#condos for rent in angeles city
realtyhubph-blog · 6 months
27 sqm Studio Azure North with Income
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Check out why so many famed actors use Backstage
Trusted since 1960
Founded in 1960, Backstage has a storied history of serving the entertainment industry. For over 60 years Backstage has served as a casting resource and news source for actors, performers, directors, producers, agents, and casting directors.
Over that time, Backstage Magazine has also appeared on numerous TV shows, such as “Mad Men,” “Entourage,” “Glee,” “Oprah,” NBC's “Today” show, Comedy Central's “@Midnight”, NY1's “On Stage,” and “Saturday Night Live,” as well as multiple mentions on shows like “Inside the Actor’s Studio,” “Girls,” and appearances in films such as “13 Going on 30,” the Farrelly brothers' “Stuck on You” and Spike Lee's “Girl 6,” and even a mention in Woody Allen's short-story collection “Mere Anarchy” and Augusten Burroughs' novel “Sellevision” – and Backstage has received accolades from multiple Academy Award-, Emmy-, and Tony-winning actors and directors. (Plus, the hit musical “The Last Five Years” even includes Backstage in its lyrics: “Here's a headshot guy and a new Backstage / Where you're right for something on every page.”)
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"I still get Backstage emails 'cause I still subscribe to Backstage. [Backstage is) kind of the Bible in the beginning, which is amazing. Samuel French and Backstage go hand in hand, you know? You go there for your plays when you're in classes, and then you get your Backstage."
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Brian’s Note: The following story originally appeared in April 2015. Most recent update is December 2020.
The Gorgeous Determination of Caitríona Balfe
Caitríona Balfe is on the move. That's been true most of her adult life— especially the 10 years she was modeling for Victoria's Secret, Dolce & Gabbana, and others—but as she sits on the rooftop patio of a West Hollywood hotel in mid-March, she mentions that she's pulling up stakes from Los Angeles.
"It just feels silly to have an empty place for 10 months until I figure out what I'm doing with my life," the Irish-born actor says. "I've rented the same place for the last four years and now I have to give it up." Her apartment is being razed to put in condos, but her departure from L.A. is extra poignant considering this is the city where Balfe journeyed when she decided to put aside that successful modeling career and focus on the vocation she'd always wanted: acting.
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Photo: Luc-Richard Elie
"I've moved so much since I was 18," she says. "I mean, l've lived so many places. New York, I lived in for almost eight years [while modeling], and that's been the longest of anywhere since I left Ireland. But L.A. is where I came and said, 'OK, this is what I wanna do with my life.' "
She refuses to think of her move as a permanent one, though. "I'll be back," she declares, "but it feels really sad. My little apartment, it's got so many memories."
Balfe's sadness is no doubt mitigated by the fact that part of her need to move is due to the precipitous rise in her fortunes. She'll soon be flying to Scotland to shoot the second season of "Outlander," which returns to Starz April 4 to conclude Season 1.
When last we saw Balfe's Claire, the resourceful British nurse who comes home after World War |I only to be inexplicably teleported into the 18th-century Highlands, she was half-naked with a knife to her breast. Don't worry: Claire will get out of that scrape, but more perils await-to say nothing of the emerging multi-era romantic triangle developing between her, the Scottish warrior Jamie Fraser (Sam Heughan), and her 20th-century husband, Frank Randall (Tobias Menzies), who wonders where she's gone.
Based on the much-beloved Diana Gabaldon novels and developed for television by "Battlestar Galactica" rebooter Ronald D. Moore, "Outlander" is an ostensibly lush period-piece-within-a-period-piece drama that's consistently richer and thornier than its romance-novel trappings suggest. And much of the credit goes to Balfe, who had managed small parts in films such as “Super 8” and “Now You See Me” before landing the central role in this adaptation.
In person, Balfe is far less imposing than the steely Claire, who has to weather the dangers of being a woman in sexist, violent Scotland in the 1740s. Cast late in the preproduction of “Outlander”—Moore has mentioned in interviews how hard it was to find the right Claire—she didn’t have time to consider what the role would do to her life. “I’m so bad on social media," she confesses on this warm afternoon, nestled underneath a cabana. "I had set up an account on Twitter maybe a year or so before I got this job and had, I thought, a lot of followers — 250 or something, and most of them are my friends. Within about a month or two, it was thousands of people — and my phone, I didn't know how to turn off the alerts, so it was just going all the time. That was the beginning of the awareness."
Growing up in the small Irish community of Monaghan, Balfe had considered acting from an early age. ("I was devastated that I wasn't a child actor," she says, smiling. But after traveling to Dublin to study theater, she changed course once she received an offer to model. It wasn't a secret passion of hers, but who turns down a trip to Paris? "My parents felt that I should finish college," Balfe recalls, "but l'm slightly headstrong, so l took their advice and I completely ignored it."
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Over the next decade, she lived in France, Italy, Germany, and Japan, her modeling inexperience hardly a detriment. "You'd be amazed how little information or training goes into it," she says. "When I first arrived in Paris, I was told to take a bus to the office. I left my suitcase — I barely spoke any French — and someone took me across the street, helped me buy a Carte Orange. They printed out five addresses that I had to go to that day, and then they sent me off." She still remembers at 18 riding the subway alongside 16-year-old aspiring Russian models, who knew no French or English, homesick and sobbing their eyes out. "That was just the way it was," says Balfe. "You become pretty tough. When I went to Japan, it was similar: They would drive you to their castings, but the minute you got a job, it would be like, 'Here's an address, here's a map. Good luck.' They don't have signposts in English in Japan, so the map and the address are not always very helpful."
Hear Balfe recount her early misadventures in modeling and you can't help but think of Claire, who's equally thrown to the wolves once she arrives in the 18th century amid people wary of the English in general and assertive women in particular. "Honestly, l've been in so many situations in my life where you just are completely displaced," Balfe says. “You have to adapt very quickly and figure it out. I definitely think that informs Claire a lot. It helped me understand her."
Did moving to Paris at such a young age teach Balfe that she can cope in any circumstance? "I think I didn't really realize that until many years later," she replies. "I have a great knack of not thinking about things and just going for it. You learn the hard way sometimes that you're able to get through, but sometimes it's quite tough when you're in a situation where you don't know anyone and you're trying to find your way around cities. But if an opportunity presents itself and it seems like a good idea, l'm just like, 'OK, let's do it, then I'll figure it out.'”
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The decision to reconnect with her acting ambitions was conducted just as boldly. Ready to quit modeling, she moved to Los Angeles because a writer she was dating lived there. He was the only person she knew, but she had read a Vanity Fair interview with Amy Adams in which she said she trained with Warner Loughlin. "I could walk to that place from my ex-boyfriend's house," she says, "so l was like, 'Well, I'm gonna go there because I can't really drive. I started from scratch. I didn't have any managers, I didn't know any agents, I hadn't acted in almost a decade." But she just kept taking classes, moving from Loughlin to the studios of Sanford Meisner and Judith Weston. "I think when I first got here, I had a nice little air of delusion: 'It's gonna work out,'" she says with a laugh. “You just don't know how."
And then came "Outlander." By email, Moore admits that he didn't know Balfe's work until her audition tape came unsolicited to his office from her agent. Once she was chosen for Claire, he made it clear how demanding the job would be. “I told her in our first meeting that this was going to be an even bigger responsibility and workload than the normal TV lead," he writes. "Because the story was being told from Claire's point of view, Cait was going to be in every scene, every day for months, which is an extraordinary amount of work, far beyond what most actors are ever asked to do."
Moore's warning didn't faze Balfe. Writes Moore, "After she met with the president of Starz... and it was clear that she was going to land the role, I walked her to the elevator and just before the doors closed on her, I said 'Your life is about to change forever,' and she gave me a grin that was both thrilled and slightly nervous. I never saw her hesitate after that."
She's never hesitated before. As Balfe prepares to say goodbye to L.A. (for now, she thinks back to her early days in the city, trying to convince casting directors that she was more than just a model. "I went on many, many, many, many auditions that were Hot Girl No. 2 — you wanna shoot yourself," she says, laughing. "But, you know, I'm very lucky that l was even getting those auditions in the beginning. And it toughens you up. At least for me, to have that fuel to prove people wrong—it definitely spurs me on and makes me wanna work harder." Then she smiles conspiratorially. "And shove it to them."
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Remember… I told her in our first meeting that this was going to be an even bigger responsibility and workload than the normal TV lead. — Ronald D Moore
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somethingvicked · 2 months
True love of mine part 13
warnings: female reader, fluff, slight nsfw.
After Eddie’s statement things got better. Your Instagram was still private so no one could send hateful messages to you. That didn’t stop them from making rude comments on Eddie’s account however, but you could live with that.
As long as no one sprayed hateful words on your building or tried to throw eggs at you when you went outside, it was okay.
Already you and Eddie were planning to move in together. A bit soon, some might say, but you had known each other since you were barely twelve years old – you’d already gone through the dating stage back when you were teenagers.
It just felt silly to start dating again. Even so you both knew that fifteen years apart could’ve brought changes so you decided to wait a month at least before starting to look for a place together, and see if any troubles came up.
It didn’t, so when the month was up you gave your notice to your landlord.
Eddie was usually based in Los Angeles, where he had a house, but he also had an apartment in your city, which is where he had stayed since you two reconnected that night after the concert.
You couldn’t move to Los Angeles because of your job, though, and Eddie understood that. He said that his job was flexible, he could practically live everywhere. Most of his team lived in L.A. but in the age of technology everything was possible.
You two agreed to find a new place together, because your apartment was too small for Eddie to have a studio in and Eddie didn’t want you to move in with him – he wanted you two to have a place that belonged to you both.
Eddie would sell his apartment in the city but keep his place in Los Angeles, for when he was needed there.
You said no when Eddie wanted to buy a big house for you two – you had never seen the point in having a house with eighteen rooms when there was just two people living in it. Eddie also needed privacy from his fans so you decided on a condo, in a secure building. Eddie would pay the bigger share of the rent, because he needed more space to work.
You would get your own study for when you needed to work at home and to keep your collection of notebooks with your poetry as well as shelves for your regular book.
Eddie had been concerned over you going to yoga classs and after a few times when journalists and gossip bloggers had crowded you, you understood why.
Eddie offered to hire you a private yoga instructor, but you didn’t want him to pay for your exercise, so instead you two agreed that you would use apps on your phone instead. Eddie had already wanted a gym in the apartment - or live in a building with a gym available for its tenants - for his own workouts. Since Eddie would use the gym as well, you agreed. 
You didn’t try to be obnoxious on purpose, you knew that Eddie would share every penny he had with you, without you asking for it.
But the comments about you being a gold digger had stung more than you realized. They could call you ugly, old and everything in between that, but they wouldn’t accuse you of taking advantage of Eddie. You never had and you never would.
And perhaps it was a bit of a pride thing, too. You would never make as much money as Eddie did but you refused to not contribute to anything in this new home of yours.
Otherwise it would be the same thing as you moving in with Eddie, with everything being his, in all but name.
Eddie hired a real-estate agent to help you find a place and you two were lucky – only a month after the first, the ‘test’ month, they had found an apartment that met your criteria.
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It took about two weeks for Eddie and Y/N to move into their new home. It would take a bit more time to unpack and make it an actual home, but Eddie didn’t care. He and Y/N were back together and now they were also living together in a place of their own.
Eddie planned on making good of his promise, to propose to her, but decided to wait with that – maybe on the the very anniversary date which they both had tattooed on their arms – the day they met.
They could even have a year long engagement then and then marry on the same date. That would be amazing.
One day when they were unpacking and Eddie placed his box of jewelry in the closet while Y/N was stashing away her shoes – God, so many shoes! – she asked Eddie a question he had just waited for her to ask.
“Hey, what happened with your guitar pick necklace? You used to wear that all the time but not now.”
Eddie sighed, rubbing his eyes. He remembered the devastation he had felt when losing it. That pick had been like his lucky charm for so long.
“I lost it when I went to jail,” he confessed, shaking his head. “I had it on me the day they transferred me and it was supposed to stay among my things until I got out. But when I got out and my things were returned it wasn’t there. Someone must have taken it. I complained, of course, but what could I do?”
Y/N gaped at that and then came over and wrapped her arms around him. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, running her fingers through Eddie’s curly hair. “I know how much that pick meant to you.”
He nodded. “Yeah. But still, if I had to pick which I’d rather have back, I would always chose you.”
Y/n snorted at that but gave him a kiss, a look on her face Eddie recognized. It meant she was thinking about something, but when Eddie asked what it was she just smiled and said it was nothing.
Turned out it was not nothing, Eddie found out a few days later when she came home with a present for him. Eddie was surprised, because it wasn’t his birthday, but she snorted at that and said that it hadn’t been her birthday when he got her the cat ring either. “When you’re in a relationship you can give presents whenever,” Y/N told Eddie with a smile. “In fact ‘whenever’ is the best time for a present!”
He laughed at that and then opened the present, his jaw dropping when he saw that it was a small jewlery box, inside a chain with a small guitar pick in silver, and the inscription, I will always pick you.
Tears clouded Eddie’s eyes as he immediately put it on and then lifted Y/N up in his arms, refusing to let go for over ten minutes.
That was also when he got the bright idea for them to ‘christen’ their home by having sex in every room of it.
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Hawkins, 1984
“Hey, can I ask you a question,” Y/N said one day when they were sitting on the couch in Wayne’s trailer, sharing a joint.
“Sure,” Eddie said, blowing out smoke. “What’s on your mind, kitten?”
“Where did you get this?” she asked curiously, leaning forward and touching his guitar pick necklace.
The neckline of her shirt fell with her movement and Eddie had to swallow hard to be able to answer and not just stare at her beautiful breasts. It didn’t matter how many times he saw them, they were always gorgeous to me.
“Earth to Eddie!” Y/N giggled and waved a hand in front of his eyes.
“Hmm? Oh! Well, it’s not that deep of a story, kitten. It was the first guitar pick I ever owned. I bought it myself with my allowance when I was eight years old and started to play guitar.
I of course bought and acquired new ones later on during the years, but somehow… that became my lucky charm. A reminder of the first time I managed to get a melody out of a guitar and realized that I was good at something. Not just a failure of a kid, with a dead mother and a criminal father. That I was good at something too.”
Y/N’s eyes became wet and she took the joint from him, wrapping her arms around my his neck and kissing him.
“You are good at a lot of things, Eddie. So many things. Not just guitar, even though you have a heck of talent. But you know what’s more important than that? You are a good person. The best person I know. And even better – you’re my good person. My favorite person.”
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taglist: @ali-r3n @quinnyficsy @mewchiili @melodymunson @ches-86 @jenniquinn @eddiemunsonfuxks @stolen-in-moonlight @alastorssimp @pandemoniusstuff
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daebakinc · 2 years
Pretty Woman Finale
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Pretty Woman AU
Pairing: Kihyun x Reader
Word Count: 2.6 K
Synopsis: Rich business man, Kihyun Yoo finds himself lost driving in Los Angeles. Stopping for directions he meets you, a prostitute on Hollywood Boulevard. What starts as a one night stand soon becomes a weeklong proposition, as Kihyun needs arm candy for his visit in the city of angels.
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7
~Admin V
             You had trouble sleeping in your own bed. Partly because there were so many possibilities for you now and your mind was playing any and all ideas, and partly because you were spoiled by the Baverse mattress and couldn’t get comfortable.
As you lay awake, you worked out your plans for the next day. First, you’d have to stop by the library and use the computer to look up housing in San Fran. The idea of renting a car to get there seemed more comfortable with all your newly acquired belongings than toting everything on a bus.
Checking out schools for completing your G.E.D. was also on your list. You’d work on the job situation once you got there. The school could have programs to help you with that.
And Kihyun. You couldn’t stop yourself from thinking about him. His heartbroken face when you told him you weren’t going to spend the night with him. The way he nodded at the door when he screamed for K.Will to get the hell out. How his lips felt against yours the night before when you kissed him again and again.
At some point you’d finally dozed off. Frantic knocking on your door woke you. Looking at the clock it was a bit after 10a.m. The landlord must’ve been antsy for the rent. Sifting through the envelop from Kihyun, you grabbed what was due, but when you opened the door, it wasn’t the landlord standing before you.
His shoulders relaxed when he sighed with relief. “You’re here.”
Your jaw fell slack. “Kihyun? Aren’t you supposed to be on a plane to Korea?” You glanced around in the hall. “How do you know where I live?”
“Changkyun. When I was checking out, he casually mentioned that the limo driver took you home yesterday.” He took a deep breath. He must’ve run up all the flights of stairs to your floor.
Gesturing for him to enter your apartment, he took another breath of relief.
Facing you, he continued. “I’m an idiot.”
You smiled to that. “Yeah?”
He was flustered. It was clear there was so much he wanted, needed to express but didn’t know where to start. “You said this week changed everything for you. It changed everything for me as well. It just took me longer to realize it.” He began pacing in front of you, his words spewing out quickly. “Never, not in a million years would I have bought Honey Bear Records to save it. I was on the path of destruction and had absolutely no intention of ever getting off of it. But you,” he ran his fingers through his hair and looked you in the eyes. “You showed me I still have a heart. I don’t have to be the villain I’d turned myself into.
“When I told you I wanted to put you up in a condo and see you, that wasn’t my intention to have you waiting for me; waiting for money, waiting for me to use you. That was old me. How I dealt with past relationships. They’ve always been about me using them when I needed them.” He cringed at himself when he heard what he’d just said.
Stroking his arm to let him know it was okay and you weren’t running from him, you encouraged him to continue.
“I like who I am with you. And, it will be a learning process. I’m sure that I will still do and say things to fuck it all up, but I can’t let you go.”
Mouth agape again, you could only stare at him.
His confidence was back as he squared his shoulders and took your hands in his. “I can’t go back to South Korea, not without you. I don’t care if we stay here in Los Angeles, or even here in this apartment.” You noticed his grimace as he looked around but he quickly recovered to a face of sincerity. “I don’t care where I am, as long as I’m with you.
“I can understand if you don’t want me buying everything and doing everything for you. You’re a self-made woman and I respect that about you. But I do have money, and I don’t see why it can’t be used if it will help you.” He went back to pacing, seeming to have said something he hadn’t meant to.
“What’s wrong, Kihyun?”
He stopped and focused on you. “You’re not my personal prostitute or beck-and-call girl. I know you’re not.” Taking a deep breath, he stepped closer and looked into your eyes. “But I want you to be mine.”
Your heart beat sped and you felt a blush in your cheeks.
He lifted your chin with his fingers so you were looking him in the eye. “You said yesterday you wanted me to love you. Love you for you. I . . .” He took a sharp inhale, but it didn’t stop his lip from quivering. “I . . .” he tried again.
You couldn’t help the wide grin that spread across your face. “I love you, too.”
Though he looked comforted, it didn’t stop another tremble of his lips and you saw tears sitting in his eyes. They closed when you leaned up and pressed your forehead against his.
“You don’t have to say it back if you’re not ready. We’ve only known each other a week after all.” You kissed the tip of his nose.
Sighing, he pressed away from you to look at you. “It’s not that.” His voice was squeaky and it pulled at your heartstrings. He’d finally slowed down his words. “When I’ve said it before in past relationships, I never meant it. Not like I mean it now.” The tears overwhelmed him as they now trickled down his cheeks. “I’m scared,” he breathed.
Carefully, you held his face in your hands. “You don’t need to be. I am yours.”
When he smiled, you couldn’t help yourself from giving him a soft, chaste kiss. He pressed back, and the two of you took the moment to just savor the feeling, the closeness. Pecking his lips a few times, you pressed one more smooch before leaning your forehead against his again.
Kihyun caressed your cheek. “I don’t deserve such a pretty woman.”
“Then you’re quite a lucky man.”
 Six Months Later
You pulled your brand-new, sleek, cyan blue Dodge Viper in front of Honey Bear Records. Yes, you were a self-made woman, but you also needed a car. And with Kihyun offering to get you such a lovely one for passing your G.E.D., who were you to refuse?
Walking into a studio, Hyunwoo was sitting in the back of the room on a couch. He looked up when he heard your footsteps. “Hey, how’d the test in music production go?”
After retrieving the test in question from your bag, you handed it to him. His face instantly lifted. “Yeah! Look at you, big time college girl!” He gave you a high five then you plopped down on the couch next to him.
“How’s our boy doing?”
Both of you turned your attention to the front of the room. Jooheon was sitting in front of the sound board and recording equipment. Behind the laminated glass, Kihyun was in the zone, warming up his voice before the music started.
You couldn’t hide your smile as you watched him. He was so passionate as he got into the music. Then his lyrics started.
I can suddenly feel something has changed I am becoming an adult I don't hate myself Even when I see my weakness I tended to get anxious Thinking about me after a few years Rather than how I feel today I was like that at that time
I feel like I will miss those foolish Days, which made me work harder The days when I was young and cheerful And the heart that was pumping so fast after dancing hard I feel like the sky is beautiful nowadays
His voice cracked and he indicated for Jooheon to stop the music. Once he had a few swigs of water he kept repeating the note he couldn’t seem to get right.
Jooheon spun around in his chair toward you. “Queen! Tell me you aced the test!”
Getting up you handed it to him.
His face beamed when he looked at you. “That’s my girl.”
You nodded your head in the direction of Kihyun. “How many takes has he been doing for this one?”
“Just a few. You know he’s a perfectionist, so if it doesn’t sound the way he wants it, we start over.”
It was part of his passion for the music.
A mischievous smile appeared on Jooheon’s face. “You know, now that you’re here, I’m sure if he were to relieve some of that frustration, he’d be able to get his notes right.”
“Jooheon,” Hyunwoo warned, embarrassment causing him to blush.
You couldn’t help but laugh. “Is that so?”
Hyunwoo got up and slapped the younger man in the shoulder. “Please excuse him. All this time in the studio has clearly deprived him of oxygen to the brain.” He pulled Jooheon from the chair and pushed him towards the door. “Go get some fresh air.”
Jooheon laughed and faced you. “I’m gonna get some coffee, you want your usual?”
“Yes please,” you couldn’t help but laugh with him. Once he was out of the room, Hyunwoo looked apologetic.
“Though I don’t agree with my partner’s exact suggestion,” he then motioned toward Kihyun, “I do think he could use a bit of a break and some words of reassurance.” The blush was still present as he bowed. “I’ll give you two some time.” He too left the room, leaving it to just you and Kihyun.
Knocking on the studio door, Kihyun looked a little surprised to see you.
“Hey,” he smiled. He looked through the glass and noticed the others were gone. “Where’d they go?”
“Coffee break. Jooheon heavily hinted you could use a release.”
His face turned red. “What did he say?”
You closed the distance between the two of you. “Oh, just that you might sound better if you let some of that tension go.”
The blush was gone and his confident power took its place. “What did you have in mind?”
Smiling, your hand reached down to touch him through his pants. “I was thinking blow job.”
A smirk formed on his face. “And what if you screaming my name will relieve the tension?”
Before you could answer, the studio door flung open. Both you and Kihyun watched as Jooheon walked in, hand over his eyes. “I forgot I had the headphones and the sound still on. Don’t mind me.” It was very clear he wasn’t at all ashamed of interrupting and he even peaked through his fingers at one point, trying to catch any action. When he dropped the wireless headphones in the chair, and made sure all the sound equipment was off, he left. Kihyun and you burst out into laugher. You each laughed so hard you had to sit on the ground until you calmed down.
When you were both back to normal breathing patterns, Kihyun moved so his back was against the wall and pulled you into his arms. He played with your hair as you played with his fingers. The laughing worked to get rid of his stress.
Looking up, you smiled at him. “The song is very pretty from what I heard.”
He smiled back at you. “You think so?”
“I’m very biased, of course, but yes.”
His grin widened. He looked from your eyes to you lips then bent down to kiss you. The musk of his cologne mixed with his sweet tastes made your head spin. You kissed him back until you felt breathless. If it were up to you, you’d never stop kissing him. When he bit against your lip, you couldn’t help the low groan it caused.
Shifting your position, you turned to better face him, crawling in his lap. You deepened the kiss as you breathed him in and he slid his tongue into your mouth. Your new spot in his lap allowed you to grind against him, feeling his growing hardon against your growing wetness.
Kihyun’s hands snaked up your back, under your shirt to unhook your bra.
You jumped when your phone vibrated in your back pocket. He grabbed it for you and you both looked at the screen. It was Jooheon.
He put it on speaker. “Wasn’t it your idea for her to help me blow off some steam?”
Jooheon laughed. “She ordered a coffee. I just wanted to know if it was safe to bring it in to her.”
“Unless you want to clean up the love stain we’re about to make, I suggest you and Hyunwoo leave the building. Now.”
There was stunned silence on the other line, and before Jooheon answered, Kihyun hung up.
He then held you as he again shifted your positions so that you were on your back and he hovering over you.
“A love stain, huh?” you chuckled.
“A big one.” He brushed hair from your forehead.
“Well, I hate to break it to you, but I don’t have a condom.”
“That’s not funny.”
“Well, I’ve changed my profession. I no longer have need to carry around a buffet of safety.”
The sad, puppy pout he gave made you crack up with laughter. You reached into your bra and retrieved a condom. Old habits die hard.
His pout was replaced with a smirk. “You’re going to be punished for that.”
Matching his smirk, you replied. “I better be.”
Kihyun nipped at your nose. His face switched from playful to serious. “I love you.”
Your hand reached to caress his cheek. “I love you, too.”
He leaned down to kiss you again. It was short lived as you pushed him away. “If Jooheon and Hyunwoo are going home, how are you gonna finish recording when we’re finished?”
“Didn’t you have a production test today?”
“ . . . Yeah?”
“Then maybe you can give it a shot.”
You pushed him off so you could sit up. “Are you sure? I’m still unsure about some of the equipment. I don’t want to mess anything up.”
Brushing a stray hair behind your ear, he gave an earnest smile. “The best way to learn is trying. I can help, too.”
He sounded certain, but you weren’t as confident as he was. “I just don’t want to mess it up. I know how you like everything. I don’t want to get lost in the equipment.”
He grinned wider and shook his head. “We’ll figure it out together. I promise to be on my best behavior and not snippy like I am with Jooheon. And if we get lost in the equipment, I do recall getting lost in Hollywood is how we both ended up here.”
Finally convinced, you smiled back at him. “Okay. But now I’m not in the mood to create a love stain with you.”
He jokingly groaned, but you could tell he was also more interested in getting back to the music. Helping you up, you both left the sound booth and sat in front of the recording equipment. Luckily, you did know a good portion of what to do, and what you didn’t Kihyun handled.
With everything ready, he went back into the other room. You spoke into the intercom. “Are you ready for the ride of your life?”
Shaking his head while chuckling, he gave you a wink. “Let’s do it.”
The End
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typingtess · 1 year
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The settlements from the LAPD were what their lawyer promised – life-changing money after a life-changing encounter. Devin and Jordan Rountree were given separate settlements. That was a suggestion from their lawyer Ted Hoffman – two settlements, two recorded settlements for LAPD and two marks on the two officers' records. There was a written apology from Chief Davis with promises for retraining and changes.
Chief Davis promised its was a life-changing encounter.
Not changing LAPD. Or not changing much. For all of the Chief's talk about change, they were mostly promises, not much more. There were updates to protocols, a push for increased liaison officers between LAPD and the federal agencies working in the city. Training manuals were put under review.
Officer McNeil was put on a desk after he was retrained. He was three-years away from retirement. Under advice from his union lawyer, McNeil found a paper pushing job at Parker Center. For the rest of his career, he'd review security protocols at SoFi, Angels and Dodgers Stadiums and other large arenas for sporting events, concerts and other gatherings. He already lined up a security gig at the new Intuit Dome that began the day after his 50th birthday. He wasn't endangering that opportunity.
Officer Dubrons was retrained by LAPD and moved out to Topanga Division. 15-years away from retirement, Dubrons couldn't find as cushy a landing. He started sniffing around with several federal agencies but whenever he started getting some traction in the interview process, things would shut down suddenly. One friend at a three-letter agency said it wasn't the agent they pulled over but someone much higher in the chain of command who made it clear Dubrons was a hard no for any federal agency. Dubrons figured he's put in his time before retiring to some smaller department looking for a guy with big city experience.
But it was a life-changing encounter for the survivors.
With her settlement, Jordyn's medical school costs were largely covered. The little that was left over got her a studio condo near the campus. Devin wanted her to share a house with him – save that leftover money. No, she wanted her own place. It was time to be Jordyn and Devin, not Jordyn with Devin. When medical school was over, if she was leaving for a different city or a different part of Los Angeles, she'd have her degree free and clear and real estate to either rent out or sell. Dr. Jordyn Rountree would be on her way.
With Fatima's uncle Navid's help – Navid ran the third largest real estate firm in Los Angeles – Rountree found a fixer-upper. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms ranch, built in 1951, it looked good on the outside. Inside, both bathrooms were never updated and looked every minute of their 72-years. One bathroom had carpeting. One bedroom had paneling that probably looked great in the early 60's when it was put up but really didn't work now. There were mirrored walls in the living room and small bedroom – that would have to go. The kitchen was updated in 1977 – just in time to miss the avocado green period of American Kitchens.
While Navid had a dozen condos that were in turnkey condition lined-up, Devin wanted a house, he wanted a house in a good neighborhood. Navid's firm sold house on the block with all the bells and whistles for twice what Rountree was willing to pay. A little sweat-equity and some time, he'd have what Sam told him was the first investment in the rest of his life.
It was life-changing money after a life-changing encounter.
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globalmortgage · 11 days
6.8% Cap Rate In LA! + Hotel 101 + U.S. Mortgage Rates + Turning Home Equity Into Cash
GMG | Investor
[Super rare] Newly-constructed multi-family unit in Los Angeles with a 6.8% cap rate!
4 Units x 5 bedrooms + 5 bathrooms + attached garage (total 20 bedrooms!). Approximate Lot Size: 7,499 sq. ft. Year Built: 2024
The property will be delivered with a 5-year master lease with government-assisted transitional housing organization.
Located just 0.2 miles from the University of Southern California's Health Sciences Campus and offers easy commutes to Downtown Los Angeles, Mid-City, and the Westside.
The 2024 construction ensures no deferred maintenance and strong in-place income. The property will be delivered fully occupied through 2024-2029, providing investors with immediate stabilized cash flow greater than 6.8% cap rate on current income.
Projected Monthly Rent: Y1 $23,000; Y2 $23,690; Y3 $24,400; Y4 $25,132; Y5 $25,886
Contact me directly for detailed pricing and tailored financing options.
Last week, I hosted a webinar with Hotel101, a company offering the opportunity to invest in 'hotel' rooms  in the form of freehold condo titles and a share of the gross room revenues, with NO expenses or operational and maintenance responsibilities.
They are positioned as a 3-star hotel with 5-star amenities in super popular locations such as Niseko and Madrid. Owners also get free nights each year at the hotels! Watch the video to learn more, or contact us here!
U.S. Mortgage Rates
Last week saw the lowest mortgage rates in the past 15 months. The difference in year-on-year mortgage payments (Sep 2023 vs Sep 2024) is about $300 a month or $3,600 a year, all things equal.
The current CHIPS Act is creating many jobs in the U.S., and this gentrification is driving home prices in the Midwest, where chip manufacturers are building their facilities - each responsible for well over 10,000 new jobs. We just met a couple buying homes in a midwest town where Google has their data centres and Intel is building a semiconductor fab - in this popular midwest town, home prices have doubled in the last few years. 
Many of these skilled labourers will need to rent, and this theme is consistent throughout the U.S. It's never been a better time to be a landlord in the U.S. 
Our Foreign National mortgage rates are very low, and you qualify ONLY on rental income, not your personal income; super easy.
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Happy Hunting!
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loftway · 2 months
Overcoming Credit Challenges: Strategies for Buying Cheap Apartments with Less-Than-Perfect Credit
Finding inexpensive accommodation in a busy city like Los Angeles can be difficult, especially if you have less-than-perfect credit. However, owning a home or securing a rental is not unattainable. With careful planning, resourcefulness, and a willingness to investigate other choices, you may overcome credit issues and locate cheap lofts for rent and cheap condos for sale in Los Angeles. This guide will provide strategies to help you navigate the process and achieve your housing goals despite credit difficulties. For more information visit us : https://loftwayseo.blogspot.com/2024/07/overcoming-credit-challenges-strategies.html
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[ad_1] Artwork Falcone's deliberate Miami Worldcenter condo-hotel and two different mixed-use initiatives obtained the inexperienced gentle from the town's structure panel. Along with Falcone Group's 53-story tower, the Miami City Design Overview Board permitted Dulce Vida, a deliberate eight-story residence constructing in Allapattah to be developed by Coral Rock Growth, and a deliberate 35-story high-rise in Edgewater by Urbanica Growth. Miami Worldcenter condo-hotel Boca Raton-based Falcone Group is proposing a skyscraper with 280 resort rooms, 351 condominium models, an 8,000-square-foot restaurant and three,500 sq. ft of retail. Designed by Coral Gables-based Nichols Architects, the undertaking is slated for 155 Northeast tenth Avenue at Miami Worldcenter, a $6 billion 27-acre mixed-use master-planned improvement by Falcone, Nitin Motwani and Los Angeles-based CIM Group. The tower would function studios to three-bedroom models, six ranges of parking and pool decks on the tenth and twenty fifth flooring. URDB members praised the deliberate condo-hotel. “An distinctive job,” mentioned board chairman Ignacio Permuy. “I believe it will likely be an ideal match for the rapid space. “It is extremely nicely achieved.” Candy Life Coral Rock, a Coral Gables-based developer led by Victor Brown, Stephen Blumenthal, Michael Wohl and David Brown, is planning a $75 million mixed-use constructing that includes 200 flats, together with 85 reasonably priced housing models, and a brand new library. Candy Life is designed by Miami-based Behar Font & Companions. 1785 Northwest thirty fifth Avenue (Behar Font & Companions, Getty) Coral Rock and its companion Miami Bethany Neighborhood Companies is below contract to buy a 1.3-acre website at 1785 Northwest thirty fifth Avenue from the town of Miami. The property is at the moment dwelling to a library that can briefly relocate to a brand new website throughout building. Coral Rock plans to interrupt floor later this 12 months. Dulce Vida could have a mixture of studios and one- and two-bedroom flats with asking rents beginning between $1,084 to $1,393 a month. Urbanica mixed-use tower Miami-based Urbanica, led by Diego Colmenero and Charlie Porchetto, is planning a mixed-use constructing on an almost 1-acre website at 3200 Northeast Biscayne Boulevard. Designed by Coconut Grove-based Arquitectonica, the undertaking would function 110 residential models, 160 resort rooms, 8,443 sq. ft of economic house and 383 parking areas. 3200 Northeast Biscayne Blvd (Arquitectonica, Getty) Urbanica has not determined whether or not the models will probably be flats or condos. The resort rooms, starting from 660 sq. ft to 1,000 sq. ft, could be on flooring 10 by 23. The residential element — a mixture of one-, two- and three-bedroom models — could be on flooring 24 by 33. The deliberate high-rise would function a ballroom and performance house on the second ground. The third ground would include a fitness center, sauna, yoga room, co-working house, golf simulator room, youngsters's room and canine spa. A pool, bar, cigar and wine room, lounge, film room, catering kitchen and paddle court docket could be on the ninth ground. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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valeriefitzgeraldus · 9 months
What to Consider Before Investing In Luxury Real Estate?
Luxury real estate in Los Angeles has always been regarded as a comparatively secure investment, be it your main abode, a holiday retreat, or a property for investment purposes. Should you possess the financial means to invest, it might be worthwhile to diversify your portfolio by venturing into the realm of luxury real estate.
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How Much Does Luxury Real Estate Cost?
If you see ‘Brentwood Luxury Homes for Sale’ you will find the prices can vary depending on the market. In some areas where prices are generally lower, you can find luxury properties for as little as half a million dollars. However, in most metropolitan areas, you would need well over $1 million to purchase a luxury property, and the entry price point only goes up from there. According to a report from April 2022, the average asking price for luxury homes in New York City was $8.96 million. To give you an idea of the upper end of the spectrum, the most expensive residential real estate sale in Manhattan in 2021 was a pair of condos on adjoining floors that sold for a staggering $157 million.
Tips for Investing in Luxury Real Estate
If you're considering investing in luxury real estate, there are a few important factors to keep in mind before diving in:
Identify Your Goals
It's crucial to determine what you hope to achieve with your investment. Whether you're looking for a quick profit through flipping or long-term income through renting out a luxury apartment or vacation home, understanding your goals will help guide your decision-making process.
Figure Out Financing
While having cash on hand may seem like the best option, it's not always the most suitable choice. Depending on your investment strategy, exploring financing options like hard money loans for short-term projects can be more appropriate.
Choose the Right Market
Before investing in an expensive property, thoroughly research the market to ensure it aligns with your investment plans. Consider factors such as the job market, cost of living, median household incomes, and the area's economic outlook. If you plan to rent out the property, also analyze the year-round and peak-season traffic to gauge its rental potential.
Wrapping Up
Investing in luxury real estate in Los Angeles offers a unique and tangible investment opportunity compared to securities. Additionally, you have the option to live on the property if you desire. Whether it's building a custom home, purchasing a prime vacation property, or renovating a high-end fixer-upper, there are various avenues to enter the luxury real estate market.
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Discover Your Perfect Rental: Condos and Apartments in Costa Rica and Long Beach
Are you in search of the ideal place to call home, whether it's for a vacation, a change of scenery, or a new beginning? Look no further—Costa Rica and Long Beach, California, offer an array of condominiums and apartments for rent that cater to diverse tastes and lifestyles. In this blog post, we'll explore the exciting possibilities for rental living in these two fantastic locations.
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1. Costa Rica Apartments: Embrace Pura Vida Living
Costa Rica, often referred to as the "Rich Coast," is renowned for its stunning natural beauty, from lush rainforests to pristine beaches. When it comes to finding apartments for rent, here's why Costa Rica should be on your radar:
Natural Wonders: Wake up to the sound of tropical birds and the scent of exotic flowers. Many apartments in Costa Rica are nestled within the heart of nature, offering breathtaking views and immediate access to vibrant ecosystems.
Adventure Awaits: Whether you're a nature enthusiast, a surfer catching the perfect wave, or a hiker exploring the diverse landscapes, Costa Rica has it all. Renting an apartment here means you're never far from an adventure.
Diverse Communities: From bustling urban apartments in San José to tranquil coastal retreats,  Condo Apartments For Rent offers a range of living experiences to suit various lifestyles.
2. Long Beach Rentals: Coastal California Living
For those seeking the sun and surf of Southern California, Long Beach is a perfect destination. Here's why Long Beach rentals are highly sought after:
Beachfront Bliss: Long Beach offers an abundance of beachfront condominiums and apartments, allowing you to enjoy the sun, sand, and ocean right at your doorstep.
Vibrant Culture: Long Beach is a hub of art, culture, and entertainment. From the annual Long Beach Jazz Festival to the eclectic downtown scene, there's always something happening here.
Convenience: Living in  Long Beach Rentals provides easy access to nearby cities like Los Angeles while offering a more relaxed, beachside atmosphere.
3. Tips for Finding the Perfect Rental
Whether you're looking for apartments in Costa Rica apartments or  Condominium For Rent Near Me Long Beach, here are some tips to consider:
Budget Wisely: Determine your budget and stick to it to avoid financial stress during your stay.
Location Matters: Think about your lifestyle preferences and daily commute when choosing the location of your rental.
Amenities and Features: Consider what amenities and features matter most to you, whether it's a swimming pool, a fitness center, or a balcony with a view.
Research Thoroughly: Read reviews, inspect the property, and communicate with landlords to ensure a smooth rental experience.
Finding the perfect condominium or apartment for rent in Costa Rica or Long Beach can be a transformative experience. Whether you're embracing the "Pura Vida" lifestyle in Costa Rica or enjoying the coastal charm of Long Beach, your rental can become your sanctuary, your base for exploration, and a place where unforgettable memories are made. Begin your search, stay within budget, and embark on a journey of discovery in your new rental home.
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listproperties-usa · 1 year
Beyond the Classifieds: Exploring Real Estate Properties for Sale and Rent Online
In today's fast-paced digital age, the internet has revolutionized the way we search for real estate properties for sale and rent. Gone are the days of sifting through newspaper classifieds or driving around neighbourhoods in search of "For Sale" signs. With just a few clicks, you can now access a plethora of real estate listings at your fingertips. Among the many real estate listing websites, Listproperties.com stands out as one of the most popular and user-friendly platforms for property seekers and sellers alike.
Listproperties.com is a premier real estate listing website in the USA, offering a wide range of properties for sale and rent. Whether you are looking to buy your dream home, find a rental property, or list your own property for sale or rent, this platform caters to all your real estate needs. With an extensive database of listings from various states and cities across the United States, Listproperties.com provides a convenient and efficient way to explore the real estate market.
Finding Properties for Rent in the United States
Looking for a rental property in the United States? Listproperties.com has you covered. From cozy apartments to spacious houses, you can easily browse through a diverse selection of rental properties. Simply use the search filters to narrow down your preferences, such as location, budget, and property type, to find the perfect place to call home.
Exploring Properties for Sale in the United States
If you are in the market to buy a property, Listproperties.com is the ideal platform to start your search. Whether you are interested in a house, condo, or studio, the website offers a comprehensive listing of properties for sale. Take advantage of the advanced search options to find properties that match your criteria, such as price range, number of bedrooms, and amenities.
Selling or Renting Out Your Property
Are you a property owner looking to sell or rent out your real estate? Listproperties.com makes the process hassle-free. By listing your property on the website, you gain access to a vast audience of potential buyers and tenants. Showcase your property with detailed descriptions, high-quality images, and essential information to attract interested parties.
Why Choose Listproperties.com?
Extensive Listings: As one of the most popular real estate listing websites in the USA, Listproperties.com boasts a vast inventory of properties, ensuring you have a wide array of options to explore.
User-Friendly Interface: The platform's user-friendly interface makes it easy for both property seekers and sellers to navigate and find what they need quickly.
Location-Specific Searches: Whether you are looking for houses for sale in New York or apartments for rent in Los Angeles, the site allows you to specify your desired location accurately.
Diverse Property Types: From condos for sale to studio apartments for rent, Listproperties.com caters to a diverse range of property preferences.
Effective Listing Tools: Sellers and landlords can take advantage of the platform's effective listing tools to showcase their properties attractively.
when it comes to exploring real estate properties for sale and rent online in the USA, Listproperties.com stands out as a reliable and feature-rich platform. With its extensive listings, user-friendly interface, and location-specific searches, it simplifies the process of finding your dream property or attracting potential buyers and tenants to your listing. So, whether you are searching for a new place to call home or looking to sell/rent out your property, visit Listproperties.com and embark on a seamless real estate journey.
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realtyhubph-blog · 2 months
Ivory Wood Acacia Taguig 2 BR
Ready to live the resort life in Taguig? Pre-owned 2BR condo in Ivory Wood by DMCI! Balcony overlooking amenities, clean title. Perfect for investors or homebuyers! #JMListings
📍 Ivory Wood, Acacia Estates Taguig Metro Manila Property Features TYPE: 2 BR Condo🏢 Lauan Tower📐 Floor: 56.5 sqm🛌 2 Bedrooms🛀 1 Bathroom✅ 5th Floor with Balcony facing amenities✅ Clean title ABOUT IVORY WOOD ACACIA ESTATES Lauan is one of the seven buildings comprising the Ivory Wood development in Acacia Estates, Taguig City.Lauan is a mid-rise building with 6 residential floors and 1-2…
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Living in Woodland Hills, CA
Woodland Hills is an affluent suburb in the San Fernando Valley, north of the Santa Monica Mountains. The community is centered around Warner Center, a development of office and industrial buildings, malls, and condos. Single-family homes and low-rise apartment complexes are available in the area. Some apartments offer comfortable and convenient living, such as the Elara Apartments. Woodland Hills offers hiking opportunities near the Santa Monica mountains and parks. The area is bordered by West Hills, Canoga Park, Winnetka, Tarzana, Calabasas, Topanga, and the Upper Las Virgenes Canyon Preserve parklands. Commutes include Burbank, Century City, Downtown LA, and Santa Monica. The best part of living in Woodland Hills is its numerous attractions, restaurants, and family-friendly entertainment.
Townhomes for Rent in Woodland Hills
Experience luxurious living in Los Angeles with Elara, a townhome for rent in Woodland Hills, offering a world of amenities designed to bring out the best in life. Enjoy activities like golf swinging on a game simulator, cooling off in a pool, or creating delicious meals in the outdoor kitchen. Retreat after work hours and unwind in stylish common areas for relaxation and socialization. Elara features a fitness center, sports simulator, co-work area, dining room, game room, pool tables, football tables, poker tables, shuffleboard, bar seating, outdoor fireplace, a ping pong table, BBQ grill, pizza oven, pool, spa, and showers. Picture yourself surrounded by shared outdoor areas, creating an oasis of tranquility waiting for you to explore. Indulge in the joy of taking a leisurely stroll with your beloved furry companions or immerse yourself in the sun's warmth as if you were on a perpetual vacation. Contact (818) 697-9758. 
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Getty Center in LA
The Getty Center in Los Angeles, California, is a $1.3 billion campus of the Getty Museum and other programs of the Getty Trust. It opened in 1997 and is known for its architecture, gardens, and stunning views of Los Angeles. Located in the Brentwood neighborhood, it is one of two of the J. Paul Getty Museum locations, drawing 1.8 million visitors annually. The center features pre-20th-century European paintings, drawings, illuminated manuscripts, sculptures, decorative arts, and photographs from the 1830s to the present day. The center also houses the Getty Research Institute, Getty Conservation Institute, Getty Foundation, and the J. Paul Getty Trust. The center's design includes special provisions to address earthquakes and fires. If you're in LA, don't miss this!
Bill Proposed to Ban Skittles and Nerds
A California bill proposed by Rep. Jesse Gabriel would ban processed foods like Skittles and Nerds and other items containing chemicals linked to health problems like cancer and behavioral issues in children. The chemicals are often used to make processed foods last longer, taste better, and appear more appealing. These chemicals have already been banned in the European Union due to studies linking them to health risks, including increased cancer risk, behavioral issues in children, reproductive system harm, and immune system damage. Assemblymember Gabriel's efforts to remove toxic additives from California's food supply are commendable, as children are likely to eat more of these chemicals than adults. The chemicals would be banned by AB 418, which has not been independently evaluated or reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. If passed, California would be the first state to ban such chemicals. The bill is expected to be heard in committee in the coming weeks. Read more. 
Link to maps
The Getty 1200 Getty Center Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90049, United States Head north on Getty Center Dr toward N Sepulveda Blvd 1 min (0.1 mi) Continue on N Sepulveda Blvd. Take Mulholland Dr, Beverly Glen Blvd and US-101 N to De Soto Ave 32 min (17.5 mi) Elara (former Oceano at Warner Center) 6355 De Soto Ave, Woodland Hills, CA 91367, United States
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webtraffictoolkit · 1 year
Kassia Showflat
Picture yourself sitting on the balcony of your luxury condo staring into the ocean. The moon is shimmying off the sea and the breeze is gently blowing the white satin drapes that line the sliding glass door. The floors are marble and exquisite. You're in a city. It could be any city in the whole world. It doesn't matter because you feel like you're on top of the world. Location for Your Luxury Kassia Showflat Buying a luxury condo as a second home is a great way to gain access to some of the most desirable locales in the world. It's a wonderful,Guest Posting comfortable lifestyle complete with all the amenities and perks you'd expect from the finer things in life. Luxury condos are usually equipped with world class gyms, spas and pools. From New York to Los Angeles, Miami to Chicago, no matter where you choose a luxury condo, you will have access to all the culture, shopping and fine dining that city has to offer. Your Second Home Away From Home A luxury condo as a second home is a great way to escape from your first home. Luxury condos are often much easier to manage than a single family house. For starters, in a luxury condo there is no landscaping to consider. A luxury condo is designed to make your life as easy as possible. Just ask yourself how often you will be staying there, pick your dream locale, and jump right into the luxury condo lifestyle. If you want, you can always use your luxury condo as an investment property and rent it out when you're not there. You have many choices with a luxury condo, it's up to you to decide.
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akaraboonline · 1 year
Rihanna buys Matthew Perry's 'Mansion in the Sky' in Los Angeles.
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The 42-story The Century condominium complex's celebrity-approved, paparazzi-proof 40th-floor Los Angeles penthouse now belongs to Rihanna. Matthew Perry formerly owned the penthouse, which he sold in 2021 for $21.6 million. For the four-bedroom, 9,290 square foot condo, Rihanna paid $21 million. She has lived at The Century since 2014, but in a considerably smaller apartment; with her new, higher-floor pad, she will get one more bedroom, three more bathrooms, and over 6,000 more square feet. Rihanna's residence offers panoramic views of Los Angeles, including views of the city, the ocean, and the mountains. These views are magnificent during the day and glitter with lights at night. It has a large master suite with various living areas and a living room with two fireplaces. Four bedrooms, eight bathrooms, a game room, and a home theater are all present. In addition to a table for casual dining at the island in the chef's kitchen, there is a separate dining room with glass walls that enhance the views. There are four patios that are ideal for dining and entertaining. The Century, a building designed by Robert A. M. Stern Architects in 2010, has attracted a number of celebrities as owners, including Paula Abdul and Elizabeth Berkley, as well as Candy Spelling, the widow of actor Aaron Spelling, who purchased the top two floors. Many more people arrived at the structure, including a Russian millionaire, a Saudi princess, and Denzel Washington. The structure contains a 75-foot swimming pool, a screening room, yoga and Pilates classrooms, and a wine storage facility in addition to four acres of lush private grounds. Perry acquired the full 40th floor in 2017, hired architect Scott Joyce and interior designer LM Paganoe to make substantial improvements, and marketed it for $35 million in 2019. Rihanna and Perry are both members of the group of famous people who enjoy being at home. At least a dozen residences have been bought or rented by Rihanna, including two properties in Beverly Hills that she is currently doing so. Along with The Century condo, Perry also possessed a 5,500 square foot estate in Malibu Beach that he sold in 2021 for $13.1 million and many opulent properties in Pacific Palisades. Perry has continued to perform in television, cinema, and theater despite being best known for his role as Chandler Bing in the wildly successful sitcom "Friends," where he earned $1 million each episode. His most recent endeavor was a two-part drama called "The Kennedys: After Camelot," which he starred in as Ted Kennedy in a Reelz production. Rihanna was the featured singer at the 2023 Super Bowl halftime show and has sold over 250 million records. She is expecting their second child and shares a home with fellow musician A$AP Rocky.   Read the full article
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traveltipsandpicks · 2 years
What are Travel Amenities nearby Daytona Beach Vacation Rentals?
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What is vacation rental website? What is vacation listing website? And how does vacation listing sites helpful to online business models are some the questions that always pop while designing vacation rentals website for property. Demand for vacation rental is increasing day by day millions of tourists and travelers visits their dream vacation destination. This creates unique and profitable opportunities for vacation property owners to rent their vacation condo/home/apartment/villa/beach house/resort and different type and king of vacation rentals properties for incoming vacationers and visitors.
Daytona is yearlong tourist destination with tons of family friendly outdoor recreational activities. The Floridian coastal city is popular beach destination with thrilling experience in Speedway, race tracks and boardwalk and Daytona Beach vacation rentals. Travelers find their safe haven in family vacation rentals Daytona Beach. These kid’s friendly accommodations are loaded with plethora of amenities and services catering tourist with comfort, luxury and privacy. Top tourist attractions in Daytona include NASCAR racetracks, sublime Atlantic coastline, International Speedway, museums, amusement parks, golf courses, and beautiful beaches. Angell & Phelps chocolate factory tour is pure vacation treat in Daytona Beach. The rich cultural history in the Floridian coastal region amazes & entertains visitors for wonderful experience.
Daytona Beach is Florida’s Atlantic Coast beach resort city. To explore the coastal city beachfront vacation resort Daytona Beach are centrally nestled close to pristine beach and equipped with all amenities & services. There are limitless fun and adventure activities for guests in and out of the sea in the most vibrant tourist vacation destination. Different water sports include Jet Ski, Pontoon Boat Rentals, and Jet Ski Dolphins watch tours, Banana Boating, Kayaking, Paddle Boarding, Parasailing, Scuba Diving, Surfing, and Fishing.
Whether it is renting or providing rental, Travel Tips & Picks is leading services provider with well decorated, furnished and quaintly nestled vacation rental properties in U.S. These luxury vacation rentals by owners are situated near fine dining restaurants, shopping centers, and recreational centers, providing best of fun filled environment for vacation. Vacation listing website is online platform where property owners are provided with golden Travel Tips and Picks is vacation listing website that provides wide range of all-inclusive and luxury vacation rental properties to online audience. It connect traveler directly to the owner and provide secure payment gateway between client and customer. Property owners from different tourist destinations across the Unites States and North America list their properties to get advantage of huge online base of tourist and traveler.
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