#congested traffic
quotesandzensome · 3 days
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Ayan Basu writes "Driving a car on Indian roads is like being in a bumper car surrounded by three-year-olds in other bumper cars who are coming at you from all different directions. You spend most of your time praying that you won’t hit anyone, although accidents are inevitable.
Lanes? what lanes .... they drive where they want! and side mirrors don't exist!
The randomness you encounter on Indian roads is primarily generated from the fact that you’re not only driving among cars, but you’re also in the midst of bicycles, wandering humans, animals, and random objects like a stray seat cushion. Your goal, in getting from point A to point B, is to dodge all of these obstacles."
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Yep, a US license won't guarantee you can drive in India safely. best idea is to get an Indian driver to take you where you need to go; controlled chaos best describes the roads in India.
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kply-industries · 9 months
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bluesofberries · 6 months
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do they think they're going to be invaded by horror movie monsters like fucking Terraria
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huariqueje · 1 year
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Ringa Ringa Rosie  -   Kathy Tynan, 2023.
Irish , b.  1984  -
Oil on canvas
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eebie · 3 months
they dont tell u the hardest part about going from international schools to american schools is not culture shock but spelling words like Color and neighbor without the letter U because they teach you the british way everywhere else…. i still find myself making the mistake. the words just look so barren without U in them. and you need to decide which country you dislike more
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afraidofchange · 7 days
so far this semester is just
"wait it's already week 3?" and "it's only week 3...." simultaneously 😭
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2bposting · 4 months
Hey, Doc? You got a minute? I got some. Stuff I wanna chat about...
Hm. You're at Annex, yes? I'll be over in about an hour. Maybe sooner, traffic permitting.
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One of the most fucked up things about peer bullying is how without intervention, even years later it will make you look at an unrelated group of people that you sympathise with and want to be a part of a little too much, and it will still make you feel sick to your stomach because How could I even approach them? Literally what would that entail? How do I belong to something without giving up my entire sense of self? What does a healthy friendship look like, in practice, for me? Because I don't come from a particularly tragic background in general, but I never had that. Now when talking directly to people, I just melt away into a mirror. I disappear, even from myself.
Forget romantic heartbreak, I need songs and stories that give platonic relationships their due, cause this shit can fuck you up just as bad if not in even more fundamental ways. Because you need to be able to at least form sustained if shallow relationships with people in your immediate surroundings to like. function? Survive? With employers, coworkers, neighbours, doctors, etc., even if you don't have any friends. Especially in a society built around the ideal of Every Person for Themselves. Independence and freedom are great and all, but we very much do still need to lean on each other for support when we stumble in order to keep everything going.
So you'll forgive me if I don't see the joke in "they should have been bullied more in school", because having lived that reality it didn't make me normal, it made me fear myself and admitting any connection to other people like me. Which only made me act stranger and more erratic, because I lost my beacon. And now trying to hold onto or even look at it, or someone, burns, because I've been living in the cold and dark for too long. It's baby steps emerging from Plato's cave, trying to learn in my mid-20s what most people figured out in their early teens. This process has also introduced me to an entirely new realm of shame that I must learn to cope with at the same time. As a fresh experience, getting better isolates you in entirely new and not-so-exciting ways from peers who already got over this. I fucking hate it.
But the only way out is through, and one day I will be out. Because at least now I have something to fight for. I just wish I could have spent all this time loving it, instead of running away, hollow, simply trying to survive.
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sherdnerd · 5 months
The conversation about congestion charges in New York is weird. Because those in favor can understand how this could be frustrating to certain people, while those against cannot fathom the idea that somebody might be on board.
(I am on board with it. For many many reasons)
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panb1mbo · 5 months
got stupid rear ended forgot my stupid meds and forgot to stupid eat
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sbrown82 · 10 months
Bruh, $15??Are they outside of their fucking minds???
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taiwantalk · 1 year
That ship ain’t enough to relief traffic congestion. It’s to evacuate the higher ranking russian officials and families without taking the risk of going by the bridge in case the bridge gets blown up again.
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unluckystreak · 1 year
Americans have done nothing but complain about traffic for DECADES but when you go “ok. what if we weren’t forced to do all that car-centric nonsense then?” suddenly everyone would rather die than have more than one way to get from A to B
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krejong · 1 year
"Es ist hier stinklangweilig in Brüssel." Wow Linda tell us how you really feel
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lazarus-lazuli · 1 year
you ever notice how no matter what state someone lives in they’re always complaining about how terrible drivers there are? yeah i’m starting to think americans are just shit drivers as a whole
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ssaalexblake · 1 year
and it turns out that it’s super weird to go down a road u only went down like 3??? weeks ago the last time to find that it has grown two new roundabouts since you last saw it 
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