#coming out as a danganronpa fan
fuzzyclaws · 6 months
My dad has recently beat Dr1
So my dad has gotten danganronpa decadence on the switch and he beat danganronpa trigger happy havoc,so I though I'd share my dad's thoughts on the characters along with the weird nicknames my dad has given to them (also he doesn't know I've already played all of the games at a friend's house over the summer soo)
Makoto Naegi(Protagonist,lucky dude)
My dad seemed to like him,although he didn't like how dumb he was
Kyoko Kirigiri(the smart one,purple)
He loved her,like he was so thankful that she was smart,he said she was his third favorite
Byakuya Togami(Bastard,glasses,Snob,dude who messed with a dead body,least favorite)
He absolutely despised Byakuya,like my dad had a whole vendetta against this man,second least favorite
Sayaka Maizono(Blue,the dead one)
My dad didn't really care for her,although he does understand why she broke and was the first on to try and kill
Mukuro Ikusaba(Model girl,Soldier)
He found her cool,loved the fact that she was a soldier like he used to be
Leon kuwata(Baseball,college frat boy)
He didn't like him,hence he he called him collage frat boy
Chihiro fujisaki(Computer chick/dude)
He found Chihiro slightly annoying for crying a lot,but he warmed up to him,fourth favorite
Mondo Owada(no nickname just Mondo)
His favorite guy,every freetime event he hung out with Mondo,he stopped playing for a weak when Mondo died,Favorite
Kiyotaka Ishimaru(Mondo's boyfriend,Army)
He didn't like Kiyotaka,he found him annoying,plus according to him he acts like some dudes in the army
Hifumi Yamada(Nerd,Man who likes a computer)
He was neutral on Hifumi up until Hifumi one missgendered alter ego,and two fell in love with the computer,
Celeste Ludenburg(goth,Bitch)
He hated her,he said and I quote "I wish this bitch would die." So yeah,Least favorite
Sakura Ogami(Also no nickname)
He loved Sakura,she was cool to him,hung out with her after Mondo died,Second favorite
Toko Fukawa(Ugly purple on)
He did not like her,but she moved up on his list when Genocider showed up
Genocider(Cool purple one,Genocider)
He found Genocider funny as hell,got mad when he realized that he'd have to hang out with Fukawa to get her freetime events
Yasuhiro hagakure(Weed,Stupid,Dumbass,Idiot,the man who should die)
Did not like him,and was very surprised that he lived,every chapter he was like "Okay so the dead one is (insert nickname)" and then got shocked that he lived
Aoi Asahina(My irl name,Goldfish,Sakura's girlfriend)
He liked that she was a swimmer,that's why one of her nicknames is just my name. Said she had the memory of a Goldfish
Junko Enoshima(Mastermind,Real model girl)
Didn't like her,he also just didn't have much to say on her surprisingly
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kosmical · 1 year
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i dont remember dr3 this is what happened right
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tsunanami17 · 4 months
so if you remember that one despair time animatic i made a little over a year ago uhh. back to work this time with chapter 2 content :3 still a huge wip. as so is chapter 2. lol. BUT. i think it would be cool to put this together with the one i made before with ch1 content :3
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sappy-detective · 8 months
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goshdangronpa · 11 months
“I-I’m sorry,” the girl stammers, then steels herself. “Um … my name’s Mikan Tsumiki. I’m the Ultimate Nurse. A moment ago, you p-passed out. I was only taking off your choker to make sure you could breathe …” She braces, as if anticipating a punch. “Th-that’s why my hands were on your … um … your throat …”
This - the first scene in “I DISAGREE: An Ibuki Mioda SDR2 Protag Swap AU,” echoing the first scene from SDR2 - is Ibuki Mioda’s first interaction with Mikan Tsumiki. She sees nothing to forgive. She sees someone trying to help an unconscious stranger, caught in a situation so awkward it’s funny. And endearing.
She decides that they’re friends now.
Bacterial Contamination: Mikan Tsumiki, Ultimate Despair
Less than a week later, Ibuki’s reeling from a disturbing realization. That morning, she’d been thrilled to find Mikan beside her in bed for the second night in the row. She has her own assigned room, and each hotel room has two beds. Yet there she was, subverting that "only one bed" ship fic trope, snug and warm with Ibuki. Quite warm, in fact … Noticeably warmer than the day before …
It’s true. After being in more constant contact with the patients than anyone else, Mikan Tsumiki caught the Despair Disease. That’d be true, I reckon, in just about any universe where she’s the Ultimate Nurse during such an outbreak. And once again, she’s the reason two of her classmates are dead.
What’s different in this AU is that she doesn’t even have to carry out any murders herself. With Chiaki already in a malicious mood and Kazuichi already spoiling for a fight, kicking off the killing game was as simple as opening their doors. The only other necessary task was retrieving a weapon for Kazuichi, to even the playing field. I can’t think of a good idea for how she finds Byakuya’s hiding spot and gets Peko’s sword, but she does (I’m sure glad this is just a series of speculative posts and not a fleshed-out fanfic or a full-on fan game!). Very little work on her part, and very little risk …
Or so she believed. Remember, Monokuma suggested that if anyone died at this makeshift hospital, the medical staff might be considered guilty. When Kazuichi returned from his fight with serious wounds on his chest, Mikan had to patch him up so he wouldn’t bleed out. The bandaging jobs was so professional, in fact, that no one else could’ve done it. Her efforts to save her own skin only gave away her role in the night’s slaughter.
“And she gets to live?” Nagito asserts with surprising coldness. With the trial already over, a new conversation threatens to break out among a group that threatens to become a mob. Once they start asking questions like “Could they even trust her around them?” and “What if she does it again?”, the responses could get real ugly real fast …
“But everything’s okay!” Ibuki asserts. “I mean, not okay okay. It’s all tragic. But Mikan’s okay now!” It had to be like what happened with Chiaki and Kazuichi, right? She only did something so horrible because that’s how the disease would affect such a sweet and caring girl, right? And Kazuichi and Nagito independently confirmed that their symptoms vanished in a snap after Monokuma’s bloody terms were met, so she’s fine now, right?
Ya know … she could be. This is a direction I could go. Mikan would have something to actually be sorry about, a strong reason to hate herself and shun all company. Ibuki could then insist on being her friend, resolute in her knowledge that all this only happened because she’s a good nurse and a good person. There’s room for drama, interpersonal conflict, Hiyoko going beyond her usual bullying into someplace darker, and redemption through love in a victory for hope. It absolves the girl of all actual guilt, making her easier to get behind. Removing the whole “one person murders the shit out of the other thing” also expunges all the toxicity that some people don’t like about any killer-victim ship.
That’d be great and all, and I would love to see an AU like that. But I’m taking this AU somewhere different. I can’t make the path to tsumioda so smooth and straightforward! Partly because I’m trying to stick with DR’s typical reluctance to canonize any pairings (Imposter’s right there too!), but mostly because I love the drama. So I’m spicing things up and making this ship problematic in a completely different way.
"It's all over, so she's fine now, right?!" Ibuki shouts. The response comes: "No, that's wrong!" Although Ibuki’s suggestion makes complete sense, Hajime awkwardly notes one problem. One could read pure altruism into Mikan stopping Kazuichi from bleeding to death - of course the nurse, faculties now recovered, would do anything she could to save a life. But such a severe wound would leave a trail of blood from the restaurant to his room. A trail that could’ve resolved the whodunnit a lot faster if it hadn’t vanished. Someone must’ve cleaned it, and cleaned it so well that they didn’t leave a trace. As with the bandaging job, only a professional could’ve done this so well.
Everyone presses Mikan for an explanation. 13 sets of eyes bore into hers. She laughs. “I was hoping to save this for later …” (I really thought about it!) “... but I can’t avoid it.” Just like in SDR2, Despair Disease hit Mikan differently than anyone else: instead of flipping personalities, she regains the one she had before they landed on that beach six days ago. And as Monokuma confirms, though the cheeky bastard won’t give away why just yet, personalities can flip back but memories regained aren’t so easily forgotten again. And what’s not just like in SDR2 is that they’re stuck with her.
Nagito, placed right between Mikan and Ibuki in the courtroom’s podium arrangement, lunges for the traitor. She breaks out with shocking force, knocking her former patient to the ground, then sprints away at an even more shocking speed. (I love the idea that Mikan’s a fast runner - a necessary skill for evading bullies and pulling off that otherwise impossible murder plot in SDR2 Chapter 3.) Making it to the elevator before anyone else, she exits Monokuma Rock by herself. The rest of the class will have to catch the next lift. By then, she’ll be long gone.
Gone. The person Ibuki had worked so hard to figure out, the girl with whom she managed to carve out some good memories out of some truly stressful days, the kind of close friend she’d hoped to make when she accepted the invite to Hope’s Peak … she’s gone. The thought crosses Ibuki’s mind that maybe that girl was never really there. She shudders.
Next week: the end of Chapter 1, for real.
PREV: The First Blackened
NEXT: Ending Chapter 1 with a Sleepover
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eggs-can-draw · 2 years
going to get my nails done in a wip monokuma cosplay wish me luck
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spotlightstudios · 1 year
Hi, fun exercise for me:
Moodboard of my Favorite Danganronpa Characters in no particular order :)
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 2 years
Being into danganronpa is so funny cause sometimes Ill look at canon spinoff stuff like the anime and come out the other end actively feeling worse about liking this game
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gameboyhamazing · 2 months
(Spoilers for danganronpa 1 under cut)
(At least, under cut if I did this right bc I’ve never done a read more on mobile lol)
Looking back at danganronpa 1 cuz I’m watching the game grumps playthrough and it occurred to me that there really shouldn’t be a difference in how the execution happens between the bad ending and the good ending? At least, not that I can tell right away. maybe the difference is supposed to be that by covering for kyoko and making the trial last a bit longer, makoto unwittingly buys time for alter ego to get into the system and stop the execution, which doesn’t happen if he just lets kyoko get voted guilty? It’s unclear but i think that might be it, actually: by covering for kyoko, makoto made the trial last longer, giving alter ego time to find a way to interrupt the execution. also the execution was designed poorly from the start considering it sent the victim into the trashpit instead of just ending under the press but tbh i dont think the mastermind was really concerned about that.
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sunday-was-late · 1 year
Would anyone be interested if I just do a thing where I recommend fanfiction? Like give a summary and a rating and speak about why it's good with links to the original work and everything?? Like a fanfiction review 😭
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ministarfruit · 7 days
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HI BABES preorders are currently OPEN for this 2025 Y2k themed Danganronpa Fan Calendar Project until September 30th!! xoxo
I did a bunch of merch for it (pictured!), but there are a whole bunch more goodies involved that are super amazeballs (that's a mixture of amazon and mothballs lulz) and you should totally go and peep at what we got ^_^
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ COME CHECK OUT THE SHOP LINK!! ˚。⋆ ༘˚✧
ok baiii ttyl <3
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etoilesbienne · 8 months
re: boundaries
I've made many posts previously on this subject already, so people are already aware of my stance regarding disliking the way "boundaries" as a concept are used by the mcyt fandom, however I want to have a brief meditation on why this is the case, and a look at common arguments about them.
however i do want to make clear that i don't mind boundaries as a concept, actual boundaries. as in "if you do x, i will respond with y" kinds of boundaries. I think cc are completely fair and understandable in this kind of perspective. if someone makes a kind of content they dislike, they're free to block that fan or express discomfort over it. That's normal.
my critical eye is turned toward the fandom's perception of "boundaries" as a sort of fandom ruleset, either you follow them with the in-group, or you're thrown in the out-group and labelled all sorts of insults, anywhere from a criminal offender to just having people be plain nasty toward you. this in my opinion, really feeds into the fandom habit of having "cliques" as fandoms are social networks that are voluntarily joined. i find it juvenile at best.
at worst, on the other hand, is the concept of mcyt having mixed in kpop stan culture around 2019 with smplive (great server. horrific fandom at the time it was run. all of the smplive fans still left are veterans worthy of respect for surviving that.), which caused a very explosive mixture.
kpop fandom has this outlook and parasociality toward idols because these idols are borderline unreachable. even in smaller groups, companies generally (not always.) discourage idols from talking one-on-one selectively with fans. there deserves to be a more thorough examination of kpop fandom with stan culture, that i believe i am not fully qualified for. my point is that kpop idols are a hell of a lot harder to reach for english fans, whether through language barrier or through professionality done by companies.
the explosive mixture is bringing this same mentality - the mentality that these people you look toward as the main source of the fandom as being untouchable, perfect people. it's dehumanizing in its own right, but aside from that, it creates a dangerous fandom situation. as best shown using smplive with CallMeCarson from before.
CMC is the origin point of boundaries within the MCYT fandom, having held a live in fall of 2019 talking about how a popular danganronpa themed wattpad smplive fanfiction was upsetting for him to read. CMC had an intense fanbase that could and would look up to him no matter what. of course the fanbase would go after and harass this author off of the internet and deleting their work (which remained lost media until this January of 2024. Almost half a decade.) after this situation, only months later it comes out that CMC had in fact been manipulating women aged 17 to early 20s, into sexual dms and sending him explicit photos of themselves for around a year. i am of the opinion CMC would have done this behavior regardless, however, the fact he had access to so many women who put him on a pedestal without considering he could exploit them was exacerbated by the stan culture mentality of mcyt's fandom at the time. this is not a criticism of the women, it is a criticism of the fandom culture of the time for failing to treat carson as a human being who had every capability to treat people like this.
no cc is exempt from that mentality by the fandom. carson knowingly used his position within the fandom to make the choice to do that to those girls. no cc should be exempt from the real possibility of the consideration that they can fuck up, not always in the way that they necessarily need to be cancelled or deplatformed, carson is an extreme example that is absolutely not representative of cc as a whole, but there needs to be a healthy level of doubt and separation between creators and fans.
to reiterate: cc are not your friends. cc do not need you to speak for them. you do not know these people personally. to present your defense of them and their personal opinions like you spoke to them directly and are close friends is dangerous, both for yourself, and for other fans in the community.
everything i have listed is why i always will be critical toward any fan group or clique that presents themselves as being pillars of the community, and why i am critical of any page or resource that tries to list "boundaries" as hard fast rules to be self policed by the fandom. not only is that punitive mentality, it's careless and poor understanding of how communities at large work.
i don't think a "boundaries" list is necessarily a bad idea in the long run either, if these lists were, like, compilations of streamers' twitch chat rules, that'd be cool! but generally these lists lack any nuance of why and where some boundaries may apply. like a ton of streamers hate ships being spammed in chat, but could give less of a fuck about people making ship fanart. or like wouldn't care as long as the ship art isn't put in their main tag.
as well as the general ignoring of regular boundaries, we all remember the horror show of people dono-ing to cc in 2020-22 asking for their boundaries right? like just so we're explicitly clear, walking up to someone and asking what someone's opinion of making adult content of them is very much sexual harassment. that's objectively something fans should not be asking to cc. if they want to say something, they can speak up on their own. they do not need your prompting. if you wouldn't ask it to your boss in an office, don't ask cc it. tangentially related is the ignoring of boundaries based on disliking fans harassing each other or other cc. those boundaries never get to be prioritized for a reason, as those behaviors feed into the stan culture mentality of pitting sources against each other in fan wars.
parasociality and stan culture turn mcyt fandom into a power vacuum where fans who like to self-police to a dangerous extent try to take charge. this makes the fandom worse.
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yawujin · 1 month
Heyyy I havent seen you write any danganronpa stuff recently so if you fell out of interest its alr I was just wondering if you could please write danganronpa v3 boys x reader at the beach HEAVY on korekiyo haven't seen much fan stuff for him and it saddens me.
anyway pls&thx have a good day :)
hey anonnn, you're right i haven't written for dangan in a bit...thing is; i have a hard time writing for things i'm not currently hyperfixating on (bad trait to have i know) there are a ton of requests for dangan hcs/x reader in my inbox rn so i'll try to get more of those done ദ്ദി(˶‾᷄ᗜ‾᷅˵ ᵕ) hope you enjoy this in the meantime!!
request | v3 boys x reader 🏖 beach edition
type | headcanon format , reader insert , light hearted , you pronouns used
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shuichi saihara ♡
easily gets sunburned so he prefers to stay under a beach umbrella most of the time
asks you for help with applying sunscreen all over his exposed skin
brought water bottles for everyone (my thoughtful kinggg <3)
lowkey would want to play volleyball w everyone else but think he'd be too awkward whilst playing
would most likely invite you to sit under an umbrella with him near the shore and listen to the sound of the waves with you
rantaro amami ♡
walks along the pier with you
buys you whatever you want at the concession stands there
"this beach is beautiful, you should see the ones i've traveled really far to see, too. they're amazing!" he exclaims
rantaro shows you a plethora of pictures he's taken of beaches all around the globe
would most likely collect a little bit of the sand from the beach just to keep a piece of it with him for memory's sake.
k1b0/kiibo ♡
he is awaaaaay from the water
he stands up on the rocks , looking out to the ocean (he would like to admire it without getting wet)
he's 100% a nerd so he gives you some fun facts about sharks , fish , etc
when you come back from swimming, he tells you how cool you looked
he totally wishes he could go and swim w you :(
korekiyo shinguji ♡
he enjoys the atmosphere , and your company ofc
you two walk on the pier talking about what to get for lunch
ngl it feels like a date when you are sitting across from kiyo, eating your food
"it's beautiful, isn't it?" he says, after a moment of quiet
"yeah! the beach is pretty nice." you reply
"i meant you, dear." he tells you
kaito momota ♡
he's the one that set up the volleyball net
trying to encourage his sidekick to play volleyball with him
after getting rejected 5 times within a minute, he asks you
"i won't go easy on ya!"
kaito got a little too cocky for someone who kept on getting foul balls
gonta gokuhara ♡
quietly observing the hermit crabs on the beach
he marvels at the slugs crawling up the rocks
he's lowkey in bug heaven rn
you tell kokichi to stfu when he tells gonta that his hair looks similar to seaweed
"does gonta's hair really resemble seaweed?" he frowns
you comb your fingers through his hair and reassure him that his hair looks just fine :)
ryoma hoshi ♡
spends most of his time away from the crowd or in a shop on the pier
"beaches really aren't my type of scene"
you walk about a mile or two with him on the endless sands of the beach
you hadn't expected him to break the long silence until he said:
"glad you're here to keep me company."
he's pulling his beanie down to shade his eyes from the sun (and to hide his cute embarrassment)
kokichi ouma ♡
"let's both run into the water in three...two...one!"
except he stayed behind and let you do it all alone, much to your embarrassment (and annoyance)
he makes it up to you by buying you an ice cream
"awww don't be so mad! after we're done we can go swim together! promise!"
surprisingly, he keeps his promise and you two have a good time
you splash each other with ocean water playfully and engage in a small game of water tag
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⋆ ˚。⋆ my ao3
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jade-gemstone · 7 months
Danganronpa Ultimate Categorization
Welcome back to another episode of: Jade is a nerd about something absolutely useless! Today's topic: Talent classification in Danganronpa/Fangans.
In the process of making my own fangan/s, I've created a classification system for the types of talents you can give characters. These classifications are...
Arts: Talents that are involved in the visual arts, performing arts, or fashion. Encompasses performers of all types, any type of visual artist, or anyone involved in fashion. (Ex. Actor, Abstract Artist, Model)
Practical: Talents that focus on a specialized skill or work with your hands. Also includes any talents that are religious or spiritual in nature. (Ex. Mechanical Engineer, Detective, Shrine Maiden)
Academic: Talents that are recognized by how much knowledge or experience a character has in an academic field. Covers most science, literature, math, and research based talents. (Ex. Chemist, Theologian, Archaeologist)
Sports: Talents relating to athletic skill. (Ex. Footballer, Kickboxer, Bowler)
Novelty: Talents given to a person who is special simply by existing. Can also be given to characters who win a contest for their talent. Includes Lucky/Unlucky Students, royalty, and non-human characters. (Ex. Lucky Student, Student, Princess)
This system of classification was based on my experience in the community over about three or four years, seeing many other people's original characters as well as creating my own. I found many fell into these categories. My "perfect" ratio, which my friends and I used as a guideline for making our fangan casts, is 4 arts : 4 practical : 4 academic : 2 sports: 2 novelty. I felt this ratio kept things even and grounded.
A few months ago, I began to wonder if my "perfect" ratio was more of my own creation than an actual pattern I saw. I thought, in the event it was, that I would come up with a mathematically accurate ratio that better represented the talent distribution of Danganronpa and its fan projects. This was my attempt at doing just that.
Data Collection
For this, I tried to collect as varied of a sample as possible. I included the three mainline Danganronpa games and sixteen fangans, ranging from very popular ones to very obscure ones. The fangans sampled for this analysis were...
Danganronpa Another
Super Danganronpa Another 2
Danganronpa Despair Time
Brave Danganronpa Coward's Paradise
Project Eden's Garden
Danganronpa He(art)less Deceit
Danganronpa Hushed Whispers
Danganronpa Muave
Danganronpa Despair's Revival
Danganronpa Re:Birth
Danganronpa Twisted Truths
Danganronpa Survivor's Guilt
Danganronpa Despair's Flame (my fangan! also the one where the talent ratio originated)
Danganronpa Cyberspace
Danganronpa Akeda Amusements
Danganronpa Lost Paradise (my other fangan that isn't released anywhere but I'm counting anyway)
I figured out the talent ratio for each individual game by looking through their casts and sorting them with my classification system. Ultimate ???'s were thrown out if possible (such as in the case of Akeda Amusements, where Hanari was thrown out due to the fangan having seventeen participants) and if not, they were counted as novelty.
Also, shout out to Yuki Maeda and Teruya Ōtori for managing to count for two different data sets despite my best efforts at finagling a way to keep them confined to one.
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The first thing I noticed in looking at the ratios for canon Danganronpa was that Academic ultimates are underrepresented compared to what I initially remembered. It had been a while since I revisited the mainline games, and it was a shock to be reminded of that. I was also reminded, but not quite as shocked by the greater emphasis on practical ultimates.
In fangans, the focus on practical ultimates continues to be heavy, with none having less than two. There was also less focus on sports ultimates, with the majority having only one or two compared to the three that the mainline games had a majority of the time. They also tend to have more academic ultimates.
I think that this could be explained by looking at the types of people who make fangans. The majority of people I know who make fangans have very particular knowledge about certain fields due to experience or heavy research, and more often than not these fields do not include sports. They are more likely to make characters based on their experiences and knowledge that they can then insert into the story to make it seem more authentic.
I also, unsurprisingly, found that my "perfect" ratio was not reflected in many of the fangans I looked at. There was only one besides my own that followed that ratio.
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Now, if my "perfect" ratio is not the mathematically perfect ratio, then what is?
According to the data collected for the canon games, this is.
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This just so happens to also be the ratio for Trigger Happy Havoc.
According to the data collected from the fangans, this is the perfect ratio.
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The only fangan that followed this ratio exactly was Akeda Amusements. V3 also had this distribution.
When considering both mainline and fan made games, the perfect ratio was this.
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Ironically, not a single mainline game or fan game followed this ratio.
Out of curiosity, I also calculated the standard deviation for each data set.
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Canon Danganronpa has little to no variation, conveying that talent ratios are quite consistent between games. The biggest variation would be in the novelty category, making sense as V3 scaled down the amount of novelty ultimates compared to the other two games.
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The fangans are shown to have a much larger variation. Though I can't be surprised by this, as perhaps it is an unfair comparison. The mainline Danganronpa games were written by mostly the same team and had less to sample from, while the fangans have not only a larger sample size in which to deviate, but many different writers that think differently about talent distribution.
Final Thoughts
In putting this all together, I found that my classification system, while not perfect in any sense of the word, has some validity to it. If I wanted to, I could definitely make some improvements to it (especially in distinguishing between certain academic and practical fields from novelty), but as of now it works perfectly fine as an aide in cast creation for me.
My ratio is also not perfect, which was an expected outcome. Really none of the ratios I found are perfect, with none of them representing more than one or two of any mainline or fan made game. While ratios like the ones I found can be good for making sure you have a balanced distribution of talents, they aren't required to make a good cast. Personally, I'll continue using my personal "perfect" ratio as a baseline for any cast I make in the future.
I also had a lot of fun making this, and hope I can find a way to make more posts like this in the future. Thank you for reading this.
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googledetective · 20 days
I wanted to give my thoughts on the new episode, even if nobody really cares.
Spoilers, of course.
1. I love the new sprites, especially the Teruko ones.
3. I think Arturo's breakdown was very justified, and I'm glad that it happened. (also "shut your whore mouth" was the funniest shit I've heard all day!)
2. I think it's good information to know that the cast thinks they're 18 years old (inference), and Rose said that its likely been a few years. It gives us an age range now :)
2.5 (edit) Whit is looking really suspicious. I get the whole bond between him and Charles, but why would he say that Charles has no alibi if he wasn't out and about.
4. I think the fact that Teruko did not notice that Arei was swinging initially when she died, means she at least cared a bit and was surprised by her death.
5. I love the banter between Teruko and David about Xander. It's just so interesting to see such polarized and opposite opinions.
6. David really raises the question of is something out there worth more than the lives of 16 people, something I've never seen anyone consider yet or really much in Danganronpa before. I think this may end up being a justified kill.
7. David knows who Xander is... I hope that comes up again. I'm very curious as to who he really is and why David has memories. My theory is that David knew of him during or before the age of 18, so that memory wouldn't have been erased. Also why did he only say a year's worth of memories?
8. This is a bit of a leap, but I think it's safe to say David has Teruko's secret.
8.5 (edit) I'm starting to get sick of J accusing Arturo and Ace accusing Nico constantly. J is a huge fucking hypocrite, and honestly, as much as I love her, both her and Ace need to shut their goddamn mouths before I shut it for them.
9. I'm glad Hu had her moment. I talked to so many people who were starting to agree with David, so it was nice to see a different opinion. And I think she's right: that David shouldn't make the choice to die for them.
10. I'm glad David told Whit to shut up and called him out. I think that might help Whit have character development in the future, if he survives this trial.
11. My heart fucking sank when Levi confessed his secret.
12. I'm a huge Teruvid fan after this episode. I already was a fan, but holy shit.
13 (edit) David dropped the "good person" term on Xander. That's huge, considering the hidden text in the chapter card.
14. I could see Levi's reveal going one of three ways:
a. He's the killer as well and he's going to come clean
b. He's lying and he's the killer
c. He's telling the truth but he isn't the killer
Here's my opinions of the cast after this episode:
(Hu and David went up by a lot.)
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pumpkinhimiko · 8 months
"Mistranslations" that are not mistranslations
Now with an additional part 2.
NISA has made plenty of mistakes while translating the Danganronpa series (and I've complained about them before), and so they have a reputation of being untrustworthy. But because of this reputation, I feel like fans are too quick to trust whatever anyone that isn't NISA states as absolute fact. So, I want to examine some instances of fan translators claiming NISA has mistranslated something, when, no, actually, they didn't.
Kokichi's last words
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人にやらされるゲームなんて…楽しい訳あるかよ… A game you're forced to play... how could that be fun...
This is probably the most widespread myth in terms of "mistranslations that aren't", with the original post that makes this claim having over 2k notes: that Kokichi in the original Japanese actually says, "How could a game where you're forced to kill people be fun...?" Unfortunately, it's just not true. Fortunately for me, there's a reddit post here that breaks the line down in detail, so I don't have to do any work.
Anyway, I really wanted to make this post because of this thread, which makes several false claims.
 Kokichi says he's afraid of friends in general
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オレは、そういう『仲間』が他人よりも怖いけどねー。I'm more afraid of those kinds of [friends] than strangers.
So... souiu, meaning that type of/that kind of is right there, directly before nakama (which can mean friend, especially if it's in a shounen anime, but can also just mean companion/member of a group). I don't understand how you can miss this. Not only is it right there, this claim on its face doesn't make sense. Why, in this context, would Kokichi suddenly blurt out that he's afraid of having friends? It has nothing to do with the conversation they're having.
Shuichi's words to Kokichi after the 4th trial
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王馬くん、もういいだろ ? Ouma-kun, isn't this enough? その話を聞かせてくれよ。Tell us about that.
Okay, you've probably heard the phrase mou ii a lot if you watch anime, and it's almost always accompanied by a frustrated huff. Because it is, in fact, something you say when impatient, fed up, what have you. It literally means "good already", carrying pretty much the identical meaning of the English phrase, "that's enough" or "I've had enough". Shuichi does not say it's okay as in it's daijoubu, which is the word you use when trying to comfort someone. He is very much frustrated here and telling Kokichi to fess up.
Citation needed
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I couldn't find a line like this in Kokichi's FTEs, but maaaaaaaybe I missed it? Shuichi's narration comments quite a few times on Kokichi acting childishly throughout the game, but I couldn't find anything like this in specific.
EDIT: Correction, I did find it, and it's covered in part two. Suffice to say, the OP got this line completely wrong.
That Kaito thing
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Yeah this is patently false. It's also already been touched on in this thread with comments backing it up, so there’s another thing I don't have to get into. I'll put the text here though.
オレはテメーみて一に胸クソ悪い真似までして、If I have to mimic your sickening behavior, 生き残りて一とは思わねーんだよ。I don't think I want to survive.
Shuichi's words to Kokichi after the 4th trial part deaux
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I've seen varying claims on how these lines were translated, from them being slightly tweaked, to the claim they were completely butchered to make Saihara too aggressive. I'm just going to leave it here and let you come to your own conclusions.
ダサいのはキミの方だよ…王馬くん。The lame one is you... Ouma-kun.
百田くんの周りにはいつも人が集まってくる… Momota-kun always has people around him... でも、キミの周りには誰もいないじゃないか。But, there's no one around you.
キミは…その程度のヤツって事だよ。That's... what kind of person you are.
This is snappy in its own way, though, if you consider that 程度 is closer to meaning grade/level/degree rather than simply "type of". "That's the level of person you are," basically.
And if you doubt me on any of this, I encourage you to do your own research, get second opinions if you can. I know not everyone knows Japanese, in which case you can't really help but rely on someone else and hope their translation is accurate. That said, at the bare minimum, I think people should provide screenshots and the original Japanese text if they're going to claim something is a mistranslation. Like, I don't think you should be able to say "actually in Japanese Kokichi says he volunteers at animal shelters in his free time but NISA cut it!" and have half the fandom believe you with no proof.
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