#concluding chapter
kazehita · 6 months
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If I were not myself, would this be easier? (ao3)
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jordanstrophe · 8 months
Abandoned whumpee: Final 1/2
CW: Betrayal, team whump, whumper turned caretaker, assassination attempt, hurt/comfort, annggsst
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Whumper watched over whumpee all throughout the night. Whumpee would wake up, not remember where they were, then struggle until whumper soothed them back asleep.
Whumper knew the sleepless nights would catch up with them eventually. They downed a tall cup of coffee, hoping to stay awake until morning...
Whumpee woke up that morning staring wide-eyed at whumper fast asleep on the bed with them. "Hey." Whumpee spoke, testfully poked whumper's arm. They groaned, but remained out cold.
Whumpee climbed over them and touched their bare foot to the floor, they immediately felt something cold as they flinched. There was spilt coffee at the foot of the bed along with an assortment of papers. They were badly stained, any information whumpee could have gleaned were long gone.
A silver key was dangling from whumper's pocket. If whumpee couldn't find information here, then there would be something elsewhere.
They clutched the key and snuck out of the infirmary. There were guards patrolling the halls as whumpee ducked around the corner. They let the guards pass, before slipping into the hall behind them. Whumpee tried every door they passed, all locked tight and the key fit none of them.
There was one last engraved door at the end of the hall. Whumpee heard the guards coming back around as they trembled and kept missing the keyhole. There was a silent *click* as the door swung open. Whumpee jumped in and shut the door behind them, taking a deep sigh of relief.
They stood in what seemed to be whumper's office; a large wooden desk, walls adorned with weapons, massive bookshelves. Everything whumpee expected whumper's office to look like, really.
They turned on a lamp and rooted through the desk. There were moundfuls of documents detailing whumpee's team. There were things here whumpee didn't even know... Things they weren't classified to know. They were told whumper was a murderer, someone who killed on sight; they took no prisoners and mercy was unheard of.
"Then why did you save me?" Whumpee whispered, looking at a framed picture of whumper proudly standing with their team. "Why capture me for intel if you had it already?"
In the depths of a drawer, whumpee found a roughly bound journal. It was branded with whumpee's team logo. They recognized it; each team carried one to document missions. Even whumpee had their own, though this one looked ancient...
They opened the first page before suddenly, the door opened and the lights flashed on. Whumpee gasped and dropped the book, frozen as they looked up like a deer in headlights. The person staring back had the very same expression. Horror, adrenaline, confusion.
-It was one of whumpee's teammates, dressed darkly and hooded as they took an astonished step towards whumpee.
"Whumpee? You're alive?" They whispered. "How? We thought they killed you." They gasped. Whumpee covered their mouth and clambered back to their feet. They were flooded with relief seeing a friendly face. They tried to figure out how to say a million words in a single breath.
"It's a long story-" Whumpee heaved, "I've been kept here by whumper, I got hurt in the attack and I-I was bleeding out and I was-" Whumpee trailed off with a flicker of doubt. They knew their team would think whumpee betrayed them if they were found alive in whumper's custody. The amount of intel that could be tortured out of them...
"I wouldn't believe it if I wasn't looking right at you." Their teammate filled in the silence, taking a step closer. "To think all this time, you survived..."
They didn't sound happy. Both of their eyes dropped to the journal between their feet, branded with their symbol.
"Ah, I see... So you found it." Their teammate stared.
"Found what? What have you not told me?" Whumpee demanded.
They crouched down to pick up the book, as they heard a *sswick* of a blade being unsheathed. Whumpee stopped in their tracks. They slowly looked up and stared into the tip of a blade and the eyes of someone who was no ally.
"I really am sorry." Their teammate whispered softly. "But you died that day, whumpee. It has to stay that way, for the good of all of us. You understand, don't you?" They took a step closer as whumpee snatched the book in their arms and backed away.
"Oh, come on, don't make this difficult. You've died once for us already. You can do it one more time, can't you?" They tilted their head.
"Can't I know why?" Whumpee's voice broke as their back hit the wall. "I- I didn't give you up, I didn't tell whumper anything. They weren't even what I thought they were... They weren't what you told me!" Whumpee suddenly shouted.
"I'm sure you didn't, you were always loyal. But it was never about that."
The blade came to their throat as whumpee shuttered and closed their eyes. The sound of a blade piercing flesh, a hot splatter of blood hit their chest, yet they felt nothing but cold adrenaline.
There was hollow silence. Whumpee opened their eyes, their teammate's face was blank as they sunk to the floor on their knees. Their silhouette was replaced by whumper, holding a dripping blade with a look of pure hatred.
"They dare set foot in my house!?" Whumper shouted. Their eyes suddenly darted to whumpee, who flinched. Their back was to the corner, face stained with blood, they trembled while hugging the journal to their chest.
"How did you get- ... No, one thing at a time." Whumper stopped themselves, putting the blade out of sight. "Are you alright? Did they hurt you?" They asked instead, nudging the corpse off their feet.
"I'm- ... I'm not hurt." Whumpee responded rapidly, trying not to show they were gasping for breath. "They were going to k-kill me." Whumpee touched their fingers to their chest where their teammates blood was splattered. "And you just... S-saved my life..."
"As much as I want to gloat and say I told you so- I'm just glad I got here when I did. Come with me, let's get you changed and we'll talk." Whumper held out their hand.
To be continued, 2/2
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@parasitebunny @starzabove @frog-hat-fa-ggot @morning-star-whump @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog @mommymarichatfurever​  @isita-torrrres @tobiaslut @anonintrovert @sausages-things
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calmlb · 1 month
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"It was a long wait, but the time has finally arrived, Chuuya Nakahara... I'm coming to get you, my dear younger brother."
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diosmaden · 5 months
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working on the extra art for this chapter which means i get to do sillay things like dress up my girlies ^_^
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reposhillo · 2 months
I'm going to say it
Even Bleach's rushed ending is a hundred times better than what Hori served us. Literally the whole themes that were set up earlier just crash and burn with this ending
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citylighten · 4 months
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@swiftviolets @stevihj @sheplayswithlifee @joannebernice @keesimziaa
@lynzishell @percosim @havenroyals @digital-deluxe @waitingforspoons
@miss-may-i @rainymoodlet @quesims @99simproblems @sharpiegirl
@lushnightjelly @eslanes @santanasimsx @weirdosalike @nightlifeseries
@ellemant @thewalkingplumbob @cartelheir @wannabecatwriter
@dresdendarlin @ardeney-sims
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salty-an-disco · 3 months
"This whole thing just didn't sound right."
The Princess nods, eyes fixated on her now free wrist. She pulls herself to a standing position and stares at you, gaze intent and searching.
“… Thank you.”
Well. There she is. And there you are. And the way out of the basement is just behind you. Are you going to continue to awkwardly stare at each other or do you plan on continuing with the story?
Voice of the Hero: I thought ‘The Story’ was the one where we slay her? We didn’t do that, so aren’t we out of ‘The Story’ now?
Oh, no no no no. You can’t just get out of ‘‘The Story’™’, that’s just not how it goes. The Story™ will always move and contort around you, so that you remain in the story no matter how much you deviate from the described outline.
Voice of the Hero: I’m so lost………
Don’t worry about it. Just play your role, and The Story™, will do the rest.
“Well. This is it, then. I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to leave this place.”
With that said, the Princess doesn’t hesitate to walk towards the stairs, effectively breaking the Awkwardly Staring at Each Other contest.
Voice of the Hero: Personally, I’m also eager to leave. Let’s not stay behind.
You follow her out, carefully avoiding the clutter carpeting the floor. The Princess isn’t as careful, kicking and tripping on several objects in her haste, though she doesn’t seem to even notice them.
She stops in front of the ajar door, hesitating for enough time to let you catch up to her. When you’re close enough to look over her shoulder, she already has both her hands on the handle. And with a soft push, she opens the door.
The upstairs room looks just as you remember. Oh, yes, you could recognize the plainness of these wood planks anywhere. There’s no need to linger here, when there may or may not be a world outside to explore.
Voice of the Hero: Wait. Isn’t there something missing?
Um, no? There isn’t? It’s just as you remember, and if you don’t remember anything that suddenly isn’t here, then it mustn’t be important.
Voice of the Hero: Well, I remember there being a knife. And it isn’t here anymore. The table is empty.
Indeed, there’s nothing on the plain wooden table but more plainness and dust. Maybe the knife got tired of all the nothingness and succumbed to the dust.
“I almost can’t believe I’m actually here.”
You move your attention towards the Princess, who is unaffected by your musings about tables and plainness and has already walked towards the next door. She hesitates before it much like she did in the previous door, though there’s bigger anticipation about her stance.
“You… really saved me.” She turns to you, eyes shining with emotion. “Despite not knowing me, and despite being tasked with killing me.”
She smiles. Soft and grateful.
“Thank you. I’ll never forget this.”
She opens the door and
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Voice of the Hero: And…?
Is he… Is he gone? Did the world really end?
And where is the princess? Should– should we try to find her?
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Voice of the Hero: Is that… a mirror? Why here? Why now?
Achievements Unlocked!
– Who's dis?
Neither of you seems to know what's happening.
– Oneshot
Sometimes a single chapter is all you need.
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zuzu-draws · 1 month
NO CAUSE LETS TALK ABOUT IT🧍‍♀️ i'd understand if it was 10 chapters left but...5??? the amount of discourse theres going to be in the fandom whether the ending is good or bad is going to be insufferable
Honestly atp, not even i can defend Gege on this. Each chapter is about 15-20 pages, which means we have about 75-100 pages to conclude the finale Sukuna fight, the aftermath, and so on. Where we are currently, there are many moments that are just straight up missing in the lore and LET ME TELL YOU, Jujutsu Kaisen is a show that'll MASSIVELY benefit if they get expanded on. Can we talk about how the majority of Uraume vs Hakari has essentially been off-screened??
And people say that sure Sukuna doesn't need a flashback arc but i find it NUTS how you hype up a certain era as being the "Crème de la crème" of Jujutsu Sorcery and then BARELY show us any of what happened back then?
Then there's so much we DON'T know about characters like, say Tengen and Kenjaku, we don't know the details of how things went for Yuuji's father, we don't have YUUJI HIMSELF knowing anything about his family. And its highly likely the merger point is getting dropped. We dont know anything as to WHY Uraume has been chosen by Sukuna to be his cook without Gege saying like, what? 2 lines in a databook?
This is just..unjustifiable at this point , the lack of character moments has always been an issue but this will just, take the cake.
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crimeronan · 3 months
HERE IT IS. chapter 3 of the eda POV princess AU fic. i was like "damn, why did this thing take me So Fucking Long to edit," and the answer is: because the entire thing is Just Shy of 10k words.
it's a bit of a doozy.
so. i know it's been a while since i posted on ao3, but enjoy! i think in total, this chapter took over 30 hours of drafting, re-drafting, and editing. a Whole-Ass Work Week.
“That’s the thing, though,” Luz murmurs finally. She's squeezing King so hard that he rouses again, making a sleepy sound, nuzzling against her cheek. “You wouldn’t say that if you knew me better.” “Try me.” Luz is silent for a good thirty seconds or so, just absentmindedly nuzzling back against King, nothing audible except her shaky breath. But then she says, “I’m killing my best friend.”
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can we please admit that "stranger" by olivia rodrigo is one of her best songs of all time
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turtleations · 6 days
KUMA: Never Ending Bond, Chapter 6 & 7 (Translation)
Preface & Prologue Chapter 1, Part 1 & 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 Chapter 2, Part 1 & 2, Part 3 & 4, Part 5
Slur warning: The word "gypsy" being used to describe a homeless person.
A place full of surprise and joy, a place to learn about life
That was me, a high school student, who had entered a terrifying world.
I continued to be shocked and amazed, but thinking about it now, those were lessons for life.
The people around X, including the staff, were all professionals, and having an ordinary high school student with no experience in his teens right in front of them all the time, they must have thought, “Don’t make such a fuss about something like that, I don’t have time for that right now,” whenever there was a little trouble at school.
Because – I can say it now – being made to drink, to stop fights, to have to bring the members home while exhausted, and then early the next morning…
Even in that situation, I have no memory of feeling that it was hard.
It’s strange, isn’t it?
Again, this is probably because I was happy just to be able to be with the members of X, starting with HIDE-san.
On the contrary, it was terrible for me when X had a concert on a day when I had to go to school.
There were quite a lot of concerts I couldn’t be around for, but I went to all the places I could.
When I remember the time I followed them on tour, there was also this one occasion.
On 22 August 1989, there was another concert at a venue called Kyoto Sports Valley.
Getting there ahead of time, I waited for the members in front of the hotel.
Then the members and the manager came, later than the appointed time.
At that point, HIDE-san asked with concern, “Kumamoto, sorry, did you wait? You don’t have a room (to stay in) again, do you?” and let me sleep on the floor of the room he and PATA-san were staying in.
As a high school student, I had no money for a hotel, and always rushed to X without bringing anything with me…
Homeless as I was, I was often called “Gypsy, gypsy” by HIDE-san.
In the end, the Sporty Valley concert was interrupted due to a Typhoon and postponed to 17 September, and the next day, on 28 August, the members transferred to Osaka, where a secret live was to be held at a.m. Hotel. Naturally, I was with them.
This secret took place at a livehouse they hadn’t visited in a long time, and they didn’t perform as X but held the concert as the Daimajin (“Five Devils”) five-man-group.
Everyone switched roles, with HIDE-san singing and so on.
Their songs focused on pieces from their indies era, and they also did some covers.
Around this time, “Kurenai” was performed at tv Asahi’s “Music Station”, the concert at Kyoto Sports Valley that had been moved from 27 August to 17 September went as planned…
That time, in the dressing room after the performance, HIDE-san suddenly pushed an envelope into my hands. When I asked, “Eh, what’s this?”, he replied, “Never mind, it’s to thank you for everything.”… When I looked into the envelope, I found 3000 yen inside.
Surprised, I said, “No, I can’t accept that. That’s not what I came for,” and tried to decline, but HIDE-san said, “What are you saying, Kumamoto? Thanks for everything!” and handed it over.
Getting money came as a surprise, but more than anything I was enormously happy about the consideration HIDE-san was showing me.
Honestly, I still remember the feeling at that time intensely.
After that, in September, another event that made me happy occurred.
On 29 September, the “ROSE & BLOOD TOUR” started at the Uruwa City Cultural Center.
With the tickets for the Kumamoto Postal Savings Hall sold out, it seemed unthinkable that half a year earlier, during the “BUEL BLOOD TOUR”, the same venue had been deserted.
At that time, the members told me that it was about time they invited my mother to a concert. On that day, I brought my mother to the dressing room before the live, and in that small room, all five of them were in the middle of getting their make-up, going, “Eh? Kumamoto-kun’s mother?”… Even though they were all in the middle of make-up, they stopped what they were doing and YOSHIKI-san introduced them with a smile: “Nice to meet you. We’re X. Apologies for meeting you like this.”
Whenever I return to my mother’s house, I find the backstage pass she got then prominently displayed on her cabinet even now.
The day I considered dropping out of high school and the death of my grandfather, the kindness of my mother and HIDE
After the “ROSE & BLOOD TOUR” something terrible happened.
It happened at the time of the live at Mamochi Palace (Fukuoka), four days after the live in Kumamoto my mother got invited to.
YOSHIKI-san’s condition turned bad, his asthma got terrible, all the other members and the staff fluttered around with worry, asking “What do we do? What do we do?”… In the afternoon, the information got passed around, “It doesn’t look like he’s in a condition to perform today, we’re cancelling today’s concert.”
In the end, the concert was postponed, this being, as far as I remember, the first time a live performance was cancelled due to a band member collapsing.
HIDE-san, in any case, worried about YOSHIKI-san’s health and fretted about his situation, asking over and over, “Is YOSHIKI okay?”, “How is YOSHIKI doing?”
I think I met TOSHI-san at the venue, but I don’t know if PATA-san and TAIJI-san ever even made it there or not. I guess they probably learned about the cancellation of the concert at the hotel.
HIDE-san was already at the venue with his hair put up, but since he was worried about YOSHIKI-san, he said, “Let’s go back to the hotel.”
So done, the staff let us know us that “YOSHIKI went to the hospital and then moved right on to Hiroshima.” With the concert in Fukuoka cancelled and another concert planned in Hiroshima Postal Savings Hall on the following day, 31 October, it seems that he decided to move to Hiroshima ahead of schedule.
Afterward, when we were informed that YOSHIKI-san had quietly arrived at the hotel in Hiroshima, HIDE-san said, “Anyway, YOSHIKI needs to rest.” But I couldn’t go to Hiroshima because I really needed to go to school.
On my own, I rode the slow train back to Kumamoto, while everyone else with X went to Hiroshima…
In Hiroshima, YOSHIKI-san’s condition improved just enough, so the concert in Hiroshima could happen, but then he collapsed again after a drum solo at Mito Civic Hall on 8 November.
Despite everyone worrying “How do we continue the tour?”, the concerts continued, but after that day he kept going down several times in several places.
Finally, when YOSHIKI-san collapsed once again on the first of the two days at Shibuya Public Hall on 22 November, all concerts from 23 November onwards were postponed.
When that decision was announced, I was in Kumamoto for school.
It was frustrating. I wanted to be with X no matter what, so I frankly told my mother, “I’m quitting school.” At first, my mother was baffled, but then she told me, “It’s your life, so in the end it’d your choice to make.” Then I told HIDE-san.
When I did, this is what he told me:
“KUMA, I graduated from high school as well, you don’t need to rush and should graduate properly. It’s not too late to come to Tokyo after that should you decide to,” he persuaded me earnestly.
Having ultimately decided to stay in school due to HIDE-san’s words, December, too, had me live a life of scrambling for contact with the members of X while attending high school.
In order to apologize for the cancellation of the tour, the members of the time went to every place where a concert had been cancelled, went on various programs to apologize and announce the schedule of the postponed concerts. All the while asking the fans, “Please don’t worry.”
It was just a little before Christmas. At that time, thankfully, YOSHIKI-san’s condition also improved… I told HIDE-san, “Once school’s out, I’ll get to you again,” but on 25 December, the day I said I would come, my grandfather died.
“Oh, now I can’t go to Tokyo,” I thought.
Of course, I really wanted to go. I really wanted to be with the members of X. But I gave up on it, thinking it would be impossible… Then my mother said to me, “Aren’ HIDE-san and the others waiting for you? Please go. Your grandpa is going to be more at ease that way, too.”
That was kind, wasn’t it? And so, two or three days later, I was on my way to Tokyo.
Even though I was sad that my grandfather had passed on, I was happy to be able to meet X. I remember my feelings being complicated like that.
Even though I didn’t have a lot of money at that time, I brought HIDE-san, who collected earrings, a pair of earrings as a Christmas present.
Thinking of it now, they were cheap things chosen by a high school student… But HIDE-san was delighted. He cherished them.
The new year of 1990 started, and HIDE-san continued to take care of me. Through that, something happened that left a massive impression on me.
The postponed tour was resumed on 4 February at Budokan, and I had come to Tokyo a few days earlier at the end of January.
This happened the day before the Budokan-live, when I was moving around with the manager to deliver that day’s documents to the member’s homes.
As always, HIDE-san was calling out to me out of concern for the gypsy with no place to stay. At times, when it was okay to stay over, I imposed on him, but of course, since it was the day before Budokan, I asked the manager of X if I could stay at his place.
It was pretty late… when we arrived at HIDE-san’s home at 22 or 23 o’clock. HIDE-san looked at my face and said, “Hey, KUMA, what are you doing?”
“I’m helping out,” I said.
“KUMA, do you have a place to stay? You can stay here,” he invited me.
“Wouldn’t that be bad, with Budokan being tomorrow?” I declined and he said, “What are you saying? Don’t be stupid,” and I ended up staying the night after all.
Naturally, I was exhausted, and even HIDE-san said, “Let’s go to be early,” and retired not all that late, without even drinking anything.
HIDE-san’s place at the time had one room and was not very big.
As always, I got to sleep in the space in front of the bathroom… That night, for some reason, I woke up to the sound of a guitar.
Looking at the clock, wasn’t it around five to six in the morning?
Wondering what was going on, I looked around the room, and there was HIDE-san, looking at the tv in the pitch-black room, rewinding a video over and over again.
When I was looking, there was “Kurenai” on the screen, and HIDE-san, sitting on the bed with his guitar, replayed the same part several times, matching his own guitar solo while looking at the screen.
Even as a high school student who didn’t understand everything, I thought, “I wonder if HIDE-san is nervous about Budokan and preparing for it so he doesn’t make any mistakes.”
That image of HIDE-san, practicing while repeating the same part over and over again, left a strong impression with me even now.
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froizetta · 8 months
Chapter 6 of (Love) Triangles is up! For anyone who likes seeing Dick cause people problems for fun and profit (?), boy is this is the chapter for you.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Fandom: DCU Pairing(s): Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne Length: 42k Chapters: 6/?
“I appreciate your help in getting this far,” he told Superman. “I’ll take it from here.” He turned to walk towards the building, but Superman caught his arm before he could. “Alone? No, I made a promise to help—” “You did,” Bruce said, fixing him with a stern glare. “But you said it yourself: we don’t know how much kryptonite is in there. And if you’re affected by it even out here, there’s a good chance you’d be more hindrance than help inside.” Superman looked displeased. There was a furrow forming between his perfect brows; the mere idea of being a hindrance seemed actively uncomfortable for him. But eventually, his hand slipped from Bruce’s arm. “Sure. Maybe you have a point. But I’m not leaving,” he said firmly. “I’ll listen in from here, so that if something happens I can step in.” Bruce bit back the instinctive response: that Superman had already fulfilled his role here, that it wasn’t his business, that Bruce could take care of himself and Robin with no help from any superpowered aliens. But then, he’d been the one to ask Superman for help in the first place. And if something did happen with Robin, he knew he’d be glad of the safety net. And appallingly, he did find himself…trusting him, with this at least. God. Alfred was going to be so smug.
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joelletwo · 6 months
gintama time loop reading that i had while watching
(laid out for my own reference. this doesnt have to interest u guys.)
okay so like. watching gintama and getting to kintoki arc. what i knew was 1. i was getting into the anime art style changes i had varying feelings about which signaled 2. i was getting into the back half of gintama 3. what i knew about the back half of gintama is that utsuro exists, gintoki did something fucked up on that cliff that ppl cant stop talking about and drawing parallels to with every arc of gintama, and ppl (i sensed) think the writing of the ending is stupid
kintoki arc has yorozuya and tae promise:
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before breaking Gintama The Series into a distorted au where the chars are WILDLY different but still play out their roles to their arc-concluding purposes. birthing in me the image of a gintama that can fill any shaped-hole you put it in and still have the same basic inherent form it moves towards (whatever happened on that cliff, which i sensed was being gestured at in kintoki arc w the beheadment seppuku but had no idea the fucking. extent of lol)
gintama making formal changes (ugly or lovely art style shifts, at some point a radical change in thrust of story with the introduction of utsuro as a final and plot-twisty villain) but (hoping that it's) remaining the same at heart... or being railroaded into being the same. somehow the yorozuya promise became about. being cognizant of being in the narrative timeloop** and being subjected to Circumstances. being cognizant that something was being taken from u (catharsis of ending--) and also inflicted on u (--replaced with episodic and genre-typical* endless storylines)
(*not a slam. just that gintama's storylines are all about like. accepting the horrors. which is a journey of experiencing the horrors in order to come to terms with them that is harrowing to be subjected to over and over and over again. [cest la vie]
**and timeloop was also being flavored by me understanding yoo joonghyuk orv's regressions as about the endless iterative failures of making progress on a journey of recovery from trauma. all timeloops are about that to me now.)
thought shelved until obi-one's arc where, although i understood him as an oboro figure, he was performing a shouyoutsuro role of being a dearly missed mentor figure who comes back for happy family times yayyyyy but oh no he came back Wrong (a disabled cyborg programmed to betray against his own will). and Evil (needs to be taken down, and the shimuras-through-gintoki have to be the ones to dismantle their own happiness that it turns out was always retroactively tinted by this grief).
the presentation of nostalgia as longing for a return to the past that cant actually be achieved. or rather, you can achieve it, but Time changes things, and the past you get back won't actually be the same.
this helps me shift what i know about utsuro (shouyou but Wrong) into being about. what actually isnt that textually present in the series? but has to be assumed, i think? bc like? of course? the desire to have shouyou back (tho now i ask: whose? gintoki's? again, not really... in the text?). you can have shouyou (idealized gintama timeperiod where everyone is happy and innocent) back! you can have all the shouyou (early days swagful gintama anime that i am constantly missing as i move into the future material) back that you want! and its gonna fucking suck (for the chars and for the audience)!
and that basically ends up being the framing thought i take with me into utsuro's introduction................... it gets lost the more i actually see him and late-game gintama for myself and gain the context i never had for everyones blogging i was seeing. but. still. the theme i understood to be what gintama was telling me. you cant get back what you lost. and if (when) you try, you only come face to face with what was damaged in the losing.
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the further i got into silver soul and through to the ending the more it was............ interesting but confusing that, as i put it, the chars were "fighting the representation of the dangers of Nostalgia with More Nostalgia"?
and still i dont know what to do with the ultimate last-pages ending of gintama being a return to the status quo (with cosmetic changes). yay we defeated the evil specter of our past that haunted us and kept us in the desire timeloop. now we can get back to the episodic timeloop that we spent the fight with the specter... desiring to get back. hm. well!
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bubblingbeebles · 8 months
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when your older lesbian mentor figure has maxed out skill levels in "asking for a friend"
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arezenithofyouthlove · 5 months
Short wip written by @scifellgoddess for my latest art. Enjoy!
Life is complicated, until it isn't.
Black and White, tiles of destiny, stack against one another to make a pattern. One Antagonist, villainous and wicked, one Protagonist, just and righteous. Good and Evil, tangle into each other. Tragedy in the making, the end at the first step.
The two of them, merely existing. They stare but don’t see, muscles tense but don’t shift or move away. They don't even think, bodies locked into place, forms forever immortalized. A finished painting set on display, a piece of art, pre-written.
Lloyd is smaller, though his position is taking more spaces. The heels of his boots brush lightly onto Javier’s hands, though not enough to dig in, not enough to hurt. He sits almost leisurely, casually, with a hand in his pocket and an almost bored expression, if not a little annoyed. He doesn’t look at Javier.
Javier is reaching out, albeit weakly. Back stiffly against the wall and one foot slightly pushing, he is trying to break free. The force of his strength is powerful, but not enough to tear through. His eyes are stormy and lips set into a frown, disturbed and contempt mixed at one. His gaze strayed from Lloyd.
Somewhere, some time out there, they may be living, acting out their roles, but ultimately, this cage is all they will amount to. Lloyd Frontera and Javier Asrahan, essences reduced and compiled into a frozen image.
There is no catharsis awaiting. Only a fixed storyline and two characters, timelessly trapped inside the narrative.
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citylighten · 4 months
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