dreadfutures · 1 month
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Rules: If you're tagged, MAKE A NEW POST to showcase one fanartist and/or fanfic for any fandom you recommend (with links), and tag someone to give their recs next! Don't forget to reblog the rec you were tagged in!
Bonus: Choose works by people you aren't super tight with, or choose older works that maybe haven't gotten some love in a while. :)
Fanartist: @ratajota
I'm highlighting Ale for their amazing painterly style. It reminds me a lot of a painter friend of my parents and I just know that it would look amazing on a wall in large size. Alejandro does AMAZING portraits of real people and pets, and does commissions of OCs!
Please support this Argentinian artist for amazing talent and get a commission and tip WELL, every dollar counts these days and their pieces are absolutely worth every dime. Working with Alejandro is a joy and I already am looking forward to my next commission!
You probably know Ale's work like this masterpiece (reblog it!):
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But one of my favorites is this really splashy pet portrait:
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Ale is a kind presence in my notes and on my dash and I would hope gets some long due traction and support!!!
Fanfic: I come to you with nothing - commonevilmastermind
Good things come in small packages and this one shot is *good.* I always forget that it's just a oneshot, because its impact on everyone who reads it is just so huge.
It's a beautiful fic that weaves together the Jewish traditions and culture that we know influenced the writing of the elves in the Dragon Age setting, and it is incredibly tangible and earnest and rooted in real world customs. It feels like coming home. It makes me really miss my Jewish half of the family, on another coast. And it makes me love this fandom that could make something like this fit into the Dragon Age setting, and do it beautifully and with respect born of familiarity and love.
Rating: M
Pairing: Female Lavellan/Solas
Chapters: 1/1
Length: 9,478 words
Summary: The one where Solas and Lavellan pose as a happily married couple in a city alienage in order to catch a red lyrium dealer.
Tagging forward today to: @kittynomsdeplume | @anneapocalypse | @arendaes | @silvanils - for any fandom works you think deserve the spotlight!
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baejax-the-great · 2 years
17, 19, 20! Doesn't have to be DA specific I know youre writing Hades stuff rn but that's mostly what I know.
17. Describe a fic that is still in the ‘ideas’ stage.
I had a very silly idea for a one-shot in which Dorian very suddenly becomes a cat-dad, and Varric shows up to help him out in his newfound fatherhood.
19. What’s your favorite character headcanon?
Every time I get a question like this, it's like I've never had a headcanon in my life.
Here's one. During her time in the Circle, tired of all the Fereldan stereotypes, Bethany began sewing little outfits for mabari just to be ridiculous. Hawke's mabari dutifully tolerated them all.
20. Do you have a favorite fanfic or author? If so, tag them/post a link and share the love!
For Dragon Age, I haven't read Solavellan in a long time, but one of my favorites was I Come to You with Nothing by CommonEvilMastermind. Dorian x Cullen is also not a pairing that I read much of, but We the Sunset by Stonelions is another one that stuck with me.
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errata98 · 3 years
Fanfiction I Read in 2020 
I didn’t realize how long this post was going to be until I was about halfway through. And it still is not even close to exhaustive. 
Soo, while 2020 has been such a tumultuous year one great thing about this time in my life is that I’ve had more time than ever to read. I am always so blown away by how much talent there is in fanfiction, so big, big thank you to all the writers that share their work and for whisking me away from real life into something far more pleasurable. It definitely makes my whole day when a fic I love has been updated, and I enjoy catching glimpses of rough drafts and the writing process via tumblr (I’m still trying to understand how their galaxy brains even work lolol). 
It’s long, but I am not putting it under a cut! They’re too good!
Long Fics (>= 50k words)
Roses From Where Thorns Grow by @bdafic​ [incomplete]- I started this a while ago, must have lost track of it, and then found it again this summer. Feels weird to type because this is not really me irl lol but accidental pregnancy fics are one of my favorites kinds of fics. Papa Solas is amazing. Somewhere, I once tagged something with ‘solas dad best dad’ and I think that probably sums up my feelings on the matter. The last chapter I read has left me anxious for more, so I’m eagerly awaiting what will likely be the first chapter posted in 2021. 
Ruins by @luzial [incomplete] - A real story of a couple who broke up, fought each other for twenty years, got sent back in time, and are now trying to make things work again ;) Lavellan here is older and wiser in all the ways that matter, and Solas is... well Solas in many ways is everything we wish he would (and could) be now. Had the most wonderful realization that I somehow missed the last chapter that apparently came out on my birthday, so I know what I’ll be doing later.
Fen’Harel’s Teeth by @5lazarus​  [incomplete] - the conversations in this fic are one of my favorite parts. They’re in character, but they’re also just interesting to read. The words just fly across the page -- it’s smooth, seamless, pithy. I love politics and I love a main character who has her wits about her -- both are in this fic. Also features fatherly!Solas, which I just adore.
By the Still Waters by [orphan account]. This is older, but I knew it was popular so I gave it a shot and... yes, I understand now. I loved reading something from Fenris’ perspective. I loved how he’s a foil for Solas. I love seeing Lavellan as this near mythical person because we see everything through Fenris’ eyes. I love Hawke and Fenris together. Merrill also featured more heavily than I anticipated and she had some of the best lines I’ve ever read.
Pressure Point by 17734 [incomplete] - this fic leaves me constantly unsettled (in the best, most addictive, under-your-skin kind of way). I’ve read the first 18 or so chapters twice, and it’s one of those stories that’s slightly different the second time you read it. I really like the author’s take on immortal beings, some of it is very reminiscent of some of the Greek mythology I read in school - characters are at turns both magnificent and terrifying. The language is also very beautiful, and I’m a sucker for anything close to prosaic. 
Out of Time by destinies - so, I don’t know how I found this beyond just “Twitter.” This isn’t Dragon Age related -- it’s from The Greisha Trilogy, which I had never heard of before -- something just told me I would really like this story. Forced/political marriages’, memory loss, enemies to lovers, the dichotomy between light and dark embodied by a single couple... yes, thank you. I had to kind of piece the world together as I read, which was admittedly a lot of fun, and um... wow, I really loved this! Another one of my ‘binged in a single night’ fics.  
Message Sent by @aicosu [incomplete]- this is coincidentally how I got my former partner into Dragon Age lol. I had originally read it the first time as it was coming out. The second time I read it aloud to them over the course of a few days, feeling very much like Cassandra trying to do certain character’s voices. It reminded me of how much I loved it, and so I feel like it deserves a mention here. Definitely an unorthodox but memorable way of cursing someone with being emotionally invested in the Solavellan romance 
Short Fics (< 50k words)
nothing on my tongue by @ellstersmash - the chapters here are short, and I loved seeing the fic updated put of order. This was my first time experiencing that, and I loved guessing where we were in the in-game timeline, and also, as more chapters were posted, which chapter numbers were still missing and therefore what the missing chapters might be about. I associate this fic with feeling kind of melancholy a lot. I think the word constraints really lent itself well to the Solavallen romance -- beautiful and poignant, but always leaving me wanting more.
In and Out of Time Again by @luzial - hoo boy did I have a fun time reading this one. I actually rarely go for AU’s this “AU”, but I trusted this author, and it paid off. In fact, I think I subconsciously had more doubts than I thought because what started a curious perusal ended in one of those “up until 3 am reading” kind of nights. It was such a fast-paced, interesting read, I couldn’t wait to see what happened next. Ink is one of my favorite Lavellans; she’s just too cool.
The Fourth Day by sass_bot (@knightava) [incomplete] - this was just such a perfect example of how to build tension and dread for the reader, that I still think about it frequently. Also, who wouldn’t love a Skyhold murder mystery?
Beyond the Veil by Pyreite [incomplete] - A 200 years post-Veil fic. Abelas is in it, which is how I knew it was gonna be good hehe. I really like the world-building, and I like explorations of the romance with a more hardened Lavellan. 
I Come to You With Nothing by CommonEvilMasterMind. I’ll preface this by writing that this made me cry with a mixture of sorrow and happiness. The premise is an undercover mission in an alienage which involves Solas and Ellana masquerading as a married couple. It’s beautifully written, and just honestly kind of bittersweet. The writing is itself very touching but I also think it’s almost difficult to read because the Solavellan romance has an arc that looks like it’s just exponentially deviating from anything remotely happy lolol 
That Girl Is Like A Sunburn by @yourstrulycommandershepard - I just discovered this person’s writing this year and I’m kind of obsessed? I went on a whole binge this past summer and *fans self*. I picked this one for my list because I haven’t read that many Solas/Trevelyan fics, and hers are by far some of my favorites. I also love that the titles of some of her fics are Taylor Swift lyrics. I get Solavellan vibes from so many of Taylor’s songs - glad it’s not just me!
Aravel by @playwithdinos - More Papa Solas. I can’t say anything more than it hit me right in the vhenan. 
Wake Up by queenofkadara (@pikapeppa) - One of those fics I thought about for days afterward. The characterization was incredible, and it hurt me to read about Varric brining up Lavellan and seeing Solas’ reaction, and it hurt even more to be left wanting for more, just like Solas. 
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thevikingwoman · 3 years
I know I should throw some fic recs and links here for fanfic writer appreciation day, but we’ve driven almost 700 miles / 1100km today and my brain is broken (and I wasn’t even the one driving!)
So I’ll try to remember everyone who has meant something to me, or whose writing I enjoy.
First and foremost, @galadrieljones a steadfast friend and writer of a beautiful Solavellan epic (The Dead Season) and unique adventures of Solas in Arlathan (The Young Wolf series) as well as numerous beautiful fics in other fandoms. Your friendship, wisdom and encouragement means so much to me.
@buttsonthebeach, a dear friend and amazing writer. The Hamilton inspired post-Trespasser series is amazing and I always appreciate you!
@redinkofshame a great friend and wonderful writer, @theduckpond is such a great fic among others
@roguelioness another great friend with just amazing writing. For goodness bakes is fantastic, and farmers market Solas is an revelation.
@idrelle great friend and writer and always so generous with amazing writing advice. And The Portrait is one of my all time Dragon Age shorts.
@keturagh great friend and encourager of always leaning in. Great writer, wonderful prose.
@bearlytolerant fantastic friend and writer - always so kind and Vhenan’ara is exquisite. Such mature and concise writing
@ellstersmash great friend who writes amazing stories. Three and Nothing On My Tongue are so fantastic and especially the part We Are Infinite is the most perfectly heartbreaking Solavellan short.
@wrenbee @ladylike-foxes @a-shakespearean-in-paris @ma-sulevin @allaganexarch @destinyapostasy @kaoruyogi @wickedwitchofthewilds writer friends!!
Always grateful for @playwithdinos and @commonevilmastermind ‘s writing, truly fandom greats!!
Great fics I love from @beaubashley @luzial and probably others I’ve forgotten for great fics
@cartadwarfwithaheartofgold for all the fandom encouragement of other writers and a great writer themselves
All the old writers in old fandoms; whose names I’ve half forgotten - thank you
I’m sure I’ve missed someone I’m sorry I didn’t mean to, I love so many writers and you’re all amazing
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galadrieljones · 3 years
Year End Writer’s Roundup 2020
Thank you for the tags @thevikingwoman @luzial and @a-shakespearean-in-paris. I got tagged in two different versions of this, so I tried to combine them. 
AO3 name: galadrieljones
Fandoms: Red Dead Redemption 2, The Last of Us, The Walking Dead, Dragon Age: Inquisition
Number of fics: This year, I worked on six total fics for fandom: four chapter wips, plus two one-shots.
Word count for the year (published/unpublished): I won’t count my unpublished words lol. That would be hard, as they’re spread all over, like in my notes on my phone, on my old computer, every which where. But published word count is:
I wrote a lot of words this year, though not as much as last year. That said, I wrote for more fandoms this year! Last year, I wrote only for RDR2. This year, I was a little more...distractible lol.
Magnolia (Daryl Dixon x Beth Greene, TWD) - 20k 
As You Were (Joel Miller x OC, TLoU) - 47k
The Lily Farm (Arthur Morgan x Mary Beth Gaskill, RDR2) - 30k
That he may hold  (Arthur Morgan x Albert Mason, RDR2) - 21k
“Grand Junction Wine” (Joel & Ellie, TLoU, one-shot) - 1200
“A Festive Sort of Place” (Lavellan x Abelas, DAI, one-shot) - 550
Fic I spent the most time on: Probably As You Were. That was my main project all summer, until Beth Greene and Daryl Dixon.
Fic I Spent the Least Time On: The Lily Farm, sadly. Well, both of my RDR2 fics, but in relation to its length and scope, The Lily Farm got the least amount of love this year. As a story it is extremely ambitious. It was never supposed to get this big!! Finishing it would be a massive feat for me.
Favorite thing I wrote: My favorite thing I’ve ever written at any moment is usually the thing I’m writing RIGHT NOW, which is Magnolia. My favorite part of (published) Magnolia so far is probably Chapter 6: “Bullseye”, as Daryl realizes that he is in love with Beth, and it is solidified via the fact that she is just like extremely good at scavenging supplies from post-apocalyptic Target. I mean, it’s more than that, but it seems to me that love can become real in weird, little ways that seem inconsequential until they’re not. I wrote the little Target bit as a way to almost kill time several chapters back when they were escaping Atlanta, and I was excited to give it so much value. I mean, the chapter title itself, “Bullseye,” is a nod to Target, as well as to Noah’s observation that Daryl must be in love with Beth, which is a straight up “bullseye" in and of itself, and also the fact that Daryl is fletching arrows for a great deal of the chapter. I really enjoyed writing this chapter, because I got to dig into Daryl with a lot of might.
Favorite Thing I Read: Winter in the Blood by James Welch. It’s a beautiful book.
Writing Goals For Next Year: I know better than to set any sort of longterm goals for myself. My values as a writer are just too chimeric. Though it would be nice to finish The Lily Farm and That he may hold. The latter is much, much closer than the former. I’d also like to just keep writing Magnolia and shipping Bethyl with all my might. The Walking Dead will be back in exactly two months and I am READY. Just more canon for me to fix, as far as I'm concerned. And honestly this probably sounds insane given where I was at a couple months ago, but I literally can’t wait to write Negan, rofl. In fact I can’t wait so much that I put a sneak peak of good ol’ Negan right toward the end of Part 2 >:)
Fic I want to rewrite/expand on: I would like to expand Magnolia and As You Were. The Lily Farm and That he may hold are in kill instinct territory. No more expanding. Only finishing. 
Share a bit of a WIP or story idea you’re working on: 
"You gonna be okay?"
“I'll be fine," said Noah. "You go on up there. Give this to Daryl for me." He handed Beth the dandelion.
She twirled it in her fingers, brought it to her nose. "These things always smelled like feet to me."
"Yeah, me, too," said Noah.
Tags! I don’t know who has done this already, so I’m sorry if you’ve already been tagged. No pressure, only if you’d like: @idrelle @shallow-gravy @midnightprelude @justaconsequence @commonevilmastermind @heysales @salexectria @darylbeth @ocean-in-my-rebel-soul @redinkofshame @roguelioness @buttsonthebeach
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kipaia · 3 years
I was tagged by @sherlick-holmes, <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
rules: answer 30 questions and tag however many blogs you want!
name: Alyxandria, but I mostly go by Alyx
gender: ladies lady
star sign: Capricorn
height: 5′10″ on a good day XD
time: 00:43 because what the fuck is a sleep schedule, anyways?
birthday: nye
favorite band: I have too many to count >.> uhhh. Currently on repeat with Panic! At The Disco and the Dallas String Quartet if that counts
favorite solo artists: oh god. um? UMMM?????? Hozier???? UHHH . . .James Bay?? Idk if composers count but definitely James Horner and Howard Shore?????
last movie: finally rewatching Transformers after almost . . . over a decade???? wtf
when did I create this blog: this blog inceptioned back in 2012. Actually became a used thing towards the middle of 2013, and this iteration of username has been the norm for about a year and a half/two years now i think? Maybe longer? Possibly almost three years.
what i post/reblog: literally anything i see and like or anything i deem important enough to share
last thing i googled: did i break my silicone caulk tube?
other blogs: just @kipaia, which is where i throw most of my video game stuffs and will throw my writing things when writing ever happens again
do I get asks?: not usually, but they’re always welcome <3
why I chose my url: i had just started playing a sylph in my first regular d&d campaign and i didn’t ever know what was going on or how to rp and it seemed appropriate XD
following: 1260
number of followers: 367 altogether
instruments: Saxophone, piano but very poorly, and kalimba ^.^
what am i wearing: old af cozy lavender crop top over a black cami and black leggings
dream job: would love to work in a pottery shop actually, or do something making molds and casts for metal pours or just anything that lets me spend all day in a museum
dream trip: give me a year in europe with no budget T.T
favorite foods: strawberries, ham, potatoes in most variations
favorite song: impossible to choose
nationality: American
last book I read: Printed book? Rhythm of War. Fanfic? This series by @theoriginalladya I AM OBSESSED. THIS SERIES HAS ALL OF MY PATIENCE AND ALL OF MY LOVE CURRENTLY AND WE’RE KNEE DEEP IN ME3 AND I WILL GO DOWN WITH THIS SHIP!!!!!
top 3 fictional universes I would like to live in: Middle Earth or Tortall or the Belgariad or Scadriel or Thedas or Pern or Valdimar or - or - or and so on
Tagging: @pastelroyce @sanctumofwaluigi @thegoldenpieceoflife @lamftw @commonevilmastermind @plaidcerealbox @meticulousfragments @ma-sulevin if you want <3 ^.^
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onyour-right · 4 years
I don’t know why I’ve suddenly become hyperfixated on Dragon Age, more specifically Solavallen. But, alas, the heart wants what the heart wants. If y’all could help me out and rec me some of **the** fics to read, I’ll be very thankful.
So far I’ve read and am a big fan of the works by; cedarmoons, feynite, commonevilmastermind & queenofkadara - so any other works of that sort of calibre will be much appreciated. Also fics with a happy/hopeful ending (I know, I know) would be good too.
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kornyo · 4 years
Are you studying philosophy??? Also wheres that jewish wedding solas fic 👀👀👀
I'm studying architecture and urban planning!! now I'm curious how u came up w philosophy 👀
Also enjoy it's so fkn good it had me sobbing at 3 am. and it's not explicit nsfw just honky ponky mention that's all
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tags - 20Qs
tagged by @siberianspring
Name: Alona. I picked it when I converted to Judaism five years ago!
Nickname: N/A
Zodiac: ???
Height: 5′5 ish
Languages: English, a spattering of Hebrew and Spanish
Nationality: Minnesota, USA
Favourite season: Everything but the gray/brown dark depths of winter.
Favourite flower: lillies of the valley
Favourite scent: home, my partner, fresh bread, new spring growth, campfire, leaves in the fall
Favourite colour: deep blues and dark reds
Favourite animal: people, closely followed by mammals, then the weird fish that live at the bottom of the ocean
Favourite fictional character: Aerin, Alanna, that one disaster of a gay Herald from Valdemar, Sunshine, idk man you can't just ask a girl that
Coffee, hot tea or hot chocolate: Coffee, coffee, coffee. Tea for afternoons and lazy Saturdays, cocoa for winter
Average sleep: 7-8 hours, depending on how on time I am to get my ass to bed
Dog or cat person: Cat to have, dogs to visit
Number of blankets: who the fuck can count? Currently... Five? A Soft, a Heavy, a duvet, a quilt, a smol
Dream trip: curling up somewhere warm in a house overlooking the ocean, with the sunshine and my polycule and time to write
Blog established: lord idk
Followers: 103
Random Fact: http://randomfactgenerator.net/
tagging: @solas-disapproves, @bearly-tolerable, @clonekuh, @trashcankharla128, @commonevilmastermind, and anyone else who wants to, of course. I always feel like I should tag everyone and at the same time feel bad tagging anyone. :P
(feel free to ignore or skip questions if you don’t want to answer them!)
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baejax-the-great · 4 years
Top 10 Dragon Age fics that you've read.
Thank you! Not in any particular order-- I like all of these fics. 
1. We the Sunset by Stonelions (Dorian X Cullen)
2. I Come to You with Nothing by CommonEvilMastermind (Solas x Lavellan)
3. Strange Places: Fenris and Amabel Hawke (Fenris x Hawke) This is cheating because it is a series, but otherwise the list would just be @aban-asaara‘s work. 
4. Mend, You Homespun Sorrow by @loquaciousquark (Fenris x Hawke)
5. Sunshine in the Dark by Kauri (Bethany x Alistair)
6. Promise What You Will by @smutnug (Cousland x Alistair)
7. Under Good Regulation by @wardsarefunctioning (Trevelyan x Solas)
8. Three by @ellstersmash (Solas x Lavellan)
9. A Lesson in Drowning by @theherocomplex (Fenris x Hawke)
10. Discordance by @tortuosity-writes (Isabela x Hawke)
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bunabi · 5 years
do you have any solavellan fic recs
Mm the last fic I read was Looking Glass and CommonEvilMastermind’s stuff. I don’t read much content for them anymore. :(
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I will always recommend The Dead Season by @galadrieljones, as well as the sort-of-prequel Teen Wolf. I will also recommend all of @buttsonthebeach post Trespasser fics (Body of Knowledge, Awakened and Reckoning). Aravel/Little Arrow, Easy and Black Coral by @playswithdinos. The Mark of Fen’Harel and Slip by @tel-abelas-mofo. I Come To You With Nothing by @commonevilmastermind. I dislike mgit too, but @kaoryogi ‘s How To Win Wars And Influence Nobles is a really unique take on the genre & good!
Thanks for the recs! I love love LOVE @buttsonthebeach's post-Trespasser fics, and need to reread them. Thanks for the reminder! I'm excited to check out the other recommendations :)Thanks for all these cool reads!
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fiadhaisteach · 3 years
Things I’ve Read This Week* - 2021.06.19
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New Stories
Dueteragony by little_lightning_lavellan (@little-lightning-lavellan) - Solas/F!Lavellan, Cullen/F!Lavellen - 30,624 words - WIP
Inquisitor's Bed by MidoriMaddie (@midorimaddie) - Solas/NB!Lavellan - 294 words - complete
In Hell I woke by Myskiteeri - Solas/F!Sole Survivor - 115,498 words - WIP
Shattered dreams and healing truths by Noire12 (@noire-pandora) - Solas/F!Lavellan - 4,505 words - complete
What of the Hedge Mage? by CommonEvilMastermind (@commonevilmastermind) - Solas/F!Lavellan - 36,304 words - HSE WIP
Three!verse, Three by EllsterSMASH (@ellstersmash) - Solas/F!Lavellan - 29,574 words - HSE WIP on hiatus pending a rewrite
Tumblr (re)Reads
Bloodied & Broken Bits, How Solas learned of young!Ixchel’s fate by @dreadfutures - Solas/F!Lavellan
Gods and Monsters by @gingerly-writing - Original Fiction
Iwyn Lavellan, ⚜️The World prompt, ⚜️Please (on AO3) prompt by @thevikingwoman - Solas/F!Lavellan
Five Times Arrested by @theshirallen - NB!Lavellan
Plans prompt by @thevikingwoman - F!Lavellan
Bloodied & Broken Bits, ⚜️Dread Wolf Take You, ⚜️"i’m worried about you." prompt, ⚜️"You're bleeding." prompt by @dreadfutures - Solas/F!Lavellan, M!Mahariel & F!Lavellan
things you said prompt by @nug-juggler - Zevran/M!Tabris
Superheroes by @fakecrfan - Original Fiction
Subscription Updates
Unwritten by UnrealRomance - Solas/MGiT (Ch. 191-192)
What a Wicked Game to Play by Cracking Lamb (@crackinglamb) - Solas/MGiT (Ch. 17-18)
Sugar Honey Iced Tea by AntlersandFangs (@thededfa), Beckily (@beckily), & Celtic_Lass (@thecelticlass) - F!Adaar/MBiT, Varric/MGiT, Krem/MGiT, MBiT/MGiT, Solas & MBiT (Ch. 38)
Well, S.H.I.T., there's more..., Well, S.H.I.T. by TitaniaFaerieQueen - Zevran/MGiT/Felassan (Ch. 21-22) If you read Sugar Honey Iced Tea, you really need to read this one too!
The Guardian by HumblePeasant (@solas-disapproves) - Solas/OFC, Dorian/M!Lavellan (Ch. 143)
Crazy, Rich, Elves by KeeperSpock (@outragedvulcan) - Solas/F!Lavellan (Ch. 7-8)
miles to go before the fall of night, across the ocean and over the ruins, the forest is dark and deep and i've seen you here before by victoriousscarf (@victoriousscarf) - Solas/M!Lavellan (Ch. 143-144)
Echoes Across Time by JLHall (@jlhallares) - Solas/MGiT (Ch. 234)
Hay by Viking_woman (@thevikingwoman) - Solas/F!Lavellan (Ch. 8)
Scars of Light by Kallypso (@kallypsowrites) - The Darkling|Kirigan/Alina (Ch. 21-22)
In Another World by fenkyuubi (@fenkyuubi) - Solas/F!Lavellan (Ch. 66-69)
Maker's Balls And Then Some by FanForFen (@fanforfen) - Solas/MCiT (Ch. 62)
Running With The Halla by InArlathan (@in-arlathan) - Solas/F!Lavellan (Ch. 11)
Feral Verse, The Creature in the Woods by apfelgranate (@notenoughdragons) - Solas & F!Adaar (Ch. 7)
rhapsody in red. by wildmountainmoss - Solas & ONBC (Ch. 9)
Til It Squeaks: A Modern Girl’s Take on Thedas, Twist Some More by CrackingLamb (@crackinglamb) - Solas/MGiT (Ch. 16)
Dir'vhen'an, The Promise by oxygenforthewicked (@oxygenforthewicked) - Solas/M!Lavellan (Ch. 7)
Solas/Ayala, Fade In by Fairfaxleasee (@fairfaxleasee) - Solas/F!Trevelyan - (Ch. 1) complete, series sub
Heritage (English), Heritage by Luwan_Kyuu - Fen'Harel|Solas/F!Lavellan (Ch. 37)
Love Comes Home, Wolf's Pride by jasna - Solas/F!Lavellan (Ch. 4-6)
The Rebel's Ascension by InArlathan (@in-arlathan) - Solas/OFC (Ch. 18)
The Lioness and the Wolf by Arden (@shift-shaping) - Solas/F!Surana (Ch. 48)
Lingrean Rosal'sule'din, The Future Is Not Yet Set In Stone by angelslaugh (@skyerie) - Dorian & F!Lavellan, Solas/F!Lavellan (Ch. 46-49)
lover, your back is bruised from what you carry, In the face of your light by noverture (@noverturemusings) - Solas/M!Lavellan (Ch. 92)
The Taming of Fen'Harel by beaubashley (@beaubartley) - Solas/F!Lavellan (Ch. 18)
lover, your back is bruised from what you carry, A tapestry of stars by noverture (@noverturemusings) - Dirthamen (Ch. 18)
» side note - multiple chapters may mean multiple updates; or might just be me refreshing my memory, reorienting myself in the story, or rereading some for fun. 😊
*TIRTW & can recommend (previous weeks)
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thevikingwoman · 4 years
Sleepover weekend: what are your top 5 dragon age (or just in general, either works!) fics that you would recommend?
First of all, there are so many great fics, and I’m sure I will forget something brilliant. Even with that it was hard getting a short list, but here goes. It is not 5, sorry. 
Because you need your Solavellan heart put together again, in the most beautiful way
I Come To You With Nothing, by @commonevilmastermind
Because you’re not in Solavellan Hell if you don’t want beautiful understated angst that makes it hard to breathe
Aravel, by @playwithdinos
Because you want a Solavellan fix it longfic, that veers off canon and off fanon in the the most amazing, magical way
The Dead Season, by @galadrieljones
Because you want a Solavellan post-Trespasser longfic series with fantastic writing, plot, characters, relationships and OCs
Body of Knowledge, Awakened, Reckoning by @buttsonthebeach
Because you want your heart ripped out of your chest
we are infinite by @ellstersmash
Because you are horny and want really good smut
Overexposed (WIP) by @littleblue-eyedbird The Switch by @playwithdinos
Because you want am extremely well written short story focused from the POV of an interesting, unique OC, who is outside the Inquisition
The Portrait by @idrelle-miocovani
Because sometimes, happily ever after takes some work
Vhenan’ara (WIP) by @bearly-tolerable
And sometimes, you want some non DA fics - 
maybe you want a smutty and sweet coda to Naomi Novik’s Uprooted: The Sweet River Water by @bomberqueen17maybe you want to read a hilarious and semi-angsty and hot Harry Potter/Draco fic: Order of Merlin by dysonrulesmaybe you want to read a angsty, but happy ending Shepard/McKay SG:A fic: 264 Hours by Lenora
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galadrieljones · 4 years
“Love Yourself” Challenge
tagged by @shallow-gravy and I think @a-shakespearean-in-paris? thank you!!
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc. ) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
In no particular order:
1. That he may hold me by the hand (WiP, Arthur x Albert Mason)
I am very proud of this fic as perhaps the most romantic story I’ve ever written. I have been able to keep it simple, and small for me, which is a feat. It is close to its end, even as I have been very slow to update. I worked on it the other day and hope to update in the next week, if I can.
2. The One-Armed Wolf at Rest
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I was feeling a lot of feelings for Sekiro at the time I drew this, quite furiously. I like how I captured his expression and even though it’s messy and entirely unfinished (though what IS finished?) it was fun to scribble all of these lines and to give him a much-earned break.
3. Ellie and Dina Sharing a Blanket
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I really enjoyed making this art ^_^ I feel I caught them well, and the TLOU fandom seems to have appreciated it, too. 
4. Fifteen Years
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This was a simple sketch but I like the aesthetic and dreaminess that it invokes. I remember feeling very emotional about this drawing because I had just finished Life is Strange 2, which I still have very mixed feelings about to this day, and I wanted some sort of peace for Sean.
5. Aloy and Nil in the Maizelands
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This one never really got a lot of notes, but I like how I got Nil and his cuteness sort of exactly how I picture him in my very unfinished fic Zero. The colors, too, were a little bolder than I usually go, so it was fun to make and try something new. It was also the first art I felt inspired to make during our shutdown, which felt significant.
I tag all the artists and writers that see this, specifically: @thevikingwoman @segadoraa @commonevilmastermind @gentle-outlaw @pikapeppa @idrelle-miocovani​ @kundool​ @laskulls​ @ladylike-foxes​ @scharoux​ @lyrium-lovesong​ @roguelioness​ @wrenbee​ @littleblue-eyedbird​ (if you’d like!)
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kauriart · 7 years
3, 5 and 15
3. name 3 underrated fic authors in your fandom?
I literally think all the fic authors in this fandom are underrated because they all deserve SO SO SO SO much more love than they get. 
@commonevilmastermind - Dude. I just found  I Come to You with Nothing (Solas x f!Lavellan) and was literally ugly crying into my sweater at my friends toddler’s soccer practice. Just go read it if you haven’t it is lovely and tender, and my heart still hurts.
Speaking of authors who have made me cry… @sansbanshees​ -  Tomorrow Never Comes (Solas x f!Lavellan) is almost a little hard to read because Solas’ voice is SO DAMN SPOT ON. 
And @klickitats - Because frankly, everything she writes should be mandatory fandom reading. Especially Love Song for the Admiral (Cullen x Josephine). I’m assigning you all homework. Do yourself a favor, go read every word she’s ever written because they are all EXQUISITE.
5. what’s a fic that changed the way you see a certain character?
Osunism’s The Warmth of Your Doorway (Samson x f!Trevelyan). So I totally used to love to hate Samson, and that was about it. But they write him with such depth and love, and such exploration of the character, and I really really value Samson’s complexity. He would have made such an amazing anti-hero that I’m now a little disappointed that he was canonically just “the bad guy”
15. what’s a fic that made you ship something you previously did not?
@dragonflies-and-katydids‘ Off Label (NSFW Zevran x Alistair) Because I literally didn’t know why I hadn’t thought of this combo before - but I didn’t, and now I’m enamored.
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