#comets greatest hits
comet-wire · 1 year
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eclipsedsuns · 1 year
they should invent a great comet that’s still on broadway
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if you even care
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schmergo · 1 year
My bizarre real-person headcanon: Josh Groban and Ben Platt are mortal nemeses. Here's the timeline behind this theory, beginning with the known and branching off into the possible future. 2017: Josh Groban makes his Broadway debut in Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet to much critical acclaim. At the Tony Awards, Ben Platt, starring in Dear Evan Hansen, wins Best Actor and Dear Evan Hansen beats Natasha/Pierre for Best Musical. 2023: Josh Groban makes a triumphant return to Broadway, headlining a revival of Sweeney Todd. Surely this will be his year? Nope. Ben Platt's limited run production of Parade transfers to Broadway, making his own triumphant return to Broadway after a hiatus of the same length. Neither wins the Tony Award this year (J. Harrison Ghee does), but Parade wins Best Revival of a Musical over Sweeney Todd. Later in 2023: Josh Groban goes full method and immerses himself in the murderous, vengeful instincts of Sweeney Todd. Revenge against Ben Platt will be his! But he can't be too obvious about it. He's playing the long game. 2028: Surprise! There's a revival of Phantom of the Opera announced! Both Ben Platt and Josh Groban are considered as potential Phantoms. Unknown to anyone, Josh Groban has been perfecting his own Phantom-like skills of appearing and disappearing into thin air, throwing his voice, and murder. Oh yeah, and he plays the pipe organ. He gets the role! But wait, what's this? Hugh Jackman was eaten by a crocodile mere weeks before he was supposed to headline the new Broadway production of The Greatest Showman? Ben Platt heroically steps in to save the day and takes the title role! He wins the Tony Award for Best Actor in a Musical, but not Best New Musical (the critics say, "We love Ben Platt but this show is clearly just a vehicle for Hugh Jackman [RIP].") The Phantom revival wins Best Musical, but something terrible happens at the Tony Awards! There's a technical glitch when the Phantom performance is due to start and they move it to the end of the awards ceremony. But right as everyone's marveling at the artistry of the production at the delayed performance, something Totally Unpredicted happens. The chandelier crashes... INTO BEN PLATT!!! 2030: Ben Platt survives the chandelier attack but he loses his entire memory and has to relearn everything, including how to sing! He can no longer recall the moment that the chandelier crashed into him-- nor the moment that Josh Groban looked at him from the stage and mouthed 'Long live the king!' In a startling and bold act, Ben Platt returns to Broadway in a one man autobiographical show about living with amnesia and relearning to perform. He wins the Best Actor Tony Award! Josh Groban is away doing Phantom in Europe. 2040: There's a high profile immersive revival of Les Miserables on Broadway! The producers consider both Ben Platt and Josh Groban for Jean Valjean. But Josh Groban gives off such an in intense murderous energy when they find him in the same room as Ben Platt that they get a brilliant idea and offer him the role of Javert and Platt as Valjean. The production is a hit. The tension between Platt and Groban is off the charts. When it's time for the Tony Awards, both are nominated for Best Actor in a Musical (ala Colm Wilkinson and Terrence Mann in the original Broadway production). On the day of the Tony Awards, an astonishing thing happens: Platt and Groban TIE for the Best Actor in a Musical Award! The crowd goes wild! Everyone is cheering! The theatre... the cheers... it triggers something long-buried in Ben Platt's mind. Suddenly, he remembers the night the chandelier fell on him at the 2028 Tony Awards.... Josh Groban was looking right at him as it happened.... Ben Platt snaps and begins to clobber Josh Groban onstage. In his fit of rage, he doesn't see Josh Groban pull out a gun. Is this finally the end of this age old rivalry? BUT WAIT, WHAT'S THIS? IT'S J. HARRISON GHEE (SNUBBED STAR OF THE REIMAGINED REVIVAL OF LA CAGE AUX FOLLES) WITH A STEEL CHAIR!!!! At least, this is what I imagine.
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fortunatetragedy · 16 days
WIP questionnaire tag
Ray of starshine @the-golden-comet hit me with this tag and I HAVE NOT SEEN THIS ONE BEFORE thank you so much!
I will be answering for Doom Metal Love Story.
What’s the first part of your WIP that you created?
Figuring out who the characters were. I then wrote the 275-page Bad Ending timeline the characters go through in 1874. The worldbuilding (it's a historical AU) I made up as I went.
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
I'm kind of medicated rn so the idea of a cover of "Du Hast" by Rammstein done in 1870s-style music is making me laugh.
What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
Honestly, it's Sullivan, the protagonist. I originally got through the first draft by going, "He's a literary device, he's not a real person, you're just out of practice" (this is one of the darkest things I've written so I felt bad LOL.) Then I learned more about who he is as a person and I realized I couldn't tell that kind of story using this character. He deserved to catch the bad guy and save his stupid boyfriend from becoming the avatar of a dead god, not have what I did to him in draft 3 happen to him. Also he's fucking funny and my roommate and I are always doing "the Sullivan voice" whenever anything mildly inconvenient happens so we sound as if we're describing the hardships of an 1870s frontier cavalry first sergeant, and that's the greatest gift anyone could have ever given me. Thank you, Cole.
What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?
My fans probably love Pathologic, Dungeon Meshi, and that show where Mads Mikkelsen and Hugh Dancy get covered in blood and fuck each other with knives (I have never seen Hannibal.)
What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
It's character-driven. Royston is a "moral outlaw" (old-timey for "psychopath.") Sullivan wants a Golden Ending. Look at my fucking outline for Book 2.
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#time loops
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
OMG yes. Sullivan's horse Molly is a character. Royston is jealous of her for roughly half the 1872-73 storyline. It's... he has psychological problems.
How do your characters travel/get around?
It is 1872-1874 (depending on where we are in the time loop) so we get around by the following means: 1. Train! 2. Horse! 3. Boots! 4. ... Sullivan has to use crutches in Book 2! 5. ... Royston might learn how to fucking teleport at some point but that's... I don't even want to think about that.
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
I am on Book 2 of three. I just finished Chapter 7. It's the "debate" section for the novel but we're in the "fun and games" section of the entire trilogy so the fact I don't have a nosebleed rn is impressive.
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) will you think draw your audience in?
Who doesn't love a Western that has time loops and weird Eldritch shit happening in the background?
I'm fucking with the Sliding Scale of Fate vs. Free Will
It's scary sometimes?
You've heard of They Were Roommates? Let me introduce you to They Were Friends.
We're going for the Golden Ending. I have no clue how I'm going to pull this off but I believe in my ability to keep typing until I do.
What are your hopes for your WIP?
All I want to do is cause irreparable psychological damage to people who thought they knew how the world worked until they read my novel. And maybe to break Top 100 in Western Horror eBooks on A-Zon, at least for like an hour. I did that once and now I'm going to chase that dragon the rest of my life.
tag! @astramachina @cowboybrunch @dyrewrites @frostedlemonwriter
@noblebs @pb-dot @sentfromwolves @transthadymacdermot @words-after-midnight @zackprincebooks
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itsachillesbtch · 9 months
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Octavian Lore part 2 ! (childhood - 3rd year)
again, tw for crucio abuse !
Since befriending Somerild (@sunglow-fae), Ephias thought it would be best for Octavian to spend more time with the Lovells. Brother Sister bond commences...
They are shipped off to Hogwarts together, sorted into Hufflepuff together, and really, all of first year Tavi hung to Somer like a leach. He was, of course, socializing with others!
He tried out for Quidditch first year and, shockingly, was put on the team as a beater. What better way to release pent-up rage, hm? This is how he meets Kyle (@cynosure404 ), a Gryffindor :] He wasn't exactly fond of him persay, but Kyle was funny and seemed to have the same friends he did.
Octavian joined the dueling club as another way to get out his frustration. He hadn't really put much thought into it when he used Crucio for the first time. If anything, the kickback of it made him feel gentle shocks, soothing the pain in his arms and shoulders from Quidditch practices.
He casted Crucio more frequently in his duels, something to make the other person(s) fear the way he held himself. Something that would scare them into surrender. He didn't mean to hit anyone with it.
Other than that, the first year wasn't all too bad for him. And of course, he returned to the Lovell's again for the first month of their summer break, and then back to his own home in Wales.
The second year came, and it was far more exciting than he'd expected it to be. Daniel finally introduced the group to his mystery friend, and shockingly, Tavi remembered him from their shared transfiguration course. Aslan (@ix-astra ), he said his name was.
Another two he casted Crucio on. He still didn't understand why they reacted the way they did. It wasn't that bad. He knew it wasn't. The burning metal he tasted on his tongue was they only bad part about it that he could remember.
They formed their own little group, a total of 6, 14 if they included the others (the Pit), but it was The Six. He mever had this sort of thing before. Nobody ever really approached him.
Rumors finally started settling in. Rumors that You Know Who was back in the form of a 12 year old boy. Octav knew who his grandparents were. He was reminded of them every time he had to step into Comet Manor. But he never expected it to follow him here. Follow him to the place where he didn't have to be the Dark Lord's blood.
Of course, when the dada teacher brought in a snake for class one day, Tavi could talk to it. He wasn't very good at Parseltongue, but he could understand everything the snake said. The teacher never brought in another snake.
Summer between the second and third. Delphi got angry too often now, ranging from small bits of malice to large fits of rage that ended up usually with Atliar patching Ephias up with a few potions. When Delphi got bored of Ephias, she turned to Octavian.
This is how Tavi ended up on the Lovell doorstep at 4 am, a large gash from the tip of his shoulder down to his elbow from his apparation backfiring, soaked from the rain. He'd never forget how quickly they took him in.
The third year came, and nothing really exciting happened that he would even care about. The bullying started weakly, and he brushed it off. Nothing truly remarkable happened until a few days before they went on summer break.
Quidditch had their last practice. Him and Fischer waited on the pitch for Kyle and Colby to finish their duel, and Tavi had the greatest idea and offered Fischer a run for his money. The rest of the Pit waited in the stands for them to get their last bouts of energy out, but was caught off guard by the long stream of green shooting from Tavi's wand, and Fischer screaming out, four times.
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girlreviews · 3 months
Review #96: Automatic For The People, R. E. M.
Are you very depressed? Me too. Automatic For The People is rich, beautiful, tonally downer music for sad people who occasionally have bright sunny days.
It describes such a complex sadness, and that’s something I love about it. In Nightswimming, we aren’t just swimming at night, we are “pining for the moon”. Who among us sad losers doesn’t pine for the moon from time to time? Hmm? And we are doing so alongside glorious strings, oddly chirpy piano, and what I believe to be a damn OBOE. How often do we get to hear an oboe? Do you know? I do. It’s not that often. It’s not.
I have complicated feelings about Everybody Hurts. I was only four when this record came out. But this song didn’t go anywhere for a really long time. It was constantly on the radio well into my teens. The riff becomes very monotonous. What is supposed to be a comfort, a message that you’re not alone, can kind of eventually sound like, hey get over it because your problems are the same as everybody else’s, everyone has heard this song too, and everyone kind of hates it by now. It’s been a long ass time since I’ve spent time with it, and it might just have been long enough. Let’s try again in a few years.
I have always liked R.E.M. and a lot of their songs well enough, but maybe never known their albums inside out. More like, well versed in their radio hits, and I definitely always had an attitude about them. I wouldn’t admit to liking them, kinda thing. Imagine my surprise when I stuck this album on for reviewing purposes and I started singing all the words to all the album tracks? I knew them all. All of them! Suddenly I was taken back to Sunday afternoons in my house when it was time to clean, or cook, or whatever you know, just boring nothing Sunday stuff, and I guess this one was one that my Mom liked. It must have reverberated through the house and I must have absorbed it. This is the way I’ve come to know and love a few artists and albums that I believe I previously held disdain for. Over time, I have reluctantly accepted that they’re just pretty fucking good, and I can’t hate it just because my Mother likes it. Simon and Garfunkel being probably the greatest, and most painful example. Sigh.
As annoying as this might be, Drive, the opening track, is pretty joyous to relive. I mean, it’s the opposite of joyous in that it’s a huge dose of frowny-face sounds, but joyous in that it’s a song about challenging the status-quo by voting (seriously, it is — they were a big part of the Rock the Vote campaign and some of the lines are very pointed towards Bush Sr, who was running for a second term), but also questioning your sanity and driving around to uh, feel better. Relatable. It also references another song, a mechanism that I delight in — Rock Around the Clock, by Bill Haley and the Comets, if you’re wondering.
R.E.M. stand out with their use of mandolin and other not so typically utilized instruments, and it’s always really funny to me that they were so popular in top 40 music when they just, aren’t pop music at all. But that isn’t a bad thing. The bright sunny day for your average sad sack lives in The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite, where you even hear Michael Stipe laugh his way through the lyrics. It’s upbeat, it’s absurd, and it’s also fucking great. It’s fun as hell to sing. Lastly, I may be in the minority, but I love instrumental tracks (when they’re good), and New Orleans Instrumental No. 1 is two minutes and thirteen seconds of someone letting me fall asleep on them like a cat while they gently play with my hair. I could listen to it on repeat forever and I’d never be sick of it. It’s so beautiful. In my incessant need to know everything about every song, I have learned that a longer version exists (may I hear it?), and that it has never been performed live (may we hear it?).
I guess my Mom just really liked them. She grew up playing a few different stringed instruments but is deaf in one ear and can’t hold a tune to save her life. Still, once, she took me and that shitty boyfriend to our hyper local village music store (it’s long gone but was such a gem), I think so I could buy some guitar strings. The woman picked up a mandolin, and played a few chords perfectly. Our jaws hit the floor. Every time I hear the mandolin in one of their songs, I think of that moment and how cool she was to me in it.
They will always get bonus points for two additional things: Mike Mills is a consistent staple in the modern day Big Star lineup, with R.E.M. being one of the bands responsible for their later resurgence by citing their influence. Actually, I’m only just realizing this, but I HEAR IT IN ALL THAT MANDOLIN. Holy shit.
So, okay, I’ll always love them for that. But also, they are fictional character Ben Wyatt’s favorite band in the dorkiest and most pure, sincere way ever. Could a depressed person make this?
I had no idea I had this much to say about R.E.M. I’m a little embarrassed.
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ntls-24722 · 1 year
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ok. LISTEN. dont let these cute pics fool you. she's fucked up. but i love her as a character
Clavier is pretty much a bastardization of my Glamrock DJMM concept where he just leaves the plex on account of the fact he's no longer limited to the fact he's like 2 stories tall. There's two timelines of how this plays out that lead to radically different DJMMs, Creek and Clavier. (btw i made them both bigender so i'll be switching up pronouns a lot. so watch out lmao)
Creek, instead of gradually assimilating into society like Clavier, befriended all the birds in a 10 mile radius and used her massive bird army to force the local government into letting her be a person. I adore Creek.
Clavier, on the other hand, had a very slow transition into society which also led to her trying to be as human as she can with modifications to her model, like her face being covered in silicone and having actual eyes instead of black voids of nothingness (this, storywise, comes off a lot like him transitioning, which personally hits home). They also have a lot of... like... dysphoria? Over not being human? Which, originally, mostly led to her "transition" but like, this also lead to... extreme measures. Which leads me to why i want to throw her down the stairs 😳
So, Clavier is aware that there is nothing for her after death since she's powered off and has faced the robot equivalent of death. So she's just scared shitless of that. But he believes that humans do have an afterlife (and, iirc, in fnaf lore, he's right?) that he is unable to access due to not having a soul, which is very convoluting for him as someone who is. very religious.
I forgot to mention but in both timelines, they have a gf who they love the absolute shit out of named Bea. They're so disgustingly in love and its really sweet and Clavier ruins it by being... Clavier. Because she learns about Afton's work and realizes that she could take a soul for herself and hopefully get an afterlife of some kind. (by the way, i feel like its worthy to note that she isn't scared of hell. she doesn't mind suffering for eternity as long as she is somewhere.)
And because he fears that he can't take any old soul, it might possess him and take him over - if he wanted to assimilate with a soul he wants it to be a good one, and he immediately and begrudgingly targets Bea, since he believes she has the greatest soul around.
So he writes down just about EVERYTHING about Bea. Cataloguing hypotheticals, her dreams, everything she loved, and for years he works and works to make them come true so that she wouldn't have regrets when she died. When he feels like it's been enough, he takes her out on one last date and kills her with a shot of pentobarbitol, so she'd die painlessly just as she hoped.
As she withers in his arms she admits that if he had waited just a little longer, she would've proposed to him that night and Clavier is left with the crushing realization of just what he had done and his empty victory of having her soul and heart, torn from her and stuffed inside himself.
get fucked clavier, L bozo
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Anyways other than creepy christian DJMM i have Comet as a Bigass House
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Usually for versions of Comet I keep him, like, organic? Idk what I was doing here? But i made him into a giant sentient spider house and its also a redesign from this, which changed almost nothing about him.
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In the giant list of music man aus he's known as the solarpunk one since in the loosely developed world that he's a part of, its a cool solarpunk future and everyone actually grows much of their own food. The world is back to a massive trading community, it's great
While not a music man, these guys are part of SOS - The hemonymphs, shapeshifting bloodsuckers who all have daddy issues.
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They were SUPPOSED to be mosquito people (they still are) but as i developed them they became these weird teethbirds. as weird as they look i actually really love these guys i think they're so silly
Weird bit of their lore, but they're kind of not a species??? They're all siblings since they all almost exclusively come from THIS creepy asshole: Dr. Hemlock, a mistake from the facility (the Oort Cloud) that created Comet - He's a psycho who goes around decapitating people and sucking the soul out of em, and began asexually reproducing to do the same thing to his kids or to use them as pawns. zoinks‼️
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karmasreal · 9 months
"The alt-pop rhinestone cowgirl comet from Missouri, who in a few years (maybe sooner, like now) will likely be recognized as one of our generation’s greatest and most thrilling songwriters, has finally released her debut album, The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess... Fire up The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess via Spotify, and scan her upcoming dates, gaze upon the album trailer video, and bow down to our new alt-pop queen."
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ruvviks · 7 months
moon, maple leaf, spider, mouse trap, masks, and comet for rami [: hehe
oc asks!
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
rami loves his daughters more than anything else in the whole world and all he wants is for them to be happy. it's been difficult for them since merikh (rami's late husband) died and rami struggles with balancing out all aspects of his life, making it difficult for him to properly be there for them at all times. he wishes it would be easier because he really just wants to spend as much time with them as possible but he also needs to earn money one way or another to be able to pay his bills and afford groceries and pay all the stacking overdue medical bills, funeral expenses and everything else. he is in hell but he's being so brave about it
🍁 MAPLE LEAF - what is their favourite season? why?
rami's favorite season is summer! he doesn't mind the heat at all and loves sunshine because it makes him feel at ease. just in general dark and gloomy weather weighs down pretty heavily on him even though he might not show it, but especially if you know him well then it's easy to tell
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
rami's biggest fear is dying. not necessarily the thing itself but more just focused on what he will leave behind. he doesn't really have a back-up plan for his daughters and what will happen to them when he's not there anymore? and especially in his line of work as a merc it's hard to tell if he'll still be alive the next day or not and he always works alone. if only there was someone who could look out for him...
🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for?
a loved one in danger, definitely. anything happens to the people he cares about the most and rami will lose it. he's not very impulsive or destructive but as soon as the uncertainty hits about whether or not someone he loves is still alive. well. you'll have to either figure out a way to hold him back or just stay out of his way to make sure you don't end up just like his enemies by accident
🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
rami acts generally the same around everyone because he doesn't really have many good friends. he likes keeping his relationships with others superficial and not a lot of people actually know him by name at all. it makes him feel more in control of how people perceive him and all that
when he REALLY trusts someone he will loosen up a lot though and he's much more relaxed and will make a lot more jokes than usual. he still has a very calm and collected demeanor to him but it's easier to tell that he's actually enjoying himself there, instead of it clearly being a mask he's wearing
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
most people think that rami is very mysterious and some would even find him a bit scary considering he doesn't say much, is more of a lurker, but also appears and disappears out of seemingly thin air. he's very good at living in the background of other people's lives and tends to not involve himself too much, which makes it super easy for him to slip in and out of situations unnoticed. he's a bit like a ghost
a lot of people would assume he's very distant and maybe a little mean but he's not mean at all. he's always very polite, doesn't curse (or rarely curses at least), always puts other people's safety before his own and you will feel very safe with him once you actually get to know him a little better :)
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common-grackle · 2 years
I've listened to the Regina Comet cast recording twice now. Here are some of my favorite bits:
"I used to be on top, sold out on stop, but now my show's on Groupon"
Bryonha Marie Parham's voice in general. Wonderful.
The transitions between songs are excellent
"If they give us notes, don't be rude." "I'm lovely."
"And then all the boys will kiss you every night :D" "No thank you"
The bit in "Song On Spec" where they call their agent Ron is the greatest thing I've ever heard.
"Our tune is in the pocket and it's hot!" "hOt PoCKET"
The acapella part in "Song On Spec" is everything
Ben Fankhauser's riffs
"One Hit Song" is iconic in general, but especially the harmonies at the end
"The kids on twitter call me ma'am"
"That's why we deserve reprising that one hit song" ……in one hit song reprise……..
Connecting the Dots is so good I love it so much
Alex Wyse's "Siri, play some jazz guitar"
"If music be the food of love…" "I think that's taken." "Don't be rude!"
"Music that in essence can communicate the style of the brand, and I have lots of other ideas, dozens, hUnDrEDS"
"SOMEONE took improv!!" "Yes, and - "
"I'm jotting it down, shut your mouth, no offense."
"Can't turn me off bitch I'm too inspired"
The last 30 seconds of Feel the Flow.
"Heyyy Regina how you doing"
Bryonha's laughter in The Girl Beneath the Lasers
The last minute-ish of Girl Beneath the Lasers is just. I love it.
Connecting the Dots Reprise is everything to me.
"Can't settle down, can't even write, cause this girl keeps raisin' my fahrenheit"
"When I was young I believed every man met his mate, cause in all the old stories that's the case if you're straight. But it still didn't matter, cause I spent my whole life dressed in beautiful khakis just to nab me a wife."
Someone heard me saying "pop off" at the end of that track
The fact that their names are Man 2 and Other Man
The contrast between Conflict of Interest and Walk Away…yes
The bridge in Walk Away
OH ALSO the repetition in that song!!!! I love it
Look Ahead. Just. Yeah. I think it's my favorite track in the show right now, it's just so good
"uhh...I think I replied all..."
This Is Mine is also incredible.
"I don't care what's in fashion, I've got a burning passion" QUEEN
"And I happen to know someone with an honorary astrophysics degree!! It's me. So, I start Tuesday - Monday's Yom Kippur, you get it."
Say Goodbye kills me
"Ready?" "No." "Well, I'm recording. "uh...okay, great."
The callbacks to earlier song titles at the end of Say Goodbye
I love them okay
"I love you for the dance" "dance dance dance"
"I'm trading in my high heels for a lab coat and some pants" "women in sCIENCE"
Say Hello is such a bop.
Anyway, I really love this cast recording. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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natromanxoff · 2 years
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Today - April 21, 1992
SUPERSTAR Liz Taylor stood before 72,000 cheering rock fans last night to make an emotional appeal on the worldwide spread of Aids.
Her stirring words came in a moving tribute to tragic Queen singer Freddie Mercury — a victim of the disease — at a Wembley concert in his honour.
The show, watched by a billion TV viewers worldwide, featured a galaxy of stars including Elton John, George Michael, David Bowie, Lisa Stansfield and Seal. Tickets were sold out within three hours — before any of the acts were even confirmed.
Liz told the crowd, many bedecked in red ribbons as a mark of respect: "Freddie was an extraordinary rock star who rushed across our cultural landscape like a comet shooting across the sky. The [Turn to Page 2]
[Photo caption: Liz Taylor makes her emotional appeal at the Freddie Mercury tribute concert last night]
We’re here to celebrate his dreams, cry as much as you like
[From Page 1] bright light of his talent still exhilarates even now that his life has been so cruelly extinguished.”
Liz, president of the American Foundation for Aids Research, was heckled by an unruly group shouting “get off”.
Security guards (…) in quickly to break up a fight after others in the crowd turned on them.
And Liz pointed angrily at them and shouted: “I’ll get off in a minute. I’ve got something to say first.”
Liz then carried on with her speech by urging fans not to share needles for drugs and practise safe sex with condoms.
“Please don’t let it happen to you,” she said. “You are the future of our world, you are the best and the brightest, you are the shining light that will illuminate a better world tomorrow.
“I will keep telling you until you do and I won’t give in and I won’t give up because the world needs you to live.”
From the moment Freddie Mercury’s words and music boomed out over the enormous speakers, the night belonged to him.
First on stage were the remaining members of Queen who announced the concert in February.
Voice crackling with emotion, drummer Roger Taylor said: “We are here to celebrate the life and dreams of Freddie.
“You can cry as much as you like.”
As the bright Bank Holiday was shone down on the 300ft stage, they introduced the opening act of the night — heavy rock band Metallica.
Fans went wild, waving Freddie Mercury memorial flags and banners throught the numbers.
The stage was cleared for the acts and (…) huge video screens either side sprang into life to show old footage of flamboyant Freddie in action.
As he sang The Great Pretender, the crowd — (…) in tears — stood in a respectful silence before erupting (…) applause at the end.
After US band Extreme, who (…) fans to a medley of Queen greatest hits, had left the stage Def Leppard played a track with Brian May.
Many of the fans in the audience wore a three-inch red ribbon, which has become a worlwide symbol of Aids campaignes.
Backstage Liz, who has seen many of her close friends die from the disease, presented singer George Michael with a £10,000 red rhinestone brooch in the shape of a ribbon.
Stars from all around the world offered their services for Freddie’s glittering(?) tribute, the biggest concert since Live Aid.
Bob Geldof, organiser of that concert and the tribute, was next on stage in a green floral suit to sing the song Too Late God.
He said: “It seems unlikely but Freddie and I were very good friends. This is a song we wrote together.”
The audience was later reduced to fits of laughter by outrageous rock band Spinal Tap who (…) for their grand entrance.
Guitarist Nigel Tufnell said: “Unfortunately Freddie was not as big a fan of us as we were of him. Therefore, in his honour we have got our set short by 35 songs. It’s what Freddie would have wanted.”
Then, speaking from America, super model Cindy Crawford introduced U2 via satellite from Sacramento, California and there were other link-ups with a concert in South Africa. Next on stage were rock band Guns ‘n’ Roses.
Later a procession of stars joined Queen’s surviving members for the group’s greatest hits, including Seal, Paul Young, Lisa Stansfield and an Under Pressure duet from David Bowie and Annie Lennox wearing a black make-up mask.
The final (…) came from George Michael and Elton John.
They all got a rapturous response from the crowd which included celebrities such as Michael Caine’s wife Shakira, golfer Nick Faldo, Michael Winner and Barbara Windsor.
Performers and friends had started arriving at the North London stadium throughout the afternoon.
But however early the stars arrived, Freddie’s dedicated fans were there hours and even days earlier.
Coming from all across Europe and beyond, they claimed a few (…) by the (…) and (…) their (…) to a rock legend.
Freddie Mercury once said: “I always knew I was a star.” Last night proved that the legend lives on.
[Photo caption: Dedicated fans, some of whom had queued through the night, enjoy the Bank Holiday sunshine for the glittering action to begin on the 300ft Wembley stage]
[Photo caption: An emotional moment for surviving Queen stars John Deacon, Roger Taylor and Brian May as they greet 72,000 rock fans at the start of the star-studded tribute to Freddie]
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abimee · 2 years
ida moon and present, ray lying and train, sancturary open book and crown, tock comet and collison, althaea milkyway, ruyan green heart and bouqet, AND, disonus (from you me fame) clover and glowing star. this is a laundry list of characters so u dont have to do them all but i cant bring myself to erase any bc i truly want to know all of it. good luck with comms boss
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
in Sound-Colored Melody Memory, part of the big plot is that Ida is separated from Althaea and his other best friend across the Planetary Bodies and wants to do everything he can to find them and bring them home, and his big dilemma is that both Ray and Sanctuary offer their guidance to his friends if they accept their side of the bargain (Light/Dark). Ida is hesitant to choose either side at first, and instead strikes out on his own as he slowly comes to learn what is happening in his universe, and the greatest length he goes for the wish to bring his friends home IS to choose a side in this war.
Before all of that mess though, Ida's greatest wish really was to stick by his friends no matter what, but when he thought this it was because Althaea wasn't graduating and being left behind on their small home planet, and he was willing to to give up his future and higher education just to stay back at home with her :,)
🎁 PRESENT - what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving?
Ida is AWFUL at giving gifts, he doesn't have any money and has no idea what would constitute a good gift, and struggles to think of what the other person would like. He and his friends often just gift each other sea shells they find on the beach, which aren't really gifts because they all go to the beach together and pick them up together, but his friends understand and love him and have made this ''their way'' of gift giving. the only other gift Ida has ever given was that he was the one to braid the string that althaea uses to knot her braids with, because she always complained elastics stuck to her hair and ribbons were too soft, so Ida spent the night learning to braid and braided some string together into a thick cord to hold her hair tight with, and he tied them both off with small star charms
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
Ray believes she has never lied in her life and that she would never lie even if it furthers he goals, she only wishes to tell the truth and expel any myth or falsities she knows of
🚆 TRAIN - what is their answer to the trolley problem?
hit the 5 people and if you ask her why she'll tell you she doesnt wanna talk about it anymore
📖 OPEN BOOK - do they like reading? what's their favourite genre?
Sanctuary loved reading and studying during her time at the Scala Tympani, especially on celestial bodies and dark matter. She wasn't very big on made up fairytales and stories, though sometimes you could catch her in the mythos section of the great library reading about the tales of various stars and the creation myths the people below had
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
Sanctuary wants to be remembered for who she was and nothing more, and cannot tell you what that would be exactly, but not what she is remembered for now. She believes that she and her master Sancta Corti Reissner were good and honest people who loved their world and all that lived within it and wanted only the best for them, and that her current image is rotten and spoiled by lies
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
Most people assume that Tock isn't ''very smart'' or ''doesn't have much to say'', but it's mostly because Tock struggles to put her thoughts and feelings into words
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
all of them
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
funnily enough, [SPOILER] from seat of sacrifice / the cover for Final Fantasy 1 was the original inspiration for how althaea was designed :]
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and dear viewer, you may say ''hey rylan, you know what goes on in seat of sacrifice right? you know who that is right?" and ill tell you
i do. i very much do. this is why it was chosen my friend. think about that off company time
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
my girl loves sexual intimacy and physical touches she crave sit until the cows come home its why ryder is so touchy feely with ruyan because it makes her feel safe and calm. even if it is ryder yanking his tail its still comforting to experience any sort of touch for him :]
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
red roses - unrequited love
Milkweed - resilience and hope
Hyacinth - jealousy and sorrow
stargazer lily - good fortune
and no, Ruyan's favorite flower is the Forget-Me-Nots :]
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🍀 CLOVER - do they believe in luck? are they lucky?
She does not! All things are balanced and in control in her jurisdiction and therefore the concept of luck and chance are unknown to her as a higher being who controls all what people might consider as ''luck''
🌟 GLOWING STAR - what do they think about when they look at the night sky? is there someone they want to star gaze with?
in Y/M, the night sky is entirely black and there is nothing to look at, so nobody ever really looks up at the sky for long or thinks much when looking at it, so Disonus wouldn't really look up there either :--o
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holly-fixation · 2 years
Angelic Aid: Chapter 4
Summary of this chapter: The Prince of Jenova finally showed his skills both in training and in battle, the last retaliation the Cetra can give. If it fails, the planet and their race are doomed. The Princess tries to understand the prince better, by learning the history of his planet. Maybe then he will be willing to spend 'time' with her, the deal Jenova made with the Cetra upon exchange of her warrior: her son.
Inspired by this art by @tannarys on twitter and follow up art that is absolutely adorable
Please Enjoy!
Chapter 4: War Room and War
Sephiroth woke up groggy the next morning, the pillow somewhere on the floor, his hair an absolute bird’s nest, his shirt and pants untidy, and his skin temporarily conforming to the pattern of the fabric below with soft lines imprinted on his skin, yet somehow the covers below didn’t take any damage. He forced himself to shake off the lingering thoughts of the previous night as he pressured a hand through his currently knotty hair, tearing some of the strands free of their knots. Tonight was the night, his first attack of three, and he honestly could not wait for the chance to do what he did best. It didn’t matter how many or few he killed. A massacre was not necessary. He enjoyed battle as a place to test his skills, each bout of training pushing him further for the next conquest. That’s how angels prepared. That’s what his mother taught him. 
He winced as he slammed away the memory that threatened to enter. There’d be time for that later, when he returned to his comet. His home. There was no reason for any of the emotions he felt on this planet. It was a conquest, nothing more. He was a weapon, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
The sky was even darker than when the princess woke him in the middle of the night, he noticed through a window in the hallway. The small, quiet hour before dawn broke and the light of the sun bathed the city blanketed the streets. It was absolutely earlier than most of the inhabitants of this planet roused, judging by the nearly silent atmosphere outside the small window. Not a single Cetra appeared on the streets, only the occasional cat running around for a final catch of the day, or night. 
Then there was a crash from the floor below, metallic but not sword like. He closed his eyes and exhaled in frustration, an annoyed feeling that whatever caused that sound wasn’t a threat. The same way it wasn’t last night. Before any more disturbances hit, he pushed himself out of the bed, slipped on his coat, boots, and sword, and left for the kitchen.
Maybe once he wanted to be wrong. Yet when he entered the kitchen, he proved his assumption correct.
It was a nightmare. Dishes, utensils, towels, some kind of white shells, everything was everywhere and nothing was where it was supposed to be, all surrounding the center of the storm: the princess in her pink dress, who tried to clean something black and smokey off the side of their stove. Although he entered with cat-like silence, she somehow noticed him and looked up with wide eyes, surprised, excited, and clearly fearful of the possibility of getting caught.
“Prince Sephiroth!” She lit up with the kindest smile that one cringing at their own mistake could make, slightly shying away as she offered a plate with a perfectly yellow meal. “I made you eggs?” Her words curled up from a statement to a question at her own embarrassment and the expected negating of her offer. 
He could not explain how thankful he was for the battle today, if only to get some space from this clingy little girl.
* * * 
From dawn to noon, Sephiroth spent his time both assessing and training the most viable of the Cetra sword fighters, which struck him as the biggest oxymoron. They clearly desired to learn, for the sake of themselves and their people, but only a fool would put them out into battle. Even the most talented soldier struggled to reach the peaks of the basic techniques. Their greatest downfall: they didn’t think like sword fighters. They thought like mages. Mages he could work with, sure, they know how to attack, but of the five he was tasked with training, two of them thought like healers: how far back in the battle could they stay while protecting others, how much space could they keep between them and their enemy, could they persuade them from afar. 
None of this would do.
Every hour covered two tasks simultaneously: running through basics like proper footing and slashing techniques, and that their weapons were extensions of themselves. No healer understood the importance of their staff the way a swordsman attached their soul to their blade. Only the simplest thought pierced them today: if their blade fell, they died. Guaranteed. Even though it was the simplest lesson, they needed it more than anything. The only solace in this week off his world was their skill in magic. Each soldier understood the importance of separating offensive and defensive materia, all but one offensive limited to the blade, while the few that decorated armor included barriers, healing, and the last case scenario of sealing. 
Still, he gladly took training these infants in combat over his mother’s punishment of ‘time’ with these people. Hopefully the hours he spent training them counted as his half of teaching these people his ways. Now it was back to their small war room to inform each other of the resources gained for the battle tonight. 
The same people stood at the edge of the map: Claudia Strife, Reeve Tuesti in that odd cat-like machine, the Captain, their queen, and unfortunately their tiny princess. At first, his own presence there felt unnecessary, as they talked about supplies of ethers and potions for the people and the army, ration preparations, et cetera. More and more updates and plans for situations that did not concern him in the slightest. 
“Prince Sephiroth,” the queen called, gaining his attention immediately. “Let’s discuss the plan for tonight.”
He nodded before addressing the table. “What’re the latest updates?”
“I got a friend to lend us his boat,” Claudia explained simply, before scrunching her face. “A small one. Not a lot of fuel either, but it should be enough to reach Junon’s shores and back.”
“That’s more than enough. Your healers will not stay anywhere near me at the battle,” Sephiroth stated simply. “If you move the boat here,” he pointed to the map, miles west of Junon, “It will convince them I came from the west, and not the north. They might delay their next attempt north to search for me.”
The Captain seemed to hold his tongue before adjusting his thoughts. “What…advantage does leaving you out to dry give us?”
Throughout the day, the Captain finally accepted the truth of his skills and knowledge. He welcomed that. “I can fly a minimum of twenty miles. Even when injured.” His eyes darted to the map and he pointed to a location a bit off from the battle, but invisible to the people in the port town. “It’s north, so it’s closer to here. It will keep your people out of the line of fire without negating their purpose completely.”
“How injured should they expect you?” The blonde woman asked.
He turned to her, before glancing at the captain. “Anywhere from nothing to three broken limbs. Maximum. That depends on their fire power.”
“Which sadly, we can't prepare for thanks to their mechs’ auto self-destruct at high damage.” The Captain mentioned with a disappointed hand on his forehead, frustrated at their own lack of ability to properly train for the threat. 
“It scares me how large of a window you may take,” Claudia mentioned, eyeing the angel curiously. 
“I’m only preparing you for the worst case scenario.” He met her worried blue gaze. “But from what I know of your planet, they can only break a single bone of mine with a miracle.”
“You seem extremely confident,” came the voice out of the mog suit, suspicion growing on the creature’s face.
He stared at it blankly, shoulders and arms dropping. How many times did they need him to explain his strength? “I could claim your planet on my own.” The gravity of the threat shuttered through everyone’s eyes except his own. This was not a threat. It was simply a reminder of their situation. “The largest disadvantage here is keeping people alive. Burning the base down is a lot faster and a lot easier.” His eyes hardened, the creature barely listening to his words. “The more I keep alive, the larger chance someone will stab me in the back. That’s the only reason I’m preparing for injury.”
“Your Majesty,” this time Reeve turned to the Cetra Queen, a clear new goal in his words. “I must ask, how did your people gain power over Jenova?”
Sephiroth stared daggers at the hologram, at the audacity for the accusation alone.
“We never have,” Ifalna stated simply, truthfully, allowing the angel to loosen his glare, before looking down at the map and circling the north. “This crater is proof of that.”
“The Cetra developed summoning materia they did not understand, with the goal of summoning one of your ‘gods’.” The prince explained sharply, knowing that giving the tale would silence the spy’s questioning. “When my mother appeared instead, she brought a meteor to claim this planet in retaliation. But, Her meteor, was too large. Its size was a mistake, capable of total annihilation instead of mass extinction. However, Cetra barrier spells prevented incurable damage. She was impressed by the feat, and made a deal with your people to use us as summons in dire situations. But when your materia breaks, we will claim this planet.”
The spy swallowed, even though it was only a machine controlled by a human, mimicking its user’s behavior. “...Then,” He hesitated, “did your people actually find this planet?”
He scowled at the lack of knowledge clearly portrayed before him and glanced at the queen out of the corner of his eyes. “Did you explain anything to them?”
She bit her tongue against the display of teenage attitude and took a short answer before she answered, “Prince Sephiroth, I explained the benefits and the risks of requesting help from your mother. Our entire history was not important for this decision.”
His turned sigh clearly hid a groan.
“I know the story,” the princess’s voice rang lightly, like a tiny bell. She may have thought her interruption was a request, the rest of the war room clearly believed so, but the prince only saw a challenge. This little girl, who couldn’t say his mother’s name in her presence, suddenly knew enough to quell a war room. 
Though every eye on her jabbed for silence and obedience in the young girl, Sephiroth burned his challenge in his inhuman eyes, his cat-like slits captivating her attention, giving her the slightest taste of what she felt when they first summoned him. He gave her the opportunity to share the information she claimed to have. “Enlighten us.” Not a hint of sarcasm bled through his words, for he had none to give. What was this girl truly good for? How much ‘time’?
“After Queen Jenova returned to her comet, we changed part of the white materia to not only protect the planet, but send an angel back by force if they attacked too much,” The little girl explained, folding her hands behind her back and shifting awkwardly from side to side. “Not long after, her planet-comet, also called Jenova, but spelled with dashes between the letters for some reason, flew across the sky at night. Only once, but she saw us. She knows exactly where we are, and how to move the comet to get here if needed.”
Sephiroth, though surprised, found himself nodding in confirmation at her words. However, to his frustration, the human questions only increased. 
“Hold on a minute,” The blonde woman held a hand up in wait with a confused daze on her face, the crater still on her mind. “Your mother is over two thousand years old?”
The prince and princess nodded again before he answered. “We do not age the same as your people. After twenty years, our appearances barely change with time. You may think it odd, but I assure you, it’s expected.”
“Is she the oldest on your planet?”
“Yes, but that is not why she still rules,” Aerith explained. “She’s still the strongest. And even when she wasn’t, she won anyway.”
Sephiroth closed his eyes in silent annoyance. This absolutely is not how you prepare for an attack. He hated this treatment as a walking history lesson. If this princess knew, then they all clearly had access to whatever answers they wanted if they would just pick up a book. Apparently, this annoyed look on his face silenced their historical questions for now. They returned to topics or sections of failed battle and future preparation that did not concern him, so he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall of the room, away from the map.
* * *
He hated those meetings, at no fault of their own. The few details that mattered to him could easily be sent on a single piece of paper, or a single message. He sighed in relief at the final dismissal. The last detail that mattered to him, and the only one after their unnecessary exposition, was the location of their vessel for departure: through the woods and past the village of archeology, which they had to avoid any kind of contact with the human residents before reaching the shore. Stealth mission. Understandable, simple, inconvenient but doable nonetheless. Still, he preferred the slightly organized war meetings over dealing with the little girl that ran towards him a minute after dismissal.
Why couldn’t he have a single moment to himself on this planet?
“Prince Sephiroth, wait!” Despite his movement slowing down, the princess still jogged after him, and eventually she kept up with his adjusted pace. “I have a quick question.”
He nearly groaned, turning to her with small contempt. “I’m not-”
“It’s not about your history,” She explained quickly, and he let out a soft sigh. “It’s about your allure.”
Allure? Why would that interest her? He never voiced the question, but his eyes reflected his curiosity. He figured she’d ask about his power, or speed, or something meaningless, or for his damn wing again.
“Why doesn’t it work?” She tilted her head.
He glared, answering after a pause, “It does work.”
“It does?”
“Yes,” He spat. “Why wouldn’t it?”
Aerith glanced away. “Well…” Her hands twitched from her own unfounded anxiety, “When we first met, it was so strong I could barely talk. But then I didn’t feel it until the meeting. Do you have to activate it?” Now her planet-green eyes met his.
He took a breath. “You felt my mother’s allure when we first met. I don’t project mine constantly.” It was true. He enjoyed the fight rather than diplomacy, but he quickly realized he gave the wrong description to the young girl. “Well,” He crunched the corner of his lip in thought, “consciously. We all have it to some level. I see it with some of the animals here, but not your people.”
“Does it feel weird when you project it?”
Why was she like this? He answered her first question, so why wasn’t this over? He grunted. “No. But I have to actively think about it. I’d rather use my energy elsewhere.”
“Battle. So I don’t get killed.”
“But you’re super strong?”
“And how do you think I got this strong?”
She thought for a moment, a hand on her chin before it came to her. “Not dying?”
“Not dying.”
“Ah,” She nodded in understanding, but she still wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. “Where are you going now?”
He flicked his head in gesture. “That mountain. To judge the terrain from here to the shore.”
“It’s just a lot of forest. Lots of trees. It'll be really hard to see the path.”
“It can’t hurt,” he brushed her off before glancing in her direction. “Where are you supposed to be?”
“Mama said I should stay with you until dinner time,” She stated simply, innocently, tugging softly at her own dress. “So I thought I’d ask a few questions…”
“Aerith,” He stared at her, not completely lying with his answer. He was just…tired. “I’m fighting. Tonight. I need to think.”
She pursed her lips, but nodded before meeting his eyes. Then she looked down, away from the strength of his gaze. “I can be quiet, if that helps…” She sounded heartbroken. 
He felt a slight ting at her tone and sighed softly. “...Just for an hour, okay?”
Aerith nodded again, but she stayed by his side until the accursed time arrived, through the mountain and the last minute training of soldiers. She remained through the final meal before the battle. The step off to the mission. Their kind’s last and only chance to advance against humanity. Humanity did not need to die. They only needed to understand the threat they forced the Cetra to summon. Yet if they, for some reason, decided to be hopeful for a chance to win against this angel, the days of Cetra were still limited. 
* * *
The princess absolutely knew she should not be awake. The entire mission required the cover of night, which made sense for stealth. They had healing materia. They had wind materia, gods forbid they ran out of gas or time. Sephiroth was on his own for the battle itself. She knew he could handle it, judging by the fear of the planet, but she wanted them all to get back safely, uninjured. It was childish, but she was, in fact, a child. With over eight hours of sleep, because she went to bed as early as possible, she sat awake in her room, at four in the morning. 
It didn’t take long to find out her mother was awake too, a door squeaking below her and footsteps tapping along the floor. Well, shoot. Now she couldn’t leave. She reached for the book on her nightstand and adjusted toward the window above her bed. The book about angels she was more than halfway done with. Moonlight made it slightly difficult to read, but it was better than darkness. The prince always seemed annoyed by her questions, and she believed with more knowledge, she could learn more about topics he enjoyed, and less of what he considered basic. 
Time. Why Time? The angelic queen’s request baffled her little mind. The prince took more comfort in solitude than her presence, no matter how much she tried to get him to talk. The queen must have known that when she made the request. Aerith tried to make good on her end of the deal, the white materia resting in her braided hair now. No one would look for it there. Even without understanding, she kept herself busy, waiting for the seconds to tick on and everyone to come back safely. She stuck herself in her book, eyes wide and pupils blown in the dark as she absorbed all the information her little mind could take as quickly as possible. 
A knock at the door drew her out of her concentration. 
“Aerith,” Her mother’s voice rang from behind. “They’ll be back soon. Would you like to wait with me at the plaza?”
She jumped up and immediately opened the door. She nodded rapidly, and her mother tried to hide a chuckle. 
“Okay. Go and get changed. I’ll be waiting downstairs.”
Aerith couldn’t close the door fast enough, rushing out of her pajamas and into her proper dress. Her mother didn’t seem worried, so she shouldn’t be either. She practically bounced off the walls as they left through the streets, but considering the hour, she did try to be quiet. They waited on a stone half-wall, watching the roads ahead, past the homes and to the path from the forest. The soldiers had to come through here, no matter the results of the mission.
At first light, it finally happened. Laughter from outside the city, two voices, approaching at a casual but upbeat speed, exhaustion in their voices paired with…victory. 
They made it back. 
They won.
Thanks for reading!
Author’s Note: I have a few more ideas for this fic, but probably less plot and more Aeriseph to be honest. I planned on having more backstory/history questions about Jenova and company in this chapter but I (honest to God) forgot what questions I was going to ask. So if you’re interested in the lore and have any questions, feel free to leave a comment! 
And as always, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
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shotbyafool · 2 years
anna it didn’t even happen to me and i think about dave sending you the great comet script at least once a month like you really were That Bitch. miss u hope you’re doing well glad to see summer makes other people nostalgic for the days of ghost quartet
anon! I'm glad to hear this haunts someone as much as it haunts me!. (that and when Dave Malloy fixed the typo in the Great Comet lyrics after I vaguely discussed it in the tags of a post on my hit tumblr blog). I think my greatest memories come from the summer/fall of 2017, and in particular, the day in which every person under the age of 21 was seeing the show, and we all waited out in line for hours upon hours during the fall heat. I also spent the entirety of the mourning period for Great Comet (late summer of that year) solely listening to Ghost Quartet, particularly in large grassy areas. I hope you are also doing well and enjoying the Ghost Quartet days of mid-to-late summer.
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rasmasandra · 2 days
Music Artists Bill Haley and the Comets
Rocking Around the Clock with Bill Haley and the Comets Rock and roll music that could make you dance Bill Haley and the Comets rolled out some of the greatest rock and roll hits from when they were founded in 1952 to the time of Haley’s death in 1981. This American rock group put nine singles on the Top 20. Bill Haley began his career as a country music singer. The original name of this band…
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