#complete nutrition drink for athletes
freakshake01 · 8 months
Aerobic Training Shakes: Fueling Your Cardiovascular Fitness
One helpful tool that fitness enthusiasts and athletes usually turn to is the aerobic training shake. It plays a critical role in sustaining overall health and well-being because these specialized shakes are prepared to optimize your aerobic exercise routine by offering important nutrients, enhancing endurance, and aiding recovery. The right nutrition can greatly improve its significance. Aerobic training shakes can elevate your cardio workouts effectively. These shakes aid in muscle recovery, decreasing the time it takes for your body to repair itself after a challenging workout. This permits you to hop back more quickly for your subsequent training session.
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Know about Aerobic Training Shakes
Aerobic training, also known as cardiovascular exercise, implicates activities that raise your heart rate and breathing, such as running, swimming, cycling, and dancing. During these workouts, your body mostly depends on oxygen to produce energy. Aerobic training shakes are prepared to support this energy production process. 
Aerobic training shakes commonly contain carbohydrates, the body's desired energy source during cardio exercises. The carbohydrates provide a fast and easily available energy boost, enabling you to power through your workout with improved stamina.
Sweating during aerobic training can lead to electrolyte imbalances. Best aerobic training shakes contain electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and magnesium to support maintaining proper muscle function and control cramping.
Sufficient hydration is important for cardiovascular workouts. These shakes usually contain water or have instructions to combine with water to ensure you stay hydrated throughout your exercise or training session.
Many aerobic training shakes also contain protein, which aids in muscle recovery after extreme aerobic activities. Protein helps repair muscle tissues, reduce soreness, and promote overall recovery.
How to Choose the Right Aerobic Training Shake?
While selecting an aerobic training shake, consider the following characteristics:
Examine shakes with a proportional blend of carbohydrates, protein, electrolytes, and important vitamins and minerals.
Select a flavor that you enjoy to make it more comfortable to stick to your training routine.
Whether you're vegan, gluten-free, or have other dietary restrictions, check if the shake aligns with your dietary preferences.
Go for famous brands that have a reputation for quality and safety.
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Aerobic training shakes are a valuable addition to your fitness routine, offering a number of benefits to enhance your aerobic workouts. By providing your body with the required nutrients, boosting endurance, aiding recovery, and ensuring proper hydration and electrolyte balance, these fitness drinks for endurance can help you achieve your fitness goals. 
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euphoriaslux · 1 month
two’s a party.
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summary: you recently transferred to stanford, and decide to tutor a tennis player in your class. he has a friend. severe indecency ensues.
word count: 3.3k
warnings : smut, threesomes, f!oral receiving, swearing, smoking, drinking. slight cuck energy if you squint (i’m sorry ((no i’m not))). no challengers spoilers!
a/n: this fic got away from me big time but this movie has rotted my brain and as a result i have written utter debauchery that i will not apologize for. just had to get this out of my head, enjoy!
stanford science hall. monday , march 3.
You swear the last thing you’ll hear before your body is lowered into your grave is the process of lactic acid breakdown.
It’s 2:30 PM. Kinesiology 189 with Professor Wilson, a lanky middle-aged man with a PhD in exercise science and a half-grown beard that you don’t think will ever fully grow in, is almost over. He’s teaching Extended Studies of the Human Body in a humid classroom filled with student-athletes, most of whom are trying to stay awake, trying to hide that they’re taking a nap, or making no attempt to hide that they’re on their phones. You don’t really blame any of them, because the professor’s voice is so soft and monotone that it feels like he’s begging everyone to pay attention to anything but him. You’ve managed to stay somewhat on course with the thread of today’s lecture, the notebook in front of you filled with scribbles of incomplete molecular structures and somewhat legible drawings of the muscular anatomy of a hamstring.
This class is required for your biology major since you’re on a pre-medicine track. You don’t know why you’re doing it, the whole doctor thing, but you’ve developed a weird fixation for this class. The functionality of the body, how muscles stretch and tear with each movement, and how amino acids work to build them back even bigger.
And, possibly because of the tennis player who sits four rows ahead of you every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
His last name is Donaldson. You know because of the faded label on the massive bag he throws on the floor every time he walks into class, at least ten minutes late with a backward Stanford Tennis cap on his head. His first name remains a mystery, partly because he never talks in class, and mainly because you’ve made no attempt to speak to him. You like to think it’s because you’re so focused on the curriculum.
Professor Wilson knows your name, though, since you’re in his office hours every Thursday at 11 A.M. In part because he gives out most of the answers to his homework, and because you just transferred to Stanford your last year and very desperately need a letter of recommendation for medical school. Hence why you agreed to tutor a student with lower than 60% in the class during one of your meetings. And why everyone in the class was staring at you right now.
“... first come first serve, so reach out to her sooner rather than later.”
You give a tight-lipped smile, glancing around the room. Most people have looked away, back to their distraction of choice, but you meet eyes with the fluffy blonde-haired tennis player.
stanford library. wednesday, march fifth.
It’s 11 A.M., and you feel like your brain is about to explode if you look at another practice set.
Your head whips around to the harsh whisper, only to be met with the blue-eyed mystery from your class. He has that large bag slung over his shoulder, with the end of a tennis racket peeking out of it. His hair is slightly stuck to his face, and his compression tee is slick to his chest like a second skin.
“Hi,” you whisper back. He smiles before tossing his bag on the floor and sitting in the chair across from you, either unaware of or completely ignoring the glares he’s receiving from the other students studying.
“You know,” he pulls out some kind of nutrition bar from his bag, unwrapping it and taking an aggressive bite, “for someone advertising their services, you’re pretty hard to find.”
“You’re in Mr. Wilson’s class, right?” you ask, hoping your subdued voice will remind him that he’s in a notoriously quiet place. He hums, pointing at you with his half-eaten snack.
“And I’m trying not to fail, but you didn’t leave your number anywhere in the classroom, and you bolt after every class. So how am I supposed to patronize your tutoring services…” he trails off, his volume the same level as when he walked in. You furrow your brows as he leans back into the chair.
“That’s when you say who you are.”
You feel a burn on the back of your neck as you tell him your name. He glances down towards the problem set you’ve nearly finished.
“How do you turn in any of those, I can’t get halfway through one of them.”
You pause for a moment before leaning slightly across the table to whisper:
“This new weird thing called studying. I think it just got approved by the CDC.”
“Very funny,” he shakes his head as reaches for your binder with your class schedule printed out on the front of it.
“Why are you taking so many bio classes?”
“Because I’m a biology major,” you can’t help the sarcasm dripping from your voice, and he looks at you with a raised eyebrow.
“Sorry, you’re making this too easy for me,” you raise your hands in conceit.
“I have practice every day at five so you can tutor me for like an hour beforehand,” he says before standing up, crunching up the silver wrapper and stuffing it into the front pocket of his blue jeans. You scoff at his sentence.
“Well, thank you for so generously fitting me into your schedule,” you roll your eyes, turning the page in your textbook. He grins.
“Tell the coach you’re there for Art. They’ll let you through.”
stanford tennis courts. friday, march 7th.
It’s 4 PM, and the California sun is sweltering. Your shorts feel like they’ve become a part of your legs, and your bag feels like it weighs a thousand pounds. By the time you make it to the tennis courts Art is already on the green concrete, shirtless with beads of sweat dripping down his face and chest. You hear his grunts as he sprints across the court, hitting the ball toward a slightly taller brunette with dangerously short red shorts. You watch them at the entrance for a few minutes, slightly entranced as the two play so seamlessly, as if they know every move the other person is going to make. You force your eyes away as you walk up the bleachers, stepping over leftover water bottles and chip bags to sit down and grab your notes from your backpack. It takes a couple more minutes for Art to notice you, yelling your name after he turns around to grab a ball his partner had hit particularly hard. You wave, and he says something you can’t hear to the brunette before the two of them jog across the courts and up the stands to where you are, blocking the sun as the two stand side by side.
“Who’s your friend?” you ask as you stuff the problem set you were working on in between the pages of your notebook.
“I’m Patrick,” he says, with a toothy smile and his ears poking out from under his hair. He has a bit more of a boyish charm to him than Art does, whose eyes are glued to his brunette counterpart.
“Are you in Mr. Wilson’s class too?”
Patrick opens his mouth to answer but Art speaks first, slightly pushing his friend with his shoulder as he says “He doesn’t go to Stanford, too busy being a tennis pro.”
Patrick rolls his eyes but his smile doesn’t leave his face. You notice how different this Art feels from the one in the library, how direct his playfulness is and how close he and Patrick stand together, their sweaty torsos nearly melding together.
“Like, Andre Agassi level pro?” you smile as the two of them laugh. Patrick raises the bottom of his shirt to wipe the sweat off of his forehead, and you can’t help but take a glance at the exposed skin just above his waistband.
“Sorry, he’s like the only tennis player I know.”
“No, no I’m taking that as a compliment that you think I’m on the level of Agassi. No takebacks if you see me play,” Patrick points at you.
“Will do,” you salute, turning over to Art.
“You ready to study?” you ask him as he makes a comically loud groan, his head falling back. Patrick laughs, reaching over to ruffle his friends hair.
“You do remember that’s why I’m here, right? Midterms are in two weeks.”
“I definitely have not forgotten that.” he says. You purse your lips just as Patrick’s eyes seem to light up.
“I’m staying at the Courtyard Hotel for the weekend. You two can come over and study, I need to review my last match anyway. Kill two birds with one stone,” Patrick suggests.
“Just studying?”
“Just studying,” Art says, wrapping his arm around his friend's shoulder. You glance between the two of them, trying to decipher the unspoken communication they seem to be doing. But you can’t crack it, so you shrug.
“Let us finish this set, and then you’ll have me all to yourself. Sound fair?”
“Wow, what a privilege. Don’t take too long, it’s hell on Earth out here!” you yell the last part as Art jogs down the steps and back down towards the net. You look up once you realize that the sun is still being blocked, and Patrick is still standing in front of you.
“You ever play?” he grins, flipping the tennis racket in his hand.
“Tennis? God, no, that would not be a pretty sight. I’ll stick to what I’m good at,” you gesture to the books and notes in your lap. Patrick nods.
“If you ever want to learn, I could teach you sometime, you know if-” he’s cut off by Art yelling his name, and you both glance to see him with his hands on his hips.
“Go, don’t keep your boyfriend waiting,” you wave him off, and you swear you can see him blushing. Must have been the glare.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he says over his shoulder as he runs toward Art.
courtyard hotel. saturday, march 8.
It’s 11 pm. There’s a cold shiver in the elevator as you wait to get to the fourth floor, your tennis shoes tapping against the floor as one hand plays with the handle of the pack of beer in your hand while the other crumples and re-crumples the piece of paper with the hotel room number Patrick scribbled on it.
what are you doing?
You don’t have time to think about the consequences of your actions as the robotic voice signals that you’re on the fourth floor, the elevator doors fluttering open. It’s like your feet have a mind of their own, as you find yourself almost mindlessly wandering through the hotel halls until you’re planted in front of room 4B. You raise your hand to knock on the door but before you can make contact with the wood it’s thrust open, and Patrick is standing behind it. His dark hair is slightly tousled around his face, his striped shirt unbuttoned and his black boxer briefs low on his waist. He’s smiling, that same big smile as before, but his face is a little flushed, a gentle pink hue touching his cheeks. The two of you don’t say anything for a few seconds, as if you were both testing to see who would concede first to acknowledge the other’s presence. You raise the pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon in your right hand.
“I brought studying fuel.”
You were never good at waiting.
Patrick laughs before he moves slightly out of the way to allow you to walk into his room. It’s small, with a queen-sized bed and a tiny desk, and the A/C emits an odd rumbling sound as it smacks against the window. Clothes and scorecards are strewn across the floor, and the scent of cigarettes permeates the room. You place the alcohol on the floor before deciding to sit on the bed, kicking off your shoes as you cross your legs. Patrick seems to stall for a moment, smiling to himself before closing the door behind him. He doesn’t lock the door, but you didn’t notice.
“Art’s not here yet?” you ask, watching as Patrick walks over and tears open the cardboard case, cracking open a can. Taking a sip, he leans against the desk as he smiles.
“Art can be bad with time.”
“As I’ve noticed,” you reach your hand out to motion towards the drink and Patrick hands it to you, staring as you take a large sip.
“Well,” you wipe the side of your mouth, “I told him to bring the topics he wanted to study, so I guess we can’t do anything until he gets here.”
Patrick nods with a slight pout, his fingers playing with the pop tab of the can. “I guess we can’t.”
“How’s tennis… stuff,” you laugh as you finish the question, not sure of exactly what to say.
Patrick seems to tense a little at the mention of the sport, moving over to sit next to you on the bed. His knee grazes your leg and you feel a slight buzz at the contact as he takes the beer from your hand.
“I���m kinda fucking it up right now,” he says, and you furrow your brows.
“How? You were like, really good yesterday.”
He chuckles, shaking his head slightly. He hands you the beer and you finish it off, placing the empty can at the bottom of your feet.
“I’m good with Art. It feels so fucking natural and easy with him. But in my other matches, I don’t know. I just … can’t replicate it.”
You nudge him with your leg.
“Sounds like you two were made to play tennis together.”
He makes a noise of agreement, his hands slowly moving to ghost over your thigh.
“You and Art are pretty close?” you ask as he plays with the bottom hem of your shorts, but he doesn’t say anything. You take his silence as a yes.
“Do you ever get jealous?”
“Of Art?” he asks, almost incredulously. You shrug.
“Yeah, or jealous of the girls he’s with. Either or.”
Patrick sits on that for a few moments before smirking.
“What’s mine is mine, and what’s his is mine.”
You laugh at that, a real deep laugh, and Patrick giggles next to you, the both of you tipsy from the can of beer you finished. You reach over and put your hand on his flushed face, rubbing your hand across his cheek.
“What were you doing before I came?” you feel his face warm even more against your skin as you position yourself closer to him.
“Practicing- or, sorry, rereading my scorecards from my last match.”
You tutted as you moved your hand to the back of his neck, gently running your hands through his hair.
“You can tell me the truth, Patrick.”
He turns his head to press a gentle kiss to the palm of your hand before looking up at you as if to check if that was too much. Whatever your expression is gives him the confidence to move down to your neck, his tongue licking your skin.
“I think you know.”
You feel a pull in your lower stomach at his words, muffled by his mouth nipping at the sensitive spot just below your ear, and he sucks hard enough for you to put your hand around on his face at the pressure. Pulling his face up, the two of you stare at each other for what feels like an eternity, and his eyes glance toward your lips. You wanted to wait, to make him beg and plead for it, but your body seemingly pulled you forward as your pressed your mouth onto his.
You were really quite bad at waiting.
He tastes like tobacco and faintly of the fruit medley in the dining hall, and you sigh as his lips interlock with yours and his hand grabs the back of your neck, pressing you into him. The kiss gets messy and hard, his tongue gliding over your bottom lip and into your mouth as you lift your leg to straddle Patrick, grinding into him. He whimpers into the kiss as his calloused hands drop down to the waistband of your shorts, hesitating for a moment before dropping his hand into your underwear. You grind just a little bit faster as his fingers press circles into your clit, covering your mouth with your hand as you moan.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmurs as he uses his other hand to guide your hips, and your move your hands down to tug firmly on his hair. You can feel your climax building, the pressure in your stomach getting closer and closer to taking you over the edge-
You both jump at the sound of the hotel room dor slamming shut. Art is standing there, in that damn backward cap and a Stanford tee shirt as he crosses his arms over his chest, saying nothing as you and Patrick sit up straight, him adjusting his crotch and you smooth down your shirt, avoiding his gaze. Finally, the silence is broken by Art laughing.
“Christ, I’m not the cops,” he slips out of his slides as he waltzes over and opens a can of beer, drinking about half of it in one go. You look at him, and at Patrick, and then back at him, not knowing what the hell you just got yourself into.
“You want to fuck him right?” Art asks, and you can’t help your small gasp at how easily he said that. You glance at Patrick, hoping he’ll know what to say, but he’s just staring at Art.
“So, no one’s stopping you,” Art cuts you off, taking a final swig of his beer and moving to stand directly in front of you. You open your mouth to try and explain, but before you can talk Patrick’s mouth is on yours again, his hand roaming your body. His grip is firmer now, his fingertips digging into the side of your stomach. He tugs at the bottom of your shirt and you separate, breathless as you pull your shirt over your head and toss it on the floor. Patrick’s mouth moves down to your neck, then your collarbones, and then your chest as he reaches around to take of your bra, and you feel on fire from Art’s gaze across the room. As Patrick kisses down your stomach and yanks down your shorts, you turn over to meet Art’s eyes.
“Come here.”
Whatever resolve Art was holding onto crumbles as he quickly takes off his shirt and slips out of his Nike shorts, tossing his hat on the dresser. In a flash Art’s hands are on your neck, tilting your head around to kiss you as Patrick lifts up your hips so he can take off your underwear. Art’s lips are softer than Patrick’s but he kisses you a little bit harder, his hand cupping the base of your neck. Somehow, they both taste the same. You moan into Art’s mouth as you feel Patrick’s tongue swirl around your clit, rolling your hips into his mouth as Art’s cock presses into your back. It’s just so much so fast, and that familiar buzz starts to pool in your lower stomach.
“Look at him,” Art turns your head to Patrick and you look into his eyes as you cum, Art’s hands hold your head forward as a wave of euphoria crashes over you. Patrick’s hands are digging into your hips as he stares up at you and Art. Your chest heaves up and down as you try to catch your breath, leaning against Art as Patrick leans back up, his mouth a few inches from yours.
“Who do you want first?
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georgegraphys · 4 months
2024 team sponsors recap!
this is completely irrelevant to F1 but i study and do these stuffs for a living sooo 😩😩 2023 sponsors are based on the sponsors that are there at the beginning of the season (new sponsors that join in the middle of the season will be classified as 2024's)
Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team:
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New sponsors: Whatsapp, Luminar (American tech company), SAP (German software company), nuvei (Canadian credit card services), Sherwin Williams (American painting company) 2024 data last update: 2024/02/14
Old sponsors that left: Monster Energy, Pure Storage (American technology company), fastly (American cloud computing services), Axalta (American painting company), Eight sleep (American mattresses company) 2023 data last update: 2023/01/07
Oracle Red Bull Racing F1 Team:
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New sponsors: Yeti (American cooler manufacturer, joined later in 2023), APL (American footwear/athletic apparel manufacturer, joined later in 2023), CDW (American IT company, joined later in 2023), Sui (American tech app by Mysten Labs, joined later in 2023), Patron Tequila (Mexican alcoholic beverages company, joined later in 2023) 2024 data last update: 2024/02/15
Old sponsors that left: CashApp, Walmart, Therabody (American wellness technology company), Ocean Bottle (Norwegian reusable bottle manufacturer), PokerStars (Costa Rican gambling site), Alpha Tauri (? no info if they're official partners or not but Austrian clothing company made by Red Bull), BMC (Switzerland bicycle/cycling manufacturer), Esso (American fuel company, subsidiary of ExxonMobil), Hewlett Packard Enterprise (American technology company) 2023 data last update: 2023/03/07
More: Esso is a subsidiary of Mobil so there's possibility they merged or something
Scuderia Ferrari:
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New sponsors: VGW Play (Australian tech game company, joined later in 2023), DXC Technology (American IT company, joined later in 2023), Peroni (Italian brewing company), Z Capital Group/ZCG (American private asset management/merchant bank company), Celsius (Swedish energy drink manufacturer) 2024 data last update: 2024/02/15
Old sponsors that left: Mission Winnow (American content lab by Phillip Morris International aka Marlboro), Estrella Garcia (Spanish alcoholic beverages manufacturer), Frecciarossa (Italian high speed train company) 2023 data last update: 2023/02/16
More: Mission Winnow is a part of Phillip Morris International. They are no longer listed as team sponsor but PMI is listed instead.
(starting here, 2023 data last update is 2023/02/23 and 2024 data last update is 2024/02/15)
McLaren F1 Team: (Only McLaren RACING's data is available idk if some of these are XE/FE team partners but anw..)
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New sponsors: Monster Energy, Salesforce (American cloud based software company, joined later in 2023), Estrella Garcia (Spanish alcoholic beverages manufacturer), Dropbox (American file hosting company), Workday (American system software company, joined later in 2023), Ecolab (American water purification/hygiene company), Airwallex (Australian financial tech company), Optimum Nutrition (American nutritional supplement manufacturer), Halo ITSM (American software company, joined later in 2023), Udemy (American educational tech company, joined later in 2023), New Era (American cap manufacturer, joined in 2023), K-Swiss (American shoes manufacturer, joined later in 2023), Alpinestars (Italian motorsports safety equipment manufacturer)
Old sponsors that left: DP World (Emirati logistics company), EasyPost (American shipping API company), Immersive Labs (UK cybersecurity training company?), Logitech, Mind (UK mental health charity), PartyCasino (UK? online casino site), PartyPoker (American? gambling site), Sparco (Italian auto part & accessory manufacturer), Tezos (Switzerland crypto company)
Aston Martin Aramco F1 Team:
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New sponsors: Valvoline (American retail automotives service company, joined later in 2023), NexGen (Canadian sustainable? fuel company), Banco Master (Brazilian digital banking platform, joined later in 2023), ServiceNow (American software company, joined later in 2023), Regent Seven Seas Cruise, Wolfgang Puck (Austrian-American chef and restaurant owner, joined later in 2023), Financial Times (British business newspaper), OMP (Italian racing safety equipment manufacturer), stichd (Netherlands fashion & apparel manufacturer)
Old sponsors that left: Alpinestars (Italian motorsports safety equipment manufacturer), crypto.com (Singaporean cryptocurrency company), ebb3 (UK? software company), Pelmark (UK fashion and apparel manufacturer), Peroni (Italian brewing company), Porto Seguro (Brazilian insurance company), Socios (Malta's blockchain-based platform), XP (Brazilian investment company)
Stake F1 Team (prev. Alfa Romeo):
???? Can't found their website (might be geoblocked in my country???)
BWT Alpine F1 Team:
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New sponsors: MNTN (American software company), H. Moser & Cie (Switzerland watch manufacturer), Amazon Music
Old sponsors that left: Bell & Ross (French watch company), Ecowatt (??? afaik French less-energy smthn smthn company), Elysium (French? American? Software company), KX (UK software company), Plug (American electrical equipment manufacturing company)
Visa CashApp RB F1 Team (prev. Scuderia Alpha Tauri):
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New Sponsors: Visa, CashApp, Hugo Boss, Tudor, Neft Vodka (Austrian alcoholic beverages company), Piquadro (Italian luxury bag manufacturer)
Old sponsors that left: Buzz (?), Carl Friedrik (UK travel goods manufacturer), Flex Box (Hongkong? shipping containers manufacturer), GMG (Emirati global wellbeing company), RapidAPI (American API company)
Haas F1 Team:
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New sponsors: New Era (American cap manufacturer, joined later in 2023)
Old sponsors that left: Hantec Markets (Hongkong capital markets company), OpenSea (American NFT/Crypto company)
Williams Racing:
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New sponsors: Komatsu, MyProtein (British bodybuilding supplement), Kraken (American crypto company, joined later in 2023), VAST Data (American tech company), Ingenuity Commerce (UK e-commerce platform), Puma (joined later in 2023)
Old sponsors that left: Acronis (Swiss software company), Bremont (British watch manufacturer), Dtex Systems (American? cybersecurity company), Financial Times (British business newspaper), Jumeirah Hotels & Resorts, KX (UK software company), OMP (Italian racing safety equipment manufacturer), PPG (American painting manufacturer), Umbro (English sports equipment manufacturer), Zeiss (German opticals/optometrics manufacturing company)
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anim-ttrpgs · 7 months
Vampire Bites in Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy
Here's what could happen to you if you pay for the kickstarter backer tier to be a potential victim on the hunting opportunity table for monster PCs in Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy.
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Blood Drain: A Grab or Hold is a prerequisite for this attack. This attack is an exception to the rule that says that a character performing a Hold cannot make actions, so this attack may be done even by a vampire who has another character in a Hold. This attack is rolled using either Athletics or CQC, and is subject to all other regular rules regarding melee attacks. 
This attack represents a vampire opening up a large blood vessel in the victim’s body and pressing their lips to it to drink blood. It makes no mechanical difference if this opening is made by their fangs, their claws, or a sharp weapon. They may choose to do 4 Superficial Damage by making a smaller wound and/or targeting a less critical blood vessel, such as the radial or elbow brachial; or they may choose to do 4 Penetrative Damage by creating a larger wound and/or targeting a more critical vessel, such as the carotid, jugular, shoulder brachial, or femoral. 
(All of these blood vessels are critical to the human body. 4 Superficial Damage from attacking a “less critical” vessel can still result in loss of consciousness or even death.)
Unlike most melee attacks, this attack takes a lot of time(around 1 minute for Penetrative and around 5 minutes for Superficial), so if there are other characters involved in this combat, they may have multiple turns in the time it takes the vampire to complete this attack, or simply be able to take longer actions during their turns.
In order for the vampire to be considered to have gotten a sufficient amount of blood, the victim must be forced to make an Injury roll as a result of damage from this attack. It doesn’t matter if they get a Full Success, Partial Success, or Failure, it only matters that the damage forces them to make the roll. If the victim is forced to make an Injury roll as a result of this attack, then at the end of combat the vampire gains 1 Composure point. If the victim dies from this attack, this will be 2 Composure Points, even if their death caused them to skip the Injury roll.
During this process, if they are going for Penetrative damage, the vampire must also make a Reflex roll to attempt to remain clean while drinking blood. If they just don’t care about manners, however, they can choose to simply Fail and skip the roll.
Full Success: They do not spill a drop, leaving no evidence on their person that they just drank blood.
Partial Success: They are not fast enough to drink from the wound, and blood spirts onto their face and mouth.
Failure: They are not fast enough to drink from the wound, and blood gets everywhere. On the ground, on their face, on their clothes. This will be very hard to explain.
(Most vampires’ fangs take on a slight curve when they are allowed to grow out long enough, perfect for sinking in behind large arteries and pulling them out, where they can then be used like a straw. This is, of course, very efficient, but always fatal. More conscientious vampires may create smaller cuts or puncture marks in major blood vessels from which to drink.)
(Arterial blood is oxygenated and relatively free of debris compared to venous blood, and as such it is preferred by most vampires.)
(As the vampire bite does have a chance of only doing half-damage, or even zero damage, a vampire may wish to rough their prey up a bit first, doing damage to them to ensure that the actual blood sucking attack causes an Injury roll on the first try. This has the added benefit of getting the victim’s adrenaline going and their heart pumping fast. After all, vampires feed on human suffering as much as human blood.)
(Even though the vampire regains 2 composure points by killing a victim via blood draining, blood from a victim who is already dead carries no nutritional benefits, and does not restore composure.)
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These rules are coming in the next Patreon update for Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy.
But you can get the free shareware demo from our website for free!
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csykora · 11 months
Random general question, but what is something about sports medicine--anything relevant to that topic--you wish more sports fans understood?
This was extremely fun to think about! There are a lot of things I'd like people to know about just because I think it's neat, but a rough list of the things I really wish people were taught:
Yes, there's sugar in Gatorade and other sports drinks. That's the point, that's why it was created that way. When your body is doing work, your body needs fuel. A huge percentage of athletes show up to their sports activities under-hydrated and by the end are clinically dehydrated. If you like how your drink tastes, you're more likely to drink more of it. That's the priority. While plenty of people need to manage their personal glucose intake at various times for various reasons (most of those times won't be while they're working out, when they're burning energy and are at risk of their blood sugar dropping), if you have not been told that you need to manage your blood sugar, you do not need to manage your blood sugar. Sugar-free electrolyte drinks are not "healthier": I actually wouldn't say that any one thing is "healthier" for everyone, because different people's nutritional, metabolic, physical, etc needs are completely different.
It has been suggested that blood sugar spikes may effect certain areas of athletic performance, but it's not thoroughly established that this does happen, for who, or which areas of physical performance are affected, or whether there are other areas of performance that it may have a positive effect on, and there are plenty of other things that also affect performance. (Also, despite the standardized glycemic index being used to estimate how different foods affect blood sugar, this actually varies because different people process foods differently, and even the same person might process foods differently in different situations).
This one is something I wish many current hockey coaches understood.
On that--different areas of physical performance are different. Explosive strength or speed vs. enduring strength or speed require different types of muscle fiber, different metabolisms, the works. Other qualities like speed and precision can have a reciprocal relationship. Different kinds of muscle development work well for different tasks. One area of performance can actually impair other areas of performance: there is no one universal athletic build or training regimen that will result in an athlete doing well in all areas.
This is also something I wish current hockey management understood, because I'd really love to see more physical diversity of athletes in more specialized roles. I'm actually fine with it or even excited when a player isn't an "all around guy"!
It is extremely difficult to measure the physical factors in human performance without the social factors (and we should probably try less to). When you measure "men" against "women", you are not just comparing genders, you are also comparing two groups of people who have had different access to physical activity and athletic training, been encouraged to be active in different ways, etc.
Also, in pretty much every area of the athletic performance, the spectrum of "male performance" and the spectrum of "female performance" overlaps, with the significant majority of people living in the normal area for both.
(Including, for the record, the amount of testosterone in your body. Which has no clear single impact on performance.)
Athletic ability is not the same as health. And neither of them have much of anything to do with how much body fat you have. The extreme of human performance is not "ideal" human performance: we made sports up, and in many cases they require us to move in ways that are very different from the movements we evolved doing.
(Also, I don't think health should be idealized either)
Traumatic brain injuries don't just happen when you're hit on the head. That might be a relatively small fraction of the times that they happen! What matters is the internal forces acting on your brain and spinal cord. Sudden changes in speed or direction like falls and certain collisions can and will do the job. So while penalizing sports plays that involve hits to the head is a good idea, I think fans shouldn't let that appease us as the only change that pro sports make to prevent TBI and CTE.
TBIs are also not "the most dangerous" of sports injuries. I'm not sure if there is an objectively most dangerous one, honestly, outside of things that cause instant death. TBIs can have profoundly difficult and serious impacts on people, and so do many other injuries that affect the way someone moves, feels, their pain, or how they see themselves. We shouldn't let pro sports appease us when they focus on CTE and avoid addressing other injuries, either: they absolutely will use the attention on CTE as cover.
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thommi-tomate · 3 months
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Müller's health delicacies : A good protein supply is essential
Our body consists mainly of water (approx. 60%). For most of us, muscle comes immediately after water. The proportion of muscle in the body varies with gender, age and fitness level.
The most important building blocks of muscles are proteins. If our body does not have enough of these, it cannot nourish, repair or build our muscles. In addition, proteins are needed for the formation of enzymes and are good for our immune system.
This also makes it clear that the topic of muscles and proteins is not only relevant for athletes or even bodybuilders, but for all of us.
You can imagine that protein intake is a key issue for me as a professional athlete. And so we talk about these topics in the club and are supported in covering our increased protein requirements through normal nutrition and also through shakes.
My personal guideline is to consume 2 times my body weight (77 kg) in grams every day. This gives me around 150 grams of protein per day. Many experts also speak of 1.5 times this amount for active people.
In practice, it's not that easy to get this amount from a normal diet with three main meals a day. That's why I also drink at least one protein shake a day.
Science is in complete agreement about the importance of protein. However, there is no agreement on how much protein we should consume and which foods we should consume.
So I can only tell you what has worked for me in 15 years of professional sport and what I have picked up from experts and colleagues.
I definitely need a lot of protein on my plate and in my shake. And that's what I recommend to my family and friends.
With this in mind, we'll go into the second leg against Lazio next Tuesday well supplied with protein.
Thank you for your support and keep your chin up,
Your Thomas
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holicare · 17 days
The Best Sports Nutrition Supplements for Athletes
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In the world of sports, athletes are always looking for ways to perform better, recover faster, and stay healthy. Sports nutrition supplements are important for many athletes because they provide essential nutrients that can be hard to get from food alone. This blog will talk about the best sports nutrition supplements for athletes, explaining their benefits and how they can help improve athletic performance.
1. Protein Powders
Protein is essential for muscle repair and growth. Athletes need to make sure they get enough high-quality protein. Protein powders like whey, casein, and plant-based options like pea or hemp protein are convenient ways to do this.
Whey Protein: Known for its high biological value, rapid digestion, and complete amino acid profile.
Casein Protein: A slower-digesting protein that provides a sustained release of amino acids, ideal for nighttime use.
Plant-Based Proteins: Suitable for vegans and those with dairy intolerances, offering a range of options like pea, hemp, and brown rice protein.
2. Creatine
Creatine is a well-researched and effective supplement for boosting strength, power, and high-intensity exercise. It helps replenish ATP, the main energy source in cells, which can improve short bursts of intense activity.
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3. Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)
BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) play a significant role in muscle protein synthesis and recovery. Supplementing with BCAAs can help reduce muscle soreness, decrease exercise-induced fatigue, and support muscle repair.
Leucine: Particularly important for stimulating muscle protein synthesis.
Isoleucine and Valine: Aid in energy production and muscle recovery.
4. Beta-Alanine
Beta-alanine is a non-essential amino acid that increases muscle carnosine levels, which in turn helps buffer acid in muscles during high-intensity exercise. This can delay muscle fatigue and improve performance in activities such as sprinting or weightlifting.
Carnosine Booster: Supports improved endurance and reduced muscle fatigue.
5. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA, have anti-inflammatory properties that can aid in recovery and joint health. They are also beneficial for cardiovascular health, which is crucial for overall athletic performance.
Fish Oil: A common source of omega-3s, providing a good balance of EPA and DHA.
Algal Oil: A plant-based source of DHA, suitable for vegans.
6. Electrolytes
Electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium are vital for maintaining fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contractions. Athletes, especially those involved in endurance sports, need to replenish electrolytes lost through sweat to prevent dehydration and cramping.
Electrolyte Tablets: Convenient for on-the-go replenishment.
Sports Drinks: Provide a combination of electrolytes and carbohydrates for energy.
7. Glutamine
Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body and plays a key role in immune function, gut health, and muscle recovery. Intense training can deplete glutamine levels, making supplementation beneficial for recovery and immune support.
L-Glutamine: The most common form used in supplements.
8. Caffeine
Caffeine is a well-known stimulant that can enhance focus, alertness, and physical performance. It can improve endurance, reduce perceived effort, and increase the capacity for high-intensity exercise.
Caffeine Anhydrous: A highly concentrated form of caffeine used in many pre-workout supplements.
Natural Sources: Coffee or tea can also provide a caffeine boost.
9. Multivitamins
A high-quality multivitamin can help fill nutritional gaps and ensure athletes are getting essential vitamins and minerals that support overall health and performance.
Athlete-Specific Multivitamins: Formulated to meet the higher nutritional demands of active individuals.
10. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is crucial for bone health, immune function, and muscle function. Many athletes are at risk of deficiency, especially those who train indoors or live in regions with limited sunlight.
D3 (Cholecalciferol): The most effective form of vitamin D for raising blood levels.
Using the right sports nutrition supplements can greatly improve an athlete’s performance, recovery, and health. However, supplements should be added to a balanced diet, not replace it. Athletes should talk to a healthcare professional or a sports nutritionist to create a supplement plan that fits their specific needs and goals. With the right supplements, athletes can fuel their bodies for success and reach their full potential.
For optimal results, try Onnit Creatine Monohydrate — trusted by athletes for its purity and potency.
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protein-drinks-land · 1 month
Should I Drink Protein Shakes on Rest Days
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Rest days are often overlooked in the realm of fitness, yet they are indispensable for achieving optimal performance and overall well-being. Contrary to popular belief, progress isn't solely forged in the crucible of intense workouts; it's also nurtured during periods of rest and recovery. Rest days allow the body to repair and rebuild, replenishing energy stores and repairing damaged tissues. Without adequate rest, the risk of overtraining, injury, and burnout escalates, hindering long-term progress.
The role of nutrition in recovery
Nutrition plays a pivotal role in the recovery process, especially on rest days when the body's demands shift from fueling workouts to repairing and rejuvenating tissues. Adequate nutrition ensures that the body has the essential building blocks required for repair, growth, and adaptation. Among these nutrients, protein stands out as a key player, supplying the amino acids necessary for muscle repair and synthesis.
Understanding Protein Shakes
What are protein shakes?
Protein shakes are beverages formulated to deliver a concentrated dose of protein quickly and conveniently. They typically consist of protein powder dissolved in water, milk, or a dairy alternative. These shakes come in various flavors and formulations, catering to different dietary preferences and fitness goals.
Types of protein shakes: whey, casein, plant-based
Whey Protein: Derived from milk, whey protein is a complete protein containing all essential amino acids. It's rapidly absorbed, making it ideal for post-workout recovery. Whey protein isolate, in particular, undergoes further processing to remove lactose and fat, resulting in a higher protein concentration per serving.
Casein Protein: Also sourced from milk, casein protein is digested more slowly, providing a sustained release of amino acids over time. It's often consumed before bed to support overnight muscle repair. Casein forms a gel-like substance in the stomach, slowing down digestion and prolonging amino acid delivery to the muscles.
Plant-Based Protein: Made from sources like peas, rice, hemp, or soy, plant-based protein shakes offer a vegan-friendly alternative. While they may not contain all essential amino acids in optimal ratios, combining different plant proteins can provide a complete amino acid profile. Plant-based protein shakes are suitable for individuals with lactose intolerance or those following a vegetarian or vegan diet.
Importance of Protein on Rest Days
Muscle repair and growth
Protein serves as the building blocks for muscle tissue, playing a crucial role in the repair and growth processes. During rest days, when muscles are in a state of recovery, adequate protein intake becomes paramount to facilitate repair and rebuild stronger tissues. Without sufficient protein, the body may struggle to repair damaged muscle fibers, leading to impaired recovery and potential loss of muscle mass.
Protein synthesis during rest
Rest days aren't synonymous with inactivity; rather, they signify a shift from intense exercise to lighter activities or complete rest. During this time, the body remains in an anabolic state, where protein synthesis outpaces breakdown, leading to muscle repair and growth. Consuming protein-rich foods or shakes on rest days provides the necessary amino acids to support this process, maximizing muscle recovery and adaptation.
Preventing muscle breakdown
Insufficient protein intake on rest days can tip the scales towards muscle breakdown, undermining hard-earned gains. By consuming adequate protein, especially during periods of reduced activity, individuals can mitigate muscle breakdown and preserve lean muscle mass. This is particularly important for athletes and fitness enthusiasts looking to optimize performance and maintain a competitive edge.
Factors to Consider
Activity level
The protein requirements on rest days vary depending on individual factors such as activity level, muscle mass, and overall fitness goals. While those engaged in rigorous training may require higher protein intake to support recovery, individuals with lighter activity levels may need less. Factors such as age, gender, metabolism, and body composition also influence protein needs, highlighting the importance of individualization in nutrition planning.
Dietary preferences and restrictions
Personal dietary preferences, including vegetarianism, veganism, or lactose intolerance, influence the choice of protein sources and shakes. It's essential to select protein shakes that align with one's dietary needs and preferences to ensure compliance and enjoyment. Fortunately, the market offers a wide range of protein powders made from various sources, allowing individuals to find options that suit their tastes and dietary requirements.
Overall protein intake
Beyond rest days, the total daily protein intake remains a critical factor in achieving fitness goals. Balancing protein intake throughout the day, including rest days, helps optimize muscle repair and synthesis while preventing overconsumption or deficiency. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for protein varies depending on factors such as age, sex, and activity level, with athletes and active individuals often requiring higher protein intake to support training adaptations.
Benefits of Drinking Protein Shakes on Rest Days
Enhanced muscle recovery
Protein shakes provide a convenient and efficient way to deliver essential amino acids to muscles during the recovery phase. By facilitating muscle repair and recovery, protein shakes support enhanced recovery, allowing individuals to bounce back stronger for their next workout. Whey protein, in particular, has been shown to stimulate muscle protein synthesis to a greater extent than other protein sources, making it an ideal choice for post-workout recovery.
Reduced muscle soreness
Adequate protein intake has been associated with reduced muscle soreness and faster recovery following strenuous exercise. By providing the necessary nutrients for repair and regeneration, protein shakes may alleviate post-workout soreness, enhancing overall comfort and readiness for subsequent workouts. Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), found in protein shakes, play a key role in muscle repair and may help reduce exercise-induced muscle damage and soreness.
Maintenance of lean muscle mass
Preserving lean muscle mass is essential for maintaining metabolic health, functional capacity, and physical appearance. Protein shakes, particularly those containing high-quality protein sources, help prevent muscle loss during periods of reduced activity, such as rest days, thereby preserving overall muscle mass and strength. This is especially important for individuals aiming to lose weight or undergo periods of calorie restriction, as adequate protein intake helps preserve lean tissue and support fat loss.
Potential Drawbacks
Excess calorie intake
While protein shakes offer a convenient source of protein, they can also contribute to excess calorie intake if consumed indiscriminately. It's crucial to factor in the calories from protein shakes within the context of one's overall diet and energy expenditure to avoid unintended weight gain. Opting for protein shakes with minimal added sugars and fats can help keep calorie intake in check while maximizing protein content.
Digestive discomfort
Some individuals may experience digestive discomfort, such as bloating, gas, or diarrhea, in response to certain protein powders or additives found in protein shakes. Experimenting with different types of protein and formulations can help identify and avoid triggers for digestive issues. Additionally, consuming protein shakes in moderation and ensuring adequate hydration can help alleviate digestive discomfort and promote optimal digestion and nutrient absorption.
Dependency on supplements
Relying heavily on protein shakes as a primary source of protein may lead to dependency and neglect of whole food sources rich in other essential nutrients. While protein shakes offer convenience, they should complement rather than replace a balanced diet comprising a variety of nutrient-dense foods. Whole foods provide a broader spectrum of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, which are essential for overall health and well-being.
Optimal Timing for Protein Consumption
Pre-rest day strategies
Strategic protein consumption in the days leading up to a rest day can help optimize muscle recovery and repair during periods of reduced activity. Ensuring adequate protein intake in the meals preceding a rest day primes the body for recovery and minimizes the risk of muscle breakdown. Including protein-rich foods such as lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, and tofu in pre-rest day meals provides a steady supply of amino acids for ongoing repair and regeneration.
Post-workout vs. rest day protein intake
While post-workout protein consumption is well-established for promoting muscle recovery and growth, distributing protein intake evenly across rest days is equally important. Scheduling protein-rich meals and snacks throughout the day ensures a steady supply of amino acids for ongoing repair and regeneration. Protein shakes can be consumed as part of post-workout nutrition or as a snack between meals to support muscle recovery and prevent excessive muscle breakdown during rest days.
Evening protein consumption
Consuming protein-rich foods or shakes in the evening, particularly before bed, can support overnight muscle repair and growth. Slow-digesting proteins like casein are especially beneficial in this regard, providing a sustained release of amino acids throughout the night. Casein protein shakes or snacks such as Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or a protein-rich smoothie can be consumed as part of a bedtime routine to optimize muscle recovery and enhance overall sleep quality.
Maximizing Protein Absorption
Pairing protein with carbohydrates
Combining protein with carbohydrates, especially after exercise, enhances protein absorption and muscle glycogen replenishment. This synergistic effect promotes faster recovery and ensures that protein is efficiently utilized for muscle repair and growth. Consuming a balanced post-workout meal or snack containing both protein and carbohydrates within the optimal post-exercise window (30-60 minutes) maximizes muscle protein synthesis and replenishes glycogen stores for future workouts.
Hydration's role in absorption
Optimal hydration is essential for facilitating nutrient absorption, including protein. Adequate fluid intake supports digestion, nutrient transport, and muscle function, maximizing the effectiveness of protein shakes and other dietary sources of protein. Consuming water or electrolyte-rich beverages alongside protein shakes helps maintain hydration status and promotes optimal digestion and nutrient absorption. Staying hydrated throughout the day supports overall health and performance, especially during periods of increased physical activity or heat stress.
Slow vs. fast-digesting proteins
Tailoring protein intake to match the body's needs throughout the day involves balancing fast-digesting proteins for immediate post-workout recovery with slow-digesting proteins for sustained muscle repair and growth during rest periods. Whey protein is rapidly digested and absorbed, making it an excellent choice for post-workout nutrition to jumpstart muscle recovery. On the other hand, casein protein provides a gradual release of amino acids, making it ideal for sustaining muscle protein synthesis during periods of fasting, such as overnight or between meals.
Alternatives to Protein Shakes
Whole food sources of protein
Whole foods offer a plethora of nutrient benefits beyond protein, including vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Incorporating lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, nuts, and seeds into one's diet provides a diverse array of nutrients to support overall health and fitness goals. Whole foods also provide satiety and satisfaction, helping to regulate appetite and promote dietary adherence. Including a variety of protein-rich foods in meals and snacks ensures a balanced and sustainable approach to protein intake.
Homemade protein snacks
Creating homemade protein snacks allows for customization and control over ingredients, flavors, and nutrient composition. Options like protein bars, energy balls, or Greek yogurt parfaits can be tailored to individual taste preferences and dietary requirements. Homemade protein snacks can be made with simple, wholesome ingredients such as nuts, seeds, dried fruits, oats, protein powder, and natural sweeteners. Batch-preparing homemade snacks provides convenient, portable options for on-the-go nutrition and helps avoid reliance on store-bought processed snacks.
Protein-rich smoothie recipes
Blending whole food ingredients into protein-rich smoothies offers a delicious and nutritious alternative to commercial protein shakes. Combining fruits, vegetables, protein sources, and liquid bases allows for endless flavor combinations and nutritional variations to suit individual needs. Protein-rich smoothies can be customized with ingredients such as spinach, kale, berries, bananas, avocado, Greek yogurt, nut butter, protein powder, and plant-based milk. Adding ingredients like chia seeds, flaxseeds, or hemp hearts boosts the fiber and omega-3 content of smoothies, enhancing their nutritional value and satiety.
Personalizing Your Approach
Consulting a nutritionist or dietitian
Seeking guidance from a qualified nutrition professional can help tailor a personalized approach to protein intake and supplementation based on individual goals, preferences, and dietary considerations. A nutritionist or dietitian can provide evidence-based recommendations and support long-term adherence to a balanced and sustainable nutrition plan. Consulting with a nutrition professional is especially beneficial for individuals with specific health concerns, dietary restrictions, or performance goals, as it ensures that nutritional needs are met while optimizing overall health and well-being.
Experimenting with different protein sources
Exploring a variety of protein sources, including both animal and plant-based options, allows individuals to discover what works best for their bodies and lifestyles. Experimentation with different protein powders, flavors, and formulations can also enhance compliance and enjoyment. Trying new recipes, cooking methods, and meal combinations helps keep nutrition interesting and varied, preventing boredom and monotony. Keeping an open mind and being willing to try new foods and flavors expands culinary horizons and promotes dietary diversity, which is key to supporting overall health and vitality.
Listening to your body's cues
Tuning in to the body's signals and feedback is crucial for fine-tuning one's approach to protein consumption and overall nutrition. Paying attention to hunger, satiety, energy levels, and performance can help individuals make informed choices that support their health, fitness, and well-being. Experimenting with different eating patterns, meal timing, and macronutrient ratios allows individuals to identify what works best for their unique physiology and preferences. Trusting the body's innate wisdom and responding to its cues fosters a healthy relationship with food and promotes intuitive eating, leading to improved overall health and vitality.
Myths and Misconceptions
More protein equals more muscle
While protein is essential for muscle repair and growth, consuming excessive amounts beyond the body's needs does not necessarily translate to greater muscle gains. Optimal protein intake, combined with resistance training and adequate rest, is key to maximizing muscle protein synthesis and adaptation. Consuming protein within the context of a balanced diet and overall energy balance supports muscle growth while preventing excessive calorie intake and potential weight gain.
Protein shakes are only for bodybuilders
Protein shakes are a versatile nutritional tool suitable for individuals of all fitness levels and backgrounds, not just bodybuilders. Whether you're an athlete, recreational exerciser, or simply looking to support your active lifestyle, protein shakes can provide a convenient and effective way to meet your protein needs. Protein shakes are especially beneficial for individuals with busy schedules, limited time for meal preparation, or increased protein requirements due to intense physical activity or dietary restrictions.
Protein timing is irrelevant
While total daily protein intake remains paramount, the timing of protein consumption can influence muscle protein synthesis and recovery. Strategic protein consumption around workouts and throughout the day helps optimize muscle repair and adaptation, supporting overall performance and recovery. Consuming protein-rich foods or shakes before and after exercise promotes muscle protein synthesis, enhances recovery, and reduces muscle damage and soreness. Tailoring protein intake to match the body's needs at different times of the day supports optimal muscle repair, growth, and maintenance, contributing to improved athletic performance and overall health.
Rest days are an integral component of any fitness regimen, providing the necessary time for the body to recover, repair, and adapt to the demands of exercise. By incorporating protein shakes strategically into one's nutrition plan, individuals can support muscle recovery, reduce soreness, and maintain lean muscle mass, enhancing overall performance and well-being. However, it's essential to consider individual factors such as activity level, dietary preferences, and overall nutrition to personalize protein intake and maximize its benefits. Embracing rest days as part of a holistic approach to fitness fosters long-term sustainability and success, allowing individuals to thrive both in and out of the gym. By understanding the role of protein in recovery, optimizing protein timing and consumption, and exploring alternative protein sources, individuals can enhance their overall health, fitness, and quality of life. Whether you're a competitive athlete striving for peak performance or a weekend warrior pursuing your fitness goals, prioritizing protein on rest days can help you maximize your potential and achieve lasting success on your fitness journey.
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hillaryteske · 2 months
Nutrition for Active Lifestyles: Fueling Your Body for Optimal Performance
In addition to physical activity, maintaining an active lifestyle necessitates a healthy diet that will fuel your body for peak performance. Whether you're an avid fitness enthusiast, a committed athlete, or just someone who likes to be active, knowing how to properly fuel your body is crucial to reaching your health and fitness objectives. This article will discuss the significance of diet for active lifestyles and offer doable methods for giving your body the fuel it needs to function at its best.
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Key Nutrients for Active Individuals
Carbohydrates: The body uses carbohydrates as its main energy source when exercising; thus, enough is necessary to sustain endurance and performance. Choose complex carbs, which maintain steady blood sugar levels and offer prolonged energy, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Protein: Especially after vigorous activity, protein is essential for muscle growth, repair, and healing. To promote muscle health and recovery, include lean protein sources like chicken, fish, eggs, tofu, lentils, and dairy items in your diet. Healthy Fats: Although frequently disregarded, healthy fats are essential for maintaining general health and function. Include unsaturated fat sources, such as nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil, and fatty seafood, to help maintain cardiovascular health and supply vital fatty acids. Hydration: Proper hydration is essential for maintaining performance and preventing dehydration during physical activity. Drink water regularly throughout the day and consider electrolyte-rich beverages like coconut water or sports drinks during prolonged or intense workouts to replenish electrolyte levels lost through sweat.
Creating a Balanced Meal Plan
Emphasize complete Foods: Include a variety of complete, nutrient-dense foods, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and healthy fats. Various vital nutrients support general health and function in these foods. Make a Plan: To make sure you always have wholesome options on hand when you need them, take the time to plan and prepare your meals and snacks in advance. Consider bulk cooking, meal prep, or meal delivery services to make healthy eating easier and more convenient.
Nutrition is essential for promoting active lifestyles because it supplies the energy needed for exercise, promotes muscular growth and repair, and enhances performance. You can improve your general health and well-being by prioritizing essential nutrients such as protein, carbs, healthy fats, and water and by implementing doable techniques for properly nourishing your body. Reaching your maximum potential and accomplishing your goals can be facilitated by taking a balanced approach to diet, regardless of your level of activity and fitness. So, use the power of nutrition for an active lifestyle and fuel your body sensibly.
Elevate Your Performance with Every Bite! Unleash the power of nutrition with "Hillary's Kitchen: Dietary Feeds for Dietary Needs." Fuel your body for optimal performance with nourishing recipes tailored to your dietary needs. From pre-workout fuel to post-workout recovery meals, this educational cookbook equips you with the tools and knowledge to maximize your energy levels, support muscle repair, and enhance overall performance.
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ama2024 · 4 months
Bone Broth Market Growing Popularity and Emerging Trends
Advance Market Analytics released a new market study on Global Bone Broth Market Research report which presents a complete assessment of the Market and contains a future trend, current growth factors, attentive opinions, facts, and industry validated market data. The research study provides estimates for Global Bone Broth Forecast till 2029*.
Bone broth is one of the most popular supplements that is made by simmering the bones and connective tissue of animals. It is often advertised for its content of a wide variety of nutrients which helps in boosting the immune system, improves joint health and benefits the skin and digestion process. Consumer’s inclination toward healthy lifestyles and protein consumption is propelling the market of bone broth.
Key Players included in the Research Coverage of Bone Broth Market are:
Vital Protein LLC. (United States), Kettle and Fire Inc. (United States), BRU Broth LLC. (United States), Cauldron Broths (United States), Paleo Pro LLC. (United States), Ancient Nutrition (United States), Broth of Life (United States) ,
What's Trending in Market: Technological Developments Such as Automation and Digitalization Industrial Process For Specialty Food Preparations
Challenges: Rising Concerns About Product Traceability
Opportunities: Change In Lifestyle and Rise in Disposable Income Demand For High-Protein Soups
Market Growth Drivers: Growing Fortified Food and Beverage industry and Dietary Supplement Industry Advantage Associated with Bone Broth as High Concentration of Proteins Surge in Demand for Additional Healthy Products among Athletes and Body Builders to Boost Performance and Overall Health
The Global Bone Broth Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (Ready-to-cook, Ready-to-drink, Others), Application (Fortified Foods, Dietary Supplements, Fortified Beverages, Pharmaceuticals), Origin (Chicken, Beef), Distribution Channel (Direct, Indirect {Modern Trade, E-commerce, Specialty Store and Others})
Get inside Scoop of the report, request for free sample @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/85497-global-bone-broth-market
To comprehend Global Bone Broth market dynamics in the world mainly, the worldwide Bone Broth market is analyzed across major global regions. AMA also provides customized specific regional and country-level reports for the following areas.
• North America: United States, Canada, and Mexico.
• South & Central America: Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Brazil.
• Middle East & Africa: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Turkey, Egypt and South Africa.
• Europe: United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands and Russia.
• Asia-Pacific: India, China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia.
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freakshake01 · 8 months
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You can easily faster with performance enhancing drinks. These drinks are widespread among athletes, fitness fanatics, and people looking to maximize their workouts.
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moreaboutfoodtours · 4 months
Sports Food Tour Tasting The Winning Tastes
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Whether you are a specialized athlete or a passionate sporting activities fan, one point is for certain– food plays a crucial function in the world of sports. From pre-game fuel to post-match healing, professional athletes rely on appropriate nourishment to perform at their finest. However have you ever before wondered about the dishes that power their performance? Join us on a virtual walking sports food tour as we explore the winning tastes that sustain athletes all over the world.
Our tour begins with the energy-boosting morning meal selections favored by professional athletes. Oatmeal is a staple amongst lots of sports professionals because of its slow-release carbohydrates and fiber content. It provides a constant stream of energy, maintaining professional athletes fueled for longer periods. Accompanied by fruits, nuts, and a drizzle of honey, it comes to be a scrumptious and healthy method to kickstart the day.
As we go on to lunch, we come across the power of healthy protein. Barbequed poultry bust, lean turkey, or fish are amongst the leading choices for professional athletes. Packed with high-quality healthy protein, these alternatives help muscle recuperation and help to maintain and construct lean muscle mass. Combined with a side of vegetables and intricate carbs like pleasant potatoes or quinoa, it creates a versatile meal that sustains athletes’ training requirements.
No sporting activities food trip would be complete without exploring the NYC sports food tour treats that maintain athletes going in between games or during intense training sessions. All-natural power bars made with oats, nuts, and dried fruits supply a hassle-free and delicious alternative. These provide a fast resource of carbohydrates and healthy fats, renewing the energy shops during prolonged activity. In addition, nutrient-dense treats like Greek yogurt, combined nuts, and protein drinks are likewise preferred options among professional athletes.
Ultimately, we get to the much-anticipated post-workout or post-match dish. This is the moment for athletes to refuel their depleted power shops and aid muscle mass recuperation. A balanced mix of healthy protein and carbs is crucial here. Barbequed salmon with roasted veggies and wild rice is a favored option among many professional athletes. The salmon provides omega-3 fats that lower swelling, while the vegetables and wild rice offer vital nutrients and complex carbohydrates.
Our sports food excursion involves an end, however the trip of uncovering healthy and tasty meals for professional athletes continues. It is necessary to remember that private dietary demands might vary based on factors such as sporting activity, sex, and individual preferences. Consulting with a sporting activities nutritionist or dietitian can offer you with individualized recommendations to maximize your efficiency and appreciate the winning tastes of sporting activities nutrition.
So, following time you cheer for your preferred team or lace up your tennis shoes for an exercise, remember the value of proper nutrition. Delicious and healthy meals can boost your sports performance, making every minute on the area or court much more rewarding. ​Check out this post that has expounded more on this topic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sport.
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healthywaysfitness · 4 months
Introduction: Unlocking the Science Behind Pre-and Post-Workout Nutrition Proper nutrition is essential for maximizing your fitness results and achieving your fitness goals. Whether you are an athlete, bodybuilder, or just someone looking to improve your overall fitness, understanding the importance of pre-and post-workout nutrition is crucial. This Is The Complete Guide to Pre-and Post-Workout Nutrition which will accompany you throughout this process. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); This ultimate guide provides you with scientifically proven routines and strategies to optimize your workouts and fuel your body for peak performance. From timing your meals to choosing the right nutrients, this guide covers everything you need to know to take your fitness to the next level. So, grab your workout gear and get ready to fuel your body for success! Let us go on learning more on This Is The Complete Guide to Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition The Impact of Nutrition on Fitness Performance: Why it Matters This Is The Complete Guide to Pre-and Post-Workout Nutrition Nutrition plays a critical role in optimizing your fitness performance. Properly fueling your body with the right nutrients before and after your workouts can have a significant impact on your energy levels, endurance, and recovery. During exercise, your body relies on stored glycogen for energy. By consuming carbohydrates before your workout, you can ensure that your glycogen stores are fully stocked, allowing you to perform at your best. Additionally, protein intake post-workout is important for muscle repair and growth. This Is The Complete Guide to Pre-and Post-Workout Nutrition A balanced diet that includes a variety of macronutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats, can provide the fuel needed to sustain your physical activity and optimize your fitness results. In the following section, of this article This Is The Complete Guide to Pre-and Post-Workout Nutrition, we will dive deeper into the specific nutrients you should be incorporating into your pre- and post-workout meals to maximize your performance and accelerate your fitness journey. Pre-Workout Nutrition: Fueling Your Body for Optimal Performance Pre-workout nutrition is essential for preparing your body for optimal performance during your workout session. As mentioned earlier, carbohydrates are the primary source of fuel for your body during exercise. Consuming complex carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables before your workout can provide sustained energy and help maintain stable blood sugar levels. In addition to carbohydrates, it is also important to include some lean protein in your pre-workout meal. Protein aids in muscle repair and growth, making it vital for improving your fitness results. Incorporating sources of lean protein, such as chicken breast, Greek yogurt, or tofu, can help enhance muscle recovery, reduce muscle damage, and promote muscle-building post-workout. Lastly, don't forget to hydrate yourself before hitting the gym. Proper hydration ensures optimal performance and helps regulate your body temperature during exercise. Aim to drink at least 16-20 ounces of water or a sports drink 2-3 hours before your workout, and continue sipping on fluids throughout your training session. By paying attention to your pre-workout nutrition, you can increase your energy levels, enhance your endurance, and optimize your fitness results. In the next section of this article This Is The Complete Guide to Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition, we will discuss the importance of post-workout nutrition and the nutrients your body needs for optimal recovery and muscle growth. Let us keep on exploring and learning from This Is The Complete Guide to Pre-and Post-Workout Nutrition. Maximizing Post-Workout Recovery and Muscle Repair: The Key to Gains This Is The Complete Guide to Pre-and Post-Workout Nutrition This Is The Complete Guide to Pre-and Post-Workout Nutrition
Post-workout nutrition is just as crucial as pre-workout nutrition when it comes to maximizing your fitness results. After an intense workout, your muscles are in a state of fatigue and need replenishment to recover and rebuild. The key nutrients that your body requires post-workout include carbohydrates and protein. Carbohydrates replenish glycogen stores, which are the primary fuel source for your muscles. Consuming easily digestible carbohydrates, such as a piece of fruit or a serving of whole grain toast, within 30 minutes of your workout can kickstart the recovery process. Protein is essential for muscle repair and growth. It helps repair the microtears in muscle fibers caused by exercise and promotes the synthesis of new muscle tissue. Including a source of lean protein, such as whey protein, fish, or legumes, in your post-workout meal or snack is vital for maximizing muscle recovery. In addition to carbohydrates and protein, it is also important to hydrate yourself post-workout. Replenishing the fluids and electrolytes lost through sweat will help prevent dehydration and support optimal recovery. By providing your body with the right nutrients post-workout, you can speed up the recovery process, reduce muscle soreness, and enhance muscle growth. In the following section, we will delve deeper into the timing and composition of post-workout meals to further optimize your fitness results. Understanding Macronutrients: What to Consume Before and After Your Workout In order to maximize your fitness results, it is essential to understand the importance of consuming the right macronutrients before and after your workout. Macronutrients are the major nutrients that our bodies require in large quantities: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Before your workout, it is important to fuel your body with the right combination of carbohydrates and protein. Carbohydrates provide the necessary energy for your workout, while protein helps to repair and build muscle. Choosing complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains and vegetables, and lean sources of protein, such as chicken or tofu, will give your body the nutrients it needs to perform at its best. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); After your workout, your muscles are in a depleted state and need to be replenished. Consuming a meal or snack that contains both carbohydrates and protein within 30 minutes to an hour after your workout can jumpstart the recovery process and promote muscle growth. This can be as simple as a protein shake with a piece of fruit, or a balanced meal of grilled chicken with brown rice and vegetables. Understanding the role of macronutrients in your pre- and post-workout nutrition will help you optimize your fitness results. In the next section, of this article This Is The Complete Guide to Pre-and Post-Workout Nutrition, we will discuss the importance of timing your meals and snacks to further enhance your performance and recovery. Stay tuned! Timing is Everything: The Importance of Proper Nutrient Timing This Is The Complete Guide to Pre-and Post-Workout Nutrition Proper nutrient timing plays a crucial role in maximizing your fitness results. Just as fueling your body with the right macronutrients is important, timing your meals and snacks can further enhance your performance and recovery. Before your workout, it is recommended to consume a balanced meal about 2-3 hours prior to exercising. This allows your body enough time to digest and absorb the nutrients, providing you with sustained energy throughout your workout. However, if you are short on time, having a small snack that combines carbohydrates and protein 30 minutes to an hour before your workout can still be beneficial. After your workout, your body is primed for nutrient absorption. Consuming a meal or snack within 30 minutes to an hour post-workout can optimize muscle recovery and growth. This is known as the "anabolic window" and taking advantage of it can have a significant impact on your results.
In the following section, we will delve deeper into the concept of nutrient timing and discuss the best pre- and post-workout meals and snacks to fuel your body for optimal performance. Stay tuned for more valuable insights! Evidence-Based Recommendations for Pre-and Post-Workout Nutrition In this section, we will dive into the scientific evidence u tu behind pre- and post-workout nutrition. By understanding the research behind it, you can make informed decisions about your own nutritional routine and maximize your fitness results. Numerous studies have shown that consuming a balanced meal 2-3 hours before your workout provides sustained energy and improves performance. This meal should consist of complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, and healthy fats to fuel your muscles and support recovery. If time is limited, a small snack 30 minutes to an hour before your workout can still have positive effects. This snack should contain a combination of easily digestible carbohydrates and a source of protein to provide immediate energy and prevent muscle breakdown. After your workout, consuming a meal or snack within the "anabolic window" of 30 minutes to an hour is crucial for muscle recovery and growth. This meal should be rich in protein to repair damaged tissues and carbohydrates to replenish glycogen stores. This Is The Complete Guide to Pre-and Post-Workout Nutrition In the next section, we will provide you with practical examples of pre- and post-workout meals and snacks that align with these evidence-based recommendations. Let's take a closer look at how you can fuel your body for optimal performance and achieve your fitness goals. let keep on learning from This Is The Complete Guide to Pre-and Post-Workout Nutrition. Stay tuned! 8. Supplementing Your Diet: Do's and Don'ts for Optimal Results In this next section, we will discuss the topic of supplementing your diet for optimal results. While a well-balanced diet should provide most of the nutrients your body needs, supplements can be a helpful addition to support your fitness goals. When it comes to choosing supplements, it's important to approach it with caution. While there are some supplements that have been scientifically proven to enhance performance and aid in recovery, there are also many products on the market that make false claims and may even be harmful to your health. To ensure you are making wise choices, do your research and consult with a qualified healthcare professional or registered dietitian. They can help you determine which supplements, if any, may be beneficial for your specific needs and goals. Remember, supplements should never replace whole foods. They are meant to supplement your diet, not serve as a substitute for a well-rounded eating plan. Additionally, be aware of potential interactions with any medications you may be taking, and always follow the recommended dosage instructions. In the next section, we will explore the scientifically proven supplements that can support your pre- and post-workout nutrition. Stay tuned to learn more about how these supplements can enhance your fitness routine and help you achieve your desired results. Fine-Tuning Your Nutrition: Tailoring Strategies to Individual Needs In this next section of this article This Is The Complete Guide to Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition, we will dive into the importance of tailoring your nutrition strategies to meet your individual needs. While the previous section discussed the general guidelines for pre- and post-workout nutrition, it's essential to remember that every person is unique and may require different approaches to optimize their fitness results. Factors such as age, gender, body composition, training intensity, and goals can all influence your nutritional needs. By personalizing your nutrition plan, you can maximize your performance, recovery, and overall fitness outcomes. One way to fine-tune your nutrition is by tracking your macronutrient intake.
Macronutrients, including carbohydrates, protein, and fats, play crucial roles in fueling your workouts, promoting muscle growth and repair, and supporting overall health. Adjusting the ratio and total amount of these macronutrients can help optimize your energy levels, muscle development, and body composition. Another aspect to consider is meal timing. Some individuals may benefit from consuming a pre-workout meal to ensure they have enough energy for their exercise session, while others may prefer to train in a fasted state. Post-workout nutrition is also vital for replenishing glycogen stores and aiding in muscle recovery. Experimentation with different meal timing strategies can help you find what works best for you. This Is The Complete Guide to Pre-and Post-Workout Nutrition Additionally, hydration is often overlooked but plays a significant role in optimizing exercise performance. Make sure to stay adequately hydrated before, during, and after your workouts. Monitoring your fluid intake and adjusting it based on factors like temperature, exercise duration, and sweat rate can help you maintain optimal hydration levels. Lastly, don't forget the importance of listening to your body. It may take some trial and error to find the right combination of nutrients and timing that works best for you. Pay attention to how different approaches impact your performance, recovery, and overall well-being. Remember, nutrition is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to maximizing your fitness results. It should be complemented by a well-designed workout routine, adequate rest and recovery, and a healthy lifestyle overall. In the next section, we will provide practical tips and strategies for fine-tuning your nutrition based on individual needs. So keep reading to discover how you can tailor your nutrition plan to achieve your desired fitness outcomes. Wrapping Up: Putting Science Into Practice for Enhanced Fitness Results In this final section, we will bring all the information together and provide practical tips and strategies for putting the science of pre-and post-workout nutrition into practice. By implementing these strategies, you can maximize your fitness results and reach your desired goals. Firstly, remember that consistency is key. It's important to fuel your body with the right nutrients consistently, both before and after your workouts. This means planning your meals in advance, so you have the right foods available when you need them. Secondly, take the time to experiment and find what works best for you. While there are general guidelines to follow, everyone's body is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. Pay attention to how different foods and meal timing strategies impact your energy levels, performance, and recovery, and make adjustments accordingly. Next, don't be afraid to seek help from professionals such as dietitians or nutritionists. They can provide personalized guidance based on your specific needs and goals. They can also help you navigate any dietary restrictions or preferences you may have while still optimizing your nutrition. Lastly, be patient and give yourself time to see results. Rome wasn't built in a day, and the same goes for your fitness journey. Enjoy the process, and trust that the consistent application of scientifically proven nutrition strategies will lead to noticeable improvements in your performance, body composition, and overall fitness results. In conclusion, pre- and post-workout nutrition plays a crucial role in maximizing your fitness results. By tailoring your nutrition plan to meet your individual needs, tracking your macronutrient intake, optimizing meal timing, staying hydrated, and listening to your body, you can optimize your energy levels, muscle development, and overall well-being. Combined with a well-designed workout routine, rest and recovery, and a healthy lifestyle, you will be well on your way to achieving your fitness goals.
So, start implementing these strategies today and watch as your hard work pays off. Thank you fro going through this article about This Is The Complete Guide to Pre-and Post-Workout Nutrition and I believed you loved every bit of it. Feel free to like and share it with your beloved ones and if any idea or comment you can write to us and we shall definately react to it. Thank you again for forming part of this community, together we can make it possible. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push();
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dorgan17 · 5 months
Day in the Life as a Student Athlete
This is a day in the life as a student athlete who has a job and who also takes college courses. I'm a softball player who is looking to pursue my dreams of becoming a college athlete. Most days are typically started with a workout of some sort, whether it's weightlifting at the gym or hitting off of a tee at home. I tend to wake up early to make sure that I am getting my daily conditioning in. When I have a full schedule for the day, I wake up at 4:30 AM and go to the gym to do a variety of workouts. I get to the gym around 6:00 AM because I take forever to get ready. After my workout, I catch breakfast on the way home from either Starbucks or one of our local nutrition shops. I usually get home and am ready to start my day by 8:30 AM/9:00 AM. I'd like to say that my schoolwork gets done around 12:00 PM, but most of the time, it gets done around 3:00 PM. After I do my daily schoolwork, I like to finish one of the workouts that I have not yet completed (if I went to the gym that morning, I would hit off of a tee in the afternoon and vice versa). My travel softball team will usually have practice twice a week, so I will attend that around 6:00 PM. If I don't have practice, I babysit for a family that most of the time only needs a night sitter. After practice or babysitting, I get home around 10:30 PM and finish my day by watching some TV or immediately going to sleep. I like to keep my life very busy and scheduled out because if not, I definitely will take a six hour nap and then proceed to sleep another nine hours at night as if I haven't had enough to sleep. My days also consist in drinking a lot of Red Bulls.
Thanks for reading :)
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maky56 · 5 months
Prompt #2
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Majority of my underlying food beliefs are centered around the nutritional/scientific reasoning behind meals. I am an athlete and a lot of my schedule is booked up with practices, lifts, conditioning, and recovery activities. To be able to complete the rigorous demands of hockey nutrition is key for better performance. I follow a 60, 25, 15 rule in season, where most of my activity and calories are being used. 60 percent of my daily diet goes to carbs, 25 percent is protein, 15 percent is fats. These three food categories are the macronutrients your "body needs for energy and to maintain the body's structure and systems" (MD Anderson, 2020). My staple carbohydrates are brown rice, any type of pasta, and potatoes. My staple proteins are lean ground beef, chicken breasts, low carb sausage, and I also try to consume either a protein shake or powder within the 30 minute window ("anabolic window") post activity. During this time frame the muscles are more sensitive to protein, and it gives your muscles the amino acids necessary for repair (us news, n.d.). I try to stay away from sports drinks which have "synthetic nutrients, dyes, and other processed ingredients", and instead I use a BCAA replenishment powder if I feel as needed (Sunwarrior, 2019). I am still trying to be better about my refined sugar consumption. I may be an athlete, but I still have a sweet tooth! My brother is also an athlete and follows this macronutrient nutrition plan, as well as some of my teammates. However, there is nothing wrong with just watching how you eat and managing with what are considered beneficial foods, instead of tracking everything on an app like MyfitnessPal.
MD Anderson Cancer Center, & Alexander, H. (2020, June 5). What are macronutrients?. MD Anderson Cancer Center. https://www.mdanderson.org/publications/focused-on-health/what-are-macronutrients-.h15-1593780.html#:~:text=Carbohydrates%2C%20fat%20and%20protein%20are,Anderson%20Wellness%20Dietitian%20Lindsey%20Wohlford. 
Protein before or after your workout: Which is better? (n.d.). https://health.usnews.com/wellness/fitness/articles/do-you-really-need-protein-right-after-your-workout 
Follow the athlete diet: 18 important foods athletes should avoid. Sunwarrior. (2019, May 31). https://sunwarrior.com/blogs/health-hub/most-important-foods-athletes-should-avoid 
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boysareloose · 6 months
Health & Fitness Drink
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It also accommodates smaller quantities of potassium, chloride, calcium, and magnesium, in addition to zinc and B vitamins. We researched and tested over 20 top-rated drinks evaluating them for style, odor, dissolubility (for powders), high quality of ingredients, worth, and dietary content material. When selecting which sports activities drink is best for you, consider the completely different varieties, together with powders and ready-to-drink beverages, and if they make sense for how you plan to use them. Who specializes in working vitamins, recommends having a drink with electrolytes and carbohydrates throughout prolonged bodily exercise. She emphasizes the significance of sodium to assist in hydration and replenish losses through sweat - chlorophyll water.
All-natural pomegranate juice is considered one of the most nutritious drinks on supermarket shelves. This vibrant fruit juice is filled with antioxidants that assist in protecting cells from injury and decrease inflammation, which can help relieve some forms of arthritis. It’s also rich in immune-boosting vitamin C, making it considered one of our favourite wholesome drinks to fight off colds. Gatorade and other sports activities drinks are not inherently wholesome or healthier than different drinks. When consumed frequently, Gatorade may lead to, or contribute to, issues corresponding to weight problems - plantwater Australia.
The variability within the outcomes of the above research is especially due to methodological variations. Variations in topics, gender, dose of caffeine, components of power drinks, and sort of placebo used contribute considerably to the inconsistency of the results. Alcohol can decelerate your metabolism, weaken your muscle tissue, and provide you with fatigue. Excessive alcoholism does not simply affect you in your health objectives, it impacts you in your everyday life. You feel more sluggish, you begin to choose on alcohol over other stuff you love, after which everything seems to begin falling apart.
Sports drinks also have electrolytes like sodium and potassium, which the body loses by way of sweat. These maintain the physique's fluid ranges in steadiness and assist muscle tissue work properly. Sports drinks and energy drinks can embrace anything from sports beverages to vitamin waters to highly caffeinated drinks. They all have added ingredients that say they "do" one thing further, corresponding to enhance vitality and alertness,  boost nutrition, or even improve athletic performance. For more information, please visit our site https://www.plantwater.com.au/
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