#congratulations huskerdusters!!!
HuskerDust has officially overtaken RadioDust on AO3
It is now the 2nd most popular ship after Chaggie!
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only-one-brain-cell · 4 months
I’m imagining if Huskerdust became canon and they were telling everyone else in the hotel 99% of them would be very low key about it. They would congratulate the couple and of course be happy but they wouldn’t be surprised because well look at them. Meanwhile Charlie is screaming and running around already planning double dates with them and Vaggie. She would make sure their pillows are extra fluffed and their sheets would be changed regularly despite both Angel and Husks protests. Alastor knew the entire time he is not surprised, he says he could give less of a shit but he knows all of the tea.
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pansexual-italian · 2 months
The Hazbin Hotel fandom is unlike any fandom I’ve ever been a part of. When I had just watched the show, I shipped Huskerdust and that was it. Then I started investing into the online fandom and oh boy. This fandom has the power of fan art to change some ones actual way of thinking.
The first non canon fanart I saw was Radioapple. The more I saw after I liked it the more I believed it. I was then an avid Radioapple shipper. But just today I saw a comic with Adamsapple. And now my whole point of view has completely changed. I was stupid to ship Alastor with anyone.
In conclusion, no fandom has EVER changed my mind on a ship before, so congratulations! You guys are the superior fandom.
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blitzwhore · 28 days
Hmmmm, ship bingo.... Chaggie and HuskDust
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Bingo! Also: squeeeeee 🥹🥹🥹 I love them so much. Such a good, adorable, funny ship. But they REALLY need to start biting each other harder and more often. When Charlie congratulated Sir Pentious for promising to not have sex before marriage I was like Charlie you can't do this to me. Charlie please. You can't be a prude. Please tell me you only have these expectations for the sinners and don't apply them in the bedroom yourself!! 🤣🤣🤣 But yeah, I really hope we get to see more of their relationship. It makes me a bit sad that the season is so short that they had to breeze through some of their nuances a bit. They deserve better!!! I want more of them!!!
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Bingo again 🤣 such a good ship! I can't wait to see how they develop! I hope they take it slowly and give it time to really breathe (and make it hurt for us viewers). The potential for angst and hurt/comfort between them is so good and they complement each other so well. I really, really love the way they connected in Masquerade and were able to truly talk. It's refreshing and warms my heart so much. ❤️
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bedoballoons · 4 months
I drew and posted Huskerdust art if you wanna see:333
How are you doing??
My day was pretty good,, I’m excited though because next weekend I get to go home for the weekend 😆 I miss my family and college is hard 🥲🥲
As if I wouldn't wanna see, please.
Doing well! Just been busy, but I've also reconnected with a old friend! It's so nice to talk to her again so I'm in a happy mood!
Omg!! Congratulations on getting to go home!! You gonna take a break and relax, spend some time with everyone? I hope it's amazing!...
(and you post more art cause I love it ❤️)
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