#comedy gold augh
tulipe-rose · 4 months
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Obvious spoilers ahead!!
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White teeth? Well it's a good thing he's been taking care of his hygiene a lot more since his defection.
Man, I feel bad for the HR, they must've been suffering hell for the past three days ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ
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How, and why is this not used in fics? Like it's such a delicate, and domestic part of their dangerous lives. Seeing Doppo, and the President in a non work environment with them being so... Idk? More casual than usual? Mini Doppo is openly ranting about his misfortunes with Dazai, and Fukuzawa feeling pretty bad about putting this responsibilities onto him. He knows Doppo has his pride as an agency member, and would never back down from such a challenge. Their student–mentor relationship is so dear to me.
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Harbinger of misfortune Dazai? Sounds like a good Yokai!au title for him. He'd haunt the agency members after running away from his responsibilities as a Yokai to bring misfortune upon humans, only to stumble upon an albino boy while on the run. The albino has great cursed energy, if he didn't know any better, he would've believed that he was at least apart Yokai. Turns out this kid was but a middle schooler that attends the same school as that 'detective club', and decides to stick with him for a while. Cue the misadventures of the misfortune Yokai, and an unknowning Yokai of mysterious nature. >:D
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AUGH OUCH. Imagine them having this conversation when Oda joined in BEAST?!?! Kinda hurts though... This doesn't look like the first time they've had this conversation, and dare I say, they might've had it when Kyōka joined.
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This answers... A lot. It's actually interesting to know that Doppo has a limit to how many pages he could use, really puts another dimension to his ability, and it's drawbacks.
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I had to screenshot the whole thing, cause how can I not?
Comedy gold, right there officer.
Doppo is so unserious about Dazai, like 'Your pink elephants, they're still flying?' Dazai is just matching the mocking wavelength of the conversation, and be like 'Negative! Purple ones are the flying ones! The pinks are just too boring sometimes! What's with the purples anyways? We're going to exterminate them? They were kind of a nuisance tbh.'
Also Dazai 'Average bozo' Osamu is just HDBWHSV LMAO DOPPO STOP BULLYING EACH OTHER.
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Doppo sweetie you are so strong, I wouldn't have lasted in the asylum where you're living. Especially with him as your workmate.
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Then perhaps dead apple was a horror story then? Shibusawa's ghost/Ability/whatever the hell that was surely composed at least an email or two.
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Of course Doppo isn't scared (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
He is our big, stronk boy 〳•̀⁠ v ⁠•́⁠ ⁠〵
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Do Sy for the ask meme!! Love our loser bisexual king <3
First impression: *properly meets syrus for the first time in episode one of gx* Oh Ok He's Gonna Be My Favorite
Impression now: OH OK HE'S STILL GONNA BE MY FAVORITE. like. my fucking god syrus is probably my Top Favorite Yugioh Character at this point. I just like him so much. He resonates with me a on a very personal level. they really said 'heres a ygo character deeply anxious about his peers leaving him in the dust in the field he is specifically going to school for" which reached into my art school grad heart and shook me around like a soda pop. Neurotic little disaster. He's so fucking funny. I cherish him.
Favorite moment: season 4 duel against that jinzo guy. hits me like a truck every time and when he starts summoning those Cyberdarks i start hooting and hollering. Also like... any time dub syrus opens his mouth they gave him so much comedy gold.
Idea for a story: mfs arent ready for my syrus character study of the absolutely crushing survivor's guilt he was having that week in between everyone coming back from the dark world and jaden finally coming back after being presumed dead. man.
Unpopular opinion: i swear to god people want him to be a little soft delicate bruised peach of a boy when he CATEGORICALLY IS NOT. HIS CHARACTER ARC HAS SO MUCH MERIT AND HE IS SOMEONE WHO GROWS INTO A CONFIDENT, RESPECTFUL DUELIST WHO DOESNT NEED TO CLING TO OTHER PEOPLE'S COATTAILS. AUGH. also hes kind of fucking MEAN and it's great!! he's a little bitch and i like him so much!! also infinitely prefer his dub voice over his sub one.
Favorite relationship: wahhh wahh wahhhhhh i will make 500 more posts about this but zane and syrus's brother bond is like. a top favorite ygo dynamic for me. they make me feel so goddamn much. zane is not abusive. zane is not evil. syrus is not made of fragile glass. they are two brothers who dont know how to communicate with each other until one of them fucking died and came back. there is so much love there. i think theyre gonna be ok. (i also love his bond with jaden....they really gave sy two whole brothers <3)
Favorite headcanon: syrus truesdale my bisexual OCD king. brother you cannot fathom the intrusive thoughts this kid has. Would buy booby girl anime figures, and also hot wheels and transformers. If he eats anything spicy he will be sniffling and wheezing for the next forty minutes. He has car and train autism but if asked will definitely be like "what? no i dont. zane's the autistic one. 🙄" i love him so much
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m0ther-of-p3arl · 4 months
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Paranoid Jon is funny to me tbh. the supplementals are comedy gold sometimes...always shit like "Supplemental: I broke into Martin's house and found a strange rainbow flag .... I... investigated, Tim's house and he told me to get the fuck out... Both are EXTREMELY suspicious and are probably trying to kill me ....... oh and I found Sasha repeatedly stabbing a picture of me. at least i know i can trust her"
Jon got so paranoid he became less of a hater, so Tim had to pick up the slack ig because JESUS CHRIST he has no chill... Timothy Stoker Worlds #1 Jon Hater VS Martin K Blackwood Worlds #1 Jon Lover
as ALWAYS free my boy Martin ,,,, why is everyone so mean 2 him ,,, what did bro do. besides lie on his CV. only a little bit... just have a tea party w him man!!!!
The NotThem saying "It hurt Sasha." idc if its a classic horror movie mistake i'd scream shut up too.... fuckin ASSHOLE god i hope its gone forever and ever
Elias being an EVIL LITTLE RAT MAN. did not expect that ngl- i didnt think much abt Elias lmao. what the hell is he??? they kept saying some silly titles that i imagine are important for later but rn im just. "hey What The Fuck?"
Extended sounds of brutal pipe murder is possibly one of the funniest sentences ive ever seen though. im going to say that sooo much now. forever and ever. did NOT expect Jurgen Fucking Leitner to show up and did NOT expect Jurgen Fucking Leitner to be working with Gertrude and did NOT expect Jurgen Fucking Leitner to immediately get metal pipe'd to death. crazy shit
And I looked up the Jurgen Leitner rant as soon as I finished, like you recommended- and um. im GOING to memorize that one day mark my words. for now i'll be quoting paypal.com/IFuckingHateJurgenLeitner every chance i get
SORRY FOR RANTING IN YOUR INBOX AGAIN i just have Thoughts and too many of them .. .. this will very likely happen every season/major event im not gonna lie
AUGH I am so sorry its takEN ME SO LONG TO GET TO THIS ;; twas not my intention :///
i love love LOVE reading your thoughts augh!!!! extended sounds of brutal piper murder is a massive meme in the fandom along with jurgen leitner rant and.. dig..... you're learning the ways...
please continue to rant in my inbox its awesome
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whatthefuckisasweep · 3 years
For the character ask! Sorry this took me a while, I can't copy and paste on mobile, so I waited till I got on desktop tumblr! Thank you so much for asking about him, I could go on forever lol so this is gonna be fucking LONG. Please, anyone, feel free to ask about any other character, too. These are fun.
Why I like them: Grif is, for lack of a better word, complex. On one hand, it's like, okay he's just a funny comedy character. But on the other hand, he's like every all of my favorite archetypes of a character. He's crafty but stupid, selfish but selfless, antisocial but friendly, the straight man but the dramatic guy, he's snarky but oddly caring: the reluctant hero. It's kind of paradoxical, and I feel like not only do I relate to him, but I just really enjoy him overall. Whether it's because he's a good brother, being a complete dickbag because he doesn't know how to handle emotions, being a complete cynic on the battlefield, or being hyperactive and snappy, it's just... ah. He. Everything in his life just happens, and he has to deal with it, and yeah he'll kick and pout and probably eat everything but in the end, he's gonna choose his family and he cares deeply... even when he can't really show it.
Why I don’t: I see this a lot in myself too - the fact that he's impulsive and inherently negative when he speaks specifically. his words don't match his actions. He often doesn't hesitate when it comes to making negative comments because they are easier than saying something nice, but what his intentions are are completely different. in other words, he's a jerk, lol. Especially in season 15. I know people felt bad for him because he was partially right and went insane on Iris, but he lowkey deserved it. He said he hated his friends, and even his closest friend. He didn't want to admit that he was a good person just because he didn't want to help. yeah, it was valid, but he needs to learn how to make a case without fucking everyone emotionally and being so clammed up. >:/ sometimes it feels like he regresses in character, as much as he's matured. i guess that's realistic and just the writers making comedy, but also the way he handles Doc specifically irks me. so mean spirited for no reason, as funny as it is.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): OH MY GOD, okay, literally, every single episode with Grif starring as a main is fucking gold. I think for this I'm going to say, uh, This One Goes to Eleven. Even though it's not Grif-centric, it's the episode that's my favorite overall because it introduced me to RvB and made me like Grif right away, simply because he was attacked so much and I felt so bad for him. Another great one that sticks out right now in my sleep deprived state, is Grif does a Rescue. Augh. And the episode where Grif and Simmons get stuck underground in the caves.
Favorite season/movie: Season 8 (shotgun!!!, hyperactive ai grif), Season 11 (hanging in the canyon with simmons), Season 4 (the tank and blue simmons w/ grif), Season 5/6 (kai and rat's nest), Season 12/13 (the recruits, grif building the snowmen), Season 14 (backstory with simmons, Room Zero), Season 15 (you know why)
Favorite line: OK, don't make me choose. There are SO many that are good!!! I think one of my most favorite things that Grif says is "yoink!" It's so adorable! I also really enjoy "BLUEEE TEAAAAM SUCKKKKKS" with his epsilon double, the whole "invisible nap" scene, "what are we, on a date?"/"I can tell you what we weren't doing", "no one made me, I made me", "WERE GONNA FUCKING DIE" when charging at the meta, "that's a figure of speech?" [when carolina says im so hungry i could eat a horse is a figure of speech], "dexta grif he who shall not be messed with!"... I'm sure I'm missing a lot, he has SO many snarky funny lines, but these are some off the top of my head.
Favorite outfit: LOL THIS IS SUCH A FUNNY QUESTION BECAUSE THIS IS RVB. HAHAHA. Uh. Season 6 probably. I just like Halo 3 Graphics. Also s14 Room Zero because THEY DREW HIM FAT CANONICALLY. THANK YOU.
OTP: I'm with the majority of people in the fandom who like Grimmons! I think Grimmons is the only ship that I really vocally ship with my whole heart besides OC ships. I just very much enjoy their dynamic -- it's very angsty, dialogue full, intimate yet so unspoken. It's just a really good pair to write about and see the development of through canon. And, not to mention... season 15... hrk...
Brotp: I really REALLY want grif/tucker, grif/church, grif/locus BROTP. SO SO SO BAD. I've always seen grif and tucker as bros, grif and church are HILARIOUS together and we were ROBBED of more time together, and grif and locus are fucking adorable.
Head Canon: I have a lot of headcanons about Grif, but one of my favorite ones is that he has half-lidded eyes, like he's always sleepy. I also headcanon him as bisexual, though I think that is a popular headcanon!
Unpopular opinion: I dunno if I have super unpopular opinions about Grif... maybe that I think that his labryinth wasn't as bad as it seems at first? A lot of people seemed to think that though, yknow. Like if you look deeply into it, it's actually kinda fucked. But I feel like we should have gotten the Hawaii scene anyways. Hm. I also didn't like how they altered the canon so that Grif wasn't drafted. I think it does add something to his char that he chose to go, but I always really liked the aspect that Grif didn't control that, and yet he still did this on purpose. He was good on purpose.
A wish: A badass Grif carchase scene for the love of FUCK. We need to have him drive more stuff !!!!!!!!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Have him betray the reds -- i think every other red has betrayed the team at some point. please god for the love of god dont do this to grif. it really adds and says something about his character that he doesn't ever betray his team.
5 words to best describe them: (eye roll) eh. fuck it.
My nickname for them: this isn't really my nickname, since I mostly just call him grif -- but 'gif'. It's cute, and my QPP came up with it! I also really like dex. augh
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letterstomarstmblr · 3 years
The Santo Ileso Trailer Stuff
 I went through the Santo Ileso trailer and picked out things I found interesting and shoved it into a long-ass post for you to browse through. It’ll be under the cut because the poor souls passing by don’t deserve the hell to get past me. Enjoy <3
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First things first we have a map of the city. A guide map, like Tourist Map.  We also see the feet of our Saint of all Saints. That’s poggers.
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Then we are shown this which I found hilarious for some reason.  That it’s a casino and wedding chapel. Hell yeah. This is near El Dorado since we see that horse in the back right again soon.
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We have the first instance of “Keep it Strange Santo” in the whole seven minutes. I will not show anymore I found coz they really went for it. They weren’t kidding about it being everywhere.
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This was a particularly interesting. Not only do we get to see that horse again. But we also have Poseidon’s Palace in the distance there too. Which is interesting because I didn’t see much that was directly taken from past games.
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Moving on quickly we have the iconic Fleur. Looks lovely.
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We have some more shots of the Saint of all Saints. Getting a chuckle since she reminds me of Neenah. Mostly she just looks updated. With subs and a beanie this time around.
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This bitch we keep seeing.
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This Rock Shop shot gives us a good look at some areas we keep seeing throughout the trailer. The Tacosaurus from the first trailer, and the dinosaur gas station we saw twice already in this trailer, and once in the one before.
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Just a neat realization of where exactly we are.
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“Keep it Strange Santo” back again. Wanted to include this shot because Trash art is wonderful, but also the random naked dude.
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I realized two things at this point, 1. Neenah has her name on her jacket, and 2. The Boss is wearing a Friendly Fire shirt. Another case of “Poseidon’s Palace” i wasn’t expecting.
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Our first look at our cat baby~ (Who I am calling Johnny Cat until further notice)
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These lovely Concepts for the guys. From “Money Laundering for Dummies”, to Neenah painting, to Kevin being a Diva. (I want pancakes now asshole)
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Still can’t get over the “Kevin is shirtless. I don’t know why.” Also getting a good look at those tattoos of his. Seems to specifically be a waffle recipe not just any breakfast, which makes a lot of sense since he’s obsessed it would seem. We need to get him his waffle maker, its what he deserves.
Side note: The cups Eli has say “Best Ok Boss”
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Always nice to have a detention center. I hope we get to break in/out
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Genki reference and our first look and the heads(?) of the Idols. Also the fact those helmets seem pretty common. The cat one in particular. 
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From what we see in this trailer, the Fair Grounds feel like the center of Idol activity. (note: MRKR)
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I’m getting Saints Church vibes. Especially with the angel, purple and pose.
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I had to take a moment for this comedy gold of Eli being on the phone to “Your Mom”
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Mm cowboy clothes. You know I’ma go crazy in this game. I’m excited to see what character creation and customization will be like.
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I really wanted to show this off for one reason in particular. The sign at the bottom right looks like it says Stilwater. 
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STILWATER. Could be wrong but it looks about right.
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“Totally Legitimate Laundry Service” my beloved. Cleaning up our messes for us.
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Jim Robs. Well played Volition. Well played.
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Please have Insurance Fraud, please have Insurance Fraud, please have Insurance Fraud-
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I hate him
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I have to be able to take Kevin here everyday. Thank you.
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haha eat shit idols
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And that’s all I have. Sorry about how long this post was, the Trailer went for seven minutes after all. I hope you guys liked it. Let me know if you spotted any of this yourself (which is highly likely) anyway, Thanks for reading. Love yall see ya later. <3
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levyfiles · 4 years
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Last week the @skepticbeliever-bookclub prompted us to post a selection of our favourite shyan fics so there’d be a nice little way to highlight all the hidden gems of favourites we might already recognise and love while sharing a few we might never have found otherwise. Last December I posted a little list of some of my favourites so I figured I’d dust off that list with a few new additions of particular favourites I treasure. 
Be All My Sins Remembered by spoopyy
Summary:  In every lifetime, they find each other.
Review: This fic manages to take you on a long journey through what feels like a series of AUs and they all weave in and out of the wealth of their relationship with some vivid descriptions of the historical settings their journey takes them through. As someone who grew up reading Anne Rice’s epics through historical events, this fic is right up my alley. A vampire Shane passing through the wave of human society’s climb searching for a reincarnated Ryan again and again, trying to hold on to him and keep him through great tragedies and timeframes that just don’t let them be together. This was one of the first fics I read when I was only a lurker and to be quite honest, I need to give this one a nice re-read, maybe for the book club which would be loads of fun. Either way, 10/10. Would be Hurt in the heart again.
Perfect Fit by @beaniegara
Summary:  There’s a legend that says anyone able to take all of statue Shane’s cock will summon the god to the mortal realm. Given the statue’s excessive size, no one has ever succeeded to prove or disprove the story. Until Ryan that is.
Review: Listen. You wanna talk actual fandom legends. This fic is one of them and it pulls out all the stops on being delicious and evocative. Also features one of my favourite incarnations of size queen bergara. Good stuff and you’re really rooting for Ryan in this lol.
a prize for rotten judgement  by sarcasticfishes
Summary: “You’d drive each other crazy. You sit together at your office all day, and then you’d be commuting home together, eating dinner together, watching TV together, going to bed — well, not together, but you get it, right?”
It doesn’t sound so awful to Shane. There are worse people he could be spending all his hours with than Ryan Bergara.
Review: The moment I happened to glance at the notes of this and saw that Fie’s secondary title for this would have been Ryan and Shane move to the Suburbs, I about lost it with excitement. Primarily because the show this references is one of my favourite comedies and that is one of my all-time favourite episodes. Let me tell you though, even if the reference is lost on you, this story is so much gold rolled into a heart-gripping tale of two best friends who spend every waking moment together taking the plunge to share a home and they were roommates oh my god they were roommates. Shane is pining and you’ll pine right along with him as you’ll yell and holler for him to stop being so damn real and full of doubt. It really is worth every gasp of pain and all the more for the execution but the delivery will leave you in delight. Certainly had me yelling at the author. This fic is gonna be one of my timeless favourites; I knew it the moment I began.
Everything’s Weird and We’re Always in Danger by beethechange
Summary: Ryan perches on the edge of the bed, an indistinct shape that Shane can only just make out in the dark, so he turns the lamp back on. He wants to see Ryan’s face, wants to know that he is alright. Ryan’s cheeks are damp, his hands fisted in the hideous flowered duvet.
“It won’t go away,” Ryan says miserably. “I’ve been like this since we got here, basically, and it won’t fucking—”
“Ah,” Shane says. “Well, you know, sometimes fear…adrenaline…they can affect people. Physically.” He waves his hands indistinctly crotchward. “It’s a, a scientifically known phenomenon.” Shane feels a little better staying in the realm of scientifically known phenomena.
Review: Word of advice. You see a fic is authored by beethechange, run don’t walk because you’re absolutely always going to be treated to the best of banter, the best of prose, chemistry, organic execution and feels right up the bottom end of your heart. This fic, this changed everything I thought I knew I wanted out of a bed-sharing fic. It’s got a little bit of two treats here. You got a sex-pollen-esque situation mixed with bed-sharing and holy fucking damn that is more than you think you deserve, but read this because you do deserve the best of the best. The build up, the dialogue, the surprisingly hilarity of it, the hotness woah, and The Aftermath. When you think you know what you’re in for, you’re wrong and you’re most pleasantly surprised. Get this fic in your life and honestly? while you’re at it, you could do a clean sweep of every fic in her list of works and while my less than adequate reading time management may still be short on some of her most well-recommended pieces, I have an adamant faith that Bee doesn’t disappoint. Go get y’all juice.
Maelstrom by thewindupbird
Summary:  Here’s the thing about driving halfway across the country to see someone. You can’t really deny, after that, that you’re pretty much head over heels for them.
Review: Listen. One morning on a day off, I just laid in bed and read this– all 40k+ words– while lying there clutching my pillows, hurting and loving every moment of it. The descriptions of Americana, the slow steady metronome rhythm of Ryan’s feelings as frightened and helpless as they feel when you’re relating deeply to them juxtaposed with the deep-seated struggle of understanding what it is to be with someone you love so much but your mental health is burning quiet holes in your ability to express it in a way that can be understand. Ryan’s fierce determination, breaking through the silence of their non communication is really Everything to me in this fic. i think I really left my heart in the scene in Shane’s parents kitchen. That finished me. Read this fic and understand the deep relief you get when you’ve finished a fight with someone you fiercely care about and they understand you and you understand them and it’s OK; it’s gonna be all right. Augh.
5 times Shane had to overrule Ryan’s “No Homo” + 1 time he didn’t have to by ghoulboyboos
Summary: There was only one thing that would truly drive him up the wall with Ryan, much more than any debate about ghosts ever could: Ryan’s consistent twitches of “no homo” when any sort of physical contract between them happened.
Review: I have such a soft special spot in my heart for this fic particularly because Lud manages to examine a trope I tend to avoid in such a sweet and honest way I couldn’t not love this fic. The story takes a painstaking and very real look at the “no homo” issue as it weaved through the journey that was early days Ryan and Shane. Shane’s reaction to in this and how he communicates with Ryan has such a very heartfelt and once again, real quality to it. I get in my feelings all over again about how far they’ve come and what it meant for Ryan to have Shane there. Lud really nails this piece and it’s a classic in my eyes.
A Burial on Box Hill by InkStainsOnMyHands
Summary: The Celtics believed that the yew flower symbolized both immortality and death. Meanwhile, for centuries, the buxus flower was seen as a symbol for safe passage into the afterlife.
Or,Shane and Ryan were never the same after investigating the Black Forest of Germany alone.
Review: Let me just quote my bookmark comment here. Usually I flee from tragedy like a cat spotting a cucumber but the brevity and the prose dragged me in and now I’m a functioning mess. Bless this fic. Oh my god it’s short and reads like one of those quick horror stories you’ll read to your friends just as the scary stories are transitioning from the urban legends to the ones that feel real. Big warning for main character death but still read it if you appreciate a good story told.
Body Farming by shiphitsthefan
Summary: Failed suppressants and a surprise heat: the worst of cliches, and here Ryan stands, living the trope on location with the alpha he’s hopelessly in love with. Even worse, they’re spending the night in the famous Bell Witch Cave, completely alone and with no way to contact the outside world.
Ryan knows he can survive and keep his preheat a secret, as long as Shane will stop being so protective and concerned. After all, it’s not like Shane wants to bond with him.
Review: Now judging from the reactions of many people I’ve spoken to, big heavy ABO kink is not popular here but guys, GUYS. This one. Let this one in I promise it is not what you think it is. The dynamic is organic and the worst side of the trope is subverted in all the best ways and lord help us, the smut is hot, like swelteringly smoking. It’ll stay with you.
Believer by cellard00rs
Summary:  Some demons and otherworldly creatures love climbing up the power ladder. Shane is not one of these. He likes where he is (thank you very much) and has no interest in moving up. All he wants is to give his friend Ryan a nice birthday gift. So, naturally, everything goes to hell.
Review: This fic is another fandom legend. When I think demon!Shane. It’s this and one other one that always pops right into my mind. This was my first exposure to the bureaucracy meets the supernatural!Shane trope and I was sold from the get-go. The Shane in this fic is everything I imagine a demon!Shane is and his ginger care for Ryan, the concept of their bond and how even though Shane is a demon and responsible for keeping the supernatural a firm secret from Ryan and the rest of the world, his skepticism is relayed through his status as a demon. I want to talk more about it but I think so much of the enjoyment comes from the surprises as the plot unfurls.
hey boy, take a look at me by weakspots
Summary: Ryan is 27, for Christ’s sake, and he’s not exactly hideous, so there’s really no reason to spend his money on a dude — a dude — whose face he’ll never see but whose livestreams he’s been jerking off to for roughly 4 months now. He should be going out and partying and fucking random chicks. Or a guy, whatever, just to get it out of his system and confirm to himself that he really is 100% straight.
Because he is. This is morbid curiosity, if anything.
Review: I’ve been a long-time fan of this universe and it was a universe I didn’t know I needed until this author gave it to us. We or rather me, a desperate audience, just devoured this with every update. Not only is it hot, but it has the delicious intrigue of secret identity, anonymous stuff and a LOT of blush-worthy prose therein. This version of Shane makes me thrive but the titillating nature of straight-identifying!Ryan being bowled over by the turn of events that leads him to his world tilting into the gravity of a camboy just--you Have to read this one!
Heartbeat by quackers
Summary:  So the guy Ryan sits next to at work is a vampire. That’s no big deal, right?
Review: I could talk your literal ear off about this fic. Vampires, man. I love the trope; you don’t know me as a person if you don’t know this at least. And this fic kept me fed all damn year. It was a readable garden. If there is one thing I can guarantee about quackers’ work, it’s that their world-building is a festival of detail. The realms and alternate universes they work with while still managing to keep Shane and Ryan’s voices so familiar and real is a talent not attributed to your everyday author. This fic propelled me into wanting to write more and more because quackers makes stories so much fun! Reading their work is, to me, not unlike the feeling I got when I was younger and finding series that speak to my need to escape this crummy existence, made me want to believe in fun spicy things like a vampire that lived through centuries, cynical but still searching, navigating a world where people are still people, adjusting to differences and prejudices, finding comfort in a guy that understands that and more. I’ve talked about this fic in more than a few different posts so I’d just be reiterating a lot of things I loved about the more historical aspects of Shane’s journey, the way Ryan is so firmly curious and inventive in ways to connect with Shane. Look, even if vampires aren’t your thing, I can promise that if you visit quackers list of work, you will find something for your supernatural-lovin’ palate that speaks to a gentler side of your own curiosity about monsters and the jocks that love them. lol.
I’ll Crawl Home by carrieonfighting
Summary:  “Shane was almost unnerved by how quickly he’d settled into this body, this name, this life - his friendship with Ryan was the most time he’d spent with any human before, and yet the man fascinated him.”
Review: This is the second fic I think of when someone says the words ‘demon!Shane’ to me because ohhhh my word, this fic is a masterpiece. I really am hard-pressed to find anything better than the feeling I get when I think of demon!Shane headcanons interwoven with the irl Buzzfeed reality and the idea of the Ryan as we know him being protected and watched and loved so deeply by a demon that found him so long ago and wanted nothing but to protect him. I feel an almost vicious glee reliving that moment when Ryan and Shane are on goatman’s bridge and man, I just really love canonical fic mixed with a slight twist. The writing in this makes it work so well with lines that still haunt my heart and soul like “Ryan liked popcorn. So did the demon. Genuinely, not just out of a desire to please the human – he liked the way it crunched between his vessel’s teeth. There were some aspects of taking a corporeal form that were… nice; laughing, coffee, feeling warm. Ryan made him laugh.” FUCK! The beautiful agony of it, watching the demon fall in love with Ryan through the eyes of his vessel. Just stark with pain and unspoken, well-written angst and pain with a perfect ending, I wouldn’t change for anything. I love this for us as a fandom and will always love that author crafted this piece and shared it with us. (Also every time I hear Work Song by Hozier, I think of this fic again and sigh).
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faejilly · 4 years
Replies to “Reticence”
@janoda said:
I love this so much!!! My heart ached!
/Persuasion feels forever too, tbqh, tho this bit is obviously not much of an Elliot cognate. Perhaps it fits, though, for how Lady Russell felt about Anne’s father and sister in comparison to her mother?
@princess-shepherdess said:
Malec and Persuasion fusion are the match made in heaven tbh. Second chances! Two people in love finding their way back to each other! YES GOOD MORE OF THAT!! Alec as Anne Elliott is a delight. Maryse as Lady Russell is also an interesting choice because I’ve got so many conflicting feelings about both of them.
I’m also intrigued by Magnus in this universe and maybe a little bit worried; ngl I’ve never been very fond of Captain Wentworth  
I really quite like Lady Russell because she does mean well, she loves Anne with all her heart and she truly thought she was helping. (She wasn’t, obviously, but there’s a reason Anne never thinks there’s even anything to forgive, though obviously Frederick had some different opinions there.)
And yes! Anne is my favorite for many of the same reasons Alec is, perception and self-worth and external validation issues that are so related... though she’s not quite as salty 😅
I’m not sure what to do with the second half of that because I love Wentworth beyond rhyme or reason? If it helps, you can do a correlation with their temper; Magnus is quite capable of being vengefully petty after all, and Wentworth refuses to see Anne how she is when they meet again in the future, largely because he’s still holding on to how much Anne hurt him.
/the fact that she hurt herself more is not a thing he would have any way of knowing, really, though perhaps it should have been obvious to anyone who knew her well. But he perhaps didn’t know her as well as he thought? It was not a terribly long romance, the first time ‘round.
and @sharona1x2, I saw those lovely tags, I can rant about Magnus & Persuasion forever and ever feel free to ask any time *laughs*
(and wow I’m behind on my replies, this uh. keeps going. for awhile. sorry?)
Replies to Luis de Vega/Isabel de Flores:
@leahazel said:
Augh my HEART. After doing de Vega’s romance and then going back and seeing him at his worst, it was so PAINFUL. I love this.
(thank you)
@teaandinanity said:
Your answer for knight and prince(ss) filled me with squishy feelings, just - not being able to cross lines because he knows he’ll have to meet her eyes the next day? That SO PERFECTLY SUMS UP the beauty of that route and I think I have to replay now.
/and also agony, see above *laughs*
Replies to “F, I, and/or L?”
@shadoedseptmbr said:
:D:D:D:D i asked because I *KNOW* you’re a dialogue addict and I adore you for it! *evilgrin* Butoh, that’s perfect.  Joker as a screwball comedy hero, I love it. <3
I mean, I can see him dangling off a dinosaur skeleton and swearing? That seems entirely in character :D (Or trying to hide a torn dress with his fancy hat. Basically, apparently, I need to watch Bringing Up, Baby again. As Always.)
Replies to “F, Q, and R”
@tarysande said:
I did not ask for these Feelings, jilly ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@jadesabre301 said:
ilu2 😘
Replies to WIP GAME
@stillwaitingformagic said:
Can I just say, I’m sold on your Wing!fic wip? Like if you end up finishing and posting it, I will definitely read this. The idea of Alec’s wings flirting with Magnus with a s1 Alec attached to them is pure gold. I think the idea or fake-hating is interesting 🧐it’s a nice twist. Also… don’t mind if I go check out your Mer-curse series 💨
And yes, I love the idea of wing!fic, I’m glad other people do too, I’m just bad at actually writing atm. 😅😭😐🤷🏻‍♀️
@la-muerta said:
I would read demon!Magnus contemplating priest!Alec’s feelings/thoughts/beliefs on faith!                      
YAY. I am enjoying it, I just have no idea where I’m going if it’s no longer slightly heretical smut in front of the angel stained glass 🤣
Replies to “Anonymous asked: wip meme :)”
@angelrtsy95 said:
oh i just made an absolutely inhuman sound at the last paragraph of the amnesia!fic section…. I want to read so much more of that
to be clear all of them sound amazing, i just especially love the /angst/ 
awww, thank you (istg, that’s not even that angsty? In comparison? I mean. It’s a sequel to the “he died” after all.)
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vaguely-concerned · 5 years
The Mandalorian episode 8 reactions
Spoilers ahoy! In short I liked it a lot and now my brain is desperately trying to process it all haha
- thank god taika waititi knows I needed us to open on two unsympathetic comedy stormtroopers after all the stress last time. (in general this episode was very funny and it needed to be because dang mando is having a Bad Day in this one) that scene did such a good job of hilariously humanizing the stromtroopers but in a way that highlights what kind of people would stay with the empire even after the fall. they’re real breathing humans but they’re also baby-punching fascists and it’s not much of a loss to anyone that IG-11 goes to town on them
- ooooh cara is from alderaan!!! that explains just how deep her hatred for the empire is. (*me thinking wistfully about bail organa, the OG good dad of the star wars universe*) also I say this all the time but she is so cool and beautiful and important and the little ‘oh uh oops’ look she threw down at the baby after blowing that droid’s head of was  p r i c e l e s s . too bad she’s staying on navarro while mando leaves :(
- FINALLY name confirmation! I’m going to have to go and fix the spelling for my fics and I don’t even care haha. also pedro pascal is so amazing at making his voice expressive jesus christ you can feel the weight of it just from the small pauses between his words (’mandalorian recruits’ = evil empire speech for ‘children’ I’m assuming so. augh) 
- cara SHIELDING HIM WITH HER OWN BODY even though he’s literally still in full armor and her beautiful buff arms are completely unprotected *elmo surrounded in flames gif (ironically)* that might actually be more non-violent physical contact than mando’s had since he was a kid (lol but also ouch). there was something almost sibling-like in the way they huddled together, im hurt 
- with that grilled flamethrower trooper baby yoda has officially committed his first unassisted murder! *drying proud tears* they grow up so... well obviously not fast in this case but you know what I mean
as usual the baby was a delight. I mean you know this I know this but it bears repeating basically forever
- you know what in one way it felt a bit too early but in another I really like how they showed mando’s face. I think it’s because that reveal isn’t witnessed by any other characters except IG-11 (who is best boy <3 but also there in the role of a medical practitioner and audience stand-in so it doesn’t count in the metaphor lol) -- it’s entirely meant for us, the audience. the whole season really has been a long journey towards specificity in his character; we open up with him being a faceless, nameless and damn near wordless figure, and then they’ve let us closer and closer to him until... now we have his name and his face both and that probably means we know him better than the vast majority of the characters in the show (which is admittedly not saying much haha). it still leaves a LOT of potential in the interpersonal dynamics within the series, but does something interesting for our view of him (and sets up an interesting possibility for a sort of tension between the two as well maybe?). 
it feels weird and too intimate but I think that’s exactly what it’s supposed to do. I’d actually been trying to put this into words before this episode -- I didn’t feel able to write fic for this show until episode 7; before that taking on his POV felt... invasive, almost? awkward? but now it feels like the show has reached a place where we get close enough that it’s starting to be possible. he’s having to become more and more real (because he has a baby he loves and who needs him now and he can’t just dissociate anymore haha)
there’s also something really beautiful if fragile in how it plays out like... for this one moment he needs to allow himself to be made vulnerable (by a droid, no less) and through that act of tremendous courage, even though it confuses and pains him, choose to live. after all he was completely free to shoot IG-11 the whole time and he didn’t. I. Hm. mhm. im trying to figure out what I mean give me a few days to write fiction about it and maybe I’ll get it lol
- the way mando disappeared into himself/seemed to be just... resigned to it all was uh. awful! absolutely awful. 
thank GOD all these people around him straight up refused to let him die, at a few points it was almost a feeling of ‘SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE ME A GRENADE TO THROW MYSELF ON I’M NOT READY TO BE FULLY ALIVE AGAIN BUT I’LL HAVE TO BE BECAUSE I HAVE A LITTLE ONE TO BE A DAD FOR’ (at a few points where it’d be natural if he was triggered he instead seems to want to give the child to someone he thinks is more suited and then a) fight (and probably die but y’know at least he’d get to shoot someone) or b) at least stay with and honor the dead. oof) 
- very rude of mando to make a grave for kuiil when he’s not even dead tbh. how unlike our main boy in the helmet to be impolite like that, I’m surprised 
(I had so desperately hoped IG-11 at least would survive as a sort of legacy -- a testament to his skill and kindness and wisdom :( )
- I KNEW nothing would get the armorer in her own damn forge :D:D:D she is so incredibly cool and I love her. the way she stands there unshaken despite everything like a pillar of what their culture actually is at the core. and also when she’s like ‘well of course this is your son’ and the camera cuts to baby yoda as if to say ‘as I keep telling you dad’ 
the mirror of her immovable upright certainty and mando on his knees in front of the pile of dead people’s armor -- an image which makes it feel like this is not the first time he’s been there, right?
mando not enthused at the idea of evil sorcerers tho lol I foresee some trickiness in your future my boy
- of ALL the funny references they had to make sad it had to be the self destruct D: I’ve always had a lot of feelings about droids in star wars so I’m probably going to have to process this a bit. also “I’m not sad” oh honey
- I have only a very vague knowledge about the darksaber (I couldn’t get into rebels sadly despite my love for clone wars), but I do understand that it’s taking the nazi gold comparison they’ve got going on with the beskar and dialing it up to 11, that’s apparently a Big Deal. they’ve done such a good job with gideon in setting up a bad guy who works on several levels -- he wants the thing that’s most important to mando today for what’s implied to be Not very great reasons, he’s a physical reminder of the cultural and personal trauma this series is looking at, and as a remnant of the fallen Empire he’s doing a lot of work as the specter of this sort of lawless unsettled in-between age. good stuff! 
- greef karga earned himself a big place in my heart in this one. you might be sketchier than my understanding of horse anatomy, greef, but I love you nonetheless haha. when he starts to drink nervously while they’re trying to get out of the bar & when he’s immediately doing the sales pitch on Navarro once the blaster fire dies down fdkslhfkas. and that “Or maybe he’ll take care of you” shows that there is some real concern and friendship there and it’s so sweet. 
- mando carrying the baby like he was carried safely and with love by the mandalorian in the flashback............ damn dude. and he’s an official full time dad now what a time to be alive
- obligatory flamethrower report: do I even need to say it, mando’s flame thrower. must I point out how badly you have been shown up. honestly this has just been embarrassing for us all let us speak no more of it
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yiling · 4 years
Untamed rewatch episode 2
Already impatient for the flashback edition
-oh the evil compass!! they real are upfront with the “yiling laozu is a villain but everyone still uses his stuff” thing
-I’m always kind of not happy when mental illness/disabilities are portrayed as a consequence of like, ghost shit...I don’t know, my feelings are complicated on the subject. the show is not too awful about A-yan, this mentally disabled character, though, so that’s something I guess. but she’s mostly a plot device
-wwx is fairly compassionate to her though...he’s a good guy
-jin ling is such a little bitch I love him. him setting up all the spirit nets is actually kind of a weird echo to wwx “cheating” at the group night hunt, when you think about it? for both of them, other cultivators are mad at them for the crime of being too good at demon hunting! the difference is that with wwx it’s by his own abilities, where for jin ling it’s just that he’s spoiled and he has the money to buy all these goddamn nets
-haaaa the maternal education thing oof ouch
-the whole “Ohh I’m so scared who’s your uncle” “I’M his uncle” bit is comedy gold and it’s so sad you can’t fully appreciate it early on. My mom did recognize Jiang Cheng from the cliff scene tho!
-I like lwj’s little leitmotif they use early on
-Jiang cheng is so funny in this episode...he and lwj hate each other so deeply
-oh god the sad sibling music...the river flashback...wei wuxian’s SMILE augh 
-and then some other cultivators walk by to conveniently provide exposition lmao, just in case we don’t figure out what’s going on
-so the caretaker guy is not himself a Wen...which “master Wen” told him to keep watch there?
-WEN QING...FORGOT SHE WAS HERE. It must’ve been her then
-lol teenage atheist jin ling gets them all in trouble with his dumb wish...I love that
-super not a fan of how the statue moves...creppy
-idk what sizhui says that Netflix translates as “gosh!” but that’s damn cute
-I love wwx using the Socratic method on the kiddos. he’s such a good teacher
-wtf is jc and lwj sitting in that like, cafe together, hating each other
-GHOST MUSIC TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
-love jingyi dragging his flute playing
-wen ning’s chains look so plastic ohh my god
-when Wen ning showed up my mom immediately asked if he was yanli. (she’s having a hard time recognizing them cause of the hair, I think.) that would actually slap, I’d read the fuck out of fierce corpse!yanli.
-oh my god wwx literally plays wuji to soothe wen ning...wen ning’s *face*, like there’s something he’s trying to remember...aa
-THE WRIST GRAB.............AAA
-aw jc calls him a-ling cause he’s worried-
-wwx immediately picks out a rabbit from the candy stall...ok gayboy
-aw jiang cheng trying so hard to represent his clan well. god they’re so fucking cute. on my first watch, I wasn’t sure how old they were supposed to be at this part, and knowing that they’re like 15ish makes everything so much rougher
-“you and father always defend him” oh man, planting those seeds already. ouch.
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vaguely-concerned · 5 years
I do love that one of his first realizations is that he’s definitely not dutch tho lol this dumbass remembered that he was english before he remembered his own name
- caught between OH NO TEMERAIRE (and it’s only page 9 it’s going to be one of those books huh) and laughing my ass off at the thought of him swooping into notoriously isolationist japan and yelling ‘HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN MY DAD???’
- “Yes,” [Laurence] said, unyielding, as he could not be otherwise. ahahahahaha way to summarize the entirety of old school!laurence with one fucking sentence
(I am very much enjoying this uh. ‘setback’ of his character actually? novik really did just roll him back to factory settings and went ‘now... from the top again, let’s see if you’ve been paying attention these last seven books’ haha. no one told me there’d be a test!!!!!!!!!!)
- Kaneko really has the patience and graciousness of a saint, @ laurence please... please try to be marginally less sketchy hm? (I guess his sheer obliviousness to how direly he comes across here must be why kaneko hasn’t dismissed him out of hand)
- y’know... at least laurence is in no position to have to worry about all this shit temeraire and the others are pulling. when people start talking about black-scaled celestials shaking the country to its very foundations he’ll be blissfully, innocently unaware. that’s something, I suppose... well who am I kidding we’ll 100% get a couple of paragraphs of him convincing himself this is all his fault somehow anyway
- . . . and His Majesty’s Government does not behave in such an underhanded a manner as to attack another nation with no warning or quarrel. aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha oh what a strange beautiful fantasy land you’ve been residing in for most of your life william laurence, hang on tight for the opium wars
- hahaha oh my god this is like a platonic version of that text post
temeraire: have you guys seen my dad??!?!
them: what does he look like?
temeraire, crying: beautiful and human and has gold buttons
- I take it all back old school laurence is such a tremendous idiot. just PRETEND you’re willing to cooperate at least you huge fuckign dummy, all you’d have to do was say something vague about how the ship can’t get too close to shore; it won’t actually help them and they’ll know it but you won’t make yourself look so unspeakably willfully suspicious
-  :( making me read things where temeraire is just hurting should be ILLEGAL actually
- NO LAURENCE STOP TRYING TO KICK LITERALLY EVERY POLITICAL HORNET’S NEST WITHIN REACH BAD BOY he is... a disaster but I love him and fear for him as a son so here I am anyway
- hahahahaha yeah wow laurence it sure would suck if you ever had to commit treason huh death probably would be preferable indeed
b o i
- i like that it took him like a week to even give a single thought to edith lol at least he remains aggressively himself
- I think temeraire basically just invented dragon baby photos and I can’t even think for how darling it is
also every dragon physician is delightful; they fear neither god, man nor huge ass patients who could swallow them in a bite
aw man I love gong su
- ahahahahahahah kiyo is the actual best I can’t breathe
Laurence was forced to at least moisten his lips in a show of accompaniment, and hope that he had indeed buried Caesar and not praised him, or for that matter raised him from the dead one act too soon; he was not perfectly sure. He did not think he had been this appallingly drunk since he had been a boy of twelve, trying to make good on every toast at his captain’s table. I. am. dying
thank you thank you thank you for the mental image of laurence drunkenly trying to stumble through the ‘friends, romans, countrymen’ speech as well as the entire rest of the play in a one-man performance
- oh no... I would die for junichiro, baby boy who loves his teacher SO MUCH ;____________; aaaaand there are laurence’s adoption instincts, I see, right on time <3 I like how they have had one actual conversation now and laurence is like ‘ah well nothing for it then guess you’ll have to stay on my ship and I’ll have to be your dad now, brash 16 year old child’
junichiro is being Full Teenager about laurence not knowing ~*obvious*~ things and it’s a delight
- y’know this period of japanese history is always portrayed in the west as paranoia and it could probably only be done because the country was a strict military dictatorship at the time... but having read oh, any history book ever, deciding that nope nah don’t think so no europeans ever is the greatest ‘fair enough’ in human history.  (...I guess this series is sort of AU fix it fic of the period in the first place haha)
- seeing temeraire this level of straight out angry is very interesting and also very unsettling
- ooooof whenever laurence almost-remembers temeraire... stab me in the heart why don’t you
- man churki really is the mom friend of these dragons she’s the only one who has a lick of sense
- *laurence, upon clobbering several men with an oar* “Ma’am, I beg your pardon,” Laurence said to the old woman, who was still sitting ramrod-straight in the ferry over the side from him and regarding him with a flat expression of utter disapproval and not the least evidence of fear; he put out a boot over the side and shoved the ferry off with a heave
god this book is just a continual parade of glorious mental images, just this old woman glaring at him like ‘RUDE’ and “Ma’am, I beg your pardon” fdslfhsdlkjh
- I have a lot of sympathy for hammond. imagine having to navigate the extremely delicate diplomatic situation between europe and japan, with the real prospect of a war breaking out over it, while temeraire is looking over your shoulder... real dragon in the glassware shop vibe going on here, i’m sorry about your life hammond
- AUGH laurence just sort-of-remembered emily he just half-remembered he basically has a daughter someone hold me (...junichiro is so so sweet ;___;)
- bwahahaha yeah I’m sure the only reason this impressionable young kid who’s slowly becoming very impressed by you has for sneaking glances at your bare chest is manly appreciation of your battle scars laurence, well done (I mean a supremely understandable innocent teen crush to develop but stay safely out of that, kid; I trust tharkay to survive the sheer field of mayhem around this man only because he’s got like 20 years, extreme competency and a world of cynicism on you)
- aw junichiro :(:(:(
- ...laurence you need to stop making your dragon boi think you’re dead because this is hurting me. my heart lies in sad little pieces on the ground right now. you are stepping on them with tapdancing shoes.
- “I am under an obligation to Junichiro,” [Laurence] said, quietly, “who you must know has aided me for love of you. If I surrender myself and am made prisoner in this way, will your honor be satisfied?”
fdsfhsdkfsdja  *ELMO SURROUNDED BY FLAMES GIF* this is all awful they’re all such good people why must this happen why this  
(what a way to remind me why I love this stupid wonderful man so much tho uuuuuugh)
- “He is a prince of China, and my captain.” “The devil I am,” said Laurence. This might be the funniest heartbreak I have ever experienced
- good job making me cry whenever I read the words ‘principia mathematica’ naomi novik that was real nice of you
- maximus is such a solid bro. not the brightest, but by god a good 80% of that boy’s gigantic body mass is pure heart
- I love the sheer trollishness of just dropping all these hints about whatever’s going on in the US and then moving on like nothing has happened lol at least it’s deeply implied that hamilton squandered his chances at the presidency by pulling his dumb hoe act in this universe too... constants and variables friends constants and variables
- bOY for a moment there I really did wonder if junichiro was going to die, thank god for a quick google to stop my heart from leaping up my throat and out into thin air to shatter yet again on the flagstones beneath
- in unrelated news I recently found out a bit more about the whole historical Situation in Australia at the beginning of Tongues of Serpents (incidentally, by reading Mark Forsyth’s ‘A Short History of Drunkenness’, which is very funny and quite interesting although I can personally testify that the chapter about vikings at least is completely riddled with misunderstandings or straight out factual errors about the mythology, the role of women in society and uh the entirety of how poetry worked so maybe take him with a pinch of salt lol), and now, in retrospect, I have to say Novik does a poor job conveying the sheer hilarity and madness going on at that time. Like. I was quite bored in those first few chapters, whenever Tharkay didn’t have page time. how could you make this incredible spectacular shitshow boring. it should have been easy comedy gold and not just like. misery. oh well great times, let’s return to the book at hand
- I remain utterly devoted to Lady Kiyo. livin’ life, drinking sake, giving no fucks, absentmindedly scoping out the western style ships and starting an entire modern navy for her country, getting some Theater up in here.... truly I would follow her into the jaws of hell itself, safely in the knowledge that she’d find some way to have a good time down there
- kaneko tearing up at laurence promising he’ll take care of junichiro 😭 this is so cruel to me, personally, specifically against my person, I am undone
- I like how the incan dragons are told like ‘don’t pick just one special person; you can love all your humans equally’ while the poor japanese ones are told ‘actually don’t love any of your humans very much at least not more than Honour’ lol they must have so many neurotic dragons running about b/c that when that attachment happens it seems extremely central to their psychology (and considering lady arikawa it’s not like they’re exempt from it, they’re just supposed to repress it to conform)
- laurence desperately trying to work out whether emily’s his daughter without actually asking anyone... delicious
the descriptions of roland’s letters: even more delicious
- temeraire sees the sad remnants of laurence’s robes and ‘hello darkness my old frieeeeend’ starts playing in his head... too bad laurence isn’t really in a position to experience the relief
- He is very much a one-note character, but O’Dea’s resolute dedicated fatalism is extremely funny
- hahaha poor temeraire... when you try to introduce bae to the family and they insist on being TOTALLY EMBARRASSING god
- The guilt of having caused pain to one deserving only consideration at his hand mingled with unanswered disquiet. I’m bawling laurence’s dad instincts are so pure and good even tho everything’s a bit messed up right now. like this whole paragraph is so powerful b/c you can see laurence’s natural loving impulse at war with his dad’s cold authoritarian parenting style and because his lived experience is removed he doesn’t know what is right.............. oh b o y
- oh okay I see my earlier comment about the opium wars proves unexpectedly prophetic
- it cannot be overstated how much I love junichiro or how happy I am that laurence is being so soft and patient with him. this kid has Been Through some shit
- emily roland shoulder to shoulder with laurence killing fools and he never doubts her for a moment... *chef kiss emoji*  
- the problem with these books is that there are just so many good characters and so many of them don’t get any real page time in any given one -- I’m sitting here plaintively like ‘I realize this is not the most pressing issue right now but how is demane and sipho doing. are they okay. does sipho have enough books’
- ouch memory loss isn’t stopping laurence from flashing back to victory of eagles :(
there’s something so disconcerting about knowing why laurence reacts to things the way he does when he doesn’t; novik is using that very efficiently, this is a very satisfying use of amnesia just from a writer’s POV haha
- I like how none of these suckers really have the tools (or in some cases even inclination) to understand how messed up junichiro’s political situation is in all this
they just expect him to come home to britain with them and meanwhile he’s just found out that The greatest threat to his nation (from his POV I mean china/japan relations irl seem uh complicated) has more dragons in one field than he’s ever seen in his life. it’s a rough and lonely deal being this kid in this book
- oh ouch yes hey there laurence there might have been... a little bit of treason. true. extremely justified treason tho. I mean. oh dear
we don’t have tharkay and his unique mix of deep cynicism, incisive sarcasm and surprising depth of concise moral clarity here to assist with the aftermath so this could get  u g l y
- listen what did I SAY about making me read about temeraire being miserable     :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
- SIPHO!! hey baby boy pls have some thought for your brother’s cardiac health tho
- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw the fact that laurence is getting out of this crisis so much quicker this time because of his bone-deep instinctual knowledge of how much he loves temeraire, which doesn’t need specific memories to be true and felt. god. jesus. stars above
- laurence: approaches little
little: gay panic
- [Laurence] groped after the truth of himself like a prisoner in Plato’s cave, watching shadows. *clenches fist with great emotion* fuck naomi novik why must you be such an excellent goddamn writer im in pain
- oh hay arkady
poor poor temeraire feeling like a failure in every way is so awful but also kind of funny. ‘oh shit arkady’s egg oh fuck oh crap’
- I LOVE that hammond is so clearly and repeatedly shown to be a very astute political thinker and working shit out before everyone else! he may be a dumbass and a bit of a weasel but by god he’s great at what he does!
- laurence wouldn’t have changed anything if he could u guise. I . that. hm. oh
.........arkady I am only a human and a small one at that but I will find some way to climb up there and wring your neck
(how cute is it that apparently jane roland realized she needed someone to find laurence and was like ‘well I need someone who can take care of themselves and knows the area and speaks dragon and Understands the chaotic ways of william laurence and also has looked uncharacteristically like a kicked puppy at the very mention of his name ever since being forced to leave him behind in australia.... hey tharkay you want a job’ fhkjshdfkalhsd)
- I’m very glad I googled ahead and spoiled myself a bit on this, because if I just read this part fresh I would have expired on the spot
- general chu is pretty cool for an old dude you feel me
- . . . and Laurence knew him; knew him and knew himself.
what... what pure undiluted soulmate nonsense is this. what. how. WHY would you do this
- I think I said something offhandedly in my victory of eagles reactions about how tharkay makes laurence remember who he is. I. thought I was exaggerating slightly for dramatic effect at the time. um wow
- I am having the sort of feelings about I need to write fiction about because my ability to express it any other way is failing me. That’s just about the highest praise I could give, really, Novik sure knows how to plant interesting seeds in her stories lol
- for the record this is not how I wanted him to end up in laurence’s bed
(im not thinking too much about how he got hurt b/c if I do I’ll start crying and that’ll just be embarrassing for everyone)
- “I hope you will forgive my mentioning it, Will,” Tharkay said, eventually, rousing Laurence from his reverie. “ -- I recognize there is a certain pot-calling quality to my doing so under the circumstances, but have you noticed that the top of your head appears likely to come off?”
a) my love for him is just. so pure. so complete. so deep b) consistent first name basis; the one sure way to make me swoon c) the implication that he’s just been quietly watching laurence while he was lost in thought... im so soft
- oh god laurence very gently helping out demane and roland because he remembers now....... i cry and my tears are blood welcome back buddy
- “I am of the opinion,” Tharkay said, “that you ought not assign to free will something more likely the consequence of a sharp blow to the skull.”
he truly is the gift that keeps giving. an endless cornucopia of sarcasm and delight. we do not deserve him.  
- [The man he was eight years ago] would not have valued his own feelings, on such a matter, higher than the law and the discipline of the service. *AIRHORN AIRHORN AIRHORN* there we have it folks that’s literally his character arc spelled out, he would have done SO MUCH BAD SHIT because he thought his own feelings didn’t matter and yet he chose another direction, stupendous, brilliant, revolutionary
also him trying to get his support across to both of them in as roundabout and discreet way as possible... laurence you beautiful disaster
- im just so happ. so happy. so happy temeraire has his dumb dad back
- oh so the russians think the BRITISH, of all people, are too soft on their dragons... ruh-roh
- sdfskadlfj yes good tharkay the ROBES (also the implied depth of fond schadenfreude-tinged amusement contained in that ‘those particularly magnificent robes’.... *prayer hands emoji*)
laurence is like ET TU BABE?????
I think this is very delicate gong su speak for ‘please do not be a dumb bitch your majesty’
hahaha chu knows what’s up -- I am growing desperately fond of him, please don’t have him suffer any cop-one-day-from-retirement style accident
- “If I may cut your Gordian knot,” Tharkay said, with a glint in his eye. fdsklfhsdkflhdsakjfhdskjh remember back in black powder war when he was all closed off and phlegmatic and purposefully distant... and here he is... with a glint in his eye and a crazy ass plan that requires other people and that he actually shares before pulling it off and calling laurence by first name in public......... we’ve come so far
- Also this means he’s close enough to Laurence’s height and build that he can wear his clothes without it looking weird, which is nice to know because Laurence is sometimes more preoccupied with describing what men are wearing than, y’know, what they look like lol. (probably not quite as broad in the shoulders, tho, since it’s pointed out every time laurence is described that he has shoulders like a linebacker)
- temeraire: eXCUSE me god didn’t do this the emperor of china did???!?! rude???
- pffffffffff tharkay and chu being jaded world-weary bros for a second there... this is what I read these books for folks
- NOOOOOOOOOOO chu this is the one thing I asked you NOT to do D: temeraire being sad and scared about it is slowly murdering me, thank god laurence is back online for him
- dunno this napoleon dude sounds pretty great and all but this also sounds suspiciously... like trying to invade russia in the winter time. immovable force and unstoppable object or something. I mean I don’t read history so I don’t know. might be a great idea. who’s to say.
- I see that tharkay and laurence have reached the ‘communicating complex information solely through eyebrow movements’ stage of their relationship. *drinks this excellent excellent OTP juice with both hands*
- god I love how cool temeraire!napoleon is, in a strangely believable way. he’s just so weirdly charismatic and novik is SO GOOD at setting up a situation so you understand just how brilliant a move he’s made whenever he seems to be backed into a corner and turns it all around. I kind of want him to win at this point (though tbf all of europe fucking sucked at this time so like he doesn’t have to doll it up TOO much to look better by comparison haha)
- boooyyyy Laurence is P I S S E D (also him being like ??? :D that the general basically agreed with him lol)
ALSO also the fact that laurence does not realize that he’s like the fucking horror story all the major authorities around the globe tell each other at night... fjksdfhsdkjlhf
ah russia. truly consistently one of the most shit places to be a peasant or apparently a dragon through so much of history.
- junichiro Y__________Y no wonder laurence is so protective of him, he’s finally met someone as stubbornly stupidly ~*honorable*~ as himself. godspeed bb boy I wish you only the best even though I know your story line is never properly brought up again
- I ship... roland and demane... so much. like with my heart. she’s so young and earnest and curious and misses him so much and casually scandalizes alice about it fsjdakfjhds
- well I mean. dragons eating people is clearly not  g r e a t  but also... karma. y’know?
- this is a lot of words to use to convey the sentiment ‘oh they are all so fuuuuuuuuuuuuucked’ naomi novik
(feels a little like she wrote herself into a corner here tho -- she’s set up such an impossible situation, in RUSSIA in the WINTERTIME, that I’d need a hell of a lot of convincing to believe they get out of it)
- aaaah okay I really enjoyed this one too, especially the first half! I feel like this series is often at its most inspired when it sticks to a tighter character focus (for example I still vividly recall the part in the first book where Laurence stays in his father’s house and it’s Bad. relatedly........ F U C K lord allendale), and this brought that in spades. I love this series so much, it’s shamefully underappreciated in the speculative fiction world.
also it brought *me* to my knees with a simple “Tenzing,” [Laurence] said, which... holy shit. fuck. damn. that’s my personal recommendation of this book, tbh, even beyond my wish for this series to be more appreciated within the genre: Tharkay was there and it was very gay and non-obnoxious soulmate vibes???? I never even thought it could be done but here we are
This is probably going to be my last reaction thingy for the foreseeable future, since my local library doesn’t have book 9 and honestly... having read a few summaries of what happens in it I’m not that keen on reading it? That’s not the ending to this story I want, so I’ll just live over here in denialville, I-realize-the-author-made-the-choice-to-not-make-further-use-of-Lien-AKA-THE-coolest-antagonist-in-this-series-and-indeed-did-not-wrap-up-numerous-character-arcs-or-plot-lines-but-I-don’t-like-this-choice-so-I’ll-ignore-it
(actually I do sort of appreciate the idea of not having one grand final duel or something, because that’s not how it usually works in real life, but that she’d just shrug and not mercilessly hunt for the revenge she’s so clearly motivated by when everything she loves is falling apart around her again... that’s too much of a letdown to bear, really)
let me just... live in willful ignorance and pretend anything could happen from this point onward haha.
- let me give a final shout out to my boy gong su, who’s been hanging around since book 2 (!) and yet we do not know One Single personal detail about him for certain except that he sure knows how to handle knives. that’s some good spy shit right there, he knows what he’s about
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