pangur-and-grim · 9 months
why does she respond this way to singing?
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kraftykelpie · 18 days
Sobbing like a fool laying in my bed because I had the sad thought of Ben and Cody on Tatooine in their old age (pre-ANH) and them going to sleep, holding hands.
Cody passes in his sleep. Obi-wan/Ben, feeling Cody's bright presence suddenly blink out in the force, shoots awake, palming for a heartbeat where he knows there is no longer one. They had talked about it, Cody had known his time was coming to a close, he was content with how the rest of his short life had panned out, by his beloved general's side, married and at peace (kind of). Ben saw it. He knew. When it would happen seemed indeterminate; if Ben knew when Cody was passing, perhaps he could have prepared to be ready for it. But real life doesn't often work like that.
Gently cradling Cody's cooling face in one of his palms, uttering quiet "why's" into the dark, and, "i wasn't ready to let you go".
A final keldabe kiss in farewell as he combs his fingers through Cody's curls for the last time.
Just like with Qui Gon, Satine, Anakin, Padmé (we'll be here all night if I list them all), the emotional gut punch of watching the light die (metaphorical in Anakin's case) in the eyes of people Obi-Wan deeply cared about. It caps off at Cody. This is why to me, he was so ready to face off against Vader (including normal plot relevant reasons), because not only was he getting Too Old For This Shit Anymore, but one of the strongest lights (love) in his life had died a few years prior. So instead of offing himself like a coward or giving into his grief all those years ago, and when Cody passed, he became a “self-sacrificial jedi” one last time. Whereupon he would pass into the Force, where hopefully, Cody would be waiting.
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i just woke up and i feel like i got smacked in the face with Fucking Illness someone save me
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explorerof-theunknown · 9 months
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mechanicalapathy · 11 days
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whumpster-dumpster · 12 days
Whumpee: I can put up with all these other terrible symptoms as long as I don't have to deal with [insert most miserable symptom here]
Whumpee the next day, now experiencing [most miserable symptom] at full force: Well, shoot
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My bwudders and sistows of duh tird gwade...
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alrunaaa · 29 days
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ok I have to calm down after that j/jk chapter so here’s s/ukuna snz
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asiaphotostudio · 22 days
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Taiwan, 1999 Taipei, Taiwan. 台湾 台北市 Photography by Michitaka Kurata
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card-carrying-system · 3 months
posted this on Pinterest and we feel like y'all would appreciate it too
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heartkade · 1 year
I have attempted to make sense of it.
Green = positive
Red = negative
Blue = unknown
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edit: They decided not to use the name “Darki” (due to that being too similar to a slur towards the black community- Leo didn’t know it translated so badly from the Spanish term “Oscurito”!) so instead, just call the entity “Oscuro” for now ^^
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cut-aare · 4 months
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Scribble dump ft. MK and Red Son!!! (More of a blending mode and brushes experiment)
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viennasausagerock · 3 months
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more nero doodles hehe...
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gordonsicedcoffee · 9 months
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BAHAR SOOMEKH as LYNN DENLON SAW III (2006) Dir. Darren Lynn Bousman 
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rainintheevening · 6 months
You know what? It's Thursday, and I'm glad to be alive.
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solargeist · 3 months
If Grian were to meet kid Zelqua, would he feel unsettled at all???
Meeting any version of Xelqua is pretty unnerving tbh
Sometime in s9, Xelqua starts showing up again in his regular form, gladly explaining he followed Grian through the void after s8, but he doesn’t mean any harm this time, promise ! He just wants to visit !!
Grian finds this fairly uncomfortable, but he agrees, there’s nothing he can rly do abt it anyway, he’ll keep his guard up and tell Xisuma later. Xelqua even tells him he can text Xisuma rn if he wants to ^_^
So Grian gets used to this, used to Xelqua checking in every few weeks just to talk or hang out, he doesn’t even stay a full day ! Sometimes he makes fun of Grian’s builds or laughs at him for falling for pranks.
So on and so on, they start getting along a bit, feels normal, Grian tells a few friends abt this, Xelqua doesn’t rly go out, he stays around Grian’s build or shop. If another Hermit shows up, assumingly someone who Grian already told, they can also talk, but not much.
And one day, Grian returns to his base to find a kid in a green cloak, snooping around his stuff. He wonders out loud to himself, what is that ? And the kid reacts by turning and looking at him, and Grian wonders, who is that !
The kid proudly introduces himself as Xelqua (a name of honour !!) and Grian speaks to him as if he’s the usual older one, like ?what ? How did you get like this ? What did you do ? Change back ?
But this Xelqua is just a Kid, so Grian standing over him and asking so many questions just makes him nervous and upset !!
Grian realizes this, but still can’t bring himself to treat Xelqua like a kid, he feels like this is a trap or joke, but keeps him inside the base anyway, occasionally asking questions that almost always get no answers.
Eventually Xelqua will start to remember on his own, his eyes glossed over with purple, and he’ll leave pretty suddenly. Back to whatever work he was doing before.
This is a pretty rare occurrence, kid Xelqua isn’t something that Grian typically has to deal with. They don’t exactly get along, they’re not exactly friends, this has just became a normal thing. Can you be friends with yourself anyway ?
Towards the end of s9, kid Xelqua shows up more often, he’s rly become comfortable with the server, anytime he gets too stressed out (or dare I say, scared !) he can always end up here, and it’s secure and safe.
Grian gets pretty used to it, tho that doesn’t stop them from arguing. Suddenly having a kid show up when you’re busy—a pretty bratty kid—is annoying ! They argue like brothers. Occasionally Grian will say something a bit too mean, feeling like he’s still talking to regular Xelqua, and has to backtrack when he sees how upset it made Xelqua. He has to rly internalize that this is genuinely a kid with kid thoughts and feelings.
Grian starts treating this version as a kid, he probably asks Xelqua abt it when he can, back when Xelqua’s in his usual form. Xelqua’s answer is probably something like. ‘Did that happen ? Oh.’ explain himself a bit, and maybe slip a comment abt how he probably feels comfortable here.
Sooo, unsettling at first, but Grian gets used to it.
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