#companion dialogue
baddieladdie · 1 year
Writing and looking at Fallout 4 dialogue, came across this gem:
Preston Garvey: Good lord above. Almost makes you feel sorry for those poor bastards.
Deacon: You feel sorry for them, pal. I'll just roast some marshmallows.
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vatyrie-avaris · 6 months
Point-and-Click Lines/Voice Barks
You know those phrases bg3 characters say when you click on their portraits or direct them somewhere? Well, now Vatyrie has some as well. These are mostly basic ones with a few stealth and combat ones. Perhaps I'll add more whispered phrases, combat lines, and the funny responses to spam-clicking.
“Charming as a devil and twice as pretty”
“Ever onward.”
“A bit of violence keeps things interesting.”
“Should’ve gone to Iriaebor when I had the chance.”
“I bet that’s worth a pretty bit of coin.”
Excited “Is that gold?" disappointed "Oh, no. Nevermind.”
“Wonder how much I can sell this for.”
"No turning back now."
"Born in fire, risen from ash"
“Nothing is freely given.”
Solemnly, like a reminder “No bonds, no barriers, no bruises.”
"Ready to hunt."
"Finally, some bloody fun."
"Unseen, unheard, unsuspected."
"Can't be the center of attention all the time."
"They'll never even notice."
"Here to dance with a demi-devil?"
"Don't threaten me with a good time"
"Fight or flight, you're finished either way"
"Run while you can!"
"Ruthlessness is mercy to yourself."
After spam-clicking the portrait:
“Either a good god hates me or an evil god loves me, but either way I’m surely being fucked with."
anyone else is free to do this Tav trend too! Tag me and I'd love to see other's character ideas!
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jeeaark · 3 months
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Greygold would really like to know how Wyll got an animal companion in Hell.
Why you no feed this squid's curiosity, Wyll?
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okthisway · 7 months
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grey-wardens · 4 months
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artist-assassin · 1 year
Halsin said something like "this place is far too quiet - void of people and animals. I miss the sounds of nature" and Shadowheart offered to make animal noises for him 😭
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fourraccoonsinacoat · 6 months
Karlach: What you got there, soldier?
Durge: *Writing in a journal.* I'm jotting down notes about all our various strengths. I'm hoping it will help us create more cohesive teams for scouting and fighting.
Astarion: Did you mention my hair?
Karlach: That's not a half bad idea. What'd you say about me?
Durge: Haven't gotten to your notes yet. I'm working on Lae'zel.
Astarion: Ahem! Did you mention my hair?
Durge: *To Karlach.* What would you say are some of Lae'zel's best qualities?
Shadowheart: Her absence.
Lae'zel: I'm right here, kainyank!
Shadowheart: To my everlasting dismay.
Lae'zel: Your words are uninspired and trite. Much like the pale one's hair.
Astarion: Do speak up, Lae'zel. It's difficult to hear the opinion of an asshole when it's muffled because you're sitting down.
Durge: *To Karlach.* So far I've ascertained that our group's most prominent strengths are unrelenting cattiness and spite.
Karlach: Doesn't bode well for cohesiveness...
- - - -
BG3 Incorrect Quotes Masterlist.
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wasteland-wrecker · 2 months
Diving into the past… (a Porter Gage story)
CW: blood
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momochanners · 1 year
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Yes, YES; This one gets it.
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tardxsblues · 1 year
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I will die, and no one else here, or anywhere, will suffer. What about me? If there was something I could do about that, I would. I guess we're both just going to have to be brave.
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trappedinafantasy37 · 2 months
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POV: Your evil murder kitten's mask has slipped and you can see how deep she is drowning in fear and paranoia.
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vatyrie-avaris · 6 months
Greeting Dialogues
Vatyrie's greeting/camp dialogues at different stages of companions' relationship with him.
Low Approval:
flatly "Oh. It's you. What do you want?"
exasperated "You need my help again? Are you really this incompetent?"
"You better not be here just to waste my time."
Neutral Approval:
teasing "Oh good, you're still in one piece."
"Everything alright? Well, apart from the usual."
lightly "Perfect timing, I could use a distraction."
High Approval:
"Hello. Did I miss anything?"
"Ah, there you are. Here, I've got some potions for you."
earnest "If you need anything, I'm here."
Flirty (more so than usual):
"Hello, darling. Did you miss me?~"
(pleased hum) "Back again I see."
(soft chuckle) "I knew you'd be back for more."
sultry "My, my, what a lovely view.~"
dotingly "My beloved, my beauty, my sweet soulfire."
reverently "Gods, you are a sight to behold. Magnificent!"
"My love! Is there anything I can do for you?"
At low approval he is very cold and passive aggressive. With an acquaintanceship, he's more warm and teasing. This is about when he would start lightly flirting as well. Once he considers someone a friend, he is more genuine, eager to help and be included, though still joking and playful at times. To his lover, he is passionate and expressive and very affectionate; he is excited to see them and tries to be attentive. Genuine friends are something he has not had in a long time, and he has likely never had a true, deep love. It is difficult to get to those relationships with him, but once someone does, he is fiercely loyal and caring.
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jeeaark · 8 months
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The wonderful thing about having the silence spell is that nobody can hear you ugly cry yourself to sleep~
So. Act 3 had a lot of consecutive rough moments. Hurt my heart playing as a gamer. Can't Imagine actually dealing with the fate of your companions' personal quests while in Greygold's/Tav's shoes.
While there are jokes about how Tav is the therapist of the party, my question is who's gonna be Tav's therapist??????
Anyway, just wanted to draw sad Greygold, balance out all the sillies ohohoho
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Every time I see someone earnestly say that Carver hates Hawke, I have to exercise such restraint to not scream.
Every day I get closer to writing a deep dive about him because that's my guy. He's so interesting. He feels so much. He tries so hard when talking to the other companions and some of the dynamics he has with them are so good. He can be so fucking funny and sweet and awkward. He so badly wants to be wanted and appreciated and to protect everyone he loves.
Carver Hawke, they could never make me hate you.
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amazinglyegg · 1 year
Nora: You remember the Cabots and that affair with Emogene we helped out with?
Danse: Uhm, no. You took Nick and left me at home staring into the middle distance. After what we've been through you didn't have to sideline me like that.
Nora: Okay we are NOT going to dig into this ancient history right now, Danse.
Danse: Was it a social anxiety thing? Did... did I smell? I mean you only took one of us at a time.
Hancock: Some sad violin music coming from somewhere...
Nora: Can we not do this right now?
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wild-magic-oops · 5 months
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some things are better without context
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