#con o'niell
obsidianbit · 11 months
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The people around me when I open Con O'Neill's instagram story in public and its the most explicit horny Izzy Hands fanart that could be found
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piratesmyass · 10 months
POV: You insulted Calypso. Prepare for death. A slow and painful one.
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Watching Con O'Neill's old stuff cause it's fun. Day #?- Ordinary lies-EPISODE 1
I am going, to be honest. I don't know how to tag this without 'ruining it' look up the warnings on your own? Tell me below in the comments those of you who have seen this how you would tag warnings for this. Just take this meme and go googling.
UPDATED CON RANKINGS DOWN BELOW! Also, for anyone who doesn't know, I finally have a tag for this series! It's easy to find now!
As always thanks to @ivegotnonameidea for the love
Some people I follow who I think have seen this and I'd love their opinions @cliffcostello @gydima @dianetastesmetal @mossiestpiglet(if you haven't seen this, just ignore me. Or go read the warnings and watch it?)
Thoughts below, I'd love to hear yours.
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SPOILERS FROM HERE ON OUT BABES! ITS A WILD RIDE! For me this is almost as emotional as Joe Meek from Telstar. So....YEAH.
Con being the first name in the credits?
AHHH, smiling. A sign of more to come
OHH! Cringe boss/coworker Con! I love it. I've seen a gif of this speech out of context and thought he'd be an ass.
What job is he doing?
JOE! That name has no Con O'Neill associations.
"I don't assemble teams based on the basis of who might fuck eachother" JOE I LOVE YOU
I know that head of hair! Hey Joel Fry!
As someone who worked at a warehouse, they've got the energy down. "I will just, leave them here, for you" Yeah, real.
(As someone who has dropped a boxed up sewing machine on my head from about that height, the boy's going to need help. If he suddenly becomes 'crazy' ill be a bit peeved.)
Also, most pallets for warehouses are stacked bottom heavy. We don't know the freight they ship, but still. The only reason heavy stock was on top is if the whole pallet was heavy. (I get that they had to drop empty boxes on Con for ~Safety~ but they could have edited snappier)
I'm calling it. The wife is cheating on him. Joe's not allowed to be happy.
AHHH! They won't let him drive! Love it.
This over-the-bed shot was necessary, and I love it
Oh, look at him. Community leader.
So he's insecure, has a shaky relationship with his family, and is semi-committed to work? LOVE IT
No Joe, partners don't snoop at their partner's phones.
Also, that fucking look Joe gave him. love it.
If he cheats in retaliation, this will start a circle of cheating and bullshit. Speaking from life, don't put your kids through that.
Actually, this is the most realistic portrayal of warehouse managers. Especially ignoring basic safety rules for a laugh. The only thing they messed up on was doing it in front of the cameras. Managers know better.
I know Joel is a superhero which just makes this scene fun.
As paranoid as I am with my space, I like to think I'd notice.
EXACTLY TECH GUY. Trust is mandatory. Wait, don't threaten physical harm, that's a bit much
He's trying to be fun, but god. OH HIS YODA IS SO FUN
Going to a bar with coworkers sounds awful
I hope my life pushes me to follow the narrative as hard as it's convincing Joe that his wife is cheating on him.
Maybe don't fuck your coworkers?
Joe is going to a meeting, at least he's proactive.
GAY? Gay cheating or do they just have long hair?
Yeah, he's having a good day. 10/10
Why is the PA at his desk? What the fuck? Even if he wasn't paranoid, it's still wrong if he's upper management.
(Smoke alarm scene) Oh joy, the cards come crumbling. Also, I don't know when this was published, but they definitely had small enough cameras to fit inside a working smoke alarm.
SHE DOESN'T TRUST HIM TO TALK THIS OUT? At least entertain the thought that your teenager is smoking?
Ohh he's quizzing her to see if she's cheating, bro don't look too suspicious.
I love this adventure outfit.
What did he expect? They don't supply the mountain with 4g
Aww he's in recovery, it'd be a shame if, over the course of this episode, he slipped up :|
'Good Time Joe' :( (also, this is just going to make me sad, huh)
Good for him. But not including his wife/kids is kind of saying a lot.
That looks like a nice sleeping bag!
Oh shit, that's a walk. Good thing you didn't tell anyone where you were going. :\ he's asking to get murdered
Yeah, babe. This is creepy. Please evaluate your actions.
Yeah, this scene is sweet.
Wait, did he accidentally out his kid's relationship? Is that what I'm supposed to gather from this?
Also, if this is something 'serious' please tell me this wasn't the era when weed was the worst tv would do
I feel like this talk would be easier if you didn't make eye contact
She needs to stop fucking new employees, it's an HR issue
This whole meet-up scene is nice
IT IS BETTER TO HAVE NEVER FOUND OUT BABE. Life is a mystery and being able to find out is an issue. In fact, you can stop whenever you want. Like, now?
Teenage daughter is drinking, calling it now.
Okay, maybe the two women are just really close friends.
Also, even I don't know that I'd keep alcohol in the house if Joe is known to drink instead of reaching out for help. Obviously, everyone has different limits, but eh. Feels courteous at least.
Joe is not having a good time. If I need to pause for embarrassment reasons, I'll say.
"It's not porn" If you think your wife is fucking someone, and you caught it on camera, that's porn.
Look, say what you will. But it looks like she cares as his boss/equal.
He's not himself cause he's scared.
"How would you rate that assessment?" "6/10" BRO
Just tell her. About the cheating at least.
See, Joe is just coming to this realization. This is the healthiest mindset to respect people's boundaries.
No, you don't have a right to know everything. AHHH HE LOOKED AT THE CAMERA OMG THAT WAS SO GOOD.
Good! Look at him apologizing. An Adult.
Also, their business is heavily dependent on people's excess income. As hard as he can try, he's fucked living with the economy as his ruler. Sad honestly.
I haven't mentioned that he's spying in the bathroom now instead of the desk, but god is that unhygienic.
You know what, I have some hope for him.
IS THAT A GUY? Threesome? Foursome? Wait, what pamphlet? Are they close to scoping him out?
It's probably just her coworkers, right? This is all an innocent mistake?
How the fuck is he going to explain himself if they catch him?
HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! OH GOD
What? What am I missing? Oh SHIT.
Look as shitty as it is, he has a point.
Violence won't do shit, and neither will entrapment.
Jesus. Just get a divorce.
Okay, Jesus, get a divorce.
No, let her do this, hit him.
How the fuck does he not know what statutory rape is in this instance? This is a really fucking good episode but Jesus Christ, that fucking neggs me.
At least he immediately went to go see someone in his support system (his daughter) after relapsing.
CON: FUCKING 10/10. I don't even know where to begin. I am so fucking happy I wasn't spoiled for shit besides his opening speech and seeing gifs of his chest. He plays Joe as a raw, damaged individual who just wants to protect himself and his family. I have entire fucking essays I want to write on his performance.
What Joe needs is a support group. I know he's in other episodes, and the entire point of this show is that people live Ordinary Lives, but just knowing how bad he's struggling, it seems cruel to me. Real in a way I want media to clean up nicely with a bow. He's reaching a new low in his life, and fuck! If yall tell me other episodes have more prominent Joe scenes, I will absolutely watch it.
Yes, I've seen "Let me buy you a drink! Tier Five Friday, whoo whoo?" and a few other clips of Joe and Joel Fry's character. AND ITS SAD, regardless of how funny it is. I'm so fucking weak for this depressed man.
It just hurts cause I know he can work to be happier.
If he thinks she's willing to cheat, he doesn't trust their relationship to hold.
But with how he feels like he's failed them as a protector, losing them could fucking break them more. As I mentioned sports supplies are an excess funds type product. Imagine if all of this shit was going on, AND a recession hits, and his position at work was threatened? I was laid off from my warehouse job THREE MONTHS before peak just because profits were low. Joe having a record of assaulting staff and unsafe workmanship on the floor could be enough to lose his job if things get tight.
I want to give this man a fucking happy ending, a partner who he can trust and have these discussions with, and a better fucking support system.
I know my 'as I watch' summary seems disjointed but my original one without editing was too long for Tumblr. It included me just fucking hitting my keyboard. LOTS OF FUCCKKKKKS. Etc, you get my point. I want to rewatch this to see all the nuances with full context, and also never think about this again cause I will explode it's so fucking good.
For Joe's final thoughts, who's better to give final words than Con himself?
"I feel for him. I wouldn't do what he does – but I understand why he does it."
Characters besides Con: 9/10. A few small things bugged me. But eh. They are people as Joe sees them. I'm sure if I watched other episodes these people would be more fleshed out.
Story 9/10: I love that this was a mystery drama in the truest sense of the word. We were meant to solve things along with Joe until the rug was pulled from under us. WE WERE THE OBSERVING EYES BUT WE WEREN'T ALL-KNOWING. The audience wasn't God. We went from thinking he was weird to even considering this, but Jesus. He caught his son doing one of the fucking worst things he could have possibly done.
Again, I know fuck ups exist in every goddamn family. But the son is old enough to have been aware of what happened to his sister when it happened. The son knew exactly what happened to his sister and still did what he did. Again, it's real, but it just feels like so much shit stacked on top of Joe's shoulders at the last fucking second to make him break. I feel for the Mom and Daughter but they were kind of side stories here we barely got to see.
Everything unravels from the audience at first thinking Joe is weird, to OH MY GOD?!??!?! Is a delight. If a mystery is served to us like this, I will eat it the fuck up.
Overall: 10/10. I fucking love this hour of television. We got so many scenes of Joe just slightly breaking down as everyone around him wouldn't just be honest with him. He had to break down in the last ten minutes, and we the audience had no clue just how shitty the situation was. If you want me to watch more, don't be afraid to fully spoil the cool stuff down below. If I didn't care more about keeping a 'scale' this would be a 11/10+.
Again, everyone in S is essentially interchangeable.
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I will add his bit roles if needs be. Or if I'm bored! (Update-2/23/2023 to include recent bit roles)
As always, have a good day. Or night. I'm writing this at 1 in the morning so hopefully, it's understandable. Please throw up words below, it always makes my day!
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cottoncandysprite · 1 year
Literally all the characters in OFMD are morally grey. That's what makes it so interesting.
I am NOT looking forward to some of the brain drag takes we're gonna get when the season airs, especially about Izzy and Ed
EXACTLY!!!!! I know it's hard asking a fandom to have enough media literacy skills to bring nuance into character discussions but the way some of y'all are gonna villainize both of them to the point of calling them completely irredeemable...... it's so bad for some of you fr
It's a lot worse on twt I will say. Like, half the fandom has the other half blocked purely bc you're only allowed to fully be in love with izzy to an uncomfortable extent and victimize him (which, no, he's a terrible person? That's kind of the point?) or hate him and call all of his fans horrible people (which, a lot of them are tbf but 1. So are some of the haters and 2. they tend to lump the apologists in w/ people like me who consider him one of my favs bc he's like, an interesting character to study). You're allowed to like a character AND want to punch him in the face. The ideas can coexist. He is a FICTIONAL CHARACTER.
I'm just so tired of the discourse man I wanna go back to when the fandom was small and I could see meta essays about his backstory or motivations without worrying about ppl on either side sending death threats over it
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luminaryofblood · 10 months
I love the contrast between mohg's appearance and voice SO MUCH. i've seen people complain about how his voice doesn't suit him because it isn't deep and growly enough or whatever and i'm just like *slams fists on table* THAT'S WHY IT'S SO GOOD AND MEMORABLE. THE VOICE DISPARATY IS EXACTLY WHAT I LOVE. NONE OF YOU GET IT
But that's so silly though! And for one thing, he is perfectly capable of speaking in that deep and growling voice("Welcome, honored guest"). But other times, and I kinda do feel that this is sort of his default, where it's this soft, almost whispery voice.
Honestly, that IS kinda what I like about Mohg IS that soft whispery voice, because it honestly isn't what you would expect to come from someone with such an imposing appearance.
It's not what you would expect, but it works for him!
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Now imagine if he only ever speaks in that softer voice around people who he trusts -- more often than not, he speaks in that rumbling, guttural growl.
But for the select few, they hear how he really sounds.
And those select few are Morgott and Miquella.
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krakenguard · 1 year
God, but it's like...
Seeing Con as Izzy -- Like, again! This is the first time that I've actually gotten into this show! I'd seen a lot about it back when Season 1 was out, and I'd only just now gotten into it. What better time could I have possibly picked?
Just throwing this under the Read More in case of spoilers!
Cripes, back then the only person that stuck out to me was Wee John - Hodor! Freaking Hodor, man!
And Frenchie!! Hizdahr zo Loraq! I only just discovered HIM recently!
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Look, I am quite heavily into Game of Thrones, and one thing I absolutely love is playing "Hey! It's THAT guy!" Recognizing certain people from one thing, and then seeing them in another! I gobble that stuff up like the biggest peanut butter and jelly sandwich you could make!
I still can't get over that the actors playing Bronn and Solaire are brothers in real life. Who'd have thought it?
Anyhoo though... The main thing that really got me into the show was Izzy Hands.
Which, again, "Hey! It's THAT guy!" is in full play. I know him from his roll as Titchy Gren from Dark Souls II, and Mohg from Elden Ring.
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Yeah. These two.
And it's like...
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... Yeah for lack of any better words... 😂
He's funny in this sort of UNINTENTED sort of way? He's such a jerkass in season 1, but I LOVE how Season 2 seems to be doing a sort of...
This guy who you were rooting against in Season 1, and now comes Season 2 and it's like...
You JUST want to hug him. He was a jerk, yes, but you can't help but WANT to hug him. And I just... REALLY like how his character has been so far!
I'm REALLY enjoying it! But at the same time it DOES have me sort of worried in this sort of...
Ooooh, what happens? Will things get better or something going to come up that'll make you go "Izzy! Nooo!"
I don't know! But ah! AHH!
Of course Izzy would be the character I'd gravitate toward! REALLY looking forward to more!
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thateclecticbitch · 11 months
Using other queer people as a receptical for your own self hate isn't internalized homophobia, by the way. It's just homophobia.
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mon-ster-chen · 1 month
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Source: Con o'Niell -> instagram
💫🥰...just enjoy it❤️‍🔥
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melvisik · 11 months
Warning: This post contains non-explicit, brief implications of sexual assault/harassment and invasion of personal space. The subject of consent is delicate and complex and I am no expert, so if any information/opinions in this post are evaluated to be erroneous, seem careless, or cause too much controversy, this post will be deleted and apologies given.
Constructive criticism is welcome.
This post is essentially just a bunch of stating the obvious and taking in the observations of the fandom, but just want to emphasize and reiterate: Not that anyone would imagine (canonically-speaking anyway) that Stede would force or manipulate Ed into anything, but one of the loveliest parts of this scene…
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…is that Stede stops when Ed tells him to stop with no sense of hurt, indignation, or bewilderment. "Yeah, sorry, I didn't...I was...thinking...no, I know."
Since the scene aired, there's been an explosion of suggestions and analyses of just what Stede had been thinking during that kiss. There's the most common assumption - of course he frickin wants this beautiful, incredible man whom he loves and who loves him back. It goes without saying that (as far as we know) Stede more than likely has only shared physical intimacy with Mary, someone he is at least fond of but clearly was never in love with. Assuming he is a person who desires and enjoys this kind of thing (and we already knows Ed does), he now has the opportunity to share it with someone he loves and adores, and by god is he ready for it. (Plus, he is all about dropping a lot of the 'gentlemanly' qualities now. Guy is kinda running off a 'successful pirate captaining' high this evening.)
But according to the fandom, his eagerness could be attributed to a couple additional reasons. First of all, he must assume Ed wants to move in this direction. Ed was ready to throw his pirate life away to run off with him to China, moving their relationship forward immediately. That's Ed's pace, Stede thinks, and now that Stede is on board and damn certain of his feelings, he might as well go with Ed's flow (kind of tossing his whole 'whim' speech out the window). He (Stede) is also game, so why not? Also, the last time Ed and Stede kissed, Stede later ran off to Mary (yes, we all know he was really kidnapped, dressed down, and retraumatized, but he still hasn't divulged that to Ed). So perhaps now with this kiss, Stede is trying to reassure Ed that he's not going anywhere this time. This time, he is all in. Another thing to consider is Anne Bonny's almost disparaging inquiry and the subsequent mockery...
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As if sexual activity is the signifying feature of a romantic relationship (it isn't). So perhaps there's a modicum of pressure being felt on Stede's part here as well.
However, Con O'Niell once expressed in a panel that 'sex is sex on that ship' and love is another matter. Blackbeard has had sex before, passionate encounters, dalliances if you will... But Edward wants it to be different with Stede, something he considers might make it much deeper (and what's more, he's just not ready). So he pulls back. To state the obvious - not engaging in any form of physical intimacy is totally fine, just as passion for passion's sake (or occasionally using it as a way to express love) is totally fine; there are many different, wonderful flavors of relationships. But even the most dynamic of them has boundaries that are not to be crossed and there are agreements to be established beforehand, even with whims. At the very minimum, everyone involved should be staying safe, have personal autonomy, know explicitly what they are signing up for, and not have any kind of outside influence affect their ability to consent (if they want to give it). So, whatever the case, it's important to note is that the moment Stede feels Ed pull away, noticing that hand on his shoulder, an area of his body that Ed has always affectionally punched or patted…
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…he reads Ed's signal and he stops.
And Ed doesn't apologize, he doesn't need to. Stede waits and listens and immediately accepts that he got a little too passionate and that Ed isn't ready for that yet.
To use a classic Youtube video comparison - Stede offered tea, Ed said no thanks/not right now, and that was that. But this analogy isn't exclusively applied to just sexual or intimate activity; Stede might not have even been asking for sex here. But in all relationships (whether romantic, work-related, familial, etc.) consent just to be touched in certain ways is granted differently depending on the relationship and what the involved parties agree to. This can stand out particularly in romantic pairings because the partners involved are often given permission touch more or differently than outside entities. Take for example a pair of classic scenes in the first season - it's been frequently pointed out that Ed's reaction to Antoinette invasion of his personal space…
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…was violently different than when Stede waited for permission to touch his beard...
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Or (going back to more intimate touches) Stede's reaction to Anne Bonny's assault...
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It’s a stark contrast to how he wants to pull Ed closer. Quite frankly, if a person hasn't given you permission to touch them in intimate areas (or in most cases anywhere), you DO NOT touch them. Some may think it's daring or somehow seductive to ignore that, but it absolutely is not. Stede currently has some permission to touch Ed, but he can only go so far. Ed has boundaries and Stede should respect them. And of course, the same applies to Ed in regards to Stede. No matter how you look at it, Ed did kinda blindside Stede with that kiss...
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In this case, it turned out fairly ok since Stede did in fact reciprocate Ed's feelings and responded positively (which Ed gradually gauged during the kiss)...
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...but it was a surprise kiss nevertheless, and Ed's later proposal ultimately ended up leaving Stede in a bit of a panic. But now, consider that moonlight scene. We've all seen it, it's been shouted from the fandom rooftops. In these first beginning steps of their romantic relationship, both tentatively get closer until each gives his own silent consent…
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This time, while Stede is willing to go farther, Ed isn't, as he's taking Stede's words to heart and trying not to move too fast again. And Stede seems to already respects those boundaries. Early on when he calls Ed out from purgatory...
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...he doesn't devour Ed's mouth to try and 'smooch him out of it' like some Snow White or Sleepy Beauty fairytale. He knows he's probably not on the best terms with Ed right now and he isn't in a position to be giving Ed passionate kisses. Instead, he grabs Ed's hand and tries to guide him back. From Ed's end in the mermaid vision, MerStede never touches Ed and Ed never touches him. They draw closer slowly, tenderly, and together...
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All relationships are different, but it seems the kind Ed and Stede are going for here hasn't exactly been established on the best footing, even though both know their love is reciprocated. Ed knows this. Stede knows this. It's totally ok to go slow if that's what someone needs (not stringing along now, that's different.) So for now, THIS is enough...
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No hand snaking around the waist or the shoulders (a move Ed made with their first kiss). Just the feel of one another's palm in the other, the weight of each other's hand relaying all their mutual love and support. A sweet, beautiful show of respect and consideration, and it is much appreciated. P.S. Plus this is just so friggin cute...
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...oh my god, these two...
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dip-the-stick · 11 months
Izzy Shirtless Scene
1. izzy shirtless
2. hairy chest
1. no other tattoos hiding under there
2. O'Niell
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piratesmyass · 10 months
"Yeah, I'm normal." Meanwhile:
The "normal" on my phone
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The "normal" all over of my lecture notes
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The "normal" in my head at all times
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Watching Con O'Neill's old stuff cause it's fun. Day #? Soldier Soldier S06 EP.09 Asking for it (Con's Conography. 1996)
In future if you want to read all of these posts, I've added the tag 'Con's Conography'. Now they're all in one nice spot!
Warnings for: Sexual assault/rape (committed by Con's character), abuse of power within the military structure, assault, abuse of power, sexist comments(what you would expect from the military).
Should I watch this before reading this? Is it worth it?:
Con plays a military official who abuses his station, sexually assaults a female private under his care, and semi-gets away with it with barely a scuff on the wrist in the end.
It's a really fucking good story about how women are treated in the military. Especially victims of sexual assault. He uses his power to try to get her kicked out. When that fails, he knows they're onto him. Without much evidence, he can't be prosecuted so he asks for a transfer, which he receives. He's not a repeat offender, his first assault happens mid-way through the episode, but he's a fucking jackass who couldn't take no for an answer. They give him internal reasons why he thinks he didn't go too far, and it is very real. If you're still interested, watch it.
Again, cause I went into this fully blind I will be saying whoreish things about Con. If you just look at his costumes, he has some 'hot' ones in this if you don't know what he does. If you look up Soldier Soldier a good chunk of it is people rebloging hot photos/gifs of Con without context.
He did this 1 year after Scarborough Ahoy and basically has a shorter haircut. Still in the 'hot young Con era'. They literally throw him into a pool fully clothed for fucks sake. After the scene happens, my tune changes. I promise. Again, they don't define him as a man with a history of assault, but Con's character is definitely the type to think 'I only fucked up once, I'm still a good person.' just fucking gross.
If it's too much skip around my live reaction and jump to the end for my final thoughts.
So, military. Should have guessed based on that title. This intro is very 80s for the 90s. If they kill anyone I'll kind of be surprised.
Angry swim coach Con, yes.
God, he pulls off military type so well.
"If you've got the energy to smile, go give me a few more laps." HELL YEAH.
God, I know that's his voice, but god it sounds like it hurts.
I hate military types...so much.
This bike tampering is dumb, and dangerous, and is going to get both of them beat up. Also, these men(E-1 privates) 'respect' women more than any vet I've met.
I'd be entertained by that shit. And fucker seems like an ass so might as well give it to him.
Con looks huggable in that jacket. It's a nice soft blue. Love it.
CON IN A HAT! With a little feather.
"I never thought of you as a romantic!" GOD FUCKING DAMN IT. Can he just be evil? Or a douche? Every single fucking project this guy needs to be sad and lonely, wanting a friend/lover. Hurt by a past relationship and just wanting justice in his life. Don't get me wrong, I eat this shit up with a goddamn spoon. But Fucking HELL. EVERY CHARACTER?
HE'S DIVORCED. THAT MEANS HE'S AVAILABLE BABY. "There's only room for one woman in my life, I joined the army, she made a man out of me." I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE.
ALSO THAT CARDIGAN, AHHHH. It's obviously cheap military clothes, but god.
(The young couple we've been following all episode) They're a cute couple (I say, a military brat that got out before I was 10. They'll fuck, have a kid, and be just as unhappy as anyone else on base. Divorce before their kids fifth birthday. Love that)
OHH I think I've seen clips of this scene!
ROBERT! THEY GAVE HIM THE NAME ROBERT. :) Funny in an Ironic way. He couldn't find a date? If he's a teacher then he probably doesn't leave base often, and a divorce? This man is going to be relationship adverse as fuck.
Also, parental issues be damned, he looks nice in uniform
I love that he got all up in his space, and Robert just looked fucking dead inside. Then he ruined his meal.
Also, please tell me he isn't going to fucking go after a woman in his charge. :). Please. Fucking please. I'm holding on by the edge of my rope, if he takes advantage of his subordinate, I will be pissed.
God, Con's speech around 12:30 sounds like a good ol' time.
BOB. I know it's a shortening of Robert, but Jesus fuck.
Also, this amount of restraint is admirable. He should have gotten screamed at.
We as the audience are probably supposed to think he's an ass. Nah, he didn't humiliate him in front of the other officers, held his ground when he thought he was being made fun of. This is just good leadership. Izzy Hands could fucking learn a thing.
Bitch, he would have already heard about them fucking. The gossip would have been spread by lower-level officers. This 'damn, she got away' thing shouldn't work.
OOooooo sexist Con line. Don't like that.
Small break to talk about a fun real life military thing.
His point about some people getting ahead by passing tests is a real thing many in the military resent. (In the US you go up an E-4 on day 1 if you have a bachelor's degree in anything, to Corprol. Hell, depending on if you were reserves you could go up higher, when most start as E-1). This motivates some to join up even after they could get a job away from the civilian world. If you are poor, you're fucked. Take the long way around and don't get good pay.
Personally I see what Robert is saying here to be the main thing Izzy holds a grudge with Stede over. Stede was able to purchase being a captain where as he had to fight for it. Possibly die for it.
Now, back to this episode. There are bullshit and bigoted reasons behind this belief, not just class-based. It's used to say why women shouldn't serve, etc. Con's a sexist pig here and says these same reasons. It is exactly the reason I never followed in my family's footsteps. In male-dominated fields they will 9 times out of 10 treat you like shit. BACK TO THE SHOW.
Robert, if you fucking assault this woman I will reach into the screen and murder your ass.
Okay, a drunken apology is fun. Jackass trying to get in her pants.
Forced attempted kiss/assult.
Don't like this. Mam, just scream close to the doors if you feel uncomfortable. Jesus Christ. OH THAT'S FUCKED UP.
Okay, he's forcing himself onto her. Gross.
Also, real-life examples of abuse of military power.
He assaults her here.
Hey, you remember when I didn't want con to be in roles where he wasn't sympathetic. NOT LIKE THIS. This is actually one of the worst things you could have made him do.
BEAT HIS ASS UP. (This is around the 40-minute mark.)
This is where I started skipping around, thus why the rest is so short. It's all too painful and real. He's called into the office to answer for his crimes and bluff.
He threatens her in private, and thinks that he's going to get away with it.
Again, the military is in to protect their ass, but it's good to see the woman investigator standing up for the victim.
OH GOOD, FUCKING KILL HIM (he's almost drowned from the victims boyfriend, but gets stopped).
So, at the end of the day. There's not enough evidence to put him in jail or kick him out. She's left traumatized, and Robert gets away with some glares and very little else.
Story: 8-9/10. Very real. I was wearing Con tinted glasses, but as a military kid who grew up around this shit, I almost immediately coped with him as the type to assault an officer. Lonely, doesn't get out much and feels like women owe him something. The type.
Con: ?/10 He plays A Fucking Vile piece of shit. The worst of it is you know his character has half a dozen reasons of justification. I was tempted to write out all the ones he says in the show, but no. I've heard it all before when men come onto me, and I tell them I'm gay. 'But you looked at me and smiled?' type shit. He plays the part really fucking well. Skin crawling performance of a 'nice guy'. He just does it so realistically I don't want to say like 3/10 you know?
Characters besides Con: Realistically, and sadly, more men would have sided with Robert. He has the rank, and though not well-liked, he would have been given the benefit of the doubt more than he was in the show. Everyone's performances were realistic and semi-heartwarming with how they believed the E-1. I liked the main couple and I hope they get together in the end. This a good example of why we need high-ranking women in the military.
Editing: Of it's era but non intrusive.
Overall: ?/10. I don't know how to put this one.
Again, if I wasn't ex-military kid/grew up around vets it wouldn't hurt as much. They sell you a dream when you grow up thinking the military does no wrong. How successful your male family members are and how they are heroes. But as a little girl, I quickly saw just how fucking dangerous to live up to these expectations was as an woman. On and off the field. If the purpose in this was to reassure the public that female victims would be believed, then it kind of works as propaganda.
This show fully explores it in a military with less rigor than the one I'm used to seeing. Still the same sexism bullshit regardless of where you are.
Don't worry, I'm watching a Val (BBC Uncle) mega cut after this to soothe my head.
I'd love to hear if anyone else has watched this, and your thoughts on it!
Have a lovely day.
thanks to @ivegotnonameidea for the list :)
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bluebyrd-screaming · 1 year
Con O'Niell is such a fucking menace at cons and I'm so sad that he is unable to be in any for the newest season because HBO is apparently incapable of paying their actors
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blackfalcon1800 · 10 months
We got sad wet Izzy bts pics!!
Via Con O'Niell's Instagram
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inspiredwriter · 3 months
*En el edificio de O'niel tech*
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Cody 2003 :*revisa la computadora* bien chicos Estoy buscando las últimas piesas finales para reparar la máquina del tiempo😄😉⚙️🔧
Donnie 2003 : Bueno Cody eso nos van a tomar tres horas tenér las piezas y regresar a nuestra época😁🤓⚙️🪛
Raph 2003 :*se pone las manos en la cabeza* cuánto tiempo el futuro ya me está dando mi dolor de cabeza 🙄😡💢🏙️
Joi 2003 : Oh mi amor no te enojes si no te gusta tanto el futuro😟😚💕💘💖*abraza a Raph del brazo *pero tuvimos una aventura genial peleando con los malos😉😊🤼‍♂️❣️💘💞💝
Mikey 2003 :*golpea a Raph del onbro* jajaja Ooh vamos, Raph siempre dice todo el tiempo odio el futuro Ahaha 😄😆
Anastasia 2003 :*se acurruca el pecho de Mikey*Mikey ya hemos hablado tienes que dar respeto a tu hermano mayor 🤗😅💗❣️🩷💓(pensamientos💭) Aunque tiene un poco de razón siempre lo dice todo el tiempo🙄😌💦
April 2003 :*mirá por el alrededor* Cody ¿Qué ha pasado con tus cámaras de seguridad todos están rotas? 🤨😟📹
Cody : Oh es cierto cuando el tío Darius la destruyó todas de nuestra última pelea😞😒🤼‍♂️🏢 y también remodelando todo el edificio por los daños que las tortugas oscuras hicieron 🤔😅🔩🔧
Leo 2003 :*mirá por la ventana* cariño tengo un mal presentimiento de esto qué hago mal sucederá 🤔🤨🩷💕💓
Stefany 2003 :*toma la mano de Leo*Sí, Lee, no te acuerdas cuando peleamos con ellos 😟😕🤼‍♂️💓💞💕dijeron que volverán y capturarían a Cody y para entregarlo a Darius 😤😡
Leo 2003, Stefany 2003, Mikey 2003, Anastasia 2003, Donnie 2003, April 2003, Raph 2003, Joi 2003 and Cody 2003 :* escuchen la explosión de la pared y esquivan los escombros*
Mikey 2003 : Oigan cuál es el problema locos Casi nos matan por esa explosión de escombros 😠🤬 💢
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Dark Leo, Dark Stefany, Dark Mikey, Dark Anastasia, Dark Donnie, Dark April, Dark Raph and Dark Joi :*entra por el edificio* lo único que será su muerte es entregados al niño o mueren 😈😈😈😈😈😈🧒☠️⚔️
Raph 2003 : demonios con razón olía tan apestoso muy cerca y son ustedes aguas negras de basurero 😠🤬💢
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Dark Mikey: *Sticks out tongue* Bla-ha-ha, you haven't changed a bit, you stupid turtle😜😈 *Takes out axes* Come on, Leo, let's beat these pathetic reptiles!😆
Dark Leo: ...Oh, yeah, we have to fight, but maybe we'll do it a little later?😟😥⚔️
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Dark Raph: What?!🤯 Leo, are you crazy?!😠🤬 After so much time, we finally have the opportunity to beat our enemies, and you propose to retreat!😡😤
Dark Stefany: *Runs up to Leo and hugs him* Guys, the fact is that we have doubts about Darius😫🥺
Dark Leo: I think we should kidnap the boy and use him for our purposes🤔😕🧒
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Dark Donnie: If Darius finds out about this, he'll rip our heads off🙄😡
Dark April: Where can we find a place where he won't find us?🤨😟
Dark Leo: *grabs his head* ...I don't know, the only truly safe place is here😖😥🌁
Dark Joey: *Claps sarcastically* Wow, what a great idea, wise leader👏🙄 Maybe we can chat with them over a cup of tea after we blowed up their wall!🤬💥
Dark Stefany: Sorry guys, Darius made us go on this mission so suddenly that Leo and I didn't have time to tell you about our plans...😥😓 We want to have a baby🥺👶💖🩷💓💞
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Dark Leo: These turtles are not so bad, that time when I was accidentally injured, they nursed me for a whole month...😠😤✨ Stefany and I thought that we would be able to somehow come to an agreement with them😒🤝 *Frowns* ...Or do you want your children to live under Darius's tyranny too?🤬🤖👶😢
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Just finished the finale and someone might have already said this but one thing about Izzy's fate that I'm not feeling great about (beyond just the fact that there won't be anymore Con O'Niell) is that I'm so tired of the "Redemption Equals Death" trope. The trope essentially being that a character makes an about face of their original "evil" ways and joins the "good guys" just to die in the end as a kind of final redemptive act.
I know we got an entire season of Izzy making up for things & hanging out with the Revenge & being accepted by the crew, but it still felt like his death was the final step of his "redemption." Which... just does not feel great when it was a queer man who was finally accepting himself and his found family.
I still think the show is fantastic and a part of me feels that Izzy's death was well done and meaningful.
I just have a lot of mixed feelings about it.
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