotel. His fingers messing with the condensation on the glass of his own pint of Guinness.
The kind woman at the front of house directed Amy to Matty when she pointed at him, the two of them walking towards him instantly catching his eye and snapping him out of his daydream that was about her.
"Hi." He smiled as he got off his chair, placing a hand on her shoulder as he leaned in to give her a kiss on both of her frost bitten cheeks.
"Hiya!" She spoke in a cheerful tone, returning the favour by giving him a gentle kiss on his left cheek.
"Here, let me get that for you." He quickly moved to pull the chair across from him out for Amy to sit on. His mind ran through all the steps he could possibly think of that made him seem like a true gentleman so he could impress her.
"Thank you very much. God, it's a cold one out there, isn't it?" Amy shivered as she took off her jacket. Rubbing her hands together aggressively, praying that the friction would bring heat back into them.
"It really is! Thankfully, it's nice and toasty in here. Oh, and I'm really sorry about earlier. I know it took me a while to reply, and I wasn't ignoring you or anything. I was just really busy getting ready for the show and-"
"Matty, please don't apologise. If anything, I should be apologising for coming off a bit needy. If, and only if you'd really like to make it up to me, you can buy me a pint of cider. Maybe even two." She hinted cheekily. Her eyes glistened with excitement and happiness.
"Cider? Why cider? I would take you more as a cosmopolitan kind of girl, but a cider drinker? No way." Matty teased, lightly kicking her foot under the table.
"Well, don't make assumptions about someone you know nothing about."
"Well, if I get to know you, then I won't have to make any assumptions. Will I, gorgeous?"
Matty lightly brushed her hand from across the table, sending her a quick teasing smile before heading up to the bar to order her a pint of her favourite cider.
The topics of conversation between the two of them were endless. Each of them learned about each others lives, their equal amount of love for music and literature, and Matty was fixated on her love for baking and how passionate she was about it.
He was completely drawn to the way she'd sit up straighter when she spoke about her job, or spoke about how her grandmother used to make apple tart every Sunday for dessert, or how it's basically therapy for her and she feels content and free of everyone and everything when she's in the kitchen.
"Actually, now that you've mentioned the whole baking on social media thing. I have a confession." Matty's cheeks ballooned slightly as he held in a laugh while thinking about George's excitement when the two of them finally found Amy's instagram and tiktok account.
"Oh god, go on. Spit it out." Amy cringed and tensed up in fear as to what he might say.
"George and Charli, his girlfriend, are fucking obsessed with your baking videos. He had a proper fangirl moment when he found out who you were."
"Wait! George Daniel and Charli XCX know who the fuck I am!?" Amy nearly spat out her cider all over Matty, her jaw dropping at what he'd just said.
"I'm being serious! The two of them were on the phone absolutely delighted with life. They're gonna love you when they meet you."
"When they meet me? Who said they'd ever meet me, Healy?" Amy held eye contact with him as she took another sip of her cider with a smirk on her face.
Her heart fluttering and an area further down south fluttering at his words.
"I guess I was just being a man and assuming that you'd like to keep in contact. Sorry about that." Matty stumbled on his words while trying to back track what he'd said. He was worried that maybe what he thought was a date wasn't anywhere near a date in her own head.
If only he could read her mind.
"You assumed correctly, Matty. I'd love to stay in contact with you more than anything. Might be a bit difficult, but I think that we should give it a go. See what happens, you know?" Her cheeks flushed as she felt a wave of confidence wash over her, leaning over the table to interlock their hands together.
Matty's calloused thumbs automatically tracing circles over her knuckles.
"How about I order us both another cider, and maybe we could take it up to my room. Just an idea, though." He spoke lowly as he himself leaned closer to her, their faces now only inches apart.
"You know what. I'll cheers to that idea, Healy."
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stxuxrniolochris · 6 months
fake dating p5- Chris Sturniolo
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p1 p2 p3 p4
slow burn ( i think ), your both seniors(18), also i live in Ireland so idk how American like years in school works so just go with it, use of y/n, half based on to all the boys I’ve loved before but not really, highschool!chris
Summary ~~you both need to get peoples attention but you might just end up catching eachothers~~
y/n pov
‘How do you tell your best friend you can’t keep fake dating him because you’re scared you’ve developed actual feelings for him and don’t want to just fake it anymore. You can’t. So you fake break up with them.’
Ever since this conversation with Chris he’s been begging me to keep going. I just couldn’t understand why he wanted to so bad. He got Amelias attention back so what’s the point? Every time I ask why he just shrugs it off and says “I need more time” - like what.
I walk into English and sit myself down beside Chris. He gives me a soft smile and kisses me on the cheek, my face heats up. I need to stop this before it gets too deep. I can’t ruin are friendship over having feelings for him when I know he doesn’t like me back.
I look up at ameila who’s sitting near the top of the class. My eyes trail to her ponytail. My face drops. The scrunchie I wear is everyday in her hair. The one I told him to keep safe. He gave to her. I feel his eyes on mine so I look back, he has a look of guilt in his face.
A few silent minutes pass by. “I’m sorry.” Chris whispers. “Huh” - he exhaled deeply. “I’m sorry I let her take your scrunchie.” Oh yea. That.
“You didn’t let her take it Chris, you gave it to her. And It’s fine I don’t care, it’s just a hair tie.” I sigh. We only share small talk the rest of the class.
It’s lunch and Chris finally decided we could go back to our friend’s table. I liked sitting alone with him but I also missed lunch with all my friends. We laughed the whole time. I’d forgotten about the whole ‘inlove with my best friend’ thing. Honestly I I barely talked to Chris the rest of the day.
Chris pov
I just got home and I can’t stop thinking about the look on y/ns face when she saw the scrunchie. I feel terrible, i totally forgot she had taken it at the party. She said it’s fine but I know she loves the little things so I knew this was big to her. I get off my bed and walk to matts room, knowing he would have a better idea of what to do than me.
“Come in.” Matt shouts after me knocking on his door for like 5 minutes straight. “What’s up?” He looks up from his game he was playing at his desk. I invite myself to sit on his bed and plop myself down. “I don’t really know.” I admit. “Well then I can’t really help you.” He shrugs. I sigh, “Well it’s y/n. I mean it’s not her it’s me. It’s all just confusing me lately, like I was so sure it’s Amelia who I wanted but the more time I spend with y/n the more I think it might be her. But I can’t say that because I can’t lose are friendship. And she keeps trying to stop the fake dating thing but I can’t go back to being just friends with her. I’ll go insane. And now I’m pretty sure she’s mad at me because i accidentally let Ams take her favourite scrunchie and she barely talked to me after it . And don’t get me wrong I care about Amelia so much still but y/n makes me happy I feel excited to see her, you know?” I rant, telling Matt but also half telling myself.
He just looks at me with raised eyebrows. “Say something please.” I say nervous of how he’s reacting. “Well…” he starts. “I kind of knew you atleast liked y/n like that a little bit, but I think you need to just be honest. You can’t string her along because you’re scared of just being friends with her. And you too are close, even if she doesn’t feel the same you’ll find a way out of it. But she deserves to know, and get her scrunchie back.” He says. I nod slowly. Maybe I should tell her. “But what if she gets weirded out and thinks I’m a creep.” I ask genuinely, but Matt laughs at it. “Chris cmon you’re not a random guy, you’re bestfriends.”
I walk out the house 10 minutes after this. He’s right I need to tell y/n. I’m going in the direction of y/ns house, but I need to do things right. So I take a slight detour before going to her house.
I’m stood in front of Amelia’s house. I take a deep breath before raising my hand to knock on the door. After a few moments she opens the door. “Chris?” She asked confused. I’m silent for a moment not knowing how to go about this. “What your here to beg for me back?” She smirks. My jaw clenches at her cockiness. “No actually… I wanted to come here to say that it’s completely done. I know we’ve been broken up for a while but we can’t keep texting or calling or talking in school. I’m really done with this now.” I explain. She lifts an eyebrow. “Come on Chris it’s fine.” She smiles putting a hand on my shoulder. But I step back letting it fall. “No it’s not. I really like y/n and I’m not going to ruin that. Now give me her hair tie back.” I say with a blank face. She scoffs “If you say so.” And takes the scrunchie out of she hair and handing it to me. “Bye Ameila.” I say and walking away.
People always say that getting over your first love is the hardest. So I thought Amelia would be hard to let go, but I’m realising that y/n was my first love in a way. I loved her first. I was never in a relationship with her, but I loved her first.
Now I’m stood outside my best friends house on Friday night, not knowing what’s about to go down. I take a deep breath, maybe 2 or 3 before knocking on the door. Nervous.
After a short moment she opens it. “Chris?” This is it. I’m telling my best friend I’m in love with them. I’m telling y/n I’m in love with her.
a/n: bit of a cliff hanger sorry
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Alright, if you must know, here is the potato joke in question.
I called my wife a little potato, because she is “creamy delicious and hard to come by in Ireland”, since I made up that whole employment situation in Ireland with O'Gall and Bitternutt Lodge (both very punny jokes by the by). She sternly said it was inappropriate to joke about Ireland and potatoes in the year of our Lord 1846, and my mention of the Bitternut Lodge thing started another conversation about me lying to her instead of confessing my feelings and situation honestly. So I cried and cried and begged her to forgive me but now as punishment she is not allowing me to have potatoes for a week, so I can “experience the gravity of other people’s plight”.
Friends - Am I the arsehole?
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sunnyie-eve · 8 months
1 | All grown up
Series: Odds Together
Paring: Ryan Dunn x OFC Margera!
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Mention of an abusive relationship
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Today I was returning home to West Chester after living in Ireland for a few years and LA for a few months. I practically had to begged my parents to let me leave because they wanted me to stay close. I was the only child they had faith in actually doing something smart with my life because I wasn't 100% like my brothers. My older brother was in a band and twin brother did stupid videos for a living along with skating. I mean when I was young I did videos with Bam but over time I wanted to focus on other things too.
When my plane landed I didn't see anyone waiting for me so I had to called my mom. "So am I supposed to get a ride home from the airport by myself or did you forget?" I ask her as I take a seat in a corner.
"I completely forgot! I'll have Bam come pick you up. I'm so sorry. Can't wait to see you." She ends the call so I just sit alone in a airport.
I don't know how much time passed till I heard someone calling out my name, "Annabelle Quinn Margera!" I get up from my spot. As I get closer to who was calling my name I realized it was Ryan Matthew Dunn.
"Do you really have to yell my full name out? It's very embarrassing." I say as people were looking at us walking, sitting, or standing by.
He turns around to face me and his jaw drops as he blinks at me, "Bam was busy so he sent me." He gives me a smile.
"Out of everyone... he sends the worst driver. And busy doing what? Screwing things up?" I ask not surprised as we start to walk towards the exit.
"I'm not the worst. And haven't changed have you? Well, I mean since the last time you changed." He chuckles.
"You mean me being mature and not a child? And yes you are... the accident." I come to a stop.
"You can be mature and still have fun. Have you seen Ape? Also okay... lets not talk about that. Ape still hates me for that." He stops as well to face me.
"Yes, I've seen her because she's my mother, Dunn." I say starting to walk again till we get to the car.
The drive back to the house was quite till Ryan decided to start asking questions, "Why did you leave? And so suddenly to?"
"Other than schooling... just to get away."
"Get away? Away from what exactly?" He looks over at me for a second.
"Life here. Living in Bam's shadow, losing your best friend to his ego, your parents expecting you to do something great with your life, you ex making up rumors, fall-, I could go on." I stop myself from saying the last part.
"No one believed those rumors, Anna."
"Yes, people did. Bam did at first and so did my parents because they adored him. I had to tell them my side of the story and make them believe I was telling the truth." I start to get upset thinking back to that day.
"I never believed a word that dick said about you. I was always on your side, and the other stuff I can kinda understand."
"No, you don't. You're apart of Bam's shadow making it bigger. He's still your best friend because you have an ego too." I look out the car window.
"Why come back if you left to get away?"
"I don't wanna talk about it." My voice cracks so I try to cough it off.
"Bels, what happened?"
"Please don't. I really don't wanna talk about it. Let's just pretend it's because I miss home." I look over at him and he nods his head.
When we got to the house Ryan helped me take my bags in. As soon as my mother saw me she let out a scream. "My baby girl! Look at you!" She runs over pulling me into a hug. "You're all grown up. Such a beautiful young lady. Don't you agree Ryan?" She smiles at him while I cringe.
Ryan looks at me getting embarrassed, "Yeah, she grew up." He says making me laugh at him.
"Where's the demon child?" I ask.
"Didn't he pick you up?" She asks me so I shake my head and point at Ryan.
"Bam!" She yells making him walk into the room.
"That's not my sister! Who the fuck are you?" He walks over to mess with me. "What the hell happened to you? You grew up. Now all the guys are gonna talk about how hot you got." He says making me shake my head.
"Please don't say that. You basically said I got hot."
"I'm not blind, you got better looking. Now I gotta watch the guys because I know how they are. Now let me show you to your new room." He grabs my hand dragging me up the stairs. "It was a wreaked room because I fucked it up so I fixed it for you." He opens the door showing me my new room.
"What's the catch? Everything is too nice." I cross my arms looking at him.
"The catch? Nothing. I fixed the room for you so you would have a room. I had my whole crew help out. Don't you like it?" He says with a big smile.
"Thanks. Now let me settle in." I shove him out shutting the door. I look around the room checking it out to know if it's really safe. When I figured out it was I get comfortable and unpack things. Laying on my bed my stomach started to growl so I go downstairs to get a snack and see the whole crew.
"Who's the beautiful lady?" Raab asks eyeing me.
"Hello Christian, Brandon, Edward." I smile at them going to the fringe.
"Annabelle?!" They all yell my name.
"I thought you said she was coming soon and not as in today." Raab looks at Bam.
"Why did you think we finished up her room today?"
"I-I... Whatever." He shuts up making me laugh.
"Anna, what's your plans for the day?" Bam asks me.
"I wanna stay in my room but I need to ask mom for her car so I can go shopping to fill my closet." I grab an apple closing the fridge.
"Let's all go shopping then. Operation get Anna clothes. Let's go." He grabs his keys and the guys run out of the house. "It'll be fun." Bam drags me with him.
The drive to the nearest mall Bam played all the metal music he liked. I didn't have a problem with it because my taste of music was basically a huge mix of everything. Bam also asked along the way what size do I wear so I told them. As soon a Bam parked my shopping trip turned into a competition. Everyone was to buy whatever, preferably what I'd wear, and when we get home I was to try everything on. I'd then have to choose who picked out the best options that I liked.
"The rules are no asking for help. If you see her you avoid her. We start now and don't stop till Anna is done shopping for herself. Go!" Bam says and they all take off.
I walk into a store and automatically see Rake looking through racks. "Would you wear this?" He shows me a top that was ugly to me.
"God no, and you aren't supposed to ask me." I walk away going to look at jeans.
I end up shopping for some clothes but also shop for other things just to make the room more homey for me.
"I tried my best to actually pick something you would wear compared to Raab. Dude saw anything he considered sexy and took it." Ryan walks up to me with his bags.
"I had that fear and I gotta try on all this shit on." I groan taking a seat with him.
"Annabelle Margera? Funny seeing you back." I look up to see a few girls I hated back in school.
"I don't understand why it's funny." Ryan speaks for me.
"Because you just disappeared and here you are years later." She laughs then starts to smirk. "Baby look who it is." I turn around to see who she was talking to behind me and see my ex.
"Anna..." He eyes me. "What brings you back home?"
"I missed my parents and brother." I start to feel uncomfortable.
"Why did you leave in the first place?" He asks making the girls giggle. "Was it because you were embarrassed about what happened? Oh and did you actually come back because you tried playing a victim wherever you were?" He lets out a deep chuckle.
"Fuck off, you dick." Ryan spits at him.
"Look fat boy still has a thing for his best friend's sister. You two would be cute pathetic losers together." They walk off laughing.
"I fucking hate them. Six years and they still act like they're in high school." Ryan says not noticing I was quietly cry. "Bels?" He leans forward to look at me trying to see my face. "Don't let him get to you." He pulls me into his side.
"I came back home because of a guy I was dating. I thought I could trust him... but slowly he got physical. Controlled me and forced me to do things. I was scared to do anything because he threatened me anytime I didn't do or say what he wanted." I break down to Ryan finally causing him to hold me in his arms as he rubbed my back.
"Ready to go because I've spent more money on clothes and other stuff than fixing your room." Bam walks up to us. "What happened?" He gets serious.
"Austin and some girls from high school." Ryan lies to him which I appreciated.
"Let's go home." Bam says helping me up and we leave to go home. Bam told the guys we would do the next part tomorrow since I wasn't in the mood anymore.
Back in my room I leave the clothes in the bags because the guys wrote their names on it so I know who bought what. "Knock, knock." I look over to see Ryan in the door way.
"You can come in."
"Why did you tell me? You said you didn't wanna talk about it earlier." He shuts my door.
"I trust you still. You were the person I told everything to before moving away. I mean, I was gonna tell you the truth much later but you were standing up for me... and I was crying."
"It's good to know after six years I'm still your person." He smiles coming to take a seat next to me on my bed.
"You've been my person since I was 13 because that first year I hated you for taking Bam away from me." I say making him laugh.
"Can you imagine if we never got along because I can't." He lays back on my bed.
"It would've been hell because you were always around and still fucking around." I lay back too. "So we're lucky we got along. Plus your my favorite out of the crew."
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autisticdelinquent · 4 months
I'm sure this is a weird concept for people who haven't pondered it before but how is there not more non-European white people out there feeling soul crushing emptiness not knowing what it will ever feel like to know the physical land or the culture/people of the places their ancestors come from? I'm mixed Native and Caucasian with maybe a few stray Asian and Polynesian lines further in my ancestry. I am mostly white but am integrating with the local Native tribal community and have since I was a child. I'm currently in the adoption process. I am profoundly grateful to know them and to at least live on the ancestral territory of my Native side. I can't help but feel so lonely and alienated on a soul level though because I will likely never be able to patch that side of my family in the same way for my European ancestry. I recognize how much more important it is to focus on the culture more at risk of going extinct, I just wish I could explore them both with the same ease. I grew up without and still don't really have any friends but online I'd always find myself being most at home feeling when talking to Scandinavians but more so with English and even more than that with Irish and Scottish people specifically. Obviously I got along with tribal relations fine but I mean as far as relationships go like in school or otherwise white dominated areas. I am 21, never been kissed, and most of my relationships have been online/LDR. The best one ever actually was with a Scottish person and we were together for years but he dumped me out of nowhere one day without even a fight and he's never been back in contact with me since to my worst dismay. I truly feel like if my white ancestors never left hundreds of years ago I may honestly have had a better childhood with more of a chance of having a social life. Even if I didn't I would've at least had sacred wells and hills and ancient monuments to explore and meditate in to connect to my ancestors. I love my Native ancestry and by all means I agree with their values and relate harder to their culture on every level because of how close I was to it growing up, but I can't help but feel people who are completely white with absolutely no historical connection to their current lands should have at least a little feeling of unease never knowing where they come from? I understand if I was only white that I wouldn't be me and genetically I'd be a whole different person but I mean hypothetically if I were to be the same personality/consciousness I'd probably be a lot more well off socially and emotionally if I'd at least grown up in a more Celtic setting. I really hate when I see Americans trying to be all in people's faces when exploring Celtic and honestly European culture in general for "ancestry" reasons because I am fully aware of how objectifying and detached that comes off and I really don't want this to sound like something from one of those Americans. The feelings in my head and heart are just too big for my autistic ADHD brain to even begin to process in a way that words can do justice to. At the risk of sounding like a loser- I crave a deeper connection to the Earth around me and with people who are familiar with my ancestral cultures. I'm not saying they actually have to be from them, reincarnation exists in Celtic belief so just because you're not from that place in this life doesn't mean you weren't connected to it before. Idk. I'm rambling at this point. If you're a druid or otherwise passionate about Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Celtic Britain, Aisle of Man, Cornwall, Brittany, etc please DM me I'm begging. I've recently enrolled in the OBOD so I'm really hoping to find people to learn/talk about bards with and just general friendship ;-;
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johannestevans · 1 year
A busy month for your boy!
Good evening!
I've of course been pretty quiet the last month - as I said in my last email, I expected to go pretty quiet as I went through the moving process, and I have now left Ireland and moved back to the UK.
I'm currently Jean-Ralphio voice ~technically homeless~ as I get all my ducks in a row with my apartment paperwork and move through the conveyancing process, but once the keys are in my hand, I'll be writing about and doing TikToks of the decorating process as I go!
Obviously because I'm currently going between friends and family and juggling paperwork, I'm not writing as much at the moment, as I predicted I would be, but I will be making an appearance at BristolCon next month!
BristolCon is a 1-day literary sci-fi and fantasy convention in Bristol City, this year on Saturday October 21st - there are panels and discussions, readings and signings, a marketplace, and so forth.
As well as taking part in some of the panels and maybe reading from my own work, I'll be selling copies of Heart of Stone and Gerald Poole and the Pirates, as well as a bunch of my badges, and of course I'll be able to sign anything you bring along, whether it's a book you buy from me on the day or a copy you bring with you! I'll be able to take payment in cash or by card on the day!
Can't make the convention but have questions about my work, my characters, or my writing process? Send them with the heading [For BristonCon] anonymously to my Tumblr askbox or to my email at contact@johannestevans(.)com without the brackets, and I'll be filming short videos on the day and answering them!
Now that I am in the UK, I'm available for appearances if you'd like me to come talk to your book club, do a reading, join a convention or discussion panel, or even do some stand-up comedy - you can drop me a line at contact@johannestevans(.)com without the brackets for that too! I'm currently based mostly out of Bristol at the moment until I finalise my apartment up north, so hit me up for anything in the South of Wales or the East Midlands particularly, but I'm willing to travel farther afield so long as the travel costs aren't too prohibitive or you're willing to cover it / a portion of it.
New Works Published
Fantasy & Romance Fiction: Jack & The Cat: Part I
A young man becomes entranced by the Lord's personal assassin.
Part I is 10k, rated M, M/M. When Lord Axley's assassin is out, the people of Roam flee inside and don't even dare to look at him. Jack, a tavern boy, lays eyes on him once, and is bewitched.
Violence and captivity are themes in this one, as are sexual abuse and recovery thereof, social isolation, trauma, friendship as well as romance.
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TweetFic: Mercenary Work
A warrior in an adventurer's band becomes fascinated with their resident elvish rogue.
Read on Twitter
Erotic Short: A Bellyful
A wayfaring mage stops for the night, and exchanges services with the innkeeper.
Cis M/trans M, rated E, 2.6k. On his way north from his studies, a mage stops by at an inn and pays for a place in the innkeeper’s bed — all the better to use each other. Overstimulation, oral, anal, and vaginal sex, breeding kink, denial, come inflation, begging, tears, rough sex, size difference, a bit of magic. Pregnancy threats at the end.
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Erotic Short: Brothel Theatre
2k, cis M/trans M, trans M voyeur, rated E. Yvis has never been to a brothel before, but he’s excited to see one of his heroes, the adventurer Amaethon, play a part in a local theatre production: a debauched one, at that.
Consensual non-consent here — the perspective is that of a man watching a play about a prisoner of war being fucked by the warriors who’ve caught him. Featuring voyeurism, huge size difference, public sex, come inflation, CNC, spitroasting, stomach and throat bulging.
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Erotic Short: Paid in Full
A young sex worker is employed by a local lord.
4k, rated E, cis M/trans M. Utterly self-indulgent. A young sex worker is employed by a local lord, who wants to do only one thing to him — and then give him something else. Lots of oral sex in this one, age difference, some power differential, a nervous sex worker.
CWs for referencing to past trafficking / coerced sex work and past dubious / coerced consent.
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Erotic Short: Inescapable
A human and an elf fall into a tentacle trap.
1.7k, rated E. An elf makes the poor decision of doing a magical escape room with a human he doesn’t know too well. They both fall into a trap, but at least it feels good.
Featuring tentacle monsters, oviposition, belly bulging and inflation, overstimulation, multiple penetration, some body horror.
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steelcladbutterfly · 2 years
Yandere Headless Horseman: Haunted
This comes from my latest Halloween works. It’s my getting back into the groove stuff basically. I’ll probably post the other nine sometime during the next few days if I have time.
Prompts: Haunted, Forest 
The headless horseman is a mythical figure that has been seen in folklore since the Middle Ages. Popular examples include the dullahan from Ireland, the Green Knight from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, and the headless horseman from the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, which will be the one this story is based on. The dullahan and the Green Knight both carry their heads around, though the knight is able to attach his back to his neck. The headless horseman is most commonly seen carrying a flaming jack o lantern in place of his actual head, the original story heavily implies it is someone disguised as the myth, while other adaptations make it more likely that it is a ghost rather than an actual human in disguise.
To be honest, this is inspired by the horror movie Smile a little bit. MINOR SPOILERS FOR SMILE The idea that whoever sees the victim die is the next victim is an interesting idea.
A Tv playing reruns of Whose Line Is It Anyway? suddenly began a breaking news story. The mostly quiet room turned even quieter as everyone focused their attention to the reporter now on screen. 
“We are sorry to interrupt your broadcast, but a truly horrible incident occurred just this morning, and for public safety we have elected to inform the general public as quickly as possible.” 
They shuffled their papers slightly, looking queasy and scared as they began. 
“Amanda Halls, the leader of the town council, has been found dead in her home. We will not show pictures at the moment as it is graphic and brutal, but she was found headless. Her head nearby had been split into pieces by a tremendous force. This first came to attention when Cassidy Rath received a frantic phone call from Amanda. We have received permission to play it back from Mrs. Rath, so we will take a moment to describe what happened before it is played to you. At approximately 6:08 am, Mrs. Rath picked up the phone to hear Ms. Halls begging for help as she reportedly ran through the halls of her home being chased by what she described as a demonic horse with a headless rider taunting her from a flaming pumpkin. Mrs. Rath stated she could hear it all and seemed to begin running out of her house still on call, begging Ms. Halls to stay on the line and keep running. She first called to her husband to phone for help to Ms. Halls’s abode. At this point, crashing sounds could be heard and both woman exclaimed at the sound of what Mrs. Rath asserts is the sound of a horse whinnying. The call ends on Ms. Halls side with a scream and what sounds like something being slashed at before the call drops. Her phone was found beside her body in pieces. We will now play the audio for those of you still listening in.” 
What followed was more or less note for note what the reporter described, however the sounds of a horse or someone other than the two woman is noticeably absent. Only the sounds of items being shattered and broken enters into audible range. After it ends, the reporter appears once more to finish the broadcast. 
“Mrs. Rath is absolutely certain she heard the same noises Ms. Halls had before her death, but the phone call has no such audio to anyone but her. Authorities are uncertain on the true cause, but what is known for certain is that Amanda Halls is dead. More information will hopefully be uncovered soon. Until then, make sure to stay safe.” 
The broadcast ended and the reruns continued before it was shut off as well, leaving the horrified faces of those in the small bookstore to be reflected back, distorted and darkened upon the silent screen.
Your hand shook as you placed the remote down. You stayed still, trying to get your breathing under control as the customers and book club filtered out, looking worried and scared as they did so. Soon, your store was almost empty, leaving only you and Dorthy, the woman who ran the town book club that took place in your store. You jumped as she gently laid her hand over yours. 
“Oh, (Y/n), you should head home soon too and check on, what’s his name, Dakota? Make sure he’s fine and let him know you are too. I’m sure he’d appreciate that.” 
You squeezed your eyes shut for a few moments before trying a shaky smile as you slid out from behind the counter, following Dorthy out the door and locking the door. You would worry about any mess or anything tomorrow. 
“Yeah, I should probably check in with him. Knowing Dakota, I’m sure they’re worried out of their mind. In fact, I’ll probably get a call from him soon.” 
As if on cue, your phone rang, displaying Dakota’s name. You smiled weakly at Dorthy as you trotted off to answer them, hearing only the last thing she shouted after you before you turned the corner. 
“Tell him that I said hello! I’m sure he’ll remember me!” 
You chuckled under your breath, waving a hand her way absently as you finally answered the phone. 
“Hey Dakota. I’m heading home now. I saw the broadcast and, well, it didn’t feel right to continue with no customers since everyone left almost immediately after.” 
His sigh rang through the line, slightly tinny and exasperated as they no doubt messed up the hairstyle they had put together that morning. 
“I don’t doubt it. I’m actually at the scene right now, otherwise I would have come to pick you up. Make sure to go straight home! And lock all the doors and windows! I know we’re on the second floor, but I don’t want you taking any chances. I don’t know what I would do with myself if you got hurt.” 
You smiled slightly. Dakota always worried over you, made only worse by his job and constantly seeing the darker side of humanity. The apartment came into view and you quickly typed in the code and headed into the lobby. 
“Yeah, I know. I’m just gonna check the mail real quick then I’ll head upstairs. Love you!” 
You hung up before he could protest and tried to put the broadcast out of your mind as you collected the mail and headed up the stairs. Hopefully, this would be the end of the incident and life could continue on after they caught whoever was doing all this. With that hope in mind, you aimed to continue life as normal until this was all over. 
Dakota returned late at night, face dark and concerned. You hurried over, unsure what to do to cheer them up as they collapsed onto the sofa. Before you could do anything however, he finally spoke in a hushed tone. 
“I’m sure this will be on the news soon, but Cassidy Rath was found dead in the same way as Amanda Halls. This time, it was in a supermarket. One minute she was fine, the next she’s screaming and running as shelves fall over, the next she’s fallen herself and her head has wound up crushed before anyone could do a thing.” 
You flinched, not expecting something like this to emerge. As you locked eyes with Dakota, it seemed clear to both of you something was going on that may not be able to be stopped. 
“…Was there anyone who saw or heard something different?” 
Dakota winced at your hesitant question, staring towards the ground for a moment. 
“Yes. Dorthy Langland, the book club leader, the one that goes to your bookstore for meetings. She said there was a man on a horse chasing Cassidy through the aisles. Apparently he didn’t have a head and seemed to be covered in fire.” 
He chuckled darkly at that, shaking his head and closing his eyes as his shoulders slumped. They were obviously exhausted and if the first two deaths were in anyway reliable as tells, it was only going to get worse from here. 
“I tried to have her called into protective custody, or at least have a detail on her, but apparently there is not enough precedent to do so. Honestly, I think the rest of them just have a sick want to see what’ll happen next, the bastards.” 
Dakota’s teeth began to grind and his back tensed in anger. You laid a hand across his back and he slowly relaxed. You tugged them up and towards the bedroom. 
“Look, if you can’t right now, try again tomorrow, first thing. For now, it seems like there’s nothing you can do, so let’s just try to get some rest, alright?” 
They sighed and squeezed your hands gently before nodding and allowing you to pull them along. Two deaths in less than a day and Dakota was already stressed. The only hope you held onto was that Dorthy would be able to survive without troubles, not realizing it was already too late.
Across town, screams rang out as Dorthy was lifted into the air, before something separated her head from the rest of her body. She had called the book club to meet in the park since they had forgotten to pick up the new book for the week from her earlier in the day. Most were reluctant, but still showed up, only to have it interrupted when something spooked Dorthy and two other members of the club. What followed was chaos ending in Dorthy’s body slumping to the ground. Her head soon followed before it was crushed under the foot of something massive like the two victims before her. 
Then, whatever was there seemed to fade, leaving a shaken group to answer those that approached the disturbance. Most of them dispersed when allowed to, heading home and looking constantly over their shoulder. However, instead of one witness that saw something more than just air, there were two. 
You heard cursing as Dakota raced out the door. You yawned emerging from the bedroom and pulling out something easy for breakfast before turning on the news, at which point you quickly found out why Dakota had raced out so fast as it talked of both Cassidy and Dorthy’s deaths, now showing photos of all three deaths, if cropped and censored to cut out the worst of the gore, as well as the two witnesses claiming to have seen what the previous victims had before. 
Jerry Walters and Chrissy Forger were both members of the book club and you couldn’t help but fret over your thoughts about the rest of the group if three members had now been targeted. But, once again, you knew that worrying over it would not help and tried to busy yourself with chores you had half started the day before. 
Time flew, and soon it was just after noon, at which point you discovered Dakota had left his lunch at home in his haste to get to work, as he often did. Knowing the awful options around there otherwise, you tried to ignore your fear and made your way out to catch a bus to the precinct, a familiar route from the number of times you had done this before. 
Upon arriving, you found it mostly empty, just the receptionist and a few officers looking over paperwork, the rest you assumed were at the sites of the murders. The receptionist recognized you instantly as you walked over to check in. 
“Should I just leave this here or can I give this straight to Dakota?” 
You were unsure where he was, but the receptionist waved you on. 
“He’s questioning the witnesses at the moment, but it’s been hours and I’m sure they would all appreciate a quick break. If nothing else, you can drag Dakota away so the rest of the officers can discuss a protection detail or protective custody for the two of them.” 
You nodded, waving slightly at the officers in the corner as you headed to the room pointed out to you. Knocking lightly on the door, the quiet murmurs within went quiet and Dakota called for you to enter. Their eyes widened briefly when they saw you, but he quickly noticed the bag in your hands. You waved slightly to Jerry and Chrissy. Jerry waved back hesitantly, while Chrissy just nodded. 
“I’m just here to drop this off, but they want your input on whether to give them a detail or keep them in protective custody. But, I guess that’s for you to decide, so I’ll be heading home now.” 
Dakota nodded and kissed you on the cheek, waving you off, before turning to the two at the table. 
“I’ll be right back, I’ll leave the door open, so just shout if you need any help.” 
With that, he swept out, walking through a phantom solid and present only to the two at the table. They shivered as a voice filled their ears before the figure vanished once more. 
“It seems I have found my goal. My revenge is almost complete, but let’s not rush it, shall we? I shall be back after I have some time with my beloved. But be warned, one word of this to anyone here and you both will be dead.” 
The ride home was quiet, with only a few others on the bus by the time you reached your stop. Despite that, you felt at ease as if Dakota had come back with you. Instead, unbeknownst to you, it was the creature that was causing all this beside you, trying desperately to hold your hand, hug you, or even just touch you. 
Despite what it had said about not rushing things, if anyone could see it now, they would see how much desperation was present in the murderer’s form. 
You continued past your apartment to pick up a few items from the corner store, especially since the supermarket was likely still an active crime scene. The phantom continued to follow, unseen fire flickering wildly the longer you continued to chat with the cashier, oblivious to their presence. It calmed only once you were alone once more in the so called safety of home. 
And so it stayed for two weeks, during which time the figure grew hateful of anything that ruined the time spent alone with (Y/n). They both found out, through Dakota, that Jerry and Chrissy were to be held for two weeks, and if nothing happened, then they would be released with a twenty four seven detail to keep them safe. 
“Considering how fast the first three victims went, and the fact that holding them is more distracting for the higher ups, they set the limit at two weeks. I had to push for the details after that, otherwise they would just be released with no protection. It’s so irritating!” 
Dakota grumbled, falling back with his head coming to rest in (Y/n)’s lap as they giggled at him before combing their hands through his hair. The angered figure swiping at Dakota from their position nearly wrapped around (Y/n) went unnoticed by both. 
“Hey, at least you got it. So, just another week and then hopefully the detail will keep them both safe. Both of them were always so polite at my store whenever they stopped by for the meetings. I hope they will be alright.” 
Dakota looked up at the despondent look on their face. He sighed, lifting himself up and turning around slightly to wrap their hands gently around the sides of (Y/n)’s face. They sealed their fate as he sweetly kissed them in front of the suddenly still creature shadowing their lives. 
“I promise, I will do everything in my power to keep them and you safe from whatever is causing all this. So, make sure to stay as safe as possible and I will try to do the same.” 
He leaned in to kiss (Y/n) once more, and then one more time before they fell back onto the bed, covering them with most of his body. The creature stood there and took it all in, white hot rage coursing through him at what took place before him. The only thing holding him back was the plan that found a place to root itself within his mind as he swiped furiously at Dakota, gently stroked (Y/n)’s cheek, and stood up to leave, still unnoticed by the couple. A smile widened as flames roared to life. They stepped out of the apartment and were almost instantly on ground level, atop a massive horse that took off at the flick of its reins. As it sped through the streets, unnoticed by all it passed, the dark promise that slipped into the air hung for only a moment as a spine chilling laugh followed after, causing a shiver to go down the spines of those in the area. 
“Enjoy divinity while you can, Dakota. For in a week you will be left with nothing, as you deserve.”
The day had finally arrived. Dakota parted ways with (Y/n) as they headed to their bookstore, while he got into his car and headed into work. Jerry and Chrissy had been silent and shaky the first few days, but slowly relaxed as nothing seemed to happen. He hoped it would stay this way and that the protection details helped keep them safe. 
Most of the day was filled with paperwork and filling out shifts for the officers on the details, but finally, as the four officers assigned to the first shift headed towards the houses of the two, Dakota arrived at the holding room to bring them both home. However, upon opening the door, what greeted their eyes was a bloody mess from a headless Jerry and Chrissy following suit as a sword swung and slid through her neck like butter, a spray of blood following that splattered around the room and across Dakota’s uniform. Finally, he saw what monster was causing all this as the horse reared up before bringing its hooves down upon the detached heads. A voice seemed to resonate from no where and everywhere at the same time as a gloved hand pointed directly at Dakota. 
“Run if you want, but I will track you down and kill you the same as all the others. You will be my final bloody sacrifice to the tragedy your ancestors caused long ago. And then I shall finally reunite with my beloved (Y/n).”
Dakota bolted, somehow avoiding being seen as he rushed to the car and started it up, the only thing on their mind being the possibility of getting far enough from town with (Y/n) that the beast could not follow them any further.
They should be closing the store soon, so with their first destination in mind, they sped off, refusing to give up and let the monster win, not when there was still a chance to escape and survive this horrible series of events.
The sound of screeching tires reached your ears as you locked up the store. You didn’t pay it any mind until a very familiar car was barreling down the road and pulling to a screeching stop right beside you. You could only blink in confusion as Dakota, with blood covering part of his uniform, got out of the car and started tugging you towards it. You balked, unsure what to make of this situation. 
“Wait, wait, wait! Slow down, Dakota. What is going on? Why are you covered in blood? Aren’t you still supposed to be at work?” 
“There’s no time (Y/n)! They were all right, the killer is a headless horseman! And now he’s after me and you. We need to get out of town now before he starts coming after us.” 
Dakota used your confusion to finally pull you up to the side, gently shove you in, and buckle you firmly into place. They came around to the other side and he buckled in himself. They started up the car once more before peeling off down the road once more. Dakota was frantic and obviously scared, but if what they said and saw was true, then there was no doubt why. Still, you felt this was a little extreme and voiced your thoughts as the paved road became shadowed by the tall trees of the forest and the sign wishing you happy travels from the town flashed by. 
“I refuse to take this lying down. I’ve been after this monster without knowing what it truly is. And if what he said is true, then I certainly don’t want him to get his claws into you, as well. All of these deaths and incidents have happened in town, so I’m just hoping beyond hope that if we get far enough from town we may be able to escape.” 
You furrowed your brows as Dakota sped up, driving recklessly on such a narrow sighted road, but before you could say anything, the sudden sound of thunderous hoofbeats filled the air and a menacing cackle broke through the otherwise silent forest. 
“Run, run all you like! But you haven’t escaped me yet Dakota!” 
Dakota flinched as you turned to look through the back windshield. 
“Don’t tell me you can hear him (Y/n)?” 
Your eyes widened as you spotted the towering horse racing ever closer to the car and the large figure perched steadily atop it, clad in a dark coat, with black boots and leather gloves encasing the hands. A long sword sheath could be seen at the waist of the figure, and blood could be seen splattered lightly on the tan riding pants encasing the legs of the figure. But, most notably, there was a flaming jack o lantern held firmly under one arm as the other was occupied with urging the horse onward. As soon as you laid eyes on the pumpkin, it felt like the eyes locked onto your form and the grin carved into it seemed to widen as your breath stuttered at the sight. You fell back into the seat. 
“I can. And I can see him too. I’m pretty sure he saw me as well.” 
As if to prove your point, the voice rang into the air once more as Dakota tried to keep up the speed as the road began to wind. 
“Lovely (Y/n), can you finally see me? It’s been centuries and my soul called out but yours never answered. But now you see and soon you will know. Stay where you are and I shall have you once more, as it should be.” 
Confusion and fear filled you as Dakota slammed on the gas, pushing the car to its limits in an attempt to stay ahead of the beastly form steadily approaching. However, there was no time for anymore conversation as Dakota tried to take a quick glance behind and wound up spinning off the road. As the car slammed into a tree and the airbags quickly deployed, the clopping sound of hooves was ear deafening before fading slightly from earshot as it wound up rocketing past the crash. An angered scream trailed off as you slowly came back from the sudden pain throughout your body. Your side of the car had impacted the tree, leaving you to rely on Dakota to quickly pull you out. You cried out in pain, but Dakota continued to tug you out and brushed off as much glass as he could from the shattered window before lifting you into his arms and staggering into the forest. 
They had been injured as well, but the adrenaline coursing through their body enabled them to make it far enough into the trees to stay out of view when the monstrous horse and rider stomped towards the wreckage. His angered shouts pulled you from your near black out as the car shrieked in protest as it was torn and smashed in a fit of rage. Dakota carefully set you back on your feet, taking your hand and running further off into the forest as the threats and sounds of metal faded further behind your retreating backs. 
“I’ll find you! I’ll find you and I will tear your head from your neck with my bare hands Dakota! You can’t run from me forever, I will find you and I will kill you! There is nothing you or anyone else can do about it!” 
You sniffled, stumbling slightly as tears filled your vision, but Dakota tugged you onwards. A sudden steep drop stopped your frantic run in its tracks. A rushing river, filled with rapids and sharp rocks was all that awaited you below your feet. The pause to consider which way to go gave you enough time to hear the now menacing sound of stomping hooves growing closer once more. You took the lead now, racing off towards what looked like a building towards the right. Dakota panicked but quickly caught on and took the lead once more as they heard what you did. The building turned out to be a covered bridge, stretching from one side of the ravine to the other. Dakota raced onwards, tugging you along, focused only on getting to possible safety, as you looked over your shoulder as the horse burst through the woods, creating its own trail through the forest and onto the path you were on now, closing the distance in mere seconds. 
Your scream filled the air as you squeezed your eyes shut, expecting to get trampled. Instead, a firm arm looped around your middle, tearing you away from Dakota’s grasp and up, up, up into the air before you found yourself held firmly to the horseman. A scream left your lips once more as you saw Dakota get trampled instead, bringing him down just before the bridge. 
The horse trotted around their downed form before coming to a stop at the urging of the rider. You squirmed, trying to get out of the iron like grip he had on you, stopping only as his other arm was raised to bring the flaming pumpkin up to eye level. A whimper escaped your lips as the eyes seemed to take in everything they saw before a voice seemed to emerge from both the pumpkin and the stump where his head should have been to begin with. 
“(Y/n). You have not changed at all, still as lovely as the day I saw you last, the day they took everything that mattered from me. They called you a witch, screaming for your head just as they had for mine. But you did not come back like I did, a wretched beast living only for death and destruction. No, you have come back perfect and whole. And I shall never let you leave again. I will never let you be taken again. I shall never let you die again. I will keep you safe once more, my love. Now, stay put while I deal with the last of this trash.” 
His hand placed the pumpkin over the stump on his neck, fire roaring from the top as the pumpkin took the place of his missing head. Before you could truly react, his arm uncoiled from your waist as he hopped down. Then, you found yourself suddenly tied down to the saddle, with rope pulled from a saddle bag, stuck until he decided to unravel the knots suddenly binding your body to the horse. You still tried as he approached Dakota, but could do nothing as one large hand grabbed their hair and yanked them up as the other wrapped around his neck and began to squeeze. 
“Now, I believe I did promise I would tear your head from your neck with my bare hands and I always keep my promises. Hold still, this will only be worse if you struggle.” 
You should have looked away or struggled harder or done something, anything to prevent this horror from playing out. But the adrenaline had run out, fear had overwhelmed you, and the pain from the crash was no longer dulled by a race through the trees, so you watched every second of the horrible feat of strength, heard every agonizing cry and tear of flesh from Dakota, and could smell the fresh blood fill the air as it sprayed from the now dead body of your lover. Dakota’s head was dropped from bloody, gloved hands. You sobbed as it rolled slightly to reveal the fear still engraved on the face. 
The horseman approached the saddle, tugging the ropes from your form and pulling your limp form up to lean back against his firm chest, hands leaving bloody smears everywhere they touched. You couldn’t even bring yourself to struggle as he flicked the reins and the horse started moving once more. It stepped over the remains, one heavy hoof falling on the head and caving it in with a loud crunch before beginning to pick up speed once more, racing along the side of the cliff. With the jack o lantern still firmly on top of the neck, it left him a free hand to hold your form close as his voice filtered into your ears above the thundering of the running horse. 
“I was a little worried there darling. A little farther and I wouldn’t have been able to get either of you. But, it matters no more, Dakota is dead and you are safe in my arms. As you should have been from the start.” 
Tears continued to trickle down your face as the horse pulled away from the river, heading further and further into the darkening forest, taking both its rider and captive away from help, leaving only a wrecked car and a brutally dismantled body to be found behind them.
In a somber studio, another news report was being broadcast, this time with more horror than ever before.
“In other news, the murders that have plagued our town find no solace with the fact that the fourth and fifth victims; Jerry Walters and Chrissy Forger, have been discovered dead just before their release from protective custody. The lead on the case, Dakota Koche, was supposed to see them off but when they did not return, and the bodies were found, a search had been initiated, with Dakota and their lover; (Y/n) seeming to have vanished from town.”
Censored images of the two bloody bodies are shown, followed by pictures of the next two possible victims appearing on screen. This is quickly followed by more grave news. 
“Authorities soon discovered a wrecked car off the road through the forest and matched the plates to Dakota. They followed a small trail to the side to discover their body, in much the same condition as all the other victims at a covered bridge leading further into the forest, the only difference seemed to be that his head had been brutally ripped off rather than cut off. However, (Y/n) has still not been found, leading us to believe they may have gotten away for the time being. The forest shall be searched to try to find them, whatever condition they may be in. Remember, any information you may have on the victims or the mysterious killer will be helpful, send in any evidence as soon as possible.” 
The broadcast ended with a scrolling list of the victims and the information gathered so far, while the image of the missing person remained smiling to the viewers.
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kitawolf12 · 6 months
My mom had a lumpectomy Monday and like currently she is fine recovery wise but she almost certainly has cancer, has been told some of it is inoperable, and has told me that she doesn't think she has the capacity to stick to a drug chemo/is nearly unwilling to do radiation chemo so she's probably not going to be fine in the long run or maybe short run.
I am Far Less Okay about all of this than I have been trying to be outwardly but I don't know how long I can keep Functioning??? I'm in a program where some of my team is leaving come April 19th but I'm continuing through the summer and I really want to be helping to reach our goals before then and also to hang out with them before theyre gone since Friendship is really a proximity game... but I want so badly to just lay in bed and cry all day that I don't know How to get myself to do things
And then there's the fact that my mom and brother are going out of the country for 9 days starting on the 20th. I was not invited or told about this until it was already scheduled and I don't know how to share that I'm hurt by not being invited without coming off super entitled since I don't really care about Japan, don't want to spend 9 days with my brother, don't have time to take off work, and don't have the money to contribute to such a trip. But with all this fucking cancer shit I can't NOT think, "Oh cool, my brother gets to go on the kind of trip my mom always talked about wanting to take with us and then she'll die before we get to check out Scotland and Ireland!"
And i just feel so gross. I want to drink. I want to scream. I want to throw things and break them. I want to light the world on fire. I want my mom to be okay and everyone who's ever been mean to her to suffer. She retired the same month the doctors told her she might have cancer, literally back in December. I know retirement is fake nowadays but that's just cruelty! Here's your retirement package: early death at no extra charge.
I've been watching Anne with an E since it's one of the shows that makes me Feel strongly and I got to where Mary was introduced and remembered immediately that she died. My brain told me I had to watch it all the way through which I guess was it begging for some kind of catharsis. Mary is a mother that dies slowly of sepsis while her daughter is still an infant. She and everyone who loves her has to watch her waste away knowing there's such limited time. "Maybe it's a gift to know so we can talk like this," Mary says to her husband, and I can see how it is but how can you really truly speak about it? I love her so much. I don't want to think about what it's going to be like when I can't hug her, when we can't be silly anymore, when... when all that's left of the family I want to be around is gone.
If she dies soon, before my grandparents do, I'm going to be so bitter towards them. I don't know if I'll be able to restrain myself. And then there would only be my brother who might argue for me being in the will and HE has no reason to. If she goes I'll probably be disowned for real this time. No one would be safe anymore.
Nothing is fair and I hate it and I'm scared and why does this have to happen while in BLEEDING goddamn it
oh and my mom really wanted grandchildren. Which I have no intention of giving her. so I'm a disappointment in at least one way, without even considering that I'm a queer, liberal, partnerless, underemployed, welfare-using, genderfucky disaster. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Sorry ma, guess you'll be dying unhappy with the state of your child's life unless there are some radical changes.
I don't like the world right now. I don't even like *me* right now.
The sun will be up in a few hours and I need to pretend to be functional tomorrow so I can schedule appointments for Thursday to help old people like I'm contracted to do until August. Motions. I can go through them. I've done it all my life, I can do one more day. Just one more day every day.
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solocien · 6 months
i can’t sleep and don’t want to bother my friends anymore so i’m just going to ramble into the abyss
so fun fact about me: i dilligently collect coins
i’ve been collecting coins since i was a kid and keep them all in a wooden box that has the word “COIN” on the front of it. it’s not something i often tell people, and not because i think it’s embarrassing, but because its pretty mundane comparatively
like, when someone thinks of me, i highly doubt the first thing that comes to mind is that i have a wooden box full of loose coins
but regardless, i am immensely proud of my coin collection. i often think about how, if i was faced with a situation where i had to give up all of my belongings, i would grieve the most over my coin collection. because there is so much substance and wonder inside this little box in my little room, and its wonder that isnt shared by anyone else in my family
just a few days ago, i was with some family assisting with a move, and a family member found some coins and set them aside for me. i was gazing at them in my hands (really close to my face because im blind as a bat even with glasses) and was told that i was “very strange”
and yeah, maybe i am strange. maybe i am an oddity of a 22 year old easily marveled by a piece of round metal. but i don’t care, because i have a 2 pound wooden box in my room filled with metal that is precious to me
and by now you might be wondering “just what kind of coins do you even have?” that is an amazing question, my love. i have so many strange coins and each one tells a unique story. each one fills me with amazement and images of the life it might have lived before ending up in my possession
some of the coins i picked up off the street because they were extra shiny. some coins i kept because they got so corroded that you can’t even make out what it is anymore
a penny that was flattened by a local train, one of many that my cousins and i laid out on the tracks and ran as the train approached in fear that one of the pennies would shoot out from under the wheels. none of them did, and as the train passed and the passengers gazed at us through the windows, we excitedly retrieved our scorching hot, flattened pennies and ran to show our parents. those cousins i havent seen in many, many years now, but i still have that penny, and the vivid memory of that day
i have a coin commemorating the 100th anniversary of Sears, a company that is barely holding on by a thread anymore, but one that my father fondly remembers getting monthly catalogues for as a child in the 60s
pennies run through gimmicky machine presses at amusement parks, ones that i would beg my parents to let me put my pennies through, chosing to hold onto the physical memory of the trip instead of a piece of candy or stuffed toy
my all-time favorites of my collection, however, are the coins i have from all over the world
i have pennies and quarters from Canada, easily mixed up with American currency at small tourist attractions or in vending machines and laundromats, especially where i am in New England
but i also have coins from across the oceans and thousands of miles south of me towards Central and South America. Austria, Spain, Japan, Germany, Russia, Ireland, England, Panama, Coasta Rica, Aruba, France, Sweden, Poland, Mexico to name a few… all from completely different times and cultures
The 1942 German reichsmark… what kind of stories could it tell through its caked on grime? perhaps it was left in a car, or accidentally stepped on, or given from one child to another
or the Panaman centesimo balboa from 1968. perhaps it was once carried in a student’s pocket, or exchanged for some food
what about the 1892 Swedish öre? maybe it was once used to attend a sports club, or saved in a jar for something special
these are just some of the coins in my collection that render me speechless in awe, even the coins from my own country and state, as plain and simple as they might seem, hold so much inherent sentimental value. the decades, and sometimes even centuries, that these coins have lived through, the events they must have seen and hands they must have touched. call coins disgusting all you want, but these coins are my treasures. they’re my look into the vast world around me that i’ve yet to really explore myself
someday soon i will be able to travel across the globe to places i’ve only dreamed about. someday i’ll be able to afford to leave my tiny subrural town in this tiny state and fly across oceans and experience new adventures and find even more coins to tell me stories of people just like me living lives as different and yet as similar to my own
these coins are a bridge to amazing things, and i truly do love each and every one of them with my whole heart
now is the time where i would apologize to my friends for being annoying, so i’ll just apologize to the void. sorry for rambling and good night <3
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apureniallsource · 2 years
This summer, superstars Niall Horan and Lewis Capaldi filmed an Irish road-trip for a new documentary. The highlight was an intimate gig in Horan’s Mullingar local, where our writer was among the emotional crowd.
As he sat on a tiny, makeshift stage, playing an acoustic guitar in a Westmeath pub, it was hard to believe that Niall Horan was once a part of one of the world’s biggest boy bands, filling stadiums across the globe. Not because he isn’t extremely talented — the 28-year-old is an accomplished singer, songwriter and musician — but because he’s a genuinely down-to-earth person. He has an innate humility that’s helped him not only to hang on to his fans from the One Direction days, but also build a new, wider audience as a solo artist.
Wearing white jeans and a tribal-print shirt, Horan was on stage beside his good friend Lewis Capaldi. Their intimate gig in Clarke’s Bar was being recorded for a documentary, called Guinness Presents Niall Horan’s Homecoming: The Road To Mullingar.
“Seriously, he is the funniest person I know,” Horan said of his fellow chart-topping musician. “When you’re with Lewis you never quite know where a night will go, but you’re guaranteed a good time.”
On this night in early August, it was an audience of family, friends and media who were having a good time. Although I was there in a professional capacity, I felt just as excited to meet Horan as I had been when I was 15 years old and obsessed with One Direction.
Eleven years ago, I met the boy band in Tesco in Dublin’s Clarehall. I begged my mam to let me leave school early, so I could start queuing to get wristbands for the free meet-and-greet.
Unsurprisingly, she didn’t agree that the boy band was more important than my Junior Cert classes. Luckily, my friend’s granny came to the rescue and queued for us, and we took over once we had finished classes. After a total of 15 hours of waiting in line, myself and my friend met the five lads we had spent our teenage years obsessing over — albeit only for a few seconds, and pictures weren’t even allowed!
Made in conjunction with Guinness, the Homecoming documentary airs on Virgin Media One tonight. It follows Horan and Capaldi over three days this summer, when they caused something of a social-media explosion as they were spotted travelling around Ireland together. In the programme, we see Horan introduce his friend to chicken fillet rolls and show him the best pubs for a pint. As well as the Clarke’s performance, the pair also enjoyed a busking session on Dublin’s Grafton Street.
The singers became friends a few years back after Horan reached out to Capaldi on Instagram saying he was a fan of his work. Capaldi would later play support for Horan’s Glasgow show as part of his first solo tour, Flicker, in 2018. They had their first in-person meeting over a pint on St Patrick’s Day, and their mutual love for Guinness is why they reached out to the drinks company with the idea for this documentary.
On the night they filmed in Clarke’s, while Capadli cracked jokes and Horan bounced across the small stage, the Mullingar singer’s father, Bobby, told me that it’s easy to see why they get along so well. “I just can’t get over it, he and Lewis put on a fantastic performance today and I can’t be any more thrilled,” he said. “They have come on leaps and bounds, it’s fantastic — and he was an amazing support act.”
Despite being part of one of the biggest ever boy bands, Bobby said he is most proud of his son for staying connected to his roots and admitted that he still worries about him. “You are always worried for your child, but I had nothing to worry about. He kept his feet on the ground and always will. His personality keeps his feet on the ground. It’s nothing to do with me, it’s all him. I am so proud of him for that alone, I am just so proud of him.”
It’s always special to have Niall home, Bobby added, saying that although Mullingar is proud of him, the locals do leave him alone to enjoy time with his family.
It’s fitting, then, that Horan’s first solo hit, This Town, paid homage to Mullingar. The song, released in 2016, talks about a first love who still lives in his hometown; he wishes he was there with her, but she has moved on to someone new. As he sang it in Clarke’s Bar, I couldn’t help but wonder whether the girl in the song (In the pub that we met he’s got his arms around you) was among the crowd.
Horan’s second big solo hit, Slow Hands, got the audience dancing, with Capadli popping off the stage to bust a move with the locals. Then it was the Scottish singer’s time to shine, as he played his ballad Before You Go to the packed pub, quickly switching his persona from a comedian to serious singer-songwriter.
Next, they sang Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol — which Bobby later told me is one of his son’s favourite tunes. However, the duet was interrupted by Horan giggling over something Capadli had whispered to him, causing the audience to laugh along. They started again from the beginning, and with no interruptions, performed a perfect version for the documentary.
While this wasn’t the first gig I’d been to since the world opened back up post-Covid-19, it was emotional to be in the pub watching people dance and hold hands without worrying about social distancing.
After the set finished, with a wide smile on his face, Horan told me it was good to be home but was even sweeter to be greeted by his friends and family in his local pub. Of course, it wasn’t just a big event for the musician; the bar’s owners, Ciaran and Carole Clarke, were visibly moved by the experience.
Holding back tears, Carole said: “Niall used to come in here on his lunch break and play pool, but don’t tell his headmaster that! We are just so proud and Mullingar is so proud — he is a fine and upstanding representation of what we have. A lot of the younger children are looking at him and they realise they, too, can do it. They don’t have to be afraid, they can go for it. He came in the door today and threw his arms around me and said, ‘Ah Carrie how are ya?’ and I haven’t seen him in 10 years.”
Ciaran says they were emotional, not only because it was a big day for them after struggling to keep going during the pandemic, but because the Fleadh Cheoil — coincidentally themed around homecoming — was also taking place in the town that week. “We are exhausted because we had the Fleadh going on, we had 20 minutes of sleep last night but it’s massive for us because it’s just us — it’s not a big company, it’s just us and our family.”
Word that Niall Horan and Lewis Capaldi were in his pub must’ve gotten around the festival crowd very quickly — afterwards the street was filled with people hoping to get a glimpse of the stars. Teenagers shouted and screamed as they clutched their phones. It brought me right back to being 15, and desperately hoping to get a photo with the Irish lad from One Direction. Fast-forward 11 years, and earlier in the evening, I had swallowed my pride and asked Niall for a photo.
Naturally, Mullingar’s decidedly normal superstar was happy to oblige
‘Guinness Presents Niall Horan’s Homecoming: The Road To Mullingar’ airs on October 16 at 10pm on Virgin Media One.
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suncaptor · 8 months
there needs to be a specific grant in Ireland for returning Irish citizens impacted by the diaspora for real. let me come home I am begging.
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