#comments by celebs
ionlydrinkhotwater · 6 months
My hc is that not only do Neil and Kevin host their own Exy Podcast as a side hobby but at one point Kevin is explaining a very funny Exy anecdote and the two of them Crack up so hard that the fans realise that Kevin's real non-public persona laugh is filled with cute hiccups and snorts. And that Neil Jostens laugh is adorably wheezy
The public would be OBSESSED (like me)
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k-wame · 24 days
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right harris pull your tongue back in 😂😂
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legendaryrooftopscene · 3 months
For anyone out of the loop, recently a “fan” took photos of Jeff holding hands in public with a woman, Vivi, who is allegedly his girlfriend. Some claim she is his ex, some claim that they’ve been dating five years. Jeff has not said anything but (allegedly) Studio on Saturn DM’d the person who posted the photos, asking them to take the photos down. The OP said they would not take down the photos. Depending on which fan you believe, they’ve been together 5 years, 7 years, 10 years, or have been broken up for ages.
In a tweet that has got a lot of traction, someone claimed that Jeff and Vivi have been together for 5 years, and that they started dating when she was 15 and he was 24.
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Presumably, they got this info by skimming her public instagram and finding this post from Jan 29, 2024, saying she was celebrating her 20th birthday.
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I don’t care if Jeff has a girlfriend but I was a little concerned if the age gap was accurate. So I did some light stalking (scrolling further down in her insta feed) and found a photo of her as a child in 1992
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And several photos of her working as a flight attendant from about 2018-2020 (could be from earlier than that but I felt I had enough info and stopped searching).
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So imo it’s far more likely she just celebrated her 30th birthday and put down 20 as a joke/poking fun at her age.
TLDR; Jeff is allegedly dating a very beautiful woman. Bitter or misinformed fans are claiming that she was underage at the start of their relationship, but this is provably false. People are attacking Jeff for daring to date someone who isn’t Barcode, invading the privacy of Jeff and Vivi, and spreading unsavory rumors about them.
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sunshineandlyrics · 3 months
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10 June 2024.
Note, Steven Bartlett was (too) kind with Simon and premised the question as Liam having "struggles" and the struggles that come with fame and change. No mention was made about Liam's problems with addiction.
If you want to watch that part of the Steven and Simon interview, just choose the relevant chapter x
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evansbby · 1 month
my opinion on the Blake lively situation
#okay so I never HATED Blake lively#but I did have a feeling about her#so I’d always like purposely not interact or view any interview or anything of hers that came up on my feed#I DON’T like Ryan Reynolds and never have#I just find him a try hard and annoying#and I did not like the couple of Blake and Ryan#they just seemed soooo pick me#so yeah I tried to just ignore the whole downfall of Blake lively that’s been happening#bc sometimes I just don’t care to comment or learn about celeb drama#BUTTTT ofc i got sucked into it#and not Blake tryna have a Margot Robbie in Barbie moment 😂😂#‘bring your girlfriends and wear florals!1!1’ GIRL MARGOT NEVER TOLD ANYONE TO WEAR PINK TO BARBIE IT WAS A NATURAL THING#not to mention I didn’t even realise this movie was about domestic violence as I’ve never read the book#and it was NOT being marketed as one thanks to Blake and Ryan#also why did Ryan have to get involve#ALSO this morning I saw the interview from 2016 where Blake is being rude to the interview#and oh my god it’s awful like SHE FIRSTLY FAT SHAMES HER OFF THE BAT NO HESITATION#then proceeds to ignore the poor interviewer#like doesn’t give her eye contact AT ALL#which I felt so bad for the interview bc I’ve BEEN THERE#this is why I’d hate to be a celeb interview bc imagine getting treated like a third rate individual by these big headed LOSERS who think#they’re better than you just bc they’re famous#I could NOT#anyways also Blake tried to have a whole feminist moment when the interviewer asked her about the clothes she wears in the movie#‘would anyone ask the men about the clothes’#UM BITCH YES??? COSTUMES??? IN FILM?? IS A THING ???#also can I just say Blake has always had the worst hair ever and the fact she has a hair care line is insane bc SHE IS KNOWN TO HAVE BAD HAI#and I never thought her fashion was good like even when people were simping over her met gala outfits I NEVER EVER SAW THE VISION#anyways yeah lol#the interviewer thing triggered me lowkey like HOW RUDEEEE
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alexstandoll · 9 months
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this is sweet 💙
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jakeperalta · 11 months
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well. I think that's enough instagram for me
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xannerz · 4 months
100% rambling here but tbh i've known about cara for a while. atm i respect the platform enough, and the space it's trying to build for artists, but with all the chatter given the recent meta/ig AI bs-- idk. i don't like people treating it as the ai-free safe haven for Actual Artists when i'm seeing these 2 points on the site's FAQs. i feel like it's either being overlooked or there's a big game of telephone where people are urging each other to join b/c "oh finally! a space free of ai!!"
it's run by a creative for creatives and is supposed to be a space more hospitable towards artists' needs, but based on what i'm seeing it's still open to normalizing genAI ('ai art') to some extent. the language/attitude below seems contradictory or misleading at worst, and conveniently vague/noncommittal at best.*
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overall disappointing because i personally don't think giving genai leeway -- even if there are filters or 'ethically sourced' datasets in place - should be normalized at all. i see it mention portfolios, but this type of approach is also putting the bar on the ground when employers are already undercutting artists and writers in favor of genai. someone can still gain momentum even if they're posting genai as regular posts.
i already see so many IG accounts that are nothing but genAi, but people don't know/don't care, and those posts get circulated here on tumblr. posting genai for discussion is one thing, but still providing some type of genuine platform is still feeding into the machines that are hurting artists (and, honestly, consumers, too!).
like okay, can't post genai in a portfolio, but i can still attract people and normalize genai use by treating my posts as a portfolio, instead. ik filters exist but i don't think that should be normalized (and we see how poorly they're moderated on artstation).
genuinely not trying to be a contrarian/split hairs, i'd like to see this platform succeed, but i'd like to see more of a hardline rule/statement on how genai would be moderated if posts including genai are just to be for reporting/discussion purposes.
*[insert obligatory ethical ai tools developed by and for studios to make their workflows more efficient are distinct from genAI content and media disclaimer here]
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mishkakagehishka · 3 months
Great so the balkans are about to have a burning sun-esque scandal too
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alistairian · 11 months
Idk I think it's worth watching if your transmasculine positivity is straying into toxic masculinity territory, like putting other trans guys down for being waifish twinks or otherwise feminine looking/acting isn't the big statement you might think it is...
"I don't want to be a skinny uwu softboi" Congrats, you're part of the vast majority of men.
"Media only ever shows ftm as young pretty boys" you mean literal teenagers? Early and pre-transition guys? I can't even speak on this one tbh because I don't see grown trans men in "media", ever.
Like there's a line somewhere between "I want to be and feel masculine and have pride in that" and kalvin garah levels of body shaming and transphobia and I think I good rule of thumb to never crossing that line is to just not comment on and politicise real trans guys' bodies at any point in their transition.
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dreamings-free · 6 months
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comments on Louis’ instagram post about the Tecate Pa’l Norte festival 2/4/24
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sorry to disappoint but Andrew Scott doesn't have insta... he's not on social media in general
Oh, it's his private Instagram. It's super locked up and private, but he comments on his friends' accounts sometimes. It was revealed by his stylist and, at one point, Julianne Moore.
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rynliadon · 1 month
can everyone on the internet collectively shut the fuck up about blake lively. i feel like this is another one of those situations where everyone is going to look back and be so embarrassed. we’ve reached a point where anyone just comes on the World Wide Web to say she sucks but most of the time there’s little to no basis? almost everything that’s circulating is all rumors and speculation but everyone is eviscerating her and saying absolutely heinous things? like don’t get me wrong i don’t think a privileged attractive rich white lady needs my defending (and i’m also not trying to say i think she’s a paragon of virtue) but i think it’s really telling that most of the posts i’ve seen are painting her as a heinous villain who stole justin baldoni’s creatice vision and is trying to control everything around her. can we maybe recognize the blatant misogyny in making a nuanced, complex issue around a movie centering domestic violence simply about how blake lively is evil for trying to “control” a man’s movie. can we also maybe recognize that many people’s gut reactions to defend justin and shame blake also very likely come from a place of misogyny. also i’m tired of hearing about these people’s lives because i don’t care. for the love.
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cardboardheartss · 7 months
the expose thing is already starting 🤭 i feel bad for her tho
Alexa really spoke about everything I said word for word!! This is just completely mind blowing tbh…
As I had mentioned… she’s tired. Reallyyyyy sick and tired. Every single one of them are just tired overall.
Well done for Alexa for finally speaking up for herself AND the rest of the idols.🫂
Hopefully they’ll gain the courage and come out with the truth one day.
And thank you for also sending me this thread! I didn’t see it on my tl.😉🫂
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reblog with updates!
As always skip if uninterested, to repeat, not talking about all fans when I use "you/their" just the extreme haters of the hate train (whomever called it that was right). I'm just going to reblog this every so often!! There's so many lies about this woman, and a ton of baseless irrational and ridiculous hate. So here are SOME of the lies told about Johanne Milland, lies told bc her haters are jealous and mad she's dating their celebrity crush. Misogyny is real.
kajaklaudia122 asked:
What lies? Could you justify and give some precise examples. I'm curious 🙂
synonymouswithanonymous answered:
where to begin? I've written about loads of them. Mistranslating her words. I've said that one repeatedly. As I've said before some people have created fictions in their heads and hardcore believe these lies they're spewing. A whole list of pure speculation, presented as facts (another post).
Claiming she's got *insert multiple medical disorders as an insult* How would we know of anything other than what she's talked about? You can't diagnose over social media clips. It's just more lies. Lies designed to make her look bad.
Claiming she's abusive behind closed doors. How would we know? This is speculative lying to further claim she's "bad" etc.
Claiming to know "their real timeline" when all we have is speculation, they want to say shes a cheater. That's clear character assassination, by creating a lie, and repeating it a lot, to try to make her look bad. Or make him look bad by calling him a homewrecker. Just claiming to know a timeline of a life you don't know or live, is a lie by itself.
Claiming she's not a real survivor of abuse, or uses it to further her career is not only twisted, but again creating a fiction to rail at her, just bc you don't like her is a cruel, unsympathetic lie.
Claiming she's manipulating him, as if anyone outside his real life would know? People are claiming this as fact, like they have proof. No there's literally no proof, just opinions. To claim this as a fact is a bold face lie.
That she pushed him into revealing their relationship before he was ready. As if we could know? To create fiction just bc you don't like her, is a lie. He'd been spotted out with her before April.
I made a whole post about how haters claim she "chains" him to her side, and he never gets to see friends, family or work. These are lies. From several pictures and projects, this is an outright misrepresentation of the truth. And also, again, just bc it's not posted and we don't see it, doesn't mean it's not happening. But clearly he isn't chained at her side lol.
Trying to twist everything she does from cupcakes to war, into Something to justify calling her an evil leech worm etc. Is a type of lying imo to force a narrative designed to hurt her.
Example: That her ladybug book video was her "flipping off the fans." Now that's just a ridiculous twisting of a video.
That she's "mocking the mentally disabled" by "talking funny", she was speaking Norwegian. That by dancing she was doing the same. These are horrible abusive lies to try to spread around about someone. That was repeated quite a bit, they were serious. Again, speaking another language and dancing on a red carpet? This makes someone want to spread malicious lies about her that she's mocking the disabled bc they don't like she's dating AHA. Don't get me started on the stereotypes about the disabled that that person wants to perpetuate. And I'll also point out, when this popped up the first time, a fan with 1994 in their name was openly mocked for liking Johanne. Their malicious ridicule of that person, still bothers me. But that's gone off topic.
To say she was pissed at a premiere before they revealed themselves, by the "look" on her face. Maybe they saw different clips, bc the ones I saw only the back of her head was seen. So not sure how her facial expression was "glaring" lol. So more lies.
They want to act like she's jealous of him being around other people, even coworkers, lol, this makes no sense. Zero sense, no proof. But this is how haters want to portray her bc they want to make her a villain.
Extra sidenote: They post about their fantasies of her committing acts of self harm. This is twisted, surely this isn't "be the change you want to see in the world"? Self harm isn't funny, disorders are not punchlines and insults. This is taking your jealously too far. Not only should things like that not be written, they shouldn't be published. When people write to me and say things like that about these haters, I don't publish it. And I tell them I do NOT think it is ever ok to have those types of fantasies about anyone, let alone someone you don't know. I don't condone that kind of sick BS. And it is sick.
Literally the only factual truths we have are these, they are a couple, they live together, they say they love each other, they're vacationing in Italy. They're both actors. Those are facts, bc they just exist without interpretation. Now if you're not one of the ones who genuinely believe everything they're saying about her, then I'm glad. You understand we don't know them in reality. I'm more of a benefit of the doubt, easy going person. I like her and she seems great to me. But will we ever know if either one of them is as nice as they appear to be? Nope.
That's just off the top of my head, we could debate the laws of the art world etc but meh. I don't really care one way or the other where someone draws inspiration. From pastiche, fair use, fan fiction, gifs, whatever, just be creative how you want to be. So I guess calling her an art thief would be a lie also, by laws definition she's not (made a post about art, links to laws) . I like Weird Al too, he's hilarious lol. I could see fair point, if someone morally disagrees with the practice, but it's not imo a big deal.
And to add another:
Also I think the idea that she should sit quietly in a corner, invisible, so that her light never shines at all bc doing so dims his light is misogynistic. That she should just never post anything bc it's "torture" for them is immature jealousy. Why should someone with her longstanding awesome career since 2016, with her talent, her looks, should be silent bc some fans of her boyfriend, think she should go sit quietly in a corner never to be seen (I've read that exact sentiment many times). It's misogyny and immature jealously, with a fringe of zero understanding about their industry and what it takes to survive and thrive in it.
There's a reason he liked the comment with "insufferable fans" in the comment, in response to people calling his GF "toxic."
But if being the kind of person that enjoys calling a woman none of us know, "leech/whore/bitch/worm/toxic narc etc etc etc then that's who they are. Or calling her ugly, fat, flabby (more lies she's what 125lbs max?). And more, then I guess that's the "change they want to see in the world." Personally, I think people should be kind about others, put their petty jealous rage to the side, and just support each other. Be happy for people, celebrate their success. Be happy they are happy. Women should support each other too, not tear them down. So I'll just reblog this, so the ridiculous lies can just keep getting exposed. 😊😊 anyways have a happy sunday to those that made it this far lol!!!
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footballerimaginess · 10 months
Is Grace okay? like she looks so unwell and out of it
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