claubenaventer · 9 months
INAB apertura campaña de prevención y control de plagas e incendios forestales
El Instituto Nacional de Bosques (INAB) lanzó la campaña de prevención de plagas e incendios forestales denominada “Prevenir para Conservar”; con ello da inicio a la temporada 2023-2024.  En el marco del lanzamiento el INAB capacita técnica y administrativamente en prevención y control de plagas e incendios forestales reportando hasta este mes más de 149 eventos con 4,265 participantes. Además,…
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diioonysus · 6 months
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art + bracelets
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synnzzz · 13 days
guys help whsy do I do the one friend I've made this year wants me I'm like 99 percent sure and she knows I have a gf guys. guys help
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miochimochi · 3 months
Alright, time to build the language.
Let's play around with word order after figuring some other stuff out first, although I'm leaning towards OSV right now. Let's just remind ourselves the system we're working with
Subject Object Verb Link
The Creator stood upon the mountain and overlooked a frozen land. This is how it was in the beginning.
I'll be going with Active-Stative alignment, so S¹=A and S²=P, perhaps going with agentive-default fluid-S, so this would mean that S¹=A will be unmarked, as it is assumed the default position, where S²=P will be marked, as it is a change to the default. Nouns will have a Agentive and Patientive form as a result, with the Patientive Sole being marked like the Patient. But languages aren't strict rule followers, they have exceptions. I could imagine there being exceptions to the rule, such as a Locative being marked in both Agentive and Patientive cases, depending on which one is being x'd on. Speaking of cases, I think I'll go with Genitive (GEN - attributive relationship between two nouns), Dative (DAT - marks the recipient of an action), Locative (LOC - indicates location in relation to another noun), and Instrumental (INS - something being used by another noun) cases. For the locative case, the specifics of in, on, under, &c. is inferred but helper words could be used.
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And here's the rule for adpositions:
Prepositional - Demonstrative, numeral, adjectives, comes after the noun, possessive, genitive, and relative come before the noun
Quantity > Opinion > Size > Age > Shape > Color > Origin > Material > Purpose > Noun seems perfectly fine to me, I guess I could change some just to change some. Could order them by objectivity I suppose. I could go objective to subjective
Quantity > Material > Size > Shape > Origin > Age > Color > Purpose > Opinion > Noun
Or the reverse
Opinion > Purpose > Color > Age > Origin > Shape > Size > Material > Quantity > Noun
The noun should come at the end due to the language being prepositional. So I'll go with subjective to objective for this, keeping the objective closer to the noun just makes sense to me.
Number is something I didn't really go over, that's my bad. English only has 2 numbers: singular and plural. But I'll do more than just the two. Singular (SNG) "one dog", definite plural (DPL) "multiple dogs", indefinite plural (IPL) "many dogs". The definite plural is for a defined or implied set amount, such as "dogs in the city" or "two dogs". The indefinite plural is for an undefined amount, there's just "dogs" out there and we're not talking about some specific amount.
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I will also go with a tri-gender system of Masculine, Feminine, and Inanimate. There is a neuter as well, but it would be based on syntax. So this means I would need to determine what triggers gender agreement. The most common is vowel-based triggers. I think I'll go with /i/ and /ɪ/ for the feminine neuter and /a/ and /o/ for the masculine neuter. The masculine and feminine are together the "animate" gender for this language, but this doesn't mean only animals will get it, as animacy has been applied to what is inanimate, such as rivers, mountains, the sun and moon, &c. Pronouns would come from this, so He/It (it¹), She/It (it²), and It⁰ are the pronouns that come directly from this gender system but some others will be used as well. There will be both an inclusiveᶦ and exclusiveᵉ to various pronouns. Clusivity is simply marking whether includes or excludes something. English doesn't have this, if you say "we" one would have to infer by context clues if you're including them or if it's you vs them. So, we have I/me, youᶦ referring to a group, youᵉ referring to an individual, weᶦ including you, weᵉ excluding you, and they. It⁰ would be divided between 3 definites: d¹, d², and d³. These are the this, that, those, and these of the language. There's also the relative and indefinite pronouns which I would say distinguishes directness rⁿ for the relative which refers back to something "to whom it may concern, that which we knew what was to come" and r⁰ for the indefinite which is more general "to each his own"
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Another thing I forgot to mention in my last post: articles. Articles are the "the"s and "a(n)"s. English has 3 articles, 2 marked. Definite, indefinite, and zero. Definite is like "the book", whereas indefinite is "a book", and zero is simply "books" as it's only used for plurals and mass nouns. I'll go with animate definite "the¹ man", inanimate definite "the² book", and zero which will be for anything not definite "the² book" vs "⁰ book".
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Now for verbs... imma be pretty basic with tense: past (PST), an unmarked present (PRS), and future (FUT). Then I have to think of the aspects that I want to convey. I think unmarked would be perfect (PER - it has happened and still has relevance to the now). There will also be a perfective (PFV - it has happened at some point in relation to the now), continuous (CON - it is ongoing in the now), discontinuous (DIS - it happened but might not be now), prospective (PRO - it is beginning to happen), and I couldn't find one for this so I'm creating the name suspensive (SUS - it is about to stop happening). The discontinuous could only be applied to the past. At least, I can't conceptualize it being used in a present or future tense.
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Word order is still there to figure out, though... so the general rule across the majority of languages is Object-Verb bonding. That means that the Object and Verb are most likely to be next to each other. So SOV, SVO, VOS, and OVS. So would Proto-Mochians hold to this? Most likely. But part of what should be figured out is where exactly their Euro-Asiatic ancestors came from and then we can look at how their languages developed. One idea for the first peoples of the Americas would be through ancient Siberian populations. So what are the Siberian languages like? Itelmen is SOV, Chukchi is free but SOV is standard, Alyutor is also free with SVO and VSO being common, Nivkhe languages are SOV, Ket is SOV. It seems that among Siberian languages, there's a tendency towards SOV, but this also may be a result of contact with other languages, such as the Turkic, Slavic, and Mongol languages. What of languages in the region in our timeline? The Salish languages are by and large verb-initial with the most common word order being VSO. Alyutor has VSO also being common, so perhaps the Alyutors (sadly going extinct with less than 500 people and less than 10% of that actually speaking the language) and the Salish might have a common linguistic ancestor? Highly unlikely, bordering on the absurd, though interesting to think about such a possibility. So we could take the other approach to the Salish for that dichotomy of the two worlds, but I think a fusion of them might be better. So what do we get with SOV+VSO? We could use both, and indeed this proto-language will be free word order, but for the purposes of where we'll end up, let's go with VOS as the commonly used word order and give that a shot. Can always change it later as a part of the language's evolution.
Next step after putting all of this together is to take the phonemes and these rules and put them together to finally (for real this time) translate.
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chokeme0ut · 8 months
my guilty pleasure trope is anything mind control, possession, brainwashing, evil double adjacent. I love the combo of friends screaming crying beating each other up with love and the questioning of alliance and sanity. Inject the melodrama into my veins.
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ouppey · 2 years
haii im mud ^w^ stuff about me can be found here..
i post fun things sometimes! they have their own blog
asks/dms always welcome! as well as art requests/trades/whatever
pfp illustrated masterfully by @z0m-bunny
byf below cut ok thats all bye have a nice day ily
i often post/reblog images containing potentially uncomfortable content (ie bugs, gore, dead things, suggestive things, eyestrain, etc) usually tagged accordingly but beware
i love and support freaky shit of all kinds
i dont engage in discourse pblblblbltt
this blog is very unorganized! i dont have a tag system or a posting schedule i post/rb whatever whenever
i say strange illegible things on occasion and i may act weird when interacting one-on-one
i dont have a dni but i advise against following if any of ⬆️ that bothers you ^_^
please do not softblock me i will forget i ever followed you and refollow you once more! just block me its ok you can do it
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samgelina-jolie · 1 year
playing phoebe briders during this scene in The summer i turned pretty is SICK AND TWISTED
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bylrndgm · 1 year
CAN I - gimme the fucking microphone - CAN I SAY SOMETHING UNPOPULAR? i just hate. h a t e all of this obsession i see on the internet with conrad. he is like my gd ex and does and says the same shit. no joking i swear. they're long lost twins.
team jere all my life.
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claubenaventer · 1 year
Guatemaltecos ¡al rescate! se activa ante la tragedia en Asentamiento Dios Es Fiel
La Fundación Castillo Córdova, a través de su programa Guatemaltecos ¡al rescate!, se une a la respuesta ante la tragedia ocurrida en el Asentamiento Dios Es Fiel, ubicado en la zona 7 de Guatemala, bajo el puente El Naranjo, brindando su apoyo a los valientes rescatistas que trabajan incansablemente en esta operación de rescate. En respuesta a esta situación crítica, la Fundación Castillo…
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shelbgrey · 2 years
Being Derek’s girlfriend in the period  Meredith and him break up (yk like when he dated rose that scrub nurse)
Dating Derek after he broke up with Meredith
Paring: Derek Shepherd x reader
Greys MasterList
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You two are the classic right person wrong time.
It was obvious that you two loved each other but there was always something in the way. When he was with Addison you were with Mark. You were single he wasn't.
At first you didn't want to get into the drama that surrounded Derek, Meredith and anyone else that was involved. It didn't matter being Derek's best friend made in involved the moment you joined the hospital.
For some background you and Derek had been best friends since you were kids. You had longed for something more with him but he found Addison... Then Meredith. You did your best to be supportive but it started to hurt more as you kept your feelings a secret.
Suprisenly you and Meredith are good friends but you couldn't help but feel angry as Derek put everything into the relationship while she kept pushing him away.
It wasn't the smartest decision in the world but as Meredith pushed him away you started to avoid him. You didn't want to get your hopes nor did you want to be a rebound.
I hurt him more than you realized and after about a week he conred you.
“I'm not avoiding you... I've just been busy”
You started arguing after the white lie he saw right through. He knew you like the back of his hand and you two hadn't fought since the 11th grade when Mark asked you to prom.
“because I love you! And I can't lose you too!” derek shouted. That made the fire between you stop. Silence fell as you looked at him with wide eyes.
“it's always been you and I'm so sorry... I'm sorry I was so blind”
You shook your head not believing him. He stepped closer to you and admitted he broke up with Meredith because he realized it was you that he wanted.
“Meredith isn't you...Addison wasn't you”
At first your relationship was kept on the down low. Only a few people knew and Meredith wasn't one of them.
You wanted to be the one to tell her you just hadn't figured out how to do it.
Eventually you told her. She was upset at first but was happy for you. In the end she didn't see Derek like that anymore.
Even if you guys decide to take things slow at first he's still an amazing boyfriend.
If your acused of 'ruining' his and Meredith's relationship he will immediately have your back. Hell even Meredith dose once she gets used to it.
Your just perfect for him.
You'll ride the ferry boat with him and he'll watch any movie you want.
He'll basically do anything for you. I wasnt a dog, done. You want to go to universal studios, done. You want the moon he'll get it.
He's very protective and careful with you. He's terrified to lose you.
He gives the best hugs and kiss. He's not afraid to show his love for you but not too big in PDA.
You hate the trailer but will stay every night if he asked you too.
He comes up with the best dates but if you want to stay home and watch movie he'll have the time of his life.
He's a cuddler and needs a lot of contact, so be prepared to always be in his arms if your not working.
Your a peds surgeon so it's always exciting to have a surgery together. On a side note you always steal his scrub caps.
It's not long before your relationship grows strong and unbreakable.
After about three years you do get married and have kids.
The wait was long but you have never regreted it. You two love each other more than anything and you couldn't be happier.
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bighermie · 10 days
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pseudocyance · 1 month
You know when you have a sudden burst of genius at 2 in the morning and want to write it down so you don't forget? And you wake up and it's the most beautiful poetry ever?
Yeah i did that and I woke up to this
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[Image ID: Screenshot of a google docs document in dark mode with the words "witch's hat but it's a traffic cone" but cone is misspelled as "conr"]
This was absolutely brilliant in my head at 2am
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bladeweaver-if · 5 months
First of all, I love the new update. And I love Sam. I don't think there's a single character you've introduced so far that I haven't liked.
Second of all, with every update, I feel like the coding has to get more complicated, with stat tests and updates and more flavour text. How do you plan your IF? How do you decide where to provide choices and where to not?
Well, thanks for the praise first! I'm glad nobody's come across as grating yet 😅
It's defintely gotten more complicated to consider all the variables I put in. I sprinkle choices throughout the beginning of a chapter to set certain variables that I may or may not call back to later (as in, maybe I'll reference something in one chapter, or I'll call back to it a few chapters later to make it feel more like characters remember you and your actions, you know?)
I try to keep a COG-style 'no more than two choice-less passages without a choice' approach I've seen others mention (except for special cases like scenes where MC isn't present) to keep things interesting for the reader, even if that choice ultimately isn't a very important one.
My flavour text is mainly determined by MC relationship values and their personality stats so in that sense, the scope remains the same because I've always had the same number of variables to consider.
(That will change when I have multiple characters with relationship values interacting with one-another and MC and considering romance values, too, but that's a problem for future conr to cry about.)
What gets the most complicated is figuring out when to include flavour text and which values to use to flesh out MC's personality more (this also applies to giving choices that increase/decrease certain values).
There has been a... minor scoping issue, where Chapter 2 sort of ballooned beyond what I expected for it. The whole thing is about 115k words on its own right now, and I expect the whole chapter will be around 130-140k by the end of it. The childhood chapters are meant to be the shorter ones, but I got carried away!
Future chapters will definitely be shorter or have less variance haha, depending on which one I feel serves the story better.
So, yes. Everything gets more complicated and I have to assume it'll only get worse as I go on! As the game develops, I develop, though, so I think I'll be able to handle it.
Thank you for the ask! I like getting to talk about my process (as rambly as it can get lol)
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graveyard-darlingg · 2 months
i hope you’re okay honey,, i love you so much
conr ober plesde
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miochimochi · 3 months
Been trynna think for a while now the religious angle of Mochian culture. Some basic details and simple stories is all that's needed, but I've been looking to create something separate rather then something closer to me. So I think I might have an idea for the story. Some things I would place importance on that could build into religion: berries - sweet and delicious with many holding medicinal properties, the moon - beautiful light in the night to help keep track of the months, the sun - the bright light lighting up the world around to help keep track of the days and seasons, the soul - a collection of who a person is as the sum of their experiences, the forest - a guardian of life providing shelter and food, the river - cleansing and hydrating water, the mountains - the source of the river and helps keeping its ocean side full of life, mushrooms - delicious food source or deadly poison that cleanses the forest of rot and decay, dandelions and their "sisters" - plentiful source of greens and "coffee", and finally cattails - a plentiful source of food, fiber, and warmth (the seed fluff in female cattails).
An important thing to consider might also be the ice age implications. The last glacial period (LGP) ended approximately 11,700 years ago. The earliest evidence of human habitation in the Pacific Northwest would be about 18,250 years ago in Oregon. That places them as being in the area during the LGP, just after it's peak. Human habitation in the Americas has even been suggested as being over 27,000 years ago, but the how is varied. Ideas have been proposed of the ice bridge, Polynesian sailing, and African sailing as ways the Americas became populated. It's even been suggested, although more controversially, that at least some of the population descends from around Europe. The ice bridge is the most likely for the Pacific Northwest so the question is "when did the (fictional) Proto-Mochian people get there?" A reasonable time frame I would say is about 20,000 years ago, so around the peak of the LGP. This would mean that a frozen landscape might have more of a lasting impact on these people. Given the mountains still have frozen peaks almost all year round today, it's safe to say that through most, if not all, of their pre-Columbian period they would know an age of ice and the flowers that bloomed as it receded. I think I'll work off that for this early creation myth.
1. The Creator stood upon the mountain and overlooked a frozen land. This is how it was in the beginning. He grabbed the bone of an ancient creature and fashioned for himself a flute, the shavings creating the trees rising high above the ice and snow. From his right eye he plucked out the sun, from his left eye he plucked out the moon. The sun warmed the land and the flowers began to grow and the animals awoke. Rising high into the sky with the sun was Owl. Rising high into the sky with the moon was Crow. With the sun came Coyote, with the moon came Fox.
2. The Creator called in Owl, Crow, Coyote, and Fox to a feast with him. At the entrance to the feast, Badger asked Fox to let him in, promising him safe haven in his home. Fox agreed and snuck Badger inside in his stomach. Once inside, Badger crawled out and joined the others, but the Creator noticed. He said to him, "Badger, you were not invited, but since you are here, you may stay, but you are not permitted to eat, as I have not prepared enough food for you." So they feasted, but Badger was hungry, so he asked Coyote for some of his food and as thanks he would help Coyote find more food back home for them to share. Coyote agreed and so Badger ate in secret.
3. After the feast, the Creator asked each of them what they would want from him. Owl was first and said, "I ask for Crow to live in the day, to feel the warmth of the sun." Crow, angered by this, for he loved the moon, said, "I ask for Owl to live in the night, so he may not feel the sun." Both of their requests were granted and their rivalry began. Coyote was next and said, "I ask to know the world," and so was granted intelligence. Fox was next and said, "I ask to be safe from danger," and so was granted cunning. Finally, Badger approached the Creator and asked, "May I make a request as well?" but the Creator looked at him and said, "You came where you were not invited, but I will hear your request." Badger thought for a moment before seeing, "I ask to have the means to keep my promises." The Creator was surprised at the selflessness, so he decided to granted Badger ferocity in battle and knowledge to dig his home.
4. One day, Coyote brought a bounty of food for the Creator and offered it to him saying, "We live with plenty, we have not known hunger. As thanks, I bring the best of my catch to you so that you may too enjoy our bounty!" The Creator thanked him and feasted. After eating his fill, the Creator was tired and so he slept. Coyote then took his flute. He went to the neighboring mountain's peak and sat down with his prize. Coyote wanted to try out the flute and then return it before the Creator noticed. So he lifted the flute to his mouth and began to play. As he played, flowers popped out of the snow. It was beautiful, so Coyote continued to play. As he played, a stream began to flow from the mountain. Coyote was overjoyed and so decided to keep playing. As he played, cattails grew around a frozen pond. As he played, the ice melted. As he played, the cattails opened up and from them came the first humans. Coyote jumped with joy and danced with the humans.
5. After his fun, Coyote returned to the Creator's peak to find the Creator had awoken. He approached the Creator and said, "I found your flute among the salal bushes." Coyote held out the flute and the Creator thanked him for returning it. "What is it you want as thanks?" asked the Creator. Coyote thought for a moment and then said, "I ask for a piece of the sun that I may light my way in darkness." The Creator granted him a piece of the sun and Coyote went off to meet with the humans. He gave them his piece of the sun so they would have fire. Coyote taught them to catch salmon and to cook with the fire.
I'll work on breaking this all down and creating the protolang translation. It would develop piece by piece but will be a good starting point. The story is going to change in various ways as I evolve the protolang into the goal conlang.
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