urlasage · 2 months
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Les Passions de l’âme
In the Passions of the Soul, Descartes writes that this gland is the part of the body where the soul “ exercises its functions more particularly than in all the others.” Descartes is referring to the pineal gland or conarium, which he calls “the principal seat of the soul” (AT XI 351–52, CSM I 340).
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myxomatos-s · 1 year
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Hmm, I wonder what this could be...
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... oh
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talllankyguy · 2 years
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terezisexbuttpyrope · 2 years
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poupeesdecirque · 2 months
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Weekly Photo 30/2024
"That burning sunset and the sound of the winds ...
have you really forgotten ....?
And that swath of gold ....
The scene that remains ....
within the Heart of the Millennium Earl, who has endured for 7.000 years ...
[...] in the course of 7.000 years only once the Millennium Earl has vanished from this World...
... what remained was the wind and ...."
the trinity is complete. Last year I took photos with Mana & Nea during poppy season, then with the Millennium Earl and now .... Adam finally joined them. The scene left me speechless back in the day. It was an honor to recreate it.
Adam's progress will be posted later on.
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wawek · 1 year
I wish funger had controller support. Feels bad to think that but i dont have the energy to sit at my pc anymore ughhhh
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unravelingwires · 1 year
“Dr. Navarro.”
Sam didn’t turn, recognizing the voice. “Dr. Campbell. You’re up late.”
“I just got restless. I thought some food might help.”
“I got caught up with work.” Sam rose as the kettle whistled. “Tea?”
“What kind?”
“I think caffeine may be counterproductive,” Campbell said, a little wry. They began sorting through cabinets.
“Ah, right.” Sam looked a little closer at Campbell. “Doctor, are you alright?”
“I’m fine. Why?”
“You don’t seem like the kind of person who’s often up at 3 in the morning.”
“It’s a stressful time for everyone.” 
“Yes, but… never mind.”
“Don’t do that.” Campbell’s face twisted. “My apologies, that was rude.”
“I didn’t want to offend.”
Campbell stopped the pretense of looking for food and turned properly towards Sam. “No, you’re right to stay polite while we’re all trapped together. I just don’t particularly enjoy politic—effusively politic behavior.”
“It’s not that important. I was just thinking about how… everyone is stressed, yes. Ally is pacing in her room right now, I suspect. Lucian has been snipping at everyone, and Lakshmi chipped a nail. Shae is outwardly calm, but she’s sketched half of the ship by now.” She’d also been venting to Sam, not that Sam would tell Campbell that. “Meanwhile, this is the first deviation in behavior I’ve seen from you.”
“You’re saying I have a problem because I’m not being melodramatic.”
“I’m saying that stress rises, Doctor, and we’re in too close quarters to afford you snapping.” Sam shrugged. “Or maybe I’m wrong. I won’t pretend I know you that well.”
“Thank you for your opinion, nevertheless, Dr. Navarro. It was… enlightening.” Campbell walked off. 
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bunnyscribblesbjd · 2 years
future doll plans
(heads up- there will be (censored) doll nudity below the cut :))
I am trying to figure out how to shell some of my characters from the same story and it was getting hard for me to visualize whether or not they would look alright together so i made a quick scaled mockup of the intended dolls side-by-side in photoshop. I was definitely able to rule out some of the options that I was waffling between for bodies, and I think this group is the best that it is going to be for now.
I lined up their heels so it looks like they're not being measured from the same point, but i tried my best with the different angles from the company photographs.
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from left to right there is:
Kira/Nathan- a Unoa Zest head on an Island Doll 48cm boy body
Charlie/Jonah- a Luts Model Delf Raven head on a Doll Chateau K-body-02
Marie- a Unoa Lusis on a Xagadoll X-F-40 body
Yuki- a Doll Chateau Phoenix on a Conarium msd girl body
Sina- a Unoa L-bi (sharing a body with Lemon, who is a Unoa B-el)
Lottie- a Minifee A-line girl Rames
right now I am most excited about Marie’s hybrid combination. I feel pretty confident about the resin match, and have seen + liked the proportions of a different unoa on the Xagadoll heart body :)
I’m least happy/comfortable with Kira and Yuki. Kira’s head is in tan resin, which the Island Doll body does not come in, and DC resin doesn't match Conarium normal at all. Kira would probably have to be dyed to match, which I would not feel comfortable doing myself; however, there aren’t many people who do color-matching dye commissions. Yuki could probably be painted or blushed, which I could also hire out, but I would have to find someone who could match and do a faceup that I like. both of them are definitely still feasible, but they wouldn't be quite as easy as some of the other dolls. if I can find a tall + broad msd body in a tan close to unoa tan for Kira I would prefer to use that over the Island Doll one, but I was having a lot of trouble finding many options while I was doing research. 
I do feel like they all look okay next to each other (the mdf head may be a little small, but I don’t think it looks too crazy) which is pretty exciting :) I especially like seeing Yuki and Marie together- they look exactly the way I envisioned them <3
it will be a long long while before I am able to collect all of them, but it is nice to have a somewhat decent plan :))
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realdashfire · 1 month
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gamerbulten · 11 months
Transient İnceleme ...
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risefromhell · 2 years
It's random game time and little Nihil has picked for the game to be~
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This is such a fitting thing for him to have picked at random, let's hope it's as good as the reviews let on!
little Nihil and Primo play a horror adventure let's goooo
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gattogrigiobjd · 3 years
But as long as I'm here... by Nadine Via Flickr: Conarium Hare/Rabbit
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myxomatos-s · 9 months
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talllankyguy · 2 years
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poupeesdecirque · 1 month
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WiP - Adam, Last things to sew & the hat
Up to the last part here, the coat needed to be finished and a hat and cane were waiting to be made.
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I have to admit I enjoy hand sewing to a certain degree but the sleeves came out too small for Adam I can't really take the coat off without removing a hand... but I just decided I will not redo them as I wanted to get it done by a certain date to have photos taken.
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I was just glad I had decided to make actual button holes for the coat, that saved me from sewing on 6 two part snap buttons (aka 12 more buttons) in the end. Sewing on buttons always takes forever.
A part I was truly looking forward to was making the hat, this time with EVA Foam:
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I also made a cane for him in the meantime, used Cosclay here.
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For the decorations I made poppies out of silken paper as I wanted a different design than the other two hats I have.
So... here he is:
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Finished by 08/06/24.
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wawek · 2 years
Dont feel like watching a movie today and so my 4 day streak ends, farwell
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