#concordia coffee machine
Information Presentation Of Mount Vesuvius Coffee
Mount Vesuvius Coffee offers premium coffee, high end coffee and espresso machines & all related products and accessories.
Mount Vesuvius Coffee,2510 East Sunset Road,Suite 5 - 1009,Las Vegas, NV 89120
(888) 891-7411
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wedreamerz · 5 years
The Island of Maravu - Chapter 2
The Island of Maravu
Chapter 2 - The Bunker
Pairing: Starker AU (Peter is 22)
Rated: Overall: E / Chapter: T
Status: WIP
Summary: The Avengers are in shambles and Tony Stark just needs to get out from under the fallout. So, he does what every genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist does - he buys an island. Maravu is just the escape Tony is looking for until one morning a beautiful young man arrives with secrets and a smile that makes Tony’s broken heart beat again.
Some Tags: AU, A little angst, Smut and Fluff is the goal here people but I can’t just do that apparently without backstory and plot. No real trigger warnings that I can think of unless water or storms are an issue for you. If you run into something I didn’t think of, let me know.
Chapter 1
The birds hated him. They were in cahoots. Thirty-three days on Maravu and the birds woke him up before the sun every freaking morning. Tony stirred, rolled over and scowled at the open window. They were at it again.
He groaned and put a pillow over his head.
"Friday, play something loud."
"Playing your Something Loud playlist," Friday said. Tony rolled his eyes, noting the amusement in her voice before the opening guitar riff of Def Leppard's Photograph blasted through the speakers.
The cabin, a simple, but cozy one-room affair with a fireplace, sofa, kitchenette and dining room table, suited him perfectly. One of the two luxury items he'd insisted upon, besides Friday and the technical upgrades he'd made, was the queen-sized bed that dominated the bedroom area of the cabin. He'd have flown in a king if it would have fit. But even the queen was pushing it.
The cabin came equipped with an attached bathroom and shower. But Tony had grown accustomed to showering in the original, outdoor shower that ran using accumulated rainwater. Something about showering outside in the sun brought out the hedonist in him.
During his first week on Maravu, Tony installed a self-sustained arc reactor to solve the electricity problem and ensured they’d had fast reliable wi-fi. The plantation resumed operation the following week with Mr. Umbari as manager. Tony liked the huge mountain of a man. They worked well together and at the end of a long day, he often sought out his calming presence at the community fire that burned in the village's center courtyard most evenings.
They would talk about the day and share a drink before retiring. Tony liked to watch him talk, his expressive, deeply lined face and white, wiry hair and beard that stood up as though it had a mind of its own. Mr. Umbari had learned to speak English by watching episodes of old American shows like MASH and Happy Days and Tony found himself smiling when now and then he recognized a familiar phrase. When the reactor went live, Mr. Umbari had celebrated by giving Tony the double Fonzie thumbs before dragging him into a chest busting hug.
For the most part, the islanders didn't intrude on Tony’s solitude. Mr. Umbari was a fair and able leader, so Tony didn't get involved in the day to day operations unless they needed him. But periodically he'd be working in the lab he’d set up near his cabin and hear someone call out "Turaga Ni Kaukamea!" Tony would look outside to see someone emerge from the trees and request his assistance at the plantation.
Mr. Umbari addressed him as Mr. Stark even after Tony had invited him to call him by his first name. But the rest of the islanders called him Turaga Ni Kaukamea or sometimes just Kaukamea. Friday had translated it as basically Man of Iron.
So, they were aware of who he was. But no one ever asked to see the suit or wondered why he'd chosen to live on the island when it was clear his own house was in such disarray. They didn't bring it up at all. They expressed their gratitude in humble ways and treated him like anyone else on the island, which was perfect with Tony.
He peeked out from under his pillow to find that the sky has lightened into a midnight blue with the faint orange glow of dawn creeping up behind the windowsill.
"Okay, okay. Stop the music and start the coffee," he said, giving in. "And play me something tropical.”
"You do realize that the current temperature is 76 degrees with a humidity of 94%?" Friday asked as the sound of steel drums and ukulele began.
"My body still thinks it's December in New York, don't judge me," Tony snarked back, smiling when the coffee pot came to life. The rich aroma of the local blend infused his little cabin as the sun crested the horizon.
Tony threw back the sheet and stretched. He drew a deep breath and padded naked across the wood floor to the little kitchenette that consisted of the smallest stove he'd ever seen, a microwave, and a refrigerator that was straight out of the '70s in avocado green. The fanciest thing in the kitchen was his second luxury item – his beloved Concordia espresso machine.
He poured a cup into one of the chipped mugs that had come with the place and took it outside to the fire pit he'd built in the dooryard. His cabin was far enough away from the beach to be safe from the tide but close enough that his view from the fire was the perfect place to watch the sun come up. Tony lit the fire and settled into his camp chair with his coffee to do just that.
Although he tried to focus on his plans for the day, his mind wandered down paths he preferred to avoid. He tried not to spend his time worrying about the wayward Avengers, Rhodey, and the countless ways he had and continued to fail Pepper. But in those quiet moments when it was just him and the traitorous birds, Tony let it in.
He rubbed his chest. Like a phantom limb, it ached as it had for months after his last meeting with Steve.
And Barnes.
Tony sighed. Pepper had insisted he see a shrink after everything went down. He'd gone - a couple of times. But he still couldn't talk about it. Hell, he couldn't even think about it without igniting the flame of resentment and hatred. Logically he understood that Barnes had been brainwashed by Hydra. He was no more responsible for his actions than Clint had been for what he'd done when under the power of Loki's scepter.
Nevertheless, here Tony was. If Barnes were to materialize before him, Tony would probably try to bash his head in with a coconut.
Probably. Maybe.
Barnes may have the benefit of Tony’s doubt, the mind-controlled pass. But Steve...Cap…he’d made his choices all on his own. Tony oscillated between hope and fear that the big, stubborn man would get caught. He had no idea what he would say to the man if he ever saw him again. But he had the little burner phone Steve had mailed to Tony Stank tucked into his sock drawer nonetheless.
The temperature had risen just a little. On the horizon, Tony spied a rain cloud, one of those slow-moving clouds you could watch approach with its sheets of rain that blanketed the island at least once a day.
He frowned.
"Friday, what's the weather supposed to be like today?"
"Fair in the morning with severe thunderstorms rolling in at approximately 1:34 P.M."
"I suppose I should get started then," he said, gulping down the rest of his coffee. He put the mug in the sink and fished a fresh pair of shorts and a t-shirt from his dresser. It was time to check on the arc reactor.
"Boss, the Fiji Meteorological Society has issued a tropical storm warning with potential for rotation in this area and is expected it hit earlier than expected," Friday warned.
Tony crawled out from under the arc reactor's electronics panel and adjusted his glasses.
"How bad?" he asked, wiping his hands on a towel. He peered up at the doughnut-shaped reactor housing. The walls of the cave in which he'd built it flickered blue and purple as it purred softly.
There was a certain amount of poetic justice in this, he thought. He'd started this in a cave. And now here he was again, minus the car battery and armed guards. And this arc reactor was designed only to help.
Tony climbed a small set of metal stairs, freshly painted safety yellow, which led to the ground floor. He opened a set of doors and entered the circular antechamber where islanders could look through the reinforced glass at the arc reactor below. They'd installed bunker doors at the mouth of the cave for emergencies. But they were usually left open to the public. The reactor itself was locked and protected by Friday. No one entered without Tony's knowledge.
Outside, the palm trees swayed and here and there little puffs of dirt from the path twisted into the air with leaves and rocks. Tony had been in the reactor bunker for a few hours and the wind had picked up considerably.
"Radar indicates wind speed of approximately 22 miles per hour. No active rotation," Friday said.
Tony chewed his lip and considered the news. When he'd moved in, Mr. Umbari had gone over their storm preparedness plan. The island had a storm bunker for its inhabitants. As though he'd summoned the man, Mr. Umbari and his orange menace of a golf cart sped around the corner. He slid in next to Tony's red cart, barely missing the tail end as he turned the sharp corner. Tony chuckled and shook his head as Mr. Umbari unfolded his long legs and climbed out from under the orange and white striped canopy.  He hurried toward the bunker as the first drops of rain plip-plopped against his yellow rain slicker. As soon as he saw Tony Mr. Umbari grinned and waved. Tony ushered him inside and hit the button to close the bunker doors.
"Mr. Stark. The boys said you were here," Mr. Umbari said, entering through the single door.
"Yeah, I was just checking on the reactor, giving her a tune-up. Friday says we've got a storm on the way?"
Mr. Umbari had been introduced to the AI and he seemed completely charmed by her.
He smiled at the ceiling. "Hello, Ms. Friday. Thank you for keeping Mr. Stark so informed."
"It's my pleasure, Sir," she answered in her pleasant Irish lilt earning a grin from Mr. Umbari.
"Unfortunately, Ms. Friday is correct, Sir. Since this is your first storm on the island, I wanted to make sure that you were safe."
"Thanks for your concern. I'll finish up here and go down to the cabin, batten down the hatches and be in the bunker in time for dinner, Dad." Tony smiled at the large man as he put away his tools."
Mr. Umbari laughed, deep and genuine. "Good, good. I'm glad to hear it. I hear that Skillet has already begun a pot of lamb stew for the occasion."
Tony's stomach growled at the thought of food and he realized he hadn't eaten yet today.
"Skillet's cooking?" Tony asked and Mr. Umbari grinned.
"If Skillet's in the kitchen I'm not gonna miss it," Tony said.
Kitchen wizard and culinary school dropout, Skillet worked the plantation to help pay off his student loans. But one meal at Skillet's table told Tony that the young Fijian was wasting his talents.
Tall, whip-thin, with long black curls he kept up in a messy bun most days, the kid could cook rings around the overpriced chefs at any of the five-star Manhattan restaurants. Tony had offered to pay his debt and set him up in a spot of his own, wherever he wanted. But Skillet turned him down every time.
Tony, being Tony, had been trying to come up with a loophole that kid would accept to no avail. But he had one final trick up his sleeve he planned to save until the right moment. As Tony's chef, Skillet would both pay down his debt and have his talents recognized by the top critics around the world at the events Tony threw. It was a win-win for both of them.
Mr. Umbari nodded, evidently pleased with Tony's response.
"Good. Good. I should go to make sure the animals are safe. I will see you there, my friend! Goodbye, Ms. Friday," he said.
Tony smiled, amused at the way the islanders treated everything with a relaxed acceptance. Even in the face of a potentially damaging storm, they prepared for a gathering of families.
"See you there."
Tony stepped into the storm bunker and was immediately enveloped in the delicious aroma of stew and fresh bread. He breathed in deeply and looked around the room, impressed by the setup. The bunker looked like a basement with concrete walls and floors. A bar and small kitchen stood on the right side of the room where Skillet was working his magic. The left side was lined with padded seats. They'd made the cold, grey room into a warm and comfortable place to gather with tapestries on the walls, and woven rugs and pillows on the floors.
"Turaga ni kaukamea!" several children called and swarmed, reaching up to be held and tugging him toward the group of adults who sat at the tables lined up end to end in the center of the room.
"Oh hey!" he exclaimed when a little girl who couldn't be more than four climbed him like a palm tree. The adults laughed as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He sat down in one of the folding chairs and held her on his lap.
"Kaukamea, what are you building in your lab? Filipe says you have a ghost and you talk to it. Does it help you build things?" she asked.
"Who told you that?"
The little girl pointed to a boy with bronze skin and wide, curious eyes. He looked up at Tony in fascination from the safety of his mother's arms.
"Filipe?" Tony asked with a raised eyebrow. The boy nodded dramatically.
"And what's your name?" Tony asked the girl.
"Sara," she said.
"Nice to meet you, Sara and Filipe. It just so happens that I am currently working on some upgrades to the arc reactor technology that runs the island. Have you seen the new bunker?"
All the children nodded in unison.
"So, if...and Filipe, I'm looking at you here… IF someone were sneaking around my lab, they may have heard me talking to Friday, who is not a ghost. She's more like a really, really smart computer who can talk."
"Is she smarter than you?" Sara asked, wide-eyed.
"Well...technically, yes. I built her. But I taught her to learn. She has access to all the information on the internet. So, she knows like...everything."
"Woooow," the children chorused.
"Right? She’s crazy smart.”
"Kaukamea, can we meet Friday?” Sara asked. "I have a computer at home. But it's never spoken to me before. Do you think if I brought it over, Friday could teach it how to talk?"
The children murmured their agreement, each of them wanting Friday to teach their computers to talk too. Tony noticed that the adults had stopped what they were doing to listen to the conversation.
Tong chuckled. "Unfortunately, your home computers aren't quite as smart as Friday. But if it's okay with your parents, you can come by the lab to meet Friday. But listen, it's super important that if you come to visit me that you don't go into the lab by yourself. You never know what I'm working on. And it could be dangerous. Do you all understand?"
The children agreed and ran off to play. The adults chuckled and resumed their conversations. Sara wiggled down from his lap and grabbed Filipe's hand.
"I told you there wasn't a ghost," she said.
"Well, it sounded like a ghost," he said.
"Sorry about that," one of the women said, taking a seat next to Tony. "The children are so curious about you. I'm Delana, Sara's mother." She held out her hand and Tony shook it with a smile. Delana was a little younger than Tony with caramel skin and sleek black hair she wore swept up in a ponytail.
"It's okay. I'm used to it. I just wanted to make sure they don't get hurt."
"Thank you for looking out for them. And for everything you've done for the island. When Mr. Umbari was forced to sell, we thought that everyone here would be forced off the island. But you swooped in and allowed us to keep our homes, brought reliable electricity and Wi-Fi, and helped us keep our jobs. You have truly been a blessing."
Tony nodded, swallowing a lump in his throat. "I'm glad I could do some good," he said.
Delana tilted her head; she studied him a moment before smiling and patting his hand. "Let me get you some stew," she said finally before getting up and heading to the kitchen where people had begun to get in line.
Tony tuned in to the conversations around him. The people spoke in a mix of English and Fijian. Friday helped by providing translation on the lenses of his glasses and he followed the conversations. Delana returned with a big bowl of stew and a plate piled with roti, a flatbread the islanders seemed to have at almost every meal.
The storm hit late in the evening with everyone gathered around a large pot-bellied stove as Mr. Umbari told stories to the nervous children. They invited Tony into one of the wooden rocking chairs by the fire. He'd refused several times because although he owned the island and everyone had been more than welcoming, Tony couldn't shake the sense that he was still an outsider, merely a means to an end for these people. But eventually, he accepted and as the wind howled outside and Friday fed him updates about the storm, Tony drifted off to sleep in the warmth of the fire.
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resham-stuff · 3 years
Automatic Coffee Machines Market  2021-2028 Advance Study Focusing On Market Analysis-
Global Automatic Coffee Machines Market research report is formulated with the exact understanding of customer requirements. Market status at the global and regional level about industry is offered through this report which helps to gain business insights at the extensive marketplace. Details about the market drivers and market restraints included in this business report helps understand whether the demand of the products in industry will rise or get lower.
Some of the Top companies influencing this market include: Melitta Professional Coffee Solutions GmbH & Co. KG, BSH Home Appliances Group, Siemens, WMF Group, Koninklijke Philips N.V., JURA Vertrieb (Schweiz) AG, De’Longhi Appliances S.r.l., Keurig Green Mountain, Inc., NESTLE NESPRESSO S.A., Home Connect GmbH, Bunn-O-Matic Corporation, Bravilor Bonamat, Animo B.V., Panasonic Corporation, Behmor, Inc., Electrolux, Concordia Beverage Systems, Morphy Richards India, and Hamilton Beach Brands, Inc., among other domestic and global players.
Get Access to Report Sample @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-automatic-coffee-machines-market
The automatic coffee machines market size is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 5.06% for the forecast period of 2021 to 2028. Automatic coffee machines market report analyses the growth, which is currently being growing due to the rise in the need for making quick delivery of hot beverage and food products.
Automatic coffee machines are usually used in home, office, cafe, restaurants, and other commercial places to extract the coffee. These machines are also known as super automatic machines, one-touch coffee machines and multifunctional coffee machines.
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Conducts Overall AUTOMATIC COFFEE MACHINES Market Segmentation: 
By Product Type (Automatic Espresso Coffee Machines, Automatic Capsule Coffee Machine, Automatic Bean to Cup Coffee Machines, Automatic Instant Coffee Machines, Others),
Type (Fully Automatic Coffee Machine, Super-Automatic Coffee Machine, Semi-Automatic Coffee Machine),
Component (Pump, Boiler, Coffee Bean Grinder, Piston),
Price (Low, Medium, High),
End User (Office Use, Commercial Use, Home Use, Coffee Café, Others)
Regions covered in the Automatic Coffee Machines market report 2021:
North America: United States, Canada, and Mexico.
South & Central America: Argentina, Chile, and Brazil.
Middle East & Africa: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Turkey, Egypt and South Africa.
Europe: UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, and Russia.
Asia-Pacific: India, China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, and Australia.
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For more Inquiry ask to our Industry Experts @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/speak-to-analyst/?dbmr=global-automatic-coffee-machines-market
Table of Contents Covered In This Automatic Coffee Machines Market Report:
1 List of Tables and Figures
2 Introductions
3 Key Takeaways
4 Market Landscape
5 Global Automatic Coffee Machines Market and Key Industry Dynamics
6 Automatic Coffee Machines Market Overview, Forecast and Analysis
7 Global Automatic Coffee Machines Market Analysis By Solutions
8 Global Automatic Coffee Machines Market Analysis By Services
9 Global Automatic Coffee Machines Market Analysis By Industry Vertical
10 Global Automatic Coffee Machines Market Geographical Analysis
11 Industry Landscape
12 Competitive Landscape
13 Automatic Coffee Machines Market, Key Company Profiles
14 Appendix
Browse TOC with Facts and Figures @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-automatic-coffee-machines-market
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Data Bridge Market Research Pvt Ltd is a multinational management consulting firm with offices in India and Canada. As an innovative and neoteric market analysis and advisory company with unmatched durability level and advanced approaches. We are committed to uncover the best consumer prospects and to foster useful knowledge for your company to succeed in the market.
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dandlelightshop · 4 years
I'm Not Yelling I'm From Chicago We Just Talk Loud Vintage Retro T-Shirt
ThatI'm Not Yelling I'm From Chicago We Just Talk Loud Vintage Retro T-ShirtI'm Not Yelling I'm From Chicago We Just Talk Loud Vintage Retro T-Shirt factory is in Concordia, Modena, around a three-hour drive from here—and where Owens also has an apartment (plus an Owenscorp cafeteria) to base himself in during periods of sustained focus on production. For this show, though, Owens had his team make the short hop back to the Lido to present his collection against the rationalist architecture of its Palazzo del Casinò. Aesthetically, this building’s facade is a Venetian cousin of the Palais de Tokyo, Owens’s usual Parisian venue (which was this season snapped up in his absence by Chloé). Unlike the Palais de Tokyo, the Casinò, a little like Owens himself, is a structure whose monumentally imposing exterior—“graphic severity,” as he puts it—belies an interior marked by humor and abundance: “I didn’t realize it was going to be so extravagant. There’s murals and there’s crazy Murano chandeliers, and the proportions are extreme
I'm Not Yelling I'm From Chicago We Just Talk Loud Vintage Retro T-ShirtI'm Not Yelling I'm From Chicago We Just Talk Loud Vintage Retro T-Shirt
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0 notes
N Headcanons (Part 1)
-N has really nice handwriting, probably.
-He’s an introvert, but I think eventually he might try to get used to people (not saying introverts don’t like people but in his case specifically) so as time goes on you’ll eventually see him in coffee shops, on the street, etc.
-He has a love hate relationship with the city. He can blend in but he might get claustrophobic because it seems so dense.
-He has a favourite pokemon but will never admit it.
-He likes to debate, or at least still make people think about different subjects and topics.
-He opens up a pokemon preservation sanctuary, with the help of Anthea and Concordia and maybe a few close friends.
-He’s very self conscious and he wont show it. He’s selfless. But nobody knows he struggles in the middle of the night. Nobody knows Ghetsis’s words still haunts him.
-It takes a lot for him to cry. Even very few pokemon have seen him cry.
-Will make very stupid purchases. Like, he’ll waste money on those cheap toys that break within the hour. He’ll spend 10$ on a claw machine that obviously has a weak claw that doesn’t pick up anything. Anthea and Concordia are 90% of his impulse control. (Please someone draw this)
-Has a fascination with baseball.
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rafaelthompson · 5 years
Synesso Acquired By The Middleby Corporation
Breaking news in the espresso machine manufacturing world as Seattle’s Synesso has been acquired the Middleby Corporation based in Elgin, Illinois. The purchase was announced via a statement released today, December 2nd.
Per the statement, Synesso now joins other US coffee brands Concordia, JoeTap, and Ss Brewtech as part of the publicly traded foodservice equipment company’s portfolio. From the press release:
Our Seattle-based coffee companies are able to provide operators with a variety of sought-after options including automated bean to cup, cold brew, nitro brew, traditional carafe and now semi-automatic espresso. There are strong synergies between Synesso and our current U.S. coffee brands.
According to the press release, Synesso has “quickly grown to $10m in revenues.” The amount of the sale remains unknown as of press time. The news comes almost two years to the day after Slayer, another Seattle-based espresso machine manufacturer, announced they were being acquired by Gruppo Cimbali.
For more information, visit the Middleby Corporation’s official website.
Zac Cadwalader is the managing editor at Sprudge Media Network and a staff writer based in Dallas. Read more Zac Cadwalader on Sprudge.
The post Synesso Acquired By The Middleby Corporation appeared first on Sprudge.
Synesso Acquired By The Middleby Corporation published first on https://espressoexpertsite.tumblr.com/
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michaelfallcon · 5 years
Synesso Acquired By The Middleby Corporation
Breaking news in the espresso machine manufacturing world as Seattle’s Synesso has been acquired the Middleby Corporation based in Elgin, Illinois. The purchase was announced via a statement released today, December 2nd.
Per the statement, Synesso now joins other US coffee brands Concordia, JoeTap, and Ss Brewtech as part of the publicly traded foodservice equipment company’s portfolio. From the press release:
Our Seattle-based coffee companies are able to provide operators with a variety of sought-after options including automated bean to cup, cold brew, nitro brew, traditional carafe and now semi-automatic espresso. There are strong synergies between Synesso and our current U.S. coffee brands.
According to the press release, Synesso has “quickly grown to $10m in revenues.” The amount of the sale remains unknown as of press time. The news comes almost two years to the day after Slayer, another Seattle-based espresso machine manufacturer, announced they were being acquired by Gruppo Cimbali.
For more information, visit the Middleby Corporation’s official website.
Zac Cadwalader is the managing editor at Sprudge Media Network and a staff writer based in Dallas. Read more Zac Cadwalader on Sprudge.
The post Synesso Acquired By The Middleby Corporation appeared first on Sprudge.
Synesso Acquired By The Middleby Corporation published first on https://medium.com/@LinLinCoffee
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shebreathesslowly · 5 years
Synesso Acquired By The Middleby Corporation
Breaking news in the espresso machine manufacturing world as Seattle’s Synesso has been acquired the Middleby Corporation based in Elgin, Illinois. The purchase was announced via a statement released today, December 2nd.
Per the statement, Synesso now joins other US coffee brands Concordia, JoeTap, and Ss Brewtech as part of the publicly traded foodservice equipment company’s portfolio. From the press release:
Our Seattle-based coffee companies are able to provide operators with a variety of sought-after options including automated bean to cup, cold brew, nitro brew, traditional carafe and now semi-automatic espresso. There are strong synergies between Synesso and our current U.S. coffee brands.
According to the press release, Synesso has “quickly grown to $10m in revenues.” The amount of the sale remains unknown as of press time. The news comes almost two years to the day after Slayer, another Seattle-based espresso machine manufacturer, announced they were being acquired by Gruppo Cimbali.
For more information, visit the Middleby Corporation’s official website.
Zac Cadwalader is the managing editor at Sprudge Media Network and a staff writer based in Dallas. Read more Zac Cadwalader on Sprudge.
The post Synesso Acquired By The Middleby Corporation appeared first on Sprudge.
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thecoffeehotspot · 5 years
Synesso Acquired By The Middleby Corporation
Synesso Acquired By The Middleby Corporation
Breaking news in the espresso machine manufacturing world as Seattle’s Synesso has been acquired the Middleby Corporation based in Elgin, Illinois. The purchase was announced via a statement released today, December 2nd.
Per the statement, Synesso now joins other US coffee brands Concordia, JoeTap, and Ss Brewtechas part of the publicly traded foodservice equipment company’s portfolio. From the…
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worldhotelvideo · 6 years
Hotel Hazel in Mandalay, Myanmar (Asia). The best of Hotel Hazel in Mandalay Hotel. Welcome to Hotel Hazel in Mandalay, Myanmar (Asia). The best of Hotel Hazel in Mandalay. Subscribe in http://goo.gl/VQ4MLN The general services in the accommodation will be: wifi available in all areas. , cycling and billiards. In the section of bar we will be able to enjoy: fruits, chocolate or cookies, bottle of water, on-site coffee house, room service, kid meals, restaurant, bar, kid-friendly buffet, breakfast options, special diet menus (on request), snack bar, grocery deliveries, breakfast in the room and wine/champagne. For your rest the accommodation has pool/beach towels, outdoor pool and swimming pool. With regard to the transfer we find accessible parking, bicycle rental (additional charge), shuttle service (additional charge), airport shuttle, shuttle service, electric vehicle charging station, bikes available (free), airport shuttle (additional charge), public transport tickets, car hire, parking garage, secured parking and street parking. For the reception services we will be able to meet tickets to attractions or shows, newspapers, currency exchange, safety deposit box, ticket service, private check-in/check-out, luggage storage, concierge service, atm/cash machine on site, lockers, express check-in/check-out and 24-hour front desk. Within the common spaces we will enjoy terrace, shared lounge/tv area, outdoor fireplace, garden, outdoor furniture, picnic area and sun terrace. For family enjoyment we will have baby safety gates, evening entertainment, children television networks, kids' outdoor play equipment and nightclub/dj. The cleaning of the facilities will include shoeshine, trouser press, daily maid service, laundry and ironing service. If you fly for business reasons in the accommodation you have meeting/banquet facilities, business centre and fax/photocopying. mini-market on site, shops (on site) and gift shop. We could highlight other benefits like , allergy-free room, bridal suite, , soundproof rooms, , , designated smoking area, air conditioning, , lift, , , , non-smoking rooms and vip room facilities [https://youtu.be/WaOvAjiTnsg] Book now cheaper in https://ift.tt/2zQPXbH You can find more info in https://ift.tt/2uFWEIT We hope you have a pleasant stay in Hotel Hazel Other hotels in Mandalay Mandalay Hill Resort Hotel https://youtu.be/X8bcha1WJzw Other hotels in this channel Tropix Hotel https://youtu.be/NXfsmzj8CmE Grupotel Los Principes & Spa https://youtu.be/0Vg9zT47mOQ Four Seasons Hotel Sydney https://youtu.be/WaTdTIQYXGo Majestic Toscanelli https://youtu.be/BNKRXcmjo8M Centro Vacanze Isuledda https://youtu.be/8E4s7AdtL3A Mermaid Suite Hotel https://youtu.be/mV_O7cOIRaI The Ritz-Carlton Beijing https://youtu.be/_sXCmotLEdU https://youtu.be/DomsU3XsPEc Beatrice Hotel https://youtu.be/T7mT0rr-Gk0 Mercure Cairo Le Sphinx https://youtu.be/5qWDbp1wnkU Hotel La Casa https://youtu.be/4OM8R5GhI0Y Hotel Gloria de Sant Jaume https://youtu.be/SMDuw1s1CG8 La Concordia - Boutique Hotel https://youtu.be/Lca21Su-MuY Hôtel Elysées Paris https://youtu.be/fruEbDol47A Changi Cove https://youtu.be/RI0pkA1IgDA In Mandalay we recommended to visit In the Myanmar you can visit some of the most recommended places such as Kuthodaw Pagoda, Shwenandaw Monastery, Mingun Pahtodawgyi, Palacio de Mandalay, Hsinbyume Pagoda, U Bein Bridge, Mingun Bell, Bagaya Monastery and Sandamuni Pagoda. We also recommend that you do not miss Shweinbin Monastery, Tour Mandalay, Su Taung Pyae Pagoda, King Galon Gold Leaf Workshop, Nanmyin Watch Tower, Kyauk Taw Gyi Phaya, We hope you have a pleasant stay in Hotel Hazel and we hope you enjoy our top 10 of the best hotels in Myanmar based in Hotel Hazel Tripadvisor Reviews. All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. You can find us at https://ift.tt/2iPJ6Xr by World Hotel Video
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cityfoodequipment · 6 years
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Acorto Concordia 2500i Commercial Espresso Machine Coffee System https://www.ebay.com/itm/263570708986 #restaurant #kitchen #cooking #equipment #cityfood #cityfoodequipment #lombard #commercial #commercialproducts #appliance #appliances #commercialkitchenequipment #restaurantsupply #kitchensupplies #food #foodservice #usedrestaurantequipment #restaurantsupplystore #newandusedequipment #restaurantequipmentdealer (at City Food Equipment)
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Searching for spaces / Rudai 23 / Thing 2
I have recently made the move from studying in a huge state-of-the-art library with beanbags a space to pile up pizza boxes, to working in a beautiful little 17th century building where study is silent and your coffee shop cappuccinos stay outside.
With building work nearing completion, however, the big library move is fast approaching. Soon our library will be made up of our current quiet reading rooms, filled with history, and the bright lights of a brand new building, complete with the new horror of self-issue machines. This strange synthesis of contrasting spaces offers challenges and opportunities. We are able to shape this unexplored space to better support the needs of our readers, and to consider new ways of learning.
I set out to explore these ideas. In accordance with the ancient ways of the librarian, the first thing I did was make a survey – you’ll be glad to know I didn’t make anyone fill it in. My survey asked one question: what type of work do you want to do in the new library? This task enabled me to think from the perspective of different readers and gather a set of types of work they might do. From this, I was able to consider the materials and space they might require to make this possible. From drawing on my own experiences of studying in libraries and researching others, I was able to broaden and focus my understanding – for example, a vague idea of ‘group work’ became project work, presentation practice, and revision/study groups. Each would call for a slightly different setting with different resources.
A useful resource for this section of my research was this detailed description of study spaces from the Webster Library, Concordia University, Montreal. I’m particularly fascinated by their Dissertations Writers’ Rooms, which graduate students can book for a term. These offer individual study spaces with assigned shelves, creating something akin to a personal office within the library environment. This is an attentive, tailored take on the concept of individual study that I hadn’t come across before.
At this point I felt the need to take a step back and consider study spaces in more theoretical terms. I found a comprehensive introduction to the topic in Fatt Cheong Choy and Su Nee Goh’s article A framework for planning academic library spaces (Library Management, Vol. 37:1, January 2016). While I disagree with its emphasis on the decline of printed material, the article featured an extremely useful model for study spaces. Each type of space was considered theoretically in terms of how modes of study influence learning, and then backed up with practical suggestions, such as equipment and seating configurations. I was particularly interested the writers’ ideas on flexible study spaces that could shift to meet the demands of specific period, such as exam weeks, and could be modified by students to suit specific needs.
I was surprised by my experience of reading this article. While I had set out to find the gaps in our service and consider how the new space could fill them, I found myself noting in the margins the way in which our current reading rooms provided in ways I hadn’t realised. The writers were concerned about modern libraries not offering “small isolated areas” such as corner spaces, enabling a study experience between that of the open table or fully confined space. They also proposed interspersed resting areas among shelves to facilitate browsing and discovery. Our library’s 17th century reading room features shelves that wind their way around spacious tables, allowing readers to find a study space that is individual without being claustrophobic, and enable a browsing experience that is interwoven with pauses and moments for reflection.
As well as learning about the interactions between space and study and the ways in which other libraries are shaping their spaces to meet the needs of their readers, my research into this topic has taught me about my own library and the readers I support by enabling me to change my perspective. As hoped, I now have some ideas about how to best use the new building; an unexpected delight is discovering the highlights of what we already have.
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worldhotelvideo · 6 years
Omni Corpus Christi Hotel, USA (North America). The best of Omni Corpus Christi Hotel Hotel. Welcome to Omni Corpus Christi Hotel, USA (North America). The best of Omni Corpus Christi Hotel. Subscribe in http://goo.gl/VQ4MLN Common services in the accommodation include paid wifi. table tennis. In the section of food and drink we will be able to enjoy breakfast options, vending machine (snacks), kid meals, kid-friendly buffet, room service, on-site coffee house, chocolate or cookies, fruits, wine/champagne, vending machine (drinks), bar, restaurant and bottle of water. For wellness the establishment offers couples massage, manicure, swimming pool, fitness/spa locker rooms, fitness, head massage, hand massage, massage, back massage, spa facilities, sun umbrellas, make up services, facial treatments, beauty services, sauna, hot tub/jacuzzi, full body massage, spa and wellness centre, fitness centre, hair cut, foot massage, neck massage, waxing services, pedicure, sun loungers or beach chairs, body treatments, hair treatments, pool/beach towels, outdoor pool, hair styling and hair colouring. With regard to relocation we have airport shuttle, parking garage, airport shuttle (free) and secured parking. For reception services we can find safety deposit box, atm/cash machine on site, newspapers, express check-in/check-out, luggage storage, 24-hour front desk, concierge service and lockers. Within the common spaces we will enjoy garden, outdoor fireplace, picnic area and outdoor furniture. The function of the cleaning services have included shoeshine, laundry, trouser press, daily maid service and dry cleaning. If you stay for business matters in the establishment you will find meeting/banquet facilities, fax/photocopying and business centre. barber/beauty shop and gift shop. We can highlight other benefits like , heating, , family rooms, non-smoking rooms, , designated smoking area, facilities for disabled guests, , , air conditioning, non-smoking throughout and lift [https://youtu.be/v7RqKPuwZVA] Book now cheaper in https://ift.tt/2thBXBw You can find more info in https://ift.tt/2leI6L6 We hope you have a pleasant stay in Omni Corpus Christi Hotel Other hotels in Corpus Christi Aloft Corpus Christi https://youtu.be/UR-cYPvZxnQ V Boutique Hotel https://youtu.be/o7HvPu10360 Other hotels in this channel Augusta Bay Bahamas, Exuma https://youtu.be/n1hovWw0CUk Royal Palace Hotel https://youtu.be/xNSoLPcXY1A Gulliver's Tavern Hotel https://youtu.be/NZTVWtk9UA0 Eurostars Centrale Palace Hotel https://youtu.be/jNXEPnrP4Lk JI Hotel Kunming Green Lake Branch https://youtu.be/H_vcbwezaJ0 Amiot https://youtu.be/uBzjGAoREFg Stamford Grand Adelaide https://youtu.be/SPzN2RaeoTI Casa Malca https://youtu.be/d_YwlE2UsQ8 Anantara Guiyang Resort https://youtu.be/eFkljYZ4uD0 Hotel Concordia https://youtu.be/uRGLw6vHRYU Hotel Santa Fe https://youtu.be/XkynMC-8TmU Samahita Retreat https://youtu.be/t_GODKOg8rE Seashells Resort at Suncrest https://youtu.be/-0TWo5u5C5M Hôtel des Grands Hommes https://youtu.be/AMwOE5Bon6U Hotel Saint Manick https://youtu.be/UvUMnRzaF2U In Corpus Christi we recommended to visit In the USA you can visit some of the most recommended places such as Isla del Padre, Padre Island National Seashore, Acuario del estado de Texas, USS Lexington, The Art Museum of South Texas, Centro de la Naturaleza y Jardín Botánico de Corpus Christi, Bahía de Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History and Laguna Madre. We also recommend that you do not miss Selena Museum, Texas Surf Museum, Texas State Museum of Asian Cultures & Education Center, Sidbury House, Centennial House, Instituto of Cultura Hispanica, We hope you have a pleasant stay in Omni Corpus Christi Hotel and we hope you enjoy our top 10 of the best hotels in USA based in Omni Corpus Christi Hotel Tripadvisor Reviews. All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. You can find us at https://ift.tt/2iPJ6Xr by World Hotel Video
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worldhotelvideo · 7 years
[https://youtu.be/KvM6eDzwZq8] Welcome to Brick Hotel in Palma de Mallorca, Spain (Europe). The best of Brick Hotel in Palma de Mallorca. Common services included are parking, on-site parking, wifi available in all areas and private parking. cycling and hiking. We will also be able to enjoy private services such as internet services, free wifi and wifi. In the section of bar we will enjoy vending machine (drinks), bottle of water, vending machine (snacks), on-site coffee house, snack bar, packed lunches and bar. For your rest the accommodation has solarium. In relation to the transfer we will find shuttle service (additional charge), car hire, shuttle service, parking garage and bicycle rental (additional charge). For the reception we will be able to have tickets to attractions or shows, 24-hour front desk, newspapers, safety deposit box, tour desk, lockers and luggage storage. Within the common spaces we will be able to enjoy shared lounge/tv area, outdoor fireplace, outdoor furniture, sun terrace and terrace. If you fly by business matters in the accommodation you will have fax/photocopying and meeting/banquet facilities. We can highlight other possibilities as family rooms, non-smoking rooms, lift, heating, designated smoking area and air conditioning Book now cheaper in http://ift.tt/2noKBy4 You can find more info in http://ift.tt/2zMmBGR We hope you have a pleasant stay in Brick Hotel Other hotels in Palma de Mallorca BO Hotel Palma https://youtu.be/jC4Zh7diCDw Hotel Cappuccino https://youtu.be/3yVGmY_78_s Boutique Hotel Sant Jaume https://youtu.be/iu1hDdoDLmU Other hotels in Spain Catalonia Ronda https://youtu.be/UTJgECEwXHg Planet One Hotel https://youtu.be/PoL9Xj102pg Hotel Benahoare https://youtu.be/wkZiSlaJpaM Hotel Rural Senderos de Abona https://youtu.be/Jgp5YEu0XBA Checkin Concordia Playa https://youtu.be/D6A9IgMHXcU Hipotels Playa de Palma Palace & Spa https://youtu.be/ZRQkS-szqY0 H10 Taburiente Playa https://youtu.be/KyHlKsugaB4 Silken Atlántida Santa Cruz https://youtu.be/__5dQ2EDPv4 Vanilla Garden Hotel (Adults Only) https://youtu.be/mTxvS6jnuMg Axel Hotel Madrid - Adults Only https://youtu.be/v12IYspla9M Sestanq https://youtu.be/k6ftduwe0-M One Shot Mercat 09 https://youtu.be/NpjXiwNevzs Hotel Alhambra https://youtu.be/Yrnf3FUEpbQ Iberostar Grand Hotel Salomé - Adults Only https://youtu.be/x8MpAMcbiDc Hotel San Telmo https://youtu.be/4sDVrOZwIck All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. by World Hotel Video
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worldhotelvideo · 7 years
[https://youtu.be/D6A9IgMHXcU] Welcome to Checkin Concordia Playa in Puerto de la Cruz, Spain (Europe). The best of Checkin Concordia Playa. General services available are: wifi available in all areas, pets allowed, on-site parking, parking and paid wifi and private parking. billiards. In the same way we can enjoy certain services like wifi and internet services. In the section of restaurants we can enjoy: restaurant, bar, on-site coffee house, vending machine (snacks), fruits, packed lunches, special diet menus (on request), kid-friendly buffet, vending machine (drinks), snack bar and restaurant (buffet). For wellness the establishment includes solarium, swimming pool, outdoor pool (all year), pool/beach towels, fitness classes and outdoor pool. As far as transport is concerned we have parking garage and car hire. For reception services we can find tickets to attractions or shows, safety deposit box, newspapers, currency exchange, 24-hour front desk, ticket service and luggage storage. Within the common spaces you can enjoy terrace and shared lounge/tv area. For family leisure we will have entertainment staff, children television networks, books, dvds, music for children and nightclub/dj and board games/puzzles. The cleaning of facilities include daily maid service. If you arrive by business affairs in the establishment, you will have fax/photocopying. We could highlight other services like pet bowls, pet basket, family rooms, non-smoking rooms, non-smoking throughout, air conditioning and lift Book now cheaper in http://ift.tt/2jHSSYP You can find more info in http://ift.tt/2idvK4a We hope you have a pleasant stay in Checkin Concordia Playa Other hotels in Puerto de la Cruz Puerto Azul https://youtu.be/olkYLcokDbE Hotel Sun Holidays https://youtu.be/uYvN_WgcpzE Hotel Maga https://youtu.be/vXdDPqiYG-s Elegance Dania Park https://youtu.be/3rGcwIQf6nI Maritim Hotel Tenerife https://youtu.be/_yeUkN6UOdw Hotel Don Cándido https://youtu.be/MTZbyWmdhzo Hotel Tejuma https://youtu.be/Pg14xcQT3fk Sol Costa Atlantis Tenerife https://youtu.be/ewqf6aAcrZo Be Live Adults Only Tenerife https://youtu.be/JXpn2R398hE Hotel Taoro Garden https://youtu.be/ImoQiw29y4k Hotel Don Manolito https://youtu.be/kFPL8aM0kd0 Hotel Trovador https://youtu.be/CzUTQ9uREFY Hotel Tropical https://youtu.be/nVk7GMsxQoc Hotel San Telmo https://youtu.be/4sDVrOZwIck Puerto Palace https://youtu.be/q15VB_e5G58 We hope you have a pleasant stay in Checkin Concordia Playa All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us.This video is based in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9zjPjblr2Y from channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChz8381FHZqT5UQNClsX7wQ by World Hotel Video
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worldhotelvideo · 7 years
[https://youtu.be/rNYGfJYgLME] Welcome to Marjan Island Resort & Spa Managed By Accor in Ras al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates (Middle East). Common services available are: wifi available in all areas. fishing, beach, cycling, tennis court, windsurfing, water sport facilities (on site) and golf course (within 3 km). In the bar section we will be able to enjoy: bottle of water, restaurant, restaurant (buffet), special diet menus (on request), snack bar, fruits, room service, kid-friendly buffet, on-site coffee house, restaurant (à la carte), chocolate or cookies, kid meals and breakfast in the room. For your rest the accommodation has private beach area, fitness, steam room, spa lounge/relaxation area, sun loungers or beach chairs, body treatments, full body massage, spa/wellness packages, facial treatments, body wrap, pool with view, couples massage, fitness centre, head massage, kids' pool, spa and wellness centre, indoor pool, foot bath, sauna, neck massage, swimming pool, waxing services, outdoor pool, heated pool, beauty services, hand massage, foot massage, fitness/spa locker rooms, hammam, massage, spa facilities, body scrub, sun umbrellas, water slide, pool/beach towels, back massage, pool bar and beachfront. In relation to the transfer we will find car hire, bicycle rental (additional charge), street parking, airport drop off, airport shuttle (additional charge), accessible parking, parking garage, secured parking, shuttle service, airport pick up, airport shuttle and shuttle service (additional charge). For the reception services we will be able to meet tickets to attractions or shows, luggage storage, atm/cash machine on site, 24-hour front desk, currency exchange, newspapers and concierge service. Within the common areas we will enjoy games room, picnic area, garden and library. For the enjoyment of the family we can babysitting/child services, children's playground, kids' outdoor play equipment, kids' club and indoor play area. The cleaning of facilities include ironing service, shoeshine, dry cleaning, trouser press, daily maid service and laundry. If you travel for business matters in the facilities you have meeting/banquet facilities, fax/photocopying and business centre. barber/beauty shop, shops (on site), gift shop and mini-market on site. We can highlight other services like family rooms, non-smoking rooms, air conditioning, lift, soundproof rooms, facilities for disabled guests, wheelchair accessible, heating, vip room facilities, bridal suite and designated smoking area Book now cheaper in http://ift.tt/2hBeKIi You can find more info in http://ift.tt/2fDR5Gz We hope you have a pleasant stay in Marjan Island Resort & Spa Managed By Accor Other hotels in this channel The Aquagrand of Lindos - Adults only https://youtu.be/KTv7OB2nbFg Wealthy All Suite Hotel Suzhou https://youtu.be/DwA0NnQ7kJk Grand New Century Hotel Hangzhou Sumtime https://youtu.be/9Hi--3SRX2g JW Marriott Essex House New York https://youtu.be/pWYnVchht0Y Loews Minneapolis Hotel https://youtu.be/uG3ifZ-DvCc Katikies Hotel https://youtu.be/YjhDJxf3nvc Hotel Admiral https://youtu.be/v1jV5-WzIA4 Kerry Hotel, Hong Kong https://youtu.be/W1Ls2eEUQMg Hotel Chateau Béla https://youtu.be/LeATMPER6tU Concordia Celes Hotel - Ultra All Inclusive https://youtu.be/GFvIcDFOAvw Kinho Narada Hotel https://youtu.be/1rhmSI1LeZo De Kloof Luxury Estate https://youtu.be/SXglsryuDN4 COMO Metropolitan London https://youtu.be/NFwW0EnYKGo JW Marriott Hotel Chengdu https://youtu.be/VoEvMQInccU Clayton Hotel Chiswick https://youtu.be/xWl-XqFzW_A We hope you have a pleasant stay in Marjan Island Resort & Spa Managed By Accor All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. by World Hotel Video
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